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Old 09-30-2013, 04:47 PM   #1
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Default Getting Started

Kevin lived and breathed the way that his corporate masters told him to. If they sent a memo saying that the moon was made of cheese then this is what he would tell everyone and insist that they said it to.

The only rule he ever abused was the one about the proper use of the CCTV cameras.

He read the latest memo with a degree of disappointment and dismay. He couldn't believe that they were going to insist on everyone wearing a corporate uniform.

His shop was the top performing shop. Which as much as he would like to claim was down to his sales skills he knew that it was actually down to the fact that his staff were a team of hot girls.

Hot girls that could persuade a man to open his wallet and buy things even if he didn't need them.

It also helped that Kevin let them wear what ever they wanted and as they liked to tease guys they didn't tend to wear much.

He paused for a moment as a glimmer of an idea began to percolate. As it came into focus he smiled. He sent the uniform request for five tops and one pair of uniform trousers.

He guessed the girls sizes.

So long as he played this right this could be great.

He sat back in his chair, turned to look at the cameras and unzipped his trousers. He really loved watching the girls as they went about the business of separating men and there money.

The way that they bent over allowing glimpses of the promised land. Just enough to get a sale but not enough that the guy felt that he was onto a winner.

Unless of course you watched them all day.

Kevin closed his eyes and started imagining that the girls were in the room with him. Undressing for him. Offering to do things to him and each other just for his enjoyment.

He didn't notice that in fact the girls had joined him in his office. Took one look at what was going on. Shook there heads and left.

All that was except for Angela. Angela had a good look, cleared her throat and waited for a second.

Kevin opened his eyes. Pushed his chair forward trying to hide the fact that he wasn't suitable dressed and looked up at Angela.

"We're ready to start the staff meeting when you are boss."

"Ok. I'll be there in a minute." Kevin said trying frantically to fasten his trousers.

Five minutes later Kevin walked into the common room and sat down with the girls. He cleared his throat.

"We have a new directive from head office. From Monday all staff may only wear a corporate t-shirt at work. Nothing else is permitted to be worn."

Kevin sat back and waited for the fireworks.

The other girls all looked at Angela. They would take there cues from her.

She thought for a moment and then said "Are you sure that's what they want?"

Kevin showed her the memo. She read it and grimaced.

"The new uniforms will be here ready for the start of Mondays shift."

Angela stood up and walked out. The rest of the girls followed.

Kevin smiled. That was to easy. He couldn't wait until Monday.

He walked into his office and looked at the cameras. He pressed a couple of buttons and confirmed that the camera in the staff locker room was operational.

This was going to be special.
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Old 09-30-2013, 06:39 PM   #2
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So far, so good. I can't wait to see where this goes.
"I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death"
- Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775


Justin Bieber sucks (not what I really wanted to say).


Justin Bieber's voice -> my ears get raped


me: "make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop"
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Old 10-03-2013, 02:45 PM   #3
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Default The Dare

Sunday afternoon saw the girls all around Angela's house as usual. It was a hot afternoon and so they were in the back yard. They were busy topping up there tans and going for swims to keep cool.

All of the girls were in Bikinis with the exception of Stacey. Stacey was the latest addition to the group and was just beginning to discover the power of her new adult body.

Instead of a bikini she was in a nice swimsuit that clung to her like a second skin. It had not gone unnoticed by the group. Stacey had broken an unwritten rule of the group.

To be fair to her it should be noted that no one had told her the rule. But then again no one told anyone the rule you discovered it when you ttransgressed. If you were lucky you found out at somewhere private, unlucky and it could be very embarrassing.

Angela looked in Staceys direction. She had been there for ten minutes and she was taking attention away from her. That just wouldn't do. People expected her to react and she wasn't going to disappoint. After all if she didn't then people would think she was weak and then her position would be challenged.

"What's that you're wearing?"

"A swimsuit. I like the way it looks on me."

"Today is bikini Sunday. Now why would we wear anything other then a bikini on bikini Sunday?"


