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Old 01-20-2012, 09:47 PM   #1
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Default Next-Level Training

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Hey! This is a short story I've been wanting to write for a while. I really do mean short (unlike my main story, Erin's Hell)—it will be presented in five parts.

I want to stress that I'm not stopping work on Erin's Hell. This is just an idea I've had kicking around my head for a while that I wanted to write. Also, this story is totally unrelated to Erin's Hell and contains significantly different and less extreme content.

With that out of the way, enjoy!


Next-Level Training: Part 1 of 5

“It’s too tight, Mistress.”

“It’s not too tight. I don’t want to hear it. This isn’t even the tightest it’s ever been. You would be amazed how purple your cock and balls can get without causing any damage, and believe me, they’re nowhere close yet. But because of your whining, let’s push you a little more.”

She tightened the cord, pinching her slave’s balls even tighter, then wrapped it a few more times around the base of his half-erect penis. After giving a few hard yanks to keep the tension, she let the loose end of the cord, several feet in length, fall to the floor.

“I think that should do.” She approached her slave’s lean yet muscular body, her stilettos clicking on the tile, and ran her fingers along his outstretched arms, stopping at the steel cuffs restraining his wrists. Her toes rested against the matching cuffs around the man’s ankles, and she drew her slim body to his, feeling his cold penis pressing into the bronze skin of her belly revealed beneath her short corset. Pinned to the wall, the slave couldn’t move as he felt her warm breath, her mouth less than an inch from his.

“I’ve got a surprise for you today, David.“ Her slave’s penis got noticeably stiffer at these words, and she licked her lips teasingly as she stared into his unblinking brown eyes. She knew David could not look away—his heavy breathing gave away his eagerness to find out her plans for the day—so after several moments she broke away and backed up to get a full view of her slave.

“So far it’s been just you and me, David. But today I’ve invited some … acquaintances of mine. I chose that word very carefully, David, because while I may not know all of them very well, you certainly do.”

A look of alarm crossed David’s face, but his mistress just laughed. She turned around as if to walk away but instead stopped, then carefully stepped out of her stilettos, using one foot to push them together in front of her. Slowly, she bent forward at the waist, allowing David a full view of her round ass and dark red thong garter—the only garment adorning her lower body—and picked up the heels. She turned with a sexy flourish, walked to the side of the classroom, and placed the footwear in one of the desk’s drawers.

“Oh yes, you’re going to have some fun today, David,” she murmured alluringly as she walked toward the entrance door several meters in front of her slave. “But I won’t lie to you, my love, this will also be your most challenging day yet. You may feel very uncomfortable at first, but I know you trust me, and I know you’re ready for this. Do you agree?”

David swallowed nervously. He was not quite sure what his mistress had meant when she said he would know these “acquaintances”, or what their role in today’s plan was, but at that moment he had something else on his mind: he could tell he was beginning to lose feeling in his penis and scrotum as they grew colder and colder from their bindings. However, despite his curiosity, he didn’t dare look down to check their color—he knew he must keep his eyes on his mistress at all times, unless told otherwise.

“Yes, Mistress. I know I’m ready because I trust you, Mistress.”

“Very good, then.” She smiled warmly, then opened the classroom door. “Shall we get started?”

His mistress always said this rhetorically before a day’s training, and David knew not to respond. Instead, he waited as his mistress left the room, then he waited some more. Unable to move due to his bindings, David could do nothing but practice his mental patience exercises, while trying to ignore the dull ache creeping into his manhood.

There room’s sole clock hung on the wall above him, so David couldn’t be sure of the time, but it felt like he had been waiting for at least fifteen long minutes before he finally heard unintelligible voices in the hallway. They grew fewer and quieter as they approached, however, before ceasing entirely.

David could sense a powerful human energy, the sort of feeling one gets when others are close by, and he knew then that several people were standing in the hall just outside the open door. Though no one had seen him yet, David’s face burned in embarrassment: up until this point, his relationship with his mistress had been kept in utter secrecy—or so he had thought. What was more, his mistress had never indicated any sort of plans to include other people, and David was certainly not comfortable with the idea.

