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Old 02-15-2010, 07:32 PM   #1
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Default The End.

The End was the foremost gay strip club of its city. A pretentious place, decorated like a French boudoir that admitted only the wealthier clientele, the End served caviar on the naked back of pretty boys. But, the establishment was held in high regard for its number of acts and the quality of its strippers. The men of the End were exquisite specimens of the homosexual male species, ranging in every flavor. Nobody quite knew where they came from or where they went when the night was over. The owner, Kelly Landry, a portly and fastidious fellow, had a magical knack for conjuring up wayward boys and turning them into stars.

Frederick Lane, a blushing Adonis of a young man with blonde hair and cat-like green eyes, had finally managed to admit to his homosexuality to his gay roommates – who all knew well before he did. Of course, the process of coming out of the closet hadn’t even extended to calling his parents, but there was no time. Insisting on a celebration, the roommates whisked Freddy out to the End. And while the graduate students had no true means of wealth, one of the mates was friends with the bouncer, and after a short exchange, they were all admitted.

Frederick was easily overwhelmed. He was a neat and unsocial sort, a brainiac working on his literary degree in hopes of being some sort of overqualified librarian – or even a writer. And while he was an extremely handsome sort, a well put together Dutchman with a splash of Asian heritage, his shyness was so overwhelming that it actually turned off a large portion of suiters. One could only imagine the pallor to his face as his fingers gripped the arm of the chair, looking up to the empty stage in straight fear. He had battled for years about his sexuality, and had at last meekly admitted it, and now was being thrust into the limelight of gay culture! He felt as if he was going to die.

With a desperate need to calm down, Frederick threw back whatever drink his friends handed him. They laughed at his apparent nervousness, lovingly amused at their little pet. And as the lights lowered in anticipation for the stage show, Frederick emitted a sigh of relief. His agenda was merely to survive and leave, which was easier to do now that the attention was taken off of him. The only thing that lightly concerned him was a mention of a “nice surprise” that the group had bought; Frederick merely assumed it was some sort of dildo or something, of which he was slightly looking forward to, considering he could never go through with buying one himself.

The acts were spectacular and raunchy, a variety show of a sexual nature. Some well-oiled policemen, bears, transvestites, all quite enjoyable to Frederick’s tipsy palette. He even worked up the courage to shove a twenty into the leather briefs of some dancer that took a shining to him – his friends were all very proud. And while all of this was good and fun, nothing struck Frederick especially or turned him on. That was, until the lights changed and the finale act began.

The cracking of whips and the clinking of chains could be heard as the music began, a hard pulsating beat. Back-up dancers in bondage style outfits flitted about the stage, collared and restrained like the most delectable pets. But there was none so beautiful as the creature lowered from the ceiling in a cage – the lead singer. The lights struck his porcelain white skin, soft and in sharp contrast to the hard black leather which bound his lean torso.

Around his neck was a studded collar, his vocal cords straining against it as he sung a provocative song. The cage met with the floor, two dancers opening the bars to lead him out by the chains attached to his neck and hands. Within full view was his bulging package, covered by a tight leather thong and padlocked in the front. He moved nimbly in time to the choreography, dancing amidst the performers as they either molested or whipped his body.

But his face. Frederick gaped in awe as the man was forced to his knees, brilliant face pulled up by someone grabbing at his curly dark hair. His plump pink lips opened delicately as he sang, the rest of his face angular and gaunt. He had light blue eyes that sparkled in the spotlight. Those eyes. Frederick looked away bashfully as the singer glanced at him before spinning away, cheeks burning bright red. Frederick shifted uncomfortably in his seat, using his jacket to cover his immense hard on.

This action did not go unnoticed. Jeremy laughed, leaning close to Frederick’s ear while snaking his hand under Frederick’s jacket. Mortified, Frederick froze like a hare as Jeremy’s hand began encouraging his erection through his pants. Seeing Frederick red to his ears, Jeremy chuckled and kissed his cheek.

