Old 10-04-2011, 09:56 AM   #1
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Default Can't Go Yet

I think this is how I post a story. I went to the "How to Post a Story" but It didn't say which buttons to click and where to type, so I guess I am on my own. Sorry if there is any bad grammar in my story.

The monster burst through the ceiling. Jay was already running by the time its black eyes found her. It made some horrid noise, like a cat dying, and chased after her. Jay only looked back once, when she used her slingshot to hit it in the forehead. It only bounced off. So much for David and Goliath she thought. The old mansion she was dashing through was quiet, all the better for the monster to hear her footsteps.

Why, oh why, did she have to go searching for the monster. Jay was not trained enough to fight monsters, but she had been sure she could do it, and impress everyone in her city. She actually believed she could do it. Until she lost her sword. She tripped over a pillow and slid across the marble floor. Right in front of her, a grand golden door faced her. Jade got up and quickly pushed against it. Nothing. Her mind racing, she looked for a hiding spot. Maybe, if she was quick enough, she could still get out alive. Jay stumbled behind a couch just as the monster raced in. It was three times her height, with piercing black eyes circled with red. It didn't need a sword, it had long sweeping claws that hung down. Guess who would win if it came to a fight? It gazed around the room searching.

Through the green haze that was there whenever the monster opened its eyes, it saw a red light pulsing behind a couch. It debated how to go about this. Its mother had told it humans were bad. However it worked for a human and got paid alright. Humans are dangerous, said its father. But it had taken away the she human's pinsticker. It decided it should just attack. It just took one knock of the paws and the she human fell unconscious. It carried her out.

Jay started to wake up. Her wrists hurt, she had such an awful headache, and why did it feel like she was tied up. "What the hell?" she croaked. Did they tie people up in heaven? because there was no way she could still be alive after that encounter. She decided that she had survived, first with relief and then worry. Where the hell was she? Monsters din't work for anyone except, oh, thats it. Master Ollrow, the most hated and feared tyrant ever. A noise came from her left side.She turned her head and fought to look, despite the rope that held her back. It was a young man with dark hair and hypnotizing green eyes. In any other situtation, Jay would have thought he was cute, but all she felt now was anger. "Who are you?!" She spit out.
"Zeph."The man answered. Of course, Ollrow's son. That confirmed her suspiciouns. He looked at her with a little bit of pity. She was a pretty little thing, so bad she would have to die. She had hair black as midnight, with light blue eyes. He could ask his father to let him have her, but the girl was to important. She had to die, to be made an example of. Ollrow had sent him here to question her. The first way was to make her scared. "My father is going to kill you." He said plainly. The girl gasped, then sighed. "Just what i expected, I guess." Zeph looked at her again. her head was down, her eyes showed the conflict of emotions: Fear, sadness, regret, anger (At herself) and more.

Jay thought to herself I will not cry, I will not cry i will not cry in front of him. There were so many things she never had done. So many things she had planned. Even though she was sure it was useless, she pleaded, "But I am too young to die! There are so many things I never got to do!" The man flipped something and the ropes released. She fell to the floor. "Like what?" He replied, his frightening eyes never leaving her face. She gulped. "Like I have never killed a demon, or participated in my city's Rkcdsa tradition, and I never slept with anyone!" She said. He stepped closer and Jay shivered. "I won't be letting you kill one of my father's demmons, and I don't know what the hell a Rkcdsa is, but I can help you with the virgin part."

She took a step away. She saw something in his eyes, something fierce, and it terrified her much more than Ollrow and the monster put together. "I don't know..." She said her voice dropping to a whisper. The man smiled "Then I will decide for you." He was on her before she could take another step. He pinned her to the floor. She struggled, helpless, unsure what she was trying to achieve. he pulled off her shirt, revealing her breast bindings. He yanked them off viciously, and Jay couldn't help letting out a small cry. He threw the cloth off to the side and surveyed her. Her breasts looked exactly how he thought they would. They weren't very big, she was only a teenager, but they were cream colored just fit in his hand and were topped off with rosy pink nipples.