But despite his fears, David knew he must focus on the present, on what was actually happening here and now. If there was anything his mistress had taught him, it was to maintain focus and calmness, especially when faced with extreme circumstances.

Nothing, however, could have prepared David for the pit of total despair that formed in his stomach when the first person entered the room: he recognized her instantly as Christie, a tall, average weight girl with long dirty blond hair, who usually sat a few rows ahead of him in his midlevel Sociology class. She was wearing an outfit typical of college-going girl: jeans and a simple blouse, clothing shockingly ordinary compared to his mistress’s usual outfits.

Christie cast a long look at David’s exposed, purple genitalia, flashing a smile as she crossed the room and stood to his left against the far wall, facing him with her hands clasped in front of her. At first, David squeezed his eyes shut—he had only spoken to this girl a few times and barely knew her, yet here she was, staring at his naked, bruised body, clearly informed about his formerly-secret BDSM lifestyle—but after a few seconds he couldn’t bear to ignore what was happening and flicked them open again.

David began to panic again, however, when more people began filing into the room—and he recognized them all.

Last edited by Leopard; 09-03-2012 at 05:49 PM.
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Old 01-21-2012, 11:38 AM   #2
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I am the first reply! I like it. I want to know what happens so that's a sign of a good story!
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Old 01-25-2012, 11:48 PM   #3
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Loving it,

i can realy sympathize with your david.

please continue
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Old 01-29-2012, 11:47 PM   #4
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Default Next-Level Training Part 2

What makes you say you can sympathize with him? ;)


Next-Level Training: Part 2 of 5

Following closely behind Christie was another girl David recognized as Brittany from his introductory geology class. Like Christie, she had blue jeans on, but instead of a blouse she wore a significantly more revealing green tank top with spaghetti straps—a typical outfit for her. David had always thought Brittany very beautiful with her short, skinny frame, small breasts, brown eyes and long brown hair, and he talked to her frequently in class. He was careful not to be too flirty, however, for he did not want thoughts of any woman besides his mistress to fill his head after class.

Since David knew Brittany reasonably well, her seeing him in his current position was perhaps more embarrassing to him than Christie’s gaze had been. He was sure she stifled a laugh as she took the position next to Christie, and his embarrassment deepened when she leaned over and whispered something in Christie’s ear, causing both girls to snicker.

The next person to enter the classroom was, to David’s great surprise and deep chagrin, a brown-haired, lean yet muscular guy named Tom, dressed in simple cargo pants and a dark T-shirt. Like Christie, Tom was in David’s sociology class, but unlike both the girls in the room, David knew Tom rather well. He lived on the same floor of David’s dormitory, and the two frequently shared notes and had even hung out a few times in the cafeteria or the dorm common room.

But what surprised David most, however, was the fact that a male was in the room in the first place: David, while deeply committed to his BDSM lifestyle and mistress–slave relationship, considered himself strictly straight, and the idea of another man even seeing him naked, let alone in such a helpless state, pushed him beyond discomfort. David began to squirm in his bindings, but he knew it was useless: he had agreed to a no-limits relationship with his mistress, relinquishing all free will and decision-making to her.

Thus far, this trust in his mistress had paid off, shaping David into a tougher and more versatile slave. Therefore, though Tom’s steely gaze and large bulge in his pants made him extraordinarily uneasy, there was no reason for David to lose faith in his mistress now: clearly she believed he could handle these circumstances, so he would try his best.

After Tom came yet another girl. Her name was Valerie, and like Brittany she was from David’s geology class, but unlike Brittany she was somewhat overweight. Her height helped distribute her weight at least—David guessed she was around 5’10”, nearly as tall as he—and she had a pretty, though pudgy face. Since she typically sat near David in class, he had spoken to her some in and even copied her test answers a few times, but he had never really thought about her in a sexual manner before. Now, however, while large breasts were not typically not a turn-on for him, somehow Valerie’s were very appealing to David, filling out her low-cut blue V-neck sweater nicely.

