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Old 07-23-2007, 08:08 AM   #1
Smile Guy
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Default Consequences Can Be Interesting [FICTION]

I figured that to make up for my long absence I would write a story for you all to enjoy. Being in charge of the Truth or Dare Story section I know how quite incredible this monumentous occasion is. This is fiction but with elements of truth that none of you will properly be able to pick out. The only real character in the story is me. Are you sitting comfortably? Good, I will begin.

Part 1
The Best Bet in the World

I am a sixteen year old male in the light of great celebration. My exams have just finished and naturally, a long holiday has begun. I have fully matured with a skinny, but muscly body, a tall frame, the need to shave, and I hasten to add with the need of showing off, a rather large dick. Nevertheless, I wasn't the most confident of people and, while I certainly went to all manner of parties, I often went days (even weeks) at a time enjoying calmer activities with a smaller bunch of friends.

Today was one of those days, as me and my close friend Clara were messing around together in a bunch of woods nearby. The woods were very secluded as, although they were fairly near some houses no one ever tended to visit there. Naturally, my shy and slightly reclusive personality made me love them.

Clara loved the woods also but for a different reason. She was a lover of nature and enjoyed to no-end spending time outdoors. Clara and I were very close friends and had been for many years... we had the same connection that two girls would have together as friends and generally we shared all our secrets. Romantically, we had been involved with one another but usually with the influence of alcohol being a strong contender for said involvment. She had brown hair, hazelnut eyes, and in my eyes, a beautiful face and body though she didn't seem to think so. She also had extraordinarily large boobs which although I stood up to anybody who "made fun" about them, I myself couldn't help but notice them.

And so, the two of us were sitting on fallen logs throwing a ball to one another in the middle of my favourite woods. "This is kinda dull," she said suddenly.

"Yeah," I agreed. I suddenly realised that I had been absent-mindedly not talking to her despite the fact that we were passing the ball inbetween each other. "We should try and spice this ball game up!" I joked, saying it in a mock-flirtatious manner.

"Y'know what," she said, dead serious, "We should."

Slightly surprised, I looked up at her. She had a familiar glint in her eye which I recognised well. It was a glint she had before she was about to do, or in this case, suggest, something a little bit different. Something a little bit outward going. Something a little bit... naughty. "We," she proclaimed suddenlyas she stood up, "Shall have a bet!"

"What do you mean by a bet?" I asked, unable to keep a note of intrigue in my voice. I had a feeling the sort of thing she would suggest and I couldn't help but let my breathing get a little bit heavier.

"Right, we'll carry on playing this catch and throw game, but whoever drops the ball first has to do a forfeit suggested by the other player. Agreed?"

"What sort of forfeit?" I inquired, suspiciously.

"Agreed?" she repeated, ignoring my question. I sighed melodramaticaly and nodded in agreement, though I couldn't keep a smirk off my face. This was the Clara I knew and loved; things were probably about to get very good indeed. Clara seemed satisfied. "You can name your forfeit first."

This was tactful of Clara, I thought to myself. By suggesting that I suggest the forfeit first, the level of friskiness would be decided by me. "Okay," I said, smiling brightly, "if you drop the ball then you have to strip completely naked with no covering immediately in this wood --"

"Okay!" said Clara, with such speed and immediacy that I didn't have a chance to say 'only joking'. "I -- what?" I said, surprised. Clara was clearly very horny indeed. I had to admit that I could feel my dick begin to rise up against my leg. It was tingling excitedly as though it was buzzing with excitement and my years of puberty made me automatically put my hand in my pocket. She smiled all too knowingly before saying, "My turn!" I nodded, all of a sudden, fearing the worst. "If you drop the ball in our little game of throw and catch..."

"Yes?" I said uneasily.

"... I get to..."

"Go on."

"... jack you off right here, right now under my own conditions."

"What!" I shrieked suddenly. The very thought of this made my dick shoot up so quickly I could feel it rubbing against my stomach. Even so, this felt a bit unfair, "But that means it's kind of good for me either way."

