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Old 08-05-2009, 11:44 AM   #31
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NICE! Though the Bladder-control thing isn't me - i lean more towards the watersports variant - you've come -very- close to guesstimating a few of my usual expressions and mannerisms...

But i'm not saying in public what they are :P

Nicely done!
Music by me:
'Suspense'(Reason v4.0)
'Keep your head up v0.1' (Fasttracker v2.09)

* How to not be a Dumbinant *
* Here's your chance to ask me anything! *

"It's better to try and fail than to fail to try."
-- Nunc Intellego --
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Old 08-05-2009, 12:34 PM   #32
getDare Succubus
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Thanks. I just work with what I have on hand. I'm glad it's appreciated.

Bear in mind one thing: this is about the characters, who are or aren't inspired by the actual creator. The characters depicted are in no means intended to be accurate representations of individuals. I thought that the character of Anjelen should start slowly within Angela's comfort zones, then work his way up into more daring and eventually extreme situations. The idea is to give time to the submissive to adapt to the new situations without inflicting undue stress while doing it.

If some people find similitudes, it's mainly because I work from the original characters that were submitted, and some, like the one you submitted, are loosely based on actual people.

I should be able to get more posted soon, a second date, if you will. I'm also open to any suggestions, as usual.

Anyway, enjoy!

You can visit my erotic stories website at:

This link can get you to all of my stories on this site as well:
Blog for my GD stories

Last edited by interesting; 08-05-2009 at 02:50 PM.
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Old 08-06-2009, 10:00 AM   #33
getDare Succubus
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Default Anjelen and Angela - Second Date - Part One

Angela was even more excited the second time around. Her first experiences with Anjelen had given her a taste as much as a preview of what was to come. She felt ecstatic as she waited in the same spot as before for him to pick her up.

It was three days later and she had received several instructions, as well as a series of questions through email which she had been asked to answer. Anjelen had said that he wanted to know more about her in order to personalize her training. She definitely enjoyed the connection they were establishing, and she could sense that, if she allowed it to happen, a real bond could form between them. She hoped he felt the same.

The same vehicle drove up. She stood still, in her summer dress, her hands in front of her holding a purse. Not her usual get-up again, but he had insisted on her dressing up for the occasion. She had no idea what he had in mind other than what he had told her.

"Wear a summertime dress, no panties this time, but bring a pair along in your purse. If you want to become more lady-like, you have to learn to dress and act like a lady. The same rules will apply as our first date, but this time, I'll be more rigid in correcting you. You'll need to learn posturing, etiquette and mostly good behaviour. I won't be mean but I'll be strict."

She wanted so much to please him that she would put in extra effort to guard her posture and her words.

Anjelen stepped out of the vehicle. He was wearing long jeans and a black t-shirt. As he approached her, she said nothing.

"Good morning, my lady."
"Good morning, sir."

He looked her over and was pleased by what he saw. She must have practiced her pose in front of the mirror because it was excellent. Of course, he saw minute details, but now was not the time to correct them. There would be ample time to do that later.

"I trust we are ready for day's lesson?"
"We are. I am."
"We are was a good answer."

She bit back her lip not to talk back to apologize.

"I will be in charge of most of the day, but I will let you choose where we go to lunch. Remember, though, that you will also be evaluated during lunch."
"Do I have to decide now?"
"No. You can decide later, but I need to know before... 11."
"Yes sir."
"Now, let's get in the car."

He opened the door and helped her in, then went around and sat down.

"Are you looking forward to this?"
"Yes I am."
"We will start slow this morning, then go a little further in the afternoon. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, you can say: 'Master, I do not like this.' We will then stop and give you time to recover or elaborate."

The car went on its way, with the two passengers eagerly anticipating what was to follow, but of course, only Anjelen was aware of what was actually going to happen.

"May I ask a question, sir?"
"Yes, you may?"
"I filled out a questionnaire for you? What was it for?"
"It allowed me to plan this day, as well as our third date, if all goes well.... I trust you did not go to the bathroom this morning?"
"I did not."

The car reached its destination. Anjelen helped Angela out of the vehicle.

"Where are we, if I may ask?"
"A studio. It belongs to a friend of mine. She is working today, but she leant me her key. Follow me."

They made it into the building and took the elevator up several floors. They got out and turned left; Anjelen produced a key and they entered the studio. Angela was stunned by its sheer size and the layout. It was an impressive place. There was an open area with a kitchen, living room and a large matted section. The only closed spaces were the bedroom and the bathroom.

"This morning, Angela, we are going to learn about etiquette. There is a chair in the kitchen. Go sit on it."

She moved to the kitchen and sat down.

"No. Sit."

She didn't understand.

"As a lady, you don't cross your legs. And you don't spread them either..."
"I'm not wearing so I'm not spreading them anyway..."
"Excuse me?"
"Oh! I am not... I am not..."
"Good. Now sit properly."

She moved about the chair.

"Let me help."

He moved to her, straightened her back against the dossier, raised her shoulders, placed her arms and hands on her hips and joined her hands there.

"When you tilt your head to look about you, you don't bend your neck. I want you to assume this position while I prepare us some tea. Don't move until I tell you to."

As he went about his business, he looked once in a while to see how she was doing. Angela seemed compliant. He came with the tea once it was ready.

"That is good. Now. Drinking tea."

For the rest of the morning, Anjelen went over the entire book of etiquette, as least as he knew it, explaining to Angela how she should behave in any form of social situation. He started with meals, which was obvious, then he got her standing up and strutting about. He retrieved high heels from his friends' gear and had her try them on. Angela walked awkwardly with them. She was amazed at his patience with her. Around eleven, when Anjelen asked her what she wanted to eat, she had not made up her mind, so she went with something familiar.

"There's... there is a Chinese restaurant on Brubaker."
"I know it. Do you want to go there for lunch? My treat, of course."
"I would love to, sir."

And so they left the studio, Angela still wearing the high heels, and proceeded to the restaurant.

"Now, remember all I thought you this morning? I want you to apply yourself. I'll be taking notes, and I will punish you for every mistake you made."
"Do not worry. It will be fair and simple, but it will serve as a reminder of what we thought."
"I will do my best."

And so lunch rolled over. Angela was nervous; she was certain she was making so many mistakes, despite doing her best to remain in character and to apply the rules of etiquette as best as she could. After all, Anjelen could not expect her to perform perfectly the first time. At least, that was what she hoped. But her friend said nothing about her demeanor and just chatted about the weather and other inconsequential material.

When lunch was over and they were back in the vehicle, Anjelen finally told her what she wanted to hear.

"All right. Your evaluation. All in all, you did good, given this was your first try. Still, I noticed some errors. You forgot to say thank you three times. Your legs shimmied under the table constantly. You burped once."
"I did?"
"You did. Your hand kept playing with your hair, when it should have rested on your hip. But I'll let that one - and only this time - slip. There were also a few minor mistakes, which cumulate to a single faux-pas. So that means... six mistakes in all."
"I apologize."
"You have to do better. You know that, and this punishment will help you remember. Now, in terms of posturing, there is nothing to say really. I was impressed with your upper body control. Keep it up. You need to work on your lower body."
"It's because, I... I really need to go to the bathroom, sir."
"That will be part of your punishment. You must hold it in until we get to the studio, and then we will carry out the rest."

He started the car and drove back to the studio. Once they got in, they moved into the bathroom.

"Are you comfortable taking off your dress in front of me?"

She shivered at the thought. She was wearing no panties but she was wearing a bra, and he had already seen her lower region. Still, there was something unnerving about doing it now. Seeing that she hesitated, he handed her the purse.

"What if you had panties on?"

Being in a bra and panties in front of him was not so bad. It would like a swimsuit. She agreed. She put the panties on, then removed her dress. He did not seem affected by her gesture at all. He simply reached for his watch and set up a timer. He told her to get in the bath, and then turned on the fosset. The cold water reached her feet and he started the timer.

