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Old 01-27-2016, 09:42 AM   #1
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Default Kyle: My First Taste of Online Nudity and Humiliation - Part 3


This story is a work of fiction. All the incidents depicted here is a result of the author's imagination. Any similarities to any actual events is unintentional and purely coincidental. The places mentioned and described here were also fictional. No actual places with exactly the same descriptions exists to the author's full knowledge.

Potentially offensive contents may be present in this story. Readers are advised to discontinue reading if such contents are to be found illegal and unacceptable for their country's respective laws and culture.

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Previously on Part 1. The Beginning of a Dare

Kyle was a typical teenager with a normal high school life. But everything changed when he met Jack online via his Facebook.

Jack seems friendly and soon gained Kyle's trust so that when Jack offered Kyle for a game of truth or dare in exchange for a reward for every task he perform successfully, Kyle immediately agreed.

The first task found Kyle taking pictures of himself naked in the various parts of his house. After Jack gets ahold of these naked pictures, he uses them to blackmail Kyle into doing more naked tasks and also enabling him to gather more naked pictures as well as videos that only made his collection of blackmail larger.

Without any other choice, Kyle was forced to do more naked tasks even when the tasks were required to do inside his school.

Previously on Part 2. More Extreme Dares

Now Kyle was finally trapped under Jack's control without a means to escape. Adding to his worries is the security measures being upgraded in his school because of the evidences he left from performing his last naked task inside the school.

He was temporarily relieved when Jack told him that he will never do naked tasks in the school anymore but was shocked to learn that his naked tasks will be more daring, bold, and more public than any of his previous tasks.

Kyle found himself spending late nights naked away from home, each night farther from the last. What was worse was that his naked tasks consumed most of the time which he was supposed to spend sleeping. With little sleep and rest found him missing school altogether.

Part 3. Things Went From Bad to Worse

Section 23. Losing Hope
Section 24. Countdown
Section 25. A Long Walk at the Tracks
Section 26. I Lost My Socks
Section 27. Exposed to the Public
Section 28. Out of Hand
Section 29. Let It Go
Section 30. Uncharted Territory
Section 31. In Danger
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Old 01-27-2016, 09:43 AM   #2
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Default Section 23. Losing Hope

That night, I was beginning to feel useless and hopeless. I can’t decide on what to do. It seems that everything I should do and every move I make must be instructed or ordered by Jack.

I refused to eat dinner and do any homework. Then I remembered, I didn’t went to school earlier so I didn’t have any idea if we were given any homework. I was afraid to call my friends and ask if there were any homework that needs to be done. Calling them will open the possibility of inquiries as to why I wasn't at school the whole day. I didn't know what to say as an excuse. I wasn't a very good liar. Giving a lie for reason might get them suspicious and investigate on the matter.

As the world outside gets dark, I was stationary inside my bedroom, lying naked and unmoving. It seems that any movement was pointless and meaningless. I convinced myself that as long as I’m trapped inside this secret life of sexual abuse and slavery, I won’t be able to function as a normal person outside the house.

What bothers me most is the fact that a schoolmate, which I still didn’t have a clue who, was aware of the naked exploits I was doing. Until I have a clue to who it might be, I was scared to attend school.

My stomach was growling from hunger. I haven’t eaten all day. But I was helpless to move even out of my own bed. I figured that if I die of hunger, I won’t need to worry about doing any naked tasks anymore.

But dying from hunger will only result in another embarrassment. Imagine if my parents came home and found me dead in my bed naked. Of course they will want to know the reason why I died. They will order an autopsy to my dead body only to find out that I died of hunger.

It will be very hard for them to accept that kind of news. It's not as if they didn't left me more than enough money for food while they were gone. Adding to the embarrassment is the way they found their teenage son lifeless and lying naked on the bed.

And then they will have to inform the school on what happened to me. I imagined my dad breaking the news to the principal. "Mr. Myers, my wife and I came to inform you that our son Kyle will not be attending school anymore."

Of course Mr. Myers will be confused on the way my dad delivered the news. He would be interested to know the reason as to why I couldn't go to school anymore. And my dad will say, "As you can see Mr. Myers, my wife and I left our son at home alone to enjoy on a vacation with some friends for ten days. We came home and found our son dead."

I can imagine my mom break from silent sobs into a full-on crying. And my dad will be at her side trying to console her even if he was on the verge of crying too.

Mr. Myers will be shocked and will respond to the news accordingly. "But that was impossible. He was fine the last time I saw him. That was exactly last week, I think Monday morning. Well, aside from the fact that he didn't came to school for four consecutive days after that, I didn't think that something that serious would happen to him. I guess there's a lot that can happen in four days.”

But trusting Mr. Myers, he will no doubt asked for the reason of my death. “If you don't mind me asking, what caused Kyle's death?"

At this point, my mom would even cry harder because she was ashamed and can't accept the reason of my death. My dad will be offended and would escort my mom out of the room. But not before offering an answer to satisfy Mr. Myers' curiosity, with a tone of disgust from the insensitive question.

"Well, as you may see from my wife's outburst, we do mind. But since you asked, fine we'll tell you. Our son died of hunger. Yeah, because we left him alone for ten measly days. Clearly, he can't fend for himself. And we certainly were bad parents for neglecting our only son. And for what? Just to have some fun time with friends?"

