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Old 04-22-2021, 05:25 AM   #1
getDare Succubus
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Default Dungeons and Dragons: Kink edition

Today I wanted to share with you a sample of a real game being played at this time...
It is an interactive online roleplay based rather loosely on the Dungeons and Dragons game of which you may be familiar, there are currently 4 of us playing including myself (The Dungeon Master), I would say overall I like to keep the mechanics basic but detailed enough to have some real substance to them.
We roll dice to determine the outcomes of various situations...and we have real life forfeits for those who fail...mwahaha

What I will share with you today is but a sample of the fun we have had so far...and we are open to the idea of new players coming into the game, though to keep the balance we have a preference right now for a new female player, if you are interested you can drop me a message...
But be someone with a passion for this who can post several times a week ideally, who will be willing to perform forfeits as a consequence...all limits will be fully respected and no comfort zones will be tested!

But let us begin:

A new day dawns in the land of Eternia, this land is a vast one, covered in green hills, large rocky snow peaked mountains and dotted with deep lakes and fast flowing rivers.

The time of the year is a glorious spring, beautiful flowers are budding over the hill sides, animals are emerging from their winter break...life is returning to this fair land, the forests are active with all the mating Rabbits, Deer and Boars...and the irritating bugs that permeate the air, this truly is an idyllic setting and the many races that thrive over this land are happy and joyful

In terms of races...well they don't always get along, but there is an established peace between nations!

You have the grand cities of the humans, smoking away from the furnaces of the great factories, the grand farmsteads dotted between them, the rich nobles in their fancy castles and the common folk in their modest homes...or huts away from the thriving metropolis's, with great cities such as Kalangrad, Stormhaven and Richisborough...each has their specific King or Queen in charge and all cooperate nicely together

You have the elves, they keep to their homes in the forests primarily, living a hunters life as well as gathering the abundant produce that nature's bounty provides, they have their hidden citadel of Illandria where their grand Queen rules with a fair hand, they tend to keep to themselves as a race but can be known to trade with Humans from time to time...

The Dwarves, they keep to the mountains, always mining away...they have their hordes of precious metals, Gold...Silver...but also they find plenty of Iron Ore, Copper and whatever other wonderful minerals and metals they find with their grand digging into the earth, they have their underground cities of Halfberg, Strongheim and Kolosberg. They are master craftsmen who sell their wares primarily to the Humans...rarely do they engage with the Elves...their longstanding grievances keep the two races apart...but at least there is no violence between them now...

You also have some tribes of Halflings, they are a simple but proud folk, living in their villages in the valleys, they often enjoy a good frolic in nature...can be quite promiscuous and are often found quite inebriated...They rely a lot on the Dwarves for weapons, but they make some wonderful clothing, they often trade with the Elves for good meat and produce.

There are other races...but these are the main ones who populate the lands...it is better not to speak of the darker forces hidden away...

This story begins in the Village of Scroll, located in the south of the land where the weather is warmer, it is quite a small village, with some 100 occupants, mainly living in huts with a few wooden buildings, a Town Hall, a Pub, a General Store...there is the armourer who makes some basic weapons and armour, a herbalist/village physician who tends to the sick...the village is a happy but hard working place, the farmers work long hours in the fields, the hunters ever trying to catch Deer and Rabbits in the forest nearby.

The village is close to the Human city of Stormhaven, it is said Elves live in the Forest but are rarely seen, not too far away is the Mountain of Sarnak...said to be a dangerous place even the Dwarves haven't yet tried to make their home...

The Game:

Welcome weary traveller, I hope you enjoyed the little introduction to the peaceful land of Eternia...somehow...I don't think it will stay peaceful for long, so be warned before you decide to join our epic adventure

In order to join this tale, you will need to:

Create a character: Kinky D and D character creation thread
Write an intro as to why your character has entered the village of Scroll and what they choose to do there, you must end up at the Tavern (this will be your first post onto this page)

How the game works:

Each leg of the story I will write out the setting, at the end of each portion there will be a challenge to overcome or a decision to be made (You may confer in private for group decisions in the chat)
Each challenge you face, you will need to tell me what your character does to overcome it and Roll a Die/Dice (I will specify which Dice you need to roll)
Based on the character you create there may be bonuses added to Dice rolls depending on the actions you take...so I do recommend staying in character when making your choices
If you fail a challenge, you will be given a punishment
However you may also find magical items along your path...I advise you to search each location carefully for such hidden things...

