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Old 12-18-2011, 01:41 PM   #1
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Female Help... ...Less

Hey everybody. I'm back with my next story. This is a small part of it and I've already written about 6 pages of it on my word document. Don't nag me about it not being realistic. This story is purely meant for you to be horny so shut up and read.

My name is Clyde. A regular 5'3” 19 year old guy. I am writing this to whoever finds it. Don't be discouraged if you hear bad news. Just listen. My adventure started one day when I was walking to school. It was a gloomy dark day, and I was going through the woods. Now don't expect me to get jumped by a bunch of guys or the whole cheerleader squad and forced nude or something stupid like that, because, I'm a nice guy. Just because some one is walking through the woods alone doesn't mean they get jumped by a football team or something. More importantly, I was walking through the woods. Gloomy day. Ya-da ya-da ya-da . There was one thing I didn't expect that day though. Other than not getting to school (on time anyway).
I was steady, going across a trail of gravel, parallel to my current one. And a pickup truck went by right behind me. But right in that split second, I knew something was wrong. It wasn't something I heard, smelt, or saw. It was the thing I didn't hear, smell, and I halfway saw it. The pickup truck. It was translucent. Yes, I could see through the other side, yet I could still see it. No sound. Not even a whip of wind to my ears nor a feeling of wind blowing.

I turned around, wary of what the truck could be, standing utterly still, an orange dot on a blue canvas. And what happened had happened so fast, I could hardly remember. All I can remember, was a hand, reaching for me and although I pulled myself away, I was quickly pulled into the pickup truck. As I dropped my things, my backpack and whatnot, I wondered about them. Would anyone notice them being gone? Forget that. Would anyone notice me being gone? Where am I going anyway? Nope. I just didn't know. Oh well. See family again? Probably not. See my own face again? More likely but still probably not. See the sun again? Maybe. See tomorrow? Not likely. I guess this wasn't my first near death experience. When I was helping out a school move chairs down a ramp, half of them fell in my direction. I ducked and I guess the legs formed somewhat of a tunnel around me. Yep. Adrenaline. I guess it's the small things that really cause my adrenaline to rush. Thankfully, someone up there likes me. Maybe I will be shown the same compassion as I have before.

My name is Clyde. A regular 5'3” 19 year old guy. I am writing this to whoever finds it. Don't be discouraged if you hear bad news. Just listen. My adventure started one day when I was walking to school. It was a gloomy dark day, and I was going through the woods. Now don't expect me to get jumped by a bunch of guys or the whole cheerleader squad and forced nude or something stupid like that, because, I'm a nice guy. Just because some one is walking through the woods alone doesn't mean they get jumped by a football team or something. More importantly, I was walking through the woods. Gloomy day. Ya-da ya-da ya-da . There was one thing I didn't expect that day though. Other than not getting to school (on time anyway).
I was steady, going across a trail of gravel, parallel to my current one. And a pickup truck went by right behind me. But right in that split second, I knew something was wrong. It wasn't something I heard, smelt, or saw. It was the thing I didn't hear, smell, and I halfway saw it. The pickup truck. It was translucent. Yes, I could see through the other side, yet I could still see it. No sound. Not even a whip of wind to my ears nor a feeling of wind blowing.

I turned around, wary of what the truck could be, standing utterly still, an orange dot on a blue canvas. And what happened had happened so fast, I could hardly remember. All I can remember, was a hand, reaching for me and although I pulled myself away, I was quickly pulled into the pickup truck. As I dropped my things, my backpack and whatnot, I wondered about them. Would anyone notice them being gone? Forget that. Would anyone notice me being gone? Where am I going anyway? Nope. I just didn't know. Oh well. See family again? Probably not. See my own face again? More likely but still probably not. See the sun again? Maybe. See tomorrow? Not likely. I guess this wasn't my first near death experience. When I was helping out a school move chairs down a ramp, half of them fell in my direction. I ducked and I guess the legs formed somewhat of a tunnel around me. Yep. Adrenaline. I guess it's the small things that really cause my adrenaline to rush. Thankfully, someone up there likes me. Maybe I will be shown the same compassion as I have before.

