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Old 09-19-2014, 04:50 PM   #1
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Default Abducted rented and humilliated part 2

Arya continues to torture Jenni. Shock to the nipples, then her vagina, sometimes her bottom. This continues for almost twenty minutes. Jenni is in tears from pain, and Arya doesn't seem to care.

“One last thing,” Arya starts. “I hope your enjoy being filled with water. Cold water.” Jenni's eyes widen as Arya said 'cold'. She shakes her head violently back and forth, screaming as loud as she can. Jenni knows what is coming. Arya flips a switch, and water floods the tube connected to Jenni's butt plug. As the water enters, Jenni starts to shake, wiggle, struggle, anything she can do to stop it. But it just keeps coming. Suddenly, painful cramps strike Jenni's lower abdomen. The cold water is having it's effect. In reality, the water isn't 'cold'; it's a couple degree's below body temperature. But this causes cramping. Jenni tries to crunch forward, bent metal bar against her back prevents her from doing this. All she can do is take it.

After what seems like hours, the water finally stops flowing. One gallon as been emptied into Jenni, and she is forced to hold it. There is less cramping over time, but it is still just as painful.

“Okay. Now I'm done.” Arya is about to flip the red switch on the side, but pushes the cum button instead. The tube to Jenni's mouth once again fills with a vile green-brown liquid. Jenni is so tired from her ordeal that she barely moves as the liquid enters her mouth. After Arya is sure that Jenni swallowed, she flips the red switch. Moments later, the man enters the room.

“You must have had fun. Jenni will have to keep that enema for 30 minutes. I hope you 01=8829-rD4I9NyzSXFD;ner. You push a buttoU1NjU2O2k6Mjk5NzAwO2kMDtpOjI3MzE4MDtpOjE0Mhad your fun, because you wont get another opportunity like this.”

“How many less clients do I have to service because of this,” Arya asks smugly. Even though she is naked and her legs and thighs are bound to the chair, she still feels that she isn't in trouble.

“You'll find out later. For now, you'll be held in a holding cell until we can finish the training schedule for you.”

“What do you mean hol-” The man slips a ball gag into Arya's mouth and slides a black bag over Arya's head. Her arms are restrained behind her back, the leg locks released, and Arya is hauled out of the room. Jenni is left in the room, full of water. As the clock strikes thirty minutes, locks release. Water now freely flows out of Jenni's bottom, right into a collecting tank. Due to her daily enemas to even use the bathroom, the water coming out is clean except for the occasional brown speck.
The bag is pulled off of Arya's head inside a metal room. She is still naked, ball gagged, and is tied to a chair. She feels painful nipple clamps on her nipples, and see wires running from them to a gray box on the table. Then she notices she has to pee. Very, very badly.

“This is the first part of your training Arya. Once you enter circulation, you will be given a specific time to use the bathroom once a day. You must learn to be able to hold everything until that time, no matter what. So, this is where we begin. You have been given drugs to make you want to pee. For every moment you pee, you will be shocked in your nipples. In addition, every drop you pee, you will drink. We will hold you here for about fifteen minutes. If you pass, you will get to use the bathroom. If you fail, we will repeat this training every day until you pass. Have fun.”

Arya did not notice anyone in the room. All she can focus on is having to pee, but she cannot cross her legs. Her back is tied to the back of the chair, forcing her to sit upright. She glances down and notices a dildo attached to a metal bar placed right at the opening of her vagina. “I can do this,” she thinks. “I can hold it. It's just pee. Besides, it's the drugs. I've taken harder stuff.” Her mental fortitude is admirable, but it won't hold out. Seconds drag on for hours. There are no clocks, nothing she can use to tell how much time as passed. After a mere three minutes, she finally lets some go. The relief is instant. The powerful shock comes one second later. She screams out in pain, and stops peeing. The shocks stop as well. She begins to cry, and starts trying to speak through the ball gag.

“Prease,” she muffles through. “Prease ret re ou,” she cries through. There is no response. There is nothing but silence for another two minutes. Suddenly she hears the sound of tinkling water. She cannot hold it anymore. She lets some more out, and is greeted with shocks to the nipples again. Again she stops, but the sound just makes it worse. Arya decides she cannot hold it anymore. She releases a powerful stream, and her nipples light up. Arya is emptying her bladder as fast as possible, but there seems to be no end. The pee keeps flowing, and the electricity stays on.

Finally, her bladder is empty. Arya leans her head forward and breathes heavily. Her body is covered in sweat. Tears well up in her eyes. A single drop falls, and lands right in the collection bucket. Her nipples are shocked again for a brief moment. She throws her head back, crying like never before. The sound of the water stops, and she hears a voice.

“Not even six minutes Arya. Six. You are a pathetic slut.” Arya hears a door open. Another black bag is slipped over her head, and the nipple clamps are removed. She feels an incredible pain In her nipples, but that is quickly masked by a sharp, stinging pain in each one. She starts to feel drowsy, and before she is freed from the chair, she blacks out.

Arya is awakened by a sharp slap to the face. “Wake up whore.” Arya is not tied to anything. No ball gag. No plugs. No rope. Two men are holding her standing up, but that's it. This room looks familiar, except she's seen it from a different perspective. She looks to her right, and sees a very familiar control table. Except she sees the back of it. A plug is rammed into her mouth. It has a metal plate covering most of her lips, and a clear tube runs from it to the ceiling. The plug is locked into place. Her tongue explores the plug. It protrudes very little into her mouth; a small opening is located just past her teeth. Arya tries to fight back, but she is quickly over powered by the men. Her forearms are placed behind her, parallel with the ground, and are quickly tied together. She is being put into a Japanese box tie. Spreader bars are attached to her knees and ankles. She feels a large metal plug being forced into her bottom. She fights, but it just keeps entering. A head harness is aarness to the back of the box tie. Arya cannot tip her head forward. Immediately, a large metal dildo is rammed into her vagina. She feels a leather harness strap go around her waist and between her legs. It is cinched up fairly tight. Arya closes her eyes and tries to accept her fate. But not too soon after, a painful shock is delivered to her still sore ass. She feels something being tied to the back of the box tie, but that is quickly forgotten as two large milk machine cups are suctioned onto her nipples. There are clear tubes running up into the ceiling. There is a sense of pleasure that she feels from this, but soon she feels something different. She cannot explain it. Then Arya quickly realizes that she's being lifted into the air, only by the box tie. The strain on her body is immense. Arya is a small girl, but having her entire body weight being supported by only a few points produces a lot of pressure. She is lifted until her feet are just barely off the ground. Then her legs are swung behind her and tied to the back of the box tied. She is being forced to arch her back. She then feels a cold metal bar being placed against her spine. The bar is curved slightly more sharply than she is, and she is forced to arch her back even more. Within moments, her body is strapped to the bar. She is unable to move her body at all, except for her head. Some indistinct chatter is heard, and another piece of rope is fastened to the chin part of the head harness all the way down to a strap fastening the back bar to her stomach. Now her head is forced to stay at exactly the level that it is.

She begins to slowly rotate and is raised up. Her eyes catch a glimpse of girls that look familiar. She tries to resolve them, but they don't look familiar. After her feet are lifted four feet off the ground, she stops rising. She continues to rotate around. These girls are placed in a circle around her, each in their own recesses in the wall. They are all looking at her, kneeling, sitting on their ankles, and have their arms placed behind their back. As the control table enters her field of view, the door opens, and someone sits down at the control table. Arya squints. It's Jenni. She still has her chastity belt and bra on, and her face is angry. She glares at Arya.

“Arya,” the mans voice says through a speaker, “you are in the same predicament Jenni was in when you tortured her. Except for a few modifications. That milk machine you suggested was a good idea, and we're going to give it a test run on you. Your tits have been injected with a substance to make you lactate with very little stimulation. I'm sure you felt it when the machine was first going on. Jenni has a little more control over what she does to you than what you did to her. She can make you drink that vile cum substance, or your own piss which you graciously delivered to us. Or she can make you drink that enema water that you had held in her ass for thirty minutes. Or your own breast milk. She could also fill your ass with piss or cum or milk. It's all up to her.” The speaker turns off.

“Arya, you fucking whore slut. You have no idea what you put me through. I was up there for almost an hour, being shocked, tasting some vile liquid, and having the worst cramps ever. But now you'll feel the same. And even more.” Jenni pushes a button, and the milking machines starts working. Alternating suctions between nipples, milk slowly fills the tubes. Arya is slowly rotated until she is facing a wall. A segment of the wall is pulled open automatically and a tray with two glass bottles is pushed out a foot into the room. There are clear tubes leading to the tops of the bottles. Arya squints to read what the bottles say. “Cow's Milk.” Underneath the title are smaller letters. “100% Arya. 100% Whore.” Arya begins to shake her head and cry. The machine feels immensely good, but the shame of being labeled a cow and a whore just break her down. She closes her eyes to try, but her ass is shocked. Her eyes jolt open and she stares at the bottles. Soon, milk starts to drop into the bottles. Arya shakes her head as best she can, but it doesn't stop. The bottles fill, slowly.

“Humiliating, isn't it. I hope so. We are going to fill those bottles. And you will have nothing to drink except that until you finish them.” No matter how much Arya wiggles and squirms, the milk keeps flowing, and the bottles continue to fill. Suddenly, Arya feels a liquid entering her ass. She tries to squeeze, but the plug is keeping her muscles open. It is unimaginably cold. She wiggles and moves, tries to scream, but to no avail.

“It's your own piss Arya. I'm filling your ass with your piss. Now, you only gave us half a liter, so I'm filling the rest with piss of these other ladies around you. Including mine. It makes up about a gallon. This is the beginning of a long...and painful payback.”
Arya continues to struggle. The milking machine keeps pumping more and more of Arya's milk into the bottles, while her ass is filled with piss from many girls. She cries and struggles, but it is of no use. Jenni is having too much fun. Arya closes her eyes again, and soon after her ass is shocked hard. Arya finally connects that she has to keep her eyes open. Suddenly, she sees a brown liquid traveling down a tube. This tube is connected to her mouth. Arya shakes violently, trying to stop the liquid. But it keeps flowing. Just as the liquid is about to enter her mouth, her pussy is shocked so hard that her whole body tries to crunch forward. The curved bar along her spine prevents this.

