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Old 07-09-2016, 07:03 PM   #1
Cleverwires's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 80
Default 320+ questions for guys

Questions for guys. Be as descriptive as you can the more details the better, doesn't matter how tiny the detail is. Also be and please restate the question in your answer so people dont have to go back and look at the list to know what question your answering.

Dirty questions to ask a guy

1). How do you like to relax?

2). What are you wearing right now?

3). Do you admire yourself naked in the mirror when you’re about to bathe?

4). Have you had wet dreams ever?

5). Which song is ideal according to you to have sex to?

6). What was the craziest porn movie you watched?

7). Do you collect something like a trophy from the people you have sex with?

8). Something that is your fetish when it comes to sex?

9). Something that you have a phobia about when it comes to sex?

10). A phrase or a word that you often say when you have sex?

11). Do you sleep after sex?

12). Do you smoke after sex?

13). Do you ever go to a sex shop for shopping?

14). What is your favourite colour for underwear?

15). What sexual activity do you think you excel at?

16). What is the maximum amount of time you’ve had sex without stopping?

17). Have you ever participated in a threesome with someone of the same sex?

18). Have you ever participated in a threesome with a friend?

19). Craziest place you’ve had sex?

20). A place where you like to be kissed?

21). Would you like to make love in front of other people?

22). Have you ever practiced cyber sex?

Embarrassing questions to ask a guy

23). Have you ever used toys such as dildos?

24). Have you ever had sex in your parent’s house?

25). Have you ever been flatulent in front of your girlfriend?

26). Have you ever stolen something from the supermarket?

27 Have you ever fallen in love with a girl or a boy minor in age?

28Have you ever used cream or chocolate to spread over the body of someone?

29 Have you ever fooled around with a friend, sexually speaking?

30 Has your mom ever caught you watching porn?

31 Have you ever been caught having sex by anyone?

32 What is your biggest sexual fantasy and who do you want to fulfil it with?

33 How would you introduce your boyfriend to your dad?

34 Have you ever masturbated with some friend or cousin of yours?

35 What is the craziest thing you have done, sexually speaking?

36 Do you sing in the shower?

37 What is your preference in underwear?

38 Are you too much of a guy for any girl?

39 Have you ever kissed another man?

40 Are you afraid to be alone at home?

41 Do you cry a lot?

42 Do you hide your emotions in public?

43 Are you still in touch with the first person you made love to?

44 Would you kiss a guy in the mouth for $1,000?

45 How often do you visit pornographic sites?

46 whats your most visited pornographic site?

47 Have you ever had any sexually transmitted disease before?

48. Do you have an ex-girlfriend?

49. Do you have an ex boyfriend?

50. Do you still text or call your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?

51. Have you ever cheated on any of your ex-girlfriends/boyfriends?

52 How much is your take-home pay?

53 How long have you gone without taking a shower?

54 What would you do if you catch your boyfriend/girlfirend flirting with another guy?

55 What would you do if you catch your boyfriend/girlfirend flirting with another girl?

56 Have you ever been involved in a bar fight? Who won the fight?

57 How many times do you urinate at night?

58 Who is your favorite sexy actress or celebrity?

59 Would you give one of your fingers in exchange for having free Wifi wherever you go for the rest of your life?

60 The first thing you would do if you had one day in the body of a woman?

61 What would you like throwing several times against a brick wall?

62 Tell me something that women should never do?

63 Who would you hate to see naked?

64 When staying in a witness protection program, what would your nickname be?

65 What would you be willing to do for a million euros?

66 Why do you think they use sterilized needles to give a lethal injection?

67. If all rights are reserved, then what about the left?

68 How often do you bathe?

69 Are you one of those people who pretend to know everything online but still rely on Google?

70 Do you like stuffed animals?

71 Has anyone ever congratulated you after sex?

72 Do you ever wonder about the sex life of a cartoon?

73 Have you ever suffered an injury due to sex?

74. Have you ever been walked on when you were naked?

75. What would your favorite joke be?

76 If you could date a man for a day, who would he be?

77. Have you ever walked on someone naked?

78. What do you think is your worst physical attribute?

79. One thing that you will never do again?

80. Would you prefer to be twice as smart or twice as happy?

81. What happened the last time you cried?

82). When was the last time you were very nervous about doing something?

83). What would surprise your parents about you?

84). What is your worst habit?

85). What super power would you like to have for a day?

86). What fictional character do you have a crush on?

87). One good thing that you truly like about me?

88). Do you have a strange habit?

89. Who knows you the best?

90). What did you do after school?

91. The last book that you read and absolutely loved?

92. The best TV show in the world?

93). So far, which has been your best year and why?

94. If you could go back in time, what would you change and why?

95). An experience that disappointed you deeply?

96). 2). Would you rather ask for forgiveness or permission?

97). Love or unlimited money?

98). If you came to know that you would die in a week, what all would you do?

99). Vacationing at a beach or a vacation in Europe?

100). If you had been a child prodigy, in which area would you have highlighted?

101). What is the one thing that you truly dislike about me?

102). With a celebrity life, would you change?

103). If you were a singer, what would you call your first album?

104). If there were only one condiment in the world, what would you like it to be?

105. How many people would you like to invite on a Friday night?

106). A strange thing that makes you break a relationship right away?

107). What fictional character reminds you of yourself?

108). Do you believe in Karma?

109). Your favourite TV program as a child?

110). Something strange that attracts you to a person?

111). Something that you are superstitious about?

112). Do you think that it is important to be aware of the news?

113). The best gift that you have ever received?

114). If you were told that you could gift someone with something and the budget is unlimited, what would you gift and to whom?

115). The kindest thing that anyone can say about you?

116). An enormous house in the suburbs or a smaller one with an excellent view?

117). What movie deserves a sequel?

118). What is your favorite cereal?

119). Something that you always wanted as a kid but never had?

120. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

121). If you could resurrect a famous tomb, who would you choose?

122). If you were at home on a rainy Sunday afternoon, which movie would you like to see?

123). What historical figure would you like to have a chat with?

124).What is the most inspiring movie you ever saw?

125). If you could get rid of an invention, what would it be?

126. If you could buy an object to complete your home, what would you buy?

127). Is there anything hanging in your room that motivates you?

128). What colour is your toothbrush?

129). Any movie that made you hot?

130). Have you ever had homosexual fantasies? If your gay, straight fantasies?

