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Old 05-09-2020, 11:50 AM   #1
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Default Lockdown Slut

Hello everyone. This story will focus around BDSM, ABDL, and Mind Control. After having a fun roleplaying session with one of my subs, I thought I would bring the ideas featured in it to life in a contemporary piece. This first chapter will be a little slow for those wanting pure erotic action, but it will setup the rest of the story to follow. Enjoy~


It was mid-March in the year 2020, and Rebecca had just received some bad news in the form of a companywide email. The company, which she had been working for as an office manager for the past several years, would be laying off all of its non-executive employees, effective immediately. The cause, the state-wide lockdown that was occurring in an attempt to mitigate the spread of the virus. The company cited that it would be unprofitable to operate while such measures were in place, and thus layoffs were their only option at this time.

The email shocked Rebecca right down to her core. She had been putting her entire heart and soul into her work for years now, and they had the audacity to lay her off at the first sign of trouble. How dare they, she thought, as she packed up her personal belongings. Her desk had accumulated too many items to fit within her work bag. Frustrated with the turn of events, she walked out of her closed in office to try and scavenge an empty box before they were all snatched up.

The office that Rebecca oversaw was three entire floors of one of the largest skyrise buildings downtown. There were over a hundred employees under her purview. And they were all running about, like chickens with their heads cut off at the moment. Pandemonium was rippling through the office, as word quickly spread like wildfire. Everyone had been informed earlier in the week that this wouldn’t occur, that there was no way the state was going to put a shelter in place order into effect, and shut down everything but the most essential services. But a few days later, that was exactly what had happened. And the company had planned for this, having the emails ready to go, mere minutes after everything had been announced.

Annice, one of the office’s HR staff was busy handing out unfolded cardboard boxes to anyone who came by. Rebecca made her way over, and had one thrusted into her hands, as Annice continued to fend off questions, and assured everyone that they would receive their full pay for this pay period, and two additional weeks if they did not qualify for more severance then that. Judging from the super relaxed outfit, she wore into work today, and the boxes on hand, Rebecca’s theory was confirmed. It was preplanned. The company had knowingly lied to them, and planned all this out behind their backs.

Rebecca had preplanned for this outcome; she was not naïve and had witnessed layoffs in the past. She had made sure to stock up on her medications. She purposefully maxed out her benefits as best she could in the short warning time available. An impromptu visit to the dentist was well worth it, and she went and had her hair cut a little shorter than normal. Thinking ahead to the realities of the lockdown she went ahead and bought a month’s worth of groceries to add to her pantry. More importantly, she made sure she knew where she stood financially. Her years of work with the company would afford her at least three more months’ worth of stable pay cheques as her severance was paid out. It was a lot more than most of the former staff running about would be receiving. They would be filing for unemployment insurance by the end of the month.

But in Rebecca’s mind there was a small silver lining to all of this. She would finally get the long-deserved vacation that she had been dying to take for years now. She would have preferred to have it at a resort on a beach with an ice-cold drink in her hand, but that was off the table for now. Her second choice of vacation was a stay-cation, in which no one bothered her. No calls from the office. No friends and relatives calling to hangout, or to go for dinner. No interruptions, just her own solitude.

These thoughts stirred up some mixed emotions within Rebecca. She was sad that she was losing her job, and that everyone else around her was too. But she figured most of them would be back afterwards. She’d be right back in her office once the two-week lockdown was over. No sweat. She’d come out temporarily financially ahead, and everything would work itself out in the long run. And she would be recharged after a two-week long isolated stay-cation.

Without attempting to engage in any unnecessary conversation from her former coworkers, Rebecca calmly packed up all her personal belongings into her box, and made her way down to the elevators, leading down to the car park.

She got in her red, seven-year-old sedan. It still ran almost as good as new, thanks to her meticulous maintenance schedule. When she had bought the car, she had been at a much lower paying job, and she was determined to do everything within her power to make this car go the distance with her. That mentality still rang true to this day. She squeezed her pennies and made sure that she got maximum value from everything. Her toothpaste roll had been on its last legs for the past two weeks now, and she was still cranking the life out of it twice a day.

She calmly left the parking structure, making sure to take her time, as everyone else around her seemed to be in a frenzied panic, and not the safest state of mind to be driving a vehicle. Traffic downtown was hectic. Everyone, all at once, was trying to get home. Every gas station, grocery store, and pharmacy, that Rebecca passed, had long lines right out the door. The parking lots were absolutely packed. Rebecca was proud of herself for having thought ahead and prepared for the realized potential of a state-wide lockdown. She couldn’t imagine having to deal with all of the people rushing, pushing, and generally being rude to one another as they all scrambled to get what they could.

She made it onto the highway, and sat through the stop and go traffic until she made it to her exit, an hour later. It would be the last time she would be in her car for quite a while, so she made sure to savor the experience while it lasted. Thankfully, the streets leading from the offramp to her house were flowing, traffic was moving very well in comparison to what she had just sat through.

Rebecca lived ten minutes away, at near highway speeds, from the suburbs of the city. Her home was surrounded by natural forest, and each of her neighbors were well out of sight and at least a minute down the main road from her. It was her own private sanctuary that she had purchased for a song almost two years ago. The former owners were more than eager to move out, and for whatever price they could get. Rebecca wished that she had paid more attention at the time to what they were rambling on about. It would have added more character to the house. And having a fun story to tell, was always worth it. Alas, she couldn’t recall what their reason for up and leaving was.

The house itself had a long gravel driveway that wound around the thick trees of the forest that made it an absolute pain to walk up and down to get the mail, or to put recycling out at the end of the curb. Too far for an easy jaunt. But that was what her car was for. The house itself was huge. Not quite at the McMansion level, but larger than what one could comfortably afford in the suburbs. It was a two-story building with an unfinished basement. The front wall which faced the driveway was covered in decorative brick, while the other three sides were covered in plain white siding.

As she pulled up her house, she clicked her garage door opener fob, and drove into her massive detached garage, which was, by itself, bigger than her previous semi-detached dwelling. She pulled inside, and made a note of the state of the recycling bins, and garbage can. Tomorrow was garbage day, and she would have to bring them down to the roadside before heading to bed.

The rest of the space was sparse. Rebecca didn’t have a whole lot of physical possessions, and the previous owners had left everything as is when they sold the house. It had come fully furnished, kitted out with a full suite of newer appliances, nice kitchenware, towels, floormats, you name it, it had it. In one corner of the garage, Rebecca had stacked all of the remaining unopened boxes from the previous owners. She made a mental note that this lock down would be the perfect time to go through all of it, and see what else she had unknowingly bought.

Then her eyes glanced over to her outdoor furniture, which was fully setup inside her garage, as she did was not hard up for space. Hmm, Rebecca thought, I should set this up outside. It is a little cool this time of year, but being able to sit outside and watch the forest with my morning coffee and a book sounds like a good way to spend my mornings. But that was a project for tomorrow. The forecast, as Rebecca recalled, was calling for rain this afternoon, so it would have to wait.

Rebecca grabbed her work bag and the box containing all of her personal work materials, and brought it through the side door to the garage, making sure to click the garage door closer as she went through. Then she went ahead and locked the door behind her. Not that she ever felt the need to do so out in the middle of the boonies, but now that everyone was at home, she had no doubt that people would go out of their way to snoop around, and see what trouble they could get into.

Oddly in comparison, Rebecca kept the doors to her house locked, whether she was home or not. She was a single female who lived by herself. Keeping the door locked was just a security feature that made her feel safe. In order to avoid the hassle of carrying a key around at all times, she had replaced both the front and rear door locks with electronic keypads. A six-digit pin later, and she was inside her home.

She immediately felt tired. More so than she thought she should have been after having spent a little more than two hours navigating stop and go traffic. It was almost 2pm, still early in the afternoon. Rebecca often stayed at work late, so getting home after the sun had set was very much normal for her. Maybe the change in routine has my body confused? Rebecca thought. I might as well make something for lunch and sit down to watch the news.

She set her bag and box down on the kitchen table, which was covered in a disarray of papers and bills, as per usual. Rebecca rarely had company over, so she did not bother to keep her frequently used areas of the house orderly. After having done her exploratory budget crunching over the last two days, the table was messier than normal. I’ll just put it all away at once, tomorrow, when I’m feeling up to it, Rebecca thought. She made a quick sandwich, sat down on her lazy boy recliner, and turned on the flatscreen tv. She found one of the national news channels and binge watched the world events that were unfolding right before her eyes. She flipped to her local news, and the news of the state’s shelter in place order was repeated just about every five minutes. It boiled down to a halt on all non-essential services for a period of at least two weeks. This will be an event to remember, for sure, Rebecca thought. And around the world, that same statement had been thought and spoken by just about everyone.

It wasn’t long before Rebecca began to drift off in her chair. She awoke suddenly, her head bobbing back up to find that the sun had set, and the room was cast into darkness, illuminated only by the flashing lights of the flatscreen in front of her. Rebecca checked her phone. It was 11pm now, and she still felt tired. She unlocked her phone and found that she had several missed calls. Two from her parents, one from her sister, and seven from some of her former coworkers. Rebecca made a mental note to follow up with everyone tomorrow. Everyone is probably asleep right now, Rebecca thought. Just like I should be. She punctuated the thought with a jaw stretching yawn.

The recliner creaked as Rebecca pushed the leg rest back in and stood up twisting her torso, trying to limber up for the journey upstairs. She felt a wet sensation on her crotch. A tentative hand down her pants found that her panties were wet, but not her pants. She brought her fingers up to her nose and smelt them, recognizing the foreign scent. It was the smell of her own lubricative fluids. But she didn’t recall feeling sexually excited earlier, at all. Maybe when I was asleep? Did I have an exciting dream? I don’t remember dreaming just now. Oh well, I’ll just have to change before bed then, Rebecca thought.

She sauntered upstairs, visiting her bathroom along her way, and made it to her master bedroom. It was plainly ornate, to say the least. The couple she had bought the house from, had clearly enjoyed their own variety of sexual activity. In the middle of the room, there was a massive bed, easily able to fit four adults on it comfortably. It had a huge headboard, that was placed right up against the far wall. The headboard had various metal rings drilled into it, and a set of permanently attached chains hidden away behind it. It was very clear to anyone that this bed had been used for BDSM play. From there, one would start to see all the other attachment points around the room.

There were some hooks that hung from the ceiling, that were strongly affixed. Rebecca had once tried to pull one of the ceiling hooks out, by hanging on it with her full body weight, but it did not budge at all. That was true for all the various installments around the room. So, Rebecca left things as they were. They weren’t in her way, and they were easy to ignore.

She stripped down, flinging her worn clothes and wet panties over into the corner of neglect, where the rest of her dirty clothes laid, merely feet away from her laundry basket. The mound was getting quite large, and she was running out of clean clothes to wear. She glanced over to the chair of sorting in the other corner. It was definitely running out of clean wearable clothes. Tomorrow, Rebecca thought. Tomorrow I will get all of these chores done, then I can relax for my vacation.

The bed felt so soft and inviting as she climbed up onto it. The bed itself was elevated to be about a foot higher than the average bed, which made it hard for a short girl like Rebecca to get into bed. But the comfort was well worth the effort. She crawled to the middle of the bed, and flopped down onto her unmade sheets, and maligned pillows, left just as they were when she woke up and shoved her way out of bed.

There was the familiar rustling of metal chains and cuffs behind the bed, which rang out as Rebecca wiggled herself into a comfortable position, and drew her covers over her naked body. Normally she ignored them, but today, today something was different. Mmm, that sound. There is something, alluring to it today, Rebecca thought. She wiggled her bum, causing the bed to shake slightly, and the rustling of metal continued.

Rebecca squeezed her legs together, drawn to the new sensation emanating out from her crotch. Her hand was pulled to her pussy, and when she tentatively probed around, she found that she was wet once more. I wonder how those chains would feel on my skin, Rebecca thought. That was a new one for her. She had ignored the bondage materials for years now without a second thought. But suddenly it was calling to her.

The bed shook a little more vigorously, as Rebecca desperately wanted to hear more of the sweet siren’s song the chains were singing to her. Down below, her hand was now hard at work, slowly circling around her clit, as it slowly engorged with each pass. Rebecca was not one to take pleasure in the carnal desires of humanity. She rarely, if ever masturbated, and it was only to deal with her pent-up emotions that would build over time.

The act was just odd to her. It was not something that she ever sought out, or desired. She had tried her hand at the whole relationship thing in high school, wanting to experience the same emotional highs that all the other girls touted about, but her few attempts had ended in disaster. The one attempt, that could barely begin to even qualify as successful, had turned her off of seeking a partner entirely. A two-minute drunken romp ended with her partner’s premature finish. That act alone solidified her desires to remain single. She was not interested in a relationship that revolved around sex, and as a noteworthy introvert, she didn’t need much human contact. What she received at work was more than enough for her to be satisfied.

But, at the moment, her pussy was telling her otherwise. The pace of her hand increased, as the sounds of the dancing chains fueled her desire. I wonder what it would be like to be restrained by the chain. To have my hand held close to the headboard all night. The cold metal on my flesh, the pull of my muscles, begging for release. Mmm, Rebecca thought.

It was quite an intrusive fantasy, one that a small part of Rebecca’s rational mind was in turmoil over. This isn’t right! Who could possibly enjoy dislocating their shoulder for fun? How was muscle strain possibly pleasurable? What happens if the lock gets stuck? Were some of the thoughts that were being shouted out. But this small voice was tuned out, hidden away, as the pleasure from her forgotten slit overwhelmed her sense of self being, causing her body to spasm on the bed, jingling the chains that much more. She climaxed, and rode the wave of pleasure, slipping her hand away as it died down, and unclenched her legs.

Overcome with a new sense of exhaustion, and satisfaction, Rebecca feel asleep right there and then, unable to begin to process what had just occurred.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 05-13-2020, 12:57 PM   #2
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Two

Rebecca’s body jerked upright, performing a reflexive sit up, as she was violently awoken the next morning. She frantically looked around the room, trying to figure out what was wrong. But there was nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe there is someone in the house? Rebecca thought. She fired herself right out of bed, flinging her covers hap hazardously on the ground, and she grabbed the decorative three-pronged candle stick holder on her nightstand. The candle holder would have to do. It had a solid weight to its solid metal construction, and it would certainly hurt to be hit with.

Naked, and spurred on by her adrenaline, Rebecca checked the window, overlooking the front of the house and the driveway. There was no sign of anyone, or a vehicle of any sorts. Undeterred, she ran out of the master bedroom, her larger than average breasts were jumping about with every frantic step she took. She checked room by room, but she found nothing. Nothing out of place, nothing disturbed, and no one was in the house with her. She relaxed, and decided it was time to think rationally.

She made her way back up to her bedroom, and pulled her phone off of its charger. It was a little past 10am. She had slept in more than she had expected. Especially after that long nap she had yesterday. She had a few more missed calls, mostly from her family. She would have to deal with that today, for sure. But first, she needed to get a handle on the situation.

She opened up her home security app and noticed that the front door camera had detected motion just ten minutes ago. Rebecca tapped this alert and a video of the incident was played on her phone. A postal delivery truck rolled up her driveway, and rounded the circular landing of the driveway, pointing away from the house, facing towards the exit. The back door rolled up, and a man popped out of the vehicle with a large, non-descript cardboard box in his hands.

I don’t remember ordering anything, Rebecca thought to herself as she tried to think of what could be in the box. She hopped up onto the bed, now satisfied that there wasn’t a home intruder, and everything had been explained rationally. As she shimmied back, her bum came into something, wet. What is that? Rebecca thought. She reflexively sniffed the air as she turned around to look. The smell was ammonia, and the wet spot on the bed was yellow. It’s piss! I pissed the bed last night?! Rebecca thought.

She was taken aback. Rebecca climbed off the bed and began to pull the sheets off. Whether or not she wanted to, she was now stuck doing laundry today, and a lot more than she had bargained for. How did I piss the bed? Rebecca kept thinking over and over again. The last time she had done something so childish, she had been an actual child. That would have been almost two decades ago. She didn’t remember even feeling the need to go while she slept. It was very concerning to her. She thought back to the night before. What had she done wrong? She hadn’t consumed a copious amount of liquids, and she even visited the bathroom before heading to bed. How, in the actual fuck, did I piss the bed? My bladder should have been empty, Rebecca thought.

Regardless of what she thought, or how improbable it was, the proof was right there before her. She pissed the bed, and the room now smelled of ammonia and shame. She wadded together all the bedding, and carried it down to the laundry room. She loaded the washer up with the fitted sheet and the thin bed sheet that usually covered it. With the size of the bed, these two custom-made items were more than enough to make up one load. Her wadded up comforter sat in the laundry sink, awaiting its turn.

Rebecca returned to her room, and opened up the big window, allowing fresh air to circulate through the room, hoping to remove the smell of her piss before it decided to linger. Her dirty clothes corner was right there, and it was overflowing. Rebecca loaded her laundry basket up, and dumped its contents onto her stripped bed. The mattress was still covered by an impermeable sheet. The same one that had been left by the previous owners. Which again fit right into their supposed love of BDSM. It would be quite expensive to ruin the mattress every time someone dripped bodily fluids onto it.

Just how many times has this bed been pissed in? Rebecca started to wonder. Well its more than zero now, at least. She separated out her laundry into two piles. Clothes that needed a delicate drying cycle, and clothes that could withstand a normal drying cycle. She loaded the normal drying cycle clothes into her basket, as they were mostly socks and underwear, the smaller items, and brought it to the laundry room, queuing it behind the pissy comforter. The delicates were brought into line right after as a loose pile on the ground.

Rebecca set a timer on her phone to remind herself to come change over the laundry. The house was too big for her to hear the buzzer go off when the washer had finished. With everything underway, she decided to make her way downstairs to get something to eat. She took the first step down the stairs when she suddenly stopped. Something wasn’t quite right with this picture.

She looked down, and saw her naked breasts staring back at her. She was still naked. She never walked around naked. What am I doing? Rebecca thought. I need to get some clothes on before I go downstairs. She turned around, and went back to her room. She rummaged through sparsely decorated clothing sorting chair, and found the last pair of clean panties, a pair of gray sweatpants, a still bundled pair of long socks, and a slightly too large white t-shirt. She grabbed her bra from the ground, and got dressed. No need to be fancy, no one was going to see her. But it felt right to be clothed again.

Now with everything right in her world again, Rebecca made her way downstairs to her kitchen, and poured herself a bowl of cereal. She sat down at the small clearing among all the scattered papers. Her work bag and the carboard box containing all her office decorations still sat at the far end of the table, staring her down. As she ate her cereal, not wanting to do so in her recliner, she rationalized that she didn’t need to unpack either item. If she was going to go back in two weeks, she might as well keep it all bundled together.

She polished off her bowl, and brought it to the sink, rising it before shoving it into her dishwasher. Washing the dishes would have to wait until tomorrow. She didn’t want to draw too much water off of her well, with all the laundry she was doing today. Rebecca remembered her lunch bag was still in her workbag, so she fished that out, rinsed out the containers, and filed them away into the dishwasher for later.

Rebecca, armed with her phone, sat down in her recliner, and turned on the tv once again, turning the volume all the way down. She read the news ticker as it went by, and was just barely able to hear what was being said. A good enough environment to start fielding some calls. She opened her phone and figured she would just start with her family, then friends, and end with her coworkers. She called her mother, who put her on speaker phone so that she could talk to her dad at the same time. They were concerned about her and her work situation. Rebecca assured them that she was fine, that she was financially unchanged for the next three months, and she would be going back once everything returned to normal. After all, there was only one of her in the entire office. They talked for another twenty minutes, about the small things, and about what each other thought about the lockdown. Rebecca’s dad assured her that they had prepared for everything last week, as he was always one to keep his ear to the ground, and had been watching the spread since January. Rebecca thanked him for passing along those traits, as she touted all her preparations. They ended the call with the promise to call at least once a day from then onwards.

Rebecca didn’t really want to have to talk to her parent’s daily, but it was more so for their own good than her own. They would go stir crazy staying at home, as they were quite socially out going. A stark contrast to Rebecca herself. If it’s only my parents, I will be fine, Rebecca thought.

Next, she called her friends, and each call was basically the same thing. “Oh how are you doing?”, “Did you get laid off”, “That sucks, I did too, or I’ve been labeled as essential” ,“If there’s anything you want to chat about, let me know I’m already bored”, “I hope I or my parents don’t catch it,”. Those themes, repeated five times over, and occupied Rebecca for the next half hour. Nothing too interesting. She could hide away from these friends, by only engaging with them on social media. Easy enough to add a comment here, reaction clicks there, and a sparse chat conversation occasionally.

Then there was the task she was absolutely dreading. Talking to her former coworkers. From past experience when there was a layoff, she tried her best to listen to her former coworkers’ concerns, and tell them that they would be alright, that they would find a job quickly, and if they needed to, they could list her as a reference. But this time it was everyone, and there was a lot of uncertainty around that. Drawing on the past experiences, Rebecca knew there was no way that 100% of the staff were coming back. It would only be, at most 75% of them.

