Old 03-25-2012, 01:43 PM   #1
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Default A series of short stories


I am going to start posting a series of short stories all within this thread, purely because I don't feel the need to make a new thread for each of them. So keep a keen eye on this thread and drop me a PM if you'd like to be added to a list of people who will receive PMs when a new story is updated.

I am also more than willing to accept suggestions of what to write should anybody have an idea that they want to PM me with.

I hope you enjoy them and please please please comment.


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Last edited by Star Shadows; 03-25-2012 at 02:32 PM.
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Old 03-25-2012, 01:44 PM   #2
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Contents Post:

You and I - A personal a account of a test of trust in a nightclub.

Corrective Measures- A hot story of teacher/ student and his punishments.
1/3 2/3 3/3

Last edited by Star Shadows; 04-01-2012 at 01:28 PM.
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Old 03-25-2012, 01:46 PM   #3
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Default You and I

You and I

“You want me to do what?” I asked, my eyes darting around the busy room. “Now?”

My breath caught in anticipation of your response as I looked into your bright blue eyes. I had hoped that I had misheard you over the noise of the throbbing, heaving music and jostling, shouting mass of bodies that filled the noisy club. My heart was pounding. The idea left me completely stunned.

You had one hand reaching behind my back, grasping my arm tightly, pulling me close to you. Pulling me so close that I could not move. Your other hand was tangled in my hair so that I could not draw myself away. To any other person in the bar, we were normal, a couple dancing, enjoying the evening; but we were so much more than just a couple, so much more than normal, so much more than they could ever know. But as I gazed deep into your unblinking eyes I began to fear that they might.

A look of mischief lit up your face in the dark, through the occasional bombardment of strobe lights and lasers. I moaned low and deep as you forced me closer- pressing your face against mine as you growled in my ear. Your breath was coarse against me.

“Yes, my sweet little whore, now will do quite nicely I think.” I blinked, and again, trying so hard to comprehend the words that had left your lips. I couldn’t move from your grasp, but, if i couldn’t move I couldn’t fulfill your wishes, so I wasn’t going to point out the flaw. But as if reading my thoughts you gently removed your hand from my thick locks of hair.

My heart was pounding so fast in my chest as I felt the wetness against my thighs as a sign of my own arousal and fear. How could you expect me to do that; and in front of so many? I looked at you again trying to break through the resolve in your eyes as your hands gripped my arms ever tighter. Just far enough away from you that I could see around us, my eyes darted around the room in a frenzy; even now some people had began to look in our direction.

There was no way I could do this without being seen. I did not know if I could I even do it at all? So many thoughts were filling my head as my body betrayed itself, becoming increasingly aroused. My nipples pressed hard against my corset and the wetness that escaped me became even more noticeable.

I bit my lip hard, not sure I could go through with what you had asked. My eyes darted around the room again. I was trying desperately to find a decoy, or a distraction, or a discreet alternative. I was coming up with nothing fast.

“Do not leave me waiting. Whore.” You snarled, your tone of voice sending me into a frenzy of arousal and anxiety as more and more people began to look our way, each made curious by the sudden change in your tone of voice, and my nervous fidgeting as I gazed at you imploringly. I prayed just one more time for an intervention, something to spare me what was to come.

For a moment the fight or flight reflex took effect deep within my mind; for the first time in my submission to you, to anyone, the urge to run away was almost undeniable as panic overwhelmed my senses. I endeavoured to spin from your grasp trying to make my way to the door yet my feet were firmly planted. Clearly the mental note to run had not relayed to my feet, which determinedly stood their ground. It would not have mattered though; your firm hands remained grasped around my wrists, holding me tightly. Even as my eyes again darted left to right, again looking for a route through the crowd, again looking for the door, I knew my efforts were made futile by your iron grip.

“Isabella.” You whispered in my ear as you kissed my cheek, the name felt alien to me, I so rarely heard it now. “I know you, I know you can do this. Have faith.”

Your kisses ceased as you held my hands tightly in your own, and stared passionately into my eyes with your own.

I took a long, deep breath. A wave of calm and strength washed over me, as if it were a tangible life force flowing between us. You were right; I could do this, and if not, I would at least try my hardest for you. I looked at you, and the people around us one last time. No more stalling I assured myself, as I allowed myself to fall my knees in front of you.

Everyone else had now stopped and they were looking straight at us. It felt like time had slowed down to a slow drip. drip. drip. Some were pointing, some had gasped, or laughed; others just stared perplexed by the scene that was developing before them. Drip. Drip. Drip.

