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12 days of kink

Posted 12-26-2018 at 02:49 PM by IceMaiden

On the first day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
One orgasm for loving him.

Yay, orgasms! Orgasms are fun. I wasn't restricted from porn at the time of this orgasm so I got myself nice and horny with my wand while watching some of my favourite kink videos before I allowed myself an orgasm. The bad news is my wand is on its last legs and I have to hold the wire in a specific position for the wand to work. I really hope it lasts until after Christmas when I can get a new one!

On the second day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Two held edges
And an orgasm for loving him

Edges are bad. Held edges are even worse! But there wasn't a minimum time frame for holding them and I knew I could orgasm right after so it didn't seem TOO bad, even though I wouldn't willingly choose to complete edges of my own accord. I used the same videos as I did yesterday and held the first edge for about 10 seconds before I had to pull the wand away or I would have gone over into an orgasm far too early. The second edge I managed to hold for about 20 seconds before I allowed the orgasm to happen.

On the third day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Three used titles
Two held edges
And an orgasm for loving him.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Four melted ice cubes
Three used titles
Two held edges
And an orgasm for loving him.

Day three and four didn't happen due to the fact I wasn't in the greatest health and slept most of the time.

On the fifth day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Five clit canes
Four melted ice cubes
Three used titles
Two held edges
And an orgasm for loving him.

Canes are bad! Clit spanks or zaps or canes or hits are bad! I am sure AM secretly hates me. I reluctantly went to go and find my cane (Yes I have a habit of losing things and toys going POOF!) and then did the five cane hits in quick succession and was glad when they were over and done with. So on to the next - ice. I like ice. Ice is fun to play with. But...it's WINTER. It is SO COLD. When I asked AM if melting four cubes in a cup counted because it is so cold he was rude and said it didn't, only cubes in or on me counted. Fine! So I grabbed four ice cubes and...dropped one into my mouth. Followed by another and another and another. And then all four had melted in me! AM wont see this report/blog until the 24th so I find it extra amusing that I will get away with it for at least another week! I am not generally one for titles unless we are playing or I am feeling extra subby and I didn't want the three used titles to feel forced. So they were used when telling AM how I felt about something or him. AM does like titles a lot more than I do, so I do actually hope this will become a habit since he will like it lots. Another two held edges now. The first happened in minutes and I managed to hold it for about 15 seconds, the second I only managed for about 3 seconds before it was too much and I allowed the orgasm to happen.

On the sixth day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Six foot zaps
Five clit canes
Four ice cube melts
Three titles
Two held edges
And an orgasm for loving him

Why does AM insist on zapping me? I am always so well behaved! I truly didn't want to do this. But I went and found the zappy knife and placed it on my foot and...couldn't press the button. My heart was beating so fast, I was dreading this and flinching before I even zapped! I tried again and nope. I couldn't do it. So I thought do it over your sock instead and ease back into it before removing the sock again. So on went my sock, placed the knife against it and...nope. I couldn't bring myself to press it. My heart was still beating incredibly fast and somehow I convinced myself to press the button and...nothing. I opened my eyes that had somehow closed themselves shortly before I pressed the button and pressed it again. Nothing. Hmm. The light was showing up when I pressed it so it wasn't the batteries. Feeling a bit braver I removed my sock again and placed the knife next to my foot and managed to push the button. Nothing. I am really happy about this nothing that kept happening. I pressed a few more times but still nothing. It must have permanently died YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

More clit canes. They didn't seem so bad now I just spent 20 minutes thinking I was going to be zapping myself. I would rather do 100 clit canes than 5 zaps! All 5 were done in quick succession, it probably didn't even take me 10 seconds to complete these. I did notice that even though I'm not a fan of clit pain I was starting to get slightly wet.

