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Old 09-20-2013, 01:43 AM   #31
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Great story don't let the grammar police get in your way, you are putting a lot of effort in, while I can understand some feel that you can put it through a word processor first but, when you have gone to such length writing it, and it flows it may be a little harsh to have mentioned it.
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Old 09-21-2013, 03:41 PM   #32
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Default Thank you

Before I posted the next part I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has posted feedback. I appreciate it all and I'm really glad to see that people are enjoying Stacey's story.

I may not respond to every comment but this is more to do with real life restricting my time then anything else. But please know that I do read it all.
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Old 09-21-2013, 04:04 PM   #33
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Default Fury

Longknight could not believe what he had just heard and he definately could not believe that he had been left looking at an empty room. He hadn't really enjoyed watching as Stacey's visitors stripped.

Other then a good opportunity to gather what he needed to recruit his patsy it just wasn't for him. Still Stacey was supposed to be doing what he said and he had definitely not said anything about leaving the room so he couldn't watch what was going on.

Stacey was going to pay for this. She needed a warning. She needed to understand if she played and lost she had to pay her debts and pay them in full.

He opened a file on his desktop and attached it to an email. He paused for a second typed some words and then hit send.
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Old 09-21-2013, 04:51 PM   #34
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Default Taken outside

"Follow me boys." Stacey instructed and before any response was possible strode purposefully out of her room.

Scooter and Jeff scuttled after her nervously wondering what was going to happen next.

Stacey opened the door and felt a gust of wind as the outside came in. She shivered for a moment and felt her hardened nipples poke against the fabric of her gown.

Stacey stepped out into the night and walked to the side of the house. She turned and waited for the boys to appear in the door frame.

Scooter and Jeff stood a few steps away from the door that they had just seen Stacey exit through. She surely didn't want them to follow her out there.

Jeff grimaced. He knew that she did. He stepped through the door.

Scooter followed.

As they stepped off the front step they both heard a noise. They both looked up in enough time to see the jet of water heading in there direction.

Stacey hosed them both down. She waited until she had soaked both of them.

"Hands at your sides boys or I keep going."

Both Scooter and Jeff complied and were relieved when she stopped the hose.

Stacey looked at them both a little disappointed. There excitement had subsided and they just looked wet and limp.

"Where's your excitement gone. You better recapture it boys or I'm going to turn this hose back on."

Stacey watched as they both took themselves in hand. There really was something special about watching a guy trying to furiously raise his flag and she had two of them doing it on her front lawn.

Suddenly a thought occurred to her. She walked past Jeff and Scooter, crooked her finger at them and then walked into the kitchen.

As they entered she went to the biscuit barrel and took out a biscuit. She placed it on the table.

"Did I tell you to stop?" Stacey demanded
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Old 09-23-2013, 04:05 PM   #35
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Default In the kitchen

"Ok boys. You know what I want you to do. Whoever finishes last is going to be eating it so get at it."

Stacey watched as both Jeff and Scooter pumped as if there lives depended on it. She was really enjoying watching them. While she would never consider admitting it to anyone else she was really enjoying watching them. It was fascinating.

As the two jets spurted out Stacey had to remind herself to breath she was that enthralled.

She declared Jeff the winner and as his reward told him he could go home. As he started to head upstairs she called him back.

"I didn't say you could go upstairs. Just that you could go home."

"But my clothes are upstairs. How am I going to get home without them?"

"Not my problem. Go and come back tomorrow for the clothes or you can stay and I put your clothes on a bonfire. Scooters as well. Your choice."

Jeff knew that she meant it. He slinked toward the door praying that he would not bump into anyone on his way home. Cursing under his breath that once again he had been caught in one of Staceys schemes. This time though she had gone to far. This time was the last time.

Stacey delicately picked up the biscuit and beckoned toward Scooter. She then lead him back to the bedroom. She placed the biscuit on her dresser.

"Lay down on the bed." Stacey instructed.

Scooter was curious as to what was going to happen next. This could be his chance to hit that. He just needed another few minutes to recover his strength. He lay down.

Stacey took his right wrist and placed it into a handcuff. She then lent over him allowing her gown to graze him while she cuffed his left wrist. She did the same with his legs.

