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    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    So long and thanks for all the fish

    Because things, basically.
    Posted 08-20-2015 at 04:28 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
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    cloudness's Avatar

    So long and thanks for all the fish

    Noooo! why must you leave? :[
    Posted 06-10-2015 at 04:17 PM by cloudness cloudness is offline
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    drwarschauu's Avatar

    How does no, not mean no?

    That was a very polite response from you, DMB. The guy should have just sent a nice reply back or maybe left it alone. No does indeed mean no. Some people seem to think that if you're on this site, it automatically means you get to dare them or set tasks, whether you're taken or not, interested or not, willing or not. It can really rub you the wrong way sometimes, huh? I hope the blog (and supportive replies) made you feel better! Keep saying no and ignore people who don't know about the word no.
    Posted 03-30-2015 at 04:12 AM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is offline
  4. Old Comment
    MasterDaddy02's Avatar

    How does no, not mean no?

    Foxy Rose, a very good point! In that if you see someone is taken, then you should respect them and who they belong too! Show that to others, instead of not caring whatsoever.
    Posted 03-29-2015 at 01:19 AM by MasterDaddy02 MasterDaddy02 is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Foxy Rose's Avatar

    How does no, not mean no?

    DMB, I feel exactly the same. Goes the same with a blog I posted the other day urging people to READ profiles. Why bother with someone who is taken. Some people just don't show that respect to others. And clearly here you said no to them. Nowadays, I don't even bother to respond to PM's who request whatever, just because 1. I don't know them and 2. I am very happy with my someone special.
    Posted 03-29-2015 at 12:46 AM by Foxy Rose Foxy Rose is offline
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    LitDarkness's Avatar

    How does no, not mean no?

    Very true. I agree. But people take no as try harder, sadly.
    Posted 03-28-2015 at 05:19 PM by LitDarkness LitDarkness is offline
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    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    Mushy blogs/gD couples

    Total agreement. But now I've caught up, it's easy enought o keep up. It's just taking a toll on me.

    I never meant to claim it was specific to me. I'm all too aware that everyone here gets jealous of each other in the most polite way.

    All of those things, Wigglyss. But you also know I'm speaking of something more and how little I really experience jealousy. For how you've felt, imagine what it's like for me - the one who feels that way in comparison to you (this all being re: our earlier discussion).

    It's less that I'm not immersing myself and more I'm retreating within myself. I fought SO VERY HARD to come out and to come onto gD and I have done a few times and keep being rebuffed, not by anyone's will or intention. I just can't deal with it all and it's in an insanely unhealthy manner at the moment.

    Normally, I retreat and disappear from FB (which kills my work) and e-mails and forums and everything and nobody knows where I am. but living in the same house as Paul means this never quite succeeds, so I can't brood and destroy myself and try to rebuild and come out afresh. I have suffered entropy, but can't allow myself the total collapse I need, let alone the rebuilding.

    I am painfully aware of the implausibility of me looking after myself, taking care of myself and yet I know, in pure logic, not even just self-deprecation, I will never have someone both willing AND capable (let alone either) to be able to do it for me and I would wish that burden upon no-one.

    But that's not really what this is about. This post was meant to be about how I am really quite glad you all have each other. I wish you all to stay happy together and to not take it for granted.
    Posted 10-11-2014 at 05:09 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  8. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Mushy blogs/gD couples

    There have been a lot of lovey blogs going up. I've mostly just given up on keeping up with them. (Side note: To anyone reading this, that posts love blogs. You are all completely awesome and I wish I could just draw hearts around your blogs to show you how much I love them.)

    And I do not think jealousy is specific to you at all. I think we all get jealous of someone.

    I get jealous of masochists when they talk about all the fun they have doing pain things. Because I don't think pain is much fun, but I feel like I'm missing out on so much by not liking it.

    I get jealous of people who have their playmates/SO near enough to have a physical relationship.

    I get jealous of people who are able to bond with others easily.

    I get jealous of people who have the motivation to pursue their dreams.

    I get jealous of people who have the courage to push past their fears.

    I get jealous of tall people because... they're tall and I'm not.

    And I don't think it's bad to take time off from immersing yourself in things that you need time to handle. That's healthy. It's just that we're all bothered by different things.
    Posted 10-11-2014 at 04:38 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  9. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    Mushy blogs/gD couples

    Ah, I said it wasn't basic jealousy. There have been moments and those are the worst because I freak out AND feel bad on top of everything else. Entirely right re: the stupendously high bar though - how could one ever compete with it Not that we're competing etc, but y'all now what I mean.
    I appreciate you trying to be honest and balanced (scientists, eh? :P ). I don't doubt the others have problems on occasion as well. That being said - I am also painfully aware I won't be at that level in my life.

