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Old 03-17-2011, 04:55 PM   #1
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Smile Some questions about yourself..

Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name?

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?

3) How old are you?

4) Male or Female?

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about?

10) How did you find getDare?

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?

3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's?

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to?

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative?

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be?

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back?

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree?

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke..

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them

6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do?

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on?

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?

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Old 03-17-2011, 05:28 PM   #2
Angel of Dare
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1) What is your first name?
I'll just say Isabella. I'd be lying, but yeah, Isabella.

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?
I think it just seemed cute at the time. And it made finding an avatar easy.

3) How old are you?

4) Male or Female?

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?
Originally for both Truths and Dares, now more for general banter.

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..
I am tired because I go to sleep at ridiculous hours so I'm not going to be very good at...

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?
I don't dislike it. But I'd change a lot.

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about?

10) How did you find getDare?

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?
No, but I'd consider it in the future.

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?
I can't yet.

3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?

Neither of them sounds particularly great but I guess, a.

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?
Nope. I remember once a friend of mine did that and the policeman just put it in his pocket, I don't think he even tried to find who it was for.

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?
I felt bad about it, but it was probably for the best. I told someone's parents about some ridiculous thing she was planning on doing, in the end the person she had been going to see turned out to be a very different person, blah. Either way, she wasn't mad at me for it she was more grateful. I felt bad at the time before she found out because she was really upset.

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)
I stole from the PicNMix before.

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?
Unlikely. I've thought about it before, they'd probably be threatening my family too and as awful as it seems I don't think I'd be able to do it. Sounds pretty pathetic but I'll be honest I'd be terrified.

9) Have you ever been to a funeral?

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?
Other than like in primary school not really. I've separated some fights before, punched a girl in the face once because she was running at me (she was drunk and crazy and such)

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..
5 on average.

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?
Yes, I didn't see any reasons not to. I don't do insertions though, which is kind of weird I guess.

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people?

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?
Not completely. I had an underwear party with Charlotte over Skype once, which was funny. It was just really hot (temp).

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?
Not really. I don't really know what makes something a fetish. I like exhibitionism, voyeurism and public nudity. Not all coming from me, but if they count then yes.

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?
I'd refuse. I value myself a little more than that, I'd feel sick and ashamed. I also don't need £1,500.

9) Are you a virgin?

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?
I think most people have, even if it's not said out loud or even if it's just a split second though. Sometimes it's hard not to. I won't lie and say I haven't.

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree?
I'd speak up, I don't tend to keep that kind of company though.

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All French people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke..
No. I really hate stereotypes and generalisations.

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
I'd probably shout at them, I wouldn't call them that name but if anyone of any gender randomly came up to me in the street and tried to kiss me I'd be more than a little angry.

6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?
But they are.. Of course I would. It might be a bit odd if I didn't know them though. Stranger danger

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?
I'd probably be wary, I've known people who've been asked for change and had their purses taken when they take them out.

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?
I've never really had to, we have foreign exchange students at my College, some of them have very strong accents but I still try to talk to them. The boy in my class also tried to teach me some Chinese. I'm not very good.

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?
I don't like to say, some people are here for good reason and because where they've come from is unsafe. Others, aren't really here for any good reasons and are causing problems. I don't know.

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?
Well, obviously because I'm very much the opposite.

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?
Not particularly bothered.

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?
£100 for an iPhone. I'd probably buy it. I may as well tell the truth.

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?
Alex Pettyfer probably. I'm not sure it needs much explanation.

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?
I'd like to go back and see myself and my family when I was a lot younger. It's one of those things I've always wished I could do. And then I'd definitely go home.

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?
I'd say no now, but who knows?

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..
Seeing as you didn't specifically rule it out, unlimited wishes.

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do?
Playing with the dog? I guess if they were playing with the dog and he wasn't attacking them he'd be obviously friendly.

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?
I have done.

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on?

Boop Boop de Boop.
female, engurrland.
Ask me anything, click.
My tumblr. 18+

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Old 03-17-2011, 09:59 PM   #3
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Section One-

1) Jerrica (jer-ika)

2) Well let's see,marshmallows are good. Plus i'm not only "fluffy" like one i kind of miss spelt it as a pun...'cause i'm mellow

3) -

4) Female

5) bi-curious.

6) Not sure what i'm here for...i guess truth. maybe some dares?

7) I'm very lazy. Not sure this would interest anyone though but I actually have nothing to say. sorry sorry.

8) Skinny. i would love to lose my huge love handles and maybe...ya know what, my whole appearance changing would be just lovely.

9) yes and again my size. It's awkward changing in the locker room in front of skinny girls.

10) I just kind of stumbled onto it. Total accident on my part.

Section Two-

1) No but yes i would love to be a mom. Kinda dream of beign a stay-at-home mother one day.

2) Legally? No. But yeah i do know how and will be driving over summer.

3) A

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?

-hells to the nah. sorry :/

5) I stole 100 bucks from my uncle. i regreted it but never confessed,though he got the money back.

6) biggest thing would be $100

7) Nope. I'm clean.

8) Yes. No matter how scary i would still tell.

9) uh...my great grandpa's ...(?)

10) Yes. Me and this chick jsut didn't get along and it about got physical. Glad it didn't 'cause i don't think i could back then.

Section Three-

1) On average...4? Not that horny that often XD

2) Just very curious.

3) Yes but we aren't very daring so it isn't exciting.

4) No.

5) None that i know of.

6) no.

7) No and yes kinda.

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?

-Call me a whore but yes. :/

9) Yes, and only till i find the one i really want to be with. (cheesy i know)

10) Probably might try. depending on just HOW hot they are. (low self esteem)

Section Four-

1) Yes sadly. They looked like bad news. Like only trouble would happen if i talked to them.

2) Yes and no. I make jokes, and that's all they are. i don't even make them often.

3) I usually speak up.

