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Old 02-04-2012, 11:45 AM   #1
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Sport Football First Annual Summer Camp

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Hi everyone. I've had many requests in the past to transfer this story that I posted on my blog to the forum, and I've decided that now is a good time to do so. The following is a complete, true story of a week I spent this past August 2011. I think the story and who I am, as well as my group of friends is pretty self explanatory, but if you want to learn more about me and my girls, please feel free to check out my GD blog, as there is a lot more on there as well.

I've tried to go through and fix any gramatical and spelling errors from my blog to make this story more readable, but please excuse me if I've glanced over anything. Also, try not to be too judgemental and keep an open mind that everyone likes different things.

Just a warning, this blog is 18+! if you are under 18, please turn back! This entire story (for better or worse) is completely true, and all took place this past August 2011. I understand that some parts of it will seem a little questioning, and I assure you that we definately questioned the whole idea ourselves both before, during and after it all happened! It got to a point where we know it got out of hand, but I guess at the end of the day, we are all pretty much such a close social group because of it. In the end, it was a lot of fun, but it got pretty f*cked up.

SOO, without further ado, I give you 'Our First Annual (and probably last) Summer Camp'

Last edited by Leopard; 02-12-2012 at 07:02 PM.
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Old 02-04-2012, 12:44 PM   #2
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Sport Football Outline


Let me take you back to the beginning of August 2011. I had been spending most of my weekends at different friends' cottages. Every year, usually near the end of the summer, about 20 of my close friends and I get together and go to one of our cottages in Muskoka (the best cottage country in the world... look it up if you've never heard of it). It normally entails just a long weekend of drinking, partying, and occasionally a few people hook up! We decided this year however, that instead of throwing a party weekend, we would have almost like a week long party festival (it makes sense, more drinking, more partying, more sun!) Somehow during the planning stages, my girls and I decided that if we were going to have such a big party (a week instead of a weekend), we should invite more people up. Unfortunately when we have 20 people up north, it becomes a really tight fit, so we didn't know how we were going to accomodate more.

A friend of Cass' (my roomie and bff) was chilling at our house one day when we were all chatting about the party, and he mentioned that his parents lived in a small town about an hour outside of the city where we live. But they owned 200 acres of forested land with a little "lake" (turned out to be a giant pond) in the middle of it. It was well secluded, and had a beach area and everything. He said we could use it, but we had to find a time when his parents were going to be away, as it wasn't just going to be a couple of friends hanging out.

Fortunately for us, he was able to convince his parents to give us the place for the week. I think in the end, they decided to book a last minute cruise or something. Whatever it was, we had gotten the place to ourselves (I guess you could call it a compound?) There was no real big house on the property. There was the main house (where the parents lived) and a side cottage by the lake/pond, that they had for when their kids would come up. We revised our plan and made it so that a few of us (our close friends) would go up to Muskoka for the Friday - Sunday, than head down to this place from Sunday - Sunday the following week. We figured that we would take it easy in Muskoka and relax, because we would be partying hard core the next week.

We had rented a school bus (one of the big yellow ones and a driver to transfer everyone to the 'compound', and to pick us up and bring us home at the end) This way we wouldnt have to worry about anyone driving up and having a car and drinking, while up there. We ordered 15 kegs before hand and purchased a sh*t load of other alcohol and mixers and brought that up in a U-Haul with a bunch of other supplies (including towels, blankets, sleeping bags). The whole week cost everyone a couple hundred dollars, but that included food and drinks and everything. We were even at one point thinking about getting a band to come play for us, like a 'wakestalk' sorta thing, but in the end, we didn't end up doing it!

So the weekend near the end of August roles around. Most people had confirmed, and we were scheduled to have 55 people coming up on sunday to the 'compound', actually, lets just call it camp! That weekend prior though, like I mentioned earlier, there were just 12 of us hanging out in muskoka, and Jay suggested (one of my really close guy friends. Yes, we had slept together in the past, and had done so often. but he is also my best male friend, and we are extremely close). Sorry, Jay suggested, (I think jokingly) that we turn our next week into something sexual.

[Just a little background. I have an extreamly WILD group of friends, and we do everything together, including helping eachother out when ever needed, to well... crazy stuff. If you want to learn more about some stuff we've done, check out my GD blog]

Anyways, Jay was one of the guys that organized 'the auction' (a past event that my friends and I held for charity). We were all really confused at first by Jay's suggestion. But after sipping down lots of sangria, and Jay continuing to explain his idea, we all began to listen and ponder. [Background: Jay is really gorgeous, and is completely ripped, and to be honest at the time it was really complicated between us. We both kinda 'liked' eachother, but at the same time we were just bestfriends. but he is still dreamy to me!]

So with the idea out there in the open and us laying in the sun, we were kinda jokingly figuring out if we even COULD turn our week festival into a sexual week adventure. In the end, what we came up with was clearly a product of drunken, horney, young adult idiots... but we did come up with something.

[I'll explain what we came up with as the story progresses. Sorry for making you wait, but it's easier to explain it as it took place]

So we got in touch with everyone that was suppose to come up to the 'camp' tomorrow (this was already the Saturday that we had firmed up this idea and all the details). Everyone that was scheduled to come was closeish friends of ours, and we were very comfortable with everyone that was suppose to come up. Unfortunately, I guess not everyone felt the same way. 13 people didn't want to go ahead with our idea (in the end, I don't blame them at all) so our total camp number was down from 55 to 42.

Sunday morning roles around, and we head back to the city from Muskoka. Once there we loaded up the U-haul and bus with everyone (we all met up at Jay's house in the city) and headed up northeast to the camp. Again, it's not very far, just about an hour drive maybe a bit more with traffic, but there wasn't much traffic on that Sunday. On the bus ride, we explained to everyone the details of what we had come up with (everyone there already kind of knew the roughings).

Here's the just of it .... (by the way, we had figured and planned this all out on the Saturday we were up north. This week was originally suppose to just be a drinking week)

So our plan was to organize the camp week and set it up like a little 'society' if you will, with a 'hierarchy' structure. Basically, we decided that everyone there was going to have a certain 'position'/role at our camp. The available positions for assigning were
-King & Queen (1m 1f)
-Their personal slaves (2)
-The Elite (like upper class people) (6)
-Regulars (24)
-Lower class (6)
-Slaves (1m 1f)

[Bare with me through this next part] Our 'society'/camp structure would work as follows. The King and Queen would have ultimate rule and no one would be able to tell them what to do, and thus they could tell anyone what to do. [Exception: One (of either the King or Queen) would become the Supreme Ruler, and the Supreme Ruler could thus tell the other (King/Queen) what to do.] (I'll explain how we picked positions in a bit, because obviously, everyone wanted this position).

So the King and Queen each had a personal slaves who would ONLY do what their respective person said, and were not allowed to 'be' with anyone else. The Elite, were the upperclass in our society. They could tell everyone below them what to do (but not eachother). The Regulars could tell the lower class (but not eachother) what to do, and the lower class could only tell the main slaves what to do. Thus, everyone could tell the main slaves what to do (Not to be confused with the King and Queens personal slaves).

There were however some limits set for the entire week. For the slaves (both main and personal) there was no limit! For the main slaves, anyone was allowed to do anything they wanted to them. The limits for things given to the Elites (Only King an Queen could make the Elites do what they wanted) were no extreme pain, no toilet stuff and no body modifications (given to them). The limits for the Regulars (K/Q and Elites could give to regulars) were no toilet stuff and no body modifications (given to them). The limits for the lower class (K/Q, Elites, and Regulars could give to LC) were no body modifications (given to them). Again, the slaves were allowed anything anyone wanted. All in all, the King and Queen had final say.

[Take a breather] Ahahah so I hope everyone is still with me here. It sounds a little complicated, but with 40ish ppl it really wasn't that bad. Most people were just Regulars, and some few special (Elite and LC) people. Pretty much that week, we just did normal things like drinking and partying except under this 'structured society'.

Now in order to fair things out a bit, we made it possible, that once rolls were set for people to be able to do things to people in higher positions than themselve, but ill get to that in a bit. Throughout the week we had different competitions, where the loser would have something happen to them or/and the winner would get rewarded. Competitions included things like flip cup tourneys, beer bong, beer olympics...you haven't shotput untill you've shotput blitz on jager, lol and some other.... interesting events).

So like I said earlier, everyone obviously wanted to King and Queen positions. In order to pick everyones position we held different competitions at the beginning of the week. Which I'll explain to you as the story goes on.

