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Old 07-23-2023, 11:05 AM   #1
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Default Gameshow: Take Off rebooted

Gameshow: The Return of Take Off

This is written as a sequel to the original Gameshow stories by tallguy2241, with his permission.

Signing up

The adverts appeared in gyms all over the city. The infamous game show “Take Off” was being re-launched and gym fit men and women were being sought as audience members and possible contestants.

The adverts all had a QR code which took interested parties through to the first stage application website. That website was clearly designed to sort the wheat from the chaff. Before I had even entered my name I was treated to clips of men and women stripping or being stripped naked on stage, men ejaculating in front of live audiences, and people paying all manner of sexual forfeits.

Half the people visiting that website would have recoiled in horror, and the other half would have been aroused, tempted, and started on paths of wild, sexual daydreams. I was in the second camp and that was why I sent off for the brochure. It unlocked some clips showing even wilder excesses and had the contract clipped to it. I read it carefully but it seemed quite innocuous, given the nature of the show:
  1. all recording was to be done by them,
  2. we were not to record anything ourselves,
  3. all recordings belonged to them exclusively and might be used for any purpose,
  4. we would compete for prize money (between $10K and $zero) rather than a fixed payment,
  5. a basic attendance fee of $100 was paid regardless of whether we were called on stage,
  6. we would cooperate with any ancilliary “making of” productions,
  7. we would assist with any publicity for the show,
  8. we understood that some or all episodes or sets of episodes might be themed,
  9. we understood that we would be exposed in public,
  10. we understood that we would be performing intimate acts in front of a live audience and for a later viewing audience,
  11. we understood that these performances might be with people of the same or different gender depending on the episode and the game,
  12. we understood that we might be required to compete in follow-up episodes.

Blah blah blah. I signed and sent it off to them.

A week later I got an invitation to a 9AM recording, placing me in seat D17. It was accompanied by the outfit I was asked to wear: a pair of jeans, a pair of loose sandals, a sleeveless vest, a white short-sleeved shirt and a pair of rather sheer boxer briefs. “We can look after your car keys, but please leave everything else locked in your car (out of sight).”

I turned up along with about fifty men, all in the same sort of outfit, and fifty women, all dressed casually and with much greater variation. We took our places in the audience (alternating men and women, I noticed) and waited.

Once everyone was settled the lights shifted, dimming for the audience and rising for the stage. Our hosts bounced on stage: Barbie and Dick. To be fair to them, they might have ridiculous stage names but they knew their jobs. They were enthusiastic and their enthusiasm was infectious. In less than five minutes of chatter and off-color jokes they had us all relaxed and laughing. They reminded us that there would be five episodes recorded over the course of the day, consisting of four ordinary episodes and a “final” where one contestant from each of the previous four shows would go on to compete for the grand prize. This we all knew from the brochures.

But then Barbie dropped the bombshell:

“These five episodes are going to be one of our themed sets. For these episodes it’s male contestants only!”

There was loud laughter and cheering from the girls in the audience. I looked at the girl sitting to my right. “Our brochures told us this was coming,” she said smugly. “You do know your chance of going up on stage has just doubled, don’t you? I reckon half the men here are going to get exposed. All this and they pay us $100 attendance, too”

There was a look of glee in her eyes. Of course she was happy; she could just watch some men be humiliated and walk away $100 richer.

“Hmph. The men get $100 too. Looks like we have to earn it.”

The hosts shushed the hubbub and finally, they were ready to start the show. The lights shifted again and the big ON AIR sign lit up. The cheesy theme music played and the audio announced

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Take Off, the audience participation stripping show!

Episode one

Game one: Higher or Lower

Dick kicked off the show by reaching into a big pot and pulling out a ball. He held it up and read out what was on it: a seat number.


A spotlight picked out the man sitting on that seat who looked startled and pissed at his bad luck of having been selected first. The light also picked out the girls sitting either side of him. They were delighted. He walked down to the front and a second spotlight lit up the steps up to stage left. He walked up and Barbie then led him to his spot.

“I’m not going to call you contestant number one,” Barbie told him. “What’s your name?”

The guy looked like he was a bodybuilder. He was solid muscle and could probably snap me in two, but right now more than anything he wanted the earth to swallow him up.

“Nick.” It took all his effort even to get one word out, and he was staring firmly at his feet. He was slowly turning redder and redder.

“Well, Nick, tell us something about yourself.” She stroked her hand down his arm, enjoying running her fingertips over his rock-hard triceps. “These are some impressive muscles.”

That got a smile from him and he explained how much he could benchpress, deadlift and so on. Barbie knew her trade. Soon this terrified man was looking at the audience and grinning broadly as she flattered his enormous strength. His panic was over and she had a contestant ready to go.

Once she was done with Nick she nodded to Dick to pull another ball.


This young man wasn’t at all shy. He bounced down the aisle and practically jumped up the stage right stairs. Barbie put him on his mark and worked to keep his keenness going. He even waved to the girls who had been sitting beside him in the audience!

“Welcome to Take Off,” she told him. “And you are…?”

“I’m Trevor,” he told her right away. “I’m a PolSci major at college and I’m a member of the swim team.”

“Well, Trevor, our first round is all about the odds so let’s see if those college brains can get you some serious prize money. Dick?”


The next guy was perhaps more average in his mood. He didn’t look terrified like Nick had, but didn’t have Trevor’s manic energy either. He was anything but average in his build, though. He was a tall black man with short hair that was starting to go gray at the edges. He introduced himself as Max and said he was here for the prize money. Anything goes, he told Barbie.

“I’m looking forward to some serious ‘anything’,” she replied and nodded to Dick to finish the draw.


Oh fuck.
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Old 07-23-2023, 12:21 PM   #2
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I don’t remember getting to my feet. I do remember being groped by the girl I had spoken to earlier. “Get naked!” she called as I squeezed through the seating.

I was led to my point. I could see the four taped marks on the floor showing Barbie where to put us. I looked at my fellow contestants but they all had their eyes fixed on the audience. None of them wanted to make eye contact with each other. Even though I was in a room with over a hundred people in it, standing next to my fellows in game show madness, I think I had never felt so alone.

“And you are?”

“I’m Andy. I work in IT.”

“Oh, nobody cares about work, Andy! What do you do for fun? Play video games? Expose yourself in public?”

“Hah. I’m single at the moment. And I’ve never done anything like this before!”

“Well, there’s a first time for everything and we’ll try to squeeze in as many first times as we possibly can.” She smiled at me, but I couldn’t help thinking about a shark’s toothy grin when she did. What had I let myself in for?

“But now, let’s get on with the games and off with the clothes!”

Barbie waved over at the screen behind her. It had a thin shelf running along it and a pack of very large playing cards.

“We will start with a simple game of Higher Or Lower. We draw a card at a time and you get to say whether the next one will be higher or lower than the previous. Ties are always a loss, aces can be high or low at your choice and a joker means you win but only if you complete a little challenge. Each win bags you another $100 in your prize money. Each loss loses you one or more pieces of clothing or earns you a forfeit if you are already naked. We play until only one man is left wearing clothes.”

A screen burst into light. It had our names in one column and $100 next to each in the adjacent column. Dick was standing by the cards and turned over the first card, placing it on the shelf at the left end. It was the Six of Hearts.

Barbie turned to Nick. “Nick, you were first called so you go first. Will the next card be higher or lower?”


Dick turned the next card: the Ace of Hearts.

“Aces high!” Barbie announced. You win. There was a cheerful chime from the screen and Nick’s money went up to $200.

“Trevor?” “Lower!”

Dick turned over the Two of Spades.

“Yes!” Trevor shouted as the screen chimed for his winnings. Unless he had drawn another Ace he was bound to win. Why was he so excited?

“Max?” “Higher.”

Dick drew the Eight of Diamonds and Max earned himself another $100.

“Andy?” “Lower.”

Eight was not a good number to work with, but the odds were marginally in favor of lower. Of course odds are not certainties, and Dick turned over the Six of Spades. Fuck.

The screen made a mournful bong noise, almost drowned out by the cheering of the audience. The screen now showed a third column and there was a big red 🗶 next to my name, after the static $100.

Then I discovered that I didn’t get to pick what item of clothing to remove. Instead, under the grid with our names an animated wheel spun with an arrow pointing in from the side. It had eight segments in it, one labeled “boxers”, one labeled “vest”, and two for each of “jeans”, “sandals”, and “shirt.” As it spun, Barbie announced another rule: “Any clothes that come off, stay off.”

My wheel spun and settled on “vest”. Fuck. I pulled off my shirt and my vest and handed them both to Barbie’s outstretched hand.

This is when Dick wheeled in a large, cartoonish trash can with lid set at a jaunty angle like a hat. It had an evil grinning imp painted on the side alongside the show’s logo.

Barbie dropped my clothes in the bin and turned to the contestants while the audience got to see my (not too shabby) chest bared to them.

