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Old 02-12-2012, 09:36 AM   #16
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Sport Football Thursday - Part 2/2

Day 5 - Thursday

Part 2 of 2

This was one of the most disgusting things I've done, and I'm not exactly proud of it, but it was part of the weekend, and as pardon my language, REALLY F*CKED UP as it was, there was this kind of really kinky sire, because of the so extreme part to it. Alright, here it is. Has everyone heard of a rusty trombone?! If not, here is a briefing. A girl (or I guess it could be a guy) licks a guy's asshole, while giving him a hand job. Sort of like blowing into a trombone, and moving the stick thing. The catch was (for us), and this was the mean part, each guy drank a glass of water and some of that fiber powder (which is suppose to losen your bowel), and the girls could only stop licking their bums once they got their guys off. So, if the guy "went" before she got him off, well you can guess what!

So the guys again were not as nice as us girls, and instead of letting us pick them, they again picked us. (Unfortunately, Jay wasnt playing this game, because he had won the last one, and already taken his two prizes and gone off for the night) so I wasn't left with anyone that would go especially easy on me.

So there were a lot of guys that came to me all at once again! I picked the one that I thought was the least dick (jerk). It was actually the guy who had banged me the other day, Scotty. So I picked him, and told him he better hold it in! Also I told him that if he held his sh*t in, I'd make his fantasies come true. Lmao, but we'll just pretend he listened because I asked nicely!

So the guys all drank their fiber water, along with more alcoholic drinks. So in the end there were 12 couples left doing this "game" and I think only 5 had guys full out go in their mouth! The thought of it still makes me gag a little. Scotty was not as nice though as I had thought he'd be! I made him cum pretty fast but even a little got out on my mouth! He must have been holding back still, but it was really gross! I was licking him and then I felt something really warm touch my lips and I just double timed it untill he came. So thankfully nothing really bad happened to me! Considering my week, that is still one of the grossest and worst things I've done, and Scotty deffinately didn't get the dreams I had promised him! I think one of the worst to get it was Cass! She's sitting with me now, and even as she describes it to me, I'm pretty much ready to throw up! Lol, she had Mitch as her partner (who had lost the last round) and I guess revenge was on his mind, because she says right from the get go, she felt stuff pouring into her mouth, and, omg I just threw up a little, she said how it was like liquidy... adhfashfdkaj ok, have to stop typing this! Lmao! I have to confess though, her face was covered by the time she was done! Every single guy was laughing histerically, and even for me at the time, it was kinda funny to see her! Like her face was absolutely covered! adkljfhaskjdhfaskjdfh yachhh lol. kk

So the rest of the night was like I said, next to that, fairly uneventful. Everyone had a pretty good laugh. And it was pretty exciting how we had pushed the limits and borders of our weekend, and taken things to a new extreme level. We played some games after, but just stuff like cards and the loser had to do lap dances and stuff. I had to give a few guys bj's and made out with a few guys, but it definately all pailed in comparison to the previous games. Lol it's kinda weird to think back, because today, my life is definately not nearly as wild, and I rarely now a days do the things that we took for granted there. Like giving out blowjobs, and lap dances, and even to a point, a lot of sex for most people, didn't even faze us. Maybe that's why we kept stepping up the dares!

At the end of the day, I did climb into Matt's bed again. At this point there was no reason for me not to, the only beds in the cottage, were really the King and Queen's, and why would I want to give up sleeping on a bed?! lol and I was beginning to like hanging out with Matt too. It was nice being able to cuddle up next to him. We all went to bed together. We all did fool around a bit... I think. The nights are getting a bit mixed up in my head right now. But I passed out in Matts arms which was great! (I think) lol.
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Old 02-12-2012, 10:38 AM   #17
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Sport Football Friday - Part 1/2

Day 6 - Friday

Part 1 of 2

Friday, aka, one of the scariest days of my life! This was by far (if you could believe it) the worst day for me on our trip, and possible one of the worst/scariest days of my life... well up until right now. Fortunately, after this posting, it's all downhill from there (or is it uphill?) I think uphill is harder than downhill... well, it was easier compared to this day. But alass, this day happened, so I will try describe it for you.

