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If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen bitch.
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    Such a deep and complicated subject. You can love someone for sex or as you put it use them for sex. This would suggest that you are not getting enough sex. And in there is part of the problem, a lot of people 'love' their partner(s) simply for the amount of sex. He/she says I love you and he/she replies I love you too and a kiss is exchanged, until after fucking each other's rains out, he/she says I really love you.. but what they are really saying is I love to have sex with you.
    The only way you can help friends after break up is to be a friend, the shoulder to cry on, the arm to cling too. But don't think its love if you end up fucking them, its comfort sex, rebound sex, it's not love.
    So how do you know when it's really love.. well the picture says it all. When no one else matters including family. And if the person you are in love with you has the same fixation on you and a year on you and he/she still has that focus, when the first sex and lovey-dovey feelings have gone and you face the world together, then that's love. And ten or twenty years on you are still that united pair against the world then that's love.
    Posted 10-23-2016 at 02:11 AM by Joker50 Joker50 is offline
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    iSpuds's Avatar

    The truth

    My, my. I thought I could resist the urge to respond, but the fact is I cannot wait until you get tired of this site and leave. Well done, posting something so lacking in insight and perspective. I'd almost be amused, if it wasn't so disheartening to watch you unironically make this argument. Unfortunately, it seems adding someone to my ignore list does not relieve my eyes of the ridiculous blogs they write (ad nauseam, I might add - have you nothing better to do?).

    As for me, I have nothing better planned at the moment, so let's start with the fact that everything you've cited as examples of "the truth" are, by definition, opinions. The truth is that the sky is blue. The truth is that plants get nutrients through photosynthesis. Your personal experience with men, women's weight, or race does not constitute the truth. That you cannot conceptualize the vast rate of, yes, institutionalized sexism and sexual harassment that still occurs in this country, as well as around the world, does not make it exist any less. That you cannot empathize with those who do not fit into the gender binary does not make their self-identity any less valid (and certainly doesn't make you some expert on which genders are valid). That you couldn't possibly imagine, in all your arid, pretty little noggin, that there are gorgeously healthy fat folks just as well as there are morbidly unhealthy skinny folks (even if only mentally unhealthy, as may be the case for you), does not make the evidence any less valuable. That you are fortunate enough to never have stared down the barrel of a gun preceding the hateful eyes of a crooked cop does not make the black victims of police brutality any less dead.

    I hate to close with an ad hominem - but you are a child, depressingly inexperienced, and have less right than Donald Trump, himself, to presume your opinions even graze the shoulder of that which is fact.

    Nonetheless, your opinions are yours to have. Just don't be surprised when your ignorance spurs others' ire. Hopefully some of it will inspire you to broaden your horizons and gain some perspective from angles beyond your own narrow, barren little corner.
    Posted 10-22-2016 at 08:02 AM by iSpuds iSpuds is offline
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    hornyyoungslut's Avatar

    The truth

    Originally Posted by bleonav06 View Comment
    1. I completely agree that it is unnecessary but it should be allowed. And I should be able to tell a woman that I am not attracted to her. If I say that to a man he has no problem with it but a woman freaks out that does not make sense to me.
    2. That is my exact point, they use intimidation to make it so people are too scared to voice their own opinions because they will discredit you, vote down your blog entries, and make shit up about you.
    3. The ideology is actually complete bullshit but if you want to have a chat about that off of here then that would be more appropriate.

    The truth hurts, but would you rather hear comforting lies, or the tough truth?
    No one said that it's not "allowed" and no one said that you can't call a woman unattractive to you. For me, there are ways of going about things that could be easily misinterpreted. If you just say, flat out, "She's ugly, and she's fat, I don't like her," that's when the criticism of your words come out. But if you approach it in a different fashion (i.e. "She's not attractive to me, I don't feel anything towards her), that is when it is more "acceptable" in a sense, but that is just me.