Punishments will be based on the challenge you take on, for example if you fail in combat and take damage...you could lose clothing, you could be spanked...perhaps you are crossing a narrow log over a lake of slime...if you fall in prepare to get messy...
Punishments are expected to be completed between turns of the game, all punishments not completed will result in a reduction of stats to your character, so if you haven't taken your spanks you may be in pain and cannot fight as well, if you haven't gotten messy you may well be slowed down
Punishments must be reported in the thread, I would suggest having a note at the end of each text you write to report what you have done and how it went.
You may produce pictures to demonstrate you have completed a punishment but this is optional, pictures will give guys a +1 to their next roll, +2 for girls (pictures are to be shared in a private chat room only)

It is possible some of your clothing or armour may be damaged during the story, it may be replaced with certain healing points dotted throughout the adventure
When your clothing is damaged, you will be expected to write your portion of the story without it, so if you lose your top...you will be writing while topless for example

At the start of the game you will have 30 Gold coins
You can earn money by finding it in the field, or by completing certain tasks along the way
Money can be used to restore clothing/armour, to buy new clothing/armour/weapons, to buy accessories...or perhaps to bypass certain punishments

each character will have a certain number of health points based on their character
If your health drops to zero you will face a nasty punishment from the grim Reaper who expects payment for your soul to be returned
Health can be replenished with food, magic...or at various pools of life dotted throughout the land (be careful, pools may carry a penalty to be used)

Each character can carry a certain amount of items
How much a character can carry will depend on their character, the stats of importance they choose and any items such as backpacks they may purchase/find
Weapons and armour/Clothing will not take up inventory space

This game will move on as quickly as the players post within it, so if everyone posts I will write the next segment
Sometimes people may not be able to post quickly, if 2 thirds of players have posted and say 2 days have gone by, I may continue the story without them for that segment.
New Players can enter at any time...just notify me if you are entering the game and I will write a mechanic to explain how you got there (Feel free to suggest yourself), you may post after I have introduced your entrance...then you will be expected to write an intro as above

Keeping Track:
All of the above will be kept track of in this sheet:

All the complex leg work will be handled by your trustworthy Dungeon Master :02:
You just need to Post, play, roll and take your punishments!

I wish you all a fun adventure!
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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Old 04-22-2021, 05:25 AM   #2
getDare Succubus
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After leaving the elf village and with no where else to go I head off in search of adventure. Not long after leaving I stumble across a human village and venture inside.
Upon entering I feel the eyes of the humans as I pass by. Their stares following me, tracing my body up and down as I walk along the streets. Walking through I first decide to check out the stores that are around. My first stop is the herbalist. Stepping in I see a vast array or items and tools around but not knowing what I might need I decide to move onto the next store. Still walking down the street more eyes are watching me which probably isn’t unusual as not many elves leave the forests let alone a girl but even still I can feel my cheeks going red from all the attention.
The next shop I pass is the general store where I check out all the wars they have to offer. I spend quite a while looking around perusing what they have to offer but decide it’s probably best to wait until I leave the town before making any decisions just yet.
As I continue to walk the streets trying to get used to the outside world I bump into an old man at which point a feel something brush against my butt which causes a squeal to pop out. My hands against my mouth and my face bright red I speed down the path noticing and making my way past the town hall before stopping at the armorers shop. Noticing the sign I decide to pop my head in and see what he has not really expecting much from a small town blacksmith but as I enter a small price of armour catches my eye and I decide to take a closer look. Upon closer examination it is a piece of light female armour but the design leaves little to the imagination and is quite revealing. I think to myself “this is quite a sexy piece of armour though I doubt it protects much but it could be hot to wear and could lead to some interesting fun while fuelling my imagination”. Snapping back away from the armour I notice the shopkeep watching from across the room. Embarrassed I drop the armour and bolt out the door where I see the sign for the tavern.
Looking into my money pouch and seeing the small pittance I have left I decide it would be worth taking a look inside to find some work as an adventurer or at the very least if there isn’t any work I could just become a barmaid i think as I giggle a bit.
I slowly push open the door to the tavern and sheepishly take a seat near the back out of the way. I scan the room checking out who’s around and what is taking place watching as people drink and chat building up the nerve to find out more information. After a while I decide to approach the barkeep and nervously say “hello I’m new to town and I’m looking for work and I was wondering if you knew of anything that might be good for a new adventurer” as I finish I look down and await his response
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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Old 04-22-2021, 05:27 AM   #3
getDare Succubus
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"Ok, don't screw this one up - You need to get a couple of days of rest" - I mumble to myself as I walk over the hill and see the town of, hmm, Scrill? Scrall? Swill? If I can't remember simple things, I am soo doomed. OK. Let's get our public costume on. Damned boots? Yep. It's only a 1/4 mile, we can hobble in on those. Clothing in proper order? Looking sharp, but restrained? Check! No jewley, out, coins tucked into the loincloth, lets pay attention this time.

