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Old 07-23-2012, 01:24 AM   #1
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Default Innocent... On the Surface

Hey guys this is my first story here. It's going to be fairly long and drawn out, with a significant amount of plot and less intense sexual stuff. Feel free to skip ahead to the sexy parts if you want. The most helpful thing to me as a writer is feedback and constructive criticism, so if you like it, or you hate it, please reply and tell me why you like it or hate it. Tell me what specifically you liked, what didn't do much for you, what you would like to see more of. Tell me what you would like to see happen next, or your best guess at what will happen. This section is the prologue so nothing real sexy yet, but it will be more heated than this, even if it is a tamer story. If anyone wants to help with the proofreading and such for the next chapters, send me a PM. Thanks a bunch!

Innocent... On the Surface

I have a lot of trouble describing myself. I guess I don't fit into many categories very well. For example, I'm not really great at talking to girls, not awful, just not great. I end up in the 'friend zone' a lot. In fact, I don't have amazing social skills in general. I'm not that guy that's really awkward and no one can stand. A lot of people like me, and I get invited to a lot of things, but I don't really do much at any of those 'things' but stand around awkwardly. I spend a lot of time talking to my friends on the internet because I find it easier to relate, to know what to say, in text, when I have time to consider my response and things like tone of voice and facial expression don't matter much. But, on the other hand, a lot of people, especially girls, consider me their best *guy* friend. Not exactly what I would like to be considered, but it has one advantage: I know a lot of secrets. For whatever reason, I'm that guy that everyone trusts.

Maybe it's because I'm a good actor. I've been a drama kid since middle school. I started off running lights and sound board, and moved up to actually acting in the play. I'm not the best actor our school has, but it's pretty common for me to get a major role in the school plays, although I've never gotten the lead. I'm reasonably athletic, well toned, although fairly slim. I haven’t hit the stage of puberty where you are able to bulk up a lot. I'm also, fortunately, usually free of acne, so I don't generally wake up, look at myself in the mirror, and decide I should stay home.

I'm not gay. A lot of people think I'm gay. I guess it's because I do theater, or maybe that I'm fairly well groomed for a sophomore guy and I don't let my my mom do my clothes shopping anymore. I don't really mind if people think I'm gay, I'm strong enough to stand up for myself when people pick on me, and girls tend to feel flattered when someone they thought was gay likes them. At least in my Bible-belt white All-American suburb, even the atheist girls get a thrill out of the idea of 'turning a gay guy straight.'

I have a reputation for being a really good guy. My parents are very religious and I guess, growing up in the church, I acquired a bit of a bleeding heart, have-to-save-everyone, Messiah attitude. I tend to stand up for the little guy, and I don't like talking crap about people behind their back. I'm a typical white knight, staying up late to talk to girls about their problems on the internet. And I never divulge any secrets they tell me. Even so, they really shouldn't tell me, because even if I'm eager to help, I'm not a good guy. In fact, I'm among the most manipulative, cleverly disguised people you'll ever meet. I didn't used to think that, I used to lie to myself and tell myself I'm a really good person, then this happened...

It was a few weeks before my 16th birthday, which was in September of my sophomore year. I was online, late at night, private messaging with a couple different people, mostly girls. It was getting later and people were signing off, but one of my oldest friends, Cara, wasn't going to bed. I had known Cara since before elementary school since she was in my year and lived down the block. My parents had started arranging playdates for the two of us since before I could remember. I think they wanted to convert her parents, who were very Catholic, to our local Baptist church, but they were always very friendly about it, so it was never a huge issue.

Cara is very cute, and some people would call her beautiful. She has thick, wavy, red hair that runs halfway down her back. It's always silky smooth, and shiny, like in a shampoo commercial, and no one could describe her hair as 'orange.' It is instead the deepest, most vibrant shade of red you could imagine being natural. Everyone thinks she's Irish, although to my knowledge she's an American mutt like most of us, but something about red eyebrows, red eyelashes, freckles, and deep green eyes make people think 'Ireland.'

Cara is, unfortunately, what you might call a late bloomer. Or maybe this is just her body type, I wouldn't know. But she is almost 16, and she is 5'1, ninety pounds, size double zero. She has no ass to speak off, and she wears an AA cup bra, which means that, unless she wears something incredibly form fitting, she looks totally flat. She has never had any acne to my notice, which makes me wonder sometimes if she's even started puberty, although I know she uses tampons because I've seen them when she's been searching through her purse. Like I said, we're fairly close. But just as friends...

