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Old 07-31-2013, 01:19 AM   #1
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Default Aquarius

This begins another world. Here we follow new adventures, new characters, new dares, and new romance. This story centers itself around Westview High Boys Swim Team. Read. Enjoy. And as always, I love to hear from you.

Chapter I

>>>Off of several stations, kicked four schools worth of speedo clad boys. They hit the water with small splashes as the cold tempest enveloped them.
>>>Ray Acura watched from the sidelines, sitting on a long wooden bench next to his high school team. The coach, John Brayburn, stared passively at the churning water. His arms crossed across his chest. Truth was they needed this win. If they couldn't get it, then there was no hope to win this meet. And to make matters worse, two of the three in this leg were freshmen who had no way of pulling ahead of the stronger and faster upperclassmen across the lanes. No, his only hope was in lane five, Nata Gray. "How was he today, Ray?"
>>>Ray, Nata's best friend since they were in diapers, shrugged. "Same as ever. You know Nata, didn't say anything before the race." Ray shook his head, though he bit his lip. Nata used to be their best swimmer. No one could come close to him in the freestyle. But, ever since he dislocated his shoulder half a year ago, he hadn't won a race.
>>>Hopeful, Ray watched the shining water. Arm over arm, Nata breached the coil water's surface. He had the lead by an armstretch in front of a North Helix swimmer. Ray sighed heavily as they made the finally turn. The North Helix boy had stronger legs and thus a stronger kick. Him and Nata were neck and neck. 'Come on man. Come on.'
>>>The buzzer sounded across the Olympic size pool. Nata looked up, hoping. He ripped off his goggles and swim cap. Brown hair, extremely lightened from constant chlorine, freed itself from the hydro dynamic tight cap. His blue eyes shimmered with the light reflecting off of small waves in the crystal blue water.
1. Josh Hyan North Helix 4:20:09
2. Nata Gray Westview 4:20:11
3. Sean Kikora Steel Ray 4:23:21

Nata sank under the water, his eyes shut tight. Time ticked by - he stayed in the cold water's embrace. He felt a light tap on his shoulder and broke the water's surface. Water poured off of his face, streaming through his hair, though he did nothing to shake any off. Opening his eyes, he saw Ray in the team's after-race coat. He crouched at the lip of the pool. A royal blue towel hung over his arm. And he smiled. "Great race."
>>>Nata's eyes dropped to the stuccoed and porous pool wall. "I lost."
>>>Ray sucked in his cheek. "But it was a good race. You almost had it... Now come on you're going to get hypo if you just sit there."
>>>Grasping the edge with a tight grip, Nata pulled himself out of the water. Twisting, he slid to sitting on the edge, his legs hanging over. A towel fell, blanketing out the world.
>>>Ray sighed. Every time Nata lost he got like this.

After a quiet bus ride back to school, the team circled up in front of the lone oak that sat at the front of Westview High. The coach stood on the stone circular wall around the tree's trunk. He said the usual b.s. after a loss. You did well. We need to work harder. Blah. Blah. Blah.

"Hey, coach?"
"What is it Nata?"
>>>His gaze dropped to his feet, shuffling nervously. "I don't think I should be on the team."
>>>The coach, tired of a long day, exhaled in a deep breath and looked at the Westview WV insignia on a far wall over Nata's shoulder. "Why?"
"Because I can't win anymore. I haven't won a race since last season."
>>>Ray was coming up behind Nata to ask if he wanted to go grab some food. He froze when he heard Nata.
>>>Coach John looked at his watch. All he wanted right now was to get to his family. It was already 9:30 and he was just plain tired of being around teenagers all day. "If that's what you want, it's up to you." He started to head into the parking lot. "Let me know Monday." Then he stepped into his car and disappeared.
>>>Ray's eyebrows furled, his blood rising. "What the fuck do you mean you're quiting!?"
>>>Nata shook his head and walked out into the dark parking lot. Truth was once he was on the road, he felt bad for leaving Ray behind, but deep down the only reason he said that to coach was to hear, 'no, we need you' And the like. He gunned it for home.