"Exactly. Don't worry though Marie can lend you her spare one. After all you are still new so you may not have realised." Interrupted Angela.

"Thats fine i've..."

"I insist."

Stacey's shoulders dropped. She really wanted to be part of the group. She could push it further but then she risked being cut out and that wouldn't do. She just filed it away, making a mental note to avenge it another day.

She started heading back into the house to change. Marie stayed where she was.

"Where are you going? We're all girls here. Why don't you change here? Your not scared are you?"

Stacey paused. Marie was two sizes bigger then her. She wanted to pretend to change into her bikini but pass it off as Maries. She'd felt sure that she could persuade her to play along. But now. She sighed turned to Marie and took the proffered bikini.

She then put it on the seat beside her and then slipped out of her suit. She then stepped into the bikini and secured it as best as she could. She looked silly. It didn't suit her at all.

As she stood there the others struggled to suppress there giggles. That was until Angela openly started laughing. Then they all joined in.

Stacey stood there and took it. Inside she was fuming. She was going to get Angela for this.

Once everyone had finished laughing they all gathered in a circle and started playing a game of truth or dare.

The truths were pretty lame. It came from the fact that they all knew each other really well. The girls tended to use it as an excuse to catch up on what was going on in each others lives and of course to interrogate the new girl.

The dares weren't that imaginative either. There were two unwritten rules when it came to dares. Nothing more imaginative then what Angela suggested and you didn't dare Angela unless she asked for one (and even then it could only be a easy dare.)

The game was getting a bit dull and Angela was getting bored so she decided to bring it to a close with a final dare for all of them.

"On Monday when we get to work I dare all of us to strip naked and then put on the corporate t-shirts and only the t-shirts and then stay wearing only them for the whole day."

The girls other then Stacey smiled and agreed straight away. None of them wanted to disagree with Angela. Stacey paused for a minute and then agreed.

After all the girls had left Angela picked her phone up and sent a text:

"All sorted. Xxxx."
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Old 10-05-2013, 04:11 PM   #4
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Default Monday Morning

Monday Morning saw the girls all meet at Angelas. None of the girls thought about doing anything else as it had been Angelas idea that they traveled in together.

Each of the girls had spent a little longer getting ready this morning but none of them could tell you why if you asked them. For the first time each of them were a little nervous about going into work. Not that any of them would admit this as after all it had been Angela's idea and as such there was no choice. If you didn't go along with Angela then she would cast you out without a second thought. There were always girls that wanted to be you and if you didn't do something there would always be someone who would.

The drive into work could be characterised as being full of nervous energy. Each of the girls sitting there alone with her thoughts.

When they arrived Angela was the first out of the car and led the girls from the front. Leaving the others trailing in her wake.

Kevin had made sure that he got into work early so that he could be ready. He checked the cameras. The ones in the locker room were functioning perfectly.

Kevin walked into the locker room and laid out the t-shirts ready for the girls arrival. He couldn't wait. Today was going to be a good day. He was looking forward to it. He practically ran back to his office as soon as he had finished. He was as excited about the girls getting there as a child is on Christmas Day waiting for Santa.

He didn't have to wait for long. He had just got comfortable as he saw Angela on the monitor enter the locker room. Kevin loosened his trousers and settled in to watch the girls put there t-shirts on. He toyed with the idea of walking in on them and trying to catch them undressing but in the end he decided that watching them was better. After all up here he could get relief from the excitement that was going to be generated.

The girls gathered around Angela in the locker room. They weren't happy. None of there t-shirts were the right size. Angelas was but theres weren't.

They couldn't even swap them as there names had been embroidered on them.

Angela pointed out to them that they had no choice. She also reminded them of her dare.

The girls looked at each other knowing they were beaten. They began to strip.

Kevin couldn't believe what was happening. He could tell that they weren't happy. He admired how Angela had complete control of them. He couldn't tell what she said to them but it seemed to work.

Kevin almost forgot to breathe as he saw Marie take off her bra releasing her pendulous breasts. He gasped again as she slid her thong off and stood there naked.