The liquid enters her mouth. Arya gags on the taste. She has tasted bad cum before. She used to be a call girl for a group of guys, and often times the guys would try to make their cum taste as nasty as possible. They would drink loads of coffee and and eat bulbs of garlic and onions, just to make it taste rancid. Some would even add asparagus to the list. This liquid is more vile than all of that.

“I can't swallow this...” she thinks. The sheer thought of it being in her stomach is just too disgusting. But the liquid just keeps coming. It's way more than three loads. She can't swallow it.

“Swallow you bitch,” Jenni yells. She shocks Arya's vagina once more. Arya refuses to swallow. Her vagina is shocked again, and Arya finally swallows. She gives this pleading look to Jenni. She doesn't want to taste that again. Suddenly, her stomach cramps. Hard. She had nearly forgotten about the piss enema, but right now it is all she can focus on. Her ass is filled to the brim, and the cold fluid cramps her intestines. She's trying to push it out, but it wont go. The plug in her ass keeps it from leaving. She tries to mumble something, but nothing intelligible comes out.
After two hours, Arya is finally released. She is tired, sore, humiliated. When she is released from her bonds, she collapses to the floor. Three piss enemas, countless loads of cum swallowed, and nearly two quarts of milk. Men detach all of her equipment. Her ass and pussy have their intruders removed, and her mouth is relieved from the apparatus. Her poor nipples are released from the milking machine, and she is handed her milk in the bottles. She can barely keep her eyes open. She is lifted off the ground and has her head pulled back by her hair. A man starts dumping her milk down her throat. She knows it's her own milk, but it tastes almost...good. But the humiliation is far too much. Finally, than man removes the bottle from her mouth. Arya has a black bag placed over her head and she is dragged away. As she is being dragged, she hears that man and Jenni talking.

“Now Jenni, I know you had fun. But no more. There will be no more arguments between you too. If I hear that you try to harm her, or humiliate her, or in any way treat her differently than any other slaves here, you wont shit for a week. You understand?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Now suck my cock.”

A week passes. Arya is finally learning to control her piss, even when being fucked with a large dildo. She has been trained in proper answering, proper etiquette, and proper hygiene. It is time for her first test client. The strange man has revealed himself as Sir Mark.

“Arya. It is time for your first test client. Treat this as if it were a real client. If you pass, you will be put into circulation. If you fail, you will be punished and go through another week of training.”

Arya is lead into a metal room much resembling an interrogation room. She is completely naked except for some five inch high heels, but this has become the norm. There are toys on some racks in the room, but they seem to have been cherry picked. Instead of the normal slew of toys, there are nipple clamps, a whip, a cattle prod, and a rather large glass butt plug. A manilla folder is on the table in the center of the room. Arya picks it up and starts to read it. It is the forms for the client. They say what he is wanting, what he paid, and how long he expects to be there. This man is named “Master.” He is into tease and denial, corporal punishment, and slight humiliation. He has paid enough to allow for any form of penetration he desires, but anal penetration requires lube. As the paper states “Her pussy will be well lubricated, and her mouth is no issue.” He requests that the is bent over and spreading her ass cheeks when he enters the room. Arya bends over and, as requested, spreads her ass cheeks with her hands. Moments later, Master enters the room.

“Are you Arya,” Master asks.

“Yes Master,” Arya replies very submissive-like.

“Good.” Master slowly walks around Arya and gives her a hard slap on her ass cheeks. He grabs the butt plug and lube. He drips some lube into Arya's exposed ass, then slowly inserts the butt plug. It is larger than she is used to, but she takes it without moving.

“Oh, you're a good slave. It's a shame I can't keep you. Now suck my cock.” Arya straightens herself, turns around, and gets down on her knees. She unzips his blue jeans, and takes out his large, erect penis. She wets her mouth and starts to suck his penis like she was taught.

“Very good slave.” Arya continues to suck his cock, occasionally deep throating it to the best of her ability. Without warning, he grabs her hair and pulls her off his cock. “We don't want to go too early now, do we? Stay.” Arya stays where she is while Master goes and grabs the nipple clamps and the whip. He attaches the clover clamps to her nipples, and gives a slight tug on the chain. Arya's face crunches up.

“I like to see my slaves in pain. Stand up.” Arya stands up as quick as she can, but nearly loses balance with the five inch heels. Master grabs the chain and pulls her closer. “That wasn't very sexy you stupid bitch. Do it again.”

“I'm sorry Master,” Arya apologizes. She kneels down, and stands up again. Slower this time, but she makes it as sexy as she can. The plug in her ass isn't helping. But she stands up just fine.

“Bend over and spread your cheeks again. I want to see that plug in your ass.” Arya does as instructed.

“Good slave. Could you push this out if you tried?”

“No Master.”

“So you're plugged up until I release you?”

“Yes Master.”

“I like that.” Master takes the whip and starts to whip Arya across her bottom. It hurts, but Arya keeps quiet. She has been trained to do that. The whipping becomes more and more painful.

“Doesn't this hurt you cunt? Scream!” Arya screams out in pain. At every lash, she screams. Tears stream down her face. The whippings stop, and she hears Master whisper in her ear. “Close your eyes, don't move.” Arya closes her eyes and holds as still as possible. She hears him walk over to the rack, and walk back. Without warning, her pussy is shocked hard, and Arya falls to the ground, screaming.

“Pathetic bitch. Get back up.” Arya stands back up with wobbles in her legs. Her nipples get a shock this time, and she screams out again.

“Mmm, yes. Now suck my cock to completion.” Arya kneels down and takes his cock in her mouth again. As she is sucking, he shocks her ass with the cattle prod, but at a lower level. Arya has a hard time focusing on the cock. Without warning, he grabs her hair and pulls her off his cock. Master quickly grabs his cock with his free hand and jerks off onto her face. The load is incredible.

“Thank you Master,” Arya replies. Without saying another word, Master pulls up his pants and walks out of the room. She waits a few minutes, then Sir Mark comes on over the intercom.

“Not too bad Arya. You may remove the plug and the clamps. As you know, that cum will stay on your face until bed time.” Arya removes the clamps, and her nipples immediately erupt in pain. She waits another couple minutes for the pain to subside before removing the plug. The cum on her face is so embarrassing, but removing it will means she has to go through training again. The door opens, and she walks out of the room to her holding cell. She walks past several other holding cells, some with girls still in them. This is the walk of shame. All the girls know what she just did.

As bed time approaches, she washes the dried cum off her face. She lays in bed, wondering how she got herself into this. How did she go from a college girl to a sex client? She tries to doze off, knowing tomorrow will be no better than today.
“Arya,” Sir Mark, starts, “yesterdays performance had...mixed results. You were very good on everything, except that time you fell.”
Sexuality:Bi Dom
gender:any sub/slave
live alone unless they will help punish you
Limits aloud: public,incest,gay/lez,blood,pics,scars,illegal,facial marks,video,cam,ask about others
girls must have:vibe&dildo
male/trans must have:dildo
rules may be given to you are:bathroom control[optional(for you)],clothing[optional(for you)], orgasm denial,daily tasks,etc.let me know if I give rules to you that you don't agree with.
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Old 09-19-2014, 04:51 PM   #2
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“I'm sorry Sir Mark, I-” “I don't need excuses Arya. However, due to your exceptional performance during training, I've decided to put you into circulation with a grade C. You are still required to service 35 clients. That time you spent with Jenni was just a ruse to get you to actually torture her. A grade C will get a few clients, depending if you are good at what they want. Your talents are: cock sucking, cum guzzling, vaginal sex, and order following. That order following entry is a massive help to you, don't forget it. Your attributes are: A body begging for cum, sexy walk, sexy ass, and an always wet pussy. Don't slip to a grade D, Arya. Slipping to a grade D will mean you get the bad clients who pay less and aren't good. If you slip to a grade F, we will put you through intensive training, which is where Jenni is right now. You will stay there for year. Afterwards, you will be put into a grade D again. Starting price for you is $5,430. Any questions?”

“Yes, Sir Mark.”

“State your question.”

“How much do top tier slaves go for?”

“Top tier slaves? Do you mean grade A, or grade zero slaves?”

“I'm afraid I don't know the difference, Sir Mark. Please forgive me.”

“You're forgiven, Arya. grade A slaves are the highest grade of slaves that clients must travel to. The best grade A slaves go for about $70,000 per person per visit, and usually have several people using her at once. If you make it to grade A, consider yourself lucky. Grade zero slaves are the travel slaves. Clients rent them for housework. The slaves travel to the clients house and stay there for however long the client paid for. Most grade zero slaves go for $2,000 a day, and are the best grade A slaves we have.”

“How much do grade D slaves go for, Sir Mark?”

“Grade D slaves? They go for $300 a visit. No more questions. You're dismissed.”

“Yes Sir Mark, thank you.” Arya walks out of his office and is escorted to the circulation cells. She is put into a cell which clearly has another girl, but she is missing. The cell is much nicer than the training cells. It's much larger, has a clean toilet, decent beds, and...a dildo on the floor, with shackles above it. Arya is locked into her cell. She takes off her high heels, and lays down on the bed. She is finally in circulation, but has to service thirty five clients.

“Am I only worth $5,430 dollars? That's absurd! I'm worth much more than that. Men have paid more than that for me in High School. These ass holes don't know what their doing.”

“Don't say that too loudly,” A voice says from inside the room. Arya jumps. “Who said that,” Arya says, frightened. The covers on the other bed stir, and a girl emerges.

“I'm Heidi.” Arya stares in confusion. Heidi is completely naked, and not even trying to cover herself. Despite her living conditions, her long brown hair and skin is almost flawless. She has a very toned body.

“I thought you weren't here. I figured you were in with a client...”

“I just got done with one a couple hours ago, actually. I was sleeping, but I woke when the cell opened and I heard you put in here.”
Sexuality:Bi Dom
gender:any sub/slave
live alone unless they will help punish you
Limits aloud: public,incest,gay/lez,blood,pics,scars,illegal,facial marks,video,cam,ask about others
girls must have:vibe&dildo
male/trans must have:dildo
rules may be given to you are:bathroom control[optional(for you)],clothing[optional(for you)], orgasm denial,daily tasks,etc.let me know if I give rules to you that you don't agree with.
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Old 09-19-2014, 04:52 PM   #3
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“How long have you been in here?”

“Seven months. I only have a few more clients to go. How about you, are you new here?”

“I guess so. I just got put into 'circulation',” Arya says sarcastically.

