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  1. Old Comment
    Jaro's Avatar

    Control your Dom!

    Thank you for the tips Miss. I will remember these and adjust to the female sex accordingly.
    Posted 03-30-2019 at 11:07 PM by Jaro Jaro is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Control your Dom!

    Originally Posted by LittleMissSass View Comment
    I want a cockwaffle! They look yummy!
    Very tasty. Especially with syrup.
    Posted 03-30-2019 at 09:46 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  3. Old Comment

    Control your Dom!

    I want a cockwaffle! They look yummy!
    Posted 03-30-2019 at 10:27 AM by LittleMissSass LittleMissSass is offline
  4. Old Comment
    StrawDog's Avatar

    Control your Dom!

    Yeah! You tell 'em!

    *gets comfortable with popcorn*
    Posted 03-30-2019 at 10:14 AM by StrawDog StrawDog is offline
  5. Old Comment
    darkblue's Avatar

    Control your Dom!

    This is great! The other side of fhe coin of a sub/dom relationship! Knowing all this, every game will get even more intense.
    Posted 03-30-2019 at 01:55 AM by darkblue darkblue is offline
  6. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Control your Dom!

    Originally Posted by LitDarkness View Comment
    This is hilarious. Now I want to waffle someone's penis.
    It makes a very tasty treat.
    Posted 03-29-2019 at 05:51 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  7. Old Comment
    LitDarkness's Avatar

    Control your Dom!

    This is hilarious. Now I want to waffle someone's penis.
    Posted 03-29-2019 at 04:58 PM by LitDarkness LitDarkness is offline
  8. Old Comment
    Heart's Avatar

    Control your Dom!

    I love telling Aiden he's mine.
    Posted 03-29-2019 at 04:56 PM by Heart Heart is offline
  9. Old Comment
    MastersVoice's Avatar

    Control your Dom!

    Aww you two! Shouldn't this be in the fiction forum? *runs away from the incoming glitter bombs* Missed me *pokes out tongue and keeps running*
    Posted 03-29-2019 at 03:28 PM by MastersVoice MastersVoice is offline
  10. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    An unhappy sub is a disobedient sub.

    Originally Posted by AbusiveMaster View Comment
    Quite right, you ARE occasionally a butthead.
    And you are a dollophead.

    Originally Posted by Butterfly View Comment
    I do the exact same thing. When I am upset about something I will talk about it. I usually need some time to think about it first, but then I bring my concerns to my Dom(s) and we work it out. However, when I am MAD, I will do the same thing and it is usually my bathroom rule that I use.

    I don't really like that phrase because the first thing I thought of was that it was in relation to bratting. Because bratting is wrongly viewed as being disobedient.

    But anyways ... this was a great blog with a fantastic message. Thank you for sharing <3
    I didn't even think of breaking a different rule both times it was the bathroom one. Maybe because that wouldn't be as serious as one in place for my health....maybe I was subconsciously choosing the one I would get in least trouble for? Hmm.

    I don't know if the reaction is solely being mad or a combination of being mad and stubborn and 3.5 when I'm little...perhaps I just decided it was time for a justified temper tantrum!

    Originally Posted by AbusiveMaster View Comment
    As you can see, when my IceMaiden has something to say, she is shy and retiring and won't communicate.

    Of course.

    As I have said quite a few times, communication is key. It is something we spent a lot of time working on in the early part of our relationship. At the begining, perhaps due to previous experiences, Icy wouldnt communicate her poblems, she would clam up and I would have to prise them out of her. Now she just opens that pretty little mouth and tells me.... and nags... and pouts... and complains.... perhaps I taught her too well. But this is the part where she will deny this and pretend she always communicated with me....

    I did! Eventually. Also...if you listened the first time it wouldn't be nagging, would it?

    As for the deliberate disobedience - so far as I am concerned it isnt an indication that she is a bad submissive. While we dont live in a 'traditional' 24/7 dynamic, we do apply D/s to every aspect of our lives. While I dont micromanage every aspect and every decision, every morsel of food and every activity, I have the authority to do so at any time if i choose. Perhaps a good term would be "supervised autonomy." If you like it, remember I invented it.

    You're good at inventing words and terms.

    Even bearing this in mind we are, underneath it all, a couple in a long distance relationship. A couple in a D/s relationship, a couple with problems, a couple of idiots... a couple. I strongly feel that even in a tightly controlled D/s dynamic, the underlying reality is that there are two (or more) people in a relationship, satisfying mutual needs and striving to make one another happy. In any vanilla relationship people fight and act out, and a D/s relationship is no different, the only real difference is HOW this is expressed.
    I don't know about you, but I'm not an idiot! I'll agree with the rest though. You talk mostly sense. Love you.

