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Old 12-08-2008, 12:57 AM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Ashley's Bus Ride

"Ashley's Bus Ride"

By Jappio

The shirt loosened around her neck in an instant. She had just popped a button to the top of her blouse. It made her feel better and much more relaxed, this small action though was about to trigger many more that she would soon regret.

Ashley was a college student. She lived on the far end of town and took the bus to get everywhere. She had grown use to going to school, going to work, getting groceries, and going to friends’ houses all on the bus. She knew the schedule pretty well and knew a few of the regulars, including the bus drivers.

She was just returning from school that day. She was heading home for some relaxation. She had on her button up blue blouse and a nice pair of jeans. It was a pretty average and normal day for Ashley.

As Ashley sat in the back of the bus watching the stores and houses go by though it dawned on her. She realized what she had just done moments ago. She looked down to see if it was true, and it was. She had popped open a single button on her shirt. Now she wasn't showing much skin at all, but it got her mind racing.

Ashley usually dressed very conservatively. She wasn't much into showing skin or having buttons undone. She has even refused to go skinny dipping with friends. Yet she had a secret to all this. It had started years ago, back when she was younger living with her parents.

She was hot one night; even without blanket cover it was too unbearable for her. She was smart enough to find a way to cool down though. That night she removed her sleeping shorts and she slept in nothing but her panties and T shirt. When she woke up, she almost panicked and raced to get dress properly before her parents would find out.

All day though she thought back to how it felt to be without the shorts on. The sleep was very nice without the restraint. The panic in the morning was actually exciting. She remembered how it actually felt naughty. She couldn’t get the memory out of her head.

From that point on Ashley started to experiment with this. When her parents were away one evening she remembered what she had done that night. She thought about how nice it would be to be like that right then and there. She tried to ignore the thought, too afraid to risk it. The thought though kept coming back. She finally decided to do it, and for awhile that evening she just walked around without her pants, leaving her panties exposed.

A few weeks later and Ashley began walking around in just her underwear, enjoying the freedom and thrill with her panties and bra on view. Whenever she had the chance she would do so for as long as she felt safe. Soon enough though she decided the bra was too uncomfortable, and did away with that too.

Ashley was amazed at the new found thrill of hers. She was worried always about being caught, but she admitted she liked the feeling it gave her. Soon it became boring for her, she wanted more. She thought about it and she concluded there was only one thing left. From that point on whenever she felt safe and alone, her clothes were not on her body.

Ashley sat sitting on the bus now. She thought about how she had just lost a bit of her clothing in a way. Her heart was already racing. She could only think about how soon she would be home, and once home, naked again. This though led to other thoughts, about other thrills.

Ashley loved the thrill of being naked. Even at home when safe, losing just her shirt left her with plenty of thrill to satisfy her. Losing just the smallest of clothing made her senses run wild. She always loved trying and pushing herself more though. She one day decided that inside was enough. Late at night while her parents were asleep she snuck outside. She stood in her backyard looking around. She found her way over to the shed they had and snuck in.

The first night she only dared strip down to her underwear. Even if safe in the shed there, she was too scared to go farther. The next night she went again, this time she took off her bra too. On her way out though she just put on her shirt. She held her bra and night pants at her side. Her shirt was long and almost fully covered her panties. She was however showing a lot of leg, but this risk and thrill only drove her mind crazy. The next night she spent her time naked in the shed. On her way out she was in only her panties. At her back door she quickly pulled the panties down. She could still too this day feel the cold night air touching her bare behind and between her legs. She immediately pulled them up and ran inside after that though.

Ashley was lost in thought. She fantasized about her bare feet touching the floor of the bus. To most that fantasy sounds stupid, bare feet is nothing too big, but to her this thought drove her wild. She looked around the bus. No one was near her; the closest person was 8 seats in front of her. She was in the far back so she had no worries of anyone being behind her. She reached down and began to undo the laces on her shoes. Soon they were loose and she was able to wiggle them right off. She nearly gasped as she felt them come off, her feet now only clad in socks.

After the shed experiments Ashley wanted more. The cold air she loved, but what about warmth, how would she experience that? The next day in the morning Ashley had a great plan. She told her mother she wasn't feeling well, and would like to stay home the day. Ashley never stayed home, so her mother believed her. This allowed Ashley to get some extra sleep in to help with the loss of it last night, and to do more with her exploring.