Knocking on the back door, Ray reached for the knob which turned easily. Not locked. He made it two steps in pitch blackness before he was tackled by a furry creature with sharp fangs.
>>>Ray rolled over, laughing. He ran his hands through the dog's soft fur. This was Storm, Nata's Siberian Husky. He was the only other occupant of the house, since Nata's parents moved to Switzerland to follow their jobs. His sister was already gone at college, so Nata lived in this three bedroom house alone, save his dog.
>>>Ray stood up, patting himself free of the fur he was sure was clung to his clothes. "Where's your guy?" Storm pranced back through the kitchen and into the hallway. He held himself royally. If you were to see him, head high, tail up, and ears pointed, you would be hard pressed not to think of him as the king or at the very least, the prince of dogs.
>>>Down the hallway, Ray found a slightly open door, the bathroom door. Peaking through the crack, Ray saw that Nata was sitting in the dark in the tub. He grinned. Bursting through the door and flicking on the lights, Ray yelled "ha!" Though, he cocked his head and slung his shoulders. "Are you kidding? You wear your swimsuit in the bath?"
>>>Nata, sure enough still in his racing speedo, sat blowing bubbles on the surface of the water. He looked over at Ray. "Just 'cuz I'm your friend and your gay doesn't mean that you can bust into my bathroom or see me naked."
>>>"Hey," Ray leaned against the sink, "why'd you tell coach you should quit?"
>>>Nata sighed. "I just don't want to ---". He slid under the water.
>>>Ray lunged over to the tub. "No! Suicide isn't the answer!" He dove his arms into the water. A strong hand grasped Ray's forearm and he was jerked into the tub. Nata sat up, laughing.
>>>Ray flailed in the tub, sending water flying around the bathroom. He stood up, chest heaving, absolutely drenched. "You jerk! That wasn't funny!"
>>>Nata continued to laugh. Standing up in the tub, "sorry". Ray's feigned anger suddenly vanished, his eyes locked. Nata tapped his speedo. "Not gunna happen Ray." Ray blushed madly and looked up at the ceiling. "Come on I'll get ya a change of clothes."

Ray stayed the night in one of Nata's spare rooms and in some of his clothes. The two of them were closer than most brothers. They loved each other - not sexually of course.
>>>He left around the afternoon after pleading every way he could think for Nata to stay on the team. Nata finally got sick of hearing it, and after another line from Airforce One was drowned out by Ray's complaining he exacerbated, "fine! Okay! Enough all ready! I'll stay."
---Harrison Ford yanked Gary Oldman's parachute cord. "Get off my plane."---
>>>Ray left soon after, satisfied that he won. Nata decided to take Storm out for a walk and locked up the house behind him. They enjoyed a leisurely walk around the neighborhood, Storm taking every opportunity to lift his leg and make himself known.
"Hey you're that boy who cried and quit the swim team, huh."
>>>Nata turned around, slightly mad, but mostly confused. He pulled back, shocked. In front of him was a stunning girl, straight black hair down to her shoulders. Piercing brown green eyes stared unblinking. She was a touch smaller than Nata, probably 5'11", but with a trimmed athletic body. She wore jeans and a faded grey hoodie.
"Who are ---"
"You were right, you should quit the team. Anyone who's afraid should just quit. You're just dragging your teammates down. And swimming, looks like your gunna drown um."
>>>His face turned a deep shade of red. Storm's lips curled back revealing imposing white knives. "Who the fuck are you?" He slashed his arm through the air.
>>>She crossed her arms over her chest. "Your last chance to overcome your fear and win again." She turned abruptly, walking down the road. "Meet me at your practice pool 9pm.

Nata stood frozen in place. 'What the hell?'

***looking for a man to be my keyholder***

College Roommates (unfinished)
Aquarius (unfinished)
While He's Away (unfinished)
A New Friend

Likes: edging, being controlled, cbt, denial, serving, watersports, anal, underwear

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Old 08-01-2013, 12:15 PM   #2
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hey great first chapter......
owned by underweardude22
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Old 08-01-2013, 07:45 PM   #3
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Continue please!(:
Read my first story here. Co-Ed Sleepover

My current story: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=178998
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Old 08-04-2013, 09:30 AM   #4
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Chapter II

