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Old 07-22-2016, 12:10 AM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Your Evening

((I just hit the 50% mark or so on the big project I'm working on. As a break, I've written another story. This time, a bit of a experimentation with 2nd person. Hope you all can enjoy it!))

Your Evening
By Jappio

Part 1

You turn your head up towards the hot stream of water coming towards you. You let the shower head rain warmth over your body, desiring the steam may somehow help clear your head. You hoped an extra warm shower may calm your nerves, but no such luck could be found.

You heavily sigh, stepping from the shower. To avoid making a mess, you of course wrap a heavy towel around your body. Tightly bound in it, you let it absorb the excess wetness from your body. You shift and pull the material, to better dry yourself. Catching your reflection in your mirror, you try to psych yourself up. You tell your reflection that it can do this, that it can handle the night to come.

With a second towel you dry your hair, and after the time with it, you hang it up to your side. Instinct carries you to your door and you open it up. You’re facing into your room and you step out of the bathroom. Your foot finds itself setting forwards towards your closet and drawer. You stop.

In your closet and drawer are a number of outfits. Shirts, dresses, skirts, pants, and of course even underwear. Normally you’d head right to your bottom drawer and find some form of cotton panties to slip up your legs. You’d secure your breasts in the matching bra. With a bit of time, you’d find some sort of outfit to wear. On a warm summer night, a pair of shorts and a tank top would have been very comfortable. Yet none of those were an option on this night.

You pull yourself away from your room, and turn back to the bathroom. In defeat you remove the towel that was wrapped around your body. You hold it up and place it on the hook. Normally, despite living alone, you’d have had the modesty to wait till you were dressed to return the towel to its hook.

You hang your head down whilst grabbing the edge of the countertop. You stare first down into the sink. You look up and at your reflection again. She’s already blushing, and you actually giggle lightly, chastising your reflection for being so easily flustered.

Of course you know there’s little point dwelling. Your fate had been sealed since the night before. Trying to put on a brave face, you begin to attend to what you can. You turn to your hair, not having much else to really prepare.

You see your bare body in the mirror. You think about how it is as it is, your body not hidden beneath some clothing. The total lack of security, the inability to hide your true self… it makes you shiver. You consider what cosmetics you could use, almost even humoring the idea of perhaps applying some to your body. Would applying a blush to your breasts be beneficial? Would it make them look better? Did you want them to look better and be more worth looking at? Would it really matter?

In the end, you decided you were dressed au naturel, so you might as well be that way totally. No makeup, no jewelry, no anything. You weren’t sure if it was your best look, but it was “a” look, and it seemed most appropriate.

Stepping back from the mirror, you gaze at yourself. You gaze at the naked reflection. Your body was freshly cleaned and hair properly tamed. Your face was still red, and it wasn’t about to recede most likely. Lower your eyes move, and your bare chest sticks out. Each mound atop your chest isn’t without some sort of curve of course, and it’s painfully obvious. Your nipples have begun to poke forwards, and you hope it’s just a matter of your body cooling since leaving the hot shower.

You’re almost ready to shake as you see you’re just as naked lower. Your stomach exposed, just how much you work out would be clear. You brush your palms on your hips, and try not to think too much about the area directly between them. Earlier, you had made sure to groom the area to what you felt would be best, though that wasn’t a decision that was easy to make.

Turning to the side, you look at your hip and the way your behind curves away from your back. It’s all so surreal. These last few moments in front of the mirror, it was just reinforcing your worries, your worries of just how naked you really were. You had felt it plenty, but now you had reaffirmed that fact.

Patting your cheeks, you resign yourself to your plan. You dread it, but backing out doesn’t seem an option either. You leave the bathroom, and do your best to even ignore looking to your closet and drawer again. You just turn once entering your room and head right towards the hallway.

Nerves get to you as you’re reminded of your natural state of modesty. Leaving your room totally bare was more than the average evening. One can only wonder how you’ll get through the evening if just this is starting to cause you to feel different.

You cross your arms over your chest, if only to try and eliminate some of the buoyant feeling of your unsecure breasts bobbing. Seems every little movement is reminding you of your nudity. Bare feet on the carpet are just one of the other many signs reminding you. Your forearm brushes on the wall. It still makes you feel vulnerable in this situation, even though that’d have been possible in your desired tank top.

The trek down the small hall has you in the living room. Your senses feel heightened, and you wonder about perhaps turning the air down a little, you hadn’t really considered the fact you would be without the extra warmth that clothes could given, even if it would be just a few thing layers of cotton. Your mind keeps wandering, and you gaze about. You had the sense to shut the curtains earlier at least, so any evening joggers wouldn’t be able to spy in at your state of undress.

You see the clock to the side, and thankfully your shower and prep did at least bring you closer to the designated time. Waiting would have been too dreadful if you’d finished too soon, now at least you’d be able to get things over with. Such blessings were coupled with the curse of your adrenaline rushing, knowing you had no time to try and relax. It won’t be long till the embarrassment truly begins. The stakes were about to increase tenfold for sure.

