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Old 03-07-2013, 02:43 PM   #1
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Default Pretty Humiliating

Emerging from the door less bathroom that enjoined his door less
bedroom. Bobbi began to get ready for his date. He was absolutely
terrified of going out tonight on this date that his sister had set up.
His date was a BOY!!! Poor Bobbi liked girls, not BOYS! While nervously
preparing for his date Bobbi thought about how this came to be, him
going on a date with a BOY!

He'd had some of the most embarrassing accidents while he was growing
up as a teenager. Though small of stature, 5' - 5" tall, 115 pounds
soaking wet, Bobby was good enough looking to attract members of the
opposite sex and it was early on in his dating experience that Bobby,
and to his acute embarrassment, the girls he was with discovered his
little problem. For Bobby had such juvenile control over his orgasms
that no less than three times as he lay with a girl, both fully clothed
but heavily engaged in petting and kissing he would have one of his
"accidents." Eventually he'd end with him on top of her or vice versa,
and as they kissed and rubbed against each other he would
uncontrollably orgasm with just the slightest friction. Each and every
time this happened, he'd flood his underwear with his sperm leaving a
stain that could not go unnoticed and never did. An additional horror
was that his flaming passion would wane immediately following his
unwanted ejaculation, a fact that never failed to go unnoticed by his
little dates.

Once at a party this very thing happened as he was making out with a
pretty girl named Prissy. Once she realized he came in his underwear
she was disgusted, let down and angry. She was simply besides herself
with amusement and giggled like the school girl she was, "oh my gosh
Bobby, did you cum in your panties?" she laughed. Bobby was mortified
and embarrassed to tears, he didn't know what to say to Prissy. He was
so ashamed he said nothing but "I-I I'm sorry Prissy, it was an
accident." Prissy couldn't believe what a wimp Bobby turned out to be
and told him as much. Desperate to escape his shame Bobby told Prissy,
"I um, have to go now, um sorry." Before he could escape the party
though, she let everyone know, "hey everybody she called out much too
loudly for his comfort, guess what?" "Bobbi had a preemie in his
panties, look at HIS pants, what a wimp."

That night was mortifyingly embarrassing and he would not live it down
until he left high school. He could remember walking as fast as he
could from the party, he was desperate to get out of there. How could
that girl Prissy humiliate him like that? The front of his pants
clearly soaked and all eyes on Bobbi, he fled from that house to taunts
of "one pump chump," "Bobbi preemie," "what a wimp" and many others.

Being small and now known as a premature ejaculator he was labeled a
sissy and a wimp. It didn't help that Prissy yelled out loud at that
party, "Bobbi had a preemie in his panties." That night at the party
Bobby was 14 years old, by the time he was 16 and after two more
"accidents" Bobby couldn't get a date and was far to afraid to even try

Bobby was still very attracted to girls and had masturbated to pictures
from the Sunday underwear ads many times. Problem was though, that no
matter how hard he tried to hold back, once he was excited and started
to rub his three and a half inch hard on, he'd cum after only 15 to 30
seconds. Bobby wondered if he would ever be able to stay hard long
enough to satisfy a girl. The next 5 years during school were one
embarrassing day after another, that night at the party was just the

Bobbi lived with his Mother and sister. His parents divorcing when he
was three, he had not seen or heard from his father since that day. He
was a drunk and a bum he guessed, at least that's what his Mom said
about him. Due to his reputation and his Mom's experiences with less
than honorable men, he was a second class citizen in their home just
because he was a boy. Life can be so unfair he thought. Soon after that
fateful night with Prissy his sister even knew of his sissy status
which meant that everyone knew, including his Mom.

The teasing at home was brutal with both his Mom and sister suggesting
maybe he should date boys instead. He always objected vehemently
whenever they said such things. Always it seemed to no avail for they
would just tease him even more. Why did that girl Prissy have to say I
came in my "PANTIES" he thought, ever since that day everyone thought
he was a pantywaist.

He hated the endless teasing about what color his panties were or, I
can't believe you wear panties or the other endless comments kids can

The teasing was endless and one night when he was 17 and his sister 16,
she pushed him too far, asking him if he wanted her old panties since
she had recently purchased new ones. For Bobbi, it was the straw that
broke the camels back and he'd had enough.

Snapping like a dry twig he laid into his sister Candy, letting her
know he was sick and tired of her bullshit and that if she didn't cut
it out she'd be in trouble. She just laughed in his face and said
"whatever preemie."

In a fit of rage he shoved her hard. The look on her face told him she
was not pleased, but he was too pissed off at the moment to care what
she thought. Before you knew it they wound up in an actual fight, a
wrestling match really.

Bobbi's intent was to pin her down and shove all the panty and wimp
talk down her throat. He was sick and tired of putting up with teasing
from his younger sister especially considering the sensitive subject
matter, that of him being a wimp and a pantywaist.

As he said, he'd had it!!! He was additionally angry at himself for
taking her shit for so long, it's just that he was so embarrassed by it
all, he didn't know what to do. Besides he wasn't exactly physically
imposing and his younger sister was the same size as him and a much
better athlete. She played girls sports where he kept to myself and
read a lot. After all, you don't even consider trying out for sports
when you're known as a pantywaist and a preemie. So being small, shy
and reserved he wasn't inclined to physical confrontations, but that
day he had about all the crap he was going to take from his bratty
sister. After all, he was a boy and she was a girl. Shoving quickly
turned unto grappling and they ended up on the ground with their hands
interlocked. Frustrated he didn't have her pinned already, he was
horrified to feel she was stronger than him, as they were locked in a
battle of strength. And I don't mean just barely stronger, she was way
stronger, as he felt her pushing his arms and hands slowly to the floor
easily pinning his hands to the ground while straddling his upper
chest, putting him in a classic schoolgirl pin.

Now although his sister played sports she was still a girly girl. When
their argument started he was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, she was
wearing a denim mini skirt and a sleeveless top.

Now as she straddled and pinned him to the ground holding his hands
firmly pinned, he struggled like a madman to escape this humiliating
turn of events. Buck and struggle as he did, he could not lift his
hands or arms even an inch off the ground, she had him pinned so firmly
and easily. Shifting forward she placed her knees on his biceps thereby
freeing her hands as her knees and legs now kept his arms firmly
pinned. Her Knees crushing down on his soft biceps hurt like heck and
when she first planted them there, he humiliatingly found himself
yelping out in pain and begging her to remove them. Her smiling
tauntingly delivered response, "ah, I'm sorry wimp, is your little
sister hurting you?" did nothing to soothe his shattered male ego
already seriously bruised because of his preemies problem.
I sense a disturbance in my pants.
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Old 03-07-2013, 02:44 PM   #2
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With her hands now free she placed them on her hips as she smugly
gloated down on her helpless sissy brother. Still struggling wildly,
though not budging Candy an inch, Bobbi (as he was referred to ever
since that horrible night with Prissy) began to weaken completely and
stopped struggling.

Through his wild struggles and mad bucking Bobbi was not in tune with
his exact situation and immediate surroundings. Having now tired and
been completely overpowered by his little sister, he became much more
aware of his situation and predicament. Laying there, his biceps aching
from Candy's knees unrelenting pressure, her smooth thighs framing his
head, he embarrassingly noticed if he looked foreword, his sisters
white nylon panties with pink polka dots were mere inches from his
chin. Left or right all he could see was smooth thigh. If he looked up,
which he could not bear to do, for when he did, he could see his
sisters gloating eyes. So he currently found himself starring at his
sisters pretty white nylon panties with the little pink polka dots and
pretty lace around the leg bands.

