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Old 06-18-2018, 05:31 AM   #1
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Default The College Experience


Everyone kept telling me about the joys of college life: “You’ll make life long friends there!”; “You’ll grow in ways you never realized.”; “You’ll experience a whole new side of life.” There was so much hype that I became so intimidated by the experience. They didn’t realize who I was was. They didn’t understand how I felt or how my fear and anxiety held me back. I didn’t believe them when they said college was going to be some of the best years of my life…

…but they were so right.

I suppose I should tell you alittle about who I am. I’m Marcus. Just a shy white boy from a boring city who lived what most would consider an unadventurous life. I went on a couple of dates. I even kissed my one and only girlfriend. Right on the lips. I was so nervous I’m sure she thought I just accidentally bumped her with my face. That was Kristen. She was sweet. Odd, but sweet. That lasted for a couple of months, but it didn’t go anywhere…you know…private. I was a good Christian boy, you see, and she was a good Christian girl. You just don’t do that stuff.

Then there was Elizabeth. I suppose some would not call her a good Christian girl. She was sweet in her own way, but far more adventurous than Kristen. We were friends for quite a while, and, boy, did she open my eyes. Before Elizabeth, I barely knew anything about sex. I knew it existed, but other than that, it was for a husband and wife, period. I…suppose…I looked up something online once. I was shaking in fear when I saw the pictures, because my parents would have killed me if they had caught me looking.

You can’t see me smiling, but I am just realizing how long ago that was.

Anyway…Elizabeth. I think she took some kind of perverse pleasure in answering all my inappropriate questions about inappropriate topics. I heard about her first time. She told me about how she had discovered masturbation. She told me about the G-spot, and how she liked to be fingered...what it was like to give head...anything I mustered the courage to ask, she answered. I hardly reciprocated, of course, both due to inexperience and shame. I had barely explored masturbation, and it was an intensely private experience for me.

There was a couple of times when my horniness overcame my fear and I used those couple chance opportunities to feel her boobs. That’s right. Me. Marcus. Good ole’ Christian boy feelin’ up a girl. The devil was already etching a special place for me in Hell.

Things with Elizabeth never really came to a head (heh heh). I think she found me cute and flattering, but she had her sights set on more…experienced hands. I was both relived and disappointed. But I moved on…and boy was it a transition.

You see…I discovered that my parents had greater trust in me than I probably deserved. No parental controls=all the porn I wanted. And boy did my libido develop. I discovered a whole new world on that screen, and my right hand got plenty of exercise. Sometimes even my left. Then I began to explore alittle bit, and discovered something about myself that would freak me the fuck out for years: I liked watching the guys too.

I loved the boobs and imagining myself with all those hot girls. But, boy, did I also imagine touching those dicks. I imagined what they would feel like. I imagined touching their muscles and sucking their nipples. I imagined what it might be like to taste those gorgeous mushrooms. I loved them all. I was Bi, and I buried that truth so deep inside to be sure no one knew.

Eventually, I graduated high school. Nope. There was no Jonny or Billy for me. Developed a crush once, but he was a jock. I was a nerd. We didn’t talk outside of one school project, and I kept those feelings tightly bottled up. They exploded into a tissue at the end of a day, and that was all I was going to have of that.

Then college came. And I wanted to go away to college. I loved my parents, but I needed to be on my own. They wanted their “baby” nearby, but I found a promising college—a promising “Christian” college—that satisfied them that I wasn’t going to pave my way to Hell.

Heh. What is it they say? The road to Hell is paved with good intentions? I wonder what they say about the bad intentions…

But I’ll get to that part. Let’s get to move-in day. Excitement. Tears. Overly excited RAs and welcoming committees. My Mom made my bed perfectly (to which it never was that well made again). My Dad gave me this talk about how proud he was of me, and if I ever needed anything to just call them anytime. They really are good people. Just very conservative.

I met my roommate. Okay guy, I guess. Didn’t really jive. I liked video games and Marvel. He liked guitar and painting. I don’t know how that supposedly “expert” roommate match-making software worked, but someone fucked up on us.

Oh, well. More time to study, I suppose. The first couple of months was filled with meet-up activities and, of course, class work. Nothing fancy. But nothing terrible either.

Then I met Matt, and everything changed.


Hey all!

This is a new venture for me, so please be kind. My intention is to make a story and alittle fun for those of you who don't want the plot Constructive feedback is most welcome. I do want to develop my detail-writing, so feel free to let me know what is missing. Feelings? Descriptions?

Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy!
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Old 06-18-2018, 05:49 AM   #2
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Default Chapter 1: Private Showers

The first time I met Matt was at floor lunch our RA organized for us. I was quite silent, as most of the guys on my floor are heavily into sports. I was more likely to be the ball on court than a player, so…not my forte. But that was okay. I kinda enjoyed the social activity even if I didn’t really participate.

But then Matt brought up the new Avengers movie, and my face lit up. We talked about our various takes and theories, and though I cemented myself as the floor nerd, I finally had something to contribute. He also looked a bit like Chris Evans, whom I had imagined with his mouth around my dick once or twice. God…that guy is hot.

Anyway. Back on topic: Matt. Didn’t really see too much of him after that. Crossed paths in the hall once or twice. We made some vague comment about hanging out to watch a Marvel movie, but it never amounted to anything. All the better, I suppose. Doesn’t do me any good to pine after a man I can’t have.

The story really starts in the evening, when I preferred to shower. You see, it was communal showers. We had a plastic shower curtain to protect us from shameful exposure, but I’m telling you, when you are scared to death of people seeing you naked…it might as well be nothing at all.

So, here I was alone, in the ONLY shower stall working. Maintenance was coming in the morning to fix the problem, but, (un)lucky for me, this was not the morning.

Here’s the thing: dorm life: not good for horniness. Not for me. I mean, there was my room, which was shared with my roommate, who could have walked in on my at any moment. A no-go. The toilet: totally romantic setting with no background noise to cover up the “fap fap fap” of me going at it. A sorta go, but not preferred.

So that left me the shower. I’ll tell you, I wore flip-flops in there, because I KNOW I wasn’t the only one with this problem. As I was saying, I had just finished actually showering, when I moved my hand to my throbbing member. As the warm water rinsed its way down and stimulated my dick, I began to rub over the head. Tonight, my in-home movie was about this insanely hot chick in my Statistic class who had taken a very meager approach to her attire. I imagined her lips kissing the tip of my dick, and little string of pre-cum clinging to them. She looked up at me and licked her lips with a smile. Seemingly enjoying my taste, she wrapped her mouth around the head, and teased me with her tongue. The mere thought in combination with my own movements, pushed me quite close to the edge…

…then the door squeaked open. I froze. The mood was dead and gone, and I just wanted out of there before I got caught. I let the shower run as I heard the footfalls echo. Whoever he was, he was coming my way.

“Fuck!” I knew that voice. I really knew that voice.

Yep. You guessed it. It was Matt. PLOT TWIST!

“Umm…” Matt continued, his voice clearly directed my way. “Hey. I don’t mean to be weird or rude or whatever, but I just got back from a soccer match, and my friends back home wanted to play online, and I really need a shower. Do you think I could use yours?”

The adrenaline already kicked in, of course. It took me a minute to gather my wits, but I finally spoke up. “Uh, yeah. Sure. Just give me a—”

The curtain slid open, and Matt’s heroic face beamed at me. “Thanks, man. I promise I’ll be as quick as I can, than you can go back to—Marcus?!”

I didn’t even respond. My eyes were wide, my hands covered my fortunately shrinking dick, and all I could think was that I was completely exposed to a man. And not just any man…Matt.

“Good to see you, man,” Matt continued apparently oblivious to my horror. He slid off his shorts and underwear and stepped inside. My eyes rested on his dick for faaar too long. It was the first one I had seen outside of my family. It felt so ashamed at looking at it, but the real shame was that I enjoyed looking at it. It was cut, like mine. And pretty average, all things considered. I’m not sure why I imagined him having this porn-massive dick. Maybe because he kinda became a porn image to me. Was that bad? He’s a person. Not an image. It was a relieving thought actually. He was human. Like me. Not some super soldier who probably had a dick the size of my arm. He was like me. But…more open.

I had already vacated the spot with the best place to reach the water, so Matt happily took it. He was right about one thing: he needed a shower.
Matt looked at me, and noticed my hands still protecting my privates. “Oh, man. No worries. A dick is a dick to me. I don’t care.” He went back to rinsing the sweat and grime off his body while I found some semblance of composure.

“Oh, yeah,” I didn’t uncover. I couldn’t. “Um…how…how are you?”

