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"Add to my" thread advice Part 2

Posted 02-22-2018 at 06:17 PM by CSasha
Updated 03-06-2020 at 12:48 PM by CSasha

Click here for Part 1

15. Your rules guide the players and the game

Whoever designs the rules, determines the behaviors which are rewarded, and the behaviors which are punished. Guess which behaviors people prefer. Do they prefer rewards or punishment (not to mistake for funishments)? So yes, by rewarding what you want them to do, they do it. It's in your hands when you set up the rules.

What do you want your players to do? Do you want your friends to join or others to befriend you? Then give a bonus for friends. Let them add more or give them other privileges, for example friends can post after another user or 5 minutes after their own post instead of 10 minutes.

Do you want your players to rate the thread or link it in your signature? Then give them a privilege after they did or while they have.

Do you want your players to make bets on how much gets added, in total or in a certain time window, or how long it takes until X posts? Or do you want them to offer deals? Then give them a reward for making bets with you or others, or even already for proposing bets. Offer them deals, and reward them for offering you deals.

Do you want players to quickly join your thread? Reward the users who post on your first X pages.

Do you want users to post often? Then reward them for it. Give them some bonus or privilege for certain number of posts they reach (Property), for the top posters of all (Ranking), for total posts, for total amounts added (Stretchgoals).

Would you like users to help you counting? Then offer a big bonus for doing so.

Do you want users to still join the thread late and little rather than not at all? Then give them bonuses for the first and tenths post. Add stretchgoals for total number of users posted. Increase what each post adds with maturity of the thread. Add special opportunities like a post id is a prime number bonus, Happy Hours, one-time jokers to use.

Do you want yourself to reply often? Then give yourself a punishment for not posting often enough, like on every page, or give the players a chain effect for consecutive posts without you posting in between.

Do you want yourself to work something off to generate faith and trust in your committment? Give yourself a bonus for completing duties while the thread still runs.

Do you want yourself to not hesitate to long? Give yourself a rule to follow until you worked off the amount given by the thread in the end, or give players the opportunity to add even more after the thread as long as you didn't or don't work on it.

16. Give yourself some Catch 22

People love to be mean. And confess, that's what you want them to be to you. A catch 22 is a case where you are given choices that fuck you differently but fuck you anyway.

For example, give your users a bonus opportunity or privilege if you didn't post on the current page yet, like those posts add twice the amount or one more keyword or a special keyword allowed or a chain effect of consecutive posts without your posts in between. Add to that a special task for every page you didn't post at all. So that makes you want to post often.
At the same time, give players a bonus posting right after you, make your own posts add more than a single user post.
So post or not post, anyway you are fucked.

Or another example, bet that you reach at least a certain amount of posts or amounts, or you get to add X or do Y. Now you better help reaching those posts or amounts by adding yourself but that way you add yourself. Maybe you help and add but the players stop helping right before the goal so you get the worst outcome.

But you want to make it at least slightly better for you to post. For example, make every user post without a post of you on the same page before add double but your own posts add triple.

17. Add complexity

Most people only add what they understand or just copy the behavior of others. But a decent amount of users find a pleasure in reading your adding rules, find loopholes (and catch22s) and be mean to you. Or just add even more for fun. And guess what, those users add more often than others, especially if they find that kind of fun.

After having established simple adding rules at the start of them, you can add more for those people.

Give people something to struggle with. A certain amount to reach in a certain time. Or something to calculate like a bonus if their post id is a prime number. Or something to do themselves to add more or something more difficult to you. Or something to bet on with stakes.

Give them rules to obey (for bonuses or privileges). Some people love rules!

17. Be diverse

Some people love denial. To give and take. Most don't. But if you involve many of your likes and dislikes, you attract more people with different interests, which makes the adding game even more fun for everyone. Be creative and ask others to help you with ideas and feedback on your rules and feedback. Ask them, what they might want. Look at what they are used to. Listen to their ideas and fantasies, and check their feasabilities. Try little new things or small changes.

18. Be conservative
"Was der Bauer nicht kennt, frisst er nicht."

People prefer what they know. Nothing new to read and understand. And they know what they can expect from it. Repeat things which have been done before. Refer to them. Don't disappoint expectations too much. Why reinvent the wheel?