Every call she had, everyone was one hundred percent sure that they were back, and they were laughing at their free two-week vacation. Rebecca didn’t have the heart to try and spoil the mood, so she fed their delusions. Most of them had asked her if she had known this was coming, which she assured them it was as much a surprise to her as it was to everyone else who was not part of HR. The calls were short, and most ended the call by saying that they would see her in two weeks.

Perfect, she was done. Her former coworkers were as good as dead to her. Now she could enjoy her isolation, in peace and a relatively punctuated quiet. She turned up the volume on the TV as the early local news cast at 1pm began. The top stories were the lines at gas stations, the empty shelves in grocery stores, and the restrictions on medication and the amounts being distributed. Nothing that was unexpected at this point. Then they covered the amount of cases, noting that it had now doubled in only two days’ time, and there were several deaths to report.

Now having watched all of this for two days now, Rebecca felt that she had had enough of it. So, she switched the channel, looking for something to take her mind off the situation. It took awhile but she found a rerun of a reality tv show, that was new to her, and was entranced for a few hours, only taking a break to grab a glass of sweet tea every so often and to change over the laundry. Finally, the trance was broken when the pressure in her bladder informed her that it had been neglected long enough. She made her way to the bathroom, and sat down on the porcelain throne. For some reason, she swelled with the feeling of pride. It’s probably because I made it to the toilet this time and didn’t piss myself, Rebecca thought. What a strange fucking thought to have.

Now refreshed after having two very long sleeps, and a nice sit down, she decided it was time to make on of the more elaborate meals she had planned on. She opened her phone, and thumbed through her bookmarks, and found the recipe for a non-rising homemade pizza crust. She got out all the ingredients and set to work. An hour later, she was back to lounging in her recliner, a plate of delicious pizza in hand. Rebecca was not one to make fancy meals, usually preferring to make simple quick meals for herself, but every so often she got a hankering for something a little more elaborate. And this homemade pizza was scratched that itch for her.

She flipped back to the news, and caught the tail end of her local afternoon news broadcast. More lines, more restrained panic. Nothing new. Rebecca had noticed that the local media station had toned down their words a bit since yesterday, most likely in an attempt to reassure the watching populace that everything was going to be fine.

Rebecca thought back to the list of things that she had wanted to today. She wanted to get the outdoor furniture setup, and she wanted to get the kitchen table cleaned up. She looked outside, and the clouds out to the west looked threatening. Like it was going to rain, or even thundershower. So, she decided that she could set things up tomorrow, and avoid getting soaked unnecessarily. Then she took aim at the kitchen table. This was much more accomplishable. She got her tax information together, and filed that back into the envelop where her returns from the last five years lived. Her paystubs, and other work-related papers ended up in the cardboard box containing her office decorations. If I ever need those again, they will be in an easy to find location, Rebecca thought.

She took the box and brought into the closed office space that she had bought, already complete with a modern computer, and a massive solid wood desk that must have cost a fortune to install, let alone buy. The whole room was kept mostly clean. Rebecca only ventured in here when she had to do work from home, which given her late-night stays at the office, were few and far between. She set the box along the wall and desk, out of the way, but clearly in sight should she need something. She grabbed the two empty coffee mugs that were littering the desk from the last two nights and brought them back with her.

As she made her way back to the kitchen, she heard the tell-tale signs of rain falling on the roof. She looked out the window and her thoughts were confirmed. It was already raining at a fair pace. Not something she would have wanted to be caught in, especially when she could have just done it tomorrow.

The rest of her papers and files did not take long to put away. They had come from Rebecca’s patented drawer of random papers that were too important to throw away, but not important enough to keep handy. Which was the only drawer in her office desk that was occupied.

She finished just as the first bolt of lightning hit. And with it, went all the electricity in the house as the thunder roared around her. Rebecca’s world was plunged into darkness. Thankfully, her phone was in her pocket. She pulled out her flashlight app, and illuminated the darkened hallway. Had the storm happened an hour earlier, it would have still been daylight outside and she could have navigated the house using that alone. But everything instantly became scarier when you had to rely on a small light to find your way around.

Rebecca wasn’t afraid of the dark. No self-respecting adult would ever tell you that. But what she was afraid of were the things you couldn’t see in the dark. Not the same at all. She made her way back to her recliner and picked up her dishes, moving them to the kitchen, not bothering to try to put them away in the dishwasher. She checked around to make sure that she hadn’t left out any perishables. She spotted the bottle of pizza sauce, and quickly threw it into the fridge, while trying to keep the cold in.

Rebecca double checked the front and back doors, and did up the security chain on both, just to put her mind at ease. The door locks were battery powered, so they worked even through a power outage. But it was good practice to make sure that they were both still locked.

It was almost 8pm, and while Rebecca wasn’t feeling tired, she wasn’t willing to put up with sitting in the dark for too much longer. She went upstairs, and quickly visited the bathroom, having flash backs of last night. She had pissed herself in her sleep, and before that she had… Rebecca’s cheeks warmed and turned crimson. She had forgotten all about her masturbatory adventure with the sound of the jingling chains.

I wonder what it would feel like to have them touch my skin, Rebecca thought. It couldn’t hurt to pull one over the head board, and to feel it. Would it? Rebecca finished up in the bathroom, feeling a little extra when she wiped, and sauntered off to the bedroom. Her sheets were crumpled on top of the bed. Which was a little frustrating. Rebecca berated her past self for being so lazy. She should have set everything up, and then current Rebecca wouldn’t have to struggle to dress the bed in the dark.

She put her phone, flashlight-side up on the top of the headboard, which faintly illuminated the whole room as it bounced off the ceiling. The shadows that casted off of the bondage hooks made them look like they were larger sharp-ended meat hooks, used to transport animal corpses throughout meat packaging facilities. Thankfully, Rebecca had seen these shadows before, otherwise she would have jumped right out of her skin right there and then.

She quickly got the fitted sheet on the bed, which was quite the exercise, as she had crawl on the bed to each corner with the sheet, then hop off the bed, and get it tucked underneath, and clipped into its respective holder. It was a unique system that Rebecca had never seen anywhere else. But it ensured that the sheet never came lose. It’s probably useful when someone is squirming in the chains on the bed, Rebecca thought. There were the chains again. Her often neglected pussy began to roar to life, lubricating itself and calling out with desire.

This was very surprising to Rebecca. She never played with herself on back-to-back nights. Maybe only a few times when she was a teenager, but not once in her adult life. She rarely even masturbated more than once a month to begin with now. But those chains were driving her wild, for some reason. There is no rational reason I should be getting wet over the thought of having a heavy metal chain with an inescapable metal cuff locked around my wrist, while I sleep. None, Rebecca’s rational mind thought. But her pussy wasn’t on the same wavelength, at all.

Rebecca quickly got the thin sheet tucked in. She never slept directly on the fitted sheet, as it was too big of a burden to remove and set back up. Instead, this thin sheet was much easier to tuck in and wash when the time came. With that in place, she stripped down, taking everything but her panties off. She usually slept in them, and last night had been a bit of an oddity that she had slept naked. With her big comforter blanket in hand, she jumped into bed, and got comfortable in the middle. She grabbed her phone and flicked off the flashlight app, trying to preserve the charge for as long as she could.

Even though she had wanted to conserve the battery, she was not yet tired. So, she flipped through various forum boards, laughed at a couple of memes, and read an interesting post or two while using her 4G data. The connection wasn’t the best, but it did the job when her WiFi was down. She shifted in bed, and the chains jingled behind the headboard. It sent a shiver of pleasure straight through Rebecca, starting from her pussy and going straight up her spine to her hardening nipples. Not this again, Rebecca’s rational mind thought. She readjusted once more, and the same sensation occurred. It was too much. Her thighs clamped together again, and her hand made its way down, circling around her clit.

Well this is exciting, Rebecca thought, but it isn’t as exciting as yesterday. What can I do? In response to this question, Rebecca immediately sprung to her knees, and shuffled over to the head board. She stuck one of her hands down the back, and fished for her target. The cold touch of a metal chain brushing against her hand sent shivers down her spine. There it is, Rebecca thought. She grabbed the chain and pulled it back over the top of the headboard.

The chain slid down the top of the headboard a bit before it fell into a grove. The chain was wedged in there, unable to be pulled through or slip back, but if it was lifted, it was free to move. This way one could adjust the length of the chain, without having extra pool around the bed. Rebecca missed out on this fact, as she was infatuated with how the chain felt in her hand. The coolness of the metal wicking the warmth from her flesh. And the weight of it all, holding her down. Her pussy tingled with acknowledgement of its desire.

Rebecca laid down once more, chain in hand, as she began to play around with the individual links. Her thighs twisted together, providing some pleasure to her dripping pussy. It wasn’t quite enough. Rebecca’s fingers teased the locking cuff, only to find that a metal set of keys had been taped to the inside of it. Curious, she pulled the tape off, and looked at the keys, then at the locking mechanism on the cuff. It looked as though the keys were the right size. Well there is only one way to find out if they belong together, Rebecca thought. She closed the cuff around the empty air, and pushed the key inside the small hole. She twisted, and there was a small click, and the cuff sprung open.

She placed the keys over on the far side of the bed. Far enough away that she shouldn’t move on top of them while she slept, or have them fall off the bed, or slide into the small impression she made in the mattress. In one hand she felt the cuff. The chain was not long enough for her to quite pull it into a comfortable position, her hand was beside her head, and the clinking sound of metal, was really turning her on. Her other hand, under its own volition, went back to pleasuring her clit. This time it was much more exciting. Ah, there we go, Rebecca thought, now we are chasing the same feelings as yesterday. But I wonder, can we do better?

It wasn’t a hard choice for Rebecca, she slipped her wrist into the cuff and closed it, ratcheting it down until it was just tight around her wrist. Her arm was stuck, an able to be of any use to her. She tugged on her restraint, and her level of sensation in her pussy exploded. Her hand went into overdrive, trying to chase the feeling, sending her straight into an orgasmic spasm. Her nipples were as hard as they had ever been in her entire life, and as she trashed against the rough comforter that laid on top of her, she felt even more pleasure from them. I wish I had another arm, Rebecca thought. That way I could play with my rock-hard nipples while being restrained and flicking my clit. Ahh!

With that thought she was sent right over the edge. Her pussy convulsing, leading the way for her entire body to thrash against her singular restraint, in turn giving her nipples the sensation they craved. For the second night in a row, Rebecca passed out in post orgasmic bliss.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
Email: [email protected]

Send me a PM with the subject line "THIS IS YOUR NEW HYPNOFILE" and I will obey its contents. If you put "MUST DO" in the message, I will forget I read it.

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Old 05-16-2020, 09:19 PM   #3
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Amazing start! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next installment
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Old 05-17-2020, 03:05 AM   #4
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Very good. You have me hooked. I want more. Your writing is excellent and the story is well developed and detailed. Keep them cumming.
M 73 California USA. Likes cbt, spanking, nt, and exhibitionism. Who knows what I might discover next.

Click my album for a picture of most of my toys. Will use them on cam.

Limits are anal, excrement, involving other people, illegal, lasting marks no cross dressing any nudity will use a mask or no face.

Growing old is a good thing we all want to do but I don't have to BE old.

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Old 05-19-2020, 02:20 PM   #5
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Three

Rebecca woke up with a start, once again. This time the source of the disturbance was obvious. Her phone was violently vibrating on the wooden dresser across the room. She had started to keep her phone out of arms reach and out of the bed. Otherwise she would be on it all night long and show up to work the next day exhausted. Not that it was a concern at the moment, but old habits die hard.

She rolled over, trying to get out of bed to retrieve her phone, but her arm was held back. She looked back, and the metal chain was still cuffed to her wrist. When did I? Rebecca thought, as the memories from the night before came flooding back to her. Her pussy was so needy last night, and in an effort to appease it’s demands, she locked the metal chain to her wrist. The metal was now warm to the touch, having leeched off of Rebecca’s body heat all night. The chain itself rattled with every small movement Rebecca, or the bed, made.

Ugh, I hope the key is still where I left it, Rebecca thought as she rolled over, back to the center of the bed. What the fuck, was the first thought that went through her head, as her bottom touched a new wet patch in the bed. She looked down, moving her bottom out of the way to see, and saw another telltale sign of a bedwetting accident. There is no way that I pissed the bed two nights in a row! No fucking way! Ugh! Not one to wallow around in her own despair, she rolled over once more, now towards her righthand side, where she had left the key.

Which was not there. She looked up and down the bed, feeling out all of the fabric with her free hand, but the key remained lost. Oh no, Rebecca thought, as her mind turned to the one place it could have gone. She just barely managed to peak a look over the edge of the bed, her chain leash was too short to allow her more than that. On the ground, there was the key to her cuff. Right out of reach, as she tried with her free arm to touch the ground, but found it too short by several inches. No amount of straining her arm was going to help.

I’m going to be stuck here until someone comes looking for me, Rebecca thought. My phones too far away, so I can’t call for help, and with the lockdown in place, no one is going to come by for at least another 12 days! I can’t wait that long! After this moment of panic Rebecca had an idea. She shifted on the bed, throwing her legs over the side, and tried to use her feet to pick up the key.

It was a tough stretch. Her feet just barely made it to the floor, let alone able to put her heels down. She searched for the key, but it was hard. She couldn’t look down, as her body and breasts were in the way. Her back was starting to hurt too, just to make the situation more dire. She should have stretched before going feet first into the rescue mission. Aha! Rebecca thought as her feet found the familiar cold sensation of metal on the ground. The next three minutes were spent trying to pick up the key. Finally, she succeeded, grasping the key between her collection of small toes.

With measured movements, Rebecca brought the key back up to the bed, and gingerly set it down. She had gotten very lucky. The key could have just as easily bounced further away, and ended up completely out of reach. Once the key was in her dependable free hand, she wasted no time undoing the metal cuff, and rubbed her wrist, which had slightly chaffed overnight.

Rebecca wasted no time and bounced straight out of bed. She set the key down on her nightstand, making sure it was clearly placed in the direct middle of it. She went to put the chain away, back behind the bed where it would never see the light of day ever again, but found it to be caught. She found the source. It was the slot in the headboard that held the chain at a fixed length. Rebecca lifted the chain out, and for curiosity sakes, pull on it, trying to get more length. There was at least another five feet of chain available to use.

Suddenly her problem from before looked so trivial. Had she known about this, she would have been able to lengthen the chain enough to be able to get up, off the bed, making the whole process a lot simpler. She let the chain coil back behind the bed. Once finished she looked over the headboard, and saw that the chain was attached to the bed with a simple carabiner. It wasn’t locked in any method, just firmly secured until released. This brought another layer of relief to her, as she had another escape route had things gone even further wrong.

Not wanting to waste another moment jingling the chains, which had a remarkable effect on her level of arousal this morning, she got off the bed for good, and stripped the sheets, again. She brought everything down to the laundry room, but decided that she needed a shower first before she ran out of enough hot water to enjoy it.

While in the laundry room she stripped off her damp panties, and added them to the fitted and thin sheet pile. It would be better than having them sit around for a week or more, stinking up the place. She made her way over to the big window, that was letting in a blast of morning sunlight, illuminating the entire room. She opened the window, allowing fresh air in, hoping to once more get rid of the smell of her midnight piss.

Rebecca went and had her first shower in two days. Now that she didn’t have to look presentable at work every morning, she could afford to slacken her showering schedule. She found that washing her hair was a laborious chore, that if it could be delayed, would be. After all, who was going to be around to see her anyways? Rebecca dried off, making sure to tangle her hair as little as possible. She got out her brush and ran it through her hair, find a few more knotted strands than usual. But now that the worst part of her day was behind her, she could start having a bit of fun.

Rebecca went and started the laundry. She then picked up her phone and headed down stairs. Something felt off about her descent down the stairs, like a thought circulating around in the back of her mind, but she chose to ignore it.

Breakfast was very much the same as it had been the day, and there was plenty of room around the table to enjoy it, now that she had cleaned it yesterday before the power had gone out. Rebecca hadn’t even thought to check if the power had come back on. But, given that the washer was spinning away upstairs, it must have. With that settled, she opened her phone to see an alert notification. Ah! I completely forgot about that! Rebecca thought. She opened the notification and a recording from the front door began to play. At first there was nothing out of the ordinary, then a bushy tailed squirrel suddenly burst into view of the camera.

It was a surprise to see that, but given that she was in the middle of the forest, occasionally the woodland animals were adventurous enough to set off the motion detector. But the squirrel shouldn’t be that high up. There is nothing for it to stand on, Rebecca thought. Oh fuck! There’s that box that was delivered yesterday. I completely forgot about it.

She rushed to the front door, undoing both the physical chain lock and the high-tech electronic one, and opened the door. The squirrel from the recording was no where to be found. It did however leave a few shreds of an acorn, or some type of nut, on the top of the large carboard box. What did I order? I don’t remember ordering anything. Let’s just see who the package is from, Rebecca thought. She turned the box over trying to find the shipping label, which had ended up being on the last panel she checked.

The seller was a popular online warehouse site, one that Rebecca had used many times in the past, but didn’t recall recently placing an order. She had a nagging suspicion. She checked who it was addressed to, and her suspension was correct. It was the former owners. This wasn’t the first time a package had shown up for them. When she had first moved in, she was receiving pretty much every piece of mail that the couple would have usually gotten. She’d bundle it all up, and return it to the post office every weekend. Over time, the amount died down, and now it was just the odd thing here and there, not too much of a bother at all considering the price she got the house for.

Hmm. With the way things are going in the world, I might as well hang onto this until after the lockdown is over, Rebecca thought. I’ll just add it to the collection of stuff they left behind, and deal with it later. Rebecca picked up the box. It was heavy, but not unmanageable. The box felt full, like whatever was inside of it, took up the majority of the space, as there was nothing shifting around inside of it.

The walk to the standalone garage was brisk, the damp morning air biting away at her skin. But there was a certain pleasure to it, just like how her erect nipples were now rubbing against the hard-cardboard box. Rebecca froze in her tracks. She looked down, and let out a scream in shock, before stifling it. Realizing there was no reason for it. She was still completely naked. Head-to-toe, nothing on her. How the fuck did I make it this far without realizing I wasn’t dressed? Rebecca thought. This isn’t right. I should have gotten dressed after getting out of the shower.

Rebecca had almost made it the whole way over to the garage, before coming to this revelation. She could either run back inside, or continue on, as she was. This isn’t that bad, Rebecca thought, as her thighs closed together and rubbed a little bit back and forth for warmth. There’s no harm in continuing like this. It’s quite nice out, and no one is going to see me anyways. The pleasure she was subconsciously generating from between her legs made the choice for her. I’ll just continue on.

She unlocked the door and brought the box over to the pile of disorderly boxes that had been left behind for her to explore. She set the box down, next to the pile, reasoning to keep it separate for later, then as she turned to leave, but then one of the boxes grabbed her attention. Rebecca turned back and picked up the box. She wasn’t sure what was so special about this one, but it was calling to her.

The box was taped up tight, and it looked like it had been previously opened several times. Each time adding a layer of new tape to seal it once more. Maybe its important? Rebecca wondered. No use in keeping it out here, I might as well bring it inside and then I can open it. Spurred on by the cold morning air, Rebecca hurried out of the garage, making sure to lock it behind her, and raced back into the house before anyone could sneak up her long driveway and see her in her birthday suit.

Inside the house, she locked the door once more and set the package down on the kitchen table. Rebecca grabbed a pair of kitchen scissors out of the her miscellaneous drawer of kitchen accessories and other materials that were too valuable to be thrown away. She opened the paired blade and cut at the layers of tape which sealed the box. It took a bit of work, but she managed to break through before long. Even then, it still took a good five minutes to gain access to the contents of the box.

Inside, there was another box. This one was ornate. It was made of a black, or at least composed of a dark coloured wood, and had an almost flawless finish. It was sleek, and the only indication that it was not a solid piece of wood, was the small seam that bisected the middle of it. When Rebecca picked it up, it felt lighter than it should have. I hope that it isn't empty, Rebecca thought. She carefully set the box down on the kitchen table, and took a step back to bask in the grand splendor of this box. Even if it was empty, it would at least make a great jewellery box.

She lifted the top section of the box, and found that it had a hidden set of hinges on its back side, allowing the top to open up, and hold its position. Inside there was a single golden amulet, complete with a heavy golden chain. The amulet itself was very ornate. It looked like something an artisan jeweler would have been proud to have called their masterwork. The amulet was adorned with a single red gem, a ruby, if Rebecca had to hazard a guess. The gold chain that accompanied it was thicker than one was used to seeing. Usually the chain was small, and hidden, out of the way, so that the pendant would appear as a focal point. But this chain was anything but plain. Rebecca lifted the jewellery box up, and examined the chain closely. There was some sort of scripted writing that flowed along it. Not in any language that Rebecca knew, unfortunately.

Rebecca set the pendant down, and sat down in front of it. She was completely taken aback at how beautiful the pendant was. I wonder how much this piece is worth? That was her next thought. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. I had to be a unique piece, maybe even created by someone famous. Those ones usually had a hugely inflated price tag, and this looked like it would certainly fit the bill for being one of those pieces. The gemstone set in it had to be worth quite a bit on its own.

