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Old 09-12-2010, 09:57 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Shield Sex Laws in the USA

All information is from http://www.sexlaws.org/.

This is not written by me, but http://www.sexlaws.org/.

I felt this information should be posted somewhere. I don't know what section to post this in.

I think because of the huge age difference and various laws could get people into trouble. We all know there is a lot of horny teens and young adults on here using this site for their sexual outlet. So I'm doing some research on sex laws in the United States of America.

Also I will post information overtime for each state by using this sexlaws.org.

Age of Consent

Statutory rape and age of consent laws come from English common law and have been enforced to varying degrees for nearly 8 centuries.

The American legal system adopted these laws and during the past century states have modified and updated the laws to better address present day issues.

In recent years, there was a shift in the views that statutory rape laws should only apply to young females. Today, most laws are not gender specific. These laws were originally intended to protect the chastity, (virginity) of young women.

In a few states today it can still be argued that previous sexual experience precludes a young woman from protection under the statutory rape laws. It is also still an affirmative defense in some states to claim there was sufficient reason to believe a minor was older than their actual age.

These laws were originally intended to protect the chastity, (virginity) of young women. In a few states today it can still be argued that previous sexual experience precludes a young woman from protection under the statutory rape laws. It is also still an affirmative defense in some states to claim there was sufficient reason to believe a minor was older than their actual age. Christina Botto [1]

Your teenager faces several areas of peer pressure during his or her high school years. What makes it even harder for your teenager is that most parents do not understand the depths to which these pressures go.

Cigarettes and alcohol Will more than likely be among the first areas which your teenager will have to face peer pressure. With movies and television flashing images of underage smoking and drinking, most teenagers are shown only the more enjoyable and funny sides of these habits.

High school years are very competitive, and where your teenager stands on the popular scale with the rest of his or her peers is very important. To be considered a "looser" is one of the biggest fears of today's teenager.

To avoid this label they sometimes will portray an image of being tough, rebellious and uncontrolled by their parents. For today's teenagers, smoking and drinking are the easiest ways to declare their independence.

Drugs, a more dangerous and potentially life-threatening pressure teens face is drugs. The first and most commonly available is marijuana. This is a cheap and readily-available drug in today's society, and most teenagers do not consider it harmful. In their eyes it does not cause serious addictions like heroin or methamphetamines. The marijuana use depicted in movies and television does not show teenagers that marijuana is illegal and that being caught under the influence or in possession of such an item can ruin their future. Additionally, smoking marijuana may lead to more serious drugs such as heroin, crack or methamphetamines.

Sex, every year the age at which teenagers begin having sex gets younger and younger. In order to be popular or liked by boys, a girl must be willing to have sex. Otherwise, they are considered "up-tight" and are paid no attention. Boys who are not willing to have casual sex with a girl are considered weak. Oral sex has become very popular among today's teenager due to teens' belief believe that it isn't serious since there is no risk of pregnancy.

What Parents Can Do?

Telling your teenager not to give into these peer pressures will have little or no effect. Your teenager equates his popularity among his friends with his self worth. The more insecure your teenager is, the more likely he will give into these pressures to be accepted and popular.

Threats and punishment by parents put additional pressure on teenagers. Now they face the pressure from their peers on one side and the threats from their parents on the other side. Trying to avoid or ease some of the pressure, teenagers may avoid contact with their parents or lie to them.

Instead, you should recognize that fitting in and not being called a looser is very serious and important to your teen. Convey to your teen that you understand the pressures she is facing. Offer open discussions about situations and incidents - without the threat of punishment or judgment. This will encourage your teenager to talk and lead them to trust you for advice about specific issues they are facing. By openly discussing the pressures they are facing with you, you will have a chance to voice your concerns and your opinion. Your teenager will be far more receptive to your suggestions if situations are discussed peacefully.

Be open with your teenager about all forms of sexual intercourse. Explain that there are other reasons not to become sexually involved too early. Besides worrying about pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, remind your teenager that they also need to consider their pride and self respect.

Christina Botto has been involved with helping parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years, observing and developing parenting strategies. Her dedication to helping parents inspired her to write her book, 'Help Me With My Teenager!

A Step-by-step Guide for Parents that Works.' Christina continues to help parents and their teens through her website www.helpwithteenagers.com/ [2] where parents can find her book, news articles pertaining to teenagers as well as a community board for parents to find events and parenting articles, ask parenting questions, and to share amusing or successful stories about their teenagers.

Source URL:


[1] http://www.helpwithteenagers.com/

[2] http://www.helpwithteenagers.com/

What Is Statutory Rape?

Statutory rape is illegal sexual activity between two people when it would otherwise be legal if not for their age

In accordance with the FBI definition, statutory rape is characterized as non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is younger than the statutory age of consent. The actual ages for these laws vary greatly from state-to-state, as do the punishments for offenders.

Many states do not use the actual term "statutory rape," simply calling it rape or unlawful sexual penetration among a variety of other titles. These laws rarely apply only to intercourse, but rather to any type of sexual contact.