What seemed like a few hours later, I awoke from my thoughts, fully aware of my surroundings. I am an observant person. I guess it just grew on me and stuck with me, never leaving me like a curse. An omen it is. Yes an omen. They say curiosity kills the cat. It might kill me. It might just save my life however. I guess that's the story of my life. I guess not being curious will one day seal my fate and cause me to save my own self. I guess also my problem. I just can't stop thinking like that. I just don't know. I was thrown out of the car, a brick and a window. I saw a figure, and I went cold. You know when you sleep and you go cold but you don't know the exact moment you go cold. This is different. I felt myself, in broad daylight, being put in a sleep, not an easy sleep, a restless, fight to live, sleep.
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Old 01-01-2012, 08:40 PM   #2
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Default The Next Part

Ok guys. Your in for a huge treat. Sissies get your panties on. I have decided to give each and every one of you the story up to the point I am at now. Enjoy.

I woke up again, not aware of wear I was, what time it was, or even how long I had been out. I noticed my surroundings, a look of something like an everyday office. I tried to get up. Nope. Chains all around me. Too heavy to lift. Then I heard clicking. Lots of clicking. Too much. A true office, I was in. I heard a loud beep, like an old fashioned intercom. “Would the newest member of our office be escorted to the administration office?” A woman's voice said. Suddenly, 2 girls, both wearing white blouses showing a lot of cleavage and a hint of the bra walked toward the table I was laying on, pulled the chains off me and, with each grasping an arm, dragged me through several doors and into a hall. Then I noticed one thing. I was naked. But I couldn't really think or anything. I would tell you more details but I honestly don't remember much. Shortly, we arrived at what looked at an office more. It had chairs around a table and a secretary. But this secretary looked suddenly older than everyone else. Interesting. The girls sat me in the chair, and stood behind me like security guards.

The secretary sat down in front of me and said, “My name is Nicole. Welcome to Germany young American. We are currently in the Black Forest. We have a job application for you. There is a contract. If you choose not to sign the contract, we will be forced to extract you into the Black Forest alone. The job is a pool swimmer. We are paying you with a home and a job for you to swim in our pool. Do you accept?”

I didn't know what to say. I do enjoy swimming and how could I survive in the Black Forest alone. It seems convincing. “I will accept.” I said. “Let me read the contract though.”
Nikki handed me the contract, 294 pages long. I was not going to read that. I signed it. Not caring about it.
She took the contract and said, “Ladies, please escort him to Miss Doe.” The 2 girls walked me down several flights of stairs and through a door to a large room with a desk, a few chairs, and a wide open space. Sitting in the desk was a woman wearing the uniform outfit just about everyone else was wearing. Mrs. Doe.
“You don't look like swimmer material.” She said. “You signed the contract? Correct?”
“Yes.” I answered.
“Good.” She replied. “Go through that room.” She pointed to a door to my left that was closed and had a large lock on it. “At the end of that dorm is a locker room. Locker 2219 is yours. Grab the robe from it, put it on, and return here.” I walked through the door, naked. When I looked, there were a bunch of girls all doing there thing. And they all suddenly looked straight at me as I walked through the dorm room trying to cover myself up. At the end was a locker room. I looked through them all and finally found locker 2219. Under the number I found the season Summer. I opened the locker. But first, I know what your thinking. She didn't give you a combo. Duh. There is no lock on any of the lockers. I opened the locker. And I found a Pink Robe. I put it on reluctantly and wrestled my way back with a boner.

“Good to see you can follow basic instructions. Now are you ready to be a swimmer?” Mrs. Doe asked. “Yes?” I answered. Why would she ask me that? “No you are not.” She replied. “You look nothing like one. I look at you and see a man in a pink robe, but when I see you after your training, you will be a fully sexy secretary. It was in your contract. You didn't think we would be paying you to actually swim in a pool, did you? Our current secretary was swimming for 25 years, and now, you will too. By swimming, we mean working. The pool is the office. I hope you enjoy your time with us Miss. Half an hour down, 25 years without half an hour to go. Why don't we get you in your perfect figure, you have to be sexy you know. Go follow that door on your right, Linda is waiting for you.” I was astonished. Had my life been completely torn apart by Germans with mysterious American accents? Was I going to see home again. Why am I supposed to be sexy? I am a man. So many questions. So confused.