I looked up at you through bright blue eyes, with blushing red cheeks, my embarrassment clear for all to see. Even so it was still far easier to hide than the arousal that was so obvious to the two of us; a torrent of wetness between my thighs and the pressure of my hard nipples meeting with the ribs of the corset that held me tight. Almost like a civilised method of bondage- satin and lace confines.

I gently tugged my hands from yours and slowly, so slowly, traced them down your legs. I weaved intricate patterns upon you with my fingers until I finally allowed my hands to come to rest on my lap. Now the real challenge began.

I began to slowly place purposeful kisses upon your legs, and then, giving myself a single moment more to think, I brought my hands back up your legs to meet the buckle of your trousers.

Before my hands had even touched the latch I found your own hands once again holding onto them tightly. You bent down to my level and wrapped your arms gently around me. Kissing my lips gently it was like we were both suspended, frozen in the moment.

Outside of our embrace, and now aware that nothing was going to happen, a few of the gathering crowd booed in jest. Some stayed to see how this peculiar event that manifested before them would play out, while the rest, now uninterested, had dispersed to continue their evening.

You gazed deeply into my eyes as you spoke your next words. Your voice so unlike the tone that had addressed me moments ago. It was soft and compassionate, full of love.

“I am ever so proud of you my angel.” You smiled at me kissing me again. “lets go home.”

You smiled at me and lifted me to my feet. We strolled out of the room hand in hand, feeling forever closer for the experience, and the chance to prove the extent of my trust in you and how much I love you.

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Old 03-28-2012, 02:01 PM   #4
getDare Devil
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Lovely writing, I shall keep an eye on this thread!
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Old 03-29-2012, 03:46 PM   #5
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Default Corrective Measures (1/3)

Here is another "short" story, well part of it for now, please thank and comment and give me some more suggestions for ideas. I love hearing from you all.

Corrective Measures
Part 1 of 3

“Jessica Alice Harlow will you stand up please? Now.” The teachers voice boomed across the classroom. Her eyes darted up from her aimless scribbles to meet his. She did as she was told and stood up, pushing her long brown hair out of her eyes, and stared at him evenly.

“Would you be so kind as to answer the question I have just posed to the class?”

This is where, once again, Jessica found herself wishing that she had paid more attention to what was being said, rather than the flow of artistic scribbles that compelled her so often. She tugged uncomfortably at the hem of her short, black skirt, sending the ruffles of lace and light cotton bouncing around her. She felt the eyes of the entire class directed at her as she fought through her subconscious to try and find an answer. But it was futile.

“Ermmm” She hesitated “No. Sir. I can’t. I’m sorry.”

“Do you even have an awareness of what the question was. Miss Harlow? Or were your mindless scribbles so infinitely more important than your education that they failed to register with you?”.

He began moving towards her, his steps slow, precise and full of purpose. His voice abrasive, direct and with enough venom to take down a small elephant. Adrenaline raced through her body as her nervous system set the fight or flight response spinning into motion. Her heart began racing with the uncertainty and embarrassment of his verbal onslaught.

“No. Sir. I promise it won’t happen again.” Despite her nerves, her voice was calmer than she had envisioned. She still succeeded at keeping her voice calm and reasoned, and still she maintained eye contact. Their eyes were locked. A battle of wills, but one that Jessica could never win.

“Your promises mean very little to me, Miss Jessica Harlow. You have made them far too often with nought but a flickering of change. You remain equally as self absorbed and ignorant to education as you did when we first locked horns.”

He was a matter of feet away from her now, and even leaning on the table, with both of his hands, he was far taller than she was. He stood at a towering 6 foot 3 and his physical presence was undeniable.

“But fear not, Jessica, we can help you with your problem.” His voice had lowered in tone, barely a growling whisper, but his words resonated in her ears, and were suddenly oh so loud.

“The college does not approve of my prefered method of dealing with people like you. But I can assure you that this is necessity, it must be done, and the college shall not find out.”

As he spoke Jessica could feel cracks forming in her once calm demeanour, as an infinite number of questions ricocheted through her mind.

“Go to the front of the class Jessica, if you would be so kind.”

((more to come soon))

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Old 03-29-2012, 03:49 PM   #6
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Ooh, intriguing! Thanks!
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Old 04-01-2012, 01:20 PM   #7
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Default Corrective Measures 2/3

She couldn’t move. Be it nerves, stubbornness, or her overbearing sense of self pride, her feet were rooted firmly in position. She slowly crossed her arms under her ample bosom, emphasising their shape against the white fitted blouse that covered them.