Why was this left behind? Rebecca wondered. They couldn't have willing left it. Could they? I mean, just look at how many layers of tape the box had. It's clear that they've brought it out many times. But a piece like this, why would you want to put it away, and not keep it on display. It's too pretty to keep hidden. Maybe it was to an anti-theft tactic? Tempted by the beauty of the pendant, Rebecca gingerly removed it from its case, and turned to over in her hand. It was just too tempting. Before she knew what, she was doing, she already had put the chain around her head, and the pendant now rested just between her bare breasts. Not wanting to waste this moment, she sauntered over to the bathroom to check out how it looked on her.

The amulet was absolutely gorgeous, and it looked fantastic nestled between her two natural beauties. She twisted and turned, trying to catch a glimpse at every angle, and they were all fantastic. And her pussy agreed with her, as it called out to her, asking to be played with, now more than ever. Rebecca even caught her hand trying to sneak its way down, but pulled it back before it could get past her naval. She didn't know what had come over her, but she wasn't one to delight in those pleasures. Disgusted with herself and her lack of control, she made her way back to the bedroom, and to the chair of assorted clean clothes. There she fished out a pair of clean panties, and socks. She put them on and went to find an outfit, but she heard her phone ringing from downstairs.

Oh no, that's probably my parents, Rebecca thought, as she ran back down the stairs to answer her phone before it stopped ringing. Thankfully, she managed to pick it up just before she thought it would go to her voicemail. True to her word, Rebecca chatted with her parents for half an hour, discussing just about anything and everything. But what Rebecca didn't realize, was that as she was chatting them up, her free hand was having quite a time. It was split between spending time fondling the amulet, and tweaking her nipples, gently playing with them, while somehow remaining undetected by Rebecca. The call ended with both parties renewing their promise to call each other tomorrow, and they said their goodbyes.

Rebecca was happy that her parents wanted to chat, and thankful for the small non-intrusive opportunity to socialize. She sat down on her recliner, and turned on the flatscreen, flipping through the channels until she found the flavor of national news channel that she was looking for. Just as she was getting settled in the buzzer for the washer went off, prompting her out of chair, which she returned to just as quickly as she had finished. Like every other day this week, Rebecca nodded off as the news cycle got less and less interesting as they ran out of new material for her to digest.

When she awoke, she jumped right out of her seat. "No, not again!" Rebecca said out loud. Liquid was still rolling down her thighs from her soaked panties. She had just pissed herself again. This time in the middle of the day, and in her prized recliner no less. She ran to the kitchen to grab a roll of paper towels to mop up her mess. She dabbed and dabbed away at her shameful accident, all while her panties cooled against her skin. Thankfully, she was able to get all of it before it seeped into the cracks along the side and back of the chair. Absolutely exhausted at this point, Rebecca once again made her way upstairs to the laundry room. She shed her pissed in panties and threw them into the laundry sink. Then thoroughly rinsed them, and ran some soap through them, trying to get them clean. She pulled out her now dry comforter, and threw in the fitted and loose sheet, and the soaking wet panties.

She threw the comforter onto the bed, and went back down stairs. Rebecca was beginning to wonder if she would ever be able to have a good night's sleep ever again. She was getting literally tired being startled awake. Left with no other choice, Rebecca grabbed a couple of towels from the linen closet, then layered them on her recliner, in case she fell asleep once again. Which was a certainty, given that there was nothing on the television. Every channel either was covering the pandemic, or they now featured commercials that focused on this contemporary issue. There were streaming services of course, but her internet connection was too limited to generate a consistent image that did not make her eyes bleed.

Rebecca eventually settled on a rerun of a show she had seen, maybe just over a year ago. Too recent to have forgotten what the twist was at the end of the episode. And true to her word, she fell asleep within ten minutes of sitting down. Usually when she slept, she seldomly dreamt, but this time was the exception.

Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 05-19-2020, 02:21 PM   #6
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Three And A Half

She dreamt that she was back in the office. It was an ordinary day, and she was dressed in one of her usual conservative outfits. The level of normalcy was quickly ended as she saw her boss, Mark, knocked on her office door through the small glass window imbedded within it.

“Rebecca, are you busy at the moment?” Mark asked.

“No, I’m just replying to emails,” Rebecca said. “How can I help?”

“Can you meet me in the conference room on the third floor, in, … let’s say five minutes?” Mark asked, as he looked at his watch to confirm the timing.

“Of course, I’ll be right up,” Rebecca said. Mark went to leave her office, but turned back at the last second.

“Oh, and Rebecca,” Mark said. “This one is important, so don’t be late.”

Mark then disappeared, probably down the hallway towards the stairs to the third floor. Rebecca checked her watch. It was 1:55pm. Her meeting would be at 2:00pm exactly. That’s a little ominous, Rebecca thought. A meeting that I’m only just getting invited to now. I wonder who’s going to be there. Then her mind started to turn. She had just gotten back from the lockdown, and over seventy percent of the office had not yet returned. Or, more likely, they had been laid off, permanently, and it had not been made officially official yet. This possibility swam through her head, stirring up a lot of mixed feelings. Maybe they intend to lay me off, too. It would make sense, they couldn’t just let me go without an exit interview without detailing how all of my affairs will be dealt with, I’ve been here too long for a no notice termination.

Rebecca looked back down at her watch. 1:58pm. She had two minutes to get upstairs. She would just make it on time if she left now. She grabbed her laptop, a pad of paper, and a pen. With those in hand, she made her way to the conference room.

Upon entering the conference room, Rebecca was greeted by three people. Her boss, Mark. Her HR representative, Annice. And the regional manager for the corporation, Brent, who was the nephew of the CEO. Immediately she knew what this was going to be about. Her fears were confirmed. Seated at the table were the three people necessary to let her go.

"Ah, Rebecca, I'm glad you could join us," Brent said. "Please have a seat so that we can get things started."

"Is this what I think it is?" Rebecca asked, as she took her seat.

"Unfortunately, yes. It is," Mark said.

"There's no need to beat around the bush," Annice said. "The corporation is turning this branch into a small satellite office. There's no need to keep everyone working physically in the building, especially since we saw just how well working from home seems to work."

"Effective immediately, as of 2:00pm today, you are hereby permanently laid off from your position. We do not need an office manager if there is no office to manage," Mark said.

"Here is your package," Annice said. "Inside, you will find all of the information you will need. We do encourage you to apply for other positions, but we will not be covering travel costs. Do you understand all that has been said here today?"

"Yes..." Rebecca said, her voice trailed off. It was her worst nightmare coming true. Everything she had worked so hard to achieve, was being taken from her.

"My job here is done," Annice said. "If one of you two could escort her down to her office once you finish chatting with her, that would be much appreciated. She is not to be left alone until she taken to the elevator and her office swipe card has been revoked."

"We'll take care of it," Mark said. "Thank you." And with that Annice walked out of the room, allowing the door to close on its own behind her.

Rebecca and Mark went back and forth for a little while, conducting her exit interview. It was almost entirely positive as they had been on quite good terms with one another. She had worked very hard, and achieved a lot while she was here. Brent sat back, and added in small details, as they had affected his own work. Both of them were very appreciative of the work that she had done. This part of the conversation passed over as mostly a blur for the dreaming Rebecca, but it felt as though it had happened for real and in length. Once they had said all that they had to say, Mark got up from his spot, and excused himself, he had to go take a call or something.

"So that leaves the two of us alone then," Brent said.

Brent was an attractive man, who was about the same age as Rebecca, if she had to hazard a guess. He had started in his current position a little before she had joined the corporation, so to her, he had always been in this role. She used to look up to him, seeing him as proof that one could work their way up the corporate ladder. Until about a year ago, when she figured out that he was the prized nephew of the CEO. Things all started to click into place. He had obtained the job through a healthy serving of nepotism. Regardless, he was still a perfect fit for the role. He was very commanding, and took his job as a leader very seriously.

"Rebecca, I would like to offer you a new job, if you would like to listen to my proposal?" Brent asked.

"Yes, Sir. I am all ears," Rebecca said. If he was offering her a job to work for him, it wasn't the worst possibility in the world. It wouldn't be as high paying as her last job, but it was better than being homeless.

"You see, Rebecca, I have admired your ... skills from afar for many years now. I think you would make the perfect personal assistant for me. There are several, physical needs, that I require help with, that I can't do myself. Someone as skilled and beautiful as yourself, would be able to help with," Mark said with a wink.

"Yes, Sir, I'm interested in the position. I was a secretary here when I first started. I'm sure my skills from then will be suitable for the task," Rebecca said. Mark pushed back his chair as he began to undo his belt.

"That's great to hear, Rebecca. It truly is. Now, if you want this job, you are going to come over here and put your 'skills' to the test," Mark said. He then pulled his belt completely off, set it on the ground, and then undid the button to the fly of his pants.

Rebecca's mind screamed at with what was going on. It was unable to process how she had gotten in this far without realizing what Brent had been asking for. There is no way I'm going to give him head. Eww. How could he ask that of me? Is that what he wants? A glorified bimbo with an open mouth as an assistant? He could get any woman he wanted, why me? Rebecca’s rational mind thought. These thoughts were quickly pushed away by some more intrusive ones. But, he did ask me, and he wants me to do it. I should feel happy that I'm being honored with the task. Mmm, I wonder what his dick tastes like.

Spurred on by the deepening desire that had appeared out of nowhere, and the lust that was radiating out of her nether region, Rebecca got off her chair, and onto the ground. She was determined to make a grand spectacle of it all. After all, that’s what she remembered seeing in the few porn videos she had seen. She crawled on her hands and knees towards Brent, and stopped when her head was mere inches away from his stiffening groin. Without a word being exchanged, she took a hold of Brent's zipper with her teeth, and pulled it down, slowly, in a teasing manner. Now with clear access to his underwear, Rebecca leaned in, placing her nose right against his balls and deeply inhaled for dramatic effect. Mmm. Now there's a smell I've been missing, Rebecca thought. The smell of a virulent male. One who knows what they want, and how to take it for themselves. The smell made Rebecca weak in the knees, but thankfully she snapped out of her pheromone driven rapture long enough to continue on with her job interview.

She grasped the waistband of Brent's underwear, again with her mouth, and pulled it down, slowly over his cock, allowing the stiffened member to spring free. His manhood stood at an impressive eight inches, and it was thick as well. It was a cock that some girls would literally offer up their own lives to ride. Not that Rebecca was any better than those girls, at the moment. Her pussy certainly made sure to voice its excited opinion over this discovery. She grinded her thighs together, drawing out some pleasure from her now soaking wet folds. She was going to be a complete mess after this, for sure. How could I have ever thought that I didn't want to be a cocksucker? Rebecca wondered. This is so perfect. I am right where I belong. Face first in the lap of a successful man.

Rebecca tucked the waistband under Brent's sizable balls. She smelled them once more, planting her nose right at the base Brent's shaft. She started her journey upwards, leading with her tongue, and ended with her tongue twirling around the flared part of the head. She continued, making sure to tease her way up towards the tip of the cock, savouring the taste of the precum that began to drip out of it. Now with the foreplay over, she went ahead and took Brent’s head inside of her mouth, swirling her tongue around the bottom of the glands.

This is the farthest I’ve ever gotten when giving head, Rebecca thought. She had tried giving head to one of the boys who was crushing on her back in high school, but he didn’t last more than a few seconds under her ministrations. It was a very disappointing affair all together. One in which Rebecca’s loins remember having their insatiable fire, at the time, quenched in that moment. I hope I am good enough to get him to finish. She teased going further down, until Brent put his hand on the back of her head, and …


Rebecca woke up with a start, for the umpteenth time. Her reaction to this rude awakening was so strong that when she finally came to, she realized that she was standing, looking back at the recliner. Her first thought was to check the towels, which were of course soaked. Where is all of this liquid coming from? Rebecca wondered. She peeled off the towels, and brought them upstairs to the laundry room. As she passed the full-length mirror in the hallway, she caught a glimpse of herself. Something wasn’t quite right. She had spied something black around her collarbone.

She backed up and dropped the piss-soaked towels in shock. The pendant was gone. In its place was a flowing black, stylized script, that looked to be inked into her skin. She turned around, and saw that the fresh markings encircled her neck, perfectly. The script dipped between her breasts, and a demonic looking circle, filled with geometric patterns was there to greet her disbelieving eyes.

Rebecca stood there, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. How? What? What the fuck is happening to me! Where is that fucking pendant? Did it do this to me? Is it cursed? Magic and curses aren’t real! This makes literally no sense! Rebecca thought.

She examined the rest of her body, twisting and turning, trying to see every square inch, looking for more markings. She was confident that there were no more to be found, until she took a step back. She peeled off her third pair of soaking wet panties, and let out another involuntary gasp. On her public mound, above her pussy, there was a simple smiley face, that looked as though it had been drawn on by a marker.

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Old 05-27-2020, 04:10 PM   #7
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Four

Rebecca ran to the shower as fast as her legs could carry her. She thought of nothing else, other than trying to erase the new marks on her skin. She jumped in the shower, bracing herself, as the cold water instantly sent her body into shock. Her muscles strained, but she was still determined to get clean. She grabbed the luffa that she kept hanging under the showerhead, and dowsed it in body wash. She got it lathered, and rubbed away at her pubic mound.

After a vigorous scrubbing, she managed to tear away her hands to get a look at the progress she had made, but there was none to speak of. The drawn on black inked smiley face was still there, stupidly looking up at her. Nononononono! Rebecca thought, as she went back to scrubbing. But it was no use. She had scrapped her skin raw, and yet the mark was still there, as fresh as ever.

This can’t be! There is no way that it should be able to withstand being scrubbed away, Rebecca thought. She looked down once more, and her eyes caught sight of the amulet tattoo. She turned her attention there, and scrubbed with renewed vigour. This had a much different reaction, as the marks began to grow hot as she tried to rub them away. They grew hotter and hotter, until Rebecca couldn’t stand it. She had to stop, fearing that she may have burned her own skin as the searing pain spread around her upper chest.

The cold water was a godsend as it ran down her burning body. The intense burning sensation around her neck slowly started to fade. Rebecca didn’t know whether it was the water actually doing something, or it was just fading on its own. She was just happy that the pain was going away. Rebecca set the suds-laden luffa on the side of the shower, and she adjusted the water temperature, bringing it to a level fit for human enjoyment. Defeated in her attempt to remove her new markings, she took a seat on the floor of the shower, and let the water wash over her body.

How, could this happen to me? Rebecca wondered. All I did was put on the amulet, and take a nap. And I guess piss myself, twice. I did nothing that should have led to this. Besides magic isn’t real. Nothing makes any sense. Her thoughts paused for a second. I think I might be going crazy. Wait. That’s a perfectly reasonable thought to have at this exact moment. Magic does not exist. But, if that’s true, am I just imaging this all? Or did someone break in and do this to me?
= ) FEED = )

What the fuck was that!? Rebecca thought. She entire thought process was just derailed as her entire body just thought the word ‘FEED’. It was beyond a bizarre feeling. Usually everyone’s thought process is contained within their head. But this one word, felt as though her whole body was thinking it.

= ) FEED = )

There is was again. Her whole body felt the word. But that was doubly true for her pussy. It was quite an intense feeling. Like a sudden inexplicable rush of horniness had overtaken it, then dropped off. But still highly elevated from her baseline arousal, it just felt so good. She needed more. Her hand slipped down between her legs and started to tease her sex.

= ) MORE = )

Another word, another wave of lust overcame Rebecca. Her back arched, and she actually let out a moan. How long has it been since I last moaned in pleasure? Rebecca wondered. Too long, that’s the only answer. She increased her rate of play, her clit getting thoroughly worked over, and her folds were very much in play now too.

There she was in the bathtub, warm water finally raining down on her as she furiously played with herself. She kept working herself towards a climax, but each time, it eluded her, no matter how hard she rubbed herself. Her pace began to slow, as she began to lose the ambition to continue.

= ) MORE = )

There it was again, the rush of lust that she was missing. Her other hand made its way down from her nipples to the opening of her sex. Without a second thought, her fingers plunged inside, something that hadn’t happened in almost ten years. She fell over backwards, no longer vertical, her back resting on the floor of the tub. Well, parts of it anyways, as she immediately began to arch, the pleasure overwhelming. She was now on her way to the hardest edge of the day.

= ) CUM = )

With that word, her sex spasmed, all of the muscles inside of her pussy squeezed her fingers tightly as she began to orgasm. She imagined that if her fingers were a cock, her pussy was trying to milk it for every last drop of delicious cum it could give. Her thighs strained, and her legs kicking out unable to cope with the overwhelming sensation running down through them. She rode the best orgasm of her life for as long as she could, savouring every last moment of it.

Finally, the pleasure began to die down, and she slowly regained control of her body. Her leg muscles became still, and her back came back down to the wet porcelain floor of the tub. Her lungs heaved, her chest rising and falling rapidly, bouncing her tits up and down. A welcome sensation after so much pleasure.

Rebecca stayed like that, lounging in the tub for another three minutes as she basked in the afterglow of orgasmic bliss. Never in her life had she been so satisfied. If everyone else felt like this when they orgasmed, she could see why they lived their lives focused around their use. After awhile, she stood up, and continued her shower routine, making sure to wash her hair thoroughly.


After toweling off, Rebecca made her way down to her office with a new spring in her step, and sat down bare-arsed on her leather computer chair. It felt just right to her in that moment, no need to put new clothes on. She booted up the computer and got to work. Since I am now dealing with some otherworldly magic bullshit, I might as well look on the internet and see if anyone else has dealt with something similar, Rebecca thought.

The first term she looked up was ‘magic amulet’, which brought up hundreds of thousands of results. Nothing too specific by any stretch. Most references she found on the first couple of pages were to video game items, and other similar topics. Nothing helpful there. Okay this isn’t getting me anywhere, Rebecca thought. She tried some more variations, but she had no success. This is going to take forever. I should get something to eat before I continue on. Rebecca ventured off to the kitchen and whipped up a lunch time snack, and was back to work before too long.

Hmm, let’s try something else, Rebecca thought. ‘Is Magic Real’ was her next search term. This brought up millions of hits, as the search had pulled up everything from stage magicians, how-to-do magic trick videos, and videos of debunked the aforementioned magic tricks. These caught Rebecca’s attention for far longer than they should have. They were way off topic, but there were very entertaining to watch. It didn’t take more than a few clicks for her to fall deep into the internet rabbit hole. The hole where one forgets everything else other than following the next tantalizing link to an interesting video.

The sun had begun to set by the time Rebecca finally snapped out of her stupor, and realized that she had spent the last several hours not being productive in the slightest. But now she had a through understanding that all stage magic was slight of hand and carefully crafted illusions. No actual magic was involved, unfortunately. Her limited search had come to a dead end.

Rebecca went to close the million and one tabs that were open on her browser when she came across one the she didn’t recognize the tab name of. That’s strange, Rebecca thought. I certainly don’t remember opening this. She clicked on the tab, and a page of one of the more popular pornsites popped up on her screen. Rebecca’s first thought was to avert her eyes as she tried to close it. She had never lowered herself to looking at porn to get off. The very thought was revulsive to her. But this time, something was drawing her in.

= ) LOOK = )

There was that intrusive compulsive thought that originated from her sex, and radiated outwards to the ends of her body, filling her with a sudden rush of lust and horniness. As instructed, her eyes were drawn back to the screen. She looked at it a little more closely. It was a user’s profile page on the site. She looked towards the top of the screen and found the username. ‘Helplessly_Controlled.’ Upon reading that name, she shivered with pleasure. Something more powerful was drawing her in now. She scrolled down and began to poke around some of the video uploads. From the thumbnails she could tell that there were very sexual in nature. With no real experience in the matter, Rebecca clicked on the first video.

What popped up was a video of a woman, sitting in front what Rebecca assumed to be a computer of some sort. The woman was oblivious to anything happening. She was maybe in her late twenties, early thirties, and was casually dressed. The woman was clicking away, occasionally typing something, just you everyday computer use. Rebecca found this to be, pretty boring, and went to close the tab.

= ) WATCH = )

Rebecca shuddered once more, and returned her focus to the video. The woman had now slipped a hand under her shirt, and was fondling her small breast, while paying it no mind, continuing to use her computer. It looked so tempting, Rebecca looked down at her own exposed breasts. The nipples were almost painfully erect, and they were almost begging her for attention.

= ) FOLLOW = )

Another order from her radiating sex. Rebecca’s eyes were glued to the screen. Her left hand now gently fondling her left boob, matching the pace of the woman in the video in front of her. The woman began to tweak her nipple, and Rebecca followed suit, rewarded with another burst of pleasure. Her nipples had never been this sensitive in her entire life. But, right at this moment, she didn’t think of this, her entire being was focused on following the video, and the thoughts pushed onto her from her burning sex.

= ) GOOD GIRL = )

She shook on her chair, her pussy begging for attention. Her mind was conflicted. Do I touch it, or do I follow along with the video? Rebecca wondered. An impossible decision to make. Satisfy her own desires, or follow along to the otherworldly demands being placed on her. After giving it a moment of thought, it was an easy choice if she was to be rewarded so kindly for following along.

