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Old 10-19-2010, 05:03 AM   #1
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Default Certificate of Correction

Chapter 1- At the Center

Here I am at the the Clark County Correctional Center. Thankfully I'm here as an observer, not a participant. I should explain. My name is Rollin and I'm an attorney. Today I'm here with the Volunteer Law Project representing Jennifer Scott, a 15 year old who came through the juvenile justice system on an alchohol possesion charge. In Clark County Ohio in the year 2010 there are certain offences that can be cleared by the defendant obtaining a "Certificate of Correction". By going through this program their record will be expunged, there will be no jail time or fine, except restitution if appropriate. The program is voluntary, but not everyone opts for it, for reasons which will become clear later.

The introduction of corporal punishment into the criminal justice system did not come about over night. For years, though, politicians and the public had complained about money, sentencing for juveniles and jail space until finally in California in 2004, petty theft,some driving offenses, and vandalism became punishable by caning. Enough of the public liked Southeast Asia's approach to the problem of nonviolent offenses that they were ready to try something new. Other states were quick to follow. In the wake of President Limbaugh's conservative law and order platform, the country was ready to try a return to the woodshed.

At first, the states tried real "Singapore style" caning, but it quickly became apparent that this was far too brutal for American sensibilities, as it frequently resulted in permanent scarring and injury. Another problem was that females were not originally subject to " the CP option" as it came to be called. The Supreme Court settled that one rather quickly. It ruled that states could not discriminate on the basis of sex in handing out punishments. Since the prospect of brutal canings for females was too unattractive, the system had to be toned down to fit both the crime and the offender.

When California substituted the leather strap for the cane in 2005, the public became more accepting. A strapping was more like the just punishment of youth that many recalled from their own childhoods. Various states tried various options. Most juvenile halls had a "punishment room", usually a converted storeroom, where an offender would be strapped down over a trestle or table and given the presribed number of licks or swats with whatever implement the state deemed appropriate. It was all very unscientific.

Later on it became very scientific. Studies were conducted to determine the best methods of administering corporal punishment both in a physical and in a psychological sense. Elaborate systems evolved which combined equal mixtures of shame, loss of dignity, and pain, to make the offender truly repentant and eager to avoid repeating the experience.

Here in Ohio if you are between 13 and 18 this is what happens. If convicted and sentenced in juvenile court, an offender is given 30 days to obtain a "certificate of correction" which must be filed with the court. To obtain a certificate, the convicted offender makes an appointment with the county juvenile correctional center and reports on the appointed day at the appointed time. They are permitted one witness and it cannot be a parent. Parents may wait in a waiting area, but may not observe. The usual witness is an attorney who is there to make sure that procedure is followed and to note any undue severity in excess of state guidelines.

So here I was. I was representing Jennifer, a pretty girl with long blonde hair, freckles and a nervous smile. She had never been in trouble before, but, caught in a car with alchohol in her possesion, she was given 30 days to obtain one Certificate of Correction tailored to this offense.

I was recommended to Jennifer's parents by Karen, an old and very good friend. Karen is a juvenile probation officer, who has Jennifer as one of her cases. I didn't usually practice in juvenile court, but I did some criminal defense work so I was at least qualified for this. I came into the case too late to try and get a better deal for Jennifer. She was convicted and given the the chance to opt for corporal punishment instead of jail or a fine. After conviction, her parents decided not to appeal. I think they figured that having to get a Certificate of Correction would teach Miss Jennifer a good lesson while having the effect of expunging her record. Jennifer and some friends had been out late one night and had been stopped for a traffic violation. The officer then found open liquor bottles in the car. She was charged with possesion of alchohol. She also happened to be the one driving. Luckily she was not under the influence.

Juvenile case officers have a role in the discipline of their charges. They are present when the correction is meted out. The reason for this is so that the juvenile will look on the officer as an authority figure from whom to take direction, and would more likely obey the officer in the future. In addition case officers are authorized to administer certain forms of corporal correction for probation violations.
Summary: In the year 2010, corporal punishment will be introduced into the criminal justice system: If correction is needed, whipping and spanking will be applied.

Chapter 1- At the Center

Today Karen is there because two of her charges have come in to obtain their Certificates of Correction, having elected this option. I did not know who the other one was.

Karen is a short blonde with a voluptuous figure, large breasts, a tight waist and a magnificent and gorgeous ass. In fact I know for a fact that she thinks her butt is "too big". As for me I am completely enthralled with the sway of her jouncy hind end. I like full derrieres on women, and to me, Karen is a beautiful and sexy woman. I have known Karen for something like 7 years. We have been friends, but not physically intimate with each other. Its hard to say why. The chemistry and attraction is certainly there and we have both flirted with it. I guess its just bad timing. We've been close even though we have at times been with other people. It just seems like whenever I'm not in a relationship, she is, and vice-versa. Now, however she is divorced and I've just broken up with someone. We'll see what happens.

