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Old 12-30-2011, 07:30 PM   #1
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Default A Dare for the Best! First story :)

Hehe, my very first post on this site, and my very first story ever! I hope you guys like my story

A Dare for the Best
--Chapter 1--

“Dude quit being a pussy!” I yelled over towards my friend Jake, he was being completely unfair and a sore loser at that. He was kind of stuck up, the jock type. Was around 5’6 and 15 years old with medium length brown hair that he kept slicked backwards with his beanie that he constantly wore.

“Shut up! I only made you ding-dong ditch on Mr. Jehnsons door, he isn’t even that bad. I am -not- going to ding-dong ditch the Park Manger. Hell no!” he shouted back, he was quite temperamental when things didn’t go his way.

“Jimmys right, Jake. You’re being a pussy. You’ve gotta follow the rules of the game, or don’t play.” Ashley refuted to Jake whom was currently sulking against the railing of the Merry-go round. She was a pretty girl, long curly blonde hair, brightest blue eyes, and a complete fashion snob. She looked like one of the preppy girls that would bully the rest of the school, except she wasn’t, and we all loved her for it. She had a heart of gold and was nice to everyone. She was also in the same grade as me, a junior, and made a good chemistry buddy.

“Gahh! Whatever, I’m getting you fags back twice as worse.” Jake growled as he hopped off the Merry go-round. Me, Ashley and Jenna just looked at eachother out of excitement, this was gonna be funny.

This was a usual Friday night for us trailer park kids, there wasn’t really much to do except hang out at the park, and usually that wasn’t even that fun. But lately we’ve decided to mix it up with a game of truth or dare, and it’s been pretty ‘Appropriate’ sofar. Nobody has gotten naked or anything as of yet, but I’m still waiting for it to happen, that’s usually what it leads to.

As we followed Jake towards the front of the park it was pitch black outside, perfect. We only do these types of dares at night anyway, less risky that way.

“Ayo, Jim, you think he’ll actually do it? We should get Ricky!” Jenna said as she jogged up to me, this was a pretty big deal, the Park Manager was a giant grouch, and just fun to mess with. And of course she’d be a part of the group, Jenna was the tom-boy of the group, she didn’t look like it, but she acted like it. She was Jakes age but looked a lot more mature, she wore her medium length brown hair back in a ponytail and was actually pretty good looking. She tried to be the big sister of us all, but didn’t realize she was one of the youngest.

“He looks pretty serious, but like….He’s gonna know it’s us! Randy will.” I replied back to Jenna, I mean, there wasn’t really anybody else that would do something like this, we were the only kids in the park.

“Oh shut up, he won’t have any proof! He’s the park manager, not jesus.”

“Ugh whatever, but I’m not taking the blame again!”

“You won’t have to, because he’ll never know!”

I just sorta shrugged; Jenna was pretty hard headed and didn’t really have a care in the world. I was usually the person who thought too much and tried to warn everybody. But for the most part I had to keep my mouth closed, didn’t want to be the downer of the group.

“Sooo should we get Ricky?” Jenna added again, she kinda had a thing for him, everyone seen it but her.

“Nah, he’s pretty annoying and I don’t feel like dealing with that. Plus we’re already near Randy’s trailer.”

“Whatever.” She said irritably, she knew I didn’t like him, but she still tried to make him apart of the group. He was an arrogant little muscle head, and his cockiness just irritated me.
As we rounded Randy’s trailer we’d all huddle along the side walk at the corner of the street, his trailer sat on the corner and looked over the field that laid at the front of the park, where we usually played football or something during the summer. Right now it was deserted and the grass was growing wild, probably because it was almost winter and Randy didn’t feel like cutting the grass this close to snowfall.

“Alright, when I do this you guys better run like fuck! I am -not- getting caught because of you guys.” Jake stated as he backed away from the group with a serious expression, he had to be careful to duck under Randy’s widow’s since the lights were still on, wouldn’t want to get caught before it even started.

While we all waited in anticipation while Jake made his way to Randy’s door, Jenna and Ashley were non-stop jabbering, they were totally gonna blow our cover.