Dating someone without sexual contact cannot be considered a form of statutory rape, and is almost never illegal. All states have an "age of consent," or an age at which a person can legally consent to sexual activity and can then no longer be a victim of statutory rape.
Some states also have laws that take into consideration the "age difference" between both people involved. In many states, the more years there are between the adult and the minor, the more serious the offense. All states have laws with special consideration and age restrictions where a relationship involves a person of authority over a minor; this includes but is not limited to, teachers, coaches, assistant coaches, or tutors.

Generally, the age of consent is 18 in these situations and the penalties for violation of these laws are more severe. These laws change, and can vary depending on other circumstances. For more information on how these laws apply in your state, visit the Answer Board [1]

Statutory rape charges can be reported and filed by the victim, parents of the victim, professionals in mandatory reporting situations, and in most states they can be raised by the state. California has been a primary example of this filing charges against fathers of pregnant women who are, or were, minors at the time of conception and doing it at the protest of both the women and the parents of the involved parties.
The term "Age of Consent" is a term not found in many state statutes, but rather reflects an absence of prohibition. As used on this website, the "Age of Consent" reflects the age at which a person can no longer be a victim of statutory rape; or, the age at which a person may legally consent to most types of sexual activity with another person. This age varies from 14-18 in all states in the USA with over half the states adopting the age of “16” as the legal age of consent.

There are still restrictions in some states on what type of sexual activity is permissible, such as oral sex and sodomy, as well as restrictions on the relationship of the two people involved, for example a teacher-student relationship. These restrictions typically run until the age of 18, though some states still have laws against oral sex or sodomy at any age. There are also differences in the severity of criminal offense based on the age difference between the adult and the minor.

We strongly encourage anyone who is in need of legal advice concerning statutory rape charges or any other criminal charges to contact your district attorney or a local private attorney as soon as possible. A screening service is available through "LegalMatch.com" [2] allows you to post your case anonymously and respond only to prescreened lawyers who meet your legal needs and want to help you. There is no obligation to respond. It's Free, Confidential and Nationwide. Find more useful tips and information in our posted article "Interview an Attorney". [3]

Help!! My Teen Wants to Begin Dating
Author: Aurelia Williams [4]

Ah, dating. It’s a part of every teen’s life. It’s also a source of stress for most parents when their child reaches this pivotal point. It doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are a few tips to help you keep the fear at bay when your teenager starts dating.

Age: More than a Number: Just because it seems like every other parent on the planet is letting their teen date, doesn’t mean you have to. Especially if your teen isn’t ready. Keep an eye out for signs that your teen is really ready to date. Dating shouldn’t be based on age alone. Take into consideration maturity and not just physical maturity. Emotional and mental maturity is more important when your teen starts dating.

Open Communication: Keep the lines of communication open. Talk to your teen and be honest about your feelings. Listen to their feelings as well. You might be surprised to find that they are just as scared as you are. Also, don’t immediately go off the deep end the first time you hear the phrase “Check her out!” or “He’s hot!” Be there for your teen when they experience the good and the bad of their dating experiences.

Groups Dates: If you are uncomfortable letting your teen go on a one on one date, try letting them go with a group the first few times. Even if the group is split up in pairs, it still allows your teen to feel like he/she fits in, but you’ll have the safety of knowing that it’s not just your teen against one other if something were to go wrong. Public places, such as bowling alleys or miniature golf courses are a great option for group dates. Take a little time to get to know who your teen is hanging out with.

Respect all Around: Teach your teen to respect the opposite sex long before they begin dating. Remember, they can’t respect someone else before they respect themselves. Make sure your teen truly respects him/her before allowing them to date.

Rules: Set rules before your teen begins dating and stick with them. The days of courting and getting permission may be gone, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to know who your teen is with, where they are going, how they are getting there, and when they’ll be home. Set a curfew that you feel comfortable with and keep in mind any laws in your area when doing so. Just because your town’s curfew may be midnight, doesn’t mean your teen should stay out that late if you aren’t comfortable with it. However, an 8 o’clock curfew won’t go over well at all and will likely lead to rebellion from your teen at some point. Find a happy medium that you are both comfortable with.

Need more free tips on parenting teenagers? Parenting My Teen Podcast [5] discusses this and other teen issues parents face. You can also pick up the Parenting My Teen Oath while you're there.

Source URL:
[1] http://www.sexlaws.org/answer_board
[2] http://www.dpbolvw.net/jm70ox52x4KNPLOSUMKMLPOMPTU
[3] http://sexlaws.org/interview_attorney
[4] http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Aurelia_Williams target=
[5] http://www.parentingmyteen.com/ target=

What Is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is most commonly thought of as forcible rape, but that is just one type of such an assault.

