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A random assortment of reports, thoughts, ramblings and information. Pretty much a view inside my wonderfully complicated, sometimes broken, and entertaining mind.
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    Jaro's Avatar

    Likes/Dislikes/Limits and Toys List

    You could almost start your own toy store.
    Posted 11-07-2016 at 01:17 AM by Jaro Jaro is offline
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    SluttyPig's Avatar


    Originally Posted by joansky View Comment
    Thank you Butterfly for sharing this blog post, and than you SP for the informative comment
    You're very welcome
    Posted 11-06-2016 at 06:56 PM by SluttyPig SluttyPig is offline
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    Joan Sky's Avatar


    Thank you Butterfly for sharing this blog post, and thank you SP for the informative comment
    Posted 11-06-2016 at 06:49 PM by Joan Sky Joan Sky is offline
    Updated 11-06-2016 at 10:53 PM by Joan Sky
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    SluttyPig's Avatar


    Hey! To anyone curious about figging, I personally didn't find it too bad. I found that it was easier to handle the burning pain when I was rubbing my clit with a CLEAN hand with no ginger residue on it at all. After that I worked up to it with no stimulation and later having ginger on my clit too.

    It might help if you experiment with something with a less intensity, like toothpaste. Though, remember to be careful safety wise. I'm sure you know all about that though

    For me, I adore chemical play with icy hot/chilis/etc. so it makes it a bit easier, but ginger is something that does burn for a good 45 mins afterwards so you have to be aware of that and sitting does not feel so good after play.

    Good luck, and have fun If you have any other questions, feel free to message me!
    Posted 11-06-2016 at 06:36 PM by SluttyPig SluttyPig is offline
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    sir stefan's Avatar


    Originally Posted by Butterfly View Comment
    I guess by "assist" I meant more having somebody who has more experience than either of us in a certain area. For example, we have not explored DD/lg at all! Because of that, we may both be interested but we don't know anything about where to start etc. So to have somebody aid us in talking about it, sharing their experience etc. Would be a huge help.

    I trust Asslvr explicitly and he is amazing at aftercare so I am never worried about any path that he leads me down. I know he will always keep me safe both physically and mentally. However he will not be willing to trying something that extreme without more confidence in his own abilities when it comes to these forms of play.

    We have also been open in the past to playing with another Dom who can act as a mentor that we can both learn from. Trust would need to be built as well over time, but I am still very much interested in that type of help as long as Asslvr is always involved and making sure I am safe.
    Mhh, i think i will write a blog about humiliation soon. It's such an interesting thing. Oh for sure. Your trust in asslvr is enough to make it work.
    For me,.. I can only make it work as a punishment. And if i say punishment i mean: i must really feel that my pet made a mistake that did hurt me, i must really feel that she needs a harsh punishment, a punishment that hurts.
    And at the same time, i must feel so overly happy that she does that for me, that she does that to correct her mistake.
    Likewise,... It also only works if my pet truely feels she fucked up. That she feels she did hurt me, and that she wants to makeup. And that she knows it will be all ok after the punishment. That i enjoyed it, that she did it for me.
    Posted 11-06-2016 at 10:39 AM by sir stefan sir stefan is offline
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    Butterfly's Avatar

    New rules

    I find having rules takes a lot of balancing. We have had a longer list before and some of the rules get lost or forgotten. I also find it is important that each of the rules has a purpose, even if that purpose is just to be fun. Rules should never affect your daily life unless you want them to. Communication is important and if it's not working, you both have to be flexible and change things up
    Posted 11-06-2016 at 09:38 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
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    Jaro's Avatar

    I feel pretty

    And I'm happy to read you are overcoming your self-consciousness!
    Posted 11-06-2016 at 09:26 AM by Jaro Jaro is offline
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    Jaro's Avatar