*Meet me at 9*
>>>Nata rubbed his face, running his fingers through his hair. "I've got to be crazy Storm." He looked down at the wolf-like dog curled next to him on the grassy lawn. "Am I seriously considering this?" His left hand made its way to his right shoulder, which it rubbed tentatively. Suddenly, he jerked his hand around checking the old diver's watch on his wrist. 5:50
>>>Going back inside, Storm following on tow, Nata put a metal water bowl down on the tiled floor. "Okay. Here's the deal. If I don't come back by 1, you call the cops." Storm tilted his head to the side. Nata sighed.
>>>As the sun started to fade, the neighborhood fell into a forboding dark night. He bitterly fought the voice in the back of his skull, 'this is a classic mug set up. Cute chick lures you into a dark place all alone and then her friends jump you.' Nata shut his eyes. 'She said she could make me win...' Shaking his head, he slid the tarnished gold key into the deadbolt and locked the house.
>>>He found the large steel school gate to be open. Nata begged the little voice not to say how odd that was, though a sour feeling crept into his stomach. Sliding to his right, he thought it at the very least would be best I'd he didn't enter the pool house through the front door.
>>>"Bout time you get here." Nata froze, 'how the hell did she hear me?' "I was starting to think you wouldn't come." The girl's laugh echoed from one dark corner or the large hall. "Well now that you're here..." The emergency lights kicked on suddenly showering the pool hall in a flash. It resided to a low glow. The water shined briliantly, though all else was barely visible.
>>>Nata felt a hand clench around his wrist. He was dragged to the pool's lip. Only then did he see the girl - for it was the same girl that he met in his neighborhood earlier. She cocked an eyebrow as she let go of his wrist. "What?"
>>>Nata took in a deep breath, his eyes darting from dark form to corner, looking for anyone that would signal either a prank or an ambush. Nothing seemed odd. The only silhouettes he saw were of tubing, boxes, the training gear in the corner, life guard equipment... no people.
>>>"We are alone." The girl crossed her arms over her more than generous chest. Her eyes scanned Nata, from his shaggy lightened hair, down to shimmering eyes, then a long luxurious trip down his body. 'Hm. Not bad.' "Okay come on strip."
>>>Nata flushed, cheeks turning a rosy pink, though it wasn't noticable in the dim light. She coughed. "I know you've got your swimsuit on under your clothes. Do you plan on swimming in jeans and a shirt?
>>>Nata shook his head, his tongue dry of words. He thanked god, though he'd never believed in him, that he switched out his normal racing briefs for a pair of black jammers with royal blue stripes that ran from his waist to just above his knees. As he skid off his clothes, the girl watched transfixed, though she concealed it well behind a bored and unimpressed face. Fact was that Nata was a swimmer. And he had the body of an Olympic swimmer.
>>>He stood, his full height, trying to appear sure of himself. "How are you going to help me?"
>>>"It's pretty simple. You're scared of the water."
>>>Nata's face dropped. "I'm not fucking scared of the water, you dumb bi---"
>>>The girl slapped Nata's face, leaving it stinging and red. "Of course you're not scared of the water. Sheesh, don't interrupt me, and don't you dare call me that. Now then. As I was saying." A small smile appeared on her reddened lips. "You're scared because of your shoulder. You're scared you're going to let everyone down. You're scared because after everything you've been through. Every hurdle. You can't succeed at the one and only passion in your life." She placed a hand on her hip. "Does that sound about right?"
>>>Nata stared at her open mouthed. He wanted to say 'fuck you bitch! How dare you think you know me!? You're wrong!' But how could he, when those were the very worries that troubled him every time he neared the water. He clenched his hands. "Okay. How are you going to help."
>>>"Again. Simple." She began taking off the oversized tee shirt, forcing Nata to blush heavily. Despite being one of the best looking guys at Westview and having just short of a harem of fangirls, Nata had never dated. No one knew this about him, except for Ray, but he had never once taken advantage of any girl flocking around him.
>>>The tee shirt hit the ground, leaving the woman in a skin tight black racing suit. "Here's how it's going to go boy. We are going to race. When you lose, you will be my little bitch every night here at 9. Understand?"
>>>Eyes wide, Nata dry swallowed. 'Don't do it you stuiped idiot!' "And if I win?"
"You won't"
"But if I do?"
>>>The girl jerked her arms through the air, as if to say this was utterly pointless. "Fine. If you win, which you don't have a hope of, I'll lose the suit. Got it?"
>>>'She sounds too confident. Don't do it!' '''Do it you fucking retard. Do it for me!''' Of course, that was a whole other part of Nata. He dry swallowed again and then he said the words that would prove to seal his fate. "Alright. I accept your dare."