Dropping your arms to the side, you try to take one more look at your body. It’s a quick look, as you can’t bear to stare down at it. Nothing is there besides you, and it’s a nearly paralyzing thought. Your arms wrap around your chest, if only to feel the security. Your breasts are pushed down by an overlaid arm. Your thighs nestle around the sides of your hand. It’s not enough; your third usually hidden spot, your pert bottom, isn’t hidden. Your bare hips and ribs and shoulders and thighs and more are all revealed as well, just adding to the feeling.

You gasp as you hear the doorbell. Of course they’re right on time! Of course you wouldn’t have another chance to back out or at least get used to the feelings overwhelming you! So many doubts and worries flood your mind. The chime sounds again.

“I’ve got this,” you mutter. You shamble to the door, your arms and hands not moving from their attempts to cover your body. This was what you had to do. Your mind screams for you to turn and run to your room, to put something on, but it’s ultimately ignored.

You take a final heavy labored breath as you reach the door. You stand close to it, intending to use it as a last shield, if only to help you somehow ease into what is to come. The hand between your legs lifts and grasps the doorknob. They’re on the other side…

With a turn and a click… and one slow pull, you truly begin your evening.
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Old 07-22-2016, 12:10 AM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Your Evening
By Jappio

Part 2

Your body is assaulted by two feelings instantly. First is the outdoor air. A breeze is strong enough to force much of it into your home and across your bared skin. The sudden feeling is almost enough to make you gasp. The second is the heated gaze of your guest! Their line of sight is already all over whatever it can find, and that’s only your bare shoulder and head peeking from around the door.

“Wow, you really did it. I’m glad you were serious when we made that bet last night!” They remark. They hadn’t even seen all of you, so surely they did in fact expect you to live up to it if they could assume so quickly. Bare shoulders were enough to imply it seemed. You return your other hand to between your legs as they let themselves in right away. You shuffle back, nervously allowing a guest into your house, all while you were totally naked!

Now that there is nothing besides your limbs in the way, they of course take their time to look you over. Again, it feels like their vision actually warms up your skin wherever you see it go. You’ve got the most embarrassing spots covered, but it’s still very clear you had no clothing on.

“You took the bit about it being “the whole evening” pretty seriously though. I’m almost sad I didn’t get to try and convince you take every bit of piece off one at a time while I was here. Not that I’m complaining, this is a fantastic surprise!” You scoff, knowing they’re just trying to get a rise out of you. Yet you’re still turning very red in the face. Though the instant embarrassment of being undressed is bad, you do think it’s at least a little bit better than the slow and embarrassing strip tease they were hoping for!

Taking another step or two, they stop, and turn towards you. “Well, you’re going to lead the way, right?” You sigh again. You try to motivate yourself. You hadn’t really moved at all yet, and it seemed difficult. You were still so caught up in the moment. You weren’t sure you even knew how to walk anymore. You had to worry a single step may lead you tumbling to the floor.

You didn’t fall though, and your stride didn’t waver once you did get moving. They watch you as you pass them. You glance back at them. You think about what they’re wearing, how they’re dressed. It seemed so casual, but of course it was leagues more appropriate than your own outfit! Seeing your own bare body next after seeing their clothed one sent another powerful shiver through your being.

Ahead of them, you lead them to the living room. You’re aware of their eyes on your back, but you march on anyways. “Your butt is cute by the way, happy I’ve finally gotten to see it,” they comment! Your face burns as you realize why they were waiting for you to lead the way; they knew the way around the house after all! You want to cover it up, but don’t feel comfortable letting go of any cover you have on the top two priority spots. Mooning your friend your bouncing butt as you walked was somehow the lesser of evils.

The walk wasn’t long to make it to the living room. You nodded your head towards a seat on the couch. “Go ahead, relax,” you mutter.

“Not very hospitable, but I suppose I’ll take it. You agreed to host an evening hang out naked, we never agreed how courteous you’d be,” they joked. Of all the people you’d end up having to owe this sort of bet to, of course it was them! The one person who truly wouldn’t ever show you total mercy. You knew you could trust them, but that was about it. They were going to make sure to enjoy every moment of the evening.

Speaking of enjoyment, they had no objections to you standing in front of them. They just sat back and enjoyed seeing you squirm. You didn’t know what to do next really. You had a thing or two planned, but it seemed hard to naturally move things along. The situation was awkward, plain and simple.

You’re sure it’d been an eternity, but maybe it was less than a minute, but they finally did speak up again, “You could start your night of serving me by getting me something to drink?” The terms of the bet had been vague enough. Hosting a night of fun, while naked, could have meant anything. Getting a drink for a guest didn’t seem out of line of course, so you had no reason to refuse.

