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Old 01-29-2017, 01:58 PM   #31
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1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?

Yes. I think I was about 7 years old and the class teacher for that year hated me. I never found out why as until very late in high school I was the model pupil and extremely well behaved. I asked if I could go to use the bathrooom and she declined my request and five minutes later I was sitting in a puddle of urine very upset. She then asked me why I didn't let her know I needed the bathroom! Bitch.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Once. I was having the worst nightmare I have ever had involving my child being raped from the man that my testimony helped send to prison for sexual assault against a family member. I woke up drenched in sweat tears and I'd wet myself during the nightmare. There's no words to explain how that nightmare made/makes me feel.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
I wouldn't say 'caught', as my child is quite young still so I haven't yet stopped the barging into the bathroom or bedroom while I'm bathing or dressing.

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
No, but I heard them when I was very young. The memory is seared into my brain!

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
I'm quite open about my d/s, a few members of my family know because I was the one who told them, including my mother. If I haven't told a family member myself though they don't know about it. (That I am aware of!)

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
Not full sex but sexual acts. And I already knew they were married before we did anything even though he originally denied it to me when I mentioned it.

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
Not that I know of. AM thinks I am weird because I rarely burp or fart.

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
I've never been on a proper date, so nope.

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
Yes. As well as thinking I have enough cash on me only to find out at the check out that I haven't and had to replace some items.

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
Once. I was heavily pregnant at the time so it wasn't funny in the slightest.

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
God yes. I used to be terrible for drunk texting. I don't know what they said though as when I read them in the sent folders the days after I couldn't make any sense of them.

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
No. I try to resolve issues directly although I don't like confrontation.

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
No but I've done that with a deeply personal and identifying skype message. At least I sent it to AM and not anyone else.

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
Not that I remember.

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
Several times. It's worst in white jeans! I think only one of those times I wasn't at home though. Small mercys.

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
Hmmm. Sex toys? Many embarrasing videos/photos on my PC that have been sent to AM.

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
Not that I know of.

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Lots of times, almost every day when I was younger. My crush then was also a close friend so there was plenty of oppurtunites for it to happen and it did.

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?

Does AM count?

25. Have you ever been in jail?
I've been held in cells once or twice, but not jail. One time for assault (I didn't start it. I just defended myself. It's not my fault they got more hurt than I did!) And once for theft when I was about 15.

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Nope. Although just two days ago I walked into the mens bathroom by mistake. Luckily it was empty.

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
Yes, my music teacher. He later got fired for engaging in sexual activies with pupils. I was annoyed I wasn't one of them.

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
Several times. I'm extremely clumsy.

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
I've never been on a proper date. However if you count the random hook ups...then no I haven't.

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
I've been caught stealing twice when I was 15. I was going through an extremely bad time in my life then and kind of went off the rails and started stealing from shops.

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
Yes. But the two times it happened I didn't steal anything! The alarms went crazy at some of the clothing items.

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
Yes. Around my period time my chin gets really bad with spots. When I was younger I suffered with terrible acne for years and years and tried so many creams and pills from the doctor but nothing worked to get rid of them. Thankfully it's not that bad now, usually only around my period or if I am really stressed or worn down I start to get them.

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
Yes but I sort of tried to discreetly scratch it anyway.

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?

Yes, this happened just recently and I had to hobble downstairs to get the new pack I had forgotten to take up to the bathroom with me.
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Last edited by IceMaiden; 01-29-2017 at 08:59 PM.
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Old 01-29-2017, 03:24 PM   #32
Starchy Sadist
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Alrighty, since this turned out quite a lot better than expected, I thought I'd share my own experiences as well.

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?

Oh, yes. I have a very weak bladder and social anxiety so growing up I have peed my pants in many locations, not the least of which being at school. One time in 6th grade I fancied myself a ninja trying to get from the classroom I peed in (it was empty) to the bathroom without being spotted.I was successful, until I realized I'd left my bag with the spare pair of panties in the classroom and had to perform the ninja course all over again.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?

So you'd think that as an adult I'd grow out of having accidents - and you'd be wrong. Especially because I live in the basement, in the mornings, I've had more than a few close calls running from the basement to the bathroom on the second floor.

Also, ever have that feeling where you've been out all day and didn't have to pee at all, only to find that once you step into your house your bladder suddenly feels like it only has the capacity of a premature infant? Yeah.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?

No, but I've been caught topless by an elderly in-home nurse.

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?

Not exactly "caught," as my mother's nudity doesn't really bother me.

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?

On occasion I'll be on Skype with Monkey and then my mom is within earshot just as Monkey says something like, "May I go potty, Mommy?" She hasn't mentioned anything so I hope it means she wasn't paying attention

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?

