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Old 02-27-2009, 10:36 PM   #16
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Part V

Jackie woke before the alarm on her phone could ring. The instructions were to take a shower, wear loose fitting clothes and eat a good breakfast. She was planning to wear a tee shirt and sweats but realized that is was only 6:30 and it was already 80 degrees. She showered and put on a new tee shirt and the shorts she slept in. "They are, after all, the long basketball type" that she would routinely borrow from her younger brother. They were conservative enough she reasoned. With her hair still wet, she answered the knock on her door. Miriam Jones had brought her a huge tray of breakfast. "I can't eat all that!" Jackie exclaimed. "Don't worry dear, I didn't know what you like so I made a bit of everything. I know the girls are nervous before the experiment so I thought I might like to eat alone. Jackie thanked her and took the tray inside. She set the tray on the desk and sat down. Miriam was right, she was nervous but they did tell her to eat. After some fruit, cereal, toast and milk she looked at her watch and realized it was nearing 8am, the time they told her to be at the lab. She used the toilet and realized that she still had her earrings in. "I better take them out" she thought, remembering Reg Jones' instructions.

Jackie walked across the yard to the front of the white barn that held the lab. She remembered that Sam asked her not to lead on that she had already been in the lab. She walked through the front door and was surprised to see that the darkness of the shadows last night were now all replaced with antiseptic white in the bright fluorescent lightning. Dr. Jones was the first to see and greet her. "Good morning Jackie, how'd you sleep last night?" he asked. "As well as could be expected was her terse reply. "Ah, very well come on in and let's get started." Jackie saw the others all doing various activities around the large room. The grad students Rachel, Will, and Bryan were all dressed in white lab coats. The assistants Deanna, Dina, and Sam were all dressed in khaki shorts and golf shirts much like the private school uniform which was so familiar to Jackie. Dr. Jones called across the room. "Sam, Jackie's here. I need you." Sam walked across the floor and stood near Jackie. She noticed that he did not look her in the eyes but rather kept his head down. Jackie was rather disappointed. Dr. Jones introduced Sam to Jackie. Jackie remarked "Ah, we met last night while I was taking a walk around the grounds." Noticing the look of surprise in Jones' face, Jackie continued "I met all the people here. They seem so nice." Jones looked relieved and so did Sam. Sam clearly violated the rules last night and this was a very cushy job on campus. The alternative was working the food services so Sam did not want to lose it. "Jackie, Sam is going to help you get ready. He is very experienced. He will explain to you his role. Please listen to what he says so we can get started on time" said Reg Jones. "Follow me" was all Sam said to Jackie. She dutifully followed him down the large room to the far end where she knew the dressing room and toilet was.

Jackie followed Sam into the dressing room. As soon as they were in the door she turned and said “Sam, that was the best kiss I’ve ever had. Did you really mean it or were you just feeling sorry for me?” Sam nodded, saying “no I meant it. You are about the nicest girl I’ve ever met. Jackie, I’ve been a geek my whole life. In high school I was on the AV squad. I’ve never had a girl kiss me back the way you did.” “Sam,” Jackie sheepishly asked looking down, “do you think that after today you could like a girl like me? Do you think you can be my friend next semester when I’m a student here after you’ve seen me go through the experiment?” “JACKIE,” replied Sam, “I’ve been up all night just wondering if you would be my friend next semester.

Actually I am hoping we can be more than just friends. I’m not concerned about my feelings for you after the experiment. I know that this is the ultimate stress environment and that people say and do things during the experiment that is not really who they are in “real life.” I am just concerned that I will be able to remain calm and objective when you are going through the ordeals.” “What do you mean by that?” asked Jackie. Sam continued. “Well, I mean that I have a job to do here. I have to make sure that you are properly situated on each device. I have to make sure that the vital statistics are being sent to the computer. I also have to make sure you are safe but at the same time not interfere with the ordeals. Doc has shown us that humans can take a lot of pain before they are actually in trouble. But the human pain tolerance varies greatly. So take for example an ordeal when the pain is administered by a leather belt. Some subjects never cry, some cry after a while, some cry immediately, and some scream immediately. We can’t stop the experiment just because someone is screaming or crying. Now that I’m emotionally attached to you I’m going to find it difficult to watch you being in pain. I have the power to stop any ordeal where your body is too stressed based on the vital signs but not if you are “only” in pain. That is going to be very hard on me.”