Clara smiled maliciously. If my horniness hadn't gone into overdrive I would have known she was up to something. "Exactly," she said sweetly, "There's no way you can lose this bet at all. The only thing that really happens is you cum outside. BIG DEAL!"

Despite 'BIG DEAL!' being meant in a sarcastic way, I did feel that the whole affair was a big deal. I rarely rushed into anything like this (except when alcohol was involved) but my unfailing trust of Clara and my horniness insisted that this was okay. What was the worst that could happen? I either got to see Clara naked outside (my thoughts meandered to what a large breasts would look like) or I get the ultimate pleasure from someone I saw as a very hot girl.

"It's the best bet in the world!" she said.

I, all to gullibly, agreed. And the throw and catch game began!

To be continued...

I think you're all under no pretense that this was the starting chapter and naturally the introduction. But, as luck would have it, Part 2 is coming as soon as possible. I hope you're all fans and looking forward to it!
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Old 07-23-2007, 08:59 AM   #2
Smile Guy
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Told you it'd be quick!

Part 2
Throw and the Catch

Controlling my dick to a reasonably floppy level and rose to my feet, scooping up the frayed and muddy tennis ball. I flipped it over in my hand and almost dropped it there and then. Not the best of starts. "It's a slippy ball," I explained.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" she smirked. We laughed as casually as possible but I think that both of us were actually pretty uptight. We were both looking forward to this. The day was calm but warm, so the wind would not be an effecting factor. I weighed up my options and decided that I'd rather see Clara bare all than me have to get out the dick. I was playing to win! "Ready?" I asked.

"When you are..."

I lobbed the ball. It flew gracefully in the air and Clara caught it unflinchingly. "I'm starting easy," I stated. She nodded flicking back her brown hair as she did so. She threw the ball. With all her might. It smacked straight into my stomach and I doubled over winded. Then I realised that I needed to catch the ball, and looked up, seeing the ball cascade back down toward me after the unusual rebound. With a high degree of skill in my opinion I leapt back and caught the ball before attending to my stomach with a rub. "You really want to win," I said, stating the obvious.

"Hell yeah. I've been wanting to see your penis for quite a while now," she said, while I stared rather surprised, "You see... there are rumours." I ignored that comment though my mind started going in haywire. My horny side consoled me with an image of groups of girls sniggering at parties together talking about the colossal size of my dick, while my nasty side told me that the fact that my penis bent ever so slightly to the left was horribly abnormal and the whole school was aware about it without my knowing.

"Err... right... I see..." I said, before surprising myself by chucking the ball with excess speed myself she had to leap to catch it but succeeded fairly easily.

I smiled and glanced away for a single split second.

Big mistake.

She threw the ball back and as if in slow motion I saw it arch over my head. I ran back but it was too late anyway with it just feet from the ground. As if to add insult to injury, I tripped and hurtled to the ground at the exact same moment the ball landed in a soft pile of leaves. It rolled mockingly onto the ground right in front of me.

Clara was in hysterics and I laughed too. It had probably looked pretty funny. Then realisation dawned me and I said weakly, "Oh no..."

"Oh yes!" said Clara, happily dancing from foot to foot, "Oh yes!"

While the idea of getting a hand job from Clara before the ball game had seemed absolutely wonderful, it suddenly dawned on me that I was going to have to get my dick out in a wood. It was usually secluded but what if the rare dog walker came along or somebody had gone out looking for me and Clara?

"Oh yes!" said Clara once more, then said, "Now, I said that if you dropped the ball I would give you a hand job right here, right now. Yes?"

I nodded, meekly. What else could I do?

"I also said," -- this did not sound good -- "that I could do it under my conditions."

"What?" I said, simply, definitely not liking the sound of this.

"My first condition is simple. As I jack you off, you have to be completely naked. That's right, we're not just talking having your dick out. We're talking everything."

"That's not fair!" I said, unhappily, albeit feeling horny.