Sexual assault in most states include any type of unwanted physical contact with any sexual organs. In many states, it goes beyond just physical contact to include aggresive sexually suggestive statements.
Physical contact is "unwanted" if the victim did not legally consent to such contact. Saying "No!" clearly demonstrates a lack of consent. However, someone doesn't necessarily have to say "No!" nor physically object to demonstrate this lack of consent. While it does vary from state-to-state, in many states, if the person is intoxicated, he/she is incapable of giving legal consent to such contact.

Sexual contact with an intoxicated person then becomes sexual assault, regardless of what type of intoxicating substance the victim was under the influence (e.g., alcohol, narcotics, "date-rape" drug). If you think that you may have been the victim of a sexual assault, you are urged to call the police immediately. Please visit our answer board; you may find pertinent information on laws in your State.

Finding Help

We've received hundreds of questions at SexLaws.org about Sexual Assault as well as questions about how to seek out crisis, medical, and legal help. Your local police or hospital is most often going to be your best resources. You can also contact the National Help for victims of sexual assault http://www.rainn.org/ Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) 1800-656-HOPE 24/7.

Sexual Assault The Most Cowardly Of All Crimes

Sexual assault or rape can be defined as verbal, visual, or physical abuse that forces a person to consent to sexual contact or attention. It can happen in any number of different situations, by a stranger in an isolated place, on a date, or in the home by someone you are familiar with. Some rapist use drugs to take away a persons ability to defend themselves.
Rape or sexual assault is a crime that most often involves a female victim, and a male attacker. It is a violation of the victim’s body and will also take an emotional toll on the victim. You should always support the victim of a rape or sexual assault, listen to them and do not judge them for being a victim. Regardless of the circumstances of the sexual assault or rape the victim can not be at fault, it does not matter what the person was wearing, where they were going, what they were doing or who they were with…………the victim of a rape or sexual assault is not responsible for the attack.
Rape is an act of violence and aggression, and while it involves the act of forced sexual contact it is not about sexual pleasure or passion. Rape and sexual assault have nothing to do with caring or love. It is a crime in which the attacker has the need to feel as if they are in control and more powerful than the victim.

The most common form of rape or sexual assault is acquaintance or date rape. Studies have shown that of 60 percent of all rapes and sexual assaults the victim knows the attacker. In cases where it is a family member it can be much harder to get the courage to report the attacks, and attacks against children should not be kept within the family.

Victims of sexual assault are often ashamed of what has occurred and sometimes blame themselves for what has happened. Others may become secluded and distant, while pushing friends and loved ones away. Then the worst news is it that some statistics show that only 1 out of every 3 rapes or sexual assaults are even reported to the authorities. There were over 94,000 reported rapes and sexual assaults in the United States in 2004.

Here are some tips to help reduce your chances of a sexual assault.
  • When out partying “NEVER” leave your drink unattended or accept a drink from someone you do not know.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings, avoid secluded places.
  • Do not consume excess amounts of alcohol or drugs stay sober and aware.
  • Do not be afraid of asking for help if you feel threatened.
  • Carry personal protection equipment at all times.
  • Have the number for your local law enforcement on your person.
  • Be clear about what you expect and what kind of relationship you are considering.
  • Rape or sexual assault can happen to even the strongest, most confident, and best prepared people. So if you have been the victim of a rape or sexual assault here are some tips to help you!!!
  • Report the rape or sexual assault to the authorities.
  • Go directly to the nearest medical facility.
  • Do not douche or bathe before reporting to the hospital.
  • Do not change clothes before reporting to the hospital.
  • Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases STD’s and pregnancy.
  • Ask about emergency contraceptives.
  • Have someone in your family or that you can trust contacted and instructed to bring a change of clothes to the medical facility.
  • Always remember that anything you say to emergency room personnel can be used in the court of law.

Sheri Gray is writer and webmaster for J & S Enterprises and online force in the personal self-defense products market. Serving the industry since 2004 J & S Enterprises offers Tasers, Stun Guns, Pepper Sprays, and Mace Defense Sprays. For more information on the products offered by J & S Enterprises and a link to see sex offenders in your area go to: www.safeselfdefense.com [1]

THE FINE PRINT: Sex Laws.org is not affiliated with J & S Enterpises or www.safeselfdefense.com. We do not take a position for or against the products or services offered by this company.

Source URL:

[1] http://www.safeselfdefense.com

Sexting Teens

It’s a well documented fact that many teens and young adults have found themselves entangled in legal nightmares as a result of cell phones being used to transmit sexually graphic texts or images. If you are a parent of a teen ...

... you may find insights into the "Why's" of sexting in an article posted March 23, 2009 at WashingtonPost.com
Why teens Sext [1]

What is Sexting?

According to the Urban Dictionary [3] “Sexting” is a term created by the media referring to sending sexually explicit text messages. The term is used by adults who are out of the loop and not by the individuals (often teens) who are actually sending the explicit messages.

What ever you call it, sexting, sextexting, sextextuals, or sext messages, for many parents and teenagers it may well be a sextastropy.