“Shut up! You’re gonna get us caught!” I yelled in a hushed whisper, if that makes any sense at all. They were being obnoxious, and I couldn’t let us get caught. And due to me hushing the girls I missed Jake knocking on the door, and as soon as I turned my head to check he was already zipping past me, that was my signal to run like hell! Pivoting on my heels I dashed along the sidewalk and turned the corner with the others to make us officially past Randy’s house, that didn’t mean however that we couldn’t hear him yelling form his porch at us.

“You damn kids, I’ve got you on camera!” he yelled after us, he wasn’t gonna leave the porch, but he wanted to scare us into thinking we were on camera. I really doubted it.

“Is he serious? Do you think he has us on camera?” Jake said to us while running, he sure was a little wuss underneath that jock exterior.

“I doubt it, this place cant affo-“ I started, but due to my head facing Jake I couldn’t see the person in front of me who was inconveniently walking at this hour and had gotten plowed to the ground by my ignorant running.

“I’m sorry!” was all I said as I hurriedly got off of him, we were still running away from Randy, and we all probably looked pretty suspicious, but it’s better we look suspicious than actually get caught. I couldn’t help but look back a few times while we ran down the length of the road. From the glimpse I got of the boy’s face he was pretty cute, blonde hair, looked about my age. That was all I really saw though, and now I was curious whether he just moved in here, or if he was visiting.

“Alright we can walk now.” Jenna panted as she slowed down to a power walk, snapping my attention away from the thousands of thoughts that now occupied my mind.

Deciding that we’d all head back to the park and chill there for a few hours we’d stop at my trailer first. It was one of the nicest in the park and was generally the hang-out spot. Everyone liked it at my house for some reason, I never personally understood it, I only had an xbox 360 with a few games, which was about it.

“Welcome back kids! So where are you hiding the joint?” My mom questioned jokingly, she knew we were teenagers and suspected us of these kinds of acts, but for the most part we were pretty good kids.

“Hah, just smoked a doobie before we walked in, no need to worry it’s all gone.” I joked back at her, her jaw dropped for a moment and then turned to a smile, half from disbelief that I actually said that and half because I probably look like I -would- do it.

“Nah no need to worry Jill, I keep these boys in line.” Jenna said playfully as she punched me in the arm, she always tried to take some kind of big sister role, regardless of the fact she was a grade lower than me, and Ashley at that.

“You guys want a drink? You know to help yourselves.” I called out from the kitchen, pouring a glass of sprite for myself, the rest of the kids came out and helped themselves, they’ve grown accustomed to it after the years of hanging out here. My mom enjoyed the company; she always says that she’d rather have everyone hang out here, then at some place where she couldn’t keep an eye on us.

“Did you see that boy Jenna? He was totally hot! God I wish we could have got his name or something.” Ashley said to Jenna, this was probably the conversation I interrupted before I plowed the boy down, easing into the conversation as I sipped on my Sprite.

“Oh my god yes! He was fricken gorgeous, blonde hair, green eyes, slender body. Perfect.” Jenna said excitedly, she may play the tom-boy roll, but she was a pure heterosexual.

During this entire conversation Jake was just rolling his eyes, and Ashley kept giving me “The look”. She knew I was gay, and so did Jake, actually. Jake and I did some experimenting about a year ago, a dare to give eachother a handjob, we’ve done it a few times since, but it was always on the down-low, nobody else knew but us. Other than that however Jake came off as the straightest guy ever, not to mention he was a man-whore and constantly shared his experiences with all these girls with me, no idea why he did it since he knew I was gay, I guess he just liked to brag.

“Be right back, gonna change and use the bathroom.” I said to the group. Getting up from the table I put my cup in the sink and walked down the hallway and took a left, my bedroom was the first on the left and was pretty neat and tidy, I couldn’t stand a messy room. Taking of my black and white striped shorts I’d put on a pair of faded brown jeans, one of my favorite pairs. While I was in the process of this Jake would walk in.

“Sup.” was all he said as he walked forward and grabbed my package through my boxers, I just sorta smiled and knocked his hand away.

“Not now dude, my parents are in the living room and Jenna and Ashley are in the kitchen….Pervert!.” I snarled back at him jokingly, pulling my pants back up and tightening them with a belt. “Don’t you have a girl for every day of the week anyway?”
“Uhhhh No. And you know you want to, cmonn real quick!” He pushed on, I really did, he was fucking gorgeous! And he had a big penis, which was even more fun. But I just didn’t want to risk it, my parents didn’t know I was gay, plus my friends were in the other room, it just wouldn’t feel right.