Mr. Myers would then try to redeem himself. "No, I didn't mean it like that Mr. Harrison. I am merely asking for information so that I may have anything to tell Kyle's teachers when I inform them about this. I really apologize for all of this and please accept my condolences on behalf of all Kyle's teachers and classmates."

Knowing my dad being a reasonable man, he will calm down and see things clearly. They will part ways finally with full understanding of the situation.

My mind snapped back to reality when a sound broke the eerie silence that fueled the scenes from my wild imagination.

I was shocked when my phone started to ring and thought that probably it was Jack calling with the next task that I must perform later this night. Suddenly remembering that Jack hated waiting, I answered the call immediately.

“Great, you’re still alive,” he said. It seems that we were already past any pleasantries.

“Sir,” is all I could muster. After all, I was weak from hunger.

“I have formulated your next task,” he continued. “Tonight, you will do a long walk.”

“A long walk?” I asked.

“What, are you deaf now?” he said clearly irritated by my question. “You heard me, you will do a long walk. You will leave your house tonight at exactly ten.”

I checked the time, it was 8:26. I still have a little over 90 minutes before the next task.

“This next task is slightly different because you won’t be leaving your house naked.”

I was relieved because for the first time in days, I will leave home clothed.

“You will wear a new pair of boxers, the best and most comfortable one you have. You will also wear a T-shirt and slim-fit jeans, both must be the best you can find inside your closet. For your footwear, you are to wear white socks and the rubber shoes I bought from your wishlist. You are also to wear the hoodie I bought for you.”

Great, I thought. Now, I won’t be worrying about being caught naked outside.

“You are to walk eastward, the opposite direction from your school. Do not stop walking until I tell you to. Good luck.” Then he hung up.

Taking note of the tasks and analyzing its simplicity, I thought it wasn’t too bad. Maybe all I have to do is walk until my feet are tired. Maybe a little masturbation and ejaculations along the way. It wasn’t that hard apart from the fact that I will have to walk for hours, I think I can do it. I just hoped that Jack will give me some time to rest in between walks.

My growling stomach once again informed me that I needed nourishment for the task. Mustering all the strength I have, I was able to lift myself off the bed and went downstairs to eat dinner.

There’s something wrong with my taste buds. I can’t taste the food I was eating. Maybe it was just in my head. Or maybe it was the fact that I was losing any will to live. Whatever the reason was, I needed the energy if I wanted to survive the next task.

After stuffing food in my mouth which I can barely taste, I went upstairs and did the only reasonable thing left for me to do until the time to begin the task came which was to wait.
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Old 01-27-2016, 09:44 AM   #3
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Default Section 24. Countdown

While waiting, I prepared the clothes that I was to wear that night. I felt grateful for the leeway on the series of nights I spent naked while performing Jack’s tasks. Although I wasn’t totally free from performing Jack’s tasks tonight, at least I was given a one night break performing them naked.

I went to the drawer where I keep all my boxers and picked up the newest and most comfortable pair of boxers I have. I set it on the bed. I did the same for the shirt and jeans.

The shoes which was still on its box was kept under my bed. I retrieved the shoes and set it on the bed beside the required white socks. The limited edition hoodie that Jack bought for me from my wishlist was on a hanger inside my cabinet. I haven’t worn it yet and regretted that the first time that I will use it was on the task.

I still have a little under one hour. I decided to take a shower to wash away the negative thoughts I have had earlier as well as to make my head feel refreshed. Turning up the water heater until the shower stall was filled with mist the way I like it, I took my time in the shower enjoying the last minutes of my free time at home until the time that I must go outdoors again to do another stupid task. Times like these that help me think clearly and cool my mind off of any worries and constant fear ever since the day I stupidly let Jack control my whole life. I never expected things to turn out like this. All I really wanted was to have my freedom back and return to my life before Jack ruined it.

Freshly showered, I stepped out of the bathroom and dried my naked body with a towel. I put on the required clothes and waited until the time Jack instructed for me to start the walk.

I can literally hear the ticking of the clock as it neared ten in the evening. Almost as loud as the ticking was the sound of my heart beating.

I was cooped up inside the house too long that the idea of being outside again instantly gave me chills down my spine. I was afraid to meet people, especially strangers. The way they looked at me gave me the idea that they knew something about the life I was secretly living. Of course I’m just imagining these things, but still paranoia fueled by my fears took over and convinced me that people indeed were aware of the disgusting things I did these past few days.

Even the clothes I was wearing did very little to assure me that I was safe from people’s prying eyes and their judging looks. I was so used to walking naked outside these past few nights that even these new clothes felt foreign on my body. Even though I own these things, it felt like it really didn't belong in my body.

All I could do was hope that I met no one outside once I started the walk.

As soon as the clock strike ten, I was out of the house. But not before I made sure that the key to the kitchen door at the back of the house was deposited under the mat for easy retrieval later. I did this just in case I have to enter the house through the back door once I get back.

I walked into the night without any clue to what was the real purpose of the task. Was there a hidden agenda that I need to be aware of? Was Jack hiding something that I need to be prepared of? Letting me do the task not naked seems too good to be true. Knowing Jack from the previous tasks he made me do, it was unbelievable that he never made me go outside naked this time. All those previous tasks he made me get out of the house without any clothes, so why the sudden change now?