Then his sister grabbed his chin and turned his head forcing him to
look up at her and said "Oh my God, I cant believe how easily I just
kicked your pantywaist ass, WHAT A PUSSY ! Oh my God! You're a weakling
Bobbi!" For her part Candy was beside herself with elation. Macho
males, she was sick of them, boys in general, always trying to show how
tough they are, Ha ! Here she was sitting on her wimpy older brother's
chest holding him in a humiliating schoolgirl pin, from which he
apparently couldn't break free from. Who's the weaker sex now she
thought! Things are going to be different between them now, much
different she thought. Oh my gosh she was thinking, I can't wait to
tell everybody at school, oh! He will just die of embarrassment.

While Candy was thinking these thoughts Bobbi was having his own and
they weren't near as happy as Candy's. His male ego already bruised and
fragile from years of being known as a preemie and a pantywaist, it was
now crushed at having been so easily beaten up by his Little sister. To
be pinned by a girl, a girly girl at that and that girl being your
LITTLE sister, oh the humiliation burned him to the core. To be called
a pussy and a weakling, all while being helplessly pinned to the floor
was more than he thought he could take. Having a girl call you a pussy
is the worst insult when you're a teenage boy, it just infuriated poor
Bobbi. He was 17 now, almost a man or so he thought, this just can't be
happening, he'd never ever live this down.

As if to reinforce that happy thought, Cindy brought him back to the
present as she exclaimed with girlish enthusiasm, "Oh this is so cool!
I just can't wait to tell everyone at school about what a wimp you are
and how easily I can kick your pansy ass." "Maybe ill even pick a
fight with you at lunch just so everyone can see for themselves what a
wimp you are." Imagine she said to no one really, "A 17 year old boy
who can't even take his prissy sister, oh my, this is just the best,
ever." "What do you think the kids at school will say when I pin your
sissy butt at lunch and apply some pretty makeup to your face so
everyone can see what a true pantywaist wimp you are?"

This terrifyingly humiliating taunting had him bucking and struggling
for all he was worth again. Candy though was far too strong for him and
easily rode his wild bucking and pitiful attempts to raise his arms.
Infuriated at his situation and desperate to end this humiliation,
Bobbi tried kicking her back as hard as he could after his bucking
attempts proved useless. One kick caught her squarely and only served
to completely piss her off.

"You bastard," she spat, "how dare you kick me"! Immediately she rained
slap after vicious hard slap to his face. It stung dreadfully and as
tears formed in his eyes, he realized with utter horror and humiliation
that he was being "bitch slapped" to tears by his little sister and
there wasn't a thing he could do to stop her.

"Please Candy," he wailed, "I'm sorry, please," he cried, "I won't kick you
again." He just couldn't believe how much her slaps hurt, he couldn't
believe he was a 17 year old boy helplessly pinned by his little sister
getting slapped to tears. As he blubbered beneath her he could feel his
face swell and his one eye felt like it was closing.

In her rage after he kicked her, Candy's first slap was more a punch
than slap. Although he was wrong as he thought, this couldn't be more
embarrassing. A black eye from my little sister.

Finally she stopped slapping him and leaned down close to his face
looking him right in the eyes, his tear filled eyes, her pretty long
brown hair hung against his face she was so close, " IF I WAS YOU

The irony that her pretty pussy which he could faintly make out through
her pretty white nylon panties mere inches from his face was not lost
on him as she'd just called him a pussy again, to his great
embarrassment. So, with no other option he could think of, he
humiliatingly responded, "yes Candy, I'm really sorry, ill never touch
you again."

He was simply crushed with humiliation and embarrassment as he lay
there. Why couldn't he even beat up his sister, a girl younger than him
and such a feminine girl too? It made it hurt all the more, poor Bobbi
was just crushed, his male ego shattered. His arms were killing him
with the constant pressure from Candy's knees, his face still stung
madly and he was sure he could feel his eye swelling shut. Moaning
beneath Candy he pleaded, "please Candy, my arms are really hurting me,
could use please move them?"

"Listen wimp, I'll let you up when I'm good and ready, Got it?" she

He just looked fearfully up at her as she suddenly slapped his face
again even harder than before. With fresh tears streaming from his eyes
he quickly responded "yes Candy I understand, whatever you say honest,
I'm sorry" he blubbered like a total wimp, humiliated beyond belief.
Bobbi had never been in a physical confrontation before in his whole
life, he was not familiar with pain and intimidation like this, even he
was surprised at what a chicken and a wimp he seemed to be, but he was
acting the only way he knew how to.

Returning her hands to her hips as she gazed down at him, he adverted
her laughing eyes and looked straight ahead at her panties inches from
his tear stained face. Candy loved that her "big" brother was afraid to
even look at her. Having her pretty white nylon panties with the pink
polka dots so close to his face only seemed to hammer home the point
that such a feminine girl was completely controlling and dominating
him, it just humiliated him to a level he never knew existed.

High above Bobbi, Candy was not unaware that her panties were in clear
view to her brother. The fact that wimpy Bobbi had to continually stare
at her pretty panties was not lost to her. Like Bobbi she too knew
instinctively that Bobbi, having to stare at her pretty panties was
forced to accept that a femmy girl was kicking his ass.

She couldn't remember ever being happier than she was currently at the
moment. As she looked down at her humiliated brother she noticed that
his left eye was almost swollen shut and already turning a deep black
and blue. Wait until he sees that she giggled to herself, he'll die of
embarrassment, Imagine getting a black eye from your pretty little
sister, oh the field day the kids at school will have with that one.
I sense a disturbance in my pants.
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Old 03-08-2013, 10:55 PM   #3
O yeah
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i like it you should write more
Loves:Forced Feminization, Crossdressing, Semi Public, Humiliation, Degradation, Bondage, Anal
Sometimes: messy, pain, cumming, pictures, public
Limits: Scat/pee, Family, Extreme Pain, Face
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Old 03-15-2013, 02:11 PM   #4
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"Hey sissy, I got some bad news for you, it looks like I got a little
too rough with you because sissy baby, you got one heck of a shiner."
"What do you think the kids at school will say when they find out we
got in a fight and I kicked your ass, with ease?" "Won't that be

Bobbi couldn't imagine anything less fun actually. Not knowing Candy
expected an immediate response, Bobbi stumbled for something to say.
This earned him another four stinging slaps to the face as Candy
roughly grabbed his chin and forced him to again look directly at her.

"Lets get something straight right away sissy, when I ask you a
question I expect an immediate respectful reply, GOT IT sissy? And in
the future you can address me as Ms. Candy."

Bobbi knew from their earlier struggles that he was no match for Candy
physically, he clearly could feel her overwhelming strength, his
repeated attempts at escape utterly fruitless he was despondently under
no illusion this was all a fluke. He now knew to his utter shame as he
laid helplessly pinned that HIS LITTLE SISTER WAS MUCH STRONGER THAN
stand his sister calling him "sissy" all of a sudden. There's just no
way I can allow that thought Bobbi and is she crazy, there's no way I'm
calling her Ms. Candy. But he was scared, that thought sent shudders
through him, he was scared of his little sister, OH MY GOD ! I'm scared
of Candy he thought, the realization burned into him, this just can't
be happening he prayed.

As he thought all these things in a split second though, the site of
Candy's pretty panties inches from his face told him it was all too
real. Paranoid that if he didn't answer Candy soon she'd slap his face
again he desperately stuttered cautiously, "ppp please Candy, I," but
before he could finish Candy started to slowly raise her hand. Bobbi
seeing this quickly understood his mistake and (humiliatingly) urgently
corrected himself, "I, I mean Ms. Candy, please I understand, I promise
to be real respectful to you from now on (it was killing Bobbi to
degrade himself to his sister like this but what else could he do, and
his face and arms were really hurting) but why do I have to call you
Ms. Candy? And please Can, um I mean Ms. Candy, please stop calling me
sissy, I hate that name" poor Bobbi sputtered cautiously and nervously.