Kevin then noticed the other girls doing the same. All but Stacey. Stacey put her t-shirt on first then dropped her underwear onto the floor.

Each of the other girls stood there naked glaring at Stacey.

Kevins hand was going frantically. He was drinking every moment in. This was so much better then even his wildest fantasy. Four naked women were staring down the only woman in the room wearing any clothes.

Angela was fuming. She looked at the clock. She wanted to tell Stacey to take the t-shirt off and complete the dare with the others. How dare she try to outsmart her. Angela thought for a moment and an idea began to form in the recesses of her mind. She smiled.

"Girls get your shirts on we need to open up. Stacey I'll deal with you later."

Stacey bristled. She had stripped naked and was only wearing the t-shirt just as Angela had said. What had she done to warrant what had just happened?

Kevin was reaching for a tissue as his phone rang. He answered it and listened to the voice on the other end. When they had finished and he hung up he fastened his trousers and headed to the shop floor.

As he walked onto the shop floor he saw his five girls in just t-shirts. Life was good.

"Ladies I need you on top form today as Stella from head office is coming over later to see how were doing."

Angela bristled. She hated Stella.

Leaving Stacey on her own she gathered the other girls once Kevin had returned to his office and then whispered her plan to them. They all nodded there approval.
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Old 10-08-2013, 04:28 PM   #5
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Default The Area Manager visits

Stella didn't like Kevin. She thought he was a sleaze. If she had her way he would have been fired a long time ago. She hated the way that he took advantage of women to drive his sales. When she put her objective business head on though she had to admit that he was her best manager. In fact on the back of his sales she had been able to keep another under performing manager that she had a soft spot for.

It should be noted though that she fired him a month later when he didn't reciprocate her soft spot.

She had deliberately picked today to visit. She was interested to see how her memo on corporate uniform had gone down especially having seen the order that had been put in.

As she approached the store she noticed that the usual buzz that always surrounded the store was there but it seemed to be slightly sharper then usual.

As she fought her way past the group of young men that were gathered at the entrance she soon realised why. Kevin's staff were all wearing nothing but the corporate t-shirts.

As she continued to watch she noticed why the group were gathered at the door. They didn't have anything on under the t-shirt.

She stormed into Kevin's office ready to tear him off a strip for letting this happen. What she saw as she entered wasn't what she was expecting.

Kevin was in heaven. He was glued to the CCTV screen. His trousers were around his ankles. His excitement was evident. He was oblivious to everything other then the screen. He didn't hear the door open. He didn't hear Stella come in.

Kevin became aware when she cleared her throat. He tried to cover himself.

Stella stood there. She had to admit that he was blessed. The question was what to do with him now.

Stacey bent down to pick something up from the floor. Marie couldn't see what it was and in truth she didn't care. She walked up behind Stacey and flicked the bottom of Staceys T-shirt so that it exposed more of her.

Stacey reacted quickly. In fact she was quick enough to make sure that only the most eagle eyed would have seen anything.

Angela fumed. Marie had failed. A failure that would have to be punished.

Marie was nervous. She knew what failure meant.

Angela started to work on another plan to sort out Stacey.
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Old 10-12-2013, 09:47 AM   #6
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Default Stella and Kevin

Kevin stood frozen to the spot, his hands covering his modesty. He couldn't believe that he had been caught and even worse caught by Stella.

Stella circled him, looking at him, appraising him, planning what to do with him.

"Take off your top." She instructed.

Kevin was worried. He hadn't expected this. He was expecting to be told to get dressed and get out of there. He hesitated.

"Unless you want me to drag your sorry pathetic but onto the shop floor this very second you will do as I am telling you." Stella boomed.

Her voice and the threat was enough to persuade Kevin that she was serious. He pulled his shirt off and replaced his hands covering his modesty.

"Did I tell you that you could cover yourself?"Stella demanded.

"Well no but.."Kevin started

"Exactly. From now on unless I say you can do something you can't am I clear?"