As you know, I was taken off the pill earlier in the week, in a deal I had made with Matt. Thinking at the time that although I would be off it, I would have control of what I did and who I did it with (given my 'Elite' status at the camp). As I'm sure you guessed right now, this didn't quite happen as I had thought, and unfortunatly it was probably way worse than what you're even thinking right now! Like I said, worst day ever!

Friday, started off the same as pretty much everyother day. I woke up early, energetic, excited, happy, and in Matt's bed. This time Stace was already out of bed, so it was just me and Matt cuddling. I woke, up and immediatley went down on him, to give him... a good morning! Lol. My relationship with Matt had grown a lot in that week, and we became really close after the camp too. Although I did get sick of him too after the camp! But while we were there, it was almost a weird comforting bf/gf thing, except he was f*cking 20 other girls... and had one as a slave! After breakfast there was a lot of hanging out. It was already Friday, and there were so many people I didn't really know, so that morning I decided I was going to get to know the people I hadn't really hung out with yet. I had already met everyone, kind of. By that point, I had already gotten eatenout by everyone. So I hung out with a lot of new people, and by that I mean, I got them to put tanning oil on me, and me on them and we sat in the morning sun, getting some colour, and drinking some morning drinks. Slowly everyone started piling outside. In the mornings, usually it's just a lot of relaxing, some music playing, swimming, you know like cottagy stuff. So I was hanging out with new faces, bunch of different people, and I was getting this similar vibe from everyone. I had noticed it a few days prior but for some reason, it felt very strong that day. It could be just how I recall it now, knowing what happend, but I could have swarn, there was a weird vibe. Through talking to people, and hearing from Steph and Cass and Jay, well more Cass and Jay, about what people were saying about me, it was definately clear that everyone wanted me. Out of everyone at the camp, I think there were only a handfull that hadn't slept with everyone yet. And particularly me, because I had only been with 3 people by that point. I think that that was the weird feeling I was getting from people when I was talking to them (not a bad feeling) but just like everyone was hitting on me, a lot of guys were wanting to rub sun oil on me, and people were constantly getting me drinks, and asking me to play in different games (our games always had bets, or dares connected with them).

I of course, didn't mind the attention. It was a little much at times, but it was all in good fun! I did play some games with people in the AM. One of the fun ones I remember was this competition I had with Cass, on who could get our guy off first, with our hands tied behind our backs. Lol that was fun! I won!, and she then got double teamed by both of our guys. Another one I played was Kings (if you don't know King's, check out the rules, otherwise this next sentence won't make sense.) Our version of Kings, we had some special rules, for example, the Kings cup, aka. the Piss cup, was actually filled with piss. And for waterfall, instead of continuing to drink untill the person beside you is done, we did that with oral sex. Lol and for thumb master, instead of placing your thumb anywhere, it had to be in someones bum. Lmao trust me, check out the rules if you've never heard of this game! Lol I've actually played a similar kinky version, since the camp, just at parties with our friends.

Prior to lunch, I forget what game I was playing, (O FYI, I didn't have to drink the piss cup) but at lunch, I somehow ended up being the table. There were four of us girls that were the tables and four guys... hmmm, what game did we play. I dunno, but we cleaned off from the sun, and then had cooking oil (like vegetable oil) rubbed on every inch of our bodies. There were 4 picnictables at the cottage (that's why 4 of each of us were chosen). On each table was a guy and a girl and we were tied down to the tables. No one was allowed to use plates, everything had to be eaten off of us, so like if people wanted salads, they had to place it on our bodies, if they wanted hotdogs or hamburgers, it was off of our bodies. It was actually really cool being a table, it's a weird feeling having everyone touch you in that way though. But it was lots of fun, people were feeding me as I was tied down, and giving me drinks too. Ahahah I actually got quite tipsy when I was tied down because I was kept given drinks, lol and I couldn't really refuse.

At the end of the meal, everyone else held some quick competitions, like (the first one they did) was the last person at each table to put their tongue on their 'table person' had to lick them clean. Lol so there was definately a perk to being a table! OOO WAIT I REMEMBER. Lol, I volunteered to be the table! LMAO, there WAS no game! AHAH. Ya, anywhoot, so the last person to put their tongue on me, licked me clean (and same with the other tables)! There were 5 people sitting on my side of the picnic table. The guy that licked me clean had a lot of stuff to lick! First off, being tied to a table with your arms stretched out for an hour, makes you sweat... A LOT! plus all the food that was left on me, and not to mention the fact that I had been drinking and not been able to "break my seel". I had to pee extremley badly, so he had to slurp that up too! Than the second thing they did, was they got bananas, and the loser had to put it (peeled) in my bum and then eat it, like a chocolate fondue ahahah except mine didn't come out chocolaty! Lol but judging from all the EWWWSS I heard from other tables, I guess some did come out. Lmao. Yaaa, I have cruel and sick friends!