As walk into the town, the name hits me! "SCROLL - I MADE IT TO SCROLL" I say out loud - maybe just a bit two loud as the a kinda scruffy sketchy old timer looks over at me like I a bit daft. Oh, wait - I was one of the scruffy sketchy old-timers - He's just looking out for what is out of place, what might disrupt this sleepy little town. Ambling down the street, whistling (in key, no less) an old favorite bar song (it always pays to identify what you are in places like this - I bet all 100, 120 people that live here know there is a stranger in town, what I am wearing, what I might be carrying, and an assessment of how dangerous I might be). A couple of the local business are open - I amble into the general store. Strike up a quick conversation with the shop owner (Really? Who names there kid "Farfad" ) I pass along the "general" news: The roads are passable, the weather was good in the next town over, beer is still tasty, and yes, I do sing and tell stories. "Of course I'd be happy to chat, but first I need to get a meal in my belly and a drink in my cup - it was a long walk from " ..... (oh crap - I forgot the name of the village I just left!!!) .... "from the south" I quickly add. The storekeeper promptly provides a name of a nearby village that sounds familiar - that must be it. A little bragging on his part, a little flattery from me, and pretty soon he has shared a little bit of bread, a bite of cheese, and a glass of what he calls his "mid-day wine" - mostly water, but it knocks the dust off. And with a simple meal freely offered and received, I know that I have the limited hospitality protection from the town.

We chat for a another half hour, and I learn the names of the many of the prominent "village folks", where to sleep, where to eat (concidentally, they are the same place, as the village only has one tavern) and some of the local rumors. I learn that I should probably keep my hands to my self with the older, more flamboyant tavern wench - she may talk a good tease, and yes, her blouse does fall open alot, but she is sweet on the local blacksmith apprentice, and HE has a temper and jealous streak a mile wide. The other girls are good for a "pinch and a poke" (his words, not mine) which makes me smile. I wonder if they are up for more than that... some time held still, tied tight, feeling the little crisp smack of ...... ARGH - I have to stop - not in this town - too small, and you need some rest. As that little fantasy started spinning out in my head, I lost track of the conversation, and what? what was that.

Huh. I am not the only stranger in town today. This tiny little slip of a girl - noo, wait, this little slip of beauty is an elf girlm who has wandered in the store. I check her out as she walks the aisle - there is something about her. It hits me like a little electric shot. Its not just the way she is dressed, the way those delicate hips sway back and forth, the gap of skin between socks and shorts, the tight green top, and the long golden hair that catches the sunlight. She isn't so much as walking around the store and she seams to be somewhere between floating and dancing. It's the inherent grace of the elves, coupled with her innocent beauty. It's more than that - there is something about her that resonates with my control side. This is probably going to get complicated. She looks like a deer that has walked into the middle of a wolf pack, but those weapons she carries does indicate she must have some teeth! The conversations all halted, as we all watch her, until she drifts back out of the store, and time starts back up again. Well, I guess at least the conversations do.

After some more conversation with my new friend the storekeeper, (much of which was a pretty explicit description of what he would like to do with that pretty little point-ear (his words) if he was only twenty years younger and had the stamina of an ox. I do have to admit, what he lacked in vocabulary, he did make up in imagination) I said by good-bye and meandered on down the street. Herbalist next!

The herbalist was a bit distracted - but I did confirm that they had some willow bark tea available in case (when) I drink to much. Why oh why can I not figure out what a willow tree looks like! I bet I used to be able to make willow bark tea. It just a simple headache cure! The price was a bit steep, so I declined to buy anything right now - I bet I could talk her into letting me "sample" later for the promise of mentioning how well it works once I start the singing for my supper at the tavern.