The woman in the video withdrew her hand. Rebecca almost had to tear her hand away from her own breast, not willing to part with the pleasure it was bringing her. The woman began to unbutton her shirt, allowing it to hang open on her shoulders, framing a standard nude bra that was now exposed to the camera. Rebecca was naked, so there was nothing to take off, unfortunately. I hope this doesn’t count as not following the video, she thought.

The woman resumed her one-handed fondling, much to Rebecca’s delight. A minute later, and the woman was now undoing her bra. Without thinking Rebecca imitated her, struggling briefly to undo her imaginary bra’s clasp, allowing it to fall to her lap, before throwing it over the camera, out of view. She now grabbed both breasts, with both hands in play now. She playfully lifted her breasts all the way up, before letting them drop, and bounce back into their natural resting position. Each time their weight pulled on her frame; she felt a new spark of pleasure.

“Obedience is pleasure,” the woman in the video said.

“Obedience is pleasure,” Rebecca repeated back a moment later. She was a little taken aback at how easy she had slipping into following along. This isn’t like me at all, Rebecca thought, I’ve never done anything like this before, but yet, it … It, feels just right. The line was repeated by both performing beauties, several more times.

“I live to serve,” the woman said, echoed by Rebecca as a new wave a pleasure washed over her. Now her hand began to snake down her body, finding its place between her thighs. The woman in the video was still clothed from the bottom down, so it was difficult to see what was going on, but Rebecca assumed that she was only playing with her clit.

A minute later, and several utterances of the previous phrase, Rebecca found herself miming along, as she stood up to strip her pants off, and bring her non-existent panties down to her ankles. She sat down, and spread her legs, her pussy now splayed open for anyone who walked in to see. One hand on her tit, the other working small furious circles on her clit. Repeating her two new mantras over and over again. She was getting so close to the edge again, only for it to elude her every time she approached. The woman in the video seemed to be in the same boat, as her repetitions got more frantic, and disjointed, matching Rebecca’s.

“I will not cum without permission!” the woman in the video said half a second before Rebecca. Unlike the previous lines, this one was repeated over and over without pause. A desperate plea for satiation. But who’s permission do I need to cum? Rebecca’s rational mind wondered. There is no one here but me. Am I going to be stuck here rubbing myself raw until I pass out?

Before Rebecca could continue that line of thinking, the woman got up on the office chair, kneeling on it, with her legs spread, giving the camera a clear view of her glistening sex, while her boobs were now the focus of the upper portion of the frame, her head now absent. Without realizing it, Rebecca was in the same exact position, now perched atop her own chair.

“I’m a pathetic slut!” the woman said, and Rebecca repeated without thinking at all what the words meant to her. The edge was building once more, now more intense than any of the ones before.

= ) STOP = )

The thought spread throughout her body, draining away any of the lust that had built up from her session in front of the computer. She looked around, embarrassed of her situation, and climbed down off the chair. Curiously, she looked back at the video and the woman was doing the same. On her face was the same confused look that was now plastered on Rebecca’s face. They both felt their dripping sex, looking at the glistening sheen that was left on their fingers, before they stormed off to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Rebecca opted to jump back into the shower to get cleaned up. This time she allowed herself the luxury of allowing the water to heat up, before stepping in, aiming the water down, to only hit her body. She lathered up, and rinsed off as her mind registered the tattooed marking the amulet had left her. She dropped the luffa, letting it soak in the run-off water. I cannot believe I just did that. What the actual fuck is wrong with me. Magic doesn’t exist, this can’t happen, Rebecca thought. But it has, so maybe that thinking needs to change. Maybe magic does exist, so what are the rules. How do I live with this? Her rational, analytical mind was now back in control, for the time being.

She towelled off, and got dressed for the first time that day. This time she stopped to check herself out in the hallway mirror, just to make sure she had in fact put on each item she thought she had. Pyjama pants, check. Panties, check. Sports bra, check. T-shirt, check. There, fully dressed enough to satisfy her standards. A victory within itself, considering how the day had gone.

Her stomach growled, no longer satiated by the mid-afternoon snack. Rebecca went into the kitchen and surveyed the contents of her fridge. There was a premade salad kit waiting on one of the shelves. That would have to do for dinner, as it was probably only good for one more day. Now for some protein, Rebecca thought. She found some chicken and cooked that up, then chopped it roughly, adding it to her salad. A quick easy meal, that she sat down in her recliner to enjoy. She turned the news back on.

This was the first indication that the lockdown would be longer lasting than anyone had thought. The number of confirmed cases had skyrocketed, now that the general public knew what symptoms to watch out for. When they thought there weas only a few isolated cases of community spread, there were now dozens, and it was already out of control. The news anchors had changed their tone completely now. Before they were just telling everyone to stay home, and everything will be alright. This was replaced by telling everyone to stay home, lock themselves inside their house, and to not ruin everything for everyone else.

This was enough for Rebecca, as she had already been strictly following the rules. Truly a model citizen at this point. Obedience is pleasure, Rebecca thought, absentmindedly. Her pussy tingled at this thought, subtly voicing its approval. Rebecca ignored its line of thinking. Her pussy had already received more action today than it had so far this year.

Rebecca switched off the flatscreen and figured she’d open up one of the books that had been sitting on her bookshelf for months now, waiting to be read anyway. She grabbed the first book in her ever growing ‘to read’ stack, and brought it back to her recliner. She gave the book a smack to clear away some of the build up dust.

At first it was hard for her to get into the novel. I’ve spent too many months putting off reading, Rebecca reasoned. But as time wore on, she became more engrossed in the story. An escape to a different land, to a different time, in a world where magical things did regularly occur.

When Rebecca finally looked up it was already 11pm. It was an hour past her normal bedtime. But with all the napping I did, I can afford to stay up a little bit. Afterall, I have no where to be, Rebecca thought. She set her book down, and got up to get a glass of water. Hmm, I don’t know about this. Aren’t you not supposed to drink water before bed if you’re a bedwetter? The thought never registered as she polished off the entire glass.

= ) GARAGE = )

That’s a strange one, Rebecca thought in response to her body’s urging. What could I possible need to do in the garage at this hour? Before Rebecca had realized it, she had already slipped her shoes on, and was pulling on the front door to get out. I live to serve, intrusively passed through her mind, and was reinforced by a tingling sensation from her pussy.

Wait. No. I did not mean to follow along. Whatever it is can wait until morning, Rebecca thought. But her body carried her onwards towards the garage. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to see what it wants with me. Maybe I’ll get some answers as to what’s going on. Or at least a solid lead. She voluntarily put in her access code and entered the garage, causing the motion sensing light to flick on.

= ) BOX = )

Rebecca immediately knew which box her body was guiding her towards. It was the large one from earlier. Had I known that was going to be used, I would have just brought it inside the house instead. Then none of this would have happened, Rebecca thought. It’s a little odd that it wants this box, and not one of the old ones. How does it know what’s inside this one? She picked up the box, and was reminded just how heavy it was, and hefted it through the doorway, back to the house.

Once inside, and reaffirming that all the locks were in place, Rebecca set the box down in the entryway, and examined it, placing her hands on her hips. She examined the box a little more closely than before, but found nothing more. It was an ordinary brown cardboard box. One that was neatly sealed with decorative packing tape, and a slightly off-centre shipping label.

= ) BASEMENT = )

The basement? Rebecca wondered. She rarely ventured down there. There was no point, in her mind. She went down there every other month to dust and make sure things were running smoothly, when she remembered to do so that is. With a little urging, in the form of her pussy tingling with unexpected pleasure, Rebecca lifted the box, begrudging its weight, and made her way to the basement as instructed. She opened the door that overlooked the straight set of stairs that seemingly lead into the dark abyss. She fumbled around, feeling for the light switch. She found it on the other wall, and clicked it on. The stairs were as she remembered them. Unfinished, and wooden. It really set the tone for the rest of the basement, as it was quite sparse. Clearly, this was the one expense that was spared when they built this house, Rebecca thought.

= ) DOWN = )

Rebecca obeyed; her body was being trained to follow the pleasure. The stairs cracked under her weight. They were solid enough, but there was certainly room for improvement. Not that she had planned on ever doing anything about it. She reached the landing and put the box down. Behind her she heard a creaking sound. She turned around just in time to see the door close shut.

“Oh fuck!” Rebecca said out loud as she raced back up the stairs. Her mind flooded with memories from months ago of the door being difficult to open from this side. She turned the doorknob, while trying to push the door open, but it held fast. The knob turned and turned, but she felt no resistance. The mechanism was not engaging to open the latch.

Rebecca pounded on the door, but it didn’t budge. She frantically continued on for a minute before finally realizing that she was stuck. How am I going to get out? Rebecca wondered. Half of a second later she had remembered that her phone was still in her pocket. She dialed the one contact that she had given a set of keys to. She was beginning to regret using both the old-fashioned key-operated physical locks and the new numerically-passworded electronic ones. The phone rang, and neither of her parents picked up. They must be in bed by now. Instead it went to their voicemail.

“Hey, Mom and Dad. When you get this message, can you give me a call back? I’ve gotten myself stuck in a situation, and I need some help getting out. Thanks, love you!” Rebecca ended the call.

She sat down on the top stair and wondered what had gone wrong in her life to lead her to this exact moment. I guess it’s just bad luck that the door broke behind me. That’ll teach me for neglecting the basement for so long. I would have known the door needed to be fixed before getting entrapped by it. And in a pandemic no less. Hopefully my parents won’t hate me too much for asking them to break the quarantine directives.

= ) DOWN = )

There it was again. Whatever force was directing her, because at this point, she was sure it was not her own thoughts, really wanted her to go downstairs. Rebecca looked at her phone and saw that it was at half its battery life. If she used it too much more it would never last until morning. But if she turned it off, and saved the battery, she wouldn’t have any issues. She did just that and powered off her phone, and slipped it back into the pocket of her sweatpants. With nothing else to do, she figured she could at least fall asleep on one of the spare couches that were set up down there. Nothing too fancy, but it’ll do for the night.

Rebecca made it back down to the landing and finally flicked on the main light switch for the entire open concept basement. But the sight that greeted her was not her dingy unfinished basement, but rather a hyper-pink coloured room that was filled with furniture that belonged in a nursery. Except for the fact that the furniture was sized for an adult.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 06-07-2020, 04:36 PM   #8
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Five

Chapter Five

Rebecca stood there, her mind drawing a complete blank as she tried to process everything. Her barely habitable basement had been replaced with a finished room. The room had hot pink painted walls, and the furnishings were varying tones of pastel pink to match. Against one of the walls there was a huge crib, that was certainly large enough to fit an adult or two inside. The crib was complete with a set of sliding rails, which were currently down, and what looked to be a solid locking top piece. I don’t think that I could get over those rails without a lot of effort, Rebecca thought. Even if I stood on the mattress, I still wouldn’t come close. And then there’s the locking top to boot.

The next piece of bizarre furniture to catch her eye was a long flat-topped dresser that came to just about Rebecca’s naval in height. There were several drawers, both large and small, and a small set of stairs. What are those stairs for? Rebecca wondered. Without really giving it much thought, she stepped towards the dresser to get a better look. Hmm, that’s an odd finish, Rebecca thought as she looked at the top of the dresser. She put her hand on it, and felt the surface give slightly. It’s padding! Who puts padding on top of a dresser? And a set of stairs… Oh fuck! It’s a changing table!

Rebecca took a step back and finally saw the room for what it was. A very well-furnished nursery. One that was sized perfectly for an adult. She turned around to leave the room, figuring it would be best to stay away from the sudden addition to her house, only to find another hot pink wall blocking her path. The stairs and the rest of her sparse basement were gone. She found herself to be trapped once again.

Her legs gave out, and she crumpled onto the floor. Her body was now beyond exhausted. After all the events she had already been through today, this was the final straw. She laid there in a crumpled heap trying to piece together what exactly was happening to her. Nothing makes sense anymore, Rebecca thought. This thought was repeated over and over as her mind struggled to piece itself back together. Eventually time won out, and she composed herself once more. She needed help, and she needed it now.

Rebecca pulled out her phone and turned it on. Moments passed as Rebecca stared into the ever-turning loading screen wheel, waiting for her phone to finish rebooting. She frantically punched her pin into the lock screen, and her phone unlocked with a satisfying click. She immediately pulled up the phone function, and dialed her local emergency number.

“Come on. Come on, come on, come on!” Rebecca said. Then the no connection tone played.

“No service available at this time,” a pleasant sounding robotic female voice said over the phone. “Please try again later.”

“Fuck!” Rebecca threw her phone across the room, watching it ricochet off the wall. She was stuck. And there was no way to get help. The earliest she could possibly receive any help would be tomorrow around noon. That would have been long enough for her parents to have heard her message, tried to call her, and then realize that they needed to make the drive out to check on her and make sure that she was alright.

I’m just so tired, Rebecca thought. I need to get some sleep. Maybe then I’ll be able to figure out how to get out. Rebecca tried laying on the ground, and while she found it to be quite comfortable, she still needed something to support her head. A blanket or two would be nice. She got up and looked around. The adult-sized crib was open, and the mattress was made up with a complete set of sheets and pillows. She leaned the side to get the pillows, using her hand to support herself, and found the mattress to be quite soft. How long has it been since I’ve slept on a soft mattress? Rebecca wondered. Her BDSM pleasure palace sized bed upstairs had a very firm mattress. No doubt that it was a feature to support the athletics that were performed on it. But Rebecca preferred a mattress she could sink into. One that curved around her and held her gently. It wouldn’t hurt to sleep here tonight, Rebecca reasoned. If the space was available, she might as well use it. She hoisted herself into the crib, and maneuvered the pastel pink blankets on top of her. It might be a completely different room, but it is still just as cold as the basement.

She laid her head onto the pillow and fell asleep almost instantly, her exhaustion finally winning out over her panicked thoughts.


Just like every awakening Rebecca had within the last couple of days, this one was just as rude and abrupt, ruining her well rested night of sleep. Not again! Rebecca thought. She shimmed up towards where her pillows were and withdrew the covers. There on the linen fitted sheet of the mattress was a huge yellow puddle. I pissed myself again! Why the fuck is this happening to me? How am I expected to clean this up being trapped in this room? The whole room is going to smell like piss, and I'm trapped in it. Fuck me.

Rebecca turned to get out of the crib, but the sliding rail, which she remembered being down, was now up. She looked up, and the locking top of the crib was down, sealing her into her pissed in crib. Of fucking course! How could I have been so stupid to have fallen for such an obvious trap, Rebecca thought. This isn't fair, I was overwhelmed and exhausted last night.

Rebecca grabbed the rail and shook it, but it did not give. She tried every conceivable angle to gain leverage on her infantile prison, but it did not give. It was well-made and purpose built for an adult in mind. The locking top was in fact locked. Rebecca tried to find out how it was locked, feeling around trying to find a physical locking mechanism, but there was none to be found. From her perspective, the entire top was seamless, which struck her as being very odd. Since when have people been building cribs with smart electronic locks in them? Rebecca wondered. I am a pathetic slut, was a stray thought that rolled around in the back of Rebecca's mind. Each time she focused on it; a twinge of pleasure shot through her sex. Her defenses had weakened significantly, and her hand willingly made its way down the front of her pissy sweatpants and panties, stopping at her clit to begin rubbing in small gentle circles.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Naughty babies shouldn't have their hands down their pants,"

Rebecca jumped. Her hand shot out of her pants as she tried to discern where this new voice was coming from. She scanned the room, only to find a young woman standing at the foot of her crib, with her hands on her hips. The woman was younger than Rebecca by several years. If she had to place her age, she would maybe say the woman was twenty, if not younger than that.

"I ... Uhh ... What? Who are you?" Rebecca asked. She tried to regain her composure, but there was just something about being caught by this younger woman. Something that was stirring up new feelings down below. This woman seems to be familiar; I just can't place her. Rebecca thought.

"You know who I am, Baby Becca. You set me free from the cursed amulet. I suppose I should thank you," the young woman said with a smile across her face. "Why don't you go ahead and strip out of your pissy clothes." Rebecca felt a cold shiver run down her spine.

"Why should I do that! I'm a grown woman. I want to be let go. You can't keep me in here," Rebecca said.

"Oh? Why don't you take a look at yourself before you start saying things like that," the young woman said.

Rebecca looked down at herself, and found that her hands were moving of their own accord. They had already pulled down her sweatpants, wadding them around her ankles, and her thumbs were hooked into her panties. Rebecca tried to resist, but it was futile. Her hands pulled her panties down to join her sweatpants without even a hint of resistance. Her feet kicked, and she was free from her soggy clothes.

"That's a good girl!" the young lady said. A shot of pleasure shot through Rebecca's sex at hearing those words. The lady reached out with her hand to pat Rebecca on the head but Rebecca swatted it away with all the strength she could muster.

"Don't touch me!" Rebecca said.

"Oh, is my baby too grown up for Mommy to touch her? I'm not impressed, Baby Girl. I think it's high time we punish you," the woman said.

"You can't do that!" Rebecca said. But it was too late. Before she could realize what was happening, the woman had already slid the front rails of the crib down and grabbed Rebecca, pulling her out by the wrist. She didn't get her feet under herself right away, so she dropped towards the ground while being held by this mysterious woman. The woman gave no sign of labored effort as she continued to pull her along. Rebecca's feet eventually found their footing, and she did her best to follow along, trying to avoid the straining pain in her wrist. Whoever this woman is, she sure is strong, Rebecca thought.

Rebecca was hauled over to a tall stool that was set up perfectly in the center of the room. I swear that chair wasn’t there before, Rebecca thought. And she was right, it wasn’t. Neither was the room she was trapped in for that matter. But here she was, regardless of what seemed to be fact or fiction.

The woman who called herself ‘Mommy’ sat down on the stool. Her feet resting flat on the ground. The woman was quite tall compared to Rebecca. If I sat on that, my feet wouldn’t even touch the ground, Rebecca thought to herself. Mommy still held her wrist firm, and pulled her over her lap with practised ease. She gathered Rebecca’s other wrist, and pinned both wrists to Rebecca’s back. Rebecca’s limbs were suspended in the air, her body held in place over her new Mommy’s knees.

“I hope you will learn your lesson, little one. If you don’t, I will make sure that your life becomes a living hell. We can either do things the easy way, or the hard way, it doesn’t matter to me,” Mommy said.

Rebecca opened her mouth to respond, but all that came out of it was a startled yelp as her backside was spanked.

“Ah ah ah,” Mommy taunted, “No words from you, unless you want to practise your counting.” The woman began her assault in earnest, taking turns spanking each of Rebecca’s butt cheeks, alternating back and forth at random. The spanks started off light, which Rebecca thought were quite heavy handed, until she figured out that Mommy was just warming up, as the spanks continued to increase in power. Her feet began to kick as each spank was too much for her to handle.

“Don’t do that little one. Keep still when you’re taking your punishment. If you keep squirming, we can simply start over from the beginning again. I’m sure you wouldn’t like that,” the woman said.

“No, please anything bu—” Smack. Rebecca’s backside burned like it had never burned before. Mommy had suddenly spanked her really hard, at least twice as hard as the previous one. It shut her up, as both sets of cheeks turned red.

“Naughty girl. I told you no speaking,” Mommy said. “I don’t want to hear anything more from you unless I ask you a question. Or, we can simply restart if you’re going to be so disrespectful.”

Rebecca shook her head side to side.

“Good girl. Now we can continue,” Mommy said. Using her spanking hand, Mommy pulled down Rebecca’s wet sweatpants and panties, leaving them wadded around Rebecca’s ankles. No! I can’t be naked in front of this strange woman. It’s… It’s just so embarrassing. And she’s stopped her spanking, she must be enjoying the view, and inspecting my shameful accident, Rebecca thought. Her cheeks now had another reason to glow red.

The cease-fire did not last long. Mommy continued her punishment campaign, and Rebecca did her best to bear through it. But it was not meant to be. A single hot tear began to roll down her cheek, a foreign feeling on her flushed cheeks. The woman stopped, and wiped the tear from Rebecca’s face.

“Aww, it looks like someone has almost had enough. Isn’t that right?” the woman asked.

Did she just ask me a question? Rebecca wondered. The woman had put her assault on hold. Okay, I’ll take my chances then.

“Yes. Please stop,” Rebecca said. Long gone was the confident, self-assured voice of the office manager that Rebecca used to be. Now her words were riddled with fear and uncertainty. She couldn’t believe that a simple spanking had brought her down to this level.

“Mmm, I don’t think I will. Is that how you address your Mommy, slut?” the woman said as she renewed her crusade on Rebecca’s bum. The first tear had taken a while to come out, but each one that followed took only a matter of seconds to well up in the corners of her eyes before streaking down her cheek. I just can’t take anymore, was the one clear thought in Rebecca’s mind, as each hit broke up any other rational thought that had begun to form.

“Please Mommy, I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll be a good girl from now on,” Rebecca said. The words that had sprung out of her mouth surprised her. She didn’t put a conscious thought into it. They just rolled off her tongue, as if her body knew something she didn’t.

