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Old 01-01-2008, 03:25 PM   #1
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Default 28/F/US/Master seeks F/Slave (offline relationship)

First, it is Mistress not master. Okay, now it is my turn to attract interest to the Offer of service for one or two to enter into. First off, we do not consider this a game; it is how we live in the view of the public. To those few that have a clue and have written something that is sensible and truly inspiring at times; NC, M, S1, SB, MS and others; we thank you for being here and showing others the mind set they don’t seem to understand. As well as the encouragement to continuing the search and posting here.

We are looking for one or two female{s}, to enter into service with us. We prefer a slave to a submissive. Males can apply but be warned you will have to prove that you are capable of handling the mindset and the rules we give you. You will also have to prove how you are better then the prospective females under consideration. So you can have a better understanding as to why females: they listen and pay better attention to detail, they work harder to accomplish the tasks given and there are less personality conflicts with the ugly half of this. In general, the public responds better to a female than a male 9 out of 10 times.

Within the seven-year range of 21-28 is what we would prefer. We are willing to accept those who are fall between the ages of 18 to 30.

The request for medium build is to be able to fit into the costuming we already own for working the shows & those of this build tend to have fewer problems with doing the work. By the way, definition of medium build is American sizes 10 – 18. We have no problem with accepting those who are smaller or larger as long as they can handle doing the amount of physical work that needs to be accomplished. We will just have to figure out what we already have that fits them & what we will need to find or make for them.

Will have to relocate to where ever we are at the time of acceptance. We travel from January until November mostly east of the Mississippi river. You should not mind traveling because of the style of work we do, we are always on the move. The longest we stay in one place is six to eight weeks. We do not return to most of these places until the next year when we sell at that show again. You are allowed to return to your family during the end of the year holiday seasons if one wishes.

Preferring: Red, auburn, black brown, and long hair. The hair color and style again is a preference. Any natural hair color is acceptable. Natural color because we will not spend money on keeping an appearance that is not real. We tend to shy away from blonde-haired people because of the modern social ideas that come with being blonde. If you are blonde and want to apply, convince us that the public will not see you this way.

We know that it takes a different mind set to be able to maintain 24/7\365 service. Any one who is thinking about this offer should know that we would never ask you to do a task of any nature that we are not willing to do ourselves. You should know that service to us is not based on sexual pleasure. Things of a pleasurable nature have to be earned, they are not freely given. Defining types of service means being able to communicate back & forth getting to know one another & see if we can meet each other’s needs & desires. Even if no other types of service are discussed, it takes time to find out if we can allow each other into the very personal space that this kind of a relationship creates. It seems that many of the younger generations have not been taught this very important step.

Common sense is no longer common we know. Trust me dealing with the public regularly has engrained this into us. (When a mother allows her four-year-old child to put his hands on the table where sharp knives were displayed & then encourages him to pick them up or pays no attention to their child’s actions). Some on the internet have proven this as well. If one has at least some common sense, there should be enough intelligence for us to be able to work with them. We do not want a slave that we have to give step-by-step instructions to after the first or second time one has done the task. We would expect one to be able to retain the correct information. If one forgets that is okay, all one has to do is ask questions. We will walk you through it again. We just hope we do not have to do that after the third time.

We also expect one to do as they say. To keep their word for this is the only way one can truly prove herself to us. This is a key point for entering into service and pretty much your whole life as well.

No medical problems should probably say any serious medical problems. Minor things like seasonal allergies can be worked with. Even some more serious ones such as being diabetic or hypoglycemic can be work around without too much effort. We need someone who is healthy enough to be able to keep up with us.

While saying should have a desire for long hard work will not attract slaves, we are being honest & up front. Unlike many of the posts, we have seen here & on many other sites, we do not sugar coat what we are looking for. Why should we waste time weeding out those who do not want to fully enter into service? We know that this is a less personable approach, but during time, it takes to find out if we can be a workable match, we will get to know to each other better. The majority of those that have contacted us seem to have no or very little work ethic. They have no idea what true manual labor is or what a long workday is like. This is another reason why there is a test period after an agreement has been made.

The Test period of three or seven months long. This gives all persons a true feel for each other. In other words, it is long enough that we put the masks away that most people hide behind. It also tests our tolerances of each other as well as how well the agreement works for everyone. This also allows us to make changes to the service agreement should it be found necessary. If at the end of that time we do not live well together, both parties go their own way. Would you want to go into service with someone you meet on line only to find out that they are a very different person when face-to-face?

We have found that many slaves on line have the courage to type many things and tend to lack the courtesy of being polite until they know more. Being on the internet gives a false veil of invulnerability because they cannot be directly dealt with. This false sense of personage is common and we try to look through it. In person, it is much harder to have the same “set of balls/courage”.

Now for a little lessen of old. BDFSM a natural progression of the life and mind set. B for bondage - what most start with playfully experimenting. D is for the discipline to do or not to do. Having the control to do as told even if you do not want to do it. Most people today separate out the F. Through the first two, you come up with a preference or a want or need. This is commonly known as a FETISH. S and M - sadism and masochism two sides of the coin one who wants and one who needs. Through the first three, they find how to achieve what they need within this last part of the journey as well.