19. Keywords or keyphrases
For those interested, you can offer to add a keyword or keyphrase from a list you provide. Let them have it post in BIG LETTERS and remind them that getDare changes all big letter only posts into small letters automatically.

For example, every posts adds +1 hour of denial, but every post can add one of these keywords:

NAKED - you have to be naked for 1 hour for each of this
WOOD - for every 50 of these you have to strip and stay naked for 10 minutes in a public forest
SPANK -you have to spank each of your butt cheeks

If you need inspirations for keywords, look at other Add-Thread or at PM dare lists.

20. Achievements and Stretchgoals

You may know these from games and crowdfunding.

An achievement could be:
'Reach 10 pages within the first hour, Reward: I have to write "fool" on my body'
'Have 15 different people post on the same page, Reward: I have to post a link to a faceless picture of me naked'

A stretchgoal could be:
'If we reach 1,000 posts, I will write a blog entry about my calculation how long I think I need to complete the given amount so far, how much I think will get added in the remaining time, and what I think I am going to struggle most with'

Achievements and Stretchgoals are fun easy to create.

21. Property (Unlocks and earned privileges)

People love to own. It makes them care. Give them privileges to earn. For example, people may add one additional keyword after they have posted 10 times, and an additional more after having posted 100 times.

Or make them unlock further keywords.

22. Bets and deals

Some people enjoy bets so much that they play along with a lot of other kinks. Also, public bets are fun and another offer to join in, help, push things or make decisions.

Offer deals. Offer people to do certain tasks themselves (within their limits) to add more or add something special. Offer them to do something very special yourself if they don't post for a certain time or post less, or post less keywords.

23. Happy Hours, other special times and permanent changes

You want your thread to be a party. The music should keep playing, the floor has to offer space for people to dance, and you want some off-side where they can relax in between and chat.

How about a voting hour, where people can make a vote in their posts, one of two choices. The choice which gets more votes is to be done by you (as soon as possible to make a difference to other tasks).

But you also want to frequently have some happening or refreshing change. You can set Happy Hours right from the start, where people can ignore the double post rule or/and post add amounts are doubled (stacks with other bonuses). You can have other special times changing rules, bonuses, privileges, keywords or keyphrases for a limited time. Or you make a permanent change, but be especially careful about those. Prefer adding something or changing for the benefit of the players. Avoid taking something away from the users.

Maybe add new stretchgoals, especially when it looks like all given will be easily reached. Maybe give them new keyphrases.

24. Start time

There are times when more users are active, for example in the US or Europe evening on Fridays and Saturdays. You and your friends have certain times when you are available and times when you are not. In general, a start on Saturday early evening gives you some active time right at the start, and again some active time before the thread closes if you choose a weeks long time. Or you start Friday to build up your player base longer and faster at the start.

25. PM dare users to join

If everything goes wrong, or you just had a bad timing, look for people with PM dares which makes them post in a thread. Use those rare users wisely, don't count on them being active to help you soon or at all. A single post pushes your thread up in the list again, and maybe the user posts again and sticks to your thread.
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  1. Old Comment
    qmu's Avatar
    Hi Cass! These are really good guides!

    While there are some stuff I disagree with (the catch 22 part and not having a "include a panic button in the rules" for example) I'll not focus on that and may ask about in a future comment.

    I do not post as much as I used to here, but I do love the interaction these threads can give. Basically all the people I met here that I call friends and keep in constant contact with (including my master) I met because of what you call "Add to my" threads or something similar as well as about 80% of my posts. =p So I can say for sure I love those.

    However this is something I would like to hear your thoughts on: from my experience with these threads 90% of posts come from about 10% of the people who post and keep posting... a lot. Or even a few zealot people who liked the thread or you and also posted a lot. That happened in about every thread of this kind I posted on, including mine. This usually is the case because of previous friends who keep posting or are the people you actually become friends with and that may be the first interactions you have. Sometimes that is enough to find other people who just click with you.