“Tired as fuck,” Matt answered. Don’t worry. I was growing more and more desensitized to strong language at this point. “I didn’t realize how intense the soccer program is here, you know?”

“Oh, yeah.” No fucking clue. Doesn’t matter. “You seem to be doing alright.” His body certainly was.

Matt laughed. “Seem is the key word there, Marcus. SEEEM. I don’t know, man. I think I’m out of my league with these guys. I enjoy the sport, but they obsess over it.”

“I mean, if you still enjoy it, I think that’s what matters,” I shrugged. I was actually talking with him. Talking with Matt. In the shower. Naked. With my hands over my dick. What. The. Fuck?

Matt smiled as he took a generous amount of body wash and spread it over his body. “Thanks. I think I’ll adjust. It’s just rough right now.”

No kidding. I felt a stirring in my hands. Rough and hard. Shit. Shitshitshit. Focus on something else.

“What game are you going to be playing online?” I asked, glad that Matt was not focusing on my body. My hands were not going to be sufficient soon.

“Have you ever heard of Sea of Thieves. It came out not too long ago.” Matt finished scrubbing in the body wash over the various nooks and crannies of his body. I nodded, though Matt’s eyes were covered right now, so it did him little good.

“Yeah,” I finally answered him, my nerves fighting against my arousal. “I have it. Don’t have anyone to play it with, so it isn’t as fun as I imagine it would be for you.”

Matt rinsed his face off and looked at me. “Oh, you should play with my squad. We could use a fourth person for the galleon. They’d like you.” Matt’s eyes fell to my hands, and my subterfuge utterly failed. My dick was nearly at full mast, and he knew it.

“Shit!” Matt looked genuinely apologetic. “I’m sorry, Marcus. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I’ll shut up and let you finish.”

Did he just…yeah he just did. He fucking told me to jack off with him right next to me. Jesus, was this guy open. He couldn’t have been gay. I had seen him kiss a girl goodnight a month ago. Believe me, I checked. Not in a stalker way. You know.

Was he bi, though? How much more could this situation get fucked up?

“Actually,” Matt continued. “I could really ease some tension too.” His hands grasped his growing dick. Oh. That much more fucked up. “I’ll make it a quickie, and then get of your hair.”

I said nothing. I just watched. I watched as he rest his hand against the shower wall, closed his eyes, and jacked off. He started slow at first. He wanted to savor the feeling, I think. I rubbed his thumb over his head, teasing himself a bit. I think I saw a little pre-cum squeeze out of the tip, but the water washed all that away.

Then he picked up speed. My eyes were mesmerized by the sight of his hand moving back and forth. I could feel the pleasure as if it were my own. Somewhere deep inside, from the bravest and most daring part of my soul, a desire came to do it for him. But that desire was squashed by my massive inhibitions. Instead, I settled for continuing my own pleasure. I started to rub my own dick, the latent arousal of stopping before and observing Matt enhancing the whole experience. I heard him grunt as he neared closer and closer to the edge. We both picked up speed. He probably imagined some past sexual fling while I just imagined him. I heard him exhale, and saw the spillage of cum ooze out of his tip. This pushed me where I needed to go. I rest my head back against the shower wall, and went full speed. The pleasure rushed like waves through my body, and I felt the climax coming.

Completely oblivious to what I was doing, I moaned. The pressure built, and 1, 2, 3, nope. 4 strings of cum shot out of my dick. The orgasm faded after a moment, and I breathed heavily in and out as I savored the high of the experience. The silence caught my attention. I opened my eyes, and saw Matt smiling at me.

And that’s how I died. Inside at least. Not forever, mind you. I just wish it had been in that moment.

“Damn, you really needed that, didn’t you,” Matt laughed. He stepped back and let the runny cum wash away from his body. He stepped back out into the open, but kept the shower curtain open for a moment. “Stop my room sometime. We’ll swap gamer-tags, and we can finally watch Age of Ultron.”
He wrapped a towel around himself and started trying off. “And thanks, man. I appreciate you sharing. Have a good night.”

I nodded amidst my embarrassment. “You too. And I will!”

Matt walked off, leaving me alone, with my hand again around my shrinking dick. I took mental inventory of what had just happened. I had finally talked to Matt one on one. I had been naked with another man. I had checked out said man. I had watched that man cum, and cum in front of him. And I was invited to join him again.

My heart and my head were both about to explode. My one solace was that at least next time we wouldn’t be naked.

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