I just did so. I slowly strutted through the door, that also had a large lock on it, and closed it. And I heard the door lock. Click. I tried to open it again, but no. Re-enforced with steel. Not going to happen. “Hello.” I said. “Is anyone here?” Then Linda came out of what seemed to be nowhere. “Oh. Mr. Clyde, you are here. Are you prepared for what is coming?” She asked. “Preparing for what?” I asked in return. “Never mind that.” She answered. “Just strip and sit down in my salon chair and let me strap you in.” I reluctantly stripped and sat down and immediately, Linda pulled steel around my wrists, ankles, and my forehead. It was loose enough for me to move, but too tight to free myself. A shower of what seemed like regular water and soap spread all over me, and suddenly, all my body, facial, and pubic hair ran off. “This are some special hormones invented and discovered by our research department. You should never have any hair other than the head again.” I was again, astonished. Never again. I could feel my skin getting goosebumps from it already. No, not from the sudden lack of hair to keep me warm, but the sudden, thought of no hair there ever again.
“You need some hair honey,” Linda said. “You description lists you as a brunette, but you will be a good, sexy blond for us easily. Your hair will grow in soon.” I felt my hair slowly becoming longer. I couldn't say I expected this. Oh well. I felt my self go cold again. Dark, cold, nothingness.

I woke up again. With bandages all around my chest, and on my face. “Welcome back to reality.” A voice said. “We gave you a facial surgery, a vocal chord change, and some breasts. Small breasts, which you will determine the size of later. That was about a month ago, and now you are fully recovered. Your hair is completely grown.” Linda (probably) said. “We had trouble removing your penis, due to your contract, we are not authorized by Germany to fully give a sex change. Your penis is still there. But you will have to wear a chastity belt. Mrs. Doe will give you one later.” I was once again, you guessed it, astonished. They had changed my body to a new level. What had I ever done to them I wonder.

“We wanted you to know of the makeup and such.” Linda said. I tried to speak but I realized, I was gagged with something. “We will be applying the works, which, due to our research department, should last 6 months.” I was in for it. I wanted to protest so much, but what could I do? They had completely changed me. I could only remember myself as what I had been a month ago. And what happened recently, I don't remember. What could have happened? What is Steve Jobs doing? Has he finally developed 5G? Screw that, I don't even know what year it is!

Linda began working on my make up, applying mascara, eyeliner, foundation, lipstick, eyeshadow, nail polish, and so many other things I can't even pronounce. Until finally, she was done. I was in the full image of a girl, for at least a month. Linda removed the gag and said, “Mrs. Doe is ready to see you, through the door you came in through.” I wasn't going to pay Mrs. Doe any respect now. I was deceived. I felt like I was just one of those good guys in a movie wear something terrible happens and there is no good ending. Damn, I hate those movies right now. I put my pink robe on, which seems to have not moved, and walked through the door again. I was hoping for the best, but I knew, I was going to get nothing near it.

“Summer! Good you are finally done.” Mrs. Doe said. Who was she talking to? Me? “Who are you talking to? I'm Clyde. Remember?” Mrs. Doe stuttered and said with a tone of disbelief, “Well you don't look like Clyde.” She had a point there. I probably looked completely different. “What is the name on your robe?” She asked. “Summer.” I said agreeing. “And what is the name on your locker?” Mrs. Doe asked. “Summer.”
“Then your name must be Summer right?”
I said nothing, I couldn't give in. Although I had to agree that the name on my locker and the name on my robe said Summer. My name was my birth right. I have to be able to use it. “I am Clyde. You may not take my name away from me.” Mrs. Doe smacked me across my cheek. “You are Summer. We have the right to in the contract you signed. And remember, we put thousands of Euros into your sex change. You have to work for us for 10 years or more just to pay it off. Then you have to work for 5 years for the training. It was all in the agreement. We did not rush you to sign it or anything. It was your choice to sign it. We only said we would have to leave you naked outside our corporation if you did not cooperate. No excuses, or it is on your money, and therefore, your time. Be a good girl, and you won't have any more debt to the corporation.” She had a point. A very sharp, strong point.
“I only have one question,” I said, “When all my 25 years is up, I can be a male again, correct?”
“No,” She answered. “All male to female sex changes are permanent.” I was sad. Distressed over and over again. “My parents will notice me kidnapped.” I said. “This won't last long.”
“Your parents are fully aware that you agreed to the contract. You will see your parents every Chrismas for 3 weeks off.” Mrs. Doe said. “It is now March, and you have a few months to go.” She smirked.

“Fuck you!” I screamed. “I can never lead a normal life because of you! I didn't want this! Isn't there a 30 day period be fore this contract takes affect. I want out.”
“Silly Summer,” She began. “You may not yell at me under any circumstances. You may not have wanted this but you agreed to it. And there was a 30 day period. It was up yesterday. Now go to your locker, Summer, and put on your uniform. Your uniform will be the only clothes in your locker. Take off your robe and leave it here. Come right back. Every second after 3 minutes is a notch and 5 spanks. Go now.” I took off my robe and began speed walking away to the locker rooms. I didn't care of the other girls. They didn't matter. Locker 2219. Summer. I opened the locker to find a black skirt, hot pink panties, a matching hot pink bra, a chastity belt, high heels, a white blouse, corset, and sheer stockings. Just what all the other girls were wearing. I put them on quickly, so fast, I did not notice how they felt, and I went straight back to Mrs. Doe.