I just hoped that I survive the night without getting into trouble. Or worse ended up getting caught. I knew I couldn't bear the shame if any of these things happen. I managed to survive one week of doing the naked tasks without getting into trouble or getting caught and I didn't intend to start now.

Well, aside from the fact that another student from my school caught me jacking off in the library. But so far I didn't get into trouble, apart from the thousands of views of the porn video of myself which was taken by the same unknown schoolmate without my knowledge. But that didn't count because I wasn’t sure if all the people who saw the video know me personally apart from the one who took and uploaded it on the worldwide web.

The truck driver also didn't count. I reasoned that he was only acting on kindness. He even offered me a ride and a shirt to cover my nudity. All of these he did because he was concerned and didn't want to get me in any trouble. Now, I felt guilty for lying to the driver in exchange for his kindness.

I walked along the front street, owing to the fact that I was clothed and hiding wasn't a problem at the moment. My right hand was holding the camera which was directed at me, recording the entire walk. My phone was in my jacket pocket as instructed by Jack. I set it on vibrate mode waiting for the next instructions as I walk aimlessly into the night.

Contrary to what our principal said, there weren't anyone patrolling in the neighborhood. This suited me well because I won't have to worry about probings and questionings if someone saw me and get suspicious. After all, I was a minor and walking out this late was prohibited. Even though I was clothed, this does not guarantee that I will be allowed to walk outdoors especially this late in the evening. Not unless of course if I was accompanied by an adult.

Still, I was on the alert for any other human presence in the surroundings. I couldn't afford to let my guard down. Not if these people were warned about any strange activities, which was also a result of my embarrassing task in school last Friday.

As I reached the end of the street, I was debating on which direction I should go. Jack didn't told me any directions. All he said was that I was to take the direction opposite the direction of the school. Even better for me not wanting to be near the school again for the duration of the task, I took the opposite direction and turned right. Soon, I was walking along the side of a major highway.

A good twenty more minutes had passed and I arrived at an intersection. It was in fact almost half an hour since I left home but still no word from Jack. I was starting to worry.

I decided to turn right at the intersection, not wanting to walk at the exposed and vulnerable highway's sidewalk. It was also the more practical thing to do because turning left will make me cross the highway to get to the other side. I didn't want to attract attention given the fact that it was after ten in the evening. After all, I was still a minor and therefore wasn't allowed outside the house this late.
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Old 01-27-2016, 09:45 AM   #4
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Default Section 25. A Long Walk at the Tracks

Soon, I reached my town's business district. It was deserted. I was living in what you may call a sleepy town. I'd say sleepy because unlike in the metro, there weren't any interesting spots where anyone can hang out to accommodate a visitor's night lifestyle. If anyone wants to enjoy a drink and some legal nightly entertainment, the nearest place for that would be at Garthon, the next town on the south. And if they wanted to address their sexual needs for a price, though illegally, the place for that would be Stanton, the next town on the east.

I passed the series of stores with their CLOSED signs. Several meters more and I found myself nearing the old train station. This station was not in use anymore ever since the public bus transport started to service our town. But the tracks were still there as well as few abandoned coaches.

As soon as I reached the front of the station, my phone vibrated. Thank goodness. I thought Jack totally forgot about me. I checked the time and saw that it was half past ten, exactly half an hour after I left home.

The text contains the next instructions.

"Stop wherever you are. While still filming yourself, strip completely naked. Take at least three photos of yourself naked. One photo must be full body frontal, one of your back, and the third photo must be of you wearing only the boxers. Redress yourself but remove first your boxers. As soon as you get dressed, tear your boxers until completely destroyed and leave the pieces where you are standing and continue the walk. I will send you the next instructions in due time."

Fuck. Now I have to destroy my good boxers. This was the first time I wore it and now I have to tear it to pieces. Now Jack’s intentions were beginning to dawn on me. He lured me in a false sense of security when he gave me the idea that I will be doing the task clothed. But judging from his recent text, I was beginning to suspect that the same fate will happen to the rest of my clothes. I will be stripped naked one item at a time until I was fully naked. At the rate of Jack's orders, I’m gonna need to buy more clothes or else I will end up with a completely empty closet.

Why did I think that Jack will be gentle this time? He was always full of surprises. But this was the most shocking so far. He totally got me thinking that I was safe from being naked, at least this one time. Never did it occurred to me that he had something up his sleeves. And then I was trapped and left with no other choice but to obey.

Not wanting to waste more time, I quickly undressed until I was fully naked. I didn’t knew exactly why but as soon as I was standing only in my birthday suit, I was turned on by the situation. Me standing fully naked in an abandoned station? The idea got me horny and wanted to jack off and release the horny feeling I was experiencing. But I knew better not to do things Jack didn’t explicitly ordered. Jacking off wasn’t mentioned in the instructions and therefore I wasn’t allowed to.

The only thing that needs to be done is to take three photos of my naked body before I could get dressed again, destroy my boxers and move on. As soon as I took the required three photos, I put back my clothes on leaving the boxers out.

In front of the camera's vision, I deliberately tore the boxers until it was nothing but pieces of small fabric. The boxers completely destroyed, I dropped the pieces on the ground. It was then that I realized that the boxers now were nothing but a wasted piece of good garment.