“Nick, back to you.” “Higher.”

The obvious choice was not always the right one, though, and Dick turned over the Six of Clubs.

“Draws always lose, Nick. Sorry.” Barbie was clearly not in the least bit sorry as the screen went bong and a cross appeared by Nick’s name too, along with a spinning wheel. Nick’s luck was as bad as mine and he had to remove his jeans. In doing so, he took off his sandals and Barbie seized those too.

“Trevor?” “Higher!”

It was the Nine of Hearts, and Trevor gave a ridiculous fist pump to celebrate his victory.

“Max?” “Lower!”

It was the Four of Spades. I was in luck.


Dick drew the Three of Hearts! What the fuck?

The screen added another cross to my name and I got to see what the disc did when I had already lost clothes. The two segments that had been “shirt” were now “jeans” and the one that had been “vest” was now “boxers.”

And “boxers” it was. Fuck. Five minutes into the game and I was naked.
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Old 07-23-2023, 02:05 PM   #3
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As the audience cheered and wolf-whistled, Barbie tossed my remaining clothes into the bin. She turned me round so everyone could see my ass as well as my cock. I forced myself not to cover my dick with my hands, but it took all the self-control I had not to just run from the stage screaming!

“Thank you for using up all the bad luck!” Nick laughed at me. “Higher,” he told Barbie.

When Dick turned over the Two of Clubs there was a moment of stunned silence and then the audience erupted into the wildest laughter I had ever heard as Nick stood there, slack-jawed at his bad luck.

The spinning disc then demanded his boxers too and soon he was standing there wearing only a shirt and vest. I may have been naked, but Nick looked ridiculous. Also unlike me, Nick stood there with his hands in front of his groin. The terrified man who had first stood up was back again and turning a beetroot shade of red.

Barbie, however, knew her work. She crouched down beside his bare legs and started to stroke his thigh. “Oh, wow! You do not skip leg day, do you?”

Drawing attention back to his musculature seemed to calm him down. He let his hands drop though, to be honest, the shirt was just about long enough to stop anything too obvious being visible. I didn’t have that luxury!

Once the audience had their breath back Barbie carried on.

“Trevor?” “Higher.” He paused. “Please!”

It was the Two of Diamonds and that goddamned spinning wheel only took his shirt.

“Higher!” Max didn’t wait to be prompted. He got the Seven of Spades and another $100, and all I got was one of the hardest numbers to follow on from.

“Higher,” I told Barbie. I got the Queen of Diamonds as, for once, my luck held out.

“Lower,” Nick told Barbie and received the Ten of Spades.

“Lower,” Trevor called but this time Dick drew the King of Spades and Trevor lost his jeans and sandals.

The miraculously fully clothed Max kept with the trend and called “lower” getting a Jack of Diamonds in return.

I relaxed and called “lower” too. My bad luck struck again, though, and Dick pulled the King of Hearts.

As the audience cheered a large red K appeared on the screen with a similarly sized ♥ under it.

“Our forfeits depend on the card drawn,” Barbie announced. Then the K dissolved into a fuzz and a line of text emerged from it: “For the remainder of the game…” Then the heart dissolved with the same special effect into a second line: “...keep your cock hard but do not cum.”

Barbie smiled sweetly. “Andy?”

I started to stroke. As the audience bellowed with mocking laughter I felt a rush of humiliation and I blushed deep red from head to toe. I turned away from the audience but Barbie simply rested her hand on one of my buttocks and gently guided me back to face the laughing crowd.

If anyone had asked me before whether I could get hard with a studio audience facing me and laughing I would have told them no. But the atmosphere of the place was electric and, to my own disbelief, I got hard in under a minute.

“Don’t rush it,” Barbie reminded me. “A slow stroke every now and then should do the trick.”

Then it was back to the game, as if having a stark naked man stroking his boner up on stage was the most normal thing in the world.

“Lower,” Nick was confident in this easy choice and was rewarded with the Jack of Spades.

“Lower,” Trevor sounded equally confident even though he was standing in only his vest and boxers. He got the Ten of Hearts which pleased Max no end.

“Lower.” Max kept his unbroken winning streak with the Nine of Spades.

“Lower.” My voice almost broke as I said it. My luck had been so shitty that I almost expected it to go up, but even so I groaned when Dick turned over the Ten of Clubs.

“Ten of Clubs!” Barbie called out to the screen.

A large 10 appeared on the screen over the ♣ symbol. The 10 just stayed there and the suit beneath it dissolved into the line “...spanks with the paddle.”

“Looks like we’ll need our whipping frame!” Barbie squealed. Dick quickly rolled on a metal frame with a broad base and a couple of loops hanging down. Hanging off the side of the frame were a number of tools, among which was a large stiff leather spanking paddle. It was pretty obvious what was about to happen.

Dick wheeled the frame over to my mark and I stepped into it. I reached through the loops and Barbie quickly tightened them. I wasn’t going anywhere. Meanwhile, Dick was crouched over and he tied my ankles to the lower corners of the frame with similar loops.

“Now, which contestant is going to take charge of the poor, helpless Andy, displayed fully naked, with an erect cock in front of a live studio audience? Shall we start the bidding at $50?”

Now I understood. The contestants would sacrifice their prize money to have the opportunity of spanking me. “Fifty bucks,” shouted Trevor, ever the keen one. But that’s where the bidding stopped. Max simply said “I need the money” and Nick was staring at his feet again.

“Fifty bucks it is, then,” Barbie announced. On the screen $50 dropped from Trevor’s account, and was added to mine!

Dick turned the frame through 180° so that my ass was now facing the audience. Then he handed the leather paddle to Trevor. I didn’t need to see him to know he had a shit-eating grin plastered all over his face.

I got no warning from Trevor. Whack! He laid into my ass with serious force. There was a cheer from the audience. “One!” shouted both Barbie and Dick. Whack! “Two!” This time it was Barbie, Dick, the contestants and the entire audience.

Eight more times Trevor laid into me. Eight more times there was a number shouted from an enthusiastic audience. I had to hand it to the show’s presenters; they knew how to get an audience involved.

When it was all done, Dick turned me round again and then called out to his co-host.

“Barbie, we have a forfeit violation! Andy’s cock is soft.”

“Let me down and I’ll stroke it hard for you,” I offered.

“Sorry, Sweetheart,” Barbie replied. “But until you draw a forfeit that can’t be done in the frame, or someone else draws a forfeit that needs it for them, you stay exactly where you are.”

She smiled a mischievous grin and asked Trevor. “You bought the rights to him. Could you give him a hand?”

Trevor came over, stood behind me and proceeded to give me a reach-around hand-job as the audience got even more excited.

“Thank you,” I told him. “You can stop now. I’m hard again.”

“Say, Barbie,” Trevor asked. “What happens if Andy cums?”

“Oh, that’s really bad. We have a seriously nasty penalty for people cumming without permission…”

Trevor paused for a moment.

She paused a heartbeat between each phrase. “...on stage…”

He changed his hand style. Instead of stroking my shaft he began rubbing my bare cock head with a finger tip.

“...in front of our live audience…”

“Please, Trevor, you can stop now. Really.”

“...and all of our cameras…”

I was starting to feel the pressure build. This was bad. “Trevor, for God’s sake!”

“...and tens of thousands of viewers and streamers.”

Trevor scratched a fingernail gently over my piss slit. That was what did it. With a cry of despair I shot a load out of my cock. It was huge. It arched up and reached the very front of the stage. The audience jumped to their feet applauding, cheering and just hollering to release all the pent-up energy and emotion that this scene had caused.

I hung limply in my restraints. I had been utterly violated beyond anything a judge would regard as a reasonable interpretation of the contract. But I would get zero sympathy from any of the people who had just watched it happen. I was beaten. All I wanted to do was to curl up into a fetal position and cry for the world to end.

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.” Barbie moved forward to take control of the situation. She had a schedule to keep, after all. “We will see to Andy’s punishment at the start of the next game. But for now, let’s get back to this game, shall we?”
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Old 07-23-2023, 07:16 PM   #4
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Incredibly hot. Looking forward to more.
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Old 07-24-2023, 06:14 AM   #5
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She led a grinning Trevor back to his mark and the cards started moving again.

“Ten of Clubs is in play. Nick?”

“Lower.” It was the Jack of Clubs and the wheel began to spin.

“Vest! Vest! Vest!” the audience chanted, and the wheel delivered.

Nick hung his head for a moment and then sighed. He pulled off his shirt and vest then handed them to Barbie. As she tossed them in the bin, he raised his arms out either side and slowly turned in front of the audience, letting them admire his bodybuilder physique. It was impressive. I had to smile, despite my situation. There was no trace of the shy man who had started. Bright stage lights, cunning hosts, a manic audience, and a merciless deck of cards had burned that out of him.