“It’s alright, Freddy-boy. Today’s your gay birthday – enjoy yourself a little,” Jeremy whispered, fingers molesting Frederick – who stared wide-eyed in a heat up at the singer grinding against someone else. He panted slightly, swooning. “You like him? That’s good. He was damned expensive, so you better enjoy him.”

“Stop – what are you talking about?” Frederick snapped back to life, pushing Jeremy’s hand away and glared at him.

“That’s your birthday present – the best whore in town. You didn’t think we’d get you something as cheap as a dildo, did you?” Jeremy laughed, sitting back in his own space to watch the action.

“You did what?! You bought me a male prostitute?” Frederick lowered his voice to a strained whisper, leaning to Jeremy, “I’ve never even been with a guy before.”

“Well, you’ve been with women. You’re a top. Don’t worry about it.” Jeremy waved him off.

Frederick sighed fearfully and sunk down into his seat, watching the singer with his poor teased cock throbbing in his pants. His stomach knotted, the nerves causing him to break out into a sweat. Helpless to the situation, Frederick resolved to go along with it and leave when the time came. Hopefully the stripper wouldn’t be offended or anything; he was still getting paid. Rubbing his face in his hands, Frederick watched through his fingers the action on the stage.

The singer wailed beautifully through the act. The back up dancers caressed his exposed flesh on stage, forcing him into all sorts of unnatural positions and innuendos. A particular highlight being when he deep-throated the handle of a whip, sucking on it with his large pink lips as the music took over. Frederick shivered, allowing one of his hands to float under his jacket to provide some much needed relief.

Undoing his pants, Frederick began to masturbate in his seat, biting his lip in order to keep from being noticed. The singer did a good job of holding everyone’s attention and the music was loud enough to muffle a few of Frederick’s uncontainable moans. His toes crinkled in his shoes and his faced was flushed, gaping up at the stage.

The ending of the song approached. Reaching a climatic point, the singer’s thong was unlocked and ripped off, exposing his thick cock – embellished with a tight silver cock ring. Frederick fell into a state of ecstasy. No longer concerned with who might see, Frederick pumped hard at his dick, the stage bleary before his eyes. The singer was tied spread-eagle against the cage that brought him down, fighting weakly. Frederick came with a whine, cum splurting out into the lining of his jacket and over his fingers. In a reverie he panted, watching as the singer was lifted into the air and out of view.

Glancing about, Frederick met Jeremy’s eyes, realizing that Jeremy had been watching him this whole time. Frederick blushed and opened his mouth to explain, but Jeremy simply put a finger to his lips and smiled. Feeling humiliated, Frederick nodded, pulling up his pants and concealing the mess on his jacket the best he could. The group rose from their seats and left, commenting idly on how the place smelt of cum. Frederick walked numbly behind them, dreading what was next on the agenda as they led him down a back hallway.

Last edited by damask; 02-15-2010 at 07:35 PM.
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Old 02-16-2010, 12:04 AM   #2
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“Enjoy your present, Freddy! And you must tell us all about it later!” the group giggled and exchanged excited looks with each other. Exhausted Frederick feigned some resemblance of an enthusiastic smile, throwing himself into the room and slamming the door if only to escape his boisterous and drunk friends. He locked the door, sighing in a moment’s peace. His head was pounding.

They had led him through the bowels of the old establishment, down some stairs to where the less than legal “private suites” had been arranged. Frederick felt bad that his friends had put a lot of money down for this unwanted luxury, and wished he could’ve traded places with any one of them. Resting his head against the door, he wished he could just go home to the comfort of his bed or his computer screen – surely he had work to do. Such pressures stressed him out, only increasing the charming worry lines on his forehead.

“Would you like some champagne?” A dark voice spoke up, causing Frederick to nearly leap out of his skin. He even yelped a bit and turned around, blinking furiously. The mysterious voice chuckled, and through a haze of dimly lit cigarette smoke the singer could be seen, propped up fashionably on a bed with many pillows. Everything was characteristically decorated in red silk and black lace, but the man was still in his bondage get-up, only the thong had been put back on. Those blue eyes gazed languidly at him and Frederick shuddered with chills, dawdling at the door, speechless and red-faced.

