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Old 07-11-2012, 01:58 PM   #1
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Default Retreat at Christian School becomes an Awakening Experience mxmxmxm

Many people do not find the desert beautiful. Nestled among the cactus, heat and snakes, most would say that Phoenix Christian High School was an oasis in a dry land. For many students, however, it was not an oasis, but a prison. Without knowing it, the school thrived on sexual oppression. Rather than educating the young men and women at the school about sexuality, the school made the students fear it. Videos were shown that told students that sexuality would give a person an STD. No knowledge was ever given to students about condoms, sex, or even homosexuality. The basic term at Phoenix Christian High School was "It is always wrong before marriage." This sets the scene for an exciting adventure between seniors near the end of their senior year.

In this oppressive school, Tom Sorensen lived his life being the perfect Christian. He went to Church every weekend and was admired by all. The boys called him prude and the girls called him dreamy. Tom could only see his flaws. You see, Tom could never add up to the rigorous rules that were put on him by his school and Church. He was interested in sex, but totally feared it as well. On the outside, he looked perfect. He had a swimmer's build, perfect six pack abs with blond hair and blue eyes. People literally turned their heads when they looked at him. Tom didn't see his beauty. He only saw his mistakes. His life, up to the point of this story, was full of shame.

At the end of their senior year, students at Phoenix Christian had a weeklong retreat. This took them away from Phoenix and took them to the beautiful campsite in Sedona. Tom was excited for the opportunity to connect with God and his friends. As they arrived, the bombshell was dropped. "All rooms will be assigned for this trip," the Dean said. The seniors began to complain. He then said, "I want you to connect with people you do not know. There will be plenty of time at this retreat to connect with your friends. This is the end of your senior year. We want you to know everyone."

Slips of paper were passed around. Tom received his. "Crap," he thought, "I cannot stand the guys on my list!" They were very secular, whereas Tom's friends were always into Church. He knew that he was on their list to be a good influence so he accepted his duty like a good Christian. The first was Mark Reid. He was a football player for their terrible team. He was muscular, but not in the way of a beefed up adonis. He had brown, straight, hair and brown eyes. The girls looked at him like he was their dream. The guys liked him. He was quiet, shy and laughed a ton. He was also devilish and a little crazy. Tom had heard that his nickname was "Anaconda" and only had an idea what this meant (he had a pretty good idea).

The next person was Harrison Barrett. Harrison was (and is) a ladies man. He was a sensitive guitar player with a chiseled jawline and a soft speaking voice. Rumor had it that he would get any piece of ass that he wanted and often did. He was a ladies man who talked about his feelings, which was weird because stereotypes say that the sensitive character is never the ladies’ man. Harrison was hot however. Girls often spoke about his penis as well. He refused to shower with the guys, but rumors were rampant.

The last person on Tom's list was James Reasor. James was CRAZY. He was short, built and had the thickest hair on his head out of anyone. He had a mischievous smile. Teachers loved him because they made him laugh. Guys followed him because he was fun. Tom did not like him because he hated all of the church "shit." There were rumors that he had gotten several blow jobs in the new chapel. Of all the people Tom didn't want to room with, James was at the top of the list. James disliked Tom and everything he stood for. Tom was naïve, judgmental and perfect. For James, this meant boring.

They all put their bags away in their cabin. None of the guys really knew the others and kept quiet. Immediately, Harrison realized that they had a problem. “Umm, we have a problem,” he said. The showers were communal showers. Harrison was modest. Tom was too but kept his mouth shut. The other guys had played sports and James had also been the star of many productions. Modesty was not an issue.

“Harrison, don’t peter out. From what I hear, you have nothing to be ashamed of,” James said. He then looked at Tom, “I haven’t heard anything about you though. Do you have a problem with the showers?”

Tom looked at his mischievous smile and said, “No. Not at all.”

“Good,” James said, “I think we should all take a shower before going to the ice breaker games. I want the ladies to see me at my best.”

“I agree,” said Mark the Anaconda. Tom was shy because at the age of 18 he had not showered with other guys. Something else was happening. Tom was getting, well, excited that he was going to be showering with these guys. He was scared of this feeling, but aroused at the prospect as well.

James said, “I’m dropping trou!” With sudden movements, he stripped his shirt off revealing his six pack abs and dropped his shorts and underwear! He then started running around the cabin yelling, “I’m naked! I’m naked!” He ran over to Mark and started humping his leg and then skipped to the showers. The boys were dying laughing especially when they heard him yelp because the shower was too cold! Mark smiled and rolled his eyes and, still wearing his shorts, sauntered to the towel area.

Tom was nervous and hating himself. Throughout James’s performance, Tom had not cheated a glance at what James was packing. He was also angry because he was having the “non-Christian” feelings. James said in a very high pitched sarcastic seductive voice, “Are you coming boys?” Tom decided it was now or never and peeled off his clothes. He had not been in a room naked with anyone for as long as he remembered. For him it was a growth into manhood.

The air was cold and his nipple tensed a little as he grabbed his towel. Harrison just turned away and Tom felt empowered as he walked to the showers naked, the way God intended him to be. He hung his towel on the hook and started to walk to the one that was farthest away from Mark and James. James, “Don’t be a pussy! Join us. We saved you a spot. Tom was still avoiding staring at their packages. He was disciplined and said “Okay.”

He had a place between the two guys. Crazy James was at his left and the Anaconda was on his right. He wondered how this was going to turn out. Luckily, shower supplies were ready at this camp and so he got soap and began to lather up. Mark and James were chatting, but he didn’t hear. He wanted to check out their package. Tom did not know why he had the urge to do so, but it was consuming him. Very stealthily, he looked at James’s penis. It was incredibly different than his own. “This must be what people call an uncircumcised penis,” he thought. The length was bigger and thicker than Tom’s own. Flaccid, he estimated that it was 4.5 to 5 inches. It was also much wider. He also noticed that James had a pretty big bush of dark pubic hair. His penis started to lengthen, so he looked away. Tom started thinking of the fat choir teacher having sex with the principal. That helped quite a bit. He couldn’t miss the chance to seeing the Anaconda.
Using the same technique as before, he stole a glance at Mark’s penis. It was massive! The length was about 5.5 inches flaccid, but it was wide and powerful looking. Mark trimmed his pubic hair and this was very arousing to Tom. As he was stealing a glance, Mark began to lather up his cock and coconut sized balls. Tom’s dick began to rise. “Shit,” Tom thought.

Once again he tried to think of the choir teacher and the principal, but flashes of the guys’ cocks were flashing in his mind too. He stared forward. At this point, James and Mark also stole a glance at Tom. His dick was smaller than theirs. No one ever knows what a penis looks like when erect, but both guys wanted to compare. Tom was a specimen and they wanted to be more dominant. Unbeknownst to Tom, they caught his stealing glance and the length of his penis growing. As Tom stared ahead, Harrison entered the shower.