Heidi goes into detail about living in circulation. The slaves are encouraged to work out to tone their body. If they look better, they will get more clients, which means a quicker release. They are fed food to make them look healthy and to enlarge their breasts, so that the company will get more money. Arya has a set bathroom time once a day, but other than that, she is always on call for clients. If she is using the toilet when the call for a client comes, she will be knocked down a grade, and punished severely.

“One time, I had three clients in one day,” Heidi starts. “The first two were easy, but by the third one, I was tired, and he was demanding, and I failed him.”

“What do you mean 'failed' him?”

“The client reported bad behavior, the judges agreed, and he didn't count.”

“Ju..judges,” Arya asks confusingly.

“Yes, didn't they explain? Each session is watched by a group of judges who will grade your performance. If the client thinks you failed, and the judges agree, then that client wont count towards your release, and he has to have some of his money refunded.”


“It was an awful day.”

Heidi continues to explain to Arya the basics. Shower time every morning, meals two times a day, and general hygiene in the cell. The two begin to talk more and more, and Arya starts to explain her experience with Jenni when a voice is heard over the intercom.

“Arya,” Sir Mark says, “assume the kneeling position. Heidi, face down ass up.” The two girls look at each other, and go into their positions. Arya kneels down, clasps her hands behind her back, her forearms parallel to the ground. She tilts her head back, closes her eyes, opens her mouth, and sticks her tongue out. She spreads her knees far apart, just as she has been taught. Heidi turns her backside to the cell doors, and gets on her knees. She presses her face to the floor, her hands at her cheeks, and arches her back. Not a minute later, Sir Mark enters the room.

“Very good my pets. Heidi, I assume you've been teaching Arya about circulation?”

“Yes Sir Mark,” Heidi responds.

“Good. Your first client will be in 24 hours Arya. Read up on the client information. We wouldn't want you tment._getElementsByXPo mess up your first client.” Arya feels a paperclip attached to her tongue, but it's heavier than normal. She tries not to flinch from the pain.

“Heidi, you have no clients for the next 48 hours.” Sir Mark leaves and closes the cell door behind him. Arya and Heidi wait before the footsteps disappear before moving. Arya quickly takes the clip from her tongue.

“That hurt,” she yells.

“Are you good with your mouth,” Heidi asks calmly. She slowly rises and sits on her bed.

“That's what my profile says...”

“Then expect that as your form of information delivery. They give us client information through methods that we're good at. I'm noted for anal sex, so usually they insert a butt plug with the information attached. What else are you noted for?” sucking, cum guzzling, vaginal sex, and order following',” Arya recites, having memorized it from her profile.

“Try to get anal added to that list.”

“Anal? No. That hurts way too much.” Arya snaps back.

“Anal will get your more clients. Being good at the three is a huge step towards class A.”

“Yeah well, I don't want to be good at anal.” Arya picks up the client information and begins to read and study it.

Name: Sir Richard
Session Time: 16:00
Likes: Cock sucking, swallowing, vaginal sex, forced orgasm, orgasm denial
Requests: Her pussy should be wet when I enter, and she should be fucking herself with a dildo with a ball gag and butt plug in.
Corporal punishment: Some
Duration: 3 hours
Equipment: Dildo, ball gag, medium butt plug, whip, flogger, egg vibrator, spreader bar, saran wrap, butt plug harness

Arya has thirty minutes before her first client. She's nervous, and visibly so. She's shaking, trying to get her hair just you want. They are alright.

“Arya, you'll do just fine,” Heidi says reassuringly. “Everyone goes through this. You passed training just fine, and this is an easy client. They don't give tough clients on the first go.”

“I know,” Arya says hesitantly, “I'm just nervous I'll fail and get knocked down and have to go through training again and I'll never get out of here.”

“Arya, calm down. Every girl here has had this same experience. I suggest going to the cell early. There's a clock in there, so just watch it. Okay?”

“Okay...” Arya pushes a button on the wall requesting escort to the chamber. Soon, a man arrives, takes Arya out of her cell, and starts to walk her to the chamber.

Once inside the cell, Arya looks at all the stuff on the shelves. Everything is there as requested. Arya, still shaking, takes the butt plug, ball gag, and dildo from the shelves. She lubes up the dildo and inserts it into herself, trying to get her horny. But no matter what she does, she cannot get wet. She tries more and more, but nothing is happening. Ten minutes. Arya closes her eyes and thinks back to the days when she would be at a party and fucked by many guys. How did she get wet then? She focuses on those feelings, and soon she feels that familiar feeling. She takes a quick glance at the clock. Sixty seconds left. She lubes up the butt
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ÂãÚF] plug and slowly eases it into her bottom. It fills her up more than she thought. She slips the ball gag in, and lays down on the floor. She starts to fuck herself again. Being fucked with the butt plug in is a very odd feeling, one she cannot shake.

The door bursts open. A man enters, and the door closes behind him.

“Hello slut. I am Sir Richard. It's good to see that you're pleasuring yourself like I asked. Tell me, do you wish to cum?”

“Naw righ low, sir wrichur,” Arya says through the ball gag. She has been trained to answer truthfully, even though the clients may not like it. The company tells the clients this, and they are prohibited from punishing the girls for it.

“That will change slut. I've been here before. I know when a whore like you wants to cum%g for it.” Sir Richard takes the ball gag out of Arya's mouth. “How is that butt plug doing in your ass?”

“It's big, Sir Richard.”

“I imagine. Your profile said you're not good at anal. That will change. That butt plug will stay in your for the duration of this session. And to make sure of that, this harness will be locked on you.” Sir Richard picks up the butt plug harness off the shelves. It's a leather belt with a strap that goes between the legs. Both the belt and the strap are completely adjustable. The strap is deigned to hold in butt plugs, but still allow for vaginal sex. It has several places for locks to be attached.

Sir Richard grabs Arya by her hair and pulls up. “Stand up you stupid whore.” Arya stands up as best she can, holding the dildo in one hand.

“Put the dildo on the table, put your hands behind your head, and spread your legs.” Arya does as instructed. Sir Richard circles her and puts the harness on. He cinches it tight and locks it in place. Arya can feel the harness pushing up against the butt plug, and with how tight he has it, it isn't going to come out. Her vagina is still exposed, and dripping wet.

“Bend over the table,” Sir Richard commands. Arya walks over to the table and bend at the waist, pressing her nipples against the cold surface. She sees Sir Richard walk over to the shelves and grab a flogger.

Arya's bottom is solid red from the flogging. Her vagina hasn't been touched at all during this time, and it's still dripping wet. Sir Richard grabs Arya's hair and pulls her head back. “Now you worthless slut,” he starts. He pulls harder, forcing her to straighten her back. He rotates Arya so that she is facing the clock. “I still have two and a half hours with you.” He drags Arya to the floor. “Spread your legs, and don't move.” Sir Richard grabs the spreader bar, saran wrap, and egg vibrator from the shelves. He clips her legs into the spreader bar, holding them far apart. He grabs another spreader bar and shortens it quite a lot. He attaches it right above her knees.

“Arya, say one last thing before I gag you again and make you beg for orgasms.”

“Thank you sir,” Arya says confidently. Those words just slipped out of her mouth. Sir Richard takes the ball gag from around her neck and shoves it back into her mouth, and tightens it down. Sir Richard grabs Arya's wrists and slams them against her sides. He begins to wrap Arya's body in clear plastic wrap, starting at her shoulders and working his way down. He lifts Arya's body up when he needs to slip the wrap underneath her. The wrap is overlapping on multiple passes, pushing her breasts down against her chest. It then squeezes her upper arms to her torso. He continues downward, until her entire upper body is encased in plastic wrap. Arya cannot move her arms, and she can barely arch her back. Her upper body moves as a single unit. Sir Richard slips the egg vibrator into her vagina and turns it on it's lowest setting. Arya begins to moan and groan. He then stands up and takes his pants off, then his underwear. He slips the ball gag out of Arya's mouth and places his cock over her head while he positions his head near her soaking wet vagina.

“Suck carefully. I don't want to feel any teeth.” She takes his cock in her mouth and starts to suck it as best as she can. She has never done this before. Suddenly, Sir Richard starts to lick her vagina. Arya moans in pleasure and stops moving her head. He stops and she feels a sharp pain on her legs.

“You pathetic whore. I never said stop sucking my cock.” Arya starts up again, more vigorously than before. Again, Sir Richard starts to lick, and Arya struggles to continue. Soon, Arya begins to feel her orgasm building. She hasn't had one in a while, and soon she begins to buck her hips in anticipation. Sir Richard stops.

“That's a good slut...” He takes his cock out of her mouth and slips the ball gag back in. “They are right, you're good at that. Are you able to cum through penetration alone?” Arya shakes her head no. She's breathing more now, as she's never been denied an orgasm before.

“Figured. All you greedy whores are the same. You can't cum through penetration, so you need these toys to get you off.” He slips the vibrator out from her vagina. Arya arches her back and screams in protest. Sir Richard unties the spreader bar between her knees and forces them apart. He places himself between her legs and inserts his cock into her wet hole. Arya throws her head back and screams in pleasure. She has never wanted to be fucked this badly before. Sir Richard starts to thrust back and forth, slowly at first. Arya bucks her hips, wanting more. He slaps her across the face.

“No. You can scream and yell all you want, but I control what happens down here.” He starts to move faster. The orgasm is building up inside her, but it's just too slow. It's not enough. He just continues, ignoring her pleas for more. He goes faster, harder, deeper, but Arya cannot get off. She is squirming her whole body, wanting release. Without warning, he pulls out. Arya arches her back as hard as she can and screams out, tears rolling down her face.

“I don't want to go to early now, do I? Your mouth will make a perfect spot to dump my cum.” He grabs the egg and places it against her clit, and turns it on it's lowest setting. This isn't enough to get Arya off, but enough to tease her and make her want more. Arya cries through the gag, “Prease slir wrichur, prease ret re cum,” she manages to say.

Sir Richard grabs his cock and starts rubbing it himself. “I like it when girls beg. Beg some more.” He slaps her across the face.

“Prease! Prease ret re cum!” Arya screams. Sir Richard inserts his cock once more and starts thrusting as hard as he possibly can. Arya screams out in pleasure.

“Prease! Prease! Prease!” Without warning, Sir Richard rips the ball gag from her mouth. He pulls out and quick shoves his cock into Arya's mouth. He cums a big load into her mouth. Arya gags on the sheer amount of cum, but she has no choice but to swallow. Sir Richard gets up, panting.

