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Old 07-05-2016, 02:30 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Mistress Pain's Corrections School (Level 8/10 Part 7) [Single] [R] 18+

Mistress Pain's Corrections School (Level 8/10 Part 7) [Single] [R] 18+

**Punishment Continued... for the NAUGHTY**

(This is a continuation of the punishments in part 6 for those with the NAUGHTY tag.)

(If you want to be getting the full benefit of this program, please enter one of My corrections schools as explained in Posting Part 1.)

(Grumbles) So... how is the punishment going so far my NAUGHTY little pet? Hmmmm... are we miserable yet? Well things are going to get much, much worse. You are going to learn the hard way that being on my NAUGHTY list is NOT where you want to be. These punishments are going to be very severe indeed! I need you doing these horrible punishments to help correct your behavior so the demerit penalty for failing ANY of these punishments is DOUBLED! So, for example, trying VERY hard but failing gets you +6 instead of +3 demerits. Not trying gets you +14 instead of +7. So you see my obstinate student, you have very little choice if you ever hope to graduate. (Stands over you with crossed arms.)

Let's get you in the proper submissive and reflective mood first. You are to go to posting part 1 for the level 8 school and post a reply that states that you are about to receive the NAUGHTY punishments. State that you Know these punishments are going to be VERY SEVERE, but that you are GRATEFUL that Mistress Pain is correcting your ridiculous behavior. You will post the name of your corrections school(s) and ALL of the violations in this week's journal that got you demerits. This counts as a punishment, so you get -1 demerit for completion or the doubled demerit penalty if not as explained above. Once finished, read on and we'll get your final punishments started.


Chastity ONLY:

Add 1 extra zipper to whatever you roll. Nothing like a sore penis to help with your chastity!

Have you ever received a zipper? Such a fun (and PAINFUL) way to pull off clothes pins! Get a long (about 4 feet) sturdy string or strong fishing line, 5 clothes pins, a heavy ceramic coffee mug or similar object and a pillow. Wash your cock and balls with warm soap and water before we get started as this may leave you with minor abrasions. (Why are you looking nervous?) Tie one end of the string to the first clothes pin. The string should go through the spring part and be tied in place. Add the remaining clothes pins to the string in like fashion so that there are 2 to 3 inches between each clothes pin. Yes, you should MEASURE! Now tie the coffee mug via the handle so that there is a span of 2 feet between the mug and the fifth pin. (It should be about 3 feet from the first pin.) Roll 1D6 to see how many zippers you are going to get.

1 or 2:

Not your lucky day... you get 5 zippers! (Ouchy hehehe)


Unfortunately, you only get 2 zippers. Mistress was hoping for more.

4 to 6:

You are getting the standard 3 zippers.

Zipper time...

Time to put the clothes pins on. You can hold the coffee cup. Place the first two pins on your ball sack (one below each testicle). The third goes on the base of the underside of your little cock, the fourth in the center of the shaft, and the fifth goes right on the underside of the head. How does that feel? Mistress loves the way those look on your pathetic privates! Place the pillow on the floor in front of your chair. (The pillow is going to catch the falling coffee cup.) Set the timer for 1D6 minutes and stand on the chair holding the coffee mug 18 inches above your cock and about 6 inches away from your body (so that the mug won't hit the chair when dropped). Watch that timer with DREAD and at the moment it hits 0 you will drop that mug and feel that exquisite pain as those pins are torn off of those sensitive bits! (Claps) Repeat this process as many times as you rolled for and then read on once complete. (Smiles)

**Anal Brushing**

Moving on...

Awwwww did that hurt your little friend? Good! Now let's torture your asshole some more! (What? It's already so sore you say? Hahaha and you think I fucking give a shit??? God I love hearing you grovel at my feet... not that it will get you ANY mercy.) Get your toothbrush (the one that you use every day). If you happen to have an electric toothbrush, you'll be turning it on during this punishment just to make it even more interesting. First, we'll be rolling to see what to put on the toothbrush. Roll 1D6.