Looking as shy as usual, Valerie took her place beside Tom. There wasn’t much space remaining to her left along the painted concrete wall, and indeed only one more previously unknown person entered the classroom, and suddenly everything began to make sense to David: this person was Marcus, who was the teaching assistant for David’s geology class. A short Latin American with dark hair and skin, Marcus wore a T-shirt and jeans and filed in next to Valerie. David hadn’t known that his mistress knew Marcus, but now he realized how silly that thought was: his mistress was a TA at the university herself, and many of the TAs hung out together since the university’s graduate program was rather small.

Furthermore, David’s mistress was the TA for his sociology class—that was how the two of them met—which explained why Christie and Tom were there: she and Marcus must have recruited students from both their respective classes. How exactly they did this was a mystery to David, however. He had no idea how a TA would go about inviting students they barely knew to take part in slave training, but David knew his mistress was very wily: when she wanted something, she got it.

And today she had gotten what she wanted indeed: standing before David were five people ranging from casual acquaintances to friends, all with eager looks on their faces. They said nothing but were clearly interested in what was about to happen. Though David’s darkened penis had begun to shrivel, shrinking toward its bindings, and his face burned bright red, he too was curious about what would happen next.

After a few moments, the silence was broken when the door clicked shut behind David’s mistress. She stepped into the room carrying a zipped black duffel bag and took a position in front of David but between Brittany and Tom so that David could see everyone in the room. She spoke with her back to David, clearly completely comfortable with the underclassmen seeing her in nothing but the tight corset and thong garter.

“Thank you all for coming here tonight. Marcus and I tried to assign a little less homework so it would be easier for you all.” She winked. “Now, while I believe you all know why you’re here and what you’ll be doing, there’s one person in this room who had no knowledge of tonight’s events until now.” She turned, gesturing toward her slave, and most of David’s classmates gasped softly. “That’s right, my little slave here didn’t know what we’d be doing with him tonight. In fact, you all are the only other people who even know about our relationship, and this is the first time I’ve ever invited invited others to come play with him.”

More murmurs swept through the line of students. David’s mistress approached, locked eyes with her slave, and grasped his cold blue scrotum, massaging his testes gently for a while before speaking again.

“So,” she said above David’s soft pained moans, turning to face the students again but keeping her grip on her slave’s balls, “while David is sure to be very uncomfortable tonight, I don’t want you all to worry about that. Please do what we discussed, as well as anything else you might want to try. As long as it’s within the limits I’ve defined, you may do what you’d like. But most of all, have a good time. You’re here for your own pleasure, so don’t go easy on him and certainly don’t listen to any of his complaints.” She turned to David and gave his scrotum a hard squeeze and twisted. ”Not that I expect complaints from you of course. Is that understood?”

David grimaced in pain but managed to squeak out, “Yes, Mistress.”

“Good.” She released her grip, then sat upon the student desk closest to David’s right, pulled out the chair, and placed the duffel bag on the seat. Spreading her legs wide, she bent down and unzipped the bag, then pulled out a long single tail whip.

“Tonight I’m simply going to watch, David. If I ever decide you’re not fulfilling your potential or pleasuring your fellow students to your utmost ability, you will receive punishment. I’ll start with this single tail, but I’ll warn you now: if you displease me enough, your punishments will get progressively worse.”

David nodded his head to show he understood—he knew the less he spoke the more pleased his mistress would be.

“Excellent. Now,” she turned to the students. “Let’s get started, shall we? Tom, I believe you drew the first straw.”

“That’s right.” Tom crossed the classroom without a hint of nervousness, his hands at his sides. “David, David, David,” he said, pacing in front of the bewildered slave. “Where to start with you? It seems like we’ve been friends awhile, but only now are we going to really get to know each other.” He stripped off his shirt, tossing it on a desk to David’s left.

David gulped. He’d seen Tom shirtless before, after all, they were both guys, but never in a position like this. David felt incredibly vulnerable at that moment, his naked body fully exposed. The thought that Tom was another man was bad enough, but for David it was perhaps worse that Tom was his friend. He had always thought his mistress might eventually bring a stranger into their relationship, but this was beyond his wildest imagination—and not in a good way. It didn’t help that Tom was in even better shape than David, lean and muscular with fully-toned abs.

