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A random assortment of reports, thoughts, ramblings and information. Pretty much a view inside my wonderfully complicated, sometimes broken, and entertaining mind.
  1. Old Comment
    Blue Fox's Avatar

    Falling Submissive

    Sounds like you've found an awesome thing. I really hope that it works out well for you.
    Posted 05-18-2019 at 03:36 AM by Blue Fox Blue Fox is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Jaro's Avatar

    Curiosity killed the cat, not the Butterfly!

    What great ideas Miss! I do hope you get to experience some of them with the right person soon!

    Breast press sounds very hot! Heck, they all sound hot!
    Posted 05-15-2019 at 07:37 PM by Jaro Jaro is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Consensus's Avatar

    Falling Submissive

    i have only one word: wow!

    Okay, two: evocative!

    Posted 05-14-2019 at 12:52 PM by Consensus Consensus is offline
  4. Old Comment
    PrincessJessica's Avatar


    I don't have anything deep or meaningful to add to the above but just wanted to say how much I appreciate you sharing so much of yourself; your doubts, to guilty feelings (and yes you have nothing to feel guilty about) and life being a general pain in the bum. I hope the hormone tablets help you to your goal and this (hopefully) short-term pain will all be worth it.

    You're still good at finding them cute figs anyway
    Posted 05-13-2019 at 03:03 PM by PrincessJessica PrincessJessica is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Stopclick's Avatar


    You know, sometimes there will be these times where everything feels chaotic and nothing feels right. And that's okay too, and it's okay to not like it and to feel overwhelmed. This will wash through you like a wave crashing over a beach. The wave for a moment is the edge of the entire sea before being absorbed into the sand, it's the character of the ocean, but it doesn't define it. And when that sense of balance returns, you'll be able to appreciate it all the more from your experience of times such as this.

    It can and does totally suck though, I hope you're doing okay.
    Posted 05-12-2019 at 06:10 PM by Stopclick Stopclick is offline
  6. Old Comment


    Oh beautiful butterfly! You cant always be all the things for all the people! You have a heart of solid gold l, the sweetest and most thoughtful person i know ❤ cut yourself some slack!
    Though you better get back to my pms right now and fill me in lady! Lol
    I love you xx
    Posted 05-12-2019 at 11:13 AM by LittleMissSass LittleMissSass is offline
  7. Old Comment
    Jaro's Avatar


    You have nothing, absolutely NOTHING to feel guilty about Miss!
    You are good, you do good, you be you!

    I just wish you could relax more and weren't so busy all the time.

    Btw that bunny is insanely cute!
    Posted 05-12-2019 at 07:07 AM by Jaro Jaro is offline
  8. Old Comment
    Consensus's Avatar


    Not failure, but trial. You only fail if you give up. That you wrote this, and feel as you do, is evidence you have not failed. You are not failing. You are struggling, you are fighting, you are loved. And receiving love you don't feel you deserve is the hardest thing of all that you describe.

    For what it's worth, i suspect everyone you mention will tell you that you deserve their love and time. And you know this. When your new Dom tells you he's not keeping score, be a good sub, the best sub, and take him at his word. When your Mum is really made up about what you've done for her, take it at face value. You can't do more than you can do.

    Realising that this is unsolicited advice from someone on the internet, i feel for you. Maybe it helps to know that others, me, don't share your fear that you are failing; it sounds a lot like struggling bravely for multiple laudable goals to me.

    Sorry for the long, rambly response, but this oddball on the internet knows how you feel and wants to throw friendly love at it. Hope it works a little bit!

    Posted 05-12-2019 at 12:56 AM by Consensus Consensus is offline
  9. Old Comment
    Consensus's Avatar

    Confusing Kinks

    Speaking purely as a sample of one, i feel you. Twould appear that your links are partly about being in control of your fears and things you have thought as out of your control. Even TPE, it would be a choice, ergo, your control to have none. It's taking charge of that darkness, which is exciting.

    For me, my kinks are all about making me make sense. Always an outsider, my kinks take differences i admire and sublimate them. Perhaps.

    A fun to read blog that has set me thinking. Thank you for the brain food, Miss!

    Posted 05-10-2019 at 09:52 AM by Consensus Consensus is offline
  10. Old Comment
    Komodo Jones's Avatar

    Confusing Kinks

    This isn't a rare concern actually. I think if you ask everybody on this site about their kinks, there is at least one kink that they enjoy that they can't explain. Spankings is one of my favorite kinks yet it was something i dreaded growing up. yet I've spanked myself so much more severe than my dad ever did. The human mind is an interesting thing and each one is different. While some other kinks or even your own kinks may make no sense, that's ok. And sometimes you don't need to think with your brain but just listen to what your body tells you. Being turned on by things that make no sense does not make you wrong or a sexual deviant it just proves that you're a human.
    Posted 05-10-2019 at 05:38 AM by Komodo Jones Komodo Jones is offline
  11. Old Comment
    darkblue's Avatar