I like her a lot though, because she's among the most down to earth people I know. Actually, she is more matter-of-fact, tell-it-like-it-is, blunt, than most guys I know. She is analytical, smart, and, secretly, a huge nerd, though she's a bit sheltered. She fascinates me because she loves reading seventeen and talking about hair and make-up and models with her girlfriends, but she has also seen every episode of the original Star Trek, and could tell you why it's very important that, at the beginning of Star Wars: A New Hope, Han shot Greedo first. She is in all gifted classes, but, like me, she pretty much only hangs out with the drama kids. And, as I said, she seemed upset that night.

Our conversation had died down, but I decided to press her a little. “Cara, I can tell something is bothering you, what's going on?”

“Can I ask you a personal question?” she asked in response.

“Of course,” I answered immediately.

“Do you masturbate?” I was unprepared for this question. We had never talked about anything sexual, and I didn't even know she knew what masturbation was. We had talked about girls I liked or guys she liked, but that’s about it. I paused for a bit, I was usually the one receiving secrets, not sharing, but I really wanted to know where Cara was going with this, so I decided to be honest.

“Yea, sometimes. Why?”

“Oh, well, I do too, sometimes, you know, sometimes a lot.”

“Okay.” I couldn’t think of what else to say.

“Do you think you could, umm, not masturbate, if you wanted to?” I thought about that for a minute, and I figured it would be pretty hard, but it's not something I'd ever given a ton of thought to, at least not for a lot of years, and I figured it wouldn't be impossible.

“Yeah, I guess so. I don't really think about it a lot to be honest.”

“Oh... okay.” was all she said.

“Cara, what's wrong? I don't mind, but why are we talking about this?”

“John, I just want to clarify that all this is in confidence, you can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, and I mean not anyone.”

“I never break confidence Cara.”

“Promise me anyway.”

“I promise not to share anything you tell me, ever, without your permission.”


“So what's up?”

“I think I have a problem.”

“What kind of problem?”

“Do you think people can be addicted to things besides like, drugs or alcohol?”

“Umm, yea I guess so. I mean people talk about how people get addicted to exercise or video games or whatever. I mean, it might not be as bad as heroin, but you can be addicted to almost anything I guess.”

“I was afraid you'd say that.”


“No it's okay, it's just, I think I have an addiction.” I was pretty sure I knew where this was going, but I had learned you should never put words in a girl's mouth. Even if you know where they are going, you need to let them get there on their own.

“What kind of addiction?”

“Umm, I, uh, I think I'm addicted to masturbating.” I paused, my heart beat rapidly, I chose my next words very carefully.

“Why do you think that?”

“I've tried and tried and I just cant stop. Like I can't resist doing it. I can go maybe a few days and then I just break down and do it again.”

“I see.” I had no idea what else to say.

“Is that common? Do people have that problem?”

“I really don't know.” And at the time, that was honest. I had never talked about masturbation with anyone. I had no idea what was normal.

“I'm afraid I have an addictive personality, you know? Like what if I end up addicted to drugs like my dad was in college or an alcoholic like Tom or God knows what else?” Tom is Cara's adult brother. He has struggled with a number of addictions his whole life, so I can see how the idea of being addicted to anything would scare Cara.

“Have you tried talking to someone?”

“Who could I talk to? My parents would flip, I'd be going to confession every day. My friends would tell everyone.”

“I won't tell anyone.”

“I know, that's why I told you.”

“I'll help any way I can,” I said. What I didn't say was that I had no idea how someone could help with this.


“Is there anything I could do to help?”

“Well I did have this one idea, but it's okay if you say no, I know it's really weird.”

“What is it?”

“I need someone to keep me accountable, as I try to quit, you know? Someone who will know if I've fallen off the wagon.”

“You mean like a sponsor or something?”

“Yea, that's what I need, a sponsor.”

“Umm, okay, well, I don't know anyone like that, but I can ask my counselor or something.”

“No, no! I was... I was thinking it would be you?”