Walking further down the street, I happen to see the oh so enchanting elf girl rush out of the blacksmith shop - her cheeks burning red in embarrassment. (Wow, with her pale skin that pink blush really looks amazing... I wonder if all of her skin turns soo pink?) FOCUS! Must stay focussed. Here to rest, relax - not start chasing some elfin dream around town! Wondering what embarrassed her, I do step into the blacksmith shop - just in time to see one of the apprentices picking up what is obviously armor designed for the female curves. Granted - from a practical sense this provides almost no protection and would guarantee that she would be the focus of EVERYONE on the battlefield. The bottom are no better than a chasity belt minus the lock. And the top - I suspect after wearing that for more than a day her nipples would be so sensitive from rubbing against the metal interior. Coupled with how quickly that would transmit heat and cold? Wearing that outside on a chilly morning would be the equivalent of pressing ice against those little peaks. Maybe it is magical? Hmmm.... well, thinking about her in that armor is definately having a profound effect on me! Gonna need to make some room in the loincloth soon! Dangit! Focus! Let's go get the meal ticket resolved.... then you can daydream about teasing and pleasing this elven dream girl.

Checking out the tavern from the outside, I note - the street is relatively clean (no dead rats, no vomit, no blood stains - signs that the beer is OK and the "fights" stay friendly). Second door on the back side (escape route, and plenty of room to run). No red flags so far!

Stepping into the room, I walk in just as I hear the sweetest, shyest, voice say those thrice cursed words: "new adventurer". Yep - she is an adventurer, a heart stopping, monster killing maven, "extra curves in the right places", walking distraction of doom, sweetness and light and danger, and all I can think is... "Well, I think I will pull up a stool, order a beer, and wait for the inevitable bar fight". Because she is going to look sooooo amazing covered in todays meal (I think it is split pea soup). And until this get resolved, no one is going to want to listen to me sing!
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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Old 04-22-2021, 05:28 AM   #4
getDare Succubus
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A cool wind blows as a man coming over the hill sees a small village in the distance, weary the path he has taken thus far. He looks to the east knowing that he at least made the wise decision sticking to roads instead of braving the forests. He wipes dust from his eyes and decides to continue to the village without resting. He wraps himself in his cloak and walks forward. His stomach growling and throat parched, he prays that Scroll is the village that he is headed. The last village supplies were low and he bought what little food they would sale. That food and drink are long since gone. Down to 30 gold, he needs to get to Scroll to both earn some gold but more importantly be able to eat and drink in the comfort of a tavern.
After what feels like an eternity, he finally passes the gates into town. He passes armorers and blacksmiths in the main road glancing at their wares making mental notes of what he might need down the road. He approaches the tavern and steps in, he approaches the bartender and places a gold coin on the counter. "Get me whatever ale this can afford," he states, "and some chicken and bread while you're at it," as he places a second gold coin down. He glances around the room and finds a table in the corner. He goes and sits at the table moving his chair to the corner to better watch the tavern-goers. He sits back and rests his head against the wall closing his eyes but remaining alert. He listens for anyone approaching. "A long trip deserves a good meal, the day is young there is a lot I can do around town," he thinks as he realizes he dozed off and the food and ale are cold on his table. He looks outside and see the sun setting. "Maybe not. Good thing there is always tomorrow," as he begins to eat.
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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Old 04-22-2021, 05:30 AM   #5
getDare Succubus
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Alas...the first three heroes of destiny have arrived in the fair village of Scroll...
We have the fair Elf Ranger...very agile, pretty...actually damn right sexy...and bendy?...we shall see,
We have our seasoned Halfling Bard, sturdy...likely intoxicated...but I'm sure his musical ability makes up for his small stature...
Finally we have our shadowy Human Rogue...perhaps a miscreant? Perhaps a great mystery never to be solved...but one with an amusing name nonetheless!

Fate often works in crazy, sometimes unfathomable ways and this tale will be no exception to this rule...the local village drunks who are often frequenting this tavern, normally lost in gaze to the comely serving Wench Hilda's rather bountiful bosom are now distracted with the new Elven beauty who has elected to lean up against the bar...her booty shorts demonstrating a new kind of curve for them to stare at...but sadly also one easier to grab with their sticky paws...the halfling bard gets a few snickers from the patrons, especially as he has some trouble getting on to one of the chairs, designed more for the taller Human form, while the wily Rogue goes almost unnoticed...they don't really care for beggars or vagabonds here, but he is keeping to himself...so no bother to them...