Sensing that I will soon spend the night walking naked, I decided to take the train tracks. It was really a sensible decision because it wasn't in use for several years now. That means that no one will be around to see me in case I ended up walking totally naked. It will be so much better than having to walk in plain view of strangers. Besides, Jack never told me any specific routes to take on my walk. At least that was something I could use to my advantage.

Circling the building that once housed the station, I found myself facing the tracks. This left me with another choice to make, should I walk to the left or to the right? I never really know where the tracks will lead me. After all, I was just a kid when the train ceased its operations and never had the chance to ride in it. I just convinced myself that the sensible direction would be the one going away the town proper so as not to end up walking back to where I came from. My mind made up, I turned right and continued the walk, always keeping to the tracks and on the alert for some strangers that might be lurking behind the shadows.

The night was cool so I didn't have any problems of sweating. Still, losing my boxers provided a slight discomfort as my dick began to rub on the inside of my jeans. I wasn't used to the feeling of going commando because I never really done it often. The only time I was forced to wear something without an underwear was last Friday when Jack prohibited me from wearing boxers to school. And that was before I was told to shave my pubes and the sensation made by the mixture of my pubic area itching and the rough fabric of the jeans was enough to make my dick slightly hard. I did my best to ignore the feeling and instead focused on the walk.

I was relieved to see that the tracks were covered by lines of trees on both sides. Maybe I was still lucky despite the events that happened during the past week. Even though one schoolmate caught me jacking off in the library, I still count myself lucky because no other person knows what I was doing every night for the past few days. Of course I was scared because I still have no idea who that schoolmate was. Until such time that I do, I knew that I won’t have peaceful mind.
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Old 01-27-2016, 09:46 AM   #5
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Default Section 26. I Lost My Socks

It was a good fifteen minutes of walking when I arrived at a crossing where the railroad tracks intersects a deserted highway. I didn't turned left or right. Keeping to the tracks was the best option that I could do to stay safe and away from any strangers. Although the highway was deserted, the possibility of a vehicle passing was more probable than a train coming on the tracks. I was sure of that especially if the trains has long since ceased its operations.

I carefully crossed the street, looking towards my left and my right to check if there were any onlookers. The street may be empty of vehicles, but it didn’t mean that it could be empty of people too. Five more minutes of walking and several meters away from the intersection when I felt my phone vibrating inside my jacket pocket. Instinctively, I stopped on the spot to read whatever the message was. As it turned out, the message contains the next set of instructions.

"Stop wherever you are and do the same procedure as before. Strip off of all your clothes and take another set of two fully naked photos of yourself and a third photo wearing only your socks. Redress afterwards, but this time leave your socks out. Once dressed, fill your socks with earth and leave it where you are at the moment. Then, continue walking."

My suspicions was slowly being confirmed. I was right. I am losing one item of clothing each time he sends me the instructions. I will end up walking completely naked at the end of this task. If my instincts turned out to be correct after all, I will lose not only the boxers and socks tonight.

Another realization came to me that particular moment. I was only several meters away from the intersection and the probability of a passing vehicle was far from impossible. Although it was late night, I knew that it wasn’t impossible for someone to be out and driving around. Another fact that worries me is the warning that our principal said last Monday. What if the warning had already been relayed to the police and even the town council? That would mean the possibility of a group of law enforcers patrolling the town tonight, especially around the town center.

And the fact that I was less than a kilometer away from the town center only strengthens my fear. Imagine if the cops caught a naked teenager outside in public instead of a thief on the loose that they were supposed to be looking for. But if they indeed caught me, they would be delighted to know that they in fact caught two delinquents in one person. After all, I was the supposed 'burglar' who broke in the school that they were looking for, as well as the teenage pervert who roams around the town naked every night. Just the thought made me shrink in shame.

But there would no point dwelling on that idea. The faster that I finish taking up the required photos means the shorter time that I have to spend naked in this particular spot. Not losing any moment, I quickly stripped off all my clothes until I was completely naked again. Like earlier, I took three photos of me before putting on the clothes again. As was instructed, I left out the socks and wore the rubber shoes under my bare feet. The shoes were the best kind so my feet still felt comfortable no matter what.

The socks were now lying discarded on the ground. I was reluctant to throw it away but my fear of facing Jack's wrath if I disobey him overpowered me. The punishment that he gave me from the previous mistake that I made was enough warning to make me realize that I didn't want to suffer another of Jack's punishments. If throwing the socks was what he wanted, then throwing the socks away he will get. No questions asked.

But first, I needed to fill the socks with earth. And to do that, I will need both my hands so I gently positioned the camera on the ground on the side making sure that it was directly recording everything. Kneeling on the ground, I slowly grabbed loose earth and stuffed them on the socks until they were full. I looked at my handiwork and just shook my head in regret at another wasted piece of good garment. I knew deep inside that these weren't the only pieces of my clothing that will suffer the same fate tonight. If it comes to that, I was hoping that I will be ready to let them go, especially the one that has a special value to me.

I wasn't materialistic. But these items were the most expensive from my whole clothes at home. Not to mention the fact that I obtained most of these items from performing the naked tasks set by Jack for me. I can't even afford even one of these items if not for Jack. And then these items will be taken away from me by Jack himself. I felt betrayed and used. All those nights I spent performing those stupid tasks thinking that I will be rewarded. Now he was taking them away from me through another set naked tasks that I agreed to do in the hopes of gaining these rewards in the first place. And in the end, I will be left with nothing.