So what kind of legal hot water can a teen find themselves in? These legal entanglements range in severity from federal and state criminal indictments to civil legal battles and have resulted in teens being convicted of felonies and misdemeanors receiving sentences of incarceration in Juvenal prison, or some other type of punishment. Some are now required to register as sex offenders.

It goes without saying that the chain of events that unfolds in our juvenile justice court rooms across the nation involving “sexting” are as different as the people entangled in them. The legal ramifications and outcomes vary greatly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction; however, if they are mostly due to an adolescents poor judgment, lack of knowledge, or general misuse of a cell phone, then it stands to reason many of these situations are completely avoidable. We all know teens don't necessarily follow all the rules, but at a minimum, they should be educated on the possible consiquence and the laws they may be violating.

In our view, unless other mitigating circumstances exist, teens should not be forced to register as sex offenders for acts obviously brought about by ill-advised adolescent behavior and poor judgment. This is NOT what the sex offender registration program was intended for. We need law makers to take a good look at this and come up with sensible standards. We need family court judges to have lattitude in sentencing these types of blunders where juveniles are concerned on a case by case basis. Yes, there are some youth out there who are violent sex offenders and certainly, they should be treated as such; however, there are many circumstances where, in our view, felony convictions and sex offender registration is not justified.

One judge took the right approach and he is to be commended for his wisdom and courage. Judge Thomas F O’Malley in Cleveland took what we felt was a very productive, useful approach in sentencing eight suburban teens (ages 14, 15, and 16) from Mayfield and Highland heights in the fall of 2008.
These teens were taking provocative nude photos of themselves and sending them through their cell phones to their boyfriends or girl friends. They knew they could get in trouble for it, but did not know they could be charged with a felony. The parents, in complete shock over the photos, didn’t know their kids could be charged with felonies until the prosecuting attorney educated them on the realities for violating obscenity laws.

Under a special sentencing plan agreed on by Judge O’Malley, the defense attorney’s and the prosecuting attorney’s, every teen was ordered to survey 25 other teens in their school to educate them and report back whether they knew having, viewing or sending explicit photos of a minor over a cell phone could result in a felony conviction and incarceration in juvenile jail. In addition, they were mandated get counseling and be assessed under the same guidelines for cases considered sexual offenses. If they comply with the sentencing, the charges will be dismissed.

The teens will come back into Judge O’Malley’s court after a given time to compile the results and present their results. The results may be used to educate other teens in their community and beyond.

A national survey release in December 2008 about sex, technology and teens showed that 20% of teens surveyed had electronically transmitted nude or provocative photos of themselves via internet post or cell phone. 40% had sent sexually evocative texts or instant messages.

If you think you see most of the horror stories on misuse of cell phones in the news and media today, you'd be mistaken. The simple fact is, 99% of these cases never hit the news. The reality is, misuse of cell phones has destroy people’s lives, or at a minimum, turn their lives completely upside down. The actions that cause this destruction are not exclusive to teens. Some adults are just as prone to poor judgment, only they don’t get to talk to a family court judge, they get a criminal court judge. Different rules entirely.

We are conducting research in all 50 states to obtain state laws on cell phone related issues. For many states, there are new cell phone laws being passed. All states are adapting cellular phone laws not only for driving issues, but for privacy issues too.

Sexlaws Research Team
S. Frances
2009-03-08 08:53:56 -0800

Sex & Tech Teen Voices [4]
Sex & Tech Survey pdf DOWNLOAD [5]

My Return and Regeneration!

This has been moved to my blog.

I have been away for a while and needed a fresh start. So read my update and Hello again!

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Old 09-12-2010, 10:19 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 251
Shield Ohio Sex Laws

Ohio Sex Laws

More state to come soon.

Age Of Consent

If I am 17 and my boyfriend is 19, and I could possibly be pregnant...will he get into trouble for this? My parents are okay with us dating and I turn 18 in june, by the time the baby would be born I would be 18.

The legal age of consent for consensual sexual contact in the state of OHIO is 16. At sixteen years of age or older, a person can no longer be a victim of statutory rape. Based on the information provided in your question, it does NOT appear that Ohio sexual offense laws have been violated.

Can He Get In Trouble?

a 18 year old boy and a 16 year old girl are sleeping together can the boy get in trouble ?

The legal age of consent to have sexual intercourse is 16 in the state of Ohio.

Soliciting A Minor Question

I have a question about what it means to solicit a minor. A friend of mine's daughter who is only 14 received a hand delivered letter from a 4o something year old man. In the letter he stated a few things. He said he would like to see her in her cheerleading uniform, he is saving his money to be able to take her on vacation with him, ect.. He did not spell out anything directly related to sex or a sex act but any normal person understands that is what this was getting to. what are the laws about soliciting a minor, if it didnt directly state sex? Is there still a crime with an old man "courting" or playing favorites with a minor? Is so what? Please reply ASAP. Thanks!