So that was lunch. After cleaning off, that's when I found out, what the big game for the afternoon was suppose to be, and in my case, the biggest game yet. [Background: Having not been with many people yet this week, I had become a hot comodity, something that apparantly pretty much everyone had come to crave, so everyone was trying to arrange (me not knowing this prior) for me to lose that day]

So Friday's event was divided into girls and guys. The guys didn't go until much later, which I will explain in a bit. The girls went first and we had an olympic style theme to our event to chose our loser. The first event was a triathalon (Bike, Swim, Run). First, there was a freestyle swim across our lake/pond and back. Second, we held a beer mile around the field (that's where you chug a drink, run a lap, chug a drink, run a lap,... repeat for a total of 4 times). Thirdly we then had the "ride" component, where we had to "ride" one of our fellow guys until he came (heheheh like that interpretation there?) The 6 girls that came in last had to continue on. The rules outside of what I just listed didn't exist and we played "street rules" (anything goes). Which was apparantly part of everyones plan from the beginning.

I am a very athletic person, even when drunk, and can definately give a good "ride" (sex), so I should have easily been able to finish top 3 if not a clear 1st place, however I think that's why everyone had wanted to put in street rules which included pushing, shoving, and biting. Otherwise I would have kicked ass. Unfortunately, as good as I am, you can't win a triathalon when 15 girls are all trying to drown you in a lake to slow you down, or triping you and pushing you when you're running drunk, or while riding someone, a girl comes up and bites your nipples. It really isn't pleasent! Well that's exactly what happened to me! Aparantly most girls had wanted me to lose that day as well! (Not everyone of course, and Cass ended up winning the race, which didn't really mean anything, but still.)

So we started with the swim across the lake. I'm a fast swimmer, so I actually was able to get out infront of everyone to begin with. This of course made me really excited, but that was soon lost as I began my swim back, and met with everyone still swimming there, and that's when all the holding, and hair pulling began. I wasn't able to compete with that many people holding me back. Being the first to enter the water and cross it, I was one of the last 5 girls to get out.
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Old 02-12-2012, 11:25 AM   #18
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Sport Football Friday - Part 2/2

Day 6 - Friday

Part 2 of 2

By the time I finally did get out of the lake (I was very sore and annoyed at this point), most girls had already started their beer mile (in our case it was just a drink mile, and usually it should consist of 5 laps, but we just did 4). Some girls were already on there 3rd lap. A lot of people usually throw up as they run a beer mile, which is common from the running and drinking, I think most girls at the camp did too. I thought I would be able to catch up time on my beer mile, which after my first 2 laps I did, but after a lot of the girls realized that I had gained ground, they once again got really physical, and I just couldn't keep up. I fell back into second last by the end. I pretty much knocked out the last place girl. There was me and three other girls running at pace, and they were all pushing me and shoving me, and I swong at one of them and knocked her off her feet. I did feel bad but I was extreamly pissed off at this point.

I thought I might be able to still beat out the last 6 places by the time I got to the "ride" though, because there were still about 12 girls there when I got there. I hoped on this guy, I can't even remember who at this point, I was so disheveled, and flustered I can't even remember... that's not a good sign. Anyways, as I said before, I was doomed to fail before I even began. Girls were pulling me off him, and before I knew it, it was done and I had been final 6.

The next part was a game of volleyball, 3 on 3. Which I was EXTREMELY relieved to hear about, because I play a lot of beach ball, and am really good at it. The match was to be best of 3 games, games to 21. I knew that I was going to be safe now. Well so I thought. What I didn't realize is that everyone had been talking about this prior a lot, and they were all (or atleast the girls remaining) commited to me lossing. Now I know I'm good at beach, but playing 3 v 1 is not fair. When you're teammates miss the ball on purpose, it's actually WORSE than playing as 1, I would have PREFFERED if they had just stood off the court! ARGDDSKLjfasdlhfaksjdf! But alas! They had wanted our team to lose, and they succeeded. I had managed to score some points playing by myself. Actually I played pretty good, considering the circumstances, but not good enough to win, and me and my two shit ass team mates were all that was left, moving on.