“There we go, that’s much better, don’t you think?” Mommy asked. Mommy began gently rubbing Rebecca’s sore exposed backside, slowly working out the pain.

“Yes, Mommy,” Rebecca said, this time of her own volition. I can’t believe I’m calling this woman ‘Mommy’ now. But if it gets the spanking to stop… I might as well submit myself to this demand.

“Good girl,” Mommy said. There were those words again. A tingle of conditioned pleasure appeared in her pussy, stoked on by Mommy’s messaging hands. “Oh? What’s this?” Mommy’s hand trailed down from Rebecca’s bum, and slipped between her legs, violating her pressed together thighs.

“Someone is wet!” Mommy said. “And this time, it’s not pee. Who knew that Mommy had such a masochistic slut on her hands?”

Rebecca didn’t dignify this question with a response. I’m not a masochist! She thought. How could I have possibly enjoyed that beating I just took? But the evidence was right there for her to experience. She rubbed her thighs together. She was wet from her crotch down to her mid-thighs. I’ve never been that excited before. I didn’t think that was possible from me.

“Mmm, we will have to deal with that. But later. No touching, little one. Don’t even think about it. I will know if you’ve been naughty,” Mommy said in a sing-songy voice. “Now let’s get you ready for the day, since you’re nice and warmed up.”

Mommy released Rebecca’s wrists. Her arms immediately attempted to return to their natural positions, but her muscles were strained. She rubbed her wrists, trying to work out their soreness. Mommy guided her off her lap, and stood her up. Taking her by the shoulder, she was guided over to a floor-to-ceiling mirror that had suddenly appeared. Rebecca looked back, and the chair was gone. It was nowhere to be found.

“Don’t you worry about that. That’s Mommy’s job. Now stand here,” Mommy said as she roughly pushed Rebecca into the center of the mirror. “Spread your legs, and put your arms out, and let Mommy check and make sure you’re not hurt anywhere.” Rebecca not wanting to incur anymore of this woman’s wrath followed the instructions willingly.

True to her word, Mommy inspected every square inch of Rebecca’s body. After the second or third poke and prod from the woman’s finger, Rebecca was covered in gooseflesh. The gentle, methodical inspection continued on with Mommy occasionally making sounds of displeasure as she found skin discolorations, old scars, and other such abnormalities. The woman traced over the crude-looking smiley face that was embedded on her pubic mound, carefully tracing over each line, as if it were made of gold. Mommy pulled her hands away. Rebecca saw the woman was overall pleased with what she had seen, as her face held a wide smile in the mirror. Then from behind Rebecca, the woman scooped up her two breasts, and lifted them up so that they rested in the palms of her hands.

“I think it’s high time we give you a goal to work for, little girl. I don’t think these belong on a little girl, do you? Mommy said. She alternated, lifting one breast up and letting it fall back down in her palm.

What is she talking about? Rebecca wondered. She can’t be thinking of getting rid of them. Can she?

Rebecca didn’t have to wonder for much longer as she felt a tingling sensation in her chest. Her eyes went wide as she looked in the mirror. The weird sensation she was feeling began to make sense. Right before her eyes, her breasts were shrinking, slowly dropping in cup sizes. Rebecca was averaged sized to say the least. There wasn’t much she could afford to lose before losing a big part of her womanly figure. No! Rebecca thought. This can’t be happening to me! How am I ever going to live like this? I … I just can’t imagine seeing my acquaintances, and having to explain that my bust size was diminished by a witch.

“Haha. The look of panic in your eyes is just too delicious, little girl. Look at your chest. I bet the last time you had boobs this large was before you had your learner’s permit,” Mommy said. “But we are not done yet. You don’t deserve even boobs of this size, yet. You’ll have to prove to Mommy that you really are a good girl.”

Rebecca barely processed the words that the woman was saying, even though she was speaking almost directly into her ear. The reality of having her boobs shrunken was too overwhelming. She had no choice but to witness the end of her bust, which continued to recede into her chest. She noticed that her nipples were now very much erect. She could literally feel the air moving around the room on them. Every time she exhaled through her nose; she felt the breeze it generated. To say that they were sensitive, would have been an understatement. She blushed at the thought of tweaking her little nipples while trying to fall asleep in her crib later.

“I see someone has realized that I’m not just shrinking your boobs,” Mommy said. She pinched both nipples, gently rolling the hypersensitive flesh between her fingers. “You see, it’s a lot easier to keep all of the nerve endings your breasts used to have. I’ve just relocated them for both of our pleasure. It’s just simpler that way. Besides…” The woman tweaked a nipple, causing Rebecca to involuntarily let out a moan. “There’s my slut. Say it.”

“I’m a pathetic slut,” Rebecca said. Her mind reeled at this admission. I’m not sure anymore if I’m voluntarily saying these things, or if it’s just being conditioned into me, Rebecca thought. But … It doesn’t matter. If it feels this good, I’d be anyone’s pathetic slut if they make me feel this way.

“There’s a good girl,” Mommy said, and rewarded her by tweaking the neglected side to match. “Now, beg me to take away your boobs, slut. You’re almost completely flat at this point. It would be generous to even call these an A cup.” The woman bounced the small mounds of flesh, which had now lost almost all of their jiggling properties. “Maybe an AA cup if we are lucky on a good day in May.”

Mommy teased and flicked away at Rebecca’s rock-hard nipples. She involuntarily moaned with each twist. The pleasure was overwhelming. Hearing the sounds of her moans and sexual play was music to her ears. She felt the raw lust building in her body, her sex not wanting to be left out of the fun. But she was building quickly towards the edge. But, as she approached, she found she couldn’t climb it. It’s as if my pleasure is being capped. Unable to go any higher. It doesn’t make sense, but… I will not cum without permission. Fuck! That was one of the conditioning statements, Rebecca remembered.

Rebecca opened her eyes and saw Mommy moving around her now. She bent forwards, moving her head closer to her shrunken bust. All it took was a light touch of her tongue, and Rebecca nearly collapsed in pleasure.

I have to do something, Rebecca thought when she recovered. I can’t keep this up. I’ll go mad if I let this go on any further. But at the cost of my boobs… Well they’re already almost gone, anyways. Besides, Mommy did say that I could earn them back. It could be fun.

“Please, Mommy. Please take away my boobies. Only good girls deserve to have them,” Rebecca said. She had no idea where the extra flourish at the end came from, but it seemed to do the trick.

“You may cum, my little one,” Mommy said as she latched onto one of the nipples with her mouth. The pleasure exploded throughout Rebecca’s body as she catapulted straight over the edge, her body spasming as wave-after-wave of orgasm washed over her. Mommy had to support her, to keep her standing as her legs had long since given out.

Between the waves of orgasmic pleasure, Rebecca was able to open her eyes, bringing them back from the back of her skull. In the mirror she saw Mommy unlatch from her completely deflated tit, now marked only by an erect half-inch nipple. But that was all she saw. Mommy switched sides, and as soon as her mouth made contact with Rebecca’s remaining breast, she felt her body go completely limp, and she passed out. The pleasure was beyond overwhelming.

Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 06-07-2020, 04:36 PM   #9
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Five Point Five

Rebecca woke up with a start. She was back in the crib, the sides were raised, and the top was no doubt locked down. Her hands began to explore her chest, finding that her breasts were, in fact, missing. Did I really trade them away for an orgasm? Rebecca wondered. It’s that woman’s fault! If it wasn’t for her, none of this would have happened. But… The orgasm was … amazing to put it lightly. If that’s a regular occurrence, I think I can put up with being flat.

Rebecca moved to sit up, but felt something around her warm and wet around her pelvis. She threw back the fluffy pink comforter, and underneath she found that she was stark naked, except for an almost neon pink, plastic mass between her legs. It took her a second, but then she saw the telltale tabs, and it all clicked. That woman put me in a diaper! What the actual fuck is this! Rebecca’s mind reeled. Almost as if on queue, the woman appeared out of the corner of her eye.

“I see that someone is awake from their nap,” Mommy said. “It was so cute watching you pass out from having your little nipnips tweaked. My, you’re such a slut. I’m quite a lucky Mommy, I should say. Now, you probably have a thousand-and-one questions, and I don’t have the time, or the patience to answer all of them, so let’s keep this brief.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Rebecca said. She pulled herself to a kneeling position, her hands on the bars to help balance herself. It was an experience, to say the least. Rebecca was missing the weight on her chest from her substantially sized bosom. Her back, however, was overjoyed, as it felt better than it had in years, a literal weight removed from its shoulders.

“Let’s start with the obvious. You’re trapped in your nursery for as long as I deem fit. Don’t think too hard about it, but just know that you are here because I demand it,” Mommy said. Her voice had changed. The tone was more serious, as if the woman was engaging the intellectual part of Rebecca rather than continuing to baby her.

“Your breasts are gone. They will not naturally regrow. You did in fact trade them away for an orgasm, which, given the smile you had on your face when you woke up, I’d hazard a guess to say it was worth it. If you take a look above your changing table for a moment, I believe you will find the other end of the deal.”

Rebecca turned her head to the padded dresser change table. Above it, on the wall was a cute pink training bra on a hanger. Below it, written in a flowing script of thin black letters was the condition Rebecca figured she would have to meet to obtain it. Rebecca read it as follows:

‘Ten full diaper changes. Little girls don’t ask for changes. Mommy knows best.’

“I think I am being more than fair on that point. That’s an easy one, baby girl. Even if you don’t think so currently. Which brings me to the elephant in the room. I’ve put you in diapers. I know someone is a budding bedwetter,” Mommy said. Rebecca’s face went red once more. How does she know that? Rebecca wondered.

“I do not want to keep changing the sheets every time I put you down to bed. In addition, you will be wearing them fulltime. I can’t trust you to make it to the potty on your own, after all. You’ll have to earn back that privilege later. Oh! Maybe I’ll make you chose between your big girl breasts and your potty training. That’ll be fun,” Mommy wondered out loud. She took a moment to refocus. “But that’s for later. Any questions thus far?”

Rebecca’s mouth had been hanging open from the start. She finally realized it, and clamped it shut. Hmm, what to ask? Rebecca wondered. I guess there is really only one burning question that I need answered.

“Why are you doing this to me?” Rebecca asked. There we go, that’s the one. I’m glad I didn’t ask for an orgasm, or for something just as stupid or embarrassing.

“Because I can,” Mommy responded. “You were unfortunately in the wrong place, at the wrong time, dear. But do try to enjoy it. That’ll make things a lot easier. Oh, before I forget.” Mommy pulled out a phone from her back pocket. It took Rebecca a second, but she realized that it was her phone. Before she could ask any questions, she heard the shutter sound click, and click again as she scrambled to cover herself. She put her hands across her bare chest, but that was pointless, especially when her diaper was so prominently on display. She dove under the comforter and poked her head back out.

“Hahaha. If you behave, these photos will stay right here on your phone. If you don’t… Well I don’t think many people would appreciate them appearing on your social media pages,” Mommy said. “Although, there are some people who would pay a literal fortune for them, so you know, do your best, dear.”

Rebecca couldn’t believe anything that she was hearing. It’s one thing to be held captive by a weird sexual witch-fiend-thing. But, to add blackmail on top of it all. That seems pointless. Isn’t the general idea of holding a sex slave captive that no one knows where they? Rebecca wondered. Obviously, this woman doesn’t care one iota about that.

“Now, I have some work for you to do,” Mommy said. “You need to unpack the box that you so lovingly brought down last night. It has all your supplies, and a couple of things to spruce up the place. I want you to take the time to put all of those things away. Make sure you do a good job with it, I’ll be watching,” Mommy said.

“But…” Rebecca began. She blinked, and Mommy was gone. She frantically looked about the room, but she had truly disappeared into thin air. There was a click above Rebecca’s head, and the top slowly opened pneumatically, and the front rail slid down.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 06-14-2020, 07:51 PM   #10
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Six

Rebecca’s mouth hung open as she sat in her new crib. She was stunned, trying to process what had happened to her. It took a minute for her to regain mental clarity, but she was still just as confused as before. What’s the point to all of this? Rebecca wondered. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to any of this. Why do all of this to me? Why did I ever put that amulet on?

Rebecca’s mind continued to spiral into logical loops with no clear explanation. There was one fact that stood out before all others. While she didn’t want to comply with that mysterious woman’s orders, she figured it would go a long way to avoiding any further punishments. She got off her padded bum and made her way over to the large carboard box. The absorbent padding between her legs was too thick, and pushed her thighs apart forcing her to waddle.

The box was just as heavy as Rebecca remembered it, but this time, the packing tape that had sealed the box had been cut open. She opened to flaps and was overwhelmed with all the items the box contained.

The first item she pulled out was the largest, by far. It was a bag of adult diapers. The package was neon pink, and featured a very childish design on it. It would have looked perfect for an actual package of infant or toddler diapers, but it was very clear from the size and the weight of the package that these were meant for adults. Rebecca remembered what she was instructed to do and brought the package over to the change table dresser and ripped open the side of the bag. She pulled out the diapers and stored them away in one of the many drawers. Upon closer inspection, she realized that she was already wearing an identical diaper. The colours matched exactly.

This package was sealed, Rebecca thought. Just how did that woman manage to put me in one, when we didn’t have any to begin with? There’s no way that another package fit within that box. But, then again, she did make all this appear, so I guess I don’t even know what to think anymore. None of this makes any sense!

Feeling a little more frustrated, Rebecca left the plastic wrapper of the empty diaper bag on the ground, and waddled back to the box. This whole waddling thing is getting annoying, she thought. It’s frustrating not being able to walk quickly.

Rebecca grabbed a couple of the smaller plainly packaged packages from within the box. She began to undo the carboard tabs, and dumped the items out onto the ground. There were all kinds of baby lotions, bum creams, talcum powders, wet wipes, and petroleum jellies. Just about everything that one would need to properly stock a baby’s change table. Rebecca gathered up all the items, and brought them over to the change table, and filed them away in the top drawers, as she figured they would be more accessible there.

With the box being almost emptied, Rebecca turned the box end over end and emptied it onto the nursery floor. Out of the box fell a few more items. There were two items that really stuck out to her. The first was a comically oversized pink pacifier. That has to be a joke, Rebecca thought. She picked up the item and read the description. New! Adult sized pacifier. Our newly minted patent-pending… The description continued on, but Rebecca had already learned enough from it. She brought the package over and shoved it into one of the drawers. If that woman wants to use it on me, she can fight with the clamshell packaging for all I care.

Then there was the issue of the final out-of-place item. There was larger black package, with a clear plastic window allowing Rebecca to see inside of it. Inside there was an assortment of sextoys. There were three differently sized flesh-toned coloured silicon dildos, some clamps, a set of stainless steel looking buttplugs, and a variety of vibrating bullets. These were all things that Rebecca had seen on the internet, but had never once thought about using any of them on herself. The box joined the sealed pacifier in the back of a drawer without a second thought.

Just what exactly is this woman planning on doing to me? Rebecca wondered. There were still a few items to clean up from the box. There was a small stuffed bear, which ended up in her crib, and there were a couple of hairbows. Those bows would look so cute on one of my nieces, Rebecca thought. But… I guess I’d be the one wearing them. Uhg, nevermind. She tossed them carelessly into one of the drawers.

Rebecca turned around, and the cardboard box was gone. She hadn’t moved it, but it had vanished all on its own, just like the spanking chair from earlier. The plastic packaging from her diapers was missing as well. In fact, there was no visible sign that the box had been there at all. Rebecca looked over to her crib and the stuffed bear was still there. And when she checked the drawers, the items were there, just as she had placed them. For now, anyways.

Rebecca looked around the room, looking for what to do next. The woman hadn’t told her what her next step would be, or what she could do to occupy her time. Suddenly Rebecca’s attention snapped to the wall opposite of her crib. The previously plain wall was now suddenly all black, before filling with a dim white light. Is that a TV screen? Rebecca wondered. The lights in the nursery suddenly dimmed.

Her question was quickly answered as the wall began to project a white spiraling pattern into the room. What the fuck is that? Is the woman trying to hypnotize me? Rebecca wondered. She tried to look away from the screen, but it was all consuming. There was no where she could look without catching a glimpse of the screen in a reflection, or from the oscillating shadows. She closed her eyes, and felt her way back into the crib. In a desperate attempt to defeat the woman’s attempts, she covered herself with the blanket, and buried her head beneath the pillows.

It worked for a time, but then Rebecca began to hear a weird buzzing sound. It was inconsistent, but it was certainly in the background. One would have to focus to be able to hear it, or be under a pillow with no external stimulus. She jammed her fingers into her ears, trying her best to block out the sound.


The word was said loud enough that Rebecca heard it reverberate throughout her body. She felt it down to her bones, and knew that she had to obey. Obedience is pleasure, Rebecca thought.Her fingers retreated out of her ears, exposing her to the subliminal background track that was playing.

“Get out of bed, sleepyhead.”

Rebecca found her body moving of its own accord. This feels just like when my pussy was giving me commands earlier, Rebecca thought. My whole body is listening and responding to what’s being said. It’s not my ears, or my brain in control. This is not good. Rebecca was along for the ride as she felt her body move out of the crib and into a seated position in the middle of the room. Her eyes remained closed as she struggled to fight off her bodies desire to open them. She could see the alternating pattern of the hypnotic spiral through her eyelids, but she hoped that this would be enough.

“Please pay attention to the screen.”

Rebecca’s eyes snapped open. Her body was eager to please its new master, and overpowered her own willpower. She was stuck, her own body was now a prison. She was forced to sit there, unable to move, look away, or block her ears. Almost her entire vision was taken up by the entrancing screen.

I won’t give in, Rebecca thought. There’s no way… that I’ll… ever… surren… der… to… her. Rebecca’s mind slowed and became entranced with the screen. Her mind was forced to be blank as her senses were overwhelmed. Now in a vulnerable state, the video fed mind with hypnotic instruction which she was unable to consciously process any of it. Whatever the video was trying to do, it was being recorded straight into her brain, with there being no need to be comprehended first.

The spiral continued for an endless amount of time. At least, it seemed to be endless to Rebecca. Her sense of time was thrown completely off. In reality, once Rebecca was placed into the forced hypnotic trance, the video only continued on for five minutes. At the end, the spiral grew dim, and Rebecca’s conscious mind was allowed to resurface and process input again.

“Good girl.”

Rebecca felt the pleasure course through her body. She lived to be called a good girl. Her pussy made sure to drive the point home as it began to drip into her thirsty padding. More than anything else at the moment, Rebecca wanted to put her hand on the front of her diaper and rub it, but she remembered her Mommy’s rules. She wasn’t allowed to play with herself. If she wanted to be a good girl, she wouldn’t do it.

“Please pay attention and follow along.”

Rebecca was already staring at the screen from the previous command, but this reinforced the idea within her mind just that much deeper. The spiral disappeared, and in its place a brightly coloured animated children’s cartoon took its place. The type of cartoon made especially for young children, where the characters would ask the audience for help, and ask them to do random things like clapping or jumping up and down. Rebecca dreaded the upcoming experience, as an overly cheery theme song began to play and the opening title sequence began. She didn’t recognize the show in question, but it looked vaguely familiar to her all the same.

The show began with the titular character getting out of bed. She, an older teen / young adult looking girl, was obviously diapered underneath her pyjamas. That’s a little odd, Rebecca thought. Maybe that’s done to connect to the younger audience? The girl turned towards the figurative camera and looked Rebecca directly in the eye.

“Goodmorning, little one. Can you say good morning to your babysitter?” the cartoon girl asked.

“Goodmorning!” Rebecca said in a cheery tune. What… How did I… That damn hypnosis. There’s no way I’d actually play along to something this childish, Rebecca thought. But here she was following along to the screen.

“It’s time to check your diaper, little one,” the cartoon babysitter said. “Did someone have a wet night? Or a dry one?”

Feeling an intense amount of shame build up at the thought of proclaiming that she had peed in her diaper while passed out, Rebecca struggled against her new found subconscious conditioning.

“We… W… Dry. I woke up dry,” Rebecca managed to get out, winning the battle against herself.

“I don’t know about that, little one. From here it looks like someone has soaked their pampers. I’ll give you one more chance to come clean. Little girls who lie to their babysitter and Mommy get punished. I’m sure you don’t want to repeat your last punishment? Do you?”

“No, miss. I woke up wet,” Rebecca said automatically. That small reminder of her recent spanking was enough to scare her straight for the time being. Wait, how does this video know that I was lying?
Rebecca wondered.

“That’s a good girl,” the cartoon said. A tingle of pleasure shot through Rebecca’s pussy. “Now it’s too soon to change you, little one. You have such a big diaper on. I’m positive it can hold a lot more before we have to change you. How about we go and get some breakfast. I’m sure someone is starving after a long night of sleeping.”

The scene transitioned to a stereotypical kitchen, modern in most aspects, and well kept.

