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Old 01-28-2012, 06:30 PM   #1
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Default Under Her Collar

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Declaration of Total Submission: Requesting the Collar

Here follows my declaration of total domination to the perfect Mistress Raven sent today the 28th of January 2012. Every word present, was written by my hand and mine alone all punishments and vows of submission have come from my own mind formed from my personal desire to be dominated.

I tried as hard as I could to put my feelings regarding “total submission” into words, after many redrafts and most of Saturday spent in contemplation, this was the best I could do, though I feel my words can never really express my desire to have Mistress Raven lead my life, and my joy at being at the end of her leash.

"Most Divine Mistress Raven,

With this letter I forthwith declare my absolute submission to your will and will this day forth do everything within my ability to live under your rules any failure of which I will honestly and dutifully inform you of and accept any of the resulting consequences without protest or question.

I pledge to report to you everyday detailing my life under your servitude and to, using your defined guidelines, publicly record information relating to any tasks or sessions you see fit in your infinite wisdom to give me.

For any failings to carry out your will, I promise to accept and carry out any punishment you deem fit, be it physical punishment such as self inflicted beatings or other causes of physical torment such as stress positions or various pain/discomfort related punishments.

Mental degradation and humiliation such as being informed of all my shortcomings or having to spend the day wearing underwear of the opposite sex or behaving in any other degrading ways
Or financial loss such as tributing you in order to financially repent for my failings.

I gladly give up control of my life in all aspects to which you should wish to exercise control such as my sex life, my finances, my behavior towards strangers or anything else you deem fit.

I fantasize of being at your beckon call doing anything which my improve your life or give you pleasure as you are superior to me and my only purpose should be in your service. You can order me to hurt myself, take up a random past-time, complete work for you, tribute money to you on a regular basis, spend hours in a darkened room or anything which may give you joy.

I will purchase a collar, a symbol of your control and my submission which I will wear at all times on my left wrist. This collar will take the form of a watch (of your approval) symbolising that all my time has become your time. If at any time you deem it necessary I will forfeit the collar and cease to wear it for any period, definite or indefinite, or destroy or send it to you at your discretion.

I am both terrified and over-joyed at the prospect or wearing your collar, knowing that every time I see it I will be reminded that I belong to someone but also feel the sense of security that gives me. Even now, writing this my stomach is knotted and I am extremely excited mentally and sexually.

My schedule, in which I will be able to serve directly and actively (including but not limited to blogging, live sessions and e-mailing) shall include weekday evenings, notably the period of time between 8 - 10 pm GMT and weekends most notably the period of 8 - 10 am GMT and other times at your discretion. In addition all of the hours whilst I am awake, my phone will remain connected to Skype and or a messenger service of your choice, for your instruction.

I beg that you do not ask me to perform any acts which involve waste, public humiliation or acts which may lead to social ruin as under your ownership I would feel compelled to complete such tasks regardless.

With all this I declare my life yours,

Yours devotedly,

Pathetic Pet Chris"

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Old 01-28-2012, 06:34 PM   #2
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Default Pet Chris' Journal: 28/01/12

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Pet Chris' Journal: 28/01/12

I am afraid that my first journal entry is not too descriptive, as the time having passed since my declaration of devotion has sadly only been short...

I had wished to title this post under the collar day one but as yet I have failed to acquire a physical collar. Anyone who read my declaration will know my intention is to buy a watch to symbolise my time becoming Mistress Raven's time.

My criteria for this watch are simple: Firstly, I wish to engrave the back with a message of ownership, secondly it must be possible to wear the watch 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and lastly it should preferably be less than £200. I thought that this would pose no difficulty at all, however it turns out that very few online watch shops sell watches and engrave them simultaneously.

Today I had two rays of hope, the Christopher Ward (CW) website and the precisiontime website. The CW watches failed as it turns out the only CW watches in my price range are not waterproof and obviously taking the watch off when showering is unconscionable, whilst the "custom watch builder" application on the precision website fails to let you check out. As such my search will have to begin in earnest again tomorrow. If all else fails I will pick a range of possible watches and submit them to Mistress Raven, after receiving her confirmation I will buy the watch in person and have it engraved on the premises, but online is quicker so hopefully more luck tomorrow!