On the one hand, I thought that losing these things were for my own good. Because these items, which were supposed to be the rewards from my naked tasks, serves as a reminder of the secret life I was currently living. The life of forced slavery and object of lust. The life as an instrument of satisfying Jack’s sadistic sexual pleasures. The life that I was forced to live and desperately wanted to escape forever. The life that I wanted to forget once and for all.

Having these thoughts, I was fueled with newfound drive to continue the task and was finally more than willing to lose each item that serves as a reminder of my embarrassing secret life. If I had the courage, I was even willing to throw the camera I was holding. The instrument that serves as the eye to my every movement and every performance day and night. I guess I didn't have that kind of courage because here I was, continuing the walk and waiting for the time that Jack will send the next set of instructions.
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Old 01-27-2016, 09:47 AM   #6
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Default Section 27. Exposed to the Public

A few more minutes into the night, I found myself nearing a steel bridge that serves as a support for the tracks which hovers above a busy highway. It was after eleven but the traffic below was busy with passing vehicles of varying sizes and shapes, but mostly of long trucks.

Fear once again started to get ahold at me. Although I was walking on a bridge at twenty feet above the highway, I was worried about its length. The highway below was a major expressway composed of two major highways designed to accommodate the large volume of vehicles from opposing traffic flows. One highway was six lanes wide and the other highway was four lanes wide. The two highways were separated by a barren space between them. The bridge was hovering directly perpendicular to the two highways. And I could only guess that the bridge was at least a hundred meters in length. That would mean that I would be walking the entire length while I was exposed to the traffic below.

I knew I was still clothed even though I already lose my boxers and socks. What if Jack’s message came while I was on any point on the bridge? Judging from his previous two instructions, would mean that I have to strip naked wherever I was. And wherever happens to be on the bridge above the highway.

I looked around for any other routes that I could take apart from the obvious one which is through the bridge only to be disappointed to know that I couldn’t find any. The only other choice would be to go back. But that will lead me back to the same route I had taken earlier. To make it to a different route, I will need to turn left or right on the crossing where the railroad intersects with the deserted street. But that seems farther and I didn’t want to turn back now. Hoping that I will be able to cross the bridge before Jack’s instructions came, I went through the bridge.

As I was walking about a third of the bridge, I felt my phone vibrated for the third time since I left home. I desperately prayed that it wasn't Jack because I was scared that the message would be the next instructions. Judging from the two previous messages, I would have to stop right there and perform the same procedure of strong completely naked. Doing so will left me exposed to the plain view of the drivers passing from both the two major highways below.

Of course the steel bridge have cross-beams on both sides for support. But it will only hide me barely. The moon was still fresh from its full form from four days ago and provided enough light to illuminate me, apart from the flashings of headlights made by the passing vehicles on the busy highway below.

My fear was confirmed when I opened the message. Sure enough, it contains the next set of instructions. Same as before, I have to strip completely naked and take another set of three photos——two fully naked and one wearing only the shirt. Once the photos were taken, I have to redress. But this time, the shirt has to go. But not before I destroy it first.

I guess this is how things will go. I have to take the required third photo wearing the item that I will have to lose eventually at the very spot where I was when Jack's instructions happen to appear in my phone. Every third photo becomes a souvenir and a way to remember the once good and comfortable clothing that ended up being wasted because of this stupid task.

I suspected that Jack was from nearby because he has a knack of making me strip naked in vulnerable and publicly exposed places, although I can't really prove it. Gathering all the clues I have from the previous tasks only made my suspicions stronger. He knew that the moon was full from the time that he told me to do the long naked walk to the woods. His first instructions even came when I was exactly infront the old train station. He also made me strip naked right here when I happen to be passing through this steel bridge.

Was he hiding in the shadows and spying on me? Why didn't I notice him from my previous tasks? Maybe he was good at hiding. But that seems highly unlikely. Maybe I am just speculating and he wasn't really nearby shadowing my every move.

Taking the time intervals when the instructions were sent to me into consideration, I thought that it was probably just a coincidence. After all, he sent the first message half an hour after I left home. The second message came thirty minutes after that. And now it was twenty minutes since the second message came when I received the next instructions.

I decided to stop speculating and did the task immediately. Waiting longer will only make me exposed longer than necessary. I didn't care that a lot of vehicles were passing from both lanes of both highways. I didn't care if they saw me. After all, I was twenty feet above the highway. If they see me, they will only see a naked body. My face won't be recognizable on that range. I was sure of that.

I just hoped that no one will snap a photo of me. If that happened, all they have to do is zoom the picture and my face will be recognized.

Adding to the discomfort I was feeling was the unbearable itch on my pubic area due to the small hairs starting to sprout. I didn't know that growing pubic hair would be this uncomfortable. Having a smooth shaven privates only feels great at some point. Now, I have to suffer on the itch.