131. Have you ever had a voyeurism experience?

131). What kind of person do you consider yourself to be in bed?

132). Do you like having sex drugged or drunk?

133. Do you enjoy reading erotic stories?

134). Have you ever had sex in the water?

135. What is the first thing you look at in the opposite sex? In the same sex?

136). At what age did you fall in love for the first time?

137). What is the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?

138). What is your favourite place to have sex?

139. Have you ever stripped in from of other people?

140. Have you ever left your home without underwear?

141. Have you ever clicked someone without clothes?

142 Something sexual that you would never do?

143). Do you have nude photos or porn videos in your computer?

144). Have you ever looked at someone in the street an gotten excited by it?

145). Have you ever seen some guy in the street with an erection?

146. For you, what is the definition of a perfect day?

147. What does friendship mean for you?

148. Just before kissing a girl for the first time, what did you think?

149). What is your favorite memory

150. If you can ask a genie for three wishes, what would they be?

151). Who is the person that you most admire in your life?

152). Who helped you with your first date?

153. Do you have a place where you enjoy going to think?

154. What profession have you always admired?

155. What is your first love?

156. Would you like to get married someday?

157). Where would you like to go on a honeymoon?

158). What most excites you in a woman?

159). What country would you like to live in?

160. Do you believe that there is life on other planets?

161). What is your worst nightmare?

162). What is your most recurring dream?

163). What according to you, is the definition of a perfect date?

164). Do you ever rehearse what you have to say before making a call to someone?

165. Do you have a feeling about how you are going to die?

166). What are you most thankful for in life?

167). What is the greatest achievement of your life?

168. What is your most precious memory?

169. What is your most terrible memory?

170). What does friendship mean to you?

171. When was the last time you cried in front of someone else?

172. What role does love play in your life?

173). Name ten body parts of your partner that you like to kiss.

174). What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

175). Have you ever been humiliated?

176). Describe the quality or feature that you would like to change about yourself.

177). Have you ever fallen in live with the friend of your partner?

178). What is the evilest thing you have ever done in your life?

179). If there was no one here right now, would you make love to me?

180). What is the worst rumour or gossip you said or repeated and realized at the end that it was something false?

181). What is your wildest fantasy?

182). Have you ever peed in a pool?

183. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?

184). If you had to choose personally someone you know for a threesome, who would it be?

185). From the people who are playing this game, who do you think has the best body?

186). Have you ever masturbated?

187). At what age did you start masturbating?

188). Has anyone ever caught you masturbating?

189). Have you ever masturbated in a public place? Where?

190). Have you ever masturbated in from of anyone? Who?

191). How often do you masturbate?

192). Have you ever masturbated while thinking of someone other than your partner?

193 when you first started masturbating did you know what you where doing? If you did where did you learn it form?

194). Can there be any understanding between two people from which one is dumb and other one is deaf?

195). Do you believe in the second chance given by life?

196). Do you think that we should live as if this is the last day of our life?

197). Can there be a feeling of love between two arrogant people?

198). Do you believe in demons and angels?

199). Have you ever relied on just the fate and it actually worked out for you?

200. If you know my best friend and she doesn’t know you then would you make a move on her in a night club?

201). Have you ever harassed someone but repented on it later on?

202). If you marry someone with different religion then whose religion would your children follow?

203). Do you find it okay for you to insult someone in front of everyone?

204). What is your idea of correcting someone over certain issues?

205). Have you ever pulled off a prank so bad that it made someone cry?

206). Do you believe that it is because of some incident that you became what you are today?

207). What are the essential qualities that should be there in a person?

208). What is that one thing that you want to change forever in the world’s ritual?

209). Whom would you consider more in an argument, the person asking you all these questions or your mom?

210). Who is that friend of yours with whom you share everything?

211). Have you ever got into an ugly fight with your parents?

212). Have you ever abused in front of your parents accidently?

213). If you find someone more perfect than me then would you leave me for her?

214). What is that one hobby of you that you never want to give up?

215). Do you find it right that books are a person’s best friend?

216). Do you like pets around you?

217). Do you think that you do not get enough space in joint families?

218). Would you ever tell your wife that you were not a virgin before the wedding?

219. How much the trust in a relationship matters for you?

220). What are the five words that you use very less?

221). Do you find yourself obsessed with something or someone?

222). If you had to run away from everyone then where would you hide yourself?

223). Who is that person whom you hate a lot in your family?

224). Do you believe in the horoscope?

225). From whom do you find yourself inspired the most?

226). What is the best weekend you have ever spent?

227). What is the perfect way of getting successful for you?

228). What is the worst thing you have ever done with someone you love?

229. Do you think making money is the ultimate goal?

230). How much importance would you give to people according to their bank balance?

231). Do you think that taking and giving bribe is a normal thing until you get caught?

232). What are the moral duties you would never leave to do?

233). Do you have some typical ethics in your life?

234). Who is that family member whose presence bothers you the most?

235). Describe your life through the script of a movie?

236). How far you can go to get successful in your life?

237). Did you ever want to have a twin brother or sister of yours?

238). What would you do if your partner dies just after the day you get married?

239. What importance does the marriage hold for you?

240). Describe the perfect date that you ever wanted to have?

241). How would you use the superpower of getting invisible?

242). What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

243). What was that nightmare you had that turned out to be true in real life?

244). Can you kill someone in order to save yourself?

245). What do you think is the difference between vacations and holidays?

246). Who is the most annoying friend of yours?

247. Have you ever punched someone right on their face so hard?

248). What are the luxuries that you want to own someday?

249). Do you have a wish list for your future bride/husband?

250 What is the highest amount you ever spent on shopping?

251). Do you find yourself okay in repeating your clothes regularly?

252). What is that one job which you can do without even getting paid for it?

253). Which Television season you like the most and why?

254). What do you think is the cleverest animal and why?

255). If you could take a rebirth what would you like to be?

256). Which was the girl you always wanted to date but could not?

257 Which is that super awesome and expensive thing that you really want to buy?

258). What if you find out that you are left with 24 hours then with whom you would spend your last day?

259). Do you believe in miracles? Have you witnessed any?

260). Do you believe in the concept that everything happens for a reason?

261). What are the things you want to change about your past?

262 what would you consider strictly irreplaceable in your life?

263. Who is that one friend who is with you since childhood?

264 If you could take your time off with everything then what would you do then?

265. What is your idea to cop up with the loneliness?

266. Do you have any dark secret that you do not share with anyone?

267. What was that moment when you felt the most loved person?

268. Do you have any post-retirement ideas?

269 what you wish list says you to do before getting retired?

