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Old 03-10-2013, 03:28 AM   #1
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Post Becky's Brother's Sleepover

This is a spinoff from my Going Unnoticed At School story. I wanted to explore some of what Becky mentioned in Part 12, so this is placed a few years prior. I haven't really proof-read this. It's crazy late and just wanted to get it out there. Comments and criticisms are welcome!


Chapter 1

"Stop it! It's my turn!"

"Just another minute."

"Dude, Lucas is hogging the controller!"

"Lucas, just switch. Don't be a dick. We've got all night."

"But I'm on a killstreak!"

Becky listened to the boys bickering while she raided their stash of junk food in the kitchen. Already it was 10PM, past their bedtime on any normal night, even for a Friday. But tonight was an exception. It was her brother's birthday so their parents had gone all out with snacks and pop and had given them all free reign (mosty) of the house. Kyle was turning thirteen and mom and dad had made a bit of a fuss now that he was officially a teenager. Becky didn't think it was a big deal having herself turned twelve the month before, but she looked forward to when she too could be called a teenager.

She carried a Root Beer and a bowl of assorted junk - M&Ms, Mike & Ikes, Nibs, Fuzzy Peaches, and other morsels of processed sugar - with her as she left the kitchen.

"Lucas-you-suck." Becky coldly taunted as she passed.

"Blow me Becky! OW!"

"Dude, that's my sister." Kyle said, defending Becky.

Lucas finally passed over the controller to Cayden, "You've called her way worse!" he whined.

"So? I'm her brother. I'm allowed."

Becky smiled. She liked the thought of Kyle standing up for her, even if he was a jerk most of the time.

"You're welcome Cayden!" Becky sang out to her crush.

"Umm... yeah, thanks!" Cayden replied nervously.

"Hey! You can't take any more of our stuff Becky!" Kyle warned. She huffed but didn't respond.

Becky had developed a huge crush on Cayden since the beginning of the year and had tried to make it as obvious as she could. Cayden had failed school the year before and wasn't given a chance to make up for it over the summer due to his bad behavior, so he was forced to repeat a grade. This meant Cayden was a year older than the other boys. Despite this he was strangely very shy. Kyle had introduced him to his group of friends only a few days into the school year and by doing so had in turn introduced him to his sister. Becky thought he was cute. His shyness, his tallness, his scruffy hair, his strangely bad reputation... she had quickly developed an infatuation.

The half dozen boys continued carrying on in the living room, spread about on the floor and on couches, sitting on pillows and sleeping bags, hitting and insulting each other in jest. Becky walked off with her bounty, content with her haul for now.

She entered the bathroom, closing the door with her foot. She had been horsing around with the boys on and off for the last few hours which had left her in dire need of a bath. She normally didn't have much interest in their activities but knowing that her mom didn't want her to play with them had made the whole experience much more enjoyable.

Her parents had scheduled some stupid card game with one of the neighbours to allow the boys to let loose a little. Her mom had tried to drag Becky along but she whined and complained about how bored she would be and how late they would be staying out and promised she would just "stay in her room the whole time", a blatant lie. But in the end her staying with the boys was unknowingly beneficial; a female presence had tempered their activities, keeping them from completely destroying the place.

Becky set down her sweets on the edge of the tub and drew herself a bath. She squirted a pink, peppermint bubble bath bottle into the hot water pouring from the faucet. This was her favorite. Her brother teased her for still taking baths, but the minty bubbles were so cooling and tingly.

Becky pulled off her shirt then set about tying back her long red hair. Even though she didn't have freckles she hated the ginger association people made with red hair. Just the thought of someone calling her ginger made her cringe. She had wanted to dye it for years now but her mom kept saying "When you're older", whenever that would be.

On her chest were two very gradual mounds topped off with rosy pink nipples. One would hesitate to call them breasts, but she wasn't entirely flat either. Her thin frame helped them stand out some, but they still had a ways to go. Becky had been excited when she first noticed her curves, but grew frustrated when they seemed to stop their development. She was half worried that she would be stuck in her skinny tomboy body for the rest of her life, although she had only barely hit puberty. She hadn't even had her first period. In any case, her boobs were small enough that a loose fitting shirt could hide them with ease. This was Becky's preferred method of dealing with them. She didn't like "training bras", as if her chest needed to be skillful. Besides, she liked the feeling she got when her increasingly sensitive nipples would brush against her clothing, a sensation that no bra would allow her.

Sliding her pants off, followed quickly by her panties and socks, she nibbled on a Nib while staring at the pink bubbles as they slowly rose. She was trying to decide if she should. She was pretty sure their parents wouldn't be home for a while yet. And nothing would probably happen anyway. But she liked the idea.

Becky bit her finger, a smile creeping up her face.

She leaned down and grabbed her clothes, wadding them into a ball. She opened the door and peeked out into the hallway. The boys were still carrying on in the living room. Becky took a deep breath and stepped out of the bathroom. Just a short walk down the hall and around the corner were six boys with six pairs of eyes and six pairs of hands and six pairs of balls matched with six different dicks.

Becky did a silly dance in the hallway, silently teasing the boys in her head. They were so close to seeing her totally naked and didn't even know it!

After a few seconds she ran down the hall to her room. As she did a belly flop onto her bed she tossed her clothes at her dresser. The feel of her fuzzy comforter meeting her under her soft milky skin reminded her of what she was supposed to do tonight, not that she had forgotten. She promised - dared - herself that she would do it during one of Kyle's previous sleepovers, and had followed through ever since. She had even tried to get Cindy to join her the one time that both her and her brother were both allowed friends over, but even after removing her panties Cindy had refused to lose her nighty as well. Something about sleeping naked in a bed with another girl.


Becky rolled off her bed onto the floor with a thud, then crawled on her hands and knees to find the panties that she had thrown a moment ago. She snatched them then bounced up to her feet.

She could do this...

She ran back out of her room, hitting her light as she ran. Halfway down the hall she slowed down, worried they might hear her, and tip-toed the rest of the way. As she reached the end she turned off the hallway light. The bathroom was now the only source of illumination behind her as she poked her head around the corner. All of the boys were facing the television in the middle of the wall, away from her.

She wanted to be even more daring.

Tip toeing back a few steps she took a running leap out of the safety of the hallway and landing a few feet away. The moment her feet hit the floor she dashed back into the hallway. She didn't even wait to see if any of them had seen her; she just dove for cover. But after a few seconds in the darkness, their normal banter confirmed that she had gone unnoticed. She sighed, her heart racing. She wasn't going to try for a second time.

Back to the original pantie plan.

She peeked out into the living room again. Some of the boys had changed spots from when she left, rotating through their game. But she spotted the back of Cayden's head.

Back behind cover she spread her legs and lowered her body, resting against the wall. She moved her fist down and rubbed her panties against her smooth crotch. She rubbed violently fast, until her lips started to burn from the friction, then pulled her hand away. She unwadded her panties and folded them neatly, kissing the front of them for Cayden. Then, without thinking any further, she tossed her panties around the corner.

She wanted to run, but she also wanted to hear their reaction. She hoped her panties had somehow magically made it to Cayden's lap, but throwing blind around the corner wasn't going to achieve much.

Dissatisfied with their second lack of a reaction she slowly poked her head out. She easily spotted her panties. They had just barely made it to the back of the couch, half hanging off the top edge.

Becky was getting frustrated, but was equally determined.

She stepped out from behind the hallway and stood in the back of the living room with her hands at her sides. She stood there, unmoving, for a full 10 seconds, counting in her head with her eyes closed before she allowed herself to peek. None of the boys had noticed her. Disappointed, and running out of courage, she carefully approached the back of the couch. Step after anxious step she crept closer, her arms held outwards for balance and to ensure that if anyone did finally see her skinny naked body they would see every inch of it.

Now within range she picked her panties off the back of the couch then, turning around, threw them behind her as she ran back to the safety of the hallway.

"What the... dude! Why are you throwing your sister's panties at me?"

"I didn't!"

Becky leaned against the wall for a moment just around the corner, confident that they didn't see her, before running back to the bathroom.

Her bath was well drawn now, nearly overflowing. She left the bathroom door open a crack then turned off the water. She wanted to listen to the boys chat about her panties, a thought that titillated her as she lowered her body into the hot water. But as she settled into the suds, cracking open her can of soda pop, she was disappointed to hear only muffled tones. She strained, listening for anything about "underwear" or "underpants" or "panties" or anything really, but could only make out laughing and the occasional exhaggerated scream.

She thought about opening the door wider but she was already in the water now. She knew they had seen her panties. Even if they hadn't seen her, that was enough fun for now.