1 or 2:

Toothpaste! I hope it is extra minty! Nothing like a minty fresh asshole, right?

3 or 4:

Cover the toothbrush with the juice of a fresh squeezed lemon mixed with one teaspoon of salt.

5 or 6:

Oh you'll be feeling this... pure hot sauce for you (the EXTRA HOT variety! Yay!!!)

Time for your brushing...

Mark a line one inch from the head of the brush and another line three inches below that. A "stroke" will be moving from the first line down to the second line and then back to the first. These are going to be VERY fast and painful strokes. Set the metronome to 208 bpm! You will do a FULL stroke (that is in AND out) with each beat. Roll 2D6 and add 1 for your punishment minutes. Set the timer and get started. (Mistress can't wait to hear you scream as that brush tenderizes that poor little asshole!)

Etiquette ONLY:

Mistress doesn't think you've been brushing your teeth enough. I'm going to do you a little favor and let you brush those nasty teeth while we have your toothbrush out. Actually... Mistress INSISTS on it hehe. Mistress hopes that brush is REALLY dirty... that would be fitting for that potty mouth of yours! The ADA recommends 2 full minutes of brushing. We'll DOUBLE that just for good measure! (Smiles) Set the timer for 4 minutes and get brushing... spend at least 30 seconds on your TONGUE as well. Ewwww that is so gross. (Can you feel the shame of your humiliation as Mistress watches you perform such a disgusting task?) Smile nice for Mistress lol... at least you get 1 extra demerit deduction for this.


More anal hell awaits you...

So I think it is about time that we use that LARGE butt plug that I made you buy. (Mistress is so excited for this plug... I'm literally shaking with anticipation.) Place it on your punishment chair and look at it. Really LOOK at it. That's going up your ass in a moment! HAHAHA... I wonder if that monster is going to leave you incontinent. I hope it does! Having to spend some time in diapers might help to get you motivated to start abiding by My rules! Roll 1D6 to see what kind of lube you will be using on the plug.

1 or 2:

Pure mild hot sauce. (Although it won't feel like it, believe it or not, you could have rolled worse!) Get it REALLY covered!


You are VERY lucky. Mix 3 tablespoons of lube with 1 tablespoon of mild hot sauce. Cover the plug very thoroughly you lucky little shit.

4 to 6:

(Evil grin) This is my dream come true. I was hoping to get to REALLY punish that ass and indeed... really punish that ass we WILL! You ONLY get PURE HOT SAUCE for lube. Oh... and make it the EXTRA HOT variety! Muhhhhh Haaaa Haaaa. Get it REALLY coated and prepare yourself for some REAL misery.

Deciding your fait...

There are two types of punishment with this plug. Roll 1D6. If you get an even number, you are doing type A. If you get an odd number, you are doing type B.

Type A:

This is going to be a LONG stretch. Roll 2D6 and add 6 for your stretching time in minutes. Set the timer and have a seat in your punishment chair! (Laughs at your anguish.) Oh, does that hurt your little hole? Watch that long timer SLOWLY tick away. Keep your hands on your head until the punishment is over. (Mistress wonders if your anus will ever be the same again.)

Type B:

I call this interesting variation in-and-outs. You are going to be popping that huge plug all the way in, counting to 10 (Mississippi-style) and popping it all the way back out. To determine you number of in-and-outs roll 2D6 and add 12. I want to hear you squeal with each of those horrible pop-ins. Get it done!

**Toilet Time**

The moment I've been waiting for (rubs hands ominously):

You were probably hoping that Mistress forgot about that mess you left in the toilet. Keep dreaming! You now get to see why being on the NAUGHTY list is truly dreaded. First, we need to prepare that filth and then you'll be rolling for your poopy punishment ranging from really bad to even worse! (Smiles) Get a large stick or ruler. A broom stick or the handle of a plunger will work fine. Use the stick to smash up, stir, and thoroughly mix everything in that toilet. It should look like a nice homogeneous soup of yellow-brown filth when you are finished. This should take at least several minutes to do thoroughly. Once your soup is ready, roll 1D6 to decide how we will be using that mess to REALLY punish and humiliate you my NAUGHTY pet. (Just remember... YOUR BEHAVIOR got you in this predicament. Whatever horrible punishment you roll is well DESERVED!) Roll your fate and ONLY read the appropriate version of the punishment.

