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Old 04-22-2016, 12:37 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Mistress Pain's Corrections School (Level 8/10 Part 2) [Single] [R] 18+

Mistress Pain's Corrections School (Level 8/10 Part 2) [Single] [R] 18+

(You should already have read posting part 1.)

**General Demerit and Graduation Program**

We need to first set your mandatory check in day. On this day, you will come to me (of course fully clothed, on your knees, and having to go to the bathroom) and jump to the check in section of the program (posting part 4). We'll do a dice roll and analyze your demerit level to determine if corrective punishment is required. It is thus important that your check in day is scheduled such that it allows for several hours of punishment if I decide it necessary. During the first two weeks, you can alter the check in day free of penalty as you learn to adjust your schedule around MY needs. I can be reasonable at times, but my patience isn't without its limits. After two weeks, changing the day will cost you demerits! I understand that real world events may transpire that prevent a proper check in. I'll try not to get too angry with you but understand that you will receive 4 demerits for EACH day that you are late (or 2 demerits for a FIRST offense)! Decide your check in day NOW, or if you'd rather, have fate decide with 2D6...

2 or 12:


3 or 11:






9 or 10


6 or 8




You're going to need to keep a journal. You can use any paper for now if you don't have one, but you'll start to accrue demerits if you don't have one by next week. Also, once you get a journal, transcribe everything you have on paper into it. Organization counts! Time for the first entry. All entries should be dated. Write your specific training school(s) and your mandatory check in day. Be sure these are properly labeled and not just words floating on a page.

Let us now explain how you can eventually earn the right for a CHANCE of graduation (and perhaps your freedom). The demerit system is fairly elaborate and will vary by school, but the graduation system is fairly straight forward. On your weekly check in day, if your calculated demerit score is sufficiently low, you'll earn a graduation star. Earn enough stars and you win a chance (based on a roll of course) to graduate. This may, however, come with a few very special strings attached! You'll have to wait and see, but that is a long way off. Time for your next roll to see how many graduation stars you'll be needing to graduate. So much of your future depends on this next roll my little protégé, are you nervous? You should be. Roll 1D6...

Dual course enrollment ONLY read this:

If you are dual enrolled and happen to roll a 2 on your first roll, I'll allow you ONE reroll. This is a little gift from Mistress for your dedication. Of course I can only help so much... if you roll a 2 a second time you'll just have to deal with it. Also note that you of course need to roll for BOTH of your courses separately and that the generous reroll offer can only be used ONCE.


What a lucky sub you are... your graduation requirement is only 3 stars pending adjustment to follow. You must have good karma. Better hope it continues.


I fear you are off to a very unlucky start... your graduation requirement is 5 stars pending adjustment to follow. If Mistress didn't know it was all for your own good, I may even feel a little sorry for you. (Kisses cheek)


Your graduation requirement is 4 stars pending adjustment to follow.

Now take the base star graduation requirement that you just rolled and adjust it to your specific school as follows...

Etiquette or Motivation

No adjustment required. Your graduation requirement remains unaltered.


I fear that we have to add a star to your graduation requirement. It has been my experience that horny guys such as yourself take a while to properly train. I need you thinking less about sex and more about being a productive member of society!


Achieving fitness goals simply takes time and yoyo dieting doesn't do anyone any good. We need a sustained commitment for this school. I am adding 2 stars to the graduation requirement. Don't like it? I absolutely don't fucking care! My decision is final.


A custom program complicates things. How is your Mistress supposed to know if your demerit system is properly designed? Well, I'm doing you a huge favor just letting you try this in the first place, so you'll be paying back the favor here. I'm adding 3 stars to the graduation requirement! Don't like it? I absolutely don't fucking care! I may have let you design the demerit system, but this is still MY program. Got it? Do not feel for even one moment that you are in charge. You are NOT.