Kevin desperately wanted her to leave so that he could get back to watching the girls. He felt sure that she wasn't going to fire him. He just wasn't clear what she was going to do instead. He just wanted to get it over with so he reluctantly replied "Yes"

"Yes what?"

"Is that how you address your superiors?"Stella asked.

"No. Stella"

"You will address me as Mistress. From now on you will do everything I say when I say it. If you don't then your little secret will become public knowledge. Am I clear?"

Before Kevin got a chance to answer Stella took her phone out and took a series of pictures.

Kevins heart sank. He couldn't see a way out of this so he reluctantly said "Yes Mistress."

"Now, get down on your hands and knees and kiss my feet."

Kevin started to walk towards her. Stella cleared her throat and looked pointedly at him. He stopped in his tracks, realised what she meant and then began crawling towards her.

When he reached her he placed a delicate kiss on each of her high heels. As he looked up he caught a glimpse up her skirt toward the promised land. He could feel his body reacting to what he could see and smell.

"Did I give you permission to look?"

"No Mistress."

"Well now I'm going to have to punish you. Bend over your desk."

"Mistress, please I'm sorry." Kevin pleaded

"Do you want me to share the photos?" Stella asked

Kevin reluctantly complied. He felt a chill go down his spine as he saw Stella take her high heels off. She wouldn't would she??
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Old 10-29-2013, 05:08 PM   #7
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Default Angela and Stacey

The store was incredibly busy. In fact the girls had never been busier.

Women couldn't work out why there partners were so keen to take them shopping. That was until they saw the girls. A few relationships ended as a result and the girls stopped counting the marriage proposals at lunchtime.

Angela decided that they needed Kevin on the shop floor to assist them. As a rule the girls didn't like him on the shop floor and he was happy to leave them to it and the girls appreciated this. The only problem was that the girls weren't used to working this hard and they didn't want to get used to it.

Angela approached Kevins office. She soon realised that he wasn't alone. She had assumed that Stella had gone but that obviously wasn't the case. As she got closer she noticed that Kevin was naked.

Not just naked, but naked and bent over his desk. She watched as Stella chastised him with a ruler. Angela could see where she had already struck him. She wished that she had her camera. Why shouldn't she get her phone. Would she have enough time?

Angela rushed to her locker and got her phone. She was quite excited to see him still bent over the desk and so took as many photos as she could. She was going to choose when to use these carefully. She resisted the temptation to go and speak with him as she wanted to keep the her powder dry for the day when she wanted to use the photos.

She headed back to the shop floor.

Stacey had just closed the biggest sale of the day. This put here even further ahead of all of the other girls. Stacey was happy, she liked to win. She had to admit that she hadn't liked the idea of getting naked in front of the others, let alone spending the day in just a t-shirt and yet here it was working in her favour.

The girls had agreed that the person who sold the most would get to give the first dare to whoever they wanted.

Angela was second and in truth some of the other girls had been putting there sales in her name to make sure that she won. The way that they figured it was that if they helped her win she wouldn't pick them. The plan was working until Angela went to find Kevin.

Stacey was competitive. Once she was winning she didn't stop. She didn't hesitate. She noticed what got the most attention and she did it. Stacey went out of her way to win.

Angela stood there and fumed. She tried her best to keep up but couldn't. Even with the other girls helping her. Angela was especially pleased to see Marie helping her. Trying to make up for her earlier failure. She seemed scared that Angela would pick her.

Angela had already decided that Stacey was going to be the one that she gave the dare to and it was going to be a very humiliating one. She had arranged for some of the guys to come around. Everything was lined up. All she needed was to win so she could guarantee that she could dare Stacey.

Angela was trying to come up with a new plan. Stacey was getting to big for her boots. She had to be taken down a peg or two. The other girls would help. She just needed to work out how.
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Old 11-05-2013, 03:39 PM   #8
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Default The Sales Queen of the day is.....

Angela watched as Stella strode out of the shop with a self important smile on her face. She waited for a moment and then headed toward Kevins office.