When she was sure her parents were gone she quickly checked around the house. She made sure the windows were closed and soon put her clothes in her room. Leaving her room she headed straight to her parents room. In there she went to the window and hid next to it. She then reached over and started to open the blinds on it. She stayed hidden while she opened them. This window faced the backyard, and really no one would be able to see inside it, but she was still careful. She peeked out the window and saw no one looking and then she stood in front of the window. The light was shining in just perfectly as it bathed her entire front side with light. She knew she loved this feeling, she loved it so much.

Ashley just stared at her sock-covered toes for awhile. She slowly reached down and made sure they were truly her feet. She squirmed in her seat to find they were. She felt so naughty; between her legs she was getting a very familiar feeling. Like every other time though she couldn't convince herself to stop there. Making sure no one was looking again, she slowly peeled off one sock. Once her foot was free she held it in air. She had her breath held as she slowly lowered it. She closed her eyes as her foot was almost in contact with the ground. She then pressed it firmly again the floor and almost squealed allowed.

Sometime after her first time experimenting with warm light Ashley had a hard time concentrating on anything else. Whenever her mind would wander she would think about those feelings. One day she figured a good walk would relieve the thoughts. She went on her way through the nearby park. It was getting late and no one was around. Ashley still though found no relief from her thoughts.

It then hit her though. She thought about it for 5 minutes, unmoving from where she had stopped. She looked around and saw no one around. She quickly ran behind the nearby trees and bushes. Kneeling on the ground she pulled off her shoes and socks. Back then all she was able to do was stand after that and walk a few feet from her cover. The thrill would be too much and she quickly would run home, in need to cool down.

After that she kept pushing herself more. On her walks she would find herself hiding and removing clothing. Not just footwear. A few occasions she was even brave enough to go and hide and remove her bra under her shirt, and if wearing a skirt, remove her panties. She would even dare herself to walk a bit in these conditions. She truly was hooked, but didn't care, she loved it!

Her mind raced as she wiggled her foot on the floor of the bus. She lifted her foot not being able to stand it anymore. This thought of the thrill soon led to the removal of the other. Now just like before she lowered both feet to the ground. This time she did let out a small yelp. He eyes glimmered with joy. Once again without thinking though she undid a button. At this point she wasn't showing much, and her breast weren't quite big enough to show any type of cleavage at this point, but the though alone of how low her buttons were drove her mad.

She ran her arms up and down her feet. She could believe it, she couldn't believe how naughty she was being, this thinking only led to more fantasizing, and this time a little more naughty.

Ashley loved sneaking her underwear off. She wanted to try going commando for a day, but just couldn't bring herself to. She was much too shy and scared to do anything like that. She loathed the days she didn't wear a skirt while out on a walk. She wanted to be able to get out of her underwear if the need showed. Well one day she had the need, and bad. She was stuck in shorts and didn't know what do. Well logic told her that she would just have to take off her shorts and then her underwear. The idea itself made her freeze in her tracks. This time though she didn't give in, she didn't dream of stripping and being exposed right in the park.

The next day though, she had no skirts to wear again, and so this time on her walk the idea presented itself again. After much thought she found her way back behind the trees. She slowly took away her bra and stuffed it in her bag like usual. She then quickly as possible removed her shorts. She had attended to remove the panties, but she was stuck like this. Her shorts were around her ankles and she stood there. She pictured herself standing there like that. She had never exposed herself so much out in public like that.

After a bit she realized she had to move quick. Without thinking she took off her panties and put the shorts back on. Her heart was beating so fast and she was practically sweating. Luckily for her she didn't have too much nerve, or she would have had herself naked and fingers working fast on herself right there. She tried to walk at that point, but the memories were too much, she had to go home at that moment.

Ashley sat on the seat of the bus with her feet exposed and enjoyed herself for the next 5 minutes. Her small exposure was so much fun to her. She thought though deeply about making another move. Before she could even picture anything her mind would yell at her telling her that she couldn't, she couldn't be allowed to take such risk around people.

One brief image flashed her mind though. She had imagined herself sitting on the chair, with her pants pulled down to her knees. This thought drove her wild. Her mind now started to lose control and Ashley found herself undoing her belt. Soon she had her hands on the button of her pants, did she dare?

Ashley of course continued her risks after the instance in the park. She now knew what true exposure was and now instead of her commando walks, she partook in hiding more often. Far behind the trees each day she would expose herself more and more. Soon she found herself spending a couple minutes fully nude in the woods. The thrill was so amazing to her, but at the same time the fear nearly paralyzed her. She though had very little risk, it was always late and she was always hidden. The thrills though didn't stop escalating for her. These new desires of her, as soon as they started, they would not stop.