Hope everyone's still with me so far. This has just been the outline of our camp week. The next part will talk about each day and what happened, or at least from what I could remember. I know some parts sound kinda iffy and sketchy, but please bare with me, it sounds a lot more confusing than it is. In the end it was just a lot of 20ish year olds drinking, with a lot of fucked up sexual stuff involved. Heheh I guess kinda like a week long rave. In the end it was actually mostly fun!
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Old 02-05-2012, 01:08 AM   #3
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next part please! that sounds so awesome..
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Old 02-05-2012, 02:28 PM   #4
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Sport Football Sunday


So, continuing where I had left off. Sunday comes around, and we get up to my friends cottage (his parent's property). Now this place is gorgeous! 200 acres of forest and hills and hicking and atv trails. There's a lake right in the middle of the property... ahah well... a small lake / more like a large pond. There was the main house (which we werent allowed to use but ended up useing anyways) and then the cottage by the lake. Also by the lake/pond was a beach, volleyball court, little river. This place was pretty much paradise. I could see why his parents had moved out there from the big city. Apparantly though there are a lot of bugs in the region though, although we didn't really encounter any (wasn't really bug season yet). They also had a bunch of those mosquito machines which I guess clearly helped!

So we pull up in the school bus and U-Haul and everyone is already up to speed on what the plan for the weekend was, and everyone, of course, at the time seemed very excited. We had been drinking on the bus ride up, (luckly no cops pulled our bus over) so everyone was already getting buzzed and ready to go.

[Note: Everyone obviously wanted to be the King and Queen of our society! They would have free rule to to what ever they wanted, and be with whoever they wanted. Also if they were to get pissed off at someone, they could f*ck them over and make them do messed up sh*t. The guys also wanted to be King, so that they can pretty much have every girl when ever they wanted. Most people at our cam were from our inner circle (our circle isn't 40 odd ppl big), so a lot of the people up were also freinds of someone in our group, and as such, a lot of the people up didn't even know each other!]

We got up around to the cottage/camp around 2ish in the afternoon, and by the time we unpacked, sunk the kegs (in the lake too keep them cool) and tapped one, made a quick lunch and ate, it was already about 430ish (all times are rough guess if I list one, because I really don't remember most of the timeing. Like I remember if it was getting late or if I looked at a clock or something, but that's it) As discussed on the bus and mentioned earlier, we needed a way to delegate people into our diferent society positions. So first we all started drinking heavily and played some truth and drinking games like 10 fingers, or flip cup and beer pong, pyramid, ride the bus. Between all those drinking games that we were playing, and knowing our group of friends and how they act, we realized that the weekend was going to get intense, really fast. We started to play drinking games that introduced stripping. For example, the people playing flip cup, we made it so that the losing team would take off a piece of clothing. We did the same for beer pong as well.

After playing around and everyone starting to get to know eachother a bit, we decided that it was time to decide who the King and Queen were going to be [Note: everything was explained to people on the bus ride up, so they all knew what the plan was to be] One of the reason we all striped and got drunk first (besides to get lose, have fun, and to get to know eachother) was because the King and Queen was to be decided by a 'royal rumble'! I actually hadn't heard of that term until that week, but apparantly a royal rumble is where everyone 'fights' at once. So the plan was to hold two royal rumbles, one for the guys and one for the girls. Instead of fighting though, the goal of our royal rumbe was to make people cum, as opposed to I guess beating them up or making them quit. Once a person in the large rumble came, they were eliminated from the competition. The last one not to cum would become the King/Queen. The guys went first. There were 25 guys that came up with us. They all went onto the grass field area by the lake, and we took duct tape and made a 'court' area that everyone had to stay inside of. We had a few girls refereeing to make sure we would know when a guy came.

The sun was already setting by the time the guys started wrestling. It was really exciting to watch! At first, the guys were really awkward about the whole situation, only a few of them made moves right a way. After the guys realized that they were going to have to touch each other naked, it was still moving very slowly as the guys were more wrestling and doing holds, rather than 'touching' eachother and trying to get eachother to cum. Everyone was kinda just laughing at the situation. One guy did cum right away though! Ahah so that was pretty funny, but we realized quickly, that the boys would probably need some more incentive (or atleast something that would amuse us girls.) We got some of the baby oil we brought up from the truck (before we left the city, we picked up a lot of extra supplies, that we didn't originally plan for, like lots of oil!) and we (the girls) started dumping them all over the guys as they were wrestling. This definately picked things up. Most of the guys were just using hands and stuff to try to get the other guys off (from what I know, no one in our group was gay, there could have deffinately been a couple of bi people, but I think for the most part 90% were completely straight.) It's amazing though what guys would do for a chance to control 17 girls! Lol, an 18some with 17 girls...not bad! I'm sure most guys would wank cock for that! Lol, anyways at about 10 guys left, the rumble got pretty serious. guys started to double team other guys, and people started using there mouth, which I greatly enjoyed watching. My beloved Jay, at this point, unfortunately got doubled team.... he didn't stand a chance! But it was really hot seeing him explode after a guy pinned him down and another sucked him off.... Lol am I really weird?!

Anyways, the final 3 and 2 were really intense, and finally only Matt and Kevin were left rolling around and Kevin finallly came, so Matt was elected our King (he looked really hot all horney and oiled and sweaty. At this point he still hadn't cum yet). Before he got anything though, it was us girls turn to rumble (ahah I just love that word). So the guys of course, immediately started putting oil all over us. Lol, there was no hesitation on their part. I forget who oiled me up but I do remember they got every inch of me. Which was probably unfair I though, because being rubbed like that had made me really wet alread! So we all started wrestling with eachother. I of course went for Laura right away.

[Background: Laura was the girl who lost the auction (story on GD blog) I kinda just wanted to get her out again, so that she couldn't win. I have also made her cum before, so I knew that I could easily do it again.]

Another girl was already wrestling with Laur, so I joined in and started going at her with my fingers. Eventually (and rather quickly) Laur came, and me and the girl that were teaming up then quickly turned on eachother. I had never met this girl before this day, but we were already rolling around on the grass all oiled up together. We were fighting on the gorund (and I guess we had rolled and gone outside of the designated court area) because before I knew it, two guys picked us both up and started fingering us saying this was our penalty. She came, and the guys let me go back in the fight. Lucky I guess.... So I went back in, to find other people to get at. There were about 7 of us left. I really wanted to win, because I wanted to get pleasured and pleased by certain people.... uhmmmm Jay..... and I wanted to cause pain to random people too, especially Cass! [Background: Cass is my roomie and BFF, and I love her to death, but I also love winning over her.] Cass was part of the seven girls left so I called her out like a little slut that she is... Bahahah and we started going at it. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden there were 3 other girls on top of my all holding me down and playing with my clit profusly! It was WAY too much to bare with 4 girls on top of me. They were holding me down playing with my ass and clit, and pefore I could even stop myself, I exploded soo much. It was such an amazing cum, and I also remember someone shoving there fingers down my throat after it had happened. Afterwards, I was just lying on the ground unable to move from what had just transpired. A few guys came and picked me up and carried me off. Needless to say, I didn't win. I was so mad! It ended up that Cass didn't win either. She did make it to the top 3 though, but Mandy (Amanda), a girl that I again hadn't met until that day, won.

So Amanda and Matt were Queen and King, but one last competition had them do the same - make the other person cum first to see whos the ultimate head. We all thought actually that Mandy was going to win, but I guess she was touched more recently (because the girls had gone second) so maybe she was already close to cumming. Matt got on top of her and ate her out, and she cam in about 10 seconds! Lol, so much for girl power.

The sun was already pretty much set by now so this was the last big thing we did that night. The other positions were to be decided on Monday. The Queen and King though, now had absolute power and they were allowed to do who and what they wanted!

That night, we just drank a lot, and played a lot of turth games to get to know each other, as well as some other stuff. We eneded up playing kings (a drinking game with a deck of cards), where each card had a sexual command AND a drinking command to it. For example, if you drew a king you had to add your drink to the piss cup aswell as had to suck someone off. Also that night, Amanda took all of us girls off one by one, just to get to know us all. When I was with her, we talked for a bit just about random stuff. She wanted to get to know me. Lol, I was plastard at the time though, but she had made it clear that I was to call her mam for the rest of the time at the camp, or your majesty. We did make out for a bit and than she made me go down on her for a couple of minutes as well. The worst part was that she also made me lick her ass, her underarms and her feet (It was really weird, but I wasn't going to break rules, especially on the very first day). I also got called in later that night by Matt. I was the last girl that he had called in. Apparantly he called in all the guys too, but didn't make them do anything sexual. But like I mentioned, I was the last girl and person he called on. He was pretty tired though when I went in. Apparantly he had just fucked everyone (well kinda, he had told me that he only came once and that he was kinda just sticking it inside all the girls, and also making them suck him.)

[MAJOR BACKGROUND: All my friends get tested regularly, and we only invited friends up to the camp who we trusted completely and told us, were clean. Also all of us girls were on the pill, so (probably not the best decision in hindsite) but no one was useing any condums.]