Jay squirmed, embarrassed by the way he stared at her. She begin to feel warmth all around her, in her body and his. She was just thinking about the probabillty of her getting away (0%) when he started to tug on her pants. She let out a squeak so girly it surprised her. "You really should wear a skirt," Zeph told her, "Pants are so much harder to get off." He yanked them down to her knees revealing her cunt already very wet. He smiled in satisfaction. "Wait" She screamed as he reached down. he paused. "What?" He said tiredly. She tried quickly to think of something that would prolong him hurting her. She blurted, "I've never been kissed! Er, A girl shoudl be kissed before she loses her, um, virginity." He leaned down. She gasped when his mouth touched hers. It was so well, how to describe it... sexy? warm? Loving? Emotional? She lost her train of thought as he slid his tingue into her mouth.


- Moon Moon

Last edited by moonmoon; 10-06-2011 at 02:31 PM.
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Old 10-04-2011, 02:39 PM   #2
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this is awesome please continue
"I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death"
- Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775


Justin Bieber sucks (not what I really wanted to say).


Justin Bieber's voice -> my ears get raped


me: "make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop"
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Old 10-06-2011, 09:42 AM   #3
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Default Can't Go Yet (Continued)

She lost her train of thought as his tongue slid into her mouth. He swished it around playfully, then controlling, forcing her tongue down. She was so caught up in it that she forgot to breathe, and when he finally sat up, she gasped for air. Zeph smirked. "Is that good enough?" He said with amusement. She could only nod. She tugged at her black leather pants (monster fighting gear, very tight.) and swore when he couldn't get them off. Jay giggled. He pulled out his knife. She stopped giggling and shrank back. He held it up and brought in down on the seams of her pants. They split with a ripping sound, and she was exposed. What the hell am I doing?!Thought Jay. I don't even know him but I am going to get raped by him because I am going to die very soon because his father will kill me and because I am a virgin? WHAT THE HELL?

Zeph reached down and touched her pussy lips. She moaned. He looked at how tight her pussy was, and knew it would probably hurt alot for his big cock to fit in there. Better get her warmed up,he thought. He caressed her clit, and she gasped. He traced around it then slid his finger down. He felt around till he felt her hymen* that signaled she was a virgin. He pressed against and she squealed. She is being so dramatic!He thought, but left her virginity alone.... for now. His gaze went back up to her face. She had closed her eyes. What a shame, they were so pretty. Her thin lips were red from kissing him. The smooth shape of her face made her look so young and beautiful. Her cheeks were pink from either embarassment or worry. Her slender hands, unmarked and pale. Lay on her unclothed chest.

Jay felt him lift up her hands, and dared to open her eyes. He slid her hands up his shirt and felt his strong muscles. Then, before she could think about it, she was sliding his shirt off, revealing a tan chest. He pulled her hands down, lower. Jay started to pull away, but he held her wrists. Reluctantly, she moved her fingers down to his hips and started to tug on his shorts. However much she pulled she could not get them off.

Red faced, she looked up at Zeph, who had an amused smile on his face. "Fine." She said furiously. "You get them off if your so damn arrogant. This wasn't my idea, so don't be so fucking-" She stopped, surprised, when Zeph held one of his fingers against her lips. He pulled off his pants, revealing a silk loinclth with a big bulge.

He unwrapped the loincloth slowly, grinning at Jay's obvious impatience and fear. It fell off, and his dick sprang out. She was trembling now, aand she looked up into his eyes with fear. She saw something in them, a lust so fierce it scared her. Fuck! thought Zeph. She is so damn cute when she does that.

