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Old 03-13-2007, 02:18 PM   #1
cheesy dude
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Default Hitler

made this cos i think hitler and other evil dictators are very interesting.

I find it funny that the supposedly greatest leader at the time of hitler, hitler himself... who had taken all of europ from russia to the west all the way upto the atlantic in the east. IN 9 MONTHS!!! His new tactic of 'BLITZCREEK'(no idea how to spell:P) took the world by storm.

even though he was a bad man, and i hate him like hell because he is the cause of many deaths. He was pretty damn clever.

Any way i find it funny that this guy had taken all of europ apart from the UK. (god bless churchill for defending our land) Any way, this guy is winning the war. ALL he has to do it take out the UK and then pick a new target.
BUT does he do that? does he hell he decides to and be ani idiiot and attack russia AND carry on the battle over the chanal with britain.

THEN... when america declares war on japan he thinks oooo looks like a chance for more war . so hitler goes and declares war on america. Though one may argue that if he had not attacked russia then Stalin would of attacked him when his back was turned. Also that if he hadnt declared war on america there was a doubt that america would of entered europ at all.

well i cba to write more but i would be gratefull for any input on the matter. Or on any other type of evil dictator ie STALIN

but i prefere hitler :P

look forward to a nice arument ^_^
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Old 03-13-2007, 03:01 PM   #2
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Default good thing i take debate

First of all
hitlar was know as (hence the term) EVIL GENIUS
so those who think that he was retarted and stupid.. WRONG, this man was a geniuse and could of (COULD OF) been good to socity but, he decided to be evil instead.

(sry i dont have much to say i was just wanting to add something to cheese dudes)
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Old 03-13-2007, 03:09 PM   #3
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ALL he has to do it take out the UK and then pick a new target.
BUT does he do that? does he hell he decides to and be ani idiiot and attack russia AND carry on the battle over the chanal with britain.
Ya pretty much. Hitler had the same fault as most would-be world conquerors; WAY too much pride. I mean seriously, all he had to do was discreetly piss off the U.S. and Russia into fighting each other (heck you could make the situation REALLY messy if you could get China involved in multiple fronts) and ignoring him tell he finish the European conquest. Without his forces divided, and the biggest remaining threats to his power fighting each other, all he has to do is sit back and watch, only to clean up after. With his charisma and ability to spread propaganda, I wouldn't say it's a far stretch to say he could pit countries with already unstable relationships against each other...but no, he just decided he was smart enough to take on almost every world power simultaneously. Gotta love stupid brilliant people.

Why I am replying to this topic, I know not. Know not that I know. Shutting up.
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Old 03-13-2007, 07:11 PM   #4
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He was a man with a dream. Is dream at first was good. But after gaining power and becoming a hero to his people. He had outused that power. He turned Germany into a horrible place. But he also rampaged across all of Europe. Which really pisses me off. Even though I am from the U.S. I love the U.K. and would die for it. I think Hitler was dumb after he had so much power. I really dont think he killed himself though. I think it was like a super secreat English Spy Group. As for Russia, I give them props. Even despite the wars with Europe Russia had some how gained the Allies friendship. I hate Hitler Cause I am a Jew and thanks to him. Most of my people are dead. Millions. I once saw somthing in a Jewish Cematary and I think I should tell you about it. Prehaps if there are any Hitler followers out there this will perswade you.