Record your required number of graduation stars. Also record your current stars, which according to my calculations, is a big fat zero. Ponder that zero for a moment and think of how much hard work you have ahead of you! Don't worry, I'll be giving you all the motivation you could ever want! (Sadistic laugh)

In just a moment you'll finally learn the specific weekly requirements and the demerit debit and credit activity list for your school. Before we get to that, we shall discuss some general behaviors that will add to or decrease your demerit points every week no matter your school. If you are dual enrolled, demerit data on the general list will apply to BOTH of your schools. All demerit data will be logged in your journal as soon as possible! It should be near you whenever possible. All demerit data should be DATED and EXPLAINED (not just hastily written as a bunch of numbers.) A running total should also be logged with each entry, I don't want you waiting until check in day to determine your score. You'll notice the general trend that most good behavior activity credits are capped at ONCE per week with a few acceptations, while most violations will stack against you with EACH occurrence. (That's the way the cookie crumbles Charlie!) Your demerit score CAN go negative if you are very well behaved but can NEVER fall below -5. If you manage a theoretically lower number, good for you, but your recorded running total will never be below that lower limit. Some demerit points involve dice rolls. Learn this list inside and out! Read it TWICE now, print it out and read it AGAIN later.

The good...
- Look over the format of all of this week's journal entries. Is everything CLEARLY labeled and dated? Do you feel all applicable debits and credits were logged to the best of your ability? If so, -2 demerits.
- Did you buy a punishment toy specifically recommended by Mistress this week? Well, -6 demerits for each toy (up to 4!) But was it worth it??? (Coy smile)
- Did you leave positive or creative forum feedback for Mistress explaining your RECENT experiences with the program? You get -3 demerits.
- During your FIRST week in the program, did you post a PLEDGE to commit yourself to trying your very BEST to graduate? SPECIFY the class, limit one per class, -6 demerits.
- Did you help spread the word of what I have to offer by letting a fellow sub know about my program or perhaps even posting a link in an appropriate forum? You get -4 demerits for the first for the week and then -1 demerit for each additional capped at 4 additional.
- Did you do something this week that you know for CERTAIN Mistress would be particularly pleased with even though it isn't on this general list nor your specific school checklist? If you are very sure about this, -1 demerit (max once per week).

The bad...
- Has it been a week or later since you started the program and you still don't have a journal? Shame... +1D6 demerits (and +1 extra demerit if you are in the school of Motivation. Stop PROCRASTINATING and get a fucking journal!) You are going to apply this penalty EVERY day from this point on until you get one!
- Did you lose your journal? Arghhhh... +3D6 (roll 3 six-sided dice) demerits and try to reproduce the recent data as best you can.
- Did you have to alter your check in day this week (past the two week grace period)? +9 demerits, and yes this penalty will apply again if you have to change it back! (Late check in penalties will be addressed in the check in section.)
- If you EVER cum during a punishment session by the way it is (+1D6 + 2, that's a six sided roll plus two added to the roll) demerits per event (and this penalty is again DOUBLED if you are enrolled in the school of chastity!!!)
- Did you read any spoiler sections that you weren't supposed to or read ahead inappropriately? +2 demerits per section or event.
- Did you do something this week that you think Mistress would be particularly unhappy with even though it isn't on this general list nor your specific school checklist? If you are fairly sure, +2 demerits for EACH of such incidents.

**School Specific Demerit System**

Now for the moment you've been anxiously waiting for. You finally get to see the specific plan for your school. I bet you are simultaneously very nervous and excited. (Smiles) Again, you need to familiarize yourself with these. Read them TWICE and print them out!


We'll get you looking refined and speaking properly. I don't like potty mouths and I don't want you swearing anymore. Mistress can swear whenever the fuck I want by the way, but then again, I'm Me and you're you. Swearing still counts if it is typed by the way and any subtle variations on the words discussed below will also count against you... don't try to be clever. You will maintain proper hygiene habits (shower or bathe, brush twice, and floss every day). You will learn to be very respectful and polite to everyone around you and especially those that have to serve you, like a waitress or a cashier. You will drive courteously. Generally, you will go out of your way to help others. Follow the Golden Rule and you should eventually graduate.