Perched from her dominant position, Candy once again grabbed Bobbi's
chin and forced their eyes to meet. With all seriousness she replied,
with Bobbi's chin firmly in her hand, "Listen up sissy, you'll call me
Ms. Candy from now on or else every time you don't you're going to find
yourself in a fight with your sister, and I DON'T care where were at or
who's present. I think your now smart enough to know the results,
secondly, ill call you whatever I feel like." "And since your so fond
of the name sissy, that's all I'm going to call you from now on and
believe me you, you better respond to me when I call you sissy like it
was your given name," with his chin in her vice like grip, her nose
touching his as she was so close to his face, her laughing eyes staring
into his fearful and humiliated eyes, her hair hanging annoyingly in
his face, she added, "any problems so far tough guy."

Completely defeated, Bobbi degraded himself yet again, "sure Ms. Candy,
whatever you say." His biceps in terrible pain from being pinned down
by Ms. Candy's knees for over 20 minutes now he next whimpered, "Please
Ms. Candy I'm begging you, my arms are killing me, please could you
just take your knees off of them, I promise I won't try anything."

His chin still in her hand ( a situation Bobbi could not stand, it was
something a Mother did to a toddler while she was admonishing him, he
found it utterly humiliating to have his little sister doing this to
him) Candy huffed "whatever I say ! That's right sissy and you better
remember it ! And if you want my knees off of your weakling arms so bad
why don't you just make me move them? Go on tell me why, I'm waiting
and please, DON'T LIE."

Again she was forcing him to degrade himself, oh how he hated to speak
his next words, "please Ms. Candy, I'm not strong enough to make you
move them" and letting his painful arms get the better of him he added,
"please Ms. Candy please, just for a minute, I promise I wont try
anything, I know your way too strong for me to even think of ever
trying anything, please I promise," he begged.
I sense a disturbance in my pants.
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Old 03-15-2013, 02:12 PM   #5
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Finally releasing his sore chin she sat up again with her knees still
painfully pinning Bobbi's arms to the floor and looked down on her
sniveling wimpy brother revealing in her "GIRL POWER." Completely
ignoring his repeated pleas for release from her crushing knees she
growled, "listen sissy, you've been a complete jerk my whole life,
picking on me since I can remember, your stupid pranks and endless
bullying when we were younger, well, I have got a news flash for you my
pantywaist brother, the shoes on the other foot now and payback hasn't
even begun.Your gonna rue the day you messed with me preemie boy. Your
days of embarrassment and humiliation are just getting started,
beginning with how much fun I'm going to have listening to you explain
how your little sister kicked your ass to everyone at school and Mom
for that matter. You can bet your ass sweet sissy that as soon as I do
let you up, I'll be straight on the phone to spread the exciting news."

Bobbi was mortified, he couldn't let this happen, shit he had let it
happen, why couldn't he have just ignored his sister when she asked him
if he wanted her old panties, why couldn't he have let it go, why did
he have to start this fight that ended up so terribly wrong. If only he
could go back in time he thought. The pain in his arms and the sight of
his sister's pretty panties currently filling his vision reminded him
that was impossible. His junior year was just starting and he already
couldn't get a date with the preemie crap that refused to leave him. If
the kids found out about his sister beating him up, life would be
torture for the next two years. Desperately he thought, I have to
convince Candy, I mean Ms. Candy, (how could he call her that, he'd
just die of embarrassment) to have mercy on him.

With tears yet again brimming in his eyes he started begging in his
most pitiful voice, " please Ms. Candy ill do anything, I mean it,
anything, just please don't tell anyone about this, please, please I'm
so sorry, I'll never bug you again, I'll do your chores, anything,
please Ms. Candy, I'll even pay you, ANYTHING you want, just don't tell
anyone about this, I'll be ruined you know it, everyone already thinks
I'm a wimp because of that preemie talk, all because of that bitch
Prissy ( immediately upon calling Prissy a bitch he regretted it for
under the current circumstances he didn't think it appropriate to be
calling another girl a bitch ), please you know everybody already gives
me a hard time, please Ms. Candy, I'm begging you, I'll do
anything......" he begged hopefully.

Originally Candy had no intention of not telling anyone she could,
about kicking her snotty brother's ass, far from it, she was bursting
and couldn't wait to rub this in her stupid brother's face. This was by
far the best day of her life and she had every intention of
embarrassing the living daylights out of her brother. Already she was
planning to pick a fight with Bobbi at school so the other kids could
see first hand what a wimp her brother was. Oh yeah, she was going to
love embarrassing Bobbi at every chance. But as he lay begging and
pleading under her, promising to do anything, well, she started to
imagine it might not be bad to have little Bobbi at her beck and call,
not to mention the possibilities for further worse humiliations poor
Bobbi wasn't considering due to his current predicament.

She decided to test the waters. "Sissy, sissy, what could you possibly
do for me that would make me want to hide the truth from everyone?"

Desperate and with hope that maybe there was a way out of all this he
again sincerely begged, " please Ms. Candy, I mean it, I'll do anything
you say, ( he couldn't believe what he said next, but he had to ) I'll,
I'll be your, your um slave, I'll do anything, just please cant you
keep this a secret, please......?"

God how Candy loved to hear her older brother beg, it was getting her
panties soaking wet. She planned on hearing her sissy brother beg lots
more in the future. With a devious thought she regripped his chin yet
again and brought her eyes to his, "Well sissy, let's just see about
how sincere you are when you say anything," and she threatened with
raised voice, "you've got ONE chance and I mean only ONE chance to
prove your sincerity."

A pit formed in Bobbi's stomach on hearing this, he was screwed now and
he knew it. Candy wasn't kidding, he had one chance to prove himself to
her or his life was over, what would she want he nervously wondered.

"Well, what's it going to be sissy"? God how he hated that name,
"sissy." A name he now seemed to be stuck with. "Please Ms. Candy, I
promise, I'll, I'll do anything."

Candy could sense the hesitation in his voice over submitting to her so
completely, she was not moved. "Listen sissy, you don't sound so sure
of yourself, why don't we end this pretend promise of yours and both
admit that everyone's going to know about today."

In a panic Bobbi blubbered, "no, no please Ms. Candy I swear, I'll do
anything, please I swear" Bobbi pleaded.

Gripping his chin as hard as she could, Candy spat in his face, "ONE
SCHOOL! ARE WE CLEAR sissy" she yelled into his frightened face.

Signing his fate, Bobbi responded the only way he could, "yes Ms. Candy
I promise I understand, I'll do anything, I swear."

Releasing his sore chin she smugly sat up again and looked down at her
captured wimp brother, "well here's your first test dear brother,
remember how this whole fight started?"

"Um yeah, I guess so" he answered uncertainly.

"Well it started because I asked if you wanted my old panties. You see
Mom gave me a considerable amount of money to buy new ones, you know
how we girls love our panties. Well anyway, my old ones are still
perfectly good. So now that you've had time to reconsider, I'll ask you
again, would you like my old panties sissy, I mean their just perfect
for a preemie like you who cant even take his little sister, Be real
careful how you answer me now sissy, I'm sure you know what the right
answer is and don't YOU forget to be respectful to me, so what is it?"

Poor Bobbi could not believe his ears, all because he couldn't just
ignore his sisters teasing, now he was going to have to ask her nicely
for her old panties which surely she meant he'd be wearing them too. He
just couldn't, he wanted to tell her to fuck off and shove her stupid
girly panties up her ass, but that was an option long gone. Besides his
arms were killing him, he was constantly in tears from the pain and
would do anything just to get her knees off his aching arms. Plus she
had warned him of any reluctance on his part. With extreme humiliation
and embarrassment, he found himself saying words he couldn't believe
were coming from his mouth, "please Ms. Candy, if you'll still let me
have them, do you think I could pretty please have your old panties?"