“Oh shit,” Tom thought. Quickly he looked at the hot guy in front of him. Harrison was only slightly smaller than Anaconda and uncut. He had no pubic hair or body hair evidently because he shaved. He was nervous, but smiled when he saw that he was near the top. Tom was getting scared. His penis was rising. Quickly he turned toward the wall and acted like he was rinsing off his face. He just could not get the thought of these hot teenagers out of his mind. James gave Tom a jock “swat on the ass and Tom was fully erect. His 6.5 inches was staring out completely. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he thought and then got upset that he thought the word fuck. Without warning, Mark turned to rinse his own face. Tom was mortified and hard as a rock. You could do chin-ups on his 18 year old penis! James was turning too, so Tom had to face forward. Harrison did not notice. No one noticed, he thought.

Tom was wrong. They all noticed. James noticed it immediately and started wondering how to use this to his advantage. They all left the shower and Tom was last. He had not jacked off in awhile because he thought it made God angry. Slowly, his erection went down and he started toweling off. They had to get to the retreat meeting. He went into the room and everyone was dressed except for James. James was wearing a Diesel jock strap that was bright green. Tom began to lengthen again, but turned away and put on his clothes. Tom was incredibly horny. He grabbed his Bible and they walked to the retreat.

The retreat was okay. They played ice-breakers that were really quite fun. Some were even more arousing to Tom, but he was okay. He had his Bible with him and that is what he needed. Thoughts of his horny shower experience filled his mind. It was not helpful that the four of them were in the same group. Being in Arizona, they all wore shorts and Tom was watching their balls and packages flop through the game.

The sermon came next. Even Tom knew that the sermon was a waste of time and tuned it out. He was staring at the guys and caught James’s eyes a couple of times. James just smirked. He didn’t know what he was going to do about Tom’s erection moment, but he was going to do something. Tom was a Holy Roller. On a week long trip, that meant absolutely boring. Tom would tell on him if he was too crazy. James had plans with Kelly Pickler and Tom wasn’t going to stop it.

Tom didn’t stop the plans, the Dean did. “I want everyone to know that I love you. Because of this, we will have hired police men to make sure you do not leave your rooms. You can stay up all night, but you cannot leave your cabin. Make all the noise you want to, but you will get caught if you sneak out. If you are caught, you will not walk at graduation.”

“FUCK!” James thought and everyone else rolled their eyes. Tom was fine with the decision and agreed with it. They then were dismissed to play a basketball game verse an opposing team. Before the game, James whispered something into Mark’s ear. They both smiled and looked at Tom in a mischievous way. Tom thought it must be because of him not being an athlete but he was good at basketball. Luckily , they won the game because of a shot Tom made. Everyone celebrated and Tom was happy because he was making friends. All of them were cutting up as they strolled back to the cabin.

Everyone showered again, but Tom stared at the brick the whole time. He was not going to have a repeat. Tom was going to read his Bible and go to bed. That was his plan. He finished, toweled off and put on some clothes for bed. (Normally, he did sleep in the nude or his underwear, but he didn’t know these guys very well).

Just as Tom was about to pull out his Bible, Harrison pulled out a bottle. “So, we can’t be with the ladies? I guess we will have or own fun.” James and Mark were excited and they each got a cup of Vodka. Harrison was pouring and came to Tom. “How much?” he asked.

“I’m…I’m fine. I don’t need anything.”

“It’s your senior year. You’re in a room with people who do not know you and do not care about your Christian reputation.”

“It’s just I…”

“Live a little. Let’s have fun. Take a risk.” James said.

Tom acquiesced. “Fine. Just promise no one else will know.”

“We promise,” Mark said. “And if either of them say anything, I have plenty of dirt on them to send to the Dean.”

They all began to drink and emptied the bottle. No one was drunk, but their inhibitions were lower than usual. The retreat was about to get much more interesting.

“I’m bored.” Mark said.

“Me too. What can we do? We do not have more alcohol for this evening. I want to save it.” Harrison replied.

“Truth or dare?” James said staring at Tom.

“Well, I…”

“Truth or dare?”

“You are crazy. I will go with truth.” Tom responded.

“I think we should start the game slowly. We must agree that everything stays in this room. We must be totally honest or daring or there is a punishment. Also, besides leaving the cabin, or getting us caught, nothing is off the table.” Harrison said.

M: “Agreed.”

J: “Sure thing”

T: “ Fine I guess. Sure.” He then looked at them and stated, “I said truth.”

James said, “We start off easy, right?” They all nodded, but Tom was nervous. “Tom, when was the last time you masturbated and what did you fantasize over?” Harrison and Mark giggled like drunken sorority girls. Tom just blushed.

“I last masturbated two weeks ago because I felt guilty for doing it.” The guys laughed.

“And the rest?” Harrison asked.

“…was over a porn I watched online.” Tom was humiliated. The guys were roaring with laughter!

James said, “Awesome! I thought you looked at porn! You always seemed so perfect, but I knew you had a wild side.” He then patted Tom on the back. “You get to call truth or dare now, Tom.”

“Mark, truth or dare.”

M: “Usually, I would take a dare, but since we are starting slow, I will say truth.”

T: “I don’t know how to ask this but…They call you Anaconda right? How big is your penis? At full length?”

Harrison and James were having a blast and just rolled over laughing. Tom was blushing again. Mark then responded. “That is an easy one, Tom. I am a rarity in this world and have a ten inch dick.” The guys were laughing and then just stared at him.

James said, “Ten?”

Mark: “Yep.”

Harrison, “Damn. I guess you get to call it now.”

Mark: “I guess so. Truth or dare, Harrison?”

Harrison said, “Dare.”

Mark said, “Okay Harrison, I dare you to take off all of your clothes, masturbate for two minutes and then do 20 jumping jacks.” Tom was wide eyed. “They must be joking,” he thought.

Harrison said, “Are you joking?”

M: “Nope.”

J: “And you have to do it or pay the consequences.”

H: “Mark, I am going to get you back so bad.”

M: “That is how you play the game. That was an easy dare.” Then he flashed Harrison with a smile.

Harrison dropped his shorts and slowly began to masturbate his uncut cock. As it grew, Tom was entranced. His mouth was watering because this was the hottest thing he had every experienced. Tom’s eyes were transfixed on Harrison’s beautiful cock. It must have been 8.5 inches. Harrison also leaked a ton of pre-cum.

In an instant, it was over. Harrison got up and did jumping jacks. Oddly, this was arousing to Tom too. Tom was scared because the bar had been set higher. What would happen to him tonight?