“Good timing. Only 6 seconds too late. Most newbies aren't that obedient. You will be a nice secretary when we are done with you.” I knew what I had coming, 30 spankings and 6 notches, whatever those are. “What are notches?” I asked. “Notches are locks we have on your uniform. They prevent you from taking off your uniform. There are 10 notches. Each of which is a new level. Come see the notch chart over here with me.”

1 Bra Strap Back
2 Bra Strap Front
3 Panty Belt
4 Neck Lock
5 Left Heel
6 Right Heel
7 Skirt Belt
8 Blouse chains
9 Corset Chains
10 Body Rope

Dang. That is a lot. I forgot to describe the clothes too. Skirt: Plain black office skirt with built in inside belt that had 2 loops for a lock. Panties: Hot Pink with belt and loops just like skirt. Bra: Hot pink with loops on front and back. Triangle top. Heels: Bright Red 6.5” with loops (for lock) on the straps. Corset: Skin tone with loops on the back part with strings. Stockings: Sheer white. Blouse: white and tight with a notch where the tag should be.

“Ok. I'll get the notches. You just relax.” Mrs. Doe said. She first pulled the back of my blouse up to my bra loops and put a notch on it and did the same to the front of my bra. I could not take my bra off. Then she lowered my skirt down to the panty line and put a notch on it, making me unable to remove my panties. She grabbed the neck on my blouse and notched it. Finally she locked my heels. I couldn't remove anything practically. “You will learn to be a good girl. Get on your hands and knees for your spanking. She got a huge paddle and didn't hold anything back- hopefully. It didn't feel good. Let's just say, I was sore after wards.

“All right,” Mrs. Doe said. “Look in the mirror now. You look gorgeous don't you. The men will be all over you. You will be irresistible. And you will be a great female worker. Judging by that bulge, I saw in you before I put the chastity belt on, I can tell you are enjoying this. Are you not?”
I did not know what to say, for I did enjoy it. But I couldn't tell anyone. No, not a single soul could know of this. “No. I do not enjoy this.” WHAP! Mrs. Doe slapped me across my face. “You do enjoy this. I can tell. Even though you plead for me to stop I can tell, you are enjoying every minute of this. Do you understand not to lie to me or deceive me ever again?” I nodded. “Good.” She said. “Now you are ready for your training to begin. Go down the hall you came in to the 3rd door on the right. There is a room with the name Dr. Hart. You will train with him in the arts of literature, common sense, and femininity until he decides you are ready to begin working. Now remember, your 25 year career has not started yet, nor will it until the day you have completed training.”

I walked down the hall, as she had told me, and found, like she had said, Dr. Hart's room. I opened the door to find a girl screaming in a spanking position, being spanked by none other than Dr. Hart. “Have you no common sense?” He asked. “Knock next time. Emily,” the doctor looked at the girl he was spanking, “Your time is up, you are done with the spanking.” She stood up. And she looked like me actually, blonde hair, look-alike uniform and makeup. “Thank you,” Emily said. “I enjoyed the spankings very much sir.” She curtseyed and sat down in a small desk. I then noticed the room. It was complete with an office for Dr. Hart, 5 Mac computers, 4 desks (Other than Dr. Hart's), several suspending hooks, and a large chest.

“I am Dr. Hart.” He said. “Pleased to meet you. Sit down next to Emily here.” He showed me to a desk and I sat down. “Emily, congratulations. You have completed your training. I told you at the beginning of your training that when the next person came into my room, it would be the sign of your completion. Report to Mrs. Doe's office for a day of relaxation.”
“Thank you so much.” Emily curtseyed. She kissed him on the cheek and left, swaying her ass as she walked out.
“All right,” Dr. Hart said. “You are my next trainee. I do not like trainees like you. You are a pathetic slut. My punishments are harsh and humiliating. Some hurt. Some are uncomfortable. Some are just straight humiliating. Every time you are punished, however, you must curtsey and thank me for the punishment. When you do things right, you are released from notches. Understand? Good.” He didn't let me finish the question.

“Now see the word program on your Mac? Open it.” I clicked Microsoft word and opened it. “You will type every thing I say. The keyboard is customized. There is no backspace. Every 25 letters in a row you get right, I release a notch. Every letter you get wrong, I put an ice cube up your ass. Are you ready? Begin.”