Bobbi couldn't believe he'd just asked his little sister for her old
panties, just saying the word panties embarrassed him. His mind was
racing, how can I get out of this. This can't be happening he cried. He
wanted to hurt his sister so badly, he couldn't stop thinking of
kicking her ass so badly, but, wasn't that what got him here in the
first place. He could not bring himself to face reality but that was no
problem, Candy was more than happy to show him "the light."

Knowing full well, that it was killing Bobbi to humiliate himself like
this, Candy could not give a wit. Paybacks a bitch she chuckled to
herself. "So, you want my old panties do you? Whatever would a 17 year
old boy want with his little sister's panties?"

Bobbi knew by her line of questioning that she was just forcing him to
humiliate himself even more, but pinned as he was, what choice did he
have. "I was you know, well, I thought, maybe you wanted me to wear

"How exciting Bobbi, you are absolutely correct, and wear them you
will, as a matter of fact the first thing you are going to do once I
let you up is to gather all your preemie boy shorts and put them in a
pile. Then your going to cut them all up because you won't be needing
them anymore. You see, your never going to wear boy's and I use the
word boy loosely, underwear again. All the kids already think you're a
pantywaist so we might as well make it true. As a matter of fact while
were on the subject of panties and pantywaists, I think it best you
know up front, by the time I get done with you, you my preemie brother
are going to be the biggest sissy in the world, like it or Not !!!So
sissy, are you still sure you want my old panties?" she barked

"Yes Ms. Candy, please can I have your old panties" Bobbi squeaked for
he knew, at least for the moment, he had no other choice than to submit
to his bitch sister.

"Since you asked so nicely, of course you can have my old panties, they
were just made for a wimp like you." Finally removing her knees from
Bobbi's tortured biceps she smiled down on him like the cat that ate
the canary.

Bobbi moaned from the sudden release of pressure from his terribly sore
arms, his sister had him pinned for well over a half hour now and his
arms were shot. He could barely move them and cried as the blood rushed
back to where Candy's knees had been.

Laughing at her sissy brothers pathetic moans, Candy chuckled, "what's
the matter tough guy, was Candy too rough with you?"

Bobbi's arms now free, he thought for a second, a second only about
rebelling, but his arms free or not, he could tell they would be
useless for quite awhile thus he just submissively lay under his sister
saying nothing.

Candy, angry that he'd not yet answered her question if she'd been "too
tough" with him responded by slapping his face again and hissing, "I
just asked you a question sissy and I expect an answer promptly,

Stung yet again from her recent slap, and with his arms free, Bobbi had
quickly brought his hand up to rub his stinging face, which Candy
quickly knocked away telling him, "Lay your arms flat on the floor and
don't move them unless you want to feel my knees there again, now lets
hear your answer sissy before you get more of the same."

Stuck in a humiliation he thought not possible, Bobbi quickly squeaked,
"um yes Ms. Candy my arms really hurt, I think you were kinda rough
with me but I guess I deserved it, I mean I'm sorry Ms. Candy, please
don't slap me anymore, I'm really sorry" poor Bobbi acquiesced. As he
lay there with his sister sitting on his chest, holding his own arms
pinned to floor all because his sister ordered him to, Bobbi felt like
crying again.

Candy on the other hand was happy as a Lark, her panties were soaked,
so high was she on the power she now held over her older brother. "Well
preemie, I'm sorry I was so rough with you, I didn't realize just what
a wimp you were, but I guess we both know now don't we?"

"Yes Ms. Candy" Bobbi quickly replied fearing another stinging slap
from his bullying sister.

"Yes Ms. Candy, what?" Candy probed not satisfied.

"Yes Ms. Candy we both now know what a, um, what a um wimp I am" Bobbi
acquiesced again.

"Good! Glad to hear you admit what we have all known for quite awhile,
isn't that right sissy?"

"Yes Ms. Candy" Bobbi whispered.

Candy stretched and put her hands behind her head saying, "this is just
so awesome, its really a shame no one was here to witness Big tough
Bobbi crying and begging his little sister to stop slapping him, isn't
this just the coolest thing ever sissy?"

"Um yeah sure Ms. Candy" Bobbi answered not knowing if he was supposed
to or not.

"Do you like the panties I have on now sissy, I know perfectly well
you've had a good look at them?"

Hating this stupid line of questioning by his sister but powerless to
stop it Bobbi did the only thing he could and answered her. "Um yeah
Ms. Candy, I mean there real pretty, the lace is pretty, I, um like

Loving humiliating her brother Candy continued, "Excellent, your in
luck then preemie because I've got tons I was going to throw out, some
from when I was 14, they are a bit little girlish but I know you'll
love them" she teased.

"Um Ms. Candy, do you think you could let me up now, my arms really
hurt" he begged.

"Anxious to sort out your new panties are you sissy, I'll tell you
what, I want you to kiss my panties, tell me how much you like them and
then apologize for messing with me, then will see about letting you up"
she smirked.

Would this nightmare ever end Bobbi thought. The things she was asking
(telling, to be more truthful) Bobbi to do and say, how could he, but
how could he not. Trembling because he had never done such a thing,
Bobbi lifted his head slightly and leaned foreword so he could do
Candy's bidding. With great shame, Bobbi gently kissed Ms. Candy's
panties and felt the hot moistness emanating from them and began to
degrade himself again, "Oh Ms. Candy your panties are so pretty, I just
adore the pretty lace around the leg bands and I love pink polka dots,
you have the prettiest panties ever and please Ms. Candy, I'm so sorry
I started a fight with you and kicked you in the back, I promise I'm
really sorry and I'll never touch you again."

"I'll bet you're really sorry you started a fight with me, WIMP and I'm
happy you just adore my panties, you're really very lucky, you'll soon
have plenty of your own." "Now preemie, lets get on to business,
firstly I'd like to remind you I haven't forgotten that bitch comment
you made about Prissy, I wonder what she'd say to that?"

Having forgotten that remark himself Bobbi now found himself trying to
extricate himself from even more trouble. Prissy was a bitch and had a
big mouth, if she found out Bobbi called her a bitch she would really
ratchet up the preemie shit and cause him all kinds of trouble. He
currently had more trouble than he could handle with Candy. With that
in mind he started begging again, "Please oh please Ms. Candy I'm
really, really sorry I called prissy a bitch, I know it was wrong and I
promise to never do it again, please though please don't say anything
to Prissy, she already thinks I'm a wimp and doesn't like me. Please
Candy don't tell her, I'm sorry really, I didn't mean it, please I'll
do anything (there he said that stupid promise again, I'll do anything,
that was really going to get him in trouble but he had to) if you just
don't tell her."

"My oh my you really want me to keep a lot of secrets sissy, what is it
again, you'll do if I don't tell Prissy, and by the way boy, you just
addressed me as Candy, HOW MANY TIMES MUST I WARN YOU what my proper
title is" she yelled. Angry at sissy's slip she grabbed his wrists
pulled them above his head and placed her knees back on Bobbi's biceps.