4) YES. (i imagine russians and germans are big and will rip me a new one if they just felt like it)

5) B. (if there was a option to just stand there shocked, that would have been a better choice)

6) Of course. I might even them ask them question curiously.

7) Sure. (not sure how much 20 pence is though :/ )

8) No. I'm usually the one tell others what they say.

9) Nope. (come on over people! )

10) Yes and i would get defencive.

Section Five-

1) I might try to get them to stop.

2) I'm sorry but i might just go for it. can't deny it.

3) if its a woman...megan fox but if guy then...Parker Stevenson. He's old now,yes but when he was younger...mm :P

4) I'd be going to see parker stevenson when he was young...i guess i'd come home :/

5) Never.

6) PARKER STEVENSON! (sorry, its on my mind now)

7) I would try to call it over, testing it. if it was mean i'd shoo it.

8) Maybe as a dare. Viberator i guess and Spencers. Not sure...$25?

9) Nope. i keep my love bottled up sadly.

10) This guy with the initals N.B. (no names sorry), in my bed (?), and soft core.
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Old 03-18-2011, 12:47 AM   #4
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Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name? T. (sorry, not telling more)

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you? It's relevant to my initial

3) How old are you? 18+, even 21+

4) Male or Female? Male

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered? I don't know :-/

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter? I go here for some thrill and relieve.

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words.. Seriously thinking but yet funny and with plenty of good ideas.

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change? I'd like to have better abs and less body hair, but it's nothing important, I'm content in general.

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about? About doing things for the first time that are kind of dangereous.

10) How did you find getDare? Googling "truth or dare"

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not? I'm not but I'd love to have 3 children, seriously

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to? I learnt at 18, which is the age to get a car DL here

3) Would you rather: of course option a.

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in? Unless there's any risk, I'd keep the money.

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life? Hitting a child in anger (happened only once and I really regret it

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small) [b]Some small electric components, few small things in a supermarket when I really overlooked them in the shopping basket.[b]

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it? No, never have, never will

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police? I would probably tell, but depends a lot on the situation I think. (btw, you confused me with "murder" vs. "murderer")

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's? Yep, family members and my friend's mom

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story? I have been surely, there were personal reasons (and not it wasn't because of a girl).

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day.. 4

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not? I can't help it...

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to? I have played like 2 times as a teen, and I'd like to play it now, it might be fun. But everybody gets drunken at parties and it is no fun then.

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet? No.

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it? Underwear is my huge fetish.

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative? Some people might know, but who knows? Nobody comments about it. Well, I remember know that people comment on me shaving all my body from face down: But the comments are more curious than positive or negative.

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be? I don't think I have ever been. And well, as a part of a game and being safe, I'd enjoy it I think.

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why? Refuse. Sex for money is for prostitutes and it can be dangereous.

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back? I'm virgin and I don't mind it because I haven't found the right one yet...

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them? No. Simple as that.

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with? It was a negative judgement according to appearance and amount of make-up. (It actually happens me a lot concerning make-up and fashion, but only with people I realy don't know at all.)

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them? I used to as a child/teen, but such jokes are not funny, so no such jokes now.

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree? I don't tend to agree and shut up when somebody is obviously wrong. So I usually speak in such situations.

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke.. As a joke yes, but no such serious now as saying "nazi" or "bombers".

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you: Answer b.
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them

6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street? If they talk and behave normal, I do my best to do the same. If they speak dirty, I leave.

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money? I never give money. If it's on a bus station and he really is buying the ticket and lacks small amount of money, I'd fund him.

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent? Few times I left such discussion, remember I'm not a native speaker.

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America? I don't know, I don't live there.

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you? Yes.

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not? I'm unhappy that it has to happen

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police? None, I'd leave

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why? I dunno, I actually don't know many celebrities.

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era? I'm happy with current era, but I'd be curious about both past and future (esp. ancient Greece/Rome and future like 100 years in advance).

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)? Complicated question with too many possibilities

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on.. I'd want a happy marriage with a good and nice girl.

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do? If I could, I'd check the situation and make sure the children are safe.

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it? I have several toys, they're up to like EUR 40 each. I actually consider buying Fleshlight or CB, but...

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on? Happened once, I had a relationship that lasted like 2 months because I found I sipmly don't love her. We haven't spoke since.

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how? Who: secret. Where: In our local nature, somewhere in deep woods where nobody else is. How: It'd be long gentle night
Male, 18+
Likes: Underwear/swimwear, Anal toys, Some pain, Slight humiliation, Safe public, Naturism/nudism
Curious about: CFNM, CMNM, BDSM, Public
Limits: Public (reveal of identity), Too painful, Family/friends, Anything messy, Illegal, Dangereous
Blog: my little encounters diary
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Old 03-18-2011, 02:58 AM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name? L.A.S Well thats my initials. Las. I love that!

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you? To be fair, I have no idea! I was searching for cute things and I found rainbows and I luurve cuddles. So I put them together. I love cuddles and rainbows.

3) How old are you? 8Teen.

4) Male or Female? Female.

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered? Unsure at the moment. I would say bi-curious.

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter? Well, it started of as dares. But I'm more into general banter now. But I still like truth and dares. ALL OF THEM!!!

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words. I am a cute, funny emo/scene girl. Who lives inside her boyfriend's arms. I like animals. And Hello Kitty.

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change? I like the way I look. But I want to look better. I don't like my big bum! :3

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about? I just gained two stones in a month. From 7 stone to 9 stone. I am now self conscious about my body.

10) How did you find getDare? I typed in get a dare into google because me and a few friends where having a sleep over. Getdare came up as the first result.

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not? I'm not a parent but I definitely want to be when I am older.

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to? Yes, yes I can. I was 17 when I learnt. But I still get scared.

3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in? No! That makes me think of a funny story that happened to me.

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life? I don't know! No ones ever been really angry at me. YAY!