My first evening being (mentally) collared has been exhilarating. I felt vulnerable, out of control, useful and ecstatic all within the space of a few hours. For the first time in a long time I feel I have purpose in life and I will do whatever I can to maintain it.

Mistress Raven's devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris

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Old 01-28-2012, 06:38 PM   #3
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Default Task 1

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01/28/12: Task 1

Without a doubt my first task for Mistress Raven was terrifying. My Mistress requested that I gave her the ability to view my computer through a screen sharing software.

N.B. For those of you who don't know these program's may be terminated at any time by any party and files are not transferred during the process.

This, for me, was truly a massive leap of faith, while I know there is nothing illegal or any information which could potentially be used to ruin me socially or financially, allowing the mistress the opportunity to see my digital life meant submitting information about almost 4 years of my life, where I have been, embarrassing things I have done, skills I have tried to learn, even some pathetic attempts at art.

Some of you reading this may think of this as being an absolutely reckless and stupid act but if you think about it you have to take risks to achieve anything in life, if you wished to see a mistress offline you have a chance of being robbed, raped or worse... If you make a transaction with your credit card in a store theres every chance the clerk is cloning your information. But to me being controlled means giving everything, leaving myself open to the elements so that I can eventually feel the warmth of control.

But, all this said and done, I do not think I have been more excited, or sexually aroused in a long time than this evening. I would gladly and will most probably have to do it again. The thought of turning over so much of your life to someone and watching them dissect your life is exhilarating and at all times I wished to relieve myself, so hard I was at the thought of what was going on. But I did not and have not as I would think of doing so as disrespectful not only because I would not have had Mistress' leave, but because I would have been distracted from serving my mistress by answering any questions she may have had.

My first task has been truly mentally and physically draining but I have really enjoyed it and feel I have served to the best of my abilities.

Mistress Raven's devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris

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Old 01-29-2012, 03:49 PM   #4
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Task 2: Accounting Tasks

Today my Mistress tasked me with preparing a report on my expenditure over the last 6 months, as I requested that I submit financially to my Mistress as well as physically and mentally, submitting an estimate of my spending was a prefect idea of my Mistress in order for her to extend her reach and knowing into more aspects of my life.

For a man who struggles to file his own tax returns, this was a hugely difficult challenge which I have to admit I failed. Firstly I presented a document to Mistress Raven documenting my expenditure and earnings over the last month. However Mistress quickly corrected me, it more suited my Mistress’ requirements to know my expenditure patterns over 6 months, so I quickly went about drafting a new document which I can happily say was more to my Mistress’ liking.

Whilst I drafted the document, again My Mistress watched over my computer screen making firm but fair corrections and instructing me on where I was failing in my task, Mistress truly is as clever as she is dominant. There is nothing quite as comforting and exhilarating as knowing that at any moment my Mistress could reach in and take control of my computer and that I would not do anything to stop her. As a result I have decided to leave my computer open to screen sharing at all times with Mistress Raven as it makes me much more comfortable to know that she need ask nothing of me to reach into my life.

I enjoyed my second task and must apologize again to my Mistress for requiring two attempts to accomplish it. With this document I feel Mistress Raven’s control over me tightening and I love every minute of it.

Mistress Raven’s Devoted Pet,

Pathetic Chris
Proudly under the collar of the Divine Mistress Ravenstar since 28/01/12
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Old 01-29-2012, 03:54 PM   #5
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Journal Entry 29/01/2011

Last night was exquisite agony. I woke up around 4 am hugely aroused thinking about being collared by Mistress Raven, I don’t think it is too much of a stretch to say I was so hard it hurt. I rolled around (which was difficult) trying to get back to sleep but I could not escape the arousal of the previous days events, nothing I could do could shake my single minded focus on the Mistress and her command.

I knew I wanted to relieve myself more than anything, to get release so that I could return to sleep but I would not allow myself, to do so without the Mistress’ permission would have been wrong. I paced about, read some boring news and eventually I was able to let go of consciousness. I think I need to work on some breathing exercises of I will be a very tired pet which would affect my ability to serve, something I would hate more than anything.