“Oh...” I paused and thought. “Okay, I can try, but I don’t really know what I'm doing.”

“Thanks so much, that would mean the world to me. But I'm tricky, I know I'll try to slide by with stuff. You have to be strict and keep an eye on me.”

“Oh, I think I can do that...”
"Are you in love with the art in yourself or yourself in the art?" -Constantin Stanislavski

23/m/us Dom
About Me
Seeking a sub

Last edited by OverThe; 07-23-2012 at 12:59 PM.
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Old 07-23-2012, 01:59 AM   #2
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this is good as dude...keep it going!!
18/m, PM me any dares or truths and I WILL do them

Also if someone PM's "Quick Strip" to me I will have 30 seconds to strip competely naked and will stay like that for 10 minutes

Likes: Denied Orgasm, Semi-Public Nudity, Strangers, Embarrassment, Spanking
Dislikes: Light Bondage, Completely Public, Complete Humiliation, Pic Proof, Anal
Limits: Toys, X-Dressing (Nothing Available), Ice, Poo, Pee, Cum, Extreme Pain, Permanent, CBT
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Old 07-23-2012, 12:41 PM   #3
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I love it. Lots of details, nice long parts and good grammar. Keep up the good work. can't wait for the next part.
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Old 07-23-2012, 02:09 PM   #4
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Default Chapter One: Hands On

Okay next part up, it's going to be fairly tame for awhile, basically just because I prefer stories that aren't super extreme, but this installment is a lot more kinky than the last, and it will get gradually more intense as the story continues. As always, feedback is my favorite thing ever.

Innocent... On the Surface
Chapter One: Hands On

It was harder than I thought, being Cara's 'sponsor.' At first, I thought just the shame of her having to confess to me when she had masturbated would be a deterrent, but that only lasted about a week. After that she would masturbate almost everyday and solemnly report it to me. I learned a lot about what made her want to masturbate, her fantasies, etc. I learned she used porn to masturbate fairly often. At first she seemed mortified, embarrassed, humiliated, reporting all this to me. But very quickly she seemed to feel relieved, comforted, almost anxious to tell me all her secrets.

We tried a lot of stuff to discourage her from masturbating. I installed a program on her computer that reported all the websites she visited to me via email. She gave me the power to 'ground' her from things, like phone or internet or whatever, but that had two problems. First, I was hesitant to use that form of punishment because those were the means by which she communicated with me, so it not only shot our little project in the foot, but it meant I couldn't talk to my friend. Secondly, giving her fewer distractions seemed to increase the frequency with which she thought about sex, and the one time I really grounded her, she ended up masturbating like three times a day.

We tried other punishments, like writing lines or running laps, but unless I was there to supervise she didn’t tend to fulfill the task. If I was there, I was a big distraction, and we ended up talking instead of making sure she finished her task.

So, now, we were about to cross a new line, and it would turn out to be a very important one.

I was more terrified than I had ever been in my life, but I made sure it didn't show on the surface. I knew I didn't need to be scared, that she couldn't possibly be mad at me if this went badly, but fear isn't rational, and I was afraid.

“You want to do this right?”

“Honestly, no, but...”

“You think you need to?”


“Okay, well, I guess we should just do it then.”

“Right, okay, well, thanks, for helping. You're a good friend.” She turned around. I thought she might want to do it this way, but it really was gonna be harder to do it this way, not to mention it was just generally less intimate and more awkward.

A thrill of fear ran over me. I was sure she was going to spit in my face, scream, and run away any second, but this was her idea, and she seemed willing enough. I ignored how aroused I was and focused on the moment. I sat on the edge of the bed, my knees out, feet on the floor.

“Come over here,” I said with as much firmness and authority as I could muster.

She turned around, surprised, and looked embarrassed. “I thought we could do it with me standing up?”

I held firm. “I don't think so, it would be really hard to spank you at that angle. Besides, when you get a spanking, you bend over, that's just part of it, otherwise you don't feel it. And I figure this is less humiliating than standing bent over the desk.”

She nodded and approached my lap, then hesitated. “Are you sure...?”

“Over my knees.” She nodded, and she laid with her stomach on my lap, her chest partially on the bed, partially hanging over empty space, and most importantly, her ass sticking out by my right hand.

I decided to push my luck just a bit. “Tell em what you are being spanked for.”