The final competition, and for some reason, always the guys' favourite, was another wrestling competition. The first person to cum would be the loser and have to face the consequences (which I'll explain shortly) and everyone else would go scott free. By this point, I was actually crying again. It sucks when everyone teams up on you. Before the wrestling match, Cass and Steff sat me down and told me what they had heard, that the two girls were going to of course team up on me, and that I should just prepare myself mentally for losing. Considering that I knew what the punishment was, I just broke down even further.

So the fight came, and the part that every guy loved, the oiling up of the contestants. This match, me and the two girls oiled eachother up, because it was an advantage for you to rub oil on the other person, anything to get them hotter and wetter. (It wasn't traditioinal wrestling, where you have to do holds, well there were some holds, but the point was to get someone off). So the 5 minutes that they had to oil me up as well, they definately used to there advantage, because as sad as I was, being rubbed with oil and massaged and touched, is just something that gets me super hot! PLUS them whispering dirty things in my ear didn't help either.

Well, you know what happened. Of course they double teamed me, and actually, I DID almost win at one point, when I was fighting back I managed to mount one of the girls and start licking her, and her thighs were squeezing my head as she was ever so close to cumming, when I was finally pulled off, and from there it was all down hill for me. I came and was the loser for that night, which I was honestly at the time, scared to absolute death about! I don't think, honestly, I had ever bawled so hard after that fight. Maybe at the end of this night I bawled harder. By the way, to cum, when you know that if you do, a lot of bad things are going to happen, is one of the greatest feelings in the world. It's so bitter sweet, that it feels so good, but you hate it while it's happening because you know only bad things are going to follow because of it.

Pick the losing guy came next, and I was allowed to introduce my favourite challenege to them (I guess a sort of consolation prize for losing). Knowing what my punishment for the night was, I had all the guys get oiled up, and then there competition was to do a circle suck (like a circle jerk, but with their mouths instead of hands). In hind site, it wasn't a good idea to piss them off my making them suck eachothers cocks, but that was my only little pleasure of that evening. The last guy to make a guy cum, lost. In the end, a guy named Mike lost, and I'll explain his part in a bit.

OK so now the punishment. Like I said, everyone had wanted to be with me because a) I hadn't been with anyone yet, and possibly b) because I wasn't on the pill, which is why I was scared sh*tless at the time. The punishment was that all the guys were to take a viagra (I later found out that some had taken 2, and one guy took 3, which is like REALLY?!?! WTF?!?!) My part was, that I had to continuously please them until there stiffy went soft. It was about 9 at night by now, so how it worked was we layed out blankets and pillows on the grass, and I wasn't even tied down, because they said they wanted me to be very agile and moveable, and to be able to get to all parts of me. I was to lie on the blankets and pillows, and I would please all of them (well they took turns), and once soft they would be removed from the "party".

Now where Mike fell into all this, is he was to be my 'clean up' after all of this. He DID get to partake in the other, but after it was ALL done, I had him as a slave for I think it was something like 12 hours to help me recover.

At the time I was devastated, but now recalling it, knowing that everything turned out fine...


...as frustrated as I was, it doesn't make me upset anymore.

So like I said, everyone had taken a b-pill and some more, and I was left trying to shrink dinks. Every guy there came in my pussy! My number before the camp was 11, and then I had slept with by this point all 25 guys, so thats 36, but then Jay and 6 other guys that were at the camp I had already hooked up with before, so 29! My new number after the camp was 29! Actually to this day of me writting this, my number is still 29. I kind of went off guys after the camp (just to recover), and well I guess, no new guys have come along, so ya my number is still 29. Gawd, that's high when I say it outloud. Ummm hmm, where was I, ooo boners. Right, so all 25 guys from the camp f*cked me that night on viagras, including Matt and Jay. They were definately having fun with everyone else. After a while, I was almost able to block out of my mind that I wasn't on the pill and that all these guys were shooting inside of me, and that anyone could soon be a baby's father of mine. When I was kind of able to, I actually did have a little bit of odd fun. Like most of the time I didn't just have one cock inside of me. If I was being banged, then I also had someone in my mouth. Some of what I can remember, from the nights comotions, were when a guy was lying down with me facing up on top of him (him in my behind), and another guy on top of my and in my vag, and then me sucking a third guy, and even having a fourth guy in my hand. That was weird fun. But I pretty much got cum in every hole by every guy by the end of the night. One guy had even come in my nose and another in my ear, which really sucked, and at the time made me cry again. A lot of guys kept cumming in me and telling me how they were gonna be dad's now!

