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Old 09-14-2011, 02:39 PM   #16
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Default Chapter 3: Introducing the Palace Staff.

I'm in a rather foul mood today, so I've been writing away to calm myself down. So, here's chapter 3 *Hurray!*

I've noticed that a few have at least looked at the story. I'd just like to say that, if you're not enjoying it, I'd really appreciate any constructive criticism you might have.

Things are about to get pretty intense and it looks like a harsh punishment is on the horizon...

Chapter 3: Introducing the Salace Staff.(P.o.v- Elijah)

Dinner time. The prospect of food wasn't the only reason that this was my favorite time of the day. Each of my slaves, every one of my servents, was lined up against the western wall of the dining hall to watch me while I eat. It was comforting to know that, at that moment, not one thing was being done, not one task was being performed because I, the master, was eating. It was a symbol. It was a sign that I had absolute control. The fealing was incomparable, like having the whole world freeze just for you. How satisfying.

As I tasted the wine and smelled the roast on the plate, I could feel the tension spreading. Was the food perfect? Was the wine appropriatly aged? Would I lose my temper and throw the food at them? Every so often certain fits of anger were neccessary to keep the staff on their toes. I wouldn't want them getting too relaxed, of course.

But I was distracted today, and wanted to get through my meal quickly so I could return to my new play toy. This... Leighan... She was so exciting. something about her excited me in a way even Matilda never could. I don't think she'd like to hear that very much, I might lose my newest slave in one of her outbursts of jealousy. Giving this some thought, I looked up at Matilda and ran my finger across the silver surface of my knife...

"Something's on your mind, Matilda." She was much to easy to read. Her difficulty with lieing meant I never had a reason to punish her. How could someone like that ever keep a secret from me? It was really no fun... "What troubles you?"

"It's Lauren, Master Eli-"

"No!" Screamed Lauren. The whole room turned to face her. She was forbidden from speech and hadn't spoken a word since she'd taken on the role as the Master's Dog. Flinching in fear, she covered her mouth and looked down at the ground, trying to cover her face. Trying not to anger me further, she bowed her head as her apology and I could feel the hope rising inside her. Please don't hurt me, master, I wont speak again, please, oh please. Pathetic. Making a note to punish her after my meal, I turned back to Matilda and motioned for her to continue.

"It would seem your little mongrel is pregnant, Master." Oh, Matilda. You sadist. You evil little witch. How I'll always adore that cruel, deviant mind of yours. So quick to throw down your fellow slaves at the slightest hint they might be punished. "But that's not all, Master. According to the doctor, she's only a month along."

"A month?" I frowned and counted back the time. Lauren had taken on her role almost five months ago and since then I'd only allowed her to use her mouth to please me. I don't rut with animals, myself. That was their job. I set my cutlery on the table and stood up from my meal. The panic flooded the room, then, and noone dared to speak any further. I had never left my meal before, that I could recall at least. They must have taken it as a bad omen, and rightfully so. "Lauren, you disappoint me."

"I'm sorry, Master. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Shut up!" I grabbed the plate and threw it at her. I couldn't believe this! So blatantly breaking her role as a dog, not only by rutting with men behind my back, but by speaking! Just to save her own skin? Where was her sense of loyalty? "Dogs can't speak you ignorant little mutt! Matilda! Matilda, my love. Go and fetch our newest slave. We're going to need it for our dog's punishment."

"Yes, Master." Her face was blank when she bowed to me, but as she walked away I couldn't help but notice that satisfied way in which she stared at the dog on her way out. When the doors closed behind her, I sent away the other slaves to return to their work before crouching down to look the doomed little pup in the eyes.

"Cherrish these moments, bitch. They will be your last." I stared at her long and hard. A tear fell form her eyes then, but she daren't answer back. I'd threatened to kill her on several occasions and I could tell a part of her was hoping I might be teasing her as I had done before. "We've already found a replacement for you. We couldn't have found her at a better time. It's really a shame that your baby will never be born... Tell me. Who is the father?"