It doesn't take long for one particularly stout and bloated oaf, known locally as Lars the drunken to approach Chloe from behind...and as most oafs do...gives her curvy behind a strong and less than subtle squeeze!

She yelps but reacts quickly, turning on this lumbering fellow and slaps him across the face...naturally this has little effect on such a figure who barely flinches at the touch, instead electing to glower with a burning fury at the insolent elfling...Chloe instinctively starts to reach for a hidden dagger, but before she can start to carve out the man's appendix, pattering footsteps fall behind him and a Metal Tankard is smashed against his back!

Lars turns in some surprise, but see's no one until he lowers his gaze to spot the impudent halfling some three feet shorter than himself, he doesn't hesitate but to pick up the small rascal by his arms and starts to shake him vigorously in a rage!

Our Rogue is awakened from his slumber...hears the fracas going on downstairs, quickly scrambling to get dressed he spies the halfling being held up by a rather large oaf...in a rare act of heroics he shoots off a dagger which narrowly misses the oafs face, leaving him wide eyed and further infuriated!

Naturally...Lars is not alone, his 3 equally large and bloated companions quickly stand to their feet and approach menacingly!

The door to the tavern swings open and the local Mayor, as well as three sturdy constables burst in! The three ogres in Human form back down, not wanting to get yet another night in the cells which they so often frequent...

"Lars! Drop the halfling and young Miss...please retract your Dagger from this man's neck!" The mayor uttered in a rather strong but professional sounding voice, the man wearing a Red Tunic...emblazoned in a few metal badges, with a Dark but rather large hat, Smart Black Trousers and rather shiny leather Boots stares condescendingly at the fracas...He twirls a rather pointy Moustache...
Everyone complies instantly, it's always hard to disagree with such authority...especially when accompanied by three dark Blue uniformed guards brandishing some rather long and pointy swords.

"Please you three step outside for a moment, I wish to have a talk with you" The Mayor turns about and exits the tavern, his constables follow behind in neat formation...

Our heroes take a moment to look at each other, oh how fate can bring people together! Picking up their things, they sharply make an exit, Lars and his cohort eye them menacingly as they leave the establishment, after a few moments they are standing outside the Tavern, the sky bright in the midday sun, before them the Mayor stand with his constables arranged in a triangular formation to his back and sides, swords now back in their scabbards...

"Well...let me see what we have here, three newcomers to our fair village, an Elf, a Halfling and well...some Rogue by the looks of things..." He eyes them up with a rather inquisitive but disapproving gaze, "In this town we do not tolerate disorder, now I know how these things often start...Miss, perhaps you should wear a cloak wearing an outfit like that here! Unfortunately...we don't always have the strongest minded people frequenting the tavern...I do not know why you are here in Scroll...nor do I care particularly, but while you are here and plan on staying you are expected to work!" He hands out a small role of Parchment to Chloe, "Here is a list of jobs currently available in town, I suggest you have a good read and do your part...if I catch any of you three causing any more trouble...I am going to personally enjoy seeing you rot in the county Jail...the rats could use something new to nibble on..." He takes a look at the Rogue..."God fellow! Look at the state of you...I suggest you invest in a new wardrobe if you wish to settle in here!" He hands him another parchment..."This is a list of shops you can find in the town, I suggest you look at our Tailors in particular...and do please find somewhere to sleep each night you are here, I suggest the local Tavern, they offer rooms at 10 coins a person"

The Mayor turns and walks back to the town hall, his constables forming an orderly line behind them...

Now that the adventure has taken a turn...let us look at the job mechanic:

In Scroll you will start by doing some work to earn some gold for your party, there is no limit to the number of gold coins you accumulate, but there is a limit to the number of items you can carry at one time.
I advise you to study the spreadsheet to see your carry weights and any shopping you do to leave just a little room for treasure you may find during the way!