She looked in the direction of her webcam. If Longknight was still watching he could get a view of Scooter laying on the bed handcuffed the way that Longknight had said that she should spend the night.

Stacey smiled as she left the room. She'd enjoyed outsmarting Longknight and she had a cuffed piece of eye candy to enjoy as well.

Stacey curled up on the sofa and began planning how to humiliate Longknight. It would be her crowning glory. She could feel excitement building inside of her at the thought of getting him naked in public. Showing everyone that she was smarter then him.

Stacey dozed off before she had finished her plan.

Scooter was getting cold. He was confused. He felt sure that Stacey was coming back yet with every passing minute he was beginning to think that he was missing something. That he had missed something. That maybe she wasn't coming back.
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Old 09-26-2013, 02:44 PM   #36
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Default Recruiting a patsy

Scooter rubbed his wrists as he stepped outside into the cold morning air. The air bit at his body. He couldn't wait no longer. He headed to the rose bushes unzipped himself and gave a sigh of relief. He felt better then he had in hours.

It had been a long, cold, lonely, frustrating night. He'd woken up about five minutes earlier to find himself uncuffed with a note on his chest telling him he had five minutes to get out or he'd be walking home naked because she was going to burn his clothes.

He didn't believe her but he was ready to get out of there. It was not like he'd got anything out of it. So he hadn't hesitated he just up and got out of there.

The rosebushes were just a nice touch. They did look like they could use a drink after all.

LongKnight found him twenty minutes later having some breakfast. He'd never met him but he knew that if he handed this perfectly then he would have a patsy that didn't trace back to him.

LongKnight let the man finish his breakfast before he approached him. He sat down and placed his tablet on the table next to Scooters plate.

Scooter looked at the tablet and froze. On it was a picture of him cuffed naked to Staceys bed. He was confused. What was going on.

"Relax. If I wanted to do anything with this I would have already. I want to give you a chance to even the score with Stacey."

"I ain't interested in doing anything that involves that girl."

LongKnight grimaced and said "You ain't got a choice. If I got this then you can bet that she's got this and trust me she will do stuff with this."

Scooter paused for a moment "Ok. Not that I'm saying yes or anything but what you thinking?"

Longknight smiled. He had him. He outlined his plan.

Scooter smiled. He liked what he heard. He liked the idea of returning the humiliation that he had suffered last night and to do it in public well.....

LongKnight got up and walked out with a smile on his face. He had his patsy. He just needed to set the next step of his master plan. He was enjoying himself.
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Old 10-01-2013, 03:41 PM   #37
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Get some coffee... and go on^^
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Old 10-04-2013, 02:38 PM   #38
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Default An unexpected twist

Scooter was excited. He had checked the site that LongKnight had given him and had memorised as many of the puzzles as he could.

He knew Staceys game and was ready to play her at it. He had also given a lot of thought to what he was going to make her do first. He was going to enjoy every second.

Scooter couldn't resist temptation. He bragged to his friends about what he was going to do on Friday. They all agreed to turn up and bring there cameras to capture every second of Staceys humiliation.

Friday could not come soon enough. As Scooter sat there envisioning how it was going to go he couldn't help but indulge his excitement. He was really looking forward to feeling Staceys fingers and mouth where his hand was currently.

Scooter was so engrossed in what he was doing he didn't notice Amber had come into the room. He didn't see her taking a video of what he was doing. He didn't see her checking his browser history and he definitely didn't notice when she sent a text.

As sure as night follows day Friday finally arrived. Scooter took his time getting ready. For no other reason other then to make sure that he was looking his best when everyone gathered the evidence of Staceys humiliation.

He arrived at the bar not long after eight pm. The evening was just warming up. Stacey was holding court as usual. She was busy preening, posing and biding her time before she started tonights entertainment.

Scooter ordered a drink and sat so that he was in Staceys eye line waiting for her to notice him scoping her. To pick him as tonights sucker. He was following LongKnights blueprint to the letter.

Scooter watched as Stacey uncoiled her legs and sashayed toward Amber. Wait, what was she doing here. Why was Stacey heading to her. Did Stacey know her. She wasn't part of Staceys group. Scooter was confused. This wasn't part of the plan. Stacey was supposed to pick him.

Stacey cleared her throat and made sure that every person in the whole room was looking at her. Once she was satisfied that everyone was looking at her she began to speak.