She wouldn't speak. Perhaps she thought she could avoid it, knowing the rules I'd given her. But I was hardly in the mood for games. I brought my hand against her face, forcing her to look at me; then I slapped her and grabbed her by the hair.

"You will answer me, Lauren! I can bring you much more than death." It was true. I knew all too well how attached a mother can become to her child. I could let her live and kill the baby the moment it was born. She must have forseen this too, because she answered me in a dry, frightened voice.

"It was Damien, Master..." Ashamed of herself, either for disobeying me or for ratting out her secret lover, she looked at the floor and sobbed. Damien... I wouldn't have expected this from him. Never the less, he had broken our rules and ruined the flow of my game. He would pay...

"Before I end your life, Lauren, you're going to do something for me. You and I are going to break your little boyfriend's heart..."

Next Chapter: The Punishment.

SO: Pansexual
Likes: Funny, childlike dares.
Limits: I guess it depends on my mood. ._.

“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”

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Old 09-15-2011, 05:18 AM   #17
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Ah, well. Some have it, some don't. I do hearby pronounce this story "discontinued." Reason: "Ill recieved." Thanks to everyone that read and commented, you're all my angels. <3

SO: Pansexual
Likes: Funny, childlike dares.
Limits: I guess it depends on my mood. ._.

“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”

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Old 09-15-2011, 01:58 PM   #18
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:O no! Why? I was really enjoying it! Please don't stop. It's really well written and mot like any story I've read before. Please please don't stop!!
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Old 09-15-2011, 05:46 PM   #19
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You shouldn't stop just because you haven't gotten enough comments or some crap like that. It's wrong to those who want to read it. If you like writing, then write. But I guess quitters are quitters
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Old 09-15-2011, 05:57 PM   #20
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I agree with Blueberrypie
this is an awesome story
"I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death"
- Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775


Justin Bieber sucks (not what I really wanted to say).


Justin Bieber's voice -> my ears get raped


me: "make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop"
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Old 09-16-2011, 06:12 AM   #21
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Default Why?

I just spent the last 10 minutes wording my reasoning as to why I've discontinued it. You know that silly way kids will rationalise their point of view when someone gives them a fat lecture. Generally, I like my stories, long and short, to be saved in an area where people are generally looking for that particular type of story. As I'd said on chat last night "It's like posting football scores in OK magazine." My intention is to finish the story (considering I've written almost 10 chapters already) and post it in a more appropriate community, letting the people here know where I've posted it so that anyone reading could still continue...

But then Leo-kun gave me a kick up the arse last night and my sister, the lovely young Paisley, gave me an earfull for letting everyone down.

And so, Maggy's about to be posting the ruddy thing on two sites at once, both here and on my friend's site. (since I did promise her, right?) -.-;

I shall eat my dinner, grab myself a whisky and begin editing chapter 4: The Punishment, to be posted at some point today. Thanks everyone for giving me the kick up the bum that Maggy obviously needed to get this thing finished. Until then...

SO: Pansexual
Likes: Funny, childlike dares.
Limits: I guess it depends on my mood. ._.

“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”

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Old 09-16-2011, 06:24 AM   #22
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YAY! that means you'll continue right? I hope it does Très bien!!!! THANK YOU
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Old 09-16-2011, 07:52 AM   #23
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Glad you are thinking about continuing, great start and well written.

Post more in your own time

Pm me, when the next is out.

x x x x


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Old 09-16-2011, 01:19 PM   #24
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Default Chapter 4: The Punishment.

Maggy's been looking after his little cousins all day. I really love those kids but.... boy, do they have energy. The youngest, Beth, had hurt herself in the bedroom and started crying so her mother (who hadn't even left the house yet) went to check up on her, thinking she was calling the mother. But when she picked up her doctor I could hear her crying out "Noooo, I don't want you, I want Uncle Maggyyyy!" And my nightmarish day began. -.-;

Anyway, as promised, here is chapter 4. I'm rather sad the punishment couldn't be written in one chapter, but I'm glad the next part has a chapter all of its own... You'll understand why.