    Originally Posted by IHeartFun View Comment
    I find for me I become disobedient when my needs aren't met after continuous attempts of communication. It's not my first line of attack but I will act out if I'm not feeling submissive.
    I am entirely different in that regard if I feel like my needs aren't being met I will try and communicate about it once and then if it doesn't change....I throw a (mostly polite) little fit. I do think AM hit thee nail on the head with

    In any vanilla relationship people fight and act out, and a D/s relationship is no different, the only real difference is HOW this is expressed.
    Posted 03-24-2019 at 07:52 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
  11. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    His Eyes vs My Eyes.

    Originally Posted by LitDarkness View Comment
    I'm so glad you don't hate yourself anymore. And AM is lucky to have you.

    I'm so glad he showed you just how amazing you are. Because you are amazing.
    Thank you!

    Originally Posted by LittleMissSass View Comment
    That was so lovely to read! I'm glad you are being much kinder to yourself
    Thank you, it has been a long time coming.

    Originally Posted by Faithfullyyours View Comment
    This is such an amazingly beautiful post. Thank you so very much for allowing us in. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful support and that you have allowed yourself to see with his eyes.
    "The eye sees not so clearly itself but by reflection."
    Thank you, that quote is so true and one that I have always loved.

    Originally Posted by IHeartFun View Comment
    love this blog and I love you!!!
    I love you too ♡

    Originally Posted by Jaro View Comment
    Always so happy to read about your perfect relationship. I know this isn't focused on your kinks, but I still believe kinky relationships can really be the best just because there is so much trust and openness involved.

    I am am glad you have become more positive about yourself!
    I agree 100%. I think the amount of trust and openness needed for a d/s relationship will always make it the best type of relationship to be in. Thank you, me toooo!

    Originally Posted by Butterfly View Comment
    This is something that I can fully sympathize with. When I first met Mr. Devious, I felt like I was broken beyond repair. I had absolutely zero self confidence and I thought I was unlovable. It took me so long to believe that HE loved me, that HE thought I was beautiful, that HE believed in me. Even if I didn't believe those things of myself, HE did!

    Once I sorted that out, very (VERY) slowly over time, I was able to start to love myself, believe in myself, and thing positive things. Hearing those words, even when I disputed them, worked to wipe out the negative messages I had heard my whole life and replaced with positive things. It happened so slowly I didn't realize it.

    This is so lovely to read. Thank you for sharing. I am so glad you are finally able to see yourself the way he has seen you all along. Which is the same way that we have always seen you too.
    I don't think I realized for a looooong time either, certainly not before I started thinking I don't think so but he does! They are pretty amazing.

    Originally Posted by MastersVoice View Comment
    What a powerful blog. Thank you for sharing such a deep thought, your journey and how you came through it using someone else's perspective.

    I love the five rules and all are true. Learn to love yourself and your idiosyncrasies. Everyone is special in their own way and everyone has a part to play in the world.

    Yes! Special should be celebrated and embraced and I think it is beautiful how people can help others realize just how important they are.

    Originally Posted by AbusiveMaster View Comment
    You did all the work, princess, all I did was stand over you while you did it. I want you to know what you are worth, but if you ever 100% believe just how wonderful you are I am going to have to beat it out of you, you would be intolerable.

    I love you princess, you are beautiful.

    Is a beating meant to be a deterrant? I love you too.
    Posted 03-24-2019 at 07:44 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
  12. Old Comment
    Heart's Avatar

    An unhappy sub is a disobedient sub.

    I find for me I become disobedient when my needs aren't met after continuous attempts of communication. It's not my first line of attack but I will act out if I'm not feeling submissive.
    Posted 03-22-2019 at 09:21 PM by Heart Heart is offline
  13. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar

    An unhappy sub is a disobedient sub.

    Bratling, 21:56
    really? I take like 3 days to figure out what i wanted to say and you comment im a butthead? that i never even said!
    As you can see, when my IceMaiden has something to say, she is shy and retiring and won't communicate.

    As I have said quite a few times, communication is key. It is something we spent a lot of time working on in the early part of our relationship. At the begining, perhaps due to previous experiences, Icy wouldnt communicate her poblems, she would clam up and I would have to prise them out of her. Now she just opens that pretty little mouth and tells me.... and nags... and pouts... and complains.... perhaps I taught her too well. But this is the part where she will deny this and pretend she always communicated with me....

    As for the deliberate disobedience - so far as I am concerned it isnt an indication that she is a bad submissive. While we dont live in a 'traditional' 24/7 dynamic, we do apply D/s to every aspect of our lives. While I dont micromanage every aspect and every decision, every morsel of food and every activity, I have the authority to do so at any time if i choose. Perhaps a good term would be "supervised autonomy." If you like it, remember I invented it.

