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Old 08-19-2020, 06:31 PM   #1
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Post Long Lost Annie

Fog was rolling in from what seemed like every direction and the already dim visibility beyond the rain in the darkness began to disappear; leaving nothing but a few feet in front of me that I was able to see clearly. The dark was not my friend. My mind’s imagination was capable of running too wild when I could only hear and not see what was around me. But all of this was out of my control. I was still seven miles away from my destination.

There was nothing but forest and one two lane gravel road between me and my grandfather’s property. My car ran out of gas half a mile back. The choice was mine, I remembered. I’m the one that decided to spend the last $12 in my account on two Mike’s Hard Lemonades and a pack of smokes. I clutched one of the cans in my hand and brought it up to my lips. Sipping down the last swig it contained and chucking it into the ditch beside me as I continued to walk alone. I knew my decisions weren’t currently the best, but I had a hard time letting the stress of my life roll off my back sometimes. After all, the only reason I’m on my way to grandpa’s is because my mother died. Otherwise I would have never come back to this shit-hole town.

I peered up at the sky as I continued to shuffle my feet. Reaching into my coat pocket I pulled out the last drink I had, the one that was going to put me where I wanted to be. That fuzzy, inebriated feeling that would distract me from reality. I wasn’t scared. I had walked this road a thousand times before, just maybe not this far of a journey down it. I managed to escape this town as soon as I graduated high school at the age of 18. Opting to attend college in a different state versus my own. Wisconsin just wasn’t where I wanted to be anymore.

I was arriving to help my grandfather pick up the pieces of my mothers life that she had just so quickly left behind. My mother was an addict, I thought to myself. The only reason I’m here is to help grandpa go through her things. My grandfather had called me three days ago to let me know she had overdosed out in the field. He told me he had found her clinging to a syringe just around the side of the daisy patch out back; the morning sun beating on her pale skin as she lie motionless. I shuddered at the thought; how horrible that must have been for him. And with that I opened my drink and took a large gulp. Here we go.

I pulled out my phone and turned it on. It was almost dead, but I needed an idea of what time it was. I may have only walked a mile and a half so far, but it had felt more like four. 12:13am. I couldn’t call my grandfather for a ride. He was already asleep and I knew he couldn’t hear the phone ring from his bedroom anyway. I was on my own. Just as I had been for the last six years, all until now.

The longer I looked ahead the more it felt like I was walking into a void. I could feel the gravel under my feet, but I couldn’t see it any longer; just a thick layer of fog beneath my knees.Taking another drink I decided to think nothing of it. I was on a long drunk walk to grandpa’s and nothing was getting in my way -- fog could only affect my vision, and that was beginning to blur anyway.

Another mile passed and my last drink was gone. Feeling slightly annoyed by that fact I crushed it in my hand before tossing it aside just as I had done the other. As it flew to my right I saw a reflection of light and turned around. Still walking in the same direction, but now walking backwards, I noticed there was a car coming. This was a small enough town that I would be safe to try to hitch-hike, but at the same time it was so small that there was a very high likelihood that this would be someone I once knew; and I wasn’t really in the best frame of mind. With one swift kick I whipped myself back around. I didn’t need a ride and I sure as hell wasn’t going to ask for one.

The car kept making its way. Closer and closer to me until I was sure that the driver could tell there was a person in the road. I moved farther right, stepping off the gravel and allowing the driver far more than his fair share of road. I heard the tires slowing down, shaking the gravel more so than causing it to fly about the air. This person was going to stop, I thought to myself. I continued forward, quickening my pace and now lighting a cigarette between my two fingers. I heard the car start to speed up, and then all of a sudden the tires came to a halt. The bright yellow beams of two headlights flooded around me and I hesitated to turn around. I wasn’t scared. This was my town. But at the same time, this situation was a weird one, even for me.

The click of the door popping open echoed through the forest and I spun around to watch the driver climb out of it. It was a man, that’s all I could tell for sure with him standing on the other side of the lights.

“Its a real odd time for you to decide to go on a walk, Annie,” he said to me, while slowly making his way closer -- out of the shadows and into the beaming rays of the headlights, but I didn’t need him to. I knew who he was. And this is why I didn’t want to try to hitch-hike.

I sucked in another breath of smoke and then blew it above my head. “Yeah, well I don’t think it should really concern you much, Charlie. I don’t remember sticking my thumb out and screaming for you to stop,” I sneered.

“Its not safe for someone like you out here, Annie. You know it,” he countered, stepping closer so that I could touch him if I wanted to, but that so wasn’t going to happen.

“Oh, yeah, its so scary. A bear might walk up an eat me. A coyote might come along and chew my leg off. Or just laugh at the way I walk. I’m terrified, Charlie.”

Charlie was my first real boyfriend. We dated from freshman year of high school all the way up until the day we graduated, and that’s when I ended things. He was great but he wanted to be here and I just so didn’t. My mind needed a challenge and my body needed a change. I needed to get away from Mineral Point and he always wanted to stay. He never did quite get over that the way that someone should, but it didn’t bother me anymore; especially since I never came here anymore, to this hellhole town. Until now.

“That's not what I mean, Annie. You KNOW what I mean,” he replied, allowing the frustration to show in his voice. “Its a small town, but you’re a small girl. And people go missing here all the time. Maybe you should come with me,” he finally blurted out.

He wasn’t lying. We’d been dealing with multiple missing persons cases in my hometown for the last decade -- starting long before I had ever gotten away. But those people, those missing people, always seemed to be troubled in some way, similar to my mother. Drug addicts, prostitutes and ex-cons. Those were the people who went missing. Not me.

“Absolutely not. I’m not in the mood for your bullshit, Charlie. My car broke down. It’s not like I picked now to just walk down the road with no real purpose in mind. And again I didn’t ask you to stop for me. I can take care of myself.” I turned away from him immediately and began walking in the direction of my grandfather’s house again. I didn’t care what he thought, especially right now. I was two drinks in on an empty stomach and he wasn’t the kind of company I was wanting to keep.

“Fine,” he grunted while climbing back in his car and slamming the door shut. “Fucking walk then!” He flashed on his brights and hit the gas, shooting gravel around me.

Fucking asshole. No one asked for his damn help.

I lit another cigarette and continued my journey; smoking it slowly as to try an reduce some of my now pent up anxiety. Who does he think he is driving up to a woman in the middle of the night!?

Another hour passed and I was finally reaching my half way mark; only three and a half miles left until I could climb onto grandpa’s couch and sleep till I was sober again. I’d been walking most of this way with my head down, as there was not much to look at in the darkness; however, that all changed when I saw headlights again -- this time coming towards me instead of behind me. I had the faint hope that it was my grandfather. Out looking for me as he knew I was on my way tonight. I couldn’t be so lucky though.

Pulling up in his red Chevy Cruze was none other than Charlie, once again. I snapped as he stepped out of his vehicle in front of me for the second time tonight.