You step away from them, and head towards the kitchen. “Yep, I am going to for sure enjoy this night!” they call out. You look back, and catch them staring at your butt again! You huff and continue into the kitchen.

Regaining semi-privacy did little to calm your beating heart. Only a short distance separates you from the guest. Still, it took all you had to survive that first round, and really, it had been short. Hours more of naked time with this person was going to be difficult! You’d surely never get used to being naked around a friend like this.

You feel safe enough to drop your arm from your breast for the first time in awhile. Opening the fridge, you scan it for a drink for them. A soda seemed a well enough option for your guest. Reaching in, you feel the very chill air of the fridge seeping out against your skin. Your nipples scrunch up more. The adrenaline had kept them hard, despite the warmth of your arm.

You shut the door, and you stand back up. It’s more awkward to sling your arm back over your breast with your hand full. Once you do get it, the nearly freezing metal of the can causes you to yelp when it touches your skin. “Everything ok in there?” you hear. You assure them it’s nothing, not wanting to explain how your nerves are on edge and your body hyper sensitive to everything thanks the nudity!

A return trip is now necessary, and you have to again reveal your naked self to them. You take your time, walking slowly. You don’t intend to saunter and strut through the room, but you want at least a moment to hesitate and collect your thoughts. You had technically survived to this point. You were more capable than you worried at least, and that meant you could maybe make it till the end of the night.

Your friend was waiting, and they are looking right at you as soon as you reentered the living room. You stop, and look away. It’s beyond embarrassing to be stared at like this. Any flattery their interest may have given was lost in a sea of bashfulness.

Approaching someone while naked was a hurdle you didn’t expect. Getting closer and closer, bridging the gap in personal space more and more, was like exposing yourself slowly. Nothing new was showing, but everything that was seeable probably showed in greater detail.

Standing in front of them again, you both wait, as if expecting the other to make their move. You got them their drink, weren’t they going to take it?

“My drink please?” They ask. They actually expect you to hand it over? It normally would make sense; it wasn’t hard to just hold it out for them. Yet for a naked girl like you, it was a huge task!

“You know, I was almost going to say it’s not fair you’re covering up, as that’s not truly naked in my opinion. You shouldn’t be allowed any modesty if I were being mean and strict. So just play like a nice host and we won’t need rules like that,” they chastise you. You want to argue, as you were truly naked, and you covering with your actual limbs shouldn’t negate that. Yet, you really had lost the other night, so you were expected to pay up. It’s hard to imagine while being naked, but would you have been as demanding if the positions were switched?

You grip the can tighter, your body tense. You know handing the drink down to them will expose your breasts for a moment. It was a private area of your body, and it wasn’t meant to be shown off… but you were going to have to, so there was little point in dreading it for long.

Peeling the arm away, you felt your breasts breathe first. It was different, having someone around. In the kitchen, letting their weight take over and be free of course had made her blush and feel naked. Knowing eyes were on them… somehow added more to it all. They felt heavier, rounder, and more thrust out towards the waiting watcher.

Once the arm was out, your guest could see them perfectly. The way they sat on your chest and just how round they were. Any vagueness clothing in the past may have awarded to the size of your breasts was now gone too. You caught yourself actually wondering how much they might be judging your body… wondering if they liked it or not or just liked the situation.

The fact you had so much time to wonder about things make you realize they are taking too long. Your friend is just letting you hold the drink out for them. Instead of taking it, they are staring at your breasts! “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

You want to snap, you want to yell at them. You want to throw the drink and go put on your clothes. Yet instead, you just stand there, and look away, avoiding eye contact. You don’t know why you’re putting up with so much because of a silly bet!

Eventually, they take the soda. You’re able to cover again, and they started to enjoy their drink. “I think you can take a seat now too, unless you want to keep standing there,” they suggest.

You nervously find your way to the other side of the couch. You turn, and let them get one last look at your butt as you slowly seat yourself. The material of the couch envelopes you. The foreign matter touching your skin makes you feel all the warmer. Seeing your guest staring at you as you sit makes you want to curl up and fully sink into the cushions though, like a lost coin or remote.

Questions like “How was your day?” and “Any plans for the weekend?” started to get swung about. You can’t possibly feel as if it were a regular conversation, not with your naked frame being stared at. You keep wiggling and adjusting yourself, trying to somehow get more comfortable, but it seems impossible. You worry anytime you move your arm or hands slightly, as one bad move may show more. Nearly a half hour into your bet and you’re starting to feel even more trapped. It’s like backing out is somehow less of an option now that you’ve done it for a bit. Pride was being added to the line.

You know you had your ace in the hole still. A distraction was surely something to help you out. “I was thinking we could watch a movie,” you try to suggest.

Your guest considers it. They think about it for a moment. “I was thinking a videogame would be more fun,” they suggest. Though it would be a distraction, it doesn’t take a genius to know it takes two hands to use a controller. Sitting naked and playing a game would be pretty impossible a feat while also retaining your modesty.