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small) I went into a claires shop. Then accidentally broke a ring. So I hid it in my bag.

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it? No! Never have and never will do. This is something I think very strongly about.

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murderer makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police? Probably not. Even though I am suppose to. I would be to scared and scarred.

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's? My best friend Kacy died from Cancer last year. I miss her so much. Rip. My Grandma and Grandad. Both had their funeral together. Rip.

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story? Nope.

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day. 2 - 4 is my average. But some days I can be 10 and other days I can be 1.

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not? Yes, yes I do. I don't know what made me try it! I think I was just exploring my body and rubbed where it felt best. Then I realized it had a name.

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to? Yes. My friend Kacy used to love it! I play it with my boyfriend bout once every 2 weeks. My friend Emily likes it too.

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet? Nope. Don't think so.

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it? Bdsm, Bondage. I have a bit of a fetish for feet as well. I have quite a lot of fetishes now that I think.

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative? My boyfriend knows. He introduced me too it.

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be? Yes. Too my bed spread eagled.

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why? No. A Stranger. Could have hiv. Could have aids. I DON'T WANT TO DIE!

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back? No. And no.

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them? No. I have to love somebody. Anyway, I am happy about my relationship now.

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with? I must say I have done that before. There were these scary motorbike riders. But they turned out to be really nice.

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them? No! Never would.

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree? I stay quiet. But I don't pretend to agree.

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke. I sometimes do it as a joke. But very rarely.

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back.
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them

6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street? Yes of course!

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money? No I would go to the bus with him and get the ticket. Just so I am sure what he is spending it on.

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent? Yes. If I can't understand. I wont know what they are saying.

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America? No. I believe that we should be able to go wherever we like. We all own the world together. SHARE IT!

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you? Yes. A lot.

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not? I will go and take it of them! Probably phone up their parents.

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police? I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't like to mix with someone who steals a lot of things. Or get on the wrong side of him!

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why? Michael Buble. My crush.

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era? I would go back to the 15th century. I would love to meet Shakespeare. I would go back home though after.

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)? No way. Hosay.

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on. My wish would be to have unlimited wishes. Perfect choice!

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do? Tell the children to go a bit further away from the dog but don't alarm the dog.

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it? I have bought a sex toy. I have 3 vibrators.

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on? Yes. Past boyfriends.

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?
Who: My boyfriend.
Where: In a dungeon
How: Bdsm/ Bondage.
There is a hell, believe me I've seen it. There is a heaven lets keep it a secret - Bring me the horizon. <33

8Teen Female, Engurrland, Likes snuggles.

Dislikes:Scat, Noticeably Public, Permanent, Death, Family, Friends and Just Stupid Things That No-one Would Do!

Join rainbow sheep group! Get this gif and put it on your signature and you are a member: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/20...oldenhippo.gif

Be creative
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Old 03-18-2011, 03:57 AM   #6
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1) What is your first name?

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?
Its got to do with my fathers martial arts

3) How old are you?

4) Male or Female?

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?
All of the above, though i stay for the community

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..
"So if i had to describe myself in only twenty words they would probably have to be something like I"

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?
Yes and No. I want to be more fit.

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about?
Yeah, about my weight. I guess some things just never die

10) How did you find getDare?
Hmmm looong time ago i dont remember D:

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?
Im not a parent yet, though me and my girlfriend want to be parents some day ^^

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?
Can i? Sure. Legally? No :P

3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?

--> A <--

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?

No, its karma rewarding me for something! :P

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?
Err, not really something i think i should say here.

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)
Uhh...a classmates pen? xD Im not a thief.

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?
Marijuana, Vicodin, Valium, Speed.

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?
Nah i'de probably go vigilante and take the guy out myself.

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's?

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?
Uhm...Lots..too many to list lol

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..
Probably 3? 4?

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?
Yes. Ofcourse, and i dont remember.

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to?
yeah, and sure :P

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?
Lol the DEFFINATLY maybe >>

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?
I have a LOT.

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative?
A few people i suppose. Never really negative :P

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be?
No, and i donno. Im more of a dom than sub :P I'de rather do the tying up.

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?
Uhmm no, because im faithful to my girlfriend/subby and i dont want diseases >>

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back?
Yes i am a virgin, and by choice.

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?
No, i already have the most wonderful girl in the world<3

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?
Eh yeahh have to say i have.

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?
I do, but im not racist. I just make fun of EVERYONE. My motto is: make fun of everyone, or make fun of no one.

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree? I'll probably make jokes with them :P

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke..
Oh yeah...about most countries...even my own lol

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them


6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?
Yeah no problem.

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?

No, i rarely give anyone money, usually because i have none myself.

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?
No. In fact the opposite. I have a friend from China who i hang out with and we can barely understand eachother :P

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?
Not really. Because im not.

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?
Ide buy it, but let it lay low before i used it cause it's "hot"

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?
Uhh none. Ide rather have sex with my sub

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?
I'de go to 9th century Scandinavia or china.

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?
Ehh i dont know.

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..
More wishes! Haha but one wish, probably to be the UFC heavyweight champion

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do? Uhh...nothing?