“No. I’ve had too much to drink.” Frederick stammered, looking in every which direction.

“Obviously you haven’t, to make such a statement,” the singer laughed mellifluously, gesturing to the side-table, “But, be a doll and pour me some. I’ve twisted my ankle.”

“Oh, I’m sorry…” Frederick blushed and moved awkwardly to the table, twisting open a bottle of champagne with a naive difficulty. He managed it and poured a glass, handing it off cautiously to the man, who was previously occupied with nursing his bare white ankle.

“Thanks love,” the man smiled, taking the champagne to sip on it nobly, “Don’t worry. Such an injury will not prevent me from servicing you tonight.”

“Oh.” Frederick fiddled nervously, “That won’t be necessary.”

“Why, are you on your period?” the man scoffed with a deviant grin.

“No. I just don’t want to.”

“How insulting.” The man mused duly, although seemingly ambivalent to any offense.

“I just recently came out and my friends… overreacted.” Frederick blushed, sitting warily in a gaudy armchair adjacent to the bed.

“Congrats! But really, you don’t have to be so noble. Surely there’s something inside of you that wants to fuck me.”

“I want to have sex with someone I love.”

“Pah. We’re not having sex – we’re fucking. There’s a difference.”

“No there isn’t – it’s the same.”

“What’s your name?”


“Frederick. Right. Dearest Frederick, this –“ the man gestured widely to the room, “Is fantasy. Make believe. Pretend. Play. And, occasionally, therapy.”

“But… I don’t even know your name.”

“I’m Ethan Alexander Ross. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Now take off your clothes.”

“No, I… I’ve never been with another man before,” Frederick whimpered, panicky.

“Ahhh… Well. Tell me to take off my clothes, control-freak,” Ethan laughed lightly.

“I cannot do that.”

“Of course you can, Master.”

“Don’t call me master…”

“Tell me, there must be something.”

“There’s not anything.”

“Trust me, the quiet, shy types are always the most erotic lovers. Deep down inside, I know you want to be on top – to be in power. People like you have never been in power their entire life – everything’s been safe. But you’re safe in your mind, which is where you retreat to. You get… ideas. Thoughts. Fantasies. Tell me, Frederick, what turns you on?” Ethan’s voice drifted through the room seductively. He placed his champagne on a table, writhing about the bed like a cat. He came to look at Frederick upside down, unconscious of how his slender, feminine physique twisted and was displayed to its best advantage.

“I like… pain.” Frederick finally admitted sheepishly.

“And however did you arrive at this conclusion?” Ethan asked pragmatically.

“When I watch movies… You’re supposed to like the sex scenes, but… whenever the main character gets injured… I get this weird feeling in my chest…” Frederick shifted uncomfortably, but Ethan smiled softly.

“Instruct me.”

“But… I’ll look like a fool.”

“If I laugh you can punish me. At least give it a try.”

“Why are you so willing – isn’t life for a whore supposed to be miserable?” Frederick exclaimed at last, fearful of engaging in any sexuality. Ethan laughed loudly, rolling over with a fiendish smirk.

“You’re an idiot. Now, come on. You’ll warm up to it.”

“Get that.” Frederick sighed, defeated, and pointed towards a large vibrator sitting a desk, along with various other toys.

“Original.” Ethan smirked, rolling his eyes. He stepped from the bed and immediately withdrew his breath, swaying as his ankle racked with pain. He glanced at Frederick, who was looking uncomfortable. “Ouch.” Ethan crooned, taking his time to hobble painfully across the room, the jerky movements making him appear weak and feeble. With each limp the flesh across his ass rippled a little, his expression lightly agonized, lips drawn apart in a soft “Oh”.

With every step on the pained foot Frederick felt his heart patter. He shifted, finally allowing himself to watch Ethan directly. The helplessness of this delicate man, the way his face contorted slightly, it produced a tingling sensation from within Frederick’s chest. A feeling of… excitement? As if he finally had some sort of power. Frederick entertained the idea. Maybe Ethan was right. Maybe in this hell-hole beneath the End, there could exist a suspension of belief. And, it wasn’t as if Frederick would be touching him – in fact, Frederick was quite sure he would never see this man ever again… He was horny. There was no harm in that.