No yikes

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?


8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?

No, I'm pretty sneaky like that.

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?


10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?

I've done it, but I've never been called out on it.

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?

Not a date, but definitely on outings with people I was hoping to befriend. (They didn't know about it though)

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?

So, one time I farted in the kitchen and my mom smelled it and thought it was my cat. She started going on about how we needed to change his diet because he was having bad farts and I was just nodding my head and keeping quiet.

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?

Ugh. So. Often. One time I was so broke that I just had to leave all of my stuff at the counter and go home empty-handed. #collegelife

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?

One time I wasn't paying attention as I was storming out of a hospital due to some crap about the appointment being canceled (not my fault) and fell down three steps, landed square on my knees, and people just moved around me like a school of fish. Quite dickish of them, actually.

Also, I have a chipped incisor from slipping on some icy marble steps as a kid It's since been repaired, but I have to be careful of how I eat.

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?

No, I'm rarely drunk, but one time I was consoling my ex-boyfriend all night because he was feeling suicidal. I started falling asleep despite my best efforts to stay up, and was sorta dreaming about pigs. I woke up to a confused text from him because I had texted him something like "I love cute piggies"

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?

I try not to talk behind people's backs!

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?

One time I was typing out a pissed off text message to my mom because someone had left period blood on the toilet seat. But I instead sent it to the person whom I was suspecting did it by accident. That was when I learned she had a hysterectomy and that she couldn't have done it. It was also when I learned to start checking to make sure I was sending angry texts to the right person.

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?

No, I'm actually quite neurotic about that.

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?

All the time.

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?

I have PCOS and used to have ridiculously heavy periods. Bleeding through my jeans became something of a problem.

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?

Just burn my computer, phone, and journals.

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?

One person may or may not have a video of me masturbating, face included. What he did with it, I'll never know.

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?


23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?

In middle school there was this older student who used to check out my ass and my tits bouncing when I walked down the stairs. So I started, like, trotting down the stairs to get his attention and a couple of my friends thought I had like a gait problem or something. Sigh I was such a dork, it makes me cringe to think about it.

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?

In elementary school I swore UP AND DOWN that Wednesday was spelled, w-e-n-d-s-d-a-y in a classroom spelling bee.

25. Have you ever been in jail?

No, but I've been manhandled by a school guard before.

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?

So one day I'm wearing an outfit that I'm feeling pretty confident about. I get quite a few people looking at me while I'm walking around the mall and I'm like, "Wow! I must look really good today." That's not a typical feeling for me so I'm all happy and smiling at people and shit. I get home and realize that not only was my zipper down, but everyone could see my bright sea green panties. FML.

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?

Yes, but he was just washing his hands. FFS lock the door!

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?

I'm used to signing off with Monkey on the phone saying "I love you," but one day I was talking to a nurse and accidentally said "Love you" when hanging up with her.

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?


30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

This is actually pretty embarrassing because I was a bit attracted to my college math teacher, until I got a new pair of glasses (I hadn't been wearing any glasses for the first 1/2 of the semester). Then I realized...I didn't like the way he looked at all!

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?

Oh, lots. As a kid I used to crush really hard on Raymundo from Xiaolin Showdown, Numbuh 4 and Numbuh 5 from Kids Next Door, countless anime and manga characters, Lord Zuko from Avatar, and No Face (after he stopped being that weird gluttony demon) and Haku from Spirited Away. I was...very sheltered.

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?

No, but one time a couple of friends and I ran out of a restaurant after being seated, once we found out how expensive the food would be.

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?

Nope, but one time a certain Monkey spilled a whole mug of iced tea on the table (and me) when we were at Chili's The server was super cool about it so we tipped her extra.

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?

Never really dated.

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?


36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?


37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?

The bridge of my nose. So. Painful.

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?

Yes, I don't trim or shave so sometimes it gets snagged by my panties.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?

Ughhhh yes.

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?

Same as Ice Maiden, I've had to waddle all the way downstairs to get a roll.
No, I do not want to be your Mistress.
No, I do not want to be your slave.
So don't PM me about it!

Likes, Limits, and Fantasies (click)

A Domme with a Monkey.