“I think we had enough game playing yesterday,” you try to argue. It was a bet that got you into this after all. You didn’t really need to make matters worse either.

Your guest laughs. “I wasn’t thinking of any more bets. I feel enough like a winner. Some sort of co-op game would be just fine. Working together, helping each other out,” they explain. Really, it was just a way to get you to risk exposure. However, again you feel bound by the vague rules of the bet. You wiggle your way out of the rut in the seat you got into, and get to your feet. You had to wiggle a lot more since you couldn’t use your hands to get off the couch.

You scan your game and DVD rack, and pick something you imagine will be fine enough for you two. You keep your body facing away, and uncover your breast to pick the game up. You hold it off to the side, and ask if it’ll be good. They of course take their time, too busy staring at your tush to respond!

After snapping their attention back to the question, they agree on it. You move to lower down and open up the lower cabinet to the entertainment system, but have to stop yourself. You started to bend at the waist, and you realize the kind of show that would give! You feel like steam is about to come from your face, knowing how much your bare backside is being shown. You hate how impossible it is to keep your naked self hidden truly. You make the better choice to bend at the knees to reach your gaming system, but still worry just how much they might like seeing your butt while you squat.

You put the game in, and take hold of both controllers. Luckily, you can hold onto one and keep your wrist firmly placed in front of your most private of places. Like with the can, you’ll have temporary cover, at least until you have to hand the controller over. You stand back up; ready to face your next challenge.
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Old 07-22-2016, 12:11 AM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 420

Your Evening
By Jappio

Part 3

Walking back, you realize how silly you look. Clutching your figure and barely hanging onto the items you’re carrying probably looks desperate. There is no way to look dignified and confident when having to hunch over and hide so much.

This time, as you hand over the controller, you make the mistake of actually looking at your guest. You really get a moment to see just how much they seem to appreciate seeing your breasts bounce into freedom when you move your arm. It’s hard to read their emotions. Happiness is clear, but that’s about all you can tell.

After they get the controller, your arm snaps back into place and you spin on your heal. You plop back down in your seat. You still haven’t gotten used to the feeling of being naked and sitting there.

There is silence, and the screen is still black. You hadn’t turned the TV on yet, and of course you can’t expect your friend to do it tonight. Groaning, you reach forward, grabbing the remote. You feel your breasts sag and hang as you’re bent ahead, and you don’t have to look to know the action is being watched. Constantly having a voyeur made you self conscious of every action.

You lean back again and turn the TV on and switch the input. The game can finally begin and you drop the remote on the couch next to you, so you don’t have to reach for it again later. Before the game can start truly though, you have a personal challenge to solve.

No way to keep your hands where they are. You need them both on the controller. You glance to your side, and you are being watched still. You are sure you haven’t the grace to pull this off perfectly, so you instead try to do it quick.

You draw the control up from up from your lap. Meanwhile, you cross your legs. The action hopefully kept your lips hidden, but you’re pretty sure how you keep your pubic region was shown briefly. An embarrassing fact you worried would never be forgotten. Your other hand also grasps your electronic device. You hunch forward, and rest each breast against wrist of either hand. It’s not much, and most of the swell of your chest is uncovered now, but you are still hiding as much as possible.

Your guest smirks. “Doesn’t look comfortable, but if you want to be tense and not enjoy yourself, that’s fine,” they start up the game, and in no time the beeps and boops fill the room, almost in rhythm with the sound of your heart thumping in your chest. Retaining as much modesty as possible is a constant battle, keeping you alerted at all times.

The game is tough to play, as it’s hard to get into it. Your mind is in such a different place. Your breasts are squished against your wrists, your bare breasts! It feels so far from normal. Any little movement made it feel like you’d expose yourself.

You also feel vulnerable below the waist. Your crossed legs bring your thighs together tightly. It’s an odd feeling, a very naked feeling. It’s the first time you’ve truly haven’t covered that are with a hand since your guest arrived.

The two of you were starting to get into the swing of things. You’re pretty surprised you were keeping up with them actually, considering how unnerved you are. It wasn’t the movie distraction you hoped for, but it seemed like it maybe was something. The active nature of it did keep you involved in something other than worrying.

You felt a pang in your heart when you realized you could feel your nipples now scraping your wrists. Seemed you jostled yourself just a bit too much while trying to get your character on screen to dodge some attack. Your wrists were no longer holding your breasts, but instead tickling the perky ends. You lose track of the game as you quickly try to readjust the controller so you can hide yourself again.

You notice you’re not the only one performing poorly either. Your guest is only half paying attention you find, they’re taking breaks from staring at the screen to stare at you! They probably saw that mess up too with letting your nipples slip! The view was most likely a perfect profile shot of their full swell and nipples!

“You know, you’d do better if you weren’t so tense. I think you should just lie back and not worry too much,” your friend suggests.