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?
Yeah. For me and my sub. And ide spend enough

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on? No

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?
My girlfriend, my bedroom, and hardcore kinky
If I was your vampire, certain as the moon
Instead of killing time
We'll have each other until the sun
If I was your vampire, death waits for no one
Hold my hands across your face
Because I think our time has come
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Old 03-18-2011, 06:14 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Digital View Post
Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name?
2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?
because i was lsnin 2 led zeppelin i think
3) How old are you?
4) Male or Female?
5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?
6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?
yeah and for slaves
7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..
a guy who loves his head, does anything to get tipsy or high
8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?
yeah i like what i look like, just need a six pack
9) Do you ever get self conscious, if so what about?
thinks i have done
10) How did you find getDare?
i was searching a truth or dare site because i was playing with my gf

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?
i think i would want a boy,
2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?
yeah at 19
3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?
4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?
of course not, i will go get waisted
5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?
hurting my gf so much when i said i dont love you,
6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)
i am a salesman, i steal money
7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?
yeah weed, i took it because it makes u happy
8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?
no, i have no problem, not my concern
9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's?
a lot
10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?
yeah my last 1, with the neighborhood guys
we were drunk in the street and my friend started cursing at the hood
so they came said dont curse so we fought them
they were like 11 and we 4
i remember i got hit felt on the floor and like 6 guys beat the shit out of me
was fun tho
Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..
2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?
yeah because its good
3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to?
yeah with a girls i used to go out with
4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?
5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?
6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative?
yeah its normal
7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be?
nope , i guess i want with a female riding me
8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?
if she has a good body yeah
9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back?
no , no
10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?
of course

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?
2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?
of course on every1
3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree?
no i say smthn
4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke..
5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them
F would kick his face
6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?
if she has boobs its ok
7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?
yeah help him ,
8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?
yeah chinese, shes fkn dumb
9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?
a lot been to england couldnt find any british workers :S
10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?
nope hes my friend i will say ok fuck u so what

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?
hahaha i did last week
we pulled over and parked next to them
they ran
2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?
we have a lot of those its normal
3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?
Noami Watts or natalie portman
4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?
i would go to Rome, and would come back
5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?
no it hurts
6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..
MONEY!!!!! on everything traveling the world and be happy
7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do?
walk away
8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?
9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on?
yeah my gf now i think i may go back 2 loving her its confusing
10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?
natalie portman in a big appartment in new york , would fuck her hard

.................................................. ..................................................
My add for a female slave

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Old 03-18-2011, 06:17 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Digital View Post
Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name?
2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?
because i was lsnin 2 led zeppelin i think
3) How old are you?
4) Male or Female?
5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?
6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?
yeah and for slaves
7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..
a guy who loves his head, does anything to get tipsy or high
8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?
yeah i like what i look like, just need a six pack
9) Do you ever get self conscious, if so what about?
thinks i have done
10) How did you find getDare?
i was searching a truth or dare site because i was playing with my gf

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?
i think i would want a boy,
2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?
yeah at 19
3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?
4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?
of course not, i will go get waisted
5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?
hurting my gf so much when i said i dont love you,
6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)
i am a salesman, i steal money
7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?
yeah weed, i took it because it makes u happy
8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?
no, i have no problem, not my concern
9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's?
a lot
10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?
yeah my last 1, with the neighborhood guys
we were drunk in the street and my friend started cursing at the hood
so they came said dont curse so we fought them
they were like 11 and we 4
i remember i got hit felt on the floor and like 6 guys beat the shit out of me
was fun tho
Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..
2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?
yeah because its good
3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to?
yeah with a girls i used to go out with
4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?
5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?
6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative?
yeah its normal
7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be?
nope , i guess i want with a female riding me
8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?
if she has a good body yeah
9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back?
no , no
10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?
of course

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?
2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?
of course on every1
3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree?
no i say smthn
4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke..
5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them
F would kick his face
6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?
if she has boobs its ok
7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?
yeah help him ,
8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?
yeah chinese, shes fkn dumb
9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?
a lot been to england couldnt find any british workers :S
10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?
nope hes my friend i will say ok fuck u so what

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?
hahaha i did last week
we pulled over and parked next to them
they ran
2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?
we have a lot of those its normal
3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?
Noami Watts or natalie portman
4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?
i would go to Rome, and would come back
5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?
no it hurts
6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..
MONEY!!!!! on everything traveling the world and be happy
7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do?
walk away
8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?
9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on?
yeah my gf now i think i may go back 2 loving her its confusing
10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?
natalie portman in a big appartment in new york , would fuck her hard

.................................................. ..................................................
My add for a female slave

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Old 03-18-2011, 06:39 AM   #9
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Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name?conor

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?im irish therefore irish

3) How old are you?18

4) Male or Female?male

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?straight

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?all of theabove

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..some people think im weird and a nerd i just think im enigmatic and intellegent

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?i dont think im the best looking but i wouldn't change anything im happy to be myself

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about?i can be very awkward and shy

10) How did you find getDare?dunno

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?no and i would concider it

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?cant drive want to

3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?
id rather a

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?no

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?dunno

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)em no unless taking someones driink at school counts

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?no

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?i dunno depends on the situation

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's?recently a friend who died in a car crash

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?
mess fighting with my friend and he kicked me in the head so i punched him in the face and broke my finger

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..8

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?my cousin

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to?i might would need to be very drunk

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?yes

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?i have many, weirdest is incest

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative?no

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be?no

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why? accept its 1500 and you get to eat someone out

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back?yes i am no i dont

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?maybe

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?sometimes u can just tell someonelooks dodgy

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?all the time and i never mean them

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree?if they were being serious id speak up

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All French people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke.. yes its hilarious but i never mean it btw all irish are drunks

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them
b or c
6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?id probabely talk different to them to be honest

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?if hes niceand its only 20pence then yeh

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?
9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?yes

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?no but i am not

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?not bothered

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?tricky one i might buy it if i really wanted it

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?megan fox. why WHY.hothothothot

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?roman era then live in the future

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?yeh

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..more wishes. if i cant do that more genies

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do?nothing

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?flesh light 60-70

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on?no

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?the girl i love but havnt told, in an exotic private island and have very passionate loving sex for hours
18 male ireland
likes-mild pain,anal,orgasm control,pee,other,light public
dislikes- scat, severe pain, mild public
limits- permanent,illegal, family , extreme pain, extreme public
Ask me anything

My Story:
Sister needs comforting from the Zombies
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Old 03-18-2011, 07:30 AM   #10
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Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name? Edward

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you? Just stated the obvious, that I am a BDSM Master, which would tell what I was here for, for the most part

3) How old are you? 23

4) Male or Female? Male

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered? Pansexual

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter? S&M, truths, general banter

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words.. I’m your average g guy with plenty of interest. Who enjoys BDSM, mentoring others and speaking to those in the lifestyle.