"Six mistakes. Six minutes. You have to hold it in for six minutes."

A full bladder, cold water on her feet as much as the sound of running water was simply unbearable. Anjelen said nothing as he watched her hold it in. It was humiliating and stimulating; she actually felt herself getting sexually stimulated by the ordeal, which of course did not help with her holding it in. But this was not her first experience in this matter. She was determined to hold it in.

When the six minute came up, she was about to let go, but he enticed her to go on.

"I know this is turning you on right now."
"God yes."
"If you can hold it in longer, there will be a bonus for you."
"A bonus?"
"Yes... anything you like."
"Sure. I'm open to anything. Nothing monetary, of course, but any experience wou want me to do, or you want to try, and I'll comply. You'll be in charge for a number of minutes equal to the amount of time you can hold it in past the deadline."

Angela didn't know how to react. The six minutes were already up. It was a win-win situation in any event. She held on for an additional three minutes, after which time the pain become too severe and she simply let go. The stream of urine poured out between her legs, through her panties, down her hips and lower legs, and mixed in with the water. She almost screamed with pleasure and relief as the hot liquid made its way down. She trembled with both desire and satisfaction. Anjelen laughed, which made her laugh in return.

"Oh! wow..."
"You really do like that."
"I can't believe I just did that."
"You cannot believe."
"Oh!... I'm sorry. I mean, I apologize. This is hard..."
"I know. You will learn."

She giggled again.

"Can I wash myself now?"
"If you want to take your three minutes and seven seconds to do so. Otherwise, you can keep those minutes and cumulate them. There will be other instances."

She made a coy smile.

"I think I'll keep them."

The notion of turning the tables on Anjelen made her smile. In truth, Anjelen did not mind at all. Having been on both sides of the issue, he knew that nothing Angela could throw at him would even faze him. But it was interesting to see what she would come up with.

She stepped out of the bath, her panties and legs still wet from her urine. It felt sticky and uncomfortable, but she did not mind the smell at all.

"What do we do now, sir?"
"Well, why don't we go back into the other room and find out?"

They left the bathroom; her dress remained on the counter. She would come back for it later. Probably.
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Old 08-07-2009, 07:22 PM   #34
getDare Succubus
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Default Anjelen and Angela - Second Date - Part Two

Angela returned to the living room of the loft in her underwear, still sticky from what she had just done in the bathroom. Anjelen preceded her and went to a couch.

"Obviously, since you're still wet, we can't have you sitting down on the couches. So you'll have to stand."
"Understood, sir."

Anjelen cringed.

"I think it's time we moved you up a notch. I don't like. From now, call me Master."
"Yes. But with conviction."
"All right.
"Who am I?"
"Master. You are my master."
"How does it feel to say it?"
"I am not sure... it feels... I don't know."
"It has to become comfortable. I'm your master, and you're my pet."
"Yes. You're a little cat. Get down on all fours."

Angela did not understand what he was hinting at, but she complied and got down. She felt somewhat humiliated, being on all fours, but she usually enjoyed roleplaying. This was just a more extreme form of it.

"Are you a good cat?"
"Yes, master."
"Cats don't talk."

She froze and stared at him with bewilderment. He laughed.

"Too fast? Okay, you can talk for today."
"Will I always be a cat, master?"
"Oh! no... this is just one thing you will be. You wanted to be a lady. I am teaching you. But you really can be anything you want. And we'll start with something simple. Like a cat."
"I like cats."
"I hope you do. You're a cat than can talk, but you must remain on all fours."
"Yes, master."
"Walk around the room."

She carried out his order. She still felt funny about doing it but it was rather amusing to do. She had no idea how long he would ask her to keep it up.

"Cat, I have a gift for you."
"A gift?"

He got up and walked to the kitchen. He took out box, opened it, and revealed a studded collar. She stared at it with disbelief.

"This is yours. Come here."

She crawled up to him. He placed the collar around her neck.

"Cats have collars, after all. We'll get you a medal eventually. What should your name be, little pussy cat?"
"...I don't know.... Cats don't choose their own names."
"True. I will call you... Sam."
"I like it."
"Good. Sam, lie down."

Angela - now Sam, the cat - carried out the order. Anjelen petted her on the head. Then Anjelen got a little more serious.

"All right, Sam. Here's how we're going to proceed for the next hour or so. You will be a cat and behave like a cat. I will not tell you what to do. You have to behave like you think a cat would, you have to become a cat, in essence. The more convincing you are, the greater the reward."
"What kind of reward, master?"
"Well, let's see. You already have three minutes on me. If you manage to impress me, you'll earn additional minutes."
"Okay... how do I impress you?"
"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

The answer seemed fair. Anjelen sat down on the couch and turned on the television, ignoring her presence completely, giving her plenty of time to think.

Become a cat? Easier said than done. She was on all fours and she wore a collar. What else could she do? What did cats do? They played with yarn; but there was hardly any yarn in the room. They purred. She could do that. She started purring as best as she could, while trying to think of something. Anjelen simply ignored her. She was tempted to ask something, but cats didn't usually talk, even if this one was allowed to. Better not break character; that might impress him.

Cats slept. But she wasn't sleepy, and sleeping through the entire game was hardly a way to impress him. Another obvious thing came to her mind. She meowed. Anjelen looked at her.

"What do you want, Sam?"

She meowed again.

"Are you hungry?"

Cats ate. She meowed again and crawled towards him. She rubbed her head against his pants' leg, as she had seen cats do.

"All right... some food."

He got up and went into the kitchen. She followed him. He searched through the cupboards.

"Hmm... no catfood."

She had to hold back a sigh of relief. She had not imagined he would offer her catfood.

"A saucer of milk. You want milk, Sam?"

She meowed again, rubbing her head against his leg again. He went into the fridge, got the milk out and poured it into a saucer, placing it near the wall. She moved and started lapping it up; she giggled a little, then decided to attempt purring, but it was impossible to purr while lapping up the milk. In the meantime, he opened a can and put it in a bowl. She didn't see what it was on the can; in the bowl, it was clumpy. She smelled it. Tuna. She tried to take a bite but spilt a lot onto the floor. She would have to work on that.

This was fun. She hoped it wouldn't last too long though. She could feel her legs and arms becoming stressed from the constant kneeling. Still, she didn't complain.

As Anjelen returned to the living room and his television watching, she finished up her milk and tuna. The combination did not taste so good, but she had tasted worst things in her life. As she finished, she noticed that the can of tuna was still on the ledge of the counter. An idea crawled into her mind. Cats were mischievous. She reached with one hand up, and knocked the can to the ground, then quickly started licking it. The lid was off so the chances of her cutting her tongue were slim.

Anjelen came over and saw.

"Sam! What did you do?"!

He reached down and picked up the can of tuna.

"You're a bad kitty."

She lowered her head, attempting to emulate the movement of a cat tucking in its ears. She received a gentle slap behind her head.

"Don't do that again."

Anjelen put the tuna can in the sink and headed back to the living room. Hopefully, this is what he meant by impressing him.

For the next hour or so, she wandered around the apartment, resting once in a while, playing with objects every so often. It wasn't the most pleasant role-playing exercise she had done, but neither was it unpleasant. She appreciated the opportunity to explore another part of herself. The game was growing long though. After meowing several times and being ignored, purring, lying on the ground, trying to climb on the couch and being pushed back down, things were becoming repetitive.

She entered the bathroom, going out of view. Her legs were sore from the posture. She stood up for a moment, hoping he would not notice. She saw her figure in the mirror. She looked strange. She could actually picture herself as a cat. And then something dawned on her: something obvious, which she should have seen, but that had eluded her mind up until now. She made up her mind quickly.