Kevin heard her coming but didn't take his attention away from the filing cabinet that he was intently looking in. He wanted to sit behind his desk so that he could look as if he was in control, the King of his castle but he couldn't. Sitting down was just a little to painful at the moment.

Kevin sensed that Angela had entered the office and was standing there waiting for him to acknowledge her presence. Stella had been clear though. He wasn't allowed to look at any of the girls in there t-shirts for at least another twenty minutes. It was his final punishment and in truth the hardest.

Kevin was craving to watch the girls on the CCTV but Stella had been clear and had told him that she would know and how she would punish him if he failed. Kevin was trying to work out how he could talk to her without looking at her. It was going to be hard.

"Kevin..." Angela started

"Is it urgent I'm a little busy right now."Kevin interrupted her trying to seize control of the situation.

Angela was stunned this was not the way that Kevin usually spoke. It threw her for a moment and she lost her way. She paused for a second and then started again.

"Kevin, I need you to make sure that I win the sales today."

"You're interrupting me to ask me to do what?"

Angela stared at the back of Kevins head and fumed. She then patiently repeated herself.

"If you want to win the days sales then go and sell." Kevin snapped

"I don't think you understand. You need to make sure that I win today or you will be sorry."

"Excuse me??" Kevin asked assertively.

"Either I win today or the girls will all find out that you have been watching them on the CCTV all day and that you reworded the head office memo deliberately so that they would think that all we could wear is a T-shirt."

Kevin didn't say a word he just kept looking into the filing cabinet as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"I'll leave you to think about it." Angela said and left the office.

Kevin wasn't sure what to do. He wasn't sure how Angela knew that the memo had been slightly reworded. She was wrong though. It wasn't him that had changed it. Stella had changed it. He knew this as she had told him. He just didn't know why.

Kevin thought for a few minutes and then the solution came to him. He smiled to himself. If he could pull it off then it would be special. He just hoped that he was right about the group dynamics and that when the opportunity was given to her that his chosen one would step up to the plate.

About a half hour after the shop closed the girls were all gathered in the break room waiting to be joined by Kevin. Stacey and Angela were both waiting to hear the sales results. Stacey was confident that she had won. Angela was confident that Kevin would declare her the winner regardless.

Angela had a very special dare in mind for Stacey. She was going to make her walk from her house to the shops and back naked. Stacey had to learn her place. Angela couldn't decide whether she should make Stacey buy something at the shops before she could come home. She really wanted to make sure that the humiliation and embarrassment that Stacey suffered was maximised.

Kevin strode into the room, he looked at each of the girls in turn, drinking in the view, savoring the moment. It had been a good day.

"Girls, congratulations. Today was a record breaking day and one of you outshone the rest and is deservedly our Sales Queen of the day and that person is........."
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Old 12-10-2013, 02:49 PM   #9
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Default Caught

Kevin sat down at his desk in his office and smiled. He was having a really good day. The crowning moment had been looking at Stacey and Angelas faces when he had announced the result of the sales competition.

As he got comfortable, relieved now that he could sit back down he turned to look at the security camera that was in the staffroom where the girls were. He noticed that the girls were taking there t shirts off and getting dressed into there usual clothes ready to go home. He couldn't resist the temptation to undo his trousers. He raised himself up and slid them and his underwear off. As he sat back down he could feel the seat of the chair meeting his newly naked legs.

He looked at the screen and realised that someone was missing. He could see all the girls but Angela. An icy chill went down his back. He checked the other cameras and nothing. She was nowhere to be seen. He went back to the staffroom camera and she still wasn't there.

All of a sudden he realised that he wasn't alone. He hoped that it was Mistress Stella come to reward him for obeying her. But in truth he knew it wasn't. He knew who it was before he even looked up.

Angela was standing there smartphone in hand. She had more seen more then enough. She had seen this look on his face before. She had always suspected that he came to his office and watched the girls on the cameras but she never knew for certain until today. She had struggled to stop herself from announcing herself as she had watched him rise up and expose himself.