    I have no problem with voicing my opinion about genders but I don't go about it in a demeaning manner. I don't say "your gender isn't real, stop saying it is and making things up." I say it respectfully, but still voicing my opinion (i.e. "I, personally, don't believe in ____ genders).

    The initial ideology was to bring awareness to the unjustified & wrongfully consistent killing of African-Americans by law enforcement. I don't see how that is bullshit. But please, feel free to contact me personally if you wish to discuss this more.

    It's not about telling someone lies over the truth. I believe in telling the truth and just being honest. But it is all about how you deliver the truth that can cause unnecessary controversary.
    Posted 10-21-2016 at 05:56 PM by hornyyoungslut hornyyoungslut is offline
  4. Old Comment

    The truth

    Originally Posted by hornyyoungslut View Comment
    There is always 3 sides to the truth. Now, this may be what you see to be truth, but others may (and will) have a different perspective on what they see as the truth. The last side, is truth itself.

    As to what you specified, I think that:
    1. "criticizing" another woman for their weight is not the best, because you're pointing them out, disapprovingly. I wouldn't say that you are some "self-hating woman that is akin to a chauvinist pig" but I would say that it is rude to criticize someone for how they look.
    2. you have the right to say what you want about your views on gender, as I agree with you on this topic, but I wouldn't say that they don't exist because I don't want to insult anyone because they have differing views than myself.
    3. I fully support BLM and their ideology, it is just that some individuals ruin it for the good of it all, but you are entitled to your opinions, I would just avoid saying it in a way that comes off as insensitive.

    There are so many facts that point in both directions and you can't say that they all point to you, because they don't, and that is truth.

    But at the end of the day, you are entitled to your own perspectives of what the truth is and no one can forcibly change that about you. But there does come a time in which the truth is gong to hurt someone because the insensitivity of how it was brought upon.
    1. I completely agree that it is unnecessary but it should be allowed. And I should be able to tell a woman that I am not attracted to her. If I say that to a man he has no problem with it but a woman freaks out that does not make sense to me.
    2. That is my exact point, they use intimidation to make it so people are too scared to voice their own opinions because they will discredit you, vote down your blog entries, and make shit up about you.
    3. The ideology is actually complete bullshit but if you want to have a chat about that off of here then that would be more appropriate.

    The truth hurts, but would you rather hear comforting lies, or the tough truth?
    Posted 10-21-2016 at 04:51 PM by bleonav06 bleonav06 is offline
  5. Old Comment
    2bchew's Avatar

    The truth

    I'm just going to say that PC has gotten way out of control.
    Posted 10-21-2016 at 04:21 PM by 2bchew 2bchew is offline
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    2bchew's Avatar

    The truth

    I'm just going to say that PC has really gotten way out of control.
    Posted 10-21-2016 at 04:18 PM by 2bchew 2bchew is offline
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    hornyyoungslut's Avatar

    The truth

    There is always 3 sides to the truth. Now, this may be what you see to be truth, but others may (and will) have a different perspective on what they see as the truth. The last side, is truth itself.

    As to what you specified, I think that:
    1. "criticizing" another woman for their weight is not the best, because you're pointing them out, disapprovingly. I wouldn't say that you are some "self-hating woman that is akin to a chauvinist pig" but I would say that it is rude to criticize someone for how they look.
    2. you have the right to say what you want about your views on gender, as I agree with you on this topic, but I wouldn't say that they don't exist because I don't want to insult anyone because they have differing views than myself.
    3. I fully support BLM and their ideology, it is just that some individuals ruin it for the good of it all, but you are entitled to your opinions, I would just avoid saying it in a way that comes off as insensitive.

    There are so many facts that point in both directions and you can't say that they all point to you, because they don't, and that is truth.

    But at the end of the day, you are entitled to your own perspectives of what the truth is and no one can forcibly change that about you. But there does come a time in which the truth is gong to hurt someone because the insensitivity of how it was brought upon.
    Posted 10-21-2016 at 04:05 PM by hornyyoungslut hornyyoungslut is offline
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    Runesmith's Avatar

    Monday Morning Musings

    The cookie and slide analogy was only meant to illustrate the feeling of inexorability of the passage of time. It can't be taken any further.

