Old 10-31-2021, 02:48 AM   #16
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Default Sailor Fucktoy’s first day on the ship

Sailor Fucktoy’s first day on the ship
Nia’s POV

The Captain returns first thing in the morning. I am still standing up but am swaying dangerously from lack of sleep. Whilst I am half asleep, he removes the needles and begins loosening the straps and buckles. I notice and shake my head, trying to wake myself up properly. He helps me remove the jacket and then we are staring at each other.

“I think you have learnt not to desert. You realise the Admiral wanted you to go to jail to rot and die,” the Captain says calmly. “You’re only alive because of your role on this ship,” he adds. He begins walking down the corridor back towards the room that I know to be mine. He opens the door, and let me in. “I’ll give you some time to settle in. You need to get dressed in uniform. In your bag you will find some things to decorate your room with. You have 15 minutes to decorate, then you can go shower before there is still one more part to your punishment and then your role will be explained and you can start work,” he says. He leaves, the door slamming shut behind him.

I open my kit bag, and the first thing that falls out is a glue stick and some photos tied up with string. I untie the string and look at the photos in horror. Every photo is of me at the training camp. Me being humiliated, tortured, abused. I throw them onto the bed, disgusted. I look at the bare walls of my room and realise what the Captain wants. Reluctantly, I begin gluing each photo to the wall.

After 15 minutes I am done. Every inch of one of the walls is covered and I’ve run out of photos. I go back to my kit bag and begin digging out my shower kit and the brown parcel. As I open it for the first time since leaving the camp, I notice that the clothes that have been packed for me do not include any underwear and are all very revealing. I do have a pair of pyjamas luckily, for which I am grateful. I remove the brown parcel and unwrap it carefully. Out falls a handful of smaller packets of which… well there isn’t much clothing at all. There were a couple of practically see-through mesh white shirts. They had the traditional square piece of fabric at the back, trimmed with navy blue. They look very short and like they won’t cover my body. There are also a couple of navy blue wrap around skirts with Velcro waist band that had navy blue braces attached to them. I sigh, grab a skirt and a shirt and head to the bathroom. I quickly shower, happy to finally remove the itching powder and give my skin some relief. After drying myself off, I pull the shirt on – I am right it barely covers my breasts. I then wrap the skirt around and pulled the braces up and over my shoulders, attaching them to the front of the skirt. The skirt is tiny. It sits above my waist, and just covers my pussy but barely and leaves me mostly exposed. Feeling nervous, I head back to my room to wait for the Captain’s return.

He is stood outside the door and nods approvingly. I drop my kit off and head back outside. He led me to the mess hall. All the crew were there, eating breakfast. He steps up onto one of the tables and clears his throat. All the crew jump to their feet and stand at attention. He holds out a hand to help me up. “Sailor Fucktoy has returned from the punishment but before it can return to duty, it must pledge allegiance to the HMS Rainbow and its crew,” he says. He hands me a piece of paper and I nervously glance at the first few words and closed my eyes in shame.

“I am Sailor Fucktoy. I am an almost deserter. I should be treated as nothing. I have no rights, no privacy, no respect should be shown to me. I am an object to be used by the crew of this ship. I am here to make you happy. I have no right to object to any requests and I will follow every order given to me. I deserved the punishment I received for trying to desert. I know that I will be treated more harshly if I try to escape or skirt duties again,” I say, my voice echoing around the mess hall. The recruits all whoop and cheer, while my cheeks blush furiously.

“Everyone back to work,” the Captain says quickly. He then takes me to the captain’s chambers. “Clean this room. Everything you need is in the bucket in the corner.” He leaves me there as I stare at the messy, dirty, unclean room in front of me.

It takes me all day, but the bedroom is spotless by the time I finish. All the clothes are hung up, the bathroom has been mopped and polished, surfaces wiped and cleaned, the room swept and polished and the bed made. The Captain walks in as I am straightening out the covers. “Very good,” he says. He stands there and opens his arms wide. “Undress me,” he commands.

I scurry over and begin removing his uniform. I untie his shoes and remove them, lining them neatly up at the end of the bed. I help him remove his socks, his jacket, his shirt and then finally his trousers. He is stood in the room in just his underwear. “And the rest,” he says. I swallow down my feelings of horror and slowly grasp at the edges of the underwear and began pulling them down his legs. I am kneeling on the floor in front of him. The Captain grabs me by the hair and pulls me up to my knees. “I could make you suck my cock right here, right now. But I won’t for now. We’ll break you in gently,” he adds. “Go and get some food and go to bed.”

I nod and scramble away to the mess hall. I grab a tray and am handed some unappealing vegetables and something that looks like it might be a vegetable burger. I eat it quickly, trying to ignore the stares of my crew. I hurry to my room, locking the door. I lay on the bed and cries. The pipes growl next to my, almost in sympathy. I turn the light off and goes to sleep.

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Old 11-05-2021, 04:43 AM   #17
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Default Life on the HMS Rainbow

Life on the HMS Rainbow
Nia’s POV

Days aboard the HMS Rainbow are tough for me. Every day I am given a set of chores to complete by the Captain but every day fellow sailors or the Captain will interrupt me and force me to be their personal entertainment and sex toy, resulting in extremely long days as I am not allowed to go to bed until my chores are complete, and with all the interruptions this meant some days I am finishing at 3am.

I lay on my tiny bed in the cupboard. The door is locked when a loud thump sounds from behind my bed. “Open up slut,” a voice of a drunken sailor echoes through the door. I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. I’ve had the worst day of my life on the ship so far, I am not in the mood for entertaining a drunken idiot. My chores had seen me above deck for once, a rare occurrence as I am usually left below decks with my tasks. The Captain had made me scrub every inch of the deck with my own personal toothbrush and a bucket of soap and water. The sun had been burning down and my clothing had not prevented the sun burning my skin. I have bright red arms, my back and the back of my calf are burnt and make lying down painful. Then after I had cleaned it all, a sailor had suffered from a rough bout of seasickness and thrown up all over my sparkling deck. The Captain had made my use my toothbrush to then scrub the deck all over again. Meanwhile, the seasick sailor had then decided he needed entertaining, and I had been made to lie in the sick on the deck and be fucked. After I’d finished, I had showered for an hour to remove all the sick from my hair and body, spent time handwashing my uniform to remove the sick and washing and sterilising my toothbrush multiple times so it is safe to use again.

“Bitch open up. I know you can hear me,” the sailor yells. “Your room ain’t supposed to be locked anyway. I’ll tell the Captain,” he adds. I ignore him, but knew he would carry through with the threat and the Captain would punish me again.

I’ve experienced five or six punishments since the first very intense one. None had been nowhere near as bad as that but they had still left me broken emotionally. One I had been whipped and then tied to the mast all day. Another had seen me tied down and crabs that had been caught during the fishing that day had been let loose on me, pinching my skin including my private areas and breasts. That had hurt a lot and I had gone back to bed with bruises and marks all over my skin.

I rolled gently over onto my side and ignored the swearing and banging outside the door. I fell into an uneasy sleep. Then there is the sound of keys jangling outside the door and the door slams open. Hands grab my raw skin and drag my off the bed. “OW,” I whimper as the Captain pulls me by my sunburnt arm out the room and up to his bedroom.

He throws me to the floor and I let out a small shriek of pain. “Your room is not to be locked at any time, and you know that,” The Captain demands as he stands over me, glaring down at me. “So as a reminder you are going to go door to door to each cabin. Knock at the door and then get onto the floor, heels on your butt, ankles together, knees apart and looking down at the floor. You then apologise to everyone individually and promise to put their needs before your own slut,” he demands. I nod quickly, scared to refuse. “If they request you demonstrate your commitment then you will follow any commands they ask for. Now strip and go!” he shouts at me.

I scramble to my feet, strip out of my pyjamas and hurry out the room. I begin walking around the ship fully naked and knocking on every door. I apologise and promise to put their needs first in my service of the ship. Each sailor grabs me and gropes me and demands that I show my them my commitment to the promise by exposing myself in various positions. When I have serviced every cabin and sailor, I finally return to the Captain, naked and a mess.

The captain grins at me. "It seems like the crew has forgiven you.”

I roll my eyes but nod in agreement. "Yes Sir," I respond unenthusiastically. There are three sharp pains in my right cheek as he hits my face. I flinch as the Captain slaps me.

"You can answer again, this time with a bit more enthusiasm,” the captain tells me.

"Yes Sir," I say, faking happiness.