***looking for a man to be my keyholder***

College Roommates (unfinished)
Aquarius (unfinished)
While He's Away (unfinished)
A New Friend

Likes: edging, being controlled, cbt, denial, serving, watersports, anal, underwear

Toys: acryllic ball press. Ace plug. Dildo. Cb6000
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Old 08-04-2013, 07:28 PM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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Great story looking forward to many chatters too come.
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Old 08-05-2013, 01:18 PM   #6
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Got off to a great start. Hopefully it will be a longer story. Most of the real good ones die off after a few chapters.
"Rodger that Houston, and the monkey flips a switch." Major West-Lost in Space

"There's debris...... IT'S A COW!" Reed Timmer, Storm Chasers

"The night is darkest just before the dawn." Batman
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Old 08-06-2013, 10:09 AM   #7
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I'm glad people are enjoying the story so far

Chapter III

Nata stepped up onto the white kick stand, feeling the porousy stucco beneath bare feet. Swinging his arms around, he felt his back muscles tighten. Nata felt painfully aware of his shoulder, tentatively rolling it. Doubling over, his legs tensed, and he grabbed the lip of the white stand. "Ready when you are."
>>>They hit the glassy surface. Small droplets flying into the air were the only testament to the start of a ferocious race. From the first turn they were head to head. Their hands practically aligned at every stroke down the lane. Nata's mind was focused on each motion, the clear head of single minded determination only athletes and some crazy scientists know. Though, somewhere he couldn't help but be in disbelief. He never looked down on women a day in his life, but here, being matched turn for turn by some chick was beyond humiliating.
>>>He kicked off the wall for the last turn. Looking sideways as his arm came over his head, Nata registered absence. That chick wasn't next to him. 'Ha!' Then, on his next stroke his vision widened. She touched the wall - he stopped midstroke. He still had a quarter of the lane to go.
>>>She climbed out of the water, the black swimsuit dripping wet. "See. That was sad."
>>>Nata swam to the end and lifted himself put of the pool. He hated himself for asking, but a dare or deal was a deal. "What did you mean by be your bitch?" His voice had a low tremble mixed with a defeated air, though he fought it bitterly.
>>>She sighed, rubbing her face with a soft white towel. "You're pathetic." Working the towel around he naked feet, she looked up at Nata, who despite himself seemed extremely depressed. For some strange chick to come out of no where, beat his ass that badly, then echo his thoughts, it destroyed the little confidence he had left.
>>>"God." She shook her head, crossing her arms. "Get some self respect. Jeese." She turned to mumbling to herself. "I told her I'd do it...What the hell does she see in him?" Her eyes flicked to Nata in an icy glare. "Okay. This is how it's going to be boy. You want to win again right?"
>>>Nata slowly nodded. "Yes."
"You will call me miss, or mistress, you disgusting boy." Nata reeled back. She scoffed, shaking her head. "Listen, the only way I'm going to teach you, is if you do everything I say. Do you understand me?"
>>>Nata started to timidly reply "ye---"
>>>"Do you really understand me?" She jerked her neck, her face inches from Nata's. "I mean anything." Reaching down, she grabbed a tight fist around Nata's junk.
>>>Nata practically whimpered as she increased pressure. His knees trembled. "Yes mistress."
>>>"Good boy". She sighed and wiped a wet piece of hair off of her face with fingers that were just crushing orbs. "Now then," she pointed to Nata's jammers, "that swimwear is for men who can actually win a race. Drop it."
>>>Nata looked at the devilish, but he had to admit wildly hot, woman incredulously. "I'm not going to ---"
>>>There was a dull thump as the back of the woman's hand met Nata's tight package bound up in his jammer. He doubled over slightly, every muscle in his body tightening instantly. "I said you will do as I say. Or do you want to stay the pathetic swimmer you are now? Take off the swimsuit."
>>>Nata froze in place. His hands gently covered his jewels. 'What the hell is going on!?' Slowly, his hands parted and made their way to grab on the waistline of the jammer. They remained utterly still until the woman began tapping her arm. Ever so slowly, the suit started sliding down his legs guided by his thumbs. A white line showed itself above his groin where his swimmer's tan stopped abruptly. It slid down, revealing cleanly shaven skin like the rest of his smooth body. His manhood freed itself of the confines of the skin tight jammer.
>>>The woman watched passively, though she couldn't help but like what she saw. Every part of him was defined. A cut v led to a slightly above average dick and hanging balls. The black jammer with its royal blue stripes slid past Nata's knees, hugging his calves, then fell to his ankles.
>>>Nata's face turned a bright crimson as we watched the strange dominatrix look over every part of his exposed body. He felt like she was assessing each part, appraising him like a piece of meat.
>>>A small smile tugged at the edges of the woman's mouth. 'Now I'm starting to see why she's interested in this guy.' "Okay boy, back into the water." She watched the dim light reflect off of his white bubbled ass as he slid into the water. "From now on you must come here in only speedos, though you won't be keeping them on long. No more of these." She picked up the jammers on the end of a fingertip.
>>>Nata floated there, feeling the water caress every exposed patch of skin. She crouched by the edge of the pool, looking sternly at Nata. "50 laps. No arms."
>>>He got to his task, though he started struggling and severely cramping by the 20th lap. The woman got bored with watching the athletic naked boy struggle up and down the pool's length. Luckily, she had her phone nearby and was soon playing several card games, as well as a game of online Risk. She also sent out a quick text.
- --He's agreed to have me train him. I'll do what I can.---