Poking at her bowl with a soapy finger, unsure of what snack to sample next, she hoped that maybe tonight was the night one of them would finally catch her naked.
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Old 03-11-2013, 12:38 PM   #2
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This has great potential! Keep it up
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Old 03-11-2013, 01:21 PM   #3
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maybe make the other story jog over here then when this is finished jump it back?? maybe make it a situation where she has to come clean about the whole situation to the other girls ... mind just an idea ... good luck what ever you do
grrr at having to do extra steps for everything.

Wobbuffet to the rescue

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Old 03-11-2013, 01:31 PM   #4
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Interesting start! Keep it coming!

Last edited by Username87654; 03-11-2013 at 03:15 PM.
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Old 03-11-2013, 04:10 PM   #5
Komodo Jones
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I wouldn't worry about your punctuation in this case as I didn't notice too many errors but then again I was more enjoying the story than looking for mistakes. It's a good story and as long as you keep it original not falling into the same song and dance I've talked about in my most recent blog entry, I honestly see a lot more potential in this story than your other story even though I have been following it closely as well. I really look forward to the next installments of both of your stories and am excited to see where this one goes.

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Old 03-11-2013, 11:04 PM   #6
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I figured I should advance this story a bit before jumping back to the other one.

@rahamn: This isn't directly related to the other story so that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. That's not to say that Becky won't volunteer any other information about some of her previous experiences there, but it's probably best to keep them mostly separate.

@KJ: I checked out your blog. Don't worry, I don't think I'm one to follow too predictable of a routine!

Thanks for the comments, peoples!


Chapter 2

Becky bobbed her head back and forth playing a song in her head. Her feet raised in and out of the tub, splashing the water and parting the bubbles. She happily sipped her root beer and ate her candy. She had been riding a sugar high most of the night taking full advantage of Kyle’s plentiful birthday snacks.

After splashing about for a few minutes she set down her can so she could properly wash up. Those boys were dirty, and despite her dirty mind Becky preferred her body be very clean.

She grabbed a washcloth from next to the tub and scooped some of the slowly dissipating bubbles. Rubbing down her skin felt great. She made long passes under the water up and down each of her legs. Applying pressure to her skin after the soothing peppermint had soaked into it caused it to tingle with great delight. It was warm and cool all at once.

Sitting in the tub, the top half of her chest poked up out of the bubbles. Raising the washcloth to her neck she squeezed it sending bubbly streams of inviting warm water over her cooler upper body.

As Becky washed her chest her mind wandered to the fate of her panties. She wanted to know what they were doing with them. They had to be curious where they had come from, unless they were just blaming each other. Maybe they were teasing Kyle about them. At the very least she hoped Cayden could smell her scent on them. She didn’t mind if the other boys did as well, but she really hoped that Cayden would.

The washcloth had dipped below the water’s surface again. It was paying extra special attention to her crotch, while Becky’s other hand pressed one of her small breasts. The cool peppermint made her privates ache. Her nipple poked into her palm.

Becky let go of the washcloth so she could grab her root beer. She drank her soda while a finger idly circled her nipple. This had already been a really fun night. She could go straight to bed and would be perfectly happy.

Setting her root beer down she watched the door to the bathroom swing open! Becky froze, drops of water dripping from her suspended arms. It was Cayden!

He hadn't seen her. He slipped inside the bathroom and closed the door. But when he turned around his eyes locked with Becky’s.

“EEEP!” She squeaked and slid down into the bubbles to cover her exposed chest. Her legs bent as she lowered herself, her knees popping up above the surface.

“OH! I- I’m sorry. I’ll leave.”

“No!” Becky surprised herself. Why did she say no?

Cayden just stood there. Becky staring back at him, her neck resting on the bubbles on the water’s surface.

“Umm. But... I have to pee.”

Becky didn’t know what she was doing. She knew Cayden shouldn’t be in there while she bathed. She also knew that she shouldn’t be in the bathroom while he peed. But she was still in a rebellious mood and hyper from all the sugar. And the fact that it was Cayden standing before her made her want it even more.

“Yeah.” She paused, trying to sound more composed. “Go ahead then. I don’t mind.”

Cayden raised an eyebrow. “I can’t pee while you’re here.”

“Why not?”

He looked confused, like he really didn’t need to answer that. “Because it’s... weird.”

Becky smiled. “It’s okay. I won’t look!” Her heart raced a little as she said it. She was less concerned with seeing Cayden than she was with him seeing her, although the prospect of both was even more enticing.

Cayden shuffled his feet and looked around. Becky thought he must really need to go if he was entertaining her idea. Or maybe he liked her back and wanted to stay! She bit her lip as she thought this, staring up at him from her bubbles.

“Okay. Umm... could you close your eyes or something?” He asked timidly.

“Oh! Uh... sure!” She leaned her head back toward the ceiling and delicately closed her eyes. After a few seconds she peeked through one of them only to see that Cayden hadn’t moved yet. She closed her eyes tightly after she peeked, clearly caught, her smile disappearing.

She could hear Cayden step forward. Then a zipper. She heard clothing shuffling. He was really doing it! She opened her eyes and snapped her head to the side just as his butt met the toilet seat. A frown crossed her face.

“Why are you sitting down?” A disappointed tone was in her voice.


“Are you a girl?” She taunted.

“No! But... I can’t just wave my dick around in front of you.”

“And why not!” Becky realized she was getting a little pushy. “Nevermind,” she quickly added, preventing Cayden from answering.

They both sat in silence. Becky splashed at the water, half-heartedly pushing some of the bubbles away from her chest. Not hearing anything from Cayden she got curious.

“Sooo... what are you waiting for?”

Cayden looked like he was blushing a little. “I dunno. I’m just... I’m nervous I guess.”

An evil smile came to Becky’s face which she quickly tried to hide. Maybe the more nervous she made him the longer he would stay.

She picked up her bowl and twisted her body around in the tub, leaning her chest into the side pushing some of the suds over its edge.

“Here, have a candy!” She offered, thrusting her hand out over one of his partially exposed thighs, dripping bath water onto his leg. Surprised, he covered the base of his crotch with one hand, unsure of what she could see from her angle.

“Uhh... umm... alright.” He grabbed a Fuzzy Peach candy from the bowl and eyeing it for a moment plopped it into his mouth.

Becky rotated back into her previous position, leaning back into the tub and setting the bowl down. She forced herself to keep her chest out of the water for a few seconds as she did so, but that was all she could manage, her own nerves forcing her body down again.

“So do you like Fuzzy Peaches Cayden?” She tried to ask it seductively, but did a poor job.

“Yeah. They’re pretty good.”

“Would you like my peach Cayden? Mine isn’t fuzzy...” She wanted to ask this so badly, but it never crossed from her mind to her lips.

Emboldened by the privacy of their strange situation, and trying to increase his nervousness, Becky raised her legs out of the water. She rested each of her calves on either side of the tub, her thighs just poking up out of the pink bubbles. She lowered a hand into the water to protect her pussy as her lips parted just a crack from her legs being spread so wide. There were still plenty of bubbles to shield her naked body but knowing that her privates were so open with Cayden so close she felt very exposed and extremely naughty. She couldn’t help but cover herself.

Cayden watched all this with great interest but kept looking away for brief moments, his shyness and politeness getting the better of his curiosity.

Becky grabbed her can and finished the last of its sweet contents. She dropped the can into the tub. Its light smack against the water made her giggle. Seeing a toy she could play with she submerged it under the water. Large bubbles of air burst to the surface as the can filled with water. Becky then raised her hand out of the tub and poured the water between her knees, as high as she could. The falling water pushed the soapy bubbles away, making a small hole. She did this again and again, making the hole wider and giving Cayden a small window below the surface to her bare skin below. Becky kept a tight hold of her crotch, not sure of what Cayden could see. She wasn’t even paying attention to him. She was just trying her hardest to innocently play in the tub.

But she was bored with her can now. She pressed her calves into the sides of the tub to lift her thighs closer to the water’s surface. In doing so her head began to dip below the surface, her butt no longer supporting her upper body as it moved higher into the tub. To compensate she grabbed the edges of the tub with both of her hands, supporting herself and lifting herself higher. Her body just broke the surface of the water, the bubbles the only protection her naked skin was offered. Looking down at her own body she could faintly make out her nipples and belly button under her thin pink barrier. The bubbles were slowly popping against her skin and sliding off the sides of her body to re-enter the water.

The sound of pee hitting the water startled Becky and she lowered herself into the bath again. Looking over at Cayden she found him staring up at the ceiling, a happy look on his face as he relieved himself. Becky scrunched up her face. It had taken her a lot of courage to do all that and now she didn’t even know how much he had seen, if anything!

Becky pushed the water around as Cayden finished up. He pulled up his boxers while still sitting down, then rose and did up his pants. He flushed and took a step toward the door. Becky almost panicked. She didn’t want him to go. When was the next time she would have him alone like this?