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change? Yes, I am more than happy with my looks.

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about? No, I do not.

10) How did you find getDare? By googling “forum sites” and it was on one of the later pages

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not? No I am not a parent, and no I do not currently want any kids. If I ever did, I would rather adopt; with all of the kids in foster care people should stop procreated for a decade or so….

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to? Yes I can drive, I learned how to at 7.

3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?

Hm, the socialist in me does not permit me to only worry about myself… so either or would work, I suppose…

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in? Yes.

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life? Started something that has now grown out of control….

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small) Money

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it? PCP, once, just to try it. Marijuana many times… for a mellowing feeling

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police? Where I am from, you never go to the police.

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's? I have been to dozens of funerals, would take me forever to name them all

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story? I have been in hundreds of fights, with hundreds of stories…

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day.. I am a sex addict, so I would say ten

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not? Yes I masturbate… as a sex addict it is either masturbate a lot to release the horniness and have sex later in the day… or have sex all day. Which for a sex addict is rarely fulfilling.

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to? Yes I have.

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet? Yes.

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it? I have plenty, my main fetish or rather the one I enjoy the most is bondage in real life, yet in net training, humiliation and degradation. [bondage more fun in real life when I am the one tying the submissive male or female up]

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative? Yes, plenty of people know about my lifestyle. For the friends in the lifestyle, they understand and enjoy it too, for those not in the lifestyle some have negative views, especially females, about other females allowing themselves to be humiliated and degraded….

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be? If you mean as in a bdsm setting, then no, and I would not want to… if you mean during a normal sexual act, then yes.

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why? I would refuse; I am not hurting for money and if there is no attraction I see no reason to have sexual relations with them.

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back? No, I am not a virgin, and no I would not go back

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them? No, if it is easy then I have no use for it…

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with? We are human, everyone has judged someone at one time or another by looks. I often judge people who may look attractive but do not carry themselves properly

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them? No, I do not make racial jokes

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree? I speak out, I am not afraid to voice my opinion.

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke.. Yes, I speak of America’s bigotry in general. As per gay rights in this country.

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them
I am a pansexual… so I am attracted to men, women, trans…. So if I find them attractive, and it is the heat of the moment then I may kiss them back.

6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street? Normality is overrated, so yes
I live in NYc..so I do see them everyday on the streets 

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money? If I believe his story, then yes, I more than likely would give him the money.

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent? Well, if I cannot understand what they are saying I would try to convey that. I would never, not talk to someone just because of the accent.

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America? I think Americans have forgotten we are a nation of immigrants. I often laugh at anyone who thinks they have more of a right to be here than another. I know plenty of hard working immigrants… yet I feel the same as if they are lazy or lazy Americans; be productive or leave.

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you? I laugh at the absurdity of it…. Unless they mean my general contempt for the human race in general.

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not? Not bothered by it.

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police? Neither.

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why? Hm, while I know there are plenty of male and female celebrities that I would have sex with, I cannot recall names at this particularly time.. just woke up.

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era? I would go first to the Greek Empire for my first trip…and the Roman empire for my second trip and stay. *whistles* uses the knowledge of today and invent stuff they never saw :P

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)? Yes, I have been in an open relationship and that lasted for nearly 6 years until she had an accident and passed away.

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on.. allow man to see the hypocrisy of their culture…

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do? If they are playing and running around dog, and he has not attacked then I doubt he is vicious.

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it? I have plenty of sex and kink toys. My most expensive piece was several thousand.

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on? I have only ever loved one person, the girlfriend whom I mentioned passed away above.

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how? Who… random. Where. My dungeon.. How, very kinky, hard core

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Old 08-16-2015, 10:37 PM   #11
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What is your first name?
2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?
My Hero The Joker
3) How old are you?
4) Male or Female?
5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?
6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?
Truths; And general banter and of course dares
7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..
lanky, nervous
8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?
9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about?
I don;t
10) How did you find getDare?
My good friend Google

Limits: Scat, Family, friends, full public, and face

Pm dares

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Old 08-17-2015, 07:49 PM   #12
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Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name?

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?
Its a name I was given a long time ago. To be honest I never found out exactly why and the person responsible is no longer with us.

3) How old are you?

4) Male or Female?

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?
I came for the S&M but I love the banter and doing both Truths and Dares.

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..
I'm submissive, happy, curious and mildly intelligent with a streak of creativity for good measure.

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?
Mostly yes, but I would change the scar on my belly from my surgery.

9) Do you ever get self conscious, if so what about?
Not often actually, but when I do its usually because I have to speak to someone about something I know little about.

10) How did you find getDare?
I honestly don't remember. I'm sure it was through another forum.

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?
Not currently, and I am considering it.

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?
I can and I passed when I was 24.

3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?

Both aren't ones I'd pick... I suppose a.

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?
I would yes.

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?
I don't think I have anything that bad. I may have to return to this later.

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)
You know the crap they try and sell you in the gift shop after you get off a ride? That stuff, in fact my friends and I had a competition to see who could get the biggest haul.

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?
Yes but not on purpose. Went to a party and ate some cookies that had been... 'spiced'. Had a horrible trip and ended up waking up in a field.

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?
Yes I would.

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's?
Many, I had a big and rather elderly family.

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?
A few over the years. One in particular came about because someone didn't like the print on my tshirt. They followed me down an alley while my headphones were in and proceeded to punch me in the head. I fought back but ran away in the end as I could tell I wasn't going to win.

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?
I do, again you ask a question I can't remember the reason of lol.

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to?
I have but it was back in my university days.

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?
Several! Chastity is a big one.

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative?
Some of my friends do, they didn't really care that much. One was more curious than anything.