After what honestly felt like an entire week, but was apparantly only like 5 hours, by 2 in the morning, the last guy had gone kinda soft (Mitch had take 3 f*ckin viagras, like he should be dead, shouldnt he?). So after Mitch was like semi, he had had enough and walked away as I was just literally in shambles on the blankets, with pillows scattered everywhere, I just broke down and cried again. I did't even think about it at the time, because I was to preoccupied with my no pill situation, but I had my numbers jump from 11 to 29, and my anal numbers from 2 to 26 that week, which when I realized later made me bawl even more. (Ya I told you, I was a wreck that night).

Mike did clean me after wards, he licked all the sweat and cum off of me, and I kinda just laid there. I fell asleep that night under the stars, next to Mike actually, and we cuddled, which was nice after what I had just did.

So thus ends day 6, AKA worst day of my life! My numbers 7 months later are still the exact same. Which doesn't mean I have gone celibit. No, just haven't been with new guys. If the right guy comes a long, than a number is just a number. I did however after the camp take some time off of guys and I guess just sex for a bit. I was extreamly sore after the camp, and very affraid (after I got everything checked out) that I was getting kinda loose too. So I did A LOT of specific target muscle exercises to tighten up all orfaces, over the months following, and still do some occasionally now, but from what I can tell, just the lack of mass use (so natural tightening), and lots of exercise, I have tightened things up to pre camp levels, hopefully (I did a SH*T load of target exercises daily, for months)! But yes, I'm fine, no baby or anything, and I had a full check up after the camp and I'm extreamly healthy!

Anyways, that's the end of day 6. Hope you're not completely scared of me yet.
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Old 02-12-2012, 11:54 AM   #19
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Sport Football Saturday

Day 7 - Saturday

Just to clarify from the previous day, as crazy and messed up as the week did get, there was something of an odd turn on for me. Like in no ways do I like at all being reduced to tears, and no one at the camp really wanted to do that to me, but going into the week, we all knew what we were getting into with pushing every limit, and in a strange way, the whole being reduced liked that, turned me on greatly. I think pretty much everyone from the camp would feel the same way. Otherwise they definately wouldn't have agreed to participate in the week.

So Saturday finally rolled around, the second last day of our little social experiment. Unfortunately, I've waited a long time to get this down on 'paper' and because it already happend like 6 months ago, some of the details are kind of foggy (next time I'll have to write it down right away). Also because of the previous days events, the rest was kinda non-chelaunt for me, so I don't remember it all in great detail, but I'll try my best.

Saturday I had woken up outside on the grass lawn/field in Mike's arms. What I wasn't expecting, and what continued on for the rest of the weekend and a few weeks following was how sore I was. Pretty much that entire day, I literally couldn't walk. I spent most of the day by the lakeish pond tanning. A lot of people were playing sports and stuff by I kinda just laid around. I had Mike bring me all my food that morning, and help me out a bit. I didn't even want to get up to go to the washroom... ahahah so I had him carry me!

That afternoon was more or less the same for me. BTW, I just realized that this day was very boring, even for non extreme standards! I just can't describe how sore I was, like it literally felt like someone had torn me a new asshole! And my pussy was throbbing too. It just was not pleasant. Luckly I did have Cass and Jay there to comfort me a bit, and just hang with me, and a lot of the guys were really chills and jokes afterwards so we all hung out together. They definately admired how good of a sport I was to the whole situation.

The day went by ok, considering my circumstances, but it was fun to hang out with everyone on a cottagy level. I didn't do anything sexual that entire day!