She had seen it earlier when she had watched what Stella had done to him. He didn't realise this and she wasn't going to tell him. She was going to savour this instead.

She had snuck carefully into his office and watched as he scanned the cameras looking for her. She had used the time wisely and got herself to a place in the office where she could quite clearly see that he was exposed and that he would know that she knew.

She could also see what was going on in the staffroom. She watched as the others all now dressed sat down waiting for her return. Should she take him as he was into them and let them leer on him the way that he did to them or should she have some fun on her own instead.

Angela couldn't quite decide. She was in two minds as Kevin turned and saw her. She could see the look on his face. He looked like a deer caught in headlights of a car.

Angela looked at him "Stand up!" She snapped.

Kevin complied trying desperately to cover his exposure not quite sure what was going to happen next and wondering what his Mistress would be thinking while she watched him on the camera that she had left in his office to make sure he did as she said.

Angela looked at the semi naked man in front of her and knew what she was going to do. She took a breath and said......
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Old 12-16-2013, 04:28 PM   #10
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Default Blackmail Material

"You've been a very naughty boy and you've been caught. Now you must be punished for being such a naughty pervert."

Kevin felt his breath catch in his body. He could feel the blood in his body heading south. He needed to keep Angela sweet as without her and her girls he would struggle to meet his sales targets and besides he liked watching them and didn't want to stop.

Angela laid her bra and thong on the table in front of her. She then lifted her Tshirt over her head revealing her naked body.

Kevin stood there breathless, no longer trying to hide his excitement and pure lust.

Angela walked towards him stopping when she was close enough for him to smell her perfume.

"So, did you enjoy the special day that I lined up for you?"

"I did but I wasn't expecting Stella to..."

"Yes well that was for me as I couldn't be here to punish you for doing that without my permission."

Angela walked around Kevin looking at him like she was appraising a piece of meat.

Stacey stood in the shadows quietly taking photos with her smartphone. She knew that a picture told a thousand words and those words would be hers.

She watched as Angela made Kevin bend over his desk and she spanked him. She didn't take photos of this though.

She did take a photo of Kevin wearing Angelas bra and thong. Just in case she needed it.

She made sure to take plenty of photos when Angela spread her legs and beckoned Kevin between them

Stacey felt like it was Christmas. She knew that she had dynamite. She had recorded Angela admitting that she set up today for Kevins personal enjoyment. She also had enough to show that Kevin had been abusing his position to spy on the girls.

Stacey had noticed something wasn't right on her first day. She hadn't said anything at the time but had begun to quietly collect evidence. She didn't realise that Angela was involved until Angela had revealed her dare. Even then she didn't have any proof until now.

Stacey was looking forward to Sunday. She was going to expose Angela and humiliate her. In fact she was going to demand that Kevin attended as well and she would expose him at the same time. It was Staceys time to shine.
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Old 01-01-2014, 04:51 PM   #11
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Default When Sunday came.....

Angela stood at the full length mirror admiring her form and the way that her choice of bikini clung to the curves of her breasts. They truly were her best assets. While she would never admit it to anyone she was nervous. Normally she looked forward to her Sunday get togethers. Nobody would consider embarrassing or humiliating her for fear of her repercussions. At least until now. She had been hard on Stacey and then had lost to her.

Angela could see a lot of herself in Stacey. Of all of her circle she was the one that Angela wanted as her number two. Someone that could take over from her when she was ready to move on.

That day was coming but not yet. First things first Stacey had to learn her place. Stacey had to understand that Angela was number one and that wasn't going to change. Stacey had to understand that when Angela said something it was law.

She had been hard on Stacey. She knew what she would do in Stacey's position. Would Stacey make a move? Would Stacey seek to embarrass her?

Angela wasn't sure and this was what was making her nervous.

Stacey by contrast was positively gleeful. She had been up for most of the night planning and preparing. She had chosen her favourite bikini. It suited her and had never failed her. Whenever she wore it she always got what she wanted.

She stepped into her black dress and headed off to her meeting that she had arranged before going to Angela's dare party.