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be?
No not yet, and yes I would!

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?
I would accept! Thats not a small amount of money and I've done it for less :P

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back?
No and never lol

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?
I think I'd try my chances yes.

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?
I have yeah, mostly back in my younger days. It was a physical/attitude thing.

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?
I have made racist jokes, but never actually meaning them and only to those I know will get that I don't mean them.

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree?
I speak out, there's a joke and there's being a dick.

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke..
Not really no.

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them

B unless I like them then A :P

6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?
Of course I would! Because they are.

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?
Yeah, though generally I don't have physical cash on me much these days.

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?
No, I try to make an effort to understand them.

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?
Yes, greatly.

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?
Not bothered, they can do what they want with their bodies and I'm not against weed, even if I don't use it myself.

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?
Can I not buy it and not call the police?

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?
Damn, I don't know... *googles celebrities* Jessica Alba. done.

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?
I think I would go forward to find out who's going to be the next stock market surprise hit and return lol.

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?
I'd be willing to yes.

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..
Well thats easy, I would want the ability and knowledge to perform magic. that way I can essentially get anything else I want.

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do?
Check if the dog's friendly. If it growls I'll tell the kids to avoid it.

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?
Consider? I have done! Many times! And all of that depends on what my disposable income is like at the time.

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on?
Thankfully no.

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?
This is as bad as the celeb question. I'm gonna skip it (sorry)
If I'm online kik is on too ; nickcutter82
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Old 08-18-2015, 04:15 PM   #13
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 52
Blog Entries: 1

Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name?
Not saying on the internet.

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?
It's the name of one of the Warhammer Elven gods, Eldrazor, Lord of Blades. He is the patron of honourable combat, and since a code of honour is something I have a healthy belief in, I chose that.

3) How old are you?
Not saying on the internet.

4) Male or Female?

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..
Storyteller, geek, nerd, honourable, pedantic, caring, loving. Think that covers most of it.

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?
Yes, I do, but I could probably do with hitting the gym a little. The one thing I'd actually change about my appearance is my eye colour, from the cold grey that they are to a brighter, piercing blue.

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about?

10) How did you find getDare?
Random googling, I think.

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?
I'm not, but yes, I'd consider it.

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?
I can't yet, but I will learn in the near future.

3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?
Neither really fits my life plan, but A's a closer match.

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?
Of course! Code of honour, remember?

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?
I hurt my current girlfriend emotionally quite badly, I never forgave myself.

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)
Nothing knowingly, however I've probably accidentally not returned books/cds/games to friends when they've lent me them.

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?
None, and I never will.

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?
Of course.

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's?

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?
Sparring and tournament settings for a martial arts class I used to attend.

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..
Probably 2.

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?
Yes, just curiosity.

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to?
My girlfriend and I play semi-regularly.

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?
I've sent nudes, if that's what you mean.

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative?

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be?
No, but I'd try it.

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?
Refuse: honour-bound to be faithful to my girlfriend, plus I have no idea what they might have.

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back?
No, I'm not. No, I wouldn't: the past is carved in stone and cannot be altered.

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?
No, I have a girlfriend already.

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?
Unfortunately, yes, I have. They did not look at all like someone I would spend time with.

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?
Possibly slightly racist, but they're not intended offensively.

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree?
If they're being absolutely genuinely racist, I'd say something.

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke..
As a joke, yes. In other contexts, I try very hard not to.

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them

6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?
yes, it's only 20 pence.

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?
No, but I often have trouble with particularly thick accents even from regions of my home country.

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?
In Britain, I don't think so. I think the media exaggerates the numbers and the scale of the problem of illegal immigration. My belief is that if they're willing to come to live, work and generally contribute to society, they're as welcome as any other person.

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?
Not in the slightest, because I know I'm not.

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?
Their choice, I'm not getting involved. I am, however, bothered by tobacco smokers due to family history.

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?
Call the police.

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?
I wouldn't, I will not cheat on my girlfriend.

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?
I wouldn't use it, I don't think the past or future should be meddled with like that.

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?
Yes, I guess so.

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..
Completely accurate knowledge of the Celtic pantheon and their religious rites and practices.

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do?
If they're playing with it, it must be friendly, so I leave them to it.

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?
I have bought sex toys already, and yes, I'd consider buying more. Next one will be a butt plug, from a local sex shop and I'd probably go up to £20.

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on?

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?
My girlfriend, and she can choose the rest.
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Old 08-18-2015, 08:39 PM   #14
Cherry Sunic
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Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 112

Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name?

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?
My old one was compromised, just thought of a new one randomly

3) How old are you?

4) Male or Female?

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?
Straight, but curious

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?
Mostly truths. I was looking for a master for the longest while but couldn't find one.

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..
Constantly horny, intelligent, chubby,

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?
I'd lose weight

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about?
About my weight, and sometimes I think I am overly sexual when talking to some people

10) How did you find getDare?
I was looking for different ways to masturbate and it came up

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?
I am not, and don't plan to be

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?
Yep, 16

3) Would you rather:
a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?

Probably b, just because of the kids being a negative to me. I already work 9-5, but am single and don't have too much expendable income.

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?
I have before, and I would again

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?
I stole a candy bar when I was like 14. I returned it, and paid for it after a day.

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)
Just the candy bar

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?
Nope, sorry. I've always thought about taking a psychedelic like LSD or Acid

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?
Yes, "Because there is good. And there is evil. And evil must be punished. Even in the face of Armageddon, I will not compromise in this."

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's?
A few classmates, but not since I was 18.

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?
I've been in a few. There was a kid who was bigger than me in a locker room making fun of me and wouldn't stop. I picked him up, threw him onto the ground, sat on his chest and punched him in the face a few times.

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..
I'd say a strong six or seven.

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?
I kind of found masturbation in a weird way for a guy. I liked the way controllers rumbled on my penis. Then I found a vibrator in my mom's bedside table, and realize I didn't have to do anything like hold down a trigger on the controller and it would just vibrate. I taped it to my penis one day, and eventually I came.