    Good It is now the correct term.

    Not. No matter how many people are in on that conspiracy! But you are kind for saying it's worse without me - sure it's not all that different

    *dodges and politely collatees compliments to return them* I like your pie. I mean face. I face your pie. I think I didded it wrong...
    Posted 10-10-2014 at 08:25 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  10. Old Comment
    Ly Ph's Avatar

    Mushy blogs/gD couples

    I know you said you were not jealous but I know I have been in the past. There is some what of an extraordinarily high bar set when you think about these GD couples. Its one of the reasons I want to vaguely mention any issues within any blogs I am made to post. I wont go into details but knowing they are there and life is not all rainbows seems to give a better interpretation.

    I do like the term GD couples.

    Any way you are awesome and GD is for the worse without you when you leave.

    I know you are about to argue against me so to that I say "Shut up and take my compliments!" *throws compliments as hard as she can at your face*
    Posted 10-10-2014 at 08:17 PM by Ly Ph Ly Ph is offline
  11. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar


    Don't be sorry - it's not your fault. It's very kind of you to wish you could do something, but I'm not really one to ask even if I knew what there were.

    You know where to find me if I am. From what I've heard, people discuss me when I'm not here anyways.

    But your words are kind, sincere and mean a lot to me.
    Posted 09-26-2014 at 03:59 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  12. Old Comment
    lola.fox's Avatar


    Aww, DMB I'm so sorry that you felt so lost I wish there was something I could do to help you! Also, don't go into hiding for so long again, there are A LOT of people around these parts that like to hear from you
    Posted 09-26-2014 at 03:25 PM by lola.fox lola.fox is offline
  13. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    The way things go

    That explains her decision then.
    Posted 09-05-2014 at 08:46 AM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  14. Old Comment
    SweetTeen's Avatar

    The way things go

    Originally Posted by DoingMyBest View Comment
    Darelovergirl - thank you. You're not the only one to say it. I may need to make another blog post that explicitly explains: I can't go to people for help. I can't ask for things for me. If I do, it's an incredibly big thing to do so. I can't invite myself to people's ouses etc. Anyway, as I say, another neurosis for another time.

    Intriguingly, as an addendum to this - oldDrunkWhore finally responded to me in chat today. Things are a bit strange, but have been discussed. Additionally, lexidrake183 got in touch with me via Skype having someohow seen this (I know she isn't often on gD these days) and we are discussing it right now. Coincidentally, Mikochan popped online earlier as well (although I was entirely distracted at the time and couldn;t speak to her): funny how things conspire when they're mentioned...

    I maybeeee have -cough- mentioned this blog to oldDrunkWhore when she was in the chat
    Posted 09-05-2014 at 08:39 AM by SweetTeen SweetTeen is offline
  15. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    The way things go

    Darelovergirl - thank you. You're not the only one to say it. I may need to make another blog post that explicitly explains: I can't go to people for help. I can't ask for things for me. If I do, it's an incredibly big thing to do so. I can't invite myself to people's ouses etc. Anyway, as I say, another neurosis for another time.

    Intriguingly, as an addendum to this - oldDrunkWhore finally responded to me in chat today. Things are a bit strange, but have been discussed. Additionally, lexidrake183 got in touch with me via Skype having someohow seen this (I know she isn't often on gD these days) and we are discussing it right now. Coincidentally, Mikochan popped online earlier as well (although I was entirely distracted at the time and couldn;t speak to her): funny how things conspire when they're mentioned...
    Posted 09-05-2014 at 12:14 AM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  16. Old Comment

    The way things go

    Well i have told you many times before, and i will say it again. I am always here for you, and you know that.
    Posted 09-04-2014 at 03:08 PM by Darelovergirl Darelovergirl is offline
  17. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar


    Will comment more later. Just wanted to say hi to the Chief Derricker.
    Posted 07-20-2014 at 05:28 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  18. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar


    However, with it now having been somewhere into the 4th year of solo/celibacy (the astute will note I've been single for just coming up to 2 years though), asexuality has become more prominent. I think I'm changing tone now to just reveal a... concern, not fear, really (I have one fear and one phobia. Nothing else scares me and the phobia is purely physical manifestations of fear) - if presented with the opportunity for a sexual partner: will I do it right, be any good, freak out, etc... For a long time, it's the only thing I've actually been good enough at to be able to accept I'm good at it (to the extent that I have a friend who asked me to explain some things to her boyfriend and said to him I'm a sex-god. She and I have never done anything. Ever...) - but it's been so long and my confidence (in general) so torn down, not to mention my self-image and the knowledge of certain physical deficiencies associated with body type, that I no longer expect to be able to please. To find that out would be devastating. My first blogpost was all about how I endeavour to please and I mean/meant it more than just coitally, but obviously it comes into sexual acts as well (no pun intended - also, that would be the humour mentioned before...). Honestly, I had thought to make a blogpost within the last couple of weeks shouting that I have chosen to be celibate, in the vain hopes that it would make it feel like I had some control over the matter (alluded to in my previous blogpost, which kindly seems to have been forgotten - I've left it up for posterity and some of the wordsmithery in it, to be honest... I mean, it's not often such a clear stream of thought can be captured from me, as you may have noticed.), but it's not a choice, it's just the way things are right now. But the asexual nature of a defence mechanism isn't a choice of celibacy - it's my body and mind's reaction to the situation. It's essentially telling me that I do not feel that there is any point in participating in any kind of erogenous/genital play even with myself because there will be no future use or because I'm just not worth the time it takes or I don't deserve the pleasure/gratification/fun. It's not even just due to sex and such. The asexual nature of it all is a defence mechanism to the entire world and what's happening around me.
    I don't really now how to explain this, but it's just not a reaction to ONLY my sexual situation. I have previously wanted to discuss it with the aforementioned friend (from an illness standpoint, not a sexual one as I don't talk sex with friends - well, in RL that is and not much about my own online either - rarely, if ever, giving details) the fact that I'm just "too depressed to masturbate" - which doesn't sound right without the correct inflection. It sounds like I'm saying the Big D means I don't want to. What I mean by it is that this low feeling means I haven't the inclination or desire or thought to...

    I doubt this blog has been what I had intended it to be and I honestly don't know what it's like or how it reads, but I'm going to post it without reading it back. Who knows what y'all'll make of it, but maybe it''ll help, maybe you'll relate, maybe you'll understand what I probably don't. But here's some words and hopefully they've helped you pass some time. Ciao...
    Posted 07-20-2014 at 05:23 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
    Updated 07-20-2014 at 06:25 PM by DoingMyBest (Corrcted some more obvious typographical errors.)
  19. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    Defining yourself

    Originally Posted by kittenlyss View Comment
    Sorry this has taken me so long to reply to. You're actually first up on my list of blog replies.

    I'm still working on a name for it.
    No need to apologise and very sweet of ye.

    I know - same here.

    And, honestly, I'm starting to wonder if I'm D/s at all. Which was the blog post I was potentially going to write that I mentioned to you. It is most definitely not the one I'm posting after this and, well, the less ye read of that one the better, methinks.

    But to the point - if there is a D/s side to me (let's assume there is for the simplicity of this reply), then it is by extension of my personality. The whole pleaser aspect is one I live by. To the extent that my career is based around pleasing people - and even that has gone into pleasing those that please people (essentially how I became a techie). And so, it throws up the question of am I a pleaser and that leads me to D/s or am I a D/s pleaser? I think it's closer that I like to play on an equal footing, but don't like the pressure of taking the lead all the time, but am a pleaser at heart still - the sessions are for fun and I enjoy making others as happy as I can.

    That being said, to jump onto what you said, I can be "bratty" - although in my own terms, I wouldn't say I was being bratty. I like to tease and push the boundaries and play with what someone's said and so on: and, I am of course, a loopholist (as I believe you are).
    But I often feel I fit no description of any kind. I'm lost and floundering a bit. I have no place. Which is to do with me as much as it is to do with D/s - I have always lived with that being the case (never in any clique, but could flit between): it's back to the jack of all trades - only, this time, I don't feel like I have any right to do any of them. as you can see, my mindset on these things (andd many things as you've no doubt experienced by now, lol) change with my temperament.

    Aye - satisfaction happens when I'm involved: but people need to give me the chance to do so. Impatient people rarely want to wait and sit through several years of my questions - but it's all information that makes me do things better for them.
    And although I give no guarantee, I DO have a 100% track record...
    I CAN LOOK TWO WAYS AND LICK FROM REALLY FAR! (That's probably quite useful in BDSM actually...)