"Ok, so tonight I thought that we would do things a little differently. Tonight I wanted to show that not only am I smarter then any of the boys in here but also the girls to." She paused for a moment to allow her words to sink in.

She looked around at the confusion that was prevalent on most peoples faces. They had come tonight to either see Stacey finally beaten or to see her strip another guy. For a lot of the women present this was the highlight of there week. Say what you wanted about Stacey but she had a good eye when it came to guys she was going to strip.

"This is Amber. Amber saw fit to challenge me after she found out that I stripped her boyfriend the other day when he came to my house. Now she wants to try and beat me. To humiliate me in front of all of you as payback for what I did to him."

Stacey extended her arm and then beckoned for Amber to follow her. Stacey then looked in Scooters direction.

"So this is how tonight is going to go. Scooter there is going to come and join us. If Amber looses a round Scooter will remove an item of clothing. If Amber is correct then I will remove an item. If Scooter looses all of his clothes then we will start on Ambers clothes. The game will only stop when they are both naked or in the unlikely event that they happen to strip me. As always and obviously the loosing team will be subject to whatever the winner deems they should do until closing time. Oh and one last thing. Scooter can't speak or help Amber in anyway. If he does then they automatically lose."

Amber stood tall. Stacey looked down her nose at her and sneered "Last chance to back out."

Amber stepped closer to Stacey so that she was only inches from her. Amber smiled and said "Lets play."

"As you wish."Said Stacey smiling.

Scooter grimaced. This wasn't what LongKnight wanted and he certainly didn't want LongKnight to share with the world what he had. Scooter suddenly remembered the extra cameras that he had arranged. He knew that he could beat Stacey but could Amber.

Stacey started the first question....
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Old 10-04-2013, 03:37 PM   #39
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nice twist, poor scooter
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Old 10-05-2013, 12:57 AM   #40
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The "Payback" will be even harder after that
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Old 10-08-2013, 03:07 PM   #41
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LONGKNIGHT!!! Where are you?
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Old 10-08-2013, 03:21 PM   #42
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This is a great story. You should continue!
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Old 10-08-2013, 03:29 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Charlotte21 View Post
LONGKNIGHT!!! Where are you?
I'm here just deciding on whether to post each question as a separate part or to post them all as one long post. As soon as I decide I will post

Originally Posted by SlaveLeia147 View Post
This is a great story. You should continue!
Thank you. The next part will be up soon.
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Old 10-12-2013, 08:34 AM   #44
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Default The First Question

"While preparing the table for dinner, a wife came up with an idea to tease her mathematician husband. She asked her husband to pick nine toothpicks and make ten without breaking any toothpicks.

Her husband did it within seconds.


He aligned the toothpicks to form TEN using one toothpick for each line.

Amber furrowed her brow.

Scooter wasn't to worried if she didn't get this one or the next one. Once he got down to just his boxers then he would get worried. He wasn't to sure if he wanted everyone to get to see Amber if she didn't manage to win. LongKnight had given him all the answers. He knew he could beat Stacey as he had the blueprint. Now if Amber had told him what she had done then she could have had the blueprint to.

LongKnight sat as his favoured table at the back. This was an interesting twist. He hadn't anticipated this. He'd given Scooter enough answers to take Stacey almost all of the way before he lost to her. He wanted to soften Stacey up but not have her lose yet. When he was ready she would lose and lose publicly.

Amber was trying to use her fingers as matchsticks to try and work the problem. She could feel all eyes on her. She was feeling under pressure. Perhaps she should have just hit Stacey like she was going to originally rather then get caught up in this. To be fair though she had to admit that the idea of publicly humiliating Stacey the same way that she had humiliated her man had appealed.

She just couldn't work the problem out.

She looked at Scooter trying to work out how many times she could be wrong or pass before he was showing more then she wanted him to display. She didn't want him to be naked as that would mean that she might have to strip as well and she definitely didn't want that.

Amber suddenly remembered the piece of paper tucked under her bra strap. The list that she had made earlier of things that she was going to make Stacey do. She hadn't realised though that Stacey would be this imaginative with her questions though.

Amber took a deep breath and said in a timid voice...
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Old 10-23-2013, 02:38 PM   #45
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hmmm... the end?^^
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