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to?
I'd like to, but I don't.

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?
Yes. I used to have an xHamster. I've also cammed a couple times and think about doing it for supplementary income but doubt I'd make much because I am a guy and chubby.

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?
I have kinks. Like femdom (pegging, facesitting), tease and denial, chastity, cumplay, anal, and a little crossdressing

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative?
One person does. Overall she was very positive. There were a couple things that she was intrigued about. I wish I could tell more people.

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be?
I have not, but I would like to be.

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?
I'd accept as long as they are clean, and have been tested recently.

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back?
Yes. I'd like to lose it, but I refuse to compromise my integrity for the sake of it.

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?
If they are attractive and I got along with their personality.

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?
Unfortunately it is human nature to judge constantly. I try to put away any preconceptions when meeting someone, but more times than not it is just the way I think it would be in my head.

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?
Yes, mostly about Jews, being Jewish myself. I'm of the mindset that everything should be made fun of so it isn't taken too seriously (see Muhammed)

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree?
I'd stop them if I noticed they were actually intending to be hurtful.

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke..
Again, mostly Jewish jokes. I have a few friends with German heritage and I joke that they killed my people, but it's all in fun. I realize after typing this that I've alienated a lot of people by making jokes about the Holocaust and reference Muhammed.

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them
Probably along the times of b. I'd tell them I'd be willing to go on a date or something, but that is just moving too fast.

6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?
I'd probably flirt with them if it was MtF. Being with a transexual, to me, is being able to experiment and enjoy a different penis, but without it being attached to the bullshit macho alpha male persona and with beauty.

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?
I'd more than likely just pay the bus fare. I've bought homeless people food, instead of giving them money, because I don't want them going out and buying a forty or squares.

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?
I am terrible with accents, but I try to push through the language barrier.

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?
This is a tough question, because the answer by face value is no. But I do have a problem with a lot of immigrants who work under the table jobs and live off food stamps/welfare but get to have all sorts of pocket money. I am not generalizing, I have friends that do this.

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?
To an extent. I know it is not true, but it is a word meant to cause pain. I recently got called a racist because I said that the saying "Black Lives Matter" is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. It's not that black lives don't matter, because they do. It is because it is devaluing other races for a reason that doesn't even exist. They say blacks are the target of police brutality, but in fact more whites get killed by police. The whole idea just uses the "is it because I'm black card" to tackle the real problem - police brutality in America due to the refusal of human rights.

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?
Keep doing what I'm doing. Unless it is like in a building, or something.

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?
Depends if it stolen from a person or a store/warehouse. I'd more than likely call the police.

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?
Kate Upton. Those boobs. And her stupidly cute face.

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?
I'd go to the future right away. Like 2500 or something. I'd access the situation and then go back home or go further in the future depending.

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?
Yes, as long as I know they are being safe and aren't going to give me herps or some shit.

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..
Yea, probably money. I know it sounds dumb, but it fixes a lot of issues in this time period. I'd buy a small house, a nice car, and let the rest gain interest, while donating that interest to charities to improve the world. Let's get every kid the ability to learn an instrument again. Let's make sure everyone has clean water (Bill Gates and co are doing this currently). Destroy some poly-opolies like the internet ($60 for 21mb/s is absurd).

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do?
I'd probably try and get it out of the street, until it seems aggressive, then call authorities.

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?
I have a lot. And I want more. I've recently thought about getting a classic vibrator. Something smaller than the one I have that I don't really need to prepare with but can massage my prostate.

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on?
Never told someone I've loved them

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?
Still Kate Upton? It'd be missionary at first, then her on top cow girl then finish off in plow.
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Old 08-19-2015, 10:47 AM   #15
getDare Sweetheart
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Section One: General Information Profile

1) What is your first name?

2) How did you decide upon your username, and how is it relevant to you?
It's a mix of the name I registered and the name my character was given in my first RP site. I do feel at home playing with this name. Although I would prefer to have a login name and a screen name to be only Nicci or Nicci S.

3) How old are you?

4) Male or Female?

5) Straight, bi, gay or transgendered?
Curious leaning to TG

6) Do you come on getDare for Truths, Dares, S&M or just general banter?
Mostly Dares, some Truths, have to go pay some time at the lounge.

7) Describe your self in up to twenty words..
shy, insecure, loving, caring, sensitive, reflexive mosf of the time impulsive at others, subby but able to take the lead.

8) Do you like the way you look, if not why not, and what would you change?
Lose some weight to look girlier.

9) Do you ever get self concious, if so what about?
About how I look, about me being right if somebody is way too stubborn about something and I have a bit of doubt, about everything.

10) How did you find getDare?
Searching something about panties...

Section Two: Some Questions More Relevant To Life

1) Are you a parent, would you ever consider it if not?
No, but I would consider it.

2) Can you drive a car? If so what age did you learn, if not, do you want to?
No, I don't drive. Yes, but only if I feel I'll really use it.

3) Would you rather:

a. Become happily married by the age of thirty, have two children and work nine-five, five days a week with a solid income and an average size four bedroom house in a safe area?

b. Stay single, work part time in a low-medium payed job, but have a big social life, spend a lot of time with friends and have a high expendable income with only yourself to worry about and do what you want when you want?

4) You find £100 (approx. $160) on the ground in a large retail park. There is a police station near by, however there is no legal obligation to hand it in due to the small quanitity, and there is a very low chance of someone claiming it. Do you hand it in?
Probably yes.

5) What is the worst thing you have ever done, causing you to feel more guilty than you have ever done in your life?
I don't know... Might have to review if I made big sins...

6) What have you stolen? (Everyone has stolen something at some point, no matter how small)
A calculator.

7) Have you ever taken an illegal drug? If so which one, and why did you take it?
A joint. Just to look cool... The kind of things you do when you're a teen, you see.