“We have two naked contestants now. We need three to finish. It’s not looking good for you, Trevor.”

That was an understatement. Max was sitting pretty with $500 and had not dropped a single item of clothing. I, on the other hand, was naked, spread-eagled on display, spanked and wanked. Luck was not a Lady tonight. She was a cold-hearted bitch.

“We’ll see. Lower.” It was the Ace of Spades.

“Aces low,” Barbie and Trevor said together.

“Higher.” Goddamned Max seemed to be charmed. Did he sell his soul some time ago? Nobody deserved that much good luck!

Dick drew the Seven of Diamonds. Fucking hell! Sevens were the worst.

“Higher,” I said. And the cold-hearted bitch stabbed me again. Dick turned over the Three of Clubs.

“OK, Trevor, you bought the spanking rights. Three more, please.” Barbie’s voice oozed charm.

“It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it, I suppose,” he chuckled and wasted no time laying leather to ass. They didn’t even turn round the frame this time. The audience just watched my cock bounce as I was spanked and then cheered as Trevor gave it a few more strokes. This was when he discovered just how super-sensitive my cockhead is immediately after an orgasm. I flinched and twitched as he started rubbing his fingertips over it again.


I was so out of it by now that I had almost forgotten there was still a game going on.

Nick scored the Eight of Hearts, leaving Trevor with a hard call. “Lower,” he called while still focusing on my cock. He got the Jack of Spades and the wheel told him to remove his vest. Now the man stroking my cock was only wearing boxers.

“Lower,” said indestructible Max and he got the Five of Spades.

“Higher,” I called and for once wasn’t unlucky with the Queen of Spades. Lady Luck, I take it all back!

“Lower.” Nick got the Five of Diamonds and remained naked but unpunished.

As the turn moved to Trevor he flicked his nail against my cock in just the right way — or is that just the wrong way? — and I squealed as I had my second orgasm of the game. This one was nothing like as powerful as the first but dear god it hurt! There was a cheer from the audience and Barbie simply tutted and said “Twice, Andy, really?”

“Higher,” Trevor said, as if nothing had happened.

But Dick drew the Three of Diamonds and, as the audience cheered, Trevor peeled off his boxers. He tossed them cheerily to Barbie and took a deep bow for the audience.

“And that‘s it! Thank you to our contestants!” Barbie called out. “Now, Max, you’re the winner so you get the $1000 prize and, because you have lost no items of clothing we double that to $2000.”

The audience cheered. The quiet man who had simply said he was there because he needed the money had got the money.

“I do hope you all enjoyed the game. We’ll be back after the break with more antics on Take Off!”

The audience cheered, the stage lights went dim, and the audience lights lit up. I almost wish they hadn’t. Now I could see the audience and the look they were giving me as they cheered. It made me feel like a prey animal in front of a pack of hyenas.

Dick rushed up on stage.

“Folks, we have a fifteen minute break to reset everything. Toilets are through any of the side doors. You can pick up water bottles by the back wall. Studios can be very hot places, even with modern LED lighting. Please don’t dehydrate. And everyone, please all be back on time.”

He turned to face me as the contestants filed off the stage. “Just one more thing and we’ll sort you out. Our stills photographer wants some close-ups.”

There was a bustle of activity as lights and diffusers got set up. A photographer started taking lots of pictures of me, using two different cameras and pausing only briefly to adjust filters and the like. “I do want to make sure the cum shows clearly,” he explained, “though there’s always Photoshop.” After five minutes and hundreds of photos there was another explosion of people and the photographer’s kit was all removed.

I thought briefly I might get let down, but instead there was a different bustle, a different set of lights and a woman introduced herself as Patricia Who Did The Behind the Scenes Show. She wanted a quick interview while my thoughts were still fresh.

Fresh? My brain was either utterly numb or spinning out of control. Perhaps both.

“Andy, on a scale of nought to ten, just how exposed are you feeling right now?”

“Eh? What? Eleven!”

“And how do you feel about your orgasms being seen by so many people and probably copied all over the internet for years and decades to come?” OK, she was laying it on a bit thick now.

“Um. I’m trying not to think about it. Actually, I’m struggling to think about anything at the moment.”

“Well, let’s ask your tormenter and paddle master. Trevor?”

Trevor was gently guided forward. He was still completely naked, but seemed his usual cheerful self. Patricia seemed keen to get him standing next to my frame so she could have two naked men in picture at once.

“Trevor, man of the magic fingers, how did you squeeze two orgasms out of poor little Andy?”

Trevor put on a serious, almost academic expression, as if it was a vital matter of state he was going to be discussing. “Well, Patricia, his orgasm is a lock that needs picking. And it comes in two stages. First we need to get him hard.” Trevor reached across and started stroking my cock shaft. “Every cock is different. Andy responds best to having the underside stroked.” Shit. That was true.

“Come on, Trevor. The game’s over now.”

“Yes, but you both contracted to cooperate in the ancillary productions,” Patricia replied.

Once my cock was hard Trevor revealed my kryptonite.

“Once his cockhead is nice and solid, you can run your nails over it and it drives him wild.”

Then the bastard took Patricia’s hand in his and slid her perfectly manicured, long and sharp fingernails over my delicate cockhead. I twisted and moaned but there was nothing I could do, and I knew not to bother begging for mercy. Patricia looked deeply into Trevor’s eyes and smiled as he led her nail up my frenulum and guided it into my slit. I shivered as my third orgasm ran through me. That hurt even more than before but still managed to deliver a tiny amount of cum onto Patricia’s finger.

Without missing a beat, Trevor guided Patricia’s hand up to my mouth and lightly touched the fingertip to my lips. Somewhere a part of my hind brain was screaming that I should just bite it off but instead I just meekly opened up and licked up my own cum as Patricia pushed her finger into my mouth and wiggled it a little.

Once I was done cleaning her hand she turned to Trevor. “And how do I unlock your cock?”

Trevor smiled. “Come out with me on a date and I’ll show you. I would give you my contact details but my business cards are in my other birthday suit.”

Patricia burst out laughing and the two of them walked off as the technical crew dismantled the lighting and sound rig as quickly as they had created it.

Dick sprinted up, clearly agitated about the time as the audience were pretty much all back in their seats behind him. A small squad of technicians wheeled a chair behind him. “Sorry about that. You’re probably a bit wobbly so we thought you ought to be sitting down for what comes next.”

That didn’t sound good, but I was overwhelmed by four pairs of hands all working in perfect harmony untying me from the frame, sitting me in a chair and then re-tying me in place before I even realized it was happening. “Wait, what?”

“It’s for your forfeit penalty. Barbie will explain it all on set.”

It was one or more of the technical support guys, I assume, standing behind me. All I know is that a hand came down and expertly pressed a rubber O-gag into my mouth. Then, after tying it round the back of my head a second set of ties from the gag were clipped to the chair itself, holding my head up straight and immobile.

Then the workmen disappeared as if by magic, and the lights switched on. Twenty minutes of game time had taken place over the previous forty-five minutes. My entire life had been upended, there was worse to come, and I still had had no chance to process my feelings.

It was already time for game two.
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Old 07-24-2023, 01:57 PM   #6
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Not Game Two: My Punishment

“Welcome back!” Barbie called out to the audience. “Ready to see some more fun?”

The audience screamed their approval.

“But first, we have some outstanding business.”

Dick clicked a lock off on my chair and wheeled me to the center of the stage. There was more cheering from the crowd. Clearly everyone enjoyed watching someone else getting utterly humiliated.

“You will recall that naughty Andy here shot his load on stage not once, but twice. He even came a third time during the break. Well, to put matters right, please welcome back to the stage two of Andy’s fellow contestants, Nick and Trevor!”

As the audience cheered, the pair of them walked on and stood either side of my chair. They were both naked and boned up, stroking their cocks to keep them lively.

“Given that the crime was an orgasm, we thought the punishment should fit the crime. Gentlemen?”

Trevor and Nick started stroking their cocks more fiercely.

They had obviously warmed up before coming on to the stage. In less than a minute Nick lent forward and pressed his cock head against the hole in my gag. Now my gag wasn’t huge. Its hole stopped Nick’s cock from getting into my mouth, but it did nothing to stop the jet of cum he shot at my throat. My swallowing reflex took hold and I half-swallowed, half-choked-on the cum. He pulled back almost straight away and his second and third spurts hit me squarely in the face. He staggered back and I heard a chime from the screen. They were getting paid to do this!

Then Trevor swooped in. His orgasm was a fountain of cum. He sprayed my face like he had a hosepipe, including the hole in my gag, of course. The screen chimed, rewarding Trevor as well for his part in my utter humiliation.

“Thank you, Gentlemen,” Barbie said as Dick led the two off stage. “And that completes Andy’s punishment for his first illicit orgasm.”

First orgasm! There was more to come? I tried to protest but the gag meant I was just grunting.