“Too bad slut. Guess you don't get to cum today. You're fun to play with, I'll be seeing you again soon.” Sir Richard grabs his clothes and walks out, leaving Arya there. Within minutes, two men enter the room and begin to clean up. One of them uses a hiking blade, a special knife with a protected blade, to cut Arya free from the saran wrap. The men untie the spreader bars, unlock the harness, and collect the toys spread around the room. Arya shamefully removes the butt plug that has been resting in her bottom for almost three hours. She is sore, dizzy, and tired. The two men escort Arya back to her cell. Without saying a word to Heidi, she flops down on her bed and dozes off.
The next few weeks are filled with periodic clients. Arya is usually left tired and humiliated, but she never has a problem completing the tasks. Most of her clients are very much into oral, and she is usually left with a face full of cum. The clients almost always give her very good marks, and she notices a steady stream of clients. Some pay for only 30 minutes, and require the best cocking sucking ever. Some others pay for longer times. One man paid for 10 hours with Arya, as an orgasm denial session. Arya was forced to edge more times than she could remember, and in the end, she never got it. The slaves are not allowed to masturbate in their cells, as doing so would result in an immediate drop to grade F, and another year of training.

One morning, Arya awakes to the intercom. “Arya, assume your position.” Still groggy, Arya struggles out of bed and just barely gets into position by the time the messenger arrives. He attaches a note to her tongue with a clothes pin, just as is done every time. She waits until the messenger is gone before she takes the clip off and reads the note. She is expecting it to be another client.

“Arya, please report to my office at once. Wear a large bunny tail butt plug.” Sir Mark's notes have gotten more casual. He expects his slaves to do as their told. Arya find the large bunny tail plug from her toy chest, lubes it up, and inserts it. It's larger than she remembers, but she is slowly learning how to accept things into her bottom. She calls for a guard. He comes quickly, unlocks the cell, and escort Arya to Sir Mark's office. As soon as Arya stops walking, she spreads her legs and clasps her hands behind her back. Stomach in, chest out, exactly as she has been taught. The guard leaves the room and closes the door. Sir Mark is sitting in his chair.
Sexuality:Bi Dom
gender:any sub/slave
live alone unless they will help punish you
Limits aloud: public,incest,gay/lez,blood,pics,scars,illegal,facial marks,video,cam,ask about others
girls must have:vibe&dildo
male/trans must have:dildo
rules may be given to you are:bathroom control[optional(for you)],clothing[optional(for you)], orgasm denial,daily tasks,etc.let me know if I give rules to you that you don't agree with.
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Old 09-19-2014, 04:53 PM   #4
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“Turn around and let me see that plug.” Sir Mark says firmly. Arya turns around and bends over as far as she can, exposing her bottom to him. Sir Mark gets up and walks over to Arya. He touches his bare bottom, her back, her thighs. It is in a gingerly manner; almost lovingly. “Arya, do you know why I called you here?”

“No, Sir Mark.”

“I called you here today to talk about your performances. You have serviced a total of eight clients. Seven of them gave you perfect marks on your post performance review. One complained about not being into it enough, but after reviewing the tapes, we realize that was during your busy week, with your orgasm training and all. We threw that review out. So you have received perfect marks so far.”

“Thank you Sir Mark.”

“Don't thank me, thank yourself. You are exactly the kind of role model some of these girls need. Come over to my desk and service me.” Sir Mark walks over to his chair and flops down. Arya follows behind, kneeling between his legs. She pulls down his pants and takes his cock in her mouth. She reaches her hand up to help stroke it, but Sir Mark slaps it down. Arya bobs her head as Sir Mark talks.

“Arya, I'm considering bumping you up to Grade B. No slave has ever gotten to Grade B before 10 clients, so this is a record. Grade B will offer you new freedoms. Your cell is no longer locked, so you can leave and walk around whenever. You are still bound to your bathroom schedule, but other areas will be accessible to you. You get a new cell all together, which can be by yourself or with another girl. For starting, you'll get a cell by yourself. The bed will be more comfortable, you will have better toys. However, it comes at a price. Your clients will be more demanding. They will expect more from you.”

Arya stops sucking to ask a question. “What will happen to Heidi?” Arya goes back down on the cock.

“Your old roommate? She is staying in Grade C. She has not given us a reason to want to bump her up. You can expect more clients now that you are Grade B. Sometimes, multiple clients in a day. Do you understand me?” Arya nods her head. “Good. Now convince me that I should bump you up to Grade B.” Arya immediately speeds up her sucking. Before long, Sir Mark explodes into Arya's mouth. His cum almost tastes sweet, and Arya swallows every drop.

“Good girl. One last thing. I'm adding anal to your list of talents.”

Arya's new room is a full step up from her old one. The walls look nice, her bed is big and fluffy, and there is a nice carpet in the middle. The entire room has this glow to it. Arya flops down on her bed, reflecting what is happening.

“Grade B...twelve thousand dollars for me...how am I ever going to do anal?” These thoughts continue before she sees a man enter her cell. He looks like a messenger. The man quick grabs Arya and places her down on her knees and slaps her hard across the face. Arya tries to fight back, but the man holds her arms at her sides.

“Get. Into. Position.” He booms.ore.

“Fi Still stunned, Arya hesitates. “I said get into position you worthless slut. And you better convince me not to tell Sir Mark on you. Arya quickly positions her arms and tilts her head back. Instinctively, she closes her eyes. Arya is expecting a clothes pin, as she always is. But instead, she feels flesh pressed into her mouth. The man grabs the back of Arya's head and beings to force his cock down her throat.

“You are lucky I'm the one that delivered this message. Most will just report you.” The man slams her head down on his cock, way too hard. Way harder than she has ever encountered. Suddenly, he rips her head off his cock. “You see that light by the door? When that flashes, it means a messenger is coming. Get used to it. Now finish me or else I'll report you.” Arya, confused, just takes his cock in her mouth and uses her hand to jerk him to completion. She swallows, reluctantly. The man attaches the clothes pin to her nipple and walks out, laughing. Arya gingerly takes it off her nipple and reads the note.

Name: Mistress Betty
Session Time: 17:00
Likes: Pussy Eating, nipple pinching, orgasm denial
Requests: Have a strap-on harness attached to her face with a double ended dildo when I enter. Have her ass be plugged by a large electric plug, and held in place with a harness
Corporal punishment: None
Duration: 2 hours
Equipment: Two strap-ons, electric butt plug, butt plug harness, double ended dildo, large dildo, nipple clamps, egg vibrator

Her first female client. Arya has never eaten another woman out before, and she is expected to do it while held with high regards. She tries to clear her mind, but the abuse by the messenger has her too riled. No messenger has ever treated her like that, and she's never heard stories about it. It bothers her so much, that at noon, she pushes a button to page Sir Mark.

“What is it Arya.” He says sternly.

“Sir Mark, may I come see you privately? I need to talk about something.”

“You may come whenever.” Arya leaves the room immediately. Soon she arrives at Sir Mark's office. She enters and closes the door. Arya almost speaks, but instead assumes the position she was taught.

“You may speak freely,” Sir Mark tells her.

“Thank you Sir Mark. The messenger that delivered my client information today was very disrespectful and rude. I have never seen a messenger act like that before.”

“How so?” Sir Mark seems intrigued, and shifts his head forward a bit, almost as to listen closer.

“I was not informed of the blinking light in the room to alert me to incoming messengers. When the messenger arrived, he dragged me out of bed and forced me into position. When I assumed my position, he shoved his penis into my mouth and forced my head down on it. Much harder than I have been trained, and as hard as my most demanding client. He then told me about the light, and made me finish him. He then attached the clip to my nipple instead of my tongue.”

“Arya, why are you telling me this?” Sir Mark has a face that Arya has never seen before. A face of concern, anger, and seriousness.

“I don't know, Sir Mark. It seemed so out of place for messengers, and I needed to clear my head before my client tonight.”

“Arya,” Sir Mark starts. “The messengers are not allowed to touch you except in ways specified. If you are not in position, they are to clip the note to your nipple and report the incident. What you received was a person who took abuse of the very le of the messengers. Rest assured, this messenger will be strongly dealt with. Do you wish to partake in his punishment?”

“What punishment will he receive, Sir Mark?”

“A normal punishment for males is to have a chastity belt used to secure their penis. Not one of those flimsy ones that just secure around the balls. It's the kind that looks like a female belt. A waist band, a band that goes between the legs and holds the penis down and the balls apart. He will have a butt plug shoved in and held in with the belt, and only be let out once a day. This will continue for probably a month. You will be allowed to actually place the lock, and you can keep a copy of the key. He will be your slave for that month he is in the belt. You can use him for whatever you want. Have him eat your pussy, have him suck another mans cock, use your imagination. Treat him as if you were a client, and he was a Grade D slave. After your client today, clean up and report to my office. He will be here.”

“Yes Sir Mark, thank you Sir Mark.”

Arya returns to her room to await Mistress Betty. About thirty minutes before the session, Arya starts to prepare for her client, when a messenger enters the room. Arya quick glances at the notice light; it is not blinking. Arya, still stunned, drops into position. She pants, expecting the clip on her nipple, a sign that she wasn't prepared. Instead the messenger talks.

“Mistress Betty will not be showing up today. A family issue appeared, and she had to cancel. She says that she will see you again soon.” The messenger leaves the room without another word. Arya, stunned, slowly gets up and rubs her knees. She dropped to the ground a bit too hard. Almost relieved, she puts away the butt plug. Arya takes a deep breath, and walks out of the room, headed towards Sir Mark's office.

Arya knocks and opens the door. There the messenger is, ball gagged, naked, tied to an inverted Y frame. His legs are spread far apart, his arms tied together and straight up in the air. His back is arched awkwardly from a pole protruding from the frame. The chastity belt is already in place; a silver band running around his waist and between his legs. Arya assumes the position she always does.

“Nice to see you Arya. I'm sorry to hear about Mistress Betty. Is this the man that abused you?” Arya gives one good look at him, and recognizes him.

“Yes, Sir Mark.”

“Good, just making sure we got the right one. Come over here.” Arya walks over to Sir Mark. He hands her a key and the single lock. Arya walks over to him, places the lock around the small button at the front of the belt, and clicks the lock shut. The man screams through his ball gag.

“Good girl Arya. He is yours to do with for a month. What will you name him?”

“I think Crystal is a good name, Sir Mark.”