"Better. Now go back to bed and leave your door unlocked," he says throwing my pyjamas at me. I leave back to my room, get dressed and lay back in my bed, curling up to sleep and praying no-one else will come and disturb me tonight.

I’m lucky and wake up feeling refreshed, ready for another day of menial chores to serve my crewmates. I look down at my hands and wonder how much more washing of clothes they can cope with. I roll out of the bed, get dressed and head off into the ship.

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Old 11-07-2021, 02:19 AM   #18
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Lifebuoy The Fucktoy Talent Show

The Fucktoy Talent Show
Nia’s POV

The next few days have passed quite calmly. I’ve actually managed to avoid getting into any trouble. That is until this morning. The Captain has asked for me and I feel anxious. I scuttle nervously into the Captain's cabin. My head down to hide my nervous. I've heard there is going to be a big announcement. I feel scared. What is the Captain going to make me do?

"Hello Fucktoy. Are you settling into your new role?" The Captain asks me as he gets off his bed and wanders slowly towards me. I stand straight, eyes down but watching the Captain out of my peripheral as he gets up and walks closer. I nod once, not sure how to respond to that. I am in a routine but not really settled. "Well I think you are doing well. Moral is high and you are doing your part. I actually want to give you a reward for servicing my sailors as well as you are," he says kindly.

I look up, suspicious but keeping a neutral face. "thank you Sir," I manage to say.

"Today, you will have the chance to show your fellow crewmates your many talents. This evening, we will have a talent show. A whole evening just about you. How it will work exactly is something you'll find out later. But I am sure you will enjoy being the centre of attention, won't you?" he asks grabbing at a nipple through my shirt and twisting it.

I frown. "I would rather not be the centre of attention for once Sir," I mumble quietly before adding loud enough for him to hear, “I'm sure it will be very interesting to be a part of it.”

"What was that first part Fucktoy?" The captain asks me, looking angry.
I shake my head. "Nothing Sir. Just an expression of my gratitude for the opportunity Sir," I say quickly trying to cover it up.

He grabs your hair and pulls you close. I wince in pain as he grabs my hair. "At the end of tonight’s show, you will wish you could be back at your punishment. Now go and sit in your cabin until I get you,” he tells me. I nod once. When he lets go, I run to my room and sit down on my bed to wait.

I sit in my room for hours upon hours, staring at the photos of myself, blushing with embarrassment. I lie down on my bed for a bit so I don’t have to look at them. My nerves getting more and more frazzled. Then, a few hours before everyone normally goes to sleep, the door opens and he drags me out. He doesn’t let me speak as he brings me into the big dining room. I can see almost all of the 200 crewmen sitting in a big circle around a few tables they had put in the middle, acting as some kind of stage. The sailors are rowdy, shouting and yelling jibes at me. I step cautiously onto the stage, aware that everyone can see up my skirt and at my pussy.

The captain turns and addresses the crowd. "Welcome everybody. Tonight, our very own Fucktoy would like to show you all that she has many useful talents. Make sure to show her you appreciate her efforts," he announces. He turns to me, "I know about all of your talents of course, so I will announce them. You will then go ahead and show everyone how good you are at whatever I told you to do. Understood?"

I am shaking as the Captain talks. I nod a few times in acknowledgement.
"Well first of all, as you all know, Fucktoy has a great body and likes to show it off. I mean her tits are a sorry excuse for breasts, her butt is nothing special, she doesn’t really have a lot of muscles and her arms are weak, but hey, at least she tries. So Fucktoy, go ahead and show us all how much you like to be naked in front of others. Strip and make a show out of it,” he commands.

I look sideways at him in panic as he tells me strip. He doesn't say a word, so I turn back towards the audience. I close my eyes, keeping them shut throughout, and slowly sway my hips as I begin to remove the brace from my right shoulder, pulling it sexily over my arm and then grabbing the left. I slowly pull the velcro on the skirt open and slut drop to the ground to place the skirt carefully on the table. I then grab the edge of the shirt and pull it slowly over my head. I drop it to the table. I can hear the sailors jeering and shouting and yelling degrading names at me. I keep my eyes closed and cross my ankles trying to hide myself as much as I can using my body.

The captain applauds. "She is still a bit shy but that will go away. Now you all saw how much she likes to show off her body. But did you know she also loves to be in pain? Tell them how much you love pain Fucktoy," The Captain throws a look at me which suggests that doing anything other than going with this will not end well for me.

I see the Captain's look and nod. "Yeah. I love being caused pain," I manage to stutter out quietly.

"Louder and with more enthusiasm,” he demands, his voice getting angry at me. “Repeat after me: I am Fucktoy. I love to feel pain. If I could, I would be in pain all the time. Please let me show you how much I love pain.”

I swallow hard to clear my throat so that everyone can hear me. "I am fucktoy. I love to feel pain. If I could, I would be in pain all the time. Please let me show you how much I love pain," I say loudly, my voice pitching a little with nerves.

"Very good." He throws a pen at me "Use that to draw a target onto your belly. Make the belly button the bullseye," he adds.

I try to catch the pen and drop it so bend down to pick it up, uncapping it slowly and beginning to draw. While I am busy drawing, he addresses the crowd. "Lets decide who gets to spank her. Under your seats are training riffles that shoot plastic balls. Everyone gets a shot. Whoever hits bullseye will get to hit her." I draw three slightly wobbly circles around my belly button and put the lid back on. He turns to me, "Stand straight and spread your arms and legs. Make yourself a good target."

My eyes reflect the terror at what is about the happen but I bite my lip and stand tall, spreading my legs and holding my arms to the side. The bullets sting and it takes all my will to remain in position. I close my eyes so that I can't see when it is over. Eventually the bullets stop hitting me and I double over in pain, clutching my belly in pain.

The captain yells at me. "GET UP FUCKSLUT. Did I say you could move?" I force back the tears and slowly straighten up so that I'm standing fully again. The four lucky sailors get up on the stage. the Captain gives each of them a paddle. He turns to me. “Stand still. Do not move or prevent them from hitting you. Let them go all out. And tell them how much you like it,” he tells me.

I nod in understanding, with my arms out to the side there was no way to prevent them anyway. I keep my teeth biting onto my lip, drawing blood as the sailors put their full force into the spanking. My arse is on fire, my thighs and breasts similarly. Soles tender, stomach aching. My body was shaking with the concentration of not showing any signs of pain. When the finally finish, I manage to mutter. “Thank you for the pain, I love it so much.”

The sailors stop their assault and go back to their seats. The Captain looks at me. I can see a little bit of admiration in there as he says, "Well done Fucktoy. You did not show any signs of pain."

I loosen the grip on my lips and gently lick them to clear some of the blood. "Thank you Sir," I mutter quietly so he can hear.

"But being vulnerable and open is also one of your many talents" He throws a strong, metallic clamp with mean, pointy teeth at me. I catch it. "That and your eagerness to even do it yourself. You have 5 minutes to use that clamp. Then I want to see some tears Fucktoy. I recommend using it on your nipples. Or maybe your toes and nose?"

I look pleading at him but he gives nothing away except some advice. I grab the clamp and place it on my left nipple, knowing it’s the most sensitive place and then begin star jumping. There was nothing about using other things to help cause the tears. With the jiggling of my breasts combined with the clamp on the left nipple, tear streaks appeared on my cheeks as the tears fell freely.

I try to pretend the audience aren’t there as my breasts and butt jiggle and wiggle but the crowd is howling and applauding, so it’s hard to ignore. The Captain gives me a sign to stop and yanks the clamp off my nipple. My hand jumps to my nipple and rubs it gently trying to get the blood back to it.
"As you see, she just loves pain. So don't hold back when you use her in the future. But not only that, she also loves to be humiliated." He throws a collar and a leash at me. "Put those on." I catch the collar and clip it round my neck tentatively. I can tell where this is about to go. "Our Fucktoy is going to show you how naturally she fits into the role of a dog. Go ahead, show us what you can do. I will even hold the leash for you".

I crawl around on the floor, feeling the sailors eyes on me and my butt which is wiggling as I crawl. I bark as I walk and try to look sweet and cute that the sailors might go easy on me as well. I roll over a few times. I feel embarrassed to be reduced to a dog and essentially begging the sailors to pet me.

The captain lets them play with e for a while, but he disappears for a bit to prepare something on the stage. When he returns, he gets me of the stage and takes off the leash, but leaves the collar on.

He announces my last big talent. "As you all have seen over the past weeks, Fucktoys biggest talent is her endurance. No matter what we throw at her, she does not give in. So she will get a big chance now."