Dick returned and spun my chair to face into the stage. My back was to the audience but a couple of cameras tucked away at the rear made sure I was well represented on the screen at the back of the stage. Either side of the scoreboard were two large-than-life images of yours truly in all my cum covered glory.

At some point my disoriented, confused and incredulous brain would catch up with the reality of what was happening and make it all make sense. But that point was not now. At the moment I was in a daze of panic, shame and despair. And I knew things would only get worse.
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Old 07-26-2023, 07:41 AM   #7
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Game Two: Quantity, not quality

“Could I have four more contestants, please, Dick.”

Dick began selecting seats and soon she had another four willing victims — sorry, contestants — lined up.

“Now, boys, I’m afraid this is a game you have to play naked. But because of that we double the prize money.” The screen popped up $200 next to each name. Dick rolled in the bin and Barbie had them strip one at a time as they introduced themselves.

Jim was a mid-twenties guy with bright red hair and pale skin. I recognised him from my own gym! I prayed he didn’t know me but, as ever, luck was not with me. “I see Andy at my gym most mornings before work.” He waved at me as Barbie dumped his clothes in the bin. “Hi, Andy!”

“Well, the secret is out,” Barbie confided. “In fact, all four of you come from the same gym as Andy. Now when you see him in the locker room you can imagine him covered in cum instead of sweat.” The audience laughed and Barbie promised to post a link to our gym on the program’s website.

The next player was Henry, a Chinese guy with a toned physique that screamed dangerously low body fat. He went to the gym in the evenings, which is why I had never seen him before, though he said he might try a few morning sessions in the future. I did not like the look on his face as he said that.

After Henry came Phil, a personal trainer at the gym who was really pleased to see so many people from the gym. “When I picked up that card of yours in the gym I thought I would be the only person mad enough to actually follow through. Hi guys! We’ve got to get together at the gym some time!”

Finally there was Alex, a lean manic soccer playing hispanic who was another evening guy but as he stripped off, it was not his leanness that got the audience’s attention. Alex was hung like a horse.

Barbie explained why she had got them all to strip. “For this game, the contestants will be competing on the amount of cum they can shoot. Not how fast they can cum, not how far they can shoot it, but how much. And we will have a very special measuring tool for this game: Andy!”

She gestured in my direction and explained.

“Each player will shoot his load onto Andy’s chest. We will then measure how far it spreads from top to bottom, after giving it a short while to dribble.” She held up a tape measure.

There was laughter from the crowd and the players alike. I wasn’t laughing but nobody cared.

“Given that I have a tape measure in my hand, and you boys all need to get hard anyway, shall we have a little side contest?”

The players barely hesitated. Soon they all had firm boners in their hands. Barbie walked the line and measured the presented cocks.

“Jim, five and five eighths inches.” The board chimed and $45 was added to Jim’s money.

“Henry, only four and seven eighths, I’m afraid.” This got Jim $39 and an embarrassed grin.

“Phil, six and a half.” $52 was added to Phil’s money.

“Alex. Well, wow. Thank you for bringing a great sword to the knife fight. Nine and three eighths.” $75 was added to his money.

“Let’s go up in pairs, shall we? Jim, you aim for the left nipple and Henry the right.”

“There’s no clock on this one, so start when you are ready.” She guided them over to two pairs of footprints painted on the floor either side of me. These subconsciously guided them to take a broad stance with their feet well spread as they wanked. While some parts of the audience might only see my back rather than a second frantically tugged cock, all of them got to see at least one gym rat wanking for their pleasure, and most got to see two.

Worse, the scoreboard screen was showing a camera feed of my front, so that the audience didn’t miss a single atom of my deep shame and I got to take a good look at myself.

My face was a mess of cum and sweat. My mouth was distorted by the O-gag and a mix of saliva and cum was dribbling out of the sides. There was even a hanging drop of cum below my nostrils where I had choked on cum and exhaled it through my nose. A ribbon of cum ran from my ear all the way down to my chin. I looked utterly pathetic. The cum and sweat on my face was joined by tears as I began to silently sob. I had finally reached rock bottom.

And then Henry shot his load over my chest.

The shaft of his cock might have been on the small size, but there was nothing wrong with his prostate or balls. He shot a decent load over my chest. It started just above the nipple and ran most of the way down to my navel.

Barbie tapped him on the shoulder and he stepped back “Phil?”

The PT from my gym stepped up and started wanking over me too. It was hard for me to turn my head far enough but I was amused that Jim seemed to be struggling. Was it, perhaps, the baying audience staring at him stroking his cock? Was it sympathy for me? (Actually, I’m sure it was the audience.) Either way, Jim was having performance issues.

Two minutes later, with the audience starting to insult Jim’s manhood, Phil shot his load too. By now perhaps I should have just regarded being cummed on as the new normal but even then I felt each and every one as another stab into my psyche. Ever since that fateful forfeit at the start of the show my life had been a whirlwind of sexual humiliation. I was still struggling to come to terms with it.

Phil’s load started slightly higher on my chest but seemed to go down as far as Henry’s. I guessed Phil was ahead by a whisker. I couldn’t tip my head to check but I was absolutely conscious of the tickling from the trickle of cum running down my body.

Alex stepped in to replace Phil, standing opposite the struggling Jim. Obviously he had been stroking in the background because it only took him another minute of more powerful stroking before he shot his load onto my chest too. Alex’s cock might have been huge, and his cumshot shot out with some considerable power, but it was not that large. It hit me square on the pecs but barely dribbled down more than a few inches.

Barbie tapped Alex on his shoulder and pulled him away. Now the increasingly desperate Jim was left all alone. The audience started a chant of “im-po-tent im-po-tent im-po-tent!” And after another minute there was a loud gong noise from the speakers. Barbie pulled Jim away and sent him to stand with the other three as she got out her tape measure again.

“Let’s see the scores, shall we? Hold still, Cumdump.”

The audience chuckled at my new name. I knew then it would stick. Much like the cum, I supposed.

Barbie measured Henry’s spray from top to bottom. “Ten and three eighth inches!” $830 got added to Henry’s score to cheers from the audience and Henry himself.

Then she measured Phil’s. “Eleven inches exactly!” $880 was added to Phil.

Alex was doomed not to receive anything like as much money. “Three and a half inches. Sorry, Alex.” Alex wasn’t entirely sorry he had competed. An additional $280 appeared on his score.

And that left Jim.

“And it’s a forfeit for you, Jim. Sorry.” Hah! As if she was sorry one little bit.

Dick rolled on the frame that I had been paddled in, wanked in and cum from. Then, together with the help of three over-enthusiastic naked men, fixed poor Jim in its loops.

“We need to work on your ejaculations, Jim, but don’t worry. Barbie’s here to help.”

Hanging off the side of the frame, instead of the leather paddle I had been subjected to was a box of medical gloves and a tube simply labeled LUBE. She pulled on a pair of gloves rather theatrically and smeared lube on the fingers of her right hand.

“No, you can’t be serious. You can’t!”

Jim was spread out wide in the frame just like I had been. His legs were wide apart so she had easy access to his asshole. He clenched his buttocks really hard which amused the audience immensely, but as her other hand caressed and then gently squeezed his ball sac, he relaxed and let her pass.

She circled his hole with her finger and then began rubbing over the hole itself, lubing it up as she went and driving Jim wild. I suspected Jim had never experimented with anal before. Then without a word she slowly pushed her finger in as the audience cheered wildly.

She moved slowly, when only her first joint was in she paused and slowly wiggled the finger causing Jim to squirm and wail even more. The audience had fallen quiet as if they were all holding their breaths.

As her finger slipped in to the second joint Jim was trembling from head to toe and started to beg hysterically. “No! Please stop. I’ll do anything else. Please! Please!”

I thought for a moment that she might swoop on the offer of “anything else” but she kept going, pressing her entire finger in, and using it to rub Jim’s prostate.

Now, Jim may have had performance anxiety, but he had been wanking for a good ten minutes before he was pulled away. He had built up a decent head of pressure and when Barbie pressed just the right place he released it in a single explosive burst. His entire body tensed and his muscles stood out under the stage lights. His face was a grimace of wild passion. And his cock, unguided by any hand, was pointing out proudly from his body and sent its stream of cum directly at me.

It hit me squarely in the face at eye level and formed a thin line running down my nose, over my mouth, down my chest, finishing in a small puddle on my pubes and cock.

At the back of the stage I could see the big screen relaying my further humiliation and shame to the audience, who had leapt to their feet with a “whoop!” and wild applause for Jim’s magnificent cum shot.

Jim was hanging limply after his ejaculation and was panting to get his breath back. Barbie waved his three fellow contestants over to help him stay on his feet as she and Dick unhooked him.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s hear it for Jim the Cum Cannon!”

