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    MasterDaddy02's Avatar

    Another Loaf on the Shelf

    You have hit on a very major key in the connection of twon in relationship. For some, they know what they want. For others, they need to feel that wanted side, and the efforts that go along with it. The thoughts of saying, I know what I want is from how you as a person has your head together. The thoughts in the head of that needing side, is something that everyone in life truly needs. No matter who and what kind of relationship they fall into. It is that search in life, that really can overtake people, at the worst time in there life. That is during the period of how there wall is down, and they need to feel needed but at times, it is in the wrong way, and then it is to late by the time they get there head together. As it is with that dream of how this is what I want. Then, this is what I need at this time in my life. The deal is, you must be fully sure of yourself. That is the key factor.

    You listed some very good points in how you feel as a person.
    Posted 09-10-2014 at 01:48 AM by MasterDaddy02 MasterDaddy02 is offline
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    Butterfly's Avatar

    Another Loaf on the Shelf

    I figured as much from what I saw last night. I feel like my comment may have been a bit harsh as well. It is just sad that the person this blog was inspired by, probably won't even read it.
    Posted 09-09-2014 at 11:07 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
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    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    Another Loaf on the Shelf

    @kittenlyss: I think that's a health perspective though, to not be so reliant on a single person that they are necessary to your ability to actually live. That's a red flag, unless you are literally a child. Needs and wants make up a spectrum - at one end are things that we absolutely need, the basics, and at the other are pure wants that we could most certainly do without. Most things fall along the middle.

    Now, the no limits thing - I completely agree. I read a humorous article on that on FL a while back, where the dom said that whenever he encountered a sub who told him she had no limits, he would say something along the lines of "okay, well what I'd like to do is beat you within an inch of your life with a bat and then set parts of you on fire," just to get the point across that we all do, in fact, have limits if we actually think it through.
    Posted 09-09-2014 at 10:07 PM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
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    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Another Loaf on the Shelf

    @butterfly: You could say I was driven to write this by a certain incident. So what's written may be a bit harsher than what I would normally say, as I was still kind of in the heat of the moment.

    But I think you're right. It's human nature to seek out things that satisfy us. I suppose the reason my view on the matter comes out a little harsher than most is because I put up so many walls and am ready to cut ties, or at least draw back quite a bit, at the first sign of discord. While I enjoy all the little extras, and would likely go mad if they were all gone from my life, I never feel comfortable allowing myself to rely on one source for anything. The minute I think "this is the only person I can go to for this," I start freaking out and feel like I'm being too dependent. So I'm rarely ever willing to say I need any one particular person. One of the reasons it took me months to work up to committed D/s with Almost. You could say I have massive trust issues.

    But where I'm at right now feels great. I don't know if I'm willing to say I need it. But I do get cravings. That's like an intense want, to my mind.

    And, yes, we do have a tendency to exaggerate and say things we don't quite mean. I swear, the next time I hear somebody say they are a no limits slave (for instance), I am literally going to leap through the screen and throttle them.
    Posted 09-09-2014 at 08:46 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
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    Butterfly's Avatar

    Another Loaf on the Shelf

    First of all ... I am so very happy to see your post as I was still seething from a certain comment that was made by a certain unnamed person ... anyways ...

    For me, I would have to agree that in the needs category there are the basics, shelter, food etc. But, once you have fulfilled those needs, and you are physically taken care of safe, it is human nature to seek out happiness. And you can't be happy without certain things. Each individual person needs different things in order to be happy and grow. While I may need cuddles and affection, John Smith down the street, may need to be left alone.

    When it comes to relationships, I think the basic needs for survival are different from an individual person, but they are still there. In order for a relationship to survive, you need trust, communication, etc. and then once those are fulfilled, there are other things needed for the relationship to be able to grow and be a healthy relationship.

    I do think that as a society, at least in this part of the world, we tend to exaggerate when we speak. We use hyperboles all the time. We will say we are "starving" when in fact we ate a meal less than 12 hours ago, or we will say "I need to have that really sparkly thing over there" when in fact, I am not going to die without it, I just really badly want it.