My second day under her collar has been even more overwhelming than the last, wanting more than anything to gain her attention and to benefit her life in any way that I could. The highlight of my day was being granted a glimpse of my Mistress as a reward for completing my task. I have the honour of serving a clever, powerful and beautiful Mistress and I am truly the luckiest pet on Earth.

Mistress Raven's ever devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris
Proudly under the collar of the Divine Mistress Ravenstar since 28/01/12
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Old 01-29-2012, 04:10 PM   #6
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I must add that any and all comments are welcome either here or on the actual blog.

Mistress R.
I am a Domme... I am NOT looking for a Sub at this time.

Though I would be willing to answer any questions one may have.
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Old 01-30-2012, 04:38 PM   #7
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Taken from: www.underhercollar.blogspot.com

Journal Entry 30/01/2011

Last night was a more peaceful night, I managed to sleep for the whole night thanks to Mistress giving me leave to relieve myself before bed on the simple condition that I sent her a naked full body picture of myself before I did so. I was very nervous whilst taking this picture as I have never done anything like this before and have never been into exhibitionism, but at the same time I was very excited at the thought of someone owning such a compromising picture of myself.

I spent several hours the next morning procrastinating over whether or not to send the picture, eventually the Mistress came online and through her gentle, but firm guidance I was able to see that the picture could not really belong to me as my body and self no longer were my own but hers and so there should be no fear in sending such pictures.

Relieving myself with the Mistress’ permission felt wonderful, I didn’t think masturbating could ever feel so good, but when you know you are fully controlled and have submitted yourself totally it is so much sweeter, I will never masturbate without my Mistress’ permission again and I will be a better man for it.

Today was also the first time my Mistress took control of my computer without any prior warning and the feeling of vulnerability gave me an immediate hard-on which has lasted the longest time, I think I am becoming addicted to having my computer taken over, now when the Mistress does not have access to my screen I get a feeling of loneliness.

Also I have finally had some success on the collar front and my new, engraved watch collar will hopefully soon arrive and I can be reminded on a 24/7 time scale that I am owned.

I had the great fortune of Mistress Raven taking time to get to know me through some chat questions and a long e-mailed questionnaire. Filling out the questionnaire was very insightful, I managed to answer some questions I have never admitted to myself let alone another person and so Mistress Raven’s reach into my life further extends with her knowledge of my history and thoughts.

I was humbled also when Mistress deemed me worthy to share with me information about herself. My heart raced as I read through a short prose about the Mistress’ life, she is truly an extraordinary woman who had led an extraordinary life and I know more than ever that I have forfeited my life to the perfect Mistress.

I look forward to what tomorrow holds and how Mistress Raven will become even more entangled with my life and ever at the forethought of my mind.

Mistress Raven's devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris
Proudly under the collar of the Divine Mistress Ravenstar since 28/01/12

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Old 01-31-2012, 03:47 PM   #8
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Journal Entry: 31/01/2011

Every morning, the first thing I do is check my phone to see if I have received any tasks or messages from Mistress Raven, secondly I read through Mistress’ rules I always pause at my favorite rule “I own you!” it gives me comfort to know and always a good feeling with which to start the day.

During my day I check my phone every half an hour or so to see if Mistress has left me any messages, writing this now it seems a bit extravagant, but at the time it always feels like I need to know if there is anything Mistress requires of me.

Last night I had the honour of Mistress Raven allowing me to relieve myself, again on the condition that I took a picture before I did so. This time the picture was far less of a daunting prospect I belong to Mistress so all pictures of me are technically hers before I have taken them, in this picture I was able to show far more of my face which was more to the Mistress’ approval. I was only able to send the picture today during work, it was the highlight of my day knowing that I could serve my Mistress while I was at work... though I had to be very secretive about it.

I know that being owned by Mistress has improved other relationships in my life today my girlfriend had a very stressed day at work and for some reason knowing that Mistress owns my life and she wants me to have a good relationship with my Girlfriend I was able to focus all my attention on her and comfort her rather than being distracted by any sense of self.