The captain gives a signal to two sailors. I have no idea what the Captain is on about but when two sailors grab me, I feel terrified. "Fucktoy. These two sailors will push you down and make you kneel on rice. I, myself will use a paddle to spank your pussy once every minute. We will do that until you say, "I am a sorry little Fucktoy. Please let me go back in my tiny cabin and serve you again tomorrow."

I listen carefully and open my mouth. "I am a sorry little Fucktoy. Please let me go back in my tiny cabin and serve you again tomorrow," I blurt out before he finishes. The thought of that much pain for so long is too much for me.

"Oh, what a shame,” the Captain says. “Because I was going to say, if you manage to endure it for 30 minutes, you gain your freedom the next time we enter port."

I bite my lip and then swallow hard. "I take it back Sir. I'll try to endure it Sir," I quickly say.

He starts laughing. "Well if you insist." The two sailors push me down onto the rice, it biting into my skin, while the captain gets his spanking tool ready.

I wince already, knowing there is no way I'm coping and getting free. The Captain towers over me with his paddle. I swallow hard as the first hit makes contact. I jolt, my pussy in pain. After just five hits to my pussy I chicken out. "I am a sorry little Fucktoy. Please let me go back in my tiny cabin and serve you again tomorrow," I yell just before number six happens.

The captain laughs. “She lost. So she will be punished. Keep pushing her down boys,” the Captain says.

I yell in pain as I am pushed harder into the rice and the Captain spanks my pussy three times in a quick succession. The Captain asks for one last round of applause. The Crowd cheers and compliments me for once. "Well done Fucktoy. You did well to entertain us. I will make sure you get your uniform back tomorrow." He points at the two sailors "Throw her in her room."

The sailors drag you into your small room and push the door shut. With a clank I am alone. I lay on my bed and cry tears of defeat. I have been well and truly embarrassed.

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Old 11-13-2021, 02:08 AM   #19
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Default The figurehead

The figurehead
Nia’s POV

They leave me alone for the night. When I wake up, my uniform is neatly on my bed with a note that says not to put it on. The note also tells me I have a job to do, but for now I must stay in my room. I am anxious and intrigued to know what it is.

A sailor comes and gets me. He does not say anything as he brings me outside onto the deck at the front of the ship. The Captain is waiting there with two other sailors. They are holding a lot of rope and a ballgag.

I can see the harbour in the distance. I guess we are probably an hour away. The Captain smiles. I feel nervous as I follow the sailor outside to where the Captain is waiting. I stand to attention and salute, but I can't take my eyes off the ballgag in the captain's hand.

"Good morning Fucktoy. How was your night?" The captain asks.

"Good morning Sir," I respond. I shrug non-commitally. "It was alright thank you."

"Good. I was reading my favourite book about old ships. And I noticed that they have something our modern ships don’t. A figurehead. Do you know what that is Fucktoy?" I nod once. I learnt about the Vikings in year 5 at school - they had ferocious dragons as figureheads to scare off enemies. "Good Good. And our old ships had things like statues of mermaids and such. And I want my ship to have one as well. Then I thought hey, why not use the new item we got aboard? Our very own Fucktoy to greet the harbour?"

I swallow hard, understanding where this is going. I glance sideways at the water. It looks cold and there is a nasty, bitter wind in the air.

He points at the sailors with the rope. "These two will tie you up, and let you down at the front of the ship. We will hang you above the water, all tied up and naked for the world to see. You will get hit by a lot of cold water, but that's not my problem," The Captain has a look on his face that makes me wonder if he is completely sane.

"I could drown though Sir," I manage to say out loud eventually after his words sink in.

"Don’t fight it Fucktoy. You know what would happen if you do. Go and let yourself be tied up and made into our figurehead," He points at the sailors again.

I'm frozen in shock to the spot, certain the Captain can't be serious. This is a crazy idea. He points and I look at the rope in their hands. Even the sailors themselves look a bit anxious about this whole thing. I'm still too stunned to move willingly but my body relaxes out of attention, a sign I've given into the crazy demand even if I can't force myself forwards.

The Captain steps forwards and whispers, "I will count to 10. If you are not eagerly presenting yourself to be tied up by then, I will personally make sure that you will spend the rest of your life in misery below the decks. You will never see the sun again.” Out loud he begins counting. “10,…, 9,…”

I hold my hands out in front of me willingly.

"Good. Very Good,” he says.

The sailors rush forward and use the rope to tightly bind me together. I can’t move an inch and they carry me to the front of the ship. Using more rope, the hoist me over the side and begin to lower me so my back is touching the stern of the ship. I struggle against the ropes, trying to keep my head up and away from the water splashing on the boat, but it is impossible. The ballgag means my cries and screams of protest are lost. They then tie me to the front of the boat for everyone to see.

The ship begins to pick up speed. I close my eyes as the water splashes up into them, stinging them with salt water. I swallow some of the water through the ball gag and try to cough loudly, getting more water up my nose by doing so. I can't see a thing. I have no idea how many eyes are on me. All I can hear is the wind and the water, my eyes burning from the salt, my throat sore and having difficulty to breath.

I am left there, hanging in the cold for about an hour. As we approach the land, through my stingy eyes I can see figures walking around and am very conscious that everything is on display for all to see. The ship comes to a stop, the boat still rocking, the water still splashing up me. The wind has calmed a little and I can the people at the port commenting on the figurehead, me, crudely.

I hang there for a long while and only after the ship is secure inside the harbour and some sailors have already gone on land, do some of the sailors pull me up again. I feel myself being pulled up and am dumped unceremoniously on the deck. They untie me and hand me a towel. I blink at them and see some of them shifting uncomfortably, looking bad for me. I get into the uniform and follow them onto deck. With my hair dripping water onto the already see-through sailors top I am wearing I head over to the Captain to report for duty.

The Captain welcomes me into his office. He looks me up and down. I’m not sure what he is looking for. "I didn’t think you would make it through that,” he said simply.

Internally I scowl at that sentence, "so he was trying to kill me," I think. Externally, I just smile sweetly and nod.

"You know, Nia. It is a lot more fun to break you than I thought it would be. I have good news. We will stay in this harbour for two days. The Sailors are allowed to treat it as a holiday, and I have nothing to do. So we will have some fun for those two days. Let's see if we can't have some fun together. For now, go and rest. You will need your strength back for tomorrow," he tells me viciously.

My heart sinks at those words. 2 days. A holiday for the sailors, a Captain with nothing to do. What 'fun' did he have in mind?

I nod and turn to leave the office, heading back to my room to sleep.

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Old 11-21-2021, 05:17 AM   #20
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Default The letters from home

The letters from home
Nia’s POV

I slept fitfully after the Captain's revelations the night before. The sailors had two days off, I knew it wouldn't apply to me. In the morning, I got dressed into my uniform and went to find the Captain for my daily tasks. I was nervous for what he was going to make me do.

I find the Captain outside his cabin. He orders me into the room and locks the door behind you. On the bed there is a large box. The Captain orders me to stand in the middle of the room.

"Good morning Fucktoy. Did you sleep well?" he asks suddenly.

I lie and nod. "Yes Captain," I say, standing still, my eyes flickering to the box and the locked door.

"You will be staying here with me for the next two days. But before we have some fun together, there is a small problem we need to resolve. Strip naked," he commands.

I'm stuck, for two days, with the Captain. I wonder what the problem is until he mentions that I need to strip. His words echoing through my head as I begin to strip naked.

I shiver slightly as the cold air hits my bare skin but remain standing in the middle of the room.

The captain goes to his box. When he turns around again, he is holding a mean looking, thin whip in one hand and a marker in the other. "You know some of your friends and family have been sending us letters and such. You will never see those of course, but recently they have become a bit worried since you never answer," he tells me casually. I listen carefully as he explains about the letters from my friends and brother. My heart flutters with joy at knowing they care. But then it sinks rapidly when he says the next words.
"So, I’ve decided to take a few pictures of you and send them little postcards. That way they can see how happy you are here with us," he said, smiling maniacally.

I shake my head violently when I hear about the postcards. "Sir, please no. My friends, my brother," I stutter. "They can't know about this. My brother is too young."

"Shut up Fucktoy. Only speak when you are spoken to. Put your hands on your head and spread your legs,” he demands.