All this was overwhelming for Jackie. WHAT WAS SHE GETTING INTO she thought. She already knew she had a low tolerance for pain. She could barely stand the pain of a routine dental cleaning. “We’re taking too much time” Sam said. “They will be wondering where we are and we have a lot to do. Are you ready?” Jackie nodded and said “As ready as I’ll ever be…I guess.” “Okay then,” instructed Sam. “I need you to remove your clothes. Do you have any valuables with you?” Jackie shook her head. Sam continued “You can hang your stuff in one of the lockers. No one will be in here because once the experiment begins all the doors are locked to prevent any disturbance. There’s a robe in hanging there” pointing to the wall. “You can leave on your underwear but you have to remove your bra. When you put the robe on, call for me I’ll be waiting outside the door.”

Jackie took stock of her surroundings: the whiteness of the locker room, the white robe hanging on the wall; the cart with the computer and transmitting devices Sam told her about last night, all gave the appearance of science. “I guess this will all be alright” she said to herself. “This IS for science AND I’m getting a summer’s salary working part time at Micky D’s.” She began to undress removing her running shoes, her shirt and shorts. She looked at the full-length mirror on the opposite wall and made a face. Jackie didn’t like the way she looked. Like most girls her age she had a negative image of her body. “My boobs are too small, my hips are too big, and this pouch, what was I thinking? I wouldn’t have done this if I knew I had to be naked the whole time. And boys! I’m going to be naked in front of men and boys! And I have to like one of them who also likes me! The first time I’m naked in front of a boy who likes me I’m going to be crying and screaming from pain or being stimulated to orgasm with a vibrator! Maybe I should just chuck it in?” she cried. Sam called in “are your ready?” She quickly gained her composure and removed her bra and put on the robe pulling it closed tightly and snuggly tying the belt. “Okay, I’m ready Sam.” Sam entered and went over to the cart, He rolled it over to the two stools near the locker and looked up at Jackie. “Oh,” he said. “Did you go to the bathroom?” Jackie nodded no. “You better go. They don’t like to stop for bathroom breaks and some girls actually pee from the stress of the ordeals.” Jackie was flabbergasted. “I haven’t peed myself since nursery school” she thought. She quickly went into the adjacent toilet. She sat on the seat and as she began to pee she realized that the sound of the stream of water coming from her was clearly audible to Sam on the other side of the partition. She was embarrassed. But it was only the first of her many embarrassing experiences of the day.
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Old 02-27-2009, 11:08 PM   #17
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amazing so far pleas continu
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Old 02-28-2009, 12:20 AM   #18
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Part VI

Jackie returned to Sam who pretended like nothing had happened. He motioned to the seat and told her to sit. He looked at her hair which was pulled back into a pony tail and said “you’ll need to change the way your hair is. The pony tail will not allow you to have your head restrained in a straight manner. You’ll need to either let your hair out, put the pony tail to the side, or put it into pigtails.” “Wow,” thought Jackie, “they are very thorough.” “What do you recommend Sam?” “If I were you I’d put it into pigtails. That’s the most comfortable. Hair the length of yours will get in the way and you’ll be sweating a lot.” “PIGTAILS? I’ll look like a little kid!” she laughed. He laughed too. She realized she was starting to relax a bit. “Here, I have to rubber bands. Just do it” he said with a warm smile. She undid her pony tail and her golden blond hair fell to the middle of her back. She put it into two pigtails and looked in the mirror. “I LOOK six years old!” she exclaimed.

Sam moved the cart behind her and said “I’m going to attach the sensors to your neck and head now.” Methodically, he attached the tiny dot-like sensors to her temples, behind her ears, and on the nape of her neck. She felt weird having a boy touch her in those places while she was sitting in her underpants even if she WAS wearing a robe. Sam moved the cart around the front and turned on the notebook computer. Immediately there was the sound of beeping. “That’s your pulse coming from the sensors behind your ears” he said. “I’m going to do your hands and arms next. Just relax” he said. Sam took her left hand and placed a sensor on her wrist where the pulse is normally taken. He put an additional one in the crook of her arm on top of the vein used for testing blood. “What are they all for?” asked Jackie. “Some are for temperature, some are for pulse, some measure the electrical impulses on your skin, and some measure the moisture from sweating” he replied. Sam then reached under the cart and removed a fabric band. “This is the restraint I told you about last night. It is made of a lightweight fabric and tightens with Velcro. You’ll hardly know its on but I’ll be able to restrain you more safely and easily with this D hoop” he explained. He put the cuff on her left wrist and tightened it snuggly. “Is that too tight?” asked Sam. “No” said Jackie shaking her head. “Okay, if it feels like its tight at any time let me know and I’ll adjust it.”
Sam repeated the procedure on Jackie’s right arm.