“Wait!” She said frantically. He stopped, but appeared cautious. She thought about telling him to wash his hands, but that was dumb. Maybe she could work up enough courage for one more display.

“Umm... yeah?”

“I think I’m done. Could you get me a towel?”

“There’s some right there.” Cayden pointed at the towel rack on one side of the room.

“No, those are sucky. Could you go into my room and grab one of my towels? One of the princess ones? Pretty please?” She batted her eyes trying to win him over.

“Oh... kay. Just a minute.”

Cayden left the bathroom but also left the door open behind him. She quickly stood up in the tub, water dripping off of her, bubbles cascading down her naked body. Becky’s heart was racing. But she couldn’t just expose herself like this. Not only did she not feel brave enough, it would be too weird. Too obvious and forced. But she wanted to do something.

After her body began to cool in the air she crouched back down into the water. But her body was less protected than before so she tucked her body into her knees and scooped some bubbles up around her. The boys were just as loud as always and with the door open she could hear them easily. They were joking around and laughing as usual. She still wanted to know what they had said about her panties but she was sure she had missed that opportunity by now.

She sat crouched much longer than she thought she should. Her towels were in plain sight in her room. What was taking Cayden so long? But before her patience wore out or her nerves grew too much he came back holding one of her Disney beach towels.

Becky almost launched herself out of the tub to grab it, but held back.

“Can you, um... hold it out for me?” Yes, this could work!

“I guess...” Cayden replied hesitantly.

He approached the tub, unraveling the thin towel. Grabbing it by its long edge he stretched it out in front of him for Becky to step into.

Taking a deep breath, Becky stood in the bathtub, her hands over her chest. She stared into Cayden’s eyes. He raised the towel so that it hid her body from his view, never breaking contact with her gaze. Becky was again disappointed. Where was her bad-boy? He was too much of a gentleman. Although she quickly realized that was just another reason she could love him.

She knelt down quickly to pull the plug on the drain. Then she slowly stepped out onto the mat on the floor. Cayden was now looking away, still holding the towel, expecting her to grab it.

Willing to push the limits just a bit further, Becky placed her arms at her sides. “Could you cover me?”

Cayden looked back at her and swallowed. He clearly was easy to order around, even if he was a bit shy.

Cayden stepped forward and wrapped the towel around Becky, meeting his arms behind her body, almost hugging her. But Becky’s arms were against her sides. She couldn’t grab the towel like that. He waited, expecting her to, but it took Cayden a few awkward seconds to realize this, their bodies inches away from each other. He pulled away to reassess.

He forgot the position they were in as he did so. Becky stood before him completely naked. He pulled the towel away, making Becky flash her entire body at him! His eyes widened as he realized his mistake. Seeing that look, Becky shook with both fear and delight. She knew he had seen her now! Even if only for a moment, he had seen her naked!

He hurriedly brought the towel against her body again, this time forcing his hands under her arms. She hung them limply, offering no assistance. He met his hands together in the back and grabbed both ends with one hand. It then took him a few clumsy seconds to cover Becky’s small breasts, the towel drooping down the front of her body, pink nipples pointing out at him. He grabbed at the front, distracted by her breasts and trying not to touch her pale exposed skin. As the top edge of the towel slid up over her sensitive nipples Becky smiled slightly and finally helped him, grabbing the towel. It ended up falling away in the back, but covered her front quite well.

“Sorry.” Cayden blurted out, as nervous as ever.

“Why’s that?” Becky asked, playing clueless and innocent.

“Um.” He stood there uncertain of what to say. He did not want to admit anything if he didn’t have to. Instead he covered his crotch with his hands and left without saying another word.

Becky sighed happily, finally able to release her anxiety. She had done it! Her crush, of all people, had been the first boy to see her naked! Well, on purpose anyway. And her brother didn’t count.

Becky stepped forward and eyed herself in the mirror. She dropped her towel to take in what Cayden had just seen. She knew she didn’t have much to offer, but she hoped Cayden had liked what he saw. She swung her shoulders back and forth, imagining her large bouncing boobs sway in the mirror. She contemplated why he grabbed his crotch at the end. Maybe he hadn’t actually finished peeing, as nervous as he was.

Laughter could be heard coming from the living room. Becky looked over at the door. She was standing in the bathroom admiring her nudity with the door wide open!

She hopped over to the door to close it but stopped halfway. She was having fun! Screw mom and dad, she didn’t even care when they came home anymore. She had pushed herself farther than ever. Why did she have to stop now?

She backed away from the door, her body beginning to tremble again. She didn’t know what she was doing but she liked it. This was exciting! Slowly picking her towel up off the floor she dried her body, watching herself in the mirror as she did it. She could be caught again at any moment.

She was going to enjoy this weekend. She knew it.

Last edited by uzaho; 03-12-2013 at 07:53 AM.
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Old 03-12-2013, 06:58 PM   #7
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haha, whoa! Great stuff!
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Old 03-14-2013, 08:45 PM   #8
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Thanks TheFloss! I'm quite enjoying your story too!

Another lengthy update.


Chapter 3

There was such energy building inside of her. Becky was just as hyper and giddy as she was aroused and uncertain.

She stood in front of the mirror further admiring her body and glancing at the open door to the bathroom. Her small tits felt tender and her slit was warm. Every sudden noise she heard from the living room caused her to throw her hands over her chest, waiting a few seconds before sliding them down her body, feeling the curves of the hips that weren’t there.

She still felt daring, but Becky had no idea what to do next. It would be so much easier if one of her friends were there. It was less scary doing this kind of stuff with other girls. Having someone to share her giddiness with also helped. By herself she felt much more vulnerable.

She had been standing nude in this bathroom for at least five minutes now. Didn’t these boys ever pee?

Becky unpinned her hair. It fell to her shoulders, covering the tops of them. The red hair tickled her neck and shoulders as she shook it back and forth. Her skin was impeccably pale. She loathed her gingerness and never went outside if she could avoid it, afraid of the freckles she might create. Because of this she was almost as white as the towel at her feet, but noticed in the mirror that her crotch was unusually pink right now.

She picked her towel up off the floor and wrapped it around her body. If the boys wouldn’t come to her then she would have to go to them!

Grabbing her mostly empty candy bowl she finally left the bathroom. Walking down the hall she wanted to fearlessly step out into the living room but was stopped at the last moment by an uproar of laughter.

“Dude! You should’ve seen his face when you nuked him!”

She stood just around the corner of the hall, clutching her bowl to her chest. Her insides churned. This wasn’t like before. Even though she was naked then she knew they probably wouldn’t see her. But now that part was guaranteed. And that’s why she was coming out here, right? But prancing around in front of Kyle and all of his friends with only a towel to protect her wasn’t exactly an everyday occurrence. She wished Cindy was there. She would have felt much more confident, even if Cindy didn't want to join in.

It took her only one more step to exit the hallway.

The boys were making a proper mess of the living room. Cushions were upturned. Pillows had been thrown around the room. Kyle and his friends were all splayed out in a variety of different ways across the floor and furniture. Candy, chips, pop cans and even some clothing littered the room.

It wasn’t this bad when she had left.

Becky slowly meandered her way to one side of the couch as nonchalantly as possible, stopping between the boys and the kitchen. She did notice that there was more skin on display than there was earlier, but she was much more concerned with her own lack of clothing.

“Who’s winning?” She asked, mostly uninterested.

Oliver turned toward Becky. He opened his mouth to say something but paused, looking her up and down first. “Uh. It’s either Lucas or Kyle right now. I think Kyle’s ahead.”

“Dude! What? I’m kicking his ass!” Lucas corrected, otherwise focused on his murder marathon.

“Pfft! Ollie knows a winner when he sees one Lucas,” Kyle shot back.

Oliver smiled and looked back to Becky. Despite forcing a neutral expression on her face she couldn’t help but blush a little knowing how vulnerable she was covered by only a thin beach towel.

“Like I said, one of those guys.”

“Okay then.”

She placed a hand nervously on Oliver's shoulder. Feeling her bare hand on his equally bare shoulder Oliver flinched, eyeing her hand, but tried his best to ignore her. But touching Oliver gave Becky a thrill. She wasn't really attracted to Oliver, not that he was unattractive, but to feel a boy's skin while she was virtually naked sent bolts of electricity to her sex. She smiled to herself, content with her hidden indulgence.

Scanning the room, Becky noticed Cayden on the far couch. Every few seconds she caught him glancing over at her and her towel, but he didn’t make eye contact. She held back a smile, blushing a bit more.

The rest of the boys were less interested. As her eyes continued around the room she saw some pants and shirts missing from the party goers. Her brother was sitting in the middle of the couch in his briefs and an undershirt. Lucas was shirtless. Mitch and Chris were still clothed, but poor Oliver sat only in his boxers.