Many times after all that she would find herself thinking. Every time it was hard to stop. The only way to stop was to reach a point where she couldn't stand it anymore, where she was just too afraid to continue. Of course each time she became more and more daring, and soon she had made herself very exposed in so many risky places.

Ashley had the button undone. Her eyes looked all around. No one was paying attention to her; no one seemed to be near. Her hand slowly opened the flaps of the pants a little by little. The red panties she wore showed between the flaps. Lifting her butt she was able to push the pants down her waste. Her eyes stayed closed the whole time

She tilted her head down and opened her eyes. She now saw her pants down to her knees, her panties exposed, covered in the bright, warm light of the sun. This image was the same as in her mind. She was almost short of breath at this and quickly pulled her pants up before it was too much.

After giving a minutes rest she once again couldn't stop think about it. She now had no image in her head, but she could vividly remember a feeling. She knew this feeling well, and she loved it. It was the feeling of pulling one's feet out of their pants. This feeling was wonderful to Ashley, and she now craved it. She wanted it so bad right now, she soon found herself lowering her pants again.

This time when they reached her knees she pushed just a few more inches. She kept her legs apart enough and soon her pants fell to the floor. Now with them pooled around her ankles Ashley had her eyes wide. She wanted to go and pull them up, she was so afraid. Yet something willed her to not pull them up. She took one foot out and when she did this she almost screamed. One hand quickly darted between her legs. It took a lot of will, but she took the hand away before going much farther than she wanted.

With her pants on the floor and her panties in plain view Ashley could hardly breathe. She reached down to pick up her shorts, not wanting them to get dirty. She laid them between her and the side of the bus. She looked around and still saw no warnings of anyone being able to see her like this.

The feeling of the leather seat against the back her legs felt so good to her. She closed her eyes and thought deeply. She thought about the feeling behind her knees. She followed the feeling up her legs. Suddenly though it stopped at the bottom of the leg holes for her panties.

As the thought crossed her mind of getting more, the bus suddenly stopped. She opened her eyes and looked to see the doors open. She was in the far back, but her hands immediately went to grab her pants. In through the door walked two more passengers.

Ashley though could not move anymore. Fear held her in place. She was sitting there with only her panties on below her waste. Any moment the two new people on the bus could go right down the aisle and discover this fact. Ashley though couldn't move. Even with the fear of being caught, the thrill just increased and she could not turn it away. She was almost daring them to come to the back and find her without her pants on.

Ashley got lucky, and the two sat a few seats in front of her. Ashley let out a sigh and then realized something. Between her legs she could feel herself getting wetter. This wasn’t the only thing she noticed. Her nipples were hard, very hard. Underneath the bra though they weren't free, she wanted them to be free though. This only brought her attention to the restriction she felt on her shoulders and back by the straps of the accursed clothing.

Her hand idly reached behind her where it unfastened the back of the bra. She looked up through the bus and still saw no sign of anyone being able to see anything. She immediately felt the relief after she had released the fastener. She then did her best to get the straps over her shoulders. Now though she had a problem. She wouldn't be going much farther with the shirt on.

She couldn't take the shirt off though, that would be too obvious. She though already loved the feeling of the bra being loose. That was enough to keep her mind off that subject. Her mind was back to her panties quickly enough though.

She could feel the warmth on the back of her legs and even some from the back of her panties. She though knew it would just be ten times better on her bare backside. She looked once again to make sure she wasn't being watched. She took both hands and put them on both sides of the waistband of her panties.

She slowly pulled them lower and lower. She was careful and made sure not to remove them too much. She told herself all she wanted was to feel the warmth of the seat, and would only need her butt exposed. She lifted herself up to get them off smoothly and soon she was making progress.

Once both cheeks were exposed she sat herself down. The warmth instantly shot a wave of pleasure through her body. She was in heaven at this point. The excitement in it all almost had her panting.

Like every time so far though, it wasn't enough. The warmth wasn't as much as it was when she first sat down there. The heat on the seat was cooling down. She really wished she had sat with her bare bottom sooner.
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Old 12-08-2008, 12:57 AM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Looking down she could see the light streaming down through the window. A few hairs sticking out of her lowered panties shown in the light. Almost nothing would have broken her sight from this, but her eyes followed the light to the side. Not only was her lap in the light, the entire seat to her right was also being illuminated.

