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Old 05-25-2018, 01:47 PM   #1
getDare Devil
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Book A Summer Story

Hey guys, I hope you like this story. This is my first story and was inspired by the writing contest. It popped into my head and I had to write it, so here it is. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Without further ado, here's "A Summer Story".

A Summer Story

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, actually it” Oh forget it I said as I sat at my computer, my fingers posed over the keyboard, the day after school let out for the summer. You see, I had been planning to go ahead and work on my Summer Essay for English class next year. I wanted to just get it done and out of the way, but there’s just one little problem….. IT’S SUMMER!!! I just can’t concentrate. There’s no way that I could do this now. Angry and upset with myself that I couldn’t just get it done and have the rest of my summer free; I closed my laptop, stood up, pushed in my chair and went to get ready for bed with the hope that maybe I could get it done tomorrow.

I changed into my tank top and pajama shorts, brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. As I pulled the covers over me I told my google home to start my bed time routine. This consisted of google telling me what was on my calendar for tomorrow, asking what time I wanted my alarm to go off (for the first time in ages I was able to tell it “No alarm” thank you very much) and then it would proceed to play me ocean sounds to help me drift off to sleep.

At this point you’re probably wondering who I am, well how about you read this essay from the beginning of the year that we had to write to introduce ourselves to our class. I promise it’s short. You read it and find out that my name is Alex. I just turned 18 a few months ago and I’ve just finished my junior year of high school, and yes I know that’s old for being a junior, but my parents decided when I was in kindergarten that they wanted to keep me back a year. I don’t know why though.

When I woke up the next morning I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Blinking a few times to clear my vision I noticed a figure in the corner, sitting in my white hanging hammock chair watching me. I turned my head to see Jason, a guy in my grade (whom I may or may not have a crush on… I refuse to admit anything either way though) sitting there watching me. Confused, I turned to him and started to say something when he held his finger up to his lips and shook his head no. For a few moments I sat there, just staring at him… trying to figure out what was going on while he just sat there watching me. After about 5 minutes I heard the front door slam shut meaning my parents had left for work. Once again I started to speak, but Jason beat me to it.

He said “Alex, I’ve had a crush on you for years now, and I’m pretty sure you like me too. I’d like to get to know you a little more, and I thought maybe we could start with a game, what do you think?”

Confused I looked at him and started to speak several times before finally managing to say, “What are you doing in my room?”

He laughed and said “I just told you, now are you up for a game or not?”

Shaking the confusion from my head I decided to just go along with it… I wanted some fun and adventure this summer, and this seemed like a good way to start. I mean waking up to an unexpected guy in my room the morning after the last day of school, how much more adventurous can you get. Semi-nervously, but still with a strong voice I said “I’m game, what did you have in mind?”

Jason smiled and said “Just a little game. It’s similar to truth or dare, but not quite the same, mixed with 20 questions. To start do you have one of those sleep mask things, it like covers your eyes while you sleep so the light doesn’t bother you or something? My sister uses one every night.” Nodding I pointed to a bag in the corner of my room as I told him that I used one anytime I was sleeping away from home. He got up and went across the room opened the bag and rummaged through it before pulling out the eye mask a minute later. He tossed it to me and instructed me to put it on. I shrugged my shoulders and did as he asked.

For the next few minutes I heard him rummaging through something over by the hammock chair where he had been sitting. I knew I didn’t have any bags over there and I didn’t remember seeing him with one so I asked him what he was doing but he wouldn’t answer. I started to take the mask off, but he quickly spoke up to stop me. He instructed me to toss my sheets in the floor by the bed, that I wouldn’t need them as the day went on because it would get warm, and then lay on my back with my head on my pillow and my arms by my sides. He told me to just be patient. Shrugging I did as instructed, the whole time wondering where this was going and what the day would bring. After a few moments I felt him wrapping something around my wrist and I started to freak out. He quickly spoke up and told me to relax, he was just going to wrap a band around each of my wrists and ankles claiming they were just sweat bands. I’d worn sweat bands before since I played many different sports so I was able to stay calm as he put them on me. I did notice they felt a little different though and asked him about it. His response was that it was a new brand that just came out. They were made of a leather like substance but the cool thing about them was that they were supposed to help cool you down. Once he had them all on he rummaged around for a few more minutes before I felt him climbing up on my bed.