    Originally Posted by kittenlyss View Comment
    Also, a jack-of-all-trades is magnificent. You do many things that I would never even contemplate turning my hand to. And I think you're marvelously courageous, brilliant, talented, and sweet. And if you're having trouble finding someone that you're the right fit for, it's not your fault. It's because you're so incredibly amazing and unique, you just need someone who is a bit more diverse than the usual to FIT YOU just right.
    I do them, but I could never do them on the level that you do things. take your ropework for instance - I used to learn knots. The only one I still recall is the reef knot. I could never hope to attain even half of your skill with them.
    Sure, I try things - but I genuinely don't understand or even experience fear. I have one fear and one phobia: I don't otherwise get scared.
    Courage is overcoming a fear, so I'm closer to ignorant, although thank you for thinking as much
    Brilliant and talented are far from it as well. VERY sweet of you to say, but I am sometimes adequate and occasionally semi-skilled, but brilliance is not my forte and talents are innate - I have to pick things up.
    Sweet - I'd never had said it myself (you know my inner emotional state, lol), but plenty of others have said it, so maybe it's true. Probably because I only eat sweets and desserts and stuff all day...

    I am quite adamant that I won't ever fit anything, nor anyone, lol. Sometimes, I am quite okay with that. Other times, I'm okay with that, but need a friend's cuddle to help me be there.
    And whilst I am unique, I return to my bent fork meme comparison: with a reminder, that it Chernobyl also amazed people. But thank ye, sweet Lyss x

    (P.S. I doubt anyone will fit me - I am too fluidic and everchanging, whilst remaining utterly staid: a paradox of a man.)
    Posted 07-10-2014 at 07:57 AM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  20. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Defining yourself

    Originally Posted by DoingMyBest View Comment
    Get kittenlyss onto the case then
    Sorry this has taken me so long to reply to. You're actually first up on my list of blog replies.

    I'm still working on a name for it.

    I do think that your "pleaser" role is based on what your personality is outside of D/s. In much the same way that I'm a brat because I'm sarcastic, like to say no, and enjoy pushing people's buttons. When we fill our D/s role, we bring our personality with us. People might try to tell you that you're a switch because you DO switch and that being a people pleaser is just a personality trait. And perhaps they're right, in some respects. After all, not all submissives are actually submissive people. It depends on how switch is actually defined. And D/s definitions tend to be pretty fluid. (Although, really, no one has the right to TELL somebody else what they are. At most, they may seek to assist in finding a satisfactory definition.)

    I think the key might be finding what blend of descriptions fit you best. There are a number of people who don't find me submissive, but that doesn't negate my being a submissive. Sometimes, I don't find myself terribly submissive (I do get into some pretty heated discussions with myself :P). In the same way that we use brat to further define someone's style of D-ing or s-ing (there ARE bratty Doms!), we could use "pleaser" to clarify your switching. To say that you ARE a switch, but you change to fill the role that's being asked of you.

    You are a Pleasing Switch and you HAVE a Pleasing Switch in your brain that prompts you to provide satisfaction. I bet you even come with a guarantee. :P You can be the chameleon in the BDSM animal kingdom *giggles*

    Also, a jack-of-all-trades is magnificent. You do many things that I would never even contemplate turning my hand to. And I think you're marvelously courageous, brilliant, talented, and sweet. And if you're having trouble finding someone that you're the right fit for, it's not your fault. It's because you're so incredibly amazing and unique, you just need someone who is a bit more diverse than the usual to FIT YOU just right.
    Posted 07-03-2014 at 01:06 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  21. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    Defining yourself

    Originally Posted by Ly Ph View Comment
    Firstly you do need a new name as "Pleaser" to me is a shoe brand but perhaps that just says something about me :P.

    I know you said people seem to see you as a dom but going by the way you say things I always made the assumption you are more of a sub. Perhaps this is just you pleasing me though :P.

    I would say that it takes skill to be a jack of all traits. Often I want to help people but I cant because there interests fall outside of mine and I just don't understand what is good and what is not.
    Get kittenlyss onto the case then

    I guess I technically am more sub - after all, a sub aims to please. Anyway, more to the point - I think thanks for saying I speak like a sub? But I don't get what it is then that makes me seem ik a Dom...

    For me, it's more a talent - I didn't learn it, just was born lucky enough that I could. But being jack means I'm the best at jack - there is always someone better for whichever job at hand. At best, I''m an egg in an old car radiator - temporary at best.
    Posted 06-27-2014 at 04:04 AM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  22. Old Comment
    Ly Ph's Avatar

    Defining yourself

    Firstly you do need a new name as "Pleaser" to me is a shoe brand but perhaps that just says something about me :P.

    I know you said people seem to see you as a dom but going by the way you say things I always made the assumption you are more of a sub. Perhaps this is just you pleasing me though :P.

    I would say that it takes skill to be a jack of all traits. Often I want to help people but I cant because there interests fall outside of mine and I just don't understand what is good and what is not.
    Posted 06-27-2014 at 03:51 AM by Ly Ph Ly Ph is offline

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