Old 08-13-2009, 02:40 AM   #1
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Default The Trials of Charlie Masters

First part's just introducing the characters of the story, and the situation that the main character has been put in. Kinda long, but worth the read if you actually care about character development and storyline. If not, that's fine too. Keep making regular check ins if you are one of those people that just like the fun part, and I'll tell you in the first line that that post is where the action is happening. It shouldn’t be much later than the third post. I don't think length will be a constant in this story, so expect shorter future chapters.

Charlie Master sat in his room, clad in the best clothing he owned, Rage Against the Machine's Take the Power Back playing over his stereo at max volume. He rolled himself flat onto his bed, thinking of how his mother had just royally screwed his life. Earlier in the day, his face wore a bright, warm(fake) smile, he was standing at the alter, giving his mother away to another man.

Tim wasn't necessarily bad. Charlie couldn't judge guy's looks very well, although he could tell Tim was handsome, especially for his age. He wasn't in the best financial situation, a police officer doesn't exactly make three figures a year, but he was certainly in a better position than his own mother, a certified nursing assistant. This also meant he wasn't with Charlie's mother for her money. No, Tim wasn't a bad guy. He was actually a pretty good one, if we're being completely honest. But sometimes good men don't spawn children of such high standards.

Natalie was Tim's daughter. She didn't have bad intentions, but that surely doesn't mean she was perfect. Natalie was into all the latest crazes: Ne-Yo, Soulja Boy, Black Eyed Peas, and anything else Charlie despised. Charlie didn't hate Natalie for her music tastes. He wasn't that prejudiced, but he did hate her need to be popular, which she was, and her constant jumping on the bandwagon of the forever so high and mighty, whoever they were at the time. He hated how she shot him down at every chance, even when he had first tried to be polite, just because she knew that's what her friends would've done.

He didn't understand any of it. He realises that some people don't like others, but she made absolutely no sense. She does it because they would've done it, but they would've only done it because she would've done it. Just a constant cycle, a constant psychological nightmare. Charlie hated not understanding it. He was good at reading people; he knew how she acted, how she would act in the future, but he had no idea why. He hated her for it, for her unreasonable predictability.

But none of it mattered now, his mother was married to Tim, and Natalie was in his house for good. Two more years at least, until Charlie made of to college, and escaped. He took off his nice clothes, threw them to the corner, and slipped some jeans over his boxers. He took a second to look at his chest, hairless, and barely defined. He wasn't worried about the hairless part, he didn't particularly like the idea of chest hiar, and thought none of it. Definition of the abdomen and chest didn't really matter either, any girl worth a date would be perfectly fine with his body, and happy with his personality.

He slipped a plain, black t-shirt over his body without a second thought on it. He ran his fingers through his shoulder length, light-brown hair, just to ruffle it up after being confined to neatness all day. Turning off his stereo, he stepped out of his door, into his hallway, and walked to his living room, Natalie sitting on the couch, their parents talking in the kitchen. "Hey," he managed to make out, a half-of-a-tenth-wave following.

Tim and Laura were laughing loudly, obviously both happy with the new living arrangement. "I'm so happy we're finally all together!" Laura shouted as she saw the entire family had gathered within earshot. Charlie made no comment that the living arrangement had been the same for two months, and that it was just now a legally binding living arrangement. "I can see the nice clothes didn't last long on you, Charles. It was nice while it lasted."

Charlie smiled. "It's summer, the shirt was long-sleeved. How do you expect me to go around like that all day?" he asked.

"You're right. The dark jeans and pure black shirt will keep you much cooler," Laura said. The smile melted off her face, "Anyway, Tim and I are off. You two, please keep out of trouble. No friends over, period. Be back home before eleven each night, I'll be calling at eleven fifteen to make sure you are. And I want to hear two voices. Keep clean, don't use all the money in one night, you know the drill." The smile came back to her face, "And for God's sake, Charlie, please don't touch the stove or the oven. And use the microwave only when necessary. Tim sold his house already, so we have nowhere else to go."

Charlie chuckled, "Sure mom, China Garden or Pizza Hut every night, and I'll eat cold leftovers for lunch."

Tim clapped his hands, "Ok then, off we go! Natalie, same rules. Except you can cook whatever." He threw a playful grin at Charlie, who returned the gesture, while Natalie threw a Can't even cook, what a loser look at him. Tim grabbed his new wife, still in her wedding dress, and hoisted her into the air. "We'll see you two in two weeks. Have fun," Tim said as he brought his squealing wife out the front door, and closed it with his foot.