Last edited by mvpadirmatt; 07-11-2012 at 02:05 PM. Reason: Paragraphs
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Old 07-11-2012, 03:09 PM   #2
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Default Part 2 Revelations and dares

Part 2
Harrison had just finished his dare and was pissed. He was a modest, artsy guy and now he had just masturbated and done naked jumping jacks in front of his classmates based on a dare. What was worse is that he agreed to it. He was going to get Mark back and immediately said, “Truth or Dare, Mark?”

James jumped in, “You deserve your revenge Harrison. However, no one has even asked me yet. How about we say that I go this time. Then we go with spin the bottle rules. I will go, then spin the bottle. Whomever the bottle lands on gets to answer truth or dare. Does that sound cool?”

They all answered yes and Harrison asked James, “Truth or Dare?”

J: “Dare.”

H: “Fine. For the rest of the night you must remain naked no matter what happens and cannot cover up. Also, so that I am not alone, you get to whack off for five minutes and…stick your finger in your ass.”

Tom could not believe this, “What?!?”

Harrison said, “We all agreed that everything goes. Therefore, James must do it or pay the forfeit. “

T: “Don’t you believe this is a bit extreme?”

Mark replied, “That is how you have fun my friend.”

Harrison then said, “How about we take the truths off the list?”

James replied, “Not yet. I am still curious about little Chrisitan boy over there.” He was then getting ready to spin the bottle when Harrison stopped him and said, “Strip.”

J: “Fuck. Fine.” James pulled off his clothes. Tom stared again at him in the Diesel Jock strap and was getting more aroused. James took the jock off and threw it on Tom’s face. The smell of James was highly erotic. Then he pulled the jock down in time to see James with his untamed pubic hair in the nude once again. James looked at Harrison and said “You are queer.” Harrison laughed and said, “Enjoy riding your finger! I bet you are imagining me topping you as it slides in and out.”

Tom was hard as a rock as James began ,masturbating. As he became engorged, his penis was big, but not crazy like Harrison’s or Anaconda’s was purported to be. It was about 7.5. He was stoking it up and down and moaning. Then James looked at Harrison and said “Fuck you.” James licked his middle finger and stared playing with his asshole. Tom had never seen anything like this before and the other guys were mesmerized. James was riding it and getting close when Harrison said, “Okay. Time’s up.”
James wanted to cum, but knew that if he waited things might be better. He grabbed the bottle and spun it. Oddly enough, it landed on Tom. “Truth or dare, Tom?”

T: “After what I just saw, I am going to have to say truth once again.” Harrison and Mark protested, but James was fine. He was playing the long game with Tom. Tom would be more crazy after today. At the end of the week, Tom would be a free man.

J: “Ok. Tom. When you pick truths, you have to be totally honest…even if its humiliating.”

T: “Right.”

J: “So, I am going to ask you this question. If you aren’t honest and we know it, there will be consequences.”

Tom was nervous, “Okay,” he said shakily.

J: “In the shower today, when you got that erection, whose penis was more hot to you out of the three of us? Tell us why. Also, with all of the Christian bullshit aside, are you gay and do you watch gay porn?”

Tom suddenly started feeling dizzy. His face dropped. His whole life he had been hiding his attractions. As a teenager, he tried to excel in everything. One shower and he was going to be known as a member of the village people. In a story, the point of attack, or the inciting incident is the point after which nothing will ever be the same again. This was Tom’s personal point of attack.

It felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. The three guys knew about the erection. He couldn’t lie about it. He was also a Christian and he wouldn’t lie about the second question either. Tom refused to live in fear. “The rules still stand, guys?”

Mark said, “Absolutely.”

T: “I have never showered with guys before. It was the first time I had seen a penis that was not my own. I walked into the shower and wanted to fit in to show that I didn’t have fear. First, I saw James and started feeling aroused. His dick…I mean penis was different than mine, and bigger. Plus, like me he had a mound of pubic hair.” Tom swallowed hard, “Then I looked at Mark and became scared. I realized why he was called Anaconda.” All of the guys laughed.

“Mark has a very special gift,” Harrison said. Everyone laughed.

J: “One that I wish I had!” Everyone laughed again. “Go on, Tom.”

“Then Harrison walked in and I just lost it. I do not know why, but I did and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Tears were streaming down his face.

Harrison said, “It’s okay, right guys? You guys have had erections in the shower before, right? That’s why I don’t take showers in public. When I was in 8th grade I had an erection and was called Woody. That is why I went to private school. It is not because I believe this fundamentalist crap. Sorry, don’t mean to knock your beliefs, Tom.”

Tom said, “Thanks.” He then wiped his face on his shirts. Even with all of the straight men in the room, he was a truly beautiful person. But James wanted the answer to his question.

J: “Can you answer the second part of the question, Tom?”

H: “James, he is crying. Don’t be an asshole.”

J: “We are playing a game. It is a fun game. It can be more fun. Just answer the question, Tom.”

T: “You are right James. Let me answer the question the best way I know how. I do not know if I am gay. Sometimes I watch gay porn, and sometimes straight porn. Watching you all today is the first knowledge I have of anything.”

Harrison replied, “That is a good answer. Thank you for being honest.”

Mark joined in, “I’ve always thought you were a judgmental prick. You are carrying a huge weight on your shoulders.”

James finally replied, “I want to ask everyone a question here. I know that I am straight, but have done some gay things during puberty. Tom, are you willing to let go of all the religion this week and see about having fun? We have booze, marijuana and can play a ton of truth or dare. Maybe you will like it. Maybe you will not. All I know is that I cannot sneak out this weekend and fuck my girl. Want to really play?”

“Yes,” Tom replied.

Now the real game begins.
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Old 07-11-2012, 04:10 PM   #3
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Default Part 3

Hope you are enjoying. First story.

Part 3
“Yes,” Tom replied, “I am just scared.”

Harrison, “You are going to be fine. Let’s have fun.”

Tom now got a chance to spin the bottle. He was still shaky. This time it landed on Harrison.

“Fuck,” Harrison said. “Skip the question I will take a dare.”

T: “Okay. I can’t believe I am daring this. I dare you to ummmm take your clothes off, make out with James and slowly lick his penis. 2 Minutes with making out, 3 minutes of penis licking.”

“What?” Harrison said. “I’m not licking HIS penis.”

James then piped in, “Lick it or face the consequences. Then you will have to face my consequences and they are severe.”

Harrison stripped again and his member was engorged. James penis had become limp but was now steadily rising. Harrison grabbed his face and kissed him roughly. James kissed back and they started making out like they were in heat. Their penises were entwined and pre-cum was leaking. The contrast was startling. James had an afro of pubic hair and Harrison was hairless. They seemed ravenous for each other. Mark boldly said “Penis lick time Harrison.”

James was excited and said, “3 minutes of penis licking. Right on. I will imagine that you are my girl.”