“Good, I’ll do your legs next.” Sam sat down and noticed that Jackie had forgotten to remove her white gym socks. “Those socks have to go” he said. As she bent over to remove them, he said “I can do that for you.” Sam bent down from the stool and removed each of Jackie’s socks. “That sure felt weird” thought Jackie as she got a strange flutter in the pit of her stomach like the first time Timmy Johnson asked her to dance at the 8th grade formal. Sam began placing sensor dots on Jackies left leg. Like on the arms, the first went on her ankle, the next in the crook of her leg behind her knee. He repeated the procedure and then put a restraint on each ankle.

When he was done placing the sensors and restraints on Jackie’s legs, he sat upright, looked at the clock on the wall and said “Good, almost done.” He returned to the cart and picked up a handful of sensors. He sat down and said “now I have to place these sensors to monitor your sweat glands and heart. Can you please loosen the top of the robe, I need to have access to your heart area and your armpits.” This was approaching the part that Jackie was dreading. He started to undo her belt and Sam said “no, just loosen it a bit. I can reach in.” She loosened it and he gently formed the fabric into a V, like on a v-neck sweater. He took two different sensors and said “these have to go on your underarms. One measures perspiration and the other measures electrical impulses. Can I assume you shave your underarms?” Jackie nodded yes. “Good.” He reached under her robe and asked her to raise her arm slightly. When he placed the first sensor she giggled and squirmed a bit. “I’m so ticklish” she said. “Really?” he responded. “That’s good because at least one of the ordeals involves tickling.” Jackie looked worried again.

Sam picked up the remaining sensors and said to Jackie "These are the last sensors. I have to place them on your femoral arteries and near the base of your spine." Jackie really didn't understand what he meant by femoral arteries and nodded yes. "Okay then, stand up and open the robe." Jackie turned red. She stood up and complied with the order. She looked down and had forgotten she had on her panties with the little teddy bears all over them. She noticed a smile on Sam's face. "Juvenile, aren't they?" she said. Sam chuckled and said "They're cute. I have to get the sensors where your leg meets your torso. Can I move the leg band elastic?" Jackie nodded. Sam moved the elastic a small bit and placed the sensor first on one side, then on the other. He noticed that Jackie did not shave her pubic area and wondered if he should tell her it would be better. He decided that she was nervous enough and kept quiet. "There, that wasn't so bad." said Sam. "One more to go. Jackie, this last one measures the electrical impulses coming from your spine. I need to get it as close to the base of the spine as possible. It's going to be embarrassing for you." "Okay" Jackie responded. Sam continued "Turn around and lift the robe around your waist. Good, now bend over." Sam lowered her underwear and placed the dot-sensor at the base of Jackie's spine between her butt cheeks. He returned the garment and said "We're finished."

Jackie was mortified. She was red from blushing and her heart rate was elevated. The computer's beep-beep-beep attested to her excited state. "Sam, do you think I look alright? I mean is my body attractive?" Sam answered "Jackie, your body is great. You shouldn't worry about it. But I can't think about that now. I'm going outside. You need to carefully remove your panties now and follow me. We need to get you back." "Can I keep my robe on?" Jackie asked. "Yes you can. They'll let you keep it until the experiment begins" Sam said as he exited the locker room with the computer cart. When he was outside, he could see all the vital signs accelerate -- heart rate, perspiration rate, skin temperature, etc. It was a sign that Jackie was removing her panties. He'd seen it before. Sam heard the locker room door squeak as Jackie stepped gingerly outside. He smiled and whispered "You'll do fine. Let's go." They started their walk across the large room to the area where the equipment and others were.
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Old 02-28-2009, 12:23 AM   #19
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I dream of this story happening to me. I don't know when I've been this excited.
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Old 02-28-2009, 12:34 AM   #20
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this is amazing icant wait to read the next section
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Old 02-28-2009, 07:18 AM   #21
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Great job. Keep it up.