As they helped him off the stage Dick turned me to face the audience again and Barbie walked over with her tape measure. It was, she announced, twenty-six inches from the top to the bottom of Jim’s line of cum. “If only it wasn’t part of a forfeit,” she said, “you would have won easily!”

“And we can’t end the game without a cheer for our target, Cumdump!”

The audience started chanting “Cumdump! Cumdump! Cumdump!” I turned an even brighter shade of red and as the audience kept chanting, the stage lights dimmed and the audience lights rose to mark the end of Game Two.

Dick rushed to the front of the stage, standing just behind my chair. He repeated his instructions from the first break and then, instead of releasing me, simply sprinted off. I was left there at the front of the stage, in the only spotlight left active, tied naked to a chair, dripping with cum.
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Old 07-27-2023, 03:31 AM   #8
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A love story

I tried to call for help but all I could do was gurgle. Even the members of the audience who heard me just turned, waved and gave me words of encouragement. “Nice show, Cumdump.” “Good work, Cumdump.” “Looking good, Cumdump.”

Looking good? Looking good! I was ruined.

The stills photographer flew past me taking another hundred pictures. Over his shoulder I was amused to see Patricia Making-Of completely fail to get an interview with Jim. Jim was sitting in his seat with the girl next to him straddling his lap, with her skirt hiding the activity but obviously humping him right there and then. He had his hands up in her open blouse and judging from the lingerie scattered over the chairs around him had unfettered access to her breasts.

Patricia got some juicy footage, but no words and ran off to find someone else to interview. (Perhaps the only advantage of being gagged!) All around me was what looked like a riot of activity. Looking closely I could see that it was, in fact, meticulously choreographed.

There was one surprise, though. Barbie walked up to Jim and the girl bouncing on his cock.

“You’ve got five minutes, Jim. Bring your new girlfriend to orgasm, please!”

This sent both of them into a fit of giggles and Jim introduced his wife, Samantha or Sam for short.

Barbie was stunned for a moment. “You brought your wife to an event like this?”

“It’s our five year wedding anniversary and they reckon you should do something wild every now and then to stop a marriage getting stale. So when we saw your adverts at the gym we both decided to give it a go. Now I know why Sam wasn’t worried about me having sex with another woman on stage.”

Barbie’s face lit up with the news and asked if they minded doing a Take Off Kiss Cam at the start of the next game. They giggled again and said they would make it worth her while.

“OK! I’m going to run off now to do the impossible. I need to make a last minute change to the running order.” And she did run.

The audience settled. The lights switched. The On Air sign came on. Barbie bounced to the front of the stage while Dick took position next to me, just outside of the pool of light from my spot. This couldn’t be good.

“Welcome back for our final game of the show. But first, we have some wonderful news to share. Do you all remember Jim the Cum Cannon?” The spotlight illuminated an entirely naked Jim, sitting in his chair with his cock sticking firmly up.

“Well, Jim is accompanied today by his beautiful wife of five years, Samantha!” A second spot lit her up. She was wearing her blouse and skirt, but her bra and panties were still scattered around her. They both waved at the camera. The screen at the back showed the two of them together and the words “KISS CAM” appeared over them.

“Sam and Jim are, in fact, celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary here,” Barbie told the room, which responded with appropriate cheers and clapping.

The pair stood up and kissed. More properly they kissed, and they snogged, and they groped. Sam and Jim pressed their bodies against each other and let their hands wander all over, with Sam showing a definite preference for fingering between Jim’s ass cheeks. Jim, meanwhile, ran his hands up Sam’s sides and lifted her loose blouse clean off her. Sam reached down and pulled her skirt off, leaving her naked as Jim hoisted her up off the ground. She wrapped her legs around him and slid down, impaling her cunt on his hard cock. He turned back to his seat and sat back with a thump, dropping Sam a couple more inches down his shaft.

The crowd went wild and the spotlight cut out.

Barbie tried to get the show back on script with the third and final game of the show but the whoops and cheers didn’t die down as the audience were treated to a live sex show in row K.

Not Game Three: My Punishment

Barbie nodded to Dick and he rolled me in, which finally drew the audience’s attention back to the front.

“I have an apology to make to you all,” Barbie told the audience. “We have kept the turnarounds between games quite short and not all of you who have needed the bathroom have managed to get in. For example, Alex, who masturbated for us last game still hasn’t had a chance to empty his bladder.”

I did not like the sound of how this was going.

“Fortunately we have a forfeit violation to punish as well.”

Dick handed her a large clear plastic funnel attached to a clear tube with a rubber socket at the end. I knew immediately that it was meant for my O-gag and started to thrash about to the audience’s great delight. Of course I was firmly tied in the chair at multiple points and wasn’t going anywhere. Dick plugged the socket into my gag and smiled a grin of utter sadistic joy at me. Barbie held the funnel end low in front of Alex.

“Would you like some privacy?” she asked.

“Nah. I’m busting.”

And then he flicked his long cock into the funnel and let loose a stream of piss.

Barbie was holding the funnel so that its top was level with my mouth. The urine built up in the tube and the funnel but only came about level with my mouth. By lifting the funnel she could control how it poured into my mouth. Even without the liquid, the smell was starting to work on me. Once again, just as I thought I could not be degraded any further, Barbie found a way.

Alex had just finished relieving himself when she looked at me and announced “ready or not, here it comes.” She lifted the funnel slightly and the piss began to run into my mouth. O-gags make swallowing fiddly. It can be done but it’s not as simple as usual. Barbie knew how to keep the urine flowing at just the right rate to keep me on the very edge of being overwhelmed. As it was, a couple of times I almost choked and she backed off long enough for me to recover. It wasn’t helped by Alex and Dick starting a chant from the stage that the audience quickly took up: “Chug! Chug! Chug!”

Barbie finished by lifting the funnel high so that everyone could see that it was totally drained. Then Dick unplugged it from my gag, took the funnel end from Barbie and carried it off the stage with Alex in tow.

“And that’s how we punish forfeit violations on Take Off!” Barbie told the audience and pointed down at me. The audience hooted with mocking laughter and that damn chant started up again. “Cumdump! Cumdump! Cumdump!”

Dick returned to wheel me back to the side of the stage where I could be spotlit, but out of the way. I told myself I only had one more game to endure and then I could run away.
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Old 07-27-2023, 12:51 PM   #9
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Holy Crap This Is Awesome!
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Old 07-27-2023, 02:10 PM   #10
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Game three: Barbie did not see this coming

Dick pulled four more contestants from a pot and Barbie had them line up in the usual places.

Then she described how this game would work. She would announce a topic like “signs of the zodiac.” The first contestant would have one second — yes, only one second — to name one of them, “gemini” say. The second contestant would then have a single second to name another, “taurus” say. A contestant would lose when they were unable to think of one fast enough or if they repeated one that had already been given. Each list would stop as soon as someone got it wrong. The lists would be simple, but the speed, the stress and the need to remember which ones had already been used made it very hard indeed.

Each time someone got it wrong they were to strip naked and start stroking their cock.

The last player with clothes was the winner. But once there was a winner the three naked players would play one more game and the first one to drop out of that would pay the forfeit.

I wasn’t paying that much attention to the game itself, to be honest. I was surprised just how fast a player got it wrong, though. Constituent states of the USA? They only made it through to twelve before Virginia was repeated. Constellations? How could you forget the zodiac examples given at the start? And so on. Of course, the frantic speed of the game made mistakes like this inevitable.

Soon there were three naked contestants and a $500 richer clothed one waiting for what came next. The winner left the stage and Barbie set the challenge for the losers: Capital cities of the European Union.

The first player, a tall man in his early twenties, kicked off with “London.” Bong!

“I’m sorry, Joey, but the UK isn‘t in the EU any more. You lose!”

Dick wheeled the frame back on stage and Joey allowed himself to be spread-eagled in it. Once that was done, Dick opened a little box on the side of the frame and pulled out a couple of wires with sticky pads on them. These he carefully attached to each side of Joey’s scrotum.

“While we let Joey contemplate his fate we need to deal with our two other losers. They simply have to finish off and shoot a load in front of the audience.”

And this is when Dick wheeled me back to the center.

“Cumdump! Cumdump!” I was beyond hating that name. The sheer amount of contempt I was being shown was burning into my very soul.

The two wanking losers closed in on me and in quick succession both shot both their loads cleanly through the hole in my gag and onto the back of my throat. Dick then took them off to the side to wait, “in case Joey needs some help walking after his forfeit.”

Joey’s eyes started to bulge and he started to shiver in fear. Barbie put on her sweetest voice and explained the pain that was waiting for him. He would have to do a long list for sixty seconds. Each time he missed one or repeated one his balls would get zapped.

“The list is chemical elements, Joey. Are you ready?”

“You want the chemical elements,” he confirmed, with a broad grin starting to spread over his face. Was he laughing? Perhaps he was a chemistry major and this was going to be trivial for him.