At The Cemotary as we were driving passing my Grandfathers Gravestone (He was a soilder for the U.S. during WW2. He would take over radio staitons then he would act as a D.J. and keep his British American and French friends happy.) We had seen a case. This case was small. It held an Item in it. I had gotten out of the car and walked up to it. Ifront of the case there was a Stone in had this entitled on it. " Tell Your Children, have them tell there Children have their Children tell there children have them tell there Children.... Never Forgot...." Then looking at the case there was a Brick. It seemed old. It was a Brick from the ovens where Hitler and his men burn Men, Woman and Children Alive. This item I saw contained the ashes of Thousands of people. Hitler was smart. But he was a a currputed man. Who lessons only hurt Germany. That Brick has more meaning then any of our lives. That Brick has the meaning of a million....... If not yet more. Shalom Havrim.... (Until we meet again in Hebrew)
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Old 03-14-2007, 01:55 PM   #5
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Hitler was a sick, twisted man who was probably a)the greatest politician this world has ever seen and b) the closest thing that we have ever seen to the devil itself.
What scares me most is how close Hitler came to succeeding. If he hadn't tried to outdo Napoleon and go after Russia, he could've won the war.
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Old 03-14-2007, 02:49 PM   #6
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Hitler was most scary probably from a single reason: The appealed to both the "rationalist" and the "faithful". In his book Mein Kampf, he outlined evolutionary superiority, and thus it would but unfit to allow "lesser" species of homo-sapiens to interbreed with their more evolved cousins in risk of contaminating the race further and delaying evolution. Hitler's list: "Arians" (blond hair blue eyes) were close to completely pure. Germanic peoples where mostly pure. Asians were half ape, half human. Blacks where mostly ape, part human. Jews were close to 100% ape. He ALSO claimed divine authority from God, and sent out plenty of archeological digs to find religious artifacts for the purpose of reinforce this, though it probably wasn't necessary since most of the people weren’t really listening to the few churches that weren’t afraid of the government. Anyone who gripes about religion being used as an excuse for conquest needs to read that book. You don't need a religious excuse to claim superiority. All you need is human nature, since allot people like to believe they're superior anyway. Just give em a logical reason, and you got a war. And before anyone starts saying I'm a religious nut that supports faith wars, no I'm not. I'm just tired of people assuming getting rid of religion would solve allot of the world's problems just because it's one of the louder excuses leaders use.
And just because I can, random Hitler quotes:

Great liars are also great magicians.

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.

How fortunate for leaders that men do not think. (Even though they think they do, they don't. :P)

It is not truth that matters, but victory./The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.

The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention.

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.

The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes. (And thus, why I am, or at least try to be a history geek)

Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong.

I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.

Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future. (Scary ain't it?)

Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.

Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction. (This I sadly agree with, since govermnet mandated education can easily turn into brainwashing.)

The doom of a nation can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others. (What's one of the biggest complaints about our current generation? Apathy.)

The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.

Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized. (Sad thing is I actually know where he's coming from.)

Sooner will a camel pass through a needle's eye than a great man be "discovered" by an election. (I'm thinking back and wondering why most of our better presidents where war heros...)

The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence (Well at least it keeps peoples' attention...debates and speaches get ignored after a while, and the passes don't generally pay attention to most of the subtle political changes.)

For there is one thing we must never forget… the majority can never replace the man. And no more than a hundred empty heads make one wise man, will an heroic decision arise from a hundred cowards. (As much as I'd love for democracy to work...)
Leela: Well, at least here you'll be treated with dignity. Now strip naked and get on the probulator.

Fry: Hey. Did everything just taste purple for a second?

Captain Zapp Brannigan: One day, a man has everything. Then the next day, he blows up a billion dollar space station. And then the next day, he has nothing. Makes you think, huh, Kipp?
Kif Kroker: No, it doesn't.

Futurama is brought to you by Thompson’s Teeth, the
only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.

Last edited by Temho; 03-14-2007 at 02:52 PM.
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Old 03-15-2007, 09:38 AM   #7
cheesy dude
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Originally Posted by TrekBoy008 View Post
Hitler was a sick, twisted man who was probably the closest thing that we have ever seen to the devil itself.
mabe but remember hitler killed alot but the only reason the is remembered as such a tyrant is because he did his murder in WW2.

the head of russia, STARLIN, whio was a communist leader at the same time hitler was in power killed almost double the amout of people that hitler killed!

so when you sya hitler was the closest thing to the devil, im afraid i disagree. STARLIN killed more but wasnt remembered as much for it because he kept them hidden. behind the iron curtain that was RUSSIA.

ye he could of won the war if he had been a historian and remembered that his contry lost last time because they had a war on two fronts he may of won. BUT nooooo he wanted to go a step further. in 1943 the turning point of the war he had to fight a war on 3 fornts!!! thats right 3!!! he had russia, to the east, britain and the USA to the west, and the allies and the rest of our empire attacking from the south.

a great but scary man.
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Old 03-20-2007, 11:33 AM   #8
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ok. it is clear that you dont know the whole history, i will tell you a bit.