Chapter 4: The Punishment. (P.o.v.- Leighan.)

Goosebumps tickled my skin as we headed out into the evening air. The lady, Matilda, had thrown me a thin dressing gown to wear on our way out and ordered me to stay silent. Naturally, I did as I was told, remembering the fear I'd fealt in the dungeon. At least I was out of there, now... But I wasn't exactly comforted.

Matilda told me I was going to witness my "future" first hand; that I was to see what happens should I disobey the master of the Palace. Of course, I was curious to see what I was up against but something told me I wasn't going to sleep peacefully tonight. That smile of Matilda's... It was too eagre, too manic. I should have fled, but what could I do? I'm just one woman, surrounded by a palace of staff and I was told it was quite "secure." Perhaps some inner instinct told me that trying to leave would only bring death.

We eventually came to a large, seperate structure in the palace gardens. I say large... It was tiny compared to the palace itself, but it was a shed. A garden shed, the size of a small house. I saw two men and a woman there, only one of them was clothed atall and I assumed that this was the master. This was the vermin that had frightened me in my cell. He still frightened me, but I couldn't shake that dark feeling that I could kill him, if I wanted to. But, despite having lost my memory, I wasn't stupid and I did as I was told; standing at attention by the masters side as he spoke to the two naked subjects outside the open shed.

"Love?" Asked the master, obviously confused by something the male had said. "Do you honestly believe I would hand over my pet to you for something so pathetic? She is mine, you worthless little worm, and you are mine. You are nothing but a toy, and I'm going to prove it to you. Love?"

The male looked away, then, glancing up at the female every so often. I could guess what had happened. The girl must have been somewhat dear to this "Elijah" but had an affair with this... slave of his. And now he was going to take out his anger on him. Is this what Matilda meant? Is this what I could expect if I didn't co-operate? Elijah stepped towards the girl and grabbed her by the arms. The male stepped forward, raising his hand but something stopped him. Elijah's stare was almost as frightening as his cold voice and seemed enough to stop the slave in his tracks. The master ordered him to stand and watch, before pulling the female into his arms and kissing her.

"Who do you love, my pet?" He asked, his hand stroking her back. If it wern't for those cold eyes, I would have described it as passionate... But it seemed so harsh, so forcefull.

"Only you, Master Elijah." The girl looked away then and touched her stomach. Insulted, the master slapped her across the face and caught her head, forcing her to look at him again. Not looking away this time, the girl spoke again. "I love only you, master."

What happened next shocked me. I assumed that they were lovers but... Here? In front of us all? The master forced the woman onto her hands and knees and lowered himself behind her. Knowing what was coming, the male's fists clenched and he made to move forward, but Matilda coughed and stepped towards him, laying her hand on his chest. Without a word, he allowed Matilda to lead him into the shed, glancing back at his master and his "lover" through his damp, red eyes.

I couldn't see him then, and I was instead forced to watch as Elijah pounded himself into the poor female from behind, over and over again. His hands seemed to be everywhere; running across her sides and up her back, grabbing at her breasts like they were nought but pillows. Not surprisingly, the girl had reached no orgasm when he was finished, but this only made him smile. He never intended to please her... He was furious with her.

He pulled himself away then and pushed her down on her side, staring at her with what could only be described as disgust. I was disgusted for other reasons. Watching the master's seed spilling out and dripping down the young woman's leg... Was this... going to happen to me? It made me feel sick... I could feel my eyes watering, then, but I knew it wasn't over. The master spoke again, lowering himself over the sobbing slave; the cold gleam of his blue eyes making her cringe.

"Would you like to see what we're going to do to your little boyfriend, my pet?" He laughed and stood up, dragging her into the shed. Throwing her on the floor, he turned and stared at me through the door. "Come, Leighan. I'd like you to see this. Maybe then you wont get any ideas..."