In Ohio, the age at which a person can legally consent to sexual contact is 16. The 14 year old can not legally consent to sexual contact which makes any sexual contact and/or solicitation of the minor (age 14) illegal under Ohio state penal code. Given the substantial age difference between them, there is real cause for concern. The hand delivered "letter" should be reported and turned over to the authorities. The possibility exists that the 40 year old has a history of this behavior with young girls. If he takes any action to see the 14 year old or to entice her to meet with him, he may be in violation of the law and the 14 year old girl may be in danger. Contact your local authorities immediately.

Age Of Consent 2

Can my boyfriend get in trouble at 24 if I am 17?

In Ohio, the age a person can no longer be a victim of statutory rape is 16. At 17, a minor is at the legal age of consent for sexual activity.
If your boyfriend is a public school employee it is illegal for a teacher or public school employee to engage in sexual conduct with a student.

n Ohio, the age a person can no longer be a victim of statutory rape is 16.
At 17, a minor is at the legal age of consent for sexual activity.
The age of consent changes from 16 to 18 only if the consenting partner is a school teacher, administrator, coach or public school employee regardless of whether or not the teacher or public school employee is in position of authority it is illegal to engage in sexual conduct with a student under 18 years of age.

The statutory rape law of Ohio is labeled: 2907.04 Unlawful sexual contact with a minor.
The violation for teachers and the like falls under 2907.03 Sexual Battery #7-10
2907.03 Sexual battery.
(A) No person shall engage in sexual conduct with another, not the spouse of the offender, when any of the following apply:
(1) The offender knowingly coerces the other person to submit by any means that would prevent resistance by a person of ordinary resolution.
(2) The offender knows that the other person’s ability to appraise the nature of or control the other person’s own conduct is substantially impaired.
(3) The offender knows that the other person submits because the other person is unaware that the act is being committed.
(4) The offender knows that the other person submits because the other person mistakenly identifies the offender as the other person’s spouse.
(5) The offender is the other person’s natural or adoptive parent, or a stepparent, or guardian, custodian, or person in loco parentis of the other person.
(6) The other person is in custody of law or a patient in a hospital or other institution, and the offender has supervisory or disciplinary authority over the other person.
(7) The offender is a teacher, administrator, coach, or other person in authority employed by or serving in a school for which the state board of education prescribes minimum standards pursuant to division (D) of section 3301.07 of the Revised Code, the other person is enrolled in or attends that school, and the offender is not enrolled in and does not attend that school.
(8) The other person is a minor, the offender is a teacher, administrator, coach, or other person in authority employed by or serving in an institution of higher education, and the other person is enrolled in or attends that institution.
(9) The other person is a minor, and the offender is the other person’s athletic or other type of coach, is the other person’s instructor, is the leader of a scouting troop of which the other person is a member, or is a person with temporary or occasional disciplinary control over the other person.
(10) The offender is a mental health professional, the other person is a mental health client or patient of the offender, and the offender induces the other person to submit by falsely representing to the other person that the sexual conduct is necessary for mental health treatment purposes.
(11) The other person is confined in a detention facility, and the offender is an employee of that detention facility.
(12) The other person is a minor, the offender is a cleric, and the other person is a member of, or attends, the church or congregation served by the cleric.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of sexual battery. Except as otherwise provided in this division, sexual battery is a felony of the third degree. If the other person is less than thirteen years of age, sexual battery is a felony of the second degree, and the court shall impose upon the offender a mandatory prison term equal to one of the prison terms prescribed in section 2929.14 of the Revised Code for a felony of the second degree.
(C) As used in this section:
(1) “Cleric” has the same meaning as in section 2317.02 of the Revised Code.
(2) “Detention facility” has the same meaning as in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code.
(3) “Institution of higher education” means a state institution of higher education defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, a private nonprofit college or university located in this state that possesses a certificate of authorization issued by the Ohio board of regents pursuant to Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code, or a school certified under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 03-31-2003; 08-03-2006
2907.04 Unlawful sexual conduct with minor.
(A) No person who is eighteen years of age or older shall engage in sexual conduct with another, who is not the spouse of the offender, when the offender knows the other person is thirteen years of age or older but less than sixteen years of age, or the offender is reckless in that regard.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (B)(2), (3), and (4) of this section, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a felony of the fourth degree.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(4) of this section, if the offender is less than four years older than the other person, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(4) of this section, if the offender is ten or more years older than the other person, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a felony of the third degree.
(4) If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of section 2907.02, 2907.03, or 2907.04 of the Revised Code or a violation of former section 2907.12 of the Revised Code, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a felony of the second degree.
Effective Date: 10-17-2000

i met a girl from my friend an she lied to both of us bout her age an name an said she was up here for the summer i had sex with her and found out that she was 12 and then found out her name an lived here an im being charged with statchatory rape an im 19 what should i do
The very first thing you should do is seek advice from an attorney in this matter. The age of consent in Ohio is 16. Due to the fact that she is 12, the prosectution may charge you under Ohio Revised Statute 2907.02 Rape (A)(1b). (URL http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2907)
Ohio 2907.02 Rape
(A)(1) No person shall engage in sexual conduct with another who is not the spouse of the offender or who is the spouse of the offender but is living separate and apart from the offender, when any of the following applies:
(b)The other person is less than thirteen years of age, whether or not the offender knows the age of the other person.