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"iSpuds used to be an onion before she realized that she wanted a simpler, layer free life. Gordon Ramsey himself agreed to perform the surgery, but when Nigella Lawson walked in during the middle of the procedure with a bottle of scotch, things went awry. Waking up as an iOS kernel trapped in a potato's body, iSpuds successfully sued the Food Channel for 13 quintillion Zimbabwe Shillings, and now lives in an exclusive, nano-sliver coated vegetable crisper." -Runesmith

"On a scale of 1-10, what's your favorite color of the Alphabet?"
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Old 01-30-2017, 02:18 AM   #33
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1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? No
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult? Yes
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Not any time recently
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? Not recently
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? Yes
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? No
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? Yes
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)? No
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? No
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? No
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting? No
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas? No
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? No
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others? No
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone? No
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about? No
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about? Ni
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact? No
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping? No
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes? Pjs yes, day time clothing no.
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house? My sex toys.
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet? Plenty of nude photos of me online.
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam? No
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush? Probably
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong? No
25. Have you ever been in jail? No
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants? No
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom? Yes
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them? Ni
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad? No
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Yes
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character? No
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay? No
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant? Probably
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date? No
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal? Yes
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit? No
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places? Yes
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes? No
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it? Yes
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? Yes
Likes: Humiliation, degradation, being a piggy/hucow, shit, piss, stretching pussy lips/nipples, nipple and pussy torture, body shaming
Limits: anything illegal, needles, cutting, face, videos, messy food tasks

Piggy needs public humiliation and degradation so please leave visitor messages on my profile 🐷
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Old 01-30-2017, 06:12 AM   #34
getDare Devil
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Good questions.
Why did I post my answers? lol

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
Yes. Many times in grade school. And even in college as a dare.
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Yes, as mentioned in college for a dare. Also other times for dare including the mall.
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Yes! My mom had caught me naked laying back in the recliner jacking off in the living room when I was home alone with the music blaring. Didn't hear her come home! I was mortified! My dad caught me sunbathing in the back yard naked too! One of my brothers caught me naked running in the woods. I guess I just couldn't keep my clothes on!
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
No. Thankfully!
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
Some of my family know I wear diapers.
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Does roommate count? If so, yes, been caught naked on my knees giving a blowjob.
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
Not a text or drunk dial. But does sending an email count? I sent a full frontal nude to the wrong email address. It went to my mom. Another mortifying moment!
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
Don't think so, but probably
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
No, just the email I mentioned in 15
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
Pictures and Videos of me on my hard drive not meant to be seen by anyone else! But next would probably be the selection of anal toys.
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
Yes and I'm not saying where to look
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
25. Have you ever been in jail?
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
OMG! Yes and it is so humiliating when you realize how long your zipper has been down for! Many times!
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
Of course, my mom and dad. Any one else, no.
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
In grade school, not sure if that really counts.
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
Of course, hasn't every one when they were younger? As an adult, I don't believe so.
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
Yes. Has happened and had to go back to the last store to get the tags removed. Embarrassing as everyone looks at you as if you're stealing something. Once, a security tag got caught on my clothes, had no bags. Later undressing find a tag when getting undressed that fell off the clothes.
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
Not often.
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
Ouch! Yes and it fucking hurts when that happens. But now, I stay smooth.
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
Yes, especially after shaving.
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
LOL... Always look before sitting... Not that I can think of
Likes: nudity, extreme cbt, chastity, humiliation, piss, ice, shaving, cum control, orgasm denial, messy, public, toothpaste, icy hot, ginger root, exhibitionism, anal, diapers, clothing, butt plug

Limits: public is cool, but nothing over the top... no pics, no permanent marks/damage, no family, no friends (well maybe), no social suicide

PM Dares - Make me regret this list.

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Old 01-30-2017, 09:26 AM   #35
getDare Succubus
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[QUOTE=iSpuds;2627738]Monkey and I were talking, and we're quite underwhelmed by the lack of embarrassing questions that make up most so-called "humiliating" truth threads. Thus, we have come up with a list of questions that )

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? No
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult? Yes
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? Yes
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? Yes
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? No
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? Oral yes
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? Yes
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? No
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting? Vomiting yes
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?no
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? Yes
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?yes
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?yes
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?yes
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?yes
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?yes
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?no
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?yes
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?my duckling pacifer or lines i wrote
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet? Probably
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?no
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?always
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?yes
25. Have you ever been in jail?no
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants? Yup
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?yup
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?up
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?no
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?no
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?no
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?no
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?yes
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?no
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?no
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?no
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places? I think so
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?no
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?no
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? Yes
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Old 01-30-2017, 09:53 AM   #36
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Posts: 20