It was close to an hour later when Nata, barely staying above the surface, reached the end of the 50th lap. He panted heavily, chest heaving, and legs burning. They stiffened into boards and refused to move no matter how much he begged. Every part of him was now shriveled - the woman laughed as he hauled himself out of the water with his arms.
>>>Nata continued to breath heavily. His vision was dimming rapidly, purple splatches appearing then vanishing. From his toes to his chest, his body began to tremble uncontrollably. The woman stood over Nata, watching him dispassionately. She waited without saying a word until he regained a slight composure.
>>>Finally after minutes ticked by, Nata opened his eyes. She smiled.
"Good job boy. I'll see you back here tomorrow - same time."

***looking for a man to be my keyholder***

College Roommates (unfinished)
Aquarius (unfinished)
While He's Away (unfinished)
A New Friend

Likes: edging, being controlled, cbt, denial, serving, watersports, anal, underwear

Toys: acryllic ball press. Ace plug. Dildo. Cb6000
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Old 08-06-2013, 10:47 AM   #8
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love this story, please continue
Gay - Male - Sub

Exploring Likes and Dislikes
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Old 08-06-2013, 11:03 AM   #9
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Not bad, please continue.
Brian (布莱恩) - Bi-Male (双男性) - Edge Master (边缘大师)


OH, JUST REMEMBER: "Life is not fun, unless you are having fun." - Dareholic

"Adam was but human - this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple's sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent." - Mark Twain
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Old 08-06-2013, 12:23 PM   #10
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very good so far
owned by underweardude22
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Old 08-06-2013, 06:21 PM   #11
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nice chapter, keep up the awesome work
"Rodger that Houston, and the monkey flips a switch." Major West-Lost in Space

"There's debris...... IT'S A COW!" Reed Timmer, Storm Chasers

"The night is darkest just before the dawn." Batman
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Old 08-06-2013, 08:22 PM   #12
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I'm glad so many people are following along and enjoying the story. Thank you for all your comments. Every one I see makes me smile and drives new determination to push forward. I'll try and get the next part up as soon as possible.