“What. The fuck. Are you doing here!?” I screamed at him. I was beyond done. I had already asked him to leave, I didn’t care if he was concerned. I wasn’t a kind drunk and I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him or entertain even his glance. He and I shared nothing, not even to discuss anymore.

“I’m here to take you home, you selfish bitch,” he growled at me. Stepping closer, trying to grab my arm or part of my coat.

I yanked away. “Don’t touch me! I don’t want your help. I already told you,” I said. Attempting to walk away yet another time.

He stomped his foot. “Get in the car, Annie, or I’ll put you in it myself.”

I immediately started laughing. “You go ahead and try!” I squealed; jumping up and another foot away. After staring at him for a moment in silence I again went to make my departure, but this would be my last attempt. He lunged at me, and in my efforts to dodge him I slipped off the edge of the road. Gravel rushed with me down into the ditch as I fell backwards, hitting my head on nothing but a pile of rocks and leaves. I sat for a moment, almost forgetting he was there with me before I felt myself being lifted out of the ditch and into someones arms.

I started struggling, realizing Charlie finally had me in his grasp.

“Put me down! Let me go! I don’t want to go with you!” I screamed. Spitting in his face. Kicking and flailing my arms, trying to push him away.

“Just stop it, Annie!” he screamed back at me, so loud my ears began to ring a little. He grabbed both of my arms and forced my hands together in his. “I don’t care what you want. I’m not leaving you on this road.”

And just like that he was putting me into the car. Strapping me in and slamming the passenger door in my face. My reaction was too delayed to help me any. By the time I was reaching for the door handle he had already climbed into the car. “Let me out!” I hollered.

Intensity glared in his eyes. I was searching for compassion, but it seemed he had lost all he had. He just stared back at me with a dark expression before grabbing my left hand and zip-tying it to the handle bar on the dash. I yanked and my expression changed. Frustration and irritation turned to fear and anger.

“What are you doing!?” I asked, but it sounded more like I was demanding to know. He wouldn’t answer me. He just kept staring. “Well!? What in the hell is going through your mind right now, Charlie? Why would you do this to me?” I questioned, still yanking on the zip-tie.

“I’m taking you home,” Charlie reiterated and buckled himself in his seat. “You’re the one acting crazy,” he implied. “I’m just making sure you stay put.”

The car shifted into drive and he spun a U-turn, putting us back in the position to head towards my grandfathers house. Charlie drove slow. The speed limit was 55 MPH, but he was only going 35. He’s enjoying this shit or something, I thought to myself.

I quickly clawed open his glove compartment in search of a knife I knew he kept. Just looking for something to rip this zip-tie off with, but he slammed it shut, almost trapping my free hand in the door with it as it went.

“Do you want your other hand tied up, too?” he asked.

I shook my head. What is going on?

“Charlie, I’m not going to jump out of a moving car. You’ve got me in here now, okay? I’m too intoxicated to try and argue with you any longer. Let me take this zip-tie off,” I pleaded. But he wasn’t having any of it.

“It stays on or the other one gets tied. Your choice, Annie,” he said, refusing to look at me again.

I stayed silent and set my free hand on my lap. He was being cold, and I didn’t know why. Surely my no more rude than usual comments earlier couldn’t have upset him this much. There had to be something else.

Enough time had past that I could finally see the porch light of my grandfather’s house just up in the distance. His great big yard illuminated by one small light attached to the front door. Yet the closer we got to it the less likely it seemed like we were going to stop. The closer his property came to us the faster Charlie started to drive.

“What are you doing? Grandpa’s is right here…” I said, pointing out the window as we sped past his driveway. I yanked on the zip-tie again. “Charlie, what’s going on?”

“I told you I couldn’t leave you on the road,” he replied.

“You also told me you were taking me home,” I said, again glancing behind us as my grandfather’s property got farther and farther away from his speeding car.

“Oh, I’m taking you home, alright,” he chuckled -- and I gasped for air. Inebriated or not I could tell there was something sinister in his voice. Something he had never shown me before, and I wasn’t interested in getting to know it.

I lunged forward, again going for his glove compartment. While keeping one hand on the wheel he attempted to use his other to stop be, but I was already searching the compartment. Feeling quickly for anything I could use to break this tie.

With quick action he swerved the car off to the side of the road and slammed on the breaks. Jolting me forward with only one hand to help catch and/or support myself. My head slammed into the dashboard and lunged back up to the seat as we screeched to a stop.

“Always a trouble maker,” he whispered under his breath while jumping out of the vehicle.

I watched as he ran to my side, throwing open the passenger side door and pulling my legs out of the car. “What are you doing? Why are you doing this?” I demanded to know as he began untying my shoes. I tried to kick him, but I didn’t have enough force. I was starting to feel dizzy from all this commotion. I hurled. Yellow liquid rushed out of my mouth and onto his arm as he pulled off my last shoe. Anger flared up in his eyes and his face flushed red.

“You little nasty bitch,” he cursed at me, now taking away my backpack, which had everything except for my car key and cell phone in it. He chucked it all, including my shoes, into the ditch where I watched them seep into a puddle. Throwing my legs back into the car he slammed the door on me once again. With what little focus I had left I watched him try to clean off his arm using his jeans. He reentered the car and shut his door, refastening his seat belt and started driving off again.

I sat in silence for a moment. He wasn’t answering my questions and my mind was a little foggy at the moment, kind of like the weather. What’s going on here?

“Charlie, please tell me what you’re…” I started to say, but before I could finish my thought he had my chin in his grasp and forced me to meet his gaze.

“Shut the fuck up, Annie. Just shut the hell up or so help me god you’ll wish I would have tossed you in the ditch back there, too. You’ve managed to anger me enough,” he snapped, and I fell silent.

I was confused and I wanted answers, but it didn’t seem as though he was willing to discuss his plans. I’ve known Charlie almost my whole life. I’ve never known him to force anyone into anything, so I knew something had to be wrong.

Concern continued to grow within me, but the more time that passed, the sleepier I began to get; and before I knew it I was blacked out in his passenger seat. No shoes. No essentials. And one hand tied to the fucking car.

This story is currently being created for my Patreon account.

It has exclusively been shared here and on Tumblr. If you like this story and would like to read more of it and others, please consider becoming a patron via the link above! I'd love to create just for your fantasies alone.

I know I posted this in the wrong section initially (Request TORD Section), but I can't figure out how to delete it there. I apologize immensely!

This section is where I meant to put it. Thank you in advance for deleting the other!
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Old 08-20-2020, 06:04 PM   #2
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Post Part Two

Sunshine crept its way in between my eyelids as it shone through a window pane. I sat up and began rubbing my head, still with only one free hand. As my eyes started to adjust to the light I tugged at my left arm and focused. My left wrist was now zip-tied to the arm of an old chair that had obviously been once deconstructed and put back together to be more durable.