Looking for something to read? Try these:
"Rising Sun" - "The Dinner Party" - "A Day on the Beach" - "The Trap"
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Old 03-03-2009, 02:51 PM   #22
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The best story i have come across so far!!

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Old 03-04-2009, 12:04 AM   #23
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Part VII

Jackie and Sam got to the section of the large room where the equipment was located. Dr. Jones and the staff were sitting around a conference table in the corner. Jackie noticed that they all had note pads like they were conducting a business meeting. She had seen this scene in her father's law office many times. Reg Jones called to them motioning to Jackie and Sam "sit down guys. Is everything set?" Sam indicated yes. "Jackie," Jones asked, "is everything okay?" Jackie nodded yes as well. "Good," he continued, "we are just finishing our plan for the day. Every experiment is different, based on the personality, background, and pleasure/pain tolerances as you indicated on your questionaire. I know I gave you some instructions but I want to go over the ground rules again. The experiment has already begun from our perspective. We have been collecting vital sign data on you from the moment Sam attached the first sensor. There will be a series of ordeals. Some involve pleasure stimulation and some involve pain. You will have different reactions to each. It is our experience that people do and say a wide range of behaviors once the ordeals begin. You shouldn't worry, we've seen it all. No one here is judging you. We are here to collect data and analyze the response. As I know Sam explained, you will mostly be restrained. This is mostly for your protection. You will be asked many times over the day how you are doing. This is not because we want to exchange pleasantries. It is because we need to monitor your well being. Please tell us the truth. We will compare your answers with your vital signs. Sam has been trained to stop any ordeal in which you are in medical danger. So if you are crying and screaming that you are dying, that is input for us. Only Sam will make the judgement with the help of the data being fed into the computer. Any questions?"

Jackie bit her lip and asked "Yes I have some. I've read that sometimes people use a 'safe word' when engaging in bondage activities. Will I have a safe word?" Dr. Jones responded "no Jackie, this is science not bondage or sadomasochism for sexual purposes. We are scientists and professionals. As you know, we are looking to measure, record and analyze your behavior when you are stressed way beyond normal limits. You may think you can't take any more, but that is exactly where we gather our most valuable data. Any more?" "Yes" replied Jackie. "I've been told that I'll be recorded and videod. Will I be able to be identified?" Reg Jones replied "No, for any videos that we show your face we will pixilate it so you can't be identified." "I have one more question" said Jackie. "I've been told that I'm going to have to be naked for the ordeals. That scares me the most. Is there any way I can keep this robe on since I've never really been naked in front of other people?" Dr. Jones chuckled and replied "Jackie, that would be impossible. Firstly it is important that we have access to the areas where the nerve endings are concentrated. Secondly, the nudity is an unnatural state for humans in our society and by itself it creates stress. When an ordeal is administered by someone fully clothed, it creates a power barrier. The naked person is always in an inferior position to the clothed person. That is important to us. Are you afraid that we will judge your body or something like that? " Jackie nodded yes. "Jackie, we have had women of all ages, shapes and sizes here. You're the youngest and most inexperienced but the oldest was 58 and married 3 times with 4 children. We've had single and married, with and without children, we've had lesbians and straight. We've also had very thin women and one woman who weighed 250 pounds. Jackie, you are very normal looking. We do not make judgements and no one will ever make any comments about how you look. To be very honest Jackie, you cease to be a person and in all reality you become a 'subject.' Anything else?" Jackie shook her head indicating no. "Good," Jones said, "we can begin."