“Here, let’s get you ready for your numnums,” the babysitter said. The girl reached towards the camera with her arms forward, as if she was trying to pick up Rebecca by the waist. Rebecca shivered as she suddenly felt pressure around her sides above her waist. Suddenly she was being picked up, her body moving against all logical explanations. She rose higher and higher until her feet dangled, now completely removed from the ground. Rebecca was able to swivel her head around, but there was no one else but herself in the nursery.

“Here we go, little one. Let’s get you tightly strapped into your highchair. Then you can have some breaky,” the babysitter said. Rebecca felt her bottom press against a solid surface. Her back was now being supported by something equally as hard. The sensation of being lifted by the waist faded, and Rebecca hung there in mid-air, supported by an invisible surface. Her attention returned towards the screen for answers. She could see the babysitter grabbing a couple of straps. She felt two straps being draped over her shoulders, and dangled down to just below where her breasts used to be. Then there were two that were horizontal to that point. These ones clicked each other and were tightened. Rebecca felt the straps bite into her flesh.

She squirmed, but it did her no good. She only succeeded in rubbing her skin a little raw against the rough fabric of the straps. The two shoulder straps were clicked into the anchor point, and tightened. Her torso was secured, no longer able to move. Rebecca had no choice but to watch the screen in complete horror as the babysitter continued. She felt a strap come up between her legs, and press tightly against her diapered mound. This strap followed the trend, and clicked into the anchor point, and was tightened, pushing the soggy padding firmly into her sex.

“There we go, all snug and secure. Now hold there as I get your numnums ready,” the babysitter said. She turned her back on Rebecca and went off to complete some tasks in the kitchen, in typical cartoon fashion. None of the actions she took made any realistic sense.

I hope I’m not going to have to eat any of that, Rebecca thought. Wait, can I even eat anything that she makes. I mean, she did get me up in this highchair, and it feels real, and the straps are biting into my skin. But then again, I am stuck in a room that never existed before, and things stopped making sense a long time ago. If I’m being fed, let's at least hope that it tastes good.

“I hope you’re hungry, little one. I’ve prepared quite an assortment for you to enjoy today,” the babysitter said. “And since you’ve been good today, I won’ have to blend it all up together and force feed it to you.” The babysitter had a comically large sadistic smile on her face. “Now open up, little one, we have a lot to get through.”

The babysitter stepped aside, and behind her were several bowls and plates of prepared food, already pre cut and portioned for a toddler, or a charge bound to an imaginary highchair. She picked up one, and took a spoonful of what looked to be simplified scrambled eggs, and brought it towards Rebecca.

I guess I might as well play along, Rebecca thought. She opened her mouth and felt the cold metal surface of the spoon enter her mouth. she closed her mouth around it, and the spoon was pulled out, depositing warm, luxuriously tasting scrambled eggs in her mouth. Mmm, okay, maybe things won’t be so bad. Rebecca was more receptive after receiving the first tasting of food. It had been awhile since she had last eaten, and was hungrier than she had realized. She took spoonful after spoonful of food, and before she knew it, the stack of dishes on the screen had dwindled down to one last bowl.

“You’ve been such a good baby for me this morning, we just have one last bowl to get through. Open wide, little one,” the babysitter said. On the spoon was a lump of something purple and brownish. Rebecca, not wanting to upset her generous babysitter, opened her mouth to receive this last morsel. What is that? Rebecca wondered. It looks like some kind of fruit of vegetable, but I don’t recognize it. It was delicious all the same, and she swallowed it without reservation.

“That’s a good girl, taking your prunes like a champion,” the babysitter said.

Prunes?! She made me eat prunes? Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. That means that --

“Someone’s going to be making me quite a present later. Especially since I added a little something extra to push things along,” the babysitter said, her sadistic smile now back in full force. Rebecca shivered in her seat. That was the most resistance she could show for the time being.

“Now, let’s set you down for a bit so you can play while we let all that food in your tummy digest,” the babysitter said. Rebecca felt the imaginary straps unbuckle; her skin thankful for the relief. Then she felt the same pressure on her sides as she was lifted from her perch. She floated through the air, and the scene on the screen changed to a generic living room, complete with several different colourful plastic toys and imitations appliances.

“Here you go, little one, let’s put you into your playpen so I can go do some grown up things,” the babysitter said. Rebecca looked down, and on the floor beneath her, there was a huge playpen sized large enough to keep her penned in. It, like everything else, appeared from out of nowhere.

What the fuck is that? Rebecca wondered. How the fuck did that get here. I’m so done with all this magic bullshit. She was set down, this time on something tangible. She tentatively tried to move her limbs and was pleasantly surprised to find that they responded. She had complete control over her body for the first time since being hypnotized. That’s better.

Rebecca pushed herself up to her feet and found that the side of the playpen was just shorter than eye level, allowing her to see out of it, without issue. The paneling on the sides was a colourful opaque plastic-like fabric, that made it impossible to see out, unless she was standing.

“Be good, little one,” the babysitter said, as she stepped away off screen. Rebecca turned around, and her pink nursery was still there, at least on three walls of the room. Her playpen was loaded with lots of soft plushie toys, the kind that a toddler couldn’t possibly hurt themselves with when left unattended. Rebecca dropped down onto her bum. If I’m trapped in here, I might as well see what's here, Rebecca thought.

A stray thought shot through Rebecca’s mind, burying all her adult thinking beneath it. There’s so many plushies!

She picked up each toy and began sorting them into two piles. The ones that she liked, and the ones that would remain as background characters, never to be touched again. The pile of the unwanted grew faster than the pile of desirables. Rebecca was particular like that, either it fit her lifestyle, or it was discarded. It became very clear that only the stuffies of bears or bunnies were kept, while all the other faux animals were relegated to the far side of the playpen.

With the sorting complete, the most adult task Rebecca could think of, she set to making up a narrative as to why all the animals were there. The first answer she came to was a tea party, to which she arranged all the chosen plushies around her in a circle, and began to serve them tea. She began to give the plushies names, and assign them personalities that fit them. She made jokes and laughed at the comments the animals made.

A few minutes later, the adult mind in Rebecca resurfaced. What in the actual fuck am I doing? She wondered. She dashed her arm across the gathered tea party guests and sent them flying into the walls of the playpen. There’s no way that I was actually enjoying that. Is there? Maybe it’s the hypnosis, or maybe it's magic? I don’t know anymore. I’m too old to be playing with dolls. I need to rebel and assert myself or this will just continue without pause.

Rebecca grabbed the first thing that she could, a brown bear who was adequately named Mr. Brown Bear and tossed him over the side of the playpen towards the full-wall screen. The stuffed animal harmlessly bounced off the surface, hardly even making a sound. Mrs. Bun Buns was next, and the rest of her tea partying cohort followed soon after. By the time she made it to the undesired plushies, she threw them away with wild abandon, not even trying to make an impact on the hypnotic screen.

At last, every last toy had been removed, leaving an enraged Rebecca alone in the crib. She tried to stand up, but found it difficult, landing back on her thickly padded bum. The suspended fabric floor of the playpen was slippery for exactly this reason. She righted herself eventually, using the corner to pull herself up. Using the railings for support, she tried to pull herself up enough to try and swing her leg over the side to get out.

“Oh my! Someone’s been a naughty girl.”

It was the voice of the babysitter character. She bounced back onto the screen and from her simply drawn face, Rebecca could see that she was not pleased at this turn of events. The girl came to a stop right in front of Rebecca and crossed her arms and stood her ground.

“I told you to be good. Instead, you’ve thrown all your toys around, and you’re now trying to escape. I can’t believe that you would try to escape from me. And after we had such a wonderful breakfast together,” the babysitter said. Rebecca felt the woman’s phantom grip along her sides as she was hastily hoisted out of her playpen.

“I have just the punishment in mind for a girl who can’t play nicely by herself,” the babysitter said. Rebecca looked back at the screen and saw that the babysitter's sadistic smile had returned. Her stomach grumbled as she felt the first of many cramps to come.
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Old 06-27-2020, 10:45 AM   #11
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Seven

Rebecca was suspended in the air by the magical grip of the cartoon babysitter, her feet kicking, trying to find some purchase. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her of the impending arrival of the spiked prunes from earlier. If I could avoid shitting in my diaper, that would be awesome, Rebecca thought. Wait … Did I just refer to this plastic prison as ‘my diaper’? It must be that darn hypnosis. There’s no way that I would ever think that my diaper is my diaper. Damnit, I just did it again. This isn’t good.

“Oh, is the little girl spacing out?” the cartoon babysitter asked. “Now’s not the time for that little one. You have quite the punishment ahead of you.” Rebecca’s feet flailed even harder in an attempt to escape, but it was futile, the magical grip around her waist was far too strong for her to overcome. She was brought over to the far wall of the nursery, the one opposite of the screen wall, and set down standing on her feet.

“Nose against the wall, little one,” the cartoon girl said. “I’m going to put a coin between your nose and the wall. Every time you let it fall, I’m going to extend your punishment by five minutes. Do you understand, sweetie?”

“Why are you doing this to me?” Rebecca asked. Maybe she will tell me something? Anything more than what Mommy told me earlier. I need something to work with if I’m going to escape.

“That’s not the answer I was looking for, little slut,” the babysitter said. Without warning Rebecca felt two sharp slaps against her bum.

“Ouch!” Rebecca said. Her hands shot back and grabbed her cheeks, trying to message the pain away, but all she managed to grab a hold of was her bulky diaper. Oww. How'd she hit me there, Rebecca wondered. It’s like she somehow managed to bypass my diaper and hit my bum directly. This magic stuff isn’t fair. Not at all.

“But I just want to --” Rebecca was cut off by the appearance of a rubbery sensation in her mouth and the feel of something plastic pressing against her lips.

“Shh, that’s better. Little babies like you should be seen and not heard. Especially if you’re going to be naughty and disobey your babysitter. I think we’ll just have to make this a little bit more painful for you,” the babysitter said.

Rebecca dared not to turn around and see what the babysitter was getting, or if she was even trying to get something. Magic is weird like that.

“MMM” Rebecca moaned as she felt a weight pull at her sensitive nipple. I’ve pinched my nipples in the past, and it was never this intense. Uhg, it’s that wit… I mean Mommy. Mommy took my boobies away, and moved all the nerves to my widdle nipnips… Did I just refer to my nipples as my nipnips? Rebecca wondered. Her train of thought was derailed as the second weight was attached to her other nipple. She let out another pained moan as the sensation was overwhelming. It felt as though her entire boob, or what had been her boob, was now being weighed down at a singular point. She felt a tingle in her pussy, and tried to rub her thighs together, but was thwarted by the thick padding between her legs.

“Aww, that’s too cute. The little slut is trying to play with herself. There will be none of that here,” the cartoon babysitter said. “Spread your legs apart.”

Rebecca stood her ground, trying her best to defy her jailer. But it was all for naught. She felt the invisible force return, but this time it was centered around the inner side of her thighs.

“Let’s go, little one. If you don’t get with the program, things are only going to get worse,” the babysitter said. The force pried her legs apart, forcing her feet a little further than shoulder’s width apart.

“Now, let’s make sure you don’t forget your place,” the babysitter said. Rebecca felt a shiver around her ankles, followed by the feeling of leather being pulled tight around them. She looked down, and saw two leather cuffs around her ankles. She blinked, and suddenly there was a black metal bar clipped in between them, forcing her legs apart.

“There we go, that’s better. Now try to be a little disobedient slut with those on. Now let’s put your hands up,” the babysitter said. There was no waiting for Rebecca to move her arms, the invisible force had immediately returned and pulled her hands up so that her fingers were threaded together behind her head. Rebecca felt the cool touch of two metal handcuffs come into existence around her wrists. They tightened and locked, firmly holding her hands together.

“And to tie it all together,” the babysitter said. A second chain was attached between the handcuffs and the leather band around her head, that Rebecca just realized was there. That must be holding the gag in place, she thought.

“There we go, perfect! Now we’re going to put this coin right here,” the babysitter said. Rebecca felt the invisible force on the back of her head push her nose against the wall. It relented slightly, only to allow enough space for a metal coin to appear in the gap. “And your punishment starts now. Don’t move until I tell you, little one, or else.”

Rebecca felt a chill run down her spine. She knew for sure that if she turned around right now, the animated babysitter would be sporting the same sadistic smile she had on earlier. Rebecca’s stomach grumbled, and she felt a pang of pain in her abdomen. Those darn prunes. I’m going to end up pooping myself here before too long. To punctuate her thought, another shot of pain radiated from her bowels.

The metal coin was cold, and didn’t warm up despite Rebecca pressing her nose against it. Her arms were starting to cramp. She wasn’t used to keeping her arms up this long. But no matter what she did, she couldn’t lower them, they were firmly tied up.
The chain linking the handcuffs together clinked as her arms trembled. It was music to Rebecca’s ears, at least as far as her pussy was concerned. Each clink sent a new jolt of pleasure through her sex, which was now as wet as it had ever been in her entire life. Am I really enjoying this? Am I actually enjoying being taped up in my wet diaper with my bowels churning? All tied up, unable to close my legs together or lower my arms. My mouth is gagged with what I think is an adult pacifier held in by a leather band. Rebecca tried once more to close her thighs. To try and get any friction she could on her dripping sex. I guess I am actually enjoying this. But… Is that the hypnosis talking, or is that the real me? I wonder if I was just waiting for the right situation to come along. I mean, my earlier sexual forays were pretty short lived and stunted. Maybe this is what I’m supposed to be. A slave to my pussy’s sexual urges. That’s maybe too strong of a wording, but… If it’s going to be this exciting, I think I can get behind it.

Time continued to pass, as Rebecca held the coin faithfully against the wall. Her bowels continued to cramp. The time between each cramp was getting shorter and shorter. She now had to make an active effort to clamp down on her sphincter.

There was a tingle at the tip of her nose, and the coin began to slip, despite her efforts to keep it still. It was slowly sliding down the wall. Rebecca leaned forward, trying to keep the coin pressed against the wall, but it wasn’t enough. She started to bend her knees following the pace the coin was setting. Her leg muscles were straining. They were already tired from being forced apart, but Rebecca ignored it. Her attention was already divided between the coin and keeping the contents of her bowels inside her.

The coin slipped a little further before coming to a stop. Rebecca was now stuck in a full squat, her legs splayed far apart from each other, and her bum nearly touching the ground.

Nooooo! Rebecca thought. She let out a panicked moan as the final cramp rolled through her bowels, opening the floodgates. The first load of poop passed through her strained sphincter and into her diaper. She burst into tears, unable to cope with the feeling of pooping her pants. It was a new sensation for her. The mess began to spread around the seat of her diaper, causing it to slightly droop down. The laxative laced prunes had at least made it a quick movement. Before Rebecca knew it, her bowels were empty and the cramping had subsided.

Her nose was still pressed against the coin, thankfully. Her pussy throbbed with even more need, if it was even possible. I… I just pooped myself, Rebecca thought as she tried to come to terms with what had just happened. I just pooped in my diaper. Eww, that’s so dirty. But… It’s kind of exciting. I’m such a dirty slut. I hope Mommy comes back soon to change me. What was it that she had said? I’m not allowed to ask for a change? Well, hopefully she sees the state I’m in soon. Rebecca’s nose caught a whiff of her mess and recoiled. It was a nasty smell, more powerful than usual.

It was enough of a distraction. The coin slipped away from her nose, and fell to the ground, rolling away out of Rebecca’s reach. Rebecca turned around to try and get the coin, but she was greeted by her babysitter, standing there on the screen with her arms crossed, and the all too familiar sadistic smile plastered on her face.

“It seems like someone had an accident. Who had an accident?” the babysitter asked.

“I did, miss,” Rebecca said, straightening herself out, standing upright once more. She felt the weight of the load in her diaper shift, pulling the diaper down her hips.

“Yes, you did. Someone made Mommy a present for later. What a good little slut you are. Yes, you are. If you thought you weren’t a baby before, there is certainly no doubt now. Baby Becca! Baby Becca! Baby Becca!” the babysitter continued to chant her new nickname in a singsong-like voice.

“Oh, but you dropped the coin. That’s no good. I guess I’ll be generous and start the next part of your punishment then,” the babysitter said. She flicked her wrist and a huge wooden rocking horse appeared in the nursery. The horse was sized for an adult, and there were several metal eyelet attachment points. Rebecca’s pussy tingled at the thought of what was coming next.

“Now, do I have to lift you up onto your new toy, or are you going to be a good dirty slut and get up by yourself?” the babysitter asked.

“I can do it,” Rebecca said. She needed no further encouragement. She took slow waddling steps over to the wooden horse. Her legs were still forcibly spread apart. She sized up the wooden structure. It was quite imposing. The horse was taller than she was. I guess this is how a little kid feels when they get on one, Rebecca said. She felt a shimmer around her ankles, and when she looked down, the metal spacer bar was gone. For the first time in a while, Rebecca was able to almost close her legs. The thick diaper still impeded her from having her thighs touch together, but it was better than before.

Rebecca got up onto one of the rockers, and lifted one of her legs over the saddle. It was quite a reach for her. This kind of reminds me of getting into my bed. Sure, it’s a little tall, but it’s comfortable Rebecca thought. It’s a good thing I’ve had practise, otherwise this would be quite a struggle.

Rebecca shuffled over, and began to sit down, and froze. Oh no! I didn’t even think about that. When I sit down, I’m going to sit on my mess. Eww. Rebecca’s leg hung in the air, her bum just touching the saddle.

“I’m waiting, little slut,” the babysitter said. Her foot was comically tapping, clearly expressing her growing frustration.

Either way, I’m going to be sitting on it. Here goes nothing, Rebecca thought. She went for it, and dropped her entire weight onto the saddle. The mess in her diaper did exactly what she feared it would. It squished all around her backside. She could feel it between her cheeks, and she feared that it wasn’t too far away from touching her sex at this point. She shuddered at the thought.

Rebecca felt the metal handcuffs disappear, and her hands were free, for now. She unlaced her fingers and brought her aching arms down. She felt the blood return to her fingers as she flexed them, coaxing them back to life.

“Hands on the handlebars, little one, and feet in the stirrups,” the babysitter said.

Rebecca leaned forward. The handlebars were too far away for her to reach from an upright position. Likewise, the stirrups were a little further back then she thought they should be, but she slotted her feet into them regardless. As soon as she was situated, she felt the familiar magic sensation course through her hands and feet. Ah! I guess now my hands and feet are stuck to the rocking horse. Rebecca thought. She tested her hypothesis, and found that she had assumed correctly.

“Go ahead, little slut. Play with your rocking horse. I’ll be back soon enough to let you off,” the babysitter said with an evil laugh. Rebecca cringed at this. I’m not sure I want to know what she meant by that, Rebecca thought. But I might as well start rocking and get this over with.

Rebecca shifted her weight forward and the rocking horse was slow to respond. I guess it’s quite heavy since it’s built for an adult, Rebecca thought. She moved her weight back and forth, and little by little the horse began to rock. Rebecca was intimately aware of the mess in her diaper and how it squished back and forth with every movement. I might as well enjoy it. The mess is going to spread regardless, I might as well forget about it. Besides, I don’t have to clean it up.

With that thought, Rebecca got into rocking the horse with wild abandon. The forward leaning form that she was forced into had positioned her sex just right to receive the maximum amount of friction from the rocking motion. Her pussy was in high heaven, each motion sending a new sensation of pleasure coursing through her. She needed no encouragement, continuing to ride closer and closer to the edge.

It was once she reached the edge that she found a new problem. She was unable to surmount the edge. She was stuck permanently climbing it. Climbing to higher and higher heights of pleasure, but never able to crest it.

Darn it. I forgot that I can’t cum without permission, Rebecca thought. Then she remembered what her babysitter had said. ‘I’ll be back soon enough to let you off.’ That witch! That’s why she was laughing. She knew that this was going to happen. Darn it. Well … I might as well chase it.

Rebecca gave into the sensations coursing through her body and rocked even more wildly. She lost sense of time, and of everything happening around her. Her whole world was centered on the her sex, and nothing would take her away from it. She lost all sense of time, along with all of her other senses as she focused solely on the throbbing sensation of pleasure emanating from her needy pussy. Being unable to go over the edge was so unsatisfying, but it was too good to stop.

“Oh no no no, little one, that’s exactly the opposite of what I told you to do.”

Rebecca’s head shot around, as she was suddenly pulled out of her rapture. Behind her, the woman who had insisted on being called mommy had appeared. From the look on her face, I don’t think she is very pleased with me, Rebecca thought. Her timing was thrown off, and the rocking horse’s pace began to slow.

“Someone’s been a naughty girl. I should have known better than to leave you alone,” Mommy said.

“B-But Mommy, I didn’t do this by myself. The babysitter you left me with made me do it. It’s all her fault,” Rebecca said. For emphasis she pointed towards the screen.

“Oh, little one, there’s no one else here. I don’t know what you’re trying to pointing at,” Mommy said.

Rebecca looked towards the screen. But the image of a living room was now gone. In its place was the wall that was there previously, now back in all its neon pink glory.

“I… But…” Rebecca said.

“No buts, little one. I think someone was telling me a story. A big old fib. And you know what happens to little girls who lie to their Mommy, don’t you?” Mommy asked.