    Figging sounds rather interesting actually, didn't even think of that. I myself really like humiliation, both verbal and otherwise and, like you, I have trouble understanding 'fear play'. I have feared a harsh punishment in the past which I ended up having to do too. That was actually fear for me and I really didn't like it.
    But I myself call this a form of emotional masochism which might still work depending on the correct amount of fear being applied. It's a very delicate thing to make work I guess.
    Posted 11-06-2016 at 09:05 AM by Jaro Jaro is offline
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    Jaro's Avatar

    New rules

    I have rules listed as a soft limit. I do like the idea of rules for the same reasons as you mentioned. But I don't like it if they get in the way of RL too much and are difficult to keep following. They can also be quite stressful to remember all the time. Still, the rules that you have now don't sure sound very manageable.
    Posted 11-06-2016 at 08:59 AM by Jaro Jaro is offline
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    Butterfly's Avatar


    I guess by "assist" I meant more having somebody who has more experience than either of us in a certain area. For example, we have not explored DD/lg at all! Because of that, we may both be interested but we don't know anything about where to start etc. So to have somebody aid us in talking about it, sharing their experience etc. Would be a huge help.

    I trust Asslvr explicitly and he is amazing at aftercare so I am never worried about any path that he leads me down. I know he will always keep me safe both physically and mentally. However he will not be willing to trying something that extreme without more confidence in his own abilities when it comes to these forms of play.

    We have also been open in the past to playing with another Dom who can act as a mentor that we can both learn from. Trust would need to be built as well over time, but I am still very much interested in that type of help as long as Asslvr is always involved and making sure I am safe.
    Posted 11-06-2016 at 08:27 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
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    sir stefan's Avatar


    As you know i play strictly online, and text only with my pet.
    But many of the things you we tried, within above context, but i can say,.... Very intense.
    Humilation, extreme, fear, pet.
    In all cases,... It's extremely essential to have a deep trust. As a dom one should push, stretch the limit, but be extremely responsive, very sensitive to the smalles signals.
    It goes with a lot,.. Lot,... Lot of talking, especially before and after. During the scene it's just straight.
    I have done a few very extreme humiliating scenes with my pet. (She reported one in her blog). I just like to humiate her to the extreme, until crying. But i also pull her out,... Especially humiliation should be accompanied by a string pullout afterwards. A sub will only be capable to fully openup for humiation if she knows she will be pulled out safely. A dom should do it. Only if he is prepared to fully bring his sub back on earth he should dare to push her off first.

    So,... Yes you can.....
    But it should be a like of assvlr, only if he truely wants it will happen. I'm 100% sure he will pull you out, but he also will need to like to bring you down. If its not a like i guess he will not be capable. No blame... It's quite extreme,... It really must be a doms like to get it right.
    I guess "assist" will not work. Assvlr will be the only one you will be honestly able to do this with.

    Posted 11-06-2016 at 04:27 AM by sir stefan sir stefan is offline
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    Butterfly's Avatar

    New rules

    @Monkey - Yes they are!!!
    Posted 11-05-2016 at 10:25 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
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    pet monkey's Avatar

    New rules

    YAY! I'm sooo happy to hear that things are going so well for the two of you. Rules are kinda wonderful aren't they?
    Posted 10-31-2016 at 09:20 PM by pet monkey pet monkey is offline
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    Butterfly's Avatar

    New rules

    He loves me too much to deny me for the whole month. I bet I will be allowed to cum almost everyday.
    Posted 10-31-2016 at 08:32 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
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    pt26's Avatar