    Confusing Kinks

    Yes, many people here feel the same, I am sure, and I also know, what you are talking about. In your words lies a pattern, at least for me: You learned to control the fears in your life, you tamed them and keep them in a cage, safely closed with the help of intelligence and knowledge. They cannot do you any harm now. But they are still tempting like predators, they bear the potential of dark sexuality, of hidden pleasures of unknown intensity, and a part of you knows this very well. At least your body knows it clearly, it reacts directly. I guess, there is no kind of "solution" possible. Either you keep the cage safely closed and live a clean life, or you try to open the cage from time to time and get involved with your fears. For me, the latter way would be the better one, but more dangerous, of course. I am in a learning phase about fears myself, for some years now, increasingly during the last months, and would not be able to get this far without the help of a deeply loving soul.
    Posted 05-10-2019 at 01:50 AM by darkblue darkblue is offline
  12. Old Comment
    SecretGhost's Avatar

    Confusing Kinks

    Well.. to be honest yeah.

    My scat fetish is basically so confusing, i really disgust myself at times too.

    Like im so wild and messy when im horny but meanwhile irl i hate filth

    It confuses me how i become a beast basically

    Its really weird but i guess its how it is
    Posted 05-09-2019 at 10:55 PM by SecretGhost SecretGhost is offline
  13. Old Comment
    darkblue's Avatar

    Why can't we just communicate?

    Communication is the central point of any species who is able to build groups of any kind, for me the central point of life.
    It has so many aspects, social, even philosophical and political, when it comes to humans. Communication is necessary to survive, we all do at least the communication we need to survive, with tragic exceptions, I know.
    People are all humans with the same ancestors, and should therefore have a common method of communication all over the world. Humans are ruling the world, so communication functioned in some way the last 10000 years. The point is, when it comes to a single human being, things get so incredible complicated, and I don't know why.
    When I was young, I lived in my own head, knowing what I liked and needed, but mostly did not interact with other people. The reason for this? My parents were similar. I was shy and insecure and wondered about all the other people around me with elaborated opinions. I stayed a long time like this, avoiding conflicts to prevent pain and anger, and I got used to it.
    This is the state of non-communication you mentioned.
    Now I am in need of communication very badly, because things are changing in my life and I have to learn it the hard way. It seems like a sign for me reading your blog entry, because it fits exactly to my situation these days. This site helped a lot to find words for my needs and thoughts, and I wish to thank you for both, running this site and writing your blog.
    Posted 05-09-2019 at 06:10 AM by darkblue darkblue is offline
  14. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Why can't we just communicate?

    Originally Posted by SlutTrainer View Comment
    I know I'm going to come off as a bit mean, but you say that "At the first sign of conflict, she ran away" about a close friend of 3 years. If you never had ANY conflict at all with a friend for 3 years that either means you weren't interacting much or that you're not a very good listener so you didn't notice.

    Listening properly is a big part of communicating and saying things like :"I know others don't all share my skill level when it comes to communication" makes me assume you focus a lot more on your part of the conversation instead of your friend's. Friends disagree and argue all the time and if you get too pushy and try to one up them whenever they are talking about themselves they might just get sick of it and turn to quiet resentment which sometimes blows up in everyone's face.

    Or maybe I'm totally misreading the situation and it's just a normal thing and it'll blow over and you'll be laughing together about it over drinks next week, English isn't my first language so it's not unlikely I'm misunderstanding the situation.

    Either way, good luck !
    Thank you for your insight. I am not perfect and I won't ever (seriously, I have joked about it in the past) claim to be. I feel that communication is one of my best skills, however, even I have room for improvement, have bad days and I struggle as well.

    However, I pride myself on being a good communicater. That includes listening to people when they talk, asking questions, approaching them if something feels off (just today I asked one of my friends if everything was ok because she hadn't reached out much over the last two days - turns out she has been super busy), and saying things in a way that does not come off as an attack.

    I have written a blog solely about how 50% of communicating is about listening.

    Now, I did say that at the first sign of conflict, however, I didn't intend to mean that we have never experienced any conflict within our group. We have had miscommunications, and what not, but this was the first time that somebodys feelings were hurt by this particular group member, and it was being expressed. I will also mention that in our group of 4, we were the least close with her because her priorities were more about spending time with her family etc. which was fine. I wouldn't call us best friends, but we were a solid group of 4.

    I am not saying I am totally blameless in this situation, because I am sure I could have done something better, but ditching friends because they shared their feelings is still so ludicrous to me. How much did we mean to her if she could just walk away? Didn't our friendship mean enough to talk it out?

    Now, you say that maybe we will be laughing about it down the road, but I honestly don't know if that will happen. She has been able to so easily push us out of her life, and ask us not to be in her wedding over something so relatively minor, and I think that speaks volumes about the type of friend she is. And honestly, I don't know if I want to expend time and effort on somebody who isn't willing to at least try to talk about something of this nature.
    Posted 05-08-2019 at 02:31 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  15. Old Comment
    SlutTrainer's Avatar

    Why can't we just communicate?