“It's important, to help change behavior, that you associate the spanking with the thing you're getting spanked for.”

“Oh, okay,” she paused. “I'm getting spanked because I used porn, and I masturbated.”

“Good, and what did we agree was the punishment for that?”

“We agreed to 10 spanks for masturbating, and an additional 10 if I also used porn.”

“Good, count out loud.”

“What? No! That's embarrassing!”

“I know Cara, but that's important. This isn't going to really hurt, using my hand with your jeans on, so it's the embarrassment that will help you stop.”

She paused again, “Okay...”

I moved my hand to her ass slowly, and I felt her begin to breathe heavily as I rested my hand on her ass. I took a moment to admire how tight and firm her ass was. I wanted to squeeze it, but I figured that would be too far, so instead I lifted my hand and gave her a fast, sharp slap on the ass, but without too much strength behind it. She didn't seem to respond at all.

“One,” she obediently counted out loud.

“How was that? Did it hurt?”

“Not really. It was okay.” I drew my hand back further and gave her a strong, firm slap on the other cheek.

“Two.” Her voice seemed resigned, deserving.

“How was that?”


“Did it hurt?”

“Not really... Sorry.” I was a little frustrated, I felt I had hit her pretty hard. I drew my hand all the way up, and I meant to smack her ass as hard as I could, but at the last second I felt bad, and I slowed my hand before I hit.

I felt her take a deep breath, but that was the only response I got. “Three.”

“Hurt this time?”

“Yea, a little bit.” It's supposed to hurt more than a little bit I thought. And this time I didn't hold myself back, I hit her ass as hard as I could. My hand stung from the impact and I had to shake it a bit, but it was worth it. She gasped sharply when I hit, and her jeans were tight enough that I could see her ass clench from the hit.

“Four,” she said. There was pain in her voice.

“Hurt this time?”

“Yea, that was definitely a spanking. Please don't do it harder than that.”

“Hmm, be good and I won't, 16 more. Don't forget to count.”

Again my hand landed, and she squirmed a bit this time. And again, and again. She tensed up, and it seemed she was trying to hold still. She did pretty good, but after 11, she forgot to count.


“Nope, sorry.”


“You didn't count 11, so that spanking doesn't count.”


“No arguing, I told you to count out loud.”

“Fine. Eleven.” She started breathing a little heavier, and she squirmed even though I hadn't hit her.

“Good girl.” And my hand landed again. She wasn’t prepared, and I felt her jump when I hit her.


“Good girl,” I said again. And I continued. By the time we got to twenty, she had forgotten to count twice more, so she ended up with 23 spankings, and it had definitely affected her. When she got up, her face was flushed, and she was breathing heavily. I couldn't have told you if she was angry, embarrassed, aroused, in pain, or ready to cry. It could have been all of those.

“Okay, umm, I guess... thanks for helping?” She had no idea what to say.

“No problem. I'm always here for you. Whatever you need.” I smiled. I wanted to apologize sincerely for causing her pain but I held back. That would look bad.

“Thanks, really. You've been so cool about this.”

“It's really not a big deal.”

“Well thanks.” She looked around awkwardly, not sure what to do. She picked up her keys.

“You seem pretty worked up, I know that was kinda intense, since it's the first time. Why don't you stay a bit and calm down.”

“Umm, okay. What should we do?” I had no idea.

“Movie?” I offered.

“Sorry, I can't stay for a movie, I have homework.”

“How about a bit of TV? I'll make you a chocolate milkshake.” Those were her favorite. I continued,
“You deserve a little celebration, you are finally taking the next step in doing something about the addiction. You went through with this. Reward yourself a bit.”

“Oh alright, but I get to pick what we watch.”

“As long as it's not 'Top Model'.”

“Actually I was thinking Next Generation?” she asked, a little shy. She knew I had the whole series.

“I think we can settle on that.” I put the DVD in the player, and she sat down, very gingerly, next to me on the bed.
"Are you in love with the art in yourself or yourself in the art?" -Constantin Stanislavski

23/m/us Dom
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Old 07-23-2012, 07:47 PM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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That was amazing really I wish I was that good at writing
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Old 07-25-2012, 04:40 PM   #6
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Thumbs up

Well done. I must admit, I normally don't like spanking stories. But I feel this particular story has a lot of potential, because of it's emphasis on plot. I think the character development is good. I'd like to see where you take it.
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 07-25-2012, 04:50 PM   #7
getDare Succubus
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neatly written it will be interesting to see where it goes.
[COLOR=Magenta]You could say no but whats the point in being on a dare site if you say no all the time......