I tremble with nerves when he shouts at me, but quickly do as he asks, opening my legs to shoulder width and placing my hands behind my head. He raises his arm holding the whip and I tense as the whip hits my belly and I flinch with pain. I let out a slight gasp of pain on the fourth whip. He then begins writing on my belly. I glance down. It is hard to read upside down but I shiver at the words, easily readable for all to see. I am just a Fucktoy. I love my new life and want to have no rights.

He begins moving around the room. I feel nervous as he walks behind me. He lashes my butt 10 times, I wince every time it makes contact. He then writes something I can’t read, but he later tells me it says this butt is made for spankings.

He starts whipping your tits, 15 lashes each. after that he writes “My Tits love pain” across them.

He walks back around and whips my left breast. I can't help but yelp in pain, and am almost in tears when he whips my nipple. He hits the nipple directly five times and I am on the brink of crying in front of him. He adjusts his stance and then whips the right breast, again hitting my nipple and bringing me close to tears. Again, I feel the pen scrawl across me and look down to read the words – my tits love pain. I close my eyes in embarrassment.

"Just one last line Fucktoy. Enjoy it," he says. I can sense he is smiling but I keep my eyes firmly closed. I feel the whip make contact with my pussy and I scream. My legs closing together and crouching on the ground. I know I will be punished if I stay here too long so I slowly pull myself back up and open my legs again. Every single whip, all six, make me yell, and a tear falls from my eye down my cheek. He finally finishes and I stand, out of breath, desperately trying to catch my breath. I feel the pen writing again but I don't even want to look but my curiosity gets the better of me. My cunt needs punishing is written directly above my pussy. I close my eyes and fight back the tears of shame, embarrassment and humiliation.

After he is done, he looks over my whole body, like he is analysing me. "Perfect. Anyone who sees you will know exactly what you are," he says cheerfully. He takes out a camera. "You will pose for me now and we will shoot a few pictures. I will send those to your friends and family with some text I’ll write. Just so they know you are happy here and they don’t need to worry,” he says. He steps closer and grabs my chin. “So do exactly as I say or else,” he threatens.

I open my eyes, they are glistening with tears. I shake my head in protest but don't say a word. "Oh and Fucktoy, you will repeat the phrase “I am a stupid useless Fucktoy” out loud as a mantra the whole time, just so you know what you are,” he tells me. I nod in resignation at his words. My lip trembling as I hold back my crying.

"The first one is simple. Even you should be able to do it. Legs spread wide, breasts pushed out, arms behind your back," he commands. I move my hands from my head and place them behind my back. I thrust my chest forward, and make sure my legs are shoulder width apart - hoping it is wide enough for the Captain. I start muttering the phrase aloud looking down at the floor, trying to hide my face from my family.

I can hear the clicking of the camera and shudder slightly. "You are doing good. Smile Fucktoy. Look up. Now smile, bigger than that,” he demands. He sighs. “Next you will pose on the floor on your back, pull your legs back towards your chest with your hands exposing your ass and pussy. Then do a crunch to smile through your legs," he tells me.

I lay down, place my hands on the side of my legs and pull backwards. I feel my pussy lips open wide and know my whole cunt is on display. I then lift my head as high as I can, still repeating the phrase over and over. As I am spreading my pussy open, I can see my pussy is soaked and glistening.

"Very good,” he praises. “One last one. Let’s make it as cliche as we can. Get on your knees, legs spread, mouth open, tongue sticking out. Roll your eyes back and make two v-signs with your hands and hold them up to your face," he says.

I do my best to get into the position, trying to look as slutty as possible for the camera.

"Very good. I almost think you are enjoying this,” he tells me. I ignore his comment, knowing it will just give him more excuses to humiliate me. "Ok. You can stop talking now, your voice is getting annoying. Kneel on the floor and push your breasts out, now we can have some fun."

I stop chanting, close my legs together, place my butt on my heels and push my chest forwards, waiting anxiously for my instructions.

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Old 11-30-2021, 07:23 AM   #21
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Default Continue please

Please continue its such a good story love it
likes : crosdressing , hidden public , being humiliated , light selfbondage

Dislike: anal , public , shaving , face
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Old 11-30-2021, 12:25 PM   #22
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Default Captain's fun

Captains’ fun
Nia’s POV

"I will spend some time on your nipples now. They seem to be sensitive so I am sure we can torture them for a while. If you complain, it will get worse. If you try to get away, it will get worse. If you try to fight back, you will wish you were never born," he threatens.

He gets to his box and takes out a few very mean looking clamps. They have small teeth and are completely metallic. I can see that they are going to be extremely painful. I bite my lip in fear. He has just told me complaining and protesting will make it worse, but I want to stop him, prevent them from coming anywhere near me.

He walks towards me with the clamps and I instinctively shuffle backwards slightly, an almost imperceptible movement but I know the Captain will have seen it. He laughs. “I thought I said if you try to get away, it will get worse,” he hisses. I nod. He grabs my nipples and twists them before carefully putting the clamp on my left nipple. I howl in pain. He then turns a dial on the side and the clamp begins pressing harder and harder against my nipple. I have tears rolling down my cheeks. He then repeats it on the other side.
Once I am in tears from the pain and both nipples are extremely tightly clamped, he smiles at me. “Twist them around. Turn each of them as far to the right and then to the left as you can,” he tells me. I throw an angry look at him. He’s making me commit the pain, he’s making me abuse myself. He's not taking responsibility.

I grab the ends of the clamp and twist 180 degrees right, then left for both nipples. I let out a whimper of pain as they ping back to the centre. The Captain can see the pain on my face.” Repeat it,” he says simply. I close my eyes and repeat it, tears now trickling down my cheeks.

The Captain chuckles. “Did you know, there is another advantage to your nipples being clamped like this. They are now a much better target for the whip,” he says, picking up the thin whip again. With precision like accuracy, he brings the whip down on the very tip of my left nipple. I let out an ear-piercing shriek as my nipple stings and throbs. He repeats it on the right nipple and by now I am sobbing. Twice more to my left and three more to my right and then without warning or opening the clamps, rips them off my nipples.

I glance down at my chest. There are nasty indent marks at the base of each nipple. They look a little deformed. "How was that for a little appetizer?" he asks. I can't say words, my brain is filled with pain and soreness. I swallow hard and nod, not really sure how to respond.

"Let's tie you up. You will stay in bondage most of your time here," he informs me. I nod, knowing any arguments would cause problems. The idea of being tied up, no way of preventing the Captains ideas and games, scares me a little.

The captain goes over to the box and emerges with a few coils of rope before telling me to turn around. He takes his time creating a tight and restricting breast harness. Every so often he stops to grab a paddle and spank my tits. He then pulls the rope tight, adding four knots to it before pulling it tightly between my legs and connecting it with the breast harness at the front. I whimper as he pulls up again.

I feel so restricted. My breasts ache from the Captains spanking but the harness is also so tight its digging into my skin. The crotch rope puts pressure on my pussy and as I bend down I yelp as it tightens. I quickly straighten up again. As he finishes the rope, he then drags me backwards towards a wall.

I wince as my back hits the wall, and I eyeball the ring on the wall, high above my head. He then pushes me to the ground, my whole body aching. I am made to lie flat on my back. I feel rope around my ankles which gets tighter and then raises my feet up and up.

He disappears for a few seconds, going back to his box. He returns with a few small, metal balls. It can see that the balls have lots of small needles sticking out of them. "We will play a game now. I will put these between your toes and then spank your soles. Better make sure you keep a tight grip on those balls. You will regret each one you let fall down. Oh and I don’t want to hear your whining," he adds as he pulls out a ballgag and shoves it in my mouth.

I feel the spikes stab into the flesh between my toes. I gag and splutter behind the gag as I try to keep a grip on the metal balls. He raises the long, thin wooden stick and smacks at the sole of my feet. The stick hurts my soles as it whips away and I am sobbing behind the ballgag.

The Captain gets bored though and begins to move the whipping away from my soles. My breasts, my stomach, my thighs. When he starts hitting the rest of my body, my legs jolt slightly and one of the balls falls down. I pull a face, knowing that I’ve sealed my fate with the lost ball. I try my hardest to remain still, but I quickly lose another two.

After the captain lands the last hit, he steps over me so one leg is either side. He glares down at me., disappointment evident. "Tell me Fucktoy. How can someone be as pathetic as you are?"

I close my eyes. "I don't know Captain," I mumble sadly through the gag, broken from the name calling.

"Can’t even keep your toes together. I will write this into the letters I am going to send out, you useless slut," he reprimands me.

"Sir, please don't," I mumble pleadingly, but the words get lost in the gaga and would be of no use anyway.