You have a SPECIAL WEEKLY REQUIREMENT. Once per week, on a day of your choosing you will take an online spelling bee exam. This will teach you proper spelling and boost your vocabulary, hopefully replacing all of that potty mouth language. You can practice the exam as much as you like, but you only record your FIRST score of the week. It involves ten words. Here is the link: http://www.merriam-webster.com/word-games/spell-it

The good... (capped at ONE credit of each type per week)
- Wore a suit and tie for most of a full waking day. -2
- Left a tip over 20%. -2
- Helped someone lift/carry something. -1
- Waited for the other driver when "tied" at a stop sign. -1
- Stopped for a pedestrian at a crosswalk. -1
- Scored over 2200 points on the mandatory online spelling bee. -1 (or -2 if over 2500 or -4 if over 3000)
- You COMPLETED an intellectually stimulating book of over 150 pages. -3
- You took a class in a course for the purpose of self improvement (such as pottery, dance lessons, etc.) -5

The bad... (apply the penalty for EACH incident of all types)
- Used foul language (including but not limited to: ass, bitch, bastard, cock, cunt, damn, fuck, pussy, shit). +1
- Failed to say please, thank you, have a nice day etc. when the opportunity to do so appropriately arose. +2
- Missed a dental brushing or flossing. +2
- Missed a shower. +3
- Beeped your car horn. +3
- Was otherwise rude to someone in any way such as a negative gesture or cutting in line and so forth. +2
- Received a ticket for speeding or illegal parking or similar. +6
- Didn't take the mandatory online spelling bee. +5
- Scored below 2000 on the spelling bee. +2 (Only +1 if it was your FIRST time taking it.)


This may be my favorite course. (Rubs hands together.) I like nothing more than to take total control of an unruly little cock. As I'm sure you can imagine, you are going to have to get a chastity cage and a lock. Being a level 8 course, there is going to be a maximum size allowance. If you don't have a cage, read on a bit further to learn the details but then put your program on hold until you are ready for proper cock confinement. If you have a cage but it doesn't fit my size requirement (pun intended), you'll have two weeks to get it replaced. The fastest way to graduation is going to be keeping that disruptive thing of yours locked up tight combined with porn, masturbation and sex avoidance. There will be a few allowances as this isn't a level 10 program.

The cage must have a total length (including the part that wraps your scrotum) of no more than 3.5 inches. I would recommend getting the silicone mini birdlocked variety. As you'll see below, the fastest way out of Chastity School will actually be to obtain and spend some of your weeks in a much less pleasant PUNISHMENT cage. A cage will be considered worthy of this title if it is either UNDER 2.5 inches long or SPIKED (Evil grin). I would highly recommend the birdlocked pico for this purpose! Oh and by the way... if your demerit level ever gets over 30, this might not be so optional. (Wink) Trust me... we are going to get that little monster under control one way or another.

You will be spending six full days and seven nights a week in full lock down. Your time out will be the waking hours of the day of your check in. (I may need access to your cock and balls for punishment on those days anyway... and I simply LOVE the psychology of you knowing your release from the cage will potentially result in an even worse predicament!) During your time out you will be allowed 15 minutes of masturbation or one cum (whichever comes first- pun intended once again!) and you ARE ALLOWED to watch porn and look at those dirty little pictures of yours exempt from all penalty during that time. There will be no sex obviously... this is chastity school!

After lock down, your keys will be placed in a large bowl of water and frozen. This will give you a little more time to think with your proper head about the demerits and possible punishment that will accompany a violation during a moment of low willpower. The night BEFORE your check in, leave the bowl of ice out to thaw so that it is ready in the morning.