I looked around the rest of the room. I could tell that it was still early morning based on the amount of sunshine pouring in, but I wasn’t able to spot a clock. I noticed nothing all too familiar to me, except the photos on the wall. This had to be Charlie’s house. Pictures of he and his family were spread across all four living room walls. An old TV sat on a small stand in the corner. Besides the chair that I was quite frankly chained to, there was a love seat sofa and one reclining chair. Both appeared to be well used and slightly sunk in. Nothing else was in the room. No coffee table, no end tables, no books or shelves, no rug. Just seating, a TV and a few pictures on the wall. This is where Charlie lives? This doesn’t make sense.

It took a minute for me to notice the footsteps now coming from the next room. They got louder as they approached me.

“You’re awake,” Charlie said, strolling into the living room with half a sandwich in his hand. His normal gate, his normal tone. “Hungry?” he asked, holding the sandwich in front of my face.

My eyes glared at him. “No, Charlie. I’m not hungry. Why the hell am I here? Why am I chained to this damn chair?” I questioned, shaking the chair as I spoke with anger.

His brow furrowed and he frowned at me. “You’re not chained,” he stated. “And you weren’t listening.”

I hesitated at first. Absorbing his comment and making sure I at least tried to understand it fully before snapping. “Zip-tied. Excuse me! An yeah, Charlie, because grown women don’t have to answer to anyone,” I sneered.

“I was only trying to help you. I would have just taken you to your grandpa’s for crying out loud.”

“Well, then why in the hell didn’t you!?” I screamed. “WHY am I here, Charlie?”

He paced across the room from me and stood, taking a bite out of the sandwich. “I simply changed my mind,” he stated, very matter-of-factly. “You made everything so difficult I decided I’d just bring you here for a few days.” He looked around the room.

“And where exactly is HERE, Charlie?” I questioned, also looking around as intently as he was.

“This is my home away from home,” he laughed.

The more I looked around, the more I noticed what was truly missing from this house, and it wasn’t just furniture. He had all the windows open, no fans. All the curtains open, no light bulbs in the built-in fixtures. The TV in the corner is connected to an extension cord sorted through the wall. There was another cord running from the room he had initially walked out of.

“This is an abandoned house…” I said with certain hesitation in my words.

He nodded in agreement. “That is correct.”

“And why do you hang out here?” I asked, concern beginning to grow.

“Well, I don’t really. Normally I’m only here for a night or two and then I go back to my parents house for the rest of the week.”

I shuddered at the thought. This is his halfway house to hell. And now its mine, too.

“Charlie, why am I here?” I asked again.

“Annie, I told you already. You’re here because I changed my mind. You’re here because I want you here and you’re not leaving till I want you to go.”

He started walking towards me. Finishing the sandwich in another large bite and brushing his hands on his pants. He crouched down when he got close to me and put his hands on the top of my thighs. I tried to push them away instinctively with my free hand, but he wouldn’t budge.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, frowning at my reaction towards him. “But I will if you make me,” he said standing up again.

“Charlie, why are you acting like this? You’re not a crazy person.” None of this made sense to me. Sure, I hadn’t seen Charlie in about 6 years, but there’s no way the once caring, comforting boyfriend I had has turned into this. I never felt we were right for each other, but there wasn’t any other reason why I left him. He had always been a normal guy to me, except now.

“I’m so sick of you asking questions,” he blurted. He walked into the other room and returned with something mostly leather in his hands, as well as another zip-tie. He looked down at me and held up a ball gag, something I’d only ever witnessed in a porn video I’d seen online before. “Are you going to continue to fight me?” he asked.

Fire burned in my eyes. What was I supposed to say? No? No, I wont fight you? I will let you do whatever you want with me? No fucking way.

“I’ll never stop until I’m far away from you,” I spat back into his face.

With one fluid movement he had my right hand pinned to the side of the chair. He swiftly wrapped the tie around it and pulled it tight, securing both my hands, leaving me mostly defenseless. He moved behind me and started to wrap the ball gag around my face, I jerked my head and swept up underneath it, preventing him from tying it. His left hand dug deep into my scalp and grabbed onto a fistful of my black hair and tugged hard, filling my eyes with tears instantly.

“Stop moving or I’ll rip it all out!” he yelled.

I froze, in pain and in fear. He again wrapped the gag around my face and this time pushed it into my mouth, tying the back tightly so it wouldn’t budge. He sighed heavily and walked to the love seat next to me, plopping down and rubbing the back of his neck like he had just accomplished a full day of intense labor.

“Finally. Silence,” he said. “This is so much better.”

I shook in the chair, not wanting to turn my head and look at him. He put his hand on my shoulder and began to caress my cheek with his thumb, but I pulled my head away. I started nawing at the ball gag in my mouth, trying any way I could to push it out of my mouth, but I couldn’t even get it close. I pulled my arms towards me, but they wouldn’t move. All I was doing was scraping up my arms with square edged zip-ties that were sure to make me bleed if I continued rifling around.

His hand tucked into the leather strap of the ball gag and pulled my head back, pulling my face towards him. “If I want to touch you, I’m going to. Haven’t I made that clear enough yet?” he questioned loudly. “Stop acting like a brat.”

I closed my eyes. A brat? Really? What the fuck, Charlie? What the hell is going on here. I couldn’t get my emotions in order. This is the last place I thought I’d ever end up and with the last person I ever thought I would actually see again. I opened my eyes. He still just held my face and stared at me.

I looked away from him. I still didn’t understand what exactly his plan was, but I wasn’t interested in it no matter what it involved and I didn’t want to entertain him any longer.

“You know, its been a long time. A very long time. We could be just talking, but you have to keep ranting on with concerning questions,” he said simply.

I looked back at him, his eyes wandering my body.

“Questions I’m just not in the mood to answer.” He stood up and crouched in front of me again, his hands dipping into my coat pockets. With one hand he managed remove my phone, and with the other the keys to my car which was out of gas in the middle of nowhere. I didn’t even know how close to it I was anymore. Definitely farther than seven miles. “You don’t need this stuff anymore,” he said. “Not right now at least.”

He walked into the other room, which looked like a kitchen to me, but from where I was sitting I could not be one hundred percent sure. I heard him fiddling with something, but I couldn’t tell what that was either. My jaw was beginning to throb already. Charlie made it too tight.

When he arrived back in the living room, he watched me try to reach my face down to one of my hands; attempting to remove the gag. I managed to latch my finger on the side and pulled with what little force I could muster, but the thing barely moved. I screamed out in agony and frustration. My face starting to sting. I heard him start laughing from the corner of the room.

“Little Annie uncomfortable over there?” he snickered.

I shook. My whole body shook. I wanted out of this chair and I wanted this skin piercing restraint off of my face.

His brow furrowed again. He could sense my pain. My fear that was building.

“I’ll make a deal with you, Annie,” he said, and my eyes darted up to meet his gaze. “I’ll take the gag off, but only if you agree to stop asking questions.”

I glared at him. That’s a bullshit deal.

He laughed. “Look, Annie. I don’t care if you’re uncomfortable and I don’t give a fuck about your curious mind driving you crazy. The gag comes off if you quit asking questions. One question and it goes back in,” he said wickedly. “Better yet I might fill it with something else,” he chuckled.