“Maybe if you didn’t stare at me so much, you’d do better,” you snarkily reply. They just laugh it off however.

They pause the game. “You know though, you are the one meant to entertain tonight, you’re the host. I don’t think it’s good if the host is all bottling herself up. Have to let loose a little and not be so concealed. “Welcoming” is a big key to it,” they ramble on. It’s clear they’re just making it up as they go. They hardly have an argument.

You aren’t in the right mind to argue though. Again, you think how you did lose the bet. You were meant to play along that night. You prided yourself in how fair you could be, so might as well be fair in paying up. Be the better sport. Your friend had already seen your breast a couple of times…

Somehow, you’ve convinced yourself. Perhaps you’d just felt just a little too competitive; you take the challenge. You start to lean back, and lower your arms. You take one large breath, your chest rising, as if truly presenting itself finally. You physically felt more comfortable, but emotionally you were hitting a new peek. True and blatant exposure, you were letting your boobs be shown off!

No time to think though, as the game is restarted. You pull your own eyes away from your chest and get back to the game. You do start to do better, the posture alone helping out. You’re not at your best, the nagging feeling of being undressed ever present. Yet you do start to do better than your guest, though that’s because their attention hasn’t improved! You wondered how anyone could be so interested in your breasts!

Adrenaline eggs you on to keep on playing, though that has its negative side effects for your plight. Each and every exaggerated move you subconscious make with your character on screen makes your body move. You don’t notice it every time, but every now and again you know that your breasts surely are bouncing and jolt about.

Somehow, with neither of you playing at your best, you do manage to beat some levels. Time has thankfully ticked away, bringing you closer to the end of the night. Once your friend seems satisfied with the game, and sets the controller down, you do the same and cover up.

“Hey, I thought we agreed you didn’t need to hide those anymore,” they complain.

You roll your eyes, “You mean the whole night? You haven’t gotten enough of them? I mean, if I don’t hide them at least a little, you’ll just keep looking.”

They shrug and smile. “We bet the loser would be a naked host. You don’t think that wouldn’t entail constant looking? I mean, why else be naked?” You blush more, realizing that you really are like that to be eye candy; it really was the only reason to be undressed for someone.

You feel you need to change the subject. “Whatever, I’ll just go get dinner started,” you say, getting up. You keep two hands in front of your last hidden area, not ready to relent that to the desire of their eyes. Yet walking with your breasts uncovered is still enough to get your face heated. No objections are made though, and you’re able to escape to the kitchen again.

Your head is swirling. You were originally picturing yourself sitting around covering with your hands all night. Now you’ve somehow have lost the right to cover half of that. Things were escalating and further than you imagined somehow. You were still handling it, even though your earlier and tamer prediction of the night seemed daunting.

In a moment of peace, you were able to also better analyze how you felt. Nipples were still hard, and a gentle touch to them shot a bolt of energy through your spine. Your body tingled. You had tried to ignore it during the game, but it was now impossible to deny you were getting turned on. A tentative touch to your lower area confirmed it plenty with the discovery of a few droplets of wetness.

You groan to yourself. You can’t believe your body is enjoying this somehow. You try to take your mind off it by beginning in the prep for dinner. You still had a guest you owed hosting to after all.

You reach your hands up. The weight of your breasts is more apparent when lifted. You get onto your tippy toes to barely reach the bowl you need when you catch sight of your guest standing at the side of the room!

You freeze for a moment. Though you’d been naked in front of them for awhile now, having been walked in on a moment you felt you had privacy just brought back all the feelings of vulnerability. From their angle, every profile curve of your body was in sight. Your breasts pulled up, nipples out, the smoothness of your stomach, the roundness of your bottom, and even your hip bones! Such a bare and exposed vision of total nudity was being offered up like it was nothing!

Your mission to get the bowl halts as you hunch and turn away. Instincts take over; you cross your arms over your breasts and lift a leg to better hide the only spot you haven’t totally shown off yet. Chuckling, your guest just says, “relax, I’m just here to help a bit. You don’t need to be so skittish.”

Their eyes scan your figure still. They didn’t want to help; they just wanted to ogle you more. You ease a leg down and a hand between your legs. You turn and try to reach for the bowl once more. Your guest’s smile shows they love having a naked lady around.

This second attempt was going poorer than the first. Now that you’re trying to cover, you can’t reach the bowl. Normally it wasn’t so difficult, but your modesty was holding you back.

“Need a boost?” your friend asks. Then, you feel hands where normally waistbands should go! Two hands are gripping your very bare hips, and the feeling sends shivers up and down your spine! The grip is firm, as if ready to lift you into the air!

You shake your hips and wiggle free! You snap your head around, “I am fine on my own!” you say. You worry just how much your voice shook though. The touch somehow made you feel more naked, as if feeling skin on skin just reconfirmed your state of dress all the more. Did they think you were more naked somehow by touching you too?