“You know, I always thought you were cute, David. I suppose you never knew it because I don’t like to talk about my sexuality, but now it’s pretty clear, isn’t it?” He stopped pacing and moved closer to David, now within arms’ reach. “When your mistress came to me last week, I was honestly shocked.” He shook his head repeatedly. “I never knew you were such a freak, David. But I’m so glad you are, because I like to think I’m quite kinky myself. But mostly I’m glad because you’re all mine, even if it’s just for a little while.”

Suddenly, Tom reached out and grasped David’s penis, stroking it quickly. David cried out in distress: this was the first time another man had touched his genitals, and it just felt wrong. Before he could react again, however, he winced in pain as his mistress brought down the single tail across his chest. David looked to her.

“No complaining, David. I thought I made that clear. I know this is hard for you, but I also know you’re ready. If you try your hardest, you might even learn to enjoy it.” She sat back with a gleam in her eye, and David nodded once, then looked back at Tom and gulped.

Tom tightened his grip on David’s penis, which had begun to harden instinctively. “There we go, I knew you had it in you, David.”

“I—I can’t help it,” David said.

“Mmmm, I’m sure you can’t.” Tom began to stroke faster, and David let out a soft moan. Though the thought of a man touching his penis still revolted him, a hand job was a hand job, and especially since his penis was particularly sensitive due to the extra blood flow from the rope, David couldn’t stop himself from getting physically excited.

“That’s right.” Tom opened his palm, spit into his hand, then continued stroking, slowly. “Now, tell me David: how many guys’ mouths have been around this cock?”

“None, of course. I’m straight.” David shivered reflexively as Tom ran his fingers down the slave’s bare chest.

“Mmm. We’ll see about that.”
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Old 01-30-2012, 03:14 AM   #5
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Awesome story . I wish to read more!
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Old 01-31-2012, 10:24 AM   #6
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I'm already wishing it would be longer than 5 parts! I love it!
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Old 02-07-2012, 11:06 AM   #7
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Default Next-Level Training Part 3

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! I always love feedback. This is probably the longest part of the story. I hope it's not too much to read at once; it's just kind of how things needed to work out. ;)


Next-Level Training: Part 3 of 5

Tom got to his knees, continuing to stroke David’s fully erect penis. David moaned softly out of instinct; it was almost too much for him to take. But the hand job was nothing compared to what Tom did next: kneading the slave’s balls with his free hand, he moved closer and closed his lips around David’s blood-infused cock.

Instantly David jerked his entire body, but, due to his bindings, he could not escape the embrace of Tom’s warm, wet mouth. The slave was used to ropes around his manhood sending him into ecstasy from the slightest touch because of the increased blood flow, but this was beyond his wildest imagination. His mistress had never sucked him off while bound before, instead preferring to use his genitals as her playthings, as instruments ripe for abuse. Tom, however, was more gentle, more tender, and his warm lips intoxicated David with pleasure. The slave writhed in place as Tom drew in his cock deeper and deeper, sliding it down his tight throat: clearly his friend had done this before.

Indeed, Tom was an expert fellator, working his throat muscles around David’s shaft to create sensations David had never thought possible. His penis’s heightened sense of feeling combined with the temperature contrast and Tom’s fierce scrotum massage brought David to the edge of orgasm within several seconds.

“Mistress, may I cum?” In between moans, David managed to shout the question. He knew he had to ask permission before he could orgasm, a very basic rule he was determined never to break.

“Why are you asking me, David?” his mistress said, locking eyes with him once more. “Tonight you are to serve these five people in front of you. You are to treat them as you would treat me, and you are to respect them accordingly.”

“Yes, Mistress,” David replied. Tom’s furious sucking and licking had gotten fiercer, and David wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

“Tom, may I cum? Please?” He looked down at his friend, who glanced up at him between sucks.

Without removing David’s penis from his mouth, Tom replied, “Tonight you will call me ‘Sir’. In fact, you will call each of us ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’, respectively. We have agreed to reserve the title ‘Mistress’ for Amber, per her request.”