Then something amazing happened. Joey burst into song!

“There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium,
And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium…”

As he sang the silly elements song he didn’t just sing. He bounced along in his bonds in time with the tune. He pointed with his fingers and waved them as if conducting an invisible band providing him with music. He threw everything at this performance and the audience lapped it up.

(Author’s note: Those of you who have never heard Tom Lehrer’s song of the elements to the tune of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Modern Major-General should stop what you are doing right now and look it up. Thank me later.)

“…These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard,
And there may be many others, but they haven't been discarvard.”

The audience lost it and fell about laughing. This cruel show, meticulously planned by the evil Barbie, had gone well and truly off-script, defeated by one of its would-be victims. Oh, how I envied Joey.

She walked away from the frame in a tight circle to regain her composure. It only took her a few seconds and by the time she returned to Joey she was all smiles and laughter.

“Oh, well done, Joey. Well done!” She removed the electrodes and enjoyed a brief fondle of his balls. “Forfeit paid in full!” She stood back and applauded as Dick released Joey’s ankles and wrists. Then she led him to join his fellow naked players who greeted him with high fives and slaps on the back.

“Thank you all, for making this relaunch episode such a memorable occasion.” She turned her head to face me in my spotlight at the edge of the stage. “Moreso for some of us than others, perhaps.” The audience laughed. They were hers again.

“Now I’ve kept all three of our game three losers up on stage for a reason. We are going to end every episode with the Big Wave. I want every single person who has ended up naked to come and join us on stage and wave goodbye to the viewers for the closing credits.”

The audience lights rose enough for the six naked contestants sitting in the audience to run to the front. Jim was even joined by his stark naked wife and soon stretched across the front of the stage were Trevor and Nick, then Henry, Phil, Alex, Jim and Samantha, and finally Joey’s two fellows and Joey himself. Barbie took her place at the far end of the line up, Dick stood between Joey and me, and then Barbie and Dick led them in a silly wave with both their arms raised high waving at the cheering crowd and exposing themselves utterly to the cameras.

After two whole minutes of crazy waving and applause the lights switched and it all stopped abruptly. Dick made his usual announcement.

“Folks, we have thirty minutes between episodes because we need to reset the audience as well as the stage, but thirty minutes is not as long as you think. Naked contestants should follow me for the shower and their clothes back. We present each episode as a fresh start. Everyone else, follow Barbie to the lounge for drinks and snacks. Toilets as before and, also as before, please be back in your seats on time or you will have to wait for the next break to be allowed in the studio.”

Then he took off my gag, unlocked me from the chair, and helped me stand.

“Let’s get you showered and I expect you want words with the chief.”

Oh yes. There was going to be hell to pay. What I didn’t realize until later was that I was the one who would be paying.
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Old 07-27-2023, 05:55 PM   #11
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With the end of the first episode's recording, now seems a great time to say that thus far it's been incredibly well written with great escalation throughout. Looking forward to reading the rest.
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Old 08-04-2023, 08:32 PM   #12
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Default Episode two coming real soon, honest!

Real life has a bad habit of intruding on writing time, but the next episode will be coming soon. (As will the contestants!)
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Old 08-13-2023, 02:31 AM   #13
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Default Behind the Curtain

I was going to argue with Dick. I needed someone to scream at and he was both convenient and appropriate, however Dick handed me over to Nick and Joey for support and strode off.

“Don’t worry, Cumdump. We’ve got you.” Joey was trying to be supportive as two naked men held open heavy studio doors for us.

“Stop calling me that,” I wailed. “My name’s Andy.”

“Hah! You wish,” Joey laughed.

“Yeah, sorry. I’d forgotten it.” Nick was mildly apologetic, but he was the only one.

An unknown hand slapped me on the buttock. “You’re just Cumdump now, sucker.”

After that it seemed to be a sport for my fellow contestants to slap my ass and call me Cumdump but in less than a minute we got to the showers and they were distracted from tormenting me.

The facility was essentially a small sportsmen’s changing room. There were no lockers or anything else portable but all the fixtures and fittings seemed clean. There were hooks on the walls, there were benches screwed to the tiled floor, and there was a shower room with four heads sticking out from a wall. In a corner of the changing room was a trolley with three piles of towels, jeans and shirts.

“I know you all want to soak,” Dick told us, “but we do need to get a move on.”

I took my time. I didn’t care about their fucking schedule, or their fucking show, or making it to the fucking studio in time to see some other poor bastard suffer like I did. They all started getting changed as I just stood under the water, leaning against the tiles, sobbing.

“I’m taking the others to the lounge. You hang tight.”

I barely registered Dick’s comment. I was still under the shower, wishing the water could wash away the past two hours.

After a few more minutes I went outside to dry and found the room with no towels, jeans, or shirts. I guessed Samantha was wearing my assigned clothes, though I was surprised they had all taken the towels too. After the experiences I had had, though, this was nothing. I simply sat down on a bench and waited, my mind either blank or so full of random horrifying thoughts. Either way, I was not thinking.

“Hey, Cumdump. How’s it going?”

I turned to protest at the name, but I didn’t have the energy any more. What was the point?

“Dick? Have you come to collect me? I’m still waiting for the son of a bitch who runs this show.” I waved at the empty room. “Oh, and I need some clothes.”

Dick snorted with amusement. “Hi. I am the son of a bitch who runs this show and, no, you don’t.”

I looked up at him, startled.

“Give me a couple of minutes to say my piece and then decide what you want to do.”

I didn’t so much accept or refuse that offer as sit there with my mouth flapping open like a moron. What?

His voice was firm but reasonable, like a principal you respected but didn’t like.

“You’re fucked. More precisely, Barb and I have fucked you. We have nudged you into being at the receiving end of some of the most disgusting acts and we have copious video footage illustrating it from every possible angle. When this gets out into the general population you will be ruined. Our program is going out on a new, edgy streaming service, but it’s going out to the general public. You’re fucked.

His voice took on a more sympathetic tone.

“But not everyone watches the sexually explicit streams. There’s a very good chance that your mother will never watch the program. The people in your apartment block who do watch it will be the sort of people who will want to tease and exploit you for their own ends, rather than have you driven out and made homeless.

“And there’s more good news. As well as only the right people getting all the details of your new reality, it’s also time-limited. After a bit you will be forgotten. The people who chatter about you, who laugh at you, who despise you… they’ll forget about you. They’ll all move on to the shiny new thing, the next humiliation, the next exposure, the next poor bastard we destroy.”

His voice turned hard again.

“But you gave us your darling mother’s contact details for use in emergencies. We have your home address and, so, the address of everyone else in your apartment block. It was the work of moments to get your LinkedIn contacts. If we want to, we can create an ongoing campaign to keep your humiliation fresh. We can make it worse, much worse.

“If you disobey my one, simple instruction you will find your life crashing down around your ankles faster than underwear on our game show.” He smiled at the comparison. “Understand?”

I looked up at him. There was no warmth in his eyes, no humanity. He was a predator and I was his cornered prey.

“One simple instruction?” It took me all my effort to calm my brain to ask even that simple question. This could not be happening. But it was! But it couldn’t be!! Round and round my mind went, unable to find an acceptable version of reality that matched the obvious facts.

“The instruction? Be Cumdump. Embrace the character. Live it. Follow it wherever it leads,” he chuckled, “or we lead it. But be Cumdump.”

“I have a … had a life. A job.”

“You will still have these. Sometimes you will play the role of Andrew Robson, IT contractor and dutiful son. But it’s an act. You are Cumdump.”

Speech eluded me. Shock was setting in. Every time I thought I was at rock bottom, there was further to fall.

“You don’t need to say a word. Signal agreement by sucking my cock and taking my cumshot all over your face. Signal disagreement by walking out of here right now, stark naked, and seeing if you can drive home before I hit the metaphorical big red button of doom.”

He stood less than twelve inches from me, unzipped his pants, and dropped them with his boxers to his knees. His cock was in my face, already hard in anticipation of my surrender.

My mind could not process what was happening. Neither of us said a word or moved a muscle. I tried to think coherently but couldn’t. Finally my panicked mind latched onto something it could use: short-term survival. I just had to get myself through the day, and I would worry about the future later. I leant forward, tentatively kissed the end of his cock and stroked it with my tongue.

Dick made no word, but his cock twitched. Encouraged, I opened my mouth a small bit more, still not enough for the girth of his cock. I started pleasuring just the top half of his cock head. Slowly I widened my mouth to take in his whole cock head. I swirled it with my tongue, and I was startled that I had automatically started looking for ways to “unlock his orgasm” in Trevor’s comic formal language.

I don’t know whether it was me running my tongue round the underside of his mushroom-shaped cock head or whether he had just been building up pressure all the time, but I felt him shiver as the orgasm broke. I pulled back and got only half of his cumshot in my mouth. The rest sprayed across my freshly washed face.