Harrision said, “Fuck you! I am not your girl.”

J: “Lick it, bitch.” Then Harrison did. He started licking James’s dick with reckless abandon. James was moaning like a 10 dollar whore. Apparently he liked his dick being licked. Mark and Tom were very turned on. There was a large Anaconda tent in his shorts. Tom couldn’t wait to see it. Mark had the best luck in the game. Finally, Tom said, “Times up!”

James piped in, “No, let me finish.”

H: “Guess you will just have to get blue balls asshole. My spin.” Harrison then
twirled the bottle. Oddly, it landed on Tom again. “Revenge is a dish best served cold,” Harrison said to Tom. “Are you going to man up?”

T: “Dare”

H: “4 part dare. 1. You are naked for the rest of the evening with no covering up. 2. Mark and James shave off all of your body hair. 3. For fifteen minutes, Mark and James must suck on your nipples like they would their girlfriend. 4. You will be told during the nipple sucking.”

T: “What?”

H: “All’s fair in love and war.”

M: “No backing out.”

Tom took off all of his clothes, awkwardly. When he was in his trunks, his erection was apparent. “Enjoying yourself, huh?” James quipped. “Skin them.” With that, Tom stood naked in all his glory. He truly was glorious to look at. He had blond hair and blue eyes, a fro of dirty blond pubic hair with a treasure trail. His swimmer’s build was incredible, and his cock was gloriously…small. Not small, actually. He was average. Tom had a 6-6.5 inch penis. However, he had the ass of a Greek God. All the guys were getting majorly horny. This was hot.

H: “Grab the shaving cream.” With that command, Mark and James began to make Tom hairless as he was the day he was born (minus his blond lochs; that would be tragic). With each stroke, Tom became more sensitive. He was a very horny virgin 18 year old. They shaved his armpits first, then they shaved his legs. The air on his legs was cold and heightened his senses. Next, they took the little hair he had on his navel and nipples. His nipples came alive and were as erect as his penis had been earlier. Other people were touching his body. Tom felt alive. Then they shaved his pubes. His afro became smooth as a baby’s bottom. His balls were delicately shaved and handled. His erection began to grow to a monster. On the 6 to 6.5 scale, it was a 6.7. Nothing had ever been this erotic. He looked like a porn model.

They were getting ready to do the nipple sucking when Harrison said, “That is not all his body hair.”

T: “You are not shaving my head are you?”

H: “No, we are shaving your hole…in Christian vernacular the Holy of Holies. Your pink Virgin asshold needs to be clean.” Then they shaved what little hair was on his ass. Tom noticed that this was more rough. The guys were using fingers and sometimes added great pleasure by brushing across his anus. For the first time, Tom moaned and it was loud. The hungry seniors knew they wanted more.

The third part of the dare came. Harrison watched as Mark and James sucked Tom’s nipples. They were doing a great job. Tom was in ecstasy. James was doing something with his tongue that made him want to cum. It my have been the alphabet. Lick by lick and stroke by stroke he was moaning in pleasure. The police officers outside might have even heard them, but the teenagers were lost in lust. It sounded like the best porn in history and they had not had intercourse or blowjobs (unless you count the licking) They sucked, licked, pinched, bit and fondled Tom’s nipples. Tom was ready for anything now. He reached for his cock finally and Harrison said, “Oh yeah…part 4 of the dare: you cannot cum without permission and you are our slave for the evening. The dare game will be played by the three of us or resumed tomorrow.”

James said, “I told you it would be fun.”
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Old 07-12-2012, 01:11 AM   #4
Demon Thief
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Very nice start so far. And welcome to GetDare.
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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Old 07-12-2012, 07:04 AM   #5
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Awesome start to the story, definitely looking forward to more.
Likes: Underwear, webcam, naked, emabarassing, masturbation, anal, slight bondage, cum, truths, dares, strip games

Ok: Wedgies, ice cubes, small insertion, some piss

limits: public, pain, involving others, scat, messy, blood
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Old 07-12-2012, 05:22 PM   #6
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Default Part 4

This is long and hot. Please give me feedback.

Part 4

Tom was extremely aroused. The nipple dare almost took him over the edge without being touched. Harrison then made a crazy slave dare and he was afraid. He was also completely and totally horny. The nipple dare put him in heat. He did not care how undignified he looked. Tom wanted more of a hot experience. His first instruction from Harrison was to lie on the bed and not touch himself. This was fine in theory, but he really wanted to explode with the biggest orgasm he has had in his brief history. For some reason, he trusted Harrison and Mark. They were good guys. James, however, he did not trust at all. He seemed to have a chip on his shoulder.

Harrison and James were still completely naked. They had softened a bit, but were highly aroused. Mark had not even had to lose his clothes yet and was on a winning streak. James started talking about all the things he wanted to have Tom do. These things included facials, cock sucking, sex toys, rimming and taking his precious virginity. So far, Tom had only had his nipples sucked and his body shaved. James wanted it all. This was not because James was gay. It was because James thought Tom was a self-righteous bastard.

Harrison started, “Look James, I want him to do all of that stuff too. Honestly, it sounds crazy hot. Do you think he is ready to lose his virginity? In that way?”

“I think if he loses his virginity, he will stop standing on the ‘holier than thou’ pedestal. “ James countered.

H: “I think it may make it worse. This is Tom’s first sexual anything. If we go crazy right off the bat, he will crawl deeper into the religious closet.”

James did not want to let up. Finally, Mark entered the argument. “Here is what we are going to do. We can keep playing the game or something similar with each other. In the meantime, we will give him assignments that will make him trust us more. I believe that if we work this right, we will have a friend, a virgin ass and the best week of our life. If we do not, it may be hell tomorrow.”

James finally agreed. “Alright, but let’s still have fun with him.”

Harrison with a maniacal grin said, “Absolutely.”

Mark looked at them both and said, “This is so gayyyy.” They all agreed and couldn’t believe the crazy shit they were doing at the Phoenix Christian High School Retreat. “No one finds out about our week, agreed?” Harrison and James quickly nodded their heads.

In the other room, Tom’s hard on was not letting up. It started to, but then he lightly brushed his nipple and moaned at the top of his lungs. “I didn’t know guys could get pleasure here. This must be how girls feel,” he thought. He then wanted to do it again.

Harrison walked in. “Hello, slave. I am your slave master for the evening. You must do everything I say or there are severe consequences. Do you understand?” Tom nodded his head, his dick still throbbing. “Tonight, we are going to give you some rules that must be followed.”

Tom replied, “Okay.”

H: “We want this game to continue for the week, in various forms. So, you have to agree with that. Despite what you feel like tomorrow, we keep playing. Do you agree.”

Instantly Tom said, “Yes, I agree. This has been awesome.”