After hearing this, David wasted no time: if he didn’t ask permission again right away, he feared he would lose control of his orgasm. “Sir, may I please cum?”

“Yes, you may. Right in my throat,” Tom mumbled, his mouth full of purple cock.

Immediately David released his pent-up load with a guttural moan. Since his penis was lodged deep in his friend’s throat, he wasn’t sure just how much semen he squirted, but he convulsed several times before Tom slid the slave’s cock out of his mouth with a loud squelch.

Tom licked the head of David’s penis clean, then backed up slightly to show the slave his open mouth full of semen. He quickly swallowed, then, still stroking David’s member, stood and pressed his bare chest again the slave’s.

“Did you like that, David?” he whispered, his mouth less than an inch away. “Did you like me sucking your helpless little purple dick?” Tom slapped David’s penis lightly, causing it to bounce. “Be honest, David … you know you can be honest with me.”

David knew he couldn’t lie, not with his mistress in the room. She always knew instantly when he was lying or not, especially when he was in such a vulnerable state.

“Y—Yes.” He breathed softly, his lips trembling.

“Good. That’s what I was hoping to hear.” Tom pressed his lips to David and kissed him tenderly, without much tongue. David could taste his semen on his friend’s breath and felt weirdly intrigued by the act. He knew kinkiness of all kinds was in his nature, but somehow he had never anticipated being so turned on by kissing another man.

David heard the click of a metal belt buckle. Tom pulled away slightly and whispered, practically into his mouth, “Do you want to keep going?”

David was scared but hoped Tom wouldn’t notice. He simply nodded, at which Tom backed away and slid his pants off, underwear and all, tossing them to the side of the classroom. His friend’s shaven penis stood straight out and was of impressive length, perhaps seven inches by David’s best estimate, easily more than an inch longer than his own.

It was the first time David had seen Tom, or really any other male, completely nude, and, even though he had willingly gone forward, he was still embarrassed by the sight. It was then that he took notice of the others in the room once more: Christie was whispering to Brittany, while Valerie and Marcus were simply laughing, surely at him. David supposed they were eagerly awaiting their turns with him, a thought which simultaneously embarrassed the helpless slave further and turned him on. For now, though, he focused on his friend before him, who had approached once more.

“Now, David, I suppose you thought I was going to get you out of those bindings, but I’m afraid I have no intention of doing so.” He gripped David’s penis. “No, instead I just want to use this little purple dick of yours like the object of pleasure it is. After making you cum already, it’s only fair, right?”

“Yes, Sir,” David replied. In fact, at that moment he wanted desperately to be released from his chains, as his wrists and ankles were beginning to get rather sore, but he knew that was not his purpose. He was to please his current master, and doing so would make him content.

“Very well. Valerie?” Tom turned to face the crowd of people, and David realized Valerie had retrieved something from his mistress’s duffel. She handed it to Tom then retook her place against the wall. It was a small tube of lubricant, and David groaned in a mix of plain and pleasure as Tom slathered it quickly all over his sensitive genitals.

“Please be gentle, Sir.” David regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth.

“Gentle?” His voice revealing annoyance, Tom took a step back and gave the slave’s penis a hard slap, sending it springing back and forth. David’s mistress brought her single tail down across his chest again as punishment, and David winced in pain.

“I’m sorry, Sir. I need to remember my place. Please use my inadequate cock for your satisfaction, Sir.”

“That’s more like it.” Tom turned around and bent over, spreading his ass cheeks to reveal his cleanly shaven anus. After coating it with a dollop of slimy lube, Tom tossed the tube of the stuff to the floor then backed up, guiding David’s penis into his gaping hole with his hand.

David was certainly used to anal sex, having pleasured his mistress in that way many times, but of course this was his first experience fucking another man. It felt mostly the same, but, perhaps due to the bindings around his genitalia, even the act of sliding his cock into Tom’s ass felt incredible.

“I don’t want you to move at all.” Tom said when he had buried David’s cock to the hilt. “Just stand there like the good slave you are while I use your tiny dick. Maybe it’ll turn out to be good for something after all.”