“Crystal it is. Crystal, you are Arya's slave for a month. You will do what she asks, when she asks it. If you refuse...” Sir Mark hand Arya a small remote control, no bigger than a deck of cards, “she will shock your ass.” He turns to Arya. “This remote is used to control the butt plug he has. As discussed before, he will be allowed to use the bathroom once per day, but that's it. Note, each time you push this button, we will know about it. Don't abuse it, or we'll drop you to Grade F. You have a copy of the key used to unlock his belt. It is not the only copy, but do not lose it.”

“Sir Mark, am I allowed to remove Crystals belt?”

“You can do whatever you want to him, Arya. Treat him as a client would treat you.”

“Thank you Sir Mark. Have you ever had your cock sucked by another man?”

“No Arya, I cannot say I have.”

“Would you like to have your cock sucked by another man?”

“I think I can give it a try.”

“Crystal, I am going to untie you. Then you are going to suck Sir Mark's cock until he cums. You are going to swallow it all.” Arya removes Crystal's ball gag. Crystal shouts. “I will not suck this mans cock! Are you out of your mind!” Arya pushes the shock button on the controller, and Crystal screams in pain.

“Are you sure about that?” Arya's tone shifts. She sounds more like a mistress than a slave.

“I will not su-rmph-” Arya shoves the ball gag back into his mouth. She fastens it around his head. “No more protest. You will do it.” Arya, along with several other men, untie Crystal from the frame, and push him to his knees. She shows him the key. “This could be a very long month for you Crystal.” She shocks him in the ass again. “Don't make it harder than it has to be.” She removes the ball gag again, and this time Crystal is silent. Sir Mark pulls out his cock and stands in front of Crystal.

“Don't be shy Crystal, open your mouth for Sir Mark.” Crystal slowly opens his mouth.

“Actually, Arya, show Crystal how it's done.” Arya snaps out of her mistress mood. She drops to her knees and begins to suck Sir Mark's cock with an intensity he's never seen. It's not long before Sir Mark is ready to go.

“Thank you Arya. You set the bar high. Crystal, you better finish me. Or else it will be two months.” Crystal slowly takes the cock into his mouth. He cringes, and Sir Mark slams his head down. Sir Mark bobs Crystal's head down on his cock. The look on Crystals face is of complete disgust, and he is not trying at all. Sir Mark keeps moving Crystal's head.

“This will be a long two months for you.” Sir Mark pulls Crystal's head off. His face is of anger and hate. “Stay,” he commands. He escorts Arya out of the room and closes the door. Sir Mark then explains to Arya some more specific rules. When to and when not to shock Crystal. He also tells her that, while she is the mistress of Crystal, her first duty is as a slave. To prove this, he forces Arya down on her knees and makes her suck his cock while he talks. Her first duty is a slave, and Crystal cannot interfere with that. Crystal will not be put on Arya's profile, so clients will not know about him. She is not allowed to bring Crystal to client sessions. Sir Mark also reinforces that Crystal is to be treated as a client would treat Arya. The relationship between the two will be closely monitored, and anything too extreme will knock Arya down to a grade F. Sir Mark also explains that any body superior to her will also have superiority over Crystal. As a final word, Sir Mark tells Arya that her key can unlock Crystal's butt plug, so she will have control over when he uses the bathroom. He must use it at least once a day with reasonable timing in between.
Arya finishes Sir Mark, and she swallows every drop of his cum. They walk back into the room, and Crystal is still on his knees. Arya quickly assumes her position; legs spread, arms behind her back. She cannot afford to lose this now. Sir Mark locks a collar and leash to Crystal and hands the leash to Arya.

“Crystal will stay in your room for the two months. Whether you lock him in there or allow him freedom is up to you. You do not have any clients for the next 48 hours. Now go back to your room.”

“Yes Sir Mark.” Arya turns around, pulling on Crystal's collar. Crystal crawls on his hands and knees out of Sir Mark's office. Arya leads him to her room, where she ties the leash to her bed.

“You are allowed to speak when spoken to. You must answer with 'Yes Mistress' or 'No Mistress' at the end of your response. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress,” Crystal says in a sarcastic voice. Arya slaps him across the face. She gets up and grabs a pair of handcuffs from the closet.

The next twenty four hours are filled with basic training for Crystal. Arya teaches Crystal how to properly respond to commands, how to get into certain positions, and even how to take some pain. The intercom turns on.

“Arya,” an unfamiliar female voice says.

“Yes Mistress,” she says confidently.

“Please report to the correctional facility. Bring Crystal with you.” The intercom shuts off. Arya thinks to herself, “What did I do? I thought I got everything correct...” Arya clips a leash to Crystal's collar and leads him out of the room, into the hallway, and headed toward the correctional facility. Arya doesn't make Crystal walk on his hands and knees, mostly because Arya wants to get to the facility as soon as possible.

Arya gets lost several times, and it is nearly ten minutes before she arrives. As soon as she arrives, she bows her head and speaks in a very apologetic voice.

“I'm sorry Mistress, I got lost and I couldn't find my way here. Please forgive me.”

“You're forgiven,” Sir Mark says. Arya shoots her head up. How could she mistake Sir Mark for a mistress?

“Excuse me Sir Mark, I did not mean to call you Mistr-”

“Silence, Arya. We see that you have been training Crystal, and we approve of it fully. Your methods are very good, fair, and functional. We brought you here because Crystal is not allowed to travel alone. We know how you want to train Crystal, so we will do that from here, simply because we hate wasting time on training. That is all.” Some men take Crystals leash from Arya and lead him further into the room. Arya looks up and gets a good look at the room. It's been completely re-done since the last time she was in it. Shiny white walls, tables everywhere, racks and racks of gags, whips, cattle prods, everything a dungeon needs. Arya watches the men lead Crystal to a section labeled “Doggie training area.” Arya opens her mouth to ask a question, but she doesn't speak.

“You wish to speak, Arya?”

“Yes, Sir Mark.”

“Feel free.”

“Thank you Sir Mark. Will you train Crystal on how to be a dog?”

“Somewhat. He will be trained on how to be a slave, just like you were. However, we are giving him some elements of dog training. He needs to be humiliated. Do you have any plans with him after training?” His voice is strong and authoritative.

“Yes Sir Mark. I intend on using and abusing his mouth to pleasure me.”

“I'm glad you're thinking of that. However, that does bring up an interesting idea. I will make a change to your rules with Crystal. You can use him for oral pleasure, and even pleasure other girls. However, if you do it even once, you will not receive a client until Crystal's time with you is over. Two months worth of clients will be thrown away the second his tongue hits your pussy. Got it?”

“Yes Sir Mark. Will the other girls receive that same punishment if I pleasure them with Crystal?”

“No. Crystal needs to be humiliated, so you will not be punished for having him eat other girls.”

“Sir Mark, I have one other question.”

“What is it Arya.” Sir Mark is becoming a little impatient.

“What ever happened to Jenni? I haven't seen her for a long time...” Arya trails off, obviously concerned about her friend.

“Jenni is out of intensive training. Her butt plug has been removed, so she can shit whenever she wants, sort of. We usually have a tail on her, just because we can. Her chastity belt is still on, and her pussy is still stuffed. We're using her as a test subject for new chastity belt designs and features. She will be with us for as long as we want.”
Sexuality:Bi Dom
gender:any sub/slave
live alone unless they will help punish you
Limits aloud: public,incest,gay/lez,blood,pics,scars,illegal,facial marks,video,cam,ask about others
girls must have:vibe&dildo
male/trans must have:dildo
rules may be given to you are:bathroom control[optional(for you)],clothing[optional(for you)], orgasm denial,daily tasks,etc.let me know if I give rules to you that you don't agree with.
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Old 09-19-2014, 04:55 PM   #5
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“Can I...” Arya gulps, “hear about these new features?”

“Not here. Follow me.” Arya follows Sir Mark out of the room, down through the twisted corridors, and finally into Sir Mark's office. Sir Mark leads Arya to a spot next to his chair. He pushes her down onto her knees. Sir Mark sits down in his chair and pats Arya on her head.

“I like having you as a slave. The research that we're doing with Jenni is on semi-permanent chastity devices. Devices that are designed to be worn effectively full time, but can actually be taken off. Jenni still has her chastity belt and bra on, and she hasn't had any sexual stimulation in...god, I don't even know how long. She says it drives her nuts. Most of the time we just make her hornier by abusing her mouth. Anyway, she's currently at a research facility in a different building far away from here. She's testing a new type of pussy insert that blocks all stimulation from hitting the vaginal walls, but allows the man to feel like he's fucking a real pussy. The best way to explain it is like a flesh light shoved into your pussy, but the flesh light fits perfectly. She will never feel a thing, but her master can switch out the pussy inserts when he wants. Obviously we have feminine problems to deal with, but that's why she's a test subject. We've pretty much nailed down the semi-permanent anal plug. We're having Jenni test a new plug that can allow her master to switch between having her be bathroom independent, or requiring an unlocking.
“The breasts are more of an issue. They grow and shrink much more than we like, and a solid metal bra doesn't really allow for that. So we've designed a chastity bra that has a solid metal outside, but a soft and flexible interior. He breasts can expand and shrink all they want, but she will not have access to them. Her master still has access to her nipples through a small shield directly over them. The worst part is visibility. The bra we aren't too concerned about, but the main belt around the waist is a huge problem. Our researchers are working on a type of epoxy that can bind to the skin and remain there until it is exposed to a special solution. If we get this to work, we can use this for everything: collars, wrist cuffs, anything we want.”

Arya is stunned at what she is hearing. This is way bigger than she imagined. Arya remains still, speechless from what she was just told.

“Jenni,” she thinks to herself, “a test subject for these evil devices...” Sir Mark's powerful voice breaks her thought.

“And to think we'd be wasting a perfect pussy like yours if we put one on you...”

“Please Sir Mark, please don't do that,” Arya begs. The thought a permanent insert into her vagina makes tears well up in her eyes.

“Don't worry. It's still a little bit away from actual production. If everything goes well, you should be out of here before they're finished. If not...that will be a problem. Now be gone. Crystal will be returned to you when he is done with training.” Arya gets up without saying a word and exits the office. She returns to her room and sits down on her bed. She is still stunned about what is going on. Her mind begins to wander.

“Will they use those things on all the girls here,” she thinks to herself. “Just plug us up when they grab us and wont release us until we're done? I can't do this...” Just then, Arya notices a blinking light by the door. She slowly gets on her knees and into position. Just as she sticks her tongue out, a messenger walks in and clips a note to her tongue. When the messenger leaves, she takes the note off and reads it.