The good... (capped at ONE credit of each type per week)
- Wrote "I will be chaste and think with my proper head." fifty times. -2
- Shaved pubic hair (including balls) completely off on the morning of release. -3
- Purchased a secondary cage meeting the punishment requirements. -9 (One time only per program!)
- Spent a FULL week session in a punishment cage. -3D6 (Could be a huge payoff!)
- Waited at least one full hour after morning release before masturbating or cumming. -2
- Completely skipped masturbation session for the week and didn't cum. -5
- Masturbated during release time but didn't cum. (doesn't include edging punishment sessions) -3
- Watched a rated G movie. -1
- Wrote a one paragraph reflective journal entry about the week's chastity experience AND published it to this forum AND thanked Mistress for dealing with my useless dick. -3

The bad... (apply the penalty for EACH incident of all types)
- Watched a rated R movie that contained nudity. +1
- Watched porn or dirty pictures outside of allotted masturbation period. +2 (+3 for each additional 15 minutes.)
- Tried to stimulate cock while in the chastity cage. (This includes night time pillow humping.) +1
- Came inside of chastity cage. +1D6
- Failed to freeze keys properly. +3
- Had to break ice and unlock a PUNISHMENT cage but IMMEDIATELY locked back up in a normal cage and placed keys back on ice. +1
- Spent ANY time out of chastity on an unapproved day (besides above case) +3 (+1D6 for each full hour out and another 1D6 if you came and again for each additional cum)
- Spent any part of a day in an unapproved cage size after the two week grace period. +1 (for each day!)
- Had sex. +3D6 (Also add ALL other relevant penalties.)


(Because this school involves diet and exercise, you should be sure to consult your doctor before making any modifications to any of your routines.)

We are going to get you fit my slave. You want to impress Mistress don't you? I like hard bodied subs! Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and healthy lifestyle choices will be emphasized. No more fast food or soda for you (not even diet soda). I want you drinking mostly water and alcohol consumption will be minimal. If you smoke or use other tobacco products, you'll have to gradually quit.

Health starts with a proper diet. You are going to educate yourself on this topic! During your first week, you will obtain an up-to-date and well reviewed book that covers nutrition of at least 200 pages. This must be read within two weeks, so the sooner you get the book, the longer you'll have to read it. I especially want you to focus on reducing your consumption of added sugars, artificial sweeteners (use Stevia as it is natural and doesn't promote weight gain), refined carbohydrates, and alcohol. I want you reading food labels!

Is there any chance that your doctor would recommend that you lose 10 or more pounds? If so, you are going on a weight-loss schedule. If not, you are exempt from the weekly weigh in and corresponding demerit checklist. The day BEFORE your check in day, you will weigh yourself after your morning pee and poop. This will be recorded in your journal and used to evaluate demerits. You are also going to go weigh yourself right NOW and record this as your initial weight. I know you have to pee and poop right now (at least if you've followed instructions) but this will make it easier to achieve "success" on your first week which will be a psychological boost. Go online NOW and use your sex, age, height, and build type to figure out your "ideal" weight. BMI is generally flawed, so I expect you to do better than that. Educate yourself! This will be recorded in your journal as your target ideal weight. If you reach it, you can stop the weekly weigh ins!

You will do at least TWO workouts per week. One strength training and one cardio. The strength training must be at least 45 minutes, preferably with weights, but pushups, chin ups and so forth can do until you get at least a nice set of dumbbells. If you do not know how to strength train properly do some research before you begin. The cardio should be at least 30 minutes. If you are very unfit, it can be just walking or the like until you work up to jogging, biking, swimming, step aerobics and so forth. At the end of the cardio you should be breathing heavy but able to speak. Extra workouts will be rewarded.

If you smoke or use any other tobacco products you need to think carefully now and estimate your usage. Do this NOW before you continue and record this as your starting tobacco use in your journal. OK, now take that estimate and cut it in half. Record this as your week one allowed usage. Continue cutting this value in half for each week. So your second week allowance will be 1/4 of the starting number that you just estimated. Continue this process until you reach half a cigarette and then it needs to be zero. You are allowed to use nicotine gum and/or patches to help you. My demerit system will also help ensure compliance.