The verbal humiliation made David even more lustful, and his penis was already twitching as Tom began to pump, sliding it in and out with increasing speed. His friend’s anal walls were tight, but David could tell Tom had done this several times before, for he was an expert, even in his position, which looked difficult to keep for long. He didn’t need to keep fucking David much longer, however, because after just a minute or so David began to cry out.

“Sir, may I please cum?!”

“Already?” Tom looked over his sweaty shoulder at David, who was writhing in pleasure. “You cum so quickly, David. Are you sure?” He pumped even faster.

“Yes!” David screamed. “PLEASE, may I cum?”

Tom suddenly stopped his motion. “No.” He slid David’s cock out of his ass, then stood up, leaving David’s purple penis twitching in anticipation. “I’m finished with you for now, slave. Time to let one of my friends here have some fun.”

“Please …” David whined, but Tom just ignored him, gathering his clothing from the floor. As he got dressed, Brittany walked toward David with a huge grin on her face. She stopped in the middle of the classroom and began to strip, starting with her tank top.

Easily the most desirable of the girls in the room, normally David’s penis would be standing on end at the sight of Brittany, but due to Tom’s cruel blue-balling, he just couldn’t manage to get hard again, even when she stripped off her jeans. Clad in a white bra and light blue thong panties, Brittany did a twirl to show off her flawless, skinny body.

“Do you like what you see, David?” she asked sweetly, moving closer to him.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he replied immediately, sliding his eyes up from her tight, tanned stomach to her perky breasts.

“Then why isn’t your dick hard?!” Brittany’s tone suddenly turned sour.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am. Tom … he gave me blue balls.”

“Oh, I think your balls were already blue before that.” Laughing, she lifted her foot and tickled the slave’s bulging scrotum with her neatly-painted toes. David’s gaze followed her long, lissome leg to where it met her slender hip. He caught a glimpse of her labia peeking around the strap of her thong, and at this sight his penis twitched.

“Anyway, I didn’t come here tonight to hear excuses. Imagine my excitement when Amber told me about your … relationship. I always thought you were cute, David, but I never would have guessed you were such a slutty freak.”

David didn’t think this was a fair assessment: he had always been loyal to his mistress, but he knew better than to argue with his beautiful new madam. With a single motion she unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor, then pressed her warm body to his. As Brittany was a few inches shorter than David, her nipples grazed his midsection; David could tell they were rock-hard.

“Do you want me, David?” She resumed her sweet tone, gyrating her hips as she straddled him. “It’s okay to be honest, remember that you’re my slave for now.”

David wanted nothing more than to ravish Brittany, to tear off her panties currently teasing his cock, shove himself inside her, and fuck her relentlessly. Rather than reveal all these desires, however, he looked to her his true mistress, who gave him a single nod with a smile. Satisfied, David simply murmured, “Yes … I want you.”

“I know,” Brittany replied. Resting one hand on the slave’s muscular chest, she reached down and lowered her panties, letting them drop to her ankles. She pressed her perfectly-shaved pubic region against his frail penis and looked up at him.

“Every guy wants me, David. But I’m very selective about the men I choose to share myself with.” Brittany began grinding against his cock, which grew harder by the moment. “I didn’t sculpt my perfect body just so any ordinary guy could fuck me,”—between words she carefully bit David’s nipples, moving from one to the other—“and I’m certainly not going to let a pathetic man with as little self-respect as you to do so.

“Honestly, what kind of guy who voluntarily enslaves himself deserves to fuck my perfect pussy?” Brittany lifted her crotch up and over David’s semi-hard penis, bringing her labia down on top of it. David could feel her moisture rolling down his extra-sensitive cock, causing it to stiffen fully. Her words caused the slave’s ears to burn from embarrassment again: he knew she was right.

Standing on her toes, Brittany’s face was level with David’s. “So tonight I’m just going to tease you, David.” She twisted his nipples again and slid her vagina across the top of his eager shaft. You’re never going to fuck me; you’re not good enough.”

David let out a moan in protest. Brittany spat in his face. “Shut up, slave. Just be thankful I’m letting you touch my body, let alone my pussy. I don’t want to hear you speak again.”