I am seated behind a glass partition in a sort of gallery with the rest of the witnesses. The other witnesses permitted are the victims. There is a husband and wife, owners of a food mart spray painted, or as they say, "tagged", by several of the other juvenile offenders. Other than the witnesses, the room is empty. We are waiting for things to start. Karen had explained to me previously that on the appointed day the juvenile would have to report three hours before sentence was scheduled to be carried out. A brief physical is given to verify that the culprit is fit to undergo punishment. The case officers then conduct a last interview explaining the seriousness of the crime, and explainig the procedure. The state has even produced videos on offenses like drunk driving and vandalism that the teens are required to view before punishment is meted out. The video graphically illustrates the harm to society caused by the crime.

The teen is then led to a holding cell where he or she strips down to underwear and socks. That was all the clothing allowed in the punishment chamber. After that, they wait. The waiting is probably as hard as the actual punishment. They sit in a bare cell, probably the last sitting they'll do for a while.

Karen has been in this job for less than a year. She counsels juvenile offenders as part of her job and sometimes that involves advising them as to whether they should take "the CP option" if it is available for that offense. She tells me she is conflicted about this. On the one hand, it offers a way to eliminate the negative effect of a record and avoid time in juvie hall, a good deal for youthful offenders. In fact after obtaining a Certificate of Correction she tells me that there is little recidivism. Did I mention that similair punishments are given in the prison system? I imagine that the prospect of the whipping post like we have in Ohio scares a lot of these kids straight---especially after getting a licking courtesy of the state. On the other hand it is humiliating, to say the least, and probably very painful. This is Karen's first time attending one of these punishment sessions for her cases where she actually advised the kids and parents to go through with it. I know she set me up to represent Jennifer so that I could attend and give her my comments later. She will want my opinion as to whether she should advise this course in the future.

Finally a door opens and three case officers and the Special Corrections Officer with her two assistants enter. All corrections officers, the ones who will administer the punishment, are women. The assistant officers are wearing smartly tailored skirts and white blouses with a badge on the front. The Special officer is a beefy red-haired woman in a Khacki uniform and a Sam Browne belt. She looks like a formidable no nonsense type of woman. I was glad to be on my side of the glass.

Another door opens and 6 teenagers are ushered in by guards holding clipboards. The boys are in underpants and socks. The girls are in panties, bras, and socks. There are 3 boys and 3 girls. The clipboards are handed to the case officers. The miscreants sit on 6 chairs lined up direcly in front of the gallery with their backs to us. Jennifer glances nervously at me before taking her seat. I give her the thumbs up. What else is there to do?

In the "business" part of the room is some odd furniture. There are two benches, each having a padded top. The top is shaped like a shallow "A" with restraints at either end. An integral part of the bench is a slideable chair that slides into a hollow space right under the apex of the bench. This is a spanking bench. The victim is secured to the bench with wrist and ankle straps, a strap at the backs of the knees and a strap across the middle of the back, with his/her buttocks positioned at the apex. The officer sits at the chair and slides it in. She is now seated with the miscreant directly over her lap, bottoms up. The effect is rather like having the teen positioned for an old fashioned over-the-knee spanking. The advantage is that the officer does not have the weight of the culprit over her lap and the juvenile cannot move at all.

The other piece of furniture was what was known as "The Box". This is a padded cube tilted slightly forward on short legs with restraints at wrists, ankles, knees and back. When bent over the box and strapped in, the culprit's buttocks are cocked upwardly presenting a raised, well rounded target for the application of corporal correction.

The Special Officer was ready to start. Karen glanced at me and nodded with a slight smile.

"All right, pay attention. I am Ms Carson. My two assistants are Ms Miriam and Ms Doreen. You already know your case officers. If you cooperate this will be over soon and you may leave. As you know you are here for punishment, pure and simple. It will hurt, but you will bear no permanent marks on your bodies. I, along with my assistant officers will be administering the punishment. Now, make no mistake about this, it will hurt. You will probably cry and holler, but don't think that just because you start blubbering like babies that it will go any easier. You got that? This is the procedure. There are six of you. Two at a time you will be placed over the spanking benchs. You will have your pants pulled down and you will receive a two, three or four minute spanking to be given by my two assistants according to your sentence. During this time period you will receive about 50 smacks per minute on you bare tails with this." As she spoke she held up an oval shaped paddle which was in reality a stiff piece of leather sole with a rubber facing connected to a handle.