H: “Good. We are going to have fun, but take it slowly with you as a respect to your religious beliefs.”

T: “…okay…”

H: “So, the first thing we are going to do is a little thing called edging. Do you know what that is?”

Tom’s mind was flooded with ideas. What did this mean? Edging? He had already gone so far tonight, but it felt so good. In his 18 years on this earth, Tom had never felt so alive. He wanted to go further. He needed to. His cock was throbbing for attention as it stood at attention. “No,” he gulped, “I have no idea about edging. I don’t even know what it is.”

James thought this was hilarious. “Well, Tom edging is about bringing yourself to the brink of orgasm and not cumming.” As he said this, he brushed Tom’s nipple. Tom moaned. “This is going to be quite fun. Edging will be great.” Mark and Harrison started to laugh. Tom was not happy.

“What? You want me to delay cumming? I can’t do that. I am on the brink now.” Marked tweaked his nipple. He moaned in that particular sexual voice that is desperate for an orgasm. This turned everyone on.

Harrison said, “We are going to continue playing the game for awhile. You have to watch us, but cannot participate. We may do everything you cannot do. We can cum, suck, fuck. You cannot cum. If you are on the brink and cannot control yourself, you can ask us to tie you up.”

T: “Okay…”

J: “And one more thing: you wil have to masturbate while you watch.”
Tom was so turned on, and so scared. “What happens if I cannot control the orgasm?” he asked.

H: “You don’t want to know. But I guess now is the proper time to say, ‘start stroking.”

Tom started stroking his inflated cock. Every jerk felt like heaven. He was staring at the naked men before him. Harrison had to be naked for the rest of the night as did James. His imagination was going wild. He had thoughts of them penetrating his virgin hole and cumming all over him. He was in a hellish heaven and was moaning loudly. All of the guys were exceptionally turned on. Mark was watching closely as Tom was at the brink of orgasm. “Stop!” he said. “You cannot finish unless Harrison says you can.” Then Tom stopped, desperately wanting to start again.

J: “I guess we can start our game again, huh?”

M: “Yep. We have to keep an eye on the boy in heat over there though.”

J: “That’s fine. We will put him in the middle of the circle. This is a show I want to watch.”

H: “You are so gay!!!”

J:”I seem to remember it was you licking my cock earlier, bitch.”

H: “You are so going to get it.”

With that, they spun the bottle again. Tom actually had to spin because his dare was the last one. It landed cleanly on Mark. “Oh fuck,” he thought “how am I going to keep from an orgasm if Mark is the person dared. “Truth or dare Mark?”

M: “Hmmmm. I think I am going to pick a truth.”

Tom pulled himself from the brink and Harrison and James conferred. “Truths need to be eliminated,” Harrison said. “It is not fair that we have done all of this degrading shit and you are still clothed.”

M: “How about a compromise? If someone calls truth, they still must do a dare, but not as extreme. Don’t worry guys, I want to do dares. Promise.”

J: “Fine. But next time you will have to do a big dare.”

M: “Sounds perfect. You have a deal. So Tom, truth.”

Tom wanted to cum so badly. His whole body was trembling and felt like an orgasm. He wanted to explode with pleasure, but feared the consequences.
“Okay Mark. If you could have your way with any of us here (knowing you are not gay) who would you pick, why and what would you do?” Tom was very horny and wanted to know what the Anaconda might do.

M: “That is easy. If I had to pick between the men in this room, I would pick…you.” Tom almost exploded but stopped himself. “I think I would start on your supple nipples and get you moaning like a bitch,” Tom was moaning. “Then, I would kiss you deeply, followed by tweaking your nipples.” The other guys dicks were becoming really hard again. “As you moan, I will lick down your body, biting your nipples again and start sucking your beautiful balls. They will be so full of cum from the edging. Then I will take your cock into my mouth and lick its head. Sucking your dick while playing with your aroused nipples will bring me great joy. Hearing you moan like a whore will get me ready. Then I will turn you around, grab some lube and stick a finger in your ass. It will be tight and I will have to tell you to relax. I will start playing with your pussy because that is what it will become…a tight pussy. Then, I will pop another finger in and make your prostate feel like heaven. You will moan louder than you ever have. I will use my other hand to give attention to your nipples once again. You will beg me to give you the best pleasure ever. Three fingers will enter and I will loosen your pussy while making you burn with desire. Then I will turn you over and slowly take my clothes off. First my shirt, then my pants and finally my trunks. I want you to see the Anaconda before it takes your cherry.” He said this in Tom’s ear with a sexy whisper.

H: “Then what?”

M: “Then, I will stick the lubed head of my cock at your hole and push in. You will gasp. All the girls do and then I will bury it deep into your pussy. You will be hurting for a minute, but then I will play with your nipples and forget about the pain I as fuck you. I will take that cherry roughly and give you the sex of your life. Slamming up against your ass you will be screaming for more and I will oblige you. We fuck for hours and then cum simultaneously. You will never have to touch yourself.”

The room was breathless. Everyone wanted the Anaconda to ravage them. “Well,” James quipped, “I guess we know why the truths cannot be eliminated.” All the boys were horny. Tom wanted the Anaconda.

M: “So now the dare. I am sure you want to see the beast.”

T: “No, actually,” Tom moaned, “I want you to suck Harrison’s dick and swallow his cum.”

M: “This is supposed to be a tame dare compared to the rest.”

T: “Compared to what I want to dare you, this is tame. And since you argued, James gets to masturbate and cum on your face.”

M: “What, there is no way!”

Harrison was laughing, “You wanted to see what happened when Christian boy was horny and buzzed, now you have it. “

M: “I’m not doing it.”

J: “I have a bag of goodies over there that says you are. I told you what is in there and I will use them for punishment on you.”

Mark’s eyes widened, so did Tom’s whose dick lost some of its hardness for 10 seconds. What on earth was James talking about? He was crazy, but what goodies did he have? “Fine,” Mark said, “Just so you know Tom, this week I am going to get revenge on you. It will not just be the Anaconda.”
Tom knew in his horniness that he had fucked up, but he wanted to see this. “I’m sorry,” he said, “But if I am going to be fucked this week…which at this moment I want more than anything…I want it to be you in the way you described.”

M: “I’ll take your cherry. I’ll get my revenge too.” Mark got on his knees. Tom moaned.

T: “Please tie me up, I can’t last.”

Harrison got some rope and tied him up. James went and picked up a little vibrating mechanism. “This is going to keep you edging. It is at the lowest setting. We aren’t going to let you out that easily.” James then stuck the vibrating ring around his cock. He then pulled out some nipple clamps and said, “we want those nipples nice and tender for the week. They aren’t too hard. Soon you will enjoy.” James clamped Tom’s nipples and Tom almost had an orgasm right there. It was torture, but blissful torture.