It was over four days since I shaved my pubes and was surprised that it was only this time that it started to grow back. I made a mental note to shave again once I get back. This turned out to be a responsibility rather than a nice treat for my dick.
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Old 01-27-2016, 09:48 AM   #7
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Default Section 28. Out of Hand

Without the need for further delay, I carefully stripped above the highway. No one seems to pay any attention to me. Seizing the opportunity, I quietly took the first of three photos once I was completely naked.

It was already too late when I realized that I made a mistake. I didn't deactivated the flash. When I took the second photo, several vehicles blew their horns when they were about to pass under the bridge. Some even flashed their headlights as soon as they were directly facing the bridge where I was standing. They probably wanted to get my attention to let me know that they saw what I was doing.

Too late to repair the damage, I quickly slid on my shirt and took the last photo. Wasting time by deactivating the flash for the third photo will only prolong my naked display above the public highway.

It was never my intention, but this stupid move led to a major disaster. As soon as I took the third photo accompanied by the blinding light of the camera's flash, I heard the sound of swerving tires of an SUV. The sound ended in a defeaning bang.

This took me by surprise. All that I managed to do was froze in place as I watched the succession of cars collided with the vehicles in front of them. Once the succeeding collision stopped, the highway was bathed in the loud blowing of horns and cries for help. Drivers shouting at one another not bothering to hide their impatience. Several ran to the spot where the vehicles were jammed, checking if there were any casualties.

Realization hit me square in the face. I caused this to happen, though unintentionally. I was responsible for this. The only logical explanation that I can come up with is that the flash probably blinded and surprised one of the drivers which resulted to the accident.

Scared and shaking, I picked up the remaining clothes in my possession and ran as fast as I could away from the bridge. I didn't want to leave any evidence that will be traced back to me. I didn't even bothered to get completely dressed. All I really wanted was to get as far away from the collision spot as possible. I wanted to put distance between me and the place full of eyes that will surely compromise my identity and send me to jail for the rest of my pathetic life.

Never mind that I didn't complied with Jack's instructions to the letter. I never wanted to end up in prison. Between Jack's punishment and imprisonment, the former was more bearable. At least I will only suffer Jack's wrath for a short period of time. God knows how long I need to serve sentence for the trouble I caused earlier.

My feet are tired from almost two hours of walking but I didn't stopped until I was convinced that I was safely away from the bridge and most importantly, away from the collision site. I could only hope that no one was badly hurt from the accident. My conscience won't let me rest if someone ended up dead because of my stupidity.

This life of slavery is really getting out of hand. Although it was never Jack's or my intention, other people were accidentally being involved and caught up along the way in this dilemma.

How I wish that I could forget the whole thing and disappear on the spot completely. But this incident will leave me scarred for life. This will be forever imprinted in my mind and nothing I can do will ever make me forget it. I'm willing to give anything just to get back to the time before I met Jack online, before any of these things happened. And enjoy life like a normal teenager.

In three days, my parents will finally come home. What will they say if they find out what I did? Will they understand me or will they judge and hate me for doing these things all because of some gifts and bribe from a stranger? Thinking about these things only made my feelings heavy with the burden of fear and shame.
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Old 01-27-2016, 09:49 AM   #8
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Default Section 29. Let It Go

I was panting and out of breath when I decided to stop running. I was busy with many goings-on in my mind that I didn't noticed that I wasn't on the tracks anymore. Another misfortune caused by my stupidity. Now I didn’t have any clue where I am. I was lost.

I let myself a few minutes to gather my thoughts and to fully compose myself. I fully realized that panicking won't do me any good. A clear head will help me think better.

Noticing the bundle of clothes in my hand and the fact that I was stark naked, I started to get dressed. I decided to continue the task but with a minor deviation from the original instructions. Instead of leaving my shirt on the exact spot when I received Jack's last message, which was on the steel bridge, I made up my mind to do it right where I was at the moment.

If Jack noticed that I didn't followed his instructions exactly, a punishment will surely be given to me. I just hoped that he will understand when I tell him that I couldn't do it on the bridge because of what happened. He may even give me a lighter punishment, and I will gladly accept if he did. It was a long shot but I couldn't stop myself from hoping.

Slowly, I pulled the jeans up my legs and zipped the opening to hide my nudity. The feeling of my bare skin on the jeans fabric was weird. I was conditioned earlier to the feeling of the soft cotton fabric of my best boxers. And the transition from the soft cotton fabric straight to the rough denim made it more uncomfortable, which only made the itching on my pubic area a lot worse.

Next, I put on the shoes without the socks which I lost minutes ago. I didn't bothered to clean my soles which was caked with dirt from my running.

Lastly, I covered my upper body with the hoodie, regretting what was about to happen. I looked at the shirt forlornly, trying to delay the fate that was about to come to it. I was reluctant to let it go, at least not by the way Jack wants. I would very much prefer to leave it in one piece. It was a good shirt and if I leave it undestroyed, someone might find it and will have use for it.

But the main reason why I didn't want to destroy the shirt was because it was a gift from my parents for my sixteenth birthday almost a year ago. It has lots of sentimental value in it. In truth, I never wore it before because I liked to keep it looking brand-new.

Choosing to wear it for this task was another mistake. I can't really explain why I submit to Jack's demands completely and did as I was told when he ordered that I wear the best shirt I have. I could have easily cheated and choose another shirt. But I was really scared of Jack's capabilities.