"Now what?" whispered Jay. Zeph wrapped his hands around her dark silky hair. Recently it had been tied up, but now he pulled the cloth loosing, and her hair fell around her face in soft curls. Zeph stood up, so now his dick was right in front of Jay's face. He pulled her hair forward, and she lurched toward him very ungracefully. He put one of his hands around his cock and moved forward till it was right in front of her lips. Then he yanked her forward by her hair, and the cock slid into her mouth. He pulled her back and forth, throatfucking her, while Jay tried hard not to throw up. It was so big!

Gradually, so not to hurt her, Zeph pulled her farther and farther onto his dick. Soon she had his whole length down her throat. Her moist, warm mouth on his cock was so arousing he could not stay under control very long. He groaned and started to com on her. She tried to pull away, but he held her so the cum splatter in and around her mouth. "Lick it up." Said Zeph. "Swallow every drop." Jay did obediently as he told her, finding that she couldn't decied if she liked the taste or not.

Then Zeph pushed her to the floor. He was on top of her, all over. She startd to panic. What if they were going to fast? They should stop! "No." said Zeph when she whimpered. "You need this." He spit on her pussy, making sure it was very wet. He lifted his cock upand let it touch the edge of her vagina. She shivered. He pushed in. "ooooooooohh!" She screamed. The pain was blinding. He mercilessly shoved all the way in, making her cry again. He is enjoying this!thought Jay. The stupid bastard is enjoying this!He slid out and pushed back in, again and again, with her crying so much. He leaned over her more, till he was practically laying on top of her. His tongue flicked out and touched her lips, then licked one of her tears. He impaled her once more. Jay saw light. She felt so full. His penis was in her! She thought. then he began pumping in and out. Instead of screaming jay writhed her body around, meeting his penis, making it go deeper. It was to much for Zeph. he lost his control. Jay felt something coming, something in her body she had never known before, and they came together.Jay was screaming words she didn't even knew she knew. "Fuck me! Fuck my pussy! Ohh!" Zeph sprayed his cum in her, but she didn't notice. She was breathing heavily.

Zeph turned away from her. She craned her head to see what he was doing. What the hell? Is he putting on lipstick? She thought. Then she realized what he was putting on his lips. Sleeping poisin. He turned around. "Goodnight honey."He said wickedly and kissed her. He caught her as she fell and lay there in his arms, unconscious. He felt very sad for a moment. "I'm sorry." He whispered, though he knew she would not hear him. "It will be easier this way. You won't feel the pain when the executioner comes." Then her let her slump onto the floor and walked out.

As he left the room, he heard footsteps. He quickly darted out of the rrom. The execuitioner would be puzzled to find her naked and passed out, and he didn't want to have to explain. Could he even explain? The longing for her? Her pretty blue eyes? He felt that she was hers. His Jay. And know his Jay would die. he opened a door just as the Blue Man (His father's executioner) stepped into the hall. Before the door closed Zeph saw another person with him. Since when does Blue Man have a companion?He wondered. Oh well. Zeph headed outside.

"Shut up, Dawn" "But there was someone watching!" "Too bad. Hopefully they will think we are just executioners." "Where's jay? "Shut Up dawn!"
The person dressed as Blue man and the girl behind him tiptoed into Jay's room. She was still unconscious, but the blanket was wrapped around her. The boy shed the Blue Man outfit and picked her up. They left the room quietly.

Jay heard the wind and the clatter of a donkey's hooves on a road. Zeph She moaned. "What?" someone said. They just thought she was mumbling in her sleep. She pulled herslf up to find two things. First, she was very sore. Also, the clatter of hooves wasn't in her dreams. She had escaped. Unconscios. In a donkey cart.