The list of Jobs available are as follows:

Assistant Baker:
- Here you will be working in the bakery, Scroll is famous throughout the land for it's pies and desserts, you will assist the Baker in preparing these delicacies...but be warned, cooking is often a dirty job...you may end up a little messy as a result.
Helping in the bakery rewards 20 Gold coins

Blacksmith Apprentice:
- Here you will aid the local Blacksmith in forging some weapons and armour which will be sold in the local shop...please note...the Blacksmith can be rather, well...hands on, sometimes things can get a little physical and sometimes he may enjoy shackling his apprentices in place to stop them from running off...so there is a chance you may face some pain and bondage as consequence of this job!
Helping in the Blacksmith rewards 20 Gold coins

- The Tavern is always looking to serve a nice fish dinner and they want people to venture out to a local river and catch some trout for their purposes...we assume those purposes are cooking related...but other rumours do have a habit of circulating...be warned though, for the flow of the river is fast and the currents treacherous, many a fisherman has fallen to their rather cold and wet surprise, you may find yourself getting wet...or certainly icy as a consequence of this task...
Payment for this job is 20 Gold Coins

Tailors assistant:
- Even in a small town you need to sew a lot of clothes, fix some holes in...knees of trousers, or patch up a rather nasty sword wound, here you will assist the tailor in these tasks, but be warned...the tailor's sight is not what it once was, he may do something to your clothing...naturally he will fix it free of charge, but you may face a day without something...or your clothing may get caught up in something...consequences of this task may mean missing clothing...or even Wedgies!
Your reward for helping will be 20 Gold Coins

Town Hall Duties:
- The bureaucratic wheel never stops turning, even in a small village such as Scroll, the city needs to keep it's records in order, alas this is a boring job...but an easy one, however you may find yourself with some dull tasks to complete, including Line Writing, standing in a corner or a little Bodywriting.
Your ample reward for this task...20 Gold Coins!

- Okay, I bet you didn't know this, but prostitution is quite legal in Scroll, however the local wenches...well they are a little worn out from their work and new additions to the Harem are greatly received, no matter what form they take...for sure there are all sorts of people with all sorts of needs in the village, as well as the frequent travellers looking for a quick fix...be warned...you will most likely need to perform some rather sexual duties here...
Reward for this...hmmhmm...job is 30 Gold Coins...

The Theatre!
- So while most dismiss Scroll as a backwater stink hole...it does have some funding for culture, the local theatre group is trying to educate the local populace through plays and songs! However in order to get the attention of the locals...well their performances can be rather crude in nature...if you choose this activity...well you can expect to feel rather exposed by the end of it...
Rewards for showing off are 30 Gold Coins!...if you dare (not for the shy of heart...or body for that matter!)

- As much as the locals like a good Fish pie...they do like to play with their meat as well, there be Boar in the local forests, as well as Deer and Rabbits and someone needs to catch them! However this is energetic work...so expect to face some exercise if you take this job on!
Reward is 20 Gold coins

Potion testing...
- Last but not least, the local herbalist...well he does like to experiment, the problem is...nobody knows what may happen when he does! He needs people to test his potions and work out just how good they are...at whatever they are meant to do...the effect of working here is quite random...and so you will never know what to expect from this particular job...
Reward is 20 Gold Coins for your...bravery here...

Now heroes...you may work three Jobs a day (at most), for every Job you take you will need to role a Die, so three jobs...three Dice rolls, your roll will determine how well you do the job, but more importantly...whether any punishments come as a result of your day of work! (Please use the inbuilt forum dice and roll 3d6)


What do you do with Gold you ask?! Well for now...that would be shopping, use it to equip your characters clothing, to get some better weapons and armour...or buy some goodies from the general store, please look to your handy spreadsheet for the wares of each shop, the stock can change from day to day, so do keep looking before you purchase...and do watch that inventory limit!

There are rumours of a secret...black market store, I wonder if you will find it (I will tell you if you have, but you have to search closely through the town for it!)


So...do you want to be practical? Or do you want to be naughty to your fellow adventurers? The choice is yours (But do shop Wisely!), there are all sorts of different items up for grabs with all kinds of different effects, but note that most items have a set number of uses...so do be careful how you plan your adventure!