I figured I better not be a brat with the ice cubes for two days in a row. One time might make AM roll his eyes but if I keep doing it, I'm pretty sure he will have me do something I hate. So this time I inserted one inside my pussy and holy crap so cold!! It was a very large ice cube so I think it should technically have counted as two but I'm not sure AM would have agreed. I thought I could stand it until it had melted but I wasn't able to and ended up removing it when it was about half the size as when it went in. It's too bloody cold for ice play! I finished melting this one on one of my boobs. Two of the remaining three were a normal size so I tried again to insert them in my pussy and this time managed to stand it until they had melted. The final one was melted over my other boob.

Now it was time for edges and I decided I wanted different porn today so I found some ones I liked the look of and began wanding while watching them. The ones I watched were czech gangbang ones and as the video progressed I got hornier and soon it was time to hold the edges. The first one I held for about 10 seconds, the second one about 2 seconds before I had to allow the orgasm to happen. Maybe I'll get better at holding edges though I doubt it.

The titles were used at random times throughout the day while talking to AM and he knows me so well that he even commented something along the lines of "You're thinking 2/3 done." at one point.

On the seventh day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Seven words on body
Six carols
Five clit canes
Four ice cube melts
Three titles
Two held edges
And an orgasm for loving him

Yay body writing! I wasn't in the right frame of mind/mood for degrading writing so instead I decided to love myself. The words I chose to write on my left boob were: "Princess, humble, loved, kind, funny, honest, supportive." I like positive body writing just as much as humiliating/degrading writing. After I wrote the words I sent a picture to Sir. Since the zappy knife died AM changed the zaps to singing christmas carols, one today, two tomorrow and so on until the task is finished. Only I don't know any except for odd lines and choruses. So Sir decided I would learn and sing Merry christmas everybody by Slade today. I spent some time listening to it on youtube and when I was fairly confident I could remember it or at least the majority I recorded it and sent it to Sir. I truly don't know why he enjoys listening to me sing, I am completely tone deaf.

More clit canes, I didn't like them any more than I did yesterday. All five were done as quickly as I could manage as I just wanted to get them over with. Then it was more edges which, while not being one of my likes, are still better than clit pain. After finding a porn video to watch I brought myself to edge for the first time and held for about 40 seconds. I was very impressed with this. The second one was about 15 before I had enough and had an orgasm. The ice was melted over my boobs and titles were used at various times throughout the day.

On the eighth day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Eight minutes anal
Seven words on body
6 carols
Five clit canes
Four ice cube melts
Three titles
Two held edges
And an orgasm for loving him

Originally the anal was supposed to be active fucking, but a while back I had to throw out all of my dildos except for one large one which I really can't take well anally, if at all. So I begged Sir rather nicely (Yes I am complimenting myself on my begging since it is so much better than it used to be and I don't hate the results anywhere near as much.) and he was kind enough to allow it to stand as 8 minutes plugged instead. So I lubed my plug and inserted it and then wrote seven words on my boob. The words I chose today were: Loyal, compassionate, fair, curious, respectful, polite and courageness. After I sent Sir a picture of the new words, I then recorded a second audio recording of merry christmas everybody for him, followed with an audio of Ruldoph the red nosed reindeer. I like this task best, singing is so fun and I do it lots, even though I'm terrible at it.

A quick 5 cane hits to my clit in succession, still not a fan and glad when they were over and done with. Immediately before the ice cubes I had spent 45 minutes working out on my elliptical trainer so for the first time I was very glad about the ice in this task and dumped a whole lot down my bra after my workout, plus the four I melted on various parts of my very tired and sweaty body.

Today I think I used titles a lot more than the required three times and it's not feeling forced yet. I've noticed when I use titles with AM he suddenly gets more bossy. When I questioned this he told me I have subby triggers and he has dommy triggers. So I think I should try and avoid them, not use them....

The holding edges and orgasm were done while watching gangbang videos and I managed to hold both edges for about 30 seconds this time.

On the ninth day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Nine minutes deepthroating
Eight minutes anal
Seven words on body
6 carols
Five clit canes
Four ice cube melts
Three titles
Two held edges
And an orgasm for loving him.