That's when she figured it out; the seat next to her would surely still be incredibly warm. She stopped as she started to stand to move over. She looked up to the front of the bus. She saw that the bus had stopped without her even noticing. She saw as another person stepped on and as two were leaving. For all she knew she could have been spotted as this new passenger was getting on, with her panties rolled down.

She stood there as the passenger took their seat. As they sat she thought about turning back, but the bright seat next to her was calling her. With one more look she saw she was clear to go and she quickly made her way pass the aisle and took her seat fast.

The warmth this time was even more intense, just as she hoped. She spent a good while soaking it in. She sat, she rocked back and forth, she wiggled, and it was good. This just pointed out how much of a strain her panties were. They were now lower showing most of her pubic hair. This must have happened with the walk and moving. She could almost see her moist lips, but the panties still hid them from the world.

Her hands once again gripped the sides of her panties. She knew now nothing would stop her from becoming completely bottomless in the back of this bus. Before she could think of anything else she was throwing her panties over next to her pants.

Ashley shivered at the feeling of freedom. With her panties out of reach she didn't know what she would do if someone were to come to the back of the bus. She almost felt like getting dressed again, almost.

The total freedom on her bottom half only made her notice the problems on the top half. The loosening of her bra before was no longer a sense of freedom, but containment. She wanted, no, needed it off. She knew though she'd end up having to take her shirt off, which she didn't think she could do without being caught.

She looked down the bus and saw that the other passengers would only see her head, and not her naked self. Yet what of the bus drive she thought. She soon remembered though about this bus. Frank, the driver, had driven the bus for years. He always complained how some passengers took advantage of the fact that he could never quite see the far back. Normally this was only done by kids sneaking a smoke or two, but now it was Ashley's turn to use it for her advantage.

She only had a couple of buttons done. She looked down thinking about how just the simple unsnapping of one was about to be the cause of her being naked on the bus. The thought alone almost made her chicken out. Undoing each button one at a time, she soon had the shirt completely undone.

The shirt now loosely sat on her shoulders, gaping open a few inches to show off her plain white bra hanging from her breast. The bra was offering no support with the fasten in the back undone, but it still kept her pointy nipples from sight. Ashley had to relook to reassure she was truly not being watched. With a simple shrug the shirt started to fall down her arms and soon it was off with a simple flick of her wrists.

Clad in only a bra barely hanging on, Ashley felt she was at the edge of an orgasm. Ashley had many a time ended adventures prematurely not being able to stay at this point of arousal. She breathed deeply trying to calm herself. She didn't want to turn back on this one.

She tossed her shirt to the side as she continued to try and calm herself. She thought with the wrong movement she would be screaming in ecstasy. The bumpy ride of the bus was in no way helping this. It was also bouncing her breast, and this caused the cups of the bra to fall ever more. A slight bit of pink could be seen at the top of the right cup. Ashley slowly just moved the straps down her arms.

As the cups descended now, they flicked the ends of each her nipples. Ashley had to stop there, with her nipples just poking out. That was it she though, she now was truly exposing all herself to the world with that. Of course though she continued the decent of the bra, and soon it too found its way over into the seat nearby.

Naked, fully naked, not a stitch of clothing, bare ass naked, no more clothes, nothing at all. Ashley couldn't believe it. Here she was hiding in the back of a public in the middle of the day. Once again her impulses willed her naked once more in a place she never dreamed of. Her nubile body would be exposed to anyone who happen to look at her now, if they could get a good angle of course.

Her hands slowly ran down her body. Afraid to take it too far she had to stop herself multiple times. Her hands eventually made it all the way down her sides to her feet, proving to herself she was in fact naked. She looked to the window to her side and saw a faint reflection of her sitting there. She wasn't worried about being seen, the bus was far off enough from the ground. She looked at the reflection of the college girl naked in the back of the bus with a smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

The warmth she had craved before was still alive in her. She could feel the light shine down on her naked form. It was so magical to her. She spent the next 10 minutes just sitting there, eyes closed, taking it all in.

Suddenly though she was awoken by a sudden stop. She looked up to see the bus was once again picking up new passengers. Ashley had already seen enough passengers take the front seats, she wasn't too worried. Still her heart raced as she was nervous of what the outcome could be.