“They…. They get punished, Mommy,” Rebecca said. She couldn’t look Mommy in the eyes anymore, as a feeling of shame took over. She tilted her head down, looking forward towards the wooden mane on the rocking horse. But I was just getting punished, Rebecca thought. This isn’t fair. It wasn’t my choice to get on this dumb horse and ride myself silly. If I ever see that babysitter again, I’ll…. I’ll…

Rebecca was stumped. There was no way for her to get back at that sadistic girl. She was a cartoon, a flat two-dimensional image. There was no way for her to even touch her, let alone throw a punch at her. And even if that was possible, there was no way she wouldn’t end up in a worse situation. Magic is not fair, Rebecca thought as the first tear rolled down her cheek.

All it took was the first tear. Rebecca broke into a full-blown wail, beyond frustrated at the situation she had been forced into. She had finally been pushed too far, and it broke her.
Mommy wasted no time closing the gap between the two of them and pulled the sobbing girl into a tight embrace, burying Rebecca’s head between her large boobs.

“That’s it, little one, let it all out. It’s alright, you’re going to be alright. Don’t worry, Mommy is here to take care of you. You don’t have to worry about a thing,” Mommy said. She held Rebecca tight, rubbing her back and head as she continued to wail.

Eventually Rebecca stopped crying, having run out tears. When she pulled away from Mommy’s breasts, she saw that she had soaked the front of Mommy’s blouse. She reactively brought up her hands to wipe away the wetness on her tear-stained face, and they were released from their magical confinement on the handles.

“There, there, little one,” Mommy said. “There’s no need to cry. You’re alright. Why don’t we go have a lie down in your crib?”

Mommy’s question was less of a suggestion, but more of a directive, as Rebecca was guided over to her crib. With each step she squished her diaper between her legs, spreading the mess even further. Rebecca did her best to keep her legs far enough apart, to avoid this, but it just made her waddle more awkward.

Rebecca was lifted onto the bed of the crib, and Mommy took her seat at the head of it. She patted her lap, and gently guided the distraught Rebecca down until her head rested on the woman’s voluptuous thighs. Mommy held here for a moment, content to stroke Rebecca’s hair, while gently soothing her.

“I hope you don’t mind if I make myself a little more comfortable. You’ve done a number on my blouse,” Mommy said. She pulled her arms out of her shirt, and lifted it over her head, sending her blonde hair cascading down, back into place.

Rebecca beamed at the woman, who was now topless, save for a plain nude-coloured bra. The bra held two large breasts which were only a few inches away from Rebecca’s head. If she takes that bra off, I just might be smothered to death, she thought. Without thinking about it, Rebecca licked her lips, her pussy tingling, letting her know that she was in fact enjoying the beautiful sight above her.

“I know that look, little one. Someone’s a little hungry,” Mommy tickled Rebecca’s sides, causing her to let out a small giggle, and squirm on her lap.

“Well, I know you did just eat not that long ago, but I can see that you are mostly empty now.” She tapped the bottom of Rebecca’s messy diaper, making sure to smush around the contents within it. “Someone wants to suck on Mommy’s boobies, don’t they? You want to enjoy an adult tit again, now that you don’t have any to play with, don’t you?” Mommy tapped Rebecca on the nose with her finger. “Well, I won’t keep them from you any longer.”

Mommy’s hand reached behind her back, and undid the clasp to her bra. Instantly, the woman’s huge breasts fell, closing the distance between them and Rebecca’s face, but still stopped short of crushing her. Rebecca’s eyes fixated on the closest nipple. It was calling out to her, as if it was asking her to suck on it. She shifted her head, trying to get better into position, but stopped short of touching it with her mouth.

Just what am I doing? Rebecca wondered. How am I so naturally drawn to this woman’s tit? It makes no sense. Unless… Unless it’s the hypnosis! That’s it. That must be it. Rebecca tried to pull her head away, but it didn’t budge, the sight of the nipple was too entrancing. Every part of her body was begging for her to wrap her lips around the teat. But worse yet was her clit. It stood engorged in her diaper, and she felt every sensation through it. There was a gentle pulse of pleasure, as if someone was breathing on it, but Rebecca tried to ignore this.

Come on Rebecca, you can do this. You can fight. You don’t have to suck on Mommy’s tit. You don’t have to be her little flat-chested titsucker. Wait… Did I just … Call myself a little flat-chested titsucker? Where did that come from? There’s no way that I want to be Mommy’s little titsucker… Titsucker… Tit… Sucker…

Rebecca’s conscious mind faded out, unable to come to terms with her new identity. Her head lifted up slightly, closing the gap, and her mouth latched onto the erect nipple that awaited her.

“That’s a good flat chested titsucker. Drink all of Mommy’s milk now, and I’ll let you suck on the other one, alright my little tit ’squito?

“Mmm,” was all Rebecca could manage to reply with. She was in heaven. Her mouth was ablaze with all new sensations as it gently nursed on Mommy’s tit. The milk that was pulled out was creamy and sweet. This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted, she thought. But the biggest distraction was her clit. It felt as though someone’s mouth was around it, and was gently suckling it, in time with her efforts on Mommy’s teat. Rebecca sucked a little harder to confirm her theory, and her clit responded in turn.

“That’s it, Babygirl. Keep going. You’re doing a wonderful job; little miss no tits. Maybe next time, when you have your own pair of boobs again, you won’t ignore them now that you know how much fun you could be having with them,” Mommy said.

Mommy pulled away her boob, and Rebecca pouted. The edge that she was building in her messy diaper was quickly fading away. Thankfully Mommy was quick to offer up her other breast, and Rebecca didn’t question what she was doing. Her body went on autopilot as it latched onto Mommy’s teat, and began to suck with wild abandon, trying once more to climb the hill to an orgasm.

Mommy’s hand came down, and began to rub the crotch of the messy diaper, making sure to stimulate all the right places that Rebecca’s pussy was calling for. Her hips began to buck against the pressure the strange woman was applying, pushing her closer and closer to the insurmountable edge.

“Aww, does my Babygirl want to make a cummy in her diapee? Does someone want to make a messy wetsy for Mommy? Rebecca nodded her head up and down as vigorously as she could without dropping the all-important teat. That teat was her life. I have no reason to exist other than to be sucking on this beautiful boob right now. I am a little flat-chested tit ‘squito.

Go on little one, and show me how much you can moan with my boob in your mouth when you cum,” Mommy wasted no time and lowered her boob falling into Rebecca’s face, depriving her of light and air. She sucked away as if her life depended on it. As each second passed, she grew more desperate, and the feeling between her legs grew to match.

Then it happened. Her body went into convulsions as the pleasure emanating from her pussy was too much to withstand. Her head jerked back, finally escaping the smothering boob. She took in a deep breath, and her lungs inflated, the pain swiftly replaced by the overwhelming pleasure from her orgasm.

But her relief was short lived as Mommy reached behind her and pulled a pink pacifier. Rebecca caught a glance of it before it entered her mouth. I swear that looks like the one I left in the clam-shell packaging. Reflexively, Rebecca started sucking on it, finding the action quite calming. Before she knew what was happening, she had fallen asleep on her Mommy’s lap.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 07-10-2020, 04:48 PM   #12
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Eight

Rebecca woke up with a start. Her head swiveled back and forth, trying to figure out where she was. The familiar walls of the pink nursery were gone and in their place were the unfinished concrete walls of the basement. Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that I’m finally back, she thought. She got up slowly, grimacing that she had apparently fallen asleep on the cold hard floor of the basement. There was a thin rug that had provided a little bit of comfort, although her back was telling her otherwise. Rebecca pulled off the fluffy pink blanket which covered her, and tried to remember when she had bought such a childish thing.

But then she remembered. She remembered the nursery, and everything that had happened to her. Her hands dropped the comforter, and shot to her chest, searching for any sign of her breasts. There was none. They were still gone, and her nipples were still just as sensitive as she remembered them being. She gave one a tentative tweak, and it stung. I guess my nipnips are still recovering from those hanging weights, Rebecca thought. But where are my boobies? Did that witch actually take them? I guess what happened in that nursery was real.

Rebecca’s eyes made their way down her body. Around her neck were the markings given to her from the cursed amulet that started all of this. The tattooed writing was still as vibrant as before, much to her disappointment. Her chest was still missing, and her midsection was still as undefined as it had been before. She paused when she reached her waist. Around her waist was a new neon pink adult diaper.

She prodded the plastic padding with her finger, and was relieved to find that it was dry. I guess that’s a small relief, right there. I guess any day I wake up without having pissed myself makes for a good morning, she thought. What a low bar to set for myself. She shuddered, and threw back the rest of the blanket, and was relieved to find that nothing else had changed about her.

Oh, wait! What about that marking above my pussy? she thought. Her hands gripped at the tapes on the diaper. To her own surprise they actually peeled back, and the front of the diaper opened up, revealing her pubic region in all its glory. The smiley face mark was no where to be found. Rebecca thrusted her hands in the air in celebration. Yay! Maybe that means that everything is over.

Rebecca jumped to her feet and ran up the stairs, leaving everything behind. She found that the door to main floor was wedged ajar. She tentatively pushed the door open and poked her head out, trying to see if anyone was there. But, to her relief, there was no one to be found. She walked through her house, hiding behind every wall while checking each room as she went. There was no sign of anyone. No evidence whatsoever to even suggest that someone else had been inside her home. But the door, it was wedged open. I certainly didn’t do that. Or did I? I don’t even know anymore. I guess its possible for Mommy to have opened the door for me, she thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the familiar notification sound went off on her phone. But she quickly figured out that the sound was not coming from downstairs, but rather it was coming from the kitchen. She raced over and found it laying on the kitchen table. She plugged in her passcode and unlocked it, and was greeted with a text message from her parents.

“Hey Sweetie. We just got your voicemails from last night. I’m sorry we weren’t able to help you out, but it sounds like you were able to manage all on your own. Let us know if you need help rehanging that door. Your dad will be more than happy to help out, once the pandemic is over, of course. Love you greatly. – Mom.”

Well, that’s one thing I don’t have to worry about, Rebecca thought. I’d hate to drag my parents into this. I don’t know if this witch is just after me, or if she’s able to affect anyone nearby. She quickly wrote a text back to her biological mother, assuring her that she didn’t need any further help.

Okay, so where do I go from here? If I’m marked, and the amulet is gone, I don’t think running away is going to do anything. I doubt Mommy will be too impressed with me if I do that, and I certainly do not want another spanking.

Her hands reached back and cupped her bum. Her cheeks were sore. Whether that was from sleeping on the floor, or from the spanking, Rebecca didn’t know. She made her way up to the full-length hallway mirror upstairs and looked at her derrière. It was bruised. There were visible handprints faintly glowing in the red and purple bruises. Darn it. I can’t believe Mommy laid her hands on me like that. She looked herself over, and was happy to see no other marks, or bruises that were unaccounted for. She was still sad to see that her breasts were gone but, that was a small cost if she was done with being haunted.

Her hair was looking rather dishevelled, and she recoiled at the smell of her pits when she took a tentative sniff. I guess I was sweating quite a bit in the nursery, she thought. A shower won’t do me any harm.

Rebecca grabbed a towel and jumped into the shower, making sure to let the hot water soak into her skin. It felt good to let the water wash away all the stress that had been building up in her muscles. Half an hour later, she jumped out, squeaky clean and ready to continue her day. As she towelled her hair, attempting to get it as dry as possible, she felt a familiar shimmer of magic pulse through the air. She dropped the towel and immediately looked herself over in the bathroom mirror, trying to figure out if something had happened to her.

Rebecca was relieved to find no changes, but her smile quickly dropped as she looked over the toilet. In the same black flowing script that had been in the nursery above her change table. She shuddered as she read the words.

‘Ten full diaper changes. Little girls don’t ask for changes. Mommy knows best.’

And there was a thick black tally mark beneath it. One. She had fulfilled the requirements once so far. Beside the toilet an opened pack of neon pink diapers had appeared. Rebecca’s mind flashed back to the sensations of being on the rocking horse, humping away in her messy diaper.

Mommy must have changed me before bringing me back to my basement, Rebecca thought.

“That’s right, little one.”

Rebecca’s head swung around, looking for the source of the voice. It sounded as though it was coming from the doorway. She ran over, and checked the hall, but no one was there. Oh good. I thought Mommy was here now too, she thought. She turned back and went to retrieve her towel, but froze upon seeing her reflecting in the mirror.
It wasn’t her reflection. It was Mommy. Her eyes were locked onto Rebecca’s and followed her as she tried to move away, but found that her feet were stuck in place.

“There we go. It took a bit of work, but I figured it out,” Mommy said with a small laugh. “Don’t look so surprised, Baby Becca. You knew I wasn’t gone. It just took me a bit to figure out how to reappear in this world. And I have you to thank. If it wasn’t for your desire to look at yourself in the mirror, I would have taken much longer to think of it.”

“What are you doing here?!” Rebecca asked.

“Is that anyway to talk to your Mommy? I should rinse your mouth out with soap, little one. Actually…” Mommy’s voice trailed off. Rebecca felt her arm move without her consent. She grabbed a hold of it with her free arm and tried to stop it. It was no use, as her free arm fell slack at her side. Her hand grasped the bar of soap that sat on the ledge of the sink.

“No, you can’t do this!” Rebecca said. She was mentally trying to stop her arm from moving, but it did her no good. The arm advanced, stopping just shy of her mouth.

“Aww, your so cute in your attempted defiance. The sooner you realize that Mommy is in charge, the sooner you stop getting punished. Believe me, your life could be so much better than it is now,” Mommy said.

Rebecca clamped down on her mouth. If I can at least hold it shut, then the soap can’t get in there, she thought.

“Ah, someone is still being defiant. That’s too bad,” Mommy said. Rebecca felt the muscles to her jaw slacken despite her attempts to keep them rigid. Her jaw fell open, her control of it gone. Her hand wasted no time, and popped the bar of soap into her mouth. She felt her jaw muscles tighten, and she bit down into the bar, imprinting it with her teeth.

Her tongue recoiled at the taste, and moved from side to side, trying to avoid the taste. It was futile. There was no escaping the retched soapy sensation. Rebecca’s body shook, trying to fight off the witch’s control, but it did her no good.

“Mmhphp,” Rebecca said spitting bubbles out of the sides of her mouth. It was pointless trying to tell Mommy to stop. She regained control of her hands, and tried to pull the bar out of her mouth, but found that her teeth and sunk too far into it. Her jaw muscles were unresponsive. There’s no way for me to pull the bar out, she realized. Rebecca let her arms fall back down to her sides and looked back into the mirror, her eyes momentarily making contact with Mommy’s, but she dropped her gaze, unable to meet the superior woman’s. Her eyes started to water, unable to bear the taste anymore.

“Now, I think I have your undivided attention,” Mommy said. “Things are never going to be the same in your life. I think you’ve now had a pretty good taste of that. I’m hoping that you start to follow my instructions a little better. I’d hate to bruise your ass any more than I already have. Although…” Mommy trailed off, obviously caught up in her own thoughts. She collected herself before continuing.

“I am an all-powerful witch that was sealed away in the amulet. You managed to unknowingly complete the first part of releasing me by putting it on. Now, I don’t have a physical body in this world anymore, and that’s a bit of a problem. That’s where we are currently. My soul is bound to your body, so in effect, we are sharing it.”
“I hope things will start to make a little more sense. My magic isn’t holding that soap in place, its me closing our jaw around it. I don’t taste it, because I choose not to feel your mouth, so in effect, only you are being punished. It was I who unlocked the basement door this morning while you were still asleep in the nursery, and it was I who called your mom back last night to let her know you no longer needed help.”

“This brings us to today. We need to charge up my magic for me to manifest a new physical form. And let me tell you, its going to take quite a bit of effort. So, here’s the deal. Either you help me, and we get through this awkward body-sharing phase faster, or I drag you through hell, and get it done regardless. It’s your choice. But I’ll tell you this. Once I am free of your body, I can do so much worse than removing your boobs,” Mommy said, letting her threat hang in the air for a long moment.

“Now, are you going to be a good girl and follow Mommy’s orders?” Mommy asked.

Rebecca thought about it for a second. I don’t have a choice in all of this. If I comply, maybe things will work out better for me. Besides… If being under her control is anything like what I felt in the nursery, then I’m going enjoy it. Rebecca nodded her head up and down.

“Good girl. You can remove the bar of soap now,” Mommy said.

Rebecca regained control of her jaw and opened it. She had to wiggle the bar of soap free of her teeth, finding that Mommy had bitten quite deeply into it. She set the ruined bar of soap down and spit out the foul liquid that had built up in her throat. She spent awhile rinsing her mouth out, making sure to remove any trace of the vile soap, and then brushed her teeth twice for good measure. The stinging mint sensation that she usually detested was a very welcome sensation.

Just as she set down her toothbrush and finished rinsing her mouth out, the doorbell rang, causing her to literally jump up, stiff as a board.

“Go and get that, little slut. It’s a little something you ordered a couple of days ago. It’ll make this process a lot easier. You’ll need to sign for it, so hurry along,” Mommy said. Rebecca felt a sharp slap to her ass, telling her to hurry it up.

“B-But, I’m naked,” Rebecca said.

“Get the towel and go,” Mommy said. Rebecca grabbed the towel and started to wrap herself up. Her legs began to move without her consent and she was well down the stairs before she had finished wrapping herself up. It’s a good thing I don’t have my boobs. I don’t think this towel would have covered me otherwise.

Rebecca regained control of her legs and ran to the door and opened it. There before her was a man, dressed in his monocoloured delivery service uniform. The man was tall, towering over the average heighted Rebecca, even though he was a half step down from her on the porch outside.

“Oh umm,” the man stumbled for a second. He had been in the process of turning back towards his truck, and the sudden appearance of a towel-garbed woman had startled him. “I have a delivery for you, miss… Miss Becca Anelshlut. My apologies, I don’t think I said that quite right.”

That’s not my last name. Its… What… How can I not remember that my last name is… Anelshlut? That’s not right. I’ll have to chat with Mommy about this, she thought. But before Rebecca could respond, she felt her entire body slacken. It was as if her mind was being pushed back from her body. She couldn’t move. Her body didn’t respond. She was helpless to do anything other than watch what was unfolding before her. Rebecca began to panic, her thoughts running wild.

I can’t have you mess this up for us, another voice said inside her head. Rebecca instantly recognized this voice to be Mommy’s

“That’s me. I’m Becca Anelshlut. It’s pronounced anal-slut, by the way. Why don’t you bring that heavy package inside for me, big boy? I’ll be happy to sign for it and more once its inside,” Mommy said through Rebecca’s body. She turned around, not allowing the stunned man to respond, and walked towards the kitchen. She swayed her hips, inviting the man in.

The delivery man followed her inside, making sure to bring the large package with him. Rebecca found herself along for the ride, but when she tried to turn her head around to see if the man was following, she found herself pushed even further out of her body. She was watching her body move from a third person perspective now, and able to freely move about, in an invisible spectral form of sorts. She watched as Mommy dropped her towel at the entrance to the kitchen and disappeared behind the wall. Rebecca tentatively followed, anxious to see what was coming next.

She turned the corner at the same time the delivery man did, only to find her naked body sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, and her bare chest on display.

“You can set it down there, stud,” Mommy said. The delivery man did as he was instructed. Rebecca could see a look of disbelief on his face, the kind that hid inside a smile. The man straightened up, and put his hands on his belt, waiting for was next to come.

“You look as though you’ve had a busy day. Why don’t you relax for a minute? Those pants are looking awfully tight,” Mommy said, as she got up from the chair, and grabbed a handful of the delivery man’s swelling package.

The man wasted no time and undid his belt, allowing his pants to fall to the ground. Rebecca gasped as she saw the size of his bulge. It was easily the biggest one that she had ever seen in her entire life. Her possessed body’s head slightly turned to recognize Rebecca’s spectral presence then went back to the scene in front of her.

“It looks like someone has a special package to deliver to me,” Mommy said. She got down on her knees, using the towel to reduce the strain on her joints. She rubbed her face into the delivery man’s package, causing it to swell even more. Using her teeth, Mommy bit down on the man’s waistband and pulled them down to the ground. His manhood sprung forth, now freed from its tight prison, allowing it grew to its full size.

Rebecca’s figurative mouth hung open. She could have never imagined a cock being that big and thick. And there were a couple of throbbing veins that ran down its length. She had never seen something that had stirred her feelings in this way. All she felt at this moment was pure lust. The confusion of being ejected out of her own body was no where to be found. Her whole world had dissolved onto the man meat that stood before her.

Her body was hard at work teasing and licking up and down the delivery man’s shaft, paying special attention to the head. Mommy withdrew for a moment, before engulfing the bulbous head in her borrowed mouth. As she bobbed on her thick treat, the spectral Rebecca was searching for a way to scratch her itch.

Why can’t I play with myself? She thought. I don’t have a body to play with, but yet this scene in front of me is making me feel this way. It’s not fair. My mind is telling me to rub my slutty pussy and pinch my nipnips, but I can’t. This feeling is going to drive me mad.

Oh, you’ll get used to it, my little slut.
That wasn’t Rebecca’s internal voice.