“You ever used one of these before?” Ethan picked up the large vibrator in his hands and toyed with it as easily as a pencil. He hobbled back to the bed, swinging it about before splooshing some lubricant on it.


“Tch. You must be tight.”

“Shut up and lie down!” Frederick cried, irate.

“Hey-hay! Now that’s the spirit!” Ethan laughed and tossed himself onto the bed enthusiastically. Frederick glared at him, hot with frustration.

“Take off your… underwear and use it.” Frederick commanded.

“Oh, don’t be such a novice. I know you’re more creative than that…” Ethan sighed, pulling off his underwear. Arching his back slightly, Ethan eased the device inside of his asshole, animating his expressions for Frederick’s viewing pleasure. The vibrator stretched him, pressing deeper and deeper inside. Frederick stared, quite startled by what he saw, and how much it turned him on. Ethan moaned lightly, pushing the device further in. Frederick blinked and wondered how far it would go, luckily, Ethan stopped soon.

“Turn it on,” Frederick breathed, on the end of his seat, eyes wide on his subject. Ethan’s gaping mouth smiled slightly as he flicked the switch, a dull buzzing causing his body to convulse. His toes gripped at the sheets along with his hands, knees jerking up as the vibrator worked inside his ass. He moaned and panted, cock erecting ever so nicely. But it was his agonized expression that made Frederick’s own cock jerk – those low, plaintive moans...

“Oh, Frederick, oh Frederick!” Ethan’s sarcastic cries doused Frederick in a flame of fury – how dare that slut mock him, him a reputable person! A college grad!

“Shut up! I’m not the one naked with a stick up my ass!” Frederick growled, which only made Ethan laugh harder.

“Oh, come on. Do you like my little acting skills or are you going to do something that will really make me scream?” Ethan challenged, looking up at Frederick boldly.

“Fine! I’ll show you what I’m capable of you… you… you slut!”

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Old 02-16-2010, 05:09 PM   #3
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Default hey

i love this story!
please continue(:
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:19 PM   #4
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What made Frederick ever so furious was that Ethan was terribly accurate in his assumptions. Indeed, such malevolent thoughts had wafted around in the brain safely concealed by perfect blonde locks. Frederick would often lie awake in the middle of the night, staring into the darkness. Behind his green eyes, his imagination ran wild. He fantasized the idea of slavery, entertained the notion of the whip – but all were such the lightest flecks of his bent desires.

As the hour wore on, Frederick’s blood would run cold and cause him to shiver – yet his flesh was hot to the touch. He dreamed of animalistic degrading, shit-eating, and cocks going purple in their bindings. He dreamt of stuffed assholes, catheters, and unrealistic drugs that produced the strangest effects. He dreamt of deranged doctors, prison cells, and tentacled aliens. He dreamt of rape and power. And only when he saw himself as the cause of these things – inventing such people to be his victims – did Frederick begin to touch himself, secretively snaking his hands down his pajama pants.

The next morning he would be so ashamed of himself that he wouldn’t eat. He felt clammy – a true hypochondriac at heart! As such would happen to a young man growing up in a God-fearing household. It all made him feel so wrong – so foreign in his own skin. He couldn’t even look at anybody for fear they’d see his deep dark secret – for fear they’d know by looking at him what sort of monster lay inside. Of course, only Frederick held himself in such a negative regard, as he was ever so timid and self-deprecating and had never fit in socially.

“Turn it off. Take it out,” and Ethan followed such orders.

So with some vague notion of what he wanted to do, Frederick set about clasping Ethan’s wrists into the comfortably lined handcuffs hanging at each end. Frederick concentrated on his work, only remarking in his mind how soft the flesh around Ethan’s wrists was. Next Frederick clasped one ankle. Going for the other, touching it caused Ethan to flinch, which made Frederick hold his breath. He did not tie the ankle, and let that leg lay free. Stepping back, Frederick gloomily surveyed his progress.