Lots of love,

***looking for a man to be my keyholder***

College Roommates (unfinished)
Aquarius (unfinished)
While He's Away (unfinished)
A New Friend

Likes: edging, being controlled, cbt, denial, serving, watersports, anal, underwear

Toys: acryllic ball press. Ace plug. Dildo. Cb6000
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Old 08-06-2013, 10:25 PM   #13
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This story is amazing!!! Hehe
looking for a male slave

if interested contact me at myselfiskool
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Old 08-07-2013, 04:24 PM   #14
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Chapter IV

---Hey broski! Want to hang out today?
- Ray---

Nata groaned as he opened his phone. Every movement was excruciating. He lay in his jammers from last night on his couch in the living room. His legs protested any movement, resolute in remaining iron rods. Nata had them propped up on pillows, moaning with every lance of sore pain the racked his body.
---Sure. Can't move. Hang out at my place. -Nata---
He reached out, carefully stretching in a painstakingly slow old person's movement. The phone rested on the coffee table - Nata, exhausted from last night, fell asleep himself.

"Now that's hot."
>>>Nata startled awake, popped his eyes open to see Ray leaning over him. He wore a goofy grin as he checked out Nata's mostly naked sculpted body. Then, Nata cringed as another shot of stiff pain lanced through his quads.
>>>Ray cocked an eyebrow. "What happened to you, mon frere?" Ray's father was a physical trainer that worked with top class athletes, so he knew what he was looking at as he saw various muscles in Nata's legs spasm and clench.
>>>"Stuiped training. Dumb bitch." Nata clenched his teeth together as his right quad locked, feeling like it was tearing itself free of his bones.
>>>Ray chuckled. "Okay...you want some help?" This wasn't the first time Ray had given Nata some physical therapy. And despite Ray's orientation, Nata completed trusted his best friend as his hands massaged Nata's legs.
>>>Ray knelt down on his knees and started kneading his knuckles into Nata's right leg. The muscles refused to lighten, though after minutes of expertly trained working, Ray's fingers eased the tension. He worked from Nata's calves to his groin. Nata pressed his head back into a couch pillow as he felt the odd mixture of pain and ecstasy.
>>>After Nata's legs started to loosten up, he finally started to come to, now just enjoying the massage. Though, after fifteen minutes he started to notice Ray's hands spending extra time around his jammer covered groin. Nata cleared his throat.
>>>Ray sat back on his heels blushing. He looked at the wall as he rubbed the back of his head. "That should help."
>>>Nata carefully swung his legs over the couch and slowly shifted his weight onto his feet. Ray was a miracle worker indeed. In fact, if it wasn't for Ray, after Nata dislocated his shoulder he wouldn't have been able to swim, especially competitively, for a year or two. Ray got him back on his feet, or sliding through the water as it were, in a matter of weeks.
>>>Nata wrapped his arms around his best friend who was still shyly staring at the wall. "Thanks man." Ray's face burned to the point of inferno. He didn't even realise that Nata had already left the room and was getting changed.

That afternoon, the two friends fell into their normal groove when they were at Nata's house. Food. Some amazing video games. More food. Then they'd watch some anime, Nata pulled up his laptop and connected it to his flat screen wall mounted tv. And to round it all off, more food.
>>>Growing up with shows like Dragon Ball Z and Gundam, the boys had always loved anime, despite the dumb stigma things like anime, comic books, and manga had in American highschools. Ray jumped back into the couch and laughed. He grabbed the laptop out of Nata's hands and started typing in:
Free! Iwatobi S

Then his show popped up on the screen. He clicked for episode one. Nata kicked back, a slice of pizza on his plate. "What's this?" He leaned in, reading the small title below the play window. Iwatobi Swim Club.
"You'll love it! It's all about swimming."
>>>The tv went dark and then it filled with the blue swirling of water. Several boys, naked other than some skin tight jammers laughed, swam, joked. Nata sighed. "Really Ray? Yaoi?"
>>>Ray chuckled. "It's not yaoi, though it's definitely a fangirl service." He elbowed Nata in the ribs. "It actually has a story to it. Come on, I bet you'll like the main character, Haru."
>>>As it turned out, Nata found himself captivated by the show. Despite its obvious actions just to get girls drooling, Nata felt an odd connection with Haru. The boy just loved water above all else, though he wasn't competitive like Nata was. He just ignored the sexual things - he'd actually watched yaoi with Ray before and didn't have a problem with it.