Motivation school ONLY:

So have you been keeping your toilet clean? Is in on your list of chores? If not, you're going to be sorry. Before we even start with the real punishment, you are going to lick the toilet. Lick ALL around the ENTIRE top of the seat, underside of the seat, and the rim of the bowl. Every SINGLE little inch needs to be licked. You ARE NOT to avoid any dirty spots!!! Let the gross spots serve to remind you to keep that fucking toilet clean! Awwww is that disgusting??? Wait till to see what's coming! (Yes, you get an extra -1 demerit for this extra task.)

1 or 2:

You are getting "The Plunge". As bad as this will be, it could have been even worse! Jump to that section.


Although this is still going to be really gross, you are actually getting off light. Remember that it could be MUCH worse next time. You are getting the "Dirty Laundry" punishment. Skip to that section.

4 to 6:

You get the "Sewer Siphon". Doesn't that sound fun??? Hahaha... you unlucky sub. Skip down to that section.

--The Plunge--:

Get a clean (preferably dry) sponge and put it in your mouth so that half is in and half is sticking out. If you don't have a clean sponge, you can do your best to clean it before starting and you'll have to start with it wet. How does the content of that toilet look? Disgusting isn't it! You are going to be dunking your head all the way into that FILTH in just a moment. Ponder just how horrible this is going to be. So why the sponge you must be wondering? Well, my little subbie, that sponge is going to be absorbing all of that brown water and slowly sending it into your mouth... giving you just a "little" taste of what could have been if you made a less lucky roll. (Isn't Mistress so creative in your humiliation?) Place a towel near the toilet. When you finish, you can towel off but you CAN NOT wash up until we finish this session. You'll have to deal with the disgust. A plunge means you are on your knees in front of the bowl and you'll be sticking your head ENTIRELY under that water (including the back of your head) and counting to three (Mississippi-style) before removing your head to breath. Roll 2D6 and add 3 to determine how many plunges you need to take. When you are finished, you can remove the filthy sponge from your mouth.

--Dirty Laundry--:

Get your dirty underwear. I hope there are poop stains. Get some scissors and cut out the three or four square inches that represent the very dirtiest part. Got it ready? This is going to give you just a small taste of what could have been if you made a less fortunate roll. Get that dirty, filthy underwear section in your mouth and tape it shut with painters tape or similar. How does that taste? Ewwwwwww (wrinkles nose). Roll 2D6 and add 5 and set the timer for that many minutes. Now go get you head in the toilet with your nose no more than one inch from that sewer soup. As you taste your underwear and smell the nasty contents, I want you to consider how much worse this could be if you end up back on the NAUGHTY list next week. As gross as this is... you are LUCKY this time. Once you hear the timer, you can remove the dirty underwear from your mouth and read on.

--Sewer Siphon--:

Want the good news first? OK... you get -3 demerits for this punishment instead of -1. Well, that is also sort of the BAD news, as you can probably imagine, this is going to be really AWFUL to earn a -3 (smiles). This is going to be SOOOO disgusting... Mistress ALMOST feels sorry for you. Get a drinking straw and two LARGE cups and fill one of the large cups with TWO (measured!) cups of the filthy water from your toilet. Place this cup near your computer and the empty cup somewhere else... AT LEAST 12 feet away. Read on once you are set up.