Anjelen was still watching the television absent-mindedly; in truth, he was paying more attention to Angela's actions while appearing distracted. She fascinated him. She entered these games with relative ease. But he was about to be truly shocked. He saw her coming out of the bathroom and stared, immediately aroused by the sight of the naked, furless cat walking up to him, meowing. She had stripped completely. Out of sight, so he wouldn't notice. But she was naked. A beautiful naked cat, as it should be.

"Stop. Sam... wow...!"

She giggled; she couldn't help herself.

"Come sit beside me."

She crawled up to the couch, then on it. She felt her nudity in all its impact as she neared him, as she felt his breath on her skin. She shivered a little from the excitement.

"You're no longer a cat, Sam... you're a beautiful woman, a lady. You're Angela again."

She smiled.

"Oh! I hurt all over..."
"I'm impressed. I did not think you would figure it out."
"Figure what out?"
"What I wanted you to do."
"This is... what you wanted?"
"After a fashion. I wanted you to put yourself in the mindset of the cat. The actions you did previously were good, but you realized that you were still clinging to a human part of yourself, and you got rid of it. That's impressive."
"Thank you... master."
"That alone is worth... five whole minutes."

She paused for a moment.

"Then, can I take those eight minutes now?"
"Sure. I'll do anything you ask."
"Can you give me a massage. I'm so sore..."

Anjelen laughed.

"Of course! It will be my pleasure. Lie down anyway you want."

He got up from the couch. She took his spot, lying front first, exposing her back and buttocks to him.

"You are so beautiful, Angela."
"Thank you."

He made her blush and it was hard not to show, given her situation. He set down beside her and proceeded to massage her legs. She sighed and moaned as he helped her release the accumulated tension there. He then moved to her arms, and helped her relax there too. His hands moved to her neck and upper back. By now, she was putty in his hands. When he neared her lower back and buttocks, he kneaded at first gently, then more firmly.

"Your hands are so... so good..."

Anjelen was used to things like this. He was used to a lot of things actually. And even though he had been in this predicament many times, he was still aroused by the sight of a beautiful naked woman near him. He made his caresses matter, and he knew that if he pressed the issue, she would sleep with him here and now. But Anjelen was not about making things easy, for others or for himself. Taking her now would be too easy; he needed to make it so that she would be the one asking for it. And even if she asked now, her desire still was not strong enough. It needed to boil over, to become uncontrollable. He needed her to submit completely to the rapture.

Only then would she be ready for the next step.

"We'll call it a day after that. Did you enjoy your day?"
"Yes I did."
"Do you have any comments or questions. Be honest. Is there some part you enjoyed less?"

She had to think about it, as she recovered from the massage.

"Only this last part... it was a bit too long maybe. But I guess I needed to realize... what you said."
"I'll take that into advisement. Are you comfortable here, naked, with me?"
"Yes... I think I am. I am. Master."
"Good. Next time, I will be naked too. I'm just warning you in advance, so you can prepare mentally."
"All right."

In truth, Anjelen was just setting her up so she would build a scenario in her head. It was a way to exert control over her. By playing with her perceptions, by molding her mind to what he desired, he could create her mood in advance, and prepare the terrain for the next event.

All in all, this relationship promised to have an interesting continuation. Who knew? If all went well, he might even get to really enjoy Angela's presence. He knew he could handle her and move her in the right direction, if he so chose. That kind of power made him feel good, but it also made him feel for her. What was all that power if it amounted to nothing, if it didn't become part of the relationship.

Still, he knew she was in his hands now, to mold as he wanted. He would start working on her limits next, seeing which ones he could push, and how far.
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Old 08-08-2009, 10:40 PM   #35
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Default Anjelen and Angela - Third Date - Part One

It was time to take things further. That was why this time, Anjelen was to pick Angela up in front of her place. They were starting to get comfortable around each other. She had paraded naked in front of him, pretending to be a cat. A simple role-playing exercise but one that had allowed Anjelen to see the extent of her own adaptability. For the first two dates, he had played well within her limits. He had experimented with her bladder control; she was definitely turned on by it. They had delved into her desire to become more lady-like through some role-playing, and then into animal behaviorism. So far, everything had gone smoothly. But Anjelen knew that this third date would make or break them. He'd had his fun by playing to her tune, but he needed to know if she could bend to his will more forcefully.

He was somewhat scared when he saw her come out of the building. She wore the same dress she had worn their previous date: his request. He knew she wore neither bra nor panties: also his desire. He himself wore only a t-shirt and jeans, and nothing underneath.

As always, he led her into the car, reminding her that all preceding rules about behaving like a lady, posturing, talking, and of course holding it in were still in effect. She nodded her undestanding and they went on their way. He brought her back to the same studio as before, but this time, he only had it for the morning; unless of course Angela accepted that his female friend, the owner of the studio, joined them. But he didn't think Angela was gone that far, so his plans for the afternoon were actually different. In fact, it was Angela herself who had inadvertendly provided the idea.

Once they were inside the studio, Anjelen closed the door. He looked at the time. They had three hours until his friend would show up. He needed to be done by then; not that he would have personally minded. His friend knew all about him. But he was worried for Angela.

"All right, Angela. You are Sam again, but not a cat this time. You are Sam, my slave."
"Your slave?"
"And I am your master, remember?"
"Yes, master."
"Good. Your first task is to get undressed."

Angela gave herself a little nudge and let the dress slip to the floor. She blushed as she saw Anjelen's gaze focus on her. She had a movement to cover herself up.


She managed to fight against the moment. Getting naked in the spur of an exercise in role-playing was one thing; doing it from the onset was quite another.

"Before we go on, I'm going to introduce you to my friends."
"Your friends?"
"My toys. You see, Sam, today, we're going to be experimenting with pain... and pleasure."
"All right."

He could sense some hesitation in her voice.

"Since you are going to be playing intimately with my toys, I figured it was nice of me to show them to you first. That way, you'll know what they are. And, if one of my toys makes you feel uncomfortable, you need to tell me beforehand."
"What if I get uncomfortable... during?"
"Then you can tell me as well. But it's better if you give me warning."
"I mean, yes master."
"You still have a lot to learn. I'm going to have to be more agressive with you..."
"I will do better, master."
"I know you will. Come over here."

He opened a briefcase which was already there. Angela peered inside. She recognized most of the tools from browsing over the web or talks she had shared with some friends. Nipple clamps; two of them, linked with a metal chain. Metal handcuffs. A small electrical jolter. A butterfly external vibrator. Clothespins. A feather brush. A wooden pallet. A few others, she guessed: footcuffs, a metal brush, a choker, a mouth piece.

"Are these all yours?"
"You have quite a collection."
"This is nothing. This is my travel case."

He smiled as he said it, mindful of the effect it would have on her. She put her hands over her breasts as she stared in the briefcase. She turned her head towards him, still red from her shyness, afraid to ask the question, but she managed it.

"Master... are we... going to have sex?"
"Not until you're ready. This is not about sex, Sam. This is about pain and pleasure."
"All right... What... do I do?"

He had her. She wanted to explore more. The case had been constructed to illicit a reaction, to see if she would cringe away. She didn't. Anjelen was glad. Of course, he would have respected her wishes. Her acceptance of her fate showed how truly submissive she could be if she wanted to.

"The first thing to do is to bind you."
"Bind me? How?"
"The choker first. If you start screaming from either the pain or the pleasure, we don't want to disturb the neighbours. Then your hands and feet. But before even that, we need... a safe action."
"A safe action?"
"A movement - since your mouth will be gagged - that you can do and that will signal me that you want me to stop."
"What if I clapped?"

He looked at the handcuffs. They allowed for clapping.

"That's good. If, at any time during our games, you feel uncomfortable, you want me to stop or for any other reason need to attract my attention, you just clap your hands. Repeatedly, not just once."
"Yes, master."
"Great. That being settled... let's bind you up."

He retrieved the gag and placed it over her mouth, helping her tie it up in place. He checked to see that she could breathe normally.