Thinking about the whole situation, Jack had all the advantages against me. He has a growing collection of blackmail that I obligingly provided and I had nothing of him. He knew my name and address but I had no information about him apart from his name, which I suspected was nothing but an alias. He also knew where I go to school and even had photos of every classrooms with me naked in it.

I had no way of taking back those pictures and videos. Same thing that I had no way of returning to my old life, to the time when I didn't have to be scared and worry this much. It feels like ages ago since the last time I had a peaceful night of sleep. And I threw that life away all because I was blinded by the allure of getting fancy things in exchange for some challenges.

The only way that this would end us for Jack to let me go. But that didn't seem likely to happen. He was clearly enjoying the way he uses new got his sadistic sexual pleasures. As long as he has a hold on me, I couldn't do anything but to bend my will to his every wish.

And to do that, I need to execute the thing that I was trying to delay to happen. Setting the camera on the ground and securing the lens so that it was directly recording everything I was doing, I started to destroy the shirt.

First, I made a rip along the entire length of the shirt in front so that it now resembles a button-up shirt with opening at the front. Next, I tore the shirt further until it was lying on the ground in several small pieces.

It seems to me that I was also throwing away its sentimental and emotional value along with my parents' love when they gave that shirt to me. Not only its good quality was wasted but also its emotional worth to me. I feel like I was betraying my parents.

Never mind that my dignity was lost when I was forced to live an embarrassing life. But playing with my emotions was a different kind of torture that I simply cannot endure. Although I knew that Jack never had a clue that he was causing me this kind of emotional pain, I also knew that I couldn't raise the issue. Giving Jack another information on my weakness will only add to his advantages.

I gave the torn pieces of once my most prized shirt one last glance, then I turned away and continued the walk with tears in my eyes.
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Old 01-27-2016, 09:49 AM   #9
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Default Section 30. Uncharted Territory

I was down to the last three items of clothing which protect my body. As soon as the task was over, I knew that none of them will matter and I could only wait for Jack's message to confirm my suspicion.

All my inner garments suffered the same fate and was lying discarded and unusable at three different places. And as the time went on, I was preparing myself and hoped that I will not have to cause some more accidents and suffer another emotional torture.

My mind drifted back to the scenes I was imagining before this task was given to me. The idea of dying suddenly appeals more to me. Leaving a memory as the kid who died of hunger seems more comforting than being remembered as the kid who was imprisoned for causing a major street havoc while doing obscenities and lascivious acts in public. People will laugh at me and I will forever face the shame. It will leave a mark on my identity that will make my reputation tainted forever.

So far, I've spent almost three hours on the task and it seems that the night was still young. If my suspicions were true and that I will have to lose the three remaining items that covers my body, then this task was far from over. My feet were tired from the long walk but I knew that the time for me to rest wasn't any time soon.

As long as the task want completely finished, all I could do was to continue the walk and wait for the next instructions and follow it like a good slave when it comes.

When I veered away from the tracks from earlier, I had no idea where will that lead me. I wasn't intending to end up in a place that I didn't knew about. But what happened was exactly the opposite of what I was hoping for. I found myself in an unfamiliar surroundings. I didn't even know if this was still part of my hometown, probably in the outskirts. But I wasn't sure anymore. For all I know, I could be in the next town. I was really panicking when I saw the damage I had caused earlier in the highway to notice where I was heading when I ran.

All I really wanted was to be safely away from the collision site. Why do I always have to suffer an endless succession of unfortunate situations? Am I really that bad to ensure these events? Was there a greater force responsible for giving me these punishments? I was the victim here. If there was anyone who should be punished, it should be Jack and people like him who uses helpless people forcing them to do their bidding.

Life really isn't fair. As long as there are people willing to be treated low, correspondingly, there will always be people who will take advantage. That's the fact of life and nothing I could do will stop or change that. Not when that person has a great collection of blackmail on you.

I carefully scanned my surroundings, looking for clues that will tell me where I was. I will not let any more mistakes get me into another trouble. If I wanted to survive until the end of this task, I needed to be alert and observant at all times.

There doesn't seem any other person around the vicinity, but I needed to be extra careful. There could be anyone lurking in the shadows waiting for the right moment to jump right at me. I have heard of a district in Stanton, the town next to ours which coincidentally was through the direction I was walking through for the task.

The district was notorious for its reputation of high crime rate. In fact, it was also this reason that decided the fate of the train service. Complaints were record high concerning the incidents involving delinquents from Stanton who threw stones at the train's window glasses whenever it passed the district. This would always result in injuries to some passengers, and of course damage to the windows.

As time went, fewer people would ride in the train resulting to lower income profit not enough to cover the maintenance cost. In the end, they shut down the train and people would ride the bus, safely away from the delinquents of Stanton. However, the tracks still remains and of course the delinquents which probably evolved into more violent crimes when their favorite pastime of throwing stones to the passing trains were impossible to be done anymore.

It was for this reason that I was shaking in great fear that moment although I wasn't sure that I was really in Stanton. But I have no idea where I was and that only made the whole situation worse. I was alone and helpless. Asking anyone for help seems a great idea but I wasn't planning on placing my safety in the hands of a stranger. I long since learned never to trust a stranger after I realized what kind of person Jack was.