He just laughs in my face. "Now I will make sure to mention every detail. Now get up. I will make you regret letting three balls fall down," He help me up and takes the gag out.

I stand up and nod. "Yes Captain," I say once the gag is removed.

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Old 12-12-2021, 02:35 AM   #23
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Default Pain and torture

Pain and Torture
Nia’s POV

After removing the gag, he gets a collar from the box and puts it around my neck. "So you remember your place as long as you stay here,” he tells me. “As nothing more than a thing to be used. Now, kneel." The captain goes and comes back with the same clamps from earlier. "They just worked so well don't you think?"

I kneel down as he walks away and stare at the nasty metal clamps as he brings them back towards me. I shake my head, wishing for anything other than them. The Captain ignores me clamping both nipples just as tightly as before. He then returns to the box again and finds some other, less daunting clamps and brings them over. He begins by placing three on each labia. I wince in pain as the clamps are placed and then stab into the floor and my pussy. He tugs at my ears and one is added to each earlobe and then he begins placing the clamps around my breast, avoiding my already clamped nipples. My nipples are on fire but the rest of me just aches from the clamps, they are uncomfortable but bearable.

He smiles wickedly. “The other good thing about these clamps,” he says flicking the metal one on my right. I gasp in pain. “Is they leave your nipple very vulnerable,” he says. He opens a clamp in front of my eyes and I watch in terror as he moves it closer and closer to my right nipple. He gently places it on above the metal clamp, clamping the last remaining bit of nipple exposed. I scream in agony and swear quietly. The Captain just laughs. He sits there and watches me as I cry and sob in front of him.

“Sir, please. Take them off,” I screech at him, anguish filling my voice, agony filling my body. He waits a little longer and then takes it off. He then begins moving it to my left nipple. “No. No. I can’t cope Sir. Please no,” I beg. He freezes. “Honestly, I will do anything,” I say. He shrugs, places it on the left nipple and I howl in pain, my back arching as I’m filled with pain. I let my mind calm a little and look down. The clamp is already off, just lightly making it clamp for less than a second had caused that much pain.

He begins removing the clamps from my breasts, then my ears, then my labia and then finally he unscrews the metal clamps and drops them all back in the box. As The Captain takes the last clamp off my body, I fall to the floor. I curl up in pain on the floor. Tears running down my cheeks. "This was a fun day Fucktoy. You are lucky I went easy on you. Go ahead and thank me for that," he tells me gleefully.

Still curled up, my mind races with the word easy over and over again. If this is easy, I would hate to see hard. I manage to say the words he wants to hear. "Thank you Captain."

"You will be glad to hear I have planned more for tomorrow. But for now lets get you ready for the night," he adds. My heart sinks at his words but I nod in agreement.

The captain finds more rope and begins passing it through a ring on the ceiling. He then grabs my hands and ties them behind my back before pulling them up using the pulley system he just made. My arms are pulled back and back until my shoulders almost dislocate. My toes are just barely scrapping the ground. I yelp in pain as he pulls my arms up behind my back so I'm barely touching the ground. My shoulder is in pain from supporting my weight.

He gets down to my face and holds up a white bottle. "Remember this powder? I know I am not being very creative here. But it is just for the night and I love to see you squirm. Make sure to keep your balance though. It would hurt really badly if you happened to fall over," he added.

I don't even respond to his comment, I know the powder and the bottle well and I know I'm in for a hell of a night.

He empties a large portion of the bottle over my body. He makes sure to get it on every inch of it. As he is leaving me to go to his bed opposite me, he turns around one last time. "I almost forgot. You would be bored with just the powder," he adds. He comes back towards me with two of the tamer clamps in hand. He places one on each nipple and shoves the ballgag back in your mouth I whimper as he puts the clamps on my nipples and then ballgag. "I have to sleep in piece after all. Good night Fucktoy."

The room goes dark and the ceiling creaks slightly as I wriggle and writhe as the powder begins to take effect.

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Old 12-19-2021, 04:55 AM   #24
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Default Writing the letters

Writing the letters
Nia’s POV

An alarm goes off, somewhere near my head. I blink blearily and lift my head up as it is shut off. As I do so, my body swings on the rope and I feel a sudden sharp pain through my wrists and back. I go to yelp but can’t due to the ballgag in my mouth. It takes me a few seconds to realise where I am. The Captain’s cabin, tied to the roof by my wrists, my toes barely scraping the ground, a ballgag filling my mouth, a tight rope harness around my breasts and crotch.

The room is filled with light as the Captain switches the light on. I struggle against my restraints hoping he will release me. He walks closer to me, a pair of nasty looking scissors in hand. He grabs the rope above my hands and with a single snip the rope breaks, and I fall forwards, my face smashing into the floor. I groan in pain as the Captain works to untie my hands. Once my hands are untied I push myself off the floor and kneel in front of him.

He grins. “Good Morning Fucktoy,” he says cheerily. “I hope you slept well,” he says. I glare at him, knowing full well I didn’t sleep well. “No?” he asks, “Well I hope you had enough that you are still able to serve me well today,” he adds. “Now get me dressed,” he commands.

I push myself to my feet, my back aching badly and hobble over to the wardrobe. The wardrobe has a full-length mirror on it and I catch a glimpse at myself in it before I open the door. I look a mess: my wrists and arms have deep, dark red marks covering them, my chin and body is covered in my drool from the ball gag, my pussy is enlarged and swollen and pushing noticeably against the rope, there are bright marks underneath the rope just peeping round the edges, my skin is covered in white powder and I have deep black rings under my eyes from lack of sleep. I quickly grab the Captains uniform and then close the door, turning my back on the image of me. I hurry back to the Captain.

I unbutton the shirt and help him to get his arms through before buttoning it up. We do the same with the jacket that goes over the top. Then there is the matter of the bottom half. He stand there, unhelpfully. I take a big breath in (or as much of one as I can manage with a gag in my mouth) and slowly pull his pyjama bottoms down, his penis jumping out at me. I look away from the monster and begin finding the right foot holes of the underpants. I guide his left foot, then his right foot and carefully pull it up, making sure his penis makes it inside the material. I feel repulsed at being near it. Then come the trousers, a slightly easier job without a sexual organ waving in my face. He nods and then sits on his bed. There is then a loud knock at the door. I freeze.

“Well go and open it,” he commands. I scuttle over to the door and unlock it. I open the door to one of the kitchen boys with a tray of food. The kitchen boy looks me up and down. “Come in. I need your help with something,” the Captain tells him. He walks over to the bed and puts the tray down. “Fucktoy, get over here,” he adds. I close the door and walk over to him. “Fucktoy, you are going to be my tray this morning. You need to get on the bed, your knees one side of my lap, your hand the other. Keep a flat back at all times,” he adds.

I glance at the other sailor who is just grinning with delight at my humiliation. I nod, clamber onto the bed and get on all fours over his lap. “Nope, too high, bend your elbows and lower your butt,” the Captain complains. I do as instructed and suddenly feel my body shaking with maintaining this new position. “Excellent. Right, can you transfer all the items from the tray onto her back please,” he said to the sailor. There was no reply but a second later, a heavy plate was placed on my back, followed by the toast rack, a glass of orange juice and a mug of coffee. I could feel the heat from the food and drink passing through the china and onto my back. It was boiling and my back felt like it was burning. “Perfect. Close the door on your way out,” he finally said. I heard the door open and then close again.

“You say still. If anything falls off you will regret it,” he told me. I nodded my head gently, scared to move as he began to eat. I could hear the sound of the knife and fork clicking on the plate, I felt toast crumbs fall off the toast and onto my back as he pulled a slice out of the rack, I felt him lift up his coffee and the orange juice and replace them and the whole time my arms and legs are shaking with the effort to stay at the right level and not spill anything.

Eventually, I felt the Captain shift slightly and the plates and things are removed from my back. “Get up,” he commands. I quickly scramble off the bed and stand to attention next to it. The Captain got out of the bed and went over to a box. He turned around and was holding several long pieces of sailors rope – thicker than my wrists.