Crying out in shock and pain Bobbi immediately started begging for
forgiveness, "ow, ow that really hurts Ms. Candy, I'm really sorry I
forgot to say Ms. Its just all so new and I'm so confused, please I'm
begging you I didn't mean it, it won't happen again, I promise, I swear
I'll do ANYTHING just please can you not tell Prissy this one time,
please Ms. Candy."
I sense a disturbance in my pants.
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Old 08-12-2013, 02:55 PM   #6
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"So your confused sissy, well, let me clear things up for you, I OWN YOU NOW and if you don't toe the line your in for a world of hurt and humiliation, I'm not inclined to having to repeat myself or my orders so you better start remembering things like my correct title, I DO NOT like having to say things twice ( by now Candy had Bobbi's chin back in her hand as she berated him ) and your gonna find that out the hard way if you don't wizen up and quick, remember your exact words," I'll do anything Ms. Candy" ( she mocked him ), well for forgetting the Ms. And for letting you off the hook with Prissy I want to hear you tell me your going to shave every hair off your wimpy body and keep it that way from now on, WELL I'M WAITING" she barked.
He was just about to say you have got to be kidding ( shave his whole body, how would he ever hide that, she can't be serious ) when he saw Candy slowly raise her hand. Very quickly he thought better and to his amazement acquiesced yet again, "Oh thank you Ms. Candy, thank you for not telling Prissy, I swear I'll shave all my hair just like you said."
"Good, nothings more fitting for a preemie sissy like you than to be in panties with zero body hair, body hair is really quite inappropriate for sissies don't you think?"
Knowing he had to answer or face another slap, Bobbi said, "Yes Ms. Candy sissies shouldn't have body hair."
"I thought you'd see things my way she laughed. Now what to do about our little sister, sissy fight. I mean you've got one heck of a shiner and I can actually see hand prints on your face from when I was being too rough with you, plus your skinny little sissy arms are already turning black and blue. Whatever will we tell Mom we she gets home she pondered."
"Please Ms. Candy can't we just tell Mom I got in a fight with some boy from school?"
"I don't know Candy teased, maybe it would be best if we just told her the truth, sort of anyway. I mean I don't know if I can keep from telling her, plus what's she going to say when she finds out your hairless as a baby and only own panties."
Poor Bobbi's mind was racing again, how could she do this to him, he really didn't want his Mom to know Candy beat him up, but how could he hide all the marks from his beat down. Oh he was so confused and at a total loss as what to do. Alls he could think of to say was, "please Ms. Candy you promised not to tell anyone, please."
Enjoying herself immensely, Candy put her index finger to her chin as deep in thought and responded, "well sissy, I promised not to tell the kids at school, but I don't ever remember saying anything about Mom and even if I did, it's a girls prerogative to change her mind. I just don't know how we could possibly keep this from Mom, which reminds me, from now on you're to address Mom as Mommy, Mommy's much more appropriate for a sissy. So here's the deal, your little secret is safe from the school kiddies as long as you toe the line, but I don't see anyway out of telling Mom. Plus because I'm so kind, we won't tell Prissy what you called her for now. As far as the kiddies at school are concerned, you can tell them whatever you want about getting your ass kicked, the fact that it was me will be our little secret, what ya think wimp?"
Bobbi could not stand being talked to so demeaningly, especially coming from his younger sister but he never had his ass kicked like this before and if he had to admit it, he was now scared of Candy. Poor Bobbi had never even been in a fight before and although he couldn't admit it to himself, he was terrified of getting beaten up by Candy again, especially at school. He didn't like pain and was shamefully willing to go to all costs to avoid more. So he answered with the only answer he could, "um sure Ms. Candy, I mean whatever you say is fine with me."
"Good Candy exclaimed, I'm glad we have that settled, NOW are you ready to cut up your preemie shorts, shave that wimpy body and sort out all your new panties that I just know your going to love? "
Desperate to get up from under his sister Bobbi was ready to agree with anything and shyly said, "Yes Ms. Candy."
Lightly slapping his face she said, "good sissy, good little preemie sissy, now, I'm going to let you up but I'll warn you first, you try anything, anything at all or forget to address me properly or show any reluctance performing your sissy promises, YOU'LL BE ONE SORRY PANTYWAIST, CLEAR !!!"
"Yes Ms. Candy" Bobbi acquiesced for the umpteenth time. Revealing in her victory and anxious to get on with Bobbi's humiliation, Candy bounced up off of Bobbi and said, "Lets get started right away, the first thing I want you to do is gather up all your preemie shorts, don't forget the laundry and the ones your wearing now. Then bring them to me and I'll supervise as you cut them up, now get moving sissy."
Slowly, hurting all over, Bobbi got to his feet feeling sorry for himself. Dejectedly, with out even having time to lick his wounds, he began to gather up all his underwear, quickly taking off the ones he was wearing in his room he returned to the living room laden with his boy underwear, crushed to think that he'd soon be cutting them all up.
Candy sat regally waiting for him with a pair of scissors', "you can drop them on the floor there and start cutting. Cut each pair in half, that way will have plenty of rags for cleaning."
"Yes Ms. Candy" Bobbi mumbled as he sat down to cut up his own underwear. Finished destroying his underwear, Candy said, "Good job pansy, go put those with the other cleaning rags then meet me in your bathroom."
"Yes Ms. Candy" Bobbi responded, still afraid to deter from his new found station. Returning to his bedroom he found Candy waiting for him with razor in hand. "Now wimpy, here's the deal, I want you to shave that body smooth all over and I do mean all over, your toes, your little preemie balls, pee pee, your sissy bottom, your underarms, in other words everywhere. With one exception though, I want you to leave a tiny little landing strip above your little pee pee. As I've no desire to watch a sissy shave his body, I'll leave you to yourself, when your finished I'll be waiting for you in your room so we can sort out all your pretty new panties, now hop to it wimp."
Bobbi was dying inside having to put up with his sister talking to him like that, but his arms still hurt something and by now he'd had a chance to see his face in the mirror, sure enough he had a black eye and you could actually see hand prints on his face his sister had slapped him so hard. The humiliating beat down from his sister still fresh in his mind, still in shock from the day's events, poor Bobbi was on autopilot motley doing as ordered, oblivious to the further humiliations that lay ahead. Going against his very will he humbled himself once more with a "yes Ms. Candy."
Snorting with laughter as she left her wimp brother alone, she could not resist a parting shot. "Yes Ms. Candy" she repeated mocking her brother, "God what a wimp you are" she laughed leaving the bathroom.
Embarrassed to tears yet again, Bobbi set about the task of humiliating himself further by shaving his body clean. Having no hair on his chest or stomach he started with his underarms. When he got to his privates he had to be very careful not to cut anything important. Shaving his bottom and very private places proved to be difficult and time consuming. Knowing exactly what a landing strip was he carefully performed that humiliating task, leaving a tiny strip of pubic hair about two inches long and an inch wide above his quick shooting preemie penis. He couldn't imagine shaving his toes but did as instructed and finally after over an hour of shaving he was finished. Turning on the shower he rinsed off and washed all the hair down the drain. Stepping from the shower Bobbi could not ignore how different he felt. With no body hair he found he dried off much easier and could feel the air around his now hairless body. He couldn't believe the finality of shaving all your body hair, it would take months to grow back if he even could let it grow, which his sister said he couldn't. My God he thought, will I have to spend an hour everyday shaving. With no hair around his cock and balls except for his sissy landing strip, he looked like a little boy. With not a hair on his legs he looked like a sissy. WHY, WHY did I have to pick a fight with Candy he bitterly thought feeling so sorry for himself. God, if anyone ever finds out about this he'd be ruined. Holy shit ! he just thought, what the fuck am I going to do about gym class? He never even considered that while shaving, now it was all he could think of. Nervous as a kitten he paced the bathroom trying to come to terms with this revelation. Oh my God, gym class, what will I do about that, shit, I'll be the laughing stock of the whole school, how can I possibly explain having a shaved body and wearing panties. WHY, WHY did I have to pick a fight with Candy he bitterly thought again. God, how could I be so much weaker than her, oh that infuriated poor Bobbi. Still, all he could think of was gym class, what am I going to do Bobbi worried nervously.