I snapped my eyes shut and shook my head. I took a deep breath. What else was I going to do at this point? I had to agree. I nodded my head and looked back at him. Pleading with him in my silence.

His lips formed a sinister smile and he approached me. Moving my head close to his chest as his hands laced behind my head, untying the gag and any tangling of it in my hair.

“Good girl,” he said, pulling away with the gag and taking a step back.

A shiver ripped down my spine at his words. Who was he to say that to me?

“Thanks,” I replied with obvious disatisfaction in my voice. I again refused to look at him. I looked towards my hands. My wrists were swollen red already.

“Are you hot?” he asked me, tossing the gag onto the love seat.

It was the middle of July in Wisconsin, and it was hot. The temperature was just beginning to climb. I was sure that based on the state of what I could see of the house, there was no air conditioning. Not even a fan.

I looked up at him, but wouldn’t look him in the eye. “Why?” I asked.

“Because I am.” His shirt came off quickly. He tossed it over the gag on the love seat.

Charlie wasn’t a bad looking guy. He was tall, standing right around six foot four. He was stocky, but in all the right places. The only thing I just never really was a fan of was his face. Too much like a puppy dog. Too sweet, too soft. Too… I’d do anything for you. But that wasn’t how he was looking at me today.

“I don’t want to ruin your coat,” he stated. “But you are going to need to take it off at some point if you don’t want to die of a heat stroke.”

I was wearing a dark purple long sleeve trench coat, black leggings and a band tee with a black camisole underneath. He was right, I was going to get hot in this halfway house.

“Take off the ties and I can just pull it off as normal,” I said calmly.

He shook his head. “You’ll run away.”

“No, I wont,” I instantly replied. Of course I’m lying.

“I’ve got a better idea,” he replied with a smile. From his pocket he pulls out a hunting knife and peels it open. He snaps the tie on my left hand and grabs my wrist, using his other hand to start pulling my jacket off on that side. “We’re just going to do this one arm at a time.”

As he went to put my left wrist back in a zip-tie, I yanked it away from him and held it close to my chest.

“Charlie, wait…” I stuttered. I was scared and he could tell, but he didn’t seem to care.

He snatched my hand and zip-tied it quickly back where it had been before.

“Don’t fight me, Annie,” he said, reaching for my right hand. “You see how that turned out for you last night don’t you?” He cut the tie and finished removing my coat completely; setting it on the love seat next to his shirt. He held my hand for a moment and I peered up at him.

“Charlie, I want to go home.”

He took a deep breath. “For now this is your home,” he said, and quickly walked away to the next room, my right hand still free. I tried to reach for my phone behind me, but it was too far away and this chair was too heavy for me to drag. He returned sooner than expected and arrived holding a duffel bag.

“Are you tired, Annie?” he asked me, now kneeling on the floor, searching through the bag. “If you need to sleep I’m going to put you in bed for awhile.” He pulled out a rope.

“I’m not tired,” I snapped at him. “I want you to let me go. Or at least just fucking tell me what you’re doing. I’m sick of you talking like you speak in this cryptic tongue.”

He sighed again. Standing, he kicked the duffel bag to the side of me. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Alright, Annie. You’ve been a good girl,” he asserted, and those words again riveted my body. “Haven’t asked any questions since I told you not to. So with that, I suppose I will tell you a little about this house and what I do here.” He turned around. “And who I am today.”

I just stared at him, practically helpless and wanting to know why any of this was happening to me. This was not how I expected my trip back home to be at all. Sure I expected it to be sad and depressing, but not full of terror, fear and anguish.

He turned back around to face me, then reaching for the reclining chair and pulling it over so that he could sit across from me. He put his hands together, leaning on his legs with his elbows on his thighs. And he got closer.

“I have this place because I need somewhere to take advantage of grim young women who sometimes ask for it and sometimes don’t.” He didn’t even blink. Not once. “But I always let them go,” he reassured me.

“I don’t understand,” I say while shaking my head. “You’re a good looking guy, Charlie. Why don’t you have a real place? You could easily get a nice girl.”

He tries to begin to reply as I hesitate, but I cut him off.

“I’ve never known you to hurt anyone, Charlie.” My face begins to turn away from him as I start to realize what kind of shape I’m really in. And a glimpse of what might be to come. I swallowed.

“I’m not the same person, I’ve been trying to show you that.” He scooted closer to me and put his hands over mine. My instincts were to pull away, but being restrained the way I was, I couldn’t move away. I thought to kick him, but I changed my mind. I still need to know what he has to say.

“A lot has changes since you were last around. Including the death of my brother as well as losing my job and getting a DUI.” He let go of me and stood. He began to pace around the room. “You should be more understanding. I know that you’re in town because your mother died.” I reached my head around to look at him from the corner of the room he was now in. “Big news travels fast in a small town. Its not every day we have a junkie overdosing on the family farm.”

Anger grew within me. “Don’t talk about her like that,” I snapped. Only I could do that.

“Well, that’s what she was, Annie. You’re a junkie’s daughter,” he sneered.

“STOP!” I screamed, and he started walking towards me.

“I plucked you off the side of the road a belligerent mess last night, you filthy little slut!” he screamed back at me, now pulling a fist full of hair into his hand, but not yet wrenching it. “You are your mother’s daughter and I’m going to show you.”

He moved the chair with ease, while it had took everything I could muster to even try to move it an inch. He dragged me across the floor until I was in the center of the room. Picking up the rope he had pulled out earlier, he walked up behind me and wrapped it around my neck twice. I pleaded for him to stop as I struggled to get out of the chair as much as I could, but he was now holding me down.

His hands began weaving the rope around my body and the chair. Twice around the top of my chest, twice around my midsection and then twice with each end of the rope around my legs.

“I tried to get you to go to bed,” he said, now whipping the chair around so that I face him.

“What are you going to do to me, Charlie?” I whimpered, feeling totally and utterly chained to this chair in a way I’d never experienced before.

He pulled out a knife and began cutting horizontal slits in my shirt, right were my breasts were. Then he reached back for the ball gag, and I began rocking the chair.

“No, no. No, stop!” I begged. “No, Charlie, please!”

“You talk too much, you always have.” He walked back to me and clutched my face with one hand. “I’m not ready to stick anything else in that mouth of yours, so you better be thankful its just this.”

He continued to try to apply the gag, but I wouldn’t stop dodging him as best I could with my head.

“No, Charlie, please! Please, don’t gag me, please!” I shrieked.

He grabbed my ear and torn it downward. “Fucking sit still and shut the fuck up, Annie!” he bellowed, and it echoed throughout my body as he shoved the ball into my mouth and quickly laced the back. Just as tight as before.

Tears started to well up in my eyes, but I wouldn’t let them come out. I could never give him the satisfaction in that. Especially since that’s what it seemed he was looking for.