The passengers made their way down the aisle. They seemed to be heading to the last row. With each of their steps they seemed to just get closer and closer. At this rate Ashley was afraid they may just sit right next to her. She took her arms and put them both over her pussy to shield it and started to sink lower in her seat.

The two new passengers were a young couple of about 23. They seemed to be talking to each other. They were now merely just two rows away from Ashley. Ashley could almost swear they'd be able to see her bare shoulders at this point.

The couple suddenly sat there though, paying no mind to Ashley, nor noticing her naked state. Ashley let out a sigh, glad they hadn't come any closer. Yet they were still in ear shot and Ashley was still incredibly nervous. Only two seats away were two people, just that far away from finding her naked in the back of a bus.

Ashley with her hands still over her pussy though discovered just how wet she had become. This experience was pushing her arousal to the absolute max. If it weren't for the couple being just a bit away from her, she might have gone and went the whole way.

With the bus moving Ashley started to feel a bit safer. She just sat and started to enjoy the feelings all over again. She simply sat and ran hands over herself every now and again. Fantasizing she would spread her legs and look down at herself just to see how exposed she was. She never wanted to be caught, but she imagined someone just walking up to her like this in the back of the bus: nipples hard, legs spread, clothes out of arm reach, and no real cover available.

Ashley then looked to her clothes just so she could remind herself of her vulnerable state. She was shocked to find that they weren't there! In the far left seat of the back there laid no clothes, even though Ashley vividly remembered putting each article of clothing there.

She quickly bent down to look on the floor and only saw her shoes and socks laying there. She started to panic thinking about this. Had someone come and snatched them, had they blown out the window, did they suddenly burst into flames?! Ashley tried to calm herself; she knew none of those could have been possible.

Getting all the way on the ground she looked under the seats. She knew they must have just fallen when the bus had made a sudden stop or something. She soon spotted under the seat what looked to be some type of fabric. Problem was to reach it she would need to reach far.

Ashley stretched herself under the seat. She was laying on her bare stomach. She felt her breast press against the floor, and although not the cleanest, still only pushed the reminded to Ashley how naked she was. She probably looked pretty foolish to be sprawled out on the floor like that. She finally was able to grab the clothing. She could tell by the texture that it must have been her shirt. She slowly now pulled herself out with shirt in hand. Once out she returned to sitting on the seat. She made sure no one had noticed her search under the seat.

Ashley should have put the shirt back on, but she ignored this idea and started to try and think where the rest of her clothes were. She hadn't seen any under the back seat, meaning they had to be farther up. She resumed her position on the floor and looked under the seats. She could see a few wrappers and stuff, and what looked to be a big pile of cloth. Sadly she saw it near the feet of the passengers close to her.

She sat back up and began to think of what to do. She wouldn't be able fit under the seats that far due to how it was set up under the seats, bars crisscrossing everywhere. She would have to move a seat up to get past it, but that would involve getting up, and being in clear view in the aisle, naked. Ashley completely forgot she did have her shirt, but at this point it was a game to her. She was stressed and scared, but at the same time it all thrilled her, being naked and having to risk total exposure to get her way out of it.

She took a glance down the aisle to see that no one was looking. She decided to quickly get up and swerve around the seat and sit down. If she did it gracefully enough no one would see nor hear.

She got off her butt and hunched around the corner of the seat. Only keeping her head poking out and hiding her body behind the seat she watched one last time. Seeing the time to be right she quickly made her way to the next seat up. Sitting down she held her breath. She was half expecting to see everyone in the bus to have turned around and see her in all her glory.

Giving herself a minute break to catch her breath, she sat there. If the couple were to turn and look they surely would see that she was topless. Her fear took over and she hunched down below the seat. She now had to bend down and get low on the floor once again. Looking under the seat she could see her pants.

She reached and reached as much as she could. Soon her fingers could feel the fabrik. She couldn't quite get a grip. She pinched the pants in between her fingers and the floor and tried sliding them just a bit closer. Finally they were close enough and she was able to pull them to her.

That's when she suddenly felt the bus make a sudden stop. She almost hit her head but was lucky to keep steady. She now looked down under the seats to see multiple pairs of feet step on. She knew she wouldn't be able to escape like this now. She was pressed against the floor naked. if any of those people were to come closer they would probably see her bare butt peeking out from under the seat.

She held her breath as she saw a few of them sit in seats down the way. Finally when the last pair stopped just two seats away Ashley let out a sigh.