    And while that is not a problem, it is the main reason some of these threads explode into completely unreasonable numbers: people who keep posting as much as they can up to frightening amounts.

    Now here are my questions:

    Do you think is there any way to make it that does not happen without limiting how much people can post or making really complex rules?

    How to say "slow down" without closing the thread, and being taken seriously without changing rules, scaring people away or spoiling their fun?

    Do you think that after a thread gets running, the fact that the same few people keep posting and are the majority page after page may discourage new people to post?

    Do you think your reward system of increasing privileges given how much you have already posted may discourage new people to join? Even those who are friends but by bad luck or time way from gD discovered the thread "too late"?

    This last one actually happened with me several times, for me it is discouraging and even a little frightening to post in threads where the active people are already playing and joking within themselves, posting lines and lines of tasks and you start from the beginning. You feel like a stranger, maybe even unwelcome.

    Disclosure: I did enjoy your guides and think they are great, and I do not want final answers to those, just to hear your or maybe others thoughts. I am just using your blog post to promote discussion. Sorry if this is a bad place to do it.
    Posted 02-22-2018 at 07:56 PM by qmu qmu is offline
  2. Old Comment
    CSasha's Avatar
    Hello qmu,

    Many thanks for inspiring a discussion. Here are my thoughts:

    Yes, I have seen most posts contributed by a minority of posters. And I agree missing out something can be disappointing and discouraging to join at all. Though I think thaz can br countered with small number and start bonuses, like a bonus for the first post, stretch goals for number of total posters, and a bonus for posting at least 3, 5 or 10 times for example. Or add opportunities to add a lot, like with a chain bonus of consecutive posts or lucky post id chances like a big prime number bonus as in my loser add deepthroats thread.

    I agree to disagree on the catch 22. But I think we agree I listed plenty of options like this, and only few mandatory issues.

    I am not sure what you mean with the "panic button". I totalky agree to keep it sane and be open to prioritize the own safety over completing any dares. Of course, every time you do, you damage your authencity and therefore support for future threads. But as long as you communicate, respect and pay back the effort of your audiences care and contributions, you ll be better off then by wracking yourself going through it. Don't go to easy on yourself, but don't go too hard on yourself either.

    Regarding slowing down, why would you want that? If you want certain amounts only, there are other games like dares and PM dares, bets and deals. The thrill is in not knowing how much you get. Though, keep it reasonable and build in safe lines. Like reduction tasks. You could also setup a maximum for posts or amounts, plain, or make the rule that it changes into X after that, or make it harder rather than easier to add after such. But the fun for all in an adding thread is to see how much they manage to add against the obstacles.
    Posted 02-23-2018 at 03:08 AM by CSasha CSasha is offline
  3. Old Comment
    silverdarknight's Avatar
    Offer deals. Offer people to do certain tasks themselves (within their limits) to add more or add something special. Offer them to do something very special yourself if they don't post for a certain time or post less, or post less keywords.
    I'll second this from my own experience.

    I'm much more interested in being involved in a thread where my involvement isn't limited to just 'here is your daily something' - if I can use my involvement to tease someone, or talk them into doing other things, or whatever then great.

    Do you think that after a thread gets running, the fact that the same few people keep posting and are the majority page after page may discourage new people to post?
    Again - although I only speak for myself - yes.
    If it's just a dogpile, I see no need to join myself. Partly because it feels a bit like bullying, but mostly because I'm bringing nothing to the party - my handful of posts are just going to get swamped and be irrelevant.
    Posted 02-23-2018 at 06:14 AM by silverdarknight silverdarknight is online now
    Updated 02-23-2018 at 01:47 PM by silverdarknight
  4. Old Comment
    Lemuricon's Avatar
    After reading over them (admittingly, too quickly so far) it got me thinking already.

    It is something I should conisder when making your looser thread. maybe considering to offer a change of rules to make it fit in better...

    We'll see

    Thank you a lot for all the information Cassandra
    Posted 02-23-2018 at 10:55 AM by Lemuricon Lemuricon is offline
  5. Old Comment
    CSasha's Avatar
    You are welcome.
    Posted 02-23-2018 at 07:19 PM by CSasha CSasha is offline

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