With them still behind you, you try to make a quick move to get the bowl. One hand you use to steady yourself on the counter as you stretch up to get the bowl. Your skin crawls knowing a foot behind you someone is watching you, seeing just how your bottom probably flexes with the exaggerated reach. You grasp the bowl, and bring it back down.

Your personal bubble still feels much invaded. You set the bowl down and bring both hands between your legs. You turn and request, “Can you give me a bit of room?” As you ask, there is little space between the two of you.

They’re of course looking down at your body. Your breasts squish closer together with your arms framing them on each side. You feel so dumb for not being able to cover them up any longer.

“I can take the hint. I’m not much help here I suppose,” and with that, they step back, and go to lean against the kitchen table. You won’t be getting any privacy it seems, but you don’t have the voyeur looking over your shoulder any longer at least.

Ingredients, mixing, and cooking the meal was next. Each step felt so surreal. Despite being your usual, it was all new and different to you. You’d never made something naked, nor while being watched so intently. Even though it was your body being stared at, you still felt you had to be careful with every step of the recipe.

Movements had to be calculated. Any little bend or lowering was a risky move. You were really hoping your hidden lips never poked out for your guest to see.

Once things were cooking in the oven, you had time to kill. You felt awkward, not even sure what subject to try and bring up. You were waiting naked in the kitchen with such a close friend, so there weren’t many subjects that felt natural to bring up.

“Come on, come stand next to me. You don’t have to be so impersonal,” your friend offers. They seemed to be trying to act sweet, but you had no reason to deny their request. Soon you too were leaning against the table, shoulder to shoulder with them.

You grew jealous. The sleeve of their shirt was just barely touching your skin, and you wish you had even just that. Being left with no cover felt so unfair. Your friend was totally covered, and you had nothing. You felt powerless for some reason. You’d lost bets before, but nothing on this level.

“So, why is it you want to cover up so bad?” They ask. They gesture to both your hands that have tightly clasped over your front side again. You aren’t even sure how to answer. “The shy thing is very cute, I won’ lie. Yet it is a bit of a tease, just makes me want to see there anymore! The sooner you show me, the easier it’ll be to get used to me seeing it!”

“Not like I want you getting used to seeing me naked. It’s not meant to be a regular thing,” you snidely respond.

With total confidence, they accuse, “Oh, I’d bet that you’d play with these sort of stakes again in some future game, and you’ll end up losing too again eventually.” You hate how you can’t seem to bring yourself to say the word, “no.” Why couldn’t you deny them? Were they right? Would you risk your clothes again, despite how embarrassing things were so far?

“You lost big time, but at least enjoy it as much as you can! Don’t be so prudish!” they tease, and then they grab your wrists! You aren’t able to stop them as they pull your hands away and to the side! Your knees almost buckle! Your sex is in the open!
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Old 07-22-2016, 12:13 AM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
Jappio's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Your Evening
By Jappio

Part 4

You cross your legs the best you can, but the damage has been done! You moan a complaint, pulling your hands back out of their grasp. Just the two seconds of exposure felt like eons. Their eyes are wide, their smile broad, and their demeanor was that of someone who clearly felt triumphant.

A scolding was maybe in order, but you instead retreat to the oven. You want to collect your thoughts and check on the meal. You aren’t sure how to react. Was it going too far, or were they getting what they deserve by getting the look? If the bet was to be naked, then exposure was implied…

You picture your own pussy, thinking just how it looked before in the mirror. That same image in the mirror from before was what your friend had in their mind. You had no way to undo that, no way to cover it up any longer.

Your face was feeling steamy before even opening the oven. The meal was close to complete, and it would be time to serve it soon. You had to hope you could compose yourself before then. “It’s almost ready,” you announce. Your guest takes it as a cue to get into a chair and ready to have the food brought to them.

Plates and utensils were prepped. You were glad to have the moment to yourself a bit. Eyes were still on your backside, but you didn’t have to deal with the teasing for a bit. Though no calmer, you did feel a bit more “in place.” It was a hard feeling to put into words. You were less panicked and more accepting of the situation.

The food was ready, and you distributed it to each plate. You then wondered how you would get the food there, both hands would be needed. Perhaps their dirty trick before was a good way to be the ice breaker… they’d already seen your pussy now, so you’d be able to more easily do so on your own.

Surely they weren’t truly conditioning you to expose yourself? There was no way you’d just be ok with it! You were just stuck to this fate; it wasn’t like you had a choice…

Their plate in hands, you carry it to them. You try to hold it in a way where it would hopefully block their downward angle view of your lips. You know it isn’t much, but it’s something. You weren’t going to start looking like an exhibitionist if you could help it at all.

“Looks amazing,” they say as you set the plate down. You note though how their eyes didn’t follow the plate as they said it! In a flustered huff, you set back to the counter to get your plate. You repeat the same trip back, and get just as much attention! You sit down in a chair opposite, and try your best to eat.