"Have fun." Tim, for a second, thought he might regret speaking those words to his sixteen year old daughter and the sixteen year old boy who would be living with her for two weeks. He brushed the thought aside. He had almost thought about not having a honeymoon, for that very fear. Then he started paying attention. After seeing the hate between the two, he knew he could trust his daughter with Charlie.

As soon as the sound of the car driving disappeared, Natalie was on her cell phone. "What are you doing?" Charlie asked.

Natalie smiled, "Calling Nellie over, idiot." Charlie rolled his eyes, and thought for a second. He realised this was probably the best idea Natalie had ever had, although he could easily tell she hadn't been the original mastermind behind it. Charlie voiced his opinion, and rebelled occasionally, but Nellie Turner, that thing was the devil. Worse than Natalie by far, but she had started sucking Natalie in the month before.

Charlie and Nellie weren't on best terms, but that's one of the reasons Nellie liked coming over so much. She tormented Charlie, with the help of Natalie of course. Nevertheless, no one would ever find out if Charlie had a couple of his friends over as well. He normally didn't associate with guys, due to a severe pigheadedness in about ninety-five percent of them, and he hardly ever spent a whole lot of time with his girl friends outside school, due to no car and plain out strict parents, but this was his chance. His mother was blinded by love, and who said he couldn't take advantage? Ok, well, she did, but that's besides the point. Charlie thought for a second; he'd love to have Steph and Alex over.

Steph, the outgoing girl, extremely pretty, standing at a mere five feet, a dwarf next to Charlie's five foot nine, was always fun to be around. She mingled with both the populars and outcasts, but identified with the outcasts more. Everyone loved her, you could try not to, but you'd fail. Charlie knew she'd bring fun into the place he was in, which he seriously needed at the moment. She was within walking distance, and they hung out a bit, so Charlie didn't particularly miss her, but he loved having her around.

Alex, very nice, she couldn't be mean to anyone if she wanted to. Cute, not pretty, hot, or sexy, but incredibly cute. Charlie loved her, no denying it. She knew this, he knew she knew, she knew he knew she knew, and so on. She loved him too, he was the brother that she, being an only child, had never had. But nothing more. It was never a problem, they didn't talk about it, to anyone. Everyone knew, but they all read the invisible memo. Charlie wanted to spend time with her, that was it. She lived down the street, but he was hardly allowed over, and she was never allowed in his house. They'd seen each other maybe three times since Tim and Natalie had moved in two months ago, when school got out.

Charlie thought over how it'd work, it came out relatively easy. He'd call Steph, who'd tell her parents she was spending the night at Alex's house, a thing they didn't do often, but it wasn't unheard of. Then Steph would call Alex and ask her dad if Alex could sleepover at her house. He'd of course say yes, you just couldn't say no to Steph, and then hand the phone to Alex, who would then get ok to move from Steph. They'd both leave, each child's parents not expecting them back for at least a day, and make way to Charlie's house. A perfect plan, no way to go off track.

Charlie first called Alex's house, telling her father he had a summer reading question. He permitted Charlie five minutes on the phone with his daughter. He quickly ran the plan over her, and she agreed with, "Yes, I do think that's how the author intended it to happen." Charlie got the hint and hung up, calling Steph. He explained the scheme to her, told her to wait half an hour or so, then call Alex. Steph agreed, then they exchanged See ya laters and hung up.

About fifteen minutes later Charlie heard the doorbell. He thought it too early for them to be here already, but answered with anticipation anyway. He opened the front door, and his smile quickly fell off. Standing in his doorway, was of course none other than, Nellie Turner.

Last edited by Problematique; 08-13-2009 at 03:30 AM. Reason: Minor fixups
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Old 08-13-2009, 04:47 AM   #2
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Excellent first instalment! Well done I hope to see more of this in the future! Keep up the good work!
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Old 08-13-2009, 08:48 AM   #3
Norse Fire
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Default Bravo!

Hooray! You're story made me smile on the inside !

In other words, you've accomplished the impossible.