While Bobbi nervously paced his small bathroom, Candy happily bounced on Bobbi's bed. Her panties were thoroughly soaked now, she was so intoxicated with GIRL POWER. This is just sooo cool she thought as she fingered an old pair of her panties. They were "Tinkerbelle" panties and she just knew her wimp of a brother would hate having to wear them, too bad she thought, not my problem is it. God, if he had any idea what a sissy I'm going to turn him into he'd run screaming from the house. With no body hair and only panties to wear she thought laughingly. Her brother had always been an ass to her, often calling her squirt and baby until she caught up to him in size. Well Mr. big shot, let's see how you like life from the other side. Growing impatient she called out, "Lets move it sissy, you've had plenty of time to shave, you better improve on your shaving time as you'll be doing this EVERYDAY, and don't bother dressing or wearing a towel, I need to inspect you to make sure you followed directions."
Hearing his sister Bobbi knew he couldn't stall any longer but was having a difficult time opening the door, how could he expose his naked body to her? He new he was small in the penis department, 3 and a half or 4 inches erect he was embarrassed to let his sister see his tiny penis, he just knew she'd make fun of him. Even these thoughts though could barely distract him from the dread of gym class. Desperate to broach his fears with Candy he slowly and embarrassingly emerged from his bathroom naked as the day he was born. Sheepishly he stood before Candy with his hands covering his privates.
"Get your weak little hands on top of your head and keep them there while I inspect my sissy" she barked.
Mortified, Bobbi slowly brought his hands to his head to stand in the humiliating position Candy ordered.
On seeing his tiny penis and cute little landing strip, Candy burst out laughing which did little for Bobbi's ego if he even had one left. "Oh my God she laughed, I've never seen such a tiny penis, its absolutely tiny, how dainty she continued ( just what a boy wants his penis called, DAINTY ), really sissy, I think me and Mom were right, you really should be dating boys, you could never satisfy a woman with that tiny thing not to even mention your preemie problem. I'm going to have to ask around and find out who's gay for you. All shaved and soon to be in panties some gay hunk is going to find you irresistible." All while speaking Candy moved around her poor victim checking his underarms and everywhere else for any stay hairs.
I sense a disturbance in my pants.
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Old 08-12-2013, 02:55 PM   #7
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All the while Candy was speaking, Bobbi brushed aside all this gay talk for still, all he could think of was gym class and how he'd explain his hairless body. Feeling terribly sorry for himself he tried to gain some sympathy from Candy. "Um Ms. Candy, what about gym class, how am I supposed to explain my hairless body" he complained.
Problem was Candy wasn't in a sympathetic mood. "How should I know she brusquely said, besides I could care less, it's not my problem. You might as well tell them you're a sissy, it's the truth after all."
These were not the comforting words Bobbi had hoped for as his stomach churned with nervousness. Finishing her inspection of Bobbi she deemed him fit for a pantywaist. "Good enough she declared now sit down so we can see what pretty panties you've acquired.
As Bobbi shyly sat on his bed modestly trying to hide his tiny penis he began to take stock of the panties Candy was "giving" him. He couldn't believe all the dainty panties piled on his bed. He couldn't see a pair that looked even remotely masculine. He'd seen his sister's panties in the laundry before but never paid too much attention to them. Now that they were his he began to take notice and was horrified at what he saw. It was all too apparent to Bobbi that Candy had very feminine taste in panties, for, from what he could tell, most were pastel colored nylon with pretty lace and bows and the few he could see in cotton he didn't like at all. All looked to be bikini style.
While Bobbi was still in the bathroom, Candy had gone to her room and changed her soaking wet panties, With a flourish she pulled them from under the stack on Bobbi's bed and with a big smile on her face, she said, "I can just tell your dying to cover up your little preemie's, so here you go, your first pair of panties, the same ones your little sister just used to pin your skinny weak ass with, go ahead put them on. Remember before you kissed them how pretty you thought they were, lucky you, now you get to wear them and don't forget to thank me nicely for them" she laughed as she held them daintily before Bobbi relishing the crestfallen and humiliated look on his face.
Bobbi could not believe his sister was going to force him to wear her used panties, the same panties he'd had to humiliatingly stare at for over 30 minutes while being humiliatingly school girl pinned. The same stupid panties he'd so recently kissed in abject submission. Forgetting for the moment all about gym class, side tracked by this new humiliation, Bobbi very reluctantly accepted the panties from Candy while still sitting on his bed next to her, steeling himself for the incredibly embarrassing sentence he was about to say, Bobbi stuttered, "Thank you Ms. Candy for these really pretty panties."
Candy watched with glee as Bobbi, his face bright red from embarrassment, meekly slid her wet panties up his smooth legs.
Not wanting to expose himself anymore than necessary, Bobbi slid his new panties up his hairless legs while still sitting, only standing when he got them to his thighs. Immediately upon taking them from Candy he could feel they felt kind of wet. Now that he had them snugly in place he could tell they were completely soaked. Bobbi flushed anew with intense embarrassment as he dumbly realized his sister must have been sexually excited from beating him up and humiliating him. Oh the shame he felt wearing Candy's wet panties against his hairless privates, (especially knowing now that they were wet from Candy's excitement over beating him up) only, now they were his panties. Even wet he could tell how light and flimsy they felt, plus he wasn't used to wearing bikini panties or bikini anything. They fit him fine but were much smaller than his underwear, he felt so exposed in them and when he looked down he could faintly see his little landing strip through the diaphanous material just like he had seen Candy's.
Smiling Candy replied, "oh how cute, you look just adorable in them and they fit you perfectly, its obvious we are the same size but not strength, huh preemie?" not waiting for an answer Candy continued on with her relentless taunting, "do a little twirl for me preem's so I can get the full affect."
Finding it impossible not to react to Candy's needling and humiliations, Bobbi began to protest, "Ah come on Can- um, I'm sorry Ms. Candy" Bobbi quickly corrected himself and continued, "haven't you had enough fun ye-"
That's as far as Bobbi got, Candy had been waiting for this very moment, she knew even her wimpy brother could take only so much, she intended though, to reinforce he'd just have to take whatever she felt like dishing out. She sprang into action like a lion on the hunt, quickly she grabbed his hand and twisted his arm behind his back, causing a startled yelp from Bobbi and putting an end to his attempt at rebellion, however slight it was. Cranking on Bobbi's arm Candy forced him to his knee's and pushed him over on his face while still holding his hand, she straddled his lower back and wrenched on his arm hard.
Bobbi screamed out in pain and began begging, "ow ow ow Ms. Candy please that really hurts, oh please Ms. Candy my arm hurts so bad, please I'm sorry, please Ms. Candy, you're going to break my arm" he whimpered.
Lightening up on Bobbi's arm Candy relaxed a bit and sat further back on Bobbi's back, her skirt riding up she could feel her nylon panties against Bobbi's wet nylon panties which caused her to giggle like a school girl. "Really sissy, I don't want to hurt you but you better stop testing me or it's only going to get worse for you, every time from now on when you act up I'm going to add something to your pretty wardrobe or find another way for you to feminize your body. That little stunt just cost you a tattoo, you have any problem getting a tattoo of my design you had better speak up now" Candy hissed as she twisted Bobbi's arm higher up his back again.
Squealing with pain Bobbi shrieked, "ow Ca- I mean Ms. Candy, please my arm hurts so bad, please I'm sorry, really sorry, whatever you say is fine, please my arm....ow ow !!! I promise I won't act up again."