The teasing was thankfully halted at times to compliment the meal. Even though your nudity was their highlight, you felt a bit proud you could at least please your guest’s taste buds too! They didn’t seem to skip chances to watch your naked breasts throughout the whole meal though!

The meal is finished, you’re ready to gather the plates to put them in the sink for cleaning later. As you do so, your friend speaks up, “you know, I think all things considered, you can stop covering up altogether now, right? I mean, I’ve seen it all a couple times now, no point in being shy now. Wouldn’t be right for you back down.”

You sigh, “Whatever.” You bring the dishes to the sink. Truthfully, it wasn’t just “whatever,” but you didn’t want to face them with your face flaring up so brightly again. How much did they know this was affecting you? Just how much enjoyment did they get out of you being embarrassed? You weren’t sure you wanted them to have that satisfaction, knowing just how bad this whole bet was getting to you.

They head towards the living room again. You know it’s just so they can watch your reentrance. They probably thought you did agree to the no-covering rule they just added. They truly thought they were running the show, that you would listen to them.

You want to disobey, but something didn’t seem right about that either. Giving in couldn’t have been the right answer, but it’s the one you went with. As you headed back into the room, you let them see your entirely bare front side. Your arms hang at your sides.

Unlike the quick looks before, this was much slower and more deliberate. Your breasts and mound was there to be seen, and it felt like you were moving in slow motion. Thoughts of you walking naked towards your guest, other friends, or a full crowd flashed through your mind.

When besides the couch, mere couple of feet from them, you stopped. You felt rigid and stuck. You had no plan anymore, your mind was blank. Were you waiting for a command, for more instruction?

You shake your head; trying to focus. You weren’t just about totally submit because of some bet. It perturbed you somewhat with how easily such an instinct was coming to you though. You sat on the couch again, next to your guest. You are naked and sitting, no longer covering.

You had no more plans for the evening. Any other night, it would have been so much more natural to move onto some sort of other activity. You couldn’t escape the feelings and thoughts racing through your heart and mind.

Sensing your struggle, your guest turns and actually looks you in the eyes, “I don’t know if you’re at all worried, but you do look stunning. I don’t mean that just because you’re naked either. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

You’re speechless! Why did they think you were self concious? Did you even know if you felt that way? Did you care what your body looked like? Did you care of their approval? Were you more concerned with what your nudity said about you as a person?

“You should be quite proud. You’ve really held up your end of the bargain. Not a stitch the whole night, from head to toe,” as they said this, they reached down and touched two fingers to your calf. They dragged the two fingers up your legs, over the side of your hip, jumping to your arm and up to your shoulder. The whole motion kept you paralyzed. You were truly naked!

They take your hand and place it on their lap. You feel the denim of their pants. They pull it higher and let you touch the cotton of their shirt. It’s all clothing you don’t have, that they have. They’re covered, and you’re not!

“You lost, and you’re naked. You’re brave and exposed. You blush and want to hide. These all sound right? What else though, what else can you tell me about this all?” your friend asks. Their eyes sparkle. Being locked into your eyes almost seems more embarrassing than when they saw your undressed form! You look away; you look down and at yourself, just to break the eye contact. You didn’t want them able to see too much of how you felt.

Embarrassed and exposed were very true. You also felt vulnerable and like things weren’t in your control. You couldn’t keep your breathing in check and your body was tingling. Wetness was starting to drip down your thighs, and you had to hope it couldn’t be seen.

What could you tell them? What would be right to say to a friend? Do you whine about the situation and make them feel guilty? Scold them so they don’t do it again? Embarrass yourself further and embrace it all?

You try to cheat by saying, “I don’t know,” and that just gets a laugh from your guest.

“In for a penny, in for a pound,” they say, getting down on their knees. They’re right in front of you, and just gazing up along your body. You shiver, the tension rising in the room.

No explanation is given. They just hold your knees, rubbing them, gently trying to coax them into opening. It isn’t forced, not yet at least. There’s a certain intimacy growing, you’re not sure you can stop it.

Do you let your legs open for them? Do you let your friend force them open? You’re not sure which you even decide on, as it feels like a moment is missing, all you know your legs are open!

You aren’t able to hide it anymore. The state your body has come to… your lips having grown pink and puffy. They’re even parted slightly and glistening with your own arousal! Gleefully, your guest takes in the sights you’ve got presented.

You have inner turmoil over if you should shut your legs or not. This surely isn’t included in the terms of entertaining a guest. Like you’re hypnotized though, you can’t bring yourself to actually stop this from all happening. This is what they meant by being in for a pound… to show everything!

Moments pass as you pant and breathe heavily. You just see them looking at you. You occasionally spy the gleaming of your own juices just over the curve of your outer lips. Your arousal grows, even though you do nothing to directly stimulate yourself.