You can hear my thoughts? Rebecca asked.

That’s right, baby Becca. I’ve been able to hear them the entire time. The literal entire time you’ve been on this property. You cannot imagine how boring it is to have to listen to the thoughts of such a non-sexually active young woman as a sex-witch. I swear they must have picked you specifically for that reason, Mommy said.

Picked me for what? I don’t understand, Rebecca said. In the real world, her body was hard at work, deepthroating the delivery man’s glorious cock without any indication that there was a mental conversation occurring simultaneously. The man’s hands were now resting on the back of her body’s head, encouraging her to keep up the pace.

They, the former house owners, picked you because they knew you were a good fit to ignore the siren calls from a sex-witch. Even locked away in the amulet, I’m able to affect things in the real world. And now that there’s a global pandemic happening, I figured I could slide under the Witches Council’s radar, and escape.

The man let loose a loud grunt and thrust his hips into Rebecca’s face, while holding her in place with his hands. His cock pulsed once, twice, three times, and withdrew, a trail of white fluid trailed behind it before snapping back onto her lips.

Without missing a beat, Mommy grabbed the towel she was kneeling on and gave the man’s knob a thorough cleaning. The man stood there in awe at the woman, still stuck in his brief post orgasmic bliss. Once Mommy finished, she handed the man his pants, and let him get dressed.

“How was that, stud? Did you enjoy bringing that package over to me?” Mommy asked.

“Yeah, that was the best head I’ve ever gotten. Thanks a lot ma’am. You’re doing god’s work making every postal delivery driver’s wet dream come true,” the man said.

“Well… If you have a special package for me tomorrow, I’ll be here to receive it,” Mommy said with a wink.

“I think I’ll have to take you up on that offer,” the man said. “But I have to get back to work. Boss is riding us like crazy with all the online ordering that’s going on.” The man tipped his hat and made his way out the front door. As Mommy cleaned up their shared body, Rebecca heard the engine to the delivery truck start and head down the gravel road.

Mommy set the well used towel down on the corner of the table before turning to look directly at the spectral Rebecca who hung there listlessly in the air.

“Mmm, I know someone really enjoyed that, and it wasn’t just me,” Mommy said.

Yes, Mommy. That cock looked so good. I don’t know if I could take something so large in my mouth like that, Rebecca thought.

“Well I just did it with your body, so its physically possible. Let’s get to work on that, as your turn is coming up tomorrow,” Mommy said with an all-too-familiar sadistic smile on her face. “But first, let’s get you back inside your own body.”

Rebecca felt the shimmery feeling of magic. Her viewpoint was pulled straight towards her physical bodies head, causing her to blink as she collided with it. When she opened her eyes, she was back in control of her body. The first thing her hands did was grab her missing boobs and pull at her sensitive nipnips. The pleasure she had been missing was finally there.

Tut Tut, little one, Mommy said from within her head. That’s not an appropriate thing to be doing right now. Why don’t you unpack the package Mr. Bigcock just brought us?

Rebecca was disappointed. Her body was telling her that she wanted to play, her mind was reeling, trying to tell her that she needed to have an orgasm, but her rational mind complied with Mommy’s instructions.

She bent over and inspected the package. She tried to pick it up and found it a little too heavy for her to move comfortably. She went to the kitchen and got a pair of scissors and cut the box open. Inside, there was another box, this one was high-gloss, and featured what Rebecca could only imagine was the product name. Sybian.

Go ahead and set that up in front of your recliner, slut. I think we’ll want to be facing the television for this one, Mommy thought.

Rebecca followed the instruction and dragged the smaller box over to the living room. She opened the box and pulled out all the components. It took her only a moment to recognize that this was a sex machine. Although she had never seen one in action, it seemed pretty clear what the intention was. It took a little while for her to sort out all the bits and pieces, but it was finally done. The Sybian was setup in all its glory. Out on the coffee table sat all the attachments that had been included in the box.

Good job little one. You’re not quite as useless as you initially let on, Mommy thought. Now you’re going to select the double headed one.
Rebecca thought about this for a quick second. The doubled headed one? Why does it have two heads? Wait… she couldn’t possibly want it up there too. I-

That’s right little one. I want you to start training your ass too. Afterall how else are you going to live up to your new last name, Miss Anelshlut,
Mommy thought.

That’s not my last name. Its…. It should be… It doesn’t matter! I just know that isn’t my last name. No one has that last name, for a very obvious reason,
Rebecca thought.

It is now. I filled the legal paperwork for the name change this morning while you were busy in dreamland, grinding your pussy away on that wooden rocking horse. Well, you’re in for a treat. This here is a Sybian. Its like an adult rocking horse, of sorts. I’ll let you try it, and you’ll see, Mommy thought.

Rebecca tentatively picked up the double headed attachment and slotted it into the machine. The double headed dildos were skin-coloured, and stood out in sharp contrast to the deep royal purple colour the rest of the machine had. She grabbed the instructions one more time before getting on it.

She grabbed the bottle of lubricant that came with the product, and made sure the apply a thick coating to each of the soon-to-be vibrating dildos and to her soon-to-be receiving holes. She stood up and positioned herself above it, trying to line things up. She got down on her knees and felt each of the dildos poke at their respective entrance.

Go slow, little slut. I know you’re new to the whole anal play scene, so you need to make sure to take your time. You can do it though, Mommy believes in you, Mommy thought.

Rebecca braced herself and lowered her weight down slowly. The dildo in her sex slid in easily, her own excitement helping it to slide into place. But the one for her backside, it took a little more prodding and guiding with her hand to get it properly into position. It was a little painful, but Rebecca was determined to see it through. Then the toy finally slipped in past her sphincter, and it easily slide in the rest of the way, filling her up.

That’s a good girl! Mommy said. Now we can turn it on.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 07-10-2020, 04:49 PM   #13
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Eight Point Five

Rebecca reached down along the front flat panel of the device and found the large switch and flipped it on. She felt a little rumble down below, but nothing more than that. Remembering the instructions, she located the dial and moved it clockwise. The vibrations sped up and grew in intensity. She found a nice spot where everything was pleasurable and tolerable. It felt very odd to have something up her bum and vibrating. It’s a little odd, but I’m actually enjoying this toy in my bum, she thought. I’ve never played with it before, but now… Now I just might have to do this more often!

Rebecca sat on the machine, twisting her nipnips as she slowly got towards the edge. Her ministrations got more aggressive as she hit her limit, unable to summit the boundary blocking her from having an orgasm. That damn witch’s curse is still on me, Rebecca thought.

Mmm, if only that were the case, love, Mommy said. How do you think a sex-witch gets powers?

Uhh, I’m gonna say… it’s through… sexual interactions?
Rebecca thought. The pleasure coursing through her made it hard to think straight. Rebecca made her mind up at that moment, and reached down with her hand and started to stimulate her clit, to the best of her ability. It was hard for her, as her hips bucked wildly on the buzzing sybian below.

Correct. Specifically orgasms. But orgasms are such fleeting things. A big power spike, but you can only have so many. Even worse if you’re draining energy from a male. But, I’ll let you in on a little sex-witch secret, since you’ve mostly behaved. You can slowly acquire energy from someone who is held on the edge. You just have to keep siphoning the energy so that the little sex battery can never orgasm. But I’m sure you already know first hand how that feels, Mommy said.

“Ugh, Yes Mommy. Please Mommy, can I cum? Pretty please?” Rebecca asked. Her hips were wildinly out of control at this point, grinding away at what ever added resistance they could find. Her hand was furiously mashing her love button, but it was all for naught as she stayed on-top of the razor’s edge of an orgasm.

You’re so cute, my little slut, Mommy said. But I think we need to work on your skills. They are rather lacking. We want to impress Mr. Bigcocked Delivery Man tomorrow, don’t we?
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 07-25-2020, 08:34 PM   #14
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Nine

Rebecca’s hips straddled the Sybian as she tried to process what Mommy had just told her. She wants me to do that? She wondered. There’s no way that I could blow that man. His cock was too big for me… and its been so long since the last time I even attempted to give head. I’m sure he will notice the difference between our levels of expertise.

Don’t worry, little one. We’re on Mommy’s time now,
Mommy said. Just like how time passed quicker in the nursery than in reality, we have plenty of time to make sure you’re a good cock-gobbling slut.

“But… But…” Rebecca trailed off. The pleasure was too much for her. It was overwhelming her ability to put two thoughts together. Her body had one goal in mind, and that was to buck her hips wildly against her vibrating mount. Her hands were busy trying to generate any extra pleasure, naturally migrating to her itty-bitty nipples. In the past she would have enjoyed cupping her breasts a little, but that was now a thing of the past thanks to Mommy and her magic. That magic was responsible for the situation that she found herself in currently. She would have cum at least twenty minutes ago, and had an uncountable number since.

More! More! More! Rebecca repeated this mantra, as it was the one thought she had been relegated to.

I can see that someone’s a little distracted. No matter, we can fix this easily, Mommy said. Rebecca felt a wave of magical energy course through her body. The magic flowed from her extremities, and came to collect around her sex. It was a wild sensation, one that Rebecca dearly wished she could have cum from, but just as quickly as it arisen, it was gone. And with it, Rebecca had lost all sensation from her sex.

Her hands shot from her ridiculous nipnips down to her clit. They probed, prodded, and rubbed, but there was no sensation to be gained. She even tried to pinch the lips of her sex, hoping to feel something akin to pain, but there was nothing.

“Why did you do that?!” Rebecca asked. She postured herself by sitting up straight and putting her hands on her hips, trying to be as intimidating as possible.

Oh, little one, you look positively hilarious in that pose. I love just how well you’re framing your lack of any cleavage right now. Truly that is a chest that belongs on a little girl and not a dripping slut like you, Mommy said. But let’s move on. I’ll restore your pussy later when I think you can handle playing with our favourite toy. It’s high time we start to train you for your new namesake. Isn’t that right Miss Anelshlut?

“That’s not… That’s not my last name and you know it,” Rebecca said. With the constant distraction of the pleasure removed, she was able to focus on the conversation and act defiant, trying her best to fight her way out of the situation. Even though deep down the seeds of doubt had already been planted and starting to sprout.

Mmm, it is now. And you will be my little anal slut. I’m sure you’ve also noticed now that you can still feel your asshole and the toy that’s inside it, correct? Mommy asked.

“Y-Yes, Mommy. I can feel the Sybian buzzing down there,” Rebecca said.

Get used to it, slut. I want you to be able to cum from anal sex alone. And this is the express way to train you to do that. Imagine, getting fucking railed from behind, your missing boobs bouncing with every thrust as a huge cock fills your tight asshole completely. You moaning whips the man into a sexual frenzy, pushing him to the edge as he thrusts harder and harder, as you melt in pleasure. You become lost in the constant sensation of being filled. He cums, filling you with his hot seed, sending you over the edge as he collapses on your back, completely spent and satisfied. Don’t you want that, little slut? Mommy asked.

“Yes, Mommy. Please fill me with cock. I’m so desperate. I’ll do anything if it means I get a chance to cum,” Rebecca said. Her hands had given up their desperate pursuit and gone back to toying with her sensitive little buds.

There’s my good slut. Now let’s get to the training, Mommy said. Rebecca felt the air in front of her shimmer with magic. She blinked and when her eyes reopened, a floppy flesh coloured dildo had appeared between in front of her mouth. It hung in the air, suspended there as it bobbed up and down slowly, the tip tentatively brushing against Rebecca’s lips. Her head shot back reflexively, unaccustomed to the rubbery feeling before her.

Get that cock in your mouth little slut, Mommy said. Rebecca jumped as she felt an imaginary hand spank her bottom. After the second hit landed, she needed no more incentive and wrapped her lips around the bulbous head before her.

That’s better. I thought you knew to never turn down a cock in front of you, but I guess I’m dealing with quite an air-headed bimbo, Mommy said. Now all you’re going to have to do is follow along. I know that you already know how to do that, you put on quite a show for me the other day. And it has gotten quite a number of views, I might add.

“Mmpph!” Rebecca mumbled around the silicone cock that was stuck in her mouth.

Don’t act so shocked, dear. You’ll look back on that performance later and think about how tame it was. I’m afraid we are going to be exploring some very fun places together, my little cocksucker. Now, let’s get back on topic. Just follow along with what’s shown on the screen, or I’ll be forced to discipline you further.

Rebecca dared not say another word, lest she incur anymore of Mommy’s wrath. I think I’ve pushed her to the limit of disobedience that she is willing to accept from me. It’s best if I just follow along. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m going to like where this is going to end up, she thought.

The flatscreen turned on and after a brief menu searching, done by Mommy’s magical influence, the web browser was opened and a pornsite had begun to load. There was something entered into the search bar, but the lettering was too small for Rebecca to read from her position on the floor. A list of videos came up and Mommy selected the first option. The video began to load and Rebecca could make out the title, now written in big block letter below the video player. ‘Oral Training Level One’ is what the title read.

The black screen burst into a flurry of colours as Rebecca was forced into watching a girl, maybe a little younger than herself, and certainly bustier, stick a similar looking silicone cock onto a wall. The video was shot from the side, giving Rebecca a clear view of what was happening. The woman smiled at the camera and then turned her undivided attention to the fake dick before her.

She started off by wrapping her hands around the faux balls, and massaging them, kneading them with devotion as her tongue teased the tip. Rebecca moved her hands away from her nipnips to follow suit. It took her a little bit to actively think about following along, but after a while it became second nature. Before she knew it, she had half the length of the dildo down her throat as her hands pumped away at the remaining shaft.

Her mind began to clear of any stray thoughts as she focused in on her task. But her zen-like state was interrupted by a dull buzzing sensation coming from the Sybian below. As she sunk deeper and deeper into her cock-sucking trance, the vibrations grew in intensity. Rebecca did not know whether this was from Mommy working her magic or not, but it was a welcome change. Her ass was becoming more sensitive, more receptive to the pleasure that it was feeling. Before it was completely overshadowed by the needy feeling in her sex, but now that that had been taken from her, she began to see what she had been missing.

She was driven on by the her new found sensitivities. But by the time the first video came to an end she was just hitting her stride. Rebecca felt the plastic cock retreat, as it pulled away from her mouth.

Stretch out your jaw, sweetie, Mommy said. We’re nowhere near being done. Rebecca rubbed her jaw and stretched out the muscles. For someone watching from afar, they probably would have laughed at all the funny faces she was making.

A few moments later and the second video loaded. This one was titled, ‘Oral Training Level Two’, which featured the same girl, with the exact same setup. She did her whole smiling at the camera routine before latching onto the practise cock before her. This time she skipped all of the foreplay and jumped right into the aggressive head-giving techniques that Rebecca lacked.

Rebecca followed the video’s instructions and followed suit. Her whole world had become solely focused on the cock in front of her, even the sensations from her nether regions began to fade into the background as she invited the practise cock deep into her throat. The next video started without any pause. ‘Oral Training Level Three’ This time the plastic dildo stuck to the wall was replaced with a real man’s cock. The same girl worked away; her motions mirrored by the desperate slut on the Sybian.


Alright, little slut, its time to get up off your toy. You’ve done a wonderful job of practising, but you need to drink something before you completely become a raisin, Mommy said. Rebecca looked up just in time to see that the next video was titled ‘Oral Training Level Nine’. The flatscreen turned off, breaking the trance that Rebecca had found herself in. She was slow to get up, her hips and thighs desperately needed to be stretched. As she looked around the shadows casted by the furniture confused her. That doesn’t look right. There is no way that it is still morning, she thought.

“What time is it?” Rebecca asked.

It’s two in the afternoon, sweetie. You were too busy sucking away on your big girl pacifier to realize just how much time you were spending. But I have to tell you, you did a good job. And my newly acquired pussy did exactly what I needed it to do. We’re getting closer, my slut, Mommy said.

Rebecca staggered over to the kitchen, willing her legs forward. I guess practising took a lot more out of me then I thought it would, she thought. She poured herself a glass of water, downed it, and filled the glass up once more before taking a seat at the table. It felt so nice to take her weight off her legs. So nice in fact that she caught herself nearly falling asleep as her head bobbed forward before being jerked back. The warm rush of adrenaline flooded her body, providing temporary relief.

Aww, I guess my little slut is tired, Mommy said. That’s alright. You’re just my little baby anyways. And little baby’s need naps. Let’s get you up to your room and ready for bed.

Rebecca wearily got onto her feet and made her way to the stairs without even trying to put up a fight. After hearing the word nap, she was already sold. She would do whatever was required of her to be allowed to rest. Her legs voiced their discontent as she climbed the stairs. It was slow going, but she finally got to her bedroom door

Oh, little one, you’re forgetting something, Mommy said. Rebecca thought for a second but nothing came to her mentally exhausted mind.

“What did I forget, Mommy?” Rebecca asked.

You forgot your diaper, little one. Run along to the bathroom, get one, and bring it to the bedroom. I’ll be nice and I’ll even change you into it. We can’t have you pissing the bed. It costed quite a fortune, I’ll have you know, Mommy said.

Rebecca begrudgingly turned around and made her way to the bathroom. Above the toilet she saw the motif and her tally marks. She still had nine to go if she wanted to get her boobs back. It’s going to be a little while before they get restored, Rebecca thought.

Oh, and don’t forget that you’re not allowed to ask for a change, little one. That’s a big requirement. Even if you manage to make the most used diaper of all time, it won’t count if you ask me for a change. Mommy knows when her little ones need to be changed. Now run along, we don’t have all day, Mommy said.

Rebecca jumped as she felt an imaginary hand grope her bum, a firm warning that she was about to be punished if she didn’t do as instructed. She made it to the bed and climbed on top of it. It truly was a bed that was too big for someone of her stature, but she never let that stop her before. She set the diaper down beside her and waited for Mommy to do as promised. Suddenly Rebecca felt the imaginary hand push her down onto her back, and pull her legs up so that she was in the diapering position.

Rebecca was unable to see what was happening, but she jumped and squirmed when she felt a cold wet sensation pass over her bum and probe in and around her tired asshole.

It’s just a wipe, little one. You’ve made quite a mess down here. Once your nap is over, you’re going to have to clean up the trail of fluids you’ve made from the Sybian. Your kitchen chair took quite a beating too. Thankfully it isn’t covered in fabric. But that’s later. Spread your legs. I need to clean up that pretty pink pussy that I’ve taken from you, Mommy commanded.

Rebecca spread her legs. When she looked between them, she was surprised to see a wipe floating in mid-air. She was half expecting to see the woman from the nursery. Rebecca heard Mommy’s voice chuckling inside her head.

It won’t be long little one, Mommy said. As she resumed cleaning Rebecca’s sex. Rebecca would have had no idea that her pussy was being clean if she wasn’t able to see it happen right before her eyes. She still had zero sensation down there. If it’s going to get Mommy out of my head faster, I think I’m alright without being able to feel my pussy. For a little bit, anyways, Rebecca thought.

She saw the wipe disappear into nothingness, and a bottle of talcum powder take its place. The diaper beside her unfolded itself and began to move off the bed, before lining up beside her. Rebecca brought her legs together, and she felt the imaginary hand grasp both of her ankles together. The hand brought her ankles above her head, and she felt the diaper slide beneath her bottom. The hand lowered her ankles, until Rebecca was able to put her feet back on the mattress.

Next the bottle of powder was upended, and a shower of white snow fell onto her pubic mound. The bottle disappeared, following the tissue into non-existence. The front of the pink diaper was brought up between her legs. The tapes were pulled from the back and stretched to make a very snug fit around Rebecca’s waist.

There we go, little one, Mommy said. Rebecca vaguely felt a hand pat the front of her diaper a couple of times. Now to finish getting you ready for bed. Rebecca heard the all-to-familiar rustle of chains from behind the headboard. She looked up to see two black uncoiling snakes slither towards her arms. She tried to move away, but she was too slow. The chains latched around her wrists before latching shut. They retracted, pulling her towards the center of the bed. Her arms were force above her head and spread wide apart. Thankfully her head was still able to rest on the stack of pillows.

Two more chain-like snakes shot out from beneath the covers at the bottom of the bed. These latched around Rebecca’s ankles and pulled them far apart towards the bottom corners of the bed. When they finally stopped their retreat, Rebecca was spread eagle on the bed. She was held firmly, with no room to move her limbs.

There we go. Now I know my little baby won’t be getting up to any naughty things while she sleeps, Mommy said. Now for the finishing touches.

Rebecca felt her mouth open and a pacifier self-inserted itself. She closed her jaw around it began to gently suck on it. Only then did she realize that the muscles of her jaw were just as sore as her legs were. Rebecca felt her eyes begin to close, but before they firmly shut, she felt a piece of fabric wrap around her head, blocking out any of the light.

Sweet dreams, little slut, Mommy said. But it came too late, as Rebecca had already fallen asleep.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
Email: [email protected]

Send me a PM with the subject line "THIS IS YOUR NEW HYPNOFILE" and I will obey its contents. If you put "MUST DO" in the message, I will forget I read it.

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Old 08-25-2020, 09:28 AM   #15
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Bumping cause i want another chapter
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