At the end of world war 1, wich germany lost, the allied (england, frence and America) decided that Germany was the one who was guilty for WW1 (this is very doubtfull, you could say that other countries are guilty as well). And they, the allied, decided that Germany had to pay much, very much money as punishment. this is called the confernant of Versailles. Germany had lost a piece of country too, and couldnt have a real army and the UN started. The new gouverment in Germany tried to pay as much as possible and tried to follow all the punishments. Hitler, was a teenager then and tried, with a little extreme right group to get the power in hands but he failed and ended up in jail, here he wrote Mein Kampf (mine camp). In the time that he was in prison, there came more and more people without work. More and more. Also the economy of Germany was getting worse and worse (because all the money they earned was going immeadiatly to England, America and Frence). The German citizens werent happy with this situation, there were more and more people who became, because of the economy, or extreme left or extreme right. Then Hitler came free from the prison, and he published Mein Kampf. He also get into the political party, wich was extreme right oriented, and he became the first man because he could talk very, very strong. The thing he said was that the economy would get better with him as kanselier (premier of germany). And he wanted to get rid of the Confermant of Versailles, wich was unfair. When the elections were, his party hadnt got the majority of the vote (there are more then two partys in Germany, like 10 in total) so they had to work to getter with other partys in the gouverment. With smart political work he worked all the ministers of the other party out of the gouverment. The economy was getting better now, people found work, and Hitler build a really big army and that army was going to a demilitarised border of France. So he was threating France now, and France didnt do anything (so Hitler saw that if you threaten and dont follow the punishment nobody came in action). Now on this one day, a dutch guy fired the Reigstag (the place where the gouverment debates in germany) and Hitler got to the king of Germany and asked if he could rid of the constitution because of the burning Reigstag. the king agreed. Now Hitler banned all other partys then his own party and began the war. And it ended as we all know....

this war wasnt only against people who are/ think different (jews ppl, black ppl, and gay ppl and political enemy's) and creating ''the best'' race.
It was also because of revenge, the most Germany citizens wanted revenge on the Confermant of Versailles.

Hitler was, that is a fact, autistic and couldnt handle might.

For people who want to know more about the fall of hitler i strongly recomend to see the movie Downfall/ Der Untergang. it is a very accurate and good movie.
A nice touch to the story is that when Germany was defeated in WW2, america started to build germany up, even faster then the countrys who were destroyed by germany (the netherlands eg) as econimical partner, a buffer against the communistic Russia/ East Germany and too prevent a third world war.

btw i am from the netherland, a land west of germany.
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Old 03-20-2007, 01:42 PM   #9
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ye the last bit of what you said, about hitler banning all the other parties... now ive got to say he has to be ace because he became the leader (agreeable not alll legit) and the people supported him and his rise. to germans he is a hero and to outsiders they just see some1 who is trying to get back every thing germany lost in the treaty of versaiiales.

a big mistake from other countries... the only person that was saying that hitler is troulble was our very own*drum roll* winston Churhill . and yes he was right. and led us to victory against his advisors wiches... what a leader.

two great leaders against each other, hitler and churchill.
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Old 03-20-2007, 02:10 PM   #10
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in fact, all the leaders, even your churchill liked Hitler in the , begining (until he started war)

they liked the way he made the economy better and said he was the best person on earth ever.... and remember Hitler dont wanted the UK because it was an island and that is 'in his opinion' wrong. the UK wasnt the only land who was fighting Hitler in the war, please dont forgot countries as france, the netherlands the USA and RUSSIA, and many ppl forget russia, but they helped as well, because without russia there wouldnt be a twofront war. the UK was at the end the last country in europe who declared war to Hitler, they didnt even declared war after the Germans had invated the Netherlands, Tsjechi-slowakije and Austria. they declared war when the germans tried to invate Frence.

Face it, the most leaders in the world werent in the mood for another war. The UK wanted only to scare hitler so that he dindt came on the island, what he wasnt going to do anyway...
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Old 03-20-2007, 04:47 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by depp=noob=lol View Post
Face it, the most leaders in the world werent in the mood for another war.
That is why Neville Chamberlain's Appeasement idea was so popular. It is also why America refused to be directly involved in the war until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
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Old 03-20-2007, 07:15 PM   #12
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The only thing i can't comment on, i swallow hard when i read this thread, too scary
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Old 03-21-2007, 01:39 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by TrekBoy008 View Post
That is why Neville Chamberlain's Appeasement idea was so popular. It is also why America refused to be directly involved in the war until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
well ye but if we had had a leader like churchhill when hitler first took power and marched his troops into the rhineland then churchhill would of stopped him. AS hitler said to his genrals if you see any resistance turn and retreat.

So this place is where we could f crushed the war before hitler got up steam. for this reason appeasement really annoys me.
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Old 03-22-2007, 02:02 PM   #14
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It does make you wonder, though, what the world would be like had Hitler not been able to get as far as he did.
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Old 03-22-2007, 02:30 PM   #15
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well ye trekboy088 on the good side, you would only have to learn german in school

but in a more sick way fascism would still dominate and crulty and violence would roam free.
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