"Have you ever worn one of these?"

She waved no with her head.

"They can be uncomfortable. You'll salivate a lot. Don't try to swallow, just let it flow."

There were holes in the gag to let the saliva out. Anjelen proceeded to tie her hands behind her back.

"Clap twice for me."

She did.

"Good. Now your feet."

He moved her to the couch and placed the cuffs on there, sitting her down facing him. She was bound, unable to free herself.

"Are you comfortable, slave?"

She nodded yes. Already, he saw some saliva on the gag.

"Lie down, face first, head on the pillow. Raise your behind by getting on your knees."

She carried out the order as best as he could. At first, he simply stared; his eyes darted towards her pussy. He could see the wetness starting to appear. This made him smile. She was willing and reactive: a great combination for any submissive person. She was going to have a lot of fun here, and he knew he would also be getting what he wanted.

He went to the briefcase and started taking out all the items. Angela tilted her head sideways so she could see what he was doing. Anjelen then completely stripped, revealing his body to her, first from the back, then he turned around. She stared at his naked form, her eyes at his crotch level. It was already half erect. He could see the desire in her eyes, and truth be told, he shared it. But it would have to wait. If anything, Anjelen enjoyed taking his time; it only made the act that much more pleasant.

Anjelen first reached for the wooden pallet. She stared at him. He smiled at her. His posture was non-threatening; he needed to remind her that this was a game, at least as far as she was concerned. What he got out of it was no concern to her.

"On our last date, you had eight minutes of massage. To even things up, you will get eight slaps... on your behind."

She did not seem so sure about it, so he added some detail.

"I'll start slow, then build up the intensity. If it gets too rough, clap your hands in between slaps. I'll wait a few seconds between each. Fair?"

She agreed with her eyes. He moved towards her rear end. Her exposed behind gave him all sorts of sick ideas, but they would have to wait. She would have to be opened up in many other ways before he could push her to his degree of perversion, if ever. But he didn't mind. He enjoyed as much the growth of the slave as he did her final achievements.

The wooden pallet came down, gently. She barely budged. He waited a moment, then slapped again. Her buttocks moved slightly. Still, she made no move. A third slap. This time, he heard the sting of wood against skin. But she didn't moan. He saw a bit of red coming up. A fourth slap got her to make a sound. He waited a moment longer than before. The red was definitely coming out. Fifth slap. This time, she really moaned, but it was hard to tell if it was pleasure or pain, or both. Still, no clapping. Sixth slap. It was hard. Her entire back arched and she let out a small gagged scream. He waited for the clap. Nothing. Seventh strike. She moaned hard, and he could make out the shape of the pallet against her skin. Blood vessels had shattered all over. Still, she didn't clap. One more. One final slap: she cried out in pain and finally clapped her hands, but it was over. She hadn't realized it. He put down the pallet and moved towards her head.

"Are you all right?"

He could see tears in her eyes.

"Do you want me to remove the gag?"

It took her a moment but she finally nodded no.

"Do you want to move position?"

She nodded yes. He allowed her to get off her knees. Her cheeks were bright red. She had no idea how turned on this made him feel. His hard-on was complete and quite noticeable. He suspected she was also extremely wet from the stimulation but it was hard to verify.

"I'll be right back."

Anjelen hurried to the bathroom and brought back some lotion, which he started applying on her buttocks. She moaned with delight from the cool sensation as he gently rubbed it in. When he felt she was comfortable enough, he rubbed it in harder, mixing pleasure and pain. She moaned and sighed, salivating through her gag the entire process.

"Shall we continue?"

She seemed to agree, so he retrieved the next item: the small electical jolter. He turned her around carefully, setting her up on her back.

"Spread your legs a little for me."

She did so. He confirmed his earlier hypothesis: she was aroused like never before with him. Her eyes kept darting to his manhood. It was flattering in a sense, but he would keep her waiting in that department.

He applied the jolter to her neck, then to her nipples, to her belly button and finally right above the entrance to her vagina. Everytime the pins touched her skin, she shivered. The charge was low; it was intended only to gently stimulate the skin. Still, it seemed to be doing wonders for her. He returned to her nipples; it was where he had noticed the most sensation.

He reached for the metallic nipple clamps.

"This might hurt a little at the beginning, but you'll get used to it."

He set only one down; she cringed at the slight pain, but he used the jolter to stimulate the nipple and she moaned instead. Anjelen enjoyed mixing pleasure and pain, and he could tell that, if he worked on it hard enough, she would enjoy it too. He did the same maneuver to the other nipple, then returned the jolter to her lower region, and left it there for a while. She shivered and moaned, trembling under the light electrical current. Once in a while, he looked at her; because her hands were behind her back, it would be harder to clap, or harder for him to hear, so he looked for other signs of discomfort. But she seemed to handle it.

"Time for a different kind of torture."

He put the jolter aside and retrieved the feather brush. This time, he went to her feet and started tickling them. She immediately started jerking about, but he told her to remain as still as she could.

"If not, you'll have to be paddled again."

As he returned to the tickling, he could see she was making an effort. For a moment, he wondered if it was to please him or because she had disliked the paddling. He would have to inquire later.

Gently, he moved up her legs, always tickling with the brush, uncovering her sweet spots. Right behind her knees was extremely sensitive. Her crotch was also like that, but he already knew that from experiences with others. Her sides also had a strong effect. Her nipples were sensitive, but her breasts didn't seem to react much. She kept wiggling uncontrollably her nose as he made his way up there.

He kept at it for a while and started gently slapping her skin where he had just gone with the brush. He augmented the pace and the intensity of the slaps. She didn't have as much reaction to this as to other things so he moved on.

He retrieved the clothespins (there were six in all) and showed them to her. She looked nervous.

"Where should I put them? Your face?"

She did not seem to want that. He understood her: most weapon did not enjoy it on their faces.

"Well, your nipples are already occupied... do you want to try something different?"

His hand, holding one clothespin, got near he crotch. She jolted. He was stunned, but he immediately saw an apology in her eyes.

"Maybe just one?"

She hesitated before agreeing.

"You'll have to hold very still. It will hurt a bit, but the pain will subside after a moment."

She spread her legs a bit wider than before, to give him better access. She imagined it would work better that way. He put his hand around her genitalia, then directly on it. The heat coming out of it was amazing. He trembled and felt very much like a man. He gently massaged her pussy lips, to make them ready for what was about to happen. He gently pulled on it and placed the clip at the edge. She moaned instantly, a mix of pain and pleasure, but mostly pain. He gently returned the lower lip to its place with the pin on it and looked up.

"See, it's not so bad."

He could see a tear rolling down her cheeks. But he needed to push her a little further.

"Another one, on the other lip?"

She hesitated much more, but gave him the go-ahead with her gaze. He proceeded as gently as before, setting the clothespin gently. She shivered from the touch. He pulled away and left everything there. He backed off and looked at her, admiring his work. She was working hard to control the tears, and he could appreciate the effort. She deserved a reward for her compliance - in a moment.

Angela tried to focus only on herself and ignore the pain. She was enjoying most of it, but those two clothespins had taken her into an unfamiliar part of pain, and now she was learning to cope with it. She was desperately turned on, which made her lower lips hard, gushing with blood. The pain on her behind had subsided, and she barely felt the tinge of the nipple clamps, but she couldn't ignore that lower region pain. Thankfully for her, Anjelen finally gently removed the clamps. The pain did not subside instantly, but it became more bearable.

"You really impressed me with that, Sam."

Anjelen knew the power of positive reinforcement.

"You deserve a reward."

He retrieved the butterfly vibrator and started setting it around her waist.

"Do you want to?"

She nodded a very strong yes. Anjelen smiled as he set up the device so it would rest against her wounded pussy lips.

"You'll enjoy that."