270What was the most awesome trip you had with your friends?

271. What do you think are the harms of having a pet?

272 What kind of hairs do you think suits best on a woman?

273 what kind of hairs do you think best suit on men?

274 Who is that celebrity you want to sleep with?

275 If you have to give away the clothes of a particular color then which it would be?

276 Can you trust someone again being cheated on by them?

278). Have you ever got this much drunk that you puked in front of everyone?

279. What would you select from million dollar cash or million dollars worth jewellery?

280). What is your most favorite genre of songs?

281). Can you break someone’s heart in order, to be honest?

282). What is the importance of manipulation in your life?

283. In which way you want to be remembered by everyone?

284. Do you have that excessive urge of getting famous?

285. How many children do you want to have?

286. Which is that one habit you know is bad but you can’t leave?

287. Can you do something offensive just for the sake of your love?

288). What is your idea of winning over someone’s heart?

289. Do you have the phobia of Monday morning?

290. How much do you hate to go office after a long weekend?

291). Can you leave your work to party with your friends?

292.if you get the power to contact someone who has passed away then who it would be?

293 Can you spend one night in the graveyard for a huge amount of money?

294). If you ever have to confront God wish, you would make?

295). Are you more of a logical person or you believe in something extra ordinary?

296). Can you believe on something you haven’t seen just because everyone is talking about it?

297). Do you think science is much more reasonable than religion?

298). What are your most favorite snacks ever?

299. In the game of counter strike which role you would like to play?

300). Are you more of a listener or a speaker?

301). If you had to make an entry in your wedding then what would be your theme song?

302). Who is that one person with whom you do not share a blood relation but is important than family?

303. If you had to exchange one like from one dislike then what they would be?

304. What would be your parents’ involvement in the decision of your marriage?

305 Have you ever created a scene in the restaurant so that you need not to pay?

306 What are the things that you can cook?

307 What was the most awesome excuse you ever made?

308 What WWE fighter is your favorite one?

309 Can you deactivate all your social media account if your love says so?

310. What is the one thing that you do right after waking up?

311). What kind of life would you consider the ideal one?

312. Describe your current state of life in just one word?

313. What is the most complicated situation you have ever faced?

314 If you had to modify one car then which one would you choice?

315. What are your choices for the perfect movies?

316 Which is your most favorite party song of all time?

317). Do you like the vintage music or clothing?

318). Have you ever seen something so creepy that it gave you a chill down the spine?

319. Which cartoon character you think should have existed in the real life?

320 If you had to invent a new dessert using ice creams then which existing flavors would you choose for it?

321). Which is that dish that you hate the most?

322). Which is that animal that you want to pet someday?

323). How much important is reading the newspaper for you?

324). Who is that one woman in your life who came and never left your mind?

325. Which superhero do you think is the weirdest one?

326). What is the most valuable thing in your life?

327. What is that one similarity that you find between your mother and me?

328. What was the most vulnerable condition of yours till date?

329). Up to what level would you consider yourself to be a superstitious person?

330). If you had to fake one severe disease then which it would be?

331). Would you like to give up all you have for the risk of poker?

332). Can you give away your luxuries to meet the love of your life?

333. What is the true meaning of life for you?

334). Why do you think it is necessary to get married and have kids?

335). Have you ever attended a wedding you were not invited into?

336). What is your dream smartphone?

337. Do you have any kind of phobia that no one knows about?

338). If you had to exchange one valuable thing from another then what would be your choices?

And finally

339). Do you think that money can overpower love?

340 has your dad ever caught you masturbating? If so what happend

341 has your dad ever caught you watching porn? If so what happened?

If you think I missed any question or one of my questions have a mistake in it please tell me.
Likes: Edging, orgasm control, pup play, denial, pee control, spanking, pee stuff, dares, anal, semi-public, temporary rules, teasing, post orgasm torture, most things not mentioned in limits.
limits: poop, extreme pain, blood, crossdressing.
Please, pm me dares.

Last edited by Cleverwires; 07-09-2016 at 07:15 PM.
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Old 07-10-2016, 02:33 PM   #2
Cherry Sunic
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 112

Dear lord, here goes...

1). How do you like to relax?
Music, sleep, masturbation

2). What are you wearing right now?
Absolutely nothing except a pair of headphones (it was like 90 degrees when I woke up thirty minutes ago and I was waiting for the A/C to get it cooler)

3). Do you admire yourself naked in the mirror when you’re about to bathe?
Sometimes. I wish I could lose some weight (working on it), and had no chest/stomach hair (but I've always been told not to shave it), and I hate when my penis goes into shriveled mode

4). Have you had wet dreams ever?
Yep, not very often

5). Which song is ideal according to you to have sex to?
None, I like to hear the moans

6). What was the craziest porn movie you watched?
Kids in a Sandbox (girl shoving a vibrator in a dude's urethra) or octo-pussy (a live octopus coming out of an Asian girl's vagina)

7). Do you collect something like a trophy from the people you have sex with?
I have a few pairs of panties from my older girlfriends

8). Something that is your fetish when it comes to sex?
I love eating out

9). Something that you have a phobia about when it comes to sex?
Haven't discovered it yet

10). A phrase or a word that you often say when you have sex?
Can't think of any

11). Do you sleep after sex?
Pillow talk

12). Do you smoke after sex?
Nope, never

13). Do you ever go to a sex shop for shopping?
Yea, I have a few toys

14). What is your favourite colour for underwear?
For her? Pink. For me? black

15). What sexual activity do you think you excel at?
Eating out

16). What is the maximum amount of time you’ve had sex without stopping?

17). Have you ever participated in a threesome with someone of the same sex?

18). Have you ever participated in a threesome with a friend?

19). Craziest place you’ve had sex?
Changing room

20). A place where you like to be kissed?
Underside of the head of the penis (frenulum)

21). Would you like to make love in front of other people?

22). Have you ever practiced cyber sex?

Embarrassing questions to ask a guy

23). Have you ever used toys such as dildos?

24). Have you ever had sex in your parent’s house?

25). Have you ever been flatulent in front of your girlfriend?

26). Have you ever stolen something from the supermarket?

27 Have you ever fallen in love with a girl or a boy minor in age?
Not love, maybe lust, but a girl who was 17 when I was 26. Nothing ever happened

28Have you ever used cream or chocolate to spread over the body of someone?