PS. Great game we played that day, and someone had introduced us to it....Battle shots! It's like battleship, and you set up a grid on 2 sides of a table with a divider in between, and set up a row of 5 shots, 4 shots, 3 shots and 2 shots (like battleship boats) on your grid. And you play battleship, but when the other person gets a 'hit' you take that shot!

AHAHAH coolest game, and lot's of fun! And drunk really quick!!! (FYI, we didn't shoot straight alcohol, that would be insane, we did like mix drinks and beer, and boxed wine! Lmao. Great combo, eh?) But I digress. That night, everyone was chilling by the fire and drinking a bit, and we were all talking, and we couldn't figure out what to do with ourselves! I think at this point everyone was pretty much sexed out. It was our last night at the camp, and people were just taking it really chill. Which was actually a nice change.

Again I don't really remember how the conversation got started, but I guess we were talking about what was going to go down that night, with it being everyones last night. By the way, Matt had taken a bunch of the girls all day long to get one last go with them I guess, and Amanda had been doing the same with some of the guys. The majority of us remaining, were just chilling by the fire place, playing some classic truth or dare. As crazy as our weekend was though, this was actually one of the most intiment and hottest things we did. There's something about sitting around all bunddled up in blankets and being dared to make out with another girl or even give striptease. There was something very erotic about it! After a while we somehow decided that each girl left was going to be with one guy that night. So we decided to do one last game for the guys, where the winner would get first pick of his girl and the second would get second pick, and so on. And there was no obligation on our part, but we would just spend the night with them.

Well I did feel KIND OF obligated, because I WAS the first overall pick! Lol

I don't what games the guys decided to play to decide who would pick first. All of us girls hung out around the fire for a couple minutes, until each guy came one by one to take us away for the night. Needless to say I was picked first. Danial won, and he picked me first, even though he knew how sore I was. Well what ever the reason for picking me I felt very honored, and I did go down on him that night and get him off... twice! Lol and we fell asleep on the couch inside, with him lying on his back, me stradling him with his cock in me and my lying on top of him. Which was really sweet, and actually not that painfull. (My ass was still incredibly sore though)
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Old 02-12-2012, 12:25 PM   #20
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Sport Football Sunday - Conclusion

Day 8 - Sunday - Conclusion

So the sad and happy end to our trip had finally come. I was both physically and emotionally exhausted and couldn't wait to have my own bed and my cloths, and just take a long bath, and be able to have everything checked out by doctors (I know everyone at camp was safe, but I still wanted a make sure check, but even more pressing for me was a scary baby check!)

So I had woken up sunday still on top of Dani, and him still inside of me (which is always a neat feeling to wake up to). I helped join in with everyone as we all started packing up everything and doing a big clean up.

To make a long story short, it took us until about 2 in the afternoon to pack everything up, and be ready to go. Everyone got their cloths back (which was actually really difficult to sort out, and felt extreamly weird putting on full clothing. Almost like the feeling of putting on cloths when you have a sun burn. Which I didn't have a sun burn, just a nice tan.

We had the busdriver come back up and pick us up; packed everyone on the bus, and went home.

The end?! I know what a crappy way to end the story. But I guess I could give you a quick summary of what happened and what followed?

So, in the end, we ended up going through (here are just some interesting numbers of things that we went through):
-13 kegs
-38 bottles of 40's
-20 boxes of wine
-37 boxes of hamburgers
-120 tomatoes (approximation)
-about 150 steaks
-about 250 bottles of mixers (juices, pop)
-something like over 1500 bottles of gatorade and vitamin water
-If we measured guy cum produced that week, apparantly it would be something like 700+ times, which is something like 25 beer cups full of cum.

In the end everyone put in about 500 dollars (well we put in 450 and the guys put in 550 each) for the week, which sounds like a lot, but when you count alcohol and food and "lodging" it actually worked out really good.

Right after getting home, I booked an appointment with my doctor. Needless to say, I didn't tell her what had happened, but had made up some story how I had lost my pills, and had a scare. I think she could tell something was up, but ummm yaaa it was kinda awkward.

In the end all was fine! I had a full bill of health, and no baby thank goodness!

Unfortunately, my sexual partner number had jumped from 11 to 29, and anal partner number from 2 to 26. These are still my numbers today!!! The only people I've been with sexuall since camp, were people from the camp (they are most of my close friends now.) Thus my numbers haven't gone up. I made sure to rest my self a lot afterwards, in order to 'heal' up and recover. I also did A LOT of exercises targeted for my bum and pussy to tighten things up, and I think I've done a pretty good job with it all, again, thank goodness! Lol. I'm also naturally very small and tight, so that helped a lot.