If you don't put up a limits list, expect to be pushed on everything.
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Old 07-28-2012, 11:12 PM   #8
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Default Chapter Two: Escalation

Hey, thanks again for all the positive feedback. Sorry this one is a bit late, ended up a bit longer than I intended. I have a specific question this time, and I hope a few of the people read this actually give me an answer, because I really need to know what readers think about this: Should Cara and John develop a romantic relationship, or stay in a D/s only style relationship? Should another sub become involved? Should Cara or John have a romantic encounter with a new character? Please let me know your thoughts.

Innocent... On the Surface
Chapter Two: Escalation

“Cara, I need to ask you something.”

Cara looked up. She was bent over my lap again, ready for yet another spanking. This had to be the eighth one in as many days, and this time she had asked if we could do it in the morning, before school. Her face was flushed, and all trace of embarrassment was gone. She looked... eager, I guess. Her expression confirmed what I had begun to suspect when I had seen what kind of porn she was watching. She wanted this.

“Sure, anything,” she responded.

“Is this working? Like is it helping at all?”


“The spankings, me being your sponsor, is it helping at all?”

“I dunno... I mean, I feel like it helps but... eight out of eight days... I can see how it wouldn't look that way to you.”

“I'll admit it doesn't seem that way.”

“You don't want to do this anymore,” she looked legitimately upset now.

“No, I'll help as long as it's, you know, helping, but I think that, as your sponsor, I should tell you that if something isn't helping it's...” I almost said 'a waste of time' but thought better of it. “...better if we try something else. Otherwise you're never gonna learn self-control.”

She seemed to perk up a bit. “What would we try?”

“Well, I had a few ideas, but it basically centers around this idea of escalation, where like, if something isn't enough to help you quit, you try something just a little more intense or drastic, and if that doesn't work, you do a little more, but you keep trying new things so you don't stay stuck in the same problem forever.”

Cara seemed relieved. “That sounds really hopeful. But what would we do? How would we escalate?”

“Well, it depends. You would have to help me figure out things that would work to discourage you from masturbating, but it really depends on how serious you are about dealing with your problem, and how far you're willing to take this.”

Cara paused, conflicted, then said, “I don't know exactly how far, but very far. And I trust you. If you think there's something that we can try that might help and it's, you know, the next most reasonable thing, then, I guess, I trust you to know what's best. I mean, you really have to trust your sponsor.”

I looked into Cara's eyes, she was so trusting, so eager, looking back at me, bent over my knees, he ass sticking up at me still. I took a deep breath.

“We've been doing this everyday for more than a week, and so far it doesn't seem to have helped. It doesn't seem to embarrass you anymore, and you've said it doesn't hurt very bad. I think there's a pretty obvious next reasonable step.”


“You need to take your jeans off.”

Cara looked legitimately shocked. I was afraid I had gone to far. She blushed deeply all the way down her neck, and it took a minute for her to speak.

“If you think that's the next reasonable step... I trust you. I guess it makes sense, when I was bad as a kid I never once got spanked with my jeans on.”

“Okay, well...” I paused, and she understood. Cara stood up, looking nervous.

“My panties stay on though.”

“The whole point of escalation,” I said carefully, “is you only take one step at a time.”

Cara nodded slowly. Her hands drifted to her waist; she was still thinking. She looked at me and carefully undid the button and then the zipper on her jeans.

I had seen her in a bikini before, plenty of times. In the summers we would take day trips to the city every weekend. We would spend the afternoon on the beach and then go to an evening concert in the park. She had discussed her body in detail with me, reflecting on her insecurities and getting a guy's opinion and all that, but somehow this was very different.

Her legs were smooth and decently tan considering her fair complexion, right up to her crotch where there was an inch or two of marble white skin, emphasized by her bright pink panties. I guessed they were one of her older pairs, because they were tight and a little thin, even over her tiny pelvis, and I could see the faint outline of her pussy lips. I realized she must shave down there, because the bright red pubic hairs I saw poking out around her panties were only a half inch long.