Then I remembered that it was also a stranger who helped me when I was limping naked late after midnight from four days ago. Trusting one stranger is enough. Besides, I didn't have any choice during that time. I was injured. Walking the whole way back home will only make the injury worse. If not for that kind truck driver, I would have to suffer the pain longer than I could handle.

The only light that could guide me was the moonlight. Any dark crevices hidden and blocked away from the moon’s glow were spots that brought shiver to my spine. What if I ended up being raped or killed? The idea scared as well as disgusted me.
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Old 01-27-2016, 09:50 AM   #10
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Default Section 31. In Danger

My fear only doubled when I heard the sound of people talking or in some cases singing or shouting. I was indeed in Stanton, but I wasn’t on its notorious crime district. I was in fact at another district equally notorious for its prostitution. When I say prostitution, it doesn’t only include female sex workers, the industry also involves minors as well as male escorts for women, gays and curious males alike. The place was crowded with night clubs and brothels while a number of rundown motels dotted the outskirts.

If pedophiles ever happen to stumble on the place, it would be a perfect hunting ground for them to hunt for young fresh boys and girls. It was bad luck that I ended up being there. Very bad luck indeed.

I have heard of the place but never really set foot anywhere near it so I didn’t have a clue to its roads and alley's many twists and turns. Lost as I am, I couldn’t bring myself to ask for help. Not if the place is crowded with horny and disgusting predators overwhelmed with lust and screaming for sex. They could easily mistook me for an escort and end up being raped if I didn’t give in to their offer and satisfy their sexual needs. Or I might accidentally bump into some hoodlums and forced to give them my jacket, jeans and shoes. I knew the money that they could make from these things will gonna be a lot. If I lost the three remaining clothes I was wearing, I will end up completely naked. Exposing my body will be an invitation for sexual abuse.

Never in my whole life did I feel this much fear. All the ideas and possibilities that comes to my mind weren’t exactly to my favor. I could either end up injured, abused or dead. And to think that all of these only started from a stupid dare. I never imagined that this will get beyond my control. And every day that passes, the magnitude of the situation multiplies tenfold than the last. It would only be a matter of time when my luck will run out and I will get in a very serious trouble. And as I stepped away from the loud district of Stanton noisy with lust and smell strongly of sex, I was convinced that this was really the end.

If not for the consequences that I will suffer if I didn't do this task, I should be lying in my bed right now. I will be sleeping comfortably probably dreaming of something far from the actual situation that I was currently in.

The closest that I will have to experience these kind of experiences will be through nightmare. At least nightmares can be stopped. All I needed to do is to wake up and the nightmare will be gone. But simply waking up won't save me from the actual nightmare I was currently trapped in.

My fear only increased when I saw a boy probably younger than me by a year was bent over a garbage can. He was naked and both hands were tied behind his back as a burly man breeds his ass. Another man was busily fucking his mouth while the helpless boy gags and gasps for air. I was really shocked by the sight and didn't know what to do. Should I help and rescue the boy from the two horny beast fucking the lights out of him?

I was confused whether to help the boy or just leave him alone when I saw another shocking scene. Another boy slightly older than the one I saw earlier was also being fucked by an older man. The boy's face was pressed on the back wall of a brick building while the man forcefully fucks his ass from behind. I can literally hear the boy's screams as the man rams his dick inside the poor boy's anus.

Although the two scenes I was witnessing were hidden from the rest of Stanton's loud and wild flesh market, from the boy's screams I was sure that other people heard it as clearly as I could. I was surprised that no one even bothered to check what was going on if it was indeed a rape that was happening. Or someone could have just call someone with the authority to sort these things out, someone from the law enforcement agencies.

I couldn't decide if these boys were being raped, fucked against their will or if they were minor sex workers offering their flesh to whoever pays them money in exchange for giving a customer their required sexual pleasure.

Were they that desperate for money to let these merciless and horny men use and abuse them in the very humiliating way possible? And then I realized that I am no better than them because I let a stranger use me in every shameful way to satisfy his sexual fantasies.

Whatever these boys were, and the fact that no one from their own town even cared to help them, I realized that I didn't want to get involved. If their own people won't even bother to help them, why would someone from other town should help them? I was afraid that I may end up being raped by those men fucking them. If they ever saw me, I knew that they will fuck me too whether I let them or not.

I was shaking and couldn’t feel my legs as I retreated to the shadows and tried to grope my way through the dark. Being invisible is the only weapon that I could use in my present situation. Slowly, I stepped away from the flesh market into the protection of the shadows provided by the trees that leads to a forestry area.

I sighed and felt relieved when I successfully made it through the trees without getting seen. As I was about to walk away, a hand was quickly placed firmly on my mouth almost at the same time I felt a sharp cold object touched the skin on my neck. And to my great horror, a deep voice whispered in my ear, “Don’t move or I’ll swear I'm gonna cut your throat.”

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Old 01-30-2016, 01:52 PM   #11
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Love your stories! Anything like this ever happen to you?
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Old 02-13-2016, 10:05 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Big ed View Post
Love your stories! Anything like this ever happen to you?
nothing whatsoever, everything here happened inside my head coz i have a very boring life...
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Old 05-05-2016, 09:36 PM   #13
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Sorry, been busy lately. I'll resume writing soon...
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Old 05-08-2016, 03:38 PM   #14
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Yay! I'll have more to read.


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