It is hard for us to take someone seriously when they write, “i want to be your slave. i have no limits.” These people have no idea what we consider a slave to be. They could very well be shocked to find out the tasks we would insist on them performing. It makes us wonder if they even took the time to understand what they read in our offer - we are looking for an off line relationship. When we go to look at their profile, before we reply to them, there is very little information about them there. Half of the time they do not even bother to list what their limits are, what type of preference/fetish they enjoy or how long they have been in the life style. We explain to them in our response that within service to us sex or physical pleasure is something earned not freely given, they run away.

Please take the time to write a good introduction/response about yourself. Include your limits, likes, level of experience. Send your apply/introduction letter to [email protected] if you do not post it here. Alternatively, if you dare IM travelingraggyman on yahoo. You will reach one of us. You must be able to write/talk to either of us equally. You will be required to call us before the second stage of selection. If the internet is unavailable for us, answers will be sent via USPS mail service.

We took the time to think & write so much down before we even started the process of looking for a slave. This is only the first step, there are at least three other steps before we you can be selected as the one or two. We have documents that explain things out in greater detail as well as a whole data file of different types of agreements/ideas to use for reference. For us this was not just a “hey we want a slave” deal. We took a lot of time preparing things for when we do find perspective slaves to have things ready to continue. If you would like to see any of these documents let us know, we will be happy to send them to you so you can see we are not just blowing smoke.

We do not give out all the details of our personal life over the web. We are sure that you do not as well. This is why it is so important to communicate back & forth. This is when one gets into the details & find out if it will work for all of us. We do not want someone who is willing to jump off the cliff without looking first. This causes too many problems in the long run. It is very important to write or call to find out about each other as well as the service that is requested. This makes for a much nicer experience in the end because all parties will know what is expected of them.
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:57 PM   #2
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Default Part one but you will have to find part two