If there was any alcohol or drug use involved, there may be other charges forth coming. It is in your best interest to have an attorney represent you in this case. Do not under any circumstances attempt to contact the girl or any member of her family directly. This will only lead to more problems for you.

Child Pornography

When it comes to child pornography would a 20 year old get charged with child pornography if the girl was 17?

Yes, it is certainly a possibility, if the material falls within the definition of "pornography" either at the state level or federal and the person being depicted in the images is a minor under the age of 18.

Federal legal definition:
18 U.S.C. 2256 – “Child Pornography” Defined
Child pornography is defined as any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, or computer or computer-generated image
or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where
the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;
such visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or
such visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
In the state of Ohio there are several statutes regarding objectional or obscene materials and minors. These can be found in the http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2907Ohio Revised statutes Chapter 2907 Sex Offenses (2907.31 through 2907.41). Child pornography cases can be charged at both the federal level and at the state level. Sometimes if the Feds decide not to pursue a case, the state will take jurisdiction.

Statutory Rape

My 16 year old neice is pregnant by a 25 year old married man who is a father of 4. He also happens to be her manager at work. This is legal?

The age at which a person can legally consent to have sexual intercourse in Ohio, is 16, except under certain circumstances. (See 7, 8, 9 or 10 below)

2907.03 Sexual Battery.
(A) No person shall engage in sexual conduct with another, not the spouse of the offender, when any of the following apply:
(1) The offender knowingly coerces the other person to submit by any means that would prevent resistance by a person of ordinary resolution.
(2) The offender knows that the other person’s ability to appraise the nature of or control the other person’s own conduct is substantially impaired.
(3) The offender knows that the other person submits because the other person is unaware that the act is being committed.
(4) The offender knows that the other person submits because the other person mistakenly identifies the offender as the other person’s spouse.
(5) The offender is the other person’s natural or adoptive parent, or a stepparent, or guardian, custodian, or person in loco parentis of the other person.
(6) The other person is in custody of law or a patient in a hospital or other institution, and the offender has supervisory or disciplinary authority over the other person.
(7) The offender is a teacher, administrator, coach, or other person in authority employed by or serving in a school for which the state board of education prescribes minimum standards pursuant to division (D) of section 3301.07 of the Revised Code, the other person is enrolled in or attends that school, and the offender is not enrolled in and does not attend that school.
(8) The other person is a minor, the offender is a teacher, administrator, coach, or other person in authority employed by or serving in an institution of higher education, and the other person is enrolled in or attends that institution.
(9) The other person is a minor, and the offender is the other person’s athletic or other type of coach, is the other person’s instructor, is the leader of a scouting troop of which the other person is a member, or is a person with temporary or occasional disciplinary control over the other person.
(10) The offender is a mental health professional, the other person is a mental health client or patient of the offender, and the offender induces the other person to submit by falsely representing to the other person that the sexual conduct is necessary for mental health treatment purposes.
(11) The other person is confined in a detention facility, and the offender is an employee of that detention facility.
(12) The other person is a minor, the offender is a cleric, and the other person is a member of, or attends, the church or congregation served by the cleric.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of sexual battery. Except as otherwise provided in this division, sexual battery is a felony of the third degree. If the other person is less than thirteen years of age, sexual battery is a felony of the second degree, and the court shall impose upon the offender a mandatory prison term equal to one of the prison terms prescribed in section 2929.14 of the Revised Code for a felony of the second degree.
(C) As used in this section:
(1) “Cleric” has the same meaning as in section 2317.02 of the Revised Code.
(2) “Detention facility” has the same meaning as in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code.
(3) “Institution of higher education” means a state institution of higher education defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, a private nonprofit college or university located in this state that possesses a certificate of authorization issued by the Ohio board of regents pursuant to Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code, or a school certified under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 03-31-2003; 08-03-2006

Sexual Conduct

my brother is 18 and dating a 15 year old girl. her parents approve, but if they changed their mind, couldnt he get in trouble for even making out with her? i guess my question is what is the definition of sexual conduct?