I never smile.
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Old 08-13-2009, 07:58 PM   #4
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This story has alot of potential. And since you didn't give it away right away, I'm curious about the direction it will go. Will he use his friend to make the two his slaves? or will she turn his friends on him? or something different entirely. Only time will tell...
Anyway great first installment, I'm eager to read more.
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Old 08-18-2009, 11:12 PM   #5
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Ok, quick update for all, school started Monday, so I probably won't be updating often during the week, although I'll try to get one at least once a weekend.This one's about half the size of the intro post, which should be the standard size from now on, give or take.

Also, thank you for the positive comments, I really appreciate them, but constructive(key word) criticism is welcome as well. Anyway, I saw a comment wondering about how the power situation will end up. I know the basic direction this will be heading, and would like to address the situation. I want to tell everyone, but here's a spoiler for those who wish to not know. And please don't speak of this spoiler unless you yourself use spoiler tags.

The story is going to have a few twists but mostly play off of the characters, with the actual truth or dare aspect just being a pushing force. With that said, I want to point out there will not be a slave/master relationship in this story; it’s going to be strictly truth or dare.

Anyway, with that out of the way, enjoy the next part. No real action yet, just some more character development and a few descriptions, expect some soon though.

“Hey, asshole,” Nellie said. She had such a way with words.

Charlie made a quick look up her body; she wore a frilly pink skirt that went to a few inches above her knees and a baby blue, spaghetti strap shirt that was cut low enough to show the little cleavage she had. She was a very pretty girl, a little shorter than Charlie, thin, nice face, the blue eyed and blonde haired combo, but she had small boobs, 32A to be exact. She felt insecure of them, but would never say that aloud to anyone. It was her one flaw. Physical flaw, anyway.

“She’s in the living room.”

“Why thank you,” Nellie said with a devilish smile on her face while she threw her bag to the side. Charlie headed toward his room, Nellie in pursuit until she broke off into the living room to see Natalie watching the MTV VMA’s. Charlie hated MTV, and normally didn’t mind his room not having the channel, but remembered Muse would be playing tonight. He made a mental note to go out to the living room with Alex and Steph when it was time, watch them play, then get out as soon as possible.

Charlie went into his room and blew some time by fiddling on youtube. The doorbell rang for a second time about fifteen minutes later, and Charlie nearly raced out to answer it. He opened the door as soon as he got there, revealing Steph and Alex standing at the door. “Hey, Charlie,” they said in unison.

“Hey, guys. Come in,” Charlie responded. He looked at Alex. She was wearing tight, dark blue jeans and a form fitting, grey Led Zeppelin t-shirt. She almost always wore modest clothes, not because she thought of herself as ugly, but because she didn’t feel she needed to flaunt herself to gain friends. As mentioned before, she was very cute, with long, brown hair flowing a few inches below her shoulders, brown eyes, and small, pink lips, which Charlie had many a times fantasized of kissing. She wasn’t overly skinny, but certainly not fat. The one exception to her cute demeanor was her boobs. They were 36D, nearly monstrous on her small size. Charlie loved every part of her, but couldn’t help noticing Steph too.

Steph wore tight, dark jeans like Alex, she also had a black shirt with a swirling, string like pattern going around it that changed colors in a fading way. She had long, curly black hair, green eyes and a smile on her face that screamed “We’re going to have fun.” Just have fun, not necessarily in a sexual way, although, secretly, Steph wouldn’t mind an encounter of that sort with Charlie, Alex, or both. She felt close to each of them, and wanted to experiment, but she wasn’t entirely sure of her sexual orientation. She didn’t have enormous breasts, 32B, but they were perfect for her short size. She also had an amazing ass, small, round, and tight. It was easily her best feature, and it swayed back and forth as she bounced into the house, Alex following.

Steph noticed the extra bag on the floor, “Who else is here?”

“Nellie. Natalie invited her over,” Charlie said, an annoyed look on his face, and started walking to his room.

Alex sighed, “I hope she can keep her fat mouth shut.” Despite the obvious tension of the subject, Nellie had always been the only person willing to bring up the relationship situation between her and Charlie.

“Don’t worry, we’ll stay out of firing range.”

They passed the living room, and Steph caught a glimpse of the TV, “Isn’t Muse playing on there tonight?”

Charlie paused in the hallway and thought for a second, “Ya. We’ll just stop in real quick when they play, then get out.”

Alex looked down, “Ok, but I don’t want to stay any longer than we have to.