When I went in to see Matt, he first made me suck him for about 20 minutes (I'm just guessing from how time felt), and than he told me to get on top of him and fuck him untill he came. I came about 5 min into it, and he came soon after. It was really nice that he wanted to finish his night with me. [NOTE: Before this week, my guy sex count had been 11. He had just made my guy count 12.] Believe it or not, I had only had sex with 12... well before that night 11 guys... and unfortunately, that number has now changed a lot. Maybe that's why I think that this camp shouldn't happen again. I felt so whory.

Anyways, after we had hooked up, he called in 2 other girls and he watched us all make out with each other and rub oil all over each other and than made us all sleep with him that night (like real sleep).

There were 4 rooms in the cottage, one with a king size bed, one with a queen (no pun intended) and 2 with 2 bunk beds. Matt got the king room for the rest of the week, Amanda got the queen room, and whoever crashed first each night would get the other beds, there was also a lot of air matresses and pull out couches, and carpets and sleeping bags. All in all, we did sleep all 42 people in that little cabin! Well it's not that little, but still it was tight, but we all fit. Lol, I guess though sleeping with the King had its perks because I atleast got the bed as well.
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Old 02-05-2012, 04:32 PM   #5
angel's heart
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Posts: 51

more plz the story is amazing!
u were right! i cant believe some of these things happened
Likes: orgasm control, tease+denial, verbal humiliation, humiliation (any kind)
Limits: severe pain, permanent, scat, social suicide

Looking for casual male master

PM me to have some fun!
Kik me: angelsheartxox
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Old 02-06-2012, 02:16 PM   #6
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Sport Football Monday - Part 1/3

Day 2 - Monday

Part 1 of 3

Where did we leave off? O yes, waking up after Sunday. I had fallen asleep Sunday night sucking Matt's cock. When I woke up, I was in more or less the same position with my head throbbing (headache, not the other kind of throbbing). It was pretty early when I got up, about 9 in the morning I guess. I left the king room (the room with the king size bed), and went to check how everyone else was. It was a pretty hot scene in the main room of the cottage. Everyone was just passed out everywhere. People were spooning and cuddling, and lieing on top of each other. Some people were slowly getting up while others were still sleeping, so I got some of the people up already together and we started making breakfast for everyone.

By 11 most people were up and had eaten, washed and digested already. We all hung around a bit just chilling and began to slowly drink again. Me and some of the guys had made cesars (a Canadian drink, sort of like a bloddy marry... great for hangovers) and mamosas (champaigne and oj). That morning, Alex went around and collected everyones clothing to put in the truck. We had decided the day before that everyone would lose all acess to clothing until the end of the week, except for one baithing suit each, incase we needed to go into town for anything. So I changed into a bikini and gave my stuff to the guys, who put all the stuff away in the truck. Some of us played some volleyball and we all just kind of hung out until I guess about 1 ish (Amanda and Matt were off taking people and I guess fooling around with them, but I wasn't called on again, so I kind of lost track.) Than we all decided that it was time to get the rest of the week started and to pick the rest of the positions for people. Now that we had already picked the King and Queen, the next thing to decide was who would be their personal slaves. These slaves would have to abide by the slave rules as mentioned earlier, and anything could be done to them, except with one exception, they could only be told what to do by... their respective master, I guess you could call them. Matt and Mandy picked whoever they wanted for this position. Fortunately, I wasn't picked my Matt. He ended up picking Stacey and Mandy picked Jason to be he personal slave.

So now we had 23 guys and 15 girls left to chose positions for. First we needed to first decide who would be the slaves for everyone. For this it was decided to hold a series of 'mini competitions'. As no one wanted to be the slave for the group, everyone was really adament about not losing (we're not like a lot of the people on this site. None of us WANTED to be forced to do anything. Ok, so maybe I find it hot from time to time, but at the end of the day, you want to be the person in control! Lol) So the first competition we held was an anal bead tug of war, where the winner is eliminated (in this case, you want to be eliminated). Because we needed both a guy and a girl slave, the guys and girls competed seperatley.

So, for those of us in our swim suits still, we stripped and anal beaded up. I went near the top of the pairings, against Cass [my roomie and bff.] We each inserted an end. The objective was to pull the beads out of the other persons bum, without yours falling out. Unfortunately, I guess Cass had more clench control over her ass because she wooped my ass (Lol, no pun intedned!) It was very ironically funny though, because we had an odd number of girls, Cass was voted to go twice! She lost the second time! Payback was definately sweet to watch. So after the beads we had 8 girls and 13 guys left.

So if the first part of the competitions was to measure ass strength, than the second was designed to measure, I guess you can say nipple strength. The second part of the competition was nipple twisting. Ahahah THIS part really sucked! We were teamed up once again with another girl. I picked Cass again because I wanted to kick her ass this time! The rules were simple, each girl twists her partners nipples at the same time. First person to let go of the other persons nipples loses. So if the pain was to much to bare, than you just let go. First all the guys went. It was really funny to watch them all screaming. But it was over in less than 30 seconds (BAHAH That's what she said!) Because there was an uneven amount of guys, the guy that had won in the least amount of time, we made go again. I guess because he was already sore, he lost right away. Kind of sucks for him, but ces la vie. So there were 7 guys left and 4 girls left. O ya, so the girls did it aswell... Cass kicked my ass I lasted for about 10 seconds before I gave up. I think it's because she cheated though! She grabbed a lot of my boob as well and not just nipple... cheater!

The next competition was to test our mouths in a deep throating competition (for both guys and girls!!) We each had to pick a guy that had already been eliminated, and deep throat them all the way to the base of their cocks, with our lips touching their body. The catch was, if you picked a guy and couldn't fully deep throat him, than you automatically lose! If everyone was able to deep throat, than the persons who picked the smallest cocks, lost. So there was a bit of strategy involved. It was really funny, 4 of the 7 guys couldn't handle the penises that they tried to take on, so they all lost. On the girls side of the competition, only Steph couldn't take on the cock she had tried, so she lost. Out of the 3 of us girls remaining, Jess had picked the smallest cock, so she had to move on with Steph. [Note: I had just picked a 7 inch penis to go at, but it was enough to get me out of the competition! Lmao, actualy I still don't even remember whos it was. I was so caught up in the moment.]

Fortunately, I was not going to be slave! But we still needed two! At this point we had tested already ass, nipple and mouth strengths! So the final competition was to test endurance skills. Because we had 4 guys and 2 girls left, we had perfect numbers. First each girl would be paird up with two guys at random, who would attempt to make her cry. The frist girl to cry would become the slave and the guys that made her cry would be eliminated. The remaining two guys would do the same to eachother, and the first guy to cry would be the male slave. Well, this was probably one of our worst ideas of the entire week! We didn't realize how bad it was going to get, but the guys got pretty serious about it because none of them wanted to lose at all, thus Steph and Jess actually got pretty hurt. The guys started right away with 'double teaming' the girls, f*cking both holes at once as hard as they could. They went on to trying to fist the girls and punch their pussies and bums. After about 3 min of what looked like pure torture, Steph (who's a really good friend of mine, and hurt me so much to see her go through this) finally gave in and started bawling her eyes out. This was the first time that I felt bad for planning the camp, and felt really guilty for even being a part of it. But we did keep going in the end. Everyone knew what they were getting into, so I guess I wasn't really to blame. At the end of the day though, Steph has no regrets with what happened. Although she tells me that she wishes all the time that she hadn't lost, she say's it was her choice to be in the whole thing, and that she was happy she stuck with it! Also, I was pretty happy that that didn't happen to me.

Anyways, after that, the guys who were trying to make jess cry, than had to fought eachother as well. It went on for a lot longer, about 15 minutes, untill one of them got dirty/smart and decided to knee Zach in the balls. In a second, we saw tears and called the match over. (Does it really hurt THAT much?)

Well, that's how we decided the slaves. So Steph and Zach were slaves, and anything could be done to them with no limit, and Stacey and Jason had no limits but could only be used by Matt and Mandy respectively. [NOTE: Jason could technically also be used by Matt, because he had won the supremicy the night before.]

Hope everyone is still with me here and I hope it hasn't gotten too confusing. This story leaves off at about late lunch on Monday, at about 3 in the afternoon.
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Old 02-08-2012, 11:13 PM   #7
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Sport Football Monday - Part 2/3

Day 2 - Monday

Part 2 of 3

It was Monday afternoon, and we had just finished figuring out the slave situation. Everyone was hungry after the mornings events, so we decided to have burgers for lunch. We decided to put our two new slaves to good use. First we took their baithing suits and locked them away, this way they would have no choice but to go without cloths. [Note: Steph was pretty sore at this point and Zach... well I can only imagine. He was kinda just lying on the ground recovering a bit] So, what we did for lunch was, we oiled up Steph and Zach with olive oil, and we used them both as our serving tables for lunch. We kept burgers on them, sliced tomatoes, salads, etc. but we didn't use plates or bowls or anything. We just put the food right on top of them. We made sure that they were washed and clean first though. Apparantly the hot burgers hurt when we put them fresh from the barbecue right onto their bodies. We felt though that we were going a bit easy on them to start, as we still had a big week ahead. That meal, they weren't allowed to eat anything for lunch, after everyone else was done, we allowed them to only eat the remains off of people plates and off of eachother.