Angela sat lounging in her garden soaking up the suns rays. She was feeling so relaxed she almost didn't hear the doorbell ringing announcing the arrival of her first guests.

Angela was thrown when she opened the door. Standing there was Kevin and Stella. Angela was unsure as to what was going on. She hadn't invited them. In fact she didn't even know how to contact Stella.

Before Angela could say anything Kevin whispered to her "Stacey demanded that we attend, do you know why?"

Angela didn't but the nerves that she felt earlier were back and back ten times as strong. She couldn't work out Stacey's plan. She also couldn't shake the feeling that she was going to be her target.

She needed a plan of her own. A contingency plan. She let them in and tried to think what she could do.
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Old 01-07-2014, 03:05 PM   #12
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Default All the guests waited to see....

All of the girls were sitting together talking quietly amongst themselves, speculating as to what was going to happen. Why had Angela invited Stella and Kevin? The unwritten rule of Sunday was no outsiders and the biggest question what was Stacey going to dare Angela. If Angela was breaking the rules would Stacey and if she did how far would she go?

Angela sat in the house watching the others gossip, taking her time, making sure that her plan was in place. She couldn't tell anyone, couldn't trust anyone, couldn't rely on anyone. Once she started she would be in this alone until the time was right.

Angela decided that she would stay where she was until Stacey had arrived and joined the others. If anyone was going to make an entrance it was her. It was her backyard. These were her girls. They owed there popularity to her. They owed there everything to her. They would acknowledge her as they should or they would pay. They would all pay.

Stella stood in the garden uncomfortably. She didn't like standing there in just the string bikini that she had been told to wear. It wasn't so much that she was only wearing so little after all she could carry it off. It was more that she had been told to wear it and she wasn't in control. That and the fact that she had an idea of what was coming. Not the full story but enough to make her nervous. She was also worried about what was going to happen when this was over.

She had been promised that so long as she did as she was told then her part in events would remain a secret. For the first time in her adult life she had given control over to someone else. She had not picked the bikini. She had complied fully when she had been told to wait at the bus stop to be picked up just wearing the bikini. Endured the stares and comments of everyone that walked by. Felt the relief wash over her when she was picked up by Kevin. Tasted the nerves when Kevin told her what he had been told.

Kevin felt like it was his birthday. Stacey had insisted that all he could wear was a pair of speedos that were a size smaller then he would feel comfortable wearing. It meant that he may as well be naked as they clung to him like a second skin hiding nothing. Kevin was using every trick he knew to keep his bloodflow from all heading south. He wasn't sure that he would be able to stay contained if he lost this particular battle.

All of the girls in just bikinis weren't helping him. In his minds eye he could see what each girl looked like without the bikini that was protecting her modesty based on what he had seen on the security cameras in the store. With the way his mind worked he couldn't not picture them naked.

Nobody noticed Stacey arrive or that she setup a webcam in a place that would cover the part of the garden where they all were. Stacey wasn't worried that nobody noticed the camera wasn't for them. Even Angela watching for Stacey from her place in the house hadn't seen the camera being set up. She did notice that she had arrived though and got ready.

"Showtime" she whispered to the empty room and began her walk to the garden.....
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Old 05-19-2014, 03:33 PM   #13
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Angela stood tall and proud. She knew that this could be rough but she was ready, prepared for anything. She knew that her group of friends wouldn't allow Stacey to go to far. She knew that they would make sure that she observed the unwritten rule. They owed her and if they didn't have her back she would crucify them all.

Angela strode into the garden with a purpose. Trying her best to appear regal, in control and not nervous at all. She looked around taking note of whose eyes were on her and whose eyes weren't. Making mental note of those who weren't so that she could put them in their place shortly.

"Good Afternoon everyone and welcome to you all." Angela smiled at everyone.

All of them waited with baited breath. Not to see what Angela was going to say next but more to see what Stacey had in mind for her and why were Stella and Kevin were there.

Angela could sense that the tide was turning against her and that there were a fair few people who were hoping that Stacey had something special lined up.