    New rules

    Fun, Fun, Fun. I know two will be having a blast this month.... (I hope he denies you all month) hehehehe
    Posted 10-31-2016 at 06:37 PM by pt26 pt26 is offline
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    Butterfly's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    Originally Posted by asslvr View Comment
    I have been so happy for you lately! I can see how much of a difference your friends are making and your job has been awesome. I'm so proud of you sweetie for working though the tough times. I will always be there for you.♡
    Thank you darling. You too are a huge reason I am happy lately. You have been so supportive throughout everything and there is no way I could do this without you. Up until I met you, I didn't even know it was possible to have friends AND be in a relationship because it was something I had never experienced. You have made me realize that I can have a life and still be in love and get married to the most wonderful man in the world. So thank you ♡
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:45 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
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    Butterfly's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    Originally Posted by AbusiveMaster View Comment
    Just a little practical word. Most churches and wedding venues now are quite happy for you to live stream the event online. If the place doesn't have wi-fi, you can cheaply and easily pick up a dongle or route it through your cell-phone. While it isn't the same as having your mum physically present at your wedding, it allows her to be there in spirit and still watch the happy day.
    Thank you for that advice, it is something I have considered as a possibility. We have already hired a videographer to record the wedding as I was planning to travel to Ontario the month after the wedding to share it with any family who is unable to come here for the wedding. Unfortunately I am not sure if the circumstances would allow my mom to be able to watch it live anyways, but it is something I have been considering if it works out that way. I just really can't even bring myself to think of her not being here as a possibility right now. She was supposed to help me with my dress and have a dance with me and say a speech and take photos with me and just be there! It wasn't supposed to happen like this.
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:43 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  18. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    Originally Posted by naughtylittlegirl View Comment
    I'm very glad, and grateful, for all these wonderful things in your life. You deserve them, Butterfly. I sincerely hope you get everything that you want; there is always hope, and you know we will all stand by you and support you. You are lovely and it's good to see that things in your life are matching that more and more.
    Thank you so much Belle. It is wonderful to see and hear the support I have from everybody here, even if I haven't been very active or present around here lately. It gives me warm and fuzzy feelings to know how loved I am.
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:39 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
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    Butterfly's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    Originally Posted by wolf82 View Comment
    Thanks for the update! Hoping things continue to improve like other aspects of your life has.
    Thank you. It means a lot.
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:38 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  20. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    Originally Posted by sir stefan View Comment
    Boy... What a rollercoaster.
    Yes... I missed you a bit. But its ok.
    Pffff.... Many difficult things.
    Anyway.... Just wish you luck in getting married.
    You have your troubles,.... But it seems you willl get happy.
    Wish you all the good
    Thank you. It has been a pretty bumpy ride but things are so much more stabilized these days. I know I will have a happy life with Asslvr. Thank you for your well wishes.
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:37 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  21. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    Originally Posted by pt26 View Comment
    I too am sorry for the rough times you have been going through but am glad you have the support and stability you need! As a reminder ANYTHING I can do with what we talked about concerning your wedding please please please don't hesitate to ask. It would be an honor and privilege to help relieve some of that stress. Thanks again for all you have done for me and princess I can never repay you for it
    Thank you your highness. I am absolutely keeping that in the back of my mind and even just knowing the offer is on the table has helped so much. Like I have said many times before, there is no need to thank me or repay me for my help because I was just being who I am.
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:36 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  22. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    Originally Posted by Sub.lucy View Comment
    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, though I'm glad to hear things are looking up a little. I wish you strength and also, good luck with the wedding preparations.
    Thank you very much. It seems the troubles are normal for me. I have always had extra "family drama" to contend with unfortunately but I am handling everything so much better lately. Having the other areas in my life settled and doing well really does make me so much stronger.
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 11:35 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  23. Old Comment
    Mr. Devious's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    I have been so happy for you lately! I can see how much of a difference your friends are making and your job has been awesome. I'm so proud of you sweetie for working though the tough times. I will always be there for you.♡
    Posted 10-20-2016 at 10:12 AM by Mr. Devious Mr. Devious is offline
  24. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    Just a little practical word. Most churches and wedding venues now are quite happy for you to live stream the event online. If the place doesn't have wi-fi, you can cheaply and easily pick up a dongle or route it through your cell-phone. While it isn't the same as having your mum physically present at your wedding, it allows her to be there in spirit and still watch the happy day.
    Posted 10-19-2016 at 02:18 AM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  25. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    Bit of an update....

    I'm very glad, and grateful, for all these wonderful things in your life. You deserve them, Butterfly. I sincerely hope you get everything that you want; there is always hope, and you know we will all stand by you and support you. You are lovely and it's good to see that things in your life are matching that more and more.
    Posted 10-18-2016 at 09:41 PM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline

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