    The thing is, the passage of time is due to the expansion of the temporal dimension from that singularity. Just as the singularity expanded in to the three spatial dimensions, it also expanded in to the temporal dimension.

    In the cookie and slide analogy, it is gravity that pulls the cookie along. In the case of the singularity, it is entropy.

    By definition, a singularity is zero dimensional. The mass was contained in a zero width, zero height and zero depth volume, which made the density infinite. Even the smallest spatial volume makes the density finite. It was actually the transition from that infinitely dense, non dimensional state to a finite density state with dimensions that we call the big bang.

    As to "when" the singularity originated - are you familiar with Zeno's paradox of "Achilles and the tortoise?" The thing is, before we get to that zero point of origin, there will be an even smaller step after each step. In that sense, the origin point of the singularity does not exist. It can't exist, because time didn't exist until it made the transition from a dimensionless state to a dimensional state.

    Am I making sense?
    Posted 10-21-2016 at 12:45 PM by Runesmith Runesmith is offline
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    The negative effects of marijuana

    Originally Posted by 2bchew View Comment
    And what length of quitting time are you basing this on?Again I am mostly just curious because I havent been there so Im not preaching just talking.
    3 months, enough time where it was completely out of my system, which is the longest that I have gone without it since I started. I am basing my current problems on right now, where I have not smoked in 28 and a half hours
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:33 PM by bleonav06 bleonav06 is offline
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    2bchew's Avatar

    The negative effects of marijuana

    And what length of quitting time are you basing this on?Again I am mostly just curious because I havent been there so Im not preaching just talking.
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:30 PM by 2bchew 2bchew is offline
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    The negative effects of marijuana

    Originally Posted by 2bchew View Comment
    I never smoked it so I really cant relate but have you ever wanted to quit so you could eventually get away from these feelings?
    well I have found that quitting leads to these symptoms becoming permanent.
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:28 PM by bleonav06 bleonav06 is offline
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    2bchew's Avatar

    Why I am, by definition, a troll

    I like this post.

    I love the ones where I give a dare that right in the dare it clearly shows that it will take at least 20 minutes to complete all parts of the dare and the person doing the dare replys 5 minutes later and says they just did it and wow it was awesome....oh really???
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:22 PM by 2bchew 2bchew is offline
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    2bchew's Avatar

    The negative effects of marijuana

    I never smoked it so I really cant relate but have you ever wanted to quit so you could eventually get away from these feelings?
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:14 PM by 2bchew 2bchew is offline
  14. Old Comment

    Monday Morning Musings

    Originally Posted by Runesmith View Comment
    Time seems linear to us because of the way we experience it. Imagine a cookie �� sliding down a play ground slide. That cookie is unable to halt the forward momentum. That cookie is experiencing a spatial dimension the same way we experience the temporal dimension. It's only because we experience time locked in a certain momentum we can't stop, that we assume it needs to have a start and and an end.

    Big bang couldn't have been an explosion, because there was nothing for the universe to explode in to. Instead, it was an expansion in all spatial and temporal dimensions. In the same way that the singularity did not have a height, width, or depth, it did not have time, until the expansion began. It was the expansion that pushed everything in to that forward momentum along the temporal axis. Since time did not exist before the expansion, there was nothing before the expansion, in the same way that there was nothing above, below or behind the singularity.

    That's my understanding. Hope it makes sense.
    It makes sense, but lets continue with this cookie analogy. If the cookie is the singularity that caused it, then what caused the cookie to move down the slide and start the process?

    And did the singularity not have height width or depth? Because if it had infinite mass and infinite density then it had to occupy some, granted almost negligible, space which means it had some sort of physical dimensions.