2907.01 Sex Offenses General Definitions
(A) “Sexual conduct” means vaginal intercourse between a male and female; anal intercourse, fellatio, and cunnilingus (oral sex) between persons regardless of sex; and, without privilege to do so, the insertion, however slight, of any part of the body or any instrument, apparatus, or other object into the vaginal or anal opening of another. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete vaginal or anal intercourse.
(B) “Sexual contact” means any touching of an erogenous zone of another, including without limitation the thigh, genitals, buttock, pubic region, or, if the person is a female, a breast, for the purpose of sexually arousing or gratifying either person.
(C) “Sexual activity” means sexual conduct or sexual contact, or both.
2907.04 Unlawful Sexual Conduct With Minor.
(A) No person who is eighteen years of age or older shall engage in sexual conduct with another, who is not the spouse of the offender, when the offender knows the other person is thirteen years of age or older but less than sixteen years of age, or the offender is reckless in that regard.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (B)(2), (3), and (4) of this section, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a felony of the fourth degree.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(4) of this section, if the offender is less than four years older than the other person, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(4) of this section, if the offender is ten or more years older than the other person, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a felony of the third degree.
(4) If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of section 2907.02, 2907.03, or 2907.04 of the Revised Code or a violation of former section 2907.12 of the Revised Code, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a felony of the second degree

§ 2907.04. Unlawful sexual conduct with minor.
(A) No person who is eighteen years of age or older shall engage in sexual conduct with another, who is not the spouse of the offender, when the offender knows the other person is thirteen years of age or older but less than sixteen years of age, or the offender is reckless in that regard.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.

The 18 year old could not be charged with Unlawful Sexual conduct with a minor" if the partner is 16 years of age or older and the sex is consensual.
Can the 18 year old still get into trouble for other violations? Yes, that possibility exists.

If the parents of the minor do not approve of the relationship, there are other legal actions that parents can take to prevent the relationship from continuing. This is not to say they will take these actions, it's only to inform you that the possibility exisits.

Legal Age For Dating

My 17 year old son is dating a 22 year old young lady, I have no problem with it but her parent's do. They are afraid that she will get into trouble? Is it legal on her part to date him?

Yes. She can legally date the 17 year old if his parents give permission. The age of consent is 16 in Ohio. The age of majority is 18. Your son is still considered a minor living under the authority of his parents. The young lady would not likely be arrested for any sexual based offenses; however, she could get into trouble if she contributed to the minors delinquency. For example: contributing to his truancy; or, if she were caught drinking with the minor or buying the minor alcohol or cigarettes. They do not share equal responsibility under the law. She is an adult, he is a minor.

Two Minors - 15 And 11

what are the laws on sexual relations between 2 minors, a boy 15 and a girl 11 going on 12? Is it statutory rape even though both parties decided together to experiment sexually? And what are the penalties involved ...and is there a statute of limitations on when the boy would have to be taken into custody if things proceed that far?

Due to the girl's young age, the boy would be committing a crime of rape. As he is 15, at the discretion of the juvenile court judge, he could be tried as an adult, and would face a sentence of 3-10 years in prison, without the possibility of parole, as well as having to register as a sex offender upon release. If he his tried as a juvenile, he would placed in the custody of youth services for 1-3 years. The statute of limitation for this crime is 20 years.

Statute Of Limitations In Ohio:
I am trying to find out what the statute of limitations are for ohio and if they apply if I just found out that I had been raped 9 years ago.
Criminal Prosecutions
Citation: Rev. Code § 2901.13
The statute of limitations for certain offenses is 20 years after commission of the offense. The offenses included are:
  • Rape
  • Sexual battery
  • Unlawful sexual conduct with a minor
  • Gross sexual imposition

Generally, the following statutes of limitations apply:
For a felony, it is a period within 6 years after commission of the offense.
For a misdemeanor other than a minor misdemeanor, it is a period within 2 years after commission of the offense.

Civil Actions
Citation: Rev. Code § 2305.16
The statute of limitations will not begin for a minor entitled to bring a claim until he or she reaches 18 years of age. At that time, the limitations period prescribed for the claim’s offense begins.
It would be wise to consult an attorney on this subject.

18 With A 15 Year Old

I need to know the statutory rape laws in Ohio, and soon. What would happen to an 18 year old prosecuted for having sex with a 15 year old?

It's illegal. As the difference is less than 4 years, it's a first-degree misdemeanor, with a maximum penalty of 6 months in jail and a $1000 fine.

Parents Charging

can parents press charges on a 22 year old guy if the girl is 15 but the girl denies ever having sex?

Parents are within their legal authority to file a complaint with police against any adult that may be pursuing their minor child illegally, contributing to the child's delinquency, or if they have reason to believe their minor child is the victim of a criminal act perpetrated by the adult. Only a state prosecutor can determine whether charges will be filed against the 22 year old and this is determined through an investigation.
Ohio no longer uses the term "sexual penetration" in the law, but now uses "sexual conduct" which is defined below:
2907.01 (A) “Sexual conduct” means vaginal intercourse between a male and female; anal intercourse, fellatio, and cunnilingus between persons regardless of sex; and, without privilege to do so, the insertion, however slight, of any part of the body or any instrument, apparatus, or other object into the vaginal or anal opening of another. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete vaginal or anal intercourse.
§ 2907.04. Unlawful sexual conduct with minor.
(A) No person who is eighteen years of age or older shall engage in sexual conduct with another, who is not the spouse of the offender, when the offender knows the other person is thirteen years of age or older but less than sixteen years of age, or the offender is reckless in that regard.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (B)(2), (3), and (4) of this section, unlawful sexual conduct with a minor is a felony of the fourth degree.