"You should have read, that is to say heard, the small print. Now come on! Get your kit off!"

There was simply nothing else I could do. A bet was a bet and I could only blame my foolishness for not noticing exactly what Clara had said. Besides, I had to admit that the idea was still turning me on quite a bit. I felt quite aroused. I slipped off my shoes and socks, before unbuttoning my shirt. It was a warm day but my arms were covered in goosebumps. I bent down, undid my flies and slipped my pants slowly off. I really didn't want to straighten up as my erect penis would be revealed through my boxers but I had to anyway. Clara eyed the (admittedly quite large) bulge in my boxers with an air of greediness. Suddenly, she walked up to me and ripped -- actually ripped -- my boxers clean off leaving me standing there, naked, with a ferocious erection, outside with a girl staring at my penis with an air of complete wonder.

"It is huge!" she said, finally, "I couldn't help but feel slightly impressed with myself. Last time I'd measured my penis, (yes, fine, I'd measured my penis) it had been eight inches and was probably a bit more now.

She stepped closer to me and placed one hand on top of my shaft, and used the other to cup my balls. In comparison to my dick, they were small hands and as she started to rub it, it feld absolutely brilliant.

She told me to lie down on the ground and I did so obediently. She sat comfortably on the floor next to me and continued, gradually building up speed. For someone who had admitted to me she had never done this before she was absolutely brilliant at it.

Time went buy, and after a few minutes of this glorious pounding that wonderful feeling in my dick just before the cum shot was moments away. My inhibitions were thrown to the wind. "Just a tiny bit more!" I said, smiling gleefully. We looked into each others eyes and she returned my smile. "Really?" she said. And she stopped. Annoyed, and feeling my dick throbbing, I looked up at her and said, "Why did you do that?"

"Under my conditions," she said simply. There was now an uncomfortable feeling in my head as it throbbed. I needed release. I needed release big time. She pinned my hands to the ground with her full bodyweight and said, "This is the part when you actually regret losing the bet.

With one deft motion she whipped a rope (the thin but strong kind you use when you go rock climbing or abseiling) and tied my hands around the back of my tree. "Under my conditions," she repeated then noticed my horrified face, "Oh don't worry, I'm not abandoning you here. Let's just say... there's a catch."

"A catch?" I said weakly.

"Yes." She walked over gracefully to her back pack and drew out something that terrified me the moment I saw it. A camera. Placing it on a stump a couple of feet away from me, she fiddled with the dial, setting it onto timer. "Now I reckon," she said, "That you'd cum in about five seconds after one simple rub. So, naturally, I've set the timer to that length."

She rubbed my penis one last time that day and I instantly felt the cum build up inside it. The feeling was so great but I somehow felt the consequences woudn't be.

Five... four... three... two... one!

FLASH! The camera flashed just as a colossal amount of cum spurted all over my stomach, chest and face. I had been so built up that it just would not stop cumming out and my dick throbbed and throbbed and throbbed again until I was literally covered. Clara picked up the camera, snaped another photo, and smiled gleefully.

Whatever crazy plan she had, and for whatever reason she had done it, I think it had gone perfectly. She looked at the two photos on the camera and smiled triumphantly. "Oh great," she muttered to herself, "You can't even see the ropes."

"Why?" I asked. She glanced up and me and said: "Why don't you come to my house and find out."

Where the camera had been she placed a key. She then gathered up all my clothes and placed them in her rucksack. She then placed a penknife in my hand. "It should take the time of a hand job to cut yourself free," she explained, "Then you can grab the key in front of you and go to my house and let yourself in. My family are away for the weekend."

She slung the rucksack over her shoulder and began to walk off.

"But... why..." I said meekly.

"You'll find out when you get to my house," she called over my shoulder before running off into the distance leaving me cum-covered, fully-erect and naked tied to a tree in a wood. To be honest, this catch that Clara had put in place was one pretty evil catch.

To be continued...