“Right first up lets get you cleaned up,” he said grabbing my ponytail and dragging me towards his bathroom. He turned the shower on and then fiddled with the dials. “In you get, on all fours please, and don’t get out until I tell you,” he commanded. I step in and wince as the ice cold water hits my feet. I quickly get onto all fours, hoping the quicker I respond, the quicker I can get out. He spends a few moments rummaging in a cupboard. I keep my head down, counting slowly, trying to ignore the icicle sharp pinpoints of water hitting my back and legs and arms. I see him walk towards me and then feel a roughness as he begins to scrub at my body harshly. I wince in pain as he gets more vicious with the brush and scrubs every inch of my back, legs, arms and butt. “Turn over and lie on your back,” he says. I bite my lip as I flip over and lie back. I shiver as my whole body sits on the floor of bath, icy water swirling around me. I can see the brush now, it has wire bristles and is being rubbed furiously over my skin, including my breasts and in between the ropes around my pussy. He finally decides I’m clean enough. “Get out,” he says, turning the water off. I stand quickly and step out the bath. I stand, shivering on the bathroom floor. He picks up the sailors rope and begins to wind it around my body, tightening it around my breasts, trapping my hands close together. “Perfect. Now I think its time we wrote some letters home,” he says. I slowly hobble after him, with my ankles tied together it is very tricky to move. He pulls out a chair at his writing desk and indicates I should sit down in it.

He takes more rope and ties my ankles to the legs, and my waist to the chair back. He also ties my breasts to the chair as well, preventing me from moving at all. He pushes the chair in, my toes dragging painfully on the cabin floor. He places some paper, an inkwell and a feather in front of me. I roll my eyes at the stereotypical assumption sailors or pirates write with ink. I then see his face and realise he is being completely serious.

He clears his throat loudly, “You will scribe what I say,” he tells me. I nod once. He begins to recite.

My handwriting is unsteady and I am horrified by what I am being made to write. Every word of the letters are a lie and pain me to write. The Captain makes me tell everyone how much I love being the ships object and call myself offensive names and enjoy being tortured. Every word is a lie. Knowing this I slip a secret code into the letters that hopefully the Captain will think nothing of when he reads through them.

After writing all four letters he reads through them, he points out some mistakes and tells me off about how I have written some of the letters, but he doesn’t mention the hidden code. He puts all the letters in envelopes and gets me to address them.

“You made lots of silly mistakes, you must be punished for these,” he tells me. I lower my head in shame, trying to appear submissive to him. He clips a metal peg on my clit which is attached to a long wire. He presses a button and I scream as electricity floods into my clit. He stops it. “Every mistake is one shock,” he says before turning it back up. I scream again, my vision flickering.

************************************************** ******

I am being slapped awake. I passed out unconscious after the fourth shock. “I sort of preferred shocking you when you were out cold, much quieter,” The Captain says as I blink and look around the room. I am still tied up but the electric shock machine has been unclipped and is sitting ominously on the writing desk.

He sighs once. “Maybe you are not so strong as I thought you were. You are still feeble and unable to endure much pain. I should train you on that,” he tells me, stepping backwards. “But maybe not yet.” He starts removing the ropes, all of them except the one around my pussy. “I’m bored of you, do not remove the rope until tomorrow. But you can go back to your room,” he tells me.

Without a word, I rush out the room, scared he will change his mind and lock myself into my room. The other sailors think I am with the Captain so nobody will tell him about my locked door.

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Old 12-21-2021, 01:35 PM   #25
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Just a post to let you know that I am enjoying this story a lot so far.
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I Love This Girl Unconditionally. Always And Forever ♡
Get a rule from me here.

NOTlooking for a dom/sub or to play a game, exchange dares, pictures etc!
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Old 12-28-2021, 03:52 AM   #26
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Sailor’s entertainment
Nia’s POV

It’s been a few months since the figurehead incident and the weekend with the Captain. Life has returned to normal – well as normal as it can be aboard a ship full of sexual predators and being the only girl.

We are all gathered on the deck. The Captain is standing by the wheel.

“Later, the Admiral is going to visit our ship. If I am lucky and everything is in order, I might get promoted to Commodore and I am sure Sailor Fucktoy would like to help me with that. However, it means that the boat needs to be in top shape, so I need you all to work hard and complete your jobs perfectly today,” The Captain announces to the group. Everyone chants back ‘Yes Captain’ and then scatters to go about the day.

The Captain walks down the steps and over to me, where I am waiting for my instructions for the day. “You are going to make sure the Admiral is having a fantastic visit. First off you will only refer to yourself in third person - you are an object after all. You will put on a show for him and make sure he feels great after his visit. And since I know Sailor Fucktoy can dance, that’s where you will start,” he explains quietly. I nod in acknowledgement, my heart pounding with nerves. He pulls out his phone, loads up a video and shows it to me. “So, what do you think?”

I stare at the phone in horror. On it, a girl is dancing, naked pretty much, using fans to cover her private areas and essentially selling her body. I swallow hard as I think of a way to get out this task. “It is very sexual Captain,” I respond politically.

The Captain nods. “We have to please the admiral,” he explains. Then he puts more pressure on me. “Do you like it?” he asks.

I swallow hard again. I know he won’t accept a half hearted answer here. “Personally, Sailor Fucktoy is not keen on it. But Sailor Fucktoy is sure it will please the Admiral and Captain,” I say carefully expressing my own views.
The Captain grins. “It will for sure. Then you can go and practice now. Your dance does not have to be 5 minutes long if 30 minutes of practice are not enough for that. If you end up with a 2 minute long dance that incorporates her best moves, that's alright. But you will try to learn as much of it as you can. Do you understand?” he asks.

I nod and salute. “Yes Captain,” I manage to mumble. He walks away and I am left on the deck to practise. I rewatch the video several times trying to copy the moves but I feel uncomfortable, exposed and unhappy. By the end of the thirty minutes, it is a shambles. It is messy, unprepared but most importantly it is humiliating.

The Captain returns and I salute before reporting back. “Sailor Fucktoy has tried their best to learn the dance Captain. It is a very exposing and humiliating dance to do,” I report carefully.

The Captain smiles, pleased. “Then it is a dance that suits you perfectly well in your role. I am sure the Admiral will be pleased by your performance later. Now, go take a lunch break but remember no hands and no furniture,” he adds.

I nod, regretting not following direct orders yesterday as now I have a lack of privileges. I head into the kitchen to make lunch. The chef has been ill for a while so now its everyone feeding themselves. I feel awkward walking past members of the ship with my butt and pussy fully exposed under my uniform. Not the for the first time do I wish that the Captain had packed me underwear.

I make a sandwich which I then cut up into little pieces, before placing the plate on the deck of the ship and kneeling down in front of it. The whole time I had to duck my head to the plate to eat, my butt was pushed into the air and the other shipmates were staring, laughing and jeering. I feel very humiliated to be reduced to nothing more than a piece of meat kneeling on the ground, hands behind back and eating off the floor.

I wash up the plate and then begin to head to my room as I seem to have no other chores today. However I don’t get far before I am ambushed by some sailors in need of some entertainment. Hand grab me, I let out a surprised gasp and struggle to get free as the sailors drag me into the canteen. I notice that one of them has also brought a pen.

The sailors form a circle around me. There is no gaps and no way to escape. They push at me and pull at my uniform. They yell at me, and I flinch, before they tell me to tell them what I am. “I am Sailor Fucktoy,” I manage to get out.

They growl at me. They aren’t satisfied with that answer.
"You are a fucktoy."
"You are just a Slut."
"You are a piece of meat."
"You are a disgrace in that outfit."
"You are here to serve everyone on this ship."

And more and more things are shouted at me. Over and over and over. I look at the ground, feeling my cheeks blush as they humiliate me and call me names. I feel sad and alone. They demand I tell them what I am again.

"Sailor Fucktoy. I am just a fuck toy. I am a slut. I am a piece of meat to be used and served by those on the ship. Please use Sailor Fucktoy,” I manage to stutter out when they finally go quiet.

They laugh at my words and begin to ridicule me, degrading me. One of them starts chanting, "Strip Strip,” and it takes a few seconds but before long the others chime in, seemingly loving the idea.

I swallow hard, brushing the tears from my eyes. I reach to the buckle of my brace, slowly detaching it from my skirt. I swallow hard once the braces are off. I have to make a choice. Do I remove the skirt which is doing little to protect me already or remove my top which is doing slightly better at protecting my breasts from the staring, ravenous eyes. Deciding the skirt is already useless, I rip open the velcro and neatly fold it up, placing it on the floor. Then I slowly remove my top until I am standing naked in front of the sailors. My pussy is dripping wet and soaked.

The sailors grab at the clothes on the floor. I try to protest that I need them but they are long gone. I am roughly pushed to my knees. My right knee heads the deck hard and I let out a sharp gasp on pain. I lower my gaze to my lap and use my hands to cover up. I feel a pen writing on my butt. Then it moves and continues to write on me, covering me in derogatory words. The other sailors are grabbing at me, slapping me. One is holding my hands and forcing them away from my pussy.