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Old 09-12-2010, 10:20 PM   #3
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While I am sure that the information you posted is good I though it might be prudent to bring up a few issues with what you have posted. The First issue is the amount of content you posted. You should have broken down the amount of info contained. Second while I'm sure the web site you sited is a good resource they are not the only place you could have gone to. In other words use more than one source when your posting something like this please. Also you should have given reference to the actual age of consent. There are a few websites you can find that will give you the correct information with a simple google search. All I am trying to say on that one is if your going to try to inform people of something give them all the information not just what you want them to have. Also use more than one resource when doing anything surely you learned this in your high school and college English classes did you not? I apologize if it seems I'm ranting or trying to degrade you as I am not. I am simply trying to help you get your point across in a more efficient and believable manor.
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Old 09-12-2010, 10:27 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by rahamn View Post
While I am sure that the information you posted is good I though it might be prudent to bring up a few issues with what you have posted. The First issue is the amount of content you posted. You should have broken down the amount of info contained. Second while I'm sure the web site you sited is a good resource they are not the only place you could have gone to. In other words use more than one source when your posting something like this please. Also you should have given reference to the actual age of consent. There are a few websites you can find that will give you the correct information with a simple google search. All I am trying to say on that one is if your going to try to inform people of something give them all the information not just what you want them to have. Also use more than one resource when doing anything surely you learned this in your high school and college English classes did you not? I apologize if it seems I'm ranting or trying to degrade you as I am not. I am simply trying to help you get your point across in a more efficient and believable manor.
I was not finished, when you posted your post.

Each state has different laws. I doing one at a time. I did Ohio today, my state.

There is multiple sources, sexlaws.org uses. I have even posted their source links from multiple sources. I'm going to post more information, this is too much of a big issue to skim information.

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Old 09-13-2010, 01:02 PM   #5
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instead of posting each state, why not just link the information?

Also it doesnt matter what state you live in with regards to online activity. Online behaviour falls under federal laws, in which case with regards to the government you must be 18+ to take part in any online sexual activity/solicitation regardless of your states laws.

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Old 09-13-2010, 02:41 PM   #6
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As my attention spand while reading boring law stuff is at about .5 seconds, why not post the most important things or just a general summary? Sex laws are important, but I am not going to take out 20 minutes of my life to read it on a Truth or Dare website that I have been apart of 4 years, and I am sure most users feel the same way whether they have been here 4 minutes or 4 years...
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Old 09-13-2010, 03:32 PM   #7
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I agree with mbp..
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Old 09-13-2010, 06:49 PM   #8
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I tried, I really did, to read all of this. It just isn't going to happen and I'm usually pretty good about reading. I think that is a big problem with this project you're attempting to do, it is just too long for normal people to read. Laws are boring to read, and if people like us are having issues trying to read it how do you expect other people to read it all? Unless you combine all the information down to a readable version, this is rather pointless.

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Old 09-13-2010, 09:01 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by nellybell View Post
I tried, I really did, to read all of this. It just isn't going to happen and I'm usually pretty good about reading. I think that is a big problem with this project you're attempting to do, it is just too long for normal people to read. Laws are boring to read, and if people like us are having issues trying to read it how do you expect other people to read it all? Unless you combine all the information down to a readable version, this is rather pointless.
I sent a email to the mods and staff. I'm planing to make a simple version.

List legal ages of consent in each state. Also explain some of the complications with sexting and caming people can run into.

Since many states have not caught up with the technology. There has been teenagers and young adults getting into trouble, because by definition by law sexting is child pornography, unless the state has caught up with a proper code. Even you are close in age and might have been in the age range, where you could have attended high school or college with the person. You still can get into trouble.

So I want people to know what dangers they can get into with the law. Even if the law is outdated for society.

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Old 09-13-2010, 09:26 PM   #10
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just need to know... online its 18+
because anything else falls into diffrent subjcation.
i know stories of girls who made videos of her self having sex while she is underage, then at 18 sent them out online and she was charged with distrubting child pornography, even though it was her doing the acts willingly.

so the main idea of the thread is know the laws and know how to keep yourself save...


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Old 09-21-2010, 05:13 PM   #11
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Just because a few people are lazy or unwilling to look over "boring law stuff" doesn't mean this thread isn't useful. If even one person decides to read this despite it being "boring" and learns something new then this thread will have served its purpose. There's some very useful stuff people should know before they engage in any sexual activities, whether online or offline.
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Old 09-22-2010, 10:26 PM   #12
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well the counterpoint to that is... the information is out there already printed down to allow the person intreated in learning this information to google magic it.

on message boards... quote, link then put your own oppinion as to why its on here.
dont copy and paste huge sections. on sites like these its good to give a open mind a push in the right direction
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Old 09-23-2010, 12:15 AM   #13
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I like michigan if your 16 its legal... under 16 is a no no but anyone over 16 is fine. you dont have to worry about dumb age difference rules.
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