    I know I'm going to come off as a bit mean, but you say that "At the first sign of conflict, she ran away" about a close friend of 3 years. If you never had ANY conflict at all with a friend for 3 years that either means you weren't interacting much or that you're not a very good listener so you didn't notice.

    Listening properly is a big part of communicating and saying things like :"I know others don't all share my skill level when it comes to communication" makes me assume you focus a lot more on your part of the conversation instead of your friend's. Friends disagree and argue all the time and if you get too pushy and try to one up them whenever they are talking about themselves they might just get sick of it and turn to quiet resentment which sometimes blows up in everyone's face.

    Or maybe I'm totally misreading the situation and it's just a normal thing and it'll blow over and you'll be laughing together about it over drinks next week, English isn't my first language so it's not unlikely I'm misunderstanding the situation.

    Either way, good luck !
    Posted 05-08-2019 at 12:34 PM by SlutTrainer SlutTrainer is offline
  16. Old Comment
    PrincessJessica's Avatar

    Why can't we just communicate?

    I have to admit to being one of these non-communicators. It's not so much that I don't want to communicate it's that I often just don't want to deal with confrontation. It's awkward, icky and I get unreasonably upset quickly in arguments so fail to resolve them well. It's something I'm getting better at as I get older, as talking about issues is always the best option, but when my confidence is low I do retreat into bad habits.

    However, I'd struggle to imagine a situation where cutting a good friend off permanently was the better option. I only retreat if I know the relationship will last regardless of pressing certain things. Sorry your friend doesn't feel similar, and, of course, sorry for answering the rhetorical question
    Posted 05-08-2019 at 09:17 AM by PrincessJessica PrincessJessica is offline
  17. Old Comment
    SecretGhost's Avatar

    Why can't we just communicate?

    i recently know something similar
    but its strange, people and changes.

    over the time i have been struggling to stay myself (the emotional and open me)
    or become someone else. (closed off me)

    i have sortof won the fight of staying my emotional and open side

    but i see so many people lose that battle and become someone that we dont even know anymore.
    they become someone who is faceless and someone who doesnt show feelings

    i dont say thats bad but its something that i see every day in my life recently

    and its what is most comfortable with him/her but out of my expirence staying the same open person, is to my opinion so hard.

    butterfly just stay strong girl, sadly these things happen and i wish i could give you a hug right now to ease the pain a little.
    Posted 05-08-2019 at 02:46 AM by SecretGhost SecretGhost is offline
  18. Old Comment
    Consensus's Avatar

    Why can't we just communicate?

    That sucks. It sucks female donkeys. For what it's worth, you have my sympathies. Maybe it won't last, being a parent or prospective parent brings huge hormonal changes, so, you know, it could be that. But, if not, that straight up sucks.

    All the best,

    Posted 05-08-2019 at 01:49 AM by Consensus Consensus is offline
  19. Old Comment
    Consensus's Avatar


    This is just lovely! Congratulations on finding one another and enjoying each other through the harder times and around the arguments and travails of everyday life. Truly a great thing to read!
    Posted 05-07-2019 at 07:17 AM by Consensus Consensus is offline
  20. Old Comment
    CagedHiruzen's Avatar


    I agree my parents fought and argued about stupid things, some of my relationships in the past ended because of that. But my current relationship is wonderful I am with someone that loves me and wants to make a life with me.
    Posted 05-06-2019 at 10:43 AM by CagedHiruzen CagedHiruzen is offline
  21. Old Comment
    Jaro's Avatar

    Take care of me

    I'm glad you got Mr. Devious to care for you now. It sucks to be sick! Hope you get better soon! Remember to eat healthy and drink plenty of water.

    Posted 04-30-2019 at 07:45 AM by Jaro Jaro is offline
  22. Old Comment
    Consensus's Avatar

    Take care of me

    Sorry to hear that you are unwell but glad that you are being looked after. Best wishes for a full and quick recovery!

    Posted 04-30-2019 at 07:12 AM by Consensus Consensus is offline
  23. Old Comment
    Peachybaby's Avatar

    Take care of me

    Aww I’m so sorry you are sick ♥️ Feel better soon �� sending all of my love your way
    Posted 04-29-2019 at 04:24 PM by Peachybaby Peachybaby is offline
  24. Old Comment
    MastersVoice's Avatar

    Take care of me

    Originally Posted by LittleMissSass View Comment
    Pffft suppose you can come too
    Woooo *takes a nibble and munches* thank you LMS

    Hope you get well soon Butterfly! Don't worry this piece of chocolate would have made no difference to your recovery time at all. Nope, none whatsoever... oh and don't worry I didn't spill any on my tutu
    Posted 04-29-2019 at 03:26 PM by MastersVoice MastersVoice is offline
  25. Old Comment

    Take care of me

    Originally Posted by MastersVoice View Comment
    Did someone say chocolate?
    Pffft suppose you can come too
    Posted 04-29-2019 at 03:21 PM by LittleMissSass LittleMissSass is offline

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