    Even bearing this in mind we are, underneath it all, a couple in a long distance relationship. A couple in a D/s relationship, a couple with problems, a couple of idiots... a couple. I strongly feel that even in a tightly controlled D/s dynamic, the underlying reality is that there are two (or more) people in a relationship, satisfying mutual needs and striving to make one another happy. In any vanilla relationship people fight and act out, and a D/s relationship is no different, the only real difference is HOW this is expressed.

    Posted 03-22-2019 at 03:24 PM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  14. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    An unhappy sub is a disobedient sub.

    I do the exact same thing. When I am upset about something I will talk about it. I usually need some time to think about it first, but then I bring my concerns to my Dom(s) and we work it out. However, when I am MAD, I will do the same thing and it is usually my bathroom rule that I use.

    I don't really like that phrase because the first thing I thought of was that it was in relation to bratting. Because bratting is wrongly viewed as being disobedient.

    But anyways ... this was a great blog with a fantastic message. Thank you for sharing <3
    Posted 03-22-2019 at 02:58 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  15. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar

    An unhappy sub is a disobedient sub.

    Quite right, you ARE occasionally a butthead.
    Posted 03-22-2019 at 02:55 PM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  16. Old Comment
    Heart's Avatar


    yayyyyyyyyy love my healthy icy
    Posted 03-22-2019 at 08:47 AM by Heart Heart is offline
  17. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar


    I had the follow up the other day. The nurse was very happy as the lump was almost completely gone so I have been totally discharged and don't need to go back unless I feel a change again.
    Posted 03-22-2019 at 08:35 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
  18. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar

    His Eyes vs My Eyes.

    You did all the work, princess, all I did was stand over you while you did it. I want you to know what you are worth, but if you ever 100% believe just how wonderful you are I am going to have to beat it out of you, you would be intolerable.

    I love you princess, you are beautiful.
    Posted 03-05-2019 at 02:33 PM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  19. Old Comment
    MastersVoice's Avatar

    His Eyes vs My Eyes.

    What a powerful blog. Thank you for sharing such a deep thought, your journey and how you came through it using someone else's perspective.

    I love the five rules and all are true. Learn to love yourself and your idiosyncrasies. Everyone is special in their own way and everyone has a part to play in the world.

    Posted 03-05-2019 at 02:25 PM by MastersVoice MastersVoice is offline
  20. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    His Eyes vs My Eyes.

    This is something that I can fully sympathize with. When I first met Mr. Devious, I felt like I was broken beyond repair. I had absolutely zero self confidence and I thought I was unlovable. It took me so long to believe that HE loved me, that HE thought I was beautiful, that HE believed in me. Even if I didn't believe those things of myself, HE did!

    Once I sorted that out, very (VERY) slowly over time, I was able to start to love myself, believe in myself, and thing positive things. Hearing those words, even when I disputed them, worked to wipe out the negative messages I had heard my whole life and replaced with positive things. It happened so slowly I didn't realize it.

    This is so lovely to read. Thank you for sharing. I am so glad you are finally able to see yourself the way he has seen you all along. Which is the same way that we have always seen you too.
    Posted 03-05-2019 at 12:38 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  21. Old Comment
    Jaro's Avatar

    His Eyes vs My Eyes.

    Always so happy to read about your perfect relationship. I know this isn't focused on your kinks, but I still believe kinky relationships can really be the best just because there is so much trust and openness involved.

    I am am glad you have become more positive about yourself!
    Posted 03-05-2019 at 12:07 PM by Jaro Jaro is offline
  22. Old Comment
    Heart's Avatar

    His Eyes vs My Eyes.

    love this blog and I love you!!!
    Posted 03-05-2019 at 08:46 AM by Heart Heart is offline
  23. Old Comment
    Faithfullyyours's Avatar

    His Eyes vs My Eyes.

    This is such an amazingly beautiful post. Thank you so very much for allowing us in. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful support and that you have allowed yourself to see with his eyes.
    "The eye sees not so clearly itself but by reflection."
    Posted 03-05-2019 at 08:10 AM by Faithfullyyours Faithfullyyours is offline
  24. Old Comment

    His Eyes vs My Eyes.

    That was so lovely to read! I'm glad you are being much kinder to yourself
    Posted 03-05-2019 at 08:06 AM by LittleMissSass LittleMissSass is offline
  25. Old Comment
    LitDarkness's Avatar

    His Eyes vs My Eyes.

    I'm so glad you don't hate yourself anymore. And AM is lucky to have you.

    I'm so glad he showed you just how amazing you are. Because you are amazing.
    Posted 03-05-2019 at 07:49 AM by LitDarkness LitDarkness is offline

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