“My name is Summer. I am a smart, pretty, and sexy secretary. I will be a good girl. I do what I am told. I am not heard but I am seen. I like to be seen. I like to look sexy. It is my job to look sexy. I like to be seen looking sexy. I am no male. I am a very attractive female. The men want me. The women want to be me. But I will keep myself locked away like me, a pretty girl should. I do what I am told and nothing less. I will take pain for the sake of my superiors and for the sake of my clients. The clients are the most important people here. They matter. I don't. I like to be punished. It reminds me of the bad deeds I have done and helps my conscience to remember to never do them again unless directed. I don't like to brag. I don't like to pant. I wear my clothes correctly and don't complain about anything.”

“Print that out and give it all to me.” Dr. Hart asked. I printed it and he motioned for me to come over to him. He pulled my body closer to him and had me sitting on his lap, my arm around his shoulder. I showed him the paper.
“Good job! Only 12 mistakes! And lucky you, I get to remove 5 notches. And since it is your first day, you have impressed me so much. I'll bend the rules for you and take off all 6 notches, if you do me a favor.
I was desperate. I wanted a clean slate. “Anything Dr. Hart.” I said. He began stripping me of my clothes, taking off the notches one by one. “The favor.” He said, “I want you to let me put in an ice cube at any time, anywhere for today, and you have to wear the items in the chest that I hand to you and only those items. Understand? Good. Strip completely, but leave the chastity belt on.” I stripped. He handed me first a thong, a blouse, high heels, and a really tight office skirt. I put them on and Dr. Hart walked over to the thermometer and turned the AC down to 53 degrees. I knew what I had coming. My tits were going to go hard.

“Now I'm going to insert 8 of them right now, just to give you the feel. Pull down your thong and skirt.” I didn't notice him getting the ice until- “EEEIIIIIKKKK!” I screamed as the cold feeling went into my anus. And another went in. They all began to fill my ass, making me feel cold both inside and outside, but still pleasured. I don't know how many went in, but probably more than 8. “There.” Dr. Hart said. “That wasn't so bad, was it?” It was.

“Moving on. Dress Code. As a secretary, you are to look sexy. Not slutty. You will wear a tight white blouse with the top 2 buttons undone to provide a lot of cleavage. You will wear a short, tight, black skirt. You will go to mandatory make up and inspections. You will wear stockings with a garter belt connected to panties. You will wear a bra, bright enough to be seen through the blouse. You will show off your panties as much as possible. Your heels will be at least 6” tall in red. You will walk, talk, and even think like the sexy girl you are.”

This Dress Code lecture was recorded and played back to me 10 times.

“Now for the quiz. Better insert those other 4 ice cubes.” I lowered my skirt and thong as he inserted the ice cubes, providing me in unbearable pain.
“How are you supposed to look, as a secretary?”
“What color are your heels?”
“How high are your heels?”
“6 inches.”
“Wrong. 6 inches is the bare minimum. Don't bother wearing any panties tonight while you sleep. Meet Mrs. Doe again for supper and she will show you your bed.” I curtseyed like Emily did, hoping I learned something.

“Summer.” Mrs. Doe said. “Good to see you again. How was your first day?”
“It sucked.”
“You don't know what sucking is. Listen you piece of crap. If you don't get your act together and be the good girl you are supposed to be, a firing will be in order, along with an enormous debt to pay from the surgeries, implants, and highly expensive cosmetics. Now, to teach you a lesson, I already got the message that you won't be wearing panties tonight. In fact, I think you should be sleeping with Dr. Hart tonight, just to make sure. I will e-mail him immediately. I will arrange for your nightwear to be brought to his office. He will take you to his room from there. And there will be plenty of time between dinner and lights out. The Dr. has many things indeed in mind. Now eat the salad on the table.”
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Old 01-03-2012, 03:07 AM   #3
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very nice, loved it. keep up the great work
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Old 01-04-2012, 01:45 PM   #4
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Default Oooh!

That was fantastic !
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Old 01-04-2012, 02:13 PM   #5
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Great story so far! Please go on
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Old 01-14-2012, 12:39 PM   #6
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I don't have the next part but I will have it probably by January 30. Happy New Year. Don't get your panties in a bunch (unless you like that kind of thing) and have a good year.
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Old 01-21-2016, 02:49 PM   #7
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Please please continue
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Old 05-08-2016, 12:11 PM   #8
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Please please continue
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