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? No
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?I guess yes, during sleep when I was deeply asleep... Though this happened once, maybe twice.
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes, but there was no "caught". It was just normal.
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? See above.
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? No.
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? No.
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? No.
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)? No.
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? No.
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? Probably yes...
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting? Surely yes.
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas? Unfortunately, yes.
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? Not that I can remember of.
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others? Nope.
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone? No, I can behave myself even when drunk.
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about? Most likely, yes.
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about? No, usually I don't do that.
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact? Nope
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping? Oh, yes.
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes? not applicable
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house? Probably the logs on my computer, if this person had access to.
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet? Nude photos possibly yes, unwanted rather not.
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam? Nope, I know the basics of the internet. Though never say no...
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush? Surely I did, but I can't remember right now.
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong? I'm mostly right and I don't tend to argue, if I know I am wrong or unsure. So rather not.
25. Have you ever been in jail? No.
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants? Of course, it happens to everyone.
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom? Yep, many times.
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them? How can this be accidentally..?
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad? Why should I?
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Sure.
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character? Sometimes, there used to be floating around some pictures of the Marge Simpson and Lisa being older (<18! )
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay? No.
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant? Yes, for sure.
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date? I guess yes, but right now I cannot remember.
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal? Somewhere cheating, like playing board games, for sure. Other than that, no.
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit? Not that I am aware of.
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places? Very few in nowadays, but from time to time I do.
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes? Oh yes, it hurts.
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it? I guys anyone has had this experience in life...
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? Yes, though I usually check before hand to avoid this situation.
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Old 01-31-2017, 07:27 PM   #37
Komodo Jones
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I don't know why I'm doing this as humiliation is one "kink" that I don't enjoy except in certain facets. But I guess to be more involved in getdare as I've been away for a while I am going to commit to answering all of these questions which I haven't looked at. If you like details you've read the right response here goes...

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
Yes I have, but this was way way back in kindergarten. Being five at the time, I don't remember much about it.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Not fully. A couple of times rushing into my apartment I did not get to the toilet in time and had a few little trickles but nothing to classify as full-on wetting myself.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
I don't have kids and while I haven't been caught naked my parents, my parents have caught me with my parts exposed and doing a Milovana tease.

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
I have not "caught" them per se. I have seen my mom naked a couple times by accident. Not something I want to relive. And my dad would often walk naked from the shower to his room and when getting out of the hot tub and leaving his trunks out on the patio to dry.

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
Yes BUT not intentionally. My parents can sometimes be too nosy for their own good so they have caught a couple things that I had written. They also did something which I call "the purge" which is they found all my sex toys and pornographic material and just threw it away (I have since rebuilt it). The most noted one though is that there was a time I was really big into dice dares and I lost almost every die to our board games. They knew it had something to do with sex because of finding what I've written but they didn't know what.

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
No. I've only technically had sex with one person and we're not related, and I don't think any of my other "encounters" have been relatives unless they're very distant.

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
Once again I've only technically had sex with one person and at the time they weren't married. I'm not sure about now. Of the men I've had encounters with I've always known if they were married or not before we met; some have been, some have not.

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Sex no. Masturbation yes, see question 3.

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
Thank goodness I can answer this question no. Although I have been home a couple times and it was dark in their room and the door was locked.

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
Not that I can recall. That's not to say I haven't farted in public/polite areas, but I don't think I've been caught.

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
Thankfully, no. That may be a different story now that my digestive system has been revolting more frequently. But of the three dates I've been on I've never had that misfortune.

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
Who DOESN'T have smelly gas, but no I've never been called out on it.

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
The closest thing I've had to do related to this was at my last grocery stop. I forgot my debit card in my car and had a full cart. Thankfully, they offered to hold it for me in the produce cooler for at least half an hour while I got my card.

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
No. This is not to say I haven't fallen down stairs, but I don't think I've ever fallen down a whole flight of stairs and certainly not with anyone around.

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
Never had a drink of alcohol in my life, except for accidentally swallowed mouthwash, as I've never had any real desire to so, no.

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
No, and that is one thing my grandma does that bugs the bejeebers out of me. It's always at restaurants and she'll say something "Well this stuff isn't as good as ____'s." It always embarrasses me and those things should be kept private.

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
No...Did you notice that you put the number 16 twice?

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
No I am very careful when sexting that I make sure it's to the right person. But generally speaking there's not really enough sext contacts, let alone contacts in general, on my phone to really mistake that anyway.

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
Yes, several times but it was mainly from overuse of toilet paper I would think. Regardless though, it's always been quickly resolved by a plunger.

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
My female underwear collection would be pretty embarrassing but even more embarrassing would be the French Maid dress, I have hanging up in my closet. I haven't worn it recently, but it still kind of fits.

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
No, but the key word of that question is "unwanted." There are nude photos of me on the Internet but I don't have any objection of them being there.

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
Almost, but not quite. I had the "Oh I'm trapped in x but if you send me some $ we can have a relationship" bit. I've also paid a subscription to some naughty sites that wouldn't stop charging me even after I unsubscribed, but nothing more than that.