“Should I just...?” Cara gestured at my lap.

“Yep.” I attempted a reassuring smile. Cara leaned over my lap again with her torso on the bed and her legs dangling to the floor. She had more of an ass than I thought. It was still tiny, but it bubbled out more than I had noticed before, and it was firm and toned. I wondered if she used a stairmaster or anything. I knew she went to the gym, now it seemed strange that I didn't know what she did there. Cara and I talked about everything.

In this position the outline of her pussy lips was much more obvious. Looking between her legs I could see the two small bumps with a distinct valley in between. That area seemed darker and I wonder if it was the lighting of if that area could possibly be wet. I badly wanted to touch them but I knew that was much too fast. I rested my hand on her ass and was shocked by how soft it was. I took a deep breath.

Cara squeaked when I hit her. I was used to hitting hard by now, since it so rarely had much of an effect. I thought she might protest, but she didn't, so I didn't lighten up.

“Remember, count out loud.”

“Right, umm, one.”


Cara didn't squeak again, but around 13 or so she started to whimper after each strike. She was getting a slight wedgie as her panties pulled back and up from her constant flinching, and the exposed part of her ass had turned from ivory white to brilliant red.

Cara gasped softly and uttered a feeble, “Twenty.”

“Good girl. You okay?”

“Yea.” She looked up at me and I was afraid to see tears in her eyes, but they were bright and clear. Her face and neck were flushed a deep purple-red though, and she was breathing heavily.

“How was it?”

“Much worse,” she said but she smiled. “But thank you so much, for being willing to, you know, do whatever it takes to help.”

“Ummm, sure.” I didn't feel like she was the one who should be saying thank you.

“So, what do we escalate to if this doesn't work to stop my.... ummm... problem?” she asked innocently.

“Well I have ideas but that's really where I need input from you. See, I don't know what's ten steps ahead in your mind and what's one step, and I don't know what would help you resist masturbating a ton, and what wouldn't help at all.”

Cara hesitated. She was so susceptible to the reasonable, 'this makes the most sense' approach. It's probably why we were such good friends, because unlike most girls, she made sense to me, and I made sense to her. In fact, most people would say that she is a lot more logical than I am, and I'm the one with the crazy emotions. Either way, it seemed to work.

“Well, umm, I guess the next step would be to try different types of spanking.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well like, you know, spanking other parts.” Cara rolled over and sat up halfway, leaning back on the bed with her elbows behind her and her ass on my crotch. This presented me with the clearest view of her mound yet, and I felt my cock twitch in my jeans. I tried not to stare, and I wondered briefly if Cara could felt my hard on through her paperthin fabric.

“Like...?” I knew where this was going but, as I said before, it was important that Cara get there on her own.

“You know, other private parts,” she said in a matter-of-fact voice. I guessed she was trying to hide her embarrassment and act like all this was normal.

“Yea, but it's important that you say it.” A shy smile crept unto her face.

“Well, you know, like my crotch or my boobs or whatever.”

“Yea, okay, if this doesn't work out, we'll try something like that. It might be hard to spank your boobs though.”

“Yea I guess, we could try something similar like tittie twisters or something.”

“Yeah, that's not a bad idea.” I was shocked by how open to this Cara was. She was actually giving ideas of things I could do to her!

“Okay, do you want to try that next time then?”

I remained calm on the surface but inside my stomach filled with butterflies. She was so willing.

“Sure, unless you think you need a few as a warning today.”

Cara answered a little too quickly, “That might be a good idea. I mean, I've masturbated like everyday for the past ten days. It might not hurt for you to be a little harsher.”

“If that's what you need to get yourself under control.”

Cara nodded. “Thanks, so, how should we do it?”

I paused, “Lets try some spanks on your pussy first. Stand up and face away from me.” Cara obeyed quietly, although when she stood it seemed like she was shaking a tiny bit. I stoop up behind her and her ass was against my crotch again, but I rested my hands on her hips and gently guided her out to the middle of the room.

“Bend at the waist enough to put your hands on the chair in front of you.” Cara's ass stuck out clearly as she bent at a 45 degree angle to reach the chair.