His hands reached up into my shirt where he had cut it and now cut my bra. From the center first and then both of the straps. As he removed it from me I looked away. This was not supposed to be me here.

I again tried to get away from him, but it was to no avail. I didn’t move an inch. He laughed at me, but overall tried to remain his composure. He backed away, throwing my bra on the love seat.

“I want to show you something,” he said, reaching for my phone and then holding it out in front of me. “This thing is dead,” he continued, throwing the phone on the ground. “And it can’t help you anymore.” His boot rained down on my phone, kicking it several times with his steel toed work boot and then side swiping the shattered mess into the wall.

I couldn’t stop it this time. The tears streamed down my face.

This story is currently being created for my Patreon account.

It has exclusively been shared here and on Tumblr. If you like this story and would like to read more of it and others, please consider becoming a patron via the link above! I'd love to create just for your fantasies alone.
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Old 08-20-2020, 06:25 PM   #3
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Old 08-25-2020, 08:19 PM   #4
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Post Part Three

Glass spread about the floor as the bezel of my phone cracked against the trim at the bottom of the wall. It was dead and completely broken now. Half was my fault and the other half was his.

His footprints commanded the room as he got closer to me. I wouldn’t look up at his face. I just stared at his waist and watched his hands clutch into fists.

“You’ll learn,” he sighed, relieving his anger and releasing his hands as he walked back to the duffel bag. He pulled something out, but I couldn’t quite tell what it was. I could see there were two pieces, but other than that it was too small. He turned around and approached me; squating low and reaching into the giant holes he’d created in my shirt where my breasts were beginning to hang past.

I squirmed to get away from his touch, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t leaving this chair.

Shocks of pain raced through my body as he attached metal clamps to my nipples. My body shook and I rattled the chair off the ground. With one hand on my shoulder he pushed me back down and stood up. I sobbed, hunched over in the chair thriving in pain.

“Your body will get used to the feeling in a minute,” he said reassuringly, but without remorse in his voice. He turned away from me and walked into the next room.

My cries grew louder as I tried to call for him through the gag. Pleading with him to release me, to let me go; to relieve me of all this that was surely not justified in any kind of way.

He strolled back into the room, a smile spread across his face. “Aww, don’t want to be left alone, Annie?” he snickered. “You missed me, huh”

I scoffed at him and eyed his direction in disgust. I wanted free, I didn’t want to be left alone, but I certainly didn’t want him.

He pursed his lips together and his smile faded. Anger flooded his face and he grabbed his shirt, throwing back on and over himself.

“Alrighty then. I’m going to work.” He looked at his phone from his pocket. My eyes filled with jealousy. “Its 11:06. I should be back by four as I only work part time now.” He walked over to me and ran his hand through my hair. “I’ll bring dinner home and we’ll have a great time. I’m sure by then your attitude will have changed.”

He leaned down to kiss my forehead but I pulled my head away. He laughed and leaned down to meet my gaze.

“I’m going to do what I want and you’re going to let me,” he demanded. His right hand reached for my right breast and his fingers latched on to the clamp, holding it stable. “Or you will rightfully pay the price.” He torn off the clamp without opening it. I screamed out in pain as my head lunged forward and by body surged in reaction. More tears flooded my eyes as he tugged on my nipple and replaced the clip; standing up and beginning to walk away.

He grabbed my keys from the love seat and stuffed them into his other pocket. His hand ran through his light brown hair and he threw on his ball cap.

“There are no neighbors, so scream all you want. Like I said,” he turned to me saying while opening the front door, “I’ll be home at four.” He winked at me and walked out with a smile.

I was alone. I was alone, tied up like an animal and accessorized like a whore. My mind wandered to my grandfather, what he might be thinking right now. He knew I was on the way to see him, but he knew I wasn’t the responsible type either. Maybe I did take after my mother in some ways. It was highly unlikely that my grandfather would even report me missing yet. I was known to change my mind and be reckless. I was known to not always check in when I probably should. I’m a victim of my own lifestyle.

After about twenty minutes of trying to loosen the rope that restrained me from the chair, I gave up. It was no use. He had tied it so tight and so well that I didn’t think even he would be able to undo it. He’d have to cut it off to get me out.

I could feel the edges of the leather gag cutting the sides of my mouth. There was no clock to be seen in the house yet, so I had no idea of how long I’d been there or for how much longer I would have to wait. I didn’t scream. Moving my face hurt far too much and he had already said that there was no use in trying. While he may have been lying to me, I had firm belief that he wasn’t. After all we had already been in one of the most rural counties in Wisconsin when he first saw me on the road. Wherever he had brought me was just as far away from civilization as my grandfather’s house. All yelling would do would be exhaust me, and I was already there.

Minutes turned into hours and my eyes began to close. I wasn’t comfortable, but there was nothing I could do about it either. I let my mind fade into oblivion as slept crept into my eyes. I relinquished my control and let it take me down, pulling me into the sandman’s grasp.

A couple of hours later the door creeked open and his footsteps pulled me back to my senses. I refused to open my eyes. I sat still and tried desperately to pretend I was still asleep or I was somewhere else and he was not there with me. The smell of fried chicken filled the air and it smelled good; it smelled like my childhood.

“I brought Gibson’s,” he said closing the door. Gibson’s was the local bar in town, and they had the best boneless fried chicken wings you had ever tasted. Not to mention their potato wedges were hand cut every single day.

I ignored his comment. As good as the food would be, I still desperately wanted to be somewhere else.

He set the bag of takeout containers on the love seat and strolled over to me. He gave me a nudge with the back of his hand to my shoulder.

“Annie, wake up or quit playing around,” he said sternly. “We don’t have time for either one.”

I opened my eyes and stared at his boots. What else was I going to do?

His hand reached to the back of the ball gag and began to unlace it.

“Give me any shit and it goes back on. Do you understand me?” he asked, glaring down at me and using his other hand to face my head up and meet his gaze. I nodded and he removed the gag. “Good.”

He walked back over to the love seat and sat down. Opening the bag, he pulled out a plate and began assembling it. Three large chicken wings, a spoonful of cole slaw and a handful of wedges. He walked over and set the plate in my lap. He then walked over to the recliner and pulled it close to me and sat it in.

“I’ll let you feed yourself if you behave,” he said, grabbing the rest of the food and putting it on his own lap.

My eyes went from the food in my lap to his face. “With one hand or two?” I questioned.

He leaned over and cut the tie on my left hand with a knife from his pocket. “Just one,” he laughed.

I didn’t say another word, I just dove into eating. The food was delicious and I hadn’t had it in years. I licked my lips as I finished and stared down at my empty plate. I wished the plate was porcelain instead of paper, I would have hit him over the head with it.

Charlie took the plate from me and stood up. Gathering all of the trash into the bag and walking into the other room.

I toyed with the rope around my legs; trying to pull it loose enough to get one leg out.

He returned to the room and sighed, walking over with a fresh, unused zip-tie.