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Yes I have. The one that sticks out to me is that as a person I sometimes construct my thoughts on what other people say. Like the conversation was about Facebook and I was saying I like it. Then another person said it's dumb, and I agreed with him. He called me out and said but you just said you liked it. Or it was vice versa or something, regardless my main crush at the time was in close proximity.

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
I don't think so. I've always been very respectful to police officers who pulled me over for very minor traffic violations. I've always argued with my parents too and they were technically authority figures but I'm usually right, although my dad has this nasty habit of always distorting the truth to make himself the victim in any situation.

25. Have you ever been in jail?
Nope, although I may have very well been as I was caught streaking one time. But aside from my kinks, I lead a pretty clean lifestyle.

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Pants zipper down, but never a hole in my pants. But usually it wasn't so far down that it was really noticeable, only halfway down.

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Yes, my parents a couple times but I was very quick to close the door behind me.

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
Once again accidentally, no. I have told a few people I love them though...usually unrequited.

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
Once again accidentally, no. I did joke around recently with my boss calling her "mom" when she was fixing my shirt collar.

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
Yes. My 8th grade math teacher. She was a total babe, and every straight male that had her as a teacher was in exactly the same boat. She had a fiancé but it didn't matter that she had a whole bunch of hormone-crazed junior high boys fawning over her.

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
Yes, when I was much younger. At least sometime before junior high I fantasized about the Sailor Scouts and although I'm not into furries now Lola Bunny from Space Jam. There was also a lot of eye candy in the Final Fantasy games but by that time I tried to keep my sexual thoughts (which were nowhere near as dirty as they are now) grounded in reality. I will still say though that Tifa Lockheart is hot, and those who know who she is won't deny that.

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
Nope...I'm not really sure how I can expand on that. Usually when I'm at a sit-down restaurant I'm with relatives who usually pay for the meal.

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
Yes, you can thank mostly my father for that as he would bug me and as I went to swat him away my drink spilled.

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
No. I had one date that I didn't get a kiss but seeing that it was a "friend" date I wasn't really expecting anything. So seeing that was the case I've never been denied.

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
Only unintentionally. Cheat and scam no. Stealing yes. I was taking 20 oz. bottles from a cafeteria I worked out and knowing that being an employee, all food was free. I was not aware that it was limited. So once I found out that I had to pay for the 20 oz. I stopped taking them.

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
Technically speaking I do that almost every day. At my workplace most of us exit through the back door which there is an alarm that goes off whenever that door is open. But I think I know what you're driving at and yes I have in that regards too. I've never stolen anything to set it off but it always freaks me out whenever I pass through those pylons because it is a little embarrassing to have those things go off.

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
You think you outgrow pimples when you get older but nope they will stay at you. Occasionally I have pimples on my face, but not often. I also get zits in less comfortable places such as the inner thighs which are noticeable to me, but not to other people.

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
Can't say that I have, or if I have I don't remember it.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
I'm a man so usually we don't wait around too long if we have a scratch. However, I've usually been able to waltz away somewhere and take care of it. A similar situation is that my boxers tend to be pretty baggy so sometimes I duck into the freezer at work and put my hand down my pants to pull them back up.

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
I think a couple times but it's only been at home. Being a short distance it wasn't really "A Walk of Shame." Thankfully, I've never had to do that in public.

38/male/partially bi/switch
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Old 02-01-2017, 10:08 AM   #38
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1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? Not that i remember

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult? A little came out once when i was laughing

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes, my parents loads, i always walked around in my underwear at home, occasionally just my panties

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? I walked in on my mum and her boyfriend once

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? No

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? Oh i hope not!

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? if i knew before we had sex does that count?

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)? yes, a few times

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? yes

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? i'm a lady, i dont do things like that!

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting? no

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas? no

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? no

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others? yes, i was drunk

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone? yes, all the time!

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about? yes, what girl hasn't in the toilets!

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about? dont think so

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact? yes

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?nope

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes? no, i dont bleed too heavy! (lads dont be too disgusted)

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house? not sure i have anything

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?not online, but friends have a few of me topless from holiday

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam? no,i have a brain!

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?oh hell yes i have!

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong? yes, i was drunk, most probably anyway.

25. Have you ever been in jail? no

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants? yes, more than i would like

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom? yes

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them? no

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad? no

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? yes

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character? LARA CROFT!!!!!

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay? no

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant? yes, think most people have

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date? if you saw my lips, you'd know my answer is no! always get a kiss, unless i dont want one!