When the group got into Charlie’s room, they didn’t do anything extraordinary. They listened to some music, talked about Charlie’s new, permanent situation, and just hung out in general. When it came time for them to go out to the living room, Charlie spoke up and led the group out, Steph excited, not having much to worry about since Nellie had no problem with her, but with Alex, and even Charlie himself, a little uneasy.

They got into the room, with an odd sight in their eyes. The lights were all on, the couches were empty, the TV was off, and Nellie and Natalie were on the floor. Nellie sat with her back turned to Charlie, Alex, and Steph, with Natalie bent over her lap, being smacked on the ass repeatedly.

Last edited by Problematique; 08-20-2009 at 08:04 PM. Reason: Minor Fixups
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Old 08-19-2009, 11:35 AM   #6
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Now that was a HUGE plot twist. For some reason, I see the girls ending up ganging up on him, although that may be associating his name with Charlie Brown.
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Old 08-19-2009, 04:35 PM   #7
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Wonderful story, and well written. Original. And I simply love the level of description you use. Bravo, keep going.

Also, that was a major plot twist.
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Old 08-19-2009, 08:45 PM   #8
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ees fantastic but really nice story i like the twist very creative
it aint easy being cheesey

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Old 08-20-2009, 04:52 PM   #9
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Nice plot twist and good content so far. Dont' worry about going overly long with the character development as details sometimes make a story and it's better than gong straight into sex like some other stories. I will say I didn't notice any spelling errors but you seriously went overboard with the commas. I can honestly say I don't think there need to be that many commas in your story. I am interested to see what happens though.

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Old 08-30-2009, 10:16 AM   #10
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Well, I missed last weekend, swamped with work, but I found an opening this weekend so I'm taking it. Thanks for all the comments, and Komodo, I'll take that into consideration, but I make no promises. It's just kinda the way I write. :/

Also, still no real truth or dare action yet. Sorry if the last part misled you to believe that.

The trio of friends stood in shock for a few seconds before Natalie turned her head and saw them. "Stop it! Charlie's here," she hissed at Nellie.

Nellie stopped her swatting as Natalie got off of her. Nellie turned around. "What's up?" she said.

Charlie and his friends stood still for a few seconds, and finally he said, "What the hell are you two doing?"

Nellie smiled, "Oh, we're not doing anything. Just playing a little-" She paused. "Just playing a little game." She sprang from the floor and walked over to the couch. As she sat, she said, "Would you three like to join us?"

Charlie looked back at his friends. Alex had a horrified look on her face, as if she'd walked in on an execution. Steph looked entranced, as if she'd walked in on the northern lights. Charlie hardly noticed Steph, Alex was all that mattered right now. He was curious, but he knew this wasn't going to end well if they stayed.

Charlie was about to respond when a voice behind him said, "What are you playing?" He turned around and looked at an ever more horrified Alex, looking at a shameful Steph.

Charlie stared in amazement at Steph as Nellie answered her question, "We're playing truth or dare. What did you think?"

Charlie spoke quickly, to avoid giving Steph time to answer, "I think we'll pass on that, thank you very much."

"Ya, we were just gonna grab some sodas then head back to Charlie's room," Alex said.

Nellie rolled her eyes. "It figures the two innocent love birds wouldn't want to play." Charlie and Alex cringed as she said it. Nellie turned her head towards Steph, "What about you? Wanna play?"

Steph thought for a second. She wanted to stay, but thought of what it might mean to her friendship with Charlie and Alex. "No, I think I'm good too," she said.

"Oh, come on, Steph," Nellie said. "I expected better from you." She stood up from the couch and made shooing motions into the hall. "You girls go on and have fun now. You too, Alex."

All motion in the room lasted for one more second, then stopped. Nellie stood with a smug grin on her face, Charlie looked at her with rage in his eyes, Alex's eyes were wide open, one tear hanging onto her eyelashes, Steph's mouth hung like a Christmas ornament, and Natalie, nearly forgotten, sat in an armchair with her legs crossed, eyes transfixed on Charlie.

"What did you just say?" Charlie asked.

Nellie pointed at her face, "Who? Meee? I didn't say anything."

"Take it back."

"I'm not taking anything back. I see two pussies, and an ugly man. Sorry, but it's the truth."

Charlie wanted to kill her. Grab her little neck, drag her up to his room on the second floor, then throw her out the closed window and kill her. And he knew if he didn't keep his temper, he'd do just that. "So, you want us to play you're little game? We'll play."
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