29 Have you ever fooled around with a friend, sexually speaking?
Sexting count?

30 Has your mom ever caught you watching porn?
I'm sure, never said anything

31 Have you ever been caught having sex by anyone?

32 What is your biggest sexual fantasy and who do you want to fulfil it with?
Long term chastity, whoever I marry

33 How would you introduce your boyfriend to your dad?
I'd be honest if I was in that situation

34 Have you ever masturbated with some friend or cousin of yours?
Yes, a cousin

35 What is the craziest thing you have done, sexually speaking?
Performing on xHamster

36 Do you sing in the shower?

37 What is your preference in underwear?
Boxer briefs

38 Are you too much of a guy for any girl?

39 Have you ever kissed another man?

40 Are you afraid to be alone at home?

41 Do you cry a lot?
I have a hard time crying to anything other than really sad movies (Attonement, Marley and Me, Me Earl and the Dying Girl, etc)

42 Do you hide your emotions in public?

43 Are you still in touch with the first person you made love to?
We talk occasionally

44 Would you kiss a guy in the mouth for $1,000?

45 How often do you visit pornographic sites?
Too often, like every day

46 whats your most visited pornographic site?
Tumblr or empornium

47 Have you ever had any sexually transmitted disease before?

48. Do you have an ex-girlfriend?

49. Do you have an ex boyfriend?

50. Do you still text or call your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?
My most recent one, and she never replies

51. Have you ever cheated on any of your ex-girlfriends/boyfriends?

52 How much is your take-home pay?

53 How long have you gone without taking a shower?
Five days, I don't recommend

54 What would you do if you catch your boyfriend/girlfirend flirting with another guy?
Ask her about it

55 What would you do if you catch your boyfriend/girlfirend flirting with another girl?
Probably ignore it

56 Have you ever been involved in a bar fight? Who won the fight?

57 How many times do you urinate at night?
I can sleep like ten hours before I wake up with the urge to piss

58 Who is your favorite sexy actress or celebrity?
Kate Upton, Sophie Turner, or Chloe Grace Moretz (I could name more)

59 Would you give one of your fingers in exchange for having free Wifi wherever you go for the rest of your life?
This is a tougher question that I thought, probably, as long as I could chose.

60 The first thing you would do if you had one day in the body of a woman?

61 What would you like throwing several times against a brick wall?
A bouncy ball

62 Tell me something that women should never do?

63 Who would you hate to see naked?
Hate? No one. Dislike? Family members, extremely fat people

64 When staying in a witness protection program, what would your nickname be?
Bert Macklin

65 What would you be willing to do for a million euros?
Pretty much anything

66 Why do you think they use sterilized needles to give a lethal injection?
In order to make sure the lethal injection works properly and because it would be considered torture since the person is still alive.

67. If all rights are reserved, then what about the left?
Politics are pointless

68 How often do you bathe?
Once or twice a day

69 Are you one of those people who pretend to know everything online but still rely on Google?
I retain a lot of pointless information

70 Do you like stuffed animals?
Yea, I have a few, Red Pandas mostly

71 Has anyone ever congratulated you after sex?
Not exactly, but I have been told my penis is more aesthetically pleasing than most and I'm pretty good at eating out

72 Do you ever wonder about the sex life of a cartoon?

73 Have you ever suffered an injury due to sex?
Pulled a muscle in my back shooting cum into my face

74. Have you ever been walked on when you were naked?
Nope. Walked in on? Yes

75. What would your favorite joke be?
So a pirate walks into a bar, and he has this steering wheel on his crotch. The bartender asks "What's with the steering wheel?" The pirate replies "YAARGH! It's driving me nuts!"


What's the difference between a good joke and a bad (pause)

joke. Timing

76 If you could date a man for a day, who would he be?
Ryan Gosling, I heard he has a pretty good taste in music

77. Have you ever walked on someone naked?
Nope. I think this might be "walked in on" and then yes

78. What do you think is your worst physical attribute?

79. One thing that you will never do again?
Have a roommate

80. Would you prefer to be twice as smart or twice as happy?
Twice as a smart. The correlation between the two is quite frightening though

81. What happened the last time you cried?
Watching Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl. I cried for the last thirty minutes of the movie thinking of my grandpa.

82). When was the last time you were very nervous about doing something?
I went to a wedding of a girl I loved for the past two years.

83). What would surprise your parents about you?
I'm very open to my parents about everything. They would probably be really surprised if I told them I've never done any drugs except drinking.

84). What is your worst habit?
I masturbate a lot.

85). What super power would you like to have for a day?
Time manipulation

86). What fictional character do you have a crush on?
Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones

87). One good thing that you truly like about me?
This is the longest questionnaire I have ever done

88). Do you have a strange habit?
I almost always wash my butt after I poop

89. Who knows you the best?
My sexting buddy. It scares me actually

90). What did you do after school?
Moved to a different state and got a dead end job

91. The last book that you read and absolutely loved?
Star Wars Bloodlines

92. The best TV show in the world?
Game of Thrones or Sopranos

93). So far, which has been your best year and why?
A few years back I rented a house from a friend and had some really good times in
and she became a really good friend

94. If you could go back in time, what would you change and why?
I'd take the accident that happened in high school away. It ended my athletic career and made me fail a lot of classes.

95). An experience that disappointed you deeply?
None that I can think of

96). 2). Would you rather ask for forgiveness or permission?
Forgiveness, but I have a good moral compass

97). Love or unlimited money?

98). If you came to know that you would die in a week, what all would you do?
Drive to California and drive across the coast.

99). Vacationing at a beach or a vacation in Europe?

100). If you had been a child prodigy, in which area would you have highlighted?
If I could pick? Piano. Realistically? Pool or video games

101). What is the one thing that you truly dislike about me?
Some of the questions aren't worded greatly

102). With a celebrity life, would you change?
I'd be close to my fans

103). If you were a singer, what would you call your first album?
Various Artists

104). If there were only one condiment in the world, what would you like it to be?

105. How many people would you like to invite on a Friday night?

106). A strange thing that makes you break a relationship right away?
Poor dining etiquette

107). What fictional character reminds you of yourself?
Mark Zuckerburg from Social Network (I know he is based off a real person)

108). Do you believe in Karma?
Yes and no. I could write pages on it.

109). Your favourite TV program as a child?
Pokemon or Dexter's Lab

110). Something strange that attracts you to a person?
Panty lines?