Panicking, I quickly sat up, but he gently pushed me back down as he said, I know what you’re thinking and I promise, I’m not doing that. I respect women to much. Doing… THAT… (I felt him shiver as he said that so I know the though repulsed him too) would never even cross my mind. I have a sister and a mom I love and respect too much to even consider doing that to anyone for fear that something would happen to them. I relaxed, knowing him well enough from growing up with him through school to know that he’s the kind of guy that always means what he says and keeps his word… which may or may not be the reason that I might or might not like him…. Anyway, he continued to say that he promised not to hurt me and asked me to move my hands up to the top corners of my bed. Wondering what he was planning, but figuring it would be fun I did as requested and quickly heard 2 snaps as something clicked into place. I went to move my hands but quickly found out that I couldn’t move them… something had secured my wrists in place and I couldn’t bring them down, and before I could fully analyze that and realize what was going on there were 2 more snaps and now my legs were wide spread and immobile as well. Taking a deep breath I asked him what was going on.

His response was that now we could get started with the game. When I said “This isn’t part of it?!?!?!?” He chuckled and said that no, that was just prep. He explained he was going to start with some base line questions to get a feel of things and then we’d start. He proceeded to ask me my name, age, how often I ‘play’ with myself, if I’d ever ‘played’ with anyone else or had anyone else ever played with me, and how would I feel if he asked to ‘play’ with me. I answered each question as truthfully as possible, Alexandra, but I go by Alex, 18, pretty much daily, no, and I guess I’d be ok with it as long as he stopped if I wanted him to. He said that was great and asked if I was ready to start. I said sure, and he started asking me questions. Just get to know you questions like my favorite color, favorite vacation, favorite food and stuff like that. After about an hour I was starting to get warm and hungry so I said something about it. He asked if he could get me anything to eat and I asked him about a bagel and some orange Juice from the kitchen. He said he’d be happy to get it, but he couldn’t do anything about me being warm. I heard him leave the room to get me the bagel and OJ and I got thinking… I had a feeling this day was headed down a sexual kind of path, was I really concerned with him seeing me naked, I was almost there anyway. All I had on was a tiny tank-top, and a tiny pair of pajama shorts. I decided that when he’d gotten back I’d suggest it and see what he said.

About a minute after I’d made that decision he returned. He pulled my computer chair up by the bed and as I was about to speak he offered to feed me the bagel and said the OJ was in a cup with a straw. He fed me the bites of bagel and gave me sips of OJ when I wanted some. Once it was all gone I mentioned about how maybe he could take my top and shorts off to help me cool down. He said he’d be ok with it, but it was my decision. He wasn’t going to force me to do anything I didn’t want to. That the only reason he’d put the mask on and immobilized my limbs was that he thought it would help me to loosen up and relax if I had to rely on him for stuff, and I have to admit he was right. It did help me to want to tell him the truth, so far anyway.

I thought for a moment and said, that yes, I wanted him to take my top and shorts off of me. He agreed and pulled the top up over my head, unlatched my right arm and took the top off of it before relatching it and doing the same with the left. Once it was off I told him to toss it into my clothes basket in the corner. A few seconds later as I heard him turn back to me after tossing the top he said I had a beautiful pair of breasts. I’m pretty sure I blushed as I said thanks. I then felt his hands at my waist. He pulled the shorts down and gasped. I asked him what was wrong and he said, you aren’t wearing undies. I gave a nervous giggle as I immediately remembered that I’d decided not to wear panties to bed last night. I told him so and apologized, but he said it didn’t bother him, just shocked him as he continued to pull the shorts down my legs as far as he could with my legs spread before unlatching one leg at a time and removing the shorts from each leg individually and relatching them. He did them one at a time like the arms. I could hear the smile in his voice as I heard him take a deep breath through his nose before he said “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist. Your shorts were wet and I just had to smell them. They smell delicious.” I blushed and wasn’t sure what to say, but I was saved as he asked if I was ready to get back to our game. Agreeing I relaxed as he began asking questions again, though this time they were much more sexual in nature. Things like, what are some of your sexual fantasies, how do you ‘play’ with yourself, and things like that. I continued to answer truthfully, but was starting to get aroused. I could smell myself and could only hope he didn’t notice but I know he did as he continued to take deep breaths through his nose.