He allowed her to straighten up before starting the remote on the device. She shivered instantly, and began to salivate more heavily through the gag. He could tell the effect it was having on her. She was desperate for release. Should he deny her? He was tempted to stop the device before she climaxed, but then he heard her clap. He stopped the device before speaking.

"What is it? You don't like that?"

She enjoyed it. The problem was elsewhere.

"Shall I remove the gag?"

It was what she wanted. He did so, curious as to what she had to tell him. She spat a lot of saliva with the gag, but then smiled at him.

"You deserve a reward too."

He was intrigued.

"You've been the good slave. I want to reward you."
"And I want to reward you too..."

Her smile told millions about her intention.

"Are you sure?"
"Yes... very much..."

He moved onto the couch, turning her on her front, setting his erect shaft in front of her now released mouth. They had already adressed the issue of disease as part of their regular conversation, so they were confident about what was going to happen next. Anjelen started the device again, as his slave went down on him, swallowing his length as far as she could, gagging on it. One gag to replace another, he thought to himself. The position and her own stimulation made her clumsy; he felt her teeth more than once but he didn't mind. He was used to intense stimulation. This was mild compared to many things. But it was good. The desire had been building up in him, and this was better than actually penetrating her otherwise. She wanted it. She had asked for it.

When Anjelen felt ready to release, he stopped her bobbing up an down, got up and turned her over. He then proceeded to carry on with a few more strokes and fired his load onto her chest, neck and face. Humiliation. It worked most of the time. Angela looked away as the hot liquid squirted over her, still in the throes of her own pleasure derived from the device.

Anjelen pulled away, contemplating his handiwork, and leaving her hanging for a moment longer. This was only morning. It was definetely going to be a tough day for our little Sam. One, Anjelen hoped, that would be the prelude to more games, more intensity and ultimately, the complete transformation of a young girl into a creature of pleasure and pain.
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Old 08-10-2009, 06:12 PM   #36
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Default Anjelen and Angela - Third Date - Part Two A

(Side note: it's always interesting to see that there have been no comments on this thread since I revived it - with one exception, thanks Anjelen. I wonder if I'm too wordy. Maybe my posts should be less intricate and more Bob does this and Jane does that. Maybe the emotions are getting in the way. Regardless, here's another installment. I'll write them if you read them - and hopefully you do, even if I get little feedback to know - there, I go, whining again. On with the story!)

Angela was sore from the morning. She felt giddy and very much alive, but her body ached all over. Twisting and turning under Anjelen's ministrations had taken its toll on her. But the worst was yet to come, and she was looking forward to it, even if it meant that she would be putting her in the most precarious situation so far.

The experiences of their relationship had so far been highly constructive for her. They had shared their first sexual encounter this morning, on this third date, and it had felt good. She felt relaxed in his hands, even when he pressured her into various predicaments. He was so at ease that it rubbed off on her. And she felt like pushing for more, which was fine by him. If only she'd know how far he could take her, she might have had second thoughts. But this was a trip which she needed to take for herself; he was just there to put guidelines if she needed any, and truthfully, to profit from her blossoming.

They were now outside a park with a large field. They were eating hot dogs and drinking soft drinks. It was unusal for Anjelen to eat like this; his diet was a lot more strict. But the hotdogs and the soft drinks were part of her experience and, if only for this once, he would break his routine. Out there on the field, people were starting to come over. There were parents and kids. But the real attraction for them was the small gathering that was forming to watch the softball game that was going to be played. The softball game where Angela would herself be playing in a mere hour.

"Are you psyched?"
"I guess I am."

Anjelen was not into organized sports, but he wanted to invest himself into Angela's spirit, and one way to do that was to understand what empassioned her about the game. She had tried her best to explain by narrating the way she had been introduced to it.

"When I was ten or eleven, there was a ruckus at my school about getting kids involved in team sports. Now, football was not for me, and basketball, I'm too short, and I don't like. But softball, well... it's all about patience. Waiting for the right pitch. The right strike. The right combination of elements which leads the team to victory. It's a lot more technical and strategic than people imagine. And I like it. It's not physically too demanding, but it does require teamwork. I like working with people. I like working in teams."

She had no idea how these few words were inspiring to Anjelen - but of course, he kept all his inspirations to himself for the time being.

"And you won a scholarship?"
"I did. It's freaky. I didn't even know they had, but my dad entered me into a scholarship... well, I knew about it but he brought the forms, did the research. And I won. So now, I have a whole year to decide if I like it here, and if I want to remain, I can reapply... or find another source of revenue."
"And do you like it?"

She had blushed.

"So far... yeah. Pretty much."

For the purposes of her game, they had dropped their usual protocol. She didn't have to be as lady-like, nor did she have to watch her language, but she did need to keep respecting him. And he had taken to calling her Sam, which she was still unsure of.

"Can you tell why you chose Sam?"
"Not yet. Eventually."

The time was coming for her to join her team: she turned to Anjelen and offered to introduce him to her teammates.

"After the game. I want to watch them play."

She did not argue, nor did he expect her to. Anjelen's eyes were trained on the girls that made up the team. They were all relatively good-looking, young and somewhat athletic, all great specimens of the female form. But he was looking for something in particular, something only his trained eye could tell - and even it could be wrong. Whatever insight he would glean from the game and the players' performances would have to doublechecked later. Perhaps he would find it in only one player; perhaps none had the quality he was seeking; or perhaps they all shared it. Only observation and verification would yield confirmation.

Anjelen watched as Angela joinder teammates and got ready for the game. They had set up a few things before the game. By no means were they to affect Angela's playing, but they were intended to be a reminder of their unique but still developing relationship.

Under her clothes, she wore a makeshift chastity device. Anjelen had fashioned it for her. It was a piece of leather which she wore in lieu of underwear, strapped to her hips and waist. Although it could theoretically be torn apart, it was held together by two small locks, and only Anjelen had the key. He had also instructed her not to go to the bathroom after their morning games. She had not gone until the morning, which made this an accident begging to happen. Angela was fully aware of it and the possible humiliation that would come of it if she let go. But it was her firm intention to hold it in. He had promised that she could go - after the game. Seven innings to go. It would be a long game.

As the opposing team came to bat first, Anjelen grinned. He would miss nothing of the real action, the one he was actually looking for. And if his assumption panned out, Angela would be in for quite a ride.

Last edited by interesting; 08-11-2009 at 12:07 AM.
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Old 08-11-2009, 08:50 AM   #37
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Default Anjelen and Angela - Third Date - Part Two B

The game went on, inning after inning. It was torture for Angela. At one point, one of her teammates told her go to to the bathroom while she was waiting on the bench. She said she could hold it in. Her friend did not insist. And so Angela suffered in silence, which she actually enjoyed.

From the sidelines, Anjelen was paying very close attention to the players on Angela's team. He made out their names and numbers from their shirts, but what he was really looking for was that unique sparkle which he had found in so many others so far, that sparkle which Angela herself had but was unaware of. Anjelen was certain he could use that sparkle to his advantage.

Around the sixth inning, watching the bleachers, he suddenly saw what he was looking for. He smiled. Things were falling into place.

Angela's team tied the other; since this was a regular season match, the game ended there, with no overtime. Anjelen jumped down from his podium and headed over to the field to congratulate and meet the players. Seeing him coming close, Angela moved to meet him.

"Well? How was it?"
"Interesting. I'm ready to meet your teammates."

Angela grabbed his hand and pulled him over in their direction. He hadn't planned on her doing so, but it would have been improper to pull away. Besides, it could serve to his advantage.

"Everyone, this is... Anjelen."
"Funny name."

One of the girls had quickly responded. Anjelen did not mind. At least they were able to pronounce this one.

"He's my... we're seeing each other."
"That's nice."

One girl moved forward, the captain of the team - the one with the sparkle in her eyes.