111). Something that you are superstitious about?
I feel like I perform things better if it is the third day without an orgasm.

112). Do you think that it is important to be aware of the news?
Not in the traditional sense. News media companies are controlled by multi-billion dollar conglomerate companies trying to push a stance.

113). The best gift that you have ever received?
First edition Godfather book signed by Mario Puzo

114). If you were told that you could gift someone with something and the budget is unlimited, what would you gift and to whom?
I'd pay off my grandparent's debt

115). The kindest thing that anyone can say about you?
I received a thank you card that said I had a huge heart and it put me in tears

116). An enormous house in the suburbs or a smaller one with an excellent view?
Smaller one

117). What movie deserves a sequel?

118). What is your favorite cereal?
Cheerios (I'm plain)

119). Something that you always wanted as a kid but never had?
Play piano, I just bought one finally

120. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
I moved out of my dad's house in high school, and a friend let me stay with him to finish out the year

121). If you could resurrect a famous tomb, who would you choose?

122). If you were at home on a rainy Sunday afternoon, which movie would you like to see?
I really want to see Neon Demon, but the showtimes are lame

123). What historical figure would you like to have a chat with?

124).What is the most inspiring movie you ever saw?
Social Network

125). If you could get rid of an invention, what would it be?
The internet. I think it is a great thing, but companies like ATT and Time Warner are ruining its potential. Same thing goes for cell phones. Why do companies insist on charging absurd amounts of money for data?

126. If you could buy an object to complete your home, what would you buy?
A proper bed

127). Is there anything hanging in your room that motivates you?

128). What colour is your toothbrush?

129). Any movie that made you hot?
I masturbated to ebony porn for about a week after watching Straight Outta Compton, on a side note, there are a lot less black girls in porn than white ones

130). Have you ever had homosexual fantasies? If your gay, straight fantasies?
I really want to suck a penis, and take it in the ass, but men typically repulse me sexually. I would rather suck a penis than french a guy. If I could hook up with a shemale it would be amazing

131. Have you ever had a voyeurism experience?
I walk around my apartment naked and have forgotten to put the blinds back down a few times

131). What kind of person do you consider yourself to be in bed?

132). Do you like having sex drugged or drunk?

133. Do you enjoy reading erotic stories?
Yes, but I can never find any good ones

134). Have you ever had sex in the water?
Nope, but I've masturbated a few times

135. What is the first thing you look at in the opposite sex? In the same sex?
A good smile and eyes

136). At what age did you fall in love for the first time?
Like 13?

137). What is the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?
Went down on a girl in a changing room

138). What is your favourite place to have sex?
In bed

139. Have you ever stripped in from of other people?
I performed on xHamster once, yes

140. Have you ever left your home without underwear?

141. Have you ever clicked someone without clothes?
What does this even mean?

142 Something sexual that you would never do?
Anything related to blood

143). Do you have nude photos or porn videos in your computer?

144). Have you ever looked at someone in the street an gotten excited by it?

145). Have you ever seen some guy in the street with an erection?

146. For you, what is the definition of a perfect day?
25, snowing, cuddling

147. What does friendship mean for you?
Honestly and similar interests

148. Just before kissing a girl for the first time, what did you think?
I hope she likes me as much as I like her

149). What is your favorite memory
Drinking with friends in the house I rented

150. If you can ask a genie for three wishes, what would they be?
Unlimited money, infinite time, and the ability to shapeshift

151). Who is the person that you most admire in your life?
My crush who just got married

152). Who helped you with your first date?
No one, winged it

153. Do you have a place where you enjoy going to think?

154. What profession have you always admired?

155. What is your first love?
Video games

156. Would you like to get married someday?
No, but would for her

157). Where would you like to go on a honeymoon?
Somewhere scenic like parts of Europe

158). What most excites you in a woman?
A quirky personality and intelligence

159). What country would you like to live in?

160. Do you believe that there is life on other planets?

161). What is your worst nightmare?
Teeth falling apart

162). What is your most recurring dream?
I had one for a long time where I would chase this girl I liked and then climb this waterfall after her, and when I got to the top it was flatlands as far as the eye could see and she was nowhere in sight

163). What according to you, is the definition of a perfect date?
Intimacy. I usually just like to have dinner and a conversation, then some slightly fun activity, and then cuddle the night away

164). Do you ever rehearse what you have to say before making a call to someone?

165. Do you have a feeling about how you are going to die?

166). What are you most thankful for in life?
People that care about me

167). What is the greatest achievement of your life?
Scoring high on standardized testing

168. What is your most precious memory?
I feel like this is the third time this has been asked

169. What is your most terrible memory?
My dad's alcohol induced rages

170). What does friendship mean to you?
Already asked

171. When was the last time you cried in front of someone else?
A girl telling me she was breaking up with me

172. What role does love play in your life?
One of a lot of pain and anxiousness

173). Name ten body parts of your partner that you like to kiss.
Pubic mound, clitoral hood, clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, vagina, anus, mouth, nipple, perineum

174). What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
I broke a sink by falling

175). Have you ever been humiliated?
My older brother would spread lies about me in high school, some shitty times came from that

176). Describe the quality or feature that you would like to change about yourself.
I'd like to lose weight, I've been working on it

177). Have you ever fallen in live with the friend of your partner?

178). What is the evilest thing you have ever done in your life?

179). If there was no one here right now, would you make love to me?
Eh, maybe

180). What is the worst rumour or gossip you said or repeated and realized at the end that it was something false?
Not me...

181). What is your wildest fantasy?
Long term chastity and being used by a lot of girls

182). Have you ever peed in a pool?

183. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?

184). If you had to choose personally someone you know for a threesome, who would it be?
Two girls from work

185). From the people who are playing this game, who do you think has the best body?

186). Have you ever masturbated?

187). At what age did you start masturbating?
Like 13

188). Has anyone ever caught you masturbating?
Not that I know of

189). Have you ever masturbated in a public place? Where?
In a car while driving, in public restrooms, while swimming

190). Have you ever masturbated in from of anyone? Who?
Just virtually

191). How often do you masturbate?
Like nine times a week

192). Have you ever masturbated while thinking of someone other than your partner?

193 when you first started masturbating did you know what you where doing? If you did where did you learn it form?
I kind of stumbled onto it, I held a vibrator against my penis because it felt good, and eventually I came

194). Can there be any understanding between two people from which one is dumb and other one is deaf?