“I told you to behave,” he said with disappointment apparent in his tone. My left hand was again zip-tied to the arm of the chair. His hands slid into the slits in my shirt and fondled my breasts. I wiggled to try to move away but I went nowhere and his grasp got tighter. “I just thought you’d want these off now,” he laughed, pulling off the clamps, again without opening them at all.

I screamed out in pain. This time shrieking with my mouth ungagged and he grabbed his ears.

“Now I’ll have none of that!” He screamed back. The knife from his pocket twirled around his hand and he did the thing I’d been longing for; he cut the rope, releasing pressure from my body. But he didn’t stop there.

He got down on his knees and took each of my legs under each of his arms. Using the knife, he began to carve into my leggings until they were just scraps. I wanted to scream again, I wanted to beg him to stop, but I feared the repercussions of those actions. His hands grasped onto the scraps of my leggings and torn them off my body; leaving me just in my torn up top and exposed black hipster panties in the chair.

I closed my eyes. I again wanted to pretend that I was somewhere else.

He groaned with pleasure and rubbed his right hand on my thigh. I kicked out at him and my foot hit his shin, hard. His face turned red and he grabbed a fistful of my hair.

“Still learning, huh?” he asked and loosened his belt in the process. I refused to look at him. “Open your mouth,” he yelled at me.

My eyes shot open and my feet pushed against the floor, trying to get myself away from him. The grasp of his hand in my hair got firmer as he inched closer to me; my body unable to budge the mostly metal chair. With his free hand he managed to shuffle his jeans lower down his hips and began rifling around in his boxers.

“Open your fucking mouth, Annie,” he sneered and I shook my head.

“No! No, I wont!” I yelled at him.

“Oh, but you will, Annie,” he yelled back at me. He got closer and let go of my hair. His hand instead pried into my mouth, pulling down my jaw and reaching his fingers into the back of my throat. I gagged and lunged forward, my throat spasming and trying to get me to throw up; but as soon as I did move forward he thrust himself into my mouth -- continuously growing as he entered.

He grabbed onto the back of my head with both hands and held me as I gagged. I was choking and I couldn’t stop it. He began to maneuver my head; up and down, up and down, again and again, and again. Tears streamed down my face. My arms yanked and yanked on the zip-ties holding me to the chair.

I’d never had a man’s penis in my mouth before. Not even Charlie’s from when we had previously dated.

His movements were so quick and continuous I could barely operate my mouth at all. I knew I shouldn’t bit him, though I wanted to badly. When my lips did make an effort to form around his shaft, he would push my face down until my lips touched the base of his groin.

I tried to scream again, but all that came out was a bunch of gurgles matched with saliva dripping down my chin. His moans and groans echoed about the room and they were like knives in my ears. I just wanted it all to stop.

He tugged on my hair and pulled my head up. I gasped for air; coughing and shaking in the chair. His hands finally left my face and hair, but his gaze didn’t move away from me. I watched his hand move for his cock as he started stroking it quickly, taking just one step back.

“I told you you would open your mouth,” he laughed. “Little Annie.”

I wanted to make a reply. I wanted to insult him and scream at him, but I didn’t have the energy and I knew there was no use. Plus, he didn’t appear to be finished yet.

He took a step forward, putting himself back where he had been in front of me.

“Open your mouth again,” he commanded.

I stared up at him, my eyes still full of sobs. I hesitated for a moment, but I knew my fate.

I opened my mouth, and shut my eyes.

A smile flooded his face and took over his every feature, but I refused to look at it. His one hand dove back into my hair as his penis tapped the tips of my lips.

His warm, gooey liquid filled my mouth. It coated my tongue and began to slowly slide down my throat. His other hand moved from his piece to my chin as he forced my mouth closes and my eyes opened to look at him. As they did, another cup of tears streamed down my cheeks.

“Swallow,” he, again, commanded.

And I did it. I swallowed; and every nasty bit fell down my throat and landed like a pit in my stomach.

Just like that Charlie turned away and began redressing; walking away from me and leaving me still a disheveled mess. I tried to pull myself together and to stop the crying. I wasn’t weak and I needed to act like it.

He grabbed his phone and sat down on the love seat. He did not look up at me. I watched him type away to someone and then promptly shut it off. Standing, he began to stretch his arms and yawn. A smile again spread across his face as he finally glanced over at me; now making his way across the room in my direction.

“It’s almost six now,” he said simply.

I just nodded my head in response. So, the fuck what, Charlie?

“I’m exhausted now for the moment, but I have plenty of plans for later,” he replied to himself, moving behind me. “For now, I want to move you to the bed, so you’re well rested and ready when I want you.”

My mind started racing. So much had already happened and now he was telling me that there would be more? That this wasn’t the end to his tyranny?

“Charlie, I can’t do this anymore. Please, let me go, please take me home! I beg you, Charlie!” I pleaded with him. I didn’t know what else to do.

Plucking the rope from the floor, he wrapped it numerous times around my neck, and pulled it tight. He tightened it in such a way as to make me perfectly aware that he could cause it to fully choke me at just the snap of his wrist. His free hand moved forward and cut the zip-tie on my left hand.

“That isn’t your decision to make, Annie,” he declared to me. “You’re going to get up, you’re going to let me lead you to bed and tie you up or you are going to regret it.”

“Charlie, no! Please,” I whimpered.

“One more damn word and we’re grabbing the ball gag, too.” He cut the other zip-tie and pulled me up by my neck. I gasped for air.

I tried to stand still, but he pushed me forward and his words repeated in my head. My choices were clear -- obey his orders and avoid the rage or follow my rebellious instincts and pay the price. Based on how I was feeling already, I knew I needed to just listen this time, so I kept my mouth shut and I let him force me along through the house until we reached a large bedroom with one queen sized bed and a nightstand. Nothing else.

He threw me down on the bed, but maintained a firm grasp on the rope wrapped multiple times around my neck. Both of my wrists were grasped in his right hand and he held them up above my head. After zip-tying them together, he attached them to a hook connected to the headboard, which he then cranked tight.

My legs twitched and then I started to kick them. Why did I need to be in here?

He grabbed one with both hands, releasing my neck, but pinning me to the bed.

“Lay still!” he yelled, and a whimper crawled out of me as my legs went limp. “Thats better.”

He quickly moved my legs apart and attached each of my ankles to restraints at both corners of the end of the bed. Once fully tied down, he came up the the side on the bed and sat next to me. His hands wandered up my shirt.

“I think its time we take this off, too,” he insisted, and immediately started cutting off my top.

I squirmed beneath his touch and tried to sway my body away from his grasp, but in less than three seconds he had my shirt sliced down the center and fallen to both sides of my body. He pinched my nipple and stood up. I flinched, but tried to keep what little composure I had left.

“I’m going to watch a little TV now and maybe call a friend. You are going to lay here and be quite. If I hear you rustling around in the bed trying to get free or attempting to yell at the top of your lungs I will come in here and whip you senseless. Do you understand?” he asked, asserting his proven authority.

My eyes wandered away from him. I didn’t want to respond. And his hands turned to fists once more.