The good... (capped at ONE credit of each type per week)
- Got a new membership to a fitness club and/or visited such a club for the first time in months. -7 (one use per full program)
- Did at least one extra strength training workout. -4
- Did at least one extra cardio workout. -3
- Completed reading a health-related book of at least 150 pages (not including the mandated book). -2D6
- Reached my target weight -3D6
- Managed a week of no tobacco (tobacco users only) -5
- Lost at least 1 pound from last week -2 (and 1 additional for every additional pound)
- Wrote a one paragraph reflective journal entry about the week's experience AND published it to this forum AND thanked Mistress. -2

The bad... (apply the penalty for EACH incident of all types)
- Drank more than one alcoholic beverage in a day. +1 for each over the first
- Drank soda (including diet) or other sugary drink including some sports drinks. +1
- Forgot to read the food label on a packaged food or beverage. +1
- Missed a mandated workout. +1D6
- Gained at least 1 pound from last week +2 (and 1 additional for every additional pound)
- Smoked more than my allowance but less than the previous week's allowance. +3
- Smoked more than the previous week's allowance. +2D6 + 1
- Exceeded 5 highly refined carbohydrate meals (pasta, bread, white rice etc. Do the research!) +2
- Ate junk food (candy, chips, cookies, ice cream, hotdogs, pizza, fast food etc) +1D6 per SERVING!


Your lazy behavior stops today! No more procrastinating, showing up late, missing work, or skipping chores. You are a couch potato no more my little sub! We start with a list of 5 mandated weekly chores. I pick 2 and you will pick the other 3. I select... vacuum every room of the house every week. (I don't care if it is needed or not, that isn't the point!) You are also going to make your bed VERY neatly every morning within 30 minutes of waking. Now you get to write down the other three NOW. They need to be chores that you don't like to do and/or tend to leave undone. It can be doing the dishes, cleaning the toilet, whatever you like (or don't like I should say... evil grin). At least one of your choices has to be a daily chore, the others can be weekly.

You are now limited to two hours of TV per day and you will record your couch potato times in your journal. Similar activities like video games also count as TV time. Use common sense. Spend your time on more productive things.

If you are able bodied and don't work or go to school, you WILL send out at least one resume per week in a sincere effort to find employment. No more skipping classes or calling in sick to work when you are not.

You are going to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Determine your leave for work or school time. Assume you will hit very severe traffic when calculating. Your wake time must be no later than one hour before your leave time. You are to no longer use the snooze bar and you are not to lie in bed once you wake. You will also have a bedtime. This should be set so that you get at least 7 or preferably 8 hours of sleep depending on your wake time. Obviously, record this in your journal. On your days off, you will STILL abide by this same schedule. I want you to develop positive habits!

The good... (capped at ONE credit of each type per week)
- Spent at least three hours reading a quality book this week. -4
- Completed a long term project of notable significance. -5
- More than half of the TV programming watched this week would be approved by Mistress. (News, science and history documentaries and the like.) -1D6
- Showed up at least 10 minutes EARLY for work or all classes every day this week. -2D6
- Spent at least 6 hours outdoors this week. (walking, yard work etc.) -3
- Found employment this week or started a better job. -4D6
- THOROUGHLY cleaned EVERY room of the house including all closets and drawers. (mopping, dusting, polishing, scrubbing, EVERYTHING SPOTLESS) -3D6

The bad... (apply the penalty for EACH incident of all types)

- More than half of the TV watched would not be approved by Mistress. (reality TV, shock TV, game shows other than Jeopardy and the like.) +2D6
- Not all rooms were vacuumed +2 per room
- Failed to make bed properly and on time +2
- Missed one of the other three mandated chores +2
- Exceeded 2 hour TV time +1D6 (+2D6 if over 3 hours)
- Missed bedtime by more than 15 minutes. +1
- Missed wake time by more than 5 minutes (this includes staying in bed while awake!) +1D6
- Not employed and failed to send a resume. +2D6
- Late for work or school (even by one minute). +1D6
- Called in sick for work or school when not sick. +10

Continue to posting part 3 so we can determine your starting demerit level. Your initial punishment session will then follow. --->
Submissive Straight Male

Love strict and harsh femdom.

Last edited by Noc; 04-24-2016 at 06:46 AM.
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Old 04-17-2019, 10:10 AM   #2
Baby Member
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1
Cool Pledge

I pledge to commit to both the chastity and etiquette program. I start today. I am very nervous to get started.

Thank you for writing this school Mistress.
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