Today I started by inserting the plug after lubing it up. Before I started this task it had been a long time since I had done any anal, so when I first started a few days ago it slightly hurt each time I inserted it but today the pain wasn't noticable. Instead of separate words today I wrote one sentence of 7 words, "Every part of me belongs to Sir." on my boob and sent Sir a picture after I was finished writing.

Today AM chose the next christmas song to sing and decided on....Kevin Bloody Wilson, Hey Santa. If you haven't heard this song then go and listen and you will understand why I was laughing and very blushy while singing it. AM said he loves it even though my attempt is atrocious. I redid merry christmas and ruldolph after that one and sent Sir those audios too.

Titles again have been used at various times throughout the day and the clit canes I did as quickly as I could when I got a moment to myself, as I wasn't alone all of the day today. As I was hurrying I missed one or two and had to redo it grrr.

The deepthroating, ice, edges and orgasm I was unable to do as I didn't get another chance to be alone until I went to bed and AM said he would rather I try and sleep than finish them off then, as I have sleep issues.

On the tenth day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Ten minutes wanding
Nine minutes deepthroating
Eight minutes anal
Seven words on body
Six carols
Five clit canes
Four ice cube melts
Three titles
Two held edges.
And an orgasm for loving him.

Today I wrote more positive words on my boobs, this time "Loved + adored" on my lright boob and "I will always be enough" on my left boob. I'm not sure yet if I will change to degrading or humiliating writing for the remainder of this task, I am quite enjoying the positive words and phrases. When I was next alone I started with the songs/carols. This is still my favourite part of the task. I chose O little town of bethelem for todays and then repeated the other three from previous days. Sir commented that some of the first were painful to listen to...well he only has himself to blame he knows exactly how bad I am at singing!

After I had finished singing and sent all of the links to Sir, I lubed my plug and inserted it before I completed the required five cane clits. I will be soooo glad when those are over! After loading up some nice porn videos I got myself nice and horny using my wand until I reached the edge for the first time and held this one for about a minute, the next one I even held for about 1.5 minutes yay! Then I was super horny and couldn't wait anymore so I allowed the edge to ride over into an orgasm. I took longer than 10 minutes in total so that also meant I had completed the required wand time.

Afterwards I grabbed the ice cubes and as these ones were quite small and I was still very wet from the edges and orgasm I assumed I could slide all four inside with no problem....wrong. COOOOLLLD!!! Thankfully it only took about 2-3 minutes for them to all have melted.

Titles were again used at various times, although Sir and I didn't get much time to talk to each other until late in the evening. But the task doesn't say they have to be used live and I've become accustomed to using them in these reports too, so I think that's okay and I made it.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Eleven clothespin zipper
Ten minutes wanding
Nine minutes deepthroating
Eight minutes anal
Seven words on body
Six carols
Five clit canes
Four ice cube melts
Three titles
Two held edges.
And an orgasm for loving him.

I started with writing the following words/phrase on my left boob "Owned, protected property of my Sir, always." and sent Sir a picture after I was done. I then moved on to singing, today I chose to add Silent Night to the list of songs. After I had recorded that one and the prior songs and sent all of the links to Sir, he informed me listening to O little town of Bethlehem was painful torture and a punishment. Rude!! (I may have exaggerated the high notes on purpose, knowing it would be even worse to listen to than usual....)

Titles were used at various times while talking to Sir and writing this and other reports and the clit canes were again done as quickly as possible. Only one more time of these thankfully!

I had been dreading the zipper for days. And then I realized...it didn't specify a body part. So originally I was going to do it on my thigh but since I have lost a bit of weight the last few weeks the pegs weren't able to grip there. Instead I chose to do it on my belly (which hopefully will have the same end result as my thighs soon too) and attached 11 pegs across before pulling it off. Two didn't come off on the first pull and while it didn't hurt as much as a boobs, it still hurt a lot.