Jay looked around to see her two friends, Corst and Dawn, driving the donkey. "Look who's up!"Chirped Dawn. Corst scowled. "Tell her to rest longer, I certainly don't want to speak to her. She got herself captured by not waiting for us to come with her to fight the demon."
Dawn rolled her eyes. "It was stupid, but are you okay?? We found you wrapped in that blanket. there was a little bit of blood on it, but i couldn't find a scratch!" Jay remembered her mother saying you bleed when you lose your virginity and blushed. "You must have overlooked something." She said uneasily, not meeting Dawn's eyes. "I'm sure you're so excited to get back to the village!" Exclaimed Dawn. "yeah, sure." muttered Jay, but all she could think about was Zephs arms around her.

*Hymen, that is the word I was looking for, right? (This will be really emberassing if its not)

Do you like it????? Please comment! Should I make a sequel? I'm thinking about it being about Them meetinig again and falling in love! But should this time Jay be the one who wants sex and is more dominant? Do you ahve any ideas? Please tell me!!!!!

Last edited by moonmoon; 10-06-2011 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 10-06-2011, 01:43 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Hey, first of all, I think you have quite an interesting idea and plot. After the first chapter I expected the monster to take her with it (him/her?) (instead of giving her to it's boss) but well, your version seems okay too.

You write very good, I love the way you combine both perspectives in one text. It's something not everybody on here can do.

I'm not sure if this is right in this section, it might be a bit rough (rape, etc.). It might be better to put it in the R18+ section.

Keep it going tho, seems it's going to be an interesting story.

Some errors/formally weird stuff I noticed (I hope you can still edit when you read this)

He unwrapped the loincloth slowly, grinning at Jay's obvoius
(...) She pulled herslf up to find two things.
1. She was very sore.
2. She was on a donkey
I think this doesn't fit in to your (very well written) continuous text. I'd really change it into a sentence... or two... rather descriptive than just listing it...

Keep it up, I don't want to miss how it's going to continue!


Last edited by Saphir; 10-06-2011 at 02:46 PM.
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Old 10-06-2011, 02:16 PM   #5
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Default Thank You!

Right now, I am trying to grasp an idea for what to write about. The idea before really came to me, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Now, I am still thinking, so I might not write anything else today!

Thank you for commenting!

PS sorry about spelling errors..... i don't know how to fix them!

Moon Moon
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Old 10-06-2011, 02:29 PM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 425

On the bottom of your own posts is besides quote, multiquote and quick reply also an edit button.

You should at least try to use the basic functions of the board if you publish a story here. :P

There is no reason or need to say sorry for the mistakes, we all do them. :3 (especially me lol :P)
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Old 10-06-2011, 02:29 PM   #7
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this is awesome you should do a sequel

and that idea sounds awesome
"I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death"
- Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775


Justin Bieber sucks (not what I really wanted to say).


Justin Bieber's voice -> my ears get raped


me: "make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop"
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Old 10-06-2011, 02:36 PM   #8
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Default Fixed!

Fixed! I was just going to say that, but apparently there is a 16 character requirement!
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Old 10-29-2011, 11:10 AM   #9
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PART TWO: In a War for Nothing

Dawn pulled herself together. She would cry for Corst later, now there was work to do. She had grown up much, since two years ago, when they had snuck into Ollrow's castle to rescue her best friend, Jay. Speaking of her, Jay was strolling along the village border. Jay had managed to forgot about her not-really-rape-but-not-really-wanted experience with He Whose Name She Refused To Say. Jay wandered over to Dawn, and looked down at Corsts body. She gently pulled out the arrow and threw it away. She hadn't been as close with him as Dawn, but the three had grown up together in a circle of friendship.

A freckled boy wept. His mother lay inside what had been their house till it was burned by the Demon Army of Ollrow.

A blonde girl was on the ground, limp and unmoving. She was probably dead.

"What now?" asked a man.

Jay stood, black hair whipping around her, blue eyes as cold as ice. "We fight."
Likes: Anal, toilet, wedgies, masterbation and spanking.
Dislikes: Vagina, pee control, butt plugs, windows,
Limits: Family, public, blood, pain, food.

Thank you! Please dare me!

Check out one of my stories at: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=91957
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