Knowing better than to reply, David simply gasped silently as Brittany slid her dripping labia up and down his ever-cold, purple cock. Never letting it enter her, she instead covered the slave’s shaft in her slimy vaginal juices. After several moments, she lifted his penis and pressed her vagina against its underside, leaning back with expert flexibility to rub her smooth labia against the slave’s near-bursting scrotum, coating it in liquid while jacking him off.

It felt more incredible than David would have ever thought. Perhaps it was because he considered Brittany so gorgeous that he could glean so much pleasure from simple rubbing. He wished he could reach out and pinch her small, pink nipples or, most of all, fuck her flower-like pussy, but this would have to do. It was good enough for a lowly slave like him.

Before long, however, Brittany ceased her cruel teasing and released David’s penis, letting it go limp once more. The cool air against his dripping genitals made him keenly aware of just how much his circulation had been cut off by the ropes, but he was confident in his training to ignore it.

Brittany kissed David once on his bottom lip, biting it gently before releasing, then laughed quietly, her minty breath pleasing to his nostrils. She bent down and slid her thong back to its position below her bony hips, the moisture from her vagina quickly dampening its front.

“Christie? Valerie?” Still bare-chested, Brittany motioned to the other girls, who were now buzzing with excitement. “Let’s get our slave boy out of these chains so we can have some real fun.”
My stories ~
  • Erin's Hell [IN PROGRESS] (kidnapping, forced slavery, anal, rape, group sex, mutilation, brutality, underaged, watersports, scat, torture, bondage)
  • Bellevue Dare Club: Anal Night [IN PROGRESS] (dares, anal, group sex, underaged, watersports, bondage)
  • Next-Level Training [FINISHED] (S&M, BDSM, slave torture, group sex, anal, public humiliation)
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Old 02-15-2012, 03:58 PM   #8
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I hope you finish the final installments! I love this.

I'm a little drunk on you, and high on summertime. <3


If you want to know about my life, watch this video. I am the girl that starts dancing at the beginning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWOAtu47fhk

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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Old 02-22-2012, 10:10 AM   #9
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I'll definitely be finishing them. Look for them soon!
My stories ~
  • Erin's Hell [IN PROGRESS] (kidnapping, forced slavery, anal, rape, group sex, mutilation, brutality, underaged, watersports, scat, torture, bondage)
  • Bellevue Dare Club: Anal Night [IN PROGRESS] (dares, anal, group sex, underaged, watersports, bondage)
  • Next-Level Training [FINISHED] (S&M, BDSM, slave torture, group sex, anal, public humiliation)
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Old 02-22-2012, 02:18 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by skjelner View Post
I'll definitely be finishing them. Look for them soon!
Great to hear it(: yay!

I'm a little drunk on you, and high on summertime. <3


If you want to know about my life, watch this video. I am the girl that starts dancing at the beginning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWOAtu47fhk

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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Old 08-15-2012, 03:42 PM   #11
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Glad you liked it but yep, that's the story I wanted to write. Remember, I said it would only be five parts. :P

Originally Posted by skjelner View Post
Hey! This is a short story I've been wanting to write for a while. [...] it will be presented in five parts.
My stories ~
  • Erin's Hell [IN PROGRESS] (kidnapping, forced slavery, anal, rape, group sex, mutilation, brutality, underaged, watersports, scat, torture, bondage)
  • Bellevue Dare Club: Anal Night [IN PROGRESS] (dares, anal, group sex, underaged, watersports, bondage)
  • Next-Level Training [FINISHED] (S&M, BDSM, slave torture, group sex, anal, public humiliation)
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Old 11-25-2012, 04:11 PM   #12
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Good story write more in Erins Hell now!
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Old 11-27-2012, 06:33 PM   #13
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Very nice story.
Brian (布莱恩) - Bi-Male (双男性) - Edge Master (边缘大师)


OH, JUST REMEMBER: "Life is not fun, unless you are having fun." - Dareholic

"Adam was but human - this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple's sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent." - Mark Twain
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Old 05-05-2013, 03:16 PM   #14
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I love it! This story is amazing, the end took my breath away!
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