“So... what kind of game are you playing exactly?” Becky asked.

“Oh, well it’s kind of fallen apart.” Oliver answered. “We’ve been making up the rules as we go.”

“Okay, like, but why are you in your boxers?” She slid her hand off his shoulder, not wanting to bring too much attention to her odd behavior now that she saw how naked he was.

“Because I didn’t want to get sack tapped.”

“...what?” Her mouth curled up in a bit of a sneer.

“Punched in the balls!” offered Mitch, mashing the buttons of his controller.

“Wait, you guys are hitting each other in the nuts?” Becky was confused. A roar of laughter hit the room as an epic frag was landed.

“Yeah. Well the winner of the match gets to tap one of the other players. After the winner makes their pick, that person can take something off to avoid being sacked. Then we start the next round.”

“Don’t forget the bonus Ollie,” Chris reminded Oliver.

“Oh yeah, if you take something off you also get bonus points for the next round. So then you’re more likely to win.”

Was this really what boys did when there weren’t girls around?

“Sooo... did you lose Ollie?” Becky asked, eyeing his boxers.

“Yeah, I guess. Maybe I'm a wuss, I dunno. After I got tapped I couldn’t stand to take another shot. I took off what I could to stay in the game, but... that really hurt. I don’t think I can risk another round now.” He pulled at the legs of his boxers, almost ashamed that he had been muscled out of the game.

“YEAH!” Lucas screamed, throwing his controller onto the couch, his hands in the air.

“Did he just win?” Becky leaned down toward Oliver as insults and profanities started flying.

“Looks like it.”

“I don’t care if it’s your birthday! You got a big mouth! I think your balls should match!” Lucas was taunting Kyle to stand up. Her brother was trying to act tough, like it wasn’t a big deal, but Becky could tell he was dreading this.

Kyle begrudgingly rose from the couch. “Alright already. Just not as hard as last time.”

Kyle stood tall. Becky could almost make out the position of his junk in his tight briefs. Lucas stood, waiting patiently. Kyle shook out his arms then covered his eyes with both hands.


Kyle nodded. Lucas took a practice swing. Kyle flinched.

“Dude! No peeking!”

Kyle groaned and repositioned his hands.

“You guys do this on purpose? Doesn’t it hurt you?” Becky whispered to Oliver, the rest of the room mostly quiet now.

“Yup,” was his simple response.

Lucas made a few more showy practice movements for his audience then leaned forward. He hit Kyle square in the groin with the backs of both of his hands, one right after the other, both arms swinging up into the air after they hit.

“UUGHH!!!” Kyle buckled at the waist, dropping his hands to protect his privates. Quickly falling to one side, he writhed around on someone’s sleeping bag moaning in pain.

“Holy crap...”

“Oh, I felt that...”

“Bam! Another Lucas special!” He beamed with a strange pride.

“Hey, you hit him twice!” It was the first time Becky had heard Cayden’s voice since she had come out here.

Lucas denied it. “No, I just used both hands.”

“Dude, that looked gnarly,” Chris cringed.

“Lucas... you... cock.” Kyle pulled himself onto his knees, still trying to recover.

“No, no, that was your cock. And I bet it’s super sour about that loss now!”

Becky thought that Lucas was being pretty arrogant about his victory. The rest of the room would have agreed with her.

“Whatever. You... you hit like a girl.” Kyle was trying to sound tough.

“Really?! Hey Becky, you should stop punching your brother in the dick!” Lucas laughed.

Becky was about to shoot back when she realized she had actually hit him in the crotch before. More than once even. Maybe it was best for her to keep out of this one.

“Hey, are we gonna start the next round or not?” Mitch asked impatiently.

“Kyle, dude, you in?” Chris asked.

Kyle had his hand in his underwear as he stood. “Yeah. I’m in.”

“If you want to get tapped so bad Kyle, just say so. I’ll give you one for free!” Lucas made a swinging motion with his hand.

“Shut your face! I’m gonna take you down!” Kyle tore off his undershirt and spiked it onto the floor.

“No way. You’re not getting a point lead that easy,” Lucas replied, undoing his pants.

Chris and Mitch started whispering to each other as Lucas tossed his pants to the side.

“Hey Cayden,” Chris started. “Can I play this round?”

“Sure,” came his timid reply, still glancing over at Becky. She was getting annoyed that she was receiving so little of their attention, but glad that at least Cayden was noticing her.

“Cool, Mitch and I are in on this too.” They each removed their shirts, Mitch both an outer and undershirt, Chris just a t-shirt. In one fell swoop they had evened up the point totals for the new round, with Mitch even taking the lead before the match had begun.

“Dammit guys, that’s not fair,” Lucas whined.

“Quit complaining.”

“Yeah, it’s payback time! We got your back Kyle!”

Everyone in the room was now topless except for Cayden, and three of them were missing pants on top of that. Becky was amazed at how they were ignoring her. Nearly naked girl here! She felt like she could stand in front of the tv and swing her towel around her head and they would just push her out of the way.

As the living room of half naked boys started their next match Becky wandered into the kitchen, bored with their brutish passtime. They clearly had their own priorities. She didn’t really know why she was out here anyway.

Becky set her bowl on the counter and sighed. She looked back over her shoulder at Cayden. Walking away, she had now lost his attention as well. Maybe this was just a bad idea.

Indignantly, Becky pulled at her towel and flashed the counter in front of her. Mike & Ike could see her thin, delicate form, but they didn't give much of a reaction.

Well screw them. With or without the boys she was going to have some fun!

Without over thinking it she dropped her towel, placing her hands on the counter in front of her. Her heart sped up again. She wiggled her bare butt at the boys. Her bottom half was shielded by the island in the center of the kitchen, obscuring her nudity, but she still felt naughty. She was once again completely naked. But they knew she was there! They could see her if they would just look! Whether they bothered to was another matter.

Becky spun around to face them, slapping her hands over her breasts, then quickly ducked behind the island. She got goosebumps. Her fingers kneaded her tiny mounds.

No, you can do better than this.

She pulled her hair forward over her shoulders but it wasn’t long enough to cover her chest. She took a few breaths then popped up over the counter again, forcing her arms to her sides, her pink nipples pointing out at the sea of male skin in the living room.

One mississippi. She stared at Cayden. Two mississippi. She bit her lip. Three mississippi. Her nipples began to stiffen. Four mississippi! Her face was hot. Five mississippi! Her pussy ached. Six!

Becky could only make it to six. She spun around and remained standing just long enough to grab a handful of M&Ms. Ducking down again she threw her prize to her mouth. Stupid boys. They didn’t know how good of a show they were missing!

She crawled out from behind the island chewing her chocolate, eyeing the living room scene from between some chair legs. Sitting her small butt down on the kitchen tile she faced the boys and spread her legs. She leaned forward running her hands down her shins to her feet. Her legs widened further on the floor until her slit made contact with the cold tile. She gasped at first. Her pussy was just so much warmer than the tile. But with the shock gone it wasn't a bad feeling. She leaned again, pressing more of herself down onto it.

One of the boys stood up. In a flash she tucked her legs to her chest and rolled behind the island.

Was she afraid to get caught? Or was she just not ready yet?

She peeked her head around the side of the island. Chris was struggling to remove his pants, apparently to get another point boost. There were a lot of mostly naked boys in the next room, and she had a decent vantage point to watch them.

Chris's skin looked smooth. He wore wide-legged boxers. She wondered if she could steal a look at his junk while he was sitting. He bent over, his ample butt hovering in the air. His jeans were caught at his ankles, he was still trying to play with one hand.

Becky's legs had spread again. Her hand was against her pussy. She leaned up against the island. The tips of her fingers scratched at her pink lips pulling and stretching them. She tried to stay away from her clit but her increasingly frantic pace and lack of precision caused her to pass past her lips every few seconds. Her skin crawled every time she hit it, her body lurching forward off of the island, her toes curling. She had a very sensitive clit. She almost couldn't stand to touch it directly, not when she was this turned on. The pleasure was too great even though it was exactly what she wanted. It just overwhelmed her small body. She enjoyed it immensely but couldn’t bring herself to focus on it. She almost wished someone could do it for her. Maybe Cayden...

A minute went by. Or was it two? She wasn’t looking at the boys anymore. Time was slipping by her. She was having too much fun by herself. But it might be best if she finished this in her room.

Becky gave one of her breasts a final squeeze before she picked up her towel. She stood, sloppily wrapping it around her body.

It was nearing 11PM. If she went to her room now she’d probably end up staying there. Better to take some snacks to hold her over until morning.

Scooping some random candies into her bowl she spotted a half-eaten bag of dill pickle potato chips. She tucked one arm against her body to keep her towel in place then grabbed the bowl and bag in one hand which kept the other free so she could eat some chips on the way back to her room.