Ethan was assuredly strung up, spread eagle, across the bed. He tested the ropes futilely, if only to prove to Frederick that he, indeed, could go nowhere. A half smile of amusement slid across his delicate face, his body helpless and privates exposed to whatever Frederick’s hidden curiosities might’ve been. But even more frustrating to Frederick was the fact that Ethan was a man without fear. Everything about him was so nonchalant one might assume he was just the same going to bed or being fucked, as if it were of no consequence to him.

And indeed, it wasn’t of consequence to him. One might even note that Ethan was perhaps more interested than usual, fascinated at the prospect of Frederick. But to explain Ethan one would need to understand his history, and that is much too long and will be explained in due time on another episode.

“Oho, I’m enthralled; what now, young Master?” Ethan joked, his cock softening slightly as he grew bored.

“Shutting you up, for one,” and with that statement, Frederick cautiously came around the bedside, long fingers reaching out to Ethan’s exposed neck, pulling his collar a few notches tighter. Ethan’s large blue eyes observed Frederick serenely, as if something had been proved between them.

“I doubt… you’ve done this before…” Ethan vocalized with difficulty, dropping into a hushed whisper.

“If you get into trouble, just raise your loose leg in the air,” Frederick nodded quite logically, mostly because he was still in his rational mind. Ethan sighed and lied back with his mouth agape, relaxing. Frederick’s expression softened, a bitter tightening in his chest. As if he was ashamed, Frederick blindfolded Ethan; unable to be caught by those enchanting eyes. And now all was still and private, Ethan laid out before him like a beautiful white specimen – a true corpse if it weren’t for the rise and fall of his ribby chest.

Frederick shivered as he approached Ethan from the end of the bed. His hands shook as they reached out, finally wrapping themselves around Ethan’s dick with a forced determination. Frederick’s long fingers danced around Ethan’s cock in a way that Ethan assumed was pleasurable, as it soon raised hard and rigid. Inspiring more self-confidence in Frederick was Ethan’s whiny moans as his breathing picked up pace. Seeing him straining against the tight collar made Frederick shudder with sadistic delight.

Picking up the vibrator nearby, Frederick eased it into Ethan. He worked slowly and methodically at first – but not without some cruelty. He pulled it all the way out each time, having to reinsert it all the way in yet again. The slowness of the pace caused Ethan’s thighs to tense, his asshole puckering fruitlessly against the device as it was pressed deeply inside of him. Ethan whined and his body contorted, toes crinkling and his hips bucked wantonly. Frederick himself was growing hot as sweat coated his brow while his dick turned hard and heavy. Everything fell to a lustful haze.

Frederick then worked the device in and out of Ethan as quickly as possible, turning on the vibrations to enhance the effect. Ethan trembled, hips moving to encourage the action; but the flesh around his neck was turning pink, and his breathing irregular and gaspy. Frederick continued nonetheless, entranced by Ethan’s filling cock. Possessed by some incredible liberation, Frederick fucked Ethan roughly like a piston at full tilt. Ethan’s flanks laboriously panted to keep up, rising higher and higher into a state of oxygen-deprived ecstasy.

At some point, Frederick performed his task with one hand, using the other to stroke his own throbbing cock. At long last, Ethan came, and the two of them rippled with intense orgasms. Frederick fell to his knees at the end of the bed, nearly collapsed, while Ethan fell silent and motionless. After swooning disoriented for a few minutes, only then did it occur to Frederick the bluish pallor to Ethan’s masked face.

Frederick rushed to his side, unclasping the collar in a hurry. Across his neck was a deep red mark, as if the device had not been removed at all. Frederick shook Ethan, watching with a frightened eye as his chest rose and fell shallowly. Tears came to those fretful green eyes as he untied his dear beauty, gently climbing into bed alongside him. Lying against Ethan’s naked form, Frederick wept and prayed that the man was fine – turning more hopeful as Ethan’s face resumed its natural color.