"And your pretty tattoo, your fine with that?" she asked. Crazy in pain Bobbi still didn't want a tattoo, especially one of Candy's choosing and where would she want it on his body. "Um please Ms. Candy, what kind of ta- ow oh ow my arm" Bobbi cried real tears as his sister twisted his arm even further again asking, "YES OR NO answer me Bobbi" she calmly said. She hadn't called him Bobbi in hours, it was sissy, wimp or preemie, Bobbi sensed the danger, "Yes Ms Candy Yes !, please my arm."
Candy could feel her panties soaking again and was in heaven. This was simply the best day of her life. Releasing her hold on her crying brother's arm Candy exclaimed, "Oh I'm so excited ! You're just going to love what I have in mind for you, actually I already know what its going to be but we will make it a surprise, doesn't that sound exciting ?" Candy enthused.
Thinking the idea anything but exciting, but knowing Candy was expecting an answer Bobbi simply said, "Yes Ms. Candy."
"Good" she smirked, "will get it done soon, maybe tomorrow, now I'm going to let you up AGAIN, when I do, you can do that little twirl for me then you can simper out to the kitchen in your pretty panties and get me a coke, I'm thirsty, then hopefully we can sort out your new panties without anymore problems, remember every time you don't obey me immediately, your going to pay, its already cost you your body hair and a tattoo. Would you like to try for pierced ears next or perhaps a pretty purse?" Reaching behind her she slapped Bobbi's panty clad butt and said, "Now snap to it."
Freed again from Candy, Bobbi slowly stood up and did an awkward twirl for Candy and wordlessly and shamefully headed to get her coke.
Candy loved Bobbi's awkward embarrassed twirl and the way his panties moved across his smooth bottom as he meekly exited the bedroom to do her bidding.
Walking to the kitchen in just his sister's wet panties, with his body hairless, Bobbi was struggling with the feelings of being hairless and wearing girls panties. It made him feel so vulnerable, weak and submissive.
This is great Candy was thinking as she waited for her new slave to return. I have my own little sissy to wait on me hand and foot.
Meanwhile as Bobbi was getting Candy's drink he found himself numb from the way the day had so horrendously turned out. He could never have imagined in a million years when he got up this morning he'd be in the kitchen with no body hair wearing his sister's wet panties getting her a coke. He was a nervous wreck worrying about gym class and now this tattoo. How could he possibly expose himself to a tattoo artist with no body hair and wearing panties? He'd die of embarrassment, Bobbi wished the ground would open up and swallow him, but he was not to be so lucky. Not liking at all being out around the house in just his panties, a nervous wreck, he dejectedly headed back to his room with Candy's coke.
"There you are preemie" Candy happily exclaimed. "Thanks for getting me the coke, how sweet. Now come over here and sit next to me so we check out all your new panties."
Yeah like he had a choice in getting her coke Bobbi ruefully thought as he sat next to Candy.
Still wearing her mini skirt and sexy top, Candy snuggled right next to Bobbi knowing that it was killing Bobbi to have such a pretty feminine girl dominant him so, especially since that pretty girl was his younger sister. "Now Candy said with girlish enthusiasm, lets look at all the pretty panties I'm giving you. I want you to nicely pick up each pair, one at a time and describe them to me, making sure you point out all the details and how pretty you think they are, then I think you should thank me for such a precious gift, after that I want you to kiss the bottom of each pair, then neatly fold them and put them in your dresser drawer, lets do all the cotton ones first, here, I'll get you started" she said handing him a cotton pair.
Bobbi was speechless as he took the offered panty, how could he say all those things, he'd die of embarrassment. His sore arms and black eye though told him he no choice what so ever in the matter. Still freaking out about gym class, his Mom and getting a tattoo, Bobbi tried to clear his mind for the task ahead. Looking at the hated panties his sister handed him, unable to figure a way out of this humiliation, Bobbi began timidly, "um these are white cotton Tinkerbelle bikini panties with pink fairy's on them" Bobbi said as he struggled to find the right words to say, imagine a 17 year old boy having to talk so intimately about panties. "I really think Tinkerbelle's cool and these panties are so cute, Thank you so much Ms. Candy for your precious gift" he squeaked looking up at Candy to see if he'd done well enough.
"I think you can do much better than that wimp, I want more details about the panties and tell me why you think their pretty, and how much you can't wait to wear them, now kiss that pair like I told you, fold them neatly and put them in your drawer."
Bobbi did as ordered and sat back down next to Candy and picked up the next pair. He was thoroughly embarrassed when he saw what they said. "These are white cotton panties with the word Official Captain printed in big pink letters on the front and Boy Watching Team in big pink letters on the back, their really cute and I love the slogan on the panties, it would be so cool to be the captain of a boy watching team, I can't wait to wear them to school and I hope they look cute on me, thank you so much Ms. Candy for these really pretty panties."
"That's a little better sissy, so, you can't wait to wear them to school, no problem, you can wear them tomorrow, by the way, I'll be picking out your panties each day just so you know, as far as being captain of a Boy Watching Team, will just have to wait and see, who knows, maybe your dreams will come true, next pair" Candy ordered.
Horrified to think he'd be wearing those hateful panties to school tomorrow, Bobbi kissed the bottom of the panties, not missing the significance of such an act considering that's where Candy's bottom used to sit against. Finished folding them he went to put them away when Candy interrupted him.
"Sweety, you can leave those ones out on top of your dresser, remember you get to wear them tomorrow to school."
How helpful Bobbi thought as he sat back down, ever aware of being continually exposed to Candy wearing her wet panties. Realizing this humiliating task was going to take a long time Bobbi picked up the next pair and continued his humiliating panty descriptions. "These are Baby blue cotton panties, bikini style with the words printed in pretty pink lettering, Chicks Rule on the front of the panties. They have a really cute pink boarder around the waist and leg bands. I love the saying on the front and I think it's especially true for me. I just know these will look really cute on me, thank you so much for these pretty panties Ms. Candy, don't you think their just perfect for me?"
"I most certainly do Preem's, your most welcome" Candy smirked.
While finishing his kissing and folding task Bobbi was just mortified at how he was humiliating himself. He'd never been so embarrassed in his life, he didn't know how he could go on. He was miserable as he sat back down next to Candy. Picking up the next pair he went on, "Oh Ms. Candy these are sooo cute. These ones are white bikini Hello Kitty panties. They have a sewed on Hello Kitty appliqué on the right hip that is just adorable. I just love everything Hello Kitty and am so excited I have my own pair. The pink Kitty sewed on the right hip is just so cute, don't you think I'll look so cute in these? Thank you so much Ms. Candy for these panties, their just precious." Bobbi couldn't believe the garbage he had to make up about these hated panties, but he was exhausted and thoroughly whipped by Candy. Still frightened, he was doing the best he could to please Candy, saying things he thought would please her.
For her part Candy was more than pleased, this was about the funniest thing she'd ever done. She just loved watching her brother squirm before her. She couldn't believe the sissy things her brother was saying about all these panties. He'd freak if he knew she had his pc camera recording his every move and word. Too bad she thought, it will be good black mail material if she needed it. Returning her thoughts to Bobbi she replied, "Your very welcome honey, I'm sure you'll look just adorable in them. I never knew you loved all things Hello Kitty, we will have to see about getting lots more Hello Kitty stuff, they have all kinds of stuff I know you'll love like purses, clothes and jewelry. I've kind of out grown the Hello Kitty phase, but I'm thrilled that you love Hello Kitty. Since you love them so much, I'll tell you what, I have a Hello Kitty nightie, its yours."
With each and every panty, Bobbi found himself digging a deeper and deeper hole he'd never get out of. His mind raced but he came up with no solutions. And he wasn't even to the nylon panties yet ! Picking up the next pair, against his will, he gushed, "Oh Ms. Candy I love these ones. Don't you just think their so cute, I love Winnie the Pooh, it's one of my all time favorite cartoons. These are bikinis also, I think all the ones you gave me are. They are light blue with all the Winnie the Pooh characters on them. Winnie, Tigger and E'ore. Their so cute, I can't wait to wear them. I'm so lucky to have so many pretty panties. Thank you so much Ms. Candy." Poor Bobbi was running out of new things to say each time, how could a boy be expected to know so much about panties and have to talk about them in such detail. At the moment he couldn't think of anything more embarrassing, except maybe the whole day and there was still tomorrow at school he remembered.