"You're taking good care of our little star player here."
"Trying to."
"I'm Roxanne. Roxy for short. This here is Bella, Trudy, Jane... in the back are Cynthia and Myriam. And of course our catcher is Kimmy."
"You have quite an arm."
"As a pitcher, it helps."

Roxy was definitely the ring leader here. If Anjelen managed to convince her to go along with his plans, the rest would follow.

"Where did you two meet?"

Anjelen answered.

"If you would believe it, a dating site."
"Really? Never tried one of those. Never had to either."

She laughed. She had a mean streak which Anjelen found quite stimulating, but not for itself but what it could be used for in terms of transforming Angela.

"How often do you practice? Angela told me you got her quite busy."
"Not as much as we could. She's good raw talent; I'm just trying to hone it."
"You're doing fine, from what I can tell."

Angela was happily listening in on the conversation between her 'boyfriend' and her captain. Anjelen suddenly turned to her.

"Shouldn't you be going to the bathroom?"
"Oh! Right! I completely forgot."

The pressure came back to her mind, and she raced towards the bathroom. Anjelen and Roxy looked at her leave, but Roxy seemed perplexed.

"What was that all about?"
"It's game we have going on. Don't worry about it."

Roxy seemed even more intrigued, which of course had been Anjelen's reason for dismissing the notion.

"Come on, you can tell me..."
"Well... where to begin...?"

Angela came back from the bathroom. Anjelen was still talking to Roxy; Angela could tell that Roxy's face had changed, and she seemed even more conniving than before. She looked at Anjelen but he just looked at her stoically.

"Ready to go?"

Roxy spoke up.

"Remember girls, practice, Saturday morning, right here. Be here at seven."

The girls objected.

"There's a chance of rain and I want to get an early start. Come on, you're tougher than that."

The girls agreed, though the thought of getting up this early was not pleasing to them. Roxy then turned to Anjelen and Angela:

"We usually have post-game meets, but I'll spare you this one Angela, since your friend is here. We'll see you Saturday morning."
"Sure. Take care."

Anjelen led Angela away from there, back to his car. She inquired:

"What do you want to do now?"
"To be honest, I'm a little tired. I think... we'll call it a day. I'll drop you off at your place."
"Sure. Thanks. Did you have a good day?"
"Morning was superb. Afternoon was nice too."

He smiled at her. She paused, staring at his face. He noticed.

"Can I... kiss you?"
"If you have to ask, then no you can't."

She was stunned by his answer. She had not expected it. She wondered what it meant. As they drove back to her place, she asked about their next date.

"I don't know. I'll have to check my calendar. Sometime early next week?"
"That's far away."
"I know. Don't worry, Sam. I'll find ways to keep you entertained in the meantime. I promise."

His smile was so sincere that her doubts and worries melted away. She knew he only had her best interest (and his, of course) at heart. She couldn't wait until their next date. Maybe then she would have the audacity to kiss him.
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Old 08-11-2009, 09:20 AM   #38
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NAME: Dallas
Age: 21
Height: 6'1
Weight: 170 lbs.
Ethnicity: caucasion
Hair: brown nice cut and alil bangs
Eyes: blue
Seeks: Women (18-25)
Fetishes: Spanking, bondage , and submissive
Personal Introduction:Hello I am Dallas im 21. Im looking for a girl i can protect but at the same time that will put me in my place. Im kinda shy so i need a girl who will put me in my place..and punish me when i do things wrong umm feeding my fetish possibly.Over all a young beautiful dominant partner.
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Old 08-11-2009, 10:13 AM   #39
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Default It's not that your story isn't progressing nicely -

i love it, in fact; otherwise i would've spoken up.

But : well, it boils down to my having been kicked out of the house i lived in - a semi-communal home where apparantly "Pansexual/Dominant" means "Scary, Intimidating Predator we must get rid of" - and having been forced to move back into the house i lived in before -that- ; i'm basically here once every two, three days perhaps?

Basically the rest of my time goes into arranging some basic commodities. Like, oh, running water, a washing machine, and a decent boiler, neither of wich i actually -have- yet, at this point.

Oh, and central heating. That's gonna be a bit important come winter...

That said - i like the story; keep up the great work!
<Stamps it the Anjelen Sign of Approval>
Music by me:
'Suspense'(Reason v4.0)
'Keep your head up v0.1' (Fasttracker v2.09)

* How to not be a Dumbinant *
* Here's your chance to ask me anything! *

"It's better to try and fail than to fail to try."
-- Nunc Intellego --
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Old 08-11-2009, 01:16 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Anjelen View Post
i love it, in fact; otherwise i would've spoken up.

But : well, it boils down to my having been kicked out of the house i lived in - a semi-communal home where apparantly "Pansexual/Dominant" means "Scary, Intimidating Predator we must get rid of" - and having been forced to move back into the house i lived in before -that- ; i'm basically here once every two, three days perhaps?

Basically the rest of my time goes into arranging some basic commodities. Like, oh, running water, a washing machine, and a decent boiler, neither of wich i actually -have- yet, at this point.

Oh, and central heating. That's gonna be a bit important come winter...

That said - i like the story; keep up the great work!
<Stamps it the Anjelen Sign of Approval>
Well, thanks for the support, here's some positive energies heading your way. And some hugs: that generates heat!
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Old 08-11-2009, 01:52 PM   #41
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Default Anjelen and Angela - Fourth Date - Part One

When Angela showed up at her morning practice on Saturday, she was eager to get things started. It was unusual for her to get up this early. In accordance with the daily ritual she had undertaken since she started going out with Anjelen, she had not gone to the bathroom in the morning. She got dressed as per his request. She ate some light bread and jam, and then made her way towards the park for the practice. She got there right on time; and was apparently the first to arrive. For a moment, she wondered if she has misheard; then, she thought it might be a prank played on her. If it was, she did not find it amusing, not this early in the day.

A few minutes later, she saw Roxy's car pull up in the parking lot. She was relieved. She made her way towards the car. Roxy was already in uniform.

"Hello, Angela."
"Roxy... where is everyone?"
"We moved the venue. We're doing practice elsewhere. I came to get you."
"Okay... why didn't you call me?"
"I figured you were busy with your new boyfriend. Anyway, I wanted to pick you up. We need... to talk."
"We do?"

Roxy seemed very serious all of a sudden, and this bothered Angela.

"I just realized something last night."
"What did you realize?"
"Something simple, really... about you."
"About me?"

Roxy started the car.

"You know, you're from out-of-town, came here on a scholarship... you're a lucky girl."
"Go on."
"I was just thinking, you being the outsider, we've been pretty understanding with you."
"And it's appreciated. What are you getting at, Roxy?"
"I'm saying... you never got initiated."
"Initiated? We do that?"
"Of course we do. Ask the others. They'll tell you."

Angela stopped to ponder. When she had first met her teammates, things had been pretty normal. Most of the girls already knew each other from the previous year. There had been no fuss about her introduction to the team.

"So I got to thinking... I think... you need to be initiated."
"And the sooner, the better."

Roxy's car pulled into another parking for a community park, one that was more wooden and thus more remote. Other vehicles were also there, and she recognized some of them belonging to her teammates.

"You want to initiate me, today?"
"Why not? Or are you chicken?"
"Hey, Roxy, that's not fair."
"No... but it might be true."
"Well... what do you have in mind?"
"You'll see... Angela, you need to trust me on this. It's for your own good."

Angela did not know what to think about it.

"All right... but nothing illegal. I don't want to get in trouble."
"Honey, initiations are all about fun... and humiliation. That's what we want you to have... fun... and to be a little taken down a peg... after all, everybody's gone through it."
"Well... all right... but... I mean, nothing public either... Too public anyway."
"It's just us girls."

They got out of the vehicle and made their way into the wooded area through the small paths. Eventually, they reached a small clearing where several of Angela's teammates were gathered, anxiously awaiting their arrival. The one called Kimmy, who held the position of catcher, spoke up.