“YES!!! BOOYAH!!! In your FACE!!!” Kyle was standing on the couch doing a victory dance at Lucas.

Maybe she didn't have to leave just yet. Watching Lucas roll around in pain could be fun! But as she approached the back of the couch Kyle noticed Becky, her arms full.

“HEY! I warned you!”

A handful of chips stopped inches from Becky’s mouth. Whoops? But before she could defend herself Kyle had stepped on the back of the couch and launched himself into the air!

Chips and candy went flying as Becky threw her arms up to shield her face. She tried to twist away from him when he tackled her. Her twisting and his grabbing loosened her towel as they both plummeted to the carpet.

Only a pair of briefs and a Disney beach towel separated their otherwise naked bodies as Kyle laid on top of his sister. Becky’s towel had bunched up around her butt and lower back but was still mostly draped over her. Kyle’s bare torso laid against her exposed back while his legs wriggling between hers. He grabbed her in a sort of half nelson, lifting her head and chest off of the carpet. She was mostly thankful that she was facing away from the boys.

“KYLE!!! Let go!!! I’m naked!!!”

“Why didn’t you listen?!” He pulled up more. The boys laughed.

“It’s just some chips! You're hurting me!” She flailed her arms around, grabbing at him and slapping his sides.

“And why are you walking around naked?” asked Kyle, finally noticing his sister’s lack of clothing.

“Because I was taking a BATH!” She yanked up on the waistband of his briefs with both hands. Kyle yelped and moved one of his arms behind him to swat at her, maintaining a loose hold with his other arm.

She thought that would have worked, that he would just let go of her and she could scramble to safety. Instead her heart skipped when she felt a new pair of hands on her.

She twisted her head to see Mitch grab onto her ankles. She let go of the underwear, a deep wedgie already in Kyle’s crack. Kyle however was sitting on both her and her towel. As Mitch pulled her along the carpet it slid up her back! Her petite butt was quickly being revealed to the room of boys! She had wanted their attention before, but only now had she managed to get it!

She tried to throw her arms down to cover her behind but was blocked by Kyle’s legs, her brother still sitting on her back. She clawed at the carpet, her heart beating out of her chest, her face already a deep red. A small part of her liked this but the rest of her badly wanted to escape.

“You gave me a wedgie!” Kyle exclaimed. Mitch dropped Becky’s legs seeing her butt fully exposed. The room was laughing and giggling.

Kyle spun around and promptly sat down on her toweled back before she could get up. Seizing this rare opportunity Kyle decided to turn his sister's ass into a pair of bongo drums! He slapped back and forth playing a horrible rhythm beat on her butt cheeks. She kicked her skinny legs but obviously couldn’t reach him. She also clenched her butt and shut her thighs as tight as possible to prevent the boys from seeing any better of a show than they were already getting!

He spanked her for nearly a minute, asking for requests from the audience, throwing jokes back and forth, while Becky just laid there and took it. She could feel her ass getting more and more red from her brother’s playful slaps, her face nearly matching it from embarrassment. Becky had wanted her nakedness to be, well, less humiliating. Or perhaps just on her own terms.

When he realized that she wasn’t fighting back anymore, Kyle stood, releasing his naked sister. She bitterly rubbed her sore butt cheeks before sliding the towel down to cover herself.

“Her butt's so red! Like a raspberry!”

“It’s kinda cute. Matches the hair.”

“Thanks for the show Ariel!”

“Serves you right for stealing from our stash!”

Becky didn’t respond to the boys’ goading. Tucking her knees under her she tied the towel around her body again.

“Alright, alright, enough about my sister’s ass.” Kyle turned towards the couch. “Lucas! Get over here! We have a score to settle!”

But so did Becky. She lunged at her brother’s backside, pulling up on his underwear again.

“AHH!! Becky! Stop! It’s over!”

The boys started chuckling. But this wedgie wasn’t good enough. Becky wanted them to forget all about what her brother had just done.

She leaned into Kyle’s back, pushing him into the couch. He leaned into it as she pulled harder, his legs lifting off the floor desperate to get away from his menacing underwear. But Becky solved that problem for him as she yanked them down his legs!

Kyle tried to kick at her but instead tumbled forward over the back of the couch. The room burst into laughter, Becky fighting to strip Kyle’s underwear from his ankles as his bare legs twisted about in the air.

She stepped back and held his briefs like a trophy over her head while resecuring her unraveling towel.

“You will BOW before your princess!” she taunted.

Kyle righted himself, pushing his scrawny frame to his feet. He stood naked on the couch hands cupping his crotch and facing his sister while the other boys laughed.

...until they heard a key in the front door.
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Old 03-20-2013, 04:41 PM   #9
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Why did you stop? I really liked it!
I am owned by a loving, but strict Miss

My likes include: begging, drinking my own piss, swallowing my own cum, having things shoved up my ass, taking it in the ass like a bitch in heat, being made to kneel, being bent over, being humiliated or told to humiliate myself, being nude, and CBT.

I am a horny bitch
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Old 03-21-2013, 12:00 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by UnsureUser View Post
Why did you stop? I really liked it!
Sorry about that. Got sick. Wasn't in the mood to write much. But hopefully this update will make it up to you!


Chapter 4

The boys scattered. Some tried to pull on more clothing. Others lept at the closest sleeping bag or grabbed the nearest blanket. Kyle remained standing, hand holding his junk, beckoning at Becky to toss him his underwear. She stood frozen in fear by all the sudden commotion, still processing what was happening.

Cayden, the only one fully clothed, slid off the couch and onto the floor so Lucas could lay down. The rest shushed and hit each other, fighting for positions. After waving at Becky for a few seconds there was simply no time and Kyle fell onto the couch below him, scrambling for a blanket to cover his dick.

And yet Becky still stood confused, glancing at her chips and candy strewn across the carpet. It was all so surreal. She was holding a loose towel against her otherwise naked body, her brother’s underwear over her head, watching a sea of half-naked scrambling boys. What was she doing?

Run already!

Their mother always had some trouble with that lock but the front door could be heard swinging open as Becky ran down the hallway. She had wasted so much time. She couldn’t make it to her room now. She grabbed at the closest door frame and swung herself through the entrance, her towel falling off of her shaking figure as she locked the bathroom door.

“Kyle? Honey?”

“Uh, yeah! We’re right here mom!”

Leaning against the door to compose herself Becky could just make out their conversation.

“So I see you haven’t completely destroyed the house yet.”

“Sorry mom.”

“No, it’s okay. I was actually expecting worse.”

“We’ll clean it up mom!”

“Don’t worry Kyle. It’s your birthday. I get it. Just don’t put any holes in the walls, mkay?”

“Oh... Ha ha! Can do!”

“How’s Becky?”

“Umm... dunno. Haven’t really uh... We saw more of her than we wanted to.”

That bastard. Making an inside joke about her nudity while he laid on the couch in front of mom bare ass naked under whatever he had found to cover himself. Maybe she should dunk his underwear in the toilet befo-

“Sweetie? You in there?”

Becky jumped back. She nearly screamed. Mom was right outside the door.

“AAhhumm..... NAKED! I’m naked!”

“Ooookay. Thanks for sharing. But why’s that?”

“Oh, uh... just had a bath!” She needed to calm down. She wasn’t in trouble. That she knew anyhow.

“Are you alright sweetheart? Those boys haven’t been bothering you have they?”

She had been bothered alright, in all sorts of ways.

“Nope!” Short answers. Stick to those.

“Okay. But it’s past eleven sweetie. Probably not the best time for a bath.”

“I know.”

“Alright. Well you’re not going to stay up much later are you?”

“Oh... yeah, I’m getting ready for bed.”

“Good girl. Well I just wanted to check up on you. Your father and I are probably going to be at the Wilson’s house for a few more hours.”

“Oh. Okay!” Becky was oddly excited. Maybe it was all the sugar.

“Love you sweetie! Call us if you need anything. Sleep tight!”

“G’nite mom!”

Becky sighed heavily then threw her brother’s underpants to the ground, forgetting she still had a hold of them.

After standing there a moment, still a bit flustered by everything, she moved back up to the door to eavesdrop further.

“...won’t kiss your own mother?”

“No, umm... I just... don’t want to get up.”

“Nevermind, it’s okay. I get it. I won’t try to embarrass you in front of your friends.”

Becky smiled. Kyle was probably sweating bullets being all naked under some blanket, mom staring him down. Maybe that will shut him up.

Before she heard the front door close Becky could only make out one more word from their mother:


That didn’t seem likely. Not the way the night had been going. But with their mother’s interruption perhaps the mood had been killed. Yet strangely, even after what her brother had put her through, Becky hoped not.