What I’d guess was about an hour later he asked me if I wanted to play the “still and silent game”. When I asked what that was he said that he’d tickle and rub me all over and I had to stay still and silent. I said sure and we started. He avoided all of my private spots, and I managed to hold out for all of 5 minutes before I started giggling. We started laughing and after a few moments we started again. Once again I didn’t last very long. We got ready to start again but this time we put a wager on it. He asked me if I’d ever heard of tease and denial or edging. I told him no and he proceeded to explain it to me and I was intrigued. We decided that we’d give it a try, so for the rest of the day I was on denial. I wasn’t allowed to cum until he said I could. He also suggested that for the rest of the day anytime we play if I didn’t last longer than 10 minutes without moving or making a noise he got to edge me. If I did manage to last longer I got to ask him a question. We started again, but this time he wasn’t using his hands. It felt like a feather, and I was done in less than 2 minutes. I complained that it wasn’t fair, but he said, that we never made a rule that he couldn’t use anything and it was too late to change things now. Unable to deny it, I had to accept the ‘punishment’ and for the first time in my life I was given an edge. He took a long time to work me there, getting to know my body slowly so he wouldn’t accidentally take me over the edge. By the time it was done I was horny out of my mind! We continued to play and by lunch time I was putty in his hands. He had total control, so much so that he was able to let me up for lunch.

Even though he undid the restraints he left the mask on. He made me a PB and J sandwich and one for himself and we had chips and sodas. I ate without being able to see and after lunch we headed back to my room (but I used the restroom first). At this point the games were over, I just wanted stimulation. Anything to ease the fire in my pussy, so all day long for the rest of the day I was restrained to the bed and edged. We heard a car in the driveway and he said that it was time for me to cum. He started working me up to the edge and just as I was about to cum there was a knock on the door. Shocked I sat up in bed as my mom opened the door saying “Good morning sweetie. Your dad left for work a few minutes ago and I just wanted to let you know I’m headed out to work now. I hope you have a good day.” She also reminded me to behave and to call her if I needed anything.

Confused and not understanding I nodded. After she left I looked around but Jason was nowhere to be seen and I realized that I didn’t have the eye mask on. It was only that I realize that it had all been a dream. I was still extremely horny though so I quickly realized that I must have been playing with myself in my sleep. I looked around, but just couldn’t understand how it was all a dream when it felt so real. Several minutes later my phone rang. When I answered, it was my best friend, Sam (Samantha) asking me if we were still on for the beach today with the rest of the gang. I said “Uhhh, yeah, pick me up in half an hour???”

I could hear the smile in her voice as she said, “I’ll be there. Oh, and I think Jason and some of his friends will be there to.” I gasped and she laughed as she said, “You might want to look cute I know you like him.” I told her to shut up as I laughed and started getting ready. She told me that she’d see me soon and hung up. I decided I’d just have to deal with being horny today. I didn’t have time to ‘play’ if I wanted to be ready when she got here.

Half an hour later, as I was throwing the last of my stuff in my beach bag, I heard a horn honk. I headed out to meet Sam and head of on our day of adventure, hoping that Jason would be there and my dream from last night would come true!
Yes, I'm a GIRL!

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Old 05-25-2018, 02:40 PM   #2
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Great story Alex well done
Friend, and Confident of the Beautiful & Amazing Slave_E

Emily giving me her submission was the best gift I have ever received, and subbing to her was fun, but now she knows her place.

I want to thank my beautiful and devoted muse for her friendship , her erotic mind and for being my Danger Twin

Read her amazing story: My Stupid Boyfriend http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=139366
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Old 06-21-2018, 08:37 AM   #3
getDare Devil
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Thank you MrCarcol. This was actually my first ever go at writing g a story, so your comment is very much appreciated and made me smile when I read it.
Yes, I'm a GIRL!

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