“No man! Maybe some other time.” I said alittle more seriously, turning around and opening my closet door I’d pull out a black hoodie with a label that said ‘Save energy, Play in the dark.’ It was one of my favorite hoodies, it had a little sexual innuendo in it and was quite comftorable.

“Whatever dude.” Jake replied defeated, but not in an angry way, he understood of course, but he liked to play around, which really made me curious since he was “Straight” and he’d never date another guy, yet he liked to play with another guys penis. Curious isn’t it?

“Take the others to the park, I’ll meet up with you guys in abit.” I’d say as I walked out of my bedroom and walked across the hall into the bathroom, which was directly across from my room. Slipping the hoodie over my head I’d check myself out in the mirror, shagging my medium length brown hair to the left so it would curve around my blue eyes and hang over my forehead, it would have a natural messy look, which Ashley always told me was cute, but I kinda liked it straightened. It looked smoother that way, and stayed well kept without me doing much. I didn’t really care at the moment however, I wasn’t gonna be bothered into taking 15 minutes just to straighten my hair.

I took a few more minutes just looking at myself, it was a bad habit but I always had something I could pick out about myself that I didn’t like, I hated my appearance, I sure as hell didn’t think I was attractive. But everyone else didn’t agree with me. It was confusing at times, but then again I didn’t really care, it was a meaningless thing to worry about.

Opening the bathroom door and making my way to the living room, the others had already left as I expected and of course, my mom would ask me what I was doing.

“Aaaannd where do you think you’re going?” she’d ask me while she sat at the end of the couch, she looked tired, her hair was up in a bun as always, and she was still in her work beige work scrubs.

“Just to the park with the others, don’t worry we’ll be quiet.” I stated as I opened the front door to head out. She’d talk my ear of if I stayed any longer.

“Be home within the next hour!” she shouted after me as I closed the door, whatever, I already planned on that anyway. It was late fall and it was starting to get cold out, didn’t want freeze.

Cutting through the yards as the trailers in this park were usually back to back on the 4 roads, probably why it was so small. The park was only 2 streets away from mine, so I only had to cut through 2 peoples yards, and they usually don’t mind. They understand if I didn’t cut through there yard, I’d have to walk -all- the way down the street and then turn on the back road just to get to the park. When it was so much easier to just cut through the streets and get directly to the park.

As I closed in on the park I could see the others sitting on the merry-go round, Jake was pushing it and the girls were having a ball just twirling round and round on that thing.

“Hiya.” I greeted as I walked up to the spinning toy, eyeing it as it span around and around I’d find the perfect time to hop on, and did so. It was going pretty fast but since we’ve grown up with this thing we’d of mastered every aspect of it, creating numerous games on it and what not just to keep us occupied.

“What should we do now?” Jenna asked as she whipped out from hanging half way off of the Merry-go round and joined us on the top of the railing that spread out in 5 directions from the middle, much like a star.

“We could go in the woods and play hide ‘n go seek in the dark.” Jake suggested since the trailer park was surrounded by lots of woods.

“How bout….No!” I snapped back at him jokingly, I wasn’t very afraid of the dark, but it would be too hard to play hide and seek in a giant forest with only 3 kids to look for, and I really didn’t feel like doing that.

“Pussy, how bout we continue our game of truth or dare then?” he said while getting off of the Merry-go round to push us again, being the macho jock he liked to look all big and bad, we didn’t really care, we got a free push out of it!

“Alright then, Jenna, truth or dare?” I asked her to start the game of truth or dare, she usually picked dare since she liked to prove her toughness to the boys, but she was also pretty unpredictable.

“Truth.” She’d reply almost instantly, she probably figured that I’d figure she’d pick dare, whatever.

“Mmk. Do you fantasize about having a intimate make-out session with Ricky and end up having 12 kids together?” I said half joking with her, and half out of spite since I knew she had a thing with him.

“Tottalllly! Ashley, truth or dare.” Jenna asked as soon as Jake jumped back on the Merry-go round, we were spinning pretty fast now but that didn’t stop my attention from snapping to a walking figure down the back street, and due to our rapid spinning I’d have to twist my head around constantly just to keep a constant eye on him. It was the same blonde haired kid that I ran into earlier, and Jenna and Ashley were absolutely right, he was freaking gorgeous. He was listening to his iPod and walking alone, he’d occasionally bring his hand up and wipe his hair out of his eyes and back down his face. It was adorable!