    Also where did the singularity come from? What caused that to be created?
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 09:10 AM by bleonav06 bleonav06 is offline
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    Runesmith's Avatar

    Monday Morning Musings

    Time seems linear to us because of the way we experience it. Imagine a cookie �� sliding down a play ground slide. That cookie is unable to halt the forward momentum. That cookie is experiencing a spatial dimension the same way we experience the temporal dimension. It's only because we experience time locked in a certain momentum we can't stop, that we assume it needs to have a start and and an end.

    Big bang couldn't have been an explosion, because there was nothing for the universe to explode in to. Instead, it was an expansion in all spatial and temporal dimensions. In the same way that the singularity did not have a height, width, or depth, it did not have time, until the expansion began. It was the expansion that pushed everything in to that forward momentum along the temporal axis. Since time did not exist before the expansion, there was nothing before the expansion, in the same way that there was nothing above, below or behind the singularity.

    That's my understanding. Hope it makes sense.
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 07:30 AM by Runesmith Runesmith is offline
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    My crazy new idea

    Originally Posted by sir stefan View Comment
    Ahhhh,... I woyld definitely not bother about "live as a pharmasist", you will probably be old and boring by then ( don't take me too serious on this )

    Just go for it,
    The idea is too crazy not to be tried
    Hope to get a report after about a week or so
    well I thought that I should report about how this is going. Unfortunately I have not been able to fully coordinate it due to my classes being indefinitely cancelled. (YAY!) So I just sleep whenever and I have no pressure to get up for classes so I do not know how successful this will be
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 12:35 AM by bleonav06 bleonav06 is offline
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    Monday Morning Musings

    Originally Posted by atownesq View Comment
    "And how can we prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the theory is correct? That is quite difficult." We can't, but why would we need to. "beyond a reasonable doubt" is the burden of proof in a criminal trial. If we could reach a similar conclusive resolution to this it would be consider a "law" ie the "law of physics" or the "law of gravity" rather than a "theory."

    Both science and religion waste way too much time and energy trying to find the answer to this. At the end of the day, what difference does it make? We're here now, shouldn't we focus on that and what the future may hold instead?

    That being said, I do suppose if we had more concrete answers about the beginning, it may provide some insight into the future.
    We actually know a lot about the future (or so we think most is theoretical). Its hard to determine a beginning because technically it isnt a beginning. Its nonexistance on the spacetime continuim means it never actually happened at a recorded time. Time didnt exist until this. So it did not happen before so we have no idea how to handle that yet
    Posted 10-17-2016 at 08:46 PM by bleonav06 bleonav06 is offline
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    atownesq's Avatar

    Monday Morning Musings

    "And how can we prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the theory is correct? That is quite difficult." We can't, but why would we need to. "beyond a reasonable doubt" is the burden of proof in a criminal trial. If we could reach a similar conclusive resolution to this it would be consider a "law" ie the "law of physics" or the "law of gravity" rather than a "theory."

    Both science and religion waste way too much time and energy trying to find the answer to this. At the end of the day, what difference does it make? We're here now, shouldn't we focus on that and what the future may hold instead?

    That being said, I do suppose if we had more concrete answers about the beginning, it may provide some insight into the future.
    Posted 10-17-2016 at 08:33 PM by atownesq atownesq is offline
  19. Old Comment

    the end

    Originally Posted by Runesmith View Comment
    That should be corrected to "The first person to correct any grammatical mistakes of mine will be stabbed. Do not fuck with me on this."

    Please mind your grammar.

    Come stab me.
    You bastard! I hope you are a deep sleeper
    Posted 10-17-2016 at 08:06 PM by bleonav06 bleonav06 is offline
  20. Old Comment
    Runesmith's Avatar

    the end

    The first person to correct any grammar of mine in this will be stabbed do not fuck with me on this
    That should be corrected to "The first person to correct any grammatical mistakes of mine will be stabbed. Do not fuck with me on this."

    Please mind your grammar.