Andy was gone. Cumdump had been baptized in his place.

“Get up. You’re in costume now. This is your ‘Look’: naked, with at least one cumshot clearly visible on you, and exposed completely for sight and touch.”

I was about to say something when he slapped me on the ass and pushed me ahead of him. “Let‘s go. We need to make it to the studio on time.”

As we walked he coached me on my new identity. “Don’t weep for an old life you can’t ever get back. Have fun with the new one. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Explore it.”

He guided me to a rear door for the studio where we found Barbie getting her makeup touched up. “Here’s Cumdump,” Max told her. “He’s on board.”

I hadn’t actually agreed, I dimly realized, at least not in words, but that seemed irrelevant. My mind was still spinning. I was Cumdump and nothing I said would ever change that.

Then I was swept up again in the hubbub of a game show studio and Dick led me to the stage at a brisk pace.

“You stand here. You know the drill.”

There was a second bondage frame waiting for me, and I let Dick fit me in it.

“There was always going to be a Cumdump?” I asked him.

He smiled and passed me a bottle to drink from. “Everyone forgets hydration until they pass out.” He waved at the rush around us as I downed it. I hadn’t realized just how thirsty I was. The bottle described it as an isotonic rehydration fluid. It tasted funny but I was beyond caring at details like that.

“Now you’re starting to see behind the curtain. The whole thing is planned out. Did you spot how we didn’t cut the deck of cards before the very first game? The order was designed to let contestant number three get lucky, and to damn contestant number four into becoming Cumdump.

“I built the script into the card orders, the spinning wheel clothes selector and even the ball draws. Barb has the human touch to get the contestants to follow the script. Between us we drive the whole thing. We met at college: Barbara and Rick. Remember the name of the production company, Barbarick Productions? That’s us. Max, contestant number three? He’s the money man. He said he wanted convincing we could drive a script. He‘s convinced now.”

He paused. “Though the song and dance act was not what we had planned.” He shook his head, amused at the memory. “And we dropped the ball somewhere with Jim and Sam. At some point we must have known they were together to seat them like that. But it never made it to me to script.”

He sighed. “We’re still debugging bits of the show.”

“And this damn frame only arrived this morning, way too late for the first show when we were supposed to use it. Sorry the chair was so uncomfortable.”

Was it my imagination, or was Dick trying to behave like a normal human being bitching about work with a buddy?

“Why did you pick me to be contestant number four?” Finally, I built up the strength to whisper the question that was burning within me. Why me?

“Barb said you had the right look to be a perfect Cumdump, and she’s a great judge of character. Was she wrong?” His hand started idly stroking my balls. “I think she chose really well.” He stroked the underside of my cock and it sprang back to life, quivering as it pointed at the crowd.

I said nothing. I couldn’t deny it. I was, voluntarily, standing stark naked at the side of a stage with an exposed hard cock, and fresh cum dripping down my face.

Dick looked over at Barbie standing in the middle of the stage giving the briefing. “Now look, you’ve got me behind, gossipping like a schoolgirl. Remember: if you resist we will destroy you.” He slapped me cheerily on the backside and trotted off to his mark.

The audience lights went out. The stage lights came on. The sign said we were ON AIR.

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Take Off, the audience participation stripping show!

Here we go again.
Off limits: Permanent / Social suicide / $£€¥ / Scat

Last edited by andyrobson2006; 08-13-2023 at 04:54 AM. Reason: Bold face.
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Old 08-13-2023, 11:58 AM   #14
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that was fun. Each episode leaves you looking forward to the next one and there are enough surprises to keep us on our toes. You write really well and I have been having a lot of fun with this one.
M 73 California USA. Likes cbt, spanking, nt, and exhibitionism. Who knows what I might discover next.

Click my album for a picture of most of my toys. Will use them on cam.

Limits are anal, excrement, involving other people, illegal, lasting marks no cross dressing any nudity will use a mask or no face.

Growing old is a good thing we all want to do but I don't have to BE old.

Whereby whereby.com/sexyseniorctzn

Kik: dogjockey

Skype Dogjockey Bearman
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Old 08-15-2023, 07:31 AM   #15
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Default Episode two

“Oh, welcome, welcome, welcome! Thank you so much for coming back to our little corner of gameshow heaven. This is Take Off where contestants come up, clothes come off, and a whole lot of cocks just come!” Barbie was wearing a different dress, but her bubbly, infectious personality was the same as ever.

“You may remember that last time we witnessed a most glorious cum shot.” The screen at the back of the stage showed Jim’s massive cumshot hitting me in slow motion. “Please welcome back the recipient of that marvel, Cumdump!” A spotlight landed on my frame and followed me as Dick wheeled me front and center. Once there, he turned me through 360° so everyone could see my bare ass as well.

“Cumdump! Cumdump! Cumdump!” I was starting to see “behind the curtain.” The audience was being led in its chant by two people with large idiot boards. I forced a smile just as the camera zoomed in on my face, picking up the glint of spotlight on cum.

Game one: Higher or Lower

“Let’s not waste any more time. You’re here to see contestants win money and lose clothes. Dick?”

Dick started drawing seats.

First up was Shawn. Shawn was a tall, well-built black man in his late thirties. He favored a bald head and was clean shaven. He had a casual grace to him and I suspected he was a sportsman as much as a gym rat. Barbie looked at his skull admiringly and had to ask “do you go hairless all over?”

“If I lose you’ll all find out, and if I win you’ll all go to sleep wondering.”

“Now I’m tempted to cheat to find out, but I don’t think I could pull it off in front of this audience.”

Shawn smiled seductively at Barbie. “Have you ever run your hands over a truly, 100%, absolutely hairless adult man before? Do you want to?”

Barbie licked her lips. This man oozed confidence and power. Even Barbie, who was only one leather outfit from being a dominatrix, felt it.

“Now you’ve really got me wishing I could cheat.”

Next was Grant, a 6’6” pale skinned, blue eyed, blond haired mountain of a man. Muscles rippled as he moved and he had a cruel arrogance about him. I knew he had a TikTok channel where he recorded clips from his, admittedly impressive, workouts at a gym and made disparaging comments about the other gym-goers.

“I’m here to show off what a real man looks like.”

Barbie certainly let him talk it up. He got polite applause from the audience, but clearly didn’t carry their popular vote. Perhaps this was the intended victim in one of Dick’s carefully scripted decks of cards.

The third contestant was a slender hispanic man probably in his early twenties with a worried look on his face. He had seen how fast this game escalated and knew he was in over his head.

“Please, tell us a little about yourself,” Barbie prompted.

“I’m Jules, short for Julian. I’m a junior cook in a restaurant kitchen and I’m also an artist.”

“An artist? Oooh… have you done paintings from live nude models?”

“Drawings, but yes.”

Barbie’s voice took on a conspiratorial tone. “Ever modeled nude for an art class yourself?”

“Many, many times,” he smiled. The audience cheered for him. Anyone as comfortable with nudity as Jules was fine by them.

“Well, let’s see if you end up nude this time.” She walked over to the fourth mark.

Dick didn’t draw a fourth ball, though, and instead walked over to me.

Barbie then made the announcement. “Now that we have an episode behind us, each episode will start with the Higher/Lower game and will bring forward the biggest loser of the previous game as the fourth competitor, together with his current prize money and — of course — his complete lack of clothes.”

The spotlight glinted on the cum splashed across my face as Dick released me from the rack and let me walk to my mark as he wheeled the frame away. I waved at the audience, but I didn’t get applause, polite or otherwise.

“Cumdump! Cumdump! Cumdump!”

Great. I was the comic relief.

Barbie quickly recounted the rules. Of course, because I was starting naked I would proceed directly to forfeits should I get any turn of the cards wrong.

Dick had moved my frame out of the way and was waiting by the cards. I was painfully aware that there were now two frames — or torture racks, as I thought of them — waiting for victims, one on each side of the stage, tucked away in shadow.

He turned the Eight of Clubs and Barbie turned to Shawn.

“Lower.” Dick turned over the Nine of Hearts and the audience burst into laughter and cheers. We were off to a good start. The spinning disc appeared on the screen and settled on stripping Shawn of his shirt.

“Lower.” Grant’s smile was stripped from him when Dick turned the Jack of Spades. He was even less happy when the wheel took both his shirt and vest. The audience, however, was delighted. Disk was feeding their cruelty, stoking it for ever more extreme events.

“Lower?” Jules was uncertain. Something was up with the laws of probability, but he got the Six of Hearts and was safe.

“Higher.” I was uncertain. Six is not a good starting place and I was facing Dick’s damned script. Dick smiled as he turned over the Three of Hearts.

I was already naked so the screen showed me the forfeit: “Stroke until you are hard and then for three minutes without cumming.” That wasn’t so bad compared to what I had been through. Barbie cheerfully reminded the audience that there were severe penalties for breaking the rules of a forfeit, though she didn’t interfere with me this time. I was aware that the big screen at the back of the stage was showing a close-up of my cock and my hand, but after three minutes I was able to stop without cumming.