She opened the door a crack, hearing their mom turn the key in the front door again as she left, followed by a sudden rise of commotion from the living room. Sighs of relief, laughter and cries of incredulity filled the house. That quickly turned into talks of who was least scared.


Becky grabbed her towel followed by her brother’s underwear. After making herself presentable again, or just less naked, she exited the bathroom and approached the slumber party once more.

Stepping out into the living room the first thing that came into view was her brother’s butt. Mitch and Lucas were pulling a blanket away from him. Kyle held onto it with both hands at crotch level, having been pulled up off the couch, but with one unified tug they yanked it out of his grasp. His hands shot down to his crotch.

“Guys, this isn’t funny!”

“Becky!” Chris laughed.

“NO! Becky! Go away!” Kyle yelled, sitting back down, cowering away from her into his lap.

“Your brother has a stiffy!” Chris said, still laughing.

“Dude, your mom’s not that hot!”

“You kidding? I’d totally do Kyle’s mom!”

“Shut up!” Kyle shot back.

Becky was a little uncomfortable now. She held his underpants behind her back. She had planned on teasing him with them but that would be a little awkward now. She even felt kinda bad for him.

Becky walked up to the back of the couch. The other boys weren’t really letting up on her brother. Even Cayden and Oliver were chuckling, although they weren’t saying much.

She brought her arm around and lowered the underwear until it touched her brothers shoulder. He twisted away from the contact and looked like he was about to yell at his sister again when he saw her. But taking notice of his underwear his expression quickly went blank. Becky gave a half hearted smile and shook her offering. Kyle’s lips were sealed tight but thanked her with his eyes before snatching the garment out of her hands.

“Aw why’d you do that Becky? We were having fun!”

“No, HE was having fun!”

“Guys, come on,” Oliver scolded the others.

Kyle stood up from the couch as quickly as he could to get his briefs on as fast as possible and minimize his fumbling, even if that meant exposing himself to the boys briefly. Standing behind the couch Becky only got a closer eyeful of her ginger brother’s scrawny butt.

As soon as he was covered again he sat down. Covered or not, erections are noticeable in tight underwear. He hadn’t quite hit puberty so he wasn’t very impressive yet, but it was more than big enough to get his friend’s attention.

“I know what it was guys; it was all those hits to the dick! He likes the touch of a real man!” Lucas was a asshole on his good days. With material like this to work with he couldn’t possibly just leave Kyle alone.

“HEY! Thanks for reminding me dumbass,” Kyle started. “You still haven’t paid for your loss yet!”

Becky stepped around to one side of the couch. She definitely still wanted to see Lucas get tapped in the nuts.

“Why does it have to be me? I wasn’t the only one playing. You can pick from Chris and Mitch, too.” Lucas was quickly back peddling now.

“No way. This one is all yours.”

Lucas huffed. “Fine. You hit like a girl anyway.” Still in only his tightie-whities, Lucas moved into the middle of the living room and covered his eyes. “Just hurry up and get it over with.”

Kyle stood from the couch. That decision was quickly followed by snickering from the other boys. From her new side view Becky could now see why. His briefs were being pushed away from his body by his boner. It stuck straight out, poking into the not-quite-stretchy-enough fabric. Because of this she saw a small gap form at the top edge of the underwear; his waistband was being pulled away from his body. He tried to cover it with his hands but that quickly proved difficult. He thought about sticking his hand down his underpants but knew there wasn’t much he could do.

Becky looked away briefly out of embarrassment before Kyle sat back down, frustrated by his very prominent nervous erection. His friends continued to chuckle and joke under their breath.

“Psst. Hey.”

Becky turned her head. Kyle was trying to get her attention.

“Kick him.”

Kyle almost mouthed the words but he pointed at Lucas. Becky caught on immediately. She skipped forward happily until she saw the looks of the other boys. They too had caught on and seemed shocked by the notion. She wanted to, but maybe she shouldn’t. Yet no one was saying anything to stop her. She glanced back at her brother for guidance who was making uppercut motions with his fist. That was all the encouragement she needed.

Her foot sailed upwards between Lucas’s parted legs, impacting square against his ballsack. Becky couldn’t really feel anything with her foot, which disappointed her. Lucas on the other hand...


Lucas’s hands fell from his face but his eyes were now closed. His mouth hung open, that guttural moan his only words as his body collapsed to the floor.

There was a brief moment of silence before the room erupted into cheers and laughter. The boys rolled around, covering their faces, pointing at Lucas, and generally laughing themselves silly.

Becky need to adjust her towel having loosened it with her kick and tried to do so discretely while the room was distracted. Lucas had his legs up to his chest unable to breathe. She had literally knocked the wind out of him. He gulped for air making pathetic little grunting sounds every few seconds.

“BUWAAAH!!! BUWAAAH!!!!” Mitch yelled, openly mocking Lucas’s pain.

Opening his eyes, Lucas looked up to see Becky standing over him. As soon as she noticed she took a step back, a hand flattening out the bottom edge of her towel to ensure she was covered.

“You... bitch...” He could only express his anger between gasps.

“Hey! You bow to a princess, loser!” Kyle quipped back, winking supportively at Becky. “Kick him again sis!”

“No, that’s okay. He’s no match for my royal fury!” She did a fake curtsey in front of Lucas. The laughter was dying down now but Lucas’s anger was building.

“Hey Luc, look on the bright side; This is the first time a girl has touched your junk!”

“Holy shit! Yeah! He just got to second base!”

“Two balls, with one strike!” Yelled Oliver.

They burst into laughter again. But Lucas wasn’t having it.

He kicked at the floor, propelling his body forward. Still holding onto his junk, he reached out and grabbed the bottom of Becky’s towel. She screamed and barely reacted in time. He locked in a firm hold but so did she. Becky managed to keep it from unraveling but he was still pulling on it with serious force.

She weakly kicked at his arm before realizing she could expose herself to him and might even help him strip her. Instead she started backing away, like an animal in a trap, dragging his body along the carpet. But he still wouldn’t let go.

“Hey! Lucas! Stop it!” Kyle yelled at his friend, but got no response.

Becky didn’t say anything either. She was fighting desperately for her towel but it was a battle she was slowly losing. Backing away wasn’t working. Between his tugging and the force of his dragging body she was quickly losing her grip. Despite knowing this, she was too panicked to stop.

Kyle jumped to the side of the couch as Becky drug Lucas nearby. Leaning over the edge he made quick work ripping the tattered briefs down Lucas’s legs. But Lucas’s determination knew no limits. He rolled onto his stomach and threw his other hand up to the bottom of her towel, now with twice the leverage.

She tried to take another step back but between the increased friction of this naked anchor spread out on the carpet and Becky tiring herself out, she stumbled backwards leaving her Disney princess in Lucas’s clenched fists. She instantly turned her body away from the boys, although stupidly she placed her hands over her face. That was a silly reaction; as if they didn’t already know it was her. She ran to the hallway in a flash, although she was doing most of the flashing.

“OW! Why did you punch my ass!”

“Because you’re an ass!” replied Kyle.

Becky had stopped just inside the darkened hallway. Deep down she was telling herself to keep running, but her morbid curiosity was getting the better of her. She wanted to know how much the boys had seen of her. Maybe even what they thought of her.

“Gimme that!”

But the boys weren’t talking. Not about her at least.

“Dick move, Luc.”

“Yeah, that was kinda mean.”

When he walked around the corner Becky had to throw her hands over her face again to keep from screaming. Kyle stopped just out of sight of the living room, shocked by her presence. He took in the sight of his naked little sister with the aid of the dim lighting from the living room while she turned herself to face him.

Scared, she shut her eyes. Somehow that felt like it would be less embarrassing. But then she lowered her arms. Not to cover herself. She rested them at her sides. She bit her lip and staggered her feet. She was deciding to do something by doing nothing. But was she really doing this? And what would Kyle do?

Of course he did the only thing he could think of. His eyes glanced up and down her nubile form. The shallow curves of her chest. The cute pointy nipple atop each tiny breast. The inflamed pussy lips between her thin legs. The slight narrowing of her waist and the illusion of hips it created. Below her belly button was a flat, uninterrupted, hairless, perfect section of skin that was as captivating as the slit that sat beneath it.

Becky had teased her brother before, flashing him with some of her friends and playing the odd game of Truth or Dare but she had never just stood in front of him presenting herself like this. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. But his dick did. His still semi-hard member was coming to life again. His sister’s delicate and most private features proved too distracting for Kyle to put much effort into hiding his arousal. As if he even could standing there in his underwear. But it did take a bit of effort to keep from touching himself, or her for that matter.

The ten seconds she had forced herself to endure might as well have been a lifetime. Her heart was beating in her ears. Goosebumps ran up and down her back. It took the towel brushing against her leg to awaken her from her paralysis.