“I’ve made it clear I’m not playing any games, Annie. You are to be quiet or you will be gagged and whipped until you are bleeding on this bed. Do I make myself CLEAR?”

I nodded and my eyes welled up with tears, but I wouldn’t let them out. How could he do this to someone? How could he do this to me?

“Yes, I will be quiet.”
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Old 08-26-2020, 01:36 AM   #5
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Loving it! You are GOOD! Thanks for sharing. You keep them coming and I will keep reading. I may even peruse your other site. You are worth following.
M 73 California USA. Likes cbt, spanking, nt, and exhibitionism. Who knows what I might discover next.

Click my album for a picture of most of my toys. Will use them on cam.

Limits are anal, excrement, involving other people, illegal, lasting marks no cross dressing any nudity will use a mask or no face.

Growing old is a good thing we all want to do but I don't have to BE old.

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Last edited by EroticButEarnestEm; 08-26-2020 at 08:00 PM.
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Old 08-26-2020, 06:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by sexyseniorctzn View Post
Loving it! You are GOOD! Thanks for sharing. You keep them coming and I will keep reading. I may even peruse your other site. You are worth following.
Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words and dedication so far as a fan!
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Old 08-31-2020, 07:29 PM   #8
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Post Part Four

Charlie left the room without another word and I just stared at the doorway as he went. I didn’t bother to tug on the restraints. Why try to make noise and disturb him when he has finally left me in… peace. Well some kind of peace that is.

This room was off-white. Ivory. But not because it was painted or designed that way. It was because it was old. Old and run down. The once pure picket white fence colored paint on the wall had withered away and become dingy with cigarette smoke and God knows what else over the decades of years that the house had been used and then been emptied.

The bed was truly the only new thing in the room, and the only thing of real value or substance. It was made of steel, airbrushed black and had all sorts of loops and rings, chains tied here and there. This was his torture room -- that was clear to me as I kept my eyes wandering around. In the far right corner of the room, just past the doorway was a large, long trunk. It didn’t look old, but it looked like it had been sitting there for a while. It wasn’t open. I couldn’t be clear about what the contents of it were, but I was sure that time would tell all. As it always does.

While Charlie was a tall, burly man, I was much his opposite. At a colossal five foot five, I was nearly a whole foot shorter than him with a frail but feminine body. I’d never been much to look at truthfully, or at least that is what I had always thought. As the only child of a single mother who needed to be cared for much more than she was actually able to care for me, I grew up feeling invisible. I didn’t notice if people were looking at me because my mind was somewhere else. On more important things.

The clicking sound echoed in from the living room to the room that I lay in. His fingers slid all over the remote as he clicked through channels. I just didn’t understand it. He comes home with food. He feeds me. We talk and then we argue. He forces himself on me and now he’s tired, so hes watching TV and is leaving me tied to a bed? Who the fuck does this? I became very aware that I didn’t know Charlie anymore, and I had completely no idea of what his true motives were. As much as I would like to think he’d never harm me, I so far know that to be a false statement, and I can’t rely on it to change. I needed to find a way out of this, but I wasn’t sure how that was going to be possible.

After a little while, I heard Charlie begin to start talking. He must have called someone, a friend, like he said he was going to. I began to try to listen, but his voice was too faint for me to hear. It was obvious he was talking to someone he trusted, just based on the manner in which he was speaking. You could hear the smile in his voice. Who could he be talking to right now after everything he has done and be blissfully happy? Ignorantly exuberant? The possibilities were endless in my mind. I thought it could be anyone. Anyone from a girlfriend to a best buddy, to his mother for all I knew. After all, I didn’t know him anymore, not like I thought I once had.

The restraints on my ankles were starting to get sore. My feet twisted, straining my legs and stretching my panties across my gaping hips. They were my last real piece of clothing. Nothing else separated my eyes from his gaze, or his grasp. The metal clanked against the bed and I immediately fell still. I wasn’t supposed to be making any noise, but I was so uncomfortable. I tried again to pull at my ankles, desperately attempting to re-position my feet. The metal again clinked together and echoed about the room; this time from both ankles at once.

I heard him stand. His footsteps were unavoidable, they rang in my ears like bells on Christmas day. In an instant he was standing in the doorway, leaning his body against the frame and crossing his arms.

“I told you to be quiet,” he simply said.

I frowned. “I’m sorry. I am trying,” I replied.

His brow furrowed and his eyes got darker. “Well, whats the ruckess?”

I looked down at my feet, my eyes glazing over my naked breasts. I tried envisioning a dark cloak covering my whole body from his eyes.

“My ankles. The restraints are too tight.” I frowned again. My whole body was being torn in half by this bed. “Charlie, I’m too short for this.”

The loudest chuckle I’d ever heard boomed out of him. It bounced around the room, off the walls and to the ceiling, back down to the floor and right into my ears. My face flush red with embarrassment. Like I was the one who had said something wrong.

He approached me and loosened the restraint on my right ankle. My ankle wasn’t free. His ties were still firmly wrapped around, but the chain to it had been lengthened, allowing me just an inch or so more to adjust my hips and reduce the pull on my leg. He walked around the bed and started doing the same to the other.

“I can’t just make them loose because you’re short, Annie. Its a big bed, but this discomfort will be a minor nuisance.”

I gulped at his words. Why did he have to be so cryptic? So full of secrets he was so unwilling to share. I just wanted to be let out of the dark.

“I gave you an inch and a half on both legs,” he said, and glared down at me. “That’s a total of three inches that I am now allowing those legs to close. If I feel its been too much, it will go back to how it was. Understand?” he asked.

Who the hell did he think he was? Acting like the boss of me. Sure I was a kidnap victim at this point, but he was making it a real point to set all the rules -- not just make me unhappy or uncomfortable. He didn’t deserve my reply. He hadn’t earned my respect. Not even close.

His hand dove down and landed over my intimate spot. His body slid in next to me on the bed and I could feel his breathing hasten as he took his other hand and pulled up another fistful of my black hair.

“Didn’t you hear me, slut? I asked you a God damn question!” he screamed into my ear. The hand he held over my warmth got tighter. His grasp pinched me and pulled at hairs I didn’t want to admit I had. I let out a yelp. “ANSWER ME!” he growled. His face was red, redder than a cardinal in the snow.

“Yes!” I screamed out. Twisting and turning my head, trying to get free of him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I understand completely!” I shouted.

“Good,” he continued to growl. Both of his hands released me and he sat up, but he did not leave the bed. One of his hands dug into his back pocket where he retrieved his knife. “I’m sick of you feeling like you still have some sort of power. I am in control here. You are at my disposal. And I guess removing these is the only way you’re truly going to remember.”

The knife made its way down my side. He scraped its blade against my skin, along my stomach and then down my hips. I wrestled around beneath his touch. Tears filled up my eyes and wreaked torment all over my face.

“No, no, please, Charlie, no!” I screamed, I was begging. I was begging him again for mercy.