"Well you're turning into quite the panty expert wimp, how cute! Guess what, I think your right, all your pretty panties are bikinis but I still expect you to include that fact in your cute little descriptions. Next pair sissy."
By this time Bobbi was back on the bed next to Candy picking up the next pair, "These are really awesome" Bobbi exclaimed, "how cool, Super Girl panties. Their pink bikinis and have the words Super Girl printed in big purple letters on the back of the panty. There's also purple around the waist and leg holes. Thank you Ms. Candy for these really cool panties."
"Your welcome sissy, but really ! I was not impressed with your last panty description at all. I suggest you start doing a better job babycakes or would you like to start all over from the first pair? Let's keep that in mind when you do the next pair preem's."
Glumly Bobbi picked up the next pair and started his description, upon picking them up. They looked like plain white cotton panties but when he turned them around to see the back of the panties he saw different. "These are simple white cotton bikini panties Ms. Candy, but, on the back of the panties in big pink letters they say Girl Power. I think there just perfect for me because Girl Power is why I'm going to be wearing panties. I think a lot of boys underestimate Girl Power but I don't. They feel so soft and I can't wait to wear them because they look so comfortable plus they'll be a constant reminder for me when I'm wearing them not to forget Girl Power."
Candy couldn't help but giggle as Bobbi described this particular pair of panties and humiliated himself with all the Girl Power talk. She had no doubt Bobbi was becoming all too familiar with Girl Power and realized it must be killing him to say these things. Too bad Candy laughed to herself.
"I'm really excited you gave me this pair of panties Ms. Candy and I think you have lots of Girl Power. Thank you so much for these panties Ms. Candy" Bobbi finished with a bright red face.
Laughing out loud Candy proclaimed, "Girl Power !!! give me five wimp." Candy's hand held high, Bobbi had no choice and high fived his sister to Girl Power. After kissing the panties right where they said Girl Power, Bobbi neatly fold them and went to put them away, dropping them as he did so. Bending over he picked them up and placed them in his drawer.
Watching Bobbi bend over to pick up his panties Candy loved seeing his bottom in her pretty panties and the way the nylon panties stretched across his bottom when he bent over. She could tell they were still wet with her excitement and wondered what her brother thought we he first put them on. She had noticed his surprise when he pulled them up and correctly assumed he was extremely embarrassed to be wearing panties wet from her excitement. His laughable penis, more like a clit she thought was so small he looked like a girl even from the front. This is just too good she smiled, "next pair" she ordered.
Seeing about three pair of cotton panties left Bobbi picked up a pair. Candy hadn't worn this pair in years and couldn't wait to hear his description. God he must be embarrassed she correctly thought. "Oh Ms. Candy ! Hanna Montana panties, how awesome ! I just adore these, they are pink bikini panties with a really cool picture of Hanna Montana on the front. I just love Hanna Montana, her TV show is the best and I love her songs. She's got a really good voice and dresses so cool. I like the cute yellow piping around the legs and waist, it makes the panties so pretty. These will be so fun to wear, won't it be neat if I'm wearing them when Hanna's on TV? They are so cool Ms. Candy, thank you very much for these panties."
"I just knew you were a secret Hanna Montana fan Bobbi, how sweet ! I have some of her CD's I don't listen to anymore, you can have them but I want some of yours in exchange. Next pair honey."
Grabbing the next pair, Bobbi didn't have a clue what to say about these ones, stumbling for words he said, "Um, these are uh" looking at them closer he continued "Strawberry Shortcake panties. They are red bikini panties made of cotton with a pretty white waist band. They look real comfortable and should be fun to wear. I like the cute Strawberry Shortcake character on the front of the panties. I don't know much about Strawberry Shortcake but I like them, they are really cute. Thank you Ms. Candy for these really cute panties."
"Your welcome tough guy" Candy laughed. "Next pair baby" she smiled.
Finally Bobbi sighed, the last pair of cotton ones. "These are white cotton bikini panties that feel really soft, I can't to wear them because they feel so soft and I think they will feel really good on me. On the front of them they say Princess in real pretty pink script with really cool sparkly stuff around the word Princess. Thank you so much for these lovely panties Ms. Candy."
"Your welcome princess, I'm sure you'll look adorable in them. Kiss the bottom sweetie and put them away, I know you like to admire your new panties but we have to move on to the nylon ones."
Sitting down next to Candy again she handed him five pairs of nylon panties telling him, "These are all the same style preemie, so you just describe one of them and then tell me all the pretty colors."
Taking the panties from Candy, Bobbi could tell all five of these weighed less than one pair of his underwear. He looked them over before starting his sissy speech. "All five of these pretty panties are bikini style in really light nylon. They feel so smooth and pretty Ms. Candy and I love the really pretty white lace around the leg openings and waist. They are so thin and light I bet they will feel really good on me. I love the pretty colors, white, pink, baby blue, yellow and peach. The pastel ones are so pretty. Thank you so much Ms. Candy for all these really pretty panties" poor Bobbi gasped.
"I'm so happy you like them sweetie, won't it be so much fun knowing you going to be wearing your little sister's panties everyday, what a lucky guy you are ! What do you think all the boys at school would think if they knew you wore your little sister's panties sweetie? Oh I bet that would be embarrassing" she teased. Not expecting an answer to her taunting questions Candy said, "Next pair."
"These pair of panties are white nylon bikinis with really thin elastic around the waist and legs, the bikini style looks a little smaller than some of the other panties. They feel really smooth and slippery, I can't wait to wear them and see how they feel on me. The best part of these really pretty panties though is all the cute little pink hearts on them. They are precious Candy, thank you so much!"
"DID YOU JUST ADDRESS ME AS CANDY?" Candy shouted. "I can't believe you sissy ! What's it going to take! "go into my bedroom IMMEDIATELY and get the nail polish labeled Pink Petal and the clear top coat, then get your pantied ass back in here IMMEDIATELY !"
Worn to a thread from the constant humiliations and talking about panties, Bobbi hadn't realized his slip up, startled by Candy's yelling, and with no time to think he quickly did as ordered.
Candy gleefully watched her dejected brother return with the ordered nail polishes, he looked so cute in his pink polka dot panties she smiled. Reaching to hand the bottles to Candy, she informed him, "Those are for you pansy not me, you will learn how to properly address me and obey my orders OR ELSE ! I guess we are going to have to take a break from your panty time, I want a clear base coat on your toes, then two coats of the pink petal, then finish with a clear top coat. You can also put a clear coat on your finger nails. While you're doing that I'm going to get something to eat and then I'll get that nightie I promised you and your Hanna CD's. SEE I KEEP my promises, you had better think about doing the same pantywaist. Now hop to it, four coats of polish is going to take awhile and you better do a good job or we will start over" Candy imperiously ordered as she left the room. Good thought Candy, I was getting hungry anyway, and that should keep preem's busy for awhile.
A stunned Bobbi sat on his bed staring at the nail polish. He had no clue on how to paint nails and really, really didn't want to paint his. Nobody would see his toes unless he took off his socks and shoes which he had no intention of doing, but his finger nails. How noticeable would that clear polish be on his fingers he worried. Wanting to tell Candy to fuck off so badly, he unscrewed the cap on the clear coat. He just didn't have the courage to stand up to her after the way she so easily "Girl handled" him. With a sliver of hope still that he'd be able to hide his shaved body, panties and now, nail polish, Bobbi carefully set about this new task.
I sense a disturbance in my pants.
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Old 08-13-2013, 03:13 AM   #8
Alexis Rune
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So glad you picked this back up, LOVE IT!
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Old 08-13-2013, 05:00 AM   #9
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This story was taken from the internet.
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