“Jimmy, truth or dare.” Ashley asked me, I’d kind of just look confused as I missed Ashley’s turn since my attention was stolen by the cutest boy I’d ever set my eyes on. And I think Ashley knew it since she was glancing between me and the boy while we twirled around and around.

“Uhh right…Dare.” I’d say with a shrug, what’s the worst they could do? I’ve already ding-dong ditched some old grouchy man. I was also pretty shameless, so bring on the sexual dares!

“I dare you to walk up to that blonde haired boy and start a conversation with him.” She’d say with a mischievous grin, she was truly evil. I would much rather of ran around this park 10 times naked.

“No! No, I can’t!” I said desperately, when it came to boys, I was horribly shy, and especially this one, he was fucking gorgous.

“You can, and you will!” Jenna cut in, pushing me off of the Merry-go round since I was leaning against the edge of the railing, near the opening where you jump on. Due to my amazing balance however I’d catch myself and just shoot Jenna an angry look, this was torture. To get my little revenge however I’d reach out towards the spinning Merry-go round and grip the railing tightly, brining the spinning toy to a dead stop. Causing Jenna and Ashley to fall over while Jake was only shaken.

“Douchebag!” Jenna and Ashley said simultaneously at me, whatever, that was my little pay back for them making me do this, god I was already shaking out of nervousness.

Walking up to the front of the park I’d step onto the sidewalk, the boy was already quite abit ahead of me, and I would have to do some speed walking to catch up to him. My heart was beating heavily in my chest, I was so nervous! But for the dare to count the others would have to see, and that means it’s a ticking time bomb until the boy walks out of the parks view, so I’d have to act quickly. Contemplating it in my head over and over again what to say, I figured I’d make it up on the spot, I was usually pretty good at that when it came to lying, and this was kinda like lying wasn’t it? I didn’t really know at this moment, nor did I care. Ugh! I had to get my head together.

As the boy rounded the corner and walked down the side length of the park I’d have to hurry this up, after a few more minutes he’d be out of the parks sight, and I’d lose the dare. I figured whatever, fuck it. I’ll just get it done and over with. Or that’s what I told myself, my heart was still beating 1000 times a second in my chest.

Jogging up to the boy I was walking directly behind him, this was it, taking a deep breath I’d step out beside him and tap him lightly on the shoulder, oh god my heart was going crazy.

“H-Hiya!” I said nervously as he took out his earbuds to look at me, I was dying, the confused look on his face was absolutely gorgous!

“…Huh..?” he’d reply rather confused, he must of missed my greeting as he was taking out his earbuds.

“Uh, Hiya. So I guess you’re ne-…New here?” I asked with a nervous studder, oh god I hope he didn’t notice, I couldn’t make myself look like an idiot infront of him, he was just too perfect.

“Yeah, my dad got a job in the area.” He replied with a sigh, he looked pretty disappointed, I couldn’t help but kick into my empathetic mode and try and figure out a bit more, if I could make him smile it would make my day, No! It would make my year, he was so beautiful! Just the way he walked with a slight strut, his mesmerizing voice that almost gave me a hard on, and just his beautiful face that was perfect in every way.

“Well I’m James, but everyone calls me Jim or Jimmy. So did you like it where you lived?” I’d ask trying to get abit more out of him, if I figured out some more I could possibly give him some soothing words to help him out. Everyone told me I could be a counselor but I guess it’s just a hobby of mine; I liked to make people feel better, seeing a smile on someone’s face, and knowing you’re the reason for it, is just so fulfilling. And to put a smile on this boy’s face, oh god I don’t even know how rewarding that would be.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Timothy, but you can call me Tim or Timmy.” He said while mustering a smile, I nearly died at that point; he had the most beautiful smile known to man. And he was a true gentleman, stopping his walk to offer me friendly handshake. “And yeah, I guess I did like it where I lived, had lots of friends and what not. You really don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” He said to me while shaking my hand, I couldn’t do anything but give him an empathetic look and shake his hand in return, which I did rather shakily, even as we were in conversation I was nervous as hell, just his presence was overwhelming.