Harrison said, “Enjoy the show, Tom. Time to get on your knees Mark.” The formerly modest Harrison’s cock got bigger and bigger. In his ecstasy, Tom realized how much bigger Harrison’s dick look when it was shaved. He was still moaning, but release was nowhere in sight. “Watch your teeth, Mark.”

“Fuck you,” Mark said and put his mouth around Harrison’s almost Anaconda penis. Harrison gasped as Mark used his teeth to slightly pull the foreskin. The gasp was one of pleasure as Mark pulled the foreskin down and started sucking his first penis. He wanted to do a good job because this was the peak of humiliation to him. If he was going to be degraded, he was going to do it well. Lick by lick Harrison continued to lose it. Somehow, Mark was able to deepthroat Harrison.

H: “You’re good at this.”

M: “MMMHPPP” James was totally aroused and pumping. The thought of coming on the man known as Anaconda was awesome. It was degrading to him and James wanted Mark to know that he was the man at the school. Suddenly, Harrison started fucking Mark’s face. Tears were flowing down and James was getting close. Tom was moaning like a bitch as he watched this hot scene, but could not touch himself. He wanted to cum so badly.

H: “Take it, take it ahhhhhh!”

J: “Ahhhhh!”

Cum was filling up Mark’s mouth and splattering all over his face. He was a cum receptacle. There was too much cum to swallow it all. Mark was the Anaconda, but apparently Harrison was full of sperm. James had a big load too. It seemed like 10 minutes before the orgasm completed.

H: “That was so hot. Shit! You are an expert cocksucker, Mark!”

J: “Next time, I get some.” James then wiped his cum all over Mark’s clothes.

M: “Asshole. I’m going to the shower. If either of you follow me, I’m going to kick your ass!” Part of him hated what had just happened. Another part loved it. His cock was hard and poking up in his jeans. James laughed, still naked and Harrison just sat on his bed breathing hard. Tom was moaning.

H: “Tom, it is time for bed. Here are your last slave assignments for the evening, and your dare.”

T: “You didn’t spin the bottle.”

H: “You are my slave tonight. It doesn’t matter.”

T: “Fine.” Moan Moan. “Just let me cum!!!”

H: “Actually, as my slave, you cannot cum tonight. You will stay tied up. You will have to take this red pill that James has, or we can continue to use the edging machine.”

T: “Please, please let me cum.”

H: “Not a chance.” James just laughed.

T: “The pill is fine. Just stop this machine.” With that, they carefully removed the masturbator and the nipple clamps. His nipples were bigger and more purple than before. The wind almost brought him to the brink. They gave him the pill and the dare for the next day.

H: “He is your dare, Tom. Tomorrow, you are to hang with us all day. You will help us win all of the challenges because we want free dress next week. But you have to wear your tightest shorts all day…you have them…you will swim tomorrow in these…” He pulled out some very short swimming trunks that would accentuate Tom’s Adonis physique…especially his ass. “When you swim you cannot wear a shirt…and you will wear one of James’s jock straps all day tomorrow. Is that acceptable.”

T: “Yes….just let me cum…”

H: “Nope. It is settled.” The boys laughed and smirked and Tom thought it was because of his ridiculous tied position.

It was actually because the pill they gave him would make it extremely easy to get an erection. Tom was in for quite a week.
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Old 07-12-2012, 10:01 PM   #7
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Great story can't wait to see where it all goes
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Old 07-13-2012, 06:33 AM   #8
getDare Sweetheart
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Originally Posted by sirmaster View Post
Great story can't wait to see where it all goes
Couldn't agree more
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Old 07-14-2012, 09:23 PM   #9
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Default Part 5

Tom was laying on his back, "Enter me! Please!" he said. Mark, the Anaconda was standing above his tied legs.

M: "It's gonna hurt a bit."

T: "That is fine, just fuck me, now!"

M: "You don't' have to ask me twice." With that, Mark went in slowly. Tom felt a slight pop as Mark entered his anal ring. Inch by inch, Mark's cock entered him. All he felt was immense pleasure. Mark started slowly and then hit somewhere deep in Tom's ass that sent electricity through him.

T: "Deeper!" Mark thrust deeper into Tom's hole.Tom screamed. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" With that, Mark started thrusting the Anaconda deep into Tom's "pussy" as he called it. Tom was going wild and Mark was ravishing his asshole. The pleasure that Tom received was greater than anything he experienced. Deeper and deeper, Tom opened himself up to his lust. His once tight hole, was now wide open. This was exciting and hot to him.

Suddenly, Harrison and James came in. Harrison put his cock in Tom's mouth, "Enjoy it." Tom gobbled it up and sucked on that cock like it was summer in Phoenix and it was the last Popsicle in the world. James was doing something else. He had propped Tom up and was...was entering Tom at the same time Mark was. "Holy shit!"

In sweat, Tom woke up. He was still hard as a rock from last night and wondering if he regretted everything. He desperately wanted to get off, but he knew the rules and did not want to know the consequences of not following them. The other guys were awake and laughing. "What is everyone laughing about?" he asked.

M: "You were moaning and yelling things in your sleep like "Fuck me, fuck me! Pretty hilarious if you ask me." Tom blushed a bit.

Then James said, "Actually if was more like FUCK ME! DO IT! HARDER!" and moaned. The guys all giggled. Tom was incredibly embarrassed. Normally, the only place he would turn red was his cheeks, but he was red all over. "Look at how cute you are, blushing like that." Everyone laughed.

Harrison and Mark untied Tom, who was sore and really needed to pee (among other things)."I've got to go to the restroom," Tom said.

J: "You don't think we only waited for you to wake up to hear your sex dream, right?"

T: "Well yeah..."

J: "Sorry, but we are all hanging out all day today. No privacy. The dare is no wanking...that is what they call it in England right? therefore, we have to make sure you do not wank. So if you need to pee, go pee. We will go with you." Tom blushed even more and went to pee. He was so hard. It took him awhile to start relieving his bladder. When he did, it was splattering everywhere. Slowly, his cock deflated. It was only a semi now. "I'm glad you got a chance to release. You sure made a mess." The other guys just laughed.

T: "Well, I guess we need to get dressed. It is time for breakfast."

J: " We all stink of man sweat, alcohol and sex. I know this is all new to you my virgin friend, but this could get us kicked out of the school. We need to take showers. Mark may not need to."

M: "I think I will."

J: "Oh yeah, you probably want to make sure that mine and Harrison's cum is completely washed out." Harrison giggled.

M: "You better watch your mouth, James. Don't think I will not make your tight hole into wide open space that you have to wear a tampon for weeks in order to not embarrass yourself." He then adjusted himself and crazy James shut his mouth for once. "Let's shower."