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal? nope

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit? yep, not intentionally

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places? not anymore

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes? when i wa younger, i shave it all off now.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it? i dont care, i'd scratch it anyway

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? yes, i have a few times, wouldnt call it walk of shame though, to me the walk of shame is what you do in the moring after waking up in a guys bed!

30/f/bi/34DD/single-ish/Liverpool, England.

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Old 02-01-2017, 10:19 AM   #39
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What will make this more embarsssing is after you've viewed someone's answers, send them a PM about 1 or 2 answers you laughed at. My answers are a few posts above.
Likes: nudity, extreme cbt, chastity, humiliation, piss, ice, shaving, cum control, orgasm denial, messy, public, toothpaste, icy hot, ginger root, exhibitionism, anal, diapers, clothing, butt plug

Limits: public is cool, but nothing over the top... no pics, no permanent marks/damage, no family, no friends (well maybe), no social suicide

PM Dares - Make me regret this list.

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Old 02-09-2017, 08:32 AM   #40
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2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Yes, a little bit. I had drunk a lot of beer and couldn't find the bathoom and a bit came out :/

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?I had sex with someone who I knew was married. That's quite bad isn't it?

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
Masturbating. Once. By my mum.

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
I had my card declined and my friend had to pay. It was so embarrassing. But it wasn't my fault, I went to an ATM took out the cash and paid her right back.

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
Yes, a few. The worst is when you wake up the next morning and you find you've deleted your sent messages - so you never know what you did.

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
Yes. People say I can talk louder than I think I do.

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
I sent a joke text to a friend, but it accidentally went to a colleague. Out of context it sounded much worse than it was meant. I also accidentally emailed a naughty picture to a friend. Luckily she didn't receive it, but I wouldn't have minded if she did.

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
Probably just how untidy it is.

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
Yes. I get a rush and make bad decisions.

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
Oh yeah. So many times. I never knew how to act around a crush. Still don't, really.

25. Have you ever been in jail?
Only while playing Monopoly.

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Both. I think zipper is way worse. Lots of people will see, but nobody will say anything.

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
A girl. I liked her, I didn't love her. But I'd had tequila, so...

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
My teacher when I was 8. Worst day of my life.

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
Lots of times, but always because it was faulty and never because I'd stolen anything.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
I would scratch it.

All the others I didn't answer are 'no'.
Kik: gdbob
Kik dare:: Send getdare signature dare to my Kik and I'll provide a nude photo and answer three questions.
Straight male / Body rating: 7.6 / Dare bucket list
interesting conversation, answering truths, asking questions.
Favourite dares: nudity, risky stripping, games of chance.
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Old 02-09-2017, 08:52 AM   #41
getDare Sweetheart
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1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
Once in kindergarten
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
Yes... When I've taken sleep meds and left my heater on (Relaxed muscles and warm room = bad combo)
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
Thank god i havent.
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
My brother, during an argument with me decided to yell "(My Name)'s Bi!" even though it had no relationship to what we were arguing about. He somehow thought that would get my parents mad at me and him off the hook. All he did was end up confusing my parents (Who didn't care) and digging his own grave.
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
Yes :/
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
No, thank god. I'd have to rip out my eyes if I did
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
Probably lol
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
Not that I can remember
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
Lmao yeah
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
Yes. Once when I was buying an energy drink (Like $2)...my friend was nice enough to buy it for me.

Found out later my idiot brother accidentally charged my apple account $40 (all I had) because he didnt realize the account he was using was connected to my card

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
Never been drunk
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
No cause I'm not a shady bitch lmao
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
Nope. If I ever did...it wasnt an accident
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
Yes. not much though and I had a sweatshirt I could tie around my waist
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
My toy collection lol
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
I'm sure there are. I've been threatened so many times by douchebags insisting I send them more pics or they'll post my stuff online that I'm certain I have some stuff floating around that isn't something I've already posted
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
See, this would only be a thing if I wasnt already constantly an idiot lol
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
Doubt it. I dont usually argue with people who are actually experts
25. Have you ever been in jail?
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
yep but I'm pretty sure it was in a spot no one would see anything
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
it happens
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
yes... he was fresh out of college and very attractive...but also very not single lol
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
not going to lie.....yeah. Some anime dudes thooooooo
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
Nope. I always go in anticipating what I'll be spending (...Or have my credit card ready just in case.) Most my bill ever was was a date with my boyfriend at the melting pot $150 for the two of us
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
I think so. I drop forks all the time lol
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
Nope. I've basically only had one first date and it took my (now) boyfriend like 3 months to work up the nerve to ask permission for a kiss (Yes, he asked if he could and I thought that was so sweet and adorable <3 )
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
yeah but the lady just forgot a tag
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
You know....like my face?
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
Nope. I shave at least 1-2 times per week so it never gets long enough to do anything
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
Just gotta be discrete lol
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
No, I always check
20, Female, Sub. NOT looking for dom/slave, just fun i dont give dares/tasks