Lunch ended though, and afterwards we made them responsible for the entire clean up, as we prepared for figuring out everyone elses positions in our camp.

[Background info: At this point in the week (it was still early), a lot of people had body hair. Most guys had chest and leg hair, some bum hair, and underarm hair. Some of the girls had hair down low. A lot of the guys had some hair down low but I'll get to all that in a bit. FYI though, by the end of that night, everyone was bald... pretty much everywhere.]

So as Steph and Zach were cleaning, everyone gathered for the final competition to determine the remaining positions. For the finaly competition we needed an even amount of guys and girls. There were 14 girls and 22 guys left, so we needed to cut out 8 boys, from 22 down to 14. It wasn't a horrible thing to be cut, because the guys that were cut would just become normal citizens, which ment that they wouldn't be able to become 'upper classmen', but they also wouldn't have the chance to become lowerclass too. So in order to narrow down, we decided to have a manly competition. Something that invloved working out and drinking beer... because that's what guys doo right?! Lol, so the competition was to do as many pushups as you can, than as many full sit ups as you can, than do a keg stand for as long as you can, and the total number (pushups, situps and keg stand seconds....if you dont know what a keg stand is...google it) that would give you your total score. The 8 guys with the lowest score would be eliminated and become regular citizens. So we did that! The highest score, got something like 60 pushups, like 110 situps and about 40 seconds on the keg stand (I guess he was tired from his pushups and situps, Lol). I was impressed though! So thus we eliminated 8 guys that way, and were left with our 14, very buzzed boys!

The next part of the competition I enjoyed greatly! And I kicked ass at! (Spoiler Alert) ... Oooo wait, let me put that in a special spoiler thing

I kicked ass in this next part

Cool, eh?

So the 14 guys were randomly matched up with (we drew names) 14 girls. The competition was for the guys to go down on the girls (see I told you I was good at that...I'm great at getting eaten out!) Hehehe. Lol ANYWAYS The first 3 guys to make their girl cum, would become elite/upperclass men, and the last 3 guys to make their girl cum, would be the lowerclass men.

[Just a refresher: The upperclass men could demand anything (within the limits I'll say in a second) from the people below them, but could not demand things from eachother. The regulars, could demand stuff (within the limits) from people below them, and the lowerclass could only demand from the slaves. Now the limits were, normal people couldn't have toilet stuff, or permanent (modification) stuff done to them, and the lowerclass can only not have permanent (modification) stuff done to them. Upperclass (for the King and Queen's sake) could not have permanent (modification) stuff, toilet, or extreme pain done to them. Slaves (all 4, including the King's and Queen's personal slaves) could have anything done, absolutely NO limits. So people were DEFINATELY using imaginations. (I think a lot of the fun was imagining what you could do with all of the power rather than necessarily using it.) One rule of the weekend though was everything that happened at the camp, HAD to stay at the camp! Well with exception of the memories and the story! We don't really talk about this story with friends who weren't at our camp, but you guys are all random people who don't know us in real life... so it's ok! But everyone put away all electronics and stuff for the week so as not to be tempted to take pictures and just also so we could all stay kind of excluded! Besides, it wasn't like people had pockets to hold onto them anyways. Well actually not all electronics were banned. We had iPods going pretty much 24/7]

ANYWAYS Lol sorry, side tracked. The incentive for the girls NOT to cum, and make it difficult for the boys, was the first 3 girls TO cum, would be lowerclass, and the last 3 would be upperclass! So opposite of the boys.

Of course, I LOVED this competition. I was eaten out by a random guy (well not random). His name is Dave. I didn't know him before the weekend, but he was pretty mad at me after this event *wink wink*! He was pretty good, eating me out, but i really wanted to win...soooo, tough for him! Lol he has a really sexy body tho.

So if you haven't already guessed it, I was one of the last 3 to cum! The competition stopped once 3 of us were left, but I made him finish me off anyways!!!! Now we pretty much had everyone figured out! I was to be an upperclass man which was great! So the only people I HAD to obide to was the King and Queen, and even they couldn't make me do toilet stuff, extreme pain or permanent things!

OOOOO, I forgot to mention just in general, that these rules apply universally, but there is ONE way in which they don't (an exception). Throughout the week, we held different competitions, like flip cup, or beerpong, etc. Sometimes the stakes would be like.... hmm, o here's one. One time, for flip cup, the losing team had to drink the winning teams piss...even if they were elites! So during competitions, anything goes regardless of status!

So we were set for positions for the rest of the week, and I was pretty happy with myself....considering I had almost became the slave earlier that morning.

That afternoon and night, we didn't hold any crazy competions. Everyone was kinda taking advantage of their roles. No one did anything crazy, but there was a lot of spanking and pinching and biting of the lowerclass citizens, and one girl they made drink piss straight from a guys cock! Lol, it was really funny, he was playing beerpong, and he really needed to go, but didn't want to leave the table so his partner sugested he use one of the girls, so he did! She opened up her mouth, stuck in his cock, and he went! Gross, eh?

O ya, we DID do one other thing Monday evening, other than drinking, partying, and a lot of people banging. That night, I used my privlages as elite, to get every guy below me in command, to go down on me! I even asked nicley the 3 elite guys, and they did it too! The only person I had left to eat my pussy was Matt (the King)! Of course, they didn't all make me cum! That would be completely insane, but I did make them all lick for at least 10 minutes each (this was throught the entire night.)

The last important thing we did that night, was the "Big Wax". The morning when we left, we had picked up a bunch of extra things, and one of those was a sh*t load of waxing supplies. That night, we waxed EVERYONE (well except the King and Queen), but even they decided after we did everyone else, that they wanted it too! All the guys lost all hair other than facial (yes we did arm pits too), and all the girls only had left eyebrows, hair and eyelashes. Of course this wasn't done all at once! We started off, playing cards, and the loser had to wax, and it kinda just progressed that everyone did it. So by the end of that night, there was not 1 hair below a neck! It was actually one of the sexiest things I have ever seen, with everyone so smooth! Mmmm I'm getting hot just thinking about it now. I felt sorry though for a few people, because some of them had bushes (not many, most people keep neat if not bald already). Ahaha but they didn't have anything by the end of that night!
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Old 02-10-2012, 12:22 AM   #8
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I'm loving this so far. Can't wait to hear what happens next!
My stories ~
  • Erin's Hell [IN PROGRESS] (kidnapping, forced slavery, anal, rape, group sex, mutilation, brutality, underaged, watersports, scat, torture, bondage)
  • Bellevue Dare Club: Anal Night [IN PROGRESS] (dares, anal, group sex, underaged, watersports, bondage)
  • Next-Level Training [FINISHED] (S&M, BDSM, slave torture, group sex, anal, public humiliation)
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Old 02-10-2012, 07:51 AM   #9
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Sport Football Monday - Part 3/3

Day 2 - Monday

Part 3 of 3

So we stayed up partying and drinking that night, and people were taking advantage of their new found powers. Pretty much from what I can remember, just a lot of fooling around. By about 3 in the morning I was stumbling around and ready for bed. I went over to Jay [pretty much the love of my life at the time] and told him how badly I wantded him right then. Of course he listened to me, he ALWAYS listens to me. And if for some reason he didn't want to, that week he didn't have a choice. Jay was just a regular citizen that week and I, was an Elite! So we went over to one of the beach chairs, and he got on top of me and made sweet sweet love to me.... ok fine, I was drunk and he railed me! About 5 min in to it though, I hear my name being called and it toome a while to realize where it was coming from, and than I looked up and saw it was Matt (The King)! He walked over to us and at first it felt kinda awkward, being pretty much mid f*ck with Jay. Than I realized where exactly we were, and was like ooo ya, sex camp! Jay had made me forget about the situation we were in for a seccond. Matt seemed kinda mad that I was with Jay though. [Background: Matt was the 12th guy I had ever slept with, and to that point my number was still 12, because I had already been with Jay before that night). Matt told jay to stand up and stand spread eagle with his hands behind his head. So he listened (he had to). Matt than grabbed Jay's hard cock, and pulled on it really hard! Jay let out a scream and Matt took his other hand and smacked Jay's balls! Jay fell to the ground and I felt really bad! I went to go down to him to help him but Matt stopped me and told me to get into his bed! I had no choice there but to listen and ran back up to the cottage and got into his bed.