Name: Master
Session Time: 13:00
Likes: Forced Orgasm
Requests: She should be naked and wet when I walk in
Corporal punishment: None
Duration: 2 hours
Equipment: Hitachi, Bullet, Vibrator, Dildo, Handcuffs, ankle cuffs, spreader bar

Arya looks at the clock: 18:00. The session will be tomorrow. She crawls back into bed and begins to relax when she notices the flashing light again. She groans and gets back into position. Another messenger clips two notes to her tongue. Arya flinches in the pain from two paperclips at the same time. One of them has a weight attached to it. When the messenger is gone, Arya carefully takes the clips off. She reads the first one:

“From now on, you will receive two notes with each client. The first one will be the normal client info. The second one will be a personal note from the client. For you, Arya, you will receive the first note in your ass. Your position will be face down, ass up, back arched. Your ass will be facing the door. A weighted butt plug will be inserted for your first note. After it is inserted, you will sit up and get into the position you normally receive the notes in. When you are done with the butt plug, you will return it by going to room 4B.” Arya reads the note several more times until she fully understands. This is what Heidi had to do to receive her notes. Arya then reads the second note.

Requested Name(s): Mistress Betty
Session Time and Date: 16:00 November 18th
Requested Equipment: Two Strap-ons, electric butt plug, butt plug harness, doubled ended dildo, large dildo, nipple clamps, egg vibratorDuration: 4 hours
Session Theme: Femdom, Orgasm Denial
Starting Position: Have a strap-on harness attached to her face with a double ended dildo when I enter. Have her ass be plugged by a large electric plug, and held in place with a harness
Special Requests: None

Arya re-reads the note. The format has changed, but that's not what bothers her. Mistress Betty is one hour after Master. After two hours of forced orgasms, she has to clean up in an hour and be ready for four more hours of orgasm denial. “I can't do this,” Arya thinks to herself. “I can't go from forced orgasms to orgasm denial that quickly! I can't do it...”

Once again, she sees the blinking light by the door. Arya immediately gets into position, but quickly realizes that she has a new starting position. She turns around so her bottom is facing the door, and bends over, bringing her tits and face to the hard floor. She arches her back as much as she can. The messenger enters and slowly shoves a heavy, large butt plug into Arya's bottom. It's lubricated well, but still hurts. When the butt plug is fully inserted, Arya slowly brings her back upright. The butt plug is very heavy, and takes all of her strength not to let it fall out. She slowly turns around, careful to keep the plug in. As soon as she tilts her head back and sticks out her tongue, a note is clipped to it. The messenger leaves, and Arya lets the plug fall out. She takes the note off her tongue and reads it. A third client today...

Requested Name(s): Sir
Session Time and Date: 21:00 November 18h
Requested Equipment: Ball gag, ring gag, funnel
Duration: 3 hours
Session Theme: Gangbang, Bukkake
Starting Position: Legs spread ready to be fucked
Special Requests: We have a party of 30 men coming. They are all to be called “Sir”
Sexuality:Bi Dom
gender:any sub/slave
live alone unless they will help punish you
Limits aloud: public,incest,gay/lez,blood,pics,scars,illegal,facial marks,video,cam,ask about others
girls must have:vibe&dildo
male/trans must have:dildo
rules may be given to you are:bathroom control[optional(for you)],clothing[optional(for you)], orgasm denial,daily tasks,etc.let me know if I give rules to you that you don't agree with.
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Old 09-19-2014, 04:56 PM   #6
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Arya stares at the note. Thirty men, all fucking her. She reads the letter attached to the butt plug.

“Hello slut. Prepare for the most fun you've ever had. I am bringing 30 people to visit you. We will all fuck you silly, then jizz on your face and in your mouth. We will use a funnel to make sure we don't miss. We will glaze your face and fill your mouth with cum. Any bit of cum that goes in your mouth will make its way to your stomach, even if you have to lick it up off the ground. I hope you will have as much fun as we will.”

The only multi-person sex that Arya has done was back in high school, when she was paid several hundred dollars to fuck three guys at a party. She was splayed down on a pool table and fucked by one guy, then another, then another. By the third guy, she was quite drunk. Some guy offered her another fifty dollars if she would fuck a man and suck a dick at the same time. In her drunken haze, she accepted. That was the only time she had fucked multiple men at a time. And now, she has to service thirty.

Arya reviews her situation. A man who likes to force orgasms at 13:00. One hour after that, her first Mistress that likes to deny her orgasms. An hour after that, thirty men who will fuck her and cover her face in their cum. Arya gets up and falls into the bed. She will try to ready herself for tomorrow. She will need it. Arya has one hour before her first client for the day. She's all showered, cleaned, and looks pretty. This is her first time doing multiple clients in a single day, and she has to service 32 individual people. Arya paces in the room, trying to calm down. She doesn't want to experience what Heidi experienced, not having a client count, especially one with 30 people. Arya continues to look at the clock, watching the seconds tick by. Her mind wanders: how did she get abducted in the first place? What is happening to Jenni and Heidi? When was the last time I got my period? She focuses on that last one for a while. Why hasn't she got her period in a while? She mulls over it a bit, exploring all the possible reasons.

“Probably some drugs or birth control in the food and water,” she thinks. At least she doesn't need to worry about getting pregnant or having her period in the middle of a session. Still, it bothers her that they just drug her up without any knowledge. Arya gets up and walks to the session room early. She reviews the client information again.

“His name is Master,” she says out loud. “I should be naked and wet when he walks in. He is going to force orgasms out of me for two hours.” Arya sits down on the floor and puts her hand between her legs. She gently massages her clit, trying to get aroused before Master walks in. Before long, Arya inserts a finger into her vagina. Then two. She glances up at the clock: 10 seconds. She quickly gives a last burst to her clit, then takes her hand away. Master said that he wanted her to be wet when he walked in, not be pleasuring herself. Right on time, Master walks into the room.

“Hello Mas-”

“Shut up. You speak when spoken to. rya can't remember Got it?” Master's voice is strong, powerful, and makes Arya submissive.

“Yes Master.”

“Do you like to cum, slut?”

“Yes Master.”

“You will regret that. I've heard that you can cum many times in a session. I hope you can, because I will make you.” He positions Arya exactly how he wants: Sitting on the ground, arms behind her, legs outstretched and spread. He grabs the handcuffs and cuffs Arya's hands behind her back. He locks the ankle cuffs on to her and then locks the spreader bar to the cuffs. Arya's legs are spread too far apart for her to close her knees together, so her vagina is exposed, waiting, and wet. Master takes no time lubing up the dildo and shoving it into Arya's waiting hole. Arya gasps with pleasure. Master moves the dildo in and out, pushing it deep inside her, then pulling it almost all the way out. Arya feels the orgasm building deep inside her...

Arya has lost all sense of time. The constant buzz on her clit has thrown her into a sense of timelessness. All she can focus on is the pleasure. She doesn't know who's in the room, what's happening to the rest of her body, she can barely even speak. He body feels different, like it's in a different position. Her back is straight, like she's laying down on the floor flat. Her arms are now behind her head, but still handcuffed together. Arya turns her head toward the clock, and tries to focus. She knows the session was supposed to last two hours, and it was 13:00 when it started. Her eyes focus: 14:52. Eight minutes left. She tries to speak, but an unintelligible mumble comes out. The constant vibration on her clit stops.

“You dirty slut you. I lost count at how many times you came. I'm sure you enjoyed yourself.” Master rubs a finger along Arya's clit gently. She lets out a moan of pleasure, and starts to move her hips, wanting more. The action is involuntary.

“No more today. I'm glad we had this fun.” Master removes the handcuffs and ankle cuffs from Arya. She lays there, panting, unable to move. She is covered in sweat, and reeks of sex. When Master leaves, she just continues to lay there. Before long, a messenger enters the room.

“Arya, remember, you have another client in an hour, Mistress Betty.” Arya struggles to get up, and slowly makes her way to the door. The messenger helps her walk towards the showers. While in the shower, the messenger washes Arya down completely, making sure to clean her up perfectly. A half hour before Mistress Betty arrives, Arya is finally dry. She is still in a haze, and requires the messenger to walk.

“Do you want to go to the session room,” the messenger asks Arya.

“Uhh,” Arya groans out and motions towards the session room. The messenger, effectively dragging Arya now, brings her towards the session room. This one is already stocked. Arya never realized it before, and hardly realizes it now, but there are about ten different sessions rooms, each on a rotating cycle.

Fifteen minutes before Mistress Betty. Arya's clit is still sore from Master, and she is just now able to start speaking. She will fail this one easily. She tries to calm down and gain her composure, but she is so weak from orgasming so many times.

Two minutes. She inserts the large electric butt plug, and puts on the harness. The plug is massive, and she walks funny. She puts the double ended dildo into the strap-on and attaches it to her face. He mouth is stuffed full, with a dildo sticking out the end, no doubt used to pleasure Mnds at attention, staring at the door.
Sexuality:Bi Dom
gender:any sub/slave
live alone unless they will help punish you
Limits aloud: public,incest,gay/lez,blood,pics,scars,illegal,facial marks,video,cam,ask about others
girls must have:vibe&dildo
male/trans must have:dildo
rules may be given to you are:bathroom control[optional(for you)],clothing[optional(for you)], orgasm denial,daily tasks,etc.let me know if I give rules to you that you don't agree with.
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Old 09-19-2014, 04:57 PM   #7
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Thirty seconds. She just stares at the clock, watching the seconds tick by. The moment the clock hits 16:00...nothing. Five seconds pass. Then ten. Clients are told to always enter right as the clock strikes the time, but nothing. One minute turns into two, and two into three. Mistress Betty isn't there. The formal contingency for this is to wait in position for the entire session duration until the client shows up. Arya just stands there, knees shaking. Seven minutes after the sessions started, a women enters.

“I am Jen. Mistress Betty changed slaves at the last minute. I am a grade A slave, and Sir Mark told me that, since I am such a good slaves, I get to use you for a few minutes. Lay down.” Arya is confused, but is so weak that she just goes with it. She lays down, the butt plug still large in her bottom. Jen is completely naked, and bears a collar with the tag “Jen. Grade A” on it. Jen wastes no time squatting over Arya, making a slow humping motion with her hips. Slowly, Jen glides the dildo into her dripping vagina, slowly bringing it all the way in. Arya has never been a lesbian, and this turns her off completely. Jen lets out a loud moan when the dildo is all the way down.