There you have it...I hope this brief guide will help you begin your journey...but don't worry, the story can change all too quickly...prepare yourself for many zany and wacky adventures to come...but please note...you will likely suffer along the way...mwahahahaha!
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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Old 04-25-2021, 08:22 AM   #6
getDare Succubus
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What? There are fellow performers here? Hmm... I think I shall of course go see those of my kindred guild. But first, I think the idea of napping along the bank of the river with an unbaited hook sounds like the proper way of spending the morning. Of course, I use to be great at putting worms on the hook in a way that no fish could resist. I was often referred to as the tribes Master Baiter!
But alas, that skill too has vanished like so many other aspects of my former life...

Having made my decision about how to spend the day, I turn to this impromptu group and introduce myself. Bowing deeply to them, then standing up as tall as I can, I state in a clear voice “I am so honored to meet the both of you! My name is Lupa lupu, which is short for a really long name that basically means Rabbit that laughs a lot. Have you all chosen tasks for the day also? I believe some fishing is in order first, then an afternoon working with my fellow thespians”.
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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Old 04-25-2021, 08:22 AM   #7
getDare Succubus
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I listened to the mayor explain how to make money. Then he had the audacity to comment on my clothes. "Who does he think he is? Try traveling for weeks with one set of clothes and see how ragged they get," I think to myself. I sneak a peak at the job list and see the three that should require the least amount of work. I decide to head to the theater to help out first. I was always told that I was charismatic plus the extra coin might come in handy. I also decided that next I would go to the brothel and offer my "services," followed by an easy task as a potion tester. "Nothing can wrong taking the easy way in life" as I have a slight chuckle to myself.
As I turn to head towards the theater, I tell the others that next time I might not decide to act so valiantly. Pulling up the cowl on my cloak, I head towards the theater. Approaching it, I realize how slow business is to and think that I made the perfect choice. The women are lazing in the entrance nearly begging to be used. The head mistress approaches me and asks what type of girl I want as she speedily begins listing off praises for each. "I'm not here to be a customer, I'm here to bring in the customers," I quip. The head mistress eyes me up and down the asks me to follow her into a room.
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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Old 04-25-2021, 08:23 AM   #8
getDare Succubus
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Thanking the mayor and apologising for the commotion caused in the tavern. Also I make not that I’ll keep into consideration about purchasing a cloak but at the same time brushing it off as these are my own traditional elven garments. I start by looking at the piece of parchment with the list of jobs that are available as well as the warnings from the mayor.
pressing over the list while keeping an eye on the other two adventurers that got caught up in the shenanigans a something catches my eye. “A brothel!” I think to myself “ that’s well that’s a rather unusual job for an adventurer to take up but I guess even adventurers have their needs to and wow that’s a lot of gold”
pondering for a moment while trying not to look like I’m taking an interest in such things I think “well maybe I could just take a look inside and see what goings on take place there.” then looking at the two besides me I think “right now might not be the best time to go. I’ll take a peek later on this evening when they won’t likely see me there and get the wrong idea.”

looking back at the list I notice that the blacksmith is looking for help as I think back to seeing that sexy piece of armour and thinking about how it was more straps than anything looking like clothes and that it would probably look more in place as a harness. At that moment an idea pops into my head. Maybe just maybe if I go to help him out I may be able to convince him to let me have it or at least at a reduced cost and then ...... I shake my head, my cheeks starting to go red again trying not to get lost in naughty thoughts.

snapping back to it I think that it would be good to have a little bit more money to so I look back at the list just looking at the reward for completing the job at which point I notice the ad for the theatre. “Wow that sounds great” I think to myself “ working at a theatre would be easy work not to mention the price for it to”

looking at the other two standing besides me I notice that they seem to have made up their minds as well for what work they will be doing and look close to heading off. Before they can leave I call out to them and now my head to them and face Lupa Lupa and say “ thank you for helping me out back there. If not for you I don’t know what would have happen” and facing Dixie “thank you to. You were a huge help””and to the both of you I hope we get to meet again soon and maybe we could enjoy a meal sometime together”
finishing my thanks to the two I quickly dart away jumping over the walls and running on Roof tops before jumping back down onto the streets making sure not to be noticed before walking out of an alleyway. Making my way down I keep looking over my shoulder making sure I’m not drawing to much attention before entering the blacksmiths shop to talk about the work.
40/m/UK/PL/switch - more dominant


I'm straight and will only take Dares from Girls, please bear this in mind when writing to me.

Please be genuine, be fun and have a good heart...with a sadistic streak hehe...6 inches

Curious about me or Poland? check out my Youtube!
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