Just as the show came to its last aired episode (more next week), Ray's phone buzzed. "Ahh crap! I forgot, I was supposed to help my dad with the boat today." He quickly sent a reply, then shoved his phone into his pocket. "I've got to go. I'll see you at practice tomorrow right?" Ray looked at Nata sternly.
>>>Nata sighed. "Of course. See ya then." He checked his phone as Ray left through the back door. 3:30.
>>>'Am I really going to go back there tonight?' He bent over to put Storm's harness on - best to stretch out his legs a little. 'That woman was a complete bitch!' Nata huphed. "I can't believe she squeezed my nuts!" He said out loud, shocking himself. Looking around cautiously, Nata waited for anyone in his family to respond. After a couple seconds passed and he heard no sound he remembered that he was alone - old habits.
>>>Though, what really shocked him was something else entirely. Just thinking of that woman's deathgrip on his balls made his cock strain against his tight speedos underneath his shorts. You may be thinking at this point: does this guy always have swimsuits under his pants? Yes, yes he does. Since more often than not his destinations are around water, Nata got in the habit of foregoing underwear and opting for swimwear instead. His speedo stretched a little but predominantly pressed his growing member straight up. Nata closed his eyes and sat back down, Storm cocked his head, tounge hanging out of the side of his mouth.

His phone buzzed in his pocket 8:30. 'Time to get going.' Nata quickly checked in his bathroom mirror that his junk was packaged nicely in his tight teal speedo, pulled up his pants, and headed out the door.

"I'm surprised you came back." The woman, clad in a very similar tight athletic swimsuit, though it was dark purple, stepped down the lifeguard station's white step ladder. "Let's get started.

***looking for a man to be my keyholder***

College Roommates (unfinished)
Aquarius (unfinished)
While He's Away (unfinished)
A New Friend

Likes: edging, being controlled, cbt, denial, serving, watersports, anal, underwear