    I am guilty of saying "I will die" when it comes to doing something embarrassing or really difficult for me, or being denied orgasms. However, we all know that it isn't true (and thank you Asslvr for not actually testing the theory ... yet).

    But, my point is, saying you need something, rather than just wanting it, can be a figure of speech, or it can be a genuine need in that moment, even if somebody else doesn't share the same view.

    Every person is different. And it is nobody's business to tell you what you need or want. It enrages me when somebody makes a blanket statement about all people, or all subs, like the one that started this conversation.

    That is all ... (sorry for rambling but I have been frustrated since last night when I virtually punched the member who made the statement)
    Posted 09-09-2014 at 09:54 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  6. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    @Dare: I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's another one of those things I have trouble explaining in the heat of the moment. And I actually do enjoy being annoying just for the sake of it on occasion. So maybe I waver between cheeky and bratty.
    Posted 09-09-2014 at 08:54 AM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  7. Old Comment
    Siren's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    Oh, I can't believe I missed this post! I think this is what I'm like a lot of the time when I talk back (and yeah, it is *really* funny doing that. ) If I have problems with explaining that aspect of my personality again I think I'll just direct them to this blog, because it makes things so very clear (and is, as always, an entertaining read.) I suppose so many people say they don't want to be/have a sub who is bratty because they haven't defined it in this way (I usually tend to describe myself as "cheeky" and then if I'm being annoying just for the sake of it I would class that as being "bratty.")
    Posted 09-09-2014 at 12:49 AM by Siren Siren is offline
  8. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Another Loaf on the Shelf

    @Wardell: While you're probably right about some of what I consider wants being necessary for mental/emotional health, I tend to take a harsher? view. Not to say I live a minimalist lifestyle. *gazes in delight at all my pretty things* Because I totally don't. And, by the way, whether or not I am currently sane is up for debate.

    And while I'm not above telling Almost that I "need playtime because I'm losing my mind," I also don't mean that I really need it. Well, maybe by your definition I do. But if he just really didn't have time, I would be ok (although not happy, denial of playtime is totally pout-worthy).

    And, to be honest, I've never tried very hard to go without wants, so not sure how crazy(er) I would become.

    But, when it really comes down to it, I want my relationship with Almost enough that if I had a list of wantneeds, he would be right up there with chocolate.

    Is there such a thing as too deep and meaningful? And I really enjoy hearing other points of view. So feel free to wax lectural.

    *liked Gandalf's face back*
    Posted 09-09-2014 at 12:41 AM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  9. Old Comment
    Wardell's Avatar

    Another Loaf on the Shelf

    @kitten : An interesting branch of philosophy, which has all sorts of tangential discussions, such as nurture and nature, and other more obscure things.

    I think it's a bit limiting to restrict your needs to those which will simply keep you alive. I'd tend to think that wants which keep you sane, even happy, could be classed as needs as well. For example (an extreme, of course, but they sometimes make the best examples) if you were perfectly well fed, clothed, rested and housed, and you had nice clean air to breathe - and nothing else; that is no interests, no entertainment, no mental stimulation, no physical stimulation - how long would you stay sane?

    I'd like to think some of the wants we find satisfaction for here on gD are actually needs. Tink satisfies a number of my wants (very, very well!), even though she has no effect on the physical survival needs listed above. But she helps keep me sane, because she scratches my metaphorical itches by being there to provide for wants that run so deep for me that I'd class them as needs.

    The alternative, suppression of our wants, could lead to problems for us almost as serious as some of the survival needs.

    Am I getting too deep and meaningful? Sorry, but I find it hard to not go into lecture mode sometimes!

    Forgot to add: I like your face!
    Posted 09-09-2014 at 12:16 AM by Wardell Wardell is offline
  10. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Another Loaf on the Shelf

    Originally Posted by 2bchew View Comment
    I want to be needed but I dont always need to be wanted.
    I'll take either.