Becky opened her eyes. Kyle was paying little attention to the task, but was trying to put the towel into his sister’s limp hand. The first thing Becky noticed was her brother looking over her body. The second thing she saw was the boner in his briefs.

She grabbed the towel from him and ran off without another word. Nothing needed to be said. It’s not as if she could explain herself anyway.

She flicked on the light as she entered her room, dropping her towel and jumping onto her bed. She rolled back and forth over the covers, amazed and excited that she had exposed herself to her brother so blatantly! And he had liked it! Well at least his underpants said so!

She sat up on the edge of her bed, a giddy expression on her face, only to see her brother again. She had forgotten to close her door! He was still standing erect in the hall, now watching her from a distance.

Becky bounced off her bed and lunged for her door, shielding her body behind it. She blew a kiss to her dumbfounded brother before isolating herself in her room.
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Old 03-22-2013, 12:01 PM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 425

I like the length of your chapters

And some amazing lines there Had a good laught :3

Keep it up!
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Old 03-24-2013, 11:53 PM   #12
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is there going to be any more?
Still working on these

Feel free to KIK me if you are female KIK: ethan2cu

Likes: masturbation, voyeurism, phonesex, sexual banter,
Limits: anal, pain
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Old 03-27-2013, 12:27 AM   #13
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Sorry guys. The pace of my updates has definitely slowed now. I knew I couldn't keep it up forever. But I'll try to keep the length about the same each time.

This chapter might not be everyone's cup of tea. Just experimenting a bit.


Chapter 5

Kyle stood throbbing in his underwear. His dick was so hard it hurt. What had just happened? He could remember bathing with his sister years ago but she had never turned him on before.

That wasn’t true. Becky and her friends frequently pranced around and teased him during their sleepovers. But this was the first time he had seen her completely naked since they were younger. And he liked it.

Kyle pushed his briefs down to his knees. His uncut cock bounced out of the tight confines of his underwear, unwilling to bend or flex. He truly was rock hard, and every inch of his dick pulsed with frustration. Why his sister?

He grabbed it and squeezed, trying to force the life from it. But the moment he made contact he was doomed. It felt so good. And he had never been this hard before.

His hand slid down slowly pulling back his foreskin. He unintentionally teased himself, pulling his foreskin taught to the base of his dick. He kept constant pressure at his base, his pink head quivering in the air. He wasn’t sure why he was inspecting it. Maybe he was trying to find whatever force that was making it so solid. He released his grip, staring down at his mostly hairless crotch as his foreskin crept back up his shaft.

He had to. He couldn’t bear not to.

Kyle closed his eyes. Both of his hands grabbed onto his shaft. His scrawny legs shook as he clenched his ass and gyrated his body, thrusting himself repeatedly through his clenched hands, fistfucking himself. His sister’s naked body was still burnt into his retina. The moment his eyelids shut he could see every detail of her pale skin.

It didn’t take long before his breathing grew ragged. His body twitched with pleasure forcing him to reposition his feet on the carpet several times. His cock was so warm. His foreskin slid effortlessly over the now wet tip of his penis. He stared at his sister’s hairless slit as pressure mounted in his balls.

Kyle was already falling to the ground when he realized he’d been pushed. He tried to take a step forward to steady himself but only managed to step out of his briefs that were now strangely secured to the floor.

He landed hard on his side, twisting just in time to protect his erection.

All he heard was laughter. He looked down, still holding his cock with both hands, to see Mitch standing on his underwear. The rest of the boys - except for Lucas - were behind him laughing and pointing.

Kyle pulled his legs closer to his chest. He stuck a hand between his legs to shield his ballsack. With the other he pressed his dick up toward his stomach, leaking some precum onto himself.

Mitch picked up the briefs from the floor and shoved them into his pocket.

“Dude, why do you still have a boner?”

“Cause he was jerkin’ it!”

“What, to his sister?”

“NO!” came Kyle’s emphatic reply. Laying naked on the hallway carpet his face had turned a very deep shade of red.

“Sure looks like it.”

“He was bating to Becky!?”

“Guys, shut up already! I was just trying to get rid of it...” Kyle was filled with shame.

“To your sister!”

“Kyle’s a wise man. I always jerk off in the hall.”

“Maybe he wanted to test for distance!”


“You know, like in porn they can shoot across the room. Maybe Kyle is so good he needs a hallway!”

“Kyle, you BEAST!”

“What a champ!”

“Just go away...” Kyle rolled onto his stomach. With his short flurry of activity he wasn’t getting any softer despite how embarrassed he was. His dick was still throbbing, asking for more.

“Hey guys, come on!” Mitch said. But he was not scolding anyone. If anything he was encouraging them toward something, but Kyle wasn’t about to look. He just wanted to lay there and die on the carpet. That is until someone grabbed him.

“Hey! Fuck off!”

Mitch and Chris pulled each of his arms out and up over his head.

“Get his legs!”

Hearing this Kyle kicked aimlessly behind him but it took Cayden and Oliver little effort to secure his ankles. He was quickly lifted off the ground, spread naked in the air, his stiff penis bobbing below him. Cayden and Oliver had the only proper view of his junk looking up between his legs.

“Let’s toss him in Becky’s room!”

“Nah, lock him outside!”

They were carrying Kyle back into the living room. He closed his eyes. He really wanted to scream at them but was afraid Becky might come out of her room to see what was happening.

“Guys. Please put me down.” Kyle heard the boys snicker as he said it.

“We totally should.”

“No. That’s so wrong.”

“Do it! Do it!”

Kyle opened his eyes. Lucas was laying under him, his face in the carpet, legs together, still naked (thanks to Kyle) and reeling from Becky’s kick.

“No! No! Lucas, MOVE!” Kyle yelled. He pathetically tried to wriggle free but it was of little use.

“...ffffffffuuck you Kyle,” groaned a sore Lucas.

“On three. One. Two. Three!”

All four boys slammed Kyle down into Lucas’s back. Kyle headbutted the back of Lucas’s skull. His stomach slapped against Lucas’s lower back. But his penis slipped between the base of Lucas’s butt cheeks and chubby thighs. Kyle’s foreskin was caught and forced down his shaft by Lucas’s tightly closed thighs but Kyle’s lubricated head continued downward and stabbed one of Lucas’s balls.

“AAAHHH!! FUCK!!” yelled Lucas as Mitch started a dogpile, jumping onto Kyle’s back, followed in short order by the rest of them. Laughter, insults, and playful punches added the final punctuation onto the end of this harassment.

Kyle struggled to breath under the weight of four other boys but was mainly focused on pulling his dick from between Lucas’s ass. That wasn’t really an option though. He and Lucas were both trying to pull themselves out of the dog pile, to seek a better position, but all that their movement was doing was stimulating Kyle’s dick as his slick head wiggled around the underside of Lucas’s balls and between his legs. Between the two of them they were slowly getting Kyle off. He felt an unexpected rush of arousal buried between his friend’s ass cheeks but it was driven more by the taboo of the situation than any physical attraction. Of course Lucas rolling Kyle’s dick around between his legs wasn’t helping.

Lucas had one arm pinned under his body and he struggled to move it down to push away whatever was digging into his ballsack.

Kyle found some relief when Lucas managed to kick one of his legs out from under the pile of bodies but that was replaced by fear when he felt Lucas’s fingers grab at the underside of his shaft and head. Kyle wanted to say something, but what? Sorry, that’s just my cock in your ass? But Lucas seemed confused by this intruder. He pulled and massaged it, milking some more precum from Kyle onto the back of his balls as the weight above them diminished.

Feeling like he could finally break free, Kyle dug his nails into the carpet and pulled himself forward along Lucas’s back. His dick dug painfully - for both of them - into Lucas’s taint before it bent backwards enough to follow Kyle forward. He finally managed to drag it up between Lucas’s buttcheeks brushing past his friends asshole and leaving a streak of lubrication right up his backside.

“Fuck you Kyle,” was Lucas’s confused and defensive reaction. Kyle rolled away. He didn’t reply.

“Lighten up Lucas. We were just having some fun.”

“Shove a dick up your ass and see how you like it fuckwad.” Lucas wiped between his cheeks as Mitch stood.

But the boys were confused.

“Wait. Kyle’s dick...” Oliver trailed off.


The room erupted into laughter again once they realized what had happened. Lucas scrambled to his feet and ran to the bathroom. Kyle sat huddled on the floor, embarrassed, horny, and uncertain how - or if - he could ever live this down.

“HAHAHA! Oh my god!” Mitch yelled. He was bent at the waist, still shirtless, trying to catch his breath. “This is hilarious! It’s too perfect!”

“That was so gay! Like, ACTUALLY gay!”

“Lucas come back! Kyle’s not done yet!”