195). Do you believe in the second chance given by life?

196). Do you think that we should live as if this is the last day of our life?
No, that's reckless

197). Can there be a feeling of love between two arrogant people?
Yea, that is like 90% of the frat relationships

198). Do you believe in demons and angels?

199). Have you ever relied on just the fate and it actually worked out for you?
Fate scares me

200. If you know my best friend and she doesn’t know you then would you make a move on her in a night club?
Doubtful, just depends if I thought she was attractive and had a decent personality

Too many questions... some that repeat, and some that are worded poorly, and some that seem like they are about you personally but I don't know you at all
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Old 07-11-2016, 11:41 PM   #3
Truth or Dare Enthusiast
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1). How do you like to relax? Sleep

2). What are you wearing right now? PJs

3). Do you admire yourself naked in the mirror when you’re about to bathe?No

4). Have you had wet dreams ever? Yes

5). Which song is ideal according to you to have sex to? No idea

6). What was the craziest porn movie you watched? none

7). Do you collect something like a trophy from the people you have sex with?No

8). Something that is your fetish when it comes to sex? Sore bottom

9). Something that you have a phobia about when it comes to sex? I don't have any

10). A phrase or a word that you often say when you have sex? n/a

11). Do you sleep after sex?tes

12). Do you smoke after sex? I don't smoke

13). Do you ever go to a sex shop for shopping?no

14). What is your favourite colour for underwear? any

15). What sexual activity do you think you excel at? no idea

16). What is the maximum amount of time you’ve had sex without stopping? no idea

17). Have you ever participated in a threesome with someone of the same sex?n

18). Have you ever participated in a threesome with a friend?no

19). Craziest place you’ve had sex? none I remember

20). A place where you like to be kissed? on my ear

21). Would you like to make love in front of other people?no

22). Have you ever practiced cyber sex?no

Embarrassing questions to ask a guy

23). Have you ever used toys such as dildos?no

24). Have you ever had sex in your parent’s house?no

25). Have you ever been flatulent in front of your girlfriend?yes

26). Have you ever stolen something from the supermarket?no

27 Have you ever fallen in love with a girl or a boy minor in age?no

28Have you ever used cream or chocolate to spread over the body of someone?no

29 Have you ever fooled around with a friend, sexually speaking?no

30 Has your mom ever caught you watching porn?no

31 Have you ever been caught having sex by anyone?no

32 What is your biggest sexual fantasy and who do you want to fulfil it with?n/a

33 How would you introduce your boyfriend to your dad? no

34 Have you ever masturbated with some friend or cousin of yours?no

35 What is the craziest thing you have done, sexually speaking?n/a

36 Do you sing in the shower?sometimes

37 What is your preference in underwear? none particularly

38 Are you too much of a guy for any girl?

39 Have you ever kissed another man?no

40 Are you afraid to be alone at home?no

41 Do you cry a lot?no

42 Do you hide your emotions in public?
43 Are you still in touch with the first person you made love to?yes

44 Would you kiss a guy in the mouth for $1,000?no

45 How often do you visit pornographic sites? n/a

46 whats your most visited pornographic site?n/a

47 Have you ever had any sexually transmitted disease before?no

48. Do you have an ex-girlfriend? She died some years ago

49. Do you have an ex boyfriend?no

50. Do you still text or call your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?n/a

51. Have you ever cheated on any of your ex-girlfriends/boyfriends?no

52 How much is your take-home pay?n/a

53 How long have you gone without taking a shower?two days

54 What would you do if you catch your boyfriend/girlfirend flirting with another guy? sulk

55 What would you do if you catch your boyfriend/girlfirend flirting with another girl?n/a

56 Have you ever been involved in a bar fight? Who won the fight?no

57 How many times do you urinate at night?once or twice

58 Who is your favorite sexy actress or celebrity?

59 Would you give one of your fingers in exchange for having free Wifi wherever you go for the rest of your life?no

60 The first thing you would do if you had one day in the body of a woman? pee

61 What would you like throwing several times against a brick wall?no idea

62 Tell me something that women should never do?have unprotected sex

63 Who would you hate to see naked? lots of folk

64 When staying in a witness protection program, what would your nickname be?Kay

65 What would you be willing to do for a million euros? need to hink about that

66 Why do you think they use sterilized needles to give a lethal injection? why not

67. If all rights are reserved, then what about the left? it becomes right

68 How often do you bathe?I only shower

69 Are you one of those people who pretend to know everything online but still rely on Google?o

70 Do you like stuffed animals?no

71 Has anyone ever congratulated you after sex?no

72 Do you ever wonder about the sex life of a cartoon?no

73 Have you ever suffered an injury due to sex?no

74. Have you ever been walked on when you were naked?no

75. What would your favorite joke be?n idea

76 If you could date a man for a day, who would he be?no way

77. Have you ever walked on someone naked?no

78. What do you think is your worst physical attribute?My birthmark

79. One thing that you will never do again? no idea

80. Would you prefer to be twice as smart or twice as happy?no

81. What happened the last time you cried?nothig

82). When was the last time you were very nervous about doing something?
driving in snow
83). What would surprise your parents about you?

84). What is your worst habit?nails

85). What super power would you like to have for a day? to un faster

86). What fictional character do you have a crush on?Wonder woman

87). One good thing that you truly like about me?n/a

88). Do you have a strange habit?no

89. Who knows you the best?my wife

90). What did you do after school?went to college

91. The last book that you read and absolutely loved? one by Sue Grafton

92. The best TV show in the world?none

93). So far, which has been your best year and why?1971 I married

94. If you could go back in time, what would you change and why?to co plicated

95). An experience that disappointed you deeply? lots

96). 2). Would you rather ask for forgiveness or permission? foregiveness

97). Love or unlimited money? love

98). If you came to know that you would die in a week, what all would you do?I would hate it

99). Vacationing at a beach or a vacation in Europe?Europe

100). If you had been a child prodigy, in which area would you have highlighted?no idea

101). What is the one thing that you truly dislike about me?none

102). With a celebrity life, would you change?no idea

103). If you were a singer, what would you call your first album?Love

104). If there were only one condiment in the world, what would you like it to be?pepper
105. How many people would you like to invite on a Friday night? one

106). A strange thing that makes you break a relationship right away?