“I’m so sorry dude, I know what it’s like to move. A few years back I moved here from a few cities away, I had loads of friends, a good school. All that stuff, it was hard at first, but after awhile I made new friends, and well….You get used to it.” I’d say giving him a slight smile and gesturing over to my friends who have moved from the Merry-go round to the jungle gym to get a better view.

“I don’t know….I guess only time can tell.” He replied with a shrug, looking over to my friends for a quick moment and then back at me. Stopping this time, “Well I’ve got to go in, this is my house here, uhm…. You can stop by whenever, er. Jim was it? I don’t really know anybody in this area and you seem like a cool dude.” He added as he backed up in his drive-way. His trailer was across from the park, and was one of the smaller trailers, a single wide. And it actually looked pretty beat up.

“Alrighty dude, I’ll be sure to do that, nice meeting you.” I said backing away slightling, giving him a kind smile and waving towards him as he walked into his trailer, before he closed the door however he’d glance at me quickly then wave goodbye. Exhaling deeply I felt like I was floating, he was the cutest boy I’ve ever laid eyes on, and he was actually a pretty sweet dude.

I couldn’t help but walk back to the group with a smile on my face, I wasn’t the only one however, Ashley and Jenna were glaring at me with eager smiles, curious to know every little details. I didn’t know if Jenna knew if I was gay, but I assumed Ashley had told her, but still was weary to come right out with it. “Timothy was his name.” I’d say with a wide smile, climbing up onto the jungle gym and just sitting on the bars for awhile. And before the girls would barge me with a million questions I figured I’d just come right out with it and tell them everything.

“He moved her with his dad because his dad got a new job, and that’s all I got out of him.” I recited towards the group. Jake was hanging by his knee’s at the end of the jungle gym and looked rather un-interested. Ashley and Jenna however couldn’t help but look between themselves and have a fit of giggles, I’d never understand them.

Still shaking from my encounter with Timothy I wasn’t sure if it was out of excitement, or because I was freezing my balls off. Either way it was getting about that time I had to head home and the others aswell.

“I guess I’ll see you guys later, I’ve got to get home.” I said with a sigh, hopping down from the jungle gym and making my way through the park. Giving them all a wave as they all started to depart aswell I’d enjoy some quiet time so I could repeat everything Timothy ever said in my head over and over again. Everything about him was perfect, and I couldn’t get over that. And for a split second when he was entering his house it looked like he was checking me out, maybe that was just my imagination, but I swore I saw it.

“Yeah it’s 11:30 and you were suppose to be back a half hour ago, I’m going to bed, and so are you!” she stated irritably, she had a thing about me going to bed the same time as her, she got paranoid if I was up by myself during the night, me being a teenager I suppose I could understand where she was coming from.

Walking into my room I’d shut the door and get myself ready for bed, stripping out of my clothes and flipping on my Tv and putting it on the Spanish channel, I was determined to learn Spanish, and have been since the beginning of the year since I no longer have an actual Spanish class, my schedule didn’t have time for it this year and I was actually quite bummed out about it. I wouldn’t even watch Tv that night however, turning in my bed I had one thing on my mind, and that was Timothy.
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:28 PM   #2
Dylan xX
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I brought him to gD just saying,

I want credit for his story,

jk, he's awesome.


Beautifully written and nice long chapter
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Old 12-31-2011, 04:46 AM   #3
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Dylan always gets the cute guys! So. Not. Fair.

Brilliant story btw keep it up, loads of potential!

Carmen xx
I'm a free lil pup
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Old 12-31-2011, 12:39 PM   #4
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Aww thanks! I'll try and get a chapter every friday, if not sooner
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Old 01-01-2012, 02:37 AM   #5
Demon Thief
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Nicely written. I can't wait for more.
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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Old 01-01-2012, 10:52 AM   #6
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Thanks! Also if I might ask, who are those quotes by? I know them aha.
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Old 01-01-2012, 11:00 AM   #7
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nice story. can't wait for an update(i love a story with a little mystery invovled lol)
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Old 01-01-2012, 03:32 PM   #8
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Hehe thanksies! I'll be trying every friday

Last edited by Ambrosius; 01-04-2012 at 06:51 PM.
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Old 01-03-2012, 07:53 PM   #9
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Awesome! Epic story man Looking forward to reading more
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Old 01-04-2012, 06:53 PM   #10
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The feedback means alot guys <3, it keeps my motivation going!
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