The guys had no modesty around each other and quickly stripped (Harrison and James put their clothes on when they woke up). James was really naked because he no longer had pubes. It was shower time.

They started to shower and James turned on hot water. This time he made sure not to look at the Anaconda, or the other guys' penises. He stared straight ahead. The water was helping him sooth from last night. He was lathering himself and turned to face the shower head. at that moment, the water hit his nipples and he started feeling his member swell. He was able to get it down finally. Suddenly images of the guys flashed in his mind. He remembered the blowjob, the nipple sucking, the edging. He remembered everything. Fight as much as he could his raging boner stood at attention (this may have also been due to the pill he had taken the previous night).

Speaking of the pill, this pill is not viagra. Viagra makes a person have an erection about thirty minutes after one takes it. This pill, for two days, causes a person to get easily aroused any time the thought of sex came up.

As Tom's erection grew the other guys just laughed. "Still wanting that Anaconda huh Tom?" James said. He was more cautious now that Mark had mentioned fucking him. There were many things he enjoyed about last night's play. He might even try these things again. Getting fucked by a 10 inch coke can dick is not something he fancied. He didn't want to get fucked at all.

Tom just blushed and was about to was his dick when Harrison said, "Sorry Tom. You can't do this. You might explode." Everyone finished washing off and went back to the main room to get their clothes on. They handed Tom his clothes for the day. He blushed immediately.

First was his jock strap. When they told him he was wearing one he thought it would be like the one James wore. It was not. It was actually a g string, a little pouch that wouldn't support him much. Even looking at it made him spring back to attention. The guys loved it and laughed. He put it on, angrily looking at them.

It is important to note that Tom always has a choice here. He felt humiliation, he felt guilt. However, Tom had been so sheltered that he really wanted to get outside his box. What happened last night was incredible. Today was as well. He wanted for them to know about the "jock strap" even though it embarrassed him deeply.

He then grabbed the shirt. It was a muscle shirt that he had and usually only worked out in. It was dark blue and very tight. A person could literally see every muscle. Finally, it was time to put on his shorts. He put them on and immediately noticed something different. He looked down and they had been shortened. They were already tight, the new versions left nothing to the imagination. Harrison said, "Yeah Tom, sorry. One of the things I do for my art projects is sewing. We decided to get up early and modify your outfit today. You look hot though. I bet all the guys start dressing that way, and all the girls start passing you their number."

Tom looked in the mirror and he was hot. His cock swelled, but the 'jock' actually made it look like he just had a big package. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but hey why not? Tom boldly said, "Let's go." He put on his flip flops and started down to breakfast. He got some whistles from the other guys walking down. Mark, Harrison and James were oddly protective of him. One guy called him fag and Mark said "He's not a fag. You call anyone that again and your ass will know what it is like to be one." Most people shut up after that. Mark didn't speak much, but when he did people listened. Having a large penis can help others listen. Wilt Chamberlain knew this.

Anyway, they got to breakfast and the girls were feasting their eyes on Tom. He felt hot, popular and desired. His cock became semi erect again, but they were eating their hearts out. This was fun. He noticed some of the guys were checking him out too.

The first thing they did was play stupid games. He was on his room's team and needed to make sure they won. The first game was called shaving cream dress up. For all of the talk the school had about not giving in to carnal temptations, these games had all been suggestive. It was weird. Anyway, the guys volunteered Tom. The rules were to make him into a famous sculpture using shaving cream. They asked if he could take his shirt off and the Dean approved. A hush fell over the room when everyone saw Tom shirtless for the first time. He was an Adonis and he took his shirt off with confidence.

The game was a complete mess, but Harrison was a talented artist and was determined to win. He made Tom...with shaving cream believe it or not...into a statue of David copy. No one knew how he did it...maybe it was because Tom was similar. Harrison even put the small David penis on him (shaving cream version) and everyone laughed. They won hands down.

The Dean said, "Alright, you will all have to QUICKLY go back to your rooms and shower off." Tom thought this would be his chance to get off. However, Harrison followed him showing that he was covered in shaving cream too. Tom and Harrison showered. Both got erections this time. Harrison said, "You may get a piece of this as well as Anaconda," and then it happened. Harrison kissed Tom on the lips. Their hard cocks were touching each other. To Tom the kiss was an eternity of bliss that should never end. Harrison couldn't believe what he had done.

H: "Umm, let's uhh go." Tom was confused, but put on his jock and another pair of shorts and shirt that Harrison had modified. "I woke up early," Harrison replied uncomfortably and shrugged. They got back in time for another series of games. The most important thing to note is that Tom kept getting erect. Some people noticed it. Most were just staring at his ass. Remember, Tom's penis was not that big. His ass and body were his main perfect assets.

Throughout the day, the guys would not give him privacy. He pissed in front of them, changed in front of them and did every activity with them. He got hard when someone said, "look there is a tree," or, "so and so is playing tight-end." These guys hated each other before, but they had a bond now that no one understood or could. They would slap him on the ass like jocks often do, but with the thin fabric of his shorts and no underwear, it would just engorge his dick again.

It was time to play in the pool and Tom put on the ridiculously small swimming trunks that he brought just to look at himself in private. He was learning that he was a bit of an exhibitionist. Tom had no reason to hide from everyone else. He was proud of his body and was becoming proud of...who he...was. This was exciting and scary.

They went to the pool and jumped in. Everyone was playing basketball in the water, but James started whispering in everyone's ears to pinch Tom's nipples. He would always end it with, "Just watch, its hilarious." They started and he was okay. Then, he got an erection in to pool. No one noticed. Suddenly, he started moaning and everyone laughed.

Mark went up to James and rebuked him, "What the fuck are you doing? We are not here to humiliate him. That will expose us. No one deserves that."

J: "I will humiliate who I want."

M: "Humiliate him, and I will humiliate you like the dog you are. I owe Tom one, but James...I owe you big now. See you at the game in thirty minutes." With that he told everyone to cut it off. "I know that you all are attracted to Tom, but this is against his beliefs. Didn't Dean say we needed to support each other." Mark didn't believe what he said, but everyone else cut it out.

Mark got out of the pool with an erection. No one laughed because Mark stared them down. Mark was a good guy and no one wanted to be on his bad side. James was scared. Mark was someone he didn't want to trifle with. There were other guys at the school, bigger guys (not down there), but Mark had a presence that unnerved James.

Harrison hit James on the back of the head and said, "Asshole. You really are a son of a bitch." James wanted revenge on Harrison and Mark. The game was on tonight.
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Old 07-14-2012, 10:49 PM   #10
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Default Part 6...I think

Please feel free to comment. This chapter is dark FYI. This is extreme truth or dare...More to come

Everyone was pissed at James. Mark had a plan. Unlike James, Mark was patient. He would wait until the end of the week to get James. When he was done, James would not be the son of a bitch he was now. Mark would not rape anyone. It is immoral. Mark had no problem with humiliating someone though.