107). What fictional character reminds you of yourself? no idea

108). Do you believe in Karma?no

109). Your favourite TV program as a child? Muffin the mule

110). Something strange that attracts you to a person?none

111). Something that you are superstitious about? nothing

112). Do you think that it is important to be aware of the news?smetimes

113). The best gift that you have ever received?My ring

114). If you were told that you could gift someone with something and the budget is unlimited, what would you gift and to whom?no idea

115). The kindest thing that anyone can say about you?I love you

116). An enormous house in the suburbs or a smaller one with an excellent view?smal

117). What movie deserves a sequel? no idea

118). What is your favorite cereal?none

119). Something that you always wanted as a kid but never had? can't remember

120. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? I can't say

121). If you could resurrect a famous tomb, who would you choose?no idea

122). If you were at home on a rainy Sunday afternoon, which movie would you like to see? none

123). What historical figure would you like to have a chat with?William Booth

124).What is the most inspiring movie you ever saw?The King Speech

125). If you could get rid of an invention, what would it be?traffic lights

126. If you could buy an object to complete your home, what would you buy?
NO idea
127). Is there anything hanging in your room that motivates you?no

128). What colour is your toothbrush?blue

129). Any movie that made you hot?none

130). Have you ever had homosexual fantasies? If your gay, straight fantasies?no

131. Have you ever had a voyeurism experience?no

131). What kind of person do you consider yourself to be in bed? sleepy

132). Do you like having sex drugged or drunk?no

133. Do you enjoy reading erotic stories?no

134). Have you ever had sex in the water?no

135. What is the first thing you look at in the opposite sex? In the same sex?
136). At what age did you fall in love for the first time?twenty two

137). What is the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?none

138). What is your favourite place to have sex?no where

139. Have you ever stripped in from of other people? no

140. Have you ever left your home without underwear?yes

141. Have you ever clicked someone without clothes?yes

142 Something sexual that you would never do?have unprotected swx

143). Do you have nude photos or porn videos in your computer?

144). Have you ever looked at someone in the street an gotten excited by it?
145). Have you ever seen some guy in the street with an erection?yes

146. For you, what is the definition of a perfect day?sunny

147. What does friendship mean for you?lots

148. Just before kissing a girl for the first time, what did you think? no idea

149). What is your favorite memoryMy wedding

150. If you can ask a genie for three wishes, what would they be?only three?

151). Who is the person that you most admire in your life? difficult

152). Who helped you with your first date?cant remember

153. Do you have a place where you enjoy going to think?by the river

154. What profession have you always admired? Holy orders

155. What is your first love? n/a

156. Would you like to get married someday?married

157). Where would you like to go on a honeymoon?n.a

158). What most excites you in a woman? bottom

159). What country would you like to live in?uk

160. Do you believe that there is life on other planets? maybe

161). What is your worst nightmare?driving in snow

162). What is your most recurring dream?don't remember dreams

163). What according to you, is the definition of a perfect date?no idea

164). Do you ever rehearse what you have to say before making a call to someone? no

165. Do you have a feeling about how you are going to die?no

166). What are you most thankful for in life?love

167). What is the greatest achievement of your life?two children

168. What is your most precious memory? my first child

169. What is your most terrible memory? havng to deal with a niece when her mother died

170). What does friendship mean to you?lots

171. When was the last time you cried in front of someone else? can't remember

172. What role does love play in your life? not a lot

173). Name ten body parts of your partner that you like to kiss.anywhere

174). What was the most embarrassing moment of your life? can't remembr

175). Have you ever been humiliated?yes

176). Describe the quality or feature that you would like to change about yourself. lack of a sense of humour

177). Have you ever fallen in live with the friend of your partner?no

178). What is the evilest thing you have ever done in your life? no idea

179). If there was no one here right now, would you make love to me?no

180). What is the worst rumour or gossip you said or repeated and realized at the end that it was something false?n/a

181). What is your wildest fantasy?!!!!!

182). Have you ever peed in a pool?yes

183. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? parent

184). If you had to choose personally someone you know for a threesome, who would it be?noone

185). From the people who are playing this game, who do you think has the best body?no idea

186). Have you ever masturbated?tes

187). At what age did you start masturbating?15

188). Has anyone ever caught you masturbating?yes

189). Have you ever masturbated in a public place? Where? probably

190). Have you ever masturbated in from of anyone? Who?wife

191). How often do you masturbate?

192). Have you ever masturbated while thinking of someone other than your partner? yes

193 when you first started masturbating did you know what you where doing? If you did where did you learn it form? no

194). Can there be any understanding between two people from which one is dumb and other one is deaf? yes

195). Do you believe in the second chance given by life?yes

196). Do you think that we should live as if this is the last day of our life?yes

197). Can there be a feeling of love between two arrogant people?yes

198). Do you believe in demons and angels?yes

199). Have you ever relied on just the fate and it actually worked out for you?no

200. If you know my best friend and she doesn’t know you then would you make a move on her in a night club?no

201). Have you ever harassed someone but repented on it later on?no

202). If you marry someone with different religion then whose religion would your children follow? depends

203). Do you find it okay for you to insult someone in front of everyone? sometimes

204). What is your idea of correcting someone over certain issues? n/a

205). Have you ever pulled off a prank so bad that it made someone cry?

206). Do you believe that it is because of some incident that you became what you are today? yes

207). What are the essential qualities that should be there in a person?ability to love

208). What is that one thing that you want to change forever in the world’s ritual? more love

209). Whom would you consider more in an argument, the person asking you all these questions or your mom?depends my Mum died years ago

210). Who is that friend of yours with whom you share everything?my wife

211). Have you ever got into an ugly fight with your parents?n/a

212). Have you ever abused in front of your parents accidently?