After lubing my plug I inserted it and then turned the wand on medium while browsing images that turned me on until I was ready to edge for the first time. I managed to hold both edges over two minutes each today yay!! Then it was definitely orgasm time so I orgasmed and that was very nice. Again it took longer than 10 minutes so I completed the required wanding time and I did the deepthroat while wanding, edging and orgasming too. The ice was melted over my boobs today.

On the twelve day of Christmas, my Sir did give to me:
Twelve forced orgasms
Eleven clothespin zipper
Ten minutes wanding
Nine minutes deepthroating
Eight minutes anal
Seven words on body
Six carols
Five clit canes
Four ice cube melts
Three titles
Two held edges
And an orgasm for loving him.

Today I started with 8 minutes of anal with my plug. For some reason it hurt slightly going in today even after I had lubed it and myself up. But that settled pretty quickly so I turned my attention to the body writing and wrote "My sir is the best" on my left boob and "Sir's princess" on my right boob. When I sent Sir a picture, he responded with "Yes I am." So modest he is.

Then it was time for the zipper. Again I did it on my belly and it stung like a bitch on the right side. I am SO glad I only had two days of zippers!! I followed this with the clit canes and I was/am so relieved these are over too. I missed one hit and had to repeat it but the other four hit their mark the first time.

Then it was time for my favourite part, the songs. So I recorded a few and when I got to O little town of Bethlehem....I thought it would be funny if I went completely over the top with it, given Sir had said previously it was like a punishment. So I was SUPER bad on purpose. I'm always bad at singing. This time I was purposely ATROCIOUS. I will know if Sir manages to listen all the way through because I made a comment in the recording there is no way he will let go. Hehehehe. After I was done being silly I redid that one properly..or as properly as my bad singing can allow. Today I added on the 12 days of christmas as the final song, that seemed appropiate given this task. I hope Sir gives me more singing tasks!!!

Again the ice was melted over my boobs and I managed to hold the edges for about 30 seconds each. Now for the part I was dreading...13 orgasms!! I am NOT multi orgasmic. I can do 3-5 with a major struggle on most days but then have to have a break and can do 0 for the next day or two after that. So I genuinely didn't think I was going to succeed with this.

I managed the first three within about 30 minutes of starting. I also completed the deepthroating and wanding time during these first 3. I knew I would be okay with the first 3 or so and that would be when things got difficult for me. So I had a little break before returning to my favourite porn videos and attempting some more. To my surprise I managed another 3 relatively easy although I was now sore.

So time for another break for my poor tortured clit before I decided I would try for some more. I was so sore and it was taking a while for each one on the last set so I didn't think I would manage much, if any, more. I had previously estimated I would manage around 7 at the very most. But I gritted my teeth and kept the wand on high and soon after I had managed another 3!!! So I was now at 9/13!!!

I didn't want to continue AT ALL. I was done. Broken and dead. But...I was so close....only four more...I'd made so much progress...could I do more? Only one way to find out.

I took a short break again before reloading the videos I had been watching earlier and put the wand back on full on my clit and to my great surprise I was soon at 10...then 11...then 12...

I couldn't take it any longer at that moment and had to turn the wand off. I was so so so SO close to quitting and saying I CAN'T. But it was just one more...but I was BROKEN! But surely one more was possible? Maybe at another time, but not when I'm broken! I'd been reduced to arguing with myself. So I shut myself up and turned the wand back on...and I did it!!! I got to 13/13!! My first orgasm was at about 12noon and my last one was at 6.50pm. I'd done all 13 in less than 7 hours! I still have NO idea how I pulled this off. But I'm proud I did!!!
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  1. Old Comment
    Heart's Avatar
    You two always have the most fun! I am glad you had a kinky holiday!
    Posted 12-26-2018 at 03:16 PM by Heart Heart is offline
  2. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar
    I was so pleased all through this. A few days were missed due to illness or unexpected family, but as a whole this was SO much fun. I will never recover, ever, from little town of bethlehem.

    I am proud of you princess.
    Posted 12-27-2018 at 03:28 PM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline

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