Barbie led the audience in polite applause and got back to the game.

“Higher.” Shawn was rewarded with the Queen of Clubs.

“Lower.” Grant was happy until Dick turned the Queen of Diamonds!

The audience’s laughter led to another idiot board-led chant with the spinning disc: “Boxers! Boxers! Boxers!” This time the wheel delivered. Grant was not happy and cursed as he stripped off. I was no longer the only naked person on stage. The disadvantage I had started the game with was already gone. More interestingly, the game might come to a short stop if Shawn or Jules caught Grant’s “bad luck.” I wondered what Dick had planned.

“Lower.” Jules was confident and was visibly shocked when Dick turned over the King of Diamonds. “Who shuffled these?” he laughed, as the wheel began to spin. It settled on vest, and he cheerfully stripped off from the waist up. As Barbie came to collect the clothes and dump them in the bin, she took the time to admire Jules’ physique.

“You must be popular as a model,” she commented as she ran her fingertips down his abs. His chest was smooth and there was no sign of a treasure trail above the waist line of his jeans.

“It’s more to do with posing than looking super-fit,” he replied, though he clearly didn’t mind Barbie’s admiration. “Artists like to work with lines of muscle or rolls of fat. I went for muscle.”

My turn. “Lower.” I half suspected that Dick would have another surprise lined up, but I got the Two of Clubs and relaxed.

“Higher.” Shawn was happier still and got the Ten of Diamonds.

Grant was clearly being targeted by Dick. He chose “Lower” and Dick turned over the King of Clubs.The K and the ♣ appeared on the screen and dissolved into the forfeit “Five whacks from each other contestant.”

Barbie fixed Grant in a frame, spread-eagled and helpless. I knew exactly how he felt. As Barbie handed me the paddle to start the beating Grant pleaded with me: “You know how it hurts. You’ll go easy on me, won’t you?”

I didn’t.

In hindsight, I should have but, at the time, all I could feel was resentment at how I had been spanked and a desire that other people knew how much it hurt. I gripped the paddle firmly and let him have it as hard as I possibly could.

Grant was screaming, weeping and pleading by the time I had finished. Jules and Shawn didn’t hold back either but were not as motivated as I was. Grant was a blubbering wreck after his fifteen whacks. There was no sign left of the posturing blowhard from the TikTok channel.

Afterwards, Barbie simply took the paddle back and asked for the next call. “Jules?”

“Lower.” He got the Four of Spades and we were back in the game, ignoring the whimpering Grant hanging in his bonds.

“Higher.” And I got the Four of Diamonds. Dick was playing hardball this game.

The screen showed 4♦ and it transformed into a forfeit: Four minutes sucking the cock of any contestant. Then it even floated up some “small print:” Must not have been sucked before. Exposed cocks first. Pick a contestant to strip boxers if required.

The much abused Grant was hanging limply in his frame so I approached and knelt before him.

“Cumdump! Cumdump! Cumdump!” The audience was led to humiliate me further. But this time I was in charge.

I swallowed Grant’s cock whole and sucked on it as hard as I could. He sprang to life in my mouth and I rasped my tongue under the base of his cockhead, up the crease, and to the piss slit. He shook as I started. “Ow! Hey, take it easy!”

But I didn’t take it easy. I pulled on his cock, I forced my tongue all over his bulging glans. I shook my head to shake his balls. As Grant started to shriek in panic that I might do him some injury, I gave him the most violent and least pleasant blowjob of his life.

For four minutes the audience cheered and jeered us both. Were they laughing at me for having to suck him? Were they laughing at him for how he reacted to being sucked? Both. I didn’t care. At last I wasn’t a passive element in my own shame. Finally, I could do something for myself. I had paddled him and now it felt like I was sucking his cock clean off.

Barbie tapped me on the shoulder when my time was up. I pulled away from Grant’s rigid cock with a loud sucking pop noise. Grant relaxed and, my luck being what it was, he shot a small load straight into my face.

He didn’t seem happy with his small revenge, though. Rather, he seemed scared of me. “You’re not right, man. You’re a fucking animal.”

Barbie smiled her amused grin as she returned me to my mark, leaving Grant hanging by his wrists.

“Higher.” Barbie looked over at Shawn to get the show going again and he was hit with the Three of Clubs. The wheel demanded his jeans and so he lost his sandals too as Barbie dropped them into the insatiable clothes bin.

“Higher.” Jules was happy with his Six of Spades, even if I wasn’t.

“Higher.” The Eight of Hearts was very nice, though. Thank you, Dick.

“Lower.” Dick wasn’t smiling on Shawn, though, as he got the Queen of Hearts. I was pleased to see another potential forfeit card get used up, but for Shawn it was just a turn of the wheel. The spinning stopped at Jeans and Shawn was left standing in his boxers and vest.

“Lower.” Grant sighed with relief at his easy choice, but Dick stabbed him in the back with the King of Spades. “Oh, fucking hell. What the fuck?”

The screen gave the forfeit as “Body writing - Chest only. Loser’s choice of artist.”

As Dick brought on a small tray carrying some broad-head marker pens, Barbie spoke to the disbelieving Grant: “Your choice of author, Grant.”

Grant looked over at Jules. “You said you were an artist?” Jules nodded. “Jules.”

Disk passed the pens to Jules who sniffed one. I thought I caught him asking Dick “Are you sure?” but Dick just nodded and led Jules over to Grant.

“Hold still,” he told Grant. He then treated us to a three minute art lesson as he drew a huge erect cock on Grant’s chest. This was not a crude graffiti cock, either. This had cross-hatch shading, lines of varying thickness and true artistry. It was, however, still a giant penis on Grant’s chest. The two balls were based on his pecs. The shaft of the cock pointed down his center line with the swollen cock head starting at the navel and having its piss slit rest on the top of Grant’s pubes. The veins stood out, the ridges were shaded. It really was art, but it was also a giant cock.

Jules got better than polite applause from a clearly impressed audience. Barbie waited for it to die down before adding a little stab. “Thank you, Jules. Don’t worry about the ink, Grant. It fades after about two weeks. Maybe three.“

Grant was startled by this. Jules just nodded in agreement and explained that the ink used was the stuff of temporary tattoos.

Barbie just took the pens from him and prompted him to continue. “Now, it’s your call, Jules.”

“Lower.” Dick rewarded him with the Seven of Clubs and attention turned to me.

“Higher.” And Dick gave me the Six of Diamonds. Bastard. The forfeit was equivalent to the previous time: Six minutes sucking the cock of any contestant. Must not have been sucked before. Exposed cocks first. Pick a contestant to strip boxers if required.

I could bring the game to an end, I realized. So when Barbie asked me to pick Jules or Shawn, I chose Jules. I smiled and waited for him to strip.

Jules smiled back. Our sandals had a thong running between the big toe and the next one. Jules gripped his tightly with his left foot and, pointing his foot carefully, threaded his foot, complete with sandal, up through his trouser leg. He repeated this with the other foot and had removed his jeans without taking off his sandals. He handed them to Barbie for the bin. “Jeans.”

Removing his boxers without taking off the sandals was even easier. “Boxers,” he said as he handed them over. Then, after Barbie had binned them he pointed down at his feet. “Sandals!”

As I approached Jules to give him his blowjob, I saw a moment of distress or possibly even panic flash over Dick’s face. Jules had gone off-script.

I had been tough with Grant and I chose to be gentle with Jules. This, at least, I was in control of. Jules, however, lasted no more than two minutes before shooting a geyser of hot cum down my throat and over my face.

“Sweet. Thank you, Cumdump.”

Barbie looked over at Shawn. “Higher.” But he got the Six of Clubs and the wheel took his vest.

There were now two of us stark naked, Jules who, by all rights, ought to have counted as naked and Shawn wearing only his boxers. We must have made quite a sight.

“Higher.” This time Grant was spared any further problems with the Jack of Clubs.

“Lower.” Jules got the Two of Spades.

“Higher.” And I got the Two of Diamonds. Fuck!

The forfeit was the same as before, except for two minutes.

“Lose the boxers,” I told Shawn. Then I sank to my knees and completed my set of sucking contestant cock. After the two minutes he hadn’t cum, but after I pulled my mouth away he gave his cock a quick stroke and it shot a load straight into my eyes. Fuck. That was uncalled for.

“We now have three fully naked contestants,” Barbie announced, “and the game is over with Jules the winner! May I remind all contestants that if clothes come off they stay off. But also,” and she looked at me, “any cum that lands on you, stays on you.”

Shawn slapped my ass. “You must be used to it by now.”

The stage lights switched and Dick gave his usual homily about being back on time.
Off limits: Permanent / Social suicide / $£€¥ / Scat
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