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Old 07-23-2007, 10:26 AM   #3
the Bean
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one word.............................................. ...............wow!
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Old 07-23-2007, 11:43 AM   #4
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it is sssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooo great hope to c the rest it is really thought out and clear in detail it so far deservers an award
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Old 07-23-2007, 01:48 PM   #5
Smile Guy
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Glad to see you're liking it. This sort of phrase is really encouraging, and this is barely the beginning of the story so hopefully we'll all enjoy ourselves!

Part 3
The Dogged Sex Class

I could feel the cum ooze down me like thick slime and the horror of the situation finally told my penis to go down. It was beginning to get dark, something that both terrified me and gave me a feeling of relief. I would, after all, be less easily spotted. My thoughts wavered briefly on my parents before I realised I had arranged to spend the night at Clara's anyway... no doubt about it, I was well and truly stuck.

I had no choice but to break free and go to Clara's, no matter what tricks she had in mind for me there.

Fumbling with the pen knife, I began the long and arduous process of cutting away at the rope. It was going to take five painful long minutes as I was at an awkward angle and certainly didn't want to cut myself. I was open to the elements completely and utterly. It was not the most pleasant of feelings.

There was a rustling in the bushes ahead, and I froze, heart beating fast and tried to locate the source of noise. Was somebody there? Was my humilation going to rise anymore?

The bushes rustled again and I agonisingly tried to cut myself even quicker but once again it was pointless. The rustler burst out of the bushes. It was naked, on all fours, and panting. It was a dog.

I breathed a sigh of relief but this immediately changed to more fear. With the dog there was surely somebody giving it a dusk-time walk. As if to confirm my fears, a whistle filled the air followed by "Hear doggy, doggy! Where've you got to, eh?"

The dog ignored it's owner and peered at me curiously, tilting it's head to one side. It sniffed about gradually getting nearer and nearer to me while I continued to frantically swipe away at my ropes. Then it started licking me! It started licking up my cum! And ever slightly, it's rough tongue got closer and closer to my cock and balls.

Horrified, I tried to loosen my hand and felt them beginning to come loose. Just a few more seconds and I'd be free from my tree prison. Too late! The dog started licking around my dick and unwilling and sickeningly it began to rise. If the dog walker (who was busily calling out in the background) found me now it would be awkward to explain. In fact, as the dog licked happily and obliviously at my head I could hear the dog walker just a couple of bushes away.

In the nick of time, I pulled my hands three and dived as quickly as possible into a bush just as the dog walker appeared from around a tree. To my horror, I discovered the bush was a bramble bush... to my other horror the dog walker was a blonde, young, hot lady and my teenage embarrassment was still rife from this sort of thing.

The dog bounded after me into the bush despite, in vain me beckoning it away. The woman who clearly assumed the dog had seen the squirrel went after it and pulled him back by the scruff of its neck. She was inches away from and I couldn't even breathe. I felt a thorn stab sharply into my backside and let out the tiniest of whimpers.

"What was that?" the woman said out loud to herself, or maybe the dog.

I could bare it no longer. I jumped up. And ran.

How was I suppposed to know that the woman was a trained rugby player? She gasped and reacted incredibly quickly, sprinting after me, she dump tackled me to the ground and started repeatedly slapping me round the face. I was face up as she sat on top of my crotch area. I got another entirely unnecessary erection which made the situation even more awkward.

"You freak!" she shrieked at me and blushing, I shook my head desperately trying to deconfirm her comments. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Practical joke," I muttered.

"On me!?" she said, delirious from rage.

"No," I begged as she suddenly upped the ante by grabbing my penis and twisting it round painfully, "my friends, on me." She still glared at me furiously (as her dog started to lick my face) but her horrifically painful grip loosened.

"It's a pretty nasty practical joke," she said, and I agreed with her thoroughly, "but you know what?"


Her eyes glinted maniacally, terrifyingly similar to Clara's own glint. I noticed that she had what seemed to be a polish accent. "This sort of thing really turns me on."

"I -- what?"