    But I read an interesting note the other day. I wish I could find it again. But, basically, it proposed that being needed means someone is keeping you around because they must. If you're wanted, someone has chosen to be with you.
    Posted 09-08-2014 at 11:54 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  11. Old Comment
    2bchew's Avatar

    Another Loaf on the Shelf

    I want to be needed but I dont always need to be wanted.
    Posted 09-08-2014 at 11:45 PM by 2bchew 2bchew is offline
  12. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    I think everyone has a different definition of brat. But there is a difference (to me) between someone who doesn't actually want to be a sub and a bratty sub in a functioning relationship. And the dommys are fun to poke at, aren't they?
    Posted 08-31-2014 at 07:50 AM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  13. Old Comment

    I'm actually an angel

    I didn't think I was a bratty sub until I read your post... *reconsiders*
    Under your definition... I totally am! Hehe! It's much too fun to tease and find loopholes! Not that that happens often... DrW gives very specific tasks *roles eyes*. Sure, I might submit, but I still digitally pinch his bum! Hehe!
    Wonderful blog! I loved reading it!
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 10:52 AM by eivins eivins is offline
  14. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    @SweeTea: My rule of thumb with loopholes is
    1) never use with punishments
    2) never behind his back

    Other than that, I just try not to be too predictable about it. Like I don't usually use the same loophole twice.

    I like your tomate-y face moooooore.
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 08:34 AM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  15. Old Comment
    SweetTeen's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    I like your face.

    I dont have much to say to this i think. I usually just try to do my best in any regard. Yet its fun to point ot loopholes but I dont think I ever really used one. But If I ever want to I think Im pretty much able to find anything pretty fast. :P
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 06:47 AM by SweetTeen SweetTeen is offline
  16. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    @NLG: Teasing is the best. I'm waiting anxiously until he gets back from out of town because I have a fun little joke planned and I REALLY want his reaction in real time.

    @madl: I think of them as aggressive cuddles. Being pinned down is the best though.

    Yes, I get bored easily too. Constantly playing Miss Meek Mouse would likely bore me in seconds.
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 04:10 AM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  17. Old Comment
    madl's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    The wrestling analogy is great.

    Seriously, what dom wouldn't want an opportunity to pin down his/her sub?

    And the part about being yourself. It would be very boring if you always had to be so very serious and were never allowed to let your personality shine through (for both dom and sub and both their personalities).
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 04:03 AM by madl madl is offline
  18. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    I agree, particularly about your comments on deeper submission. I decided when my Dom and I first started seriously discussing the possibility of our relationship that I would be myself as purely and fully as I could, and if it didn't work, so be it. Roleplaying has been fun for me, but in small doses, and it is certainly no substitute for being able to be yourself with someone like I can be with my Dom (and as I think you are with yours )

    Loopholes I don't have a ton of experience. My Dom is pretty detailed (which I appreciate and adore). Some things tasks have had areas that have been left vague which I view as flexible - I will try it the way I think the task-giver most likely intended, or adjust if I can't manage it that way. For example, in one task the dom told me to use my dildo - well, I have three, two of which are quite large and require a lot of stretching, so in context the smallest of the three fit best and allowed me to complete the task. That being said, there are those golden opportunities to tease one's dom back that are just too good to let go. And the resulting discussions are some of my favorite memories )
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 01:33 AM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
  19. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    @HappyMe: It really is awesome. Knowing that he takes me as I am and is not trying to change me is probably the most amazing part about being his. I have never reacted well to quashing attempts. There is almost always collateral damage.

    @NLG: I think everyone's definition of brat differs slightly. I'm not sure what people mean when they say "act out." It could be interpreted as a sub trying to manipulate their dom into doing things their way (aka "topping from the bottom") or acting petulantly after this fails. It could mean pulling pranks.