His eyes looked at mine and his grip on the knife got lighter. His sympathy waned for me, and a smile spread across his face.

“So much security you’ve put into these little things.” He lowered the knife. “Why should I let you keep them? They’ll come off eventually anyway,” he laughed. “You have to know that by now, Annie.”

I swallowed my pride. I had nothing left. There was nothing left to do but give in to him, and do everything in my power to get out of this situation as quickly as I possibly could.

“Because I’m sorry,” I blurted out over my sobs. “I didn’t mean to. I will behave, I swear. I’m so sorry.”

He glared at me. “I’m not going to act like that’s enough, because its not, Annie.” He stood up and through the puddles of water in my eyes I watched as he stuffed the knife back into his pocket. “But I think you’ve learned your lesson,” he said, licking his lips. “For now at least.”

His back turned to me and he approached the door. “And those panties WILL come off eventually,” he said to me, never glancing back and then exiting the room.

I sighed and let the tears continue to flow. I had worked so hard for so long to get out of this town and now here I was, trapped with the same reject that had been pining for me since the fifth grade. Trapped with no way out, no escape; half naked in a bed that isn’t mine. I still just wanted to be somewhere else.

Tears have an extraordinary way of exhausting you, with little to no effort at all. After about ten more minutes of crying, I was out like a light -- and tied up like deer hung up to be gutted, only lying on a bed. I didn’t dream, my body didn’t have it in me to support a fantasy or terrorize me with a nightmare. I was already in hell anyway. When I did wake, it was to the front door in the living room slamming shut. Did Charlie just leave me here?

My internal question was soon answered when I now heard not just Charlie’s footsteps, but someone else’s. Someone lighter.

“Yeah, she’s in there,” I heard Charlie say to the mystery individual. “Last time I checked she was asleep.”

There was a new sound introduced to my ears, and it sounded to me like the rustling of some sort of bag. Like one you would have gotten from the grocery store.

“Her grandfather decided the funeral will be Thursday.” The voice, it came from a woman, and a young one at that. “Because she never came, he’s unsure where she is and figures this is all just too much for her to handle. He’s not looking for her, so that’s a relief,” she said.

I remembered earlier when Charlie was talking on the phone. I could hear him talking but I could not hear the actual words that he was saying. That meant that he and this strange woman must be closer to the door of my room than the love seat where he was sitting was. As much as what I heard shocked me, I tried not to move a muscle. If the chains rattled, they might both come in.

“I told you that that would be the case,” Charlie replied to her. They both became silent and I wondered what they were doing. Were they lovers?

“Well I still think this whole thing is stupid, but I got you what you asked for,” she said back to him, disapproval apparent in her voice.

“Yeah, well that’s why I’m in charge. I make the rules around here.” With that they both fell silent. I heard both of their feet scuffle around the room together and then I heard her leave. They exchanged goodbyes and he locked the door behind her. The deadbolt echoed throughout the mostly empty house.

Who the hell was that?

It didn’t take long for him to wind up in the room with me. He again leaned in the doorway, just watching me from a distance.

“You’re awake,” he said, staring at me. All of me.

I yawned. “Barely.”

He approached me. My body was strained, exhausted and melted into the bed. As he got closer to me, my glistening skin from hours of anxious sweat gleamed. A laugh rumbled out of him and he leaned down to sit down on the bed next to me, landing a hand on my thigh and gliding it up my side.

“Exhausted after no work, you’re going to be fun,” he chuckled.

My eyes slammed shut. I didn’t want to think about him or what he might do next. Mind over matter, mind over matter, I repeated inside.

“Don’t be so coy.” His fingers wrapped around my chin and pulled my face his way. I reluctantly opened my eyes. “You act like you’re innocent.”

“I am innocent!” I snapped back at him, and immediately I cowered.

I ignited his anger, again.

“I told you, Annie. You’re a junkie’s daughter and I’m gonna prove it to you.”

I shook my head and growled at him. If his hand were close enough I would have bit it.

“What the fuck does my mother being a drug addict have anything to do with me being here!?” I demanded an answer.

“Everyone is addicted to something, Annie,” he said to me, reaching his index finger into the side of my panties. “For your momma it was crack, for your daddy it was alcohol. Your grandpa, hes addicted to living his life in the past, and even me, Annie. I’m addicted to you.”

With the simple flick of a finger he was plunged into me. My wetness ran down his finger and leeched all over his hand, soaking my panties in the process as well. Slowly, but swiftly he moved back and forth, adding a finger with the third stroke.

“No, stop!” I hollered. I yanked and tugged on ever restraint. I pulled my hips away from him, but his hand followed my every movement, and would not allow his fingers to fully release from me. “Charlie, stop! Stop, stop please!”

“No, Annie, I can’t stop.” A smile again grew on his face. This time the most joy filled of all, but wrapped in the most sinister intentions. “I won’t stop until you are addicted to something, too.”

He laughed and climbed over me, giving himself better leverage to thrust his hand into me. Over and over again he slammed his hand against my pussy. Two fingers outside my panties and two fingers deep inside me.

It felt tight, I felt full. His fingers swirled as they entered me and curled as they pulled out. I could feel the bed soaking beneath me, but I ignored it. This was just my body’s natural reaction -- and I wasn’t in control of it.

A moan escaped my lips.

“That’s it. Tell me how much you like it, Annie,” he sneered at me.

I shook my head. I wouldn’t answer. I didn’t want this.

He grunted and his pace got quicker; rougher, too. In another moment, he pried in another finger; gaping my whole and stretching me tight.

I moaned again. This time louder, but I still tried to suppress it.

“Tell me how much you like my hand in your filthy cunt,” he groaned.

My lips pursed together. I still didn’t want to answer him. I still didn’t want this to be happening to me, so I was just going to do my best to pretend that it wasn’t.

Air leaked out of my throat as his free hand wrapped around it tight, stopping any flow of air from entering, only barely still allowing it to leave. His other hand thrust harder, pinching my skin and almost tearing me each time he rammed in and out.

“If you don’t want to speak I’ll make it so you can’t.” He closed his eyes and swallowed. Swallowing down his beast. “Tell me how great my hand feels in this defiled pussy of yours or suffer the consequences. This is your last warning.”

I gulped. “I love it,” I replied quickly, choking back tears again.

He coughed, looking at me and demanding more. Never ceasing his pace.

“It…” I hesitated. This was new territory for me. No man had ever asked me to dirty talk him before. And here Charlie was asking me to fully humiliate myself just for his pleasure. “It feels so good so deep inside.” My face flushed red and my watery eyes leaked.

“Keep going,” he said, slowly beginning to steady his pace to an even mellow pulse. “What do you want?”

I closed my eyes. I was totally embarrassed. How was this happening? This didn’t feel right, but it almost did. My body did.

“I don’t want you to stop,” I cried out.

This story is currently being created for my Patreon account.

It has exclusively been shared here. If you like this story and would like to read more of it and others, please consider becoming a patron via the link above! I'd love to create just for your fantasies alone.
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