I can only see the words on the front of me. Someone has written flat on my right tit and plank on the left. Slut, Fucktoy and Seaman collector are all written on my belly. I watch in horror as one writes Free for public use on my pubic mound with an arrow pointing down to my pussy. A large Dick is being drawn onto my left thigh and on my right thigh someone writes HMS Cockgobbler. I am overwhelmed and begin to cry.

They finish and start to depart. I feel a sense of relief as I curl up on the floor, exhausted from the emotional attack. The last sailor to leave the room turns around to as he leaves and says "Don't you dare put on any clothes Fucktoy. And do not cover your pussy or breasts."

I lay there, crying. Waiting to see what happens next.

In the distance, I can hear my name being called. I stand up and walk towards the voice.

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Old 01-02-2022, 03:00 AM   #27
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The Porn Star
Nia’s POV

I head up a few staircases until I find the sailors calling my name. I stand, exposed and naked, in front of them, wishing I could leave. They laugh when I get there and admire their friends work, calling out many of the names and calling me them.

“We found this magazine,” one says, thrusting it in front of me. I take it tentatively. “But we want to see what the poses are like in real life as we know these are all forced. So we thought, you could show us.”

“Oh and don’t forget to talk dirty and make sex noises,” another adds.

“Also, we are going to take a photo of each one so make sure you hold it until we tell you to change,” the third one adds.

I look down at the page and my eyes widen in shock at the range of poses the woman is doing. There are about 35 poses in total and each one is totally exposing. I swallow down my fear and begin copying each one, dutifully groaning and moaning as requested. The positions feel unnatural, exposing, humiliating and degrading which is all heightened as the sailors jeer and laugh a the embarrassment I am showing.

“For this one as there is a choice of showing us your arse or your cunt, we want your cunt. Always choose cunt over arse,” one says. I nod as I move into the next position.

The first 5 are all standing poses and the lights from the camera make sure every expression on my face is captured, every groan and moan in HD quality. Then I move onto the ground where I have to stand on tiptoes and have pussy facing them and on tips of fingers. The sailors point at my pussy and remark at how wet and soaking it is, how I am dripping down my thighs, how it glistens on my pale skin. They also point out how enlarged and swollen my clit is.

I feel a fresh wave of humiliation strike, causing bright red to flood my cheeks. I am now even more nervous to do any more poses that expose my pussy again. I wish I hadn't shaved my cunt that morning so maybe some more of it would have been hidden from view. I cycle through them all, going from the floor to standing and using the mast as a wall, to the floor again. Finally, the sailors get bored with me and leave me lying in the doll position.
The sailors are satisfied with my roleplay. “Look how red she has gone?” one points out. “Was that arousing Sailor Fucktoy?” he adds. I seem to have pleased them enough so they do not get more hands on with you.

I lower my head and mumble, "It's embarrassing Sirs." They just laugh as I look down, pretending to ignore my pussy glistening and leaking and what that means about me.

The sailors, ofcourse, point it out and make fun of me. "You are leaking more than a hole in our hull.”

“You seem to like this slut, maybe even need it,” another says. I blush an even deeper red at these words.

They laugh again and tell me how cute it looks. Suddenly, one of them yanks my hair and pulls me to my feet. He tells you to get a pen and two pieces of paper. I whimper slightly from the pain but nod in acknowledgement.

I quickly scurry away and return with the items requested. The sailors tell me to craft a little flag.

I roll the first piece lengthways twisting it to tighten it before rolling a 1/4 of the of the other piece of paper around the top widthways. I then follow their instructions and write in capital letters HMS Fucktoy on both sides.

The sailors laugh and grab the flag before ramming it into my arse. I wince and yelp loudly. “Get on all fours,” one of them tells me. I do so, my butt aching and the flag sticking up into the air. They grab my head and push it to the floor of the deck. “Start crawling then,” they add.

The other two laugh. “And don’t forget to warn people you are coming. Toot Toot here comes the HMS Fucktoy,” one jokes.

The other joins in, “make way for the HMS Fucktoy. Toot Toot all aboard the HMS Fucktoy.”

The one pushing my head down also adds, “Please dock in the HMS Fucktoy. The HMS Fucktoy has the finest booty in the world.” They all laugh and jeer and kick me while I crawl, demanding that I repeat their phrases.

As I crawl around the deck, the other sailors I pass laugh and jeer and chant. They seem excited by my performance. We return to the start point, my nose and knees hurting and sore. They dump my uniform on the floor in front of me and walk off, leaving me to recover.

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Old 01-08-2022, 01:21 AM   #28
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Lifebuoy Preparing for the Admiral’s visit

Preparing for the Admiral’s visit
Nia’s POV

“ALL HANDS ON DECK!” the captain yells. I grab my uniform from the floor, throw it on over the dark black pen marks on my skin and race to the deck, standing at attention with all the other sailors.

The Captain paces on the top deck in front of us. “The admiral is arriving soon,” he starts, then pauses, catching sight of me. “What on earth do you think you look like Fucktoy? With all those crude words on your body?

I shuffle uncomfortably. “I am very sorry Sir,” I mutter.

“Do you want to embarrass me?” he yells stepping closer to me. I shake my head quickly. “Take your poor excuse for a uniform off and present yourself naked.” Without a word I quickly remove my uniform again, aware that every eye is on me. “Look at you with all those profanities. You look like a Slut. It's a disgrace for my ship. Kneel down, kiss it's deck and apologise,” he demands.

The other sailors nod in agreement making comments about the writing on my body as the Captain yells at me. I drop to my knees and begin kissing the floor, apologising between each one. Internally, I am seething at the other sailors. It is their fault I look like a disgrace.

The captain quickly gets bored, "That's enough. I will have the sailors clean you. "

I begin to protest. "No Captain please no,” I plead. I know the sailors will be rough with me.

"Shut up Fucktoy. A piece of meat doesn't speak," a sailor says as some of them grab me by my arms and drag me backwards towards the bathroom. We only have one bathtub – it’s mostly showers due to the need to save water. I am thrown into the bath.

"A fucktoy like you doesn't deserve clean water," one says. The sailors grin and laugh as they begin spitting on me. I shiver in the empty bath as their spit lands on my bare skin. I feel disgusted by their actions.

"Clean yourself. We don't want to see any writing left," the lead sailor yells.
I glare at him but reluctantly begin using my hands with the sailors spit to try to rub the words off my body. The ones on my chest and thighs are completely gone, but the ones on my belly are only slightly faded. The ones on my butt are still there completely as I am sitting down in the bath. I remain sitting, covered in the sailors saliva.

The Sailors look at me with disgust in their eyes. "Our Fucktoy can't even clean itself properly. Can you do anything right Fucktoy?" I look down at the floor of the bathtub, humiliated and shake my head. "Good. No one wants to hear your voice unless absolutely necessary. But the Admiral is coming and we can't have you look like a street hooker now can we?" I shake my head again. "Let's hose her down fellas," he continues.

The sailors laugh and come back with a big hose. They begin to spray me down with cold water and tell me to clean the filth off my body. The force of the hose almost pushes me off my feet. But I scrub and I scrub at my skin. I emerge from the hose soaking wet, shivering slightly but clean. I put my uniform back on and report for duty.

The sailors look at you. "You look all clean. One could almost think you are a person. Are you a person Fucktoy?"

I carefully consider my answer. Yes, in reality but to these sailors I am just a piece of meat. I shake my head. No.

"Speak up useless. We all want to hear it. Tell us what you are. And tell us what you are not," the lead sailor continues.

I swallow. "No Sirs. I am not a person. I am a fucktoy."

"It seems like you can at least think a little bit. Are you still ready to serve us Fucktoy?" the sailor asks.

Looking at the jeering sailors I am terrified. What are they going to ask me to do? "Yes. I am ready to serve the ship," I mumble quietly.

"That's a good Fucktoy. But we don't believe you yet. Beg for it. Beg us to be allowed to serve the ship as its fucktoy," he continues.

“Please let me be used. Use me as the ships fucktoy. Abuse it how you all see fit,” I stutter out nervously.

"On your knees Fucktoy and kiss our shoes." I drop to my knees and begin kissing the shoes. I remain kneeling after kissing all the shoes.

The Captain returns. "The ship has to be cleaned. You will clean the deck and the dining room."