"She said yes."

The girls were pleased.

"You've all done it?"
"Please!" Kimmy answered. "I did it with my hands tied behind my back. Literally, I mean."

She laughed.

"Do you want us to show you what's in store for you, dear Angela?"
"Well... sure."

Some information was better than none, she figured. Each girl in the pack produced one article; Kimmy produced a rope; Bella had whipped cream in a can; Trudy produced markers; Jane held out a piece of white cloth; Cynthia had small paint jars; Myriam held a brown bag with unspecified contents; and Roxy herself produced handcuffs.

"Now, one other thing... we want to record this for posterity, so Kimmy will be handling a camera."
"I... Are you sure?"
"Of course. Honey, this is just for us and whomever you decide to show this to. We'll have a private screening after all. Sure, during the initiation, sometimes it's hard, but looking back on it, you'll have a blast."
"I get to keep the tape?"
"You absolutely do."

This entire course of events was unexpected, but so far the girls had been fair to Angela. She didn't want to disappoint them, and she was intrigued by whatever uses these tools might be used for. Angela weighed the pros and cons, but seeing the demanding eyes of her teammates, figured she would not let them down. She jokingly thought: this cannot be worst than what I've already done with him. She laughed internally.

"All right... I'm game... but I said to Roxy, nothing too public... and nothing illegal."
"Everything's on the up and up, Angela. You just behave yourself and everything will be just fine."

Roxy smiled at Angela, then her serious face returned.

"Now... I'll need you to strip down to your underwear."

Angela half-expected it, but hearing it aloud still made an impact. She shivered for a moment. The girls stared at her.


Angela hesitated a moment more, then she pulled off her shirt. It's not like these girls had not already seen her naked in the shower, after practice. The context was different. But she carried on, removing her pants. And then, she remembered something... something about the ritual. But she had already started. She sighed and removed her shorts, exposing the makeshift chastity device she wore.

"What is that?"

She blushed. She could not provide an answer. Kimmy spoke.

"It's like leather underwear... what's with the locks?"

Roxy seemed to understand.

"You're a naughty little girl, Angela, aren't you?"

Angela blushed even more.

"You should have told us you were kinky like that. I would have come up with other things to do to you for your initiation... Kimmy, go get the camera."

Angela barely said a word. She saw the stares of her friends. She had complied with his orders, and now she was in the thick of it. How could she explain her unique relationship to them? What would they think of her? What were they thinking now?

"We're gonna have a lot of fun, Angela... I promise you..."
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Old 08-12-2009, 10:31 PM   #42
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Default Anjelen and Angela - Fourth Date - Part Two

Of course, Angela was anxious. She trusted her friends to some extent, but she had no idea what they had planned. The many devices that were shown to her prompted more questions than answers. Standing around in her unusual underwear only made Angela more nervous.

The park being a public place made her feel a little more secure. If anything went horribly wrong, she could scream her lungs out and there was a good chance someone would hear.

Roxy and Kimmy were obviously in charge of the thing. The other girls just tagged along for the ride.

"What do I have to do?"
"For now, honey, nothing. We're going to dress you up a little. Just let yourself go."

Jane came forward, holding her piece of cloth. She draped it around Angela, like a toga. Jane smiled at her handiwork.

"You're gonna be so pretty when we're through with you..."

Angela detected the irony in her voice. Jane was not the prettiest of the lot, nor was she ugly. Everyone thought of her as average, and sometimes she resented it. Angela was fairly pretty, which made Jane somewhat jealous. It was a little payback, but she could take it.

Cynthia also stepped forward. She opened one of her paint cans and, with her finger, applied some paint on Angela's cheeks.

"This is gonna be fun, you'll see."

Cynthia was one of the nicer girls of the group. Not as ambitious or talented, but she was very respectful of other players and was one of those who could help foster team unity. She always had a way for compromise which made everyone happy. Her smile was contagious.

Trudy's turn came up next. She brought her markers up to Angela's body, which prompted a question.

"Are they permanent?"
"Why? Are you scared?"

Trudy had already played three different tricks on Angela (and many other tricks on other girls) so far since the beginning of the semester. They were silly, innocent pranks which didn't leave any lasting effect. But the circumstances were different, and Trudy seemed really into this.

"You know, Angie, even permanent markers rub off eventually."

Angela cringed as Trudy started writing words on her arms and legs. "Star player". "Show off". "Pretender". "Fake." A few others. Angela wondered if Trudy or the other girls resented her for her funded education. Most of them had to pay for it.

Roxy walked up and tied Angela's hands together with the cuffs. She took the rope from Kimmy and tied the rope around the short chain of the handcuff.

"Tie her hands behind her back," Kimmy said.

Roxy seemed pleased, and she did just that. With her hands tied behind her back, there was very little resistance that Angela could offer anymore. She waited for the next thing to happen, and it did when Myriam took out a blind from her brown bag. They placed it over Angela's eyes.

"Can you see?"
"Not a peep."

Angela did not really know Myriam as much as the others. She kept to herself; she always seemed somewhat disconnected from the group, and she was curious to know how she had been dragged into this. She knew better than to ask, of course.

For a moment, this entire ordeal made Angela reminiscent of Anjelen. It seemed like the kind of stunt he could pull. But she dismissed that idea. They had set up to meet each other tomorrow. Today, he had business to take care of, and she had her practice - her hazing now. Roxy's voice took her back to the moment.

"Okay, girl... you're tied up, you can't see, a bit dirty, dressed in a toga. How do you feel?"
"I don't know. Kinda weird, maybe?..."
"Weird doesn't even cover it."

She felt a tug on the rope and her hands. She was pulled in another direction. She heard the girls laugh.

"What are you doing?"
"Having some fun with you."

Roxy passed the rope between her legs and started pulling her onto the path which she could not see. It was hard for her not to fall down, but once in a while, she felt the hands of her teammates straightening her.

"If you must know, we're parading you..."
"But there's no one to see me, other than you?"
"You forget... we're filming..."

And so they pranced about for a while, with Angela being unable to tell if anyone else could be staring at the scene. The humiliation made her extremely horny, and she started to regret that it wasn't Anjelen doing this on her. Still, Roxy's domineering presence kind of made her think of him, and everytime Roxy spoke, Angela would get a shiver in her private area.

"We'll stop here."

Angela felt many hands grab her at that point. Some tickled, but most just groped. She felt a hand in her back, and suddenly, her bra was unbuckled. It fell off her breasts, but hung there, because it was still tied to her shoulders.

"Hey! What are you?..."
"Relax, honey. The toga still covers everything... not by much but still..."

A few hands groped her breasts, which made her shiver even more. They had her lie down on the grass; she didn't feel the presence of the woods around her so she wondered if they were back near the entrance of the park. She hoped they would not get into trouble for what they were doing.

She felt the toga being tugged off her chest.

"Relax, honey... there's no here but us. We've seen them before..."
"But... okay..."

She heard a swishing sound and felt a cold substance on her nipples.

"What are you...?"

But then, she realized she knew the answer. Whipped cream. They were covering her nipples with whipped cream. This made her laugh. Bella, the last girl, the one with the cream, spoke up.

"Open your mouth."

Angela did. Whipped cream was spread in her mouth.

"Try not to swallow it."

It was hard, leaning on her back, but she managed it. She felt the girl's presence move away, as they giggled. She imagined they were filming this for posterity. Let them have their fun. It didn't really seem that bad. She felt a presence near her head.

"Open your mouth again..."

It was Kimmy. As Angela carried out the order, she felt Kimmy's lips meet hers, and her tongue slide into her mouth. When Kimmy pulled away, after lapping out some cream from her mouth, she spoke up.

"Hmmm... good cream. Here, girls, have a taste."