Angela had her plan ready. She hoped that she wouldn't need to use it. She hoped that Stacey would go easy on her but somehow she knew that she wouldn't. After all in her place before she had learnt to control the impulse to go for the jugular she wouldn't have.

Angela took a deep breath it was time. Let the chips fall where they may.

Angela looked at them and continued "I believe that the honour of bestowing the first dare today goes to Stacey."

Stacey stood and took centre stage.
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Old 05-20-2014, 02:29 PM   #14
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Glad you are back at this story as well looking forward to updates.
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Old 05-25-2014, 09:04 AM   #15
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Default The Dare

"I'd like to extend a welcome to everyone, and an extra special welcome to those of you who don't normally join us for one of our Sunday get togethers. As you know I won the sales challenge yesterday and as a result I get the honour of giving the first dare." Stacey said looking pointedly at Stella, Kevin and then the webcam.

The other girls caught here looking at Stella and Kevin but couldn't quite work out why she was staring at an empty part of the garden. They collectively held there breath. Each was certain that Stacey wasn't going to choose them. Each was certain that Stacey was going to choose Angela. The one thing that they couldn't decide on was how far was Stacey going to push it.

Each girl had been thinking hard, coming up with a dare to humiliate Stacey if she humiliated Angela so that each could show there loyalty. They were ready for Stacey. To put her in her place and to hope to advance in her affections.

"The dare that I am going to make is for Angela." Stacey continued.

The girls all nodded to each other they had all guessed correctly. There looks changed to one of confusion a moment later when they heard the dare:

"I dare you to play a game with me, Kevin and Stella. A very simple game where only the winner will end up wearing any clothes for the rest of the day. Do you accept the dare?"

Angela paused, trying to work out Staceys angle. Why was she prepared to risk being stripped naked in front of everyone. Stacey had the perfect chance to dare her to do something humiliating and she was going to throw it away on this? The only thing that Angela could come up with was that Stacey was stacking the deck somehow to make sure that she won. The question was how and what could Angela do to turn the table on her.

"Tell me more about this game and then I'll give you my answer."

"It's very simple. I'll ask a series of questions. At the end of the round the person who gets the least number right take of an item of clothing. Once they are naked they must sit in full view of everyone for the rest of the day. Oh and should they get a little over excited they can't do anything about it and as they must be on view at all times if they need to answer the call of nature then they must do it where they sit."

The girls all held there breath. Would Angela say yes. Most of them if they were being honest wouldn't the stakes were just too high for them. But Angela was there leader and an intelligent leader at that. There was no way that Stacey was going to win.

"In the event that you all answer all of your questions correctly then I will take an item off and again if I end up naked then I will abide by the same restrictions."

Angela was intrigued. She was missing something. She was pretty certain that Kevin would end up naked and humiliated. She knew he would like that. She could tell just by looking at him that the chance to take his speedos off to ease his discomfort would be grasped with both hands. It was just Stella that was the unknown component in this. If Stella knew about her and Kevin would she humiliate herself to make sure that Angela was humiliated as well. What did Stacey have in mind. There must be an end game here. The question was what was it.

Angela took comfort in her contingency plan. She was just about to agree to Stacey's dare when Stella started speaking.

"Shouldn't you ask Kevin and I if we accept the dare as well?"

"No your participation is mandatory and the reason why you are here. If you don't join in then you know what will happen now don't you."

Stella was deflated. Stacey had her. She hated this feeling and yet she savored it at the same time. She was used to being the one who dished out the humiliation. She was hoping that Angela would come good so that she could humiliate Stacey. She knew that Kevin would be the first casualty. In just a pair of speedos he was never going to last long.

Angela knew in that moment thought that Stella would support her in the effort to strip Stacey. Angela began to think of the dares that she was going to inflict on Stacey when she lost. Especially knowing that she couldn't hide from anyone or relieve any tension.

Angela accepted the dare but felt a cold chill go down here back as she saw the smile spread across the face of Stacey.
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