“Yes Captain,” I say.

"Sailor Fucktoy can amuse us a little bit while it cleans,” he adds before whispering in my ear what he wants me to do. I nod once, my eyes filling with tears the humiliation.

I put my skirt on the floor with a towel on top. I then sit down on top and begin to drag my butt along the floor, exposing my pussy to the sailors on the ship. It is a very rough towel which makes me feel itchy and frustrated. Then I put on the skirt, slightly dusty from the floor, before taking off my top and using it to dust the furniture. The ship is sparkling.

"You did a good job. The admiral will be here in about 2 hours. Go and rest a little bit so you can serve him well when he arrives," The Captain tells me.

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Old 01-15-2022, 03:42 AM   #29
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Default The Admiral’s visit

The Admiral’s visit
Nia’s POV

With the deck cleaned, I go down to the mess hall to prepare some dinner, ignoring the stares of the sailors already eating. I can almost hear their thoughts about what they want to do to me but can't due to the Admiral's imminent arrival. After collecting a sausage roll, chips and vegetables, I took the plate, place it on the deck, tuck my hands behind my back and began eating with just my mouth again, conscious of all the stares I am receiving.

Whilst eating, I feel overwhelmed with emotion. I am humiliated and used and abused on a daily basis, and it’s not fair. So I begin to plot against the Captain. ‘The Captain wants to use me as entertainment to get him promoted,’ I think to myself, ‘maybe I can use that against him instead?’ My mind begins to whir with the different possibilities that could happen. I head to my room after eating.

The Captain soon arrives at my door and tells me to practise the routine again. “It must be perfect,” he says. I smile politely, and nod, my plan finally coming into place in my mind. Perfect, ha. Get ready for a disaster. I go through my plan a couple of times, feeling very embarrassed at my exposed state.

After a long wait, a sailor arrives at my door, informs me the Admiral has arrived and that I am required. I follow him up to the top deck. He leaves me alone with just the Admiral and the Captain for company.

Before I start the dance, I introduce myself. "Good evening Admiral. My name is Sailor Fucktoy. And I am here to provide some light entertainment this evening. I believe there is a potential promotion on the horizon for our esteemed captain. Once finished, I would be delighted to explain how magnificent our Captain is," I say quickly, smiling to prevent raising the Captains suspicion. I glance over at him out of my peripheral vision and his face has gone red with anger. ‘Well, there’s no way out now,’ I think.

The Admiral nods once and allows me to begin. I purposely throw the routine, make sure it looks messy, forget a few moves and freeze, but try to look embarrassed and apologetic at the same time rather than like it was on purpose. Despite my efforts to upset him, the Admiral seems happy with the performance. "Now Sir, allow me to explain how our Captain likes to run his ship."

I feel all the humiliation I had endured that day, no not even that day, the last month, bubble up inside and spill out. "He has no control over his sailors. He allows them to assault me and use me as their personal play thing. A porn star. He then makes me feel inferior and any admission of guilt on any other sailor - blaming them for the writing on its body for example - would be ignored and treated as lies. I have to take the blame for the abuse it receives. Is this really a Captain you feel should be promoted?" I shout angrily, the words just spilling out.

The Captain has risen to his feet and grabs hold of me as I kick and lash out. Other sailors who could hear me shouting are standing by the steps to the top deck, staring at me as if I have gained an extra head.

The whole deck is silent as the words lay empty in the air. After a long pause, the Admiral speaks. "Strip naked," The Admiral commands. The captain lets go of me and I frown but follow the direct order. The Admiral then turns to the Captain. "I see she is well trained. I hope you don't mind if I borrow her for about half an hour. I have an exciting proposition for her." The Captain, whose emotions at the outburst are well hidden behind a mask of blankness, just waves a hand in dismissal showing the Admiral he is more than happy to take me away.

I follow the Admiral into the Admiral suite on the ship. He closes the door behind me and locks it. He then pulls out some rope, a gag, and a blackout mask. He walks to the cupboard and pulls out a pair of knickers and a bra.
"Put them on," he says throwing them at me. I catch them and do as requested, scared of the outcome of my angry outburst. As I am doing this, the Admiral is setting up the rope under the bed so the rope appears at each corner, in a spreadeagle design. "Lie down," he says. I nervously position myself in the middle of the bed and allow the Admiral to tie the rope to my ankles, keeping them spread and open. The Admiral walks over to the ice chest and pulls out some ice cubes. He grabbed the waistband on the knickers and stuffs 8 cubes down there. I wriggle and writhe and moan as the ice hit my pussy and clit, instantly causing some pain and numbness.

After the noise I make, the gag is placed in my mouth, before 7 ice cubes are added to each bra cup. The gag muffles my whining. The blackout mask is then pulled over my eyes and then I feel him grab my hands and tied them up. Leaving me spread eagle, cold and free to use. In the long minutes that follow I have no idea if the Admiral stays or leaves, if other sailors come to see my humiliation. I only know cold. Eventually the Admiral unties me, removes the ice and speaks very slowly and carefully. "You are only alive after your escape attempt due to the kindness of your captain, who persuaded me to let you live and not just die a traitors death. You would be dead if I had had my way, but he has done what he said he would – train you well, apart from the little outburst ofcourse. Your Captain has treated you kindly so far. Don't think he can't make it worse." With that he leaves the room heading to finding the Captain to discuss the potential promotion, leaving me to get dressed and wait for the Captain to find me.

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Old 01-15-2022, 05:06 AM   #30
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Default The Junior Cadet

The Junior Cadet
Unknown POV
Location: Military Training Camp, England
Date: 15th May (Same day as The Admiral Visit)

I followed the sergeant down the corridor. He opens the door into one of the barrack rooms. There are eight beds, four lined up against the wall and four lined up beneath the windows. Only two of the beds under the window show any sign of life or personality. There is a stuffed monkey on one bed and the other has a clock on the bedside table. The sergeant leaves and the door slams shut. I take one of the middle beds against the wall opposite the two claimed beds so I can look out the window in the mornings.

It was surprisingly easy to forge a birth certificate of some fake parents and their death certificates and even my own birth certificate. What was harder, was persuading social services to send me to the Junior Cadet scheme for orphans. Luckily, they hadn’t had many options and so here I was.

I put my bag on my bed and began unpacking it, thinking of the changes my life was about to go through and the impact of those few words I’d read. I placed a stuffed penguin on my bed and took out my phone. I quickly dialled a number that wasn’t saved in my phone, for fear of putting us both in danger, that I knew by muscle memory now.

“Hello,” the male voice said calmly.

“I’m in,” I responded. There was a pause and I could practically here him grinning on the other end.

“Well done. I’m sorry, for what you’re going to have to go through to achieve this,” they added.

I sighed. “Yeah, thanks. It will be worth it and if not, well, we all die anyway,” I respond quietly. There is no response and I finally hear a click as they hang up the line. Yeah, better not dwell on that.

I finish unpacking and pick up my kindle and settle down in the hard chair next to my bed. The door swings open and two teenage boys, probably around 17 or 18 like me, enter the room. One has blonde hair that hangs over his forehead and lightly brushes his eye. He has an easy-going smile and is very animated as he enters, chatting to the other. The other boy seems older with his closely shaved black hair, piercing green eyes and a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, but he has his arm slung around the other boy and laughs happily at something he says. They spot him and blonde boy shoves the others arm off his shoulders and bounds over to me.
“Alright, you must be the new boy,” he says thrusting a hand forwards. “I’m Alex. This is Tom. It’s great to meet you,” he adds. I reach out and shake his hand.

“Nice to meet you too Alex and Tom,” I respond, feeling guilty for the danger my being here puts them in. “I’m Jack,” I add, the unfamiliar name coming out surprisingly easier than expected. “How long have you been here?” I ask.
“About three months. But Tom has been here over a year,” Alex explains. I nod, that makes sense as to why the other boy’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, he’d obviously been through a lot in the last year. “Why are you here?” he asked.

“Parents died. Car crash. I was at school at the time,” I explained, the lies coming easier and easier every time I say them.

“That sucks man, but at least we get to know you,” Alex said. He took his place on his bed – the one with the stuffed monkey and gets out a book from a drawer. Tom has picked up some wash stuff and is heading towards the bathroom.

I look at the friendly, peaceful atmosphere that has settled. Maybe, just maybe I can survive this.

A/N: edited to change age of mystery character because even though no intention of kink stuff for new character, still better he is older

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Last edited by RainbowSky; 01-16-2022 at 04:32 AM.
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