"We call this the "sandal". Maybe if your mothers had used their sandals on your little hineys when you were younger you would not be here today. You are getting your records wiped clean for this, so just know that it's gonna sting."

"After all six of you have had your spankings, I will call your name and one at a time you will come up here and bend over the box for the licking that the court has decreed as the second part of your sentence."

She let that sink in as the woeful teens eye the dreaded implements that hang on the wall. There are the oval "sandals" the assistant officers would use. There is a paddle that looks like a big spatula. It is made of some synthetic like Lexan. The blade or "business" end is 4x8" and has pencil-sized holes. It is joined to a handle by a narrow 2" strip that makes it flexible, like a fly swatter. The result is a paddle that will impart an atrocious sting without injury or severe bruising. There is also a thin rod made of some lightweight synthetic polymer. The rod extends from a handle grip about 28". It is thin and very whippy. It's the nearest thing we have to the cane, but it is more like a switch which I have heard stings like absolute holy hell. I also understand it leaves painful weals but, in the hands of a skilled whipper, will not break the skin. Ms Carson continues: "You are all going to get a good, hard spanking today, followed by a whipping with the rod or licks with the paddle and you all deserve it. Now, from this moment on there will be no swearing, cursing, foul or abusive language. You will address all of us as ma'am or sir. I have the power to impose additional punishment for violations of this rule and believe me, I will do it. Do you understand?"

Six heads bob nervously. The fear in the room is palpable. This woman meant business! Jennifer appears to be trembling. I couldn't help her now, her course was set. She was to endure some real pain and she knew it. I wondered what it must be like in her place, to know that in a few minutes you were going to be stripped practically naked and whipped on your bare bottom.

The two assistants take the clipboards and each call out a name. One girl and one boy rise timidly. The assistants take each by the arm and walk them to the benchs. The command is given to lie over the bench, and both teens do so. The restraining straps are buckled, hands, feet, back of the knees, back. This arches both sets of buttocks towards the ceiling. The assistants grab both pants and panties and ruck them down to mid thigh. They walk to the wall and retrieve a "spanker" from a hook. The assistant corrections officers now take their seats and slide the chairs in. The moment of truth has arrived for these teen miscreants.

"Set the timer for two minutes for these two" Ms Carson says to a guard. The guard nods and presses a series of buttons. A digital display on the wall reads two minutes. I assume it will count down.

"Miriam, Doreen, are you ready?"

"Then begin."

Miriam and Doreen bring the sandals down with a ringing smack! smack! smack! in a brisk tattoo. They spank at a rate of about 1 spank per second and each one looks like it is delivered with no small amount of force. The bare bottomed teens start to yelp as the paddles crack down. The girl jerks her head up and wails with each smack, the boy clenches his whole body in a vain attempt to ward off the pain. Its a humiliating punishment and it is designed that way. These kids are getting an old fashioned spanking like one over mommy's knee. The position each is in is mortifying for a teenager, bare fannies bucking and wriggling as sizzling spanks turn their hineys red. The clock counts down...too slowly it seems. The smacks ring out. The teens yelp in anguish at the relentless smacking, a two part chorus of "ouches". After two very long minutes, the buzzer sounds signalling the end of part 1 of their ordeal. The guards replace the underwear, and unbuckle the straps and the two teens stand, hopping from foot to foot rubbing their injured bottoms.
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Old 10-19-2010, 05:57 AM   #2
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All comments are and will be greatly appreciated.
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Old 10-19-2010, 07:03 AM   #3
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Very nice start, lots of detail about Karen and the punishments.
Looking forward to hearing how the second punishment goes.

I like the way the story starts differently from most on getdare. And you get more and more information as the chapter developes

From rachie fellow story writer who knows how much time and dedication you must have spent writing

thank you


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Old 10-19-2010, 03:04 PM   #4
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Very good openening I cant wait for your next chapter
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Old 10-21-2010, 06:27 PM   #5
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This is quite original, I like it very much.
Light to moderate pain - Giving dares - Asking questions

Hard pain - Jacking off - Semi-public - Wedgies

Extreme pain - Urine - Full Public - Involving other people

Limits (Will never do these)
Permanent damage - Involving Family - Scat - Involving Animals - Crossdressing - Eating Gross stuff
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Old 10-21-2010, 07:08 PM   #6
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The sheer amount of detail in this makes it a nice change and it's clear you put a lot of thought into it. Very original and I hope you continue.
like strange stories?

Nothing feels right:
http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=52971 Just don't expect it to be anything normal.

Blood Sweat and Tears are not enough:
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Old 10-25-2010, 08:02 PM   #7
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please continue with the story its really good.
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