Back in the bedroom, Stacey was already there, so I got in next to her. Matt followed in behind me along with a girl I hadn't really gotten to know yet. Again, Matt made us all fool around with him that night. He had Stacey please the two of us girls, and let us torture her for a bit (just twisting her nipples and pinching her hard). He also told us if we needed to go to the washroom, we were to only use Stacey! I didn't go that night to the washroom, just because I didn't want to use Stacey. But in the middle of the night, I woke up and I really had to go. I had no choice. I was about to use the washroom but than I realized that I didn't want to get in trouble, so I woke sStacey up and went in her mouth, needless to say, the comotion woke Matt up aswell and he was more than happy to watch the whole thing.

Anyways, once again, that night I went to bed sucking Matt's cock, still with the goal in mind to get everyone to eat me out that weekend. I still needed Matt, inorder to complete my mission.

Anyways. That was the ever so long end to Day 2! I'm sure I missed a lot of stuff, but I don't think it was too important. I think Steph and Zack were used a lot that night aswell, but I dont really remember, and I didn't do anything to them (Steph is one of my best friends now), so again, possibly but not sure.
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Old 02-10-2012, 08:58 AM   #10
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Sport Football Tuesday

Day 3 - Tuesday

So for the second day in a row, I woke up with my lips around Matt's cock! There was still a bit of cum in my mouth, I guess from the previous night. I decided that if Matt was going to be King all week, I might as well get on his good side, so while he was still sleeping I proceeded to suck him! His dick was definatley getting harder. I started rubbing his balls with one hand, and playing with his asshole with my other, sticking just the tip of my finger in...(apparantly guys like that...hmmm). He was kind of in an up/sleepy daze by the time he came about 10 minutes later. Afterwards, I decided that I wanted to get up and get breakfast, but Matt mummbled that I was to get the two girls in bed with us off too before I could leave (one was his slave who I had pissed in the previous night). I went down on both of them (seperatley) and they both came, in about 30 minutes, I guess (it was about 9:30ish in the morning now).

I went to the main room to find most people still sleeping. I'm generally an early riser. My body just naturally gets up really early, so even though I had been up for almost an hour, most ppl were still knocked out cold. I woke up all the lower class citizens and told them to clean up the mess from last night (all the cups, drinks, garbage etc.) and to make everyone breakfast for this morning. The bunk house (cottage) was really packed. People were sleeping all over the place again, so I decided to see how things were going outside. It was quite a funny scene though when I arrived. Some people were passed out on the grass, and some on the beach chairs, but in the middle of the yard was Steph and Zach tied to the ground. Let me try to explain... Lol, Zach was lying spread eagle on the grass, with rope around all 4 limbs, and the ropes attatched to steaks in the ground (apparantly they got the steaks in the main house. They were just like 3 feet long metal polls with what looked like a knob on top. To this day, I don't know what they were originally ment to be used for, but it definately worked for the purpose that we used it for.) On top of Zack, facing down in a 69 position, spread eagle as well was Steph. Zack's cock was in her mouth, and her pussy was directly over his face. When I went over to untie them, I could see that Zacks face was completly covered in piss, and poor Steph had cum all over her body. She was really red and bruised and scratched up. Her ass had, especially, a lot of harden cum all over it. From what I had found out later, last night, they had tied the two of them up like that, and most guys proceeded to fuck her hard in the ass while Steph and Zach were tied in that position. I felt bad for Steph, but I kind of felt even worse for Zach. Could you imagine HIS position while all that happened?!?! I woke up the two of them, brought them some advil, and sent them to the lake to clean themselves off.

After a while, we woke everyone up for breakfast, so that we could all kinda eat as a family and discuss the day to come. Everyone was extremley hung over. It was about 10:30 by the time we all got food, so again we started drinking again... mamosas for eveyone! For that day, there were a few competitions that we decided on, in order to spice things up. (I didn't end up participating in these ones; you'll hear why shortly).

After breakfast, we made the lowerclass citizens do all the cleaning. They pretty much did it for the rest of the week. Some people called Zach and Steph over and some of the lowerclass citizens, to use as toilets after breakfast. I'm not sure if anyone went number 2, but I don't think so at this point. I went over to Jay to see how he was doing [Recap: he had been smacked really hard the night before, in the balls.] He was still kinda sore so I cuddle with him for a bit, and sucked him off... you know, to try to make him feel better of course!! By this point people were already playing around outside. Some of the guys were playing football and volleyball and some of the girls were playing too, as well as tanning, and some people were swimming. Because the lake was more like a pond, there were no power boats or anything on it, but we did have a bunch of paddle boats and cannoes and kayaks and stuff. Matt (the King) pulled me over and (because he could tell me what to do within the limits for my role) he told me that he wanted me to stop taking the pill! I was like wtf, and immediatley said no way! We had an argument for about 10 minutes. Obviously, everyone had agreed that they would follow their rolls, but my argument was that this was a "permanent" altercation, and thus I didn't have to do it (only slaves had to do permanent). So we brought the argumant to everyone and called them all together, to take a vote on whether that would be considered permanent. pretty much everyone was on my side (thank god) and we settled that argument pretty fast.... or so I had thought. Of course Matt was pretty pissed thatIi had gotten out of what he wanted from me so he took me back to his room, hand cuffed all my limbs to the 4 corners of his bed, and fucked me extremly hard. Because I was an Elite, thank goodness, he couldn't use extreme pain on me, because he was pretty furious! But he did pound my pussy and ass for what felt like hours! All I remember is that afterwards I was just extremley sore and just wanted to curl up and have the week be over with. My ass was burning!

Matt kept me tied up in his room all day, and came in every once in a while to have another go! Often he'd bring a girl in, fuck her pretty much on top of me (usually in her ass) and then shove his cock deep down my throat! It really was a horrible day, I had cried a couple times that afternoon!

By about dinner time he finally let me go, and told me that this wasn't over. Everyone seemed to have had a fun day though and I found out what the big news was.

So because the slaves could have anything happen to them, everyone decided that Zach and Steph were going to get some "modifications" and that tomorrow we were going to go into town, to either get them pierced or tatt'd or both. Obviously not everyone was going to go with though.

For dinner we had pasta and pizza and garlic bread that night. Ahahah I remember this because I was so hungry after not eating lunch and being pretty much raped all day. During dinner we all talked about what we would do to Zach and Steph the following day. For Zach we decided that he would get a cock ring (prince albert to be precise) and both nipples pierced, and Amanda's name tattooed accross his ass. For Steph we decided that she would get both nipples pierced, a hood piercing (I think that's what it was called) and her tongue pierced, as well as a dirty tramp stamp. (We didn't end up doing it the following day, but I'll explain why later)

The rest of the night was "fairly" uneventful...well relatively! I think everyone was kind of tired, so even the drinking was slower that night. But there were definatley a lot of people hooking up! Matt kept trying to get me to give up the pill, and told me that he wouldn't stop until I did! I told him I'd consider it just to get him to ease up, and he stopped buggin me... for a little while at least. That night I hung out with Jay, and talked to him about things that were going on, like what happened with me and Matt, and what he wanted of me. If it were Jay that wanted me to stop the pill I probably would have. He's so perfect, and I care for him so much! Lol and we would make hot babies together! After cuddling with Jay for a bit (I was too sore for sex) I decided that I wanted to go to sleep. Don't judge, but it was about 10 o'clock at night. I knew where I would be sleeping that night, so I just automatically crawled into Matt's bed. No one was there yet so I just passed out after that long day!
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Old 02-11-2012, 11:07 PM   #11
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Sport Football Wednesday - Part 1/3

Day 4 - Wednesday

Part 1 of 3

Wednesday was an extremly big day for us! It was the day where we were planing on taking our slaves to get some permanent markings; it was a day where we were planning on having a lot of crazy games; and it was a day that would have lots and lots of drinking and partying involved, by the time the night was through! Wednesday got a bit out of hand.... This might take a while!

Wednesday didn't start off any better for me. As I left off from the previous day, I had gone and crashed in Matt's bed earlier than everyone else. I was exhasted from the previous day's happenings (ie. me being pretty much abused all day) and just wanted to sleep it all off. I was still extreamly sore, and felt very dirty. I showered got into Matt's bed (knowing by now that it was most likely ok, and that if I wasnt there, he would have come found me. I think Matt had a huge crush on me....) My sleep didn't last long however, or at least it felt short lived. At some point in the night while I was passed out, someone (I'm guessing Matt) had tied me to his bed. All I know is that I woke up with a cock being rammed into my pussy (it was Matt's cock) and Stacey's really wet pussy hanging right over, and than covering my face. It was really all of a sudden, and iI was tied and couldn't really move. I remember hearing people screaming "lick it". After about what seemed like, I dunno, it seemed long though, I could feel Matt's cum shooting up inside me.

The rest of the evening was very much the same, and needless to say I got very little sleep that night. Matt whispered in my ear that night, that this was to be the worst day of my life; and it might just have been! You see, I didn't realize then, that Matt had a lot more power than I gave him credit for. I thought that me being an Elite, that there was only so much he could do to me, but I soon found out this wasn't the case! Of course, Matt gave me an ultimatum when I was tied up in his bed that night. He told me that if I were to give up the pill for the rest of the week he would completley leave me alone! Obviously I didn't becuse I didn't think there was anything he could do. So he said 'suit yourself!' I was really worried at this point... But I digress.