"Like really, really. I mean, outside naked. It's absolutely awesome, isn't it!?"

"I -- I -- what?!"

To my great surprise, and pleasure, she slipped off her top revealing she was not wearing a bra. Her breasts hung beautifully and were perfectly rounded. I could feel my dick going up against once more. She could clearly feel it too and giggled before slipping out of her tracksuit bottoms too. She was not wearing panties either. The dog, forgotten had wandered off into the distance.

"Oh... outside! With a stranger! This is absolutely brilliant!" she breathed heavily then looked down, "And you have a massive cock!"

She grabbed it, held it up straight and slid her highly wet and wide pussy over it. The hand job from half an hour previously was nothing compared to the brilliant sensations I was feeling now. She started bouncing up and down with such skill and delicacy that every single movement seemed to bring a fresh wave of euphoria and tingling to both of us. After mentally pinching myself to check I wasn't dreaming, I enthusiasticaly joined in. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Is it me or does your penis bend slightly to the left?"

I blushed profusely. This had always been my secret shame.

"Because it makes this absolutely brilliant! Every. Single. Bounce. Is. Hitting. My. G. SPO -- OH!!!"

She let out an enormous moan of pleasure and I fancied that birds lifted themselves from the trees in a flutter of feathers. Juices spurted everyway flooding my already cum-stained, dog saliva-covered body. The warmth was from it was absolutely genius and I too felt cum shoot out of my penis again and again and again. Me and this woman throbbed with one another, connecting with a unique and wonderful bond.

And it was over. She got up, cleaned herself and put on her clothes glanced at me and giggled profusely. "It has been a pleasure meeting you, my naked man! I hope you get your clothes back."

She whistled and the dog came out of no where bounding after her. I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful ass which waggled to each side as she walked.

"I, err, hope I see you again," I said meekly.

She laughed and looked over her shoulder, "I'm sure we will!" Then she disappeared into the darkness and as she disappeared the feeling of horror at my situation arose again.

I had to get to Clara's house naked covered with my own cum, dog saliva and now pussy juices. I somehow felt the one mile walk including a main road that followed would mean more troubles and just the start of things. Why had Clara done this to me anyway? Picking up the key she had left me about an hour ago (I realised with a jolt she probably expected me earlier and she had incriminating photos of me which at this very moment could be being posted on the internet).

With no choice, I jogged off (penis flapping and everything) into the enshrouding darkness.

To be continued...

I was going to introduce the polish woman later but thought she could join us. She's actually a very crucial character! You enjoying it still?
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Old 07-23-2007, 02:57 PM   #6
the Bean
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5 words.... that is bloody amazing mate.
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Old 07-23-2007, 04:05 PM   #7
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Keep it up. This story is amazing, never has one kept me captivated like this!

I am looking for a mistress. Please PM me if interested
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Old 07-23-2007, 05:53 PM   #8
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i absolutly love it more more more
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Old 07-23-2007, 11:01 PM   #9
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very good story i hope you will contiue to take this story to the end.
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Old 07-24-2007, 02:32 PM   #10
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i am impatient, but i know this one will certainly be worth it
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Old 07-28-2007, 06:50 PM   #11
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this had better be worth it
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Old 07-29-2007, 03:29 AM   #12
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More more more more more!
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Old 07-29-2007, 07:42 AM   #13
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oi, hes a busy guy, dont pressure him. (not that i was doing that or anything...)
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Old 07-30-2007, 09:37 PM   #14
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lovely story. u r doing a really good job!!

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Old 08-03-2007, 12:27 PM   #15
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Part 4
Slaves Can't Have Answers

Lying flat in a bush I peered miserably up at Clara's fully detached, modern house. It was up a fairly long driveway and I doubted that I could be seen but nevertheless I was still unkeen to reveal myself from the relatively pathetic comfort of the bush. All the lights in the house were off except one and I knew it to be coming from Clara's own bedroom. She was definitely expecting me... and she was alone.