Next chapter: The Full Blow of Elijah's Wrath.

SO: Pansexual
Likes: Funny, childlike dares.
Limits: I guess it depends on my mood. ._.

“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”

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Old 09-16-2011, 01:46 PM   #25
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Wonder what Leighan is going to be forced to watch?

Thanks for the message

Keep up the brilliant work, really starting to get interesting in the last few chapters, excellently written

Love Rachie
x x x x


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Old 09-16-2011, 02:00 PM   #26
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Thanks, Rachie ^~^ I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Personally I found that chapter really slow when I wrote it, which was annoying because I wanted that bit and the next bit to merge together...

But then I saw what the next bit's like and Maggy's devious, blood thirsty mind decided it deserved a chapter of it's own. (Hell, I would have given it a whole short story) Sometimes, that dark twinge in the back of Maggy's bright pink mind comes up with some seriously creepy stuff. -.-;

Just a future warning to any cringey viewers out there, that's all.

SO: Pansexual
Likes: Funny, childlike dares.
Limits: I guess it depends on my mood. ._.

“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”

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Old 09-17-2011, 08:08 AM   #27
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Default Chapter 5: The Full Blow of Elijah's Wrath.

My little sister's been getting serious with her boyfriend. Has anyone ever had the big brother talk before? Scaring the hell out of the boyfriend and making sure he knows you're watching him? I think this chapter explains why my little sister would never let me talk to her boyfriends willingly xD

I'd just like to point out, I'm not Elijah. -.-; This is fictional and I'm seriously not as cruel and evil as this character of mine. Hell, I'm only little Maggy... right?

That being said, this gets a little creepy and if anyone's squeamish, you should probably avoid this next bit. I've done my best to leave things to implications alone but... anyone with an imagination will probably be left scarred. Especially the men.


Chapter 5: The Full Blow of Elijah's Wrath. (P.o.v- Elijah)

I always did love the smell of petrol... Of course, I have to be carefull using something so dangerous, lest I lose another of my slaves to the fire. Alas, that was the point of this evening's meeting. Knowing what our newcomer would be seeing when she entered the shed, I turned to see her expression; which was most satisfying. I could see the disgust in her eyes, that mixture of fear and confusion.

The shed was empty, but for a single woodwork-table in the very center of the floor. the woodwork table, like most, had a vice on the end for clamping bits of wood to hold it there when one was working with a saw or perhaps some sand paper. It made a wonderfull vice - Matilda had clamped Damien's penis between the metalic blocks of the clamp and just as we were entering, she used a mallet to break off the lever, which fell to the floor, out of his reach. He was trapped by that long member of his, against the woodwork table. Leighan was shocked... I was excited.

I stepped behind the male and wrapped my arms around his bare waist, fixing my eyes on the dog, Lauren. She was crying, now, with renewed vigor but she wouldn't move towards us. She probably thought it was all another game, that I'd let him go... But I wouldn't let them go- neither of them. My hand slipping across his chest, I could feel him quivering under me. At least Damien knew how serious I was... I could only hope he wouldn't feint when I told him what was going to happen. When I began to speak, Matilda grabbed the petrol tub and started soaking the shed.

"You're no use to me, Damien," I told him, slipping my lips to his ears. "That nob of yours is just too unpredictable. As long as you have it, I don't want you here... But if we were to take it away... well, that'd solve everything, wouldn't it?"

"P-please... Master, don't. I'll stay away from her, I promise. I wont touch her again..."

"Oh... That wont be a problem." The thought made me smile, images of how I would kill her flashing in the back of my head. One at a time, Elijah, one at a time. "She's going to die anyway, Damien. Even if you make it out of this game alive, you'll always know that your uncontrollable dick killed her."

Having finished with the petrol, Matilda wandered over to the table and grabbed the hack-saw from the end, sliding it towards Damien. From my trouser pocket, I pulled out a silver lighter, holding it out for him to see. Judging by his slumped figure, I could see he'd guessed the rules of our game.