OMG so I almost forgot the best part!!!!

STEPH AND ZACH!!!! So remember how earlier in the camp we had decided that we were going to brand them, but didn't end up doing so because the recover time ment that we wouldn't be able to have fun with them? Well on the Saturday evening, we took them into town to have it done! Actually it was more like Saturday afternoon. Just a few of us went. The ones who went put on bathing suits. I was lucky enough to tag a long because I was one of Steph's best friends.

I guess, almost fortunately for Steph and Zach, that because it was the last day, and everyone was physically exhausted by that point, and I guess a lot of the excitement around branding them had died down, we ended up just getting them piercings. AHAHAH WHICH WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!

Steph got both her left nipple and a VCH piercing, lol as well as her tongue pierced. Zach got both nipps and a PRINCE ALBERT!!!! Lmao it was the funniest thing to watch happen... lol kind of gross too. It started to bleed a lot when he had it done, but apparantly that's normal! Not to sound cliche though, but we did manage to get a major discount price. We explained to the guys at the shop exactly our situation, and Steph gave the two guys that were there bj's! LMAO that wasn't why we got the discount though. They were cool and gave them to us real cheap, pretty much free, but we made her do it anyways just for kicks! Steph has also been tested since the camp, and well infact I've heard from everyone, and everyone is indeed still clean!

So the two of them were very sore, but they still thought it was really cool to get them. Steph wore all 3 rings till this past Christmas, but had to take her tounge ring out cuz she started a new job this year, and as far as I know, Zach still has all 3 rings in. Apparantly he has grown to like his little princey, and Steph loves her piercings too, lmao... weirdos!

But ya, that about sum's up our first annual summer camp extravaganza! We've joked about it a couple of times, but we're not sure if we'de do it again. It would be fun, but I dunno. It is almost "let it be, what it was", and try new things in the future. But who knows....
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Old 02-12-2012, 12:59 PM   #21
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AWESOME STORY!!!! I have been waiting so long for the end of this and I am very pleased. It all sounds pretty extreme but really fun at the same time. How does someone from getdare invited to the next one? Are you guys accepting applications? lol.. You guys should hold some sort of contest/interview to let a few people join in. I think it would be awesome to join in!!
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Old 02-13-2012, 04:11 AM   #22
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i love this story i totally agree with the guy above me you did a great job writing this story please send me a pm when ever you write a new story
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Old 04-24-2012, 07:16 PM   #23
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lol, great story, my friends and I r gonna steal ur idea. (little less sexual tho)
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Old 08-15-2012, 09:30 PM   #24
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just read this all today so hot! being king would of indeed been fun but def dont think id of wanted girls off their pills
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Old 09-17-2012, 10:19 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by shadowice0823 View Post
just read this all today so hot! being king would of indeed been fun but def dont think id of wanted girls off their pills
Why not!? The extremeness of it was so incredibly hot!
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Old 09-17-2012, 11:27 PM   #26
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PLEASE tell me you had a similar adventure this year you are writing up xxx
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Old 09-18-2012, 02:50 AM   #27
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yeah, bump and hump for more.^^
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Old 06-28-2013, 07:45 PM   #28
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wow that sounds like an amazing week. wish i could have been there but thanks for sharing
Long term master. Likes- orgasm control and denial. Light pain and humiliation. Total controlled not just sexually. Bondage. Lip play. Edging.

Limits are no underage. Nothing permanent. No illegal. No pee scat or blood.
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Old 12-10-2013, 09:14 AM   #29
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Love the way you have written this.. Wish i had a weekend like this..

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Last edited by molten man; 12-10-2013 at 09:16 AM.
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Old 01-31-2014, 03:08 PM   #30
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Wow what a strange bunch of friends you have. I was sceptical at first but the amount of detail you put in and the things you skipped over and how you described it pretty much convinced me that it actually did happen. Pressing it did i wish i was there!! Sounds so fun (but extreme).
Have you or any of your friends seeked professional mental help? You all sound kinda scary and disturbed.
All in all brilliant story!!!!
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