My thoughts wandered vaguely back to the polish woman in the woods before flicking forwards in time towards the terribly embarrassing walk I had had along the main road. Fortunately there had not been too many cars passing as I had ran, hand covering my withered crotch along the road but I could have sworn every single car had been full of teenage and twenteen girls. Of course my mind had been playing paranoid tricks on me but I had every right to do so. Anger welled in me as I thought of Clara, smugly sitting in her bedroom waiting for me to stagger up and ring her doorway. It was really cold out too!

I eventually forced myself to walk towards the front door and ring the doorbell but this was rudely interrupted.

"You're filthy!" called a familiar voice. As it turned out, Clara was not in her room at all and had been waiting for me outside. "You're covered in mud, leaves, cum and all sorts of things, I'm sure..."

"I wonder why that is!" I called out angrily, glowering at her in what I hoped was a suitably evil face.

"You need a wash!" she answered cheerfully, before holding up a hose. It was one of those modern super-powerful jet things that kep the water extra freezing cold. She sprayed it all over me and I had no where to take cover. I felt winded and bruised all over and I collapsed to the floor in a heap, lying face up.

She stood over me, cocked her head, and smiled. Then she flicked the hose to full-spray and aimed it directly at my balls.

The cries of pain would surely have been heard from miles around as I clutched my precious jewels in terror. With surprising strength, Clara used my moments of weakness to her advantage and started to drag me into her house. I felt my bum scrape painfully over the gravel and paving and clunk painfully at each step leading up to her porch. Finally, she heaved me onto a thankfully soft-carpeted hallway and shut the door behind her.

"Why?" I asked meekly.

"You asked me that earlier, and I'm not ready to tell you yet! Now, would you like to walk to my room or shall I drag you again?"

I stood up, though I still had the shooting pains from the water-and-balls incident. "Can I not even have any clothes?"

"Of course! How rude of me!" And she picked up a pack of nappies off the table next to her and handed them to me. I stared at them incredulously.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Nope, 'fraid not. I'd put them on right now if I was you, because right now there's some certain pictures on my computers that I am ready to upload to the internet from one click of the button."

I had no choice but to rip open the packet and pull one out. "I have no idea how these work..."

"Oh puh-lease!" She grabbed a pair and told me to put my legs through them. I obliged and she slowly slid them up my legs. The combined feel of her hands, and that strange crinkly feeling actually turned me on a little though of course I didn't say anything. "Now! Up to my room!" she shouted, and with a heavy heart plodded upstairs to where she had ordered me.

Once seated on a chair in her room, she walked in afterwards and sat on my lap so her legs were straddling me. I had a brief flashback to the polish woman and felt an altogether pleasurable feeling of rebelling... she had no idea that I had enjoyed myself for at least fifteen minutes of my hour of horror.

"Now I'm very sorry for everything I've put you through... and everything I'm going to put you through," she added, with a vindictive relish, "but really, it is for your own good."

"Wha --?" I said.

"Oh, be sure, it is..." she said, mistaking my distractions for disbelief.

"Now, you will, for some time, have to do everything I say and at the end of all this I'm sure you'll find out why. It's really going to push your limits big-time!"

"This is just a sick twisted slave/master thing!" I cried out angrily.

"Slave/masters aren't sick and twisted," replied Clara, "and besides, it's not sick and twisted anyway. Because, if you do what I say, I might... reward you."

I couldn't deny I liked the sound of that.

"But for now, you can have a rest, I'm sure it's been a rough night for you."

She gestured towards her own bed and I suddenly realising how tired I was drooped myself underneath her duvet.

"I might come and join you a bit later but for now, I'll get us some nice hot supper. But generally, you're going to enjoy your first night... your first night of hell."

And she left me to ponder over everything that had thus far happened to me, and everything that was going to happen...

This is as interluding as it's going to get. There's actually quite a good story building up but I'm laying the backbone for it right now. What you guys seem to like the most will happen next chapter though and then there's a couple of cliffhangers and some twists lined up too!
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