“Oh, that feels so good.” Jen grabs Arya's hair tightly. “Move your face.” Arya moves her head back and forth as best as she can in her current situation. Jen's juices flow into Arya's mouth. She has never tasted anything like that before. It's almost sweet. Jen moves her body in sync with Arya's head, turning Jen on more and more.

“Oh god, yes, yes!” Jen screams. Without warning, Jen presses her crotch to Arya's face as hard as she can. Jen screams out in pleasure. Then, just as soon as it happened, Jen is off the dildo and standing over Arya.

“That was incredible, thank you. I know you have a plug in, and as much as I'd like to use it, I can't. Bye.” And just like that, Jen leaves. Arya lays there, confused. First, she was expecting Mistress Betty, but she never showed. Then, a girl named Jen walks in and takes complete control of Arya, fucking her face until Jen came. Arya stands up, still confused by it all, and gets back into position. Arya's subconscious is taking over, as her conscious brain is over-loaded by the events that have happened. A voice comes on over the intercom.

“Very good Arya. You may remove the face harness, but leave the butt plug in.” Arya does as told. This voice is new. Very deep, commanding, and authoritative. He sounds like Sir Mark, but much more...powerful. The new voice makes her submissive side quiver.

Within a few minutes, the door opens. A very tall, sturdy man walks in the door. Arya glances up at him, then quickly darts her eyes to the floor. Hopefully he didn't notice. This man must be at least six feet five inches tall, built like a rock.

“Do you know who I am, Arya?”

“No, Sir.”

“My name is Ceasar. You will call me Sir Ceasar. Do you recognize me?”

“No, Sir Ceaser. Please forgive me.”
%remember Got it?”0D
“I am the head of this whole operation. I started this, and I run it.” Arya shoots her head up. This is him. This is the man that has put her through this entire ordeal. He standing only a few feet away from her. She is naked, exposed, tired, humiliated...and plugged.

“I've been keeping an eye on you, ever since you started. You seemed strong, and I like that. Sir Mark kept reporting to me that you are an excellent slave. In fact, a model slave. We have changed a few of our training procedures to try to get slaves to be more like you. You accepted your training, and even when faced with seemingly impossible tasks, you pull through. Your ordeal with Crystal was an unexpected one. Crystal will return to you under your control, but not right away. Sir Mark informed me that you were concerned about Jenni, and that he explained her entire predicament. Well, I am Jenni's current master. Technically, I am everyone's master, but there is no middle man with her. Let me asking you a question, and answer truthfully like you've been trained: If I asked you to become my personal slave, would you accept?” Arya sweats. She knows to answer truthfully, but this is the head guy. The president, CEO, whatever you want to call him. He's the guy at the top. Denying could mean bad things, but answering untruthfully could mean worse. Arya hesitates for a few moments.

“You can speak freely, Arya.”

“Thank you Sir Ceasar. I am worried about what will happen to me if I accept and become your personal slave.” She is nervous. Her voice quivers.

“Arya, you have been trained to answer truthfully. You know nothing bad will happen if you say something that we don't want to hear. We do this because our business relies on good slaves. If you only say what we want to hear, then your performance will slowly degrade due to poor conditions. The Crystal encounter is perfect. You voiced your opinion to Sir Mark, and it turned out that he was abusing you. This is what we want, we want you girls to speak up and say when things aren't right.” His voice changes. It's deeper, more commanding. “Now tell me again. If I ask to you to be my slave, will you accept?”

“No Sir Ceasar.” He voice is strong, but in her head, she feels she has just made a huge mistake.

“Why?” Arya has always dreaded this question. She now has to explain herself.

“Being a slave here means I have an end in sight. I have to service 35 clients before I can go home. If I became your personal slave, I don't know how long I'll have to wait.” She barely managed to say it without breaking down.

“That is as good of a reason as any. You have 25 clients left to service. Not particularly fast, but you're a very decent slave. So, I'll give you two options. You don't have to respond right now, but I do expect a response within twenty four hours. You can either become my personal slave for eight months and be released, or continue here for however long you require to service 25 more clients. By our predictions, and we're very good at predicting, 25 clients will take you two to three months at grade B. We can always bump you up to grade A, which will mean 25 clients will take well over a year. I'm sure Sir Mark has told you about grade A slaves. We sell them to clients for housework. Sometimes, the slaves stay a week. Some stay for several months. And it only counts as one client, no matter how much they are used. However, grade A slaves always receive clean and respectful clients. The choice is yours.”

“Sir Ceasar, I would like ave,” Arya blurts out. At her rate, she'll make it to grade A shortly, and she wants to get out of here as soon as possible. Now, she'll be a grade A slave to Ceasar alone, and guaranteed release in eight months.

“Excellent Arya. I'm happy you chose correctly. Follow me.”

“But Sir Ceasar, what about the other session I have today?” It's unlike Arya to speak out of turn.

Sir Ceasar walks out of the room, with Arya following her. “I told you, it's canceled. While screening the thirty men for STDs, we found that several of them had something that we didn't want our slaves to catch. We denied the whole group. If they can get a better group together and reschedule, we will give them a special bukkake slave. You're lucky you never became one of those, Arya. Bukkake slaves are very poor grade D slaves. We list their talents as 'Bukkake Only'. They get very few clients, as that many people is quite expensive. We regularly train Bukkake girls by getting all the male workers here and having a 'test session'. The cum whores are chained to the ground on their knees, arms chained to their waste. An ass hook with a two inch ball is inserted and tied to her hair. She has to keep her head very far back. We attach a drain gag to her mouth and inset a funnel. All the men go nuts. Thirty to forty full loads are emptied on to her, with about half making it into her mouth. Generally we try to make our cum taste as nasty as possible, and we take vitamins to make our loads huge. They learn to like it.”

Arya is silent. She doesn't know what else to say. She follows Sir Ceasar to Sir Mark's office. They enter and see Sir Mark watching two Grade A slaves eat each other out. Sir Mark quickly stands to attention in Sir Ceasar's presence.

“Sir Mark, be advised that I will be taking Arya as my personal Grade A slave. Initial time is eight months.”

“Yes Sir Ceasar. You're lucky, Arya is a very nice slave. What should be done about Crystal?”

“Crystal is to remain in training until you feel he's done, then contact me about him.” Sir Ceasar leads Arya throughout the complex. She enters hallways she's never seen before. She enters what appears to be a parking garage and sees a long, black limousine. A naked female opens the door to the back, and Arya enters. Sir Ceasar is close behind.

The limousine is astounding on the inside. Rows of leather seats, lights, televisions, and of course, bondage devices. Up against the back are two full-fist cuffs spread apart.

“Arya, insert your hands into those cuffs while facing us.” She inserts one hand into the cuff, then stretches her other arm to get it in. The cuffs are low, forcing her to squat. She's sitting on her ankles, but is up on her toes. Suddenly, the cuffs inflate, trapping her wrists. Sir Ceasar takes special seat belt and fastens it around Arya's waist. He does the same thing around her thigh and respective ankle, trapping her in the squatting position.

“Keep your legs spread, or else I'll force them apart.” He takes some a red marker and writes the words “Slave. Fuck Me,” with an arrow pointing down, on her stomach. On one cheek he writes “Whore”, and on the other, “Cum Bucket,” with an arrow pointing toward her mouth. Arya's shame and humiliation builds. Still plugged up from her preparation for Mistress Betty, she unconsciously turns the shame, guilt and humiliation into sexual stimulation. Before long, her vagina begins to drip.
Her legs ache, her bottom is sore, and she needs a fuck. Badly. More than she ever has in her entire life. She has been stuck in this squatting position for a long time, and periodically someone will come over and rub her clit. Her knees have been forced apart by a spreader bar for ages now. She's still in the back of the limousine, and has no idea where she is.

The car suddenly stops, and men start to get out. Arya watches all the men leave, but none of them come to let her out. She starts to worry, but soon the door opens, and a familiar face comes to let her out.

“Jenni!” Arya screams. Jenni doesn't respond. She unties the spreader bar and begins to undo the straps holding her in that squatting position.

“Jenni, what's -” Jenni snaps her hand to Arya's mouth and gives her a glare. Arya reads this glare like a book. Jenni is telling her not to speak. Not to say a word. Jenni is still in her full chastity outfit, this time with cat ears and a bunny tail. Soon, Arya is let out of her cuffs, and she finally has a chance to stretch and relax. Jenni backs out of the car. Arya rubs her wrists and sits down for a bit, relaxing. Just as soon as she starts to relax, she hears Sir Caesar's voice. “Arya, get out here.” She quickly leaves the vehicle, and looks up to the building. It is a gigantic beachfront home. Several stories, white marble, glass windows many feet high.

Arya is used to being naked, but not outside. She still has the butt plug harness on, but she feels exposed having her breasts hanging out. She starts to cover them, when her bottom receives a large, painful electric shock. She puts her hands behind her back as taught.

“Good girl. You are my house slave from now on. But you will need some...modifications. Please follow me.” Sir Caesar starts to walk towards the door, and Arya follows close behind. She looks over her shoulder to see Jenni with her hands on the car, bottom sticking out, and two men vigorously spanking her. She snaps her head forward and focuses on walking.

She enters the massive house to be greeted by several naked women, all of whom are tending to Sir Caesar. Trays of fruit, cheese, and deserts, some are offering a shoe cleaning, some are just sticking their breasts out. Sir Caesar ignores all of them and continues straight. They take a turn into an office. Inside is a gigantic wooden desk with a chair behind it. The walls are covered in paintings of naked women, some bound, some sodomized. There's a small pillow on the floor where a chair would be. Sir Caesar sits down in the office chair, while Arya kneels on the pillow.

“Good girl. You are now my personal slave. As you can see, I have a lot of women, more than I know what to do with. Most of them are not in you predicament though. They come to me from everywhere, all consensually. You, Jenni, and a few others were...drafted into this. And I hope you do better than Jenni.”

“What happened with Jenni, Sir?” Arya is taking a huge risk by talking out of turn like this, but she was almost trained to do it. She wants to know what Jenni did wrong so she doesn't repeat it. Sir Caesar encourages this, as to him, a good slave actively seeks to better themselves rather than just take order blindly.