“Go on, pretend I’m not here,” they encourage. It’s vague, but you know what they mean. Your friend clearly thinks that you want to masturbate. That alone is probably the most embarrassing thing that night. Your friend thinks you’re so horny from being naked that you’re naughty enough to sate your sexual desires with your own hands!

If their head wasn’t between your knees though, you were sure you would definitely play. You had secretly wanted to for awhile that night. Always in the back of your mind you desired something like that. Now with expressed permission, it seemed one less barrier existed.

You hear their voice one more time, “Enjoy yourself.” Your mind is fuzzy and warm. You clench your eyes as a sudden feeling of electricity shoots throughout your nerves. A gentle finger winds its way up and down your lips. It’s smooth and gentle, just idly easing your body into the feeling of such stimulation. You actually can’t tell if it’s your own hand or your friend’s, but you’re too fearful to check!

The gentle touch becomes more purposeful… aiming to excite with every pass up and down. Wetness spread and coats the finger, making it easier to glide gracefully. You anticipate each movement. As the touch climbs, your body tenses and lifts. When the touch lowers, your body pushes down and forward.

You let out a moan when more fingers join. Your whole body feels like it’s being massaged, but all contact is concentrated between your legs. Like a bottled up light erupted from within you, your whole body feels washed in a glow.

Your eyes open a crack, and all you can see is the happy face of your friend. They are seeing the way your body is being manipulated. They see exactly what is going on and how you let it all happen. They said to pretend they weren’t there, but it’s all you can think about. You’re naked, and your very clothed friend, who won the bet, is privy to it!

You’re whimpering now, and it’s only getting worse. You’ve never felt so aroused in your life. You’ve never felt so in need. Surely you’d have to be very wanting if you’d let this continue. Some small part of you still screams for you to cover. It ushers for your legs to shut and not let yourself be so ravished. It even begs for this to somehow be all a dream.

No dream could feel like this. No way could it feel so real. It was a one of a kind, unimaginable feeling to have air touch every inch of skin. You’d never have guessed what it could feel like to be reaching a climatic peak with someone watching so intently.

“Going… to cum…” you mumble. It was a stupid thing to announce, as if you wanted them to look. Yet you were a good sport, and this was the bet you lost, even if it had gotten far off track! Your body quakes and quivers as it gets closer and closer.

The hand is still dutifully doing its job. A finger is rubbing up against your sensitive love button. The teasing circling, the tortuous flick to the sensitive nerves, and the ever quickening rubbing were all leading you to a crashing end. There was no way to stop it any longer.

Your face scrunches up. Your hips raise and your toes curl. You mouth opens as you make a noise that is all to telling of your going over the edge. Soaked fingers don’t’ cease in their job of carrying you right through the powerful waves of your orgasm!

All throughout it, memories of the night flash through your mind. You remember that feeling of dread when your fist undressed, it felt both so far ago but still so real. You can’t distinguish any feelings besides the overwhelming ecstasy in mere moments! When the energy finally begins to wane, things feel as if they fade to black.

Your eyes flicker open, and the satisfied face of your guest stares back at you. You aren’t sure how long they’ve been waiting.

Perhaps mercifully, they cut to the point, “I think it’s time you get going.” They reach a hand out to one of yours, and pull you up. Wetness spreads from one hand to the other, your love juices mixing between the fingers.

The night ending was for the best. The raw sexual moment has left you dazed. Your body still tingled, and you weren’t sure how to even feel. A very private moment was had. It was because you lost a bet. You had to do it…

“As host, time you lead me out then I think? It’s been a fantastic evening!” Their voice is giddy as ever. Perhaps a tone of urgency was hidden in there too. A funny thought crosses your mind, that all they truly want is to get to the privacy of their home. Or perhaps their car will do if they can’t wait. You let out a small giggle.

You were meant to lead, but it’s more like you were the one walked to the door. For a second time, your body is awash in a cold breeze from the outside. “Come along, you have to take me there proper,” they say.

You had thought it was mercy that led them to ending the night. Yet it seemed your guest couldn’t resist upping the ante even more. Your legs are still wobbly, and your mind is unable to really comprehend what else to do besides lead them to the car. Hopefully no neighbors would see… and hopefully you would be able get back inside again before long. Your body still felt the lingering glow, and you were starting to think perhaps you’d not need clothes till morning. Truly pay off your bet and spend the whole night naked, like agreed.

Thinking of that… you’re reminded again to the thought that your friend was suggesting a bet like this could happen again. You shiver, wondering if you would win or lose the next game with such stakes… and which you wanted!

The End
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Old 07-22-2016, 05:32 PM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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What a truly great story! Well written, sensuous and very hot! I think I"l have to read it again!
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I'm owned so denial isn't possible.

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-Limits-Pics, Public/Social suicide, cam, Messy/Poop/Pee, wetting myself, hard pain, body writing, needles
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