Toys: acryllic ball press. Ace plug. Dildo. Cb6000

Last edited by OwnMe8; 08-07-2013 at 05:16 PM.
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Old 08-08-2013, 10:32 AM   #15
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The woman tapped her crossed arm with a fingertip. Her eyebrows rose. "Well?" Nata shifted uncomfortably. "What are you doing? Hurry up and strip down to your swimsuit. I'm not going through this with you again." She rolled her eyes as Nata fumbled with his zipper, but finally he was standing in front of her in naught but a skimpy teal speedo. In truth this particular speedo was Nata's smallest - he picked it because it framed his balls nicely. For some reason he wanted to feel her fingers tighten around him again.
>>>She almost laughed when she saw the swimsuit, just barely covering his ass, so tight that it was probably from when he was in middle school. She grinned. "Good boy. Now for a warm up, 1000 jumping jacks, 200 crunches, 150 scissors kicks, and 70 push ups."
>>>Nata didn't even hesitate. His feet rocketed apart and his hands jumped above his head. The woman felt herself being dragged in by the bouncing boy. Her breathing matched his up and down pace. The teal package bounced enticingly. Around 600, a sheen of sweat glistened off of Nata's body making him look like a pure Adonis. She couldn't resist it any more.
>>>Ever so gracefully she slid forward, making sure Nata didn't notice. Like a snake, her hand darted out and snatched ahold of the inviting tight present. Nata stopped immediately, his abs clenched and his back arched. "Did I say to stop!?"
>>>Nata grunted and started jumping again - his shoulder seared, legs beginning to tighten. Though, he paid them no attention. Every time he jumped up his balls were pulled down by her vicious grip, squeezing them in their teal prison.
>>>Finally, Nata counted out his last jump. She squeezed, a 'good job' squeeze as she called it. Nata cringed. The rest of his warm ups went off without incident, however while he was on his back, knees in the air, doing crunches, she couldn't resist. She gazed, entrapped by the sculpted stomach as it pulled up his body. Dropping her foot, she pinned his two orbs against the cold ground. His abs spasmed. It took him five minutes to regain his composure. She decided to be nice and only add 100 crunches for his discretion.
>>>The only other time Nata was afraid of pain was during the push ups. Though, he wasn't afraid of her, he was afraid that his shoulder wouldn't be able to handle his weight. The dominatrix nodded as he came to a jerky conclusion to his warm ups.
>>>She decided to be merciful and allow him to have a 5 minute rest before starting his real training for the night. She sat on the lifeguard steps watching his chest pound. "How did you dislocate your shoulder?" she asked almost sweetly, breaking the silence.
>>>Nata shook his head, "it's not really important."
>>>Normally, she would have severely punished her little boy toy for such a backhanded remark, but as she already knew how it happened, she admired him more for it. "Okay." Standing up, she pulled a rope tight between her hands. "This is how it's going to work tonight. This end." She held up one end of the medium sized white rope. "Will be wrapped around my waist. The other..." Smiling wickedly at Nata, she paused. "Is going to be wrapped around the tiny things you call your balls."
>>>Nata shuddered, seeing where this was going. He hoped that the rope wide be as flimsy as it looked, though since it came off of a life rescue tool, it probably wasn't. The woman smiled, what would have been a sweet smile at any other place and time, but now only mirrored her sadistic soul. "We are going to race. If you fall behind by more than...let's see..." She worked the rope through her hands, judging its length. "About 6 feet, then...well you get the idea boy."
>>>Nata dry swallowed, his eyes wide watching the end of the rope quake in the air. Though another part of him had the opposite idea. His speedo started to bulge outward.
>>>The woman scoffed, shaking her head. "Now then, take this." She handed Nata the shivering end of the rope, which he held onto shaking himself. This was going to hurt. "Will you tie it tight around your nads to where it won't come off?"
>>>Dry swallowing again, Nata replied, "yes mistress."
>>>She smiled again. 'Good, he learns quickly.'
>>>After a moment of trembling fingers tieing a tight noose knot around his nuts, the woman guided him by a tug on the rope to the edge of the water. She decided to slide into the water instead of jumping. Best not to rip off his balls...yet.
>>>They both prepared themselves for a free kick off the wall, holding onto the lip with one hand and flattening their feet against the vertical tiled wall.
"3..2..go" she echoed her start from the previous night.
>>>To her surprise it already seemed like Nata was swimming faster. She would actually have to pick up to her normal pace if she wanted to have some fun. Registering this, she kept level with Nata as she thought. 'So it is all mental. Or...' She mused. 'Or maybe it's some male primordial adrenaline to protect his baby makers'.
>>>Together, they kicked off of the far wall. She shook herself free of thinking as the actually felt the rope start to lead in front of her. Not letting that happen, she threw her arm over and streamlined her strokes. Soon she was even, then gaining a lead on Nata, who struggled desperately.
>>>The sadistic swimming expert got far enough ahead of him to where he felt the rope's presence, but backed off so she wasn't pulling yet. She didn't want to be the one to pull them, she wanted him to be the reason. Maintaining the same pace, the woman appeared almost at ease, as if this was no more than a leisurely walk. Suddenly, she felt the rope start to get taut. She grinned.
>>>Nata, who was still unbearably sore from yesterday and tired from the warm up beating, started to drag behind. They made for the 20th turn. He flailed desperately. But, he couldn't gain any space and with every turn he felt the rope sinching tighter.
>>>As they kicked off of the starter wall for the 30th time, the woman smiled evily as a sharp screech rang from behind her. Then, gurgling blotted out the highpitched squeel. She continued a couple more strokes for good measure, feeling a new weight that dragged behind.

The woman cursed as she had to haul the boy out of the pool. His hands refused to let go of his balls, which he was dragged by for several feet. Thus he sank very quickly. After pulling him onto land she looked him over, disgusted by the idea that she might have to give him cpr. Then, Nata coughed, a waterfall spilling from his mouth. He heaved, body shaking, curled in a ball.
>>>A twinge of guilt fostered itself in the woman. She wasn't a mean person. This was just a means to an end. And well, it was fun. But this was too far. She nodded to herself 'I'll have to do better in the future.'
>>>The woman left Nata, cold and soaking wet, in the pool hall. Once she confirmed that he was fine, she kicked off the lights and left. All alone, Nata remained in a tight ball, clutching onto his teal speedo and cupping his swollen nuts.

***looking for a man to be my keyholder***

College Roommates (unfinished)
Aquarius (unfinished)
While He's Away (unfinished)
A New Friend

Likes: edging, being controlled, cbt, denial, serving, watersports, anal, underwear

Toys: acryllic ball press. Ace plug. Dildo. Cb6000
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