8) If you witnessed a murder, but the murder makes death threats towards you, would you still tell the police?
Yes. We all have to die, let's make it a consequence of a good action.

9) Have you ever been to a funeral? If so who's?
Yes. The list isn't short, better keep it for myself.

10) Have you ever been in a fight? If so what's the story?
No. I don't get in fights I can't win (which winds up meaning I don't ever get in one!)

Section Three: Sex

1) Out of ten, on average, how horny are you every day? With 1 being not horny at all, and ten being very horny throughout the day..

2) Do you masturbate? If so what made you decide to try it? If not, why not?
I am in chastity, if occasionally rubbing counts, I guess I do.

3) Do you ever play truth or dare with real people? If not, would you like to?
No. It depends on the people.

4) Have you ever been naked over the internet?
Fully naked, never... In undies, panties or lingerie, yes.

5) Do you have a fetish? If so what is it?
Feminization, crossdressing (especially panties), chastity

6) Does anyone know about this fetish, if so, did they comment & was it positive or negative?
RL friends no... Friends I've met over the internet yes, but they're supportive.

7) Have you ever been tied up? If yes, how? If no, do you ever want to be?
No. But I'd like to find out. Given the right person and venue, I wouldn't hesitate.

8) Imagine you are walking along a street at night, you see a person of the opposite gender and they offer to pay you £1,500 for a blowjob/to be eaten out. They are not of the same age group as you, and you do not find them particually attractive nor unattractive, do you accept or refuse? Why?
If the other person is clean, why not? I'm not cheating or hurting anyone.

9) Are you a virgin? If yes, do you want to be? If no, do you ever wish you could go back?
Yes. No.

10) You hear rumours about a hot girl/guy who is VERY easy. Would you try and get with them?
Depends on if I find him/her attractive or not. Note attractive doesn't have to be pleasant to the eye

Section Four: Prejudice

1) Have you ever judged someone by the way they look? If so was this a physical appearance problem, or did they not look like someone you would want to spend time with?
I try not to, but I guess we always do... But I try to stick to the saying: "Don't judge and you shalln't be judged"

2) Do you ever make racist jokes? If so do you mean them?
Mostly not. Never

3) If a friend is being racist, do you speak up or stay quiet and pretend to agree?
I speak up.

4) Do you ever find that you generalise countries? (I.E. Saying comments such as: All Americans are fat, All Frech people smell, All Germans are Nazi's, All Pakistani's are bombers etc.) Even as a joke..
A bit... But when I do is for the possitive: Germans being organized, French being sophisticated, Swiss being punctual, Britons being practical...

5) A homosexual person of the same sex (Or straight person of opposite sex if you are gay) walks up to you in the street, starts flirting and eventually tries to kiss you, do you:
a. Kiss him/her back
b. Stop, but explain kindly that they got the wrong idea
c. Stop, saying you are not gay and never will be
d. Stop, turn your back and walk away
e. Stop, shout at them and call them a faggot
f. Stop, and physically hurt them


6) A transexual starts talking to you, do you talk back as if they are any other normal person that you would see every day on the street?
I talk back. Transpeople are human people!

7) Someone who appears to be a chav approaches you in the street, he explains that he only needs Twenty Pence to get the bus home, you see in his other hand that his story is most likely true, due to not having enough to buy cigarettes or drugs. He is very friendly and seems like a nice person, do you give him the money?

8) Have you ever not talked to someone from a different culture, simply because you can't understand their accent?
No. Although I might probably ask him/her to talk louder or more slowly

9) In your opinion, are there too many immagrants in Britain/America?
I don't know. I'd say no. But I'm Spanish!

10) You are called racist by your friends, does this upset you?
Yes, because that means I'm giving a totally opposite impression than who I really am

Section Five: Random Questions

1) You see a group of teenagers smoking a joint. What is your reaction to this situation? Are you bothered by it or not?
I shrug and think: 'Teens!'. I am not bothered, it's natural that kids their age experiment, we all have done it.

2) You are approached by a stranger who is sell stolen goods at a VERY heavily reduced price (I.E. £100 for an iPhone etc.) you happen to have enough money to buy practically any valuble you wish that is laid out in front of you, do you buy it or call the police?
Call the police

3) If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be? And why?
Scarlett Johansson. I think she's smart, nice and sexy!

4) You invent a time machine, however you work out that it will only work twice, which time period would you go to, and would you use your second trip to go back home, or would you live in a different era?
Maybe I'd go to the future to see if we're actually evolving and becoming better.
No. I would feel totally out of place having to make a fresh start in a place I don't know with all kind of rules, social standards, etc. totally awkward to me.

5) Would you participate in an open relationship (Where either partener is allowed to have sex with someone else freely)?
If there are no hard feelings, why not. Sex is fun.

6) You rub a magic lamp and a genie pops out, offering only one wish. What is it and why would you choose that? If money, explain what you'd spend it on..
World happiness (I hope it doesn't sound too cheesy)

7) You see a stray dog in the street, you're unsure if it's friendly or not, but there a few young children playing, what do you do?
I guess if they sensed a threat they wouldn't be so careless. Although I would keep an eye longer than usual.

8) Would you ever consider buying a sex toy, and if so, which one, where from, why and how much would be prepared to spend on it?
A toy... I have a big toy stash! I love my plugs, vibratos and dildoes!
So, if I were to add, maybe a prostate massager (a good one) or a fucking machine.

9) Have you ever loved someone, told them that, and then started to dislike them from that point on?

10) You are allowed to have sexual intercourse with anybody in the entire world. You can choose anywhere in the entire world to have it, and it can be as soft core erotic or hardcore kinky as you like. Who, where, how?
Scarlett again... Beginning all lovey and probably ending with her dominating me. In a nice desert island with a good house and a long sandy beach.
33 / trans / subby switch / bi curious / 12cm
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