And so it went that Bella filled up Angela's mouth with more whipped cream, and every girl took turn doing the same stunt as Kimmy. It was not really a kiss, but it almost felt like one. Angela's lips had never met another girls'. It was awkward and stimulating.

Suddenly, Angela felt lips on her nipples, sucking the cream off them. She shivered with excitement and a small amount of pleasure; her nipples were sensitive today, apparently. They were hard because of all the constant humiliation and stimulation she was undergoing. She could not tell which girl was doing what; she only knew it made her both nervous and excited.

"Are you having fun, Angela?"
"This is... uh... yeah, I am. I think."

She heard Roxy's laugh drown out the rest.

"That's good. Because, you know, we want you to have a good time too. It's not just about us... it's mostly about you here..."
"Can you... cover my tits back? Please?"

There was at first no answer. Then she felt lips against her nipples again. She trembled with delight, but spoke up.

"No... I meant with... the toga... ooh..."

The girls did not let up for a long moment. When they finally pulled away, they pulled the cloth back in position.

"How was that?"

Angela did not want to answer. She didn't want to compromise her situation. But in truth, she had enjoyed it.

Roxy and Kimmy both pulled her up.

"Having fun?"
"Yes... I am... this is... different."
"It's not over yet, honey..."

Roxy pulled on the rope again, dragging her away from that place. The sounds of the city were returning. They were getting back towards civilization.

"Did someone pick up my clothes?"

Myriam's voice spoke up.

"I have them. Don't worry."
"Thanks Myriam."

There was a calm reassurance in Myriam's voice which made her feel good. They moved back towards the parking lot. She heard a large door open, then Roxy helped her climb into the back of a van.

"What's going on?"
"Do you trust us?"
"Well, sure... but I mean..."
"Honey... nothing's going to happen to you that you won't enjoy... I promise."

She felt a comforting hand on her right shoulder. She complied with the order and climbed in. There was a soft mattress. She was pushed down on her back. She felt someone climb in after her.

Suddenly, she heard a click near her belt, and realized what was happening. Someone was undoing the locks on her chastity belt. But only Anjelen had the key. What was going on? Was Anjelen here? Had she been right initially? Had he planned this? But how could he, when he had just met her teammates a few days ago.

The chastity belt came off and, all of a sudden, Angela felt very exposed.

Last edited by interesting; 08-13-2009 at 08:46 AM.
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Old 08-14-2009, 02:26 PM   #43
getDare Succubus
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Default Anjelen and Angela - Fourth Date - Part Three

"What's going on? Who's in here with me?"

Angela's fears had just caught up with her. So far, she had been complying with everything her teammates had asked of her. But being dragged into the back of a van, and having her leather chastity belt taken off, all the while being blindfolded and her hands tied behind her back, wearing only a toga was too much for her. She needed some kind of reassurance that everything was going as planned, that she was still safe.

A female voice came to her: Myriam.

"Relax... it's just me."
"Myriam... I'm not comfortable like this..."
"I'm sorry..."

She then heard Roxy's domineering voice.

"Oh! Come on, Angie... grow up a little..."

There was something in Roxy's voice which reminded her of Anjelen and made her want to submit. And the truth was, despite not being in control, she enjoyed the sensation.

"Just... give me a minute... and... tell me what you're going to do before you do it, okay?"

She heard Myriam speak to Roxy.

"I don't think that's unfair..."
"Oh! Fine..."

Myriam came back towards Angela.

"Take your time... Take a deep breath... I... I'll talk you through things."
"Thanks, Miri..."

She sensed a smile from Myriam. This made her feel better.

"What... what are you going to do?"
"Well... it's... not easy to say..."
"Well, just try... please?"

For a long moment, Myriam was quiet. Then, another voice, a familiar voice, brought Angela back to the moment.

"She's going to help you explore your limitations."

Anjelen. He was here!

"Hey! You're..."
"Sam... don't talk. I'm here. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. On the contrary. I'm here."
"You planned this?"
"I did. But we'll talk about this later. I'm here. Nothing can happen. Myriam, here, has graciously volunteered to help you move forward in your personal quest for new experiences and rediscovery."
"Have you... told them?"
"Not everything. Only that you and I learning to be... well... a couple. And that I'm training you to be more open-minded, more adventurous. Roxy really enjoyed my expose, so she decided to help me. Help us, in fact. And Myriam, here, well... she's special. Not like you. A different kind of special."

Angela was of course intrigued.

"Are they still filming?"
"They are... but Roxy was saying the truth. The tape, it belongs to you. Well, us... we'll have to decide what we do with it later. But right now, Sam, I need you to trust me, and to let yourself go. Like you did. You want to please me, don't you?"
"Yes I do."
"All right. Then... Myriam is going to help you experience new things... just relax, and know that I'm right beside you, watching you, and caring for you."

The sound of his voice, his words, his mere presence was enough to ease Angela back into an earlier state of submission. She felt comfortable with him around; he would watch over her, and make sure nothing bad happened to her - nothing that he did not want anyway. And that was good enough. She was starting to lean more and more on him for validation, and she enjoyed the sensation of abandonment. It was more than submitting, it was letting go and being led into other corners of her psyche.

"I hope... you like it..."

Myriam's words were soft, almost filled with love. For a moment, Angela waited. And then it happened: the soft kiss of lips around her labia. She shivered as she realized Myriam's head was between her thighs, gently kissing her there. She trembled with more force.

"I'm here... I'm here."

She felt a hand on her forehead for a moment. She calmed down almost instantly. She felt the lips back away from her body, and Myriam's voice came out.

"I'm sorry... are you... should I continue?"
"I... I think... uh... okay. Yes... Yes, please continue."

This is what he wanted. This is what her master wanted. She was already turned on by the situation, but she wanted to give in to it, not for her own sake but for his. She felt Myriam go back down on her. She felt the lips first, then the tongue, then her whole body shivered from the new feeling of delight. Myriam was beautiful, after all, and desirable - Angela could not believe the thoughts that were coming to her as Myriam started gently eating her out. Every once in a while, she felt the gentle stroke of her master on her forehead, which only made the sensation that much more desirable. And then, the notion of being watched by the other girls, of being filmed under such circumstances. The stress of the excitement was too much to bear and she climaxed quickly, voicelessly, unable to control it. But Myriam kept going in, with a little bit more force, and there was no stopping the sensation.

Angela almost fainted from the pleasure she obtained from her second climax at the mouth of Myriam. Myriam gently pulled away; Angela was smiling, both because of the intense pleasure but also to please her master. He had watched the entire ordeal; how much more of a gift could she offer than her entire being for his enjoyment, however he desired it.

It was more than love. It was attachment beyond anything she had experienced before. It was a bond so strong, so tight that nothing he did to her could ever break it. At least, that was how this new experience made her feel. She wondered for a moment how much more she would endure before the day was done, before she could commit to him fully.

Anjelen had won his bet. She had become reliant on him for security. From now on, his mere presence would be enough for him to coax her into almost anything.

Anjelen smiled for himself. After only four dates, and all those experiences, Sam was finally ready to be molded.
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Old 08-17-2009, 01:09 PM   #44
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Default Follow-up from Angela

Dear Video-Chat Dating,

I want to thank you for introducing me to my partner.

We have been together now for some time, and I must admit that, at first, I was skeptical. He was unique and challenging in ways I had never imagined. But getting to know him, getting to spend time with him has been a life changing experience. I don't know how long we'll walk together on this path, but I'm glad you introduced us.

Please accept my thanks, and I highly recommend your service to others.

Thank you


================================================== =
THE END (for Anjelen and Angela)
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Old 08-17-2009, 01:14 PM   #45
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Haha. That was undoubtedly a cool read. Thanks! I wasn't dissapointed.
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'Suspense'(Reason v4.0)
'Keep your head up v0.1' (Fasttracker v2.09)

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"It's better to try and fail than to fail to try."
-- Nunc Intellego --
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