"It's quite simple, Damien. I'm going to give you a choice. In just a moment, I'm going to light this shed on fire and you'll be forced to decide." I picked up the saw then and held it teasingly at the base of his trapped shaft. He didn't even try to pull away... How boring... "You either get rid of it, and return to your duties... Or you can burn with the rest of this shed. I'll be happy either way."

Matilda let out a soft giggle and crouched beside Lauren, whispering something in her ear. Lauren's eyes widened and she turned to slap my favorite, but Matilda caught her arm and pulled her out of the shed. She would be forced to watch while he made his decision... Leighan, being new, wasn't quite so accepting of the idea.

"Do you have to do this!? He's going to die! What the hell is this place!?" I knew she was only controlling herself out of fear, but she'd obviously cracked. And with her being trained as a mercenary... Why hadn't she attacked us yet? I'd have to find out later.

"Leighan, unless you want to join them, I suggest you keep that mouth closed." I walked away from him, then, leaving the saw on the table. I grabbed Leighan by the arm and shoved the lighter in her arm before moving to stand beside the door. "Light it and get out, or I'll burn you too."

She stood there, considering her options for a long moment. She glanced at the two slaves and then at me. As I guessed she would, she apologised to them both... then bent down and lit the petrol on the floor, before running out of the shed. I was going to have fun with her...

Matilda shut the door and quickly locked it, backing away as the fire began to spread. We all stood outside the shed, then, and waited to hear the screams as the failure made his decision. Beside me, Leighan began to cry, but Lauren was already a wreck compared to her and I'd long since run out of sympathy. Only Matilda smiled and seemed to gain energy from the screams inside the shed. Were these the screams from a man being burned alive, or had he actually gone through with it? Either way, I win. I always win... Even when things don't go my way. The screams were merely the fanfare to my victory.

I took that moment to look down at Lauren. I could see the realisation building up inside her, I could see her aching to beg for his life. But knowing that she would be next, she didn't say a word and stared at the shed, hoping against hope that he might make it... And those agonizing screams gave her hope.

I could tell he was trying. The way he tried to silence his own voice, the muffled grunts that were almost drowned out by the low roar of the flames... He wanted to survive. I don't doubt he wanted to kill me. Every time his scream was louder than a muffled cry, Lauren cringed and reached forward, desperate to run to him. This was perfect... But I couldn't help but wonder if I'd made the right choice... Perhaps I should have killed her first?

No. Then he never would have tried to get free and there'd be no point to our game. It would be a shame if he were just to accept his death and burn with the shed... The screaming began to quieten... and it was almost time to see the results of the evening's entertainment...

Next chapter: Inspection.

SO: Pansexual
Likes: Funny, childlike dares.
Limits: I guess it depends on my mood. ._.

“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”

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Old 09-17-2011, 04:13 PM   #28
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Oh sad/happy - glad he didnt kill her first. But wonder how this is going to end. Great part as usual, lovely bed time reading

Love Rachie
x x x x


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Old 09-17-2011, 04:15 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Rachie View Post
Oh sad/happy - glad he didnt kill her first. But wonder how this is going to end. Great part as usual, lovely bed time reading

Love Rachie
x x x x
It'd give me ferjing nightmares. It's like Lisey's Story all over again... The scene with that bloody tin can opener... *Cringe.*

Thanks for your comment, Rachie.~
SO: Pansexual
Likes: Funny, childlike dares.
Limits: I guess it depends on my mood. ._.

“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”

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Old 09-17-2011, 06:52 PM   #30
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Im crying softly but its a great story. So i (sorta) urge you to post!

Likes: Guns, gloves, animals, girls, books, NOT my parents, Truths.

I have a kitty named Cloud. He's all white

I find it rare now that I accept dares, but if I am in the mood I will post with likes and limits. Otherwise they are none of your business

Owned by Fromo
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