Wednesday morning I had woken up and I was still tied with all for limbs to the bed. My entire body was sticky from I'm guessing dry cum, and sweat and who knows what else. My arms and legs were extremley sore from being tied up. I felt my pussy and ass sore too, and when I lifted my head to see, I realized why! That night at some point Matt and Stacey must have stuck dildos in me while I was passed out, or maybe when I was up and I just couldn't remember, but they were still in there! At least 5 inches in each hole! I guess Stacey had felt me moving around, cuz she had just woken up then too. She untied me and told me to get out of there before Matt wolk up again. She also kissed me on the cheek and thanked me for last night....to tell you the truth, I don't really know why she did, but I guess she had enjoyed something.

I was up for a while now, and people were slowly getting up again. Breakfast was made and we all sat around and ate together. I was extreamly sore and very tired and by this point I was almost ready to break down in tears again. I had spent the morning (before breakfast) by myself! I didn't want to see anyone or be around anyone. I felt that I was being picked on and was really scared for what Matt had planned. It was about 3 hours that I sat by myself outside with tears rolling down my face and me just wanting to go home. So like I said, breakfast came and I again was on the brink of tears, just thinking about how sore my whole body was. At breakfast everyone was discussing the days big events about taking the slaves into town for some piercings, when somehow it was brought up that we couldn't actually do it. It was discussed for a bit, but after a while, it was decided that we wouldn't do it, because if we did, it would take too long for the piercings or tattoos to heal, and we wouldn't be able to use the slaves how we wanted to!

This was rather unfortunate for the group, but it was decided that they would be pierced or tatted just as we were leaving, at the end of the week. I think Zack and Steph were pretty relieved even though they would still be getting them, but they definately felt some hope. Something I definately wanted at that point in time.

It's hard thinking back as a write this, how sad I had become that morning. I really don't think I have been ever more distraught. Like thinking about just how bumbed and sore and misserable I was now, makes me tear up slightly and get naughts in my throat.

So with Zach and Steph we decided to wait off a bit, but we still had a lot of fun stuff planned for that day (a lot of competitions and games). I however, was really not in the mood to do any of it. The last time people were playing and drinking, I was tied up all day by Matt! I was just soooo f*ckin frustrated because I had become an Elite but I was being treated like sh*t (sorry for my language!) After breakfast Matt pulled me back into his room. I think at this point that he could see I was pretty worn out. He didn't care though. He called in Stacey along with (I think it was) his best friend, or at least best friend at the camp, Scotty. I didn't know scotty from before, and hadn't really talked to him that week yet.

[Background: I was one of the few girls that people hadn't f*cked yet. At this point really, it was just me and the Queen, well actually, most people had fucked the Queen (Amanda), because she kept going around fucking people. The other Elite girls had slept around a bit too, but I had only since we got there, had been with Jay and Matt. So i was a kind of a sought after person... so I found out shortly after]

Scotty, had hit on me a couple of times that week. Like we had talked in passing or in drinking. I don't think we kissed ever though. Guilty, I had kissed A LOT of people that week thus far, and had touched a lot of cock. Ooo wait, that's not true! I guess Scotty HAD eaten me out on that second night, because I had gotten everyone to do that! (Matt still hadn't eaten me out at this point), but alas, Scotty did NEVER kiss me yet, so I guess that part was true.

Ahaha confussed? Ok, so Matt called in Scotty because they were besties and I guess he had told Matt that he really wanted me. Again I was very down at this poiint and Matt brought me into his room telling me I had to please Scotty 100% and do anything he asked of me. (Scott ps. was the 13th guy I had ever f*cked... or rather he fucked me). Wow I'm such a potty mouth right now.... kk he screwed me! So, we were in Matt's room for a really long time. First Scott made me get on my knees as he shoved his cock deep into my mouth. As I felt it grow, I started to gag a lot but he just kept his hand on the back of my head and kept thrusting, this is when I started to full out cry. Just from everything leading up to that point and I just started bawling as he kept thrusting with his hands behind my head. He called Matt back in, I guess because he was shocked, or wasn't sure what to do then, but Matt told him to keep going, because this was Scotty's chance to get what he wanted.

I came once over the next while. While Scotty came I think it was like 3 or 4 times. I didn't think guys could do that, but apparantly with viagra you can. He had taken one before hand (we had brought a lot up with us, in the truck.) I did cry a bit while he did me both from the front and back. I tried to enjoy it, but just the thoughts kept coming to me about how I was again being used and just how physicaly sore I was. I just couldn't stop myself from crying! Finally after he was spent, and I had cum dripping out of my pussy and on my face, Scotty left me just lying in Matt's bed just grasping for air and breathing so heavley. Matt came in after Scotty left with Stacey, and told her to clean me up with her tounge. It would have felt good if again, I wasnt feeling like death. It was kind of weird getting my faced licked, especially by a girl, but I was just lying there. I guess Stace had to put up with the saltyness from my tears and Scotty's cum. Poor girl, maybe she had it worse off than me.
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Old 02-11-2012, 11:46 PM   #12
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Sport Football Wednesday - Part 2/3

Day 4 - Wednesday

Part 2 of 3

After I was cleaned, Matt came and laid down on top of me. I couldn't really struggle by now because I was just feeling so low, and because of the huge pounding session I just had with some guy who really wanted it from me. This is when Matt gave me his ultimatum again. He could see how fraught I was and sore and misserable, and he told me that I had an option. If I didn't agree to what he wanted, than he told me that he would have every person both guy and girl come in here and screw every inch of me like Scott had just done, (thus permanantly increasing my guy count astronomically.) Not to mention, that that was what I would be doing for the rest of the week. He also told me that he would see to it that I lost the games that he let me participate in.

[Clarification: Our weekend was set up so that the games and competitions, superseidid all of our 'statuses' and thus Matt couldn't MAKE me lose the games, but he had checked around frist with people before he told me, and had apparantly found a loophole, for lack of a better word, in our plan. Although he couldn't just MAKE me lose a competition, he could however, take for example beer pong, he could rail my bum as I was playing, thus making it almost impossible for me to win. And because the games supersedid our positions (ie. the punishments could be extreme, or permanent or anything at all, as long as it's set prior) he could even have set the punishment for the loser to have to give up the pill for the week.]

This put me in a real bind. His proposal (similar to the one he gave me that morning) was that all I had to do was just give up the pill and he'd leave me completely alone! There was however one exception from that morning's proposal. I guess because I hadn't taken it, the proposal had now changed. This ultimatum was that I had to give up the pill BUT I had to f*ck Matt whenever he wanted! He told me though, that it would not be like the sex we had thus far. It wouldn't be painful and he wouldn't abuse me or rape me. He more or less just wanted to make love with me (which when you think about, in the context of the situation, of him asking me to give up the pill, is WAY more sick and twisted! Maybe he really liked me.)

So I had a tough deciosion to make. He told me he'd give me an hour to think about it and than the deal would be off.

So I went out and grabed some food and drinks to try to calm my nerves and went over to Steph and took her aside, and also found Cass, and asked them what they thought. After discussing and snacking for I guess I didn't realize was almost an hour (Jay had come over after a bit too, because I wanted his opinion as well), Matt walked pass and pointed to his watch and I ran up to him.

During that hour though, I wanted to know what the girls were thinking. Cass was really shocked about the whole thing. She didn't have any clue a lot of this was going on. Pretty much both of them were telling me I should take the deal. If I didn't than he would probably work it into a game where I would lose and have to lose the pill anyways. Atleast if I took his deal, I would still have control over who I was sleeping with, well accept for Matt of course. The thing is, my week would end up a lot less sexual, because I wouldn't be f*cking anyone.... that's when it clicked, what Matt had really wanted. He didn't want me with anyone else, and I guess this was just his sick way of making sure. Jay told me not to worry, that again, I would get control back in my week if I just took the deal. This, he said, would make my week more enjoyable, and besides, just because I wasnt on the pill, didn't mean Jay couldnt use a condom, and I guess anyone I had wanted really to have sex with could use a condom. Maybe Matt didn't think of that (no one was using condoms that week, but we did have some on the truck). So I kissed Jay, and ran over to Matt, telling him that I would take his offer.

But I made him make it clear that I was not to be used anymore, or abused or taken advantage of, and he understood and agreed. But before he did, I also through in one stipulation, that he had to eat me out (I really wanted to complete my mission!) Of course, Matt didn't disagree to that! Although I was still tender and sore, and had just taken it from his friend, Matt did really like me, and was very attracted to me, so he didn't have any hesitation with it at all...in fact I think he quite enjoyed it. But he didn't do until later that afternoon, and we're not there yet...