Today for the first time I received a message from Mistress Raven’s boyfriend who I know as Sir E he sent me a very warm message offering his support. I think he must be a very understanding, genuine man who can appreciate Mistress Raven’s dominating side. I also had the chance to learn more about Mistress Raven’s life, the more I learn the more I worship her she is truly amazing and I am ever humbled by the attention she shows me and I will do anything to repay her. I think I managed to express how I feel about being able to be her pet - Submission is a gift, a gift that means I can give Mistress everything and expect nothing in return - other than through my actions I don’t think I can express my feelings any better than that.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds but I know it will be a successful day if I can serve Mistress in any way, shape or form.

Mistress Raven’s devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris
Proudly under the collar of the Divine Mistress Ravenstar since 28/01/12

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Old 01-31-2012, 03:58 PM   #9
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I love the way you guys found each other and your devotion. I have a question: Does Mr_nice_guys GF know about this and if so how does she feel about it. Furthermore I'm interested in what kind of work Mr_nice_guy does.

keep it up!
playing mostly offline but looking for fun every now and then

Recently most interested in exposure play and black mail scenes. There is a wide range of options so if you find it exciting but also have inhibitions we can talk options.
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Old 01-31-2012, 04:05 PM   #10
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Completion of Task 1

Today Mistress Raven took some of her precious time, to root farther through my computer to learn more about me. I think having Mistress in my computer has become second nature to me, I leave the viewing software on at all times and I always feel like the Mistress is watching me, regardless of whether the connection is active or not, it is only when I realize the connection is not active that I being to feel slightly sad or uncomfortable.

I think Mistress is very clever in her analysis, she was able to pick out specific documents which gave her a deeper look into my pathetic story, she even managed to find a document entitled “Chris’ Autobiography” which I had completely forgotten existed.

I don’t think I have grown more attached to anything so quickly as Mistress’ control, or watchful eye it is like a safety blanket I now lead my life under and (happily) have no control over.

I cannot wait to see what future tasks bring.

Mistress Raven's devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris
Proudly under the collar of the Divine Mistress Ravenstar since 28/01/12
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Old 02-01-2012, 02:03 PM   #11
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I love the way you guys found each other and your devotion. I have a question: Does Mr_nice_guys GF know about this and if so how does she feel about it. Furthermore I'm interested in what kind of work Mr_nice_guy does.

keep it up!
Thank you for your interest and comment RST. I am afraid my girlfriend is vanilla and does not know anything about this side of me, though that may well change in the future. Submitting to Mistress Raven allows me to feel more satisfied with my life which I think helps me to appreciate my relationship with my girlfriend more.

I won't bore you with details about my work, needless to say it is eclectic and I tend to work outdoors most of the time.

I hope I have managed to answer your questions,

Mistress Raven's devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris
Proudly under the collar of the Divine Mistress Ravenstar since 28/01/12
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Old 02-01-2012, 02:50 PM   #12
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Glad to see you've worked something out and I hope you may one day tell her and it'll be okay. I also hope your mistress can handle this responsibly. The best of luck to the both of you. I'll be following as long as you're posting.


Outside and eclectic hmmmm? Door to door bible salesman perchance
playing mostly offline but looking for fun every now and then

Recently most interested in exposure play and black mail scenes. There is a wide range of options so if you find it exciting but also have inhibitions we can talk options.
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Old 02-01-2012, 03:37 PM   #13
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Task 3: Relationship Overview

Today my task was to write an e-mail to Mistress, providing some information about my girlfriend, I was told only to provide as much detail as I felt comfortable giving. I truly believe Mistress Raven wants me to have the best relationship I can with my girlfriend and so I had few reservations about sharing some information about this part of my life with Mistress.

I felt that even though the e-mail concerned my girlfriend, I felt every paragraph ended up being about my feelings towards my relationship with my girlfriend which I hope was not disappointing for Mistress.

After completion of the task, Mistress talked through me things she had , based on the details I had provided her with. Mistress made a most generous deal with me, that she would continue to own me but never push me to points where my girlfriend would know about my collar and never past the safety zones I had mentioned in my e-mails on the sole condition that I completely submitted to Mistress Raven. I feel I am the luckiest man alive to have been collared by such a dominant and considerate Mistress, now I have submitted fully to her I feel safer, as I know my submissive nature can be dangerous. It has led me to do some unsafe, stupid and weak things in the past. But now, with Mistress Raven as my owner I know I am in safe hands.