“She attacked one of the other slaves with a knife. Apparently, she gave Jenni a dirty look for something, and Jenni was having a bad week. No one was injured, but we had to dismiss that other slave. Jenni is now back on strict supervision. She has exactly one bathroom break every 24 hours, and we must give her an enema to have it happen. Every six hours, she is brought almost to orgasm by a dildo and vibrator locked inside her belt. Built in sensors stop the vibrator and dildo right before she cums. She's been like this for a week. Plus, we've been milking her. That same machine used on you all that time ago is being used on Jenni. She is being milked every day, and has to drink it. But enough on that. It's time for you to get an upgrade.”

He pushes a button under his desk. Two men walk in and stand beside Arya. “These men will take you to the medical wing. There, you'll have a procedure done that will make you a better slave. After 8 months, we will turn you back to normal for your release.” Arya stands up, and the two men escort her out of the room. They walk across the house and down into the basement. There they enter a hospital room, complete with all hospital equipment. There's a man in full hospital gear standing in the room.

“Hello Arya. My name is Dave, and I'll be operating on you.” The room has a definite hospital look, but somehow is calming. Arya is not worried at all, and is starting to relax. The doctor looks cute. “Please don't worry, we're just going to do some small procedures on your tongue and vagina, all very simple things. Do you have any questions for me?”

“What exactly will be done,” she says calmly.

“We're going to pierce your tongue and put in a barbell. This piercing will have some sensors on it that will detect semen and vaginal fluids. It will also transmit a signal to your other device, which will be put between your vagina and anus, called the perineum. This will detect if and when you have sex, and also serves a function in tandem with your tongue piercing. Now, please lay down on the table.” Arya does as instructed, and soon a mask is placed over her face.

“Count to ten Arya.” Arya starts to count. She barely makes it to 5.

Arya wakes up slowly, restrained to the table. Her bottom feels very loose and empty. She looks down and sees the harness removed. Finally, that plug is removed. Her tongue feels gigantic in her mouth, and she keeps flicking the piercing along her teeth. She tries to say some words, but only an unintelligible mumble comes out. Soon she is aware of the pinching feeling near her bottom. She tries to sit up, but a hand is quickly placed on her shoulder, gently but firmly holding her down.

“Rest Arya, the procedure is over. Your tongue will feel huge, that's normal. Give it a little bit, it will start to feel normal again soon. As for that pinching feeling, that will go away with time, just give it a few days. Sir Caesar has allowed you to stay down here for up to a week if you need it.” Arya nods her head in acknowledgment.

Arya spends five days recovering from her procedure. Sir Caesar has come to visit her several times, just to check up. Arya can speak and walk as if nothing has ever happened, except her tongue still feels heavy, preventing her from speaking too much. Sir Caesar now comes down to escort Arya back up to the main house.

“Arya, you remember Crystal, right?” He says in a commanding voice.

“Yes Sir, I do.”

“Crystal has finished his training. We want to make a statement to everyone out there, so I'm making a special exception for you. You will be the mistress of Crystal and one other female slave for one month, and you will have periodic slave duty for me. Actually, make it two female slaves.” He takes out a radio and speaks “Crystal and two slaves, ready in the Kitchen. Now,” into it.

“Thank you Sir.”

“Anyway, with regards to your new equipment. That tongue piercing is a special sensor that can detect semen and vaginal fluids. It's locked on with a special key. After your one month with Crystal, we will set it so that it must detect semen from two different men every day, or else you will get shocked by that device near your ass. Once a week, it must also detect vaginal fluids. That sensor near your ass also tells us whenever something enters your pussy or ass. You're not allowed to masturbate after your time with Crystal, so we'll know when you do.”

(The part about the sensor and detecting fluids was taken by the Chasti-permalock series. The story is “A day at the office.” Credit where credit is due.)

“Yes sir.” Arya is appalled at her new duties. Two different men every day must cum in her mouth. And once a week, she must eat out a woman. She cannot believe it. She puts it to the back of her mind, as she doesn't have to worry about it until later. She follows Sir Caesar up the stairs and into the main building. They enter the kitchen, where Crystal is there, waiting, next to two naked women. Crystal has his chastity belt on, and the two female slaves each have nipple clamps connected with a chain. They all have collars and are looking down at the floor.“These three are your slaves for a month. They all understand what is happening, and they have all received the same training you have. Treat them as if you were a client. Crystals butt plug has been removed, but you can insert it again if you want. They are all trained to use the bathroom once very twenty four hours. Other than that, they're yours for a month.” Sir Caesar walks out.

“What are all your names,” Arya asks the three. “My name is Alex,” the first one says. “My name is Crystal,” he says. “My name is Rachel.” the last one says.

“Alex, Crystal, and Rachel. All very nice names. My name is Mistress Arya, or just Mistress. Alex and Rachel, have you two had lesbian contact before?”

Alex responds. “Yes Mistress. As punishment for disobeying him, we are now lesbian lovers. We usually do shows together for Sir Caesar.” Alex and Rachel look very much alike. Medium height, dark brown hair, large breasts, firm legs.

“Good. Crystal, when was the last time you had an orgasm?”

“I don't remember Mistress,” he says submissively. He is much more docile than he last was.

“Good. Do any of you know where a private room is that we can be?”

“I do Mistress,” Rachel says. “Good. Lead me there. Alex and Crystal, follow me.” Rachel heads off out of the kitchen, with Arya behind her, with Alex and Crystal following. Rachel takes a few turns and enters an empty room with some typical bondage equipment, along with bigger things. They all enter the room, and Arya closes the door. Alex steps up to Arya.

“Sir Mark told me to give this to you,” and she extends her hands. Inside her hands are two items. One looks like a key, the other looks like a small metal rod. They are both on a necklace.The key has a note attached that says “Key to Crystal's chastity belt.” The rod also has a note. “Crystal has the same implements you do, on the tongue and in his perineum. Insert this key into the top of Crystal's piercing and turn it left a quarter turn. This will activate his sensors. He will need have either semen or pussy juice in his mouth twice a day, or get shocked in his balls. Insert the key into his perineum device to require him to have something fill his ass for 5 minutes a day, or else he'll get increasing shocks until he does. Don't lose this.”

“Thank you Alex,” Arya says as she takes both keys from her. “Crystal, are you aware of the devices on you?”

“Yes Mistress.” Arya wastes no time.“Open your mouth.” Crystal opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue. Arya sticks the key into the hole at the top and turns it. It vibrates a tiny bit, confirming that it is now active.

“Turn around, face down ass up.” Crystal gets on his knees and presses his face to the floor. His ass hole is open, and Arya can clearly see the device in his perineum. She reflects for a second, realizing that she probably has the same device on her. She inserts the key into the device, but takes it out before turning it.

“I'll turn that thing on later Crystal. But for now, time to fill your quota for the day. Alex and Rachel, which one of you would like to cum today?”

“I would,” Rachel says. Alex had opened her mouth to speak, but closes it.

“Good. Crystal will eat me out, then you. How often do you cum?” Arya sits down in a chair and spreads her legs. Crystal crawls over to her.

“Once a week, if we're lucky. For a while it's been once every two weeks.”

“Okay.” Crystal presses his face into Arya's crotch, and starts to lick around. Arya can't remember the last time she's been eaten out, but Crystal is doing a fantastic job. Before long, she is pushing his face into her vagina as hard as she can. She cums all over his face and throws her head back in pleasure.

Panting, Arya says to Crystal, “Now...it's time...to go eat out...Rachel. And you better....do as well as you did...this time...” Arya notes that Alex is still standing in the room, and Arya motions for her to kneel down next to her. Alex walks over to Arya and kneels next to the chair. They are both watching Crystal eat out Rachel, and soon, Rachel is riding Crystal's face as hard as she can. She cums, and squirts all over his face. Rachel is panting just as hard as Arya.

“Good boy. That's it for today Alex and Rachel, do you have a way I can call you when I need you?”

“Yes Mistress,” Alex says. “Our collars can shock us when you call us.” She points to a touch screen panel on the wall. “This is the system that is used to call slaves. Just select Alex and Rachel and press “Call.” We will show up as soon as we can to this spot.

“Good. You two go off now and have fun. If you could, I'd like to have you make me breakfast in the morning.”

“Of course Mistress.” Rachel replies.

“Thank you slaves. Now be gone, I need some alone time with Crystal.”

Alex and Rachel leave the room. Arya walks up to a wall and grabs a ball gag and a bamboo crop. rya tosses and tumbles, trying to get a grip on whats real and what isn't. She feels angry, yet sad; happy, yet flustered; pathetic, yet strong. She fights and fights, and soon she breaks free.

"Arya! Arya! Wake up!" Arya shoots upright to the soothing sound of her boyfriend. She is covered in sweat, breathing heavily, but is in her own bed.

"Arya, you were screaming and crying and moaning...are you okay," her boyfriend asks, concerned.

"It was...all a dream?"

"Yes. You were thrashing around so violently, I was worried you would hurt yourself." Arya breathes a sigh of relief. It was all a dream. The abduction, Sir Mark, Sir Caesar, Crystal, all of it...just a dream. It seemed all too real, but her mind had fabricated all of it. But, some part of her almost enjoyed it. The helplessness, the submission, all seemed to appeal to a part of her that she has never known before.

"Hey Dave," Arya asks shyly.

"Yes sweetie, whats up?"

"You wouldn't happen to be into bondage, would you?"
Sexuality:Bi Dom
gender:any sub/slave
live alone unless they will help punish you
Limits aloud: public,incest,gay/lez,blood,pics,scars,illegal,facial marks,video,cam,ask about others
girls must have:vibe&dildo
male/trans must have:dildo
rules may be given to you are:bathroom control[optional(for you)],clothing[optional(for you)], orgasm denial,daily tasks,etc.let me know if I give rules to you that you don't agree with.
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Old 09-20-2014, 10:31 AM   #8
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Wow..... damn good story!!!!

32/Male Dominant/Northeast U.S.

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Likes: Humiliating, Bondage, Predicament Bondage, Nipple Clamps, Breast Bondage, HONESTY, TRUST, RESPECT, LOYALTY.

Dislikes: Diapers, bodily fluids, feet, illegal, anything compromising safety & discretion.

I make custom rope items, including whips, collars, cuffs, and leashes. Contact me for more details.

My kik - ropesir
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Old 10-02-2014, 03:05 AM   #9
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Holy.. fucking.. shit
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Old 10-02-2014, 11:24 AM   #10
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Posts: 77

Awesome story!!!
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