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Old 02-10-2017, 07:36 AM   #42
getDare Addict
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1. Have you ever peed your pants in school? No
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult? No
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes. Several times
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? No
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? No
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? No
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? No
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes. Very awkward
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? No
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? Yes.
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting? No
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas? No
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? No
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others? Yes. Had a migraine so my vision had gone. Missed the top step. I landed on my head, that did not help.
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone? No
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about? Yes. Turned out they were standing behind me. Not that I was bothered, I would have said it to their face but I didn't know they were around.
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about? No
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact? To a stranger once by mistyping a phone number.
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping? No
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes? N/A
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house? Nothing. Everything I have in my house people have seen.
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet? No
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam? No
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush? No
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong? Yes. Yet somehow I still got them to admit they were wrong and apologise.
25. Have you ever been in jail? No
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants? Yes, nearly all the time. I somehow wear away the crotch in every pair of jeans I buy.
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom? Several times. Usually public toilets where they forgot to lock the door, or the lock is broken.
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them? No
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad? No
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Maths teacher when I was about fourteen, she was really hot and wore stupidly short skirts. Mind you nearly every boy, and some girls, in the class did. We kept finding reasons to make her bend over.
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character? No
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay? No
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant? Yes. Over myself and over others. I'm rather clumsy.
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date? No
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal? No
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit? Yes. The cashier had left the tags on.
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places? I used to, but that was a teenager thing.
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes? In a zipper once.
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it? Technically yes, except I scratched anyway.
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? Yes, but only once. I learnt from my mistake.
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Old 02-10-2017, 10:23 PM   #43
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Colorado, USA
Posts: 96

. Have you ever peed your pants in school? Not since about 2nd grade.

2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult? other than leaking a bit while running to the bathroom, no.

3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes. Several times

4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked? No

5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member? No

6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related? No

7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married? Yes

8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)? Yes. Very awkward - agreed.

9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex? yes - equally awkward.

10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area? Yes.

11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting? Yes

12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas? Yes

13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them? Yes

14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others? Yep.

15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone? Yes

16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about? No

16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about? No

17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact? Not to an unintended contact, no.

18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping? Yes

19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes? N/A

20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house? 18 inch dildo and urethral sounds

21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet? Not 100% sure.

22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam? No

23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush? Lots of times.

24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong? Of course.

25. Have you ever been in jail? No

26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants? Yep.

27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom? Yes

28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them? No

29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad? No

30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Oh yeah

31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character? No

32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay? No

33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant? Yes. Over myself and over others. Red wine - multiple glasses at once.

34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date? No

35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal? Yes

36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit? Yep

37. Do you get zits in noticeable places? Used to; not anymore.

38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes? Zippers, yes.

39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it? Technically yes, except I scratched anyway.

40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some? Yep
45 M mainly sub, occasional switch

Likes: CBT, humiliation, hidden public cbt, daring exposure, anal, pee, forced, wax, weights, needles, public cbt, webcam

Limits: scat, kids, scars, social suicide
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Old 02-11-2017, 12:28 AM   #44
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Detailed response inline in blod
Originally Posted by iSpuds View Post
Monkey and I were talking, and we're quite underwhelmed by the lack of embarrassing questions that make up most so-called "humiliating" truth threads. Thus, we have come up with a list of questions that we think most people would really be too embarrassed to answer. Or, at least, they're awkward as hell.

(This questionnaire works best if you answer in detail. )