Sam stood up and touched Jackie's arm. "Follow me Jackie" Sam said. Jackie followed Sam in the direction of the lithotomy table that she tried out last night. As they got out of earshot of the other staff members, Sam whispered to Jackie "for some reason they will let you keep the robe on for this." Jackie whispered back "that's good I guess." Sam had Jackie sit on the edge of the table. When they got to the table Rachel walked over. "Are you ready for this?" she asked. Jackie nodded yes. "Okay. This is an ordeal where we use a machine to insert a device into your vagina to simulate sexual intercourse. Since you are a virgin this will be a very different experience for you. You will experience some pain but it shouldn't be too intense. You may also bleed a bit. It all depends on how much of your hymen is still intact. The machine uses an electric motor to drive this piston. It will start out very slowly taking about 5 minutes to do its first insertion. After that it will gradually speed up. You may actually feel some pleasure from this in the end. Any questions?" Jackie nodded yes. "I have two. How far will that thing be inserted and for how long do I need to do this?" Rachel laughed and replied. "I know it looks big. It is actually the average size of an American male. The dildo is 5 inches in circumference and will be inserted to a depth of 5.5 inches. As to how much time you will spend on the machine, I will not answer that question. So you know, we will never answer that question. If there's nothing else, lets begin." Rachel stepped away and made some adjustments on the machine. Sam stepped in and instructed Jackie. He told her to sit on the edge of the table. He lifted an extension that went under her legs which were stretched out straight. This was different from last night. He assisted her to lie down. Sam took her arms and, using the restraints on each wrist, attached the D rings to the clips on each side. Sam then adjusted the leg stirrups and put each leg in each stirrup. Jackie noticed they were set higher than last night. he attached a cord into each D ring on the leg restraints. Jackie started to feel exposed, realizing her private parts were now fully in view with her legs spread apart so far. She looked at Sam as if she wanted to speak but he motioned to her to remain still. Sam lowered the center leg rest only saying to Jackie "you'll need to slide down so your butt is at the very edge of the table." Moving down a mere 3 or 4 inches forced Jackie's knees further apart and further exposing her unshaven private parts.
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Old 03-04-2009, 12:05 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by molten man View Post
The best story i have come across so far!!
Thank you so very much, everyone.
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Old 03-04-2009, 01:01 AM   #25
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this is brilliant plz continue
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Old 03-04-2009, 04:28 AM   #26
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Two words: Write more!
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:46 AM   #27
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Very good. I've really enjoyed the development of the story, and it's quite unique to what is out here.

Thanks, and keep it up.

Looking for something to read? Try these:
"Rising Sun" - "The Dinner Party" - "A Day on the Beach" - "The Trap"
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Old 03-04-2009, 02:55 PM   #28
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brilliant. keep it going!!!

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Old 03-04-2009, 11:22 PM   #29
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Rachel returned and said "Jackie, I have to do a brief exam to see how much of your hymen is still there." Rachel put on a pair of latex glove and Jackie felt her separate the outer and inner labia. Jackie jumped a bit when she felt something cold down there and Rachel explained "Oh sorry Jackie, I put some lubricating jelly on your labia. I should have warned you it may be cold." With two fingers holder her apart, Rachel bent down and exclaimed "wow Jackie, you're almost completely intact. From what I've read, I would have expected that there would be less from normal physical activity. Dina, Deanna, come here and take still and video shots of Jackie's hymen." Jackie was mortified and could feel herself blushing from embarrassment. Jackie was only glad that Sam, who had taken up his post behind her head, did not walk over for a look. She looked up at her new friend and he wiped her brow which was starting to become wet with perspiration. When they were finished filming, Jackie could hear the sound of equipment being moved into place. The way she was positioned on the table she really couldn't see what was happening on the other size of the robe that covered her knees. Jackie could look up at the ceiling and her friend who was positioned at her head. She could feel the cool air on her private parts but was happy that she was allowed to keep the robe on. She wondered, for a moment, if perhaps they would let her keep the robe on for the entire experiment. Even though she liked having the robe on, she wished she could see what Rachel was doing.