213). If you find someone more perfect than me then would you leave me for her?n/a

214). What is that one hobby of you that you never want to give up? family history

215). Do you find it right that books are a person’s best friend?depends

216). Do you like pets around you? no

217). Do you think that you do not get enough space in joint families?yes

218). Would you ever tell your wife that you were not a virgin before the wedding? did not happen

219. How much the trust in a relationship matters for you?depends

220). What are the five words that you use very less? sorry

221). Do you find yourself obsessed with something or someone?no

222). If you had to run away from everyone then where would you hide yourself?n bed

223). Who is that person whom you hate a lot in your family?noone

224). Do you believe in the horoscope?no

225). From whom do you find yourself inspired the most?no idea

226). What is the best weekend you have ever spent? many

227). What is the perfect way of getting successful for you? no idea

228). What is the worst thing you have ever done with someone you love? let her down

229. Do you think making money is the ultimate goal?no

230). How much importance would you give to people according to their bank balance?none

231). Do you think that taking and giving bribe is a normal thing until you get caught?no

232). What are the moral duties you would never leave to do? depends

233). Do you have some typical ethics in your life? no

234). Who is that family member whose presence bothers you the most?my son in law

235). Describe your life through the script of a movie?no idea

236). How far you can go to get successful in your life? no idea

237). Did you ever want to have a twin brother or sister of yours?no

238). What would you do if your partner dies just after the day you get married?n/a

239. What importance does the marriage hold for you?lots

240). Describe the perfect date that you ever wanted to have?n/a

241). How would you use the superpower of getting invisible? thats a thought

242). What is the most evil thing you have ever done?any one can guess

243). What was that nightmare you had that turned out to be true in real life?none

244). Can you kill someone in order to save yourself?no

245). What do you think is the difference between vacations and holidays?
246). Who is the most annoying friend of yours?secret

247. Have you ever punched someone right on their face so hard?no

248). What are the luxuries that you want to own someday?nothing

249). Do you have a wish list for your future bride/husband?n/a

250 What is the highest amount you ever spent on shopping?no idea

251). Do you find yourself okay in repeating your clothes regularly?

252). What is that one job which you can do without even getting paid for it?
charity collecting
253). Which Television season you like the most and why?no idea

254). What do you think is the cleverest animal and why?dolpin

255). If you could take a rebirth what would you like to be?no

256). Which was the girl you always wanted to date but could not?none

257 Which is that super awesome and expensive thing that you really want to buy?none

258). What if you find out that you are left with 24 hours then with whom you would spend your last day?wife

259). Do you believe in miracles? Have you witnessed any?yes and yes

260). Do you believe in the concept that everything happens for a reason?yes

261). What are the things you want to change about your past?you can't change the past

262 what would you consider strictly irreplaceable in your life?wife

263. Who is that one friend who is with you since childhood?cousin

264 If you could take your time off with everything then what would you do then?no idea

265. What is your idea to cop up with the loneliness?sleep

266. Do you have any dark secret that you do not share with anyone?yes

267. What was that moment when you felt the most loved person?wedding

268. Do you have any post-retirement ideas?no

269 what you wish list says you to do before getting retired?t late

270What was the most awesome trip you had with your friends? to usa

271. What do you think are the harms of having a pet?getting bitten

272 What kind of hairs do you think suits best on a woman? long

273 what kind of hairs do you think best suit on men?short

274 Who is that celebrity you want to sleep with?no one

275 If you have to give away the clothes of a particular color then which it would be? pink

276 Can you trust someone again being cheated on by them? yes

278). Have you ever got this much drunk that you puked in front of everyone?no

279. What would you select from million dollar cash or million dollars worth jewellery?cash

280). What is your most favorite genre of songs?love

281). Can you break someone’s heart in order, to be honest?yes

282). What is the importance of manipulation in your life? not

283. In which way you want to be remembered by everyone? n/a

284. Do you have that excessive urge of getting famous?no

285. How many children do you want to have? two

286. Which is that one habit you know is bad but you can’t leave?

287. Can you do something offensive just for the sake of your love? no

288). What is your idea of winning over someone’s heart?none

289. Do you have the phobia of Monday morning?no
290. How much do you hate to go office after a long weekend?don't

291). Can you leave your work to party with your friends?no

292.if you get the power to contact someone who has passed away then who it would be?no idea

293 Can you spend one night in the graveyard for a huge amount of money? yes

294). If you ever have to confront God wish, you would make? don't understand

295). Are you more of a logical person or you believe in something extra ordinary?logical

296). Can you believe on something you haven’t seen just because everyone is talking about it?yes

297). Do you think science is much more reasonable than religion?no

298). What are your most favorite snacks ever? chips

299. In the game of counter strike which role you would like to play?no idea

300). Are you more of a listener or a speaker? speaker

301). If you had to make an entry in your wedding then what would be your theme song?n/a

302). Who is that one person with whom you do not share a blood relation but is important than family?lots

303. If you had to exchange one like from one dislike then what they would be?none

304. What would be your parents’ involvement in the decision of your marriage?to late

305 Have you ever created a scene in the restaurant so that you need not to pay?no

306 What are the things that you can cook?I will try most things

307 What was the most awesome excuse you ever made????????

308 What WWE fighter is your favorite one?no one

309 Can you deactivate all your social media account if your love says so?probably

310. What is the one thing that you do right after waking up?tablets

311). What kind of life would you consider the ideal one?love

312. Describe your current state of life in just one word? tired

313. What is the most complicated situation you have ever faced?redundancy

314 If you had to modify one car then which one would you choice?

315. What are your choices for the perfect movies?none

316 Which is your most favorite party song of all time?none

317). Do you like the vintage music or clothing? clthing

318). Have you ever seen something so creepy that it gave you a chill down the spine?yes

319. Which cartoon character you think should have existed in the real life?
320 If you had to invent a new dessert using ice creams then which existing flavors would you choose for it?vanilla

321). Which is that dish that you hate the most?mashed potato

322). Which is that animal that you want to pet someday? none

323). How much important is reading the newspaper for you?news

324). Who is that one woman in your life who came and never left your mind?wife

325. Which superhero do you think is the weirdest one?no one

326). What is the most valuable thing in your life?love

327. What is that one similarity that you find between your mother and me?
no idea
328. What was the most vulnerable condition of yours till date?love

329). Up to what level would you consider yourself to be a superstitious person?not

330). If you had to fake one severe disease then which it would be?none that is wrong

331). Would you like to give up all you have for the risk of poker?no

332). Can you give away your luxuries to meet the love of your life?yes

333. What is the true meaning of life for you? belief

334). Why do you think it is necessary to get married and have kids?Its not

335). Have you ever attended a wedding you were not invited into?yes

336). What is your dream smartphone?not particular

337. Do you have any kind of phobia that no one knows about?no

338). If you had to exchange one valuable thing from another then what would be your choices?no idea

And finally

339). Do you think that money can overpower love?no

340 has your dad ever caught you masturbating? If so what happend no

341 has your dad ever caught you watching porn? If so what happened? bo
I am diabetic and cannot accept dares that could cause problems for example a morning water tablet requires often peeing especially in the morning
I always sit on a toilet seats except in public toilets
Limits etc:

PM Dares

I am male
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