    Come stab me.
    Posted 10-17-2016 at 06:52 PM by Runesmith Runesmith is offline
  21. Old Comment

    the end

    The mood you're in right now - I've been there. Ive been there more than once.

    I won't offer you words of advice because right now they're no good. But if you need someone to shout at the sky with and complain that life's completely unfair then I can do that. You don't wanna know how close I got...

    Point is I came around. The only way I managed it was through talking to people. Complaining about how harsh life is, ans letting them tell me why life is worth living. After I broke down I understood how good life is, how much love people are capable of all the time, and why happiness isn't what you should strive for.

    Anyway, you know where to find me. Never face something like this alone. Never.
    Posted 10-17-2016 at 03:55 PM by An_Jon An_Jon is offline
  22. Old Comment

    the end

    Believing you can do whatever you want is on par with believing in God. In reality neither is that unreasonable. There are certifiably genius people with PHDs who defend god consistently and convincingly. I'm an atheist personally because, I'm not sure I want to believe in god and I don't feel I have enough information to be certain.

    However if you want some perspective, let me refer you to a couple of famous christian apologist, who often defend a monotheistic gods potential existence. One would be William Lane Craig. He debates and defeats people who are renowned agnostic biblical PHD historians like Bart Ehrman, PHD physicist like Lawrence Krauss, and PHD neuro Scientist like Sam Harris. The other apologist I would recommend is Alvin Plantigna, well renowed and I believe an influence of William Lane Craig. Alvin is referred to by many apologist debaters as kind of an expert.

    I wouldn't commit to any religion without being super convinced because, most of them won't let you come back philosophically if you have left them, which could be very psychologically disturbing if you later find you are wrong. Just something to think about though.

    Basically DO NOT GIVE UP. There are A LOT of things to consider. I don't think there is even one good reason to give up. There are many many potential outcomes and ways to potentially value them.
    Posted 10-17-2016 at 05:19 AM by Bustmyblueballs Bustmyblueballs is offline
    Updated 10-17-2016 at 05:35 AM by Bustmyblueballs
  23. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    the end

    You are not unlovable.

    Anyone who tells you that you are unlovable or generally not worthy of love and respect is speaking out of their own inability or unwillingness to love and respect themselves.

    And if you are not unlovable, then you are not unbearable either. "Love bears all things." Be gentle with yourself. Please. Do whatever you need to in order to love yourself, actively; get what you genuinely need. Because you deserve to be loved, first by yourself.
    Posted 10-17-2016 at 12:57 AM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
  24. Old Comment

    the end

    Originally Posted by JONTYTHEKING View Comment
    Welcome to the real world hun.
    Life's a bitch for real more bitchier than any ugly bitch one will ever meet in their lives.

    So stop caring what others say or do..just do what you feel is right cos ultimately you decide the course of your life.
    For me the last many years have been so rough that I hv stopped caring about it at all.
    But going back to your post. You dont believe in god but believe in hell. How could that be. When the real hell is actually what we all live in nowadays.
    what do you know about the real world?

    I dont care what others say or do I care about how my life is. And my life sucks and I do not see myself possibly living a happy life so I might as well cut the experiment short.

    I don't believe in hell, I stated right after that (it was an attempt at humor, not one of my strong suits apparently) something about rotting in the ground. The world is only hell for some people, while other are happy as can be
    Posted 10-16-2016 at 11:48 PM by bleonav06 bleonav06 is offline
  25. Old Comment

    the end

    Welcome to the real world hun.
    Life's a bitch for real more bitchier than any ugly bitch one will ever meet in their lives.

    So stop caring what others say or do..just do what you feel is right cos ultimately you decide the course of your life.
    For me the last many years have been so rough that I hv stopped caring about it at all.
    But going back to your post. You dont believe in god but believe in hell. How could that be. When the real hell is actually what we all live in nowadays.
    Posted 10-16-2016 at 11:42 PM by JONTYTHEKING JONTYTHEKING is offline

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