“HAHA! Kyle, how does it feel to turn gay?!”

“Nonono, Kyle’s not gay! It’s only gay if you’re a catcher!”


“Yeah, it’s only if you take a cock that you’re gay, right?”

“So Kyle’s dick was in Lucas’s ass and Kyle’s not gay? That’s dumb.”

“Well we know Kyle’s not gay. We just caught him jerking it to his sister!”

“If you guys tell anyone about any of this I’ll murder all of you...” Kyle tried to sound menacing but his cracking voice made that difficult.

“Dude, this is so funny! You don’t think so now, but I swear at some point you will!”

“Mitch! Not a fucking word man!” Even though he was angry, Kyle still couldn’t look at him.

“Yeah, that’s probably enough guys.” Oliver tried to step in. “It is his birthday after all.”

“Dude, it’s high-larry-us!” Mitch relished every syllable.

“Whatever... can I have my underwear back?” Kyle asked tentatively. His dick was quickly shrinking now. The entire room laughing at, insulting and debating his sexual preferences along with the thought of fucking one of his friends had finally killed his erection.

“Wait! Give him those!” Cayden pointed across the room. Chris laughed and ran. Kyle knew what they were on to. He sighed, dejected.

Becky’s panties came sailing over the couch and landed at Kyle’s feet.

“Yes! Yes!” Mitch yelled.

“Guys, that’s not...” Kyle was trying to defend himself, even if they were right. “What you say was not what it looked like.”

“And what was that?”

“I wasn’t masturbating to my sister.”

“Oh, so you gave her towel back and then ‘just happened’ to whip your dick out and start jerking it in the direction of her room?”

“Well when you think about it, his mom is the one who got him all bothered.”

“What, so his sister was his second choice?!”

“That’s some kinda brotherly love...” Oliver didn’t want to be mean. It just slipped out.

“Guys. Can we compromise or something? Like if I wear these will you all shut up about this?” Kyle glared around the room, getting fed up with his friends. Although he had to admit that if the situations were reversed he would probably be ripping into one of them just as hard.

Mitch’s eyes went wide, surprised that Kyle would go through with Cayden’s suggestion. “Dude, if you wear only those panties for the rest of the night you can tell people it was my dick in Lucas’s butt!” Mitch said laughing.

He didn’t want to wear “only” his sister’s panties, but he would do just about anything to shut them up. And by doing he seemed to be garnering some strange level of respect from Mitch.

“Fine.” Kyle snatched the flowery panties from the floor. “And I wasn’t ‘in’ his butt. It was just, like, in between his legs.”

“He’s describing it! Why is he still describing it?!” Chris laughed.

“I don’t think it matters Kyle.” said Oliver, chuckling.

Lucas exited the hall wrapped in a plain towel as Kyle stood covering his junk with his sister’s panties. The two of them exchanged an uncomfortable look before Kyle turned his back to the group and Lucas went to search for his clothes among the wreckage of the living room.

“Hey Lucas, how-”

“Fuck yourself.”

“-is your ass?”

“Yeah! Does birthday cock feel better than regular cock?”

Kyle maneuvered his feet into the extra small panties while Lucas became the new target of their abuse. He pulled the thin, faded, flower pattern material up his legs. He was scrawny, but he wasn’t as small as his sister. The leg holes stretched over his thighs. Pulling them up over his butt gave him an instant wedgie. The lack of extra material in the front left his dick without a proper home. Trying not to think about what he was doing in his sister’s panties - lest he induce another boner - he tried to tuck his dick back between his legs. With a quick tug on the front the material rose further up his pelvis and deeper into his butt crack, but he was at least wearing something now. The thin stretchy material offered enough coverage that there didn’t seem to be anything sticking out. It was a tight fit to be sure and walking around with his dick tucked between his legs would be uncomfortable for several reasons but it could have been much worse.

He turned back towards the group fingering the top edge of the small panties and examining the odd look of his bulge held back by the base of the crotch.

“Daww! Look how pretty Kyle is!” Chris pointed to the back of the living room, laughing.

“Cool it dude. You wouldn’t have the balls.” Mitch was now defending Kyle. It was so strange. Mitch was always the first person to crack a joke about something like this. It was almost surreal that he wasn’t.

“My balls wouldn’t fit in those!” Chris shot back.

“Kyle, where are my underpants?” Lucas whined in the background.

“I dunno.”

“Well you took them off me. So where are they?” Similarly to Kyle, he was trying to sound powerful and menacing but he was doing a poor job of it. He seemed much meeker than he had been even just a few minutes ago.

“I told you, I don’t know. It’s not like I held onto them as a souvenir.”

“Well then who took them?”

“Maybe someone. Maybe no one.” Oliver spoke cryptically. “But I think that maybe we should hide the rest of your clothes from you.”

“Whaa..??? What the hell did I do?!” Lucas’s brow furrowed and mouth dropped.

Oliver crossed his arms over his shirt. He was still in his boxers. “You tried to strip Becky.”

“Oh yeah.”

“That was a dick move.”

“Guys!” Lucas exclaimed. “She kicked me in the nuts! It still hurts even!”

“Yeah, yeah. And now even your grandkids will walk with a limp.” Chris downplayed Lucas’s pain. “No one cares. You lost the match and have been shit talking all night. You brought it on yourself dude.”

Lucas wanted to defend himself further but looking around the room it was apparent that no one had his back this time. He scowled and looked away from them.

“Raise your hand if you think Lucas should sleep in that towel tonight.”

Oliver, Kyle, Mitch and Chris all raised their hands. Cayden hesitated then joined the others. Lucas moved to the side of the room and fell down onto a couch, angry with his friends.

“Let’s grab his stuff then.”

“Yeah. Toss it in the closet or something.”

“Naw, put it all in my room.” Kyle began to walk around the couch to grab some of Lucas’s belongings. But the result of this wasn’t anticipated. It took only a few seconds of his legs rubbing into his cock and balls before he felt himself getting hard again. Kyle stopped moving and crossed his legs, sticking his hands down over his crotch. He tried to will his growing erection away before it got out of control but it was already too late. He may have gone flaccid but he was still very horny. It took very little stimulation to remind his dick of what it wanted from him.

“Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?” Oliver asked Kyle, puzzled at his friend’s odd stance.

Kyle’s eyes shut tight, his fingers both wanting to touch his dick and not, as his cock grew backwards between his legs. It quickly began to hurt being bent back so far as it stiffened.

“Do you still have a boner?”

“Maybe he likes the thought of Lucas naked!”

Kyle squeezed his legs tighter but it didn’t help. He felt as his still hardening cock popped down out of crotch via one of the pantie’s leg holes.

He parted his legs allowing his dick to pop forward and simultaneously spun around to sit on the arm of the couch.

“Really Kyle?”

“Those panties are pretty sexy. I can just imagine how they would caress your balls...”

“And why would you know that?”

“I don’t but I can imagine it.”

“Guys, can I please get dressed?” Kyle pleaded.

“Maybe.” Mitch started. “I don’t really want to watch you pop a boner every couple minutes for the rest of the night.”

“Becky should see him first!” suggested Chris.

“Aw, that would be pretty funny!” said Mitch. “How about you give Becky her panties back. Then you can wear whatever.”

“That’s not very embarrassing though.” Oliver contemplated. “Just saying. Just giving them back isn’t a big deal. But if she were to watch him change or something...”

“My man! Awesome! Okay Kyle, go change out of your panties in front of Becky and then you’re good,” instructed Mitch.

Kyle squinted. “Good how?” he asked.

“As in no more shit-talk. Nothing about your sis anyway. Right?” Mitch asked the rest of the room. He was met by nodding heads. Lucas just smiled sitting in his towel. “See? There you go. Do that and we’ll forget about your weird little sister spank sesh in the hall.”

Kyle sighed. Maybe it would be worth it. Mitch had already stood up for him and proved he was willing to stand behind his word. And there was no way he would be able to live that down otherwise. Alternatively this might just add fuel to the fire. But between being caught masturbating and involuntarily humping Lucas’s ass it didn’t seem like this would make things any worse.

“Alright,” agreed Kyle. “But then not a word. Right?”

“About what?” Mitch grinned stupidly.

This was turning into Kyle’s best and worst sleepover ever.

Last edited by uzaho; 03-27-2013 at 12:34 AM.
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Old 03-27-2013, 08:50 PM   #14
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 425

Lol great job What I really love about this is that it's not like porn... but like way more...

not all of it my cup of tea, but definitely had a great laugh
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Old 03-28-2013, 04:58 AM   #15
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Love it love it love it. Need more
Still working on these

Feel free to KIK me if you are female KIK: ethan2cu

Likes: masturbation, voyeurism, phonesex, sexual banter,
Limits: anal, pain
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