After sitting up again she held on tightly to the pants. She finally started feeling safe again. She looked down the bus to see that everyone was sitting in their seats. No one was looking back towards her anymore. She got up and was once again crouching down looking around the corner of the seat. She then made another quick dash leaving her in plain sight. She was able to retreat back to where she put her shirt and sat and relaxed.

She didn't want to find her underwear at this point; she didn't want to risk capture anymore. She still had a few minutes though till her stop so she decided to relax during it. Even after all that happened though she still remained naked; she enjoyed every minute of it too. This time she of course held onto her clothing.

Nearing her stop she quickly buttoned her shirt. As the bus slowed down she had pulled her pants up and just buttoned the fasten as she stood and walked out. She looked at all the people as she passed them, knowing full well anyone of them could have been seen her nude that day. She could feel her lack of underwear and this just kept her on edge.

Stepping off the bus she looked back in the window as it pulled away. She could picture herself there naked, waving her away. She then quickly darted away inside the apartment building. In her mind she promised herself to try and not let herself get carried away.

She stood at the elevator door waiting for it to arrive. She was very antsy though, she wanted to get into her apartment and finish some ‘business’. The bus ride was so much for her, she didn't know if she could wait. She wasn't able to sit still. She wiggled her butt and could feel the pants against it. Her mind wandered about how she wished that it could be free at that moment.

A minute later the elevator finally arrived. A few people got out and were confused. They had found in front of the door a pair of pants and a shirt. Did one of the people living there drop them or something?

Ashley was now going up the stairs. She had a smile on her face as she felt so free. She felt only a tad guilty for already breaking her promise, but she ignored the feeling, wanting to reach the privacy of her room as soon as she could.
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Old 12-08-2008, 05:49 AM   #3
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I enjoyed that VERY much! Thank you for sharing it with us.

LIMITS: Nothing permanent, no family, no messy.

All dares are at my discretion.
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Old 12-08-2008, 07:32 AM   #4
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Very good. I enjoyed it very much. Please continue Ashley's story.

Looking for something to read? Try these:
"Rising Sun" - "The Dinner Party" - "A Day on the Beach" - "The Trap"
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Old 12-08-2008, 03:11 PM   #5
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The slow build up and the quiet flashbacks really make this story appeal to me. That, and the fact that I, much like Ashley, love the pushing limits / self-dare type of scenario where public exposure is concerned.

The core of the story pulled me in so much I'm reluctant to offer any criticism. Please, be careful of homonyms (waste/waist, aloud/allowed, etc). A spell checker usually won't get these and it can cause some speed bumps for the reader.

Again, I can not express to you how much I enjoyed this story. I look forward to your next one.
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Old 12-08-2008, 04:43 PM   #6
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I think this is possibly one of the best I've read. Excellent.
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Old 12-08-2008, 04:48 PM   #7
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I agree with the other users. This is excellent.
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Old 12-08-2008, 05:18 PM   #8
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Say, if you really like an author's work, why not vote for them in the Story Teller's Choice Award?
...Tubas in the Moonlight...
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Old 12-08-2008, 06:24 PM   #9
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go on please its good
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Old 12-08-2008, 07:02 PM   #10
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Haha excellent story. This would be something really fun to re-enact

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Old 12-08-2008, 07:03 PM   #11
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Default Excellent story

I enjoyed reading this story.

Wow that was vague.
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Old 12-08-2008, 07:56 PM   #12
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wow. New favorite story. I need to go ride a bus.
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Old 12-08-2008, 08:20 PM   #13
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That...was an amazing story, great job!
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Old 12-09-2008, 02:48 AM   #14
getDare Sweetheart
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I'm glad you all liked the story. Just to let you all know, I do hope to get to a sequel or two of Mary, as I very much do like her too. I sadly have other story ideas I have as well, and I'd like to get to those, and I sadly can't seem to finish a story within a month =P. Also thanks OffKilterHalo for the critique, I would love to get better at writing, and you're critique hopefully will help with that. I'll try and remind myself to watch out those two, I didn't even know I had a problem with them. Again thanks everyone, glad you all liked the story so much.
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Old 12-09-2008, 12:35 PM   #15
Angel of Dare
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After I read this I went to see what other stories you have written and I saw 'Mary's Camp Adventure' which is pretty much the only reason why I said this was one of the best i've read. I'm going to vote for you in the 'Story Teller's Choice Awards' because I feel your stories are amazing.
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