--Sewer Siphon Continued--:

So this is actually quite easy. All you need to do is transfer the filth water from one cup to the other. Of course... there are some restrictions as to how you will perform this... mainly that you'll be using your MOUTH! (Maniacal laughter) Oh... Mistress warned you not to get on the NAUGHTY list... but you wouldn't listen, so now this is the CONSEQUENCE of your choices. You will keep your hands behind your back and place the drinking straw in your mouth. You will suck up the disgusting toilet soup into your filthy mouth using the straw... walk to the other cup and squirt the filth out of the straw and into that cup. You are a sewer siphon! You will have an absolutely horrible decision to make as well... you see, taking smaller sips is going to add a LOT of time to this punishment... prolonging the horrid taste in your mouth. Alternatively, large sips are going to really give you an INTENSE burst of flavor hehe. (Oh Mistress loves seeing the look on your face right now as you ponder this!) You need to transfer ALL of the water, mouthful by mouthful. Try not to swallow... lol. If you puke at any time during this torment, there will be a price to pay in the next part of this punishment. Once you finish transferring all of that toilet water, read on... yes there is more!

--Sewer Siphon Continued Even More--:

Yum yum! How did that taste? (Mistress can't help herself... laughing hysterically at your anguish.) We may not be done yet. Roll 2D6 and get the total. If you puked (even into your own mouth) add 5 to your total. If your total is under 5 you don't get any extra sewer punishment and you can move down to the mouthwash section. If your total was 5 to 9 you will perform the extra punishment A. If your total was 10 or above, you do extra punishment B.

--Sewer Siphon Continued Extra Punishment A--:

I'm sure that wasn't an easy punishment. You know how we get better at things that are hard to do... yep you guessed it... practice makes perfect I always say. Transfer the toilet water BACK to the original cup using the same technique. Why are you cringing? Hehehe. Get it done NOW! (And no extra deduction for this... I don't feel like giving it to you.)

--Sewer Siphon Continued Extra Punishment B--:

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse for you... (taps foot loudly and taunts you). I'll take that as a challenge lol. I bet all that hard work... transferring all of that nasty water must have worked up a thirst in my poor little subbie. Since Mistress in such a GOOD MOOD with you being so NAUGHTY lately, Mistress is going to let you quench that thirst. Place one quarter cup (measured obviously) of water from the toilet into the empty cup and put the straw in it. Doesn't that look SOOO thirst quenching? Mmmmm, I think it does. Set the timer for one minute. You have to drink all of that water before the time is up or else this entire sewer siphon punishment is considered FAILED and you'll add the demerits accordingly. If you succeed... you get 2 additional demerits removed on top of the 3 you got for the siphon. Get drinking or add the demerits! (crosses arms and looks stern) I don't care if you puke your brains out.


So how disgusting was that? Mistress hopes you feel shame for making Me have to punish you so severely. Well, your nightmare has almost come to an end. But, I bet that last punishment left a bad taste in your mouth (pun so very much intended). We'll fix that! You can flush the toilet now and get a cube of soap ready cut to 1/2 inch on each side. Once you have that ready, read on...

Cleaning your filthy mouth...

Roll 1D6. If you have an even number, you will set the timer for two minutes, if odd you set it for 3 minutes. This is going to be a surprisingly awful punishment to finish off your ordeal. You are going to be CHEWING that soap for the designated length of time. I mean REALLY CHEW like it was a stick of gum. It should break into a lot of very small pieces and foam inside your mouth. It is going to be harder than you probably realize, but I'll remind you that failing a punishment in the NAIGHTY section has double the normal failure demerits, so I recommend you really try your best. Start the timer and start CHEWING! Once done, you can spit that out and use several glasses of water to rinse your mouth. (Yes, regular water, not toilet water... what do you think, that I am cruel or something lol?)

So... did we learn a lesson? I hope so. Now if you did a good job taking all of your punishments, you probably have a fairly good demerit score after all of that. Now BEHAVE and try to stay off my NAUGHTY list next week. If not, Mistress won't hesitate to repeat this harsh lesson as often as necessary. You can go wash up now however you wish. You earned a nice bath or shower. You are dismissed but know that Mistress is WATCHING you. I eagerly await next week's check-in.
Submissive Straight Male

Love strict and harsh femdom.

Last edited by Noc; 07-05-2016 at 02:47 PM.
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My wife had me do all these and boy was it rough, this really pushed me to be a proper sub. The Sewer Siphon was the worst thing ever, but it was worth it amazing job.
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