“Oh, what have I done?” Frederick moaned in a shaky voice, toying with the brown curls matted to Ethan’s sweaty forehead. He doted on the unconscious man, studying every aspect of that perfect face. Frederick’s hand touched those high, drawn cheekbones and that exquisite jawline. His fingers graced Ethan’s thick black eyelashes, hoping that he would get to see those rapturous blue eyes once again. Staring softly at his face, Ethan’s lips parted open slightly, the lightest pink color taking to them.

Frederick hesitantly moved his face closer to Ethan’s, sweetly kissing those perfect lips as if to wake his sleeping beauty.
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:42 PM   #5
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Great story,highly original.Please go on:3
I enjoy interesting conversations.
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Old 02-17-2010, 06:44 PM   #6
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Ethan awoke several hours later in a haze, coughing a bit as if to righten his throat. He rubbed it sorely, everything blurred and was uncomfortable with a massive headache. When his senses finally came back, Ethan noticed Frederick’s cat-like green eyes peering up at him, lying lovingly at his side.

“I’m sorry…” Frederick’s little voice quavered, tears welling up in his eyes. Ethan sighed ambivalently and shrugged, pulling Frederick into a soft embrace.

“What time is it?” Ethan whispered hoarsely.


“Dawn?” Ethan repeated, and then suddenly his face lit up in some sort of latent recognition. He sat up dizzily, hastily pushing Frederick out of the bed as well as he could, “Get out – get out – get out! If Kelly sees what you did to me he’ll start a riot – now go!”

Frederick jumped out of the bed, not quite understanding what Ethan was saying, but knew it was urgent and quickly began pulling on his clothes. Looking in the mirror Ethan was startled by the thick, banded bruise starting to collar his neck, touching it gingerly.

“Will I ever see you again?” Frederick breathed, nearly put together.

“No. Take what you’ve learned and go find a nice boyfriend to dominate, you naughty little kink,” Ethan smiled brilliantly.

“That’s unlikely, I nearly killed you. Scared the shit out of myself.”

“You just need practice – and self control.”

“I’m going now ––“ Frederick waved, heading for the door.

Unfortunately, at that very moment, Kelly Landry’s prodigious gut hastily came through the doorway followed by his grandiose smile.

“Good morning!” He boomed, seizing Frederick uncomfortably by the shoulder with a jolly laugh, “Come! Did you enjoy yourself with the End’s most beautiful Ghost?”

“I most certainly did sir,” Frederick replied nervously, unable to escape his strong grip, “But I really must be going.”

“You see, I – “ Kelly was about to go on at length bragging about his magnificent stallion, when upon gesturing to Ethan he froze. His little, meticulous eyes at once noticed the dark mottled bruise around Ethan’s otherwise pretty white neck. With no way to hide, Ethan jumped weakly to the end of the bed, reaching out as if to plead his case. But it was no use.

“What – what have you done to my darling?!” Kelly stammered and then seized, with a formidable rage that only Ethan saw coming, Frederick by the shoulders and threw him against the wall – pinning him up. “How dare you ignore the rules of the house - ! My love could’ve been killed! You’ll have to pay a penalty for this, a great deal too, in damages!”

“Kelly, please, it’s alright!” Ethan pleaded from the bed.

“Did I say you could talk, slut? I’ll punish you later for speaking out against me and promoting this! In case you have forgotten, I am your Owner and I am the final authority on who can do what to you,” Kelly growled possessively, shaking Frederick in his hands as he spoke. Frederick trembled fretfully as Kelly’s murderous attention turned back to him, “Now, you are gonna pay...”

“B-b-but I don’t have any money right now…”

“Well, you got two choices: you work for me and earn the money back – plus interest – or I cut your balls off -- you disgusting little piece of shit!”

“I-I’ll work here, I’ll do whatever, please, I’m sorry!” Frederick pleaded. After a moment’s consideration, Kelly spat into his face before pealing him off the wall and throwing Frederick towards the door. Ethan, in the mean time, had shrank away to the head of his bed and was sipping his stale champagne idly, careless of his still naked figure. His eyes, however, were clouded over with disdain and gloom as he watched the falling out.