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
[b]nope [\b]
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
[b]yes! I was working one time and we were nowhere near a toilet, or even a tree and there were kids, make and females around. I was bursting to piss for hours and finally i was doing something like reaching up for something and i just let go and i couldn't stop [\b]
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
[b]yes to both. Both in the past few years. Both coming home unexpectedly. I was also caught by my gran half-way though shaving my pubes.[\b]
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
[b]i walked in on them fucking when i was a teenager. As they got older (and so did i) they became less bother about being seen naked. [\b]
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
[b]my brother caught me in an elaborate ice reverse rope bondage one time. I never told his fiance about his other, younger girlfriend. [\b]
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
[b]does it count if I knew beforehand? [\b]
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
[b]yes. [\b]
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
[b]my mom caught me jerking off a couple of times before she got the lock on my bedroom fixed. Not the first time she saw me boned but thats another story. My then gfs dad caught us screwing on the couch in his loving room. [\b]
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
[b]parents [\b]
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
[b]of course. [\b]
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
[b]nope [\b]
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
[b]nope [\b]
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
[b] yes. Groceries, and one time, condoning and lube. My walked had no cash in it.[\b]
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
[b] nope [\b]
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
[b] oh, heaps [\b]
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
[b]does an accidentally ccd email count?email [\b]
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
[b] email [\b]
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?[b] a force employer received a beautiful lit and posed nude[\b]
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
[b]yes. A few times. [\b]
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
[b] porn stash, 'toys' [\b]
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet? [b]yes [\b]
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
[b] nope [\b]
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
[b]yes [\b]
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?[b] probably [\b]
25. Have you ever been in jail?[b]nope [\b]
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?[b] zipper down and commando doing a work presentation [\b]
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
[b] sure, lots of times.[\b]
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
[b] nope [\b]
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?[b]nope [\b]
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?[b] my kids teacher [\b]
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?[b]nope [\b]
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?[b]more than i expected to pay, yes. [\b]
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?[b]sure [\b]
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?[b] nope [\b]
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?[b] shoplifting as a child [\b]
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?[b]yes. But only in error. [\b]
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?[b]not any more [\b]
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?[b] got it caught in zipper a few times. [\b]
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
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Old 02-12-2017, 12:08 PM   #45
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 24

1. Have you ever peed your pants in school?
2. Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY peed yourself as an adult?
3. Have you ever been caught naked by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
My mom accidently walked in the bathroom while I was in the shower.
4. Have you ever caught your parent(s) naked?
Haha, yep. Multiple times.
5. Have you ever had your sexuality or kink outed to a family member?
I outed myself as gay to my mom.
6. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn you were related?
7. Have you ever had sex with someone, only to learn they were married?
8. Have you ever been caught having sex or masturbating by your parent(s)/child(ren)?
9. Have you ever caught your parent(s)/child(ren) having sex?
10. Have you ever been caught farting in a public (polite) area?
I'm not sure
11. Have you ever had an upset stomach on a date that ended in diarrhea, gas, or vomiting?
12. Have you ever been called out for having smelly gas?
13. Have you ever had a credit card declined and/or had to endure the "Walk of Shame" while returning your items because you can't buy them?
No, I don't even have a credit card, they are uncommon where I live.
14. Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs in the company of others?
Yes, several times. It was super embarrassing.
15. Have you ever sent an AWFUL drunk text, or drunk-dialed someone?
Nope, I don't drink alcohol.
16. Have you ever been caught talking behind someone's back, by the person you're talking about?
Yep, that happens way too often.
16. Have you ever accidentally sent a scathing text message about someone to the person it's about?
17. Have you ever accidentally sent a "sext message" to an unintended contact?
18. Have you ever clogged a toilet after pooping?
19. If you experience periods, have you ever bled through your clothes?
Sorry, I'm male.
20. If you died right now, what would be the most embarrassing thing someone would find in your house?
My box full of sex toys.
21. Are there any unwanted nude photos of you floating around the internet?
22. Have you ever fallen prey to an internet scam?
23. Have you ever made an idiot of yourself in front of a crush?
24. Have you ever argued with an authority figure only to find out you were VERY wrong?
No, I'm right. Always :-P
25. Have you ever been in jail?
26. Have you ever come to the realization that you've been walking around with your pants zipper down, or with a hole in your pants?
Happened to me when I was younger.
27. Have you ever accidentally walked in on someone in the bathroom?
Yes, as a child staying at my friends home I walked in the bathroom and saw his mother naked. Very embarrassing situation for both of us.
28. Have you ever accidentally told someone you loved them?
When I say "I love you" I never say it accidently.
29. Have you ever accidentally called someone mom or dad?
Yep, I called my grandmother mom.
30. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
I had crushes on many teachers
31. Have you ever had a crush on/fantasized about a cartoon character?
32. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant only to find out the bill was WAY more than you could pay?
33. Have you ever spilled drink or food at a restaurant?
34. Have you ever been denied a kiss on a first date?
35. Have you ever been caught trying to cheat, scam, or steal?
36. Have you ever set off a store alarm while trying to exit?
37. Do you get zits in noticeable places?
38. Have you ever had your pubic hair get snagged by your clothes?
No. Very odd questions you ask
39. Have you ever gotten a REALLY bad itch on your genitals while in public, so you couldn't scratch it?
40. Have you ever finished on the toilet only to find out that there's no more toilet paper, then have to do the "Walk of Shame" to the closet (or, if in a public bathroom, to the next stall) to find some?
No, I always check the stall before I go in.
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