    Now, loopholes, that's another interesting topic. With a lot of strong opinions on them. I've been accused of following the letter of the task instead of the spirit of it. But I believe loopholes were put there to be used. I'm not saying I'm going to try to decieve my dom and pretend I did as he said. Or that if he gives me a task and isn't around when I do it, that I'll intentionally interpret it so it's as easy as possible for me, despite his meaning being clear.

    One day, he told me to take a picture of myself and send it to him. Good subby that I am, I held my phone out in front of myself and took a picture, sent it to himn and waited in anticipation for his reply. A few minutes later, I get a message from him "Why do I have a clothed picture of your stomach ?" We had a lively debate about whether I should have understood that I was meant to take an unclothed picture. Of course I knew that's what he meant. So I finally sent him that one too, which was taken at the same time as the first picture.

    I had no intention of disobeying what I understood his directions to be. I just was maybe not as timely in providing the picture he actually wanted as I could have been. I'm not saying I always make him jump through hoops to dom me. He doesn't enjoy being on the receiving end of my rules lawyering as much as I enjoy dishing it out. So we've managed to compromise, I try to hold back, but occasionally I just go to town. And that's ok for us. Because we both know that at the end of the day, he's the boss.

    And in regards to the part you quoted me on, I feel like it's a deeper submission. The other is more like wearing a mask, roleplaying if you will. I don't think I could maintain a long-running relationship and NOT show who I really am. And since I don't get much out of the online version of one night stands, I don't see the point in pretending. Well, some pretending can be fun. Anyone wanna play "Savage Indian and Dumb-prairie-girl-that-just-don't-know-no-better"?

    Also, thanks for all the bloggy loves. I love your faces.
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 01:00 AM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
    Updated 08-30-2014 at 01:09 AM by kittenlyss
  20. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Curiosity killed the cat

    Originally Posted by Happyme127 View Comment
    I am so really a rainbow!!! I have witnesses!
    Are these witnesses clouds by any chance?
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 12:23 AM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  21. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    I love this post. This might be my favorite out of all of your posts. I don't think of myself as a bratty sub (my Dom apparently disagrees - I feel like this might be a conversation topic between us shortly), I certainly don't 'act out' which is what I've usually heard 'brattiness' described as. But now I'm re-evaluating that. I do tease my Dom, because it is fun and he can give it right back at least as good as I can dish it out. And I think part of why we are comfortable with such banter is because we both know that there is no time when I am not his...plus I know his ego can take it.

    My questioning is for the exact same reason, including queries about loopholes - I love knowing what is going on in my Dom's head because then I am not only able to please him better (which is the best part) but I also am far more excited to do whatever he has devised.

    My favorite part of this: "Most of all, I do this because that's who I am. A smartass who talks back and resists authority upon occasion and likes to make jokes and tease. And I don't want to stop being me just so I can be your sub. Then I would have to stop being your sub just so I can be me." I teared up at this because I (thankfully, briefly) lived this. There is nothing more miserable than having to not be yourself in order to please your dom, and nothing more wonderful than being able to please your Dom by being your truest self.

    Thank you so much for writing and posting this, you lovely little angel )
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 12:11 AM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
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    Happy Me's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    😀 gahhhhh I love this!!! There is something really wonderful about a dom who knows how to intelligently deal with all of that and not try to squash your soul, isn't there?
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 12:09 AM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline
  23. Old Comment
    Happy Me's Avatar

    I'm actually an angel

    Pffft GD acting up and posted twice.
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 12:07 AM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline
    Updated 08-30-2014 at 12:10 AM by Happy Me
  24. Old Comment
    Happy Me's Avatar

    Curiosity killed the cat

    I am so really a rainbow!!! I have witnesses!
    Posted 08-30-2014 at 12:03 AM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline
  25. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Curiosity killed the cat

    I think I may have to surprise Almost with one when he gets back in town.

    I will have to try the sleeping bound now. And if it's as awesome as you say, maybe ask him for carte blanche to sleep cuffed whenever I need dommy cuddles.

    And of course I mentioned you. I love your face. Even if you're not really a rainbow.
    Posted 08-29-2014 at 11:02 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline

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