When the sound of machinery moving stopped, Rachel said "Jackie, you will feel a slight amount of pressure on your inner labia as I position the dildo in the proper place. As I said before when I start the machine it will go very slowly for the first cycle." Jackie felt the pressure and assumed the dildo was in place. She jumped again from the sensation of cold. "Whaaat was that?" she asked. "Oh sorry" replied Rachel "I forgot to warn you. I put a lot of lubricating jelly on it and it does feel cold to the touch." Jackie felt Rachel make one more adjustment and then heard the low hum of an electric motor. After a moment, Jackie didn't feel anything more than the original pressure. "I'm not feeling anything" she said to no one in particular. "That's because the first cycle goes very slowly. It will go in slowly and come out slowly. Then it will pick up speed" Rachel responded. Rachel was standing by her right side, Sam was behind her head, Deanna was on the left of the table videoing her face and Jackie could see Dina's head at the foot of the lithotomy table filming the progress of the large rubber dildo. After what seemed like a long time of staring at the ceiling Jackie felt the pressure of the piston-powered dildo begin to build. Her eyes widened with surprise and her mouth opened. Rachel noticed the change of Jackie's expression looked down between Jackie's legs and said "it's alright, that's the dildo beginning to push against your hymen." Jackie took a deep breath and resumed her upward stare. The pressure against Jackie's intact hymen built steadily for what seemed to be a long time. The pain became more and more intense. It was a strange sort of pain thought Jackie. It wasn't sharp like being cut by a knife nor was it intense like a being hit with a stick. The pain, Jackie thought, had a certain dullness that was a cross between a tension headache and pushing really hard on your finger with a pencil eraser. At first it was easy to ignore this pain by concentrating on the ceiling fan and breathing deeply. But the intensity of the pain increased until Jackie couldn't distinguish whether she could actually feel the lubricated dildo tearing through the skin of her hymen or that was just a visualization in her mind. "Aaaaah" Jackie began to moan. "I can feel it tearing at me. Aaaaah, aaaaaaah aaaaaaaah" Jackie continued. The pain was continuously increasing from the increasing pressure on her virginity. She continued to moan until she felt a sudden sharp pain. "Ooouch!" Jackie exclaimed. Rachel moved away from Jackie's side to the end of the table. "What did you feel Jackie?" Jackie didn't respond because her eyes were closed and she was moaning in a low tone. "JACKIE, WHAT DID YOU FEEL?" Rachel asked in a sharp loud voice. That got Jackie's attention. She opened her eyes and and replied "I could feel like my skin down there was being shredded and then all of a sudden there was a sharp pain, a popping sound in my ears, and I saw a bright light." "What you felt was the device penetrating past your hymen" explained Rachel. Jackie continued to feel the pressure build slowly inside her vagina. She felt a stickiness thick fluid running out of her vaginal opening and dripping onto her butt. "What's wet down there? I feel like I'm all sticky" she said. "Oh don't worry Jackie, there's a small amount of blood. Its normal" explained Rachel. In a few moments Jackie felt the entire 5 inches exerting pressure on the muscles of her vaginal walls. While she knew it was only 5 inches, she felt a fullness filling her to her throat. The pain of the inauguratory penetration subsided and Jackie felt a certain euphoria from having the artificial man filling her. As the machine finished its first penetration cycle, it started to withdraw as slowly as it penetrated. After what seemed like hours (but in reality was only 10 minutes), she felt the rubber dildo nearly extracted from her now expanded labia minor. The whirl of the electric motor accelerating startled Jackie as it began its second penetration. Rachel explained to Jackie "the next cycle will be faster then the last, and then we will set the machine to fully insert the dildo in 1 second. The one second in, one second out will simulate normal sexual intercourse."