So I guess it was around 2ish when I had made the deal with Matt, and he gathered everyone around outside. There, he announced that I was giving up the pill and that I had agreed. No one really knew that we had terms or had made a deal or anything, so everyone was really shocked, but I'm sure most people realized that he was behind it somehow. But because I had agreed, no one had questioned it. The second bit of news which WAS a shocker for everyone, especially me, was that he said that Steph and Stacey (his slave) would be giving up the pill as well. Unfortunately, they didn't have the same luxurious choice as I did. Stacey was kind of safe, because she only had to take orders from Matt, so not anyone could just have sex with her, but it was Steph who my heart sunk for. Because for Steph, anyone could f*ck her or do anything they wanted to her, and with still 5 or so days to go, there was a big chance that something would happen! There was a big discussion about this but to sum it all up, in the end, there was nothing we could do. Because she was the slave, she had to do it, which definatley through a curve ball on our week! So kind of ceremoniously, the three of us gave our pills to Matt where he crushed them up and through them in the lake/big pond. Lol, I love calling it that... big pond!

So that was the BIG BIG news that happened that day! The rest of the afternoon was a lot of fun. I finally felt free and relieved and felt like I had something lifted off my shoulder, without having to worry about being abused anymore! And a lot of fun stuff did happen that afternoon, and because I participated in pretty much all of it, I guess I can talk about it now! Yaaaay finally!

After Matt made his announcement to everyone, I hung out with Steph a bit, because I felt really devistated for her. We had become very close (and have been super close since the camp) and I just wanted to try to calm her because she was really worried now that she didnt have her pill. I think at first guys were very hesitant to be with her, because they didn't really want to put there sperm in her, any more than she wanted it. But after more snack and drinking, that quickly changed (it's funny what alcohol does to you). I don't know the logic behind it, but someone made Zack f*ck steph first, and apparantly that put everyone at ease. I think the thinking behind that was 'if she did get preggers' it would be him. I dunno, guys are pretty stupid. But still, no one touched Steph (other than Zack) until later that night. But I was finally able to play some drinking and dare games with everyone!

I remember we played strip/dare volleyball and football ahaha, which was really fun! Keep in mind I was still extremley sore, so I was taking it pretty easy. For volleyball, we played games till 21 and the loseing team had to strip. Girls only had 2 pieces and guys only had one piece on, so we got naked pretty quick. To even things out though, the boys had to strip once and than had a by, before having to continue with the dares. Once you were naked you had to do different things/dares. The first was to have oil rubbed all over yourself. The second was to take a spanking from the winning team. The third was to have a thum train for a few minutes (a thumb train is where everyone stands in a circle, with one thumb in their mouth and the other in the ass of the person in front of them. If your thumb comes out, than you need to switch thumbs, and but the other one in your mouth, and the one from your mouth in the person in front of you's bum. And you do this till it's over!) The fourth thing (which we didnt end up getting to) was to tie the losing team down and to cook food on their oiled bodies. We didn't get to the last one because after one team did a thumb train we wanted to play football, and it was already later in the day so we figured the sun wouldn't really be strong enough anymore. So of course, I kick butt at volleyball, so fortunatley I only lost twice. So I just had to strip, which everyone had already seen from me.
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Old 02-12-2012, 12:16 AM   #13
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Sport Football Wednesday - Part 3/3

Day 4 - Wednesday

Part 3 of 3

After the volleyball, we played a little pig skin! Our football rules were pretty simple. We played 4 downs to a field (how ever long the field was, we just set up markers for endzones on either side), and instead of points, the team that didn't score would strip/dare (so no field goals). This time we incorporated drinking into our game. The first touch down, the other team would completely strip, and would have to do a shot. The second touchdown would mean the loser has to be oiled, which was actually (in hindsite) an advantage for the oiled team because they were harder to tackle. [Sidenote: Girls didn't really have to tackle guys, just wrap their arms around them, but everyone else had to tackle.] The third touchdown would be slapping and pinching where each losing team member would take an ass slap from each scoring team member and a nipple pinch... heheh this was fun... o and they had to do a shot. The fourth touchdown gave the losing team an option. Either every person on the losing team would be bit by one winning team member, or they could elect one losing team member (team sacrafice, lol) to be bitten from everyone on the winning team, and everyone had to do a shot. The fifth score, would be a version of the human centipede, where the losing team would all lay down (opposite boy girl) with cocks and pussys in mouth. The first person would drink a beer, and then would have to pee in the second persons mouth, and then they in the third... and you couldn't get up until the person infront of you went and you went into the person behind you. Quite gross actaully. Then the 6th score which we didn't expect to get to but did, was the losing team had to go on all 4's in a circle and eat out eachothers bums, for 20 min. So, I'm really good at football too, but unfortunatley my team wasn't. In the end we did end up losing, but we did score a couple of times. the other team had to strip, oil, we got to pinch their nips and slap their bums really hard! We were up 3 scores to none, but than they started coming back. We stripped, got oiled, got pinched and slapped... which made me very sore by the way. I could remember it was almost impossible for me to run afterwards. Which could of led to them scoring again, and instead of getting bit by everyone, we sacrificed one of our guys, and he took a biteing from everyone (he only agreed because all the girls agreeded to please him after the game if he did it.) He did start bleeding though. I think one of the guys bit his arm and it started to bleed, and I don't even want to think about the girls that bit his cock! But ya, after the bitting, we lost again and had to do the human centipede thing. Fortunatley I wasn't near the end, but I sat for like 10 min waiting for the guy infront of me to piss, and finally when he did, I shot into the guy behind me. It actually wasn't bad tasting. Very wattery, but a weird warm feeling. After that we had scored a touchdown, and after seeing how painful our sacrifice was, they decided just to take one bite each. So I picked a guy and I chomped down on his cock hard! Lol, to tell the truth, I don't even remember who it was at this point... Lmao I remember being all sweaty and gross and covered in dirt and just wanting pay back! Than we lost the last touchdown. and I was stuck on my fours, licking some guy's ass. Thank gawd though he didn't do anything when I was down there! Lol but it felt good to have my ass licked though. It was really sweaty from the game, which I'm sure the guy behind me enjoyed licking wery much.

Dinner came around and I was pretty plastered by now. It was the first night I felt really free, and I was excited for our games ahead. After showering inside and eating dinner, and just chilling (drinking and dancing) for a while, we set up anoter interesting game. This one I didn't like because it was based around f*cking Steph. Zach had already f*cked her and came in her twice (again, the guys and their stupid theories), but the game we decided to play was where the girls were like Steph's 'guardians' and the guys were trying to get inside of her. So the game was, the girls had 10 minutes to make each guy cum in anyway we could. The guys who held out for the 10 minutes would than screw Steph and finish inside of her. It was actually pretty fun, a lot of us girls teamed up, figuring it would make the guys cum faster. The first guy I took on was Jay. I really liked him at the time and I knew exactly what would get him off really quick. He had a huge crush on me and I knew he would probably marry me if I had wanted to. So I pushed him on to the ground sat on his cock and started ridding him, while whispering in his ear, that he was going to get me preggos right there and give me a baby, and we would need to get married and live together. I knew it would work wonders, and (this method is REALLY STUPID people, so do not repeat it) but I did the old fashioned pull out on him, and when I felt him cumming I hopped off, and finished him with my hand! The whole thing took literally like 30 seconds! Bahahah he was really emberassed but hey, I saved Steph from a baby. After the 10 minutes were up, the girls had done a pretty good job. I guess through teaming up and most of the other girls resorting to sex too, we got all but 8 guys.

So the 8 of them all mounted Steph one by one and finihsed inside of her. I was pretty upset over it, but there was nothing I could really do.

That night we did play one other kinky game. This time favouring the girls. This game was actually my idea, and I'm very proud of it... it was my pay back on behalf of Steph. We had all the guys circle up and held a mass circle jerk. The rules however were that the guys had to cum into a cup (the girls were holding cups in the middle). The way to get out (for the guys), was to make someone cum. If you made someone cum you get to leave the circle. If a guy got someone off and left the circle but no one had gotten him off yet, than he would get to pick a girl to finish him off (into a cup). So it was best to make the guy beside you cum and not cum yourself, because than you got rewarded with one of us girls finishing you off. Anyways, the last person standing would have to drink half of the cum while the other half was to be funneled into their asshole. So there was plenty of incentive to make the guy beside you cum!

Bahahah this was the funniest thing to watch. Of course us girls were allowed to participate, and we could help guys that we liked or distract guys we wanted to lose. Every guy participated in this. Even Matt and Amanda were there as well (Amanda in the middle with us).