“That was not a request.” He snarled at her. grabbing her painfully around the wrist. “MOVE. NOW.”

With a swift flick of his arm he pulled her out from behind her desk, sending it skidding a small distance into its neighbour. He then forced her in the direction of the front of the classroom, half dragging, half throwing her down the gaps between the desks as the other students looked on in astonishment. When they had arrived in their english classroom this was the last thing they had expected to see, but the general consensus seemed to be that it was much better than the linguistic analysis of shakespeare that had been planned.

As she tripped, Jessica found herself pressed against the hard wood of his desk. She stepped backwards from it and looked at him. A fire of aggression crossed her eyes for a moment; she wanted to fight back, but, reluctantly she concluded that this time, it was not the right course of action to pursue. As calm as the teacher had appeared, she did not want to try his clearly fractured patience with her.

With a another series of swipes of his wrist he had cleared a space on his desk, sending his empty mug crashing into the wall, it meeting its demise, shattering into pieces. Papers were thrust into the air, books crashed to the floor and pens scattered across the floor as if to flee from the violent scene they were witnessing.

He grabbed her hair and forced her over the desk, her pert bottom facing the class, her lace skirt now offering far less coverage than it had previously, revealing the sleek black line of her lace thong to the class. She shifted uncomfortably and tried to stand again, but with one hand in her hair, and one hand against her neck, she could not.

Still holding her in place he kicked her ankles sideways, further parting her legs; the cheeks on her face flushed red with embarrassment as she found herself so deeply exposed to her classmates. But even more embarrassing was her own awareness that being forced into this predicament was making her ever so aroused, and she prayed that it was only herself that was aware of it, as her face was pressed against the desk.

“Now little Jessica, little. exposed. Jessica” He spoke slowly, examining her body, running a hand through her hair. “Are you going to stay still for me, or am I going to have to restrain you?”

The noise that escaped her lips was just that, a noise, feral, a visceral growl. Filled with her contempt for her captor and her predicament. He pulled her head back sharply by the roots of her hair, causing her to yelp in pain.

“I asked you a question. Are you going to stay still?” He demanded again keeping a tight hold of her hair, wrapping it around his hand.

“Yes Sir.” She gasped as the pain in her scalp intensified. Now though, he released her hair, and made his way to the cupboard. Nobody ever went near this cupboard and for good reason. Within was held a number of rattan canes, and paddles for when the traditional methods were better suited to the individual than what was now deemed more conventional.

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Old 04-01-2012, 01:21 PM   #8
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Default Corrective Measures 3/3

He removed a cane from its hanging place in the cupboard and balanced it gently in his hand, gauging its appropriateness before walking back towards her. Placing the tip of the long, wooden cane against her shoulder he began tracing lines across her skin with it tormenting her with the knowledge of what was to come. Teasing. Prolonging her eventual downfall.

Then, without warning, he hit her with the cane. A grand and graceful gesture, the wood slicing through the air with a breath of wind before coming down hard against her pale, soft bottom. She squealed in pain as the first blow struck her and the whole class gazed on in astonishment. Then again, a second blow, right where the first had landed. She had never known this level of pain before and her mind could barely comprehend the flood of emotions that were threatening to suffocate her.

A whoosh, a crack, a scream as the third strike of the cane shattered her thoughts and the pain multiplied. Thin red welts were blossoming across the white of her delicate skin.

She was gasping and moaning as more and more as the blows fell upon her, but as it continued the pain dulled in the wake of the internal conflict that was developing deep within her- a cataclysmic clash between pleasure and pain. Love and hate. There was no denying that she was enjoying this pain and humiliation, physically at least. But the pain itself was awful, and every part of her psychology begged her to try and escape. She moaned against each blow of the cane against her red, raw ass.

“Please stop” she whimpered, tears beginning to fill her eyes due to the pain and confusion. She continued to beg between yelps and moans of pain until at last, after what seemed like an eternity of punishment, he chose to stop, laying the caine upon the desk next to her.

He ran his rough fingers across some of the deeper welts on her body causing her to flinch and shy away from his touch. Moments later his hand was back in her hair pulling her up from the table. She winced at this new pain as she stood up again, her skirt falling back over her raw bottom.

“Now, Jessica. Back to your seat and let us continue the planned lesson”.

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Old 04-02-2012, 10:20 AM   #9
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Thanks Again Star Shadows, your writing is lovely!
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