James came in and said, "Guys, I am sorry. I was being a prick, ok?"

M: "It's okay. We forgive you."

H: "You are an asshole, James. Fuck you."

T: "Guys, its okay. I'm fine. Hard, but fine. Let's play our game."

M: "Okay, it is round 2. I think for this round, we can say that truths are eliminated. We may bring them back for some reason, but tonight, let's stick to dares."

T: "Awesome." Tom still felt really guilty, but he wanted to have the week of his life. Already, he was becoming more confident, more powerful, more manly.

H: "Tom, you went last. Spin."

M: "First, lets have a little drink." With that the boys took more alcohol than last night and got pretty tipsy. "Do you guys mind changing the game a bit?"

J: "That's fine." He wanted to appease Mark.

M: "Cool. I think we should keep the randomness of the bottle. I like that. I think now we should add long dares, double dares, absolute dares."

Tom was nervous, "Please explain."

M: "A double dare is when the bottle lands on someone, let's say you. You call double dare. We spin the bottle again and it lands on someone else. The darer creates a dare specifically for you. A long dare is something that goes on for a long period of time and an absolute dare is something that must be done. Penalties are not allowed"

Before James could say anything Harrison said, "Sounds perfect. Lets play."

Tom spun the bottle. Horniness and tension was in the air. All he cared about was getting off. They all wanted to get off. The bottle landed on James. James was tipsy and nervous, but he was still crazy. He said, "Double dare!" The he spun the bottle. The bottle landed on Harrison and everyone looked at Tom. So far, Tom had been maniacal when he dared. Really everyone had, but Tom was out to experience what he could.

T: "This is a four part dare. I dare James to strip Harrison using only his teeth. Then, I dare Harrison, to strip James. After stripping James, Harrison has to...has to...rim James and then...fuck him for twenty minutes."

J: "What?!?"

H: "What is rimming?"

T: "Don't you ever watch porn?"

M: "Not your porn."

T: "I bet you do after this week."

M: "Touche."

T: "Rimming is like eating out a girl...except its a guy."

Harrison seemed pretty unfazed. "So its a blowjob and then I fuck James?"

T: "No... you suck his ass and lick it as if it were a pussy."

H: "I'm not going to do that!"

J: "And he is not going to fuck me."

Tom now had the crazy grin, "So you both refuse?" They nodded their head in unison. "Fine. I guess you get the punishment. Mark can you tell me what the rules are for punishments."

M: "Yep. It cannot be the dare they refused for the punishment. Otherwise, they must do it. You guys still want to take the punishment?" Harrison wasn't sure, but James nodded fervently.

J: "There is no way Harrison is fucking me!"

H: "I'll do it. Whatever you are daring must be pretty easy compared to how you will punish me."

T: "Smart man. So what do we do since one wants a punishment and the other will accept?"

M: "I say the one who will accept doles out the punishment and you can keep in any part of the dare that you want."

Tom had his maniacal look on his face and called over Mark for his secret conference. Harrison and James were scared. All they could think of was how they regretted making Tom not cum. He was horny and crazy because of it. "Harrison, let me look at your fingers." Harrison showed him. "Give me a second." Tom walked over to the shower (Mark followed to Make sure Tom didn't masturbate). "Harrison, we are not going to tell James what his punishment is. James you have to wear a blind fold for it."

James was really scared now. "Fine, uhh I'll let him fuck me."

M: "You had that chance." James was squirming and Mark put the blindfold on him. "Glad you brought this, James." He then looked at James and whispered, "Remember, this is what Tom has as a punishment. This is not my revenge." Under the blindfold, James's eyes went wide. He was terrified. "Take off your clothes."

James complied and was butt naked. His uncut cock was not hard, but shrank up as small as it went. Mark said, "Didn't you say that Tom had a small dick?" Tom and Mark laughed.

T: "Just so you know, you are going to need to be on all fours." James complied. "Ok Harrison, you know what to do," Tom was hard as a rock and felt incredibly twisted. Mark was pretty hard too. He wanted James to be punished with some of his own medicine.

Tom wanted to touch himself, but wasn't allowed as Harrison took his mouth and started rimming James. One of the reasons girls loved Harrison was not his sensitive spirit, or his large dick. He had a long tongue and was good at using it. He licked and started sucking and putting his tong into James's asshole. What James thought was a punishment was heavenly. He said "Oh yeah, bitch. Give it to me!" Harrison licked his hole like he was the pussy licking champion of the world. He did this for twenty minutes. James was in heaven. Then it stopped.

J: "Don't stop keep going."

T: "He isn't through."

With that, James felt a finger in his hole. At first, it felt like he really needed to take a shit. Then Harrison fingered him and played with his prostrate. "Ohhh yeah!" Suddenly, another finger was added. Again, James was nervous, but the fingering was really good. Now a third finger was added. Harrison was really widening James's Anal Sphincter. He spent a long time with three fingers and James got to loving it. Suddenly, Harrison pulled out his fingers and it seemed like he had stopped. Lube was added to his hole. Suddenly, James felt pressure. It was like a duck beak. It was five fingers!

M: "Stay relaxed. You will enjoy," as Harrison started to fist James. Inch by inch, James took it. He didn't want to struggle, because this was so different. Harrison changed from the duck technique to a fist. Harrison went back and forth and back and forth. James was enjoying it and was totally humiliated. He thought he would be limping for days.

T: "Start stroking your cock, James." James did and the pleasure was great. Harrison started gently fucking James with his hand and James was loving it. Harrison stopped and James kept grinding against it. Everyone laughed. "I think you would have liked being fucked more than you think." Harrison continued and James was gasping.

J: "Deeper, deeper!" and then he said "Harder! Harder!" Harrison complied and James started trembling. "Agggggghhh!" James came all over the concrete floor. "Okay, you can pull it out now."

T: "Your punishment isn't over yet."

J: "What?"

T: "You heard me. Go ahead Harrison." Harrison pulled out his fingers gently and then planted two hickies on James's ass. Then Harrison went to James and made out with him. For Harrison, this was fine (as we discovered earlier). James tasted his own ass on Harrison. At first he hated it. Then he loved it and got into kissing Harrison. He was getting hard again. "Final thing you must do, is drink your cum." He was on his hands and knees and had to feel around for all the cum. He licked it like a dog. His ass was pointed in the air.

Mark casually (and without anyone else noticing) took a picture of James's wide hole on his iphone. Then he took a picture of him lapping up cum. Mark didn't want to use it, but would use it to keep James from hurting Tom. This punishment showed that Tom could stand up for himself. No one thought that James would mess with Tom anymore. They were wrong. James wanted revenge. He would do anything he could to get it.
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