“You’ll be here Thursday night at eleven o’clock sharp or I’ll find you and I will hurt you. I’ll give you a task even a stupid fuck like you won’t fuck up. Now get the fuck out of here before I beat your ass!” Kelly hissed ostentatiously and Frederick clamored out of the room and scampered away through the halls. The door came to a close, shutting Ethan and Kelly alone in a tense silence. At last, Kelly turned to face his slave, eyes glittering madly.

“I can hardly stand to look at you, you cunt.”

“I’m fine, Master,” Ethan assured him boldly, sipping his drink.

“ONLY I CAN LEAVE MARKS ON YOU!” The vein above Kelly’s temple was bulging from his flesh. He reeled, grabbing the glass from Ethan’s hand and threw it at the wall with a crash. Meanly gripping Ethan’s injured ankle, Kelly pulled him roughly down the bed a ways, twisting it as a cue for Ethan to spread his thighs wide. Exposing his private areas, Kelly’s fat hands squeezed Ethan’s balls and pulled them roughly.

“Ahh~” Ethan winced, biting his lip, “I’m sorry, Master…”

“You’re a naughty cunt. You’ve always been hard to break – going against my word – pleasing the clients too much. I thought I could trust you, but I suppose I was wrong. Stay here,” Kelly commanded, although it was an ineffectual threat as Kelly locked the door from the outside as he furiously hurried out. Ethan was relieved as his balls were let loose and weakly curled up on the bed.

Ethan had even almost begun to doze off if Kelly hadn’t whirled back in like a tornado, a strange device in his hands. Ethan rolled over and opened his legs wide for Kelly, as that was his Owner’s favorite submissive position for him to be in. Ethan had a mind to be extra careful while Kelly was being so tumultuous, just to get his punishments over with so he could sleep off his horrible headache.

“Your ass belongs to me, no matter what you may think. I own it – I rent it out, so you abide by my rules. I think you might remember this device from when I first started training you. It’s a shame we have to revert back to it, but there must’ve been a crack in our foundations…”

The device was a thick leather underwear garment, reinforced and adorning a padlock – not unlike the one he had worn for the show, but this one had some severe modifications. In the seat portion was a rather thick plug sticking out. And in the front was a constrictive wire piece for the cock to fit. This unpleasant device was none other than a chastity belt, and Ethan soon came to recollect its discomforts.

The underwear was tight and strong, with no way to stretch it or escape without the key to the padlocked zipper. The butt plug was formidable, but having it firmly lodged up Ethan’s ass there was no comfortable position in which to escape it. His dick was shoved into the metal compartment and left no room for expansion. He could piss with difficulty, but could not shit.

“I won’t allow you to go home – you’ll stay here with me through the weekend to heal and train,” it should be noted that the performer’s ‘weekend’ extended from Sunday until Wednesday, then back to work Thursday night, and that performers did not usually stay in the hidden suites unless otherwise commanded – little private bathrooms were also connected to each suite for the client's overnight comfort. “I’ll come down to feed and let you shit twice a day – at nine and nine. You better be looking forward to my company, y’hear, slut?”

“Yes, Master,” Ethan replied mechanically, hoping that Kelly was satisfied and would leave him alone already.

“You poor baby…” Kelly sighed, touching Ethan’s neck furtively before turning and locking the door on his way out.

Left alone, Ethan sighed, dragging himself to the top of the bed. The device that clung to his loins was uncomfortable and made his ass sweat. His anus felt heavy and full at all times, as if in an endless state of needing to shit a great load, but in reality was just the effect of the plug. Eventually Ethan fell asleep from sheer exhaustion, and slept all the way through that day save from the moments when he would writhe awake only to realize the contraption was still there.

He dreamt of Frederick, fantasizing that the plug in his ass was Frederick’s own dick. However, these fantasies were short lived, for just as Ethan got hard, his dick would enlarge in its cramped cage and cause him great pain until he calmed down. He soon hated everything, and didn’t even think of Frederick and dreamt of nothingness.
you make me sick because i adore you so
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