Mistress Raven’s devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris
Proudly under the collar of the Divine Mistress Ravenstar since 28/01/12
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Old 02-01-2012, 03:41 PM   #14
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Journal Entry: 01/02/11

This morning I woke up to great news, Mistress had sent me a message while I was asleep, detailing her next assignment for me, this gave me the pleasure of thinking about how best to approach the task throughout the day. My task (as detailed above) was to provide Mistress some information with regards to my girlfriend.

Speaking about my girlfriend with Mistress today was very rewarding, Mistress truly cares about me and my relationship and I know that relationship will go from strength to strength while I am under the Mistress’ collar.

Today, Mistress mentioned to me that she wished for me to become more comfortable as our relationship and her control over me and my life increases. I think I have been feeling more comfortable the more time I have spent under Mistress Raven’s control, I think the best way to describe it would be to say that the voice inside my head which occasionally speaks anxiously “No, don’t do it, you are making yourself vulnerable!” And the soothing voice which says “It’s Ok, Mistress Raven owns you, no need to be nervous again” becomes louder.

I have only been collared for three days now but I feel that these three days have been the most rewarding time of my life for a long time. Mistress already know about my life, my fears, my desires and so much more. Considering it has been three days and the Mistress has extracted so much information about my life is s testament to her power.

I know there is a sexual element in my submission, many times throughout the day I get very turned on just by the fact I am Mistress’ property and when I receive messages from Mistress which highlight my submission, for example I received a message today in which Mistress mentioned how she was trying (and very much succeeding) to get to know my weaknesses, which turned me on immensely. But I think there is also a simpler psychological element to my submission, the warmth and safety I feel at knowing I am controlled and that my life is not my own, that I am someone else’s property and that, that person cares about my wellbeing. I have given up myself, but in return I have gained something I have sought for most of my life... purpose.

Mistress Raven’s devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris
Proudly under the collar of the Divine Mistress Ravenstar since 28/01/12
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Old 02-02-2012, 11:20 PM   #15
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Pet Chris' Journal: 02/02/12

Today... is 6am tomorrow. My post is a day late but I have Mistress' one time leave to post late. I requested yesterday to spend the evening with my girlfriend and therefore write only a short journal post. Mistress' reply was to tell me I had to spend the evening with my girlfriend and post my journal in the morning, but I was also told that I "MUST NOT" message Mistress. This was very hard, it wasn't so much a need to message Mistress, but a slightly uncomfortable sensation at not being able to message my owner should anything I need to tell her about arise... But I always follow orders of my owner to the letter as I think is expected of property. Luckily nothing happened which warranted my needing to contact Mistress so I can say that under Mistress Raven's instructions I had a wonderful evening with my girlfriend... If a bit secretly anxious at my link to Mistress being unavailable to me. I am glad a conflict did not arrive as I don't know what I would have done, though in almost any event i would follow Mistress Raven's instruction without fail.

On Wednesday Mistress told me that I had to come up with two safety words for sessions, one which would signify I would like to pause the session and/or I have a question and a second word to signal I am uncomfortable and I wish to stop the session. I can't foresee any circumstances where I would need to use safety words as Mistress is my owner and I take that very seriously, she can do with me as she pleases. But I know Mistress is much more intelligent and knowledgable than me and is always looking out for my best interests, so I spent a long time thinking about some appropriate words which I have committed to memory on Mistress' ever wise instructions.

My current task is to create a profile on a website which allows you to form a picture of yourself around your fetishes. It is very interesting and I have promised Mistress I will create an honest and detailed profile of myself so she may get to know me even better. I will post detail on my progress at the weekend.

Today I have decided to set up a counter on my phone to check the amount of times I check my phone to see if Mistress has messaged me, just to see how obscenely high the number is. Even so I doubt any number will change my compulsion to check...

Looking forward to another days service under perfect Mistress Raven's perfect ownership,

Mistress Raven's devoted pet,

Pathetic Chris
Proudly under the collar of the Divine Mistress Ravenstar since 28/01/12
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