So obviously, I helped Jay out, and I got on my knees to the guy next to him, who Jay was touching, and started sucking. Needless to say, the guy came really fast and Jay was free to go. He had one of the other girls finish him off into the cups though. I did have three guys come up to me though and ask me to finish them off, and I did obligingly. [Note: Like I said earlier, I didn't reallize yet, but I was becoming a very sought after commodity.] I felt bad for Zack also (given just his situation), so I went to the guy beside him aswell, who was already getting blowen (is that the word?) by another girl. I joined her, and we made the guy next to Zack cum as well, and Zack was free from this one. With about 8 guys left, Matt was still among them. I kind of really wanted to see him lose though. So to distract him, I started rubbing his cock and whispering in his ear (remember it didn't matter if he came, just the guy next to him). After making him cum twice, there were 4 guys left in the circle. By this point though, there were girls helping out every guy, and the guy next to Matt finally came, so Matt was eliminated. I went up to him kissed him and reminded him of our deal that he couldn't pick on me! Lol, it was actually sweet revenge, too bad he didn't lose though. In the end, Jake lost. He wasn't one of the guys that f*cked Steph, but at least us girls got some satisfaction out of it. There was definately a lot of cum! When we poured it all together there was what looked like just over half of a red beer cup full of cum. I thought there would be a lot more though, but I guess some got lost in all the cup transferring or something? We ended up pouring it all down his throat. he gaged on it, but it was definatley worth it! Bahahah I will never forget that night!

At the end of the night, I didn't realize it at first, but I had walked to Matt's door. I thought to myself for a second about going in, than I realized that he had been a pretty good sport about the whole circle thing and me trying to get him, so I went inside and crawled into his bed. He was already there with Stacey in bed. I took off my bikini and cuddled up next to him.
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Old 02-12-2012, 01:56 AM   #14
getDare Sweetheart
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omg this story is so amazing there is always a new twist thank you for writing it
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Old 02-12-2012, 09:24 AM   #15
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Sport Football Thursday - Part 1/2

Day 5 - Thursday

Part 1 of 2

The Thursday was actually a pretty good day for me. I was still sore from the previous day's events, and in fact was sore pretty much for the rest of the week's happenings, but I was feeling a lot better, stronger and way more energetic and ready to party.

Compared to what the weekend held in store for me, this day was a blast!

Ahaha cool, eh?

So I woke up Thursday morning, extreamly hungover and naked. I didn't quite remember everything from the previous night, but I remember crawling into bed with Matt and Stace... and that I had previously stopped with the pill (how could I forget that). So I was pretty sure I hadn't done anything with Matt, unless I did something in my drunken stuper. It was around 9 in the morning again when I woke up. I'm a very early riser, even when I drink. I usually take naps throughout the day though to make up for it. Matt and Stacey though were already fooling around by the time I woke. Perhaps it was there moving around that woke me up. But Matt was definately happy that I had joined them that evening, and he rewarded me for it. Him and Stacey both went down on my at the same time and it was definately one of the best cums I had that entire week. For the first time, I felt like the princess I deserved to be! But it really was soo... lol, explosive, to put it in a word.

Afterwards, I got up to shower and then went for breaky (but not before I told Matt something). It could have been because I just got off, or that he was treating me so nicely, but I told him that after breakfast, I was going to ride him untill he shot everything he had inside of me (him knowing that I wasn't protected). I dunno, now that I think back I KNOW how stupid it was, but something about the moment I guess made me relapse in judgement. So I showered and than went for breaky. People were already up and cooking. I remember that morning especially though. I was feeling like a princess, and I had waffles and bacon (not together)!

After breakfast, I did go through with my promise to Matt, and it was actually really good. I guess I was soooo in the mood, I didn't even think about the... situation. But he loved it A LOT, I could tell you for certain! He didn't last very long!

That morning for me was great as well! I hung out with a lot of the girls, and got to know a lot of the people who I hadn't talked much with. We just sat outside in the sun. The property we were staying at (it was like 200 acres) had hicking paths, ATV trails, 'look-out' points. Pretty much the only thing it was really missing were power boats, and thus, waterskiing. A lot of the guys were ATVing, and people played sports and stuff (lol, nothing really sexual like the day prior) well ok, that's a lie, somehow everything that week turned out kind of sexual. But the stakes were like kissing, or stripping or like bj's and stuff like that. Lol I guess when I write it like that, it doesn't seem like normal stuff, but for the week it was very routine. Lol, ya I guess we're kind of sick people.

After burgers and salad for lunch the drinking slowly started back up again. There was talk in the group (I had heard talking to the girls in the morning, and than people were speaking to me openly about it in the afternoon) that a lot of the guys wanted to explode inside me. Especially since practically none had done it with me even prior to me going off the pill.

But thankfuly since I was an Elite, and now Matt wasn't picking on me, I got to choose who I wanted to do what with!

They found a way around that

That afternoon/evening we played a game that I had read about somewhere. It's called a 'Beer Pissing Contest'. It's where girls sit on a guy's face while chugging beers, and she pisses in the guy's mouth, and the guy subsequently pisses into a cup, and the first guy to fill the cup, that team wins. The guy with the least amount of piss in the cup at that time, loses. Now of course, the guys were objecting to this at first because they were the only ones that had to suffer, while the girls got an easy ride, so we played a different game later that night to even things out (which I'll explain in a bit).

So the prize would be, the winning couple would get to select two people each for the entire night, to do as they please to (till the next morning). The losing couple (this was cruel), the girl would have to drink everyone elses piss cups, and then piss again in her guys mouth after all that! I think we had about 15 couples playing that game, so quite a bit going on there. I liked this game because I think the extremness and dirtiness brought a new level to our weekend that hadn't been reached yet, and also because the girls were on top! Lol, but I digress.

So we mounted our boys. The couples were picked by the guys. All of us girls stood in a line, and let the guys come and pick us (we tried to be nice, knowing what the would be doing to them.) I had a bunch of guys all come up to me at once (including Jay) but i decided that for this one, I wanted to play with someone I hadn't been with yet. Stephen is about my height, maybe slightly taller, and he was not muscular but not really scrony either. I hadn't really talked to him that week, so I decided to play with him, lol this way he could atleast get to know a part of me... hehehe. So the girls mounted the guys. The guys just layed on the grass and we were on our knees sitting on their faces. There were a few people who weren't playing so they were makin sure that everyone had constant beers going. Now the hard part about this game was getting the piss from the guys into their cup, and for that, the girls were responsible. We had to control our guys' penises and try to fill a cup. So, the game started, and I chugged my first beer in like seconds, and the second one really fast too (we were drinking keg beer at the time). That's when I got really drunk really fast. And I was guessing a lot of the other girls were feeling the same, because a lot of us kept falling off of our guys, even though we were on the ground too. Lol which was I'm guessing, not very fun for the guy, if we fell mid piss! Lol Stephen didn't do so bad. I mean he said my piss actually wasn't bad at all, that it was very watery. But some guys apparantly had very bitter times! Lol pun inteded... I'm sooooo funny today! Me and Stephen didn't win, but we did manage to fill most of the cup. Actually we came very close to winning but there was no prize for our place! Thank goodness we didn't come last though. It was Laura who had lost the whole thing (she was an old roomie of mine, and still a really close friend) which made it even funnier to watch happen. So she had to drink everyones cups, and then go again in (I think she was with Mitch)'s mouth. Lmao, I wish you could have been there for that! She threw up twice when she was trying to drink everyones cup! I think it was when she hit the really yellow ones... ewww lol! It was sooo funny! The first time (because she was still sitting on Mitch) she was able to turn to the side, and puke on the grass, but the second time she puked all over Mitch's body! Lmao, I'm haveing a histerical fit right now as I type this!

Lol, so Alexa and (woo and behold) Jay won! I would have been glad if he had selected me to be one of his two anything girls, but I guess he had already had plenty of me that trip, so he picked two other girls to get some ultimate pleasure from. [Clarification: Because the rules were that he could do ANYTHING to the girls, he technically could have made them stop taking the pill for however long his power entitled him for, which in that case was the evening... but I don't think he did, because I don't think he wanted them pregos any more than they wanted... but just for clarification]

So I was really plastered at this point. I'm actually kinda surprised I remember it as much as I do. I had something like 6 beers during that competition, which for me is ridiculous in a row!

So I hung out with Stephen for a while, until we started the other game (which I mentioned earlier). I wanted to get to know him more too. Lol, we didn't do anything, but we did sit under the stars for a bit, and he played for me, some guitar. I feel like almost every guy at the camp played guitar, but it was still nice. Afterwards, I told him to eat me out again, but this time I wouldn't pee all over him, and he happly aggreed, but like I said I was REALLLLYY drunk, I don't even remember if it was good. Lmao, ooops. Don't tell him! Lol

So the other big game we played that night, was designed to "get back at the girls" or at least give us something dirty like the guys did. We didn't know this at the time, but the guys wanted to up the antes of the game. We made them all drink piss, so they decided to send us to the dark side! Warning, this gets really messed, but fortunatley not everyone was as unlucky!
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