We have had some fun while on here on getdare. We've gathered some interesting ideas as well. Sometimes we worry about people’s general concern for safety when we look at the dares or the punishments. The idea is to have fun, maybe a little pain - but nothing that will cause long-term damage. Physical or mental, then again each person is different. Nevertheless, the key point for the majority here is to all play just a game. Not a lifestyle to live and be within.
We wish that over all, people on getdare were more mature in their words and ideas. It seems that Traveler is one of the oldest members on this site. Isabell is several years younger than he is and yet she too seems to be one of the older members here. We do not know why so many people are hiding what age they are. It is just a number and really should not affect how you play. It may affect some of why you play, but the effect it has should be for a good reason(s). (Not wanting to go to jail, or be influenced as well. Sorry to all of those under 18 this is our cut off age. Give it a few years then we will talk, and perhaps all will grow and learn at the same time.)
We try to live a type of BDFSM lifestyle at all times. Doing this in the public eye can be tricky to say the least. It also means that we cannot be as visually demanding, during our public hours. As some Owners who worked only behind closed doors. There really are no hard tasks to do for us. Until the tent is closed then we will deal with one in service, as we need to. Our disciplines are enforced mentally and well as by deed. We only ask that you do the best that you can. If you cannot do the task, be honest, truthful, and respectfully tell us. There are very few things that we will ask you to do that we are not willing to do ourselves. It seems that those who have read our offer do not understand. This will also be a lesson on how to balance your “play life” with your “real life.” So many out there are afraid of how they will be treated if others found out about them being in the lifestyle. Yet the modern balancing of social vs. doing is still being done. If this is what you like, then you need to comfortable enough with it in your own skin to not worry about what others think. Will the BDFSM crowd be the next group to come out of the closet? Not until we are willing to teach other that, there is nothing to be afraid of. Humans have and most likely will always fear what they do not know. Then try to destroy that they fear. We try to educate public and show in a knowable way what and is the doings of our BDFSM life. Not the movie and internet social ideas of what can commonly be viewed or read. This does amount to a large kick in the pants to public image of us as well.
We have been bad by not making more posts to our ads here on getdare. We do have plans to add more. Traveler and Isabell just have to agree on the information that will be allowed to be used. (He is a very private person unless you directly ask him. Even then, he can worm his way out of answering. He’s without a social filter, his words though honest can be quite blunt and tragic to those who ask as well. Isabell often acts as his filter.)
Yes, Isabell is 13 years younger than Traveler is. Sometimes this really bugs people. It is just another case of how age is not the only factor of what makes things work well. Do not get us wrong we are just like any other couple other than we sometimes have to explain the phrase “companions” we use to public minds.
We do wish for a successful search, saying hunting puts it in the text for us. While this may not be the best place to look, it is a place to try to get the younger group to understand some of the older ideals. The older ideals are not taught and will soon fade away to nothing if no one tries to pass them on. This means the modern social stereotypes will be the only way known, that in itself is scary as well.
We are glad that some of you have been enjoying the posts here as well as in other places that the two of us have made. We read each other’s words and help to create the best use of them. In addition, Isabell has tried to put his in a sense that those today can understand and will accept. He really does not candy coat what he says, types or does for the most part. This is good, for all know where they stand with him. But bad because of the polite correctness and non-confrontational ways of dealing with things today.
This is an interesting starting point for someone to enter into the BDFSM lifestyle. If nothing else, they can look and see what suits their fancy. They can try things by themselves and see what makes them want more. They can move to several different levels here. We are just not sure how well they will handle in person encounters, if they move that far along. For any who are curious and willing to meet in person. We can always work something out. It may just be one session with much talking before and then more talking after. That is how many start. There is usually a BDFSM group close to you that meets in person for sessions or just to get to know one another. These are another good place to start in person, because you do not have to be involved if you do not want to be. You can just go, watch, and often ask questions. Many of the people there will be willing to help you learn. Though closed to general public they do invite others to introduce themselves as well.
As for the matter of what title do you call some one who is a “top/dom” that is simply a matter of asking them how do they prefer to called. They may say to just use their first name. It is different for every person. Usually until one is in service all are treated the same until agreed upon differently.
We are hoping that there is not too much time passing before a suitable person is found. We are not sure how long we are willing to put forth the correct amount of energy forth to find the right person. At times, it is very taxing and frustrating to say the least. This site has pushed some of those tolerances. Then again, along the way you get to meet new people who become friends. There are some here that we hope to become friends with. 
The process of screening is very personal and we do not feel like doing so in the public view is a wise idea. Already we have several people who have declined the offer, but they are going through the process (halfheartedly). We are even doing a test run of the process as if they were actually considering the offer. Most do not even care enough to try to find things out and comprehend the words written to them.
We always welcome questions. They help us to understand the crowd we are dealing with. They give us a change of pace making us think about the offer and how to answer in a fashion that you will understand. It’s good to have to think and exercise our brains. That is why we offer to process as if entering into service even though we know they are not going to. To have them find things out about themselves as well as us. To be able to find things out within the crowd age and mind set they come from.
We have been trying to take the first step as well. By the first step, we mean that we contact “slaves” whose profiles, ad, or posts indicate that they are interested in having an owner of some fashion. It is hard here on getdare to go by profile alone so many choose to hide their age or even take the time to fully fill their profile out. There is a reason why we start at the age 18. The biggest reason is that is when it is legal for them to cross state lines on their own with out paper work from their legal guardian. The mindset is sometimes better than the high school games we usually find being played.
We have no idea what peoples’ level of commitment is on getdare. Yes, it takes a good deal of commitment from both the slave and the Master/Mistress. As well as a good deal of communication. Communication is a two way road – it works both ways. There are a few here on getdare that know what they are doing and writing about. They seem to be in the minor range compared with everyone else we have seen so far.
Going to munches or open group play dates means knowing where one is close to where we are currently located as well as having the time and babysitter to do so. Having all three at the same time is rare right now. Please keep in mind that we are on the move to a different place about every other week. This makes knowing and being there at the right time of the month harder. When we have the internet, we take full advantage of it. Most just take having it as common everyday thing. They do not understand that we work on a time schedule trying to get things done before we have to up and move again. There is no guarantee that there will be service where we are going.
The only other thing that we can think of doing other than posting everywhere is to get involved with the community on each site so they can get to know us as people. They can get an idea as to what type of people we are and see if their interest is peaked over time. This can be hard for Traveler; he is not really a social person. In addition, his words at times are harsher than what most are ready for. Nevertheless, he tries just for me at times.  We’re really thinking about starting a thread titled BDFSM 101. It would be for anyone on any level to ask questions or share experiences to help others understand what “normal” behavior is and what is considered rude. In reading the forums, we see that even the simplest ideas are kicked off tract at times. We are worried about the momentum being lost that way.

This post is continued within the forum post found here: 42/M/US/Master seeks F/Slave (serious replies only) http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=5758
What makes me squirm? Wouldn't you like to know.
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Old 01-12-2008, 03:06 PM   #3
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To any of you who actually tried to reach us at our 800 number please accept our deepest apologies. The towers that were providing service to that number were taken down this week. The number did not work for several days.

The 800 number is back up and running now. So feel free to call it any time and leave us a message. We look forward to hearing from you.

On a different note, I'm sad to see that I am the only person to post to this. I guess the idea of an off line relationship is too much for most of the people here to handle. Still I will keep the Offer here in hopes that someone would like to take us up on it. Please feel free to write questions here or in a pm to me. In two weeks the best way to get a hold of me will be to leave a message at 800-516-0497.
What makes me squirm? Wouldn't you like to know.
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Old 02-11-2008, 12:32 PM   #4
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Default Update - Taking Males as well

For those of you who come here I am still looking a full time slave. The only major change is the fact that now I am accepting males as well as females. I didn't want to start another thread since everything that I am looking for in a female is the same for a male. I didn't see the point in redoing everything. So, gentlemen send me pms or you can send me a e-mail at [email protected].
What makes me squirm? Wouldn't you like to know.
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