“Good, spread your legs.” Cara's legs open slightly. “No, a lot further than that.” And her legs opened in earnest, leaving clear access to her pussy. “Are you ready?”

Cara nodded. “How many are you going to do?”

“How many do you think you need as a warning?”

“Umm, idk, maybe five?”

“Okay then, don't close your legs.”

I was about to start, but I thought I might be able to push a little further, so I walked into position behind her and put one hand on her hip to steady her, then I slowly reached down and very gently, lightly, put my hand on the crotch of her panties. It was wet! Very wet! I had to bite my tongue not to say anything out loud.

Before Cara could wonder if I was trying to feel her, I swung my hand back and landed a shard slap on her pussy. Her whole body tensed and she let out a quiet groan like when she stubbed her toe.

“Good girl. Can you take a little harder?”

Cara hesitated, “Yea, I think so.”

I tried to cup my hand a bit more to make more contact, and I landed it much harder.

The sound that came from Cara was soft and I don't know if I would call it a whine or a whimper, but she kept her composure. “Two.”

“Can you take it a bit harder?”

“I don't know.” She sounded scared.

“I want you to try to take it a bit harder, can you do that for me?”


This time when my hand came away, it was distinctly wet from her panties. Cara bent at the knees to close her legs and sucked in her breath in a hiss. “Three.”

“Keep your legs open. Next time you flinch it doesn't count.”

Cara looked back at me, flushed, excited, but looking rebellious. “Fine.”

She handled the fourth one silently, but on the fifth one she winced and let her legs close. “That one doesn't count does it?”

“Nope.” And this time she was quite vocal, letting out a high pitched whine, but her legs remained open.

“Five, again.”

“Good girl, you're done.”

“Can I stand up?”

“Yeah.” I noticed that she asked permission. I wondered if she did that on purpose or if she was just lost in her moment of submission.

“So, are we doing my boobs too or was that enough of a warning?” I noticed as she stood her hand went to her pussy and touched it gingerly. She seemed unaware or unashamed of doing this in front of me, and I found it hard to believe just and hour ago she was pulling her pants off in front of me for the first time. We had certainly started to accelerate our....

...only an hour ago? SHIT! We are gonna be late for school. I tried not to freak out, I didn't want to leave a bad taste in Cara's mouth.

“We'll have to do them later, we need to head out for school.”

“Oh gosh, I lost track of the time. How late is it?”

“We'll be fine if we leave now.”

“Okay well, I guess we can finish after school then.”

“Yea, or during school...”

Cara looked up at me with real fear on her face. “During?!”

I laughed, acting much more confident than I felt. “Put your pants on, we need to get going.”
"Are you in love with the art in yourself or yourself in the art?" -Constantin Stanislavski

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Old 07-29-2012, 10:08 PM   #9
getDare Sweetheart
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I love this story man keep it going
Likes: masterbation, cross dressing, risky, driving dares, nudity, bondage
Limits: small anal, shallowing myself, public, friends
NO - NOs : illegal, family, pain, poop, pee, perment damage, death
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Old 07-29-2012, 11:00 PM   #10
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Smile :)

i love how your story is going..its perfect...i like how he is NOT so innocent...and that he is tricking her...your doing a great job...i hate to make suggestions cuz i would hate to ruin the flow of your creativity...but i know you are asking for feedback...so hmm...well it would be kool if they did fall for each other...but it would also be so awesome if he would completely dominate her...like i like the way she asked if she could stand up...like she didnt even realize what was happening...oh god...to be her....in that situation...I WOULD LOVE THAT...i know i would be wet like her...so just keep up the good work...your a great writer...if you ever want to talk or ask me anymore thoughts on your story feel free to send me a message…
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Old 07-30-2012, 07:36 PM   #11
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Can't wait for the next part.
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Old 07-30-2012, 08:01 PM   #12
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i cant wait to read more good job love it
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Old 08-02-2012, 07:28 AM   #13
getDare Sweetheart
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i just discovered this and LOVE THIS STORY! :O please continue! xxx
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Old 08-16-2012, 11:21 PM   #14
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Default nice job

im loving this story. it is truly unique and your writing is just as good. i hope to hear more soon
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Old 08-17-2012, 11:35 AM   #15
getDare Sweetheart
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This is really very good - only just found it, please carry on!
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