The second penetration cycle did go faster. Jackie thought how she actually felt a warmth from the expansion of her vagina from the girth of the dildo. There was still some pain but mostly on the extraction. For the third penetration, the machine begin it's permanent cycle of 1 second in, 1 second out. The machine was now louder than it was before. The pain had subsided. Jackie's breathing had slowed noticably as she felt comfort from the constant whirling noise of the machine and the rhythmic penetration/extraction cycles. After a period of time, Jackie felt her nipples get hard and a her inner thighs begin to twitch. She closed her eyes. She noticed her anus, exposed from the position of her legs spread wide and up in the air begin to tighten and loosen at the same pace of the artificial penis. Her breathing accelerated to the same same pace of the machine -- one second inhaling and one second exhaling. From the description of her Health class in high school Jackie recognized that she was having an orgasm, the first from sex, albeit simulated with an rubber penis. She was moaning and twitching, her hips and butt rising up form the table to the extent allowed by her restraints. At the climax, Jackie let out a loud "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH." Her eyes opened wide and her mouth remained open for 6 or 7 full cycles. As her orgasm subsided, her breathing slowed and returned to normal. Rachel said "I think we have seen enough." She walked to the foot of the table and switched off the machine. The dildo stopped mid-cycle inside of Jackie's now expanded vagina. Rachel rolled back the machine to remove the dildo completely. "Just lay there for a while Jackie. I will clean you up." Jackie strained to see what was happening but still couldn't see beyond the robe which formed a curtain. She heard the sound of paper being torn and felt the pre-moistened wipes on the skin of her pubic area, inner thighs, and her butt. It smelled like baby wipes and asked if they were. "Yes Jackie, that's what we use. It's the mildest thing we can use to clean the skin" said Rachel. When Rachel was finished drying Jackie like a mother would clean a baby's butt after changing her diaper, she asked if she could get up now. "One more minute Jackie. Later on during the day there will be ordeals where we will need to simulate anal sex. Your sphincter is very tight and needs to be loosened. Over the course of the next few hours I will be inserting a series of expansion devices. Some people call them butt plugs. I'll insert the smallest now." Sam went over to the cabinet as Rachel was explaining the procedure and took a small package wrapped in plastic packaging. He tore open the package and handed the small pink device with what appeared to be a handle on the end. Rachel put on a new pair of latex gloves and spread some of the lubricating jelly on her fingers. "I won't forget to tell you that this will feel cold Jackie" Rachel said with a chuckle. "I'm going to slowly insert my finger in. It shouldn't hurt but if you take a deep breath and slowly exhale you won't be able to push back. Its the resistance that will hurt." Jackie felt the pressure against her anus and, as instructed, she took a deep breath. As she exhaled, she felt Rachel push her finger in through the sphincter to the anal cavity. Rachel twister her finger around spreading the lubricant around the inside and outside of the the anal muscle. Her finger was completely withdrawn before Jackie had completely exhaled. "I'm going to insert the expander now Jackie. It's only a bit bigger than the size of a man's finger. It will have to stay in for an hour or so. There's a guard on the end to keep it from going too far in." Rachel took the butt plug and pressed it against the anus. It worked its way beyond the sphincter and rested at the widest part which was about a half inch in diameter. Jackie was surprised that it didn't hurt but there was definitely a strange sensation having this powerful muscle being expanded by the hard rubber device. "I'll put a piece of tape to make sure it doesn't come out" said Rachel. "Okay, we're done Jackie. Congratulations, you've finished your first ordeal."

Sam released the clips attached to Jackie's wrist restraints and told her to stay down one second more. He walked to her feet and Jackie noticed he did not stare or even look at her crouch or the pink butt plug sticking out between her butt cheeks. Jackie was greatful for that consideration. "Maybe we will be able to hang out next semester" she thought to herself. He removed the clips from her ankle restraints and removed her feet from the stirrups, one at a time placing them down on the step at the foot of the table. He closed the hem of her robe and extended his hand to help her sit up. "Go slowly Jackie, you may feel dizzy after laying down for so long" he said. With Sam's help, Jackie lifted herself up into a sitting position. She immediately felt the end of the butt plug on the surface of the table putting pressure up in her anus. Jackie whinced with discomfort. She squirmed a bit but realized that she could not find a comfortable position sitting. She asked if she could stand up and did so without permission. jackie took a deep breath and sighed. "Are you okay?" asked Sam. "Yes," replied Jackie. "That was something but not as bad as I imagined." "I know" replied Sam. I was watching your vital signs and brain activity from the sensors that monitor your brain waves. I could tell when you saw the flash of light and heard the popping sound in your ears from the movement of the impulses. Sam is so professional thought Jackie. "So what's next" asked Jackie. "I"m not allowed to tell you Jackie. You know that. We'll just stay her until they call for us. They're reviewing the results of the data" Sam said pointing to the researchers huddled around the computer across the room. They seemed to be disagreeing about something observed Jackie. She bit her lower lip (an action she would repeat many times over the course of today) and wondered what would be next. "So far this hasn't been bad and I didn't even mind being exposed. I'm glad they let me keep some of my dignity and keep the robe on" Jackie thought. "Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea?" Jackie was soon to learn otherwise.
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Old 03-05-2009, 08:10 AM   #30
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Good job. I'm ready for her next ordeal.

Looking for something to read? Try these:
"Rising Sun" - "The Dinner Party" - "A Day on the Beach" - "The Trap"
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