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Old 02-23-2011, 06:32 PM   #1
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Default A "Tail" of two parts.

Before I let you read this story, and the ramblings of an overly stimulated mind. Allow me the following disclaimer.

The following work is the fruition of a task that was set by my mistress (Lady Celeste) thats gone awry. After a few sessions of play together, we've discovered that Im able to slip in and out of subspace when ever the mood strikes me. Well, because of this, she set me the task of "Find yourself in subspace when you get home, indulge in the moment, and then write about your experiences. We can use that as the structure for our next session."

I could have done that quite simply, but wheres the fun in that? I decided to see how far I could push things. The antics and Jason and Sarah, is how I would perceive the relationship we have if it ever extended into the real world.

Without further ado, let me present to you:

"A tail of two halves", by G-man, (Inspiration from Lady Celeste)
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Old 02-23-2011, 06:32 PM   #2
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Jason and Sarah were sitting on the sofa, watching the usual Sunday evening programs, to which, Jason's standards, meant rather dull.

"X-Factor, Strictly Come Dancing, Big Brother... Is there any 'decent' shows on that you watch?" Sighed Jason in a fairly nonchalant manner.

"Well, if you'd prefer, we could always watch Corrie, Eastenders, or god forbid, Hollyoaks if you'd..."

"Ugh, I'd rather not." Interjected Jason, "I sometimes wonder just how obsessed you are with these reality shows, and their insistence on being voyeuristic broadcasts.."

"Isn't that generally the idea when you're watching TV.. Its called viewing for a reason, isn't it?"

"That isn't what I meant;"

"Well, Ok, I'll play devils advocate here. If you was to make your own reality TV show for the "Voyeuristic Masses", as you so eloquently put it, how would it go?" cut in Sarah before Jason could even contemplate a counter argument.

Jason thought carefully for a moment. He then narrowed his eyes slightly, and tightened his lips, making it look somewhat like a grin, or a smirk, but that'd depend on who you asked.

"Hmm. Well. It'd have lots of women involved, and plenty of nudity naturally. To make it more appealing, there would be plenty of competitions designed to encourage them to lose inhibitions, and become a lot more hedonistic."

"Oh, C'mon! Please! Is THAT all you think about?!"
"Wait a minute. You're actually trying to tell me that you wouldn't enjoy seeing me naked, and losing control of myself?" Jason quipped, whilst jabbing Sarah playfully on the arm.

"Hey! Stop that!" Sarah said, parrying the hand away, but it'd already made contact. "Well, No. I mean, yes. I would enjoy watching that. But I wouldn't dream of..."

"What? Making a show of it?" Jason completed the sentence, "Why not? I think it would be kinda fun"

"I just don't enjoy the idea of any Tom, Dick or Harry gawking at me over a video that’s posted online. Or, anywhere for that matter."

"I never said I'd post it online, most definitely without your permission"

"Well, erm.. Okay?"

"Right, Ok. Sarah. I'll tell you what. Lets not have this argument all night, ok? How about we do something else?"

"You're right. I’m sorry. What shall we do then?"

Jason scrunched his face for a moment, as he often does when he's deep in thought. His eyebrows raised momentarily before answering. "I know, we could play on the Wii, But I think we should make things a little more interesting, don't you?"

"Alright. What do you have in mind?" replied Sarah, picking up on the obviousness of Jason’s increasing state of arousal. She could see his pupils dilating more than normal, given her the impression that he was drunk. Which, in her mind, he was, with lust, rather than alcohol.

"How about a game of ten pin bowling?" said Jason, slow and deliberately, trying his best to conceal his frame of mind for now. "If I win though, how about we make a video? And well, while we're on that subject, you could use that maids out fir you bought from Victoria’s Secret recently?"

Sarah narrowed her eyes intently, quite clearly understanding what Jason’s intentions were. "And if I win? Sorry, let me correct myself, WHEN I win, I think I’m gonna get me that sweet and innocent ass of yours."

"Ha-ha, hey. What ever. You may as well go and put it on now. You know you'll be wearing it soon enough anyway. But, if you don't mind hon, could you clear up a bit of space here and set up the Wii while I get us some refreshments?"

Sarah cleared up some space in the living room, moving all of the furniture that would be causing an obstacle out of the way for the time being. Just as she was finishing setting up the Wii, Jason finally reappeared holding two rather large glasses of rosé.

"My, someone’s feeling generous tonight. Gifting themselves, and bringing me rosé. Are you trying to seduce me Jason? Thanks, but this doesn't mean I'll be going easy on you!" Sarah said as she stretched out to reach a glass, all the while fumbling with the Wii remotes to launch the game.

And so the game started. The scores were fairly even for the first few shots each. Jason only leading by a marginal 4 pins. Coyly, he quipped "Don't worry. I don't plan on embarrassing you by beating you by too much!".

Little did he know however, that whilst he's been at work all week, Sarah had been babysitting her nephew David. In an attempt to keep him entertained, they had spent numerous hours in front of the Wii, playing every game they had, and as to be expected, she'd had plenty of practice.

"WOOOO! In your face, beeyatch!" Sarah mocked, whilst she danced in front of Jason, seeing as she'd just hit her third consecutive strike. "You're ass is mine, ohh yeah!"

Sarah’s' score was now high enough as a result, meaning that Jason would need to hit strikes in every visit for the remainder of the game to win. But he was more than up for the challenge. With a smug grin on his face, Jason swung the remote, all the while mimicking a bowlers stance, as the virtual ball shot its way down the ally on the TV, curving slightly to the right, and landed himself a strike.

"Oh yeah. Imma make me a movie tonight, oh yes!" Jason mouthed silently, "Just wait til you see my next trick."

Jason then followed up by pretending he was playing cricket in his next visit. By bowling over arm, not that anyone sane would try this with a real bowling ball.. Sarah mused, as she watched him fire off into another strike.

"Mom, Maybe we might be making a movie after all." purred Sarah as Jason prepared for his final visit. As he started moving to play, Sarah gently slid her arm up his trailing leg causing just enough of a distraction for him to miss.

"Like I said baby. You're ass belongs to me tonight."
"Nice one, you cheating wench!" replied Jason, unable to contain his laughter.
"Look, you've still got a spare, right. You can still win if you try."
"With a four six ten split? Yeah, alright."

And with that, Jason fired his last shot down the ally, hitting a pin, and ultimately losing the game.

"Good game, you cheat" joked Jason, dropping the remote by the console as he went to kiss Sarah.

"Good game", Sarah replied reciprocating as she put her arms around him in embrace. Slowly, she slid her arms down his back, placing each hand on one of his cheeks. "Now I do believe this lovely thing here belongs to me", she said as she squeezed tightly on his buttocks, "But if you ask nicely, I might let you record this. I know for sure I’m going to enjoy watching the expressions on your face over and over when you experience what I’m about to do to you."

"Wait here" Sarah said "Oh, and can you turn on the laptop? There are a few things I need to take care of first."

Jason looked up at her quizzically, but complied without question. As far as he could bear trying to comprehend Sarah, she had always appeared random, lacking any obvious for of predictability. Especially when it came to the bedroom. But, as far as he cared, it done two things for him. It added mystique, enough to keep him interested, and the other was that she is always able to more than satisfy his needs.

Jason was just finishing logging into the laptop, with the usual drone of Windows in the background, as Sarah returned from where ever it was she'd gone to. His jaw dropped uncontrollably when he'd realised Sarah had got changed. He was that struck by her presence that he completely failed to notice what she was carrying "The bag of surprises", as she liked to call it.

"Whoa... You, look.. just Wow!", was about as much as Jason could stammer once the recognition of what she was wearing finally set in.

Sarah had decided to get changed whilst Jason was occupied, knowing full well the extend of the effects it would provoke. She had slipped into the maids outfit that she'd bought a few weeks earlier, but deliberately kept refusing to wear it, knowing all too well that when she finally did, it would leave Jason much more aroused than he could probably bear.

Sarah had always had an acute sense of sexuality, and she learned of this fact whilst growing up, expiring her body, and the world of sex. She'd considered a gift, personally. Just by watching someone for a while, and then having a conversation with them, she could gain a fairly accurate account of what would be required to satisfy that person sexually. Male, or female. This made her a rather popular person in her social circle, particularly to those who were always looking for some way to spice up their relationships.

Tonight, however. Jason was to be the sole subject of her attention. The thought alone would be enough to leave him completely intoxicated with desire, and they both knew it. The outfit she was wearing would be more than enough to ensure that. The costume was elegantly made, with a black satin bodice. Which, by design, was made specifically to show off sufficient cleavage, whilst not showing too much to make it appear distasteful. Over the bodice she wore a dark velvet blouse, which clung to her shapely figure sensuously. She deliberately left the top two buttons undone, just to ensure Jason got ample opportunity to see her cleavage. The rest of the outfit consisted of a short velvet skirt, and black laced suspenders.

Setting the bag down, she walked slowly towards Jason, allowing her hips to sway with each step for maximum effect. She could see that Jason was already visually devouring everything about her, so she slowed down a little more to indulge him the pleasure for a moment longer. When she finally reached him, she was standing by him, his head waist height, due to the fact he'd been fumbling around with the laptop. Putting her hands around the back of his head, she pulled him in close to her torso, forcing him to become immersed in her perfume. Then, she slowly straddled her way down him, until finally she was sitting on his knees. Pulling her body closer onto Jason’s, and nuzzling away on his neck, she sensed that his breathing was becoming slower, and much more laboured. She smiled, knowing that her choice of costume, and perfume were flawless.

Jason was now well and truly intoxicated with primal desire, she could tell, and this fact was only re-affirmed when she straddled again, feeling his stiffness push up at her groin through his jeans.

Raising herself slightly, and arcing her back a little, Sarah started stretching backwards, forcing Jason to put his arms around her waste to support her, but also allowing him the opportunity to start nuzzling at her cleavage which was now fully exposed to him. Whilst doing this, Sarah was able to pull the bag close enough to her that she could reach into it easily enough. Satisfied, she pulled Jason’s arms away from her, and to above his head so she could peel off his t-shirt, revealing his well toned torso.

"Relax, and close your eyes Jason. I have a surprise or two in store for you tonight. Let your senses run free." Sarah said, as she slipped out a blindfold from the bag. Leaning in to kiss him softly, she was able to slip the blind over his head, and gradually pull it down until it was snugly in place, without his even knowing it.

She eased him slightly, so that his back was resting comfortably against the suite, she then pulled out two pairs of handcuffs, affixing each wrist with its counter ankle.

She could feel the muscles in his body tightening momentarily, as if to figure out if he'd just been restrained, and if so, test the strength of the binds. "Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.", she purred into his ear, slowly pulling her body up so that her cleavage was once more in his face, emanating her perfume to ensure him of her closeness, bringing him into a relaxed state once more. Slowly, she backed away from him, and towards the laptop. Carefully, and quietly, not wanting Jason to discover what was indeed happening, adjusted the laptop, and camera, so that it could capture everything in intimate detail.

"Now, I promised you a surprise, Jason. But you're going to have to wait a while longer for it. Can you do that for me?"

Jason nodded slowly, partially through being unaware of what was just said because of his state of extreme arousal. But more so, he didn't care right now. As far as he was concerned, the carnal pleasures he was about to experience would definitely out weigh the benefits of any surprise that Sarah could offer. Or at least that’s what he thought.

"I will be a moment Jason, but I am still here. I just want to sit and admire the motions you are experiencing right now.", said Sarah softly, and she quietly tiptoed out of the room and into the kitchen, coming back with some strawberries, ice cubes, and the rest of the bottle of rosé.

Placing them gently on the floor beside Jason, so as that he could not hear them, Sarah knelt close to his side, whispering in his ear once more. "I'm going to uncuff you now. I want to you stand up, and I will help you if you need it, and then we're going to take off the rest of your clothes. Are you ok?"

Jason shuddered in delight as the thought registered as to what was going on. He could feel his mind swirling in a torrent of emotions, lust, desire, carnal pleasure. He was completely lost to the real world right now, unable to do anything about it, should have he even wanted to, so he whispered "Yes", and even this taken an incredible amount of control to communicate in his current state of euphoria.

Carefully unbinding him, she let him kneel a little while longer, seeing as it was unlikely anything had fully registered in his mind at the time. She stood up, taken a few steps to admire him a moment longer, and then setup a rack using the living room door. Attached to the rack, was an adjustable leather strap, which had a brace on the end of it. By carefully placing the brace at one side of the door, and then closing it, she had effectively turned the door into a bondage device. She walked back towards Jason, helped him to his feet, and then lead him towards the improvised rack. She kissed him passionately, and allowed him the pleasure of exploring her body with his hands for a few minutes before asserting control, and guiding his wrists into the cuffs of the rack. Once his wrists were firmly in place, she could see his biceps pulsing, as he periodically started testing the strength of the binds.

"Shh, every thing is ok Jason. Its me, Sarah. Just let yourself go. I want you to explore the depths of your mind, feed off your feelings, taste the experience. You are safe in this place Jason. I will look after you."

Her words seemed to have settled Jason, but she honestly had no idea just how much of what she had just said registered in his mind. She would be able to test him and find out easily enough she thought, as she once more retrieved the products she got from the kitchen moments ago.

Picking up a strawberry, she held it lightly by the stalk, and slowly began using it to trace imaginary shapes over his torso, tracing circles around his nipples, up his neck, and pursed it next to his lips.

"I want to hold this in your lips for me, while I undress the rest of you." Sarah said, as Jason had already opened his mouth and was about to bite, and eat it. Struggling to control himself.

"No, hold it. caress it with your tongue, savour the flavour" She said to Jason, before slowly running her hands down his torso as she lowered herself to the buckle of his jeans. Tugging at it gently, it dropped effortlessly to the floor around his ankles. The bulge in his boxer shorts was evidence enough to her that he was alright. Not so much the size of his erect manhood, but more that she noticed the volume of premature ejaculation was that great, that there was a damp patch on the front of the boxers.

"Nice" she murmured to herself quietly. "I can't say I've had this much effect on someone before", as she slowly caressed his thighs, his buttocks, slowly massaging his testicles and manhood, before slowly working her way close enough to take him in her mouth. Sarah traces circles around his head, licked softly down the side of his shaft, whilst massaging his testicles in her hand. She could hear him groaning softly with pleasure, and as she stole she noticed he'd just bit into the strawberry, pouring sweet juices down his chin. She picked up the bottle of rose, poured some into a glass. Taking a sip to taste it, she then taken a mouthful, she then moved forward to take his manhood into her mouth, along with the rosé.

The sparkling of the wine sent a vibrant sensation through Jason’s already throbbing manhood, and if the sensation was anymore intense, he probably would have climaxed right there and then. Instead, as the bubbles forming dissipated, he found himself in a perpetual state of limbo. He was unsure where he was, neither in state of orgasmic euphoria, nor in any physical state of mind. All he knew was, that he was completely helpless to the intensity of emotions sweeping over him, as his body went into sensory overload.

Sarah felt his body convulse slightly, and could see by the expression on Jason’s face, that the overwhelming intensity of what he was experiencing had just sent him into an orgasm. At least as far as his mind is concerned, because he hadn't ejaculated from her stimulation. Pulling off of his extremely hard membrane. Sarah swallowed the rose, which was now had a slight taste of salt to it, which is was down to the volume of semen secreted before, and during her act.

Standing close to Jason, so that he could feel the heat radiating from her body, she whispered into his hear "How do you feel, Jason? Like heaven maybe? Would you like me to take you into heaven now?"

Jason could not act coherently, even if he tried. All his senses were overloaded. Every sound, touch, even smell sent quivers through the core of his being. All he could do is breath erratically, trying to suck in as much air as he could, so that he could remain perpetually in this state of being.

Sarah reached up, and unfastened the leather straps that was binding his wrists, and slowly guided him into the centre of the room, directly in front of the laptop, and guided him down onto his back. Carefully straddling him, she pushed against his body, and could feel the heat of his extremely erect penis inside of her. Contracting her muscles to generate as much grip on him as she could, she proceeded to straddle him, slowly at first, gradually picking up pace. As she rode him, she unlaced the bodice, so that her firm breasts swung free, and then removed the blind from Jason’s eyes. He must have forgotten it was there, or was so lost in himself, because he didn't even realise he was wearing it, she thought to herself, as she could see him looking directly into her, but evidently not making any recognition of her sensuous features. Gripping tighter still, she leaned forward, so her head rested by his neck, so that there temples were touching as she rode faster and faster, until finally they both reached their climax.

After Jason had climaxed inside of her, she held him inside of her, absorbing all of the heat that he was emanating Keeping her head close to his, she loosened her grip of his manhood, and let her weight press against him a bit, as she rode the torrents of bliss with him.

Jason's breathing shallower, and his thoughts slowly started returning to him. He could feel Sarah on top of him, holding him close, and for a moment he could have insisted that he could feel her presence inside of his mind. As his senses started returning, he started to regain some sight, and felt partially blinded by it, even though his eyes had been open for the last few minutes. When he finally regained conscious enough to see his surroundings, he glanced around the room, and the first thing that registered was a flashing red light, with a word by the laptop.

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Old 03-30-2011, 01:31 PM   #3
Eminem